, .„ _ USEFUL AND SDGGESTIVE. The Omelet. , . ;fate mind that invented the omelet was olpttble of greater things. Many persons blink they., have made mi l d eaten omelets 'When they lutve not. Anything that is made of eggs stirred up and sailed over the fire, is suppoeeci to be an omelet, but it isn't. I_ , loticeheird of people, whcrp4 , l,tour:.X if.i4,' Ficsir takes fifteen or twenty minutesto cook, and an omelet is made in one; and raw flour is not wholesome or appetizing. no true omelet is a pile of - .terror-stricken. eggs and milk; it trembles with every jar, and crouches in a delicious, quivering Muss upon the plate; he who puts a silver knife, into it will find n.pbrous, flaky materittl,,: tal--. most impalpable to the touch, that will melt as quickly as ,a snowflake in his mouth.— Upon reflection lie will be wall' to admit that hens were not made in vain -. .: To make one (an - Z‘melet - , - not- -hen) pre-- eeed in this way:' nave sonic fresh eggs, not omelet eggs. All eggsrattwill not by any possibility do to boil, are Iput away in restaurants to make omelet :with. Break - them into a china bowl. If they arc fresh, the white will be as clear as a maiden's eye, and the,yolk as round as the pupil of it.— Add a teaspoonful of milk for every egg, and whip the whole as thoroughly as you would for sponge cake. The omelet pan has previously been put on the fire, andmade hot that the butter will melt and aimed .crown in it, but not quite. When 'in this condition, you are to turn the whipped egg wad nailk into the pan and put it directly over the fire. Get a thin-bladed knife and run it carefully gilder the bottom of threggj so as to let that which is not choked getbe low. If the fire is right the whole mass puff and swell and cook in a minute ; if it iS not carefully attended to it will burn on the bottom, and burned egg is most offensive in smell and taste. It is not necessary to Wait until the whole inass is solid, for its own heat will cook it after it has left the pan, but begin at one side , and carefully roll the edge over and over until it is all rolled up, and then let it stand for .a moment to brown, then turn it out on a hot, plate and serVoiti—or, what is better, eat it, yourself-7 immediately. You - nnuit not put a grnin ofsalt in it.while it la cooking, or" all your hopes and your oxnelet will flatten down _together. If it is \ properly made it will be like a summer sun- SIN ' rich with crimson ant yellow hues, and the savor will gladen the teart. The common mistake in making omelets is to merely stir the eggs with a ,fork; to put no milk in; to put salt, flour, and bread combs in; to cook them too slow, and to .; tol,thent -out on cold plates,, a clammy, Aden.* Waste of eggs:. Thus made, they are as unwholesome to cat as they aro repulsive in appearance. 11 any one has a fancy for mixing finely rnineed ham with the egg batter, they will 'inake a ham omelet; or for surrounding it wilts stewed kidneys and smearing nlittle of the sauce thereof about the egg after it is cooked, they will have a kidney omelet; or by pouring rum over it and setting the same op tire, they will have - an omelet au rhunt; or by sprinkling granulated sugar over it!' it will be at omelet &lois; but all these are sim ply inventions of the enemy to see how vilely they can treat a good thing, and yet no% entirely ruin it—ltarper's Xkizar. Butter-Makhig What effect climate and hard or soft water may have on the products of the dairy, espe cially butter, I do not think is fully appreci ated 'Or Understood, _I notice that butter makati of equal experience are equally posi tive—a part of them that the butter must not be washed, and that every particle of the buttermilk must be worked out; while an other part are equally confident that it should be freely washed, but scarcely worked. or hand dat all. Here in Champaign county the w ter is hard, but not very hard, and it is in_ ther parts of the State, and notably wherethe coal-bearing strata make the soil andcome . to the surface . But although our wt is half hard, it is the experience of the mistress of your • correspondent's house hold that butter will not keep sweet unless, when taken from the churn, it is thoroughly Washed, and then- after that handled- and worked with a dry cloth, until every drop of both is removed. Such a process was deem ed destructive in New England, where the water is soft, and ,where the lady's- first ex periences were acquired. I . distinctly re member that onmy first journey west, some twenty years ago, presently after I had reached Lake Erie, my nose and my palate' were introduced to three new distinct sen sations. The flavors and odors of western butter, lake fish, and New Orleans molasses, were a revelation to me: I soon . satisfied myself that thispecullar and local rancidity of the butter arose from a chemical combi nation of the oily 'portion 'of the prodaet with the salts- of - Bite - taken - up - from the water in which the butter had been worked. And here I believe to be the secret of the Whole controversy, namely, that in soft water districts of country butter will keep, if little more is done when taken from the churn than that-the excess o,r buttermilk is got rid of; lint that hi hard Water lietricts,. net only should butter be washed just as I :, little as possib e, but it is necessary that ev as,y particle of buttermilk should be removed. All to churns d churning, the conversion of 'ream into butter is a chemical process, in, which a certain amount of time .is Ile Ma i • , easy - element, that time ranging from 20 min utes Wolfe hour, according to circumstan ces.; so that the churns which make butter hip* minutes, do it at the expense of quan -110 44 quality, and are thereof a delusion ati 11 triliPaonsoll V. J. in Cbtintry Gentlernan:._ A Few,Seasonable Recipes BS Atom) Strumges.—This is the way I make theint Take equal quautiljes of bacon, fat mail lean, beef, veal, porh, and beef suet; chop tliem small, season with la.-pper ,salt, herbs and sage tubbed flue.— yell cleansed and washed intetiue, prick it, boil gently for an liour,t twd lay on straw to dry. They may be smoked ths ssmo as ham. :Atutos Meat—Take 4 lbs. I urrunte well *ked and cleaned, for they require this to be done carefully; ti lbs. raisins, stoned and chopped; of finely-chopped beef `suet, the leen of q sirloin of beef minced row, and finely-chopped apples of a solid variety, east - three and a half pounds; of citron, lenionpeel . and orange-peel each half a pound; fi ne white sugar two pounds; mixed s. an ounce; mix well and put in a deep • * Mix brandy and white wine to suit ttui , -to, also the juice of four lemons and four,ortuagea; pour half over the mass in.the twain, press down tight with the hands, then add iho other half and cover closely. Use es you may desire through the winter. d'/Airst Clear Pudding.—One pint. of bread crumbs to one quart of !milk, one cup of su gar, the yolks of four eggs beaten, the gra ted rind of a lemon, a piece of butter the size of an egg. Bake until done, but not watery. Whip the whites of the eggs stiff, and beat in a teacupful of sugar in which has been stirred. b.ejuice of the lemon. spread over the pud ' ding a layer of jelly or i nny sweetmeats you prefer. Pour the whites of the eggs oVer thitmuireplace in the oven and bake lightly. To be oaten with cold creath. It is second to ice cream, and for some seasons better. The following appeared as an advertise meat in a Honolulu paper. Mrs. K. is clear ly at the head of a woman's rights movement in the& Sandwich Tslands . "Know all people who see this t I, Mrs. Kap pa, the married wife of Bo:Oman), of Natile hu, Kan Hawaii, do hereby forbid the for ripen+ living in Kan from again shipping my husband, inasmuch as 1 have ordered him to come back and live with me, in accor dance with the fundamental law of marriage, Marriage la a good thing for everybody. Re speegally, Mrs. Kappa.:" .• : 4 ‘ .. ''' - ' 1 Second stock Fill 'and Wiza#®r OE .T.mCWVI7 31Ftsitem:, Jukt call and see wbs a 09'1'114°4;2w/1 we lave Jan. 1, 1872 Real Estate Agency 1' rff o TO PROP oderefezood LILA& exi't for th e sale of th e follow g WN KWY 60 TPILIARGE LOTS, • nitwits on the brvmt toot Atte Street. These lots are in the central part at town, and convenes! to the Rail Rosa ~ 10fOot. _ , SEVEIU.L ,SOTS • eltuatElou the Lap of UM Balaiesd, sad nitabls MANTIPACHRINO i'IJAPOIIIB. Tam lots win Oo soli co smuliaah tom Jan. I. 1871 13skrILessoas. CREAM OARS. STORE, Las • ball worl•isat ot new fic . l•o4, mit*, LAD.IiB; MUM t 11019. 2 .2 ' c a am alNDO, urZIS GOODS. - maws P • • I AND CA53111448 •• • u • AND - WILMS , 000 Gloves, Hosiery, lilt Goods sad Notions. . . • B C ur aii 4 P+ %%1e . : 4 2:0. Nap /lief 111441411; y ye.. Tea, -- Grockere-isid, "'MAW :nem . , awn ig 06110=4:11 Ba S ai -11PD211g. wax 4914044 tot Sl:raia; at Waal on Coatidagoa. ._ - • • home call sad ' toAiarus litock saes. You )agl araya Cad as mai . tiallmrs &ads. Js iJ. 1872 1, - • FIC=C? s• AO. I FARO . i. TIOGIA. PA.. Iffil ca.cpc.r:ois, and are aallins than at their tuna WICILILUE al FAlgt. wAxgs;ix snwoos. FOANAN 440) DOMMTIO DRY GOODS. Wldch will ba sol 4 vary away Choice _Groceries. Ayer% bitthModa fth‘, , - ker 'the relief and ' . .-: , /. .-;,::.0, i •,.- „, ~1 ',-, • '- cure of all damage- • . i.....__ meats in the stem ' ' ach, liver; and bow . . „,. , ~,„ „els. Theyarc ts mild "`sipleAt--' - • . . aperlant,v and .aa + `rgi.i:. • excellent purgative. ' . . 1 4, , - • • Being, purely :yeas -.--...,,e'4,..-- ~ . table, titay-tontato uomercuryer . * ... ...„:.1,._ •-, , - 'rat whatever. "Una 1 . . serious sickness and -- ' ..,-".., , •- , - --. suffering Is prevent ; ...., ,-. ••.• . - - '-ed by 'their timely use; and and every family &meld have them_on,tnind for their protectlotrand relief, Watt reputed. I Long experience has 'proved theta to bete sat- esti snreat, and:best of alt the Pills with which I thamarket abounds. By their occasional,use, the bloat. is purified, tbe'corruptiens of the ays tem expelled, obstructions removed and, We whole nutchieery of life restored to its healthy activity. Inter/aid organs which becomerclosiW and sluggish are cleansed by Ayer's - Ptitsi . and; thstimulated into action. Thus incipient e is changed into health, the value of Which c , when reckoned on the vast multitudes who It, can hardly„be computed. -Their , sugar C Oo makesthent pleasant to take, and Preserves -virtues- unimpaired for-any length of time, sO that* tffey are, ever fresh r _and perfectlyreTeitde. 'Although searehiug, they_ aro Mild and 0 crate without disturbance to the Coustitutiou, or let, or occupation. • , Full directions , are: given on the permswrap each box, how to use theta us a Fa tul4 _F •WV for. the following complaints, which ese .PUfs rapidly ciao:— • , Forillyspopsta or Endig-rstton, 'Unarm. seas, Languor and Less of Appettutitbey Should betaken moderately to stimulate the store ach, and restore its healthy tone owl action. - _ For Liver Complaint and its various sump gems, Dillon* Iliesadarbe, Sick llifead. ache, Jaundice or Breen Sickness, Dig. lons Colic and 111111otto Feveri, they should be Judiciously taken for each case, to correct, the diseased action or remove the obstructions whloh , ca it . . _.. . try -.Dysentery or Diarthetai. but, tine mild desalt generally required.. ,_•. 1 - For Itiheinnattsns, Gout, tart/mei, Pal. vitiation of, the, Illeart, Pals In ..gba ,111140,11 tack and-1401ns, they should bane; =nay taken . , as required, to t:haug,o the - action of the system. With such clunwir complaints disappear. For Dropsy- and Dropsical Swellings, thershould be taken in large andlirequent to red uce the ellett of a drastic purge. • • ' !.' or Suppression, a large dose should' Ur ;as it produces the desired effect by luta- - pstby. ... -,. - ' , „ea a Dinner kW, take one or two Pi/4 to promote digestion and relieve the OW - mach. t-',. An oceastbnal dose stimulates the stomach anti bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Bence it is often advantageous Whale up serioUlt ileranpine* cabitel. ,- . Ono - :witi_t Ads '-tolerabl,y - well,Onen Innis that a dosent...ttgaw .14/0 makes brans foul decidedly bettor, from 081- e '44lidlehlattilil.rOPQViltlitg e41 .- 0S- 41) , M9.414.811Y,: ---, - • ._ .... 111111YARED.1%. ~,.- . 4." ' .• _ . Dr. J. V. ATER & VO4Prtsetteat iOktniktt4' ... . . .L 0 /YELL, - MASI 14 - L. il. 4. ~ , .. 10113AL1 IT ALL IntiNGUITS3 warairwsua Jan. 1; 1872. - . • • w. 0:•ttilleil, Air. Wellsboro. . Drugs and Medicines, (Yat"! or otherwise)—Ala? for penrrii, axis, VAANIBHIB, GLASS, Vcrxig, LWE. AND ALL STYLUS OF BAUSIIES, am. AirOO TO MUD QUARTZES MIMS. Choice Liqll°,ll9 ISC:PC:0110Eil, • .full Historical, hteilleal. Letpa. Mink or *hod. essortieent at the Utter. Um. ao oolissd ssotteentat • , ALBUMS, MIRRORS. FIETURF. FRAMES. STATIONERY, CORDS AND TASSELS, &c., ac., . ~ • • • On Teas. Sugars, Coffee. Spray. 'Molasses, Bice, Bode. etc., we will not be beaten In price or We will sell choice Teas by the chest, or auger by the barrel. at as low figures as the some can be bought at that Ablatokliew York. _ • P. B. TRY OUR 4 BULLLTNEIt TEA. LAMPS, CHANDELIERS &c., &c of newest styles, and lamp chimneys that 'WIB 110 i, break. Fancy and Tolitt Articles. PERFUMERY. Tort.= Ems, PokRD . BRUMES. ire.; bc.. LIKEWISE 'CUT LERY AND JEWELRY, WHIPS AND LASHES. We hold twenty desirable village lots for gate in the central part of the town ; and will also loan Looney rot reasonable rates. N. D. Dr. W. W. Webb has his °Mee in our ,atom, where he )1111Y be consulted for advice or treatment.— Zan. I. 1812-tf. • • HASTINDEIIi COLES. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. 4ds'a - c...,. and propose COntip#4B 'tho MeXUACtare of the same, at e shop • latelyooonpied by Fishlerk g 24 striat pn ky ipciae realising iiriaeicti. taw s ••••• FOR CASH. , ". ,-• •We keeps good ago:Mudd of *Hats laid Caps, BOOTS, RALMORAI2, GAVE* BOMBS, BROGANS AND - ' GALLIGASEINS leagemdig to lit any footfrom -No. id, to 13 haeldefe. our gadg raw= et :• 5" . .0901 CALF, mi. RPM, S OR OL& CONMON CALF,A)N- • - INO9, BINDING, EQ- . ROCCO. go., , - still be kept np sa igggefare: On_ Fkndbkgs we shali be found at honor anq =o l t i . " ? 11"111""1 10 ik! CIAISII PAID Eva misa * STOM WORK! Done promptly and wall. Repeiting done an "At in and ccaa EISIMMEE OF (inns, • yotrrus & BOY'S CL=l, - . for isle Cheap at 25 DOZEN GENTS SWATS & DRAWERS. for WO stwo at • HAMDEN* 15 CASES OF cat received, endlif seda - cheiii) at LIABDSkiIi. . ....--.. - -. • FLANNT.CLS, BLANKETS dc ROBB& fru, &wrixltiorn Just received r . . . .. , - . O fu/I 4eldr4lole4tiles.9l-' ." SHAWtW '. au raaibireiiiid far isle clasp at EItIiDJINS Thelrees:-.+ : ..• ..... •-. • • " irfli be found very stmscUtre, ae if:comprises many nqil sad desfrable styles of goods at prices that csunot jWi So suit. . . • , - 4 • Thei public are tuytted to est aid eilkalpl i - , OiOrittook Taos: stip= #1:14 , ==m 4a-GO TO-il. Plead quarter", : and - TOBAOCO. Also for 4:3-I•CP 413 0 rietai. $•10,000 . WORTH BOOTS.dc SHOES .[mss DePahilenti _ • • Ilkow o.l.44).looo , llltitikble foralol4l. 7:lttt 111011941640 lA goißkt• La oval 44 3 100 40 r. ME Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Notions, -11 4 11 1.0krito-qatho PeoiPlo 01 nog& Galati/ litto wish to zOok.o4 4 2rol,ika IC** b• 1' a - , curt main pit s ' Tbs (Mst WO ww . 4444 **11044 YAW giA cally. ow** 066 644; Uwe 6 woo zmie, air,664 suovaiew, imilly111011 1 (41Wrli WI a*t. 1, pp. , ram ibto 'Mood =xi smmapEsis cii.c•exigaziwcifr, . . - • . ._ . liat r • ZiuS=L butgoixt, on= wool= olottdug, and ueodSolit bo an *llk , _ 4Olll 111 / 41 'O O 4 Pakfabor who clothes wit clatigre. • Every raouloidd VAL ran WW :a WI Etil tor ' pm& Luso you 4tou't go to to olgibier ; whowyou used a hit to , via* rOr.7ouriNCYoll do, tr 144 ire *We. . .. • .1 ` Ita ff " C 164 4 ,1 411 41 1 #1. 41 , 0 110 / 4 4 16 0 01 4 64 0 - ettiO SCOOK4 WOMB r. 1 s • CLOTHS- CASSIMERS - niztAittit 11( . 14"aft I aca at laiins. I awls* a Aim suosi or 1 I, aid aikk speObisiti frooldviag new 4italefai W W usw. HMO / 10 dlirg. fel antai 1 0 ;1 # • 1;14)2 . 3 W!alb4m• Jr p L 362. The. Largest Eslablishment in . : morn Pa. 114010100. , WROMNian iainairtait _ • TrAMOi VA* heidliskalsayie wilhalit6m g i lloo4l • ,•4014/13110Nd Aiikt %MA lints#J vetoes. ft retialUworisaat gag* . odaig 01 * ollinAhlim °rig W ANIIIIII" arsons. A Walt 4ffl • , .. , .. .. • ..-i. ' .. .'. :1 - ..".•: - t' ' ,- •., . . , . ; 4 . % EVE .. . aa.lunrus • "%Cll#6*loov • ,_• „ 11410110.1.141 am. 1, 1872. gulaik)r ~~}~ t ME= _ 3 . =I cosarmic,- - Mil REM r ~~ gs •~ ' ~ti T • F I f• q' •~` S/ .~ DRY GOODS, MCI Walliaar lia'o 4 o4lo, 4041.1 OM _ MEM .W!ijitainwilasivtooMet - MEI ERNI Yia -- 'Ti4e Neyr ,RAi1,.444, =IONE :s.www,:~,. , '~ Stook 4116" t z.morlifir 3prlewo, , r Illy Sdit . y. !5,,.00.1011M LADIES' EIS BM ■ DRue-Gasire EMI • • . '1%.• in and Illeinibas for.at -ltd Cutter Oroweitkii. "A 1 41 10 . 11 4 4 464 Oltertalaisii 86,016 4016 p. toil to stoat, WINV =ME MOE I PIT 11111 BOUM MMZ W 1 I 4,. _~ . I! El . 3 , NOT ER TUIli OLIIIIATS. MEE DRESS. GOODS, k . 001.,- '''t:i ..6..b 1111 INSI ME .! :.! - 1 HV WM =I EA 1111 ~ • t - =il Algae 400144* 2 ,C IMIM illi =ow Imps • • BILJ BM ' • AgtOm; - BE SIMI a_--' • utactlrre the'REBT sTYis, autos the started notice. Persons wanting- Clothing Vitrili=4l44 sep my st°e . k• R 991 Aux. 1. 187241. ..OEO. WAGNER. Real Estate Far, Oat°. . TmWO-HOMES AND. TAT% -on Mae street, entirely new; finished nicely throughout—Cottage *WA. ut daly. Ttftlota ott Meade street. - Sour hundred acres of timber land in Delmer. -"Also, a splendid dairy farm in Delmar, clontalaig in Wes. IngUire of WRIGHT & HAIL . °g inns 21, 1871-tf. ERR ItAll Anmacro, Ts STAI4I4 Ano NEW' and IMPROVED -D 'BLEEPING COAOHEE,combln I manta, aro run through on all , Niagara Path, SUrtinuolon _Br uatt and Now York.- ". STATIONS. Netiii"rikL * ve Jersey City. 4 s 33nwfbagna.‘• Great Bend.“ BtnaDa'ton.~ Owego. " Waverly., " " Venting. " Painted Post" Itochester•Ar. Buffalo. , 4 i I§itagraEall" • Saep.llrldge" Clifton I* Dunkirk " Cleveland Cincinnati Additional Looal Tr: 6.00 a. m., except Sundays, 6.00 a. m., daily, from Salem. 6.60 a. rn daily, from Susquell 1.00 P.M. except Sundays, fr 1.16 p m except Sundays, fro. Blis slats 188, Corning 2 00, thews, via Avon, to Buffalo, a 280 p m except Seudayb, fr. . , Eastwa BTAVIONB. 1 Cinci'at 17.. 've Chiselau • " Dunkir " Clifton " Busy. Bl'a " Niagara P. n Buffalo 1 +, Iforneiherle" Itoebesior " Carl .04 +4 Ettaira' Waver +, Owego ~.. • 6 4 BloghamTie , Great Bond 4, Buiqueban'a , 4 Port Jervis ' 6 Middletown" acighen 4, Newburgh ~ Paterson ‘, Newark 4 . Joriloy City . 6 Now York " Additional Local Trains Eastward.. 6.00 a m., daily .from Mini!Wile. . 6.65 a m„ shudays excepted, from' Hornell6,ll le. 7.00 a m:. except Sundas, from Owego. 7,60 a m., except Sun ye, from Vito ire. 1.68 p. 0 4c 0 14 BliP e, from Painted Pest, 24 . at., except Sundays, from 1.! ornellsville. Dally. ' • , . f hiondaya excepted, between Susquehanna; and Pat Jervis. . kJ). ItUONER, : gruel Sup% ip,s, V. 4MA Virect SOU Mirth and South, On and after Banday. Nov 12th, 1821, Trains will depart from Troy, Ps., as follows LEAVE 2.OIITIIWARD. Mall 6,0211. M. iingalo Express,lo.Bo P.M. W'meport. Accop. 5.10. Niagara Express 1.00 P. Id Mad, ' ' 14.80 P. M. Elmira Accru.lo 05 A. M . Niagara Edtpresii4,B2 - 1 3 . 5.1. Buffalo Express 4,27 Ahi ~ , - • . A. R. FISKE, General Buperlutendeut. J. A. REDFIELD, . , . 4.ss't Rotel Sup% Welisboro & Lawrenceville B. B. GOING 1501LTLI. ITATIOBO. nom maim.. 680 pm 11 /0 am.. Corning 900 am 7 60p m 426 pm /0 05 am Lawrenceville 10 17 a m 850 PM 0 14pm 966 am Dunning 10 27 a m 869 pm 409 pat 961 am - *Lathrop • 10 32 a m 904 p m 864 pm 940 am *Bear Creak 10 46 ala 916 p m 349 pm -983 am Tiega Village 10 65 am 920 pm 881 pm 918 am *Hammond 11 12 am 936 p m 819 pm 007 am *Hills ()reek 'll 25 aat946 p m 818 pm 900 am Holliday 11 31 a m 950 p m 803 pm 861 am litiddiebury 11 41 am 969 p m 264 pm 849 am Niles Valley 11 49a M 1005 pm 242 pm 881 am *Huse& Creek 12 02 pm 1016 pm 235 pat 805 am !antiboro' 12 09 a m 10 22 pm *Flag Stations. A. U. GORTON, Supt. Blossburg & Corning & TiOga & B. 001210 11091;1 STATIONS QQXNU 4017T11 . 11 10 am 530 pin Corning 900 alit 760 pm , 10 66 am 515 pm Mullbolion 919 am 805 pm 10 42 am 602 DM Xrwin Centre 938 am 818 pm 1030 am 450 pm Cook's 946 list 880 pm 10 28 am 4'45 pm Lindley 9 60at1 BSO pm 1015 am 436 pm Lawrenceville 10 16am 848 pm 10 03 am 421 pm Bomar's Lane 10 27 am 8 69pm 958 am 411 pm Mitchell's 10 37 am 908 pm 9 49'am 4 07 pm Old Station 10 41 am 912 pm 937 am 357 pm Tloga 1Q 55 am 926 pm 925 am 8 47 pm Mill Creek }lO2 am 932 pm McCoy's 915 am 837 pm Lamb-'e Creek 1112 am 943 pm 905 am 827 pula , Mansfield 11 24 am 966 pm Canoe Camp 846 am 8 09 pm Covington 1141 am 10 16 pm 825 Inn 250 put Blossburg 12 05 am 10 35 pm 2 25 p m Somerville 12 25 am 2 26/pm Fall Brook 12 46 am A. 11. GOBTON L. 11. SHATTUCK, Supt 8. A. O. B. R. 'Foga R. IL Insurance i Insurance Hand in Hand Mutual tifelnsurituoe Company„ OFFICE, No. 112 S. 4FII ST., PFILLADELPHIM Chart id Capital $500,000. ASSETS OVER Stock and Mutual, combining Security with Profits. Suppose Yoh tiro already iusued, in a first-class com pany, and from any cause whatever, (say after ten year ly payinents) you do not or cannot pay longer and die— .you listirance gone and your money wasted. Not -so In the "HANDati-HAND ;." all policies are Non-Fon prisms. This company which ranks among the inost popular and successful Life Insurance Cranies, grants pet ioles on all' desirable plans, b th with and without profits. , Traveling Priveleg Unrestricted. All policies an incontestible after one year from any of the ordinary causes. Look to your Life Insurance. Please amiantus the fallowing Comparative Table. It is sometimea alleged by Agents of other Cm:epaulet that the Company they represent!s safer than others.' While we ;Antenna tingly assert our belife in the soundness and stability of 01 companies, we desire to present the following for the inspection of those desiring to insure Of the following companies, compare the annual pre miums charged by each for an insurance on life at the age of 89 years, payable at death : Annual premium Ten annual for Ufa. payments. ' Travelers' ..$16,84 03,21 Etna.... 22,73 42,80 Home .......23,30 80,00 Equitable ..22.70 40,97 Washington, - 22,70 46,97 Hatid-InZarut • 16,60 ' 82,60 if not already Insured take a policy with the "MAND-114-11AND." the beat Mutual Company in the United States. - Jan. 1. 1872._ • A. M..INCIHr, Agent. iIAS now in stock, and will keep contently on band, at the lowest intirket quotations. 00l Twins. 2& 4 ply cotton & jutetwine. Marlin 2, 3 & 4 strand. Knowl'i patent Step Ladder, front 3 to 8 ft. & 2, extra engine - on. A complete almOrtment of Come in Sufi take a look. get thellgures sud see how It is yourself. and oblige ~Jr. Jan, 1, 41372. WAY. ID Nor: ilur.lB7l. 1 AWING ROOM and ogall Modern Improve. reins between Butfete, OgerelleTelAbd,Cincln. 4.'` • f Weatwa No. 2 Tici 6.30 P r mi 7.00 P , " ' 6.46 7.20 • Ai 186 Au 2.36 A " 217 2.62 ' 3.26 " " • 3.46 /I I 4.11 " 4.27 i 4.48 " " 6.05 " i 6.26 4 11 6.42 0 0.01 " MOO 11.15 8.15' 8.37 015 10.10 11,00 11.60 12 35 12.38 930 a, ii 9.45 . 4 4.00 Din 6.18 P 6.68..'• 8.80 " 7.06 " 7.38 " dor 8.60 Bup 12.00 Ngt 1248 12 68 '• 100 " 2.22 " 7.00 " 6.G0 P 1 ••••!10, 2 0 " 110.20 " " ; 8it,7.20 Bit "11201 •m 111.20 " 11210 PM 112,10 Pa `•" 12.15 " " ;12.20- " 12.20 " " 'l2 6,4 " 12.54 U 0:55 11 -666 " 7.00 Am 700 Aft 2.05 0.25 7.05 7.10 7.15 7.20 6.55 ins Westward. • 1.1:11 Owego. .ana.' ' limignebana. • h Elmlra . Stopplog at Wed Post 206, and plittag at Ei 35 v, Illuillbatuton. • Q. N 0.12 : .. 1140 a in . 1000 pm ... 10 00 pm1..1. 540 pm 10 00 " :4 40 a m 645 " 10 05 •• 4.46 " 510 " 10 12 " 462 " 045 ' 11 40 " 7-00 " £046 a 330 am i/005 " 560 " 1 716 " 12 20a m •466 " in 80 "" 12 68 • 685 " 12081 p m 197 ' 608 " 'l2 41p m 210 ' 645 '• 115 p m' 8 05' ,`. 727 " 165 pm 336 "• 1 762 " . 217 p m 490 " : 825 " ' 247 p m 760 " il2 05 pmi 018 p m 845 " , 12 53 " 904 " 1210 p m i 8 35 p m 11 00 a m 247 " 1 840 p m 205 p in 515 " 1 9,46 p 7 4 26 a m 126 pm 140 " 146 " 162 " 245-" 615 Sup 4 00 pm 755 " 8;2 847 " 082 " 10 16 " 11 03 •c 262 am 863 " 6.60 " 700 " 993 " 700 " 1188 am 323 .. i 016 pm 1200 w 3 40 't i 926 pm Wlt. R. BARR, Oea•1 Paes.Ag't Northern Ventral. TRAINS LEAVE NORTHWARD Time Table No. 3. run ERUCT THURSDAY, N ov. 10 Tis, 1871 INCORPORATED FEBRUARY: 29,* 1887 ' We . JACK EICREWS. TACKLE BLOM, WIRE CLOTH AND WIRE GOODS SULLY. EMERY WHEELS EVA GUALIIINS SAWS. A Hill as ortmoiat of Lako Maxon sod Bari* waraiirraiits dexia. wiz:nowt. --ttows IN airr QUANTITY; VILLA ROPE PROIkt ORA • INcu pQWN. Mechai!les' Tgols, /10USEHYILDEIES AND Hoigir, HOLD HARDWARE CONSTAW- - Thy ON MOD. BOTTOM. PRICES ON AGRICHLTEL RAI IMPLEMENTS. ,•;6.-tll.l4lMlMl4l4"Milli 'Twee the night. after house Every soul was shed. and still a mouse, Those stockings Imitate in St , cholas' care Vero empty of all that r wai ea le there. Tbo darlingii bad duly been t o ed In their head With very fultstomachs. and EIS in their heada. I was dozing away , in my new otton cap, Apdtianey was rather far gone in a nap. wh en out in the nursery rose such a clatter, I sprang from my ilesp, crying "WhaV is the matter t" ha 1 now to each beds i de — still in a doze— • Toro open the curtains, and th ow off the' clothes r While the light of the taper nor ed eleorly_to show The plicsinsplight i pt those obj cta below:,. Foi what to the fond father's c es ihOuld aPpear But the little pale had of each irk lit le dear! For each pet that had cramme It I full as a tick 'knew in a moment now felt Ike o Nick. , Their pulses were rapid, their rea Inge the same; What their stomachs ejected 1 m ntioned by n ame ., Now turkey, now stuffing, plu pu ding, of course, And custards, and crullers, an cranberry Sauce ; Before outraged nature all we t to the wa11,,; Yea, lollypoPs, tiapdoOdle, din er and all. No. 7,t i No §.. Like pellets 'which urebins frc Went figs, nuts, and raisins, Ja Till each error of diet was broi To the shame of mamma and 1 turned from the eight, to ml And brought out a vial mai ke Wheurny Nancy exclaimed, fu her, "Don't you think you Lad be I ran; and was scarcely kaiak Whatti I heard the Sharp chat I nAght say that I scarcely h , When the doctor caintiluto fie was covered with trtud fro his head to his foot, Aud tho suit he had on was h s very worst suit; • • lie hardly had time to put th • ton his back, . And he looked llkelt Falstaff , • f fuddled Irith sack; Ills • eyes, how they twinkl (11 lied the dcletor got worry? His lips looked ;like port, a d Ids breath smelt like sherry. lie hadul,beet l shaverd fora ortuight or so, And the beard ou his chin w %Lite as the snow. Butlluspeeting their tongue , tu spite of their teeth, And drawing his watch from ,is waistcoat beneath, lie felt of each pulse saying, 'Each little bejly Must get rid"—here he lang ed—"of,thcf , rest of that go .18 No : i - Jelfr." kgaxed Olt each chubby, plu And groaned when he said a But a wink of hie eye, when loon gave me to know I had Ho didn't prescribe: but wen, And dosed all the teat—gave And, adding directions while Ile,blittoned hie coat, from h Then jumped in his gig, gar And Jalap dashed TT as if prig But the doctor exclaimed, er "They'll be well by to-mor good Might," A good eyewater-0 1 A frisky fellow—Ap I (K)needing bread—T, A cure for ehills—K 2 Note envelopes—Po 41 C uky concerns—V; Bli ht of hand—Rej 1 T e root ‘ ef all evil 1 T e woman's club— ; T e " r*iflc mails' I Rlottinghlaper—A se i Official envelopes— 4 1 A woman all should Counterfeit Detecto i men. What is the worst se self-conceit. willing to accept th date for office. A grubbing hoe---Q the handle. Beans and hops are theyliourish at the po What battle was the iiiught? Brandywine The prospect is that }Awe a chance to see ti ,Tit for Tat—lt i 9 be: Time; and, revenge Some old soaker's ivo ing " apple and h milk out: There are no fire ins infernal regions; they d there. A bill to encourage th' is engaging the attentio lina Legislature, and prl acrimonious debate. • A woman [Oiled to tion of mistress of her ed her name, 1311 e replie engagement was not in; The boy who stole a! fast time getting away by the magistrate oittlie " run with the machine • Real economy A being told that a certaii save half the coal,' said, two of them, and save i The best yet: All wife of an invalid, and Children, picked enoug to pay Off a mortgage of i In apprehension () i f th i l tern paper says: riVl neverturts anybody. r tack you if you allow your arm." An old lady from -one astonished a clerk iill on days ago, by inquiring i developments such as t $1,000,000,00 Market Reports F -To ing fast; brains scarce £tll supply; pluck, mar steady, 'price fluctuati cash. Boston shows in the tures less than one-half done through its own c: than one-fourth, and three-fOUrths. A Southwestern edit' Our school days the `rut bially trying, how much do we find herule of I I married °ay \ fourteen m While h party of diso: being tried before n' court not lion since, the witnesses, cleaned out_ held the field against od: A motber was amused this ili of " argument" "Mam na, I don't see 11, turnedi out to bo such was'ntl y devil to put h !!3 A loving wife in Con to a newspaper annou death,. as follows: " I If he hq,d been insured vented the breaking of A lacy entering a' et Boston said: "Is any tleman enough. to give, dentlyi- the gentlemen 'di of enleavoring t to ohtai, arose.' • IA Siberia, during bought and sold in alri carried for a long i perio When required for use is chopped off with knife, and thawed as "Poor thing," obse Bridgeport lady, in spe a young friend,' " she dollar set of furs, "and but she don't need sucl do you suppose she,me Several ladies of !Fri gle, are talking about oppose'the organizatio es" of any kind in th there are toe many at' every night lin the wee THE NNW" Arttli OlitilgtMAS ' FIIOIi PUNS • popguns let fly, , jelly, and ple ght to 'toy view, nts 'Claus, too. bedroom stepped back, Ipecac.;"Rt. their sulltrlogs shocked er, /eve, tun fur, a 'Lc. ;nddr rogf of i old Tata ' I turned rnyaelf round, 1 ,0 room with a bound. 1 1 . p, sick little elf, In spite of myself; physicked our Fred ; °thing to dread. straightway to work, • . is truwsers a jerk— blowing his nose, chair he arose, old Jalap a whistle. ked by a thistle; „ ; im drove out of ow; good night. Jones, /MEI 1232 ET! o Jack e poor 'ep warm. I sket books. - I I - loeipedei. ' _ I , eting a suitor. 1 A hog's nose.' • he broomstietc. Quiet hubands oolboy's letter. • sssessors' overcoats love—Dame Naturit • Newly married t a moil tan sit on? S• situation—A caul' with a smart man at ctic productions— ost spirited one evet he great Tireed will ough grates. uty's privilege to kill Time kills beauty. Id prefer a lid flow ney," and leave the rance agents in the I.n't like to take risks grO th of pea-guts of t e North Caro -1 raises to provoke an a lady for the posi itchen. Being ask ; , " Nasticook." Au offee milliand made th it, was discharged plea thatille merely rth countryman 'on kind of stove would " Then I will take all." ichigan woman, the Jotter of twenty-six cranberries last fall her farm small pox, a wes ceinatei Politeness mall pox will notat vaccination to take • f our rural districts of the store's a few he had any "yeller i eysdid up letters in." gue plenty, but go 'nd wanted; cheek, et bare; hearts un g, postly sold for 1 census of - manuf se • f its manufacturing 11 ital, New York less Philadelphia about • • I r • a remarks: ;" If in of throprover harder, in- after life, ne ?" He has ',been MIE! derly women were It Lake city police omen assaulted the he policemen; and s for some time. he other day to hear rom her little boy: w Satau could have bad fellow—there in up to it.". ecticut sent a note • cing her hushand'a ear John is dead.— it might have'pre my heart." • owded horse ear in •ntleman here gen me a seat?" Evi not like her method is a seat, for no•one the winter, milli is •zen state, and can be 1 , in a simple bag.— he requisite quantity hatchet or .sheat4- eeded. ed a teildepheliked :ing of the death Of ad just got a forty beauties they were, L things now!" What ant by that`? I y,. married and sin -1 etting up a society to of any more " t city. 114 . claya Iractiona at the lodges 1. to suit them. ~h~ 6y ~~ ~ aR~ UZI , when all thrO