The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, April 02, 1867, Image 3
Il TO GWNERS OF HORSES AND • _CATTLE. ObIAS' DERBY CONDITION POWDERS are warranted ioaperior to itny others, or no pay, .for the cure of Distemper, Worms, Bote, Coughs, Dide.bound, Colds, tce.. in Horses; and ()olds, Coughs, Loss of Sink. Block Tonzue,', Horn D:-tem. per, &c., in Cattle. These Powlers were formerly put up by Sirnpe4n I: Tolosa, sox of in'. Tolyke,And, since Ida d. , ath. the eensan t has bergeo great for them, that Dr. Tobial has con*Vntted to manufacture them. • They are I..erfectly safe and folloeettt", no need of stopping , the working of your animals. They in crease the appetite, give a tine root, cleanse the f oat ach and urinary iorzani_i also increase the milk of er so .sa. Try thii, "you — will never he without theta. Hiram Woodruff, the celebrated trainer of trotting horses, has used them. for years, and recom mends them to his friends. Col. Path, P. Bruh, of the J.-tome Itazekluorse., eurdtwm,N. Y.. would not use thew until lie wax told of slut they xre cent posed, since"whiah be is sewer nithold them. I He has over 3) run,ing-hor:ea in his chsr...e,andtur th last three }care; has u..ed no Otter rsedicinel‘ for :them. Re has kindly permitted me to refer any . one to him. Orerl,ooo outer ref.-reflect can h- teen At the 'depot. • Sold by Drug:ism and Sad.lles •rrit , e cents per box, i,oepot,l4 Corttandt St reet n ,Sew cork • EMDREST'S MONTHLY m.Au.ia,'lNE, universally acknovleti4ed the Mealei lho;ot A 'latr Magazine of ..s.msries.: fiet - oted to Orioinat par 13tories. Poerns,itiltetchrs, Areidt..aule and Model Cottages, fionsehrad Matt re, Gems of Ttimiglit, Persona/and I..!terttry Gossip (I,,cktding sp..chtl de partments on F.faltioos), InstTiictions on Health, Gyrnoaatic, Egnestrian Exercises, Mnsic, -11muse ments, ate: all Any the best . authoes,, anti profusely sod artistically) ill ustra• ed wit cos. ly En .ra Inca (full size), ussiul and reliable Patterns, Embroider ies, Jewelry. nail a cousta..i, suceess,m of artistic nneeltier.,wil.6 either uaettil and euttutainlng litera ti:tie. . No person cl SAnsimmt, economical housewife, or lady of taste can atibril to do without the ]Betel Monthly. Single copi7. Z;0ce1,14.; back numbers, as specimerts. 10 cents.; rather n o free. Yearly, :3, with a valuable prenatal ; 'ev:o copi•-a $5 50; thiee colllft , ', $7 50; fie eopies', $l2 R A,4,,,t e ntli,, p ,,,,,i.,,„i for clubs at $3 naeli • with the fast lin:Minion to each au Userilter. 5 ddress, . I W. ,IENNING3• PENICI.REST, i No. 47313 oatia•ay, Neu "York. Dem °retire Mouth ly . and Young 2:inefica;togdther, 414, with the pterniums for each. , s ['ATTER, Eb • CONSTITCTLON6 by tiELI4BUID . P,EXTRACT BCCEIt. Ayei• , st Sariiaparilla • To a •eancontritte I extract of the cl Mee root, Bo .3 combined ivith ottier eub-tancee of MO( greater alterative power no to idled an effectual antidote for .414e:ices SaMtiMrilia ie rtiroted to rose Such a 'Teniedt. is eurely wanted by those wlitt eufflir front MIUMOIia colOtdaiiiti4, and that cue which will :term. i,tirliali lice/r CtlreiMUs prove.'a-• tide triis, of •ImittletuSe sersti.iir to hi' iaree cltre , of our afflicted 'fellow citize.e. i flow completely till. , cempound will t'do tV, has Inert prevail hy•experiment on many of the ' I wa ref castes - hi be flo nil la the full..w , lit; corn Pl:ti ',' 6 - Scrdfula, Srraf atom; Swellitten anti Sore-. Skin Dice's. a, Fitntilee,.lPueluiee, 11l tclice„ Enitaiuns St; A titho.iy'a Firtil Rico, or lEr eit•elae, Triter ur 'Salt Illtedm, Scald Ilead, Ittnewortn, ie. _ t he i Syp jiff., o r I,7 a i i eri a d Diseasi , is sup diet rim ; system trysthe prOintmvil Ilse i:f thia-Selt.-•1.1R/LLit, i 'rand the patieot:ae tuft in getup reiive health. I le.nale Dtaeiteen are ..nied hy Fterttfula in ta e 1 , . blood, and are otten coin curzti 'by ibis 'EXTRACT OF SiaII.APAMLL.I.. . • . D. nut reject. t nein% nine. tie medicine ; her tu-e sou s hare been impose: t wor t by eometh rte. i-re , rlniitat" to' lbe-f t arlarewilia' Withertt was not. 'When . NOli Mare used A rsirtia —i ' hen. aod not tit then, 'wil -300 know the vi rises of Sare-trasil ;a. For mot tits I.lllm:hits Wl' thedieeasee it cu e; "'e refee-i ou to Aye '. Amer Man Almanac,' whlch the agent below named ail' furnieh Oaths to Mt who call fur it. Alma s'CaTUARTIC PILL.;, , , for the cure of CoPire 'nevi, Jaundice; Dyerome.a, Lidice-lion. Dyeentery. ,Foul Stomactt, Headache l' lee. it heurnat lent, Heart. 'burn arising front Dteurdered 'ramp:wilt l'aill ier!tbiiri bid Inaction iif,the Bowels, Flat u'oney. Le -r• ofd Ale , prt le-Liver Com,litint; Droyey, Word.e. Gout, Neu a. lgia, airs! alit Dialler Pill: a e uri. Tiara d. . Tey are euear c 05.0•61.1., e .7-that 'Llie- , C - 10AZ -eensitiv, can take th-in Twit II pleasure. 'ai.d they are the u ni t Aperient in the wurld for all the nu rimer., of a fan.. i'y ptirdc. i • , Prepared by Dn. J. C. AT ..Fliis,Cl.,l.ovrel',Mis4 - ., and cold by all Druggists and darters its meemme :everywhere. i- mAsnoon AND 1-4)u an• !rigiaued by lIELIthoLD'e ExT::tc: Brent - . • To thellartyrs of Liver Complain 1. Among the' mo.t. wonderful •mstficsl rn which have A - dude:tea 1.106 - I'itT FEES ST() •A ell BITTERS p'°,'-ecti•uant among •he ts•., preparaticns of th,, ; w e, virtues art -not the lesert remarkable. No w•nds cut jti•tt,ct tw its marryltais eJeet 'upo t•tlic direasud 'Leer. -Per 'lisps the einsple twords of a cony:del-cent •-ult-rer, who detterihe. it no the .1.3, - tell the ;ger; as clearly it 4 Mal he. •It Do ~s ;wh: Ispot. It °pet - 34re •41-4 - ectly upcn• the ill-id . organ. and whether Indult acf:ve or in a state of' tvralt etc restores it to ouon•iition of heal h. rr•hy Sichr e at the Stout ich,.P3M betsc••en the shoulders and of the Eight Side, Yellow iiutTusi •n of the Skin, Cottioe neitt, Drowsiness and Languor, 1 thnoese of .1 -Colic, l'aipi , ation of the liey Cough, Low Ft;•Ver, and other .yrtsptoin. which indleat- tl,e otAri - pas phases of: Acute aced. chronic Liver Complaint „ and ail itromptly relieved,itod fin3ll , renide- Ity the dello. of this notions pro: ara ion, pdiin! is nt once the •beet of -c•trrecitt . e., 'the e ' rtt I and most genial of aprrirnts , e gohddr. td ,d a powerful rttstorative. Persons of a b who use the 8.11Cr4 s. a pro•eetit• e never RU' , the paio.bodpe..alties of Liver thseute or Bilious litanitient Fever. THE GLOP TOF SIAN IS STHE'S - GT er.• fore the ttervim• A d -I,,u:d immediate', use Iletv BOLD'S EXTR iCT• Bre lir. ALLCDCK'S POROUS PLASTERS. .Alle..ton-0, Pena., April • 3legfrs. T. A tccock 41:. Co.: kle'Sras dnuullter mei ene of : : . cjur •Pce, 70u1 Pillg , ro. She had n r.ry 6,d pdr in her e~de, mud it cured ber,in ono week. Voutetnti V. 1 1 !) UN V. N. LIUNTEk. We refer to the • Forty T.honsa.nd Efritgegtsis who cur rhuterA, as to the'r etc rlinu character. A (.I.COCK S CO., ; 9.4cuey, Brand/v:1: lloune. c.New Yr,r,tz. Sold bylull ruggiels. MBO ,D'S FLUID tEXTRACT , Z311:7C-1:1 - 1C7. Is a certain 'Oti re fu. di-va.4...-A . of lbef,- . iii.A DIVER., I VIDNEYFI Gt` A.VE D 11.0" Fry. uRGANIC Wit'.. s. l.KNE ,-'- il SS AI.. 1 4 .. ..N1.1'LA1N IS, ( t i i - ENEII.AL DEBILITY, ", 1 And .all dieeates of tho i HELDTBO :citrsArx ORGANS I=l l z lz MALE OR FEMALE, from schntert =age or;:. - r , nrinz :," In .1! e. ..!•or INV LONG C'l'A N DING ffff=l== . . If no treatment ie Au'inOted to. C“nsutnplion or Iturarity may .•usue.' Our Fir,n nod 1 - liot,d ttl : e t.up• ported from the:. a qlrr, ell, and the I HEALTH Asp ILArTINEISS - and that of rocerity, depe:Ais upon• use of a reliable remedy. 1.1£1,11. Xr—D'S EXTII.ACT 13tCHL'S Eetabllabed ;Ipseard. of IS 1 /taro, p- r;41.7,41 by 11. T. 111111,111 BOLD, • • 04 Brciad‘ray, N,w York. nml 104 Font?, loth S:rf., Phiibide:pbitt, • CONE FOREVER ! €o say the ladies of the r besitty, the mirror intocc, them their onee jet . or cold. n ringlet=s treake.. itriat gxey, ,But never was there a more False Conclusion. Thom the hair be al wh:re poi Time'‘, own fo: e - .sek, or worse etilt, a,, red as a fiery m teor— PRESTO! Wig invested in a ~ z ioni..nt with tire mod na tgn:finen• "trlack or brown Dc the nay: oi of • CIRISTADOSZtIOS 11.411 t DTE. .s perfectly; wiloleaoine an .3' pnrel • rezt.l• I , li. anion. ]tanuf:~et .red by J. CI:IST-11)01F t, 6 Airinqe, New 'cork, 5.,14 A,' . lied try all 1131 r Dreeser6 . NOT A HUMBUCT lem authorized to !1..i1,:is and Woo Washer in the county, and ha, in . reed u..e fu three he I ,-ay, ui.qualitiedly, they are jnnt .tits .they p,omit:e -71 1.!0(0 thing. A strut-_ mark n' ..woman can wash as mach in two hours a. , s. woma can wash jan a •Ommon wash hoard in eight h..n . fair testlwillconvinc , nay e that it 'is no humbn I will pelf them at a profit cr r?!ret DOLLAR on eac Machine. Corms; otidenee I al! , rad! the Universal Wrinzer with cog- Any Wriart,r wiV. answer that wi'l w-rir o , a tub. Usual price of st 'Washer, 814 a ~ d $O3 • . Wringer. . 850 10 and .$1:" I roll rell ielg, ray objeci to .e•rret.ricc a rt.irfal article. • L. CF-iE POTTER COUNTY 71OURNAL Coudersport, Tnesay iprn. '2, 1E67 Local and General. Do not forget -that Dobbins' Electric Soap is fur side at Stebbins' • Ask 'those wbo baye tried it and: know its washing' qualities and you will never use any other. _. :IT The Scissors and Knife Sharpener for sale at P. A. 4:Stebbins' d Co.'s. and at Ellison Thompson's. If you have any doubt of their merits, try them ; and if you have not, ndrchase them. rff" To the editorial fraternity, Who have so kflullyi noticed our changed circutnstances, we return thanks, hoping that if any aiz-e , still grop= iltisr, in the land of darkness they may bpetal/Y leave it and 'arise to the dignity of full men 1- - = meat! The 11r:others and mother of Gardner ShOdori, deceased, • can hear .of something to their adra.mal,:e by corresponding with Lamy . Lyman. liai c es, the barber, is still:at v.warl: in the Saloon of the Coudersport Hotel. Read the new advertisements of Messrs. Mann, Jont:ii, S Co., C. H. Simmons, and ,Webb dr; Nelson. gm- We ,have made an arrangement with Madame Demorest, by thich u e can furnish the jfonflily azine,..4.drertisea in .another column, and-the POTTER 40VELNAL fors3, which is the price of the Magazine alone. It is the best and Only reliable Fashion I'Vfnzazine hi the country. • CM LOIIEN A. Esswowrb, died at his residence in WilEamspoition the 4111 tilt. Ee was born in Connecticut, April 9, 1815, and *as, conse quently 51 Years, 9 months 25 4345 old at the time l of 'his death. HiS talents and business industry Made him very successful and, lwe Learn that his propep' will, probably, now amount to is quarter : of a million of dollars; His large estate was disposed of by will, and Tavlo l r, H. C. Parsons and Mrs. Ensworth are the Exccu:ors.—Tr4 Gazdtc. MAilp r IED: At the ri'sidchce of' floi bride's father, near Wellsville, LN V., Marcli 2ad, 1567, by Rev. E. G. Sreveii.s.lW - 4. 13..LEXT,u1Sithaliatcrwnsbiri, 1-'014.r . e(ainfy, • Pa., and Mies EMMA R. UE.AVES,Itif Willing tp.,. Allegany Co.. N.Y.. • .GARONEP. SHELDON. T ru: Brothers nod Mother of GARDNER STIEL bear] of soinetholg to their v,...nza;12 by Corre,i.oodb.zlwll - Laroy Lyman. April - 2, - 1567. Pier C., Pad ES' BR(I'S PIANOS : . .TIIE PIANO OrAMERICA. • Thee Piatt l c..s nr , t3 nivere‘ly ackhon-hd;ed )scorn" peTent iti•'wsi•O cleat to the he.t Tinho ramie. For rrferencea, t6,er hare many thousand city and copii. Ire iheluding large numbers of the 1 . 1101 &e. . . Th. a • Pialioa have net only otor.d the continued 111.1. :111d practice or One: Year, but have brrii u-ed thr last F het, Tears to the utmo.4 sati6f4t.tict, of'thuee . novid , shrm• i Whe. havii taken PrPminirtis and 3Tede• als wht , r ever r-' - xhibeted. itee• the rimnand for, these PhilioA, that I.fe==r,. AIN - ES. haye hero compelled to etilargd the', r tvti'ks to the exti-nt of 24 to 30 Piano n. week.; one of th.nick-textensice and complel. h, l the 'tithed State-, FactOrie, alooe over P 4 of :in acre , ot ground, complain fWntaee of 2T5 2.nd Avenue. • They see undoehtedi:: ti-;e'eheapoot fire elna= m a n; in market. rni'y znaran'erd for 5 years. send 1, li;u,trate , d Circular litaines Bro's. i„ P 6•2 :Xl4. 3.15. s , dz, 370, Apr. 2.snnia I Sevnral Avenue, Net Tor: City Huss' PATENT KNIFE SHARPENER For Talke and Carving Xthves All who prefer :1 Sharp g.nife to a dull one for cut ttnz Meal, itread,s, c. w`li find the presence of thi iiitplemeht on the liluher Table a Croat convenience. All steel hull- sharpeners heretofore made have prove failure-, because Ihey aim to cut away both sides of ;he blade at once. This is the only Hindi. Sharpener made on the correct principle of actiut up n one stile Of the Mode at a Sold alt Coudersport Co), and Elli un di Tltoßbson: RUSS' PATENT SCISSORS SKARPENER..- , Pros: Peport cf A m, irwn .14 itute Farmer , Cub in Me N. Triikne. • "A little iirtrlernetl, Inctotted Ity J Rrss, is +he t best arid most co treLtit'' t Se'R.go.lF Sharpener Ste eve' sate. It does ttotL...ecupy tort sitace than a ladyl4 tench. he tor formed of 3 laoM oftlaA T .- rah - tut cut Otto agorortneolal 'Upon prie Ri4le of whicit screwed a Seel Disc of a size which porno of o u r; youl.zer readers Wi 1 not recornire, for we AliStil COM 4 par- to a .11v-r quart-r dollar. There is also a metal guar= to b•tld the irt.atit. of the ,toiganro in the' esliCt proper potion. the dire has ts - ,ht g o ut gi lb s- :tad is 001,•:11er0t•re,Ittely 10 we.' 4142 t in a one indt'R't~~ame We torronona tioe'Drvtlr. Oct , Pot irri•leme 4 to the 4111‘411100 of eve , y Itottskiotife: Sad ill 1 - )ouaersp'f , r; by P. A. Stebbins d Cu :01E1 1111 Elki , 0111 S Tholorson. Apr.; 1. 1667, Mektanille Appralseirieat. V • 4t of Dealer.; in \I errhandi.e in the Conn , y (fi t Potter for thc• c-r 1537 4 n 1::, C.0,-iticat.on. NAME. PLACE. CLASS. AMOL , 7 I Ned,. Mels;ner, Abbott 14 ,7 7 01 C or'e. He p, ~. 14 7 (9, lie 0, - Thele.,l4 . 7 (4) .10:4 ::.ehwa.:ll.entacb, " Brewer 10 15 0 Bred Oeh, " " 10 15 00 Chrietry. 11.0er=en. " Pi-liPer 5 25 0 Ft - ....•rnan atler.thdaH, A.letrany 14 7 . 11. 11 110 we, 11.....: 4 0.112 14 7 00 PIA. Stehh.n.& - Co., Cou.l. report 13 10 Or. E.l',..nn ..k. Te.,rr.p... , 3, 14 7 00 1. 3 lei (0:4 , 1111 rt.. ".; 14 7 .0 M .t.n..1.0.e...t. Co., n ' 1 13 10 00 el ,la ni Nel) ,- .a, ...4 7 0, Ch .rlee A emetrong, 0 14 7 00 Coiline. Smith, t. 14 7 0) We tO. L., Nlelton, " ^ 14 7 00 1 a 5..1 . ..r...E, " 13 10 00 , t , i-4m Epis, Genesee 14 4 00 Jlin:a.l 14 vOO i ...,,,,,..,) , t C.l, Hector 14 7 00 , 'looieriin 5L Co., 1 14 i 01 Wal:e AV, h. I.)en.-..yr. , 14 , a . 7 00 • .r y 1,,ri1, .. 14 ' '7 00 4 araty , ..7.lll,sori, " 14 '7 00 •.r in. mt..Doug3ll, • “ 14 t 04 il : 4 . I;kro.t,, • narri!on 14 . 7 00 :.,7 , Imc. ii-Ick, it . 14 700 4 rr NI (:s.,odinln, u ' 14. 7 Ou r 8 nunono, ... 14 7 90 ) I I't W.H k. Co., Ilnulet • 14 7 00 ilenry Rose, FL, run 14 `; 00 1 • - - • 1 : S.. Co , :vv:l, 14 . 7 00 1V I q Illimplirey, '' 14 700 I..llr`i Andre,iln. . Strttart ,, on • 14 160 , Artzle:! 4. it:iker, 1.T;v,? 14 7 0 6 ! 7,0 n (.I', .P ' li 8 , ill 14' 7 00 ! •rn ilvi NI. ,n: o<•" 7 ° 0 1 . , ~. . a 13 ainett v.'l3r-ther, . 14 7 0 j :nr,p-e•I & Brnther, ~, 14 7 OD ~ I tlnshinz t., Onatteti, , 14 7 00 qui tig 8:. Potter, . -; " 13 700 i !ilyinands-.. lt.ugers, Wharton 14 7 00 i Win. Smith, 1 ' " - .14 , 00 N0 , 1,e !is hereby. given that I -n - i a he at fhe (lo.• ni, , , , in eri,. Offict., in Coodiirspar:, on ll'eitne- day, .11, i II day of May neit, at 1 o'clock-n. Tr... Til hene a .ppealii., ; k.:1% - . I-lESTn.N; Vil :il s .*:". - r t. , . l'lvr:itztr , AT:v •Pr. -!. PF:LoUBET 011 . 0 ANS ACIN - 13 0 MELAJIJapON Vpwilmortsfy awarded tine Fret Prize, a Guitl Ueda!, 'AS THE BEST CABINET ;ORGANS." lOnerican Institute, New-York, Oct. 1865. ;Being proonnnced tinpa.for in Qua6tr, P..wra and 'VARIETY or Totra,Und in number Of 'combinations. ."As theibest instrument, of Ame'rica were there clinteending, whichever won the battle .-oed lrtte nothing left to conquer.— AMERICA'S" ART JOURNAL, (edited bya well known musical critic.) They htti, also taken the rat premium wherever ex' itnited phis season. PED.ALI ORGA • S, one, two and three bents of k-ye—six t2.5.0t0 nO. Wrthant Pedals, sin gle and double ,bank in great variety, r 35 to $450 These Organs, with their smooth, pike. nike quality of tone, beautiful solo stops, strengt Hof chorus, tine qballed pedal. , , and general organ-hke effects are su perior for Churches, Halls. Parlois and Schools. They are put up in cases 01 solid Walnut. fancy ve. nerved (new and unique styles), and elegant Rose trend, of splendid designs and finish; stud of the best workatan-hpl—it heit.g intended that each instru mpat. IL h a il h r . a model of it, class. All in-truments detect to a fine octavo portable : Melodenn, have the beautiful Tremolante stop, without extra charge. la, ge as-o.tment constantly on hand at our. GENERAL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WARt ROOMS, 641. Broadway. 'Our El u,trated etre utar and Price Lists, with our slept styles, are Low re,rly. Send fnr a circular. Pelottbet„ Pelton etc Co., • Slanufacturers, No. 841, B. oadway, New conk Eatoinations of Teacherg For this Comity are as follows : Sylvania: Burleson School House, March 29 Pike Center, April 2 Heeler, S u nderli twin!, Harrison Valley, 13iIiglia 11/ Center, Lewisville. Raymond's Cnrners, ; " 8 , Hebron, Greenman School House, . 9 Roulette, Roulette" " !' u 10 Coudersport,' " 13 Sharon Center, " 20 Examinations to begin at 10 A. M. Teachers will flrriiish - themseli - with paper , pen and ink. Those who intend to teach in the county during this year, will be eueeted to attend isoine one o these Examinations for.there will be no private examinations, except at Couders port, on the last Saturday ureatth month, after April It'67. A Teachers' 15rill.- beninninr , at 10 o'clock . , ~, A. M.. April 16, and icentniuintilOur days, will be 'held at Sharon Center. I illtructio:. in. the Iheory and Practice uhf Teachin , will be giYen j s Teachers are cordially invit ' twatiend this Diill, and to bi ing whatever Text books they have. Let those interested it, our common schools encourage the Teacher' by their pms enee at the Examinations and Drill. . J. W. ALLEN. Coudersport, March 7,1867. PROPOSALS. -PE-Y-1 7 S YLVAN /A 3GRICULTIiRAL LA \"D SCRIP FOR SALE. FIE Board of Commission now offer for sale n'o,ooo esof Agricoltu al College Land serip, keine the balance of Alai Scrip: craned to the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania . for the endowment of Agricultural Co [rtetn'this State •Proposals for the purelotse or this Land Scrip. ad dressed to "The Boa. d of Commli.7,lol eis of AcTicul turall-mrd Scrip'," will l.e received at iltgEurNevor GeneraLs Office, o'clock I.l.,•of'Wedtres.l4, April . 10,1867. This [and may be located in any Stale or Tsriitery, by the holders of the -crip, upon any of tne utiapp o• primed lands (except mtoerni lands) of the United ••:4ttes, which may be 6tl to-ale al p i irate entry Each piece of scrip represents a quarter seed tn of one hundred and sixty acre•, is is•uwl in blank, and will be transferable, without endorsement or fan:it Masi? meld. The blank need not be until the :crin is pt'esented for location and entry, when the panty Kidding it can rid the blank and enter the land rn hid no - ft name. Bids awn he made as pet acre, and n 6 bids' wlll‘be rcco - €d tor Irpt. thou one guancr ection. The Scrip vrin lie leiiitied immediately on the Tiny rn-nt of the money to rhe Surveyor henerul. On all for 31 11,.. , q1IntrtiVy tha , . .40.000 h dof ;he purchase mimer an-t i.e./mid within r ten dion, end Ihr two-thirds within thirty cluyi .t , er the rot , timithm of the neeeptunt•e of thv tid ur W i le. by the Board of Commies,iner, JACOB If. CA NS PRELL, Surveyor Oenertil, Fort he R•iircl of Coninais , simiets. March 13 1551 NEW Phalon , a Night Bioozezinic retens.l, Phaion , * Night Inotiming Clereum.o Phalon , s Ni,ght Blocimin; Ccresza.s, Phalan' s "'Night Blooming Ceiretra.” • PitalonNs "Night Blooming 'Ceirette.” A most excu aite. delicate, and Frar,ezat Perfume, disti led from the rare and beautiful flower from which it take- Ste name. Manufactured only by -PIRALQN & SOS, NC -BER'ARE OF COCNTERFEI - Mn ASK FOR PAATJ,V IS6I 1567 Philadelphia tlwie Railroad. i•IIIS great line trasert4es the Northern and .Nttrth ageest countieF or l'emmylvania to the eit,) on lake Er ;e. It ha- been leased and (13 II p t •rarea by the VESNSTLVASIn nil , Roes) CiNpAss. • Time of p+-server I,On, at Ett roriir S. LEAVE EAVVIARD Erie. ITal Train Erie Exprcaim LEAVE , Erie Ma il Train V:GO A. lc Erie Expreas Troie ..._ ^ . l; .r X. Pai , ,wwler earn ran throuzb.on the Erie `ail and Expr..-tisrainn without. change Utah .w aye between l'hiladeLplain nod Er,e. NEW YORK tCrtiNECTON, T.enve S'ext - 'tort: nt Al.OO A. 31 , ' arrive at tri.l . Tero A. 11., i.e.te New vork at 500 P. M ,rtrrire E it. 715 P. M. Lew., Erienl 5:10 P. 31.,.1. i , leftl New York 430. P /1 Leii*e Eriee.t 10.'25 A M h - 11 - elve,lll ... * ".4 . ,• NV York 1010 A. Y. F71.E11:11;1' SLEEPING. C 4 /1.i3 on all F4r iefornhtti-n reepeetinz I Pa-senfzer ply tit 0 - irnercit 30tA, and Market A 0 d. for Freizht"tat.hieFs of the Compaey'eAttente AS., A. Rlncetun, Jr.,Con rah atrd - Xurket streets,' Reynolds, Erie. . . . ...... . . Agent. 1..0 R. R.. iL A. 110liii1ON,GeT:eral Freight Agt. Philnert ft W. riw I NNEII. Generni rieket- Agt. Phiiadgr &i L. TV lE.:. General Sup't. E rie. - I FINE FANCY FURS! CLIA.S. A. lIERPIiCiIf: .N'n 4.97 onthrny. and 3 - 7 Mik , den L-me, 'New Solt ‘mporter. Manufacturer and Shipper of i FURS iir.,Lrs his hi, ge 3 , 4 s' ell .is- , i.ied ,i.,, s-f rine -nits, iii. ,iyles, at loweFi .M.ii.ihienr-i-rs PriC( . 2. ' 1 7112 . )1. t price p . tel for SIIIPPIZSG,FI.7I{:S. sf." Send fo , etrcular. PLASTER ! rruler , iffited w,,ulti inform the citizens 1 of Potter that he has 50 Tons of Plaster at his store.:Mi'lqo ch he will sell tis ow as: any place on the railroad. B. S. COLWELL. Millg,roce. T., , Feh. 5, ISa7. ' A dininistralorsl • rit)l irrriEREAF. 'Letters • f .Admittigrnt ton to the Es. y tote of Timothy lyes,.late'of the b roach of 'oindersport, dee'd. have he-n rioted to the 'tined. a l pei sons ind•bted to said cease are hereby -eqle-ted to mate immediate pti!, - tne:dt, and thoso n.zstrist the same, present then, 1 ale authehtic it. -ottlenlL•:tl,l3 lI_ARIA A.. Id Bi-: \ TON, , Adc.lo;stt - itore. A. G OLAISTEL), Co_i~ar .. ---iteitinraropa - COW-MILKING MACHINE! The GREATEST and most SUCCESSFUL INVENTION of the age!! Every prudent farmer should have one. Secure your GW.ti territory. Apply early at the office.' Exchange Buildings; llarrisi ? urg, ra, 3w A. S. Stillman, WELLS:VILLE, N. Y., Keeps the largest and most complete assortment of SCHOOL, and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS • POCKET BOOKS, Memorandums, Diaries, Gold & ' Steel Pens, Pocket knives, Law Blanks, and Stationers GoodS generally, To be 1; quidita the zonntry. . He ha- also added . Looking Glosses. Oc AL, Aecn-Tor and S QV.' au nut LOOKINCiiGS3.9 PLAT t.S. for fitting up broken eta-se.. Ala Picture. Frames and .Mouldintx. in every variety. lle is Agent for the "DOMESTIC SE I FLYG MACHINE" the ‘implest and 'bre! Machitre yet offered to the public, and the' wax Machine that 1:• , f , a Hardened Cast Steel Shuttle. It Neill la-t a hie time. He Is also Agent for several Fits: Claaa PIANO FORTE'S, CABINET ORGANS and MEL 0.DE0.21 7 8; which be kill ee l on very fa orahle terms. 3 4 5 6 Beautiful Holiday Goods, in tbelr eeason. Special Talent ion will he glren to ordere from abroad, fur at,y art •cles in h:e i'ealers furnished with tichrsil Books at Publisher's Prices. .Corresrondenee invited. A. Stewart Stintaan. Dee. 11, ;11,5t5.—t1y. Firth's Music Store, Sea 33x-ca.aciwtyy - , Y. THADDEUS FIRTH, {,Suwessor. to Firth, Son d' Gonip Company.) MUSIC PUBLISHER, . _ Manufacturer niul. Importer of Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes, - Melodeons, • Cabinet Or=arts. And every;ptiun of Musicalmerchandise Ede N. w York. -Aoen("i for the celebn•td Cilrnore Co'm Bnnd InstrumeniAN Cfur Band Department ie under qle personel stiperyi sioa of Mr. D. L. Do Iv.N . NG. 11 - I,ole-.ale and Retail Del,: for tie umitrded• "3:it rde t Cotta , ve Oran & Which cl.allene.e, camp ,ri,on a, the most effectlve iestrumel t yet •••d•ercl to tie Xe,r and Chuica _Music Pall>shed Daila Cittitiolmes and Price Lhils of instruments far nishmi on app:ic.stion. . • - c.,'lrLatpbt .N.tth-te from the leading Puhlteperain meriett. .".iir - .Any piece of Ma,ie, or "NruFic Eook,kentby mall, pO4-ptod, on r..C;ipt I.litil price. 5-ar Ord ere by mail for My is or Instrumentsreceice prompt ancreareful attention. grxxle war:anted to ;trot.. rerreFerited,at riirrirs. MUSIC STORE, 18-23.1,year 1,11.11i , :ty, N e w York. ;WAGON-SHOP . AND BILACICSIVIITI4III In Lewisville, Potter County, Pa iTH"twderisitned desires to inform the in ' Labiraths of Potter County 4hat he is pre ! palled to do all i:inds-of WAGCN AND BUGGY WORK and lilacksmitbing; at the lusest 'prices. AV. Oi k—b,4ll liOlt and heavy, imit to order. 1 Having houlght the 1 4 - a,..0n shop known E. Hackett's. 31i11 SI:op, in the village of and witl the of Water rower, and the beet szea , :oned 1-Innher. he will du work-on shoit nOtiee, at the Chespe.4 Pricks." Call and see for yourselves. N. L. ir.T.MB.A.LL• teWisviile Feb. 4, Ittri.—lf WANran—A good Workman. A. man with' family preferred. %ark. lOUTZ'S OTTltit Horn iii Milo POANT. -2510 r.5...r M TER. HEAP ES, COUGHS, DIS TEMP Ell, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OF .Arl'E. TITE AND VITAE ENERGY, Sc. It! nie improves the wind, tnermses the appetite—gives a: smooth and glossy skin—am transforms t h e miserable skeletol In all diseases of the Lungs, Liver, /cc., this article acts as a specific. By putting from one-half a Paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases a-ill be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price '25 Cents per Pape -,'or 5 Papers for a. Pa=B..B.ED Ss POUTZ & sno., AT iat MIOLES . 4I.E DRUG 4:0 31FDICINE DETOF NO. 118 Franklin St., Baltimore, -Lrd. For Sal. by Druggists arid Storekeepers through out the United States. Sold by P, A. STEEBINS & =EI This preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigorate broken-down and -low-spirited horses, by Ftren g th i g .and cleansing the stomach and intes tines. It is a sure pre- iration is inraluabhr. =proves (Ile quality, of the milk. It haa been, proven by ac tual experiment to increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent. and make the butter fintn and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them 'an appetite. TOOSECIS their hide. and makes thtra thrire WEL.STMLM.: BUFFALO, pUNKIRK DANSYILLE M'LaCVE.77Et 11.'::sinnoxs, C. Having made extensive arrangements for JOBBING ' t I. HY 0 L L Would announce to large dealers-that Le 'laws"consummated arrangements wiila ge Easteri FLOURING iSTABLISHKENTS to ship direct to us, instead of - sending to N - ew York-, And we are now Prepared to Sell 'l.,(J*O Buffalo, Dunkirk, Damsville, 'or most an'- other eitalAtilment, saving all in this section FREIGHT, TINE, _.EXPENSE, Every Barrel Warranted as Represented. X 5 11 D .7121 r rouß ORDERS FOR A...VY AMOCTTr6s, "S'crazaries C. H: SI NFIAION S. December,l666 IA I OK:- I -1E COLLINS -. .. SMITH • HAS 3UST!RETURNED FROM NEW YORK WITH A LARGE STOCK t - )1 ( NEW GOODS WH/CII HE :WILL SELL .AS 'LOW AS THE LOWM,T, Dry Goods, Cloths,' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Crockery, llardwarei-Nptions, &c. KEEPS EVERYTHING USIJAILT FOUND IN A GOOD . SIMI: THE. HIGHEST 'PRICE PMD FOR VENISON, F-URS.,SEIEEPPIEM z, OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. TILL READY-PAY SYSTEM WILL . BE.' STRICTLY 'IADHERnt. B—THOSi OWL.VG WILL P4ASE °A VIENT OUT DEL-2 I". 71ec5,66 COLLI:2CS SMITH. -AND MOST KIND NEW DRUG & BOOK S'OWE Buy Where You can Buy the Cheapest A New Stare win Tilzc'sh Da* s! 'ELLISON Zr, TIIO3II SON lfaving located is the ro/in _foi7nerly occupied by C. F. anii;ky . for a t Jewelry Store, hare rffitfrd, r e fur ni sh-d, o d ktn,ked the Ilitclitig 7.v;th the largest and best stock of DRUGS, PATENT NEDILLNI.S, PAIITTS, 011 S, GLUES DYE-STUFFS, HOWE AND STEVENS , FIVIE VT D. Es, PURE WINES AND LIQUORSfOR ICiltiltiN l AL I UR . D3ES, A GENERAL VAIIIETY OF PERFUMERY & T ILETIRTICLES PAINT BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES, TOOT BRUSHES, &O. Will also keep on hand the folio witzg 'with, many oth r Patent ilidecines . : hir. Lindsey's Blood Searcher, Dr. Lindsey's Cholera :ffixturo, Dr. Jariye's and Dr. Ayer's and Dr. Kennedy's Preparations. ALL TILE POPULIR VARIETIEI.4 OF BOTF ( 115. Braces Cox- V - cruaa.g• 472.c31.1+Criti; Oiled the propriet'ons behic a graduate of the 'Sew York Medical Collegg Vet-yr:l7EO httra :he a.ssurauce that all prescrifAions - vem in will be- propptly and carettll!y I.:el.:0. co. - BOOKS AND STATIONERY. School Books, Blank Books, Novels, Toys, Notions, Pir.ns,zintis, t'cac - Ils, &et ‘3‘2. • 0. T VEIIS ON FLOUR, AS- TEML AS THAN CONSISTING OF Cassimeres y 19 EMI ■