Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, January 03, 1872, Image 2

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    --'-... , BUSIVESS NOTICES.
/. he publishers of this papet,Offer for sale
cap for cash the type (Brevier and Minion)
n which the Aorrxibit has lit:en plOnted up
to Ih's year. The type has been in use but a
short ti e, and is in good order. There is
' plenty o it to print an eight-eoltnint:paper.
Address Van Gelder & Barnes, Wellsboro,
Pa.—Jan. 3, CI.
A nterSzttcr,,Buggy.4434l4l4l,r4waraor-sal:
cheap for cash,• Apply to this: ofllce.—Jan
1, 13;2, .11—
~;~. ~ ._
.~~~ ~a.
An Explanation:—
w e h a d fully expected to pre,:ent the A(
rrAl On f0:11, 'friends Ibis : W eek in an entire
new dress; but we find it impossible to
1 - o. Only a l:nrt of the type we ordered
_caihe itt eire therefore
obliged ,to set pityl . , lf Jan . , int-:ide_ matter_ to :
day in old Brprier. We expect. ti) be fully
equipped next week however, with new Bre
, vier.and rew - Minion or the loeati:olopwv;
Apjhey Threshold. -••-
The ActrATott - enters this week on the
nineteenth year of • its existence. - Thole of
its friends V. ho have watched its gfowth
from - the beginning w think, be, irst
to acknoicledge that in ,tt , intycTiirl-point of
view t e,,palzer Wag never more deserving of
their support than now. The newLdress and
new arrangetnelitiorthe journal ill speak
for theinselvecj...atzny . rate,
tol them. ScV haze done •what :We could at
tile present-tine to.,...nttike the ACITATOR-il .
handsonso , shootr and-we-leave- our-readers
to judge of our ouccess 'in - Alit direction,
merely s rreparchlug that 'Svc shall, make - fur=
tiler iinprmiements as rapidly as our Means
may pc tinit.
Put it will T. ,t be out of place bore to say
sothething of our i,ntentionK, : to the future
manaEement of the \ p;:per, It ; yo u 'd be
easy to Yleriti . 6 - thoEe intentions hi one brief
sentence: We hoPe to maim it a tbolitical,
literary, and business, local NEWSPAPEr.. In
politics it viiibe, as it bps ever been, a loy- .
td, willing, andcons:timt defender of Re
-. 1
1 nblican pernciplcil. :It-floes not promise
tlegiance to any man or faction, It con
ductorsci'resini:cre inembfts,..l2f the Ileptib
bean ptqty; . they believe the continued and
uninterrupted ascendency of that pluty es
sential to the tratilittillity, progres 4 : and fu
ture welfare of the Republic; but they kto
not believethat all the honest men of the
country r ii : pt j ifltin : its ranks,' nor nll the coy
rupt ones ivittin the broken, flying., dissolv
ing lines of its Oppbnent. They recogni7c ,
the relf-evidtlpt truth t ime- , orrers, pec
ulators, tenti•tal•nten-oi: ea s' pith+ if•ttl-A irHtei
are attracie&by gueress; and they' aeknoist'
-- ivith sorrow', but witl l i tout
that ThrTO 1111 n. 1 cen and may Lo",• inPit
them-civet Ri-plthlietin, ilt ofticeizld
infln,2net. and prolit, - 7 - dio licitly dederve to
do tir_ , tiitite some (.riFttnitoo - ) ; rill-ice o f fin .
I.thr..r hind. They i propc,Ee,never to 41e1(.1
: it, I ,llt eo f;u. f`.9 may he to expo'mfind de
noun( e them; holding the -first necessity- of
duty to Ile Ole (1(110.(11011 nn l 111111'611
mint ct - f. its own r0P:11r.:.:5
V. 1 clico an Independent prh?v to tilt.
to • tlie pre , ervation of f'reeinilt,itii
tion. therefore, luild o4,rselv,ei;
orii• i - litiy.as •• :fouiznMistic to
fairly slid dneerely: -- the 'nitiasuriis of
any unil every party, and the all of all
public 011 - 10ers,4010ectisionmay; prompt.. Of
rourc oar oriniotr, muLt'pririiS t'or wlmt they
are vior.bi they may not be I tit wi_
prom:, i.e hiinect.._.one4 'We be-
Ilryve the .N.r•TT ATCF.: has raver herrn afraid to
.:v what it thought, aril we 'init. it never
may lie. :::WolitiVe - ttivettLKne: t spaa ,, to POI
p.nd nowlfcripefl td §bll - .lmt - Aso LP.73 no milli'
cipleii to pell'ait any price.
litorary ,sonrnal, the rnfmn7crq of iho
‘... ,7 •17 Tor Imre to rack° it ,a - crelcorrte visitor
- e-.-ery 1 -, :ithin the county. ,They
llno-.7 that' snn-.11 part of the iryfinen 4 ce of
cor.ntry. paper. elpccially upon the young,-
derived fiont its literary selections, unit
intend tint thc3c shall 1.,e r.s
li,calthful. 03 interc-,tingan,lin:tiu(ti•. - e ^.-
,1 Is pc):::vr.le. - 4 / 1 . course every'rte - A"
jr)ura:.l trin rt at times print report:, of local
crime and 7.v111011 me of:ensil e to'
cvery undepriLves.ittsjiiet but-, tlku editor
who gatlicri up and rept:l;ll.lles such nm
pays his readcri 1 very gorry compliments,to
give cur I:' , :f6•_lef• - ;"t11(1 - r..c:14 a};_' - proirjAtly ani
fatly a.vrnny Le; but whoever delights in the
" blood and thunder" style of literature. had
better look elsewhere`for it.
He who locl:s only at what is called thcl
reading matter" of a live newspaper. Iznows
not how. much, of the " form, and
,of the times" he'loles._ , 4Tot less important,
and hardly less interesting, arc the eolumi;
devoted to the buines9 of tho thy, flea
are reflected the ph..:l-,tr:t?, the chin
ging fashion?, the ::111 fc- - 1 - 111e -'Zr
and losses of the whole conrnio,il
the merchant's ntmouncemestit of the
styles 4) the dryi‘st f6t . :Al'tylv at emr nt,
is not a lints that is tint in - ; ity_ it i t ( 1 1-inan
interest. The AnITATnr., v ith t.re-rai eir
culation fa_cxcee[ling that of most - eolq , tir:
journals,' is, ire hello - es R
of comMunicstlon hem cen cl. ;_csof thi
public. Whoever 11:-; hay -ii it i
not illegal or itUtnen , l fln'i
vcrtis.ing coltunt, a cheap anti etTf Kitt
means of making- that 'Qttc.ine , tg known to 'tie
whole countv::,
'Above all, we dc t" 11,,
TOR R /oCca. ?i,e2v.tcl-9,0% i n tend ti i pt v
et.er reads it each -M`6.flifill not l igLIOIT.IIt
CA' nny important nc T. 31cCo:t r trim, pi
r:p;_2,-, but Nrc-cspecinll int •:ttl that Ise •Itttli
not be ignOrmit UI nns'
lines ia our own bailiNC
t•na. e, ask cot 114 V."(, , laal
be happy to rP.e ,- .4ve lam,. of net;.-; froln
mr: ;or this and I 'of. rAjoinitig cotztttle.;.
not promi7e - to prim :;
may be imptrqUilo to 0,0 v•i11
th-toc any friend for ;:en'iiin‘l. •
that intere:=l9 him, leaving u• - : cre, to tleri c le
- whether it wilHniereF:t our other re:,,-;er,
Ey the death of Mr. ITENur T. TUCKT.T -
the rth ultimo, American literature autThTcd
a loss not easily repaired: Altiliourrh nr,t a
writer of marked originality. :Ind with small
claim to exceptional genius, he has been for
a generation past an nseldnoui, ft - if:lions, and
productive wolzer of the second In
fac b t, he may b i l4said to have stood almost at
headthe -eip bust small number of American
_,Autliors of whom Lowell is the leader--Lwe
mean, the professed critics,. And this lathe
style of man - whom we C.:lli iealt . e.frord tri
lose in these days, of - sensationalism and lit
erary trickery—of froth, feara and fury nig,
nifying much that e-.ll—of Harte, Hay
and Miller,
.Ti7nitraan,- Tilton, and Wood
hull. idr..Tremuusrti.:: was the very oppo
site,of this ; *liple mob of latter-day favor
ites. Scholarly, conservative, dignified and
critical, lie was instructive, tolerant, and ge
nial. Our recent periodical literature has
been enrichpd by; - fzeguent ossaye from his
pen, which weie . of once bpo4leli of "puie.(tC-
tion, of refined taste, Mad OfCriticai aCumen.
They Plight bpxol,dsseribca in the words
of one of the greate,
prose, as " articles Zvi
fOr gentlemen.;' Mr,
fifty-ninth year.
The Days that
Whoever would till,
this „generation, lutist
to the_record of the
Litmutn- - t-rta4ount.
We i ; of terrible nat . '
the brettidtur down tat:
- 41=7:1t..ig,:gre7tit:=0 - tib
great public vices... -I
prowl cities
_werelt e ‘ sti
by . lititnaufeiti4 l
bt iithurnan' [MA
'MAN tOll of. hots Inc.
of -gir;ttutic".frauds a
line, ho - Thugt — contirt
the weary record of '
tult - n." . - of.toi6l). we 1
so largelfniatle Up.
The advent of the '3
lana of sunshine, of
staggering, broken, al
the weight of a natio'
rial illitastek'seented
of moral hicrtiiqn. I
"Ufesar" .a fugitive,
sport 42f AIM mob; her
a bloodthirsty and agi
seen her, tetqt hi t
frantic children, niter
of many of her best
slowly evolving order
seen the RepubliC el
tions already undera
the Cfesars, the Bout].) II
And it leaves her wilt •
uppn her skirts, add
It foundeiriiiini"
_with the Empire just
her consolidated arid";
her:neighbors. It ha
ing frllov in 'the 'fo 0
to mould a great nat'
dant p'oples; 'and it 1: 1
pairiug-of - the result,
way safety lies. :'lt
developing her resourl
work of public ixupro
-ing fOil, the lonited:fo
T2fely crimp the ancie
In. the sinith of Em - ,
foreign monarch of .Si i
a people Whb!se fickle'.
by their perfidy. Be
Italy peacefully re-oc 1
tal, and
. wrest from
c l
temporarseepter of tli
East; it-has seen Persil
front famitic and deso
Turning to our own
t'iti,a wearily t4truggli
.the grail) of a des:po
ic i qi -, and too weak to
1 ,4 11:11til, the prey of f
portions of our own S
hy a conspiracy of rut
any that ever ,cursed
picture is not all-dark
v?'r lining, if Chidag
northprn bordcirs been
4.1eat11 . , tline terrilile e
the ilearffitil'oPenedl
civilized woyltl.• The
fei ling of the unive
},:n - If great fraud:
they liti•.-e ; aWrikent , a jl i
NNlii( II Nr ip.,np!Adep at
arP rulii 4 led and the C..
pat r? agt Ipurified: .:
In-our own land it . his, been a year - at -1)o-,
litical revival and ref nu; and abroad' the
signs of the thuds are o le6 ,auspicious.=
The impious claim -' f infallibility by the
Illshop of home has et, in motion a - new
ReforAation, and thq Alt-Catholics stand
. .to_aak: ~ . ..iii-in civiliit i 'itgainA the further
enerVaclimbh - t - `of - tt.,gilspiitt&clesittiiticism: .
That claim Infs met the firm opposition of
the strongest nations of Europe, and-be
-ca-ceie of itthe day of educational fieedom,
and -relig,ionslibrty seem about to' dawn
_upon millions of our fellow-men. -- -- -
Mov;ly, painfully, but surely; Man titlvaii
cc'3 toward leis destined earthly inheritance,
when the Words, "'master" and "subject"
shall sound strange to human ears.- And
the year 'that is past has brought hiin no
,- ,;.tort distance on his way. -- So let us turn
:thankfully, hopefully, _ : frons_th,e dead, past
to the living preient, - resolved' to . do what' in
wt. lies to littster," the:gee - di 1114_9 -cotnitig"
-which gar : race has instinctiiily labored
find longed frefnjhe beginning: . --- ' -,
. ..... • . , _ . ~ .
. ,
The ..Ivrestdetit ad the.Civit Service._,
Weirublish_toaay, .in.fullAleinease,g64.
the Peesldent transmitting to th9 . Senete the.
report of the Cpmralssion appointed by him
totlevise rules' for the purpose of reforming;
the civil service. We also print a brief al) :
st I act, of thq . ,Commissioners' report. It •is
true these documents have - been: so loirg be
fore the public that they can hardly be calf,
news; but they are so admirable in them-.
e 3, and the subject of which they. treat
_.:.;such general -interest, that we
felt•constrained to lay the text of them be;
foi e tho9e of our readers who may not have
seen them.
As-will be seen by the message, the Pres
idilt fully indorses the report of the Corn
ul;.uiinners, and announces his intention to
c•lrry it into immediate practice. Of course
it i impossible to tell how the proposed
of appointment will work. Only a
t , r0u.211 trial can determine that; It seems
t.: ns, ai first vie* that the machinery
roniewliat cumbersome • and impracticable.
W,e. Are told that a board of three examin-
Fro i 4 to be appointed . 1)y the President in
each Department.. This will work well en
ough in the public offices at—Washington,
awl id only an extension of the system that
hus tscein in operation-there for many years,
ilioughlu rather an inefficient way. But
how will it operate in the selection of post
stern, revenue officers, deputy marshals,
a.)(1 ;Tel) petty officers scattered all over
the - country Must the army of citizens
aspire to fill these posts throng to. the
c:lpital to undergo competitive examine.
I ions? or Will the' examiners perambulate
the country for the accolnmodation of the
office-seekers? We fearthis part of the plan
will break down, though we sincerely hope
it may pot. But whether it does or , not, it
is a greet point gained that the first step has
been taken—that the President, the party,
and the whole people - are - thoroughly tom
twitted to.theieform of* eisi)se,rviee.—
Experience will rapidly teach'us how to
. „
feet that reform.
% , ' , !!)1 4 11
That the London Trams should be
" struck with astonishment by the iun
bounded f eihtles for . production" of
this counti , is riot at all sinigular, nor
hi its expression. of that 'aStonishment
remarkable wow. tut the time Is not
long past when sackan_avowal.,froni
that source would have come with all'
the novelty of roses in December. The
truth is, the whole world has been as
tonished by the same fact; and. the
most eanguine Americans hardly yet
appreciate the immense and 'most in=
exininitible;esoureesofthei own coon
try-.—But We nre - glad- to. .elleVii. that
t.he majority of them do underitaitt.
. . .
It• masters U
tten-by a g,
was in
at t.. tov.
at• 11111:1.3
tc_!,•or t l no (,lave
-:;1' that has just :row:.
mai huirkiliUtions; of
buildifla &;p of etu
to must . -Math/ how
ssuess - or, wnise still,
L-• • •
Maus Tartutif;ltll.ll3i. -
• - ' • -
d costly;
Innn's tin ty to
story • Of:
_tll,ll -7 ra - LC is_
lear found FO,nea,'tke
!lory, and of pleasurc,
lost crushed beneath
lid defeat where mate
,- • -
tirellevecl by one iity
found her -honked.
her government - the
chief city the prey or
:Irian rabble. It has
e hands of her own
the 'insane - btitehery
and purest ' 1 citizens,
int of chaos. It has
tablished on foundaf• _
ed by the intrigues - of
and the Commune.
fresh fraternal blood
a" fierce, unit ' oning
proud andeZti ral;i,'
sfEitilTsliea7 It leaves
tiNVerful, - the dread of
seen Austria attempt
of her rival and
on from irony discor
aves her almost des
iiid uncertain wilicii
a seen Russia quietly
!es, building up a net
-ements, and Tprepar-__
- day - *ICU - she can
sept of. her nationbl
.pe, it has seen the
lain uneasily courting
less is only - exceeded
st 'of all, it has. seen
.upy her ancient capi
unworthy hands the,
tie Pope. lii the far
li and India suffering
vicinage, it has seen
g for freedom from
ism too proud to re
.onquer her;' Mexico,
etious ambition, And
uthern States harried
Sans as dastardly as
the world. But the
' the cloud has arcil-
I ) has burned and our
• -
Iravnged 9)3r '-fire 'and
I '
1 lainities have moved
c purse - of the whole
.have quickened the
I sal, brotherhood . of
! have been ex sed,
F 9. puPl iC. 090" i WO,
,aip until -1 lq,guilty :
liiannelsof-tioveJr and
, -.. ..„.
tint it it only by protectlT.:
and fostering boine
resottree , a wan be totnits
open, and noire “inellitien nor
• (.4.n". tttroeirirr are
Aml hill,jygt, , wliat
1,1!e,r,V1 u
114X6 Silt n 1
lot lip.• tti
tjz itit , l It , tl
Kith ity.
11..,..trjtmt=itilt. 0 ert
the 18tli-t4latioo, atta-vlectkaL-CA
lopiA Atte -mein litu - froui jtody .
dent, Apt
diies ij - ot infrAmAitt ut-Avitut-7:y
TElici :Merit•. 11E:lois; dr: tird I
W tiles; Ilia cldiueiiiE, iit 4-.?,
iitn.-kitll4- (if • 14111i.N1
tun I
li[i!ri ef~i ft in tie * he' ‘ u I
"1.1- it t ip 'foi e '
mint et:4l.li; iht - - . 4, , ttulo .r tilihuteutl‘•Ju ; to
ot' ilia tu.tionl, auir
ougitly:r.q-eptuied by NO.; tferbvc M. Y.
`for Nrptinghum:' On the ; :cube band,
- 1, 10 111..4 leen - iebulted fut• . idtk it
ptr let ti rrA the Queen hy -
Chu l netsilor oP L 4 ExcheqUei,
glia g e remarkable for
Hon. But revelutiOn'l Lot
in England;. 'vii judge.
Our Witsltingtoii.
C.') Doa E 2
Senator Chandler in thenSe ate lias;
just struck some telline-bloWs
graph _Monopoly and its.watere , efacks - .: 0
There is no doubt that:the • egraph
rates ought tn be less than. •ne half
what, they now ate ;.and the =would
still nay ail enormous:profit on, he
ney actually. invested but th stock
jobbers step in with thetrwater ngpots
every two or three yea*, and t i e coun
try is-compelled' to pay, a heavy tax an•
nually as dividends on stock wh oh 'rep=.
resents no real Nalub.in: property, and.:
which did not cost the holders n.aver:.
age of five cents on - - the dollar. • Some
Vitt* that:Congress skoltld pa.s.- a la*
fixing rates for dispatcheS'whie would
yield a fair profit ou the money ctualty
invested, and.prohibit, the WI: tlon of
stooks hereafter. - .Buti it is eX remelt'
doubtful whether the trickste would
not continue to filch money as. well. as
brain facilities from the masses, unless
thnGovernMent takes the matt:r iu its
own hands and.conuects the -te egraph
with thepostatsystern, thus rift/char
the price of telegraphing to its • halm-
The conveyance of tilooght,
ping is of such incipoitancOn th
- .
try of universal intelligetice,lhi
manipulators. and mcinoPollital
no longer he allowed; the'
known ilibbery . .iit the people,
Onus t.Olimit a. prohibitory tax o ,
leet-'and. the -iiPeedYAraiisinis!
tlitiunt theotighout a iio.uutrY
suc . eesst - govern mint de pep
3ito i Visit, .fy,„- i bap ot - . last 'so,
to -Coto pl'9 al tzte 4 t-hp-4f , rrefbl4l
bk:li4ing down ~ t ' her $26.001 .
still`thotigh, hVallaver,:that the video
pontlenee .94.0 get Into 4.he'p•perg trr..;
full; and also., that:Rtat4 wilt lint) tits ,
way tote Sing:Sing in 'due time -along
with the other roblters of . tha poplo -.,-•
t t
, I redeutly Inet,here one of th elem. ~
sel of the great New . iroik. ft anoti , r
Connolly; who spoke. of visiting:. Ibir.
agent at,
,Lunlow-fAreet. jail,.VW also
ipoke of the.fact , ( l 44 , BOuer.we
nut be foiind i te`.having disa
after hie friend Judge, arnard.
lowed him to Aoe freed:pi:mon bai
In the reform State of-Missouri
Carl Schurz represents, it hag jai
spired Abat a , ring uas been
whkch hassocceejle4 in approp
under various disguises, the pro
over a million and• a : half acres
swamp land: donateAfor:ssbool
sea, Thus is New York exam
tated. ' : - •
From the teue .. of the debattol In, the
House on • hir. Boar's -resolution,- it is
probable that the bill-to provide a cone.
Mission tla Oxalate° the::_-labor:qUeStloh
will pass that body at au
CoaithissioniF Douglass has, il i tr(lered
that - after January 1,-,-1872„„ Lb° appotedr
meuts of , surveyors Of c .dtatiiler ee are'
revoked, end their duties shalt be per .
farmed by Assistant 4ssessors
will save the Government shit)
The Civil Fervice' Commission have
at last presented their report te thepn b
lie. ,Tbe • "rules suggested by them,
which radically change the method of
appointing and promoting
clerks, as well au the appoin tees tiO.ough
out the country, have been adopted by
the President and sent to Congress for
its action thereon. Cempetit+s anti
non-political examinations are lnaugu
rated„ from and after Jannary 1, , 1872,
when all' appointments Will be madO
without regardto personal - or political
preference,by Congressmen or other of
ficials, Upon merit alone.)s,lt is not yet
certain that. Congress will Canetion co
radical a change, trtleUgh most of the
members will be truly glad ' to be rk
lieved of 'responsibility -It in to be
hoped that . this sweeping' rev lutiou'
will satisfy the shriekers fOi ref rm In
the civil service. - - • (.3. id: '
Supreme JudO.
Chief Justice Thompson's term ,
expirecr in
_ ,
December, 1872; it therefore- behomes lu
eumbent übon . the peopleof this State to
elect hil successor at the next genertd" eiec-.
tion. Who his successor shall he, is atque:s
tionwhielf is - beginning to agitate the ir.mbio
mind moteer less throughout the Stil l e, and
it is one which. deserves more than a passing,
notice. Thai' men of "the - first' jitdici 1 qual
ifications:llV whose cliariteter fOr impar-
I tiality and iptegrityls hbovereprOttO4 hpura
be seleeted to it seat On the - bench f - the
highest judicial tribithai h our State, is auk
ceded on all hand's. The Hon: it.'l . Wil:
hams, of 'Tiogycounty,. President - Judge of
this district, is eminently fitt . e# 'for tl' l 1501 -
tion. His name was before. the .Wiifixiis ;
' port. Conventioti, heeled' bra - stro4 delre
gation," when Judge Will • ms, of Pi buir, -
was first nominated . • His Mune will "again
preSented for,nominfition :at thein ' State.
Convention, and we will bemuch rised
if he is not sujinorted by Ike.. eptiip, °oh
ern Tier, tuff trell ,as by many, eater. .., legit
tions in the State. ' -The seat to be vac don
the Supreme Bench is that teir 3d" front
the northern part of the State, and-it is no
more than just that a northern murk be ze-:,
-19eted tOllll his pliee. 'The eastern an wes
tern sections of the State are now" ape ct
ively r,opresented :by two :judges. t-the•
north continue 'to. hafe her rdproz thion
on the bench, {arid all will be -well. 1 — ' '
That the foregoing, is the, mianini sen
timent of the Repliblicans of this c untz, 1
We are left to believe from, the eitine tness•
with' Which eoveral gentlemen sitike upon i
the subject who inet tat vie room- of_ Gen:
Kane, at the Bennett' Rouse , : yestaiday..-L:
There was ne disienting race, r 4 PA''' .
Jng to the State at large thejse" ics I)!` f ici
able o...acpomplish44 a Ijurist although
taLi*Oirm '3sloSr aPac gcl47:*.r.ifatii
- ..`v '
- ,C 4•11.414 SERVICE REFORM.
~ • •', i
;,,.- ' •
‘, The President's Meseinte.' . 1 ,
NaitittfrtoTort, Dee. 19.-:-The,,,Prest
dent...tent t he - following_meesage to Con..
greps to-day :
, 1
.t .l iii . 1 4 , ?, 11 ,H. i rt h. ~,,i i It.ave af Repriustati.iet: -'„ -1:
..111 ut•ift•itlialler•Wilb „the;,-aoCiiifAktn: , . !
ii ii .,.. i , weikroved Itarellilli r :Eetni-
vemii a emilinh.sioo of emlneo t gent le •
meu to deviee rules and reguletlemetto
0, - e pilii - jek-e of reforming the civil k•r;
vst•e: llreit fisiiike ,:alp no . i ii • ki o ui p ii,.. l. 1
and I transmit - Iferityjith‘lheiri rerakt:
together. with.the rules-which they rev
isinnielid - foi - thy' action. These rules :
- kaint :been 'adopted, iind - Aviti go Into,
attio , 4 onAhe lira day.otlanuary,-187:1 1
Under ,the..taw , : referred,to, ,as I inter-]
',Piet it; tht; atetiCorl ty :is already liiveitt, c ,
ed' -in .the ExeetitiVe tti enforce tho'se .
lOWiiiiiiii, * iii I thln It po iv er •to abridge, 1.•
alter r'aitieta; at ;his Optiiire where
han . ..MAY.:l}eAfeented advisable. • 4
1 1 .4,
. •Ttilletar•togetlier with .tho report 1
or al entlrimissionere,- , are submitted :
for - lf.r earen thilii
it 06 4tiOn, .att. to :
:Whither riirthili legislation frilly be`ue '
CeSelley-Iti eider:to carry out an effect--,
Tve.-toid I.eiteoent civil service•reforro. 1
I 1 f left to kite. Without forthet t'ongres• i
squint - avi I,vi • ; the rules preseribeti by 1
th'et7Olisinissioti, tinder the rcitervation
I•atready mentibtietr, Will he - faithfully
executki:. but they' lire • • nov bindlii,g,
I without iurther legistatioir,•4o uiy suc•
1 2 cessors. Fleing. desirous .of bringing
thifi suitlept to the•litteution- of con•
gress before .the approaching recess, I
have ritithad: time to enthelently exam • '
toe the - neemnpanying report to enable
me to suggest definite legislativeaCtion,-,
. -
to insure the support whiclemay be ne
cessary lit order to glvea thorough trial '
to alpolley ierip needed. • - • ,
I esti:Jet 411.-thO'Strengthiehtiiit Con , '
Atiress dint site Me to entailer tnetii - OitrrY
-eempentted.:by - the...Commitislorters,"afid
ado ted to take effect, as before stated,.
' eiti January V5,t,„, 1872., The law whlett
IPrOtiitleii Tor_' ale:Con veiling ofit corn 7
I:miiision to dvtee'rnies and tea:illation!!
I - for reforming the civil ,
eervice, -anther-
I•izes - I think, the permanent orgianiza
tioieof: a primary board, under ! whose
direction all examinattons of applicants
for public - offices shall be conducted.
- There is no appropriation to contiuub
- such a board beyond the tertnlnation of
its present labors. I therefore recom
mend that' a -proper appropriation be
wade to continue the service of the
present board for another year; and in
view of. the fact that three members of
the_board hold positions in the:public
'servtcerwhich".preoludes them from re
ceiving extra compensation under ex
isting laws. that they be authorized to
receive a fair compensation for eittra
I strvicest rendered by them In the per
, formattee of this duty'. • •
'- • •
. • • . -: U. S. GRAN'It.
. .. . . .
F-Xecutixe Mansion, Dee. 19,1871.
• The Civil Service Commlision, after
giving a sketch 'of -the condition of the
civil, service at the present time, and
namlng'the evils of the present practice',
of a distributioe of the inferior Offices
tie partyf prizes, argue' in favor of select
ing, of the two applicants for one of
lice ,of egnAl technical , skill,. the one i
who is better .cducatith Thoy do not
suppose that the adoptioe of any rulers,
howeVer skillfully formed, would at
once remedy• the eviiii in the civil ser-'
vice. „ I 'l The Constnleseon , propose • to be
stowptiblic places in the - civil service
i;ti those who are fitted for . them, and
in c o nclusion add : --
1 ,- " An enforcing of the rules that we
-submit for-aPpioval, 'ilepends•of'course
upon the .pletiaurti of -the President;
..Veushol/ 11 4:theY recelfte, , the sanction of
"tsgickress ; in she -form- of law, their f
roreeineni :Would beeoipe, until repeal
-et'l,l ibit" - titily a - phidialre but a duty of
t fie-Presiden t ; • That san et ion; Whether I
' , to. the rules -ii - O'W anbmitted or to- any
HeiteMe which-will more surely promote-
I ttiV"Poritraatt-eftletici 9r..tue-civit
..teryfee, tire countryjnost ear n estly de
stina.;lTlte`_ improvement °tithe-di - fil l
-sfrylce cllo:ein'phittleally; 'the - peoples'i
"cause, the-people's -refOrto, find the ad..,
te in Iteration...Vl:doh vignrotisly- begins
" I. Nellisee,,Vir 43 . , f± t lo.9rs poly Jetel - „than ,
that or toinalvat:ion of a Free , Unien.l'
ktrcEs suiptyr44 . .ny T.H . E COMILIfiktION...
' :,S:11/ Preivide43llo..Ho.;peregn be ail
lbitted into the;elyil sery.ice: Who shall
• not hiv:e4lissed a visfaetory te:;•atiliitle:••
.UOO Jil Speaking, reading
. and writing
the E nglish" lireguip.• '- • '
No. 2 priit-ides• for the 'appointment
• - ar an .edvisotyitteatftleof. suitable-- per
'seine; to 'bs employed bY..the,..P-resitient„
['which bthird s t itail,so farrisprerticabie,
gradectliCA , ,bsitioni in' each brunch of
Wet- eIY il, sry Ice; -aft - tI "t'• hit I 1 ' 044 e eaeti
group tram ' , the -lowest ter the highest
for 'prOrrirelon!wlttiin;-said;greup, ad.:
miss - ion always to. be._ in, . the. lowest
grade, and to euch.positions as , cannot
..•.,e grouped Or graded.. „ . ..
- a. •A vacancy , oceurring . in theloweit
grade, shill be filled,' afterdue - pablic .
notice, from the - faults "of Aire persotte
who have •passed.a public competitive
fiXlllllll44l9p. The bean). .concluctin g.
I. , uch• _coinpeattg. examination shall
: prepare a list of the onmpetitoriln the •
order! of -- their' s excelltlnce,:litid - shall
liana() to the appointing po vier not More
than rtliree".of ilime -standing highest,
and froth the names thus certified the
.appointment shall be_made: _
--A.' A vactiney - Ocetirtiag In any giade'
above the lowest,
- 'shall be tilled. by a
entupetktiveexatnination of the apply=
. cinis frbtd•dtherigrades of the group.
. 'Applicants certified fot appoint•
ittentin positions where: larde awns of
money are handled, shall pot be ap
pointed without the consent of the off.
cer whole responsible for their pecuni
ary fidelity.
8. Postmasters, 'whOse salaries or; less
than $2OO each,. may be appointed on
the written request of the applicants,
with proofs ef character, &c.
7. Theappointment of all persons en•
tering the civil service, except persons
4 1 ) 00 1 nted -by - the president .with the
ad vice and consent of the Senate, and
:he appointment of postmasters and
persons appointed to service in. a for•
eign Country, shall be made for the pro. ,
bationery term of six mouths: At the
end of this term - thee shall be re.ep.'
pninted, on proofs' 0f their fitness be
ing furnished to the head of the De
partment by the board of examiners.
.B.= The President will designate three
persons in eacti'pepartment to act as a.
board of etaearifOre.`tO,he under the su
pe rvlsion of the adviSory hoard.
9. PersVits Yong in service 'and it ea
paeltatedict perform their duties by be •
dily or - mental follrmity,, may, be ap
pointed tit the diseretiett of, the Depart
ment to:silo - salon of less responsibility.
10. Aliens tnin familiar with the En
glish latignagel -may be - appointed - to
positions lir the - con A tiler servicepwliere
the coatpe nsa don' is small; and tor 4.eit=•
sons snfticien,t -to the appointing poWer.:
-Fil. Ile nilleerin
th e
De p irtmentahajk
iey peesetheetifor,alitleer plrPOses,
under theleirrnsef teititery konlribez
irons. - -'- '-• -. ''
• ' '- ' --
. - 12.'The advisory board- shalfatdatiy
- tittle recnnmien.d:to;the,Preside,nt Suck,'
changes in these rules-,as,-are, deemed ,
necessary. , 'I- - . , ,
13".....Fr0aribe4e441 "
are excepted thee.
1 heads. of tber Departmeiffii,' Ae i il id 't i c ij o
1 Seeretailee or thesOeptatmenU, Assist
1 ant Attorney-General and First'Assist
-1 ant Postmaster Eleneral, the: Solicitor:
I General, Solicitor ef.t.he:lreesury, Nu-.
It-verSolleltor Solicitor ef Juternal.Rev
-ernfe, Estaminee of Claims in the State
Department, : Treasurer - Of the Unlted•'
States, Register-of the "Tretudief,j'fret .
,and Second.,c omptrollektv,of -the -Tree=
, - suryr.Tudges _of :,the i1.,-,titntes IVourt.v.
'District Atteihe'ys; Private Secretary of
the presidea,_Erehassradera 'mid * Other .
public.lslittisterse Su pertetende e t or trip"
1 Coast Survey. . Direetor • •of;the:- Mtn!, •
Governors of Territories, Speelai:V4m
tnlssienere. Special Annual Visiting
and 'Examining Boards, persons ap
polnted:to the positions without c0a1...,
peusation - for services,'sach ati•dittplitek
agents and hearers -ofdispatehes. ',
te lat,or
a !Wit,
prb lii:c.
.mi It t,,.-
A . .."liiill,
t fim ce
it. 11 II
tail; Oh
• (.et;
- --
11,7 thn
, light
s QoLith
t stock
r _well
to, con
1• 4 •
011 ,111
great 1.,y
Not t,44
4 could
.ad at
_t tray
eede of
of the
S le itni-
t VSO,
TEE BEST HOTEL. fu gOtt.liTt
weaiven' • o•
tilaed. A
e : ! . :ee=apa nos geA
pm Ll 4d by any fire OW
hotel irtthie any
TN higher
than at second end third rates h Lttcatlan, qtuirr.
iotatalrr and
Win eittiots, Wells Qty.- -
41 et o9d.tSbItt.W l rtriao rVarht
, r.
AP' dTIOX to amend chatter. N..t;te .a hereby
gtv. that - the Wellahoro Water Lecupuy Lava
curie at to to Uuuri uY Ceulteini rives '
..e uty to ameAcf their charter, and that said
• •' •• will-be presented to said court, on bionds.Y.
the t yat January inst: J. F. PON&I.JMON.
J. • .1872-3 w- Prothonotary.
~- •
Y. oi Dawes'
> fa
.WARI.TVelti* usßAiki,4
oak of GO' Oalli
►t' for, r sat. Ana b fete (awl); at •cugL
r• ( * Walk axstetu played,
Li P!
, .
. _
. you mix.' /A is: trite • old msilna; itticT; ‘Vtitict
ct , tart.Lctio do, teili v tor :04in stfiter utici.bUyix,
,=. . , ,
r •
Joriql, l: I I
. ,
to mall ~ , ..t •da at' - ani..ll 'itrttets, fur v./1.4i, anti
itiolriat a'irlailrota old pairials, ivad. front'.
%Ito 1.1.1. t ll>, bad. a,.;:criLis and staple goods
lark - - ,'. -- ' - - .„ 1 .. .W.- POTTER.
nri e 41,41
at ;4,4.4
S. Itaf..k.l-14-
airui'for Sale. .
Sy 11, L.l - 1 lURAJ. FARM--litutga in
A • to,
kilo a
I ble•thon
barns, ywtnia•!
which .
9f good
or at J,
I An/ townenip, "Awe vouuty, Pa., On Crook
.atamt f.ur bed Mai roiled from the • village
' fir,l ns.. Die lloe Li thy railroad to Wenohow,
the Uteri.: Cole tania;. containing 306 [terra,
t :kW acne .Iwproved and len acres of v.slua
laud: Dennnond's d. pot lOcated on' the
t jo, bg sold all tegother, or in' parte. - Throe
,tte (I,,:eidee the mansion house,
. suie Of the beet in the -towneldp,) -with plenty
frilt on the premised. l'ertne :will be made
Avr partic;
31'_ella boro, ulate,
or of Inquire
D. L. Aiken, Moos on the prenillea,
44142.1.4 w -
iLlioot e :Course-4871)72i -
- .....
Vt h ifoi, ip,ti..r.r.b.. bon engaged "fer tbe,
rainte con - el:demi tiv`i tfk a iitulag season:
tlVOiliki 14LO is."tif JO ti 1 Ili , . 1 ob. 111.1172
, _ AM YL ig , NClCiligo)l I Much '4; 1879
.. )1111 LI V /ARMOR 1.. - ~! ...... ..... 1.. Jan. 0, len.
.•GBO irvAntEliiiiyiv,... ...,..J....40.875.
.001V141, LAM CV iiil3oll.ll-.:- • ... —Jan .2 1 ,1171.
.;= . g )/. OM 11 V.., N 4.s . liy , :48'1.10 / 1112:-
'-. •'. N11:01111IN ......": - Mar, 6 lz, 1 117 ;
r HEN Y*7l.Kli. IMIEZMEtt . -•• • '
• O.ILtiO.ES "04/11.41002000115114... . • .' r
- . ; . . • 14..1. EB.GIOII, Preal.'
• - , ' JON :II 111TLIIE11; , •
. . J 11. BOSARD, Sec'y.
. .
Jan. , . /872-tf. . Manager. .
ruing tore in El&land
We have opened in the borough of
A &sib stook of
whisk' will be
is they gad be boulbt Su
. .
We coa a/fard So doltde, as we stall Imo eaQUI
ranks At PISF estra freight.. We shall confirms to add
to the Ems during the sown, souk goods as the wets
of the saran laity seam t4i desuana. We invite a tali
bon who ass in want at anything in our lino. •
i ; ..--:2-143030LELeit
d Os
'cutw‘t tVTip ErrA.Tis tioupAsy
setd saki et New York whellm4 priear
Pee, thx4T4.,4; wqrs.
. - - --, ~... . . .. .
. --- Pay- Up. ... • ..-._ , - .
sonsindebted' io 'l4*. 0. Aross'b7pl2‘,Oto or
, 6 .lOctAnt agir birder totiltod- that - to
isievire.4l or,ckosta Fill bo male. We mean
ki, 1,13714 w- i 4_ , .*; . ..' .. , - -
- * ± # , :gIP ITh CtOMLIC —.
bO:40113,01T OF TirryzzatrtencLlAl
STS .Pt Wellabotottgre, Pe, at Ala clot° of bual
acgs,4lC.;/S, Pl•
• ? VtiSor4Ct•
Loam 7 ' • $188,003'95
B >A secure /00,000 00
11 B. Bcmdslatil Sec;diltlea Oa hand. „30.000 0 9
OtherStAordl6, sad, Aka- 6.000 00
Duo from redeemluguad Reserve Agents ' 29,129 BB
Due MO OtherNationar Banks' 4,815 - 87
.I:fue •• State Dablarazad/tankerti, . 871 '7B
O R090419a - ' • - 713 00
Cash,ii_tycloainglitathps) • 3,144 42
Bills s 'other Vat:tonna Daikka 288 00
Fred Ctirrezicy (iacaud(ng Nickels). ••ND 00
Legal en4er -Notes . . ; r tat 00
i -- . - -Sitia,m 84
- t -•
. . LitibiLitrum. I , .
CV FitOlf rata ill, t•••• •-•.;-. i*, - 04 000 CO
Burp "Enrol " ." 1. .. . - 50.684 . 87"
i3r ,
,}4 ~,....„,„..,,,,....,.... z -KM 8.2.
MU. Ctrculatclost (cubit:mania.. - - 89.117 00
i t= .. ............. .. ... .. 1,09,84$ 42
Duo a
Dos t, ther t ßanka sok 'Bare ' en ilo
z . r Ppra'A. Dime Co err, Ea: 8884,188 si
I, 4'... L. liobbmon. Caalder of tho Sint National
Bank ' Was4 l ,l ) a. , do solemnly swum that the
above leingnt Of true to the beat of my imolvledge
1 2114 t 4-. ' MP.4 , •lo:4 7l l l lll4*Clitatug•
en— • , and sworn. to before too thietwuroAest
day o Pee -ter. 1871. Roftaw C. Bnuesotr.
Notary Public.
Cort i attest—Chester Robinson; ,Ino, B. Bowan,
J. Vi'. ey, Dire/bra.
~ . .
. .
. .
Th, gubpsib.4sl . keelia constAntly au bawl
: pare Drugs and medico:".cimpqr•
1 , kiii.4so wad Oibi, Tzzur+ SVltioZAry; .lin-
Fla $(4.1014 •t!. . . ,
Tiomt, Jim. 1. 1814. B. H. MEDI2I4.
• Real Estate For tittle-. ,
'Two Llov4is AND LOiXi, on State street, entirely
I new, finished nicely throughout—gotta:we sty/e.
Terms may.
Ten lots on hiiaS„ 21;feet,
Sour htmared' atres•ottimber Jana in Denny,
4/13 illaSns 44xjrt * 7 4_,lRAleinNir.' 4 0 Utt
Bi 6 sct q. Pig to! wiAT B Y.
WPllporo, 4una 21 1, 1071-tt.
For- Sale.
.413ClUrllciar'ret'ofland known - w the William E.
Rebell tarn at Mitchell% Cree Tioga CO. Pa..
w 111 three 'dwelling houses. a etel,rnw Mill and
Barns and•othlr,liadings—one oT the I.*; Pa 4t locaticala
for-a lumbering or other idarnifiteitiring-"oatablighmant
on - the Tioga Ballroad.
A.lBO !Quirking p lot of abou t -185 acres. &belie- 40
scree In paskire. - IVptild Mate a good farm—timber
inhough tel if ferftehiirMbet-poets. to pay for it.
Mao about.7_4o,aeres of timber limd prith *lows 1114.
provenittill.Altilla .3611$ of *l4 described
tuit — Naltiliblit or 4011100 t Back. •timber and. arm.
jug lands. ,
1140 two lota miand or - onemere i k t
- each; actuated :
LiOlUdaytowtn -the totnahip of -; Mlddletiay—on
viltich there ita t s4e;loarth eku, •
• Those desiring 14 por.-baa4s-iniiiiire , of- Mrs. sane
Mitehell on the Rrepiq es at, Mitelell's Cretin- --
' •
lan. 1,- 1 812:31, • - ' f
- Tioga, Pa.
- -
4 5 .`
1 : 5 '
- ta q
ti.- •
7 . S. .
For-Brae or. Rent- -
4 G 001; faxiiierrAtiga, - A cnp...Tiortt Co..
,11 1 :' Pi., st ay 2 Iv2.ritAlo wpot cf tho , 8.0z0 1 47.b , of
Tina, aboutl.o3 - iteritategareti, , aid 40 iintutpto l oo.'.
ZOB - VII At till C . C..13 , 4:22 .threv4walltag 00u4P
,*ll tip&
gridt!aul, abet *Ult imo. cnr.
'o , o3oll oo l3 l oitts Ana as
Att 4010 ZOap #44l.red,,withB6 .pc44"
Vith *goat belt, ft g00C4r114 , 0 jtika 0 0 4
t• • t • 4
4 11 :4; " ' " 210 2114C1
- ;
If you want Diens Good of ail lyn4s,'
- - -- ca iat BALDWIN'S Shanty
Upon want Wk. 84paca, call tar the Grand Dutehvss.
• a$ BALDWEN , S Shanty
If you want an Ottoman Stka",sl„
cat at BALDWIN'S Maar.
you want Ladles di fleptt. ware,
• at BALVWIIII3 shanty.
Ityvn wsztt.nfitios ad trimmings,
• all at nap)wrtrq Multi
It rot% wati
If you wait knit Goods,
If you want Hats and Caps,
limn nut Boots sad Shoos, .
cad at ISALDVlatildiantr.
- •
IS ton want a sit of Disks*.
at aiLDWAY4 Masai.
If ion nut good Taw szul Groceries &alb,
tall st BALDW/IlldbanV.
Ifyou want a resAly wide suit of clothes,
call at BALDWIN'S Shoat/
Um mutt a salt of Cloths' 164volt:for_ meaumrs.
at Shsaty
II you want Oyu Coot..
It you want Buffalo Rota*, .
call at ' BALDWINII sway
if you want plus that cant ba beat,
call at lIALDPFIN'S Shanty
That's whats the Natter.
We are anxious to sell these goods before we leave the
Shanty. T. L..LIALDWTH & CO.
Nov. 1, 1871.
J. i, 1972
Oarrifige and Harness Trimmings,
Corning. N. Y.. lan. I, 1879
• •
J'Tilr 19 . 211
If 7. - Ai spirit n:cebtortrorit 4f
call at VALIMIN'S illumt7
call M BALDWTM'S Shanty
call at EaLDWN'S Shanty
call at RAZDWIN'S abartty
I 9
published on overl patkoge, there.
fbrei tie IN, a Bee ne p fit , rat ion,
• •
It is A' cerium cute for Scrofula,
Syphilis in nil its forms, Ithquzna
tism.:Skin piscaseo, l.ivei Com
plaint end 7.11 diserkees of , the
tivilltle mere goca 'than ton bottle*
Syrup cf Sarsaparilla.
haftouscti iloszdAbslntheirpractice
for this_yr«st'll;:eo years and f..kely
onile.tsp: II es 5. 7cilzine AiteratiTe
ty v ic 0 0'
~ ioakt..
D 1 .. , i ...
LIM: A:4 1 .9;4ga. • ' " '
ilDlt:Y:(.3. Dit , 'Nl.l./.117,"
,D r .. t l
tpl. S. SPAR t 9, or Ncholcz
yill o,l l l ' : - #. 1112-Ste6iiitl4A:
Courtibts l
DX?..A.; 1 3 ....(ril l a;„;;:tigenoie'Lb, N. 6.
ittZ,...D: At:a ‘ . ..IDOIiZED BY
t {.- p ifr r..:::l, :, 7, . .?:::;:: c ,- ., 411 ulcer,
)c7l , t'!'7.1.'.:.:.":1.5 , •.••:i. Arid];
.1.':.,' V I .. : - ...!.', l.autt..taiio.
111.• )1 VI . ; .1 , 71'1 c"fl; ' • -
1..:1A. 1... i .4,-! vi:.(tnctittturille. Va.
SAI.M.. C. ......:yap.DEN,- murtrogo•
;ten t 4 _ itt.selnaeir to i.y !II •
virtlioqer .1:1 ear, Tclllo Media/
Fz 4 i s csf.“:°l:.:rn,:.l!:.. - ttac. - a'Fl'dlil Rib
erivr to r,. y ;Loy temp 'Ter
wed -4ho tit.t rent of disputa
Mood end :led vets, 117
liosidi .
c.R.I yt.4i will be ziptcoidi
to h6alth. _
a03:11316 IS - *Cad bY an Mei%
price • •••):4 TIT buttlC
aa. l o;,,zams.. 14
A. L. BODINE,-Agent, Wellaboro. Pa.
J. B. KIT ,STED Agent, Bloasburg, Pa.
BA.LP BULKLEY, Agent, Knoxville, Pa.
J. SCECTEET Jr., Agent. Tioga, Pa.
Weililloro,ka., Jan. 1, 1872
• ,
Winter CiEtnapaign.
• We are now fully
-armed and Equipped for the
, 111,
• enter Campaign.
Intro:whoa behind a'PEAVECE BAEtRICLDE OF G00D.% ready to meet a charge from all our old cast<
mare, and as many new once as may chose to favor ue with a call. Ina dttlon to a full spa of
Fancy and Staple. Dry Goads ,
we make the following •
branches of j
? bualuees epecalltlez.
li Me C 4 B. ol) ) 3 l r l RFC ' which ti - y el 4a yard, or make to order by the most erperiencs Ivor)
man on short notice.
for Ladies, Misses', Children, Gentlemen and Boys,
CIiAPIOEL 'Fain 4 3C 6
a fall stock, embracing
Pieeem- \
ranging froM `...)5 cents to $2,50 per yard.
Our stock is the largest, Goods the best, Prices the lowest, of ally Store In Corning; and probably in
Southern New York.
Corning, Jan. 1, 1871 r
num tr Nut= .
- - -
0 . B. Eni•gro,
Pan:Wes, ielphalro, PL/ids; french and Irish Peplir.o, Japanese Silks, Fancy Colored anti Black Dress Silks,
all at prices much less titan have been sold for before. We keep a full /izio
Fancy Goods, 4''ankee Xotions, Boots, Shoes, fats Caps.
HOSiebt from
Boots from
ens toes from..
.Boys' UM from..
IteadrMacie Clothing, in abundance.
-10 cents
10 cents.
20 cents
TM! Rida Factory for. .
Prints for
Detainee fur-
Tess Prom.. - 50,cents .
t0!51,60. Coffees from
A litagars • ...... 1234 cents. • - Spices, aU kinds.
Pprterea 131:mar at • 121„, cents. Soaps, all kinds.
9tirMotto it "fair .Cuing , lo* prices, and strict attention to buidness," which is always the key s to atii
eill ie ' -
We Mei everrone intim:it:of anything in oar line, dropto - in and take a fora throngli orr °trek, eff w
!us sl' i =ent74 ta'i11iter., 01 4,33 1 )0,01, - ,. - ; - --'::: ...• '.',z - :-. .....; ?. '.
- far , aryl, ISI2. •.-' W. J.IItORTOI3-41CO.
lII\G Mkt .11 .`ll
flu recently been improved, ILO is now without a, doubt the very best
I%x I lIE~
_ .
- ..- .
i-4-) •:. , ;- T
Doei every kind of Work- with the least Trouble,
.4 , 1 .
Never seta out of ord e r, and will run a lifetime without repairs. 1, ,i
Don't purchase i_de'r.ing Medlin° cf any hind until rou have seen . e' -'
;A • .
' 1 .
Il i tir.
• 1 ,
The acknowledged cluunplori Sewing Machine of the world
tO. Mather's,
Hu an endless variety pf everything in the
Dry G-oods 114ine.
in an endless 'variety. can and see.
• „
W■ • J. e liorton di Bratlimp"
i l
_, , • 1
1: --------- ~, .
Leviea .45410 .21.:0 areism GlA3codus 2
, . ,
10 to 0 cento
—52,60 to $6,00.
..$1,25 to SS.GO.
~.$l.OO to $1.60
tholeeV.Groceries, Et*.
Ln 6 / 1 3 world forgenolia Iva
J. L. TILLOTCON, General agent, 93 Lake Street, Elmira, N. T
Children' Shoes from 30 Cents to $1.25
Hata from 75 costa to $340
Caps from 80 cents to sl,2s
French —26 cents
'Queens' Dom Alapaca, (speciality) 51 to 764:
Jan. 1, UM
C. C. AtentEßs
" ,
25 to 50 canto