Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, January 03, 1872, Image 3

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The hiclieii'd the M. E. Church. will
bill a SueilllAo Ibis week, on Wednesday eve
ning, at the residence of Mr..Ribberole.
PLASTER.—Ca'Uga plaster,
ground, is now for sale at tho depot, Wellsboro,
by Mr. J. A. Newhall, of Charleston. Mr. New
hall is nitr cresting a large building below the
isash and blind factory, on Main street, and will
he prepared early in the spring to grind and for;
eish frcAli pleter in any cl,esired quantities.
The Fakir of ppahan will exhibit
"uesday es'ening, January 2d, at Bowen &Cone's
;all, in this village. Among other clonderfal
ights, thaTahir wilt perform tiro novel and sur
risiny, fat of chafing n larly in chid air. Go
td rea how ho does it !
/We desire to call the attention of the
A:l3ns et the . 4 .0t7A-. - --.n to the tvlrerroement of
fr. A W. I) . •tttr, of-Middlebury Center, which
ppe:,r3 in another column under the bead of
Chuns.e of also "• -Mr, Pours proposes to con-
Inct hi , business' htresfur on the nil onsh Fys•
?at, ;-,:t Ito for pr tm tiler than the ore
.it EyStettl will alloe.
.:tlessra. itt their
for Coot.ty Cssperage, carne: of Water and
lrafton streets, in this tlosirctOo call the
ttention of all needing anything in their lino,
their facilities fc.r doing all sorts of 000por
(orh. Etpcoially they as.suro the dairymen' of
le eowity th.lt they aro prepared to furnish but•
fir: my ft.!. tha Ncw Yolk markets, equal to
lose used in Orange and Sussex counties. ;Their
lop is the only place in, the county tvhern this
tyle of 'work can be obtained. Call and see.
Dr.r.sa Up T.—Some -wleo 'man says
.at dress dou't make the man, but when he is
lade ho locks a great deal better dressed up, and
)very person of tense inderses the amended
'law." But hoa and where shall we dress up?
That's the question." 'Respected reader, let us
thisper you a secret Go to H. 0. Perry'', at 22
last Market street, Corning, and you will be put
. the NY Y of obtaining a }lsmael:tie, durable,
nd good fitting rig, from top to too, on the most
easonable terms. Mr. Perry has a full line of
eritlemen's garnishing goods, traveling bags,
;loves, Sc.e., all of the latest styles. Ho keeps a
nost excellent Cuttiir, and gives his oustomers
t fits" every time. Try him once, and you will
know how it is yourself.
;4_ Sy Agitator.
Home Affairs.
Local Briefs.
No wish you all a 'Happy Now Year
—This is Leap Year, Oki maids and baoho
'lore will pleaso — take notice.
—The shortest any of the moon r•as the cold
le:, co far.
—H. G. Martin, M. D , Las sent us a mam•,
loth winter radish, raised by Mr. M. D. Taylor,
f Mainsburg. Thanks.
—There was a Christmas' Tree festival at the
i. E. church Christmas night, and tho children
roted it "splendid,Z_
—The Elmira Co•Operativo Boot and (Shoe
)mpany, at their rodent annual meeting, de
tared a stock dlriticed of ten per cent. ;,
—Jr. B. Tuttle, of Flornellsvillo, is mail agent
n the nts7 rout' from Liwrenooville to Wells.
-iro. A ger.uina " carpot•bagger," we suppose.
—Thu Morris Ern Coal Company aro running
trty oars cf coal par day over tb?. Northern Cen
•al Railroad to Rochester.
—The Hornellerille people want a railroad to
to bituminous coal fields _of this county. All
fight; the more the merrier.
—Our citizens bavo put in some very clear and
'cry cold leo recent'y. In fact, this is a good
Imo for
—Tho wcgther since. cur !cot issuo has boon
ery rapid:ins, the thermnrcEtar rAnging from
above to 24 degreespelorr zero.
—Thor:. 703 an adjourned term of Court for
iearing !motions nt: arguments, hold by Judge
'illiams last Thu doily.
—Our vill:•ge ti• - ac enlivened Christmas night
y ouracrJJs r;l:i , lty fights, If our dealers in
.'red-eye' weuld to-ly wn.ter the article more, it
-nuld ho hentficial t ) all oonc.:rned.
Out friend Dr. A . ii. Eretruan celebrated the
ifth anniversary of his marriage Christmas
light, by 3 IVor,dcr, Wvtiling at lila residenco in
As village rho occasion was a pleasant ono to
11l partitisZti.e happy couplo and their numer
cs rb. , met to congratulate them.
—The twit tetra cf the SY,el:shoro ernded
ehool begins '-.1 . ”..,1& . y next, .L.l,r , le.ry oth. Pro
!nor Wintr , rl lefermi: 113 f 1 . 1 , ,T 9 1.7 f ro about 100
:I)clare from (I,t•:(ke the i_snronh )aßt, t e rth,—
'12;3 E• 1 0.):7 , 3 l- k - ,t. this ., r.Th.. - atil hae coleeervedly high
?put ton r.l.f
—Wo al . :, I.l,aler ol , liget:on to Hon, William 11.
,ra:at.ronz, c:c...11: - nbcr of Conzrege front I.his
Litriet, for lltrea bound volumes of tbo Congye!
)r.al Globe, r. - .,titr,,lr.in..; the full proceedings of
(o r 'rty-r irt Carigre;.s.
Dr A. Do Wolfe Hers, the Bishop
the new Di. ces-, of Central Pennsylvenia,mas
Inseerated in St. Luke's Char,ch, Philadelphia,
the mornlei,e e. r the 211th tilt, BlAap Ste
me, of Ole old. Pleczsc., ef'dciatcd, assisted by a
rge numbers ,T311 , 110r frens all parts of the
—r..,. Eii,i. (1,•-;h, f:r twenty•five years a
tpOrt stinliccr is t'. T e , ,unty and Steuben,died
leentlr at Felts i?, Tl',.eis, at the residence of
Is e..:n, f[e.' the y•-ed old ego of eighty-three
are. Mr. Booth at one time published a paper
Ti0, , , , ,a vtilag, In Ulla county. Tie also foun
d a paper at Addison, Steabea county, N. Y.
i • •
---/i. donat i on r imt was held at tho house of
r. Chards , Johnson, on Shumtvay Rill, on the
ening of December 21, for tho bawd! of Rev.
'.' S. rd'Rinn.y. That the affair was jea4nently
cces...!ful, is demormrsted by the fact that $l4O
(era received from friends outside the .Church.
k IWNinney (1c:1p:a to express hia,grateful ap.
Notation of the liberality of his friend?-
{ —The Potter Journalltaim following cam•
limentary rAtie; of irrar fellow townsman, n oel .
r. wil,,n. the new ..AF t sistint Law Judge of
to district: i
"there Wag a pr,•,t'y fall attendance of people
Court lees Ircu.!.:. Oar recently appointed
,clgo, S. F Wiron, presided. We believe it
ca his first limo up'. the benCh, and all whom
O have heard ri,e.lic of him, whether members
the bar. suitors or ?pre:atone, unite in cam
lending the ahility, impartiality and energy
ith which he clii,ptitolnl i usiness." ,
ext ltetttro . f the courrlll be delivered by
Ira. Mary A. VC 4. f 't ton, at , Bowen
Conee.ll-all, on Saturday' evening the rlxth in
int rh-1.11 773 d-, with oar
iughtert.". noniember ! Saturday evening San
ity 6th.
AFp ecii! train will rnn Wellelcori on the
toning of tb^ lectiro, leaving Lawrenceville at
,5 P.M., nr'l returning after'thr leotare..
2he Corning Jotrrnal is in error. in
sting that Bey. E 11,13.3 Booth published tho
it paper it:. county. !The first jl,urnal was
Nblis'ned in Wellsburo p as enrly as 1824 or 5,
called the Pioneer. It was printed by Ran-
Lewis, and edited by Erti3 Lewis, late Judgo
tho Supremo Court of this State.
Swfsl Den Bliap;ers gave n cone
tnt Bolen C;ric's !Toll on tbo eVcning
20th ultimo( music Wil3 just ;
lily Lost pl;4_ , , rlf yens ono that wasn't Eupg
11 7 -e. t'herilon's 110 e." The Holt way ow!'
' by a Yory approalakice nualocco.
gr. Jarnes It. IVilron,%for many 'years • eat- -
1t of the 'I iag,a Railroad, d;ed nt hf 3 residence
Man'tfield, in this 'county, on the evening of
24th uPimo,,,in the sixty•seventh'year of. his
j. 1113 funeral was atteytd nt 'the Episcopal
ire' n Mansfielti, on ll'esmesslay, peeemher
aftbr trbi , : , ll his rtmains were reuaoyel.
New Jersey, for interrePht. ,
:r. vrt,ll hr.r,rn and highiy re-,
acted througlcut- the county, and llis death
urned by—e,--largo Ginnie (otrtilatiiii,
acquaintanees. •
Steno, of Delmar, drove into town with a i load of
hay on irridaY, the 22d' ult. 'ln sliding off the
load,lDlr. Sfone struck a sharp pin, projecting up
from the rack, which pierced hie 'thigh, tearing
the flesh badly.r. Packer, of this village,
l i
dressed the wound, nd the injured man was ta
ken home. We leer, since that be is doing well.
.—Mr. Martin - 01krk
that can't be 'beaten every
recs. Mr. Clark is working
t ver'a job on Marsh creek,
rietmas he hitched on to. a
eaanring in the aggregate
ted off with them with ease.
on one sled, with the ends
onover, would. like to hear
In do better. '
Mints he has a.tea
day as draught h
on Mr. J:4l. Schoen
and the day after C
load of four logs,
2,383 feet, and wal
The loge were loath
dragging. Mr. Soh
from the team that ci
Fxs4T.—Mr. Maytla
named, Buchan celebrated
tines township by getting
Buchan picked up a black
struck Furman on the book
in the skull. Dr. packer,
ailed, an y d on Tburstiity last,
ompson,lbe, trepanned the
careful nursing the wounded
Ff.rman' and a man
Chrietmas clay in Qs
into an affray,, ivhen
smith's hammer and
of tbo head, cruabini
of this village;.was
assisted by Dr. T
brOlten skull. With
than will probably r
:DENT. r— Some three
hiletus 1.,. Corbin, at Pike
!, was struck in the head and
ailing-heok flying out of a
at the time •that the wound,
not serious, and Mr. Corbin
s after the accident. Ms
trouble him, howorer, -- and_,
e was again confined. to his
y, Dsoembet. 28th. The in;
aid at the M. 2.-0 .. r0b in
Ith ult. Mr . Corbin tree-Sit.
.vea a trite and two 7 children.
weeks since,' Mr. :
Mills, Potter Count
knocked down by a I
log. It Vis thought
though painful, was
Was out in a few da:
bead continued to
about teti days ago I
bed, and died Tuna
neral services were I
this village on the 2
"C:f4t..l of age, and lel
inttaut, the new_ ma
erasion, eo that tat-re.
renemille and t`_•is
Railroad. This' wit
tion to the people. o
the moil hero Pallier
Ityr each day. Air,
Sias bizon appointed
Whether he was eub
e.mination" we don't
he will make n faith
er be was or• not.
'TE.—On Monday the first
I arrangements went into or.
.ft - er the mail between - Latt
roee etil br, cr.rried on 'tlie
pre..ve a great aceornmodlF
"Well;tior:2 as it will bring
and allow is to remain arena
B. Tuttle of Hernelsvilie
Mail Agent on the new route,
ccted to a 'coMpetitive
know ; but we have no doubt
ul and efficiett officer wbeth
Nativity of our Lori
Church in this villa
of the Episcopyi Qqt
very tasteftilly decoi
tho services on Chris
a large congregation
was celebrated at St. Paul's
.o With the usual ceremonies
llrirch. The building was
I rated with evergreens, and
tress Eve were attended by
Christmas DsY, morning
4al, and in the evening of
y Innocents' Day, .=_the.§un-
service was held as
Thursday, being HO
1i ...0
day school festive as held in the church. The
children sang a num er f their Christmas car
ols, and the Rector, Rev. J K. Karcher, deliv
ered an address, ref rring especially to the love
and care of the Chu ch for all her little ones.—
Then a Christmas Toe was stripped of its temp
ting•burden, which, as distributed among the
haw children; an ao, in peace and good will,
Christmas passed . st St. Paul's.
AL NEws.—lf we had
forty pairs of hands'
and eyes and twenty bodies,
in as many several Educes at
could make the AGITATOR
• make it—a faithful weekly
.Irs. But unfortunately we
l and are forced to seek aid in
ao that we might be
°nee, we believe we
just what we hope t!
mirror of county ag!
are, not so endowed
the work.
Welbclieve the pa er has friends all over the
county, who have th time, the opportunity, and
the ability-to send u prompt intelligence of ev
ery item of news w rth printing. Wo want.a
correspondent in ev ry eleotion district of Tioga
County, upon whom we 9/n rely to Toward us
trustworthy news of all sorts. Wo want to hear
not only of the ccci- tints of the day,
~bet ,of the
educational cod reli ions interests, the Manufac
turing.growtb, the crop prospects, - the political
movemenis of all parties, and in fact everything
afiegtiffetlio material, social, political, and mor
al wall-being of the community,
Wo do not want long disquisitions, however
profound, on any sulnjeot t we eon find plenty of
those elsewhere. tVe do not went washy verses,
however pretty 'the jingle.; Ave have an ample
supply of that sort now. But we do hunger and
thirst after IleiV9—ii , Vg l tietc,—PACTS The truth
is, we feel '.n this rpspeet like a veritable Grad
grind. 'Send us the facts—the news of the neigh
borhood Don't Wait for sot/10b...4 else, hut do
it yourself, and du it promptly. Don't say you
can't write for the press We don't ark you to
do that, ,Just send us the news, as quickly, as
il i
plainly, ad as concisely as yuu can, and we will,
gladly pu .it It i proper shape for the, paper. By
so doing, you will benefit yourself and every
reader of the journal; you Will add to tho inter
est and to the Lis,l - 100:1 Lf, the et Ortil'Cfß, itAd,
you will plaoe us tinder lartlnglibllgationsi:which
we plic.ll be },rmpt Ito “eknow!edge >nu - recipro-
Then sand 1.1 1 tt,e load nerve
MERRY CaRiSTMASI s--• Christmas
Trees have bee.itae quite u popular institution
F 6 thQng'lls, eo ttif. venerable Sarati - Vtotis ce.£.lX4B
to be the favorite petrolOadjekespeetnily among'
tho little folks; qind men and tvomen are only
big boys and girls when Christmas comes. Among
the Christmas entertainments in this village and
vicinity; there were two that seam to have been
worthy oletipecial notice. Ono of these was
held in the ~Itahadist Cbarolit in this villages
the other Irvis it the new establishment+ at 'the
Big klaish, now called Stokesdale, in the white
school house cm the hillside, among the trees.—
In' the Methoilig Church there were three large
trees, that fltici the arch back of the pulpit, and
they were literally loaded with a countless vari
ety of beempfut presents, many of which were of
considerable value. From seven to eight o'clook,
the large audience were entertained with a pleas=
ing variety cf csercises and music by the Sun
day School. Two of the conga werr, by Master
Frank Farr, Is ho was Warmly cheered. .
From eight t> nine, the timo was busily occu-
pied in the distribution of the presents. Two
men were,emplo l y edit,. taking down—the ankles
from the trees; two young men wore ensploy . ed
in handing them to Vile Pastor and the Superlti
tendont, who announced the names on' the pres
ents and delivered them t., four young ladies,
who carried them to
Some of the press
eluding furs, eloth i l
cups, dolls, ornama
The system of di
perhaps as neatly
vied, and worked, arlenirably
the persons named.
nts were quite valuable, in
ng, hooks, picture'', vague,
t., a watch, a '
tilbutlitg the plretetits was
ierket 99 totted well be da•
tb een tertaintnen et Stokesdale was a beauti
ful affair, and , kiurei the geod taste and the on
terpriee of tine g..” - ,,1 veople in net neighborhood.
I {
The school house "MA ? bcautifuliy decorated with
wreath 4, feEn."rs .-r, 1 motte_es; a nd the presents
delivered from tile t cc, were estimated at three
hundred doil.tri !*.r. Grinnell et.tartained the
It war futon f e d, i c otEjble t to Lave the pre
el•ii of Dr. all' iv i ttipp!yirie• . thet - neigh
horilo‘ with prf;:t hink;
,rvcry othe,r
bilt a. he c - ote(1 11:=IMMIral
ere. ;he itme time: the g tI pe)ple determined
on tknvirte; n ¶urpkl mr , t t.) their Christma,,,en,
t 1,6 preeeny.,: .
S o on livxmrikv f14.17513' incteck te•rpit.
th" en;g ' , t ll ; I in the
. . . - •
log, he fcititri - Co , " o St ,i, r il%T.'s ' Elect Ladi , ..e•
in alleodeneo, who ell Oiderster e d how to de•
vile and • perform li , eral things end, beautiful..
-In due time- the D , ctor took the piatfored, - aiill
began his address to the children. When he was
sibout-halt thrcugh his talk. Mr. Leib and Mr.
Campbell, - Agents of "The Company," came in,
rit.d listened very attetiCely-iiithenddreasasiet;
ri t e,
as if that were the oal ' reason. hrs ~ 041T-being'
present - After the Doctor's address, Mr.tatrir
hell took 'the *mod S l ed gave a pleasing; `
of a nAenditi riitiattas ertertainment which be'
had attended in a I' cshyteriari Church in ih'il
Ilarat'Port, and coral esti 114 address, gradually_
turning to-the ativa,t 'lige ancl.plicriure of- dal ng
good to others, espee a Ily to the needy; one of
fecting• instance of bleb he gave in the biatory
of his own vieitatinty. He then turned abruptly
to Dr. Book, and began a very 'encouraging ad•
dresalo - bita, giving him assurance of the high
appreciation which the people had for his Beryl•
cies thefe,; % tol then di-ew oat of,h.ispoo,bet. a beau
timetaul Me 'indent p aka- is - #O4 weal -filled - OPE
a , imethin' cert tinly, and handed if to•the Dud.,
I tr. The ' Debtor, i p erfeet, Igtietraiike of Ast clip- .
11l t ' of the ho..k, hut supPoAng,' of nonsse, friar
t I.n coerce from will it It came, that it contained I
something-of ro'ne, id • what he could, In the . ..
circumstances, 'to,' ito- ii_setttlible reply atfA ti,
gratpfnteekpostledg ente r zji`ifit book s - naViStfrid`
to . contado - tinety-t o dollars in greenbacks!— •
I t
W ell dope for 141 Ste pit,! I Ipprrov,
BBradford .
Rev. Wm. F. Nixon, forthirly of Warivr - Veti.
ter, has assumed the charge afthaßapthit church
TOWANDA".-A Lodge of colored Good Tem-,
piers bike been organliedinAte ate
Grant Lodge. •
: •. f
EAST BWITEPLIILD..---Iter. P.: 8. Thireretty 'o
Wyoming county, hag accepted n - "cal - *Om Ate
Baptist Church in binithfield, and will conintence
his labors (D. V.) with, the-year 1872.,_ t 7 -. ; . - :
- • Grai. Hutehinson, :On of D. Hutobloson,' of
Leßaysville, was kinked by 'a Colt - a law 'ireeki
.since, and so badly injured that he only survived
a few days. His age was fifteen years.
A little son of Dr., O. W. tdoLee ofltiffptan,‘
Pa., formerly of Warren, Bradfor county, was
burned so badly on the Ist nit., b the upsetting
of a kerosene lamp, that be died On the oth.--
The Doctor was also quite severely burned.
AEnan named Dunham, who has been confined
in jail at Towanda for the 'pait lid months on a
charge of arson, has been pronoun ed insane by
a committee of physicians, and by order
.of the
Court removed to the Insane Asyl m in •Barris
burg. •
CASIPTOWN—The work of building the - Bapiiit
church has begun by P. Cobb, oil Stevensville
Who has the job. Rev. Mr. Dtgrows has' ithi.
. house nearly completed. The BaPtists,. though
they have a small society, seemicOwaliver. ,s_ , .
Dolan OP EBENEZBR SildiP,7-T41(01dellf ;!igiiiip
in Bradford County 'died at 'the:* lsid,ikee of his
daughter, in Sheshequin, on Sunday, 'December.
18th, 187/, aged' one 'hundred years, three
months, and twelve. dais. - lie" Was the oldest'
Mason in the United etatee, bavini been Witt.
ated in 4thens, Pa., in 1801, end
.ranainbm iv
-member of said Lodge . until ; his death. Thie
last summer hie one,hundrath birthday we I .aal...
ebrated, when he could look upon Touf. kunt!Ted,
living descendants. Daring the -fail - few years
of his life he bad -become-demented into_ second
ohildiihnoss, and could not even ( recognize ifs
Own sons atid . daughtera,--4troffors(ittges. ,:., ,
At Smithfield there ie a revival of religion,
under the prealbing of Rev. H. Rarpet of the
M. E. Chtiroh.
• Mr. Sanderson cf Towanda, sent a car load'of
coal to eacb of tbo ministers in Towanda :at :a
Christmas preaent
Cirotdt Counrt; Hon. J. 0. Smith - plaid - 04j
biganatrorning last Monday. _ pore art 226
causes on the calendar.'
Tho old jail at Rath' is to be repaired $OOO
Five hap deed and twenty tone . Of gripes were
ebipped by expreee from Bath last! season, most
of them to New Yorki They sieri i
the neighborhood of llammondsport. A still
larger summit wino - shipped by::Wiii" of Nisi
Yan, from' the same district. j < •
The Courier reports • that the new paper re; , '
oently-started alreadi given up
the ghos t . —
The stores in Bath are always closed on pub
lic holidays. This is a good example for • other
places. Clerks enjoy a little recreation as well
as the rest of mankind.
The MOODS of Liberty dedioated a DENT llall
last Wedneeday.
Shall!' Boyd was a few -0 days since presented
with a tine ebony, gold-headed lane by ,his de
puties and const ables , Mr. W. E. Bonham mak.
ing the necessary speech on the'occasion.
Geo. Vandenboff reads at tternellsville on the
Bth inst. ,
A Boman Catholic Temperance Society has
been formed in HorneHerrn°.
And now tb 3- Courier is;.pitohing Into the Ad
vocate for begging Thanhsgivlng turkelsp, ?”1,4.
Christmas oysters. - tio neighbor:lin4
may ho poor yoarAelf sornedayl - - ,
Tho public-trill be greatly, literested, tn - Itnow
the timed queetioh about dancing' at' -the Oortio
ning Presbyterian Sootables has at length been
peaceably and 'definitely' kettled.... The ;erms
capitulation are that the host and hostess et,
whose house the Sociable ki held sbilPhe aerial-"
tad, and if ho or she say dewier - Why dance it is:
If not, net. Our information'on tab - 11040 t
reliable, and the gentlemen who lafertneti - ni
said that it was n moat fortum!te-:settTetnerit, -
"for " raid he, 9f they hadn't,,,h,ayo` danitti
we would bare drifted into the Episcopalian °lit'
ale right lively." Su:WOudge thirolitiomethinz
of policy std diplomacy exorcised in-mattera-of-
Church as wcil as State 4. 7 .l7ettriacc' „K
The Joiervoil State, that at_ Wpodhull reeetitly
the barn of W. W.Tnbil tritatrrned, faroliftsg
the lois of bay, grtin, a pajr of horses, five a:me
and n colt
Wo learn thatJosepp, : TepoWtic?lf ,OUtpitigi
fell on the flint of - 116. -- thom — itt
'Teeitlenee in ticrattob, end fractured on of his
thigh -bonus. Ilia groat age an 4 inflrmitl s rep:,
.der shisit very serious ackeident,—Journal:-:
:de's): S. Spencer, - oldest eon of Bon. G. T
Spencer of Corning:: bee goicifO:Sc :Clogd - ,10;
to engage in the drug business. '
, ,i_
Nathan 'Kimball, formerly ofcornlng ‘ was rt
dently killed on a IfireouviValtroad,
tdi *as oo n due tor
Min. Henry Sher ;cc ed- , cf. Coining
elected a Director of the Erie Railw4 Coppariy
Ittl,bo plaoe of Boaspiretl,reNood,, ~3,31.7.
. The publishers of the Corning Journ-'l an
nounce that hereafter, tbat.paper wilt not be rsent
to any person hitless paid fpflir - edfs'atic'e; '• that
is tho true doctrine. if the YoUrnor s ean only live*
• , - • .-. :; „ . ...,
up to it - ~ ,' • _ - " .. -
There is trouble in Cosuipg over the Posta:Last.
ership. The Dtnocrat'explains thus : , ~...._ .
"The "Sage f. Diu . tily" is -on the „tsar paifir; •
Lie can't 'forgive iitii man who 'failed to vote for
bins. , 0. J. R , bineon, Deputy - Posttritiater, , being
independent, and not basing a moving feat , of
the "chronic toitcrr of Steuben County before
his mind, saw fit to-aPpot:t the bestAntiu ! , c - 5 1 . 0,4
master Thomson, , believing le' the priiteiplep of
pivil service r(form, has refOied s li,Plif:titi2. ittsixsi
periertced Dep‘ity, in Robinson's I place, eons°.
quenily he is' low tbrentene4 with'reineviii, and
Dr. Pratt is o ered the etile, propjed he gets
the etWersein ut of his.parry.'.' ; . ' - ... 1 -• •:1' , . 51 " ; ,',1
• .! ' -
• , . iycomitig - conntyl - ' ','. 'cz -
0 An imposta6t case, involving thisright.efto
Man Catholic ishops:to - zerolsol absolute non--;
tiet over the riests and e areirprePtiftratithin I
tbeii respeoti e dioceses, l ,yas -_latelyrisritteait.,l
Virilliamsport. - •`it• seemethat`Pather 'tttick; 4tho'
was PostAr of: be eburob44' tholimputieltitiotoit
that city, was i tunintirilyclidered'la'y b - le bielaAp
to ohse the ebnich, aid t,ti cease hia n;iniatii r - ;e,
the eople. 'V ese orders f i the priest, disregarded
s ds R 0 to go rte theel i inrch nd"hold service
t ,rein At thliciinie s gin he..luv4isedithe a 1444,,
the ci,il law, and prayed} fet - an'' itijAdtion 'it
straining the bishop-- frora s sinterklrina';#.ith in
rights as a priet.t of , ibe-Ob i oreh: . --- kiati)ftitn4ti=7,
injunction wav I grarti4,- trd .2 -4stisl-stibsequet,tiy
argu:l by very; fthle. - cifinselr - ptift.i . th . ';side's,'
s 4iyu',:c l
ring whieb the; reel - I'l4ls anti canons i;l' ilia o,itio
lie Church were tree - 4M from - feeleltielrilt vidivirii? - :
to the present' tllns4 _....
... , - „... ..-
It W-11.9 chntoc‘ioiii 'on - til'e ;' 1 e of tattler' Siat•ir
'ribiCtita ~ ,•entras,,f t!le:riltur'ub did tiiit - ictuctior
the nrb:trery ;19: lori..of . th.e - Arlbyo the t.: the .p.;
!Aden . f a priest :riie'bts-detyrit of -litio l g.;: , ih
Eulr-lnar.Y. reiNiikr.4, - iviiteolW,n tries,or Irak . ;
"Chiiiicjg of itnipcon d uct; ' irij4red Abel f eirtisl l
4 priest, t l , II 4 th e
__ - ja - vr',AliiaiiiNtrp-jteP in'lr
prott‘t his cit.:: ri,flits against injury to petso
pr .per t:T,lnarteter, by tiny kitla l ribriTrehli )
op or other arbitra,ry po welt% , -1-'- , - , - , -).-? ---
" bilythatf nfo.hr - blahoil te cram. itrged7. etki4 1
canon of to o l -coitionilidilt.9644/44.11 - Mirg't'
try, them beii"4 ,, -'iiitietiglon.iststi4slie4tl , l
490 1 . 1 9 ecelesiastiaTatiiiiii: - ...ll(tiFii:iiiribei.l
;Ord other reasons; cobsrdered ii - niissionary cool
try, tvbere-f-he canons ettodliktot-nitplytr , evr
respect. and a b:t, re•;
, s thp Ilitlafir 13,20 , 11 -j'A li
tray} l''" 11 . er t illj , '": '!'s 1 4 0 : 3 ii'i 4110.€34-43";W,P110!
under the rule ei the
o;ntc rat 1 - 114.1 ir, thijLegjuktry-chni
wore r,, cowlulp,ctiyorkftf:'... that ;thy omit<
enttroly tut ~f fhek
ttnd bekr:ged ettoiitt?Ae, powers
ties of the Catbolie Ciitticii: • -4t ci.Z!
The Gantrc an , 2 Bttlfatirt , ft - Oux7:itiroWSlßik
its:ewe:l4 reinirtiq'
- erJe ot Judge tiatr s ble, brieje eriltltl6'4l:tf!
44;14054. cyntiatici the ThlapptlP'zi, - and, tarp
time btiug, Father Stack the :1 bt to di
charge the duttettf:lir . ,l44, tltt
AunuPoiatitm• i_les*.tfair;:iiiltandooteal)
=lll,llittfielitfc‘t to t hpie4gpmaNcaurt; fur "id&
'CIPIOn, anti tthoareaur w ill3o atiMti4 vqtb ioti
o bf Ise an 4 soalnlaititiAlclrgeg.
Steuben ConntF•
I ailli,oll..C4 — tWL . tt,.* `.
. . , _ • .
.11 pox some to be raging cousiderebly
oven. The Board of health ' advertise'
1.• Won will be administered, and digit/.
h. pplled, at public eipense to all tumble
hey have also poi:tared the services of
o bury the dead, They live outeldp
I. . 4 cook their own food, whiokitear
m. The infected houses are guarded
F 1 detail of police.
in Look :I
that roe° I
f e FH,t l 4 l l;
,two Men
the towns ,
Potteir County.
P. Taggart died in Euialia, the 18th
a was a prominent and pablio-spir.
and bisr , dbeith deepirttioUtheirtii
- I
ited olds!)
the errent,
Forty y
Rte wished
geadetY "
gress and,
mean 'ow*
the Territo
point there
rs ego Blinds was as far West so most pee•
to go, and journeys were made in the le.
• •
ie t3ehcxmer;" but in these days of pro.,
"provernent, the ,yvor%l Weak bas foraktA'
Nebraska. Rattaakti,'Otaridtt,l434onilaima
lea, and the travikle4r4a44l
by a aplendhi *pi 11.43.1. 1 , t -;1
of railroad is theiiiihrlingteriViiiti
Chicago, Over the Chicago, Burlingtoreand
'iaad; from Indianapolis, over the hidiaiiap
ington and "%Wotan Short Line; wad from
This limo
atorta from
Quincy r ,
b10... 1
US -Wl* 1
rind; MO
ba; 'Lino°llo
esuw ‘ orth
• c,
over the Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw Val-
i . . • g through Burlington, reaches Oma
, Nebraske city, St. Joseph, Atchisdn, Leis
.. d Kansas oity, connecting with thS Union
:. : Pacific and other railroads running
Icities. I
from those
MiRY 9 g
szirp4o be
"by way of Burlington," and ypn will be
vgt,gy, : tedlt io MltatrablY : 94140.be
' Pn.t,-10V
The Bur
truthful aai.
regard to - I
ma. and •
1140 map.
-11{0 #4.t_ di* the _ ...ansitia sf-'a
interesting docttment, filled with taste In
e, connections; accomnsodationt, rates of
ar interesting items, and illtulitited by a , .
tidally shilling the whole Wet, 'which
tme of elklinet Copies sztliaettleiiit
ante obbiglad b addressing,' llgiedietal
eat, D. and 3L E. 8., Burlingtob, lowa."
AMER.—At the residence of the b
lepton, Deoetobes-Urriatigrit
John Pitts, of Plichffon , an Mien
father In
Taylor, Mr
• EN—WEBSTER-437 the same. Deem=
I, Mr. Rory E. Crain:a/den, of Lamb's
lisa Delphine Webates, of Charleston.
ber 20, 181
Creek., and
.... pea is MI%
me who once were foeu."
THE F . 1 . 1,.: - YORK TRIBUNE
,r-,4,:05... is 72., .. .. •....., ......
__ J ~ ~. , ,Z , •--- = ~ e . c.-' 1
The cone •lidation of Italy, go long fragmentary and
impotent, i• to one powerful State, with Rome as its
capital:4.h , humiliation of France through a series of
crushing d feats, ending with the siege and capitals..
den of her ' , rend and gay metropolis; thcLexpubeion
of ihe'B• • bone from the Spanish throne; And thierne•
stittition to them of a scion of the most liberal among
rcieliatictsgs; the virtual absorption of the kingdoms
..6 , —r,134.-C;n4 Wurteraberg, Reverie, with Baden, Hesse,
the Hann owns, &0., under the headship of Prussia,
into theirs ph ,, ent. and invs , 4l, empire of Germany;
1 - - ~
snd the er gof ineirea'to "reassert her preponder
'4lo:iii the •ionneilsApriegne,or topposecnte,hereofe
ten PCs eAtiiiiiier-4elffititilieVdeoliniirtitetitti
I treatanii inded by Constantine and the vast bat der.
',Olin anarchical dominions of the Sultan; all
,cornblii . *vest with profound,,lnterest the nvere
1' Changfig i rlt . 2s aferrA4MkoKtrilDWElr Ate—.
~..: .throlegh trusted „correspairitents • ::
:tibiiiidlte , oinftt in Europe where great movements
- eetif ' .8 or are imminent, elms to present a
complete a d instructive panorama of events on that
iinihnent, 'd to mirror the prolonged struggle bee;
"heels - Middle-age Feudalism and Ecclesiasticism on
the ono hand and Nineteenth Century SkePticiern and
secularism on the other. Recognizing a Divine Prof.
ideneeillgi that proceeds tuntle, itloelm opeliyon
the • 'greit*onflictlole - 24irti. , Renit A wsi.
vulsion) to evolver - twin' strife, "alas - er and seeng
chaos, a direr and happier Altura for the toiling mass-
At.40_ 1 :4 1 .1, , a. ,
Ah- ect*s..._, cohntry, a war upon corrnyttqn and res e
nitti : fn s 'ep has been inaugurated in our city, Where:
1 bythogov utentivfi t eFfitate kireff , betert rettbatithVe
iZcd air= It SWlCitalitititAtr yt et x, 6 l4lo:ll . ,
-i le ssues the sanguintlntieipatnins: f t a 'A'OiCiu .
certain flea the movement thus inaugurated cannot,
in its Azrog es', be circumscribed to any locality or any
rtrise e hnt tits purifying in fl uence is destined to b e .
felt in ev part of the 'Union, rebuking venality, ex
posing to berY, wreatin S PRFC't irs " • - 110. ans —7e,
trade, and ontldlng it in these lwe it i,'' ~4, .1. , z 4: :;
wield it. :this beneficent and -•V' . .11: . : ,: e., 'e
',Tam Tft r• will &Mite its best energies, revalueer
`aniAlionst interests or party predilections, esteeming
the choice f honest and faithful men to Mho° as of an
ritstinip es the most essentita•and attspiciorls.
The vl surrenace yZALhßeEtwftel s c e innAreeklin 4
leostA ,f,. penal Righti "regaraless ot Color, Las di.
*0( nt politics of half their bygone listen.
shy: -:_iii — r parties may henceforth rise or tall, it'
is clear the -fundamental Ptitielplee Which hale,
o t n
thitliiittiV eral2ly distinguished the Row • , 101 ,
henceter to be regarded sr practioaßY _ ...14
' the Ithole try. The right of ever %v.; ;tin
limbleandldetews—the equality of all citizen. before
LeKtethe Inability of a State to enslave any portion
of its peop 6—the duty of the Union to guarantee to
every eine n the full enjoymentg.liklitter#,Vatil Ito
forfeits it 19y pritne;—sucharei `the brotidia final ibure
t ier
detions of national edi fi ce; and palaied be the hand
wlA,cle seek to displace them I Though not yet
Atettety.ye old, the Republican party htiseireted
the noble febile of Emancipation, and tuaY 64 Me
i yoke thereon the sternest - judgment of itatt - Orthe'
benlenant smile of God.
iferletfpt, the mission of our republic is one of
Peacebil ogres°. To protect the weak and the hum
ble frpeaviplence end'impretiniontid ifiebottint 4
aeries itiVdiffuse the blessings of Civilization—to di.
Imulate Ingenuity to the production of new inventions
toll 07-3091411 Sing Labor, and thus enlarging Production
—to diattele4er ttieablf6ttit;ritiericiodueera of Feted.
ndlotrab de, of Grains and of Metals, and thus en'
rieliicii`the' - ns.of.lntlesp7,, ? Ney,ftlleOmegiafeeto.
etbineVert? on iiiidlies between fartneri and
ney, z uah Is the inspiring tank to which_thieruV
'M il A reaper its?lf 4 and by „ wb.lW It troop fain j
1 3
, L , c91 P,.., 1 1 112t )4°1 1 4 9 403 3 ' e i t l i gltilS a i, ; #o 3 P l 44 ,
js ge)3)jr ; wf : 'ore. ot . a great and goon work; Tar'
L .:4nEriliE.c ntributes its zealous, persistent e ff orts. •
Cigetcpl_ rp will continue to be more espiemy oi l,
cidated in its Weekly and Semi-Weekly edition!, to
47hicli telii• of the ablest and Most successful tillers Of
- the set steadily contribulq ; ,',l‘,TAlc,iller. tele geed*
311Stiterth of produce pcitsiggfictaUgraelti3
,withreliton, Market Reports, or others equally lucid
ainteoMP•lheneire. If ho should read nothing else
?IWO& e ates to his own calling and its rewards, we
Vitae. i •'a no farmer who can reed at all can afford toe
44101 i titsknqh a journal no Tpe Tam= And we
4d ilk
•: - Itukka it equally valuable In thews engaged in
r ci:hp, 1
;"cl , GP l ltrsents of productive labor. We spend
• 4ord ore money on our columns each year, as
ceir •Anti wen's generous patrugge TWA* ete to
.. ~.
ile•1 ” • “' • resolved that our Wilma) -ati,,,.1
ceceded in varied exceireiud” "I
172. Friends in every State I help us
ial better and better, by sending in
is and increasing your dubs for the
the same, December 20,
' Sarah E. Cruttenden,
Afellabor), Decembar 25.
W.. 7. Luckey and Min
I ittainebnig. Dec. 26,1571•'
1311 as D. Shepard, of Eel
' , ls Florence L. Smith, ffor,t
*Maga, Deo. 18,1871, by
Charles Orr. of Stony Fork.
- 4' the same lance.
ride's home In Charles•
Buck, D. D., Mr. H. Otis
of a choice lot of cake,
IPPY Pairl
lima him :at the fed. ,
ac. 27th. ISto-ls3 4130. 1 ,
Ileade arid
sting clergyman.
_ the home of the bride.
fdr. Thomas Cope.
daughter of Job Wilcox,
cotutty,..N. T., Deen.
66 years.
the gravel
1 past. feaven's decree,
groat and =all,
cf. ~ s • " _
, OF.lll3lA4TlenaMig;-,:i!L
CZA per annum.,
crE, mall subseribera, -$4 per an
:3 or over, $3 each. An extra copy
every club of ten sent for at one
nred, a:Creel„ ex nafkitefeltotlo4
Trait . To c.4 V
52 Issues
year, 62 issues ... q
ail at oneiTo 4
I Nam es, •of Sulectibera.
5 . Oat ; •
60 eantifir.op;4l. - .t.,
125 each. 20 coplea ...... • Vic'
1 00 each. 50 copies.. / /0 each.
tiy, to each And one extra copy to each
club, ,
A trlti r iczil i 4
frtib ks, po o reps'.
~ ha rforace Greeley; Pear Culture.
T. Quinn; The Memento of Agricul.
40.1., 76c., andpor
!tuntatr4.s and 60"4t s nts per line.
.474 s2;;;s3 end per tine. Aerat ,
in in the paper:. - *kg •
ttancea, idwa,To prot:ure a draft en
ost office V.oncy c..rderif possiblo.
Ilicec can to procured, send the moo
regisferpd .fette.r.2•42ls„gistra,_,,ticaa
?a to fifteen ccut. .MlCr
been found by Um) VCAtal
n2tNtlas,, , Ogniai 4e;a V
„alla regiate let
Addressd 1 1 .
1 .
X62!1:64 ; 3 OF 717 i PRESS.
There aro few inteUlgent American familica in
•ILAUPEIVaIIAOAZINX would nothe an a and'
highly ereicome guest., There is no mon h y magazine
tili;iirtelligentreadltill faintly can less afford to be With
mat' 'Many mapzines era scent:at:dated. Hare. it
&lite& :There is not a magazine that is printed which
shows , .. t- expended on its articles
.ande There is not a cheaper
inigLene Pu llshed. There is not, confessedly, a
more popule.r magazine In the world,—New England
- A repository of biography and history, literature,
Belem and art, uneAnaned by any other American
publication. * • The volume* ate as valuable 111111
mere Work of reference as any cyclopedia we can place
in our libraries. Maxima's Traoarstin is a record of
travel everywhere aince tho hour of establishment,.
PiYicSatcal in tsal3lfidelLCAMMling in 'Afries...£ltrafif
moue the de, an Boss m•oe in the Beet, bake
on the Nile, and s Macgregor on the Jortlonh.indee aff
nt travelers of note have seen their most inver
t discoveries reproduced in these pages. Most of
younger and many of our older writers dud hem
th literary biography. Our artists see the beat pit
i• ma of their genine and the moat. eridnring,speci
Mena of their work in the magazine.—N. Y. Standard .
It is one of the wonders oflournaltem—the editorial
ement Of Yisiterres.--T4e Nation; -4* ''i
' H 'tht* a / Eit. '
( H. RJR - 1 7 t
l ' "` ' 4.1" . ArdpiCX,444 USTR.t.t.g.p * A . l
The Model newspaper of our country Complete in
all the departments of an American family paper, Has.
PER'S Wassmv has earned for itself a right to its title,
A Journal of Civil , .tion."—.W. Y. Eve. Post .
The best publication of its class in America, and so
far ahead of all other weekly journals Ai tiOt to permit
of any comparison between St and any of their number.
Its columns contain the finest collections of reading
shatter that are printed. * * , lts illustrations are nn.
merous and beautiful, being furnished by the cbfet
artists of the country —Beaton Traveler.
- lixstramis WEEIELT is the best and most interesting
illustrated newspaper. Nor does it mine deietld on
its illustrafform alone. Its reading matter is of a
ordetif literary merit—varied, *five, .an 41
ing , ispeaceptiortitha . 5un...3 La 40. ~.
- 7"4 1 Vlast XX '
It is really the only Illustrated chronicler of fashbm
in the country. Its supplements alone at Ivrea the
_subscription Viso cif th. paper. WhilefellYelidetlittl,
2P teletVe of fast" b It alio etelleinit
poems. umli 'naffs. ed,ll
fitmsfilP•4lol gams' as4 oo Gazette.
•• There never Wag any paper published that so do•
lighted the heart of woman. never mind if it does
cost you a new bonnet; it will save yon ten times the
price ; in the household economy it teaches.—Proo.
_ 'Journal.
ThMoungladY wiz;j2E.,“eil
The Rasa, is excellent. Like all the periodicais
which th e Harpers publish, it is almost ideally well
edited, and the class of readers for whom it is intended
...the mothers and daughters 1a Sinunge nuadlieiWAst
not but profit by its good .sense end good tot% Which
we have no doubt are to-Slay making very 11111104141111
Lumpier than they may have been before Us *Shan
began taking lessons in personal, and household and
local management from this good natured macitor...-
:The Nation.
Ithaasn'e MAGFAzraz., one year,
=:eiteatsurttine year,
'II %St" one year... .....
Am extra copy of either the 21Licia2tbx, Wstsl.l o . Or
Hazen. win be supplied gratis for every club of Ste
subscribers at IA each, is one remittance; Or IttZ copies
for $2O. without extra copy,
Subscriptions to Beaus s MA0621241t, WEER= aid
&2W,' to one ad eliese for one year, $10; or two of
Uarpor's periodicals,' to one address for one year. $7.
Back numbers can be supplied at any time.
The four volumes of 04 Brzas. fox the ,years 1868.
MVO, '7l elegantly b4nna in pm morocco cloth,
wAtaight litipaid, for $7 esch.
I to po e the . 4242 hi 20 cents a year. which
Must be Mete subscriber's poet Mice. Miami
If your horse is Isms, sore or galled, you should use_
Johnson's Arwdyne Idniment : wash the part with critic
soap. sad warm, rub dry with a cleancloth, than apply
the lluimaq t rubdmisoll wittliatitalr..rz
save the readers of the Agitator ever used any of
Zersons• Purgative paw it not, w)47 not? they are the
best•fagelly physic, buldea , y 11410 widest anti.
billtotukressiedy there(fe
Special Notices.
- •
A victim or early indiscretion, causing uerVoui di
Wily, premature decay, having tried In vain every
adrerlised remedy, has discovered a simple means of
self.cure, which he will send free to ins fellow-suffer
ens, _J. 11.11,F1E51 . 8 lyialttu sty. ew York.
"Ail. 1, iev iLit,-Auffo
'Where can DatlEtte look for relief 3 The erre:Mace of
every Dyspeptic tends to prove that thepropertnethod
of treatment of that wide spread diseasi.‘, Lyareints,
not to be found In any of the regular sohools of medi:
glue. You cannot find any three physicians who wfII
agree UponSAIJSZ9h#4,
Azid.eli.c.: se
44exprtftt '
ftet:—. , eer ,— efftrzrarr ru n e itto t.VI3 Writ/a soctogio it
:dishler's Herb ,Bitters,
23 al,ano U'517914-4,4 iterecAttlit:
*di thow
7 5, - ,7m /B:41-
ArTICA:, W:l=3. It if; TVA giMerealy kIAiWII thnt
Cope Coio,ly prcdacoa the most delicious vine; itrotrn
on the fa,o ogtheitZ A cargo receive:l n resat.
44t61613-7 6Und Cif Dr. J. C. Apar cord=
sercral carlet.es raised Uwe, among Tagch tths Con.
stands comnsands the highest price of any Idols in OA
world. Altos; the entire crop of it is consumed in tin
palaces of Europe, this rare exception be • • gent to
them in exchange for thejf • it.• • •eh , 744,
IrditsetAtaP'Citalserse " • •
. 3 _11p:442 sot la undoubte' prefer a tine hcad of
bzir o•.:11., upon their own hf.ada, to being tad; or
w;:tring iabe Lair; aid" it hs.9 ,bee.o the study of =any
of'our it a. memo flp4l apne4y to,,rxpre,ti
Vittie 3 .ltaiadilloii4a3l ifto •
- , ww-diy6r - vrt
etsti?. Skcliiau 'Hair ; and, to Terifir state
ultra, rasa fallowing:—
1113 is to c.rtity tital; 1M V c il b 1 4 4; 1 4 ig" , x 4 F
il te.
bead v - ,43 poriqllY 4wkoo • 414 i 1.3 CoUNROLI in my
fanki t‘)_o•oNt • 4d , Ellrl7 ' tn life. I have now tined
m i t
tont laotne, 4 • ' 0 y -4,1 We 4= : - i.r...2we1;
SIC '. • .4.471 . •••k ' - IP' anti is
nor. ra,t• 1: :,. kg; . -',.., - .., . ~ 141• L. ON.
13..,.. . Ji.a ~ ' •,. -..t4:, ' a .
5T.47 • 11036..
. Rereor.aliy appeared. laefort me Bartley Cowen., an , a,
alAkve statement Is tins.
XL G. BUTLER, liatsiy Public.
ftegis4o3, Notice. , J
iliCille 1$ inxel.,7 given , that ths Ute‘natogs, .&drain
',Mira ors ana ituartilans named below h ave Mal
..thiy.F.aczo` . ...nte iii the ;e • „ Wtitire fo toga Counts,
Tty o littraid a:: • , Nrill r ato the Or.
rtim 0 idisor salke9 1 , .* said Court,
tie. 44 NlVlVellsbero; . . onda day of Jan.
lefl, at 2 C..,10ck P. 3t. for allowsure and confirmation.
Elms' .4(....Q11.7.4 C./ . Jeremiah Do_; - =tiler and Holman
Hoiden, liie.utors of the last wilt of H. ,P. Docitittadat
late et eharicstou township, deceased. •
• . rizi#4 4u ccore; a sutablivit l: ili'idifiltilaWaf
`Clarendon J. bowie, Sarah F. Soule, Jun= j Soule.
Mary A. Soule and Win. L. Soule, minor c Wren of
f if
Win. L. Soule. late ot_Farnaln oßtOwugliiP. demised.
Final Accourt ot .4. 7 ~Grr of Addis
Widtllgok, !, ~ t - ttlid vt Ati cc /ate Of MTh
•panBlifif ,. . 4 0e ttot4tee', r‘. 1,1, ik,.
Villafte;^.ount of Geo. W. Hudson, Guardian of Clists.
Sattetly. nano: child of Chao. Satterly, late of Jackson
township. deceased.
Final Account or W. V. Bailey, Guardialikpl'Xllittia.G.,. / .
toll tow:v.l4, doc'ea2ed
account of Noah Corwin, and ISC.SC C. Price.
Exci!utc,: s ol the last will of JodAll ri Fitokee, fats of
rannington township, fif i cealed.
Kohl e.;count of a C. Bosworth, g - saidi'in of Amass
Vaike.y. %%Incl . Wiley, and Ann Dalff, minor chil
dren of Viupen Defies, late=filltitarW'
aqabk-- - -
MtgroM the estate of said Bosworth, now =
• '
Final account, or olEaa
ler - 4.1143i4
Final account of Ermins Rose, Administrator of the
estate of trerman Soper, late or Rutland township,. de,
Final &counts of J. P. Donaldson, and S. P. Wason,
Bleebtors of the 1a..11 of .amts Kimball, late of
iWellsboro, &ceased. D
c4. i s. Wv
Jan. itttitet,,sa,•ar%Se'i •
, s
„,A' • ‘.=
IBT OF LETTERS Remainiug is the Post Office at
Wellaboro, Dee, 1% PA;
Eliza F, brown Stephen Cranton 2, C. Comon, Mary
WeitlikleXillga,,.l4.4. Cargill, Harvey Decker.
etirdiaelik 2, Charles F. Douglass.
Dan el Prod, John Gregg, Elwood Might, Jas. Me
eeruplug, John Houten. Julia A. Reath, John Jones,
Morgan KIM, We. L. Winton.
.14 ealitur; ter any of the above, please say they are
advertised, and glee date of advertisement.
jap 3, 1,F2
9440,,terik 44,
patitieogY J k • • tha
B ! an t, J. t ' I . Brown, John Blade, Wm. Bates, .Tohn
Brown, A. Brown, Chas. Rennet, Te t aac Bear, Julia
Colon, Patrick Connote, C, Ceram), Wm. "Arvin,
Oarvey, G. Johnson (fOreign). Albert Johnson,
D. 0 ' , 1 0 ,r i lleody 4, J. B. Manderville. 511-
14 ,-. 1 94., • uel Blubleraan,at i ff A l tegau,„.
ptlP:s„,..,„*WgirgßaggraL44lldlgt4 ,
trniess called for in thirty days, they will keg&
the dead letter office.
4 1 14 1 OF gi • -
Ivs i ai. 7 1 , , , ": 4) 1: -. 1 4 i 4 . •
- f Feint po
- Laatb a s i ie _
tis td Zi en : , • 91:t i i i 29
etlabtr, d. t D. 384,.a.v5117.4_,L0rt W. swam.
if' lint t he MiXll w m a , 4 , 4 5t,4 3 of pena
apattm. In tbe - COunty of Titan,
_ i _ sx
gylvarda, who ha 3 been agjz o nis • , a •
~ ,
, o . n .
gii - !.‘ 7. .. , 4 .*, ..;" .1 -"1" .. ..
. - ,.._ __ ~ .
ipt to
use, aic3 thZ . T.ralai - e - r of any property
.by him an' forbidden by law: that a meeting of the
CretEtor. cf the stud tanity4..t, to prove their Debt.',
nd Mchoon,e,...rai . ,L=s o it ._ 7 444,1
itlL i Ng-100 ntitrl7., in the ' tervt ' uti ,
Tiogn, l'entriyi-mnia, before F. E. slt ithElti., llegetter, -
on the lett day of reb a rorl, a
41,10:1:811, atw-v 2 o'clock
"rt.. 11.41•
KIIOX. - iiiit Eorc Ordinal/co, No. IC
arm y the 4A:teeth 40,1
Coune of tizt: Dorouth of Kw:TMIle, that t'vq . ailta
alto kgel I , ..bilcatio'n cf thr; I ,2rd!!;locii 00 der the
dirwtton of thr: Blirgesa,o4l be kept
cleated by tho c ci.i4.l"ca el the lota Wolo-
KfiWOtriatiat 10011111iikiMell
, t'a witke I. , aget.R tbe emote to
-7'4,0 4gelre . :4l its.) k ura, cauntieg trout 7
0 clech 10 the morattg - , the a art, glat.ll be reuteve.l by
the Burs at tba expense at the .Aezeta anti eect:-
pante said J. 31. CEIBUTLE,
Attett • VArtos Cast „ CM. IMAM.
JIM 1111.31.
B. 11,1-VAN'ItORN
-11011=r9oznilatosl 11 taw Oakdaist Washeauis azi
suen, %Mom ta stoked Ittotth a biro
Win:Perla issortelratock or
Chamber Bette, Wahmt, Ash, Nage,
tram $l6O down, and as *Bo an tie IMO CVO CID
be bought In tho cities, fret ght addatt«..
isitoit az= WAISOT. MUT:
, Houma To gm',
cwrzen swig, wAirroT Obi 3u4 ,
=mum; PAPER vAcKs,
ammo owime, ALL
I UM gIAZIWILOWiIie as nimal. inci Intend to t ic . 4
tan _at** of Imre, Loma asi allimact• at all
ffu W ok
BOOMI are niaolona and asat, sae now 7 faai
the lamest. coatlitit sad belt stock of POW=
sas Inoulat ;to the vuttr• • :• - •
sapotz, amnzikA xantatto ,
dose to order;atjbq Faataty.
Br T:7O *AC
Jaa. 3;1872
TO . ,
TtOats dozetrul -
1.11 sor, fAuctinal!S z1 1 !,!oa!u/100:1Z tin Leiiiiato.
irldalifq64,ll;is *Mk
: -
1. U sop
,sali•Koiltiii - rit Littor, ottani mot sad
&gas. an 4 c7.•;tre4al Wheat.
2. UoUsil :114*Kaitibtef Vialh 4 00 , ant ail
usgg i uwwTav _
8. U cl oi rothits_44- •I • ,
U idrolher *1444 Os 10281. -*
This 91,011 tad} ofttuibistatukapit dt2114•3126
be s in good ewe, andAspitlaiirkp at Saa•
duce. ,
I will a patent , fdltor kri 4 oafs As",
stoat. to o th attieltita **le -atuoll -
Litinsticatil/0~.1 444 StAZIOUL - ...
- „
, -
of Haa
r. Sue.
mrarso a s tu se.4lrilt4ll4 , Ettflirar• Stage In
Ai. Walla Vitt* Wag., tatlitln-litnist,
to noseolially In friends and** pate s =
ern tgo ere tbata a ea. They. vagrants*
sll Ma. Usk stack sonEstg of
41_ . , •
mcormieitig; NAILS.
.414 V/ 1 ;
4 1 Al VIMIUII, &8..
. ,
and a general of Gaodiii seatault to tan* Ia tto
country, at lowest Mb priest
Thew :Ea t= tor the_MßY aims% in !
ARNOLD 110REIE TORN; 41117 p
SaY Y Q TR, •
- - ,
.O. Wm, ii 1,1;r12 b WM*
Yam Houma. f- _ • •
Manilla& Jan. 1. 1872.
" SOM.
' g4,9Q
••••••••• 561:19
fBuor.asor to P. P. EQB4l7Bi DEALlillEt IN
I '
- -
/Stows, .fitardwOle,
- -
ma, MEL% CARESA l 3 0 .118; BHOI 9, V
7 .
O - ettere stor.a. of Builders 3:Eateries.
UTCRIES, IiCLIGVI3, 4.0.; Also. 01t0n 3 4
At zAAPtifterturlios prices. . •
g. 4 &; 73 .:"-.7AVALNG prooras + 4.m TO •
4arl'es=4 Ca. 34, eseel z ,Ptli.oa rea 2024412 ,M64 0 , 1 4',1
; - rr.
;ea. 1872.
OENE`BiCifiiiilliNCE Aiitiet
EA - 9,‘vp34,, - sicsim
7.w. Lit*, 'ire; ' And Aceldentsil,":
Asszts wan smisioomo.
14;5 - 45 10
Franklin 111. 1nireC04.01110,e. Fa. - • , .2i067,460 - 60 .
Republic lii.tigwvirif,r..' ~,,„1750.000
ArgLea /DC 136.sofeetlarratl, - ..... R 1,000,000
Niagara Firs,Loe.Alcit,9ol. ~• • - 1000.00
Farmers 31ut. Fire.lva. Co. York Pa... . ..;909,889
Mentz Mt. Llinlr.e. Co. of liarft'ord : Ct..s.o4,97o 60
Nimes cattle /na. Co. of po
Total • • $24.22.9"7„
, •
In/Wawa promptly effected by mail or otbarorpla
ma all kind* of Property,. oillloaaespr=1:0 11 4 1 "
paid. Live etc,* tapped
,a64d iu sti - o r
I aza oho ',gent. far tbk4aaatit rizaAtannituta Cat. of
Cizataziatt. Capital, f 1 ,5%000.
ell oetcuslunicationa prompuY Vt i rll4 ,
Mill Street gd 1 10g.r tromedlain at., ivfllia'a.
YX. Agetni
t . 4l: , : zu vin house
e aft B 4llciAttUpythei4 Lett
cheap. For terms, he„ apply to the=ses lbe on the
• tellee. P. Vill.TIFIt
" A-,1372-tt
e ffitottgAtrbitui4 - ,'-'
CO R '•T ,_:, Ij%
Brinarrs COCOAINE, FrAvorana EX.
r,T.Z: 7 7AC_.
WZO„%ti? -
Belo e 3 st ciet,lLM or Milligwi tatr acat4A
car d get TaDts• •• . 4 4 •
- •
• -
a L Jel SOPA, kf"-
r r 14CA'gracym"XeIr icrk. a fir.. assortment
214Eki ellt l ar 5- ;
...., . Agouti to coativalllid?Tittitito 411gOlidAtbro cTr•qtiorr.
•FA1410,114n140001141, ,, • - ~..; ,4 . , ;, , MCI ratan Bonita Company._ Active men
3 ,- c * ; . ; 7 I , ~:;, 4,5 ,--; 4 , ,,„.,•„ ..,-9s to, WI sealable business qualtgeotions,
Ni'hO cj g to glto their tiros and attention ,to the
'laden she-oCers to the publio et to v.• rates. Ever. built** will b ite.altevittri:. Air to :Vtlitz . nl:
thing usually tonal in h andloOnimission, apply in.ti4r-nytatter tOln 1 -,
„ - tvErati.ral /.: LiSilt.f.V. • : .
INA 4 , ;-• ~, 1-.;R L7: - .:,..-. I, .. , ....i. •:...• i_: ft.r,-;:. on ::.,:zIX - 4: *XS:
1 • Tiellsboro; Va.'''.
,'743: . 1 ' .e.,11. , VlNS.tAtPrei 0
_ 44t a ti ghtaui es artftM„:1K - ate fire Insurance sin
itt attr.dcrd rates. 2for4ro - Horses
.6 •
trill be kept on hard sad sold low for cash. The PSI- winst theft 4eath by - diseate, are,
r i lg 4 • N •• lll %tiotri c ighWitg. . Nye' snit ro one to distrust
'Pi 411 : 4 Gibbi B=Pa machines for Sal% IlreAoa proThletice, boat, to invest a =ll =a very profitably.
4'0.3. U 74. ICES .li. I. Mows I: a. iltone.- 1 • Nar.'22,1571-tf.
. ~. [
Ftp ,SALE.
, "
y~~.,w..~- - --L:~
1 1,,, , ) 1:, - 001 - 12..i
'. v-s-m41,:.4.-,i,;
:: D. TEBB y ELL ^&YCO.`"
J. A. Patsons eic Co., T
lbw Good* Boats & Show
4 411 14 1 00t0 Cord Awful. Moto. worth GO. All woo/ rum!). Sottooll3 CV; a
A, MiClotho, 50 4, 76. st id o• 410 Ew a 76 li
lli Plaids. 25 ~ DN. -
• -., It II Worsted Papliali, - 25 u
Extra wiao 274 *arta 50. Almada , • k WWI 60 44
~ . Etch strips 4 Ems Goods 27m li
. , )
New Goods received did?, and sold Cheapei than Ever i
12)0. sad lea.
, 10. ie. SW.
Clothlautl. .
Ins than nine-
New nottteento, eras quality:46c. -
Root Skirts awl Coaiste. 00 1 Per am rm.
Owls in Great Variety, and Casshneres, all wool end We l
at the Lowest Prices in the country,
ascii ail wool psoYoro, hijitlAt varioiY, at much Ins than regular =whet rates. 21 , V: ieleeteeil&
Black/. Black Velveteen, Twill Macke, in choice shads. Tay cheap.
tiolored Velveteens, is all the desirable shades. Tarry Velveteens, an colors. All the above style ant 031
bias, or straight, at the /west prices in the country.
Men's 2-Sole and Tap Fine Kip Boots, $4,60.
Men's Tsp Sole, A. H. Calf Boots, 4,60.
Men's Tap Sole Kretach.Calf Boots, 6,00.
Boys' half Datil)lelkile Sip Tidots; 22,76 to $2.
Boys' 2-Sole Sr tap fine Kip Boots, $3,25 to $3.60.
Youth's Nip Boots, • $2,25 to $ 2 .0.
Women's Calf Vamp Balmoral Shoes, $2,00
Women's Calf Vamp Polish Shoes, $2,26. , Ladies' Serge Polish Gaiters, at $2 worth
Ladies' Serge Polish Gaiters, extra. at $2,60, worth $3. -Misses and Children's Work equally also.
Our entire line of Ladies' Sewed Work at equally low prifls.
*scam an 1111:01112118 stook of our regular makes, and exert ourselves to keep our trade .
do not to to take the back track at this /ate day, tsar pledge ourselves to do as we advertise is UMW/
;AUDI no claim that wa Gums carry out.
Cora Jag, 3= 1,T1A72,
Corning Foundry AS Machine Bhopal
• litentdaotuani of Stationary and Portable Engines and Boilers. Clearing, Shafting and• lltach.tamprequtred
for Saw Itille, Grist Mills and Tanneries, Ovens and Orates, for burning I=. !Sonny's for snoring =leached
sod leached bark, Castings. Bolts, Railroadi,Prop, Chairs, and Repairing done at short notice. • Vfs ,, hug th ,
431*Ine shipping by sftml or Railresdi to oil points. and ant mounds Maellnory cheaper than U. co*
Ankilderent the best quality. - 1 ': '. -
- ,
an. 1. 11512-2 y. CORNING, STEUBEN COIIWIL A. 1. I
1 ..
, . .
• '
A. large number of Cutters, andßlatforzo. Spring and
other Wagons for dile. 11. B. Borden of 'Bogs, and
H. Wheeler of Lawrenceville, agents . „Call at the
above places, Or -n shog_in -Wellaboro, - -.MirCiamine
work before pruldualng ieleervihere. • • • -
Am. 1, 1872. C. J. WESELER.
you tnea the latest arid greatesi'aiedictd dis coven , of the age 4,
it Cures colds, diphtheria. cramps and pains in the
stomach, indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery, summer
..eqaplaltits, cholera morbils, cho/erooto-. as )4 __naagic.
- As imesternal apPli eatidn'for-frolit MOS; 'chilblain - a,
~ 1110ainis; bruise n, felons, rheumatism, Sick headache,
toothache, neuralgia, pains in the side, back and loins,
practice of sit sears, it has been found to be sec
ond to no preparation ever offered to the public.
Toe proprietor of this' mei:Who. feels..warranted in
/guaranteeing it to be the' best - remedy - for tbs • above
diseases hi the market. _
Manufactured and put up only by Dr. M. L. BacOn,
Bloaaburg, Pa. . I 1
Whojaaale agenta-riallett, Beare &,Burban . .tr, 149.-1
ItiAltWorest" New York ; W. D. 4. bell & CA, , Cor-4
k , - , j , 1 . - ; -- .47an.p.1872.* f .
• ' ' .., t •
.r.:“:. .:, - I 1 %.,,---'
- -Hou.ghton l , l Orr &o .
STONY - I fOREA PA. , -..• 1, '.. , ' :.• -
Mar.ulketratra of
ip ur
PLATFORM 6f i xtmcis, xBOOE
~~:~ = .w,
We aro 'mewed, to do anstlatus Sugar Batton short
no ed ttco tnd in - thilesttinatitnet. totiolhotiOo -edott
- • - Oltr."&
f•:,... -1 1.4472NCPS R -4001.ES,,Aleuts I renttbom
Stony Pork, Jsn. I ISM
New . Goods at Low Price's:
n Titgq7ol73TßY.
Groat Reductions \ la tho Mom of Dress Goods
Ilse Wks irks List a
EST.A3:SLIIS - RD 1840.
os couVING, e2E 6ghtil2%;
Say Prints. kg, 10. lige.
Mum% all kuida. at low tlOO2 two
dwma Dram Ckooda. 46 and
Mack uysaae, 81, 11734, 4k, 000.
,4 7r - 7 - ).;• ,
. "
twei . i ' ''‘‘ ' lt l - 5 .\‘ 11 .V .- - , •`' , "' IR
' - e :;• it; cry < ;;;e ropulaiity
of this valuable Treparation;
which is d'..ze toT:ncri!. We can
assure our old pptroto, :lait it is kept
fUlly up to its IEI2-11 :4-11.1.3cirrk; :Ind it
is the only rel i e' feet ed prep
'oration for .re.itoz-lzl2. y oa .1 , A DEL I
EOM to its yr).lllrifll making it
soft, lustroniz, The sca lp,
by its use., l 7-73-79;ne. , and clean.
'lt rernoveg ,zIT - ez zi.nd dandruff,
and, by it.r.s Itvents
'the hair r.t!!lng it :stimu
lates and n-stttris h.iir-glands.
By its and
l atronge: ;t r ! :-.qoroi• the
capillary To r n.:ll vigor,
.and t: ".v except
in extre::,•2 n. 11:::
economic...). 1.1.'..1“ el - used,
as it - ,v0".i".•; :es; and
jives zz . ap
-pearanee. A. Stote
.Assayer of t.,:ys, "The
constitNent 3 pul - c .5. , ..11:1 carefully_
selecteatfor-cw, , 11:2::: ;
consider it th'e L s - rzox
for its iiv:ran,l9,-.ll:ait,,os:'
Bed by ail DrU4113:3i,.3. ;tr. , 3 i.:e d:rir 4e
Buglci lag:hail:l's Dye
1 - PIT
1 1 As o - ..r.• 711eze - x-::11:. lnat: - , cases Ye.-
quires lol!E.=; lino toff "much
care, to re - :ter? 7 - oy r.II Whisk
ers, Nvo have prry,-z-.- c;.:3-tlis dye, in one
preparation; mad
effeoraaliy accormlish th;.iie;;;4lt. It
is easily rly\!se-.1 ..:71 , 1. 1 1 ;rTor2ict-.; a e9ler
which wih ntit::(7 watZl off.
Sold by an Dtiic. , :gistP.. "'Tire Fifty
Menufacturo4 by R. P. HALL ei
Jan. 1. 28'2.
& Squiress
Foreigm anti Do4ttsPc Liq uors
.4ents for Fite Oki Whiskies ;
CTr.vs D. uzz, 1
0. N. Sqrstz:, Caktank W.. 2.
Jan. 1, IST2.
Sir This entire line of Boots
is manufactured for us
Itichardson's, and varmint
by us in ovary respect, aa in
former years.
.7. A. P 1310201 it Co. e
wm-rs, ;sir, •cc