BUSINESS NOTICES The publishers of this paper offer for sale cheap for cash the type (Beerier anti Minion) on which the AorrATon has been printed up to this year. The type has been in use heft a short time, and is ittgood order. "Theq (Bully of it to print an eight-eoltunn paper. Address Van Gelder k'Barnes, Weltsboro, Gt. :new Cutter, Buggy and Harness for,salc "cheap for cash. Apply to 2, 1872, • . ety' _Aoi.tatot, 'WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1871! CUR Itt'S'I"FOPIN. tiOd clonal in New York lat Saturday at 109. Full diplomatic: ielatio& ithr'e be4•rc storgd between Germany mid Franc:e. The Pope ie about to take hi hfnd those Bishops tvho do not subscribe to the ne'v clog.nnvof so the cable I Jolol 4 6hertunn, preEent U. S. t-:euator from Ohifatav been elected for another term by Ihe' i Lvz . klatore of that State—a good choice. lia3 the Utah Legiilaturt providing for the election of delegates 14-, fraiite a Constitution for the adtnii , !3ion of 1.7 t ah a' a St at r The Republican National Conanittee ►net 1-at Washington last Thursday, and deter mine-d to call the National Convention to be at Philadelphia on the fifth of June 3 next All,Eitttect did not * mourn over the death of Jame© ri,t,"Jr , nor did th© 1-14,: ttVek liolders, - we imagine. • The day after his death ; Erie .stock 'advauced about too per cent. - lowa proposes to send Ilom William P. Allison to the S. Senate to succeed her present Senator, Jtunes -Harlan. This is a good exchange, though we think WiLson's namelvonld have made it Still better. Another of those terrible colliery explo eions—n lurid illustration of nu article on the flist'page of this sheet—took place in` Wales a few days since by which tweWe mesh lost their lives by the ignition of fire clamp, TheluenT Governor of Georgia—one Smith by name--was Innusurated last Friday. He proposes to pay the State debt, and to faith fully enforce the Constitution aid laws t; so we congratulate Georgia on tier Governor's ood resolution:, Our.member of theHonse of Representa tives at Harrisbur, Hon. John I. Mitchell, has been appointed a Member of both Aidi c•iary committees, of the Committee on Counties and Townships, that bn Estates Atici Escheats, and that on PeckTal All the eihninal cases before the - United f-tates District Court in Utah have been con- tinned until :starch, because there i 8 no mo ney for the payment of witnesso and other \ court expenses,' unless Congresi provide it. ;+o Brigham has n respite Yostnia3ters will soon be instructed by the Department to reeeivc mutilated currency in payment for postage stamps : and stamped envelopes, and to forward it to the Treasury .... for redemption. This will prove a great Ettlyttlrerd: • . in _ff t imas hit, the HAThii - ege — lie I daiWhen lie remarked thattiieffeja - filintif party sent its thieves to the penitentiiry,, while the Democratic party sent its thieves to the Legislature Witness Tom Fields. Boss Tweed. ce al The Clovernor of New Jersey makes a very sensible recommendation in regard to Aticharged convicts He advises that the state provide labor for them as a means of temporary subsistence. It is no doubt true. that Many of these unfortunates are forced back into crime by their inability - to obtain work in the usual market. All the London journals have articles on ther as4assination of Fisk: They cite the cases of 'Richardson and Crittenden, and at tribute the frequency of such deeds to the - peculiar civilization" of America. How, then; do they acconnt for the recent deeds of ,Governor Eyre in Jamaica and of 'the English officers , Is'lliereonything peculiar" ahoutthe " eivilizationrof Eng land ? Governor Wttsbtann, 01 Massachusetts, in hig inaugural messaire to the Legislature takes strong ground in fat - or of prohibitory liquor legislation. lie says he would like to see the prohibitory law which was repealed sour years ago reenacted and rig - idly en forced over every foot of soil of the State. 'lnds excellent, especially as routing from a Govcrnbr who was not 10 nil pledged to prohibition before Ilia election 0 , 1.; 021 till 4 1.11..11 r% • r .1,11 e; 11 1 . ;.- ';, ; have ,rlhint .L : f i vo11;ro l ; Uirtv Avt•l; ;Lt . P. ill 1)(j( rani fore% eV .t•%l both z!o, laud of Porn letor II it .1 .1` lillittle for n , t‘lt in 1`. ,4 l rra+• par ! ) A i . Hi , nit r't+r n•uut I lie legi+l;tivt 10111 •..11 t• Q tntlirp : - 1:s1 r 1.: Pri.l - ignorance of pailitnnet:t t:11.1,! hiro a tutiQatice in tot:, doitt , cr t 1;.(• bly. Altkourh a nod 111., he ran On the monarchic Fl ticket, mid his defeat id a -Itraw how the Utica] wind blows in The uew Governor of Massachnt:ettti iS in the same state, in regard to the oman 3;li" lrage question. as thousands o' other men —a state of suspended opinion—one - viiic h no true woman can ever appreciate -Ile says he regards the subject with many mis. . sivings, and proposes, as il...piactierd test, that women be allowed to kote - on - the ijues .. don of the sale of ale or beer within•the 1 town of their residence. ..tia,e„iftys,. this' would giVe the advocates d opponents of woman suffrage an opportunity to judge of ..its-practical workings. . ThAt wheel-horse of Democracy, Mr. Ye ;role= .Y. Vasby, has been making a tour of the Noßth in the interest of the ''passive key," to see jUst how much strength the Democracy could 'draw from the Republi cans in the next election. .31 . r. -- icasby is not sanguine. He dill find a few Republicans whe wanted a change in the Administration, . . but he says of thew: / / litei'nfe uten of that peconlyer chariteter:',Wlio karriell, when what we watOS tneoOpable uf - tarrying u. 3.. I ittlt fear a 2 the ,'ex- Oritdpt won't win', and that biter alt we pt. - --111 hey to settle back into our old! party !lines and be - whaled - again• ez usual. John Tarr, the proprietor - of the famous " Tarr...rsorm;" - died. - recentip_ at hfeativille, I in this State, at at) p.dvance4 , 'age. Up to' 1.361 Mr. Tarr's earthly Posserions could haNtj been purchased for, the munificent sum, of 000. -Brit in ; June of Alia year he , -• *lack ile," (And iii ISti4 was offered- $2;--, 000,000 casrLfor the fee - .simple of ids farm; which refused: 'The product of the prop erty Up. to 180 NVAS 650,000. barrels. Yet John Tariiot 'nothing - out of all this, nitu- teriallf,'Unt hiS-boartl end clothes. "A great sensation has recently been crea ted in ecclesiastical. circles Rev: George 11llepworth, the pastor the' Unitarian, eldireli of the Messiah in New York. It hat been rumored Tor some weeks that Mr. Hepworth was about to renounce the 'ddc-- trines-Of the tart 'of which he was' an elo quent lender -and on t'mtlay; h i e preached a sermon 'in which he withdrew from his pantoral tharge, and professed a firm belief ip the . divinity of Christ. His sermon, which is'reported in cull in the YOrk dailies, is remarkaitlr fitypoye reasons than one. He states that Unitarians= fast drifting from their former position tuid er.i. and are genvrally accepting Theodore Parker as au expiment of the if l ue -faith. Our State _Superinceildeut of, ..Common_ Schools does hot :think very -highly of the system of compulsdry education proposed in maliy opylers. On this, subject he Says: " A. compulsory law, even if fully enforc ed, cannot bring into the schools children suffering for want of food, clothing or shel ter:children who must work or stein in Ord& to: live, children who have no parents or friends to-care for them ;.-and a large Propor tion of, those growingup in ignorance are this class. The county home is just: the, place for them, tind tiiins . of thousands might by its Means be pluelted!like trands"frona the burning,' -and'. matte good pmmbers..of society. .1 have almost ,tmbouncle,d, faith in the selleet Of- good influence's upon the char -acter of the young. I believe most 'firnaly that if all the , ignOrant, vicious boys and girls -in Pennsylvania' could be, at. once brought- into -properlyananaged homes, .04 the hind just spoken of, ,nineteen one of every twenty could be made . good men and•good women—good , memberS do: piety is ever reformed, it will be one in this . Way." tieUeral of ( the 'United States Army, died at Louisville4Ky., on the 9thinst. ' He was a graduateF , ef 'Mist Point, and at one time Assistant trofessor of Engineering there.— He was aiWays a studious man,' and wrote several works on military science and one on internatiOnal law, which are looked upon as respectable authorities. 'His life, although that of a student rattler than an active one. was quitepventful, and certainly useful to the country. Making an honorable record in the Mexican war; participating in the or.: ganization'of California as a State; winning wealth by mining operations there; practi eingllaw in San Francisco; re-entering the military service in 1801 as Major General ; succeeding 'Fremont in the command of the Department of the - West; projecting and carrying through the Fort Donaldson and Shiloh campaigns; made Commander-in- Chief-on M'CliAlantafailure, and afterward Gram's. Chief, cd :Staff; after thezwar placed in command of the Division of the'PaCifie, and finally of the Southwest, where he died, his life,hai peen cro7dcd•lultef important services faithfully performed.' He *as nev er a popular officer; hiss manners being re served and austere, but lie was always high ly revccted for probity and ability. His peculiar piVsiytte, together with his acknow ledired learning - , won fee him frOm the sol- . diers the title, " o.ltl Brains.' Take him [cloy all in all, he wa- -a man who deserved well of iii country, and on the whole here ! ceived his deserts. The mv ,, age of governor Hoff Man, of / NC \S" 1: 4 ft queer4.locpmeht *for a man himvelf 'Democratic to put forth.— proposes to change I„tbout everything that to IfIC St01(1‘1131'S op,,:t or sit. t I: lEEE .) he State go\ - .erntnent, and nearly all his rosed changes are • in the direction of r•lli7ation and one-man power. It would •;)~ that since the political-earthquake of • ,vcint;er Ms - Excellency has lost • all once in the capacity of •the peoplq to r arc of their own affairs and elect their KM 1.1.0,41 t( . • . ' -not election—of a select little coterie ~ ,I tinent citizens to revise the present .ft Constitution, although Ile admits his ' i ; clearly up / constitutional. He wants , retary of State and Attorney General appo,nted by the Governor „without the in ent ion of the Senate. He wants to abol .- h the Canal Commissioners and State Pris: 011 1118pectOrs, and substitute for them single pe tint endents to be appointed by the Gov ' ituor He thinks perhaps the State Trees ' and Superintendent of Public Instruc hrld better be appointed by joint ballot ui tlw Legislature; 'but all other admit:lis t tai i e officers should, in my jildgment, be appointed by the Governor, with or withont the consent 3.1 - the S . enate„' says this jaunty statesman. District- Attorneys -should be, appointed by the Attorney General or by the CAket. nor. And, - 11r crown the edifice, the L Governor should- hold. office thrpe• years.— We assure you,l3ll#l . ed redder, that - this is no burlesque, butis , affilttin, solieestittftentr of a few of the wondefful recommendations of the " Great Democratic Statesman" (with a big 5) who at present afflicts the good Peo: - pie of the State of New York. lluV never write another annual message, unto*. i indeed, 443,pts his term. ettended by the Go-o traor without the consent of the , i9etiate.- , 111 Some of our Democratic cotemporarfes arc 'still trying tcr persuade their readers, or Every d t itythe conviction grows upon us that Mr. 11011reeley is a raw remarlcablo man. As an editor he is admirable; as a politician he is simply-ridiculous. He is an Instinct ive judge of principles; but of men and , their motiyeS he knows no more than a 'child. Here we have what he calls an "old Private letter'? of his—although it is dated. so late as October 18, 1871—Ns : ritten to a Mis souri Democrat, wherein he tells what in his opinion the Democratic party should have done in 1:(38 to win the Presidency, and what' they must do this year. for the same object. A3'to the advice, if accepted, we don't think it would hurt the Republican Party much. But the funny thing of the whole matter is Mr. Greeley's clumsy co quetry with the Democratic nomination.- 7 Ire writes,—" awf not the an you need. limr party is mostly Free Trade, - and I am a ferocious Protectienist. I have -no doubt that I it'll& riamlnated and 'elected' by help, Litt lt would place. its' all in a false position:" He.tellsthem they "-must take some man like Gratz Brawn, or Trum bull, 'or Gen: jVto Sec - retail? ,of the Ind terior." One: thing is certain: -they had'nt better take Mr. Greeley," thOttgli ie wish, they would, '• ferocioui" fie he more, ;:- - he changed in the' politi*cal Inaehiner offices. lie recommends the appoint- liff=9 1 , t e 5e1,24 that the. ultiulkyf /. 4,43, , tt Is ammagmaryoqg:mktionitvcttied f4tpoligejd pyilpostifi 13u‘.9 Ic. t ypls Otilonni7oo eink - Ol'rat*tefo,Wii4luit - v, tea States Court in 'that state ita7ye.estab lished judicially the fact that the: - elleg,ed outrages - 'were alrellev.:- erdy Johnson; the distinguished lawyer of Baltimore, and Mr. Stanheiyftitere -etlJo defend themOntlespite-thefiltiblest efforts most, of their clients were convicted.,' ; But, we desire : noW • tttentiOn. to,gOitierl of 11r, „ToluiSoals remark i _in _summing .up >thekleferise for onot.theleivAingiriatAterers : Ettis aid • th - er my dhitingu ifilfotl Wendt; Mr. Situ:awry ; nor myself 'is here to, &fel, i or justify or palliate any outragea . that _Mat haS;C' been fieipp,tiatecilit'yotir Stitie Mit= .asseeiatfon:oi liuklux. Ithave. listened *MT,' liorrorto some of the tearimiint . brought: befOrd Tke :-quttagesi pr,ared laiv,' o lee shixfany latiaatifti;:thd l admit TiettAir : of justification Ffelaie natur e ' upon--aocp,'' AsAlte,testimony, of_ an 'unwilling witness wfmlit"ll:o,..PPA 4 s,crth 'dare impeach; of a late Detnoerntie•eluttoX from Maryland—a late Democratic,Mlidster. to England-,:nbove'alL of: a Pc l Pc.ol4 , whoi: a few shoit weeks ago; presided over a meet• ing to protest ag§ingt the suspension of thn Hallias Corpus in South CtFolitta. Yerily,- out of the miiuths of its enemies lithe Ad ininistratiOn fustliled. 'But we 'haven't lib : (iced any Democratic papers pUblishilig the • above. ,Nrhsps,they have a.ll.overlooked itl • - • We undertook, last week,- to inforin our reader; of the orgarazation of the . ,!''State Legislature at'Harriabilig, der in ..making hp our solunins, the already in type, was 0nc414,0 , Elie House of Representatives was promptly arganlied . on the td bytheelection.of Elliott„ Of Philadelphia, as, Speaker, gep,,,Tutqa Selfridge as Chief Clerk; (*apt, Aitts.ll )4 . o!'n risme Assistant' Clerk, and.%Jolan A. &null Resident Clerk. The Senate did :not recd in. -4 eleeting a-Speaker-in= stint, When James Rtttnn, Reptitillein, - of ,1 13eaVer county, was chosen on jtiie,... ; etghtti bailoi hy;3fr. pueki&y: Re*obrat;,:vo-: ting for him. Prp4lou . s . to that balVii".fhe vote bad been a tie—lti'to , No other' business of..itnportanCo : was Aranseeted uetil the 10th,' when theAW•altouses: 1 - a4. It! loit4 convention to ballot 105 State*..Treiantrer.* R. W-. Itlnekey;RePtibli&n; of Allegheny, Ras elected - over William E. Dotigherty,: of Dauphin, 13$ s vote of 75. to 47. ',The same day the Senate succeeded is electing Geo.; W. Ilamtnersly Chief Clerk. Ili the House,. a petition of certain 'electorti of Warren County was presented;' stating that Luther Green tyai duty elected Representative froiri that county, while Willhttnll. ,Short. had been adtnitted inlis place, acidPraOld:an examination of'' the ease. resnlUilim poiiiiing a coinuiittee of seven Orili9bo and Co-operation was adopted. In the 'senate, 'on -the -nth, the -Speaker announced the standing committees; and by unanimottayee olution most of the old Officers were retain ed, so the Senate was fully:organized.. A.. joint resolution 'was offered proposing. to amend the constitution so that the. State - Treasurer shall be hereafter elected by the people. • In the-Hemp the Chair announced the'standing committees, and' a 'Committee to try the contestedelection'casefrom'War ren county`wab draivn, when the - House itd jciurned to the letb. ". With the close of the old year:theWo man Suffrage party met.. a severe' ; chetah. in Pertitg3ilvania. At the last October, election Miss yarrie Burnham offered to vote in Phil! adelphia, but the election reeeivelter:balot. dissCarle biought suit ,neinst the toillcori, averring that she'vVas a dulikigile i skirtt o Com monwealth. y To this declaration the defen dants demurred, and assigfeff,amoric, other causes that the plaintiff was not. u freeman in the sense in which that word is used in the Constitution. The case was _argued be fdre ;Indge.t3harsWood, ; w h o : held dm' Nisi Prius branch of the Supreme Court, 'and On the last Saturda of the Year he -delivered his opinion, which was adverse to Miss Buinham's chitin. The Judge seta out by saying that it is clear - tat a woman born in .this country or duly s riatuializeifls itAltizen as fully entitled to the protePtion - of the Government as a man, and with aright fully to enjoy the privileges, which' properly be long to citizens. • But rile denies that the elective franchise is one of thote privileges. He denies, also, that the Fourteenth and iFifteeniii'AiuetidmPritsto the Constitution of the United Stateshave any bearing; upon the qttestisn. ` He says the COffstittition of the State " does not, iii thiereapect at leak abridge the•privileges, or immunities•of citi 7 zens ,of ljnited,States, for, the electiVe franchitie is not one of them, nor is the right of the plaintiff to vote denied or abridged on account of race, color, oi previous con dition of Servitude.P He then takes up the question whether the word. " freeman' in Article third, Section first of . our State 6m- Stitution intended to confine the '<right of voting to and 'from a short . review :of the Several:Constlo4lOris .of : .the State—the presenfigne, that of 1:790, andithat :of '1778--concludes that it wits. - Near the close of hin - opinion niakeS one remark which is very signifleant: `"lt is - clear That th‘Constitution contemplates that tho same class of, ,persons t_ he also do' the fighting."' 'This deciaion` eeeina to souk the matter in PentitiYlvariiit far as the constitutional argument is concerned. Congress met after the hojiday recess on. the Bth. In,. the Senate Mr. Fenton called up .the bill previously reported from the Fi . mince Committee to re-organize the customs service, and supported it in a long and able speech. Mr. Schurzreplied lo certain char ges against him by the New 'York 2Vmei,— In the licdse a bill was introducedand're fcrrecl to preserve the independence- of the.. several departments; and to regulate ap pointments to and removals -from office.---:. Mr. Cox introduced.' a bill to recognize the belligerent rights of Cuba; Mr. Upson of-" fered a resolution, which was adopted, in structing the committee on civil . service re: form to inquire is to the proliriety 'of provi-" ding for appointments from ;tie States hi : proportion to their populatiot, that' preference be given to honorably discharged soldiers and sailors. A joint resolution to amend the Constitution so.that . ,foreign-born citizens could hold the offices of President end Vice President, was offered. In the' Senate, on the 9th, the most important busi-, ness was the appointment of a committee of three to' in the charge against Ben , ator Clayton, of Arkansas, that he did - when• Governor of that State make a• bargain to -. give a Democratic candidate.for Represeh tatixe axertificate oPelection, although his Republican opponent was really elected,' iu consideration that the Democrats should: I vote for' him for U. S. Senator. In the Reese - a report was made impeaching thel character of M. Edwards, a metriber — from I Arkansas, for the Same transaction,.which was referred to the CommitteesmEledions. In the Senate, on the- 10th, a bill was inlro-r duced to admit six Japanese yonths to the i Military Academy at West Point, at the ro WiM =MMP t 'of the Japanese :G;Oy V erl • •‘ ; ,l- li . t l er gave notice OL:•*!- - !; . ] i ,,kAilt.t*, , Shillug the civil service,:,,,,j+ (iiitiattlf„tatl, announced tr . l., • In earl , day' to discuss gifa: cal delusion which prposeil'teliittidet Jae. ' vatrorrage-of-tho Go4erutuenkfrovallitvofil". •ceTs „upon Av,hotu the Cortstituku eviler& kt, ingtou t 9 , n -The bating a bill relating to ; tfte.nqiitN,assay of ces, and coinage of 90:1 - rOun r t r i... `Aichlwlne - onteste4 . l . 39itAi4e:,(ro,l4',k#p theendraisslou -1431., ikft; bnll4'. 47110 its),olll!&irclirtutlng• t o t f,545 addliliuitilytor ; the . 1:):0 , 0F. Xtti4l- Ittildux tounnittwits -'ot3posed' theone:tertuatuneilltraent.'W ,tlie' itiier replied to lip, : 1 1 i , i1Wioiffi T 'a bill was intinduct'Aloi the eels iind'othey':inntericfhi:thetfit4';:vuul tat . 14e c° 4 '4 ll joo- l i' ' ,Yf r eels. .A.long and :Intereiting:,,Oettiailcin 'he:chat:Actor the Futhers 'New, England folloWP:1 1 , pNvolf.edj?Sr,:tl,fe..lifesPlt teflon, to CongrOs of a,statue-of.,itogg,Wil-, limns by , the:entitorities of Ithodvlsland. s , RERMAIWgOOIETY. • ec • • • • !Lture -Course---114147t followitig I.xtitterd halm Levu caAilaged for_ the " I llormalc I.!etuio'Couia6liit uvalag maim: qdofida WILL/4 I.<r-1 b<12.1872 ANNA E. DICKINSON - March 4,4872 .41E0110k VA N , ~1872. .11&7. Vi I 1 4( 4 1 1 P 4 yip% .•A0;44, 1872: .`4..P.Kf1t04 14 1J 4 r . 'N ASSY • • Jam 130 1812. 14111y.44. CAA 1: 1 ,1872, ,11172 11 Kir Yv.,4# lABE9i , fBl l .... .. . "CettL*To'o4oll3:.; -' 4 • 134 P. uici.tihi, liies's. • igtiN r, ,511AlifEC,L, _ • - 411.1011-TOWNS; - • oorsa, - 7 . 4 R. 13064.8.1.) S4o'y, • r 4.iu. 1. irik = tt ' ' '` - 11tlgetli. ' • : . .4t , • , T 4 pieces -A2aPV4?*si re c eive d . • • . . 4600ydo::Miti-atiBdealretli•atile:e;oki'xidga - Jiiat pei'tect. EiRDE4I3, • ; - . • ;.•"‘ 4 . „ _ . ariawriendideschT l 'ed eheetingi In all svidtlii for albs - elkespif • • HARDEN'S, . • , • , •'• • its Delmies, Mertmoes, Satins, r : retre tie& giTilryfififlYtAditft , 7,, • , 7,1 -;;;':!-. Beaver boi:iis,bitiednier•el; - Doeiltikente - Vuri. for sale 4140 • . and (cents' merits for salecheiw at , v'f!+#4antiOe_al• t q1 41 0 1 4,M. 10t. ItT4' Ail lotasoils indlibled to TOD. Harden are requested, to maim immediate payment and wive costa, T. H. • . . ;New, ...-Tiewelrar •,- tome. ti" ' kited would respectfully 147 - to the tzezul li o l 6 1:11r0 pd. yl,cAtiq t Vast ha kWPelf SA • 1, jgratial l it Store' • tho 1)11=4 reostgr' oitousditt ., iii O. L. 'Willem His stock complies a full assortment of Clocks; FP atelies: jewelry, • " s : l lPfr chid, 1 5 ?fftfa - Tare, o.p.wpasni, ono otthebersttterlintat Xotth ozzarsilvotteruirto4no;---; • Eepairitif :615 - W4thiriseA • tees earll Ptiretical 41a•tell. • Weilst , cifo, Aug. 23, IH7I-4.. IMMill u,y Pr. LITTELL'S LIVING AGE. , Issued every Saturdab gi'fts tlfty-two numbers of sixty-four puges eacb, or more thad Three thousand Double-Column Octavo Paskii of reSdhig-intitte : iybariy; and fa the o n ly cbtollatku that Presents: with a satigtaotory complefenessiul well as freshness, the beat tamp Reviews. Criticisms, Serial and Short Stories, Pot Scientific. Biograpid, cal, , Historical, and Political Information; from,al l i .gr k Ore body of Foreign Periodical Literature, and from the pens of the '.• • - ...' 'lt 4 thartfore trultspfruatt t e o everymn4 • o ....•sisibeg tci keep pace lila!' the-omb oiii3teffettitdij *sohbak of the time, pc to cultivate in himself orhll l ;•ataTily.'gen• end intelligence and Maury taete. , ' ••• • ''t i'r ~.ExtraCtkfrom I Notices. . - „. "Were I; In view of alitheAorapetitors that are now In the field, to choose, itihtltild certainly thank qui, Lrirufea,ApV !',4ev, nclo 'Mira /Wirt :. . "flk no other single publication cau there be found. so mueirof sterling literary excellence."—New Pork Evening Fait. ~ ; , - . , . .Tho best of all our eclectic pubLlcatious."—The Na tion, N. '• - • - - abifiet,essays, the most eotertaluMg fltortelp, the &teat poetry of gio English la.aguite; are here gathered together ."— !Uinta State Journal.' • "For ,thinking people, the bestof aittheeclootic pub lications, and Mean:Tat. . .Itis a monthly that roles ferry ititrek.”—rat 'Actvatico, CitiMpo. 1 1 .1 t &awl° its regal( more thah V i r eo 4ha usan d double-column. octavo pag: ea a* yeas, . most val uable, tuatructivb, and entertaining readingetthe day. LlistorY, biography, action, poetry, wit, wen% yo. tics, criticism, art,—what is not here?' It is the only cbmpiration-that presents with a ;malefactor% coMplete: *nese,..o well iustrealmese, the bestlitora)ure the . * most innumeratio,"and generally inaccessible, En:ape = quarterlfes r baontblies, and"weeklles,-La literature embracing the producgons of the. ableat,ankanost cul tured writers-living: l lf is. theteftire, Intlikpensede to every one who gedthe a thorough eltsponges t °tallest is admirable and n oteworthy h4_the li terati worwP Boston Post, Published weekly at 88.00 a ear, Jive qfpgepre. Address - 'L.IT7i.L le BY, , pa. ./ 4 ficial( ) ltsWdkPiest:. t"Poseilessit'of I=n:A tsvn Sid of osi or other of our viesoetuitatiatican sgontbliaa, a. aralbecal, .her will lind himself in (xuarmandit,i,W,Wimle-ilittts tion."---Phildchaphid • ' For 2Wkilogars, Taw Linigi* - IVkly, contain . om/oregn. Per i odi cal Literature, and atal4dadee:or Hcui Liters -pare nents4 r bNow. triple sent te, one address, for ono par: viz.,— liarpOt's Monthly (or Veal!, 'Or Vitier y, 7 1 tiodonthly, Lippluoott's Bleitthly, The - Old and New, Sdibner's Monthly, or ApPloton's oirrnel • (weekly); or:for, $8.60. Thh Living Age and our Yonne Folks. Address as above. .Ptaster / . - • Amdersigned, ,havlarg Purchased ' thn Plaster 1' Sill one , mile so uth or Mansfield, and litarted another at the mouth of Em's Creek, .Dear MOllldaylh is pripare4 to ihrtilih ground,. - . , - ' Octiyula, PlARter„ __.,._ . .. , from either pat int the lowest marketprica for test. The MatafleAlitineral Paint will also be found for sge at both p So: :MN•UP,UTNIX.. Jan. 1 . 4187 ' " '- . -, • - - -Xansfleld. Pa. , .Cards!' Cards! Goldt ojd - --txritrrrEit or . VI eh . ifteettiiiditt the ;We of &east. a,5t(1141.. dan TiOt for, Orassaintil wri seat to `e,v,.o4l4l:lrtes an tocelpt ()twice. Cards btn,f_e cents to S3,W. "Abldeti 1017 _oltUlloitir,r aiii447the cants per ,bottle. • AlNldtees.. - . A D. cad 11:1812-tt. It* , • . • •••,. Valuable Aux fbr: %lei /.7 1311 B 01111013 ;:laiJni,1,6„1111-11,4*.badti flu n 9 for sale, sib* ,tecrin :Charleitow oti thiOdatte-- held road, about one mile trout thertildlefloWirbotel. Said ram can be divided into farmatill the giblierOad pusses, through ,the center, leaving_tWo orobardi :on - either aide,' containintabout 90 acres, TM tiurfalrotirel• ed, a dame house and - two frame barns .them. Rea farm is in a 'good state of eultivation,..tind ..wily. be - sold cheap. A portion of the putthatfe'. money came. mats: against the farm. ' For farther. indAtiAtion, inquire of the 'subscriber On the prenifs__ Jan. 17, 1872-tf. NOAH H.94IOrOND. PPLICATION to amend charter. Notice is hereby giVALI -that the Washer° 47aters:Compasy bare made appllattion to the Court of 'common Pleas of Mega County to amend their . charter, - actd:4lutt laid application will be presented to aid court, on , Monday. the ofJanuery MO J, r. DONALD/KV, Jan. 9d. 18724 w, ProllloPtary• S"MI "TILE LIVING AGE has no equal in any country."—Phaa. Press.. "It standsl 'at th'e head of aineteentit eentupy,literamfo i l , - Chicago grening. ,Toyrnat. , "The best- periodical in America.' —Rev. Pheo.• aamtaTwi),lgp,j f „ • " " CM Ipi for 14ce rvEN. that th f , .11. _ " • hiMrt made appliCatlo '• • 4 ; 1 4 00 POW Ont'i -. 11.0118 4 3 Licensee, e •- to the Omni of • • istbbs WIWI Aporlint St 2 o'clock, • • 4 en 'ltifibteneetitiLiiociattend it they think. proper. • HOTEL. Edward Seeley, LewrencoviL. itlosehurg-1- - • John A. Martin, " s ti. C. \rpm:ayes, pained. ; • y releg Dond. WeUisb° re' " = Sol. Bunnell, " ClutileCD:OcKidrich; Nelson.' J. 0. Price, Covington.* • I S. H. Thompson, Blossbuig.* L. M. Sarah, Lewis Daggett, Lawrenceville.* Geo-Close, 'Westfield.* ilea O'Connor,. Wellaboro.* M 'rhos. dritvea, Covington.* David.- Irvin, 'Union. • J. F. Clerk. ' i u: 1( 1A73-3w • _ . , i . ~ , : ' Sheriff's: Sales. • : li3.iz. VIRTUE:Or sundry writs of Merl WWI. Lark .t ri Faciaai and Vendidoitt Expones. Iseued out Of • Court of Common Pleas of Tio,gs, counts , , arta? nap rectea, I will expose to pulalo gale, to tog heat and best bidder, at the COW% 149 4 13 in WC. l 4 l) *" , 0 4 lifooday - the 29th' day of January/ )4112, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following desteritied ProttertO,Vier, , • .4%. lot 0f laod lu Iliddlebtlry, bonteleit on the rotrth. by peblie highway,' on the went by lands, of Snyder Chambetiatuaud S. A, Cady, on the sontli and opt by. lauds of S. A. Cady, containing about twenty-two acre* —lO Acres improved,s log and thine boost, frame bun. apple orchard and other fruit treed thereon. TO be Oda us tilO property of L. L. Andrews, aunt Of Geo. ALSO—A lot - of land in Elk township, bounded on the north by Warrant No. 442 e, 011 the Beat by War rant No. 4416, on the south by Warrant No. 4420, and on the west by Warrant No, 4444, it being laud sur veyed in`pursuance of Warrant Ru. 4421; containing Woe hundred and ninety acres more or less, about five ' acres improved, with two frame' 1% story housis, frame 80 and 40 it: barn, alice liover ulter ttill . stid colt buileiuge Melva. - To h eolXae the props tyof M. D. Field. N. F:Wile,tit & Deltil InOld, suit of C. , t J. L. Robinson. ' • • `1 • • ALSO—AIot of land in. Liberty, township, bounded north by lands of C. V. Veil, and on the west by lands, of the estate of Leonard shoubaekor and the public highway, on the south by Jacob KnWlu and Ram Shonbacker, and east by lauds of John Young, contain ing two hundred and thirty-tievonl 6crce, 111 0 1 4 1 or 102 V r plag istedrc4l and fifty setee innernyed, r Fettle ituae, but buildiega; three 'apple orelik•Q, - tat other" - fruit trees Morcott: . • :,. - 7- • • ' Also—Another. looend in Liberty. bounded on the north by the Wi l lis .loson _Road, on the west by the , public Alloy and.B. P.'Werline,'Oli the south by public' Alley and Adam; Camels end Lewis Edwards, on the east by Ferdinand Thomas, acrufagniug fifty:two feet in front,,aud•two hundred and eight feet deep, ono frau.* three liory hotel, outbuilding' and fruit trees thereon i ALso--Xnoiher hit, in Liberty, boondk on the north by•publie All y and Albert IlentW‘i•Sie the' %het by hold of Wm. Narber, on the south by . public highway end i Win. Narber,' on the east by public Alley, containing one-fourth of an Acre. with Verge: liguno atidharn there 4n. To be gold as the property of O. D. parry, suit of Gurdeu Fetter, for use of E. Pomeroy. - -,„ , ' ALfio.-:-A lot of land in Weatiliald BorOugh, bohnded on tha north. aocl east by lands of B. B. Strang, on the, 'south - by public - highway, and on the wen b y - Bu t ler; Butler; containing otte-half acre, all improved ; With two brewese'sellars and fruit trees; thereon : - ';... ; • . Aiso—Anotherlot of laud inSaid Borough of West 'dad, bounded ou tho north by lauds' of Richard Ent ine, ou the west by she public highway, Outlet month .by lends of School laireetore of,eeln 11orong,11,, on the Gnat by' lends of III). Stritog, being fair Todd Mi the PubliO'hignOleigid effect endttteep, triune. bonito and outbuildiegs Inereou. To to sold as thd property of John Swartzenbitebet R. Kruse% suit of Joel Park ,. ALSO—A lot of land in 'Liberty toninetti‘p, boil:ideal an'the north-by lands of OaorgialEfand`, on the east by the public Highway, on the south and west by lands of t .Waahington Newbury. Containing .about three acres' all insprovee; frame barn, apple orchard and other fruit' trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Andrew Teeter suit of Sebring k Miller, I ALSO-1• lot of in Nicilganno nonndcd. IR f 01 .2 lowa : Ito:1408a *laud Prenef Street; southwee4y, Lincoln Street,- portlreitet by let in pfebsilonofJgen'Stialin. Mgt northeast by John E t4n r ibfl i lig /-81.? by 190 fe9t. all Unproved : , , =, _ s ' Auto--Alio another lot bounded on the soqtheast by the above described lob, south Wes- by,Line-M - Streee, northwest by Main street, and northestatby John Etncr, being 160 feet on Math' street, ' } and 80 feet on -Lincoln' eteeet, 'with a two story- frarOdwelling hopes , a throe: story frame cabinet and ch , manufactofy, operated by ste,amPower, OutbutleurePit Ind fruit trees thereon, allemproved. , .. ii• , -e. 'e , . ' ALBo—Ono let bounded en thp,n?Ol; by s irllate al bey and gamuel lirlitrecer end ediert, won try ' e public highway; eolith by Atm /Welt suCtothets, - an west by John Buehler; containing INecree, all improved. with. a frame hOuse, *ante barn, outbuildings and apple and other fruit tieee ttee,ron. ~ I , -. .-,' • Atao—One lot bounded on the north b3r Detid Peak, Jno Fishier and John Den - gel : gnat by Ann Strait, smith by Robert Kelsey, and. west John Dowel; contain ing 2y acres , more or lees, . Unproved, with apple and other fruit trees thereout 1 • , Also—One lot bounded on the north by a private alley and Samuel Herzog, east by Simon Mails, south by Ann Strait,' and west by David Peak; containing half an abre, more or less, with Itiretni) tttreere and fruit trees thereon. 4"0480181 as tiie property of J. J. Stick -lin, John Bigler & ocirralgt, soltrof Wright & Bails ,..4l.SO—A lot of land in Weilaboro, bounded onthe. Cotith-east ter Pearl Street, 20 tit-west by LinoolriStreot , north-west by lot in possess! n of Jacob 'Sticklln 'and north-east by Jnoßtner. Witt 100 by .190 feet all Inn. Proved: • . . arsoOtio bounded on theouth-eeet by the aboVe described lot, South - west by milli street, north-west by Main St. north-east by J Etter; being 160 feet 0 4 1, on Main street and 80 feet 'on Lincoln Street. With a two story frame dwening 110n110. 'a. three ;Pry frathe cabinet and chair Marrafitaitlyry operated by ateam power,' outbuildings in feint tree, thereon all Mt: proved. To be Sold 'ail UM Plelpettlf .O 1 -J. J. Stieldin wait of;ntright,4k Dialil_y,. „, • t f,,,•7 ~.- , • 1 -444 7 1 -:- .41.411.41412,5EM0i1e . &laic weed -13nern,.attelt by lande r atimml #. -,0, wreath by Milo GOodtein & elina; ellt by' Wide of John Übe, containing sixteen acres, ere en steno. hrOPravetli Alarm edits°, frame - , harn,l outbuildin gs, apOlt; Orchard 511( other fruit trove therm! • -—A another lot of lanln the said township , of Middlebury bounded nort hb Milo. Goodwin & township I xt west by lands Of Orlando Bro dr Ralph Button, aci th by,the Bingham Lands,`east 7 lands,of John Roe, con taining ten acres Bi.X. acres proved. To be sold as the property of John Doan &Mizabeth Doan, suit of Henry Button for the use of eymour Guild. ALSO—A lot of land in Ru nd township, boun ed north by lands of &ashes Roe, welt by land!! of Dente' Nunes, south by /at . op olio . 6 11. pop, eeet 67 the public • Highway, oonWnln4 ithollt two sore% frame house, frarrle barn, entbtilldinga, apple orchard and other fruit treeretliereon.• • T ,be sold rut , the propert, of Benetinin P.'Sherman, elf, t of Jane Wilson. - 41.,t(0-:-A. lot of land in Westfield Berough, boon et on tlio north by - Main street, on the attest by land o i ssu e plena and• Charles 8,.0n the south and east le the Cowanesque river, co nlng about one-four o ao acre, with a blacksmith sop thereon : , . . o , Also-Onene other lot of lan in Weetlield nor% ho n ded on the south by 11410 Irett, on the west by c torts Buck, 'on the port by ic oria Bitck, and on • east by Cowanesque River, containing onto eighth o as . acre, one frame barn and o a tAbuildings thereon.”T lit sold ae the property of Fr Buckomitbf ;Nelson ot; for use Of 7.'Parkhurat di Cd.i i i . . ' ALSO—A lot of laud in estfield townshio, be: . rang at the southwest porno of lot No. 260 in ' Wes , etc township; conveyed to 'Joh Little, thence south :: h i degrees 'east 80 210 percher' miff N. a deg. east 64 •er elks, thence along the west o of. lot No. 290, so lib Iti deg. welt'96 8-10 perch ' thetiee 3nen.,ff nor, ih rue of lot No. 292 north 131334':4; . West- os ran faer 'et 3 , thence along liriee Of let - No , convoyee te h. F. • - r o La ,burg, north' l deg:. east 12 a,"*noith 88 deg. • eat 122 0 - 10 perches, and south deg. west 40 pinches, nd thence along the north line, of lot No. 293, north : :ei deg. west 82 6-10 Perches;nee along the line be, tweon TiOga and Potter, no 234 deg. coat 68 640 , or chea to theplitea of begtoid le containing 129'4104c es, be the same more or leas;•1 acres improved, log li 'use ,applo orchard and other t trees thoreon, , • •be sold as tho property of Nat - 0 BiltMir, volt of • m. f 13,4 Itinglntis Treaties, ..". • ' : • ALSO—A lot of WO in B .. e eld townshlpAbou . ded north by Lands conveyed to . e adlum estate an. lot •No, 1413 conveyed , to Joel ' khurat," east-by A. ~, lands, south by lot No. 146 • • uveyed to Park dr. 11,ttd erfion, and we'd by Adler( nds Oft being lot No. 143; Brookfield, and part of want NO. IBM Con . .g ality:five acres and five-te • the of an acre. To be :old 'as the property - of Enos S. • • ver & SartmelTubbe, sue of Joseph Reed, Ingersoll, •t alTruateee of Win, ;Mg bath's Estate.'. .- , • • - - ' ALIIO—A. lot of lane Est`- • !hart+ township. be - (lei north by lOt No. 81; Oonvey =d to Thomas Focht; can by lot No. 29, conveyed to • thew Lover' south by th• south line of warrant No. 11;.•weat by lot, No, 61, con veyed to Thoruas, Focht. .. •otaining eighty-four _an - nine-tenths acres. It bet. • lot No. • 20, - 'Liberty, an part of warrant No. 1177.. • ghty acres improved f am hones; fmnic; barn, outb go, apple orchard an other fruittrees thereon. , • Bolt as: the e of Soulro 1400 ks, snit of Ttnsteett Of the ; in: hat ALSO-1-41dt of Lind in it Both Of Wellabeso , 411 ged yeah -cad try Pearl s t ' 410 bt •1e ' e r cr, street; nordaweet by la sees ono Spa :pt and north-east by Joh n ~ beings feat by •fe all improved: - , _ also---airke hennaed. - illintibove deli , . tit lot, south-west baeldeleelli tenet,- north-werit bi`' o -street and nartboliat by:Tri l Etner, ballot 1.08, f t'l Malta street and 60 feet on coin street, "with - ts story frame dwelling ho a three story frame • 1-ir and chair Manufactory oper * tsted by Mum Poway_ MI buildings and frulifthreea Awn Improved:• aran=one bounded north by ezactistwalleyan • Ela net Harsog; east by Simon paint, south by Ann :er and West by Daniel' . "Containing half •• to 'more or less, with a tram lame tottai l i ra .s e ,on, To bo flAidle. Au .41,7 oft; if - . litieNin Job Simon Boulder suit of L. 4 : . •- • ' ALSO—A lqt of land in Mind township, bo • doe as follows: Beginning in e line between S. S. • nil J. C. Johns and William let the west end •f the county-bridge across Mill • thetute in a w erly crane along the Mill tree road, 16 rods and' • • o feet to a stake and stones; northerly along le of. William Brace 16 rods to crevice `in the rocks nd a pile of stories on the no side of Mill ccre4; oneo easterly along said-sock s og f los north al4O o Mill creek up to thtera Witt of If t . end 3. 0: Jo .. a and tt..:, vroi„ Brace; once it th along "the ,laid di ion lips between S. S. and Jr . - Mina' and William ; race -to the place of beginning, riOntaLuing about two acres of bind, be • the same more or leas, ,it being .8 lot known as the Bescatthd Goodwin sawmill and I.t, to gether with a trarati saw situated thereon. Aiso—Artothe lot of din the township o -Rut land; begienea Waite ock struilei, (fort:herb , • herd lock tree') Al then West • 160 m b e eil t c ? /Mt' i L tin 41 the corner of.. 'I) II let.; Co pc. c. ~ ilitlidir of ibel eald Will‘i 159 ea fah s. ti; aid 1 con:keel Will Moine mid or& 4ndetia l•t, so [ • called, now S. a 4Johrues elltenoe east alg 'the line of said Andrui Et, 46w owned by S. ' :. an' 1 3. C. Johns, 106.2 percheit to a post, the corner 4 a said Andrus lot, nOWeneds4l by. S. &and J. O.' olv I and the Bentle lot' thence tomtit 169 perches elt line of the WiutatuEinfeadniealato ei) • ' . • i frr ) %t e k: e b ig P- 0 : 341 e. 1 3_ _ . .14 a 1 r t 4 WI One s re te:tar- l • tilers the.: PM 8 the UV* —bY "s 'Be son It. C. Jelms , 4 trt afOline fa) ff. : . ten J. Johnti • ' .. . 1 - ' •,• , ' `• , . ALso—AnottAr ]et_ Of /ofi to :toe *MEND . lii land; beeirming at the herutwesit - porper ‘ of -Di . , -a; flinittee and: thence etnng, Odd enftig; south, 8 ,S east, 85.1 rods to lanai; 1 . .1 /Aran oquirear.the •ye 1 the same north, MK deg:reel; east, 109..7 rods t• • lan' -Of William Lawracer thonee by , the same no •, 28 -degrees west, 42.1 rods tri a post, the east side of ' lar rock; thence northil fe degraes west, 40.8 rode to • poi - thence north; three degrees east, 84.3, rods„ to, pot thence by lands late of Imo Bentley north, 88 . egre west, 96.6 to a post; thence by land lately o • •ed Lymou Benson south, trio. degrees west, 82.8 .. tc wet; thence north, 88 agrees west, 60.6 rods to po thence by Bingham lands south, three degree we 108.0 perches to a pos; thence north, 613 e •e: east, 119.3 rods to the p a lace of beginulogi con • lii 159.56 acres, about 125 ree 1 .1191F 0 Y4 WO %tin house, two frame berm], On apple orcoard en oil it trees thereon. To a sold - NI the propel 01 . and J. C. Johno; Bull of 4.14. Morehotme. Jan, 10 , 1872, 1 E. A, rutu, 9 rk "IN, filtAllYfA , -vcv.:,,... -;F:,-,;.:.:,:-:, ft yoU. Witutfi taco assortment of Eli MEM ~ I ~T„ ~t. FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ',flux sr "I 1 BALDWIN'S SHANTY, TIOGA, I f you want Dretie Qq94, of all I,tuda 4 call at BALDIViN'S Bbanty. yclwviatit, Brk Alpaca, call tar the Oraud Dutchoaa. at BALDWINIIBIIaIktr Tf you want au Ottoinao Shawl, • :-,- . .I I . ^ - - ' If ion - waitt Ladle* 4 Genta' l anger were, , , . call at BALDWpiI IlllaUty. If yiza ;wasit notions and trimmings, • caA Pt p4.L.DwTlit Wu:ay. If yot aan4 FT% call at ISAIIMIN'II Shanty • _ Xf "1:4 "• k)l24 4.4)Ct.Cl4 '` call at BALDWIN'S tlhatitir You want thde end Cap, u you v( 1 04404 stict. Hhoeq" NO BALDW/Nll WMII It you rant a set ot.Dlsheo, call atShint7. If you Want a ready made suit of clothes, - call at BALIIWINI3 suanty Ural want a suit of Colima leads Our nloainire. ai BA.LDWEN'II Slasty. ii goy fin%O,g4r Ck 4,011, call at BALD '8 Minty. U you tyaut Buihtlo Robes, • _ call at BALDWIN'S Shanty , • U you waut prices that cant be beat, •- • ' . call at BALDN'S Staidly' That'B Vfllate the We ste spsiOus to Sell these goods befo • Nov. !, 1871. New Sto 41' TIOGA., PA., Arkil oa ADUZ43 new Stock of aa906.2 1 8. , 4.1.,M1) .6410.0. . • Eri4Tra 3 / 4 BON, having just completed esti H. new ItrieklstOro on 3Lain- straet,f which is oim of tlthe beet lIDIBMItedIM4 Most inviting s end Ine Conn. are nOW olfering to their old customers hapUt« Bo ganarally a hatter selected stock of BOOTS An SIIES, than eyes before presented in the borough of 'flogs,. Wise ware of Burt's make, ecostant/y on hand. Al so, ?Mum A Bandin's Organs, and a Nartety of styles to Retest frOnl• Ali are fWilte4 to call and orstans Prkea Oa quail% B. E. BkITT/1 SON. Toga, Zan, 5872.-14 r. I, ' '-' ' for - Sale - I Che - 4, ' ONE elegant , :',411 new,: elwe leather I le oneta) two horse r a good single Imam. .. June 21, 1871-If. i willow; 4 0110 WO OPeZ . luto_ar i .:wag_b au; HAIRY. _,- , For Bale Cheap . CABB, or, good papa. on short time, L WOW, CUT BB HAM A% BUFFALO, Ace all onlirel3? new., Inpuire at tida office WALE O C A , LATHRQPR • . : 11).14441:RS HARDWARE, IRON. STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TIN.WARE, BELTING, 'SAWS, CUTLERY, WATER LIME, AGRICGLTURA.L IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Ramos Trimmings, :44MEE6E8, SADMIES . , age Coming, Jan, 1, 1872 OSADALIS THE INGREDIqNTS THAT tO,MPOSE ROSA DA LIS are published on every package, there fore it is not a secret preparation, consequently ri - IstlttruE IT eettaitt ourei fee E4rofuta,- S3iphitis IA all, Rheurno.-- tittu i Blcin Disease. , Liver Com plaint and " - r,11 ,1 diseases 'of Owl Blood, - • , COE BOTT4IA BO2AD4LIS will do mune good t ion ten.bottlet of, the, ytttirs sf 'Bursaparil4. THE I.INPgRSICHED PHYSICIANS }mite used Ronda/la a theltlfrectiee for tho past three years and freely endorse it as a relis.blo Alterative 'and Blood Purifier, '• • ' Dlt. T. C. PO011; of 136,1thaore. ' DR. T. J. BOY KIN,. bit. It. IV; CAM/. " it.T, O. " '4 Eljt ' J. . B.l3Par t l cs, Nielkolasvillo, ICJ/ DR. S . MocAUTDA, Columbia, .T V. 4 B. NOBLES, '.dgocomb, N. C. Unix ENT Eltho, - ESED BY J. D. tntNezt•& soNs, Pan River, r. W . ti,NITI7I, .14c10 1 on, Mich, A. F. 'NV Lima, Ohio, B. BALL, Lima. 03 }e, CRAVEN a, CO., Gordmivlllo, Ye. SAM L, G. McPADDEN, hturfroea - bor.),Tenn. - Our spare notaltow of_an_y oje• tended remark?. "inl rolatton to the I virtues of It oil ll . Totho Hedfal Profession wo,guinatittio n Fluid" Hit• tract superior te.anyfthey • base em wed in the hemline/at of diseased Blood; and telt tiaillieted we to Roaadalla and. you will be not le hifalth! NI i : ' 0 : 1 I Ea i . 1 La - .... . d n .'.;• 1 : kt. i , .., . -• 1 , ~~ ' i Id b all Itosadalis *so Y pogo per bogi, Addrima VS. a raa • aa. mittOcti*, ches,e4 11 WS • To Fortin rpm underilenea offers for us • : • es his :Citester _White! •e; . es purchased et AmttLvllle , Chenengo by be found on the road from Wello , , 'ebfrut 2) Mlles from Wellaboro. t; zan. 104 w. at. • ,Pay- ._, . . . 0 ,+o ,, el persons indebted to W. : 0 Krug by Note or ter Book account are hereby no ed that immediate 8. pusinesi a ap:gent is required or oats ttill be made. We mean b. 1 P W. 0. NEW. • • A 29 1 Zitn-OWt, WWI call at BALD*IN'S Shanty ME call et aez AVVIti a E,ltast7 MU #.4. l D_ WF i k ithukti` =1 we leave tAa WIN & Q. I=l = Boar, 004 N. Y. Ere can ro to Babb% Cm 24 :barges $2. O. B. STONE. 11......•.:11061•1 1 1. 011, .. , V111111.Vi - • 0,1 '4 ' E4l '6• • , Y, ; 1~~ R i. iT ~ S ES WEED Hu slimily Veen lawrovad, and is now vitiout a don tiso vary 11111]EgWilY43i , • .111LALU XII Does every kind of Work with' the least Never 'gets out of order, and wilt run a lifetime without repaira Don't purchase a Saida • Machine of any kind until you have seen 3-i vial I,`#:.s The acknowledged A. L. BODE, Agent We"labor°, Pa. J. B. lIMED. Agent. 131ciaaburg. Pa. alas ..EY Agent, Erwarville. - J. BCriIiEFFELINJr., Agent. Toga, Dry 0130122111843. EATS, CAP Weilsbaro, PP, Jai. 1, 1872 FEM Wint ME zatrattako. bentid a MEM= B Ann, ana as tsuaq new ones IMIM _ s'‘'looD ff , of which-we hy4 Manta AND 0498;2111.11ES, is I iron on ohm intim Cnat ataait ht the largest, egad; *a l ibi' JIM', 1872 NE j 1 Last(lie Parainak Itohairs. Plaids, French an at prices mach 1 Fancy Goods, Tan Hosiery from 10 to p Boob from.. • $ 260, Zona' Show Kin ' ' $O5 Sop' noes from • '.11,00 , 1 . . . A.l3r IMSO3 - *ReadYildad ;'4o.lV4)lStict7tor ' Aftts tor *.iMUxtti for • • +Met Teas c'd sugars • .{ • Tudarou'Ougueat Out Motto is. "Aut dealing, • W m e Unite s Om on Lorrain o ai pleased to slum our_ WeUSINcro. ALI. Z 8 =SEM 4GAIN I'll NEW IMPROVED SEVIIKG MAC tbtiworid for genoml two (WED "WE champion Sewing Machine of iiho world TZLLOTSON, General Agent, 88 Zaire 8 , Chas. C. Mathews , I • =I :satiety of oterythbv in the Rlll ari 1113 00as . BOOTS AND SHOES, READY DI endlesa variety. Call and see. r Cam MO Ztow folly 41233:104, and Efanippod for! ter Cainpai WI RICADE OF GOODS, ready to meet may chose to favor us with a call. I In fancy and Staple Dry o , wing bundles of one business s - a /ergo variety. Oa we evil by tug park, or make I! IL GApiram for Ladle- Geatiam:22 224 Bo; Rl~~Tfs A full stock, embracing One Hundred Pie awing t\onk 25 cants to $2,52 yard iggees thO iovnit; of Airy Ore. Sopttiorn New York. 3-0() avvrizativari AT Orton ICI 1 BO' a gpiws BLOOH. Iniasno 7 rox.e;simi and Irish l?oplina.Paws° S ilk, ran •-8 than base been sold for beforo. W :ee Jrotions, Boots, r L 0 cents. 85,60. • $5,60. • $1,60 .LE 400Loil AT IMP.TOIZOIITED LOW Clothing ' n _J 10 tattle' 10 tents 20 Wets I • e --Grocer Arga • ands.. lartceS,aaastrictlatalititeto PRO ne. , OTECLICk; -- ign- ggo ilrom all st s took cd w old =lto . on to a Tall a the most experience nth- LII ruing, suit probabtr to S • Dr 042.55 .rod and Black Dreag Silky, a fall line of ~ Hats 4• ca;s. from 30 cents to $1.25 , • 78Coatits to *B, cents to sl,BBt atildrona' Hats from Oips from 1 PRICES 'undance, 46 Oats. Ca, (apeCiallty) $1 to ? oh oil3B Oma tell to 80 ,es, Coffees from Spices, all eoaps, all business," w cis is shrOye the key to Eng 'lc through our stook, se j.j{,9BPIA4 and 6 tttko a 1 II DI Kg' ouble, pp" Slpirk N. &tn. /, /871 0. 0. MATHEIta WATRInt IV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers