The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, April 02, 1867, Image 4
If 'you want DRESS GOODS ! • qOj TO • 1 P. A.'Stebbins & Co's. THE BUCKEYE STRAW-CUTTER PATENTED, JULY . .. ,3 564, BY PORTER 6: SMITH THOITSAN3)9 of.,tite2e Machines are being made and sold, and gl.e more Universal Satisfaction • , th than any o t her i I Straw or Stalk-Culter in market. It has no eitsti oge about and can be made or repaired in any Country town. • The Knife is stationary—Ma vihrtues—fedds tied/ —cute on top of the knife—cuts everything Equayeofi any length you wish, and you cannot make ragged work of it even with a dull knife. Prise, SUL. , Samples of Machines can be seen at shop of OIL tindereignek. Manufactured and for ease by . .1 • - t N. H. GOODSELL, Coudersport, Pa., Oct. 2, ISO. MARVIN'S • Patent Alurn and Dry Plaster Fire and Burglar Safes; House and Store-Door Locks! Send for Ca.taloguesi MARVIN & co, 26:5 Broadway, N. Y: 721 Chestnut St., Phila. • Au. 17,1 y If you want BOOTS I& SHOES, CO TO P. A.. Stebbins & CO' Adroinisi . . • rators' Notice. WftEltEA 8 Letters of A.hninh,tration on the e•tatu of Horatio M. Bat 1 1 h0 , ,,,,1. , ie of Portvllle, N., v.; deed, have been. arat'ited to. the undersigned. all peraorto Indebted treaahl pato , e ore reel ,eRt.,l to ,rake inn - 11411mi, payment, ant those having Cialii. ;ttottaa the - same Will , . present them; properly ant tato icated, for settlement. - SARAH. J. NE A d RATLIBONE, - .F. W. KNOX • rar's. Coudersport, Jan,' 22, 1507. If you want SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS, GO TO - I r" • P. A. Stebbins & Co7s. sub' HAY 9.0 . T0i1s at Jas. Ives', on Genesee Forks of pine Creek. t „ 520 Tats near John \\'d our';, in u , ec,or. I.ITCI EN 131 RI) Bro"okland, Pa., Dec, 17, 1d66. t.f ODIIDERSPORT AND SIII.I)PEN • STAGE ROUTE. NiEssaB. GL.Assmirt. wilart.E-s, dally line of Stag:es will' leave i'ou.lerapoit untif farttiet notice, at 8 o'cloek!ln the menthe:, arriving, hi :Shit. pen abilut }o'clock In tlie afternoon, ,and will ii. a va Shippen oil the arrival of the nor inn tr. !n, in 10:::0, arriving in Coudersport about 5 o'clock, M, Travelers are refered to theTiine.Talite of the Oh& ndetphla t Erie 12 Pima 1 , which oill be fonml ailver , ised in thia pm) r, roc furt , ei . part kola , a aliont the t tvantages of thin Nei, - York pit,aengera rill SAVE - 3 0 MILES TRAVEL MT) 5' HOURS TIM . thin r4/.1 1, 1., pr, Terence ho ihnt 1.1 tile I re NO GILA. SEOE of \ I'WEEN 431111WN ANI)NEW F ne, _new, coin. waglots i.t team,. are kept oe Howe. 1 1 Packages aild Express lin obi . atteadad to With care. " I 1). F. GL 157 4 lIilE, . 14 1.13t4. lIITE, Prop , - Coudecoport, Pa.,loet. 9, 1865,. /I you want is SEASONABI4E GOODS of all Kinds, ' , GO TO P. ' 4 l. Stebbins le Cols STALL'S UNRIVALLED . , 1,, • , Piano and Fa.r9iture Polish ! -1 - tilit INTROIX•CED, and liCint; ado 1,•,1 by 11 T.) lc/Oink li•iii,i,6 1 n Ike inanuf xi are ,p l'i ,i 16., Or . gang, :Bibnrd nkliles; ,- Fur lin e t &C &u. ii.6.ty on.• \cholla,' it:Pilino ellould Inive a hOlib•• or thiK i'. i,1.. Ben) f,r tb reular,, 'and We WIII g ye full pot mare null leectol6 It 6 put up In butt lea a , 30 een6 and nu ne, t,, n ln d Micro ball :1 doZe3 are driler •31 pinup We vOll f.ii-ward p•evald by 1..xprc,,,. Applicatione for. Territory and. Agenefee rePo3Ved by ' I' BROWN & I'ERRINS.. , Ge,dcral mantafort he Unitcrl.-tatel., . :Inti..l-3 %pos.: i l No. 420 Ilro-niet-li.. N. Y JOUVEN'S KID GLOVE CLEANER ESTABLISHED 12 YEARS. This article hoe been 'Died in Paris for many yearii, India what the manufactures of glov , s u-e to tm par to them the delicate doled' after they Lave left the hands of the sewers. It tvasintrodne e d int. l td eointry ever 11 pa-a ago, and it jis at thie ;lay the 6:my RRALLY GOOD KID (llovt: eLtAxy,. it is per feed), tuodoroun, anti the glove can be viteined with it while upon the hand, and icmti it)] ni.diatoy. th ie bottle toeing 35 eanita will clean :35 pairti; titan t or ON OEST a pair, any lady can elvatt tier ¢ tows i i, few momenta and have thorn to driog Ithe new. dealers in Fane'y * Goods keep it for axle. but n hen they do not and will not eani I may dab together for alto hottle , :ind timid ns V 55. n d tee will wild them :the ilia en pickeL whelesale A NEU. Del ct lutte.x. FURNITURE I We ;ould call the attenti Putter to out ` 7n Very Large Styili of Furniture, PARLOR SITLI ( ES, CHAMBER SETS, DINING-ROOM SETS, KITCHEN and COMION Work of at kinds Our assortrnout.of - : Xs cr yn t s••• sz, s larger thin ever 'befoti offered PhotOmph Frames and Of all' imrictics, From our lonp: experience in the business having! better facilities fir 'niannfacturing that; any utfier establishment in Western New Vor We feel confidaut that we can sell cheapT er than any other Furniture Establishment in the Country. i • Ready-Made • Coffins Kept constantly on hand. COATS' BROTHERS, WELLSVILLE, ,N, Y. 18-251 If you want .1 GROCERIES, such as•TE AS,COFFEES, • WHITE and BROWN SUGARS; SYRUPS and ,➢MOLAS.SES, SPIOES, GO TO J. A. Stebbins '4%:, CO's: E.REPAINCTON & SONS ;"" - • : NIANCFACTCREIZSOF", fir. REVOLVERS, RIFLES, Fur the United St..,t, POCKET AND BELT REVOLVERS. REPEATING PISTOLS, IFLEdIANES, REVOLVING RIFLES, Rifle 11, a•d Eliot Gun Barrels, and Gun NlittCria/r , , sold by Gun Dealers and _he 'l'm& genes ally. In ihr,e days of Ihnisetrotking and Robbery,every llottve, Store. ;Ind Ogler should have one of Remiilgtons' Itevolve; . s. Partiae des.ritiett.ii avail th , itime.ivet+ of the Inie tat proventente in and i tupeeidrNvoylituan.hip and furtn,'will Lind all eiimlii , ed in the new Remingtons' Revolvers. Circtilars ini4 cuts and th,cri•aion. of our 4 141 tis w:Il burn ;)i , hl :Ipplir:llion. E. REM IN'uTt)N & Sll-NS 1111011, N. Y. IlooRt: 5.,,,N10011L0, AZ' " 14 1 lyll No. 40, C rtland . St, New YOrk NIOTEPIET - : - S. READ THIS ;WHEELER'S .•. , . llivi'sisag .-Sysirtp ! . • . I, For DiarrbtJa, Ilyfoot+y, Cl , otir, Cholera :11, I orly‘, Choler, In fat,tuni, Fos ,Iroto \V"•rinls. 1-31,010w,1 Witol to the Stomach and t:owe',e,,, &o , tkut .. . 1 P.IBTICCLARI,S . 1 '' For Children , when. Teel./.1. ing, • AN - R1:4) PRODULE' SLEEP. 1 : • I wish to nail yonr nti ention• to the'iiliiiie 031icine iiii twin:: superior to 3IIN OV or 134% , re ode red tloi piddle for tho ea rpi - coo for wilsel; NV._ I...commtpd it.! Very Illaily children 'vl,l3ll'o. fit it art. , ! ' IRRITABLE, NERVOUS. RESTLESS AND SLEEPLESS. They live i lin 31.3te1i4f s:erviins cxci tent -ut i tliiiir eiies 3,1 1003,3 i denote iioini• filiteroteil deritirierortit ..f the ii $o eat, wlliell .3i Tre: hot the Itiaiit, eXiii! ! ! it: eato.e, tool Lifer fall - a preyi to d's-3 Sc. - • THE PEP I IOD L OF TEETHING I I , i . ~,th. rived critical bf any duni.g the file of thcchihr, raid InoriAiliiiiireli .1 i,ittring the '+ per-oil than :di others ~ii i.,ione I. Aeot! ing to statistics w Anil in. well Itutlie.itiLtiteil: • &veld li-lirr Out 0.1 , . years ..,1* age, (114 For Kodneih2 a ill !in-'t-ion which tut cd 11:31 . 21i0bl. • The NuAl Ti`..r the rult , lit ol ,1,12 )011, M. Iti, lII'. 11,141 I:ol.fie - e flll-11' ' to 2 tee 3 NV:lndira the N Sr . 'ln 1 ITS SLIGIOALEFFE CPO7I hwareirthat die under hco 7.1))a diarascs eau.scd bit tea/rimy t•t, Try refrerhinv child will awaken lec•lin3 re ft en Syrup has no Equal. mot orrt.ind r+l,. Wlllll , l Rd !ell. i, fevertoh,t Ijo etc, torwne coated.ptihe Honed, followed by approprialeAaiser or n,li I TS WILL GLADDEN YOUR HEARTS to . try ono hit Ile, tni...ll' d ; ale, u s iuz half retnrn it to your money Try it when your y , •u \Yin tiud thi. i - yrup . 1, 11,i, I Intl 111 . 1/C.,• V,SV ate tllo cam?, Ofttilfler , fatal spurn( Ill'' Ichildr-n. Try it in uort , n, w:the ilthen. 11 cantle viv,• In, ill • nto4 pt•rf , st : vela , or :Intl VRICE 1712 'TS nun u .TTLY: All se fu are not fully ,vtiti. uu,..131:.1 _•t VIIi1111 . 1•11 :1 e Teel 11:11 , eX1, 1 1 , !II. It he 1,1111" p-uo uLmott, at Ott. Oft e,, ins :Intl it del•ent, .tilt ‘...) other. ; J. II w KELER, Pro, rit. - , Cht o. ill reel: Where rlll orthT ELLISON Sz.. TII nl=i) by all evt.r‘ ' I= =1 2,inti • Notice. GF.ltmAsi voryr cu., Pa.. Ang..•l ; ! TICi is hereby given that L. shirr. now or late of this cuntity, h the I°ll(min : a described property. has 1 paid any consideration whiltever fcr the and nil persons are loire,hy warned not chase any of said property of the said 1;1 before the ;decision of the Court is given in this case acid C. II shoe has paid to use the cOmdileriitilm money therefor—, The following Is the property: . Ist. A certain tract of land near the Our niania Mill, iti %VD Mint C,075, Abbott township Putter county, Pa., containing 100 Also 15 acres in warrant 507 S and adjoining the :thou, 21:111, A certrin tract of land,:with Mill at d improvements tar r;on, near Li - cn o':. in warrant 5810, in l•itewartson rownShip. Pont! county, Pa.. c ,staining about 204 acre=, • . C.11n . .110r holds nIFo in fruvt,wsk . rrant nc, 2501, in Gaire:s.rnwnchip 3 Tingq ! eonntr, frow Gerit,:titia to Gaitio , euntaiuilig S - Lo tf If you want of the people of ;. LIARDW RE, such as IRON, NAILS, ; 1 ' C TLERY, PLOUGHS, • 1 l; 1 BLA.CRSIIITH'S TiIIMMINGS, &c.,4.; Sic. • • DOBBINS' . El t . 0,1 sap SAVES ES' TI ME I • , • . - SAVES MONEY 1 .SAVES LA.ILOR I SAVE CLOT RE' , ! IN' - WOMEN! AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT. It is used , cot tin: hitt) srliill XI. (1%1110 and diti. solving iii hot water. then;-oat, the clothes five to ten niittutes, and a littic hatidj'yttliiiing Will mate them as clean a- hours of hard ni(teliq c rulibing would do, will ordikaly soap, and i)ie tims delicate fabric re. eelve nu fojo.y. We can: refe4 . to thousands of foruk lies who are using It, ai.d;.vlioicould net be persuathd to n do without ft. i ' DOBBINS" ELIC.CI'IIIe SOAP, %VOLD Sr ALL LIEALIING GROCERS' 1 . THROUGHOUT THE STATE. lkimnifaccuTed only. by . S & LOVE,// , DOBBIN SS , • WHoLEs.kI.2I: OFYIG'6: 107 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia. Gilt Mouldings, IF YOU WANT Ani3thing to, Eat; or Wear, or for ! . the hiouse, the Farm, / or the Gardo, GQ TO P. A. STEBBINS, & CO's. laffi.soDEONS CABINET ORGANS ! Piano Fortes girt F: ruh;crihe - rs hare;oiwned a Muria Sttre in the 1. 11, Mr building , . reeet,:ily erected by the 4. L I . . Ai LEGANY ACAOTIIT OF MUSIC i' - ' . inj the village of Friendedlp. where they keep on Intnd all'extetoiVe.:ol aortruvut of Melodeons, Org4ns, and Pianos, as can be found in any Music Store in New York or ton. I "U;' it ^hick tlu Is ,o ,ThMr. Si. SCilreely IlTlytilinlj lit whir/. .-note Is . Green no in the naiiiihmture of these rit-irti mewl.. The outs de is thh work of eiiiiinet•nm hers. Any one who will reflect tiOne much differ nee twenty five dollars wi !I make in the :time:trance of a tin reou table, con readily tonlnrstand how a few dollorzi •,-e. May improse t outside of en instrum while Owl teddy mity hi;.iitterly 'worthless. <ln% one of the outside iiprearonce, hot only expe cic Joilues ear l &Mild the faille oft he inside_ The steal aavnnt..iz the 6111/Fe, fliers offer to hny an O. eon, or MelodeOn. or is that every , nstrument the. hove on handle very carefully select ed the best makers( by ALLEGANY •ACADEMY OF MUSIC r • thaw renderin that the instrument is per fect. They war ant every instrument. an d w ill eh titre nr rehl. d the hoop y fill en cry inetroment that prey, d teetive. They can also sell at less ',lice, teen c'ly uric F,ztores ae they do not hare to pay the enormous city rents. blur firm ,o cuthposea tltoc who own the Allegany Academy ofMusic, As this Ittetituilon 'is; permanently eatabitsbed in Frit , . '4 1. ilv. t 0-e tvitittl i t . tir rurehaso Idetletine, . jo i rr , or "i o ei r :, eadtly understand t e value • f intrelitt,it;:from a .re'ppottsible Louse Mcaled near theta, J. BAXTER & CO• 1 Altegany Aoitdesny of Music, MUSIC STORE. Friendship, N. Y. AT are also prepared to e . newer ottlers fir :ill kind, of Mie..letil Itistrtirnente. Ittiustenl firms, t•itteet tqc, and Musical Merehandi • gener. WA'otl.lBCls .purl liat t% Bu c,t. 1 " I 111- ~11,110 If you wan ALL iSIN DS; Or DRY-GOODS, i Ldeli as DRESS GOODS, ALAPAfAS, MERINOES, LADIES CLOT, DE LAINES, P. A. i'Stelsbins Co,s L IV:a. RIAD,-,,. ALL KINDS, OF GO' TO ins & Cops. P. A. Stebb ONE OF THE PROFESSORS (:;e THE JOURNAL INSURANCE AGENCY COMOTICUT NIITUAL LIPP, CO., HARILFORD, CONK. Cash Capital, $6,000,000 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., NEW row... Cash Assets, $14,000,000 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK Cash Assets, WIDOWS & ORPHANS BENEFIT CO NEW YORK Capital, /ETNA FIRE INSURANCE COXPANY LIARTFONZ, CONN Assets, INSURANCE Co. of NORTH AMERICA PIIIIADELPIITA C PUTNAk FIRE INSURANCE CO., uARTFor.D. coNs Capital, itOME FIRE.INSURANST , COXPANY NE NV - YO RK. Cash Asset-s, ce Com'y of Hartford $600,000 Travelers Instiran Capital, INSURING AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF EVER] D AGAINST LOSS OF DESCRIPTION, A , 1 ANY CAUSE. LIFE FRO] IVL W. McAlarney, Agent United States Steel Pen Works Factory, Cant:ten, N. Jo. R. ESTERBROOK Bt, CO. ,STEEL - PEN MANUFACTURERS. -Warehouses in; These Celebrated Pens a , e of Ge,,ni , •e America Mithilfacture, kild comprise every teadttat sivic Market, :tad Ith• equal in tinish,ela,ticily and fincnesr of point to the First imported. They are, therefare, sure in coin the confldenee of the American pithlia. Samples and Prices on Application. LOTS MADE TO ORDER, OF ANY PATTERN OR STAMP HEWITT!). For sale to the Trade at the Afautifiiettl rec el Warehouses, ns aboyo ; it retail 4y all Sia• tienere, Buut:eetlers, :hid Nee,leelete in the United States. fly 17.49 EliterbrOOlc A - Co. GROVESTEEN .& CO., Piano-Forte Manufacturers. 499 'Broadway, New York. (PRE attention of the public and the trade is in vited to our New Scale Seven Octavo Ito,iewood Piano-Forte's, which for VOlllllll3 and purity' of tone are unrivalled by any Litherto offered in this market• They contain all the modern 101 1 ,1UVetlle1/1?, French ••rand action, harp pedal, iron frame, over-strum: Lass, em, and each instrument being. mak umler the personal sups. vision of !dr. J 11. Griivestecn, .who luau had a practical expetience or over thirty years in their manufacture, la hilly warranted in every particular. THE "GROVESTEEN PIANO•FORTE" ReceiVed the hie,ilest award of merit over all others • . at the Celebrated World's Fair I Where were exhibited 'lnstrument? , from the hest makers of I.Molon, Paris, Germany, • Baltimore. 8004011, and New York ; and also at the ie:1O Ltel ilute for Lac successive pears, the gold and silver medals from both bf which call be semi at our ware-room Br the into nloction'of improvements we make a still mar-- perfect PiavrFotlo ,atnl by maim fact tiring larirely, with a strictly cash system, are enabled. to offer these filet runrente at a price which will preclude competition, PLIVES. No. 1, Seven Octave, round 'corners, Rosewood Plain Case 1300 No. 2, Seven Oet are, round curnele, od Heavy Moutdtir . ?325 N o . 3 Sore. Oetw',.e,l round curnere, Rosewood . Nrti, • $350 TERNS—NET CSsil (7C111:)ND FUNDS. Descriptive Cirentaj sent free, J. GURNEY & SON, PHOTOGRAPHIC • ARTISTS, 707 Broad way, N. Si. ') In addition to Our • Phot oomph ie Art Gallery, ts.tnblifFited W e h a re Crr the last fik, , year's Lad advantages Flipe riot' to any 441ter e StahUshifient ju 411,Iniffiltt: eltiiota fr. rn life, of all the promlniqn Celebrities of the in CARD I'ORTRArn3, anti are now pu'lishi lg. a Cetahatne of weer . . 2500 Subjects, American and roreint ) , o also a large lie.l of C. opierl of Tiorks. of Art and Engrarinr , v Cat.,l ,, gne Fent on f venlig of Stamp. An order for one dirten pictures from any Catalogue will hr filled at $l.BO and sent liy mall free. :lin & Pict urre cents, rank, of engraving* 15 et s. each. N. 13. We also desire to call attention to the :id. vantage are have for repradnclOrz, Or copying, Old Daugerreotypes, Ambnnypes, third l'ict tires, &C. of ikeog•scd lidatives and Friendg, enlaVging them In any size, and finishing in Oil, Water C lore, or India Ink, wtii Itiemni of Ten 'Talented A..rtists. Parties desiring copie , , eh ould erefore correspond with us direct. Send for a Cataloie. The Trade supplied at a Dilertil Discount. Gallery open ibr Free Im t pection. :ul,l sin] ngertk visiting the City, will, find i ur Gallery 01,e of the most am edible places in the City, wherein to while away an hour. T. ••"1-1.3".113.4:3 el—. rii(rrlLl Pll E - oG 707 laiCt ADWAY, N.. Y. 15.23 Brno If you 'want CLOTHING, GO TO P. A. Stebbins & Co's. AkettliniStrati 3 rg N )IJCv. 10 - OTICE IA hereby giVett that Irtters of Adrnini. tratioa on the estate of Salmi e; S. Whitt - , lee!. I:dt• of Indepeattenee. X. Y., have Intel; granted b t h e un d es sfuned; therefore' all persoes tottebteti t said e s tate will please mike intraedinte paytnent.on ale e havirez el:thins attains , . Ow sate, settl preset thou elttiy aillwittleated, for sottlefneot 1 0 :LuitUj,' Admittibtrator. 1'7,1;27,1597, A NEW NAN NEW PRICES ! C. H. AIiMSTRONG, . Would respe;litl4 inform the citizens of Potter county that he has purchasedthe • , • $5,000,000 Store, and TIN-SEEOP $2000,000 recently owned 1?/ Henry J. Olmsted. and will continue the - business at the old stand IN THE OLMSTED BLOCK. $3,000,000 Where he will keep . constantly on hand a LARGE AND CAREFULL !SELECTED STOCK of everything usually kept`in`•a Hard _ Ware Store, autony - which will be found $1,73L00 SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE, $500,000 COOKIX,G, BOX rIiVD PLIPLOR, , sTovas, TiPi AND SPEET-MVIIII-IRE , h POTS, KETTI,ES, SPIDERS, • SC OTCHBOIVLS FRYLVG-P.A XS, SAP-PANS, CA UL R OA'S. $3, 4 f06,022 Agricultural Implements, Such as Plows, Scraper; Cul- tivators, Coir.-Shellers, Horse-Rakes, Hoes, 111 S" WORK . IS WELL .311.1. DE and al 00 0 D .iILATERJA. 1,. Gaud and ~übstantial Eaves-Troughs put up_iec any part of the County. CIVZ HMI A TRIAL ! Coudersport, Feb. 5, 1e67 BOSTON CLOTHING - HOUSE ! THE subscriber roFrieetfully informs the citizdis. of Conde, sport and .: . Le in cimeial,'that. Le La's opened a READ Y PZ MADE CLOTHING STOn.E, GILLETI"S BLOCK . • wELLsviLLE, - ALLEGANY. Ca, Y One door below I • • _1 NDERSOS t i• 100,0 LITTLES , • . - ' 1111 RD WARE &PORI', where will be found . i nt. all tirneo, a Coinplete. .AF.sert nieut, 'and latent ed,y2 1 .13 of i. CLOTHING, . HATS, FURNISEIiNG GOODS, Our motto Ls Cheap for Cash, Quick Sales Small Profits, But One Price, New Goods nceir,tl erery week C:111 and ex.nrulue our elsewhere. October 22 tf Celehr:r e 4 E,env on tie elite Ovitholit inedi clue) of S.perniatorrimpa, or seMittal s m ninal InipMenev, 'Mental and Physical Inc parity, impedinieMs to Sfartitige, etc.: also ,Cir SUM Epllep-y, mid Fit. induced .by -Inattluence or son 1 , 1 eNleaVa:La+ice: . 4 a Price, in a ena1..,1 envelope,liinly 6 rents. Too ce!ebra , c.l warm in thi e tnimir.itle essay clearly thtmensti s' en front a thirl.y year.' stwce..fal practice,that ills eallniailleliel,l:llsoraialne may be radically carefl with tlic daneerous 11-e of Infernal medicine orl the appl , cation of Om knife— plantite.t. out a . made ?f.ell, 'at ,)tire :01121,11e. Coe; ain, and ea . et ual. by elleallei of whidli ccu , y no matter what file condition may lie, may cure himself eliearly. privately, and radically. t hmila be in the hand. of every' ymitii and every man' in the Wall Sent, under se, I, in a plain envdlope, to any atliress, post p dd, on receipt of -in certs,lur two pd.t. stamp*. Address the publistters, • . • : C. ELINE.ik • : flowery, New Yiirlt, Punt. (Mice hots 4. , . Do You lino v It ? i .. • . Do . you know that Neuralgia an d rtheumatlm can be cured i I o you know Thai many jto r sufferers t um the aches and,pains so pi - de:dent Oit-tlilS , season of the year, hai' - e found welcome:relief by rising a new and powerf n 1 kemedy c•mio 1 SALUTIFER? St ii. the eren e;u•n t , I telnilly lor Neuralgia, Men. thati,m,Quitisy,Sore Throat, N umiiness of the Limb , , Crick In the Kock, Pleurisy:Aibilbhom‘, :mil Many oth.d. (Use:lees which ire cured pad :ti terse benefited by an outward application. It ls so prompt in• hi), "41 rmfe and coovenieht sweasily. applied, that eVervie;dv wiil use it. S duli tiei is cold by all dealers in medicine at 50 cents nor Lottli , . For. sm.r. tiv • • Thompson, and(_'.llris. S. Junes. in Colideispirt;and by 13urtisl tk, Putter. Ulysses, l'etaLu. - AND ALSO, Straw-Cutters. ME CAPS, T . B.UNK,S tC hods and i'rices befero going H. KOOPP HOOD: EMS GOOD NEWS AND NEW STRANGE BUT 3M"EYM 2 •' r • I d , . THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! _ . Wiwi, pan' to tlic , ost of No atte GOODS. conforltiity to the Lowest Prompt Prices is our establish:od Market , RULE. determined tb give the Wear the Benefit Of the FALL, public this ti oe. e -site . .ll; try to prove the -Rule "Wcas both Ways. 7 I „id high prieps when gootls ion p Op, we 'will see to it that went •hy low prices now ROODS you p are dewy, may qo dawn, but we. do Other I of intend to be beaten. All we ash" is to give us n - Cr. 1 lasirmich as you Meuse. If Shop llor.oUr prices we feel sure JOU I of a sal. e io for the traile this spring we a 12M=E ~ JO ES in furni hing this of the courftry with the best S for the least money. urs is the , I where that can be done. COME, YARISS EB tak'e the lead EMU eectio article Store and be CONVINCED. DE All kinds of 0,440.0. : -..,..ec0d5 . 1. we - arc row offering at prices which can not foil to strike the purchaser as 121- ID 9 cALT.euts WITH THE STARCH OUT, OF . 130TH CLOD', AND itaMt 2 11.110,A 1 -)- CLOTH, PlLtin & Fancy Cas:tirneres STA 4 NDARD MUSLINS Blea - Ohed and Unbleached Tvruslins of all Prices. ylan - nels of all Colors, 'SILTLIN E.N i-TANDKE , RCHIEFS, SPOOL. COTTON. i eking„ Striped e-nitn - s.'Cra , :li , Toweling LADIES' REESS GOODS -Wool Delaines, Amer, Dclaines. 111.ohair Lustres, &c. GRA CERIES 9 Or hind, ciOFFEI'S WHITE & BROWN . • SIJC.AfiS, SYBCP I S- COMMON AIOLASiEV, GBEEN: St . '.BI;ACK' TEAS, SPICES of all kinds. - A greot variety of the best brands o l f _ SMOKING & CUE \CING TOBACCO.. Cori!. Brooini, Cedar Buckets; No.lanll 2 Mackerel, Lalimi . doi• tams 6. Shoulders. • Also, DRUGS and MEDICINES, • READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE,. &c. REMEMBER WE PAY , THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR CoT-NTRY Pnour!cE • CHARLES S. JONt.S. Co4tlerspun, July: 5, IaGG GODS mined that