TO THE GRAND DUKE. j-thertiordp.nrar -- - We note the names aillacobsen, Sholkunoff,anp, IvAnoF h , And Idenididcoft findrkfltk,rin. ==;i I 3 O valid the delve Hoch Royal Itne,2 •Intend by bringing on en , :h fons As rolikark, aud I , hinipe9; And 'l'roulcanol, and shobtckohe3 No doubt they'd cU be Troubeuen, Or cometbiug quite-the Ir t Ar tbut,' Bcfc;re Per clEtrmbys P WR ,... ft ikl with AICX. EllgOillitNt..ii, Ana , )etibit.l)ls4.`y:i anci ilovitA.:, - , And Sr So. okulaki, and TaranoLoff, . 1 „ , " And Taiim'off said hot winrilw.:. Ottr wine Slows tree for tile Iloyal Let Geldebran(landqinvtaz,,f,, t.d Mackinin and 0f•te11it.44.... Take backsanNtrwitrtiorti4ekoly.. " ro , e'll all drink deep to the noble Duke. And shout for binu our wild hurrahs -I;ut on at that— We twee of ue -• —l29la4pras 6bherieiALok.7mak USEFUL A:-.D UGUF.STIVE is The fierAl), : f :111pro,'I r e.; o f - e l le e, aei that is, if it is not too old. it sap that good cheese is even, more nutritious than ttggs.— Americans use cheese as a relish, tut 'rarely as an article of nourishment. 'rue English working classes use bread • and cheese very largely as an article of diet. YEAST AND BUF-AD.—Take one -cup , of warm water and,tlodeinoulgh thick as fritters, and Fet it over a kettle of warm water one day.' The next day add half a small teaspoonful of soda or saleratus, and let it set over steam till it rises and foams —then add flour, lolead the dough, and 1A,14t-• set an hour or two to rite, then Sprer..r. REMEDY rent Citour.L—A lady correspondent of the Maine I , "arnier says the following ist hieffeoiv9 rentedy-forcroupl--;:i Half a teaspO4,nful, of I)ult•trizett alum ~in little molas.l9_ It; is t%6auiple rcnte~ly, almost alwa,tis at hand; alit' one - doiie hilduai • fails to 1-,:ve rtile!* If it shoulf.t. repeat it after one CiLARCOA - i, .h. • - 15.142, 4 that are put tip to lattc•li, ‘1(.11 hogs, should„,.,t4e., clizreoa.i.44 giVen them octaißatillYt , •A're.linve found It a good plan to dig a fc.,v f;01.18 from the fence corners for thcm, which they' will consume with much relish. In a state of nature, the hog, which roots for his living,ipTt . noccw,; rily take into his stguntchAitirge. earth. It is advisAkilblilkte : liini,Vci r do;thi , S; when penned ECONOMY IN IFATTINti N IMA LS. -lt I has been proved by eXperifitent that the more rapidly an tminial is ( fattened, the leis ' tity of food isFeccssatitct, sustain its mere vitality. f 8 410 11 :7 4E14 1 )0 -can. be-fattened more cheaply by con.suming , tetihnsills-of corn in two months, than if four months were occupied in the prociss Liberal and abundant feeding is the most. economical.— And saviug,ol time, hi-producing the *auto result; is a gath'in the profit Citnnrttri~'Sthutt. - Book.—lt is Well to save childish pictures arid wood cuts of va rious kinds, (many 'of.xltich give children an excellent idea of plac6,) and paste them into arkold ledger or copy-book. They help pass away many a childish hour, and are at once innocent and attractive. - With the help of questions from their elders, they aid chil dren to think. Suc-Wboolfs — May be mita' very interesting and valuable with a little care, din after years 1011 be referred to with uch pleasure. • is have an unaccountable •fondness for the;taste of phoSPorus, this filet may be attributed the . otigiri of tariny_ mysterious fires. These rodents buildtheirnests of in flammable materials, and take, to them any stray matclids'Oey can find lying around loose. This accomplished, they undertake to gratify their appetites by nibbling the coa ted ends afe,,a6orice ignited, when the nest is set in a blaze, end the de...&tructioß.of iti,,,,pr perhaps the chip which, follows. . .3eir,P.No.2. AT THE WRONG Eso.—.-The bone, work' pf the iailteentlylar - andeea on the beach at San Vrancisco is being, wired to gether for exhibition. The OWACie':..5 =urea., the services of the Academy of - Sole : pees-10 get the bones into their proper places, but at the end of the first day the members were paid off and discharged. It has since trans pi:ed that they got the creature's head on' :le wrong end, and had rejected e.eyeral sec- LA:I3 'of the backbone, chiming that the an nial had more vertebrEe than the books al . wed him. RtrELAL LIFE. —Statazitica teach uS that far mers live 16nger lives. than any other dabs who perform tabor of, a mechanical kind ; that they are excelled in longevity ,only by those who work with the brain oceraiiinially, as preachers; orators and ritiVic'apealters.•:— And the probability is, that task:tering the healthfulness or their employment nad the general freedom frAikamtpying cares and anxieties which they onjoA their lives might become relatively' the - Most endtiring, they exercii,e:,raciike*irt - Chioosing, their dket and in preseriinethCmselrea from - sutlan chills during die - W - ost try?tyg season of 'their labor, that of • harVcat: It is then - thar k most 4, farmers contract-diseases -which-fire—sooner or later fatal'iOtiAiii Peerunt..No \l7l.Nrr;tt G RAIN . -It is much too common asustom tv furl cattle into the fields of winter grain in the fall of the year. This is a very unadvisable practice. Feed is then short, _Ms true, and the stock need all they can get;, but what occurs to . the grain: , A considerable portion is pulled up . the roots acid devoured. , Another por i tion iii de: sroyed by the poaching of the ground, and the filling of the holes made by the feet cif the cattle with water when the winter rain come. Then the needed protection the her• bage affords to the roots is wanting. and the crop cannot withstand th',c severe frosts, from which it is no longer sheltered. The read?. is a short crop, for whiCh the spring rein are blamed, or the heavy bhowers in May or June, which knock off the blossoill, or the hot sun which blasts it, or the midge which sucks its juices, and many other things; all of which are probably innocent, end the real blame attaches to the fanner who allowed his coif's to eat off the fall growth. It is very rarely indeed that grain needs to be eat en off; and if such should be the case,.sheep, calves, or pigs well ringed, are better than cows or heavy stock.—Hearth and4Tome. Ncw STYr.r. of VACCINATION.—The vember number of Harper's 3.(agaztne. gives the details of unimproved method of vacci nation, which, in; view of the ravages of the small pox in Philadelphia spd other ciiies, may perhaps deserve the attention of • our medical practitioners. The new plan : was first practised by a Arr. Ellis, tua,English pity- Ordinary vaccination is performed by scraping off the epidermis and thrusting the vaccine virus into a puncture made by the lancet. A greatly improved method however consists in raising a small blister by a drop of 'cantharides applied to the skin. This is to be - Pricked and the drop of fluid, let out, and a fine vaccine point put in this place, and withdrawn after a moment of de lay. The epidermis falls back and quite ex • 0.14.0„. 1n 'the out any_ germs that might be floating 'the - atmosphere. \This method has been practiced by Mr. Ellis fot twenty years, and out of hundreds of cases of vaccination which he has performed, he haslnever had aninstartce of blood-poison ing or abscess; while by the ordinary meth od,• an occurrence of secondary abscess is by no means uncommon,- and that of pyto: mia is often observed. The comparatiVe. safety of this method is b'illet'ed vs be duo,' first, to the ve . lusiop, of the air ,and, see ond, to the iesiet size tf the aperture for the introduction of Mischief, than when the punctures aro undo by the lancet. WitKU&M - - -1- 1 ;1 1.00A, P /_.~ w, S _ . 7 " 7 , ;km. v_y - ,-,- _ e . " Vii..- ..1,... t ' Mtveei StieoEld 0 :••• , 05' - • -- . raq arid cdl ' -- Gircoc) .. ~ 4 ~-, ~.i .nd Aro solltag thed I r i ME= l Real - Estate =II IHIMM!MIMMIIMII!E rrHE undersigned is Agent fp tug TOWN PRCkair.t. : 60 -- Y'ILL4GE LOTS, situate on the 2dartattal4 read artd - Steiest. Theis lota are in the central part of to it. cOsivasituti tO the C' Rem Road • s - - MPo- , -,.. , ,,,,z ~ .,,i ~. - • I ,x- - • :' el ,',;(9,,.' , - ---. v 4 ,%. -:. ,'' i '',•" - --4- ', N\, , .-- -,`' !-• ';'-:;.,,-;- V - '_ i7,.-,, " ' SirEldl. L:LOTS . ... - Situated on the line of the It mANUFACTUBIN These lots will be sold o nil, (7%, rt. 391 et C . HEAPLQO in,a 4 tail usOrtoatoat o roltxtox AND DRY -‘a -. 'Much will be 1!=i1 LADIE4' DBMS 0 j o ILNIUT 000D8. AND . • nosier!, MUt :Choice 0 I . Cur- 8 0 61 3 ;.. Itistifiuk; • olter -Teal °mkt:L.: our: ' en= niciA•taa,, riA.Tti_ar OAPS. BOOTS WOOD312;1- tor-BMEIi, or Pleasectll ard wax our ways Mad 123 ready azul • ;sa. 1872, • - • It i t aff i ff of IPt , Fire Yaatoyitir *AIM BEE NI IW ~s• ..egoogolie '- ' .ii. 1-ie ii,..dd •. . atom :4 ....fqhf„ , YgOir: , ./k;Loilv , ..,*t02104 f,i , t0ri , 4 1 ,4k, 8 . ...i 4 " whalt.'ll n 1 0,1,-,-.- ; •tg .; tucli' - agerr 1 -. ana,halilness b 1 . 7thOUgtiliiPAw:"a`p`, A N eureka b,y its use..+-..4. othliOal:lrestere the hair where fEa•FicAlielevaie d 4- 1 -4 05 Yed.k!ror , the graqu _4co..eivi 8.441, 4 egaio'' . 4o6o:, vhve #lO4 4`PIAO:O4 - 3 - 4.0. 41 4 ;. t late into activity , l eo that: :IC cii'vlL grow oflll4l - i,#',W9‘l ll Co- 4 s Ittl :. •of fouling theliaiiAfith a iitsy se jr.: men ti it will keep itolianind'vigotOns:' -Its oreab,ionalniftill lireiiiiiilifilir from turiiink '0,743f or falling„,9# 4 , a consevAiili A y loyient - b:aldneski, , 1 e restoration ofAitaliiiiii - .41m00.4A At! 4, scalp arrests and preveAta, forma tion 9£ dandruff, which iiten so Un oleaultiiitalffeniffir!'iNiitiailiAiji,, delet4iious subskaneep will*. m 4.9 some rsparations4a*rillsiii*- 1 rims. truths lhaiwitisstWqmillitZ e r benefit bat not harm it. If wen ; maze - for , az- HAIR , t ,Dltal (V il nothitis . 949 9an, btfoun4,l*-46,,,:' - ''Ciiiitairtutit oil - noidie, - ii..diain not soil white cnn3bric and4et . instt knig On-# 31 40i kitltait-:" etr , hut* ,irridii; .gratid'id . poitrizii:: 2 , f:= , -. - Prgaitil v by avACLAirtrik lfflr,l Phiatkilitatitl.fitilyikai L ' -;-. ~ - Jam- 1 .,` I. 872 - ; r:lt' 7 1 - V 1.7. 4 1 : ,, ~ -, ~ .t: tr . 21,,i,:.--- , ‘-..! •-, -._,, ,y ; Ell T+ ~ ' IMEI infer • :1 " a, :;Y' :i u ' •• .41irGO, TOIW-- -: ilead FOR • Ivri d !! AA r,‘ ;. • ~ oiratila otitersriaa)—;tharo: , :... DAlNill, OILS. VARNISHES. (}LASS, PTTIIT. 'DM. AND ALL STTLER Arilr(K) TO BE.A.D --;"[Chivice Liquor , eztlistt - Ac#6,l9: - 44 "" - .' :' • ".. L":,; :33 4 C 0C) . Rel4tionl. I.llstorlcal. Medical. L Blank or School. ' M.A. tall asaortunent of the tatter. Also, au ea ertierit.aavrtmopt A3.BV?dH. mramous. FITATIONERY. CORDS Ali'D TAa 9, AEC.. Sic.. tsn3r }udaL ~ . ;.l ` ~J .: sl 1 Ea,te rel. EMI f asspilmentyre lzve. 2' dc,FASB: Music I lassie 6 , " • ;..' I.o l t. . "137:" - -4',: -- 7 • & : 1 A i ?! Aros A ii Life= In Bowen a 3L:ll°ther 100 , C3Wei • for sale TCI•7 thee?. Also, MAIM* & 11011.124 CABINET ORGANS. ' 01.11 1 114912171MT8' TAKEN ttr rldllolo4ll. A large stock of NEW IMMO just terstvaL LESSONS stirso on the Organ. and to Ms& Lag. Ast oppertusity for knwtioir afforded fx:' LIPS crlo Easy dft - 44. yl.' WOW,. San. I. IB7S-tt Agency ,1., i n.. the ehlekat the follow- EEO Road, and aultidda for PURPOSES. - reasonable tartan. !PA MZVATIaI RIM 7~S.E'~~'fl~. 11 . STORE, Jaw pada, ugh es ONES' 4C ODS, vertatip fa sale Oidiat - 110004 I !at, 44t.'11169. CLOTI3B e.XD. - - aae r 2jottvzr. ontei, °,sttakw/Lis,. 11the 6 d 1 . 0 . gal ite 1:11:11ireas f ~3. ~_ , OD (k):OUI:1tOka bi 'try atizo•AtWil:liomagobas aatd dadtoblo MAN of Goods - vim, that to fait' • • u"rm'am NMI MEIN Mt public ato iiectited to can snit fikiiiAsicpice stock bO l -4*Siblelle, ' itaiata • `•1 f .a cvericociex•les. On Teas, iaigsts; Coiree. Sprap, Waisasee Rice, Buda, ett4. In will 234 be bfanl4lroar titt We will saitsbiiice, Testi by the ehea sugar by barrel, senile* tigers* se the same can be bought -at this side of New York. P. B. I TRY OVR 4 1311/GLING LA,21114, tITANDELLERS of the nevieet styles. and IsunP eh 'Ws that w// 1 11 9. i break. Fancy and. Toilet ~/oticie3. ZF...ItFI:I3IERY, ItELIT 5.04111. POALIDES, 73.tal8ra8, !tr.. Rc., LIZ.LIVISE LEItY AND JFIVELRY, WHIPS 4151) I.4BliEf. We hal twenty &Attalla villikeelota for sale tu the central wrt of the town ; and will slay low niouy at reaaonahljs rates. N. )21. Dr. W. W., Webb has tint aka In our _atom listaza hersay.loascont44444li4aitiice wettes:twat. - - L972:1117- 04 ' , ) 4 v w' ,l4 'btaltitak k afX2B. BOOT AND MOB-STORE. &BM & YLIBIELIM L Dice now ea ; - P ote, band a large stook of Boots , firull • - ' , • • ,- and proe cogitates' Ito eleii - tillii ,icosantlicturs or b same, at MI Wel, occupied byrishier & , . , Thistalso plupSli s o *educing prices on all goods and selling sta.4l , -..-- - , - .. _ - - 1 i ' ) i FOR CASH.' igo Yeti's coed issortFent at " if • BOOTS, JlALM4lllll.l)3,(tAtrilitt:: , BOOTEES, BROGANS '41.19) "ciALLIctikEIRINS " warrunted to At Iny toot trorino7lo. to /3 inclusive Our Mod! ot • . *-- 4. ritEticit car. Flt&46ik kit uppitzi, - 60.1.4 , C0M1H0N CALF - LIE- . --' -. - - - •11f0 8 . SMOG. NO- '' • ' -, - , 40001). -40.. • - --. will to 144 uies heretofore. On littultagt Wealndlbelourd at • Lornisidsviiii - , ant we WWI endeavor tolie.4 k#K 6 4/ 1 4 2 ,1 • . t 0 4 : 0 trade. We veal Siva• . : -• ' • - 1 0.A.SH PAID • FOB 141)14- • CUSTOM WM:tit Done yranptly and well. Repairing done an alum tcUce Drop ln•and be convinced. Jan. 1,10372. DEBUT a FISRUES. 4_i„-SIO,OOO ,„ WORTH MI 4i4P ' 4 3=B, TOUT= & Bore CLOTILING tar ' O 4 c4eo suna& • tha so Dow GENTS EIBIR TO Driti. l 2tac mt r saki w at 1$ ems or BOOTS & SHOEA A till Us a iTiANNELS, BLANKETS & ROBES. ati,7 A talllue 13! new aza !last . ei . 414 : 0_5494$ at MUNE ~.. _.. ~, , ;". :~ M= L 7 :? L T t '''' i '.Tt i:::~l ~. • Ia hiCnritergit MIMI r -_.M Crodret c r • 4 'lol* Z - 4e ° 4Vt'`,4 ' 18;14'4 MEI t !.r.S OE _. r~e ~ t. _ (+~ and Invite A.tZ• 11 .4 . 941Wbt r ha. i„, 1,872, 'a. .14 , 4 i lk , { Ein ° 1 =A ems coWifaiWyl `.WNlsboro, JuF P1 3 m 0 , 4 „1 The 'Lia se Clatie *OW ?F't - A hawk 6~''a sta ini fa* 1172, UeguUtdtor, ,'- 0~1. MEE ,: .. enttablts ttripzO :1116t,ez-Triolca. =. Tip ss7aillpfilt 14$ 4A444-etedix *Very dcorttniut SVI MISER MEE Effil EMI GOODS, DR En I- , IMO M=ERIEMIIAN MEE ,•_ 1;- --.13()0t5.:- and • - J-4, •" 1 • „ „' := • . „ .„, • www:, 2 o , 1 r . .*, "> r - - , ,• -, :- . -•„ ,T1.. - „ -- ;-= .:.•-•--:, ._-- , :.,-,, .vi-.. _ , :-.._;_ .4 i v, ' 4 .. : ,-.: •a, Tie_ -N e ..Riii',lt ea i- - ..- - ' . .---.--- f --, .. .. ~.,,.. •••.••,,,,7•,.. ;••, . •. , '.. .1. : . . _ .. . , . .. ISE EINE '-, .:' . ~. -•.- t . , . petszt att.-40 , 00am sem vial la pT - „ . • lii Vale Liao t-) mute - suiloalt vi IMES EIBIEI • - ; - „ • . .. .. .. . .. a0,5104e./!tioz,yoFs vrtill,bo coovitiod,tluit Di the idoce to out luau* 4ozogo,t. ipob sprit a _zido. 6 gotta thaw gtoonll.7, sod b 12,7 *it what J r - via warts: • , , ; t , , - ' • -' • , _ -rozsiactizi t • "•.;: - L. • .' - . - Uwe ..• . _ -. • , APT , 3;1, Oars gkairomp. • - . • 1 4 41112201049 C:AtiiiiCiA ll o.llaltrirCatfri . • , yID hte itaiWivattaargrafiria 4 qt,raiit a A li tadtlarArapttri : ; :usual, aMa itlark, barbells tevitaalt tap; &It Tara stair Vis. • .• . . • I'l ' • • .:* • is; thitig 0110tardattOkiki* tatistaagastaat to *Lai gad iaalact. - - '_• . • • I• • • „ • . CLOTHS,. CAgt NEB rFumisora . G00T19.••I ata at Loma 4 olio isep 61141;;;a4al - • - • LADIES' - I)RESS GOODS' zujw - .tattaisei ' )xt atillaits. I OWLS na abatis fa; "amine goods. Drop irk" • ' - . . - 'WM - I •• ( • WILL/414 WILSO.N. , . IdTQZ►il 4.19)* 'EsitabllshMetit hi - tiorthirn Pa.! • MCI= gib MILVUEMBiIs, 'llithiGiSTB ! pit WO oSeacata 14:41i* tivagla 19- Mr WU& oar aalalk4anoirtMall ark 'gala Ja3 a aaaa4sayaasa Arm * 11111118 iStAit IN D Vsllll LIMB, STO =ll2 Eff lat,VitiffAVlSSU zolaetiVlte s n* is* aszolio: sa pr Ortikaapeskts, a*.ir4Aliali PelacUs and Brandies or .;4114140 , wad 111 01,464istiaew i p t Ir dlortiwrooliwl/44.4. 9* * /621 ` 41144 ' , , ME . • Vitinalrika,': - .N. ',V, MEI • »^A' • 1 •'• t r GRIMES , EMI EMI IMMEMI 11==M=M MMEEiM EMI 3 '~~ ~~..~~~~~ I cialatu Ain) radial MI r= BUM ME tinttar Ornamenting. 16E1 ~ ~ EMI MEM ' " S.; .. ,~~~ ..._, t 1•19 ME MEE st•mz .st imwa =I BEI ArierWlE3l4lll3lls. l MU `6llll - Alk :4P Olt ,; ~; , • • - 9 sc464 , SpooriCiad Forks; TWA; 134tter and Frtilf latri • 4SlNSltli=dr .ll4 l:o l Sll l gi Gold area Usti Sings; GOld Per. and "Pete& - Solid Gold Sets:, Fuhrl,-Ferter ' •lar PlatO Iletto : Tattoos; - - Tratoh Grinds and 'Chats, As. _ A ge stook of.,,SPUCTA CXX* GLASSES, and Colored Olsson, -all at reduced 1014.9 a $.--Watalles . wild ;swell-7 meetly IterstrelL, . Jau 3,451,24 .11EWvLi:*,:7.4.41tit.: EMI . . 7 - ''• .' . - LITDREW FOLEX, ..e . - ctry..-,,,,i, •, •a -' vitt& li'ie. icrrig'i;eril.: 436talrliaLed. I . - \:'' e- '... ..p in the Jewelry imatrxms In r 1-- , ~,-,,,,,, Wellebilq has Ll V"3 ' r eye, la ‘, • ../e . ',"•':-17i:,j. • -•-• --,.. 'various Ands and .)-I ... i ,:-.), .... AMERICAN, AVATeiILs. Gobi or &liver. Cl4cke. Jewslry.' GOW Cala*, 74114 Slap, Pima, I ) C3?atb t Qsae!i,,„ eola and atf.a rate, Rairrrs, - Plitest 'taxi -7.;..4:8E:• W ; t NG „ AC i , l‘ " hts v - i'fi,:," ‘ : ••,:- ''' • '.."' ', 1";•43 ‘•,11 . 1.iil :.... S : . ~ 4 . :••.: .. f . ,i-,:: 1... WlLtt most ill otherortiales kept ouch u vablcA are 11c141, ' El Eli iitiClß44 l 9 done 21 1 1t1,1; aid intaPtly, Gild on etort Millinery Goods! MEE et 9. P. SIMITH, has jug itCei;;ed" !Argo and fasttatabla wortmapi art '1 • o- 7, "miLt,INERvt Faijci Goods, Parasols,-Gloves, W** obe fe !ION; at very /ow prices, Drop Su gmd soktilltiar Goode. ins. - 1;1.673-tt. . 2 . 011#. Q. P. %fishing Mahl:=Ee, yvagwinoxi the . treat in 3larktt, 'haring to the Itcgt Prang= at the Doge Co., and other Fairs, and decidedly tho heat washing Machine invented.. It only needs a trial to satisfy the roost skeptical. Per ilous visibly; to purchase, aL address LUKE vt.NB, .Jan• :. 1;1472. Tina, Pa. j ' , L ... .. 2 • Dentlittleril • aria l -s44assiE ~ I iti l iatuited Ili= ail.* Last,-,1 am now pre -1 4, a - zietw etock of goat; and instruments, ihthieetaenta 'to twee in want of any. WS— 1111 27 41a. dettlicial teeth- Weeded on a new trot base r ia low Wee. Teeth est:meted with out fissarrattalial nut natural teeth a s^ ^_t ittoteastted. . Werthe reasonable. , -4 a. a ELlTZlAlt._Der.tfat, fisti. 1,, 11M41 Wellsioord, Pa. _ WELLSUORO Door s _ Bash it Blind Factory, C i ntg• ProPM'ed to banish Stab wMA the beat Wake; LI hta new tam. IWW Mite oyarattoxL. dtklialidth and in the beat manner. The beat enktikejea. and acme but the beat *mamma - Mather MIL ttottrafte home Wand**. Paatozy near the foot of Main S'eet. 4 4. • At T 4114. Deerfield Woolen 111114 t 'DEERFIELD, PA. • • , . TlielEf:AblilitOTHEltB, Proprietors of the above Mine, twunUlicture as usual to order, to suit customera. OUR OASSIMERES' are, warranted in every respect. , Particular attention given_ to Roll Carding & Cloth - Dressing We balm a large Mock of Cassimeree, SC., '26 ror cent leas than any competitor, and warranted as repre sented. - We manuiliotOre to order, and do all kinds of Roll. Carding and Cloth Pressing, and defy compotitnin. We have as good an assortment of •rei , l - 1 Cloths; Cass,invere,s, ir st ith an iporl for Wool In e 'tinge than any other apt Try them and satisfy yourselves. We itornidetude end Mall at the Cowenesque mills, a caw below IWinilia. • Jan. },1879. , , 1140 . 1110.1 =MIMI 44110/M9_ WANTED FOR ivuxqii - ewe". Rm. ' , OF LONDON. ME. 13.3). 4 ,x.„,A, the well.losown Journalist. the very Largest Commissiohs Paid. abook beautiful octavo of 665 pages, ombel. With 200 engravings, and finely executed map of sles4lll4diuul executed expressly for this work axalleent It contains a full, grauhto and Irtitbfolttateximat .Sisikrt, atcrat, Senseic lu Otte great MWoof the world. Address, D=Mil •sf 41 ), Publlslder, 711 Sans Cat lam I. 157242 n. - Election, gtocuatas ottani fleet National Bank of Was . • ft, are Web, notilled that 'an election tar • • Ikatsain Bank , t= the ntatigjeati 'gin be •—• budging ronds; the s 'Tuesday 'at • ;VA (Jou, IL) Wyman the tunas et three taut AT go • - J X.. 31C8tesort, Casldot. . . .. s . ... ui._ Auk- O. IaRCE wiU etre =gala lemma at Wen Um% to tamp ea toast be pleated te tbaltdie f or uttilarforbastauctiati. Teram, 88 a gamier. • Instruzaeat taratabed for practice for 82. -PO: et 1•8 7 / 4 t. - . - - . ._ . MST TAMRING . „.. . _ 'recalied a stiper - ilortateat Si hiaadi tive , -0140121131111 V COARSE &YINE CLOTHING e ,antispitsipoW to inatanhatnin in qtalitiff 81111 Z, andreniatilantastsintica Persona wanting Clothing il a rlidal t itittiannginanany Pro , mt . dl , irfAr"—• -4FRAXitisiOdt. : FT • r &ate% --Awaitaitt*--301f itutAk WALT/Liar arid 13W1,1.9- WATORILI, ;Want' & Calendar CI A)0111, EMI -wveL,Espoßp; '4 ; :'-"&*.'; - &4',a6z, '''-"' '''' V.AIS ILL FANS, .14/1130NS, FLOWltift#, &a., The Stannard BO Sash, Doors, aural. 7110MMUC t AND. MOOLDINGS, wastaxity to Land. cr mannfaotarod to ordu Platting and Matehing tar fieatitezmai RAILWAir TIME T: - • - • . . ERIKRAILWAY. - „ aaaraicr 0? TimS TAIL; ADank7) Nor. ZTLI, 1171. • NSW and IMPROVED DRAWIN, 4 3 ROOM and ALIMPING COAOUES,coIub/nlngallldadern Improvo*: mcbte; are ran through on all Train's petwtten 811104 1 'Ntagara Suapanolon - Brldge, - Cteveland;Cin'eln- ' natf and New Arosk. = - - Si' New rr'kt.'ve .I,•ravy City." Cieud." iiinghtcton.:" Oprog„,,i tt " tastdrtt. Oigotrtg: , " ValuttaPyit 4 ,* untr,.l ~• .-:•••. Jo. it ratl-,4 , SU 4[.. 'lliaOtt Data:lrk " Vtereliumi " 41ac,t0.,%!.1 PA. • lidilitional Local Trains kV, es' swept Suuduya, from 0 aogo 6.06 a daily, from SusQuebauft, • 0.60 - be m daily, ircm snsqu.-13anA. 100 p.m, except Sundays, from Sutiju 1.16 1„. moncopt sundaya, from Eta& Big Pima, 1 Bi 2, Corning '2.00,4'4104 vta Avon, to Buffalo, arriving 4u - 1., 'kr/ txcept Buti . ddys, tram ring • Eastward, srkrloNs Ci nintq've gi*iietan , Donkitk,l Clifton duet,. Li' u " -N kliptra . Butralo " So raellev to" iinulutintr ,Corning " Elmira 4 . Waverly I. 0 crews " Bingtt trcel'a" oreat 'goad " Sunughaia'ai• Port Jerrie " Middletown" Goshen Newburgh Paterson " Newark " Jersey City " New Turk " A.. FOLEY - 1 - Additional Local Trains Eaztward, ' &GO a in., daily from m„ liornelevil l ik. .. 8.65 a „ sundays excepted. fro liornellsvi Ile. 1.00 a /11.. except Sundays, from dwego. 110 a ra., except Sundays, from 1:114 Ira. 148 p.m.. except Sundays, from Painted Peet, 210 p. tn.,, except Sundays, tram llornvilevil le. '001)ally. 1 i .. ...l• Mondays excepted, between 'Susquehanna and Pert Jervis. L. D. RUCKER, Gen'l Bup't, morthern C tr#l. Direct Route North cad south, on and after Sunday. Noe 12t 1521, Trains will depart from Troy, Pa., as follows LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 611 6,62 A. SI. Buffalo Rapt - owl, 10.26 P.M. W'zpopori Accom. 7.10. !Havarti E.:press 1.05 P. Id I • TRAINS LEAVE NORTHWARD. Han, .............830 P. 51. Elmira Accm, 1105 A. 11. NMgara Empress 4,33 P. 51. 1360140 Exprci6 4,27 A 51. • - A R. PIS4E, 0 oper#l Superhitradevt. J. A. REDFIELD, - Met Sttp't f , :f; " Wellsboro &Lowell?eville' R. B. Time T4le .No. TAu4 Einte3.l:LivnaDAY, N ov. 152 n, 1871 N 0827- • 87A71017.8. 601A71 680 p. 11 10 am. Corning 1 903 - ra 7 10p in 426 pm 10 05 am Lawroncoville 10 17 u m 850 pm 4 14pm 966 am Dunning 1 /0 278 La 869pt0 408 pm 951 am *Lathrop 10 82 am 9 04 p 364 pm 940 am oßesr Crea 1040 aru Fla p 349 pm 933 am 'Nor% Village V..' 55 a:I: 920 pm 8 31'pin 918 am *llatomouil 11 12 ain D 35 p 19 pm 907 am Cree: 1195 a n P4O p m 813 pm 9 et) am lielllday 11 31 ain 9 p 303 pal 861 am Middlebury 11541 am 919 p 264 pm 843 am I\ilnaVailtyll43am 10 0.5 p 242 pm 8 81 am *Arareli Creek.l2 02 pm 10 16 pm 2ps pm 803 am Wolleboro' 112 09 ani 10 22 pm 4 1113,g _ A. 11 (101 1 . TON, Sup't: - .3 , Blossburg & Conlin ft I lloga F„ P, , .- - , i ,:: . 040:16 1.108i13 , . j ~ ET ti.. VMS. cr,3:‘a .3.6 era 1 l'/O am 690 pm„'.', Coen Sag 9C3 6m 750 pm 19 56 am 815 p 14. - 6.lnlltalian 919 am 8 (.45 pm 10 43 am 402 pm - Erwin Centro te 33 KM E. /B . Pth 10 30 am 460 pm Cook's 9.45 cc/ b3O pn: a, la 25 am 445 p Lindley 9 50a 820 1.. m 10 16 ani - 4 86 pm. Le. , 3 - rensayille 10 16 am S 45pn, 10 03 am 421 pm comer ' s ne 1027 am 859 PID 933 am. 411 pra , Allteb.oll's 10 37'sm• 908 pia 949 442 467 pm OH Statio 10 41 am 912 pm 937 am 367 pm , Tloga 10 55 am 925 pm 925 am 841 pm :,lill, Creut ' 2.1 03 m S 2: pa, McCue's .... ..... ... .. ..... .... Lamb's Caeek 11 12 am 943 pro 61finsfleldl 11 24am. 9 5.61 m. Canoe Camp , ..—.... Covington. /1 44 am 10 16 pm Alossburig• J 906 am 10 86 prn Omer-title 12 26 an yallßreolr 12 45 am r e . U. 811ATTUCE v Supt Tjcga R. R. 918 rza 887 pre 9D5 am 327 psrg s. 843 tina 849 pm El 23 am 980 pm ..... 225 p 2 26 pm A 2. GOUTON. Supt 8..9. O. R.ll Insurance! "surnince Hand in `ll - and Mutual Life In Company, przlos, ro. 112 E i . PECICL.A.DELIMIL • INCOBVORATED 1723111.11i7:tY 2.3, 1637. Chartfd tapitai $500,000 1 . ASSETS OVER Stock and *Anal, combining Sicr.rity With Profits._ Suppose yotture already insned in a first-class com pany, and from any cause whatever, (say alter ten year ly payments y you do not or cannot pay longer and die— your ins uliu:l( 3, ea gone and your money wasted. Net so in the ..HAE •IIs.Z.HAND ;," all Policies aro NON-rOll - 4: This company which ranks among the most popular and successfuLit Life Insurance c'ompantea, invite pol icies on all idcsirable pisn9, both with and without profit*. \ • • i tre Traveling Privele ti Unrestricted. All policies are incontesti lo after one, year from any of the ordinary causes. Look to your Life Insurar ce: Please examine the following Comparative Tablei. It is, sometimes allegesl by Agents of other Companies that the Company they ,represent is safer than others. While we unhesita tingly assert our belle in the soundness and stability of all Companies, we desire to) present the follor.•inc for the inspection of those desiring to insure : Of the fa/lowing eemPahica, 4=lpar° the :1111111Ea pre miums charged by each for an Insurance on life at the age of 80 years, payable at death : Annual premlum Ten au,.nel for life. payments. , Travelers' ...$16,84 $83,21 £tua, ee "8 ) - 42,80 Homo 23,30 50,00 ' Equitable ... 22,10 46,07 Washington,22,lo 46,97 • Hand4teHard, /60 12,80 If not already insured talc a policy with the ''HAND-DT-HAND.' the best Mutual Company in the United States, Jan. 1,1872. A. :11. 11:701113f, Agent.. 1 2 -2 <-1 , . kLiets,,, A. nor? in stock, azA rill keep conztently on herd, et the lowest market quotations. lirwine, 2& 4 ply cotton tic jutetwine. Marlin 2, 3 it A net Enowl's patent Step Ladaar, from $ to 8 ft. ~.. JADE SCBEWS, TACKLE BLOCKS, WIRE (Maul A..ND WIRE GOODS, GEN-. Y. =103.7 WHEELS YOU 0111.111:G3G SAWS. A tall assortment of Lake Enron nue. Berta ORMSTONEB . L S/6.1 Bowe azix =TA ROM I) No. 1 at 2. extra angina tel. Cato la eaa take it lock ge l t theaguree_oad eeehoor liaja .1 erM atol oblige J. 8. , " Jr.=al, •,! Westward. No. 7,t 1163,4, No. 1. 11.00 A Ss .6.00 p la 7 ,60 P 11 lb' 4 6 ' 6.46 66 - 7 2 0- 2.16 P 3,! .1 p 5 Asr s 6 A 8,31." 217 - ... 916 ' 6 ' 2'02 ai6 lom s• 345 46 4.11: " - ' " 0 446 6, '1.60 . 4 . - 6.06 4 . 6.26 - 12 36 AII bNI u O - OI 12,68 • •• • 10,20 - 10.20 " 105 " 7.05- Dll 720 1111 '0.26 " 1120 A a 11,20 " 7.05 " 1210 Yu 12,10 D M 7.10 4 4 12.15 " 12.16 .1 7_16 12 20 44- 1200 44 7.20 4, 1.1 - 1 1 , 1261 44 E 6 P " 05 . 4 ..... 7 1 - t 0- A 11 0 30 A m 948 A GO •15114 t 0.13 Pli 6.53 &3) 4 , 7.05 4, 7.89 " 1140.•• BM Sup 12.01/st 1245 u • 12 r A3 00 • 221_• 7GO •• Duo r 1.4 No. 4 t No 2 No. Ll* 046 p -to 725 am 125 pm 140 `• 145 " 162 " 346 " 810 Susi 4 00 p ta 725 " 812 a. 847 " 982 . 1015 " ..... p ..............loco ... 640 p In:10C0 " 440 am 646 :10 es 445 " 666 " 10 12 I% 4 62. " 646 " 11 40 " 71.0 " 1() 45 aBl a m 10 45 " 6to " 1...... 116 ," 12 20 0, 466 " SO "' 1268 " 686 12 CS m 187 " , 6C2 "' 12 41p m 219 "• 645 " 1 1,5 m 805 " b 7 " 155 pm 386 ‘• 752 " 217 pm 400 " g 25 C ' 2. 47 p m 7 ) 60 12 05 . p m 618 pm 46 904 " 12 64 - 1" " U 03, •' 2 32 am aea '• ' 12 10 pto I 11 00 ti na 2.47 " 2 06pri 415 " b 60 " 700 " 683 " 7 00 " 1138 am; 823 " I 2 OD zn!314.0 WM. R. BARR, ' I , Beai'l Pass. Ag't =MI - f 7 MU= EAR- O.ANTITY, MN Ole CAM A complete coaottmeat of Mechanics' T 001.% BOWE WILMS AND BOMB BOLD IteItDWARE CONSUN TLY ON HAND. ztorroya PRICES ON AGRIOULTV au., cow'd down eity—ChiOagO- The slave of the "liing"—A bride, Permanent headquarters—the shoulders. What game is most suitable, for, soldiers: Piquet When is a earclplayer a shabby iadhjj al? When he ehuilles: Why is the biad of transgressoli so hard? Became . it is much traveled. What. Litcl. of rice is easily cultivated any country ofi earth? Ava..rf,:e. - stronger than a _-:tcanicil. of ten? Potent-CO.lf. - • iTewepapere wbieh aro largely4t..ade,up by the me of scL4ors, =ay IN said to be clip per-built. llorphine should never be taken to induce Sleep. An oVerdoce is too npt to bring on zu overdoze. What is it that has three feet and cannot walk; sixteen nail's and cannot scratch? A. yardstick; 1. ho is that foreign lady with the low cut dress:" asked a bystfinder at a party,— " That is Miss Chernisoff, a Russian lady," was ale reply. 232 Smart young schoolma'ams, entirely with outhe aid of a selying machine, frequently boll and cud' a small boy in less than Zo seco ds. i re;:at. "dace there been many artif.ti do. - xi here this season to paint the fsherr,-o -? men?" 07d Lady. "Paint the fisherwomen.? Bless your innocence, it'f3 l , their p.aterali, col orl"' -' i i An Indiana editor sayb:: "We .leare to morrow for the county, and hope to take a prize." !~ Stopping nj robt 24,8. azd .8;35 p ru. :.. ‘ ll :WTI. • Jupiter is getting in a bad waY. An as tronomer notices the "rosy protuberance" now visible on his face. Evidently Jupiter has been " out" too much o' nights. Railways are aristocratic. They teach every man to know his own staion, and to stop there. Thw, is good reason why a little man shouid`never marry a bouncing widow. He might be called " the widow's mite." 635 pm 8 Itt p zu 916 Nu 9 25 p tli To converse with the spirits—lay a six pence on - the table at a grog shop, and they'll ahow themselves quicker than yol.l. can say beans. An experienced boy says he regards hun ger and thg chastening rod as about the same thing. They both make him holler. A sick ina.n was told that his wife Would probably many again. " All right," said he, "for there will be dne•man to lament my death." An Arkansas editor appealed to the dis sipels of siense" in his town to celebrate the " fourtheoming Humboldt cemetery." . A lady offered a prayer to St. Ignatius for the conversion of her husband. A few days afterward the man died. "What a good. Saint is our Ignatius:" exclaimed the ail consolate widow; "he bestows On us more benefits than we ask for." A burglar was Once frightened out of his scheme of robbery by the sweet simplicity of a solitary spinster, who, putting nlght-capped head out of the window, 41aimecl, "Go away! ain't you ashamed!? A bride in Indiana, after the conclusion of theanarriage ceremony, stepped graceful ly'f9rward and requested the clergyman to give out the hymn, " This is the way I long `have sought." • - - - A schoolboy haviPg been required to mite a composition on some part of the hu- Man body, expotinded rs fcllows: ." The Throat.—A threat is convenient to have, esPecially to 'roosters and ministers. The fqrmer eats corn , and crows with it; the let ter preaches . through histn, and then ties it up,-)! Tz Poi T. I SylrattlthiZe Einoerely with your grief," said a French lady to a re cently widowed friend, "to lose such a hus bandlas yours." "Ah, yes, hee was very good; and then, you see, such a misfortune is alivays great, for one Iziows what hind of a husband ongillas lost, but cannot tell what kind of a man one will Ltd to succeed him." 1, A countryman bargained with a Califor nia photographer for a half-length picture of himself at half price, and when the artist lde livered a fine view of his subject fro the waistband down, the victimized ' sitt r in dulged in.renaarks more forcible than °lite. A man from one of the rural districts re cently went to Washington to see the 4213.te. member of the House, whose constituent he was, eaid : " Come up to-morrow, aid will give you a seat on the floor of the Hone.? "No, you don't!" replied Jonathan; " al ways manage to have a cheer to set on F.t, home, and I bet I hain't come to Washington to set on the door! Injuns may do that who. they come, if they like; but I, that am civil ized, don't do it." He stoodon his head on the wild sea shdre, and joy was the cause of the act; ifor he felt as he had never felt 'before—insanely glad, in fact. And why? In that vessel that left the bay his mother-in-laW had sailed to a tropical country far away,' where tigers and snakes prevailed, And more than one of -his creditors, too—thOsebbjects of constant dread—had: taken berths in the ship Curlew, whose sails were so blithely spread. ! now he might look for a quiet life, which he never had known as yet ('tis true that lie still possessed a wife, and was not quite out of debt). 'But he watched the vessel, this sin gular chap, o'er the wales, as she upped and downed; and he felt exactly as if "the edifice was crowned." Till overlthe blue horizon's edge she disappeared from view; then up he leaped on a chalky ledge and danced like a kangaroo! And nary and many a joyous lay he pealed o'er the storpy sea, till down with a "fizz" sank the orl of day, and then he went home to tea. SI,OCP.Or`.O.OO A Lesson In Geography. In a late report of t+ Secretary of the St. Louis Newsboyia' Home, is the follow : ing; " During one of their Class lessons in ge ography, each lad in his turn v. - as required to give the name Of three European coun tries until all had beerrnamed. The first boy responded by es.ying England, Irlland and Scotland; the second followed V7itia France, Prussia and Russia The next hoy*s geographical knowledge wridently lim ited, for he gave in perfect E. iousness, 'Ca rondelei, Kirkwood and Chicago,' although with a half doubtful air., To, no,' said the class master of the evening, ' name three of the countries in lurope.' The boy lookei at the floor, awl then at the ceiling, in a state of perplexity. A boy behind the other quietly whispers, ' Hungary, say Hungary.' ' so, I shan't, you're hungry; hungry ain't no country." Yes it is, .you numskull; say I:lu s ngary.' .With . this gentle prOmpting, Hungry' was said. ' yes; now; another.' Prompter-behind whispered ' Turkey.' Go on with yer ; turkey ain't no countrsl." Yes it is, thickhead; say-Turkey.' Turkey was said very doubtfully. `Yes, that's right;, Runway and Turkey, that's two; now ano ther; I want you to name three.' Boy gave an appealing - side look, full of confidence, to his prompter, who whispered ' QOM, say Goose.' Goose,' shouted the student of ge ography, twit he'd known it all his life to be the name of a coup in Europe. Roars of laughter Ifront all p sent greeted this an 4 er, much to the co cusion of the stu dent, who finally created a diversion by at tettipting to snake geographical researches with his fist about the polar regions of his prompter. In the midst of confusion, the class was therefore brought to e.'close, but ' rinngary, Turkey and Goose' will be long mtembOod by many pima." EMI ALL SORTS.