VOI ME XVIII.- -Nl3lll3Elt 41 tk.Frir. I . P I OTTAR JOURNAL, f• , NISRED 114 X. w. xteALAUSEY, Proprietor. ;1 . .' , lar Devoted to the comae of ftepublicanfera, the in tetrats of Agrioelture i the adVanceme»t of Ed nealiOn t and the hest good of Futter county.. owning no guide bx,cept that of Principle, it will endeavor to aid in cpo work of more fully Freedvoilting our Country. A d vertisemenfa inserted at the followinz rates, sicept where special bargains are made. A "square" AO tines of Brevier or 8 of .I•Tonparell types: X sqoare, 1 insertion $1 50 sqoare.2 or 3 Insertions 2 00 ,R..chaubftquent insertion less than 13 40 1 square, k year ........, . 10 00 finu Wens Cards, ......... .. ....... 500 1-Administrator w s or Executor's N0t1ce5........ 3 00 i Special and Sdltorial Notices per 20 I lk - 1".1\11 transient advertisements must he paid ih isavance,and no notice will be taken of adverti.einents from a distance, tviless they are accompanied by the imoney or satisfactory teference. .11;irJob Work, of all kinds, eTectaed With neatness Ind despatch. BUSINESS NOTICES. —— - . l•' ; ree and Accepted Ancient York Masons "VOL/LIMA LODGE. Nb. 342, F. A. M. Suited jJ hleo•ing4 ni! the 2d and 4th "educe latys of euch Inunth. flail, In the-Ed Story of the enrnsted D.O.Lincanet,Sec. SIIENEt, O. T. ELLIAIN, M. To:, PRACTICING Coudemport, respectrutly informs toe citizens at the villave and Vfcinity that he will promptly respond to all calls for ,professional set Vices. Odic« on First !Wit, first dcot -"zest of his residence. 17-40 • F.D. RITTER, 4. 114 • 1 - 011YSICIAN altd Surgeon would reFtiroctfally In form the citizens of Coutlerenort tind vicinity 'twat he hag opened an Odlce. in the Utidetep,frt Motel, and Wilt be ready at Rif times to inake - pro l'essional calle. He IA e• regular graduate of Butido Medical Colege of LS O. Jan 1 - iiMILLER d MeALAIViti - ,, TtOft •Z EYS-A.T LANV , ,, 11AII.R1sHtil0, reTan.— Agents for the CoileCtion of th:ti/11,1gaii,t the rated Stateg :And ante I.:overnment- on •h Ile VensiooN tiounty, A rrears of Payoko-AddreBBll..x 05,, farl , borg tir /I..MILLKR, .1. C. 31.M.Alt.NEV 3011 N S. MANN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW. • Coudersport" Pa., W.II 110 (1 till the severni Ceti Curt o Vetter and Cameron counties. All business en trusted to Ms . care mil receive pi•omm. attention. Office on Main street, in residence. ; . i OLMSTED . and LARD-111EL, . N TT() R.Ngl'S AT LAW, Coudersport, l'enn`.q WIII attend to all business enirusf o i l to their oars with yr firiptuess and ti kitty. 117.11 . a1f0 attend the several coda's In the scipinifiz coun i tiesi tilline in'the second storey of the t ninstvfl Monk. .• I ' : LSNAC BENSON, . . .I t t -TTOILT3MS- Al". LA. \V, ' llouder- port, Pa. will ,n .. attend to:all bu-iness eartnit.al to lion ,atil car, .and promptneto, Attend , o , lt.ts of adjotoinz cowl ;dec. thlice I. S-coad..treet,nea. the Ai It.e . a , y hridsv• , . i F. W . . KNOV, , . 1 - , r end the eATTORNEy AND . COliNtiEl.T.,oll. AT tAw. cou-,er.port, t..,., „' II a ttend the oeurip in Vol etiftenntg COIIIII,S. ELLisoN S TAtompsoN.. VIEALICIti lin Drags, tdenicineA, Paint., 0114, %in nis ,es, T: unps and Fano. art , ck.s, Book. , of 311 Kinds—School and Mis6-11nnnouf., Starical,r . % IdAnidriLts old .14.:welrk Jan- 1. '67. M. W. McALARNEY, f REAT, IT3-PATI.3 and txsurt .IsiCE AGENT . , EA..d 1143 Tiii and 6.,:d s nix., paid and Titles nvestlgated. I,OicreZ prop,. ty :teain-t illelll t ii.• best Companies In the eattatry, nod 1'en,0n.a,f,3 , 11-t Aect dealt.; In the Ti,vei,ra tasuran.e Company of Hart ford. Bu•in,..ft ti: l tigantetlpriniitly 1712 C C. H. ARMSTRONG trinDwArte , Remnant, alfil i)::1 . :(!r i» S , crres, Tin and S;wet Iron- tre. attin reet, 'rnider *port, Penbht. and sheet trod War , made to •rder, in ¢0 , 14 A'yl", On eh art P. r A. STEBBINS at CO.. ElLCollka,l".G-TraSc73!?-esaiVerl'iLlitf:ri.lo(3l;t4V:e' dPl?on,ek'Y Lull everything uarcilly k•-pt•in a good country mt.. e. rroduce bought •ind 17 29 ! ! c, IL szatltoNs, IueEncTIANT-NVEt,!,sVii , LE: V. V., Whole• in in:lle rind Retail Dealer in Dry Goo le, Fancy and d dutide ood., Olothing,L3dies Dre..eti •ods Groceries, lour, Feed, tre. ft •tailerA supplied .ii libe• al terms EIEARLES S. JONES, iitTEßCFlANT—dletlers in Druzs Niedlcines,Pnints, Oils, F:tney Articles, S ittioners, Dry Goods, Groceries, Ate,l, Striiet, rondersport, I CoiLLiNs smart, At E P e ro li v2T, 7 lPi, u d l,‘, 7,!e n. and all fopnti in a l contltly store. o'l3l 101431iNRSPORIC HOTEL.. 11C VERNII ) I I,Yitt A.,i'efteMFTOß., Cornet of Unin „. nnd ettectig idte sport ;Pot.t er Cti,Pa. A Livery St ,hie Wept in con ect ion with th in Hotel. Stivies to and from the 'nitro:ids. , • Potter Journal Job.. Office. -FIAVINGI lately tutted n tine new iteeerl.crient of Jon-TYPE In our alr.qt.ty Innw %go are now prepared to do nil kinde of work; Cheaply it ad with taete and nentne , s. nple r ',rifle,: ed. - LYMAN HOUSE.. L.ewisville,i Potter county, Pennsylrinia. DERTO. LEWIS. Proprietor. JJ taken this excellent sm.4, the proprietor wiehe4 o make the hieghthtilhthece of (lie Ems-cling - public “h