The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, April 02, 1867, Image 1
0 NE A ' . ; UNE XVIII.- -BIUMBER 40. ED TILE 24R .1 0U R NAL, POT PtIII.I.BBED 84 310,11.AHNEY, Proprietor. .! the canoed IlepublicatilBn), the in: . wioi•lture, the advancement of Education, i coed 01 Potter county. fist - Win; uo gutde l Of iliociple, it will endeiteor to old in the •re fully Freedoinizing oar Country, ' ._...... rttsemento in4erted at the following mop., re Speol* 1 barzaill a xri, vusio. • A "oquaie" f Rreefer•or Bof .iNibtipti , ell type : lin ion • - , $l5? 2 or 3 113131. 1 /WIN_ -- - - ..... .- . ..... . _el -equent insertionlesia tan 13 4) ' • 1 yeAr - 2_.: .... . ......... . _ .... __-_ . __ln of) . CArds. 1 year ~...- 5 On tratorto or I.:xt•cator's Notice-..---- 3 04 nil Editorial NOLiCtil per line__.__: 2.' , ,, ran4ient tolvertiserneuto meat be j - iftiti in, d no notice will hr tolten'ofl,aceill , fonehit , ),....a. iiic'e, uoieee they ate accompanied by khe at isfaCtdry reference. - .. • Di. 111 Cer.•etriof A and the bee except that work of tn. Wir . ."1, (1 t 'ere-pr. wit< li I's 101ines 4. l i I eu ' tre V.‘`'t ;' ~r e „ 1 , 1 teptuel MI ine6 ' Admint.l 13112 Mir _1!1 t , dv.ine,.. at ~rout .t (.2 Money or .Vork, of all kin&, exuentecl with rieatol'oos Wit 1. b I and d • plti INEsS NOTICES BUS AtreptetlAnclera York Masons , 1 .1. 1.01. k: E. N. 342, V. A. M. 'Stated tie, on the 2,1. :till •4th 'etiller+ 1,q , 0t elle!, 311, in the thl Siory of tie. t Ilth-tet 4 l 111. eh. ntih,See. : WM. SHEAR; N.M. Vree an I.L; 112.4. mo b. I I D.C.!, nn • 0. T. ELII.ISA,N., I 101 SG. NI Y81.C1.1.:c. Conde •fport, .Ifulty innwirig the.,it.T.Cll , 011.110 VIIII I I I - ^1 411. i 1,01. be will promptly ret.p•ind to all (ital.:lt . 0111., on Virtt btrecti first di•or rco.icterice. 17-10 DILIC .1 . „ • re.m, v.tonitt th, prof.,. tot F. D. ill'inVED. D., llA's :04Sa: re soul l err•re!nlityltr,..- (2 , ithlerisi.iirt it nnevmd itiithe Co .let will lie re'tily :it il•i , 0 11,61 1. lie j.; ret.iuliir iit . Jai n 1 10. [ZLLER ek r MclirdlD.NEY,' Tl rr si r f rt 2H:ai ha ) ..11 er• Mu lie d 1• . Ell'8-AT LAW, 11 iintitt.hctio, Penn'a.— nt• for the Collection of Chihli's itgait E..ti Ihe les artil7nitte i.overntri-ht. , , , th•li as l'en*lon, Irrears of P.ty,&c-2ld Ire..i. , li. , x i) - 5, lirre , bilre : Etc, .• J. C 11 itA,jNi.:l" ATTOR Ag, United St. Bounty, I NT If Jl/lIN S. MANN. , ! i.NEV AND COUNSF:I.I.OII. AT 'LAW [d..rAix,rt, 1',., iv.llatle..ii the serest l' , l turt:- awl CAMerOtt c-,t s'ilitS. M! ioltHittes4 t•li: 1 hie C:lre.:Will rve,i , e" I.ollli, :ttivilli , . tam Ktreet, ill re-i.1.-Inee. ATTO 1 Co In 1' tt er tru "to 1 11 office on 1 1 L'IILSI*3I) t ;'t 11(1 1. A Ilt 1: .111 E l:. 1 tNEVS At - F,A.W, Cu , / iel Pplli . t s l'ulinim II :Maid to fiII. lii7i , iiii_“iiii cu tr Li. l' , / b , 011 pr liniit t16: , .F iii.ndiiil luitly, W I II til-ii) atliiiiti at curt ill 04(1 ..4dj dui if CAW , 1111 . .. 0101. Cl' id store}' iif the , um-tud ilidcit. N TT° , the weve in L'l, r•• R\ 1..1T. LAW, C.,11,1,r prrt, Pa., .F. - ii 1 ..4 to ..!1 i.n.i...., .•,tru.,1, , 1 10. , 1,in N:lt - ie'll , IltrieSS. Attend. C , II to lof ndjo,,.iu_ tlotio ce i). Zi,e...1.,41 , irv , ,,t,neaN . 1.11 A , A , ... , .‘ , .y Icrido. OE pri lira. F. W. .1.157E17 ASP cou xsELLon AT LAW 4ersport, w au.,:nt.lll.w tS, ATT q• :la 1 ELLISON .t •ii:omrsoN. 1 E.ll-; in Drugs, iii....iicints, tact=, o',l , nik.n., I.3men ntni rant, artic .es, tio.)1:- •n -s,h oc ,l, i i-,1 NI i.:4-11, ,rune, iii.ll-,,n,r; .1 1:- .?n,nilyz. oi.l Jewvlvy 5",..r... Ja.- 1 •67. DVs :UI kinds Vie. Iu 1.. M. Iki". Ate.A.I.AItNEY.• 1.'5T.A."11 , , atia .1 Sl'll • NCE. A I:EN'T ,d Cu ~;4t :ina • S,sl4, r,,,,,i,,,, , ....‘t . 1',E1,.; toi. 1.. , 5 , 1re6 lirop , • , ty :tgninnt. ti till th. I),', iii OP CCl , Shitry. :lnd l'ertan , . , a:za I: -I ACC] the Tr ,ve'.,,, I.t-ttrol, 0 , 11ii , , ,, y „i li.irl, q-ill.•-s tran=•i ,,, •.l r,,,,,,,,i,ty • 117.2, 1 ' _ lit TlE.t L-1 tuv, ti,.cumpouti, dentsin rd 1 C. 51-. Aftlist:to:N(,;. Store= and Stitiet IroitiiW ire. s rtet, 4 o Lid, Anna.'Nl ait t i7i wet. Iron War • na.idu ij u.,,,1-oyl-, 61% = i.rt H A T , 5 rr, 1 or It 1.. •.t. STE A. f ~\ NTS —P0!‘..,•1 - 5 in Dry Goof , Rle) o ruceri-s.rrovi&oti-,Foil r, k. 1.110 tor win .ily 1;. - --pt in a good eon wiry -.t. , 1(4 17 '29 ' it of.•vf. Prod tic .1 l'. U. SI11:114)30.4. , • . CITA`:T --WEI.I.SVII,,LE N. Y., Wilole- I %0 .4.01 la and 11.,•;:til in Dry G00•i,,, F.tnnv and ,1,01,, Clo:liin,2:.f.,•krPeF.l):'••-• 0 i , Ix 1,•• (sort 4.1 ~,i, 1 / 4 ,•,,, It•,,,•:•ij•nili••cl •t 1 1 ,1••• al ;.• ~ i -I yle I F o•I . I !S, fiaVT—Dcaic•f'f In nrnns ;Is, Fancy rtLeles, S atiour•ry, Dry Ci0,:1 , - &c., Str-r•t, Gr cirj • C.OLTANS • RCIT ANT —DoaCer in D• y Crrort•riel., C i• nl t !) •Uu) in EN moo t'OUDEI3SPITIIT 1116T2-3.. • • YFIIMILYA , N. r• , 0r'1.' , . - o l ii Car ,or cf 'Mail! rand zi-colls(rtet- , 0, ..., 5f,,,71,1'..,ttvr C.. f':. ~ .• 0,10 is al., Ika•pt in COli r VC 1.01 W r lth tli * lrr• r r t ):61, S r !,,,e r , !O :M./ frool ri . lo Rlilro.(tit!.. : ,------.---,------4--- RE A I v Noted. • Potter Jot:rat:l 111., 11 , 1 t i;lt%7 assorlra•Ht of TOR-TY - PE. t o our alr,v'k"larze It-r,trtnprrit !oily 1,re110r.2,1 to do AUL:11;1a I+l . work, clit,apty a nd (1,1, DI tr, and Scii !LYMAN . .110USEA :yille, Potter counts, Pennspiaitil. reps LEWIS. Proprietor. :en Chic c:ccetlvot Ilw id, the propri. • the ocquai: tiler or the traveling pub!icolid ,iitideot of alt' !v.; ,at.i,•:l:letiou to all who 111:0 him.-- F b. 12.11;1 if Lewi 1 B tt .c. ttt.,,, co, c.l :I, ,t, ~- * ,MARl3, , Liiii WORK lonuments 'and Torah-Storiei will be fL7r l ed ab remimm terms and &bort notice by • I Brenttlt , .! I mil,: south kyf ..111 Ilin ~. 111" order_ tho nol,, ft•G'i D.t.lir BAWER, • . . BUU sTv and.W Ali. i'I.AIM ACD 7 ',Nd'y I procmr, ,, d for- Soldiers of the pre,e,Hl J a ilipabled by ro,on.of wonhdd r , evi•ir a,ecintriteted while in the'iierviceofthe tii,ite 1 ;and peu.iiinii ' bounty. and/ :t eel Irf vay 4.,! _ . for widow, or heirs of those who have died . r killed 'While in i;ervce. • All letterslf.inqu • tl . c , answered. rind on revel pt. by mall of a ,tat i- of the Ari arse of el3imant, I will for Ward the 1 .6 .- y p-re 3 for their si•inl F- es es in Pen-lei. , :.s fixed by !awl •Re ferii to L10• , 5.11, , ,,e I.l , bsbn. Olmsted John S. Mann, And F. W ji.,r, .', tri g : DAN BAKER,H Claim Arrant. C00d ,,, p.e1. I.i. or di.= bt It( bo,ti prim meat) m C 4306 G EMI IFfE N( MORE .UNPLIINSAN l' AN) 11 - nEMI ES for imlfens:ot tl 11 (la “rerpils C-E3 ,LD's ExTic.ter But:Hu asp Lu -1) ROSE. WiSII. I I" ,Itch`? Itch ! Itch. %DM !'.SCRITCII SCRATCII . • EICATON'S CINT3IENT, vutcure the Itch in AS Hours! g AA' 11:-. rnor I,,re. szki,rr RitErkt. ur..,:Enc,.. .7rt i j . NS, and alt it:IIUPTIII),N7S t/F Tril: sK is. 1.,0 cent.. Fl‘r , ale by al drur.u.b4,4. 1',.,24ei,di0 g nt.A to WE6.117-S , 4: , fil'r ER. role Atzenit , , 170 il,gt.)n, 13, - rlion, it 'VII L... ~ e.wat<ted by fr'a of I , b!ugt , 7y , ally r.r. 0. th...1;.1.c.,16:s cr. el. 18S.I. fp, 7.1::::.c. wk: , Irr. 4 13 L.. P +so'c WI j =2.111 ; k . ' . , . -...,,,............._ z_ I , . • ~ . . • ... . 7 • I . 1111 .; 0 1-4( n .... 4 a .. 2 • (~ ri 1 ' ... .- I IA ' ; ; N N 0 ?))\ D 1 I ' I . - a 10 I - leirteSlV • , : ''.r. I . . . - 7 . At --- a N. ' -- 9 • - e , ';' . - I LI. •-I • - • - ' . I 'TILE PACIFIC RAILROAD IN CALIFORNIA. —Though i there is a heavier force of men and teams at work on the California_ end of the Pacifici railroad than on this, the prb gress in diltance is fat' slower; for while here the Nth lies along an absolute • plain, there it is up and over the grand Sierra Nevada chitin olMountains, , About 12,000 Chinamenjare at work on the road-bed in California,tand an-additional- 10,000 have been contracted- for. to be pa upon the line next spring!, When the contractors ‘vill be gradit.g on this slope of the Sierl'as, and beginning stretch their labor out on to the plainsiand into the valleys of Nevada. Now the track isroompleted to within 16 miles Of die summit of the 'lnonntains, ano the fol!oWing table - of - statistics, and altitules, from Sacratirento on; to the summit, shows how the' iron pathway is mounting rthe greathills of the Pacific slopes of the cow.inetit, .Ait Cisco, which the completed road -has now reached, the Incomotiv4 screams on a spot as 111 ,, h, as Mount Washimr,ton, the higoest our New b:unland inoun'tains:- , 3 Di - stance 4ncrament;.), .ttscadc, • - 4ntulope, :met ;cm, OM INEMI MEM .( ',A 1 litm, loch Flat, iIEN I.~~r~ ul - whir ; _ Sdine of the structures of tile wok on rilel!t,-,t section of the rohil are grandly A California Ji!iurnal stn's one the crossing of Canyon creek, is ;i t ti isle piece of solo masonry tw e nty-eight W:'l- to high!. and fift, -fout feet in breadth. ?TI T Ifore•ts of towerio trines—tire-tower itain peaks and yawning rifts and iravered failroaii between AU/ en I Clii•co, lire-eat a sublime pane h elm is d,....4ti1id,d to be a favorite for the art-foyinlr toari-it, t only oit:r day,: but one which will be con late 1 (Might by unborn a-at ions. i :OCCIN AL. TRIANG ' LE, Ilropn.eleo., N. V, 31lzir. 'GT. AR. F,l3lTelt i - 1 thorlit p' leaps a word i i the 14:nljure titatt might be accept:i d,. lito tifr! rt•it , kiS tie l 11 . 1 Q. JOHrivii. \\ . e laxj been bless'ed iittila severe Winter her e . Th I ' ,'l hest iiiliii , bitlint4•unite in sayints• that if , i i. i they race ??, , f, ~iflOt% 11 I SO severe Ti ;' inter in litai)v years: I .ln n 4 3, places the- roads , iron } been drif etl so. liadly as to be i iniel .,.... -.Ail ".Cold Cold we:tiller ! trominence..l t•i e last ~114yeinhe r, , v end: it lContinu'ed cull and iiluiteriniri midi the first day of Fehrum v. Then the icy titters of winter were melted away, our reads beemine pastille again,and everybody seemed ileli4lited with the change About' the fifteenth 4February it sudden ! ~. n r iy c hanged, four or ye I nc hes , c of r.:lory tell IL. and we are now ehjoyinir the best slei g hing 01 , Tie season. 'rile farars art iirejwing for early sluing, ati!il expect to comineure inaliiis L i• maple sug:4 'vers. siion. Maple s n ! ar, is made in conliiderab'e quautities•in thq clOwnly every ; season. This county has !p ee n l tettled severity or eig - rity years and the t)t4ite'fs are in better circumstances g oner alll tJhan those of` northern Peimsyl'va d a Theyotre an intelligent and enterprisinir clas c s bf people; and judging from appear ancesf 1. should say they are the right. kihd of in4n in the ri.iiht place. Politics do riot run el:erc- high here at present, but the pee p:e of this county rolled up. quite a beir-v majotitv for Peer, last November • 1., , 1is far. 4 I can learn, Andy has been very easy , with':the Postmasters in this vicinity. reis likely he found no tbigs here that would harkfoi - hims. There is one thing at Idat, or N' , liiell the'peopie of Potter may ] Ibe proud—and that is ' tht it school hiriiijs. l They are tar ahead of New York in that 1 rospect. I del not svish .., convey the [deal that they have ghee reboot houses, but that i they have betterioncT. To have large'irei w e ll ventilated school. houses speaks well for the intelligence of any community.' I -tlitnlt if somelpetsple who are always afraid of building them too lar)"-e:and•acraid 0 expendinir too much money on diCtri, could , change places With , the teachers, ;nil b ei shut up in a little house with twenti• on thirty scholars for three or four months, al eliang,e itiuld conic over the spirit-0f their] illeams., - yours Respectrully. • . .1 ' .1.1 U. IfroLLENtiEcK. ....-.........---... , ~ i . lirset i:o A. QrACEf ES Hi „ l le . h it . t 2,1 r. [Bush ii4ed to tell this sto ry of a biothel I lianister:—As the coach was aboutstart inn; beftire breald'ast, the Modest linib 01 I ibe law!Approacheil the land ady, a p[•etty 1 Qiiakeiess, whij, was near the fire and said he could not think of goins? without: grin_ .her a kiss. ."Fiiiend, - said slie,'"theelnins.) not do I C "Oh, by heavens. I tvidr re plied the' barrister. "Wellorriend, iis: thou bast sWOTI), they may id(' it, but thee IntiSl. not make a piaCtice of it." • .I,i Aoili ; ...c.'":11. w: s.:l :Scoteh ‘vorlthn who s: ,; ( 1 , wat the butcher of tier town only; kil:et; 1 ati it a beakl at a tulle. i T . I Denoted to fhe ?Evil:lW of Imp DaiT)oeile9, aka the AissiiiiiiAtiol) of r..iteilf(tre aqa ffztrs. Plevatß)n (Feet ) 151. 3ii 1 .1 6 ' 1.1 . ;7 , .5 1 i . Q., i• 1: . 3.2 15 ;3,4725 I 1 . 3,6:15 1 ; 5 !+' i .7.0-1:2 ti 9 93 I FOit coinriaspoßT, POTTER COUNTY 314110.1111CVS CHARGE. Thus saith the prophet of the Turk : " Good Musselmen, abstain frOm pork.' There is a part in every sivine! No friend or follower of mine May taste, whate'er his inclination., On paiwof excommunication." 4,Such was Malmmet's Mysterious charge, And thus lieJeft the point at. large. ' ; Bad he the sinful part expressed, • They rui4ht With safety cat the rest t ;But for one piece they thought it hard, I From the whole hog to be debarr'ed, jSd set their wits at work to find The joint tile grophet had in mind. I Much controver,:y straight aros . e, These choose the back, the belly those ; By some 't was confidently said Be meant not to exclude the head .; While others at this doctrine rail, And piously prefer the tail. Thus conscience freed from every clog, 3fahometanr, eat op the ho;;, Ton laugh ! 't is well! the tale applied, ' Might make you laugh on V other side : Renounce the world ! the preacher cries, ' We do! a multitude replies, But one, as innocent, regards A snug and friendly game at cards ,; And one, whatever you May say, Can see no evil in a play ; Some love a concert, some a rare, And others shooting and the chace. Reviled and loved, renounced and followed, Thus bit by bit the world.ts swallowed ; With sophistry their sauce they sweeten, quite from tail to:Mout 't wa.s eaten, Iqll ISO °(i9 9; , 0 1.3,5 Ain A.stosiislied Old Lady. An old lair whose home is in the coon try, and who hadtilt been in Cincinnati for o:erai years,- came in yesterday to do some trading, her principal business heing one of few incidents in her life—the purchase of a new. bonnet. She hadn't had al new bonnet since she was in Ctinnati the last attcl that was seven y g OS ago, no had she seen any of the tiew-hulLrled contrivan7 ces—"triiies light as air " -which the wo: men wear now days in place of bonnets. i IF, a new bonnet was the engrossing theme :in her mind on entering the city, o(Coursc . ' she was on the alert at once to see the fashion was. Imagine her const:lrna- Lion, then, in standing on Fourthitreet, watching the people as they passel l t by. FOr a time she was pet folly speech4s, amp then she was observed to, throw up her hands, and exclaim: "For the land sakes are-the women all crazy, gad I in' through th i l estrects with notb ins on th,ir blessed :heads! What's become of all their bOnnets?" She went into a infllnery store ant'l 'ac costed a "gentlemanly and obliging" young lady in attendance: •- • :'You see I come the hull way front Ciar rnriunt county to buy a bonnet. I've worn this one ggiin' on !It's a little out of filshion I reckon, and I want nine thnt is right in style I itidu't IL - m.oi'; what the winunin was weurin', so I stood tint hOrs a blessed hour to see 'em pass, and I leipe never to sce my uld man again if I saw one with a bonnet on durin' the hull roue 1 Some- had a doll's handkeher laid on the top of the head ; others. had what lokiked for all thO world like oyster patties trimmed With blower! glass, and I declare to, goodness if one woman, with a big ru tahaga turnip oti the back of her head in a 14 n e t. w ore an y ceverin' 'copting a yalier circus ticket tied! on with N string, 1" When infortnid that the styles she had seen Were the latest - thine- in the bonnet , tiro old lady's 'astonishment increased! a 4 she was thoroughly bewildered by the! One she had examined each of the varie tie=s embraced id-the- mildner's collection, particularly when she learned the acconi pitnying prices. • • She looked at her old bonnet, whielt hail ! been preserved so- carefully (Loring the changing fashions of seven years, and coin-1 pined it with the fashiOns of to-day, when the old lady forty wept. She declar ed it was enough to drive one'craty to see such vanities as the wOmen'are running to I n 4 iw days "Twan't so when I was a gal," said she. "Women wnre: bonnet.s in th em days that.dovered their heads,!and Lied 'emi tinder their chins insteA,of frist - n 7-ein to the back hair,'' She left in (*mat disirust and said she Would go right tuck to Claird Mount and wear her old bonnet till 111:11i tiers got to making bonnittS again. • -- "Ml' Boy DRUNK !"—"Dru tik l—my bol€ drunk l" and tears started front the tooth efs eyes, and she bent her heal in unut tiirable sorrow. In that, moment; theivis iims of a useful 4d honorable career were destroyed; and olno of woriblesness, if not iiti:iiilute disliurn'ir, presehted itself. W e l, dia she know that : intemperance wa ks hand in hand with pove' rty, slini»e and death; and her inother-Weart was pierced as with a sharp pointed steel. A WISf: LA'NDLO-D.—l HO Illity a ....., , I Ali, you'll!' !nand if the holy feeling of! j0dc ,.,, , ii military' Officer, and a pries,, all love . for her who L ore yout . is not d ea d w i t h applied for lodaitit - ,r at. an inn Where there in von shun that which gl . yeE , . her ain; here to that %%hich gives her joy: d l'l p was but one spare bed, and t,l lo _ I,, i „Jd or d r f :he! was ‘..alled upon, to decide who had the is with you en earth, she does ll"ti f"" "` t. ! best claim of the three: . 'I havti tam 61 le"ire to w- I lLr'E" ii a l ' . "" k "' I it. l ' shl l ' s , teen years in the aarrison at IV said, the ;ivith her Father in Lleart , !ylliin Iliat.coqtF.o 0.1E04. 'I 3 •ilavti sat as itl4icre twenty }'gars 4 life while 1 .sli"tF; the g ates “ f lie ' t `' er '' L ir , i: ii " v_ s ti a ‘ ii . l e t ‘ l .e le ii: j;t : l i g t e. ;., :il s it i t it h i to ti :7:eave. i.urainst von : - nd, debars 'you fruits lier su- ;.. t 0 - entleinim, I hate stood in the Ministry eiety forevt r, The (11 n Ikard cannot inherit the king 'Lloln of God. eminent physician has tliseo.ver- [teats; you, Ju.igto, htote sat twenty the nightniate it) nine. tttl , tt. , ) oitt of year:', hut the ag..l pa , l,lr Atto , ,d fiv e ten i , .itiotitice.) by oyiin2 ane o ws- and tw , eov so he, has thu Lest, right paper, ana the best cure is to pay up. to the 1.p.k.i." PA., TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1867. Penns3irania in-Congress. PennsYlvauia has reason to be proud of her representation in the Thirty• Ninth Congress. Thaddeus Stevens, by his stur dy devotion to abstract right, and .by the . pre-etninent ability with N I llicit he has, coin- hatted error and inspire the friends of liberty and •justice with confidence and courage, has raised our Si...rite to a position in Congress which it has pot enjoyed since the days of Benjamin Franklin. But Much Of the distinction acquired for the Old Key stone during the pi.esetlt I Congren is due to the extraordinary ability of her entire Radical del(Tation: .Ancf we are glad to see this fact appreciated and candidly set forth is the. Washinfi,ton torponaence of the Manchester (N , . H.) 'Xirror. It will be seen that Our representative ranks among the most useful ) if.not the mo-t of the body • " You. must not for a flionrent imagine that Pennsylvania can only boast of 6te vens in this contest. He is in ane and ex perience her le'ader. Honored as he is to day, Kelly, Broomall, Willitatis, St 2 otield, Wilson, are brilliant stars in her pnlitieel sky Mr. Kelly ()ripe visited New limp-- ?•hiro and his voicl is Well tememlered there. •Mr. BrOomall is one of her stronn est men, with a canstitnency that New England might be proud of, and although but in his zecOnd Nun, has gained a posi tion that few may Soar to reach. He is an able lawyer,l governed by precedents that lean Co justice, of pleasing address and in ) pressive eloquenced He has no sngared words for treason and rebellion, and speaks boldly. what he Lei eves. In debate hei. is forcible; makes his : - upints well and clinches them with argnment rarely ex,eelled. His voice vote or initnence is never doubtful Wihiams and ScoOld frequently engage l l in debate. The foriner is slassk, while the latter has gained imneb applause:by his well • thried speeehr. Mr. Wilson rarely if eeer speaks in debate, yet uses his influ ence in a way equally potent, and is in his first term. huts IPennsylvania is leading, us-. This Week will make and .unintake men in the politield wo4l, as it . has corn 1 ruth :ed." 1 i Irox. G. W. SbOFJEL-D.—S 3 nie - ot ire most prominent fleirubficans throughout the Sate are speaking out very decidedly in favor of ..Tolge Scoli q M as a +n.lidate to succeed Buckalewl . Judge Syr now reprcsents the Erie district irf Conrrre*ss, where he is distinknished as a nmf, of corn rr.anding ability, rind where he has been instrutnental in accomplishing much good to the State and . t i he country. It is very eel fain' tbat the honors of the Republican party belong 10 srieh Melt as Judg a s, S. has al wri,s been al fearless exponent publican priniplel, and afaithful worker for the RepubliCan cause. In hiblition to all this, his expe4nce as a legislato i r is very great. At present we have no personal preferences to urgk but we cannot ref , aio from recoguiing the claims of Judge Sco-i field to Senatoria honors its being equal to. those of any •Republican yet rnentione I in! connection 'the Senatorship../tcry-! r Lint rg Tdejrnp7s. rP;`•The black man has voted in Virgin ia Only think qf it! in ari , toeratic and regal Virginia— , -Arliere an F. V has dee t in men's fah as other men de,al in dogs and horses . ! Never teas a g,lorions feet more grating ) than this:on the heart, and the delicate sensibilities of tyrants ..If he tennen progresses., and . loyal men are thus awarded their rights, we may soon ex -1)tlt to see traitors punished in Virginia. Jaqit6 Is always po,=,=ib!e.4 A dispatch rec l eived in Petetstairg', .Va., last, tveek. antioulided the arrival at Ali -1 napolis, Md., in a condition of hope'ess iii• sanity, of Rev, qeage T. Williams, who was arrested somh, time since in New York city on a charge I pf picking a lady's pocket ,! in a Broadway sta L ,re: i - I . AE:>r} - s:tEAd RADICAL IT WILLIANkFOFiT, At the corporation election of Williams port I wilthe 7th, th e h ea l s fed the Burge,,, Assistant Burgess, and two Commissioners. Two Copperhead rum Inissjoilerzi wore alsti eleCted: Last year Oopperbead hat a majority The vo:e was the largest ever cast on such an occasion: n. ie. priest. -That s , Wes the di , plite," sail the !awl lord. ``Y ,, O, Mr Captain, have leia fifteen It . li 4 Arun ODDITIES,—An , —An Af al itringl Good Wtit or /or r Ike af house, removes his shoes but not hisl'lntt .1, rR.O lt ONE OF THEIR Ohs OTED 4F.E.N11E4 lie Mounts his horse upon the . rightlSide,l . While his wife milks her cows on the leftt DURING TIT?: WAR; ', t side. With him the point of a piw is its From ttu• Load.' to,:inph Dec ,15. i • head, while its head is male its lieels. H c is • head must be wrapped up warm, etim in I A. :highly inuiginative trans I •Atlantic tuenirer, wh i le • hi, f e et may 1 .,„11 0 , 0 , 1 ,1 4 ,1 1 1, , Irongnipltvr iizm lately inferMeti the world naked all winter. Every artic'e of i 1111+; that Aznericii is, or sli.utiy wil it. la •-c.ezo chanclise which is liquid hL weighs,' but. try hounded ore the' north by the Asiatic measures whelit, barley, and a few otlierar icircle, on the smith by eternity on the tic:es. .He reads and writes from heft to east by the ri,ing srin., and on the!west by right.: He eats almost nOthim.„' , :it. breakfast the 4.l:iy of judgement. There ttrel a set of about as iota at dinner, but idler thd tv-t-It ' bitter anl,l bEii'"l'l4""ti , Me" 7 chiefly ofaid of tile .day is :lone, he ..sits down to ;h hot -, tory perzMasion, to whom it; ktild• of Mo nica! swimming in oil, Or, better pz. the I agery is gall and Wollllll'oo4. They nre b o il e d bott l er. His sons eat with hint, but miserable ts , t - America. is Vag; and be: the leinale4 of the house wait. ti I his lord , - I cause she uses these laughably bi-xpress:- ship is done. _fie rides :his donkey when' i ions. The real re:ison why they Init - e'her traveling, his life walks behind. He laughs is because her government is so free, and at the idezrof walking in the street with ithe•suecessof it so wonderful . bill since it his Wife, or ever vacating - his seat f o r' . a wo- d, ? es, not ..lo to confess these facts, they are • . ~ always girding at her faults of manner, and style—a practice which is alsmt as useful !, ns to rail at the Allegheny .rnountAs fur 1 being litige and cragvy. ' For our pih:L, we „ experiend e no .more surprise or vexation at ki ze . 1:y1)6 4 004a5. - of our dec e n,Ltmt s bc-,•yond the Atlantic, than we should at seeing a likely lad split .his trowsors in• growit t;. or la fine, healthy baby reach his plutiip AIMS llout fur the moon. The: thing is natural a i d even satisfactory with the yoting,gizint that ire bate bred; and En4-land, the - MO.l'- ler of empires, d•:ght to beleartilv.plead. and amused at the glorious ga.scobades of her mighty child. Is she to be an elderly cm.oette, and vex herself because .her sons otitstralo•lier, and her ikughters shoot up With a beauty and vigor that ref - 11MA tier how she ages? She ought, if she wer• limi est Mid . heartY, to be glad arid proM4 of youngstersthe like of whom history lav- . er kneW—to.knit them to herself in hotels of firm love, and aim at making out 18f them an Anglo-Saxon family' of empiits which should girdle the world- with Om - language of SliakeSpeartt, and the happy influence of that little matron island', W. like to real , these ridiculous sttlimitie; wherein' our imperial 'ct.ckerels crow the M - well-nigh off their legs with instine - S; roand the old Britanic hen what d. hi:•1 the American chicken will be when all thit tatters cote, it' it can scratch and Vi-o and il ,, nrish its spurs like this in an epo•ii when it is but'iliromr s .h the barba l :-- . going sin of a new civilizatiom'and has the bttst eirtmf its hackles to i shout. l And if 'big ies. j'ishti.- big words, we 8110111,1 liki. to - ' ,ll i ° w lv ery wi rat i rio st t o sh b , l3 H r is any these'l 'o nV tlze en r natii tivClti i n Ay millions of squriie acres of fat 'e. ofh n.„u!,,l fo r a back---ar , d, Which will giow , .1 Ix quarters to the acre, as long as yen kike , Lo prow the old 'crop;:in? Has any tither ' 'iatiop a mountain of lsolid iron to mitike i tlowS of,.like Pilot:. Knob, in Missouri; or ie s id' t e l folder the ground Mid 'shortA of ~, 1 5 0 .1 , e" ! ,,,,, r alooz the Lakes!' 'Does ;any 1 other nation double': its populatiOn Attire twenty years and suelt in the ethigratidil of E•irope w ,mom u. tinting it? Or thrill ear!! te: 20ff I.n il , • • alone one river I Or venture onthe impudence of a Mcquroe doctrine? or tight a war I with -a Million soldiers and ItztV9 :them 1111 home ii'g-,ain, ;hike boys 4-titer ,se..hool within a year? Or what other 114orie Oullcats a revenue of i£118,000,000 sterling, and with ,t 20,00- 1 00 t oi 2 ; •.1 at a time ill its excite pier, 'lam his at a debt of 4 . 504,;000,01/0-; and en- Igages to wipe: it out in 1 ten year? sir. Arteintis W,ard sir- lie never knew a Yan -1 kee who didn't talk about the [Lucky '-Motiiitains except .Sine,l i tchi he .Was deaf and dumb; but even:he wrote a bookalmitt,, them. who is ptypia 'enough to 10; ‘ ,411 lat that? It ial'fii i etiature of the - f ie4fllle the young I:iaer,-trinst . haVe gi.: ; i t itici Lop ice, words, policies, SoliuMes, :AA sayings; l aud if we laugh; letlit ',. with hearty' 41 . 10 d it nature, and as old Iplks do at the f'e'int' iii I" bizneomb of the young ones, whOsestremit q and health'are so 1 eautiful and full of iiid promise of noble 41 iys,and Works. DEM • clergyman who was in the habit': preaching in ditil7ent puts of thy`eonn-. lily, was not, lon, sibee in au inn, I,,bserv e d a horse jockey trying to ialce 'in a simple countryman, uy imposing upOn him a broken : winded hoise for a --na.l pne.:-= The paison knew the bad character,Of the j , ,ekey, and •taklng the man aside, tohi him . ] to be cautious of the man he was 4ealit , :4! with.: The man deeh , i,l chase. and the j ockey, quite netir?.d, of served I. . `.‘Parson , l had much 'rather liriai •, it .1 , . way." than se o von privately intertere:m barfrains between man and man, ;in till • L. . , , . . 4 Well,";repiied the parson, "if y l ou been where you Might to have be«4l,'. last Sunday, ybu might have heard me preaeln'. "Wheri) was that?" inquired the pokey " the state prison:" retorted the ;eler: gvman. ; • • :.; I Din Yórt EvEn SEE=A regitwetAh.4t, wasn't the best in the service ' A captured battery that hadn't fired: last round of ammunitions before it was taken? A regir&tit, brims_ de or ' , ;:tsn't the very bast to leave the field %when a "retl•eat was onlerc'd ? . repiinent, briade divisiort,.a coin piny or battery,. this didn't lose more .''in each I.att?o , than any other rerirnent, Uri (rad e , division, bastery, or coinpani ? Abriaade ; vitVision or coil's thitt hadn't the very bpst commander in the army : 1 ; A .livision that didn't save tile :inn% from n ilat'ion ? • - A lino, that , lesetive to be tt I,a , t t 131-i2sadier General? 1 A re, , ziment-that didn't gi, futther "on: a chi rge kill more of the enemy ; and capuire more tia ,, a than any othet'. . A entlenian, who Wanted to make a takinm speech to a 'Sunday School, thou ht he wofild adopt the, colloquial style, and this is what. happened : `,Now, boys, what does:a man want when he goes fiAing? • A. shrill voice went dirutly to the point Witli—“warits n bite!" - gentionan sat down without further -remarks-. A. coarse, ill-natured fellow - died one day, and his friend; rKseinbled 'at iiiS funer iV, but no one had a 'rooll WOrd to 6:IV ahont the deceased. - Even at the grav l e was . silent.. At len,rth a L.:OA-hearted ier man, as he turned to ilro home, b e vas a good Sehm4)ket'.7'. Crilb..4llitrun The iNiitor of the Man e Farinei• the folowing thoughts in refnual in h that huve become a,blieteil to crib - biti Cribbing is undoabtedly a hithit r than a disea&-: - it . won!!! see proved by the I . :tel.:that A yono‘J'horse,, tined in :t stalle next, to nn oil itor,T; is a erilibdr i soon, acquire theliabi! is very voinirmil among horses that are, status y .kept in - the-stable, I] be c bv tli animal selzlip, upon cri6, birin solitary pa , tmie, to while away rheldresome hours of stable 'hie,' Or the ethistatit . diet of hay and (tilts - nl4;ilerang,e tl e tliestion,, causing-2as We ourselves ihnow— no easiness Or.idie long continued inhalation of close and impure tor may di,stirder- that . part of the entire system, and t h us give rise to the habit • "Crib-biting may be preventEd if taken in ,hand during the eilrly stage. , ?;. • Fin.q: at tend to the atmosiih'ere of the fstable,. ren dering it pule by careful ventilation. Place lump of rock salt in the ,inan7er. This acts as a stimulant to the stoinneh and will often enable the horse's digesti4n to reciwH er its lest tone. If this does tiot e fleet . a cure aid •to it a large piecq of chalk. Should this not prove 6 40.h00d, damp: the 'eel aryl at eacli tittle of feeding,, sin Ink le magnesla up on it. lifityhewlals-o reconrr litrae han.lful of ground oak bark to be ,given a with tch feed of grain. Slionl.l - none of th , above me ;isures prOe df belie fit, W e should eoirle tO the> conel sion thi'u t h,i Ira s r was 4 ,' r a more obstinate natal-, be treated as in caiie of chroni. indig.....tiott TERIIS.--SLSO FtR ANIVIIICt; ords 4 orse,l ~~ ME cots It COW 'ltSt. , 11' al, R hen a young Man is e'er:: In a and. dress like 3 "Mince, srnois 4 foitr; su gars," drinks "nnich! tn andy," at teitA thea tres; darieesand thle t like, regularly, We Won wh•ther he does it all on the ..pi*:.eeds of his clerkship. When a young lady sits in . the Whim' daring the day, with her lily-white * ' - rigers covered %vita' rings drains - on the 'piano, and reads yello‘i-eavered no=els, iee won der if her mother do , •en't wash the dishes and do the dirty"work inThekitehge: When the deacon of the chnith sells strong butter. riv i orninendirt it excel loot.4.n article, we whnder upon whin h i he re lies for sAlvhtioh.f • , When a gOM three tinies: :a day lo ;et a drarti, .we wendel• if by-iridsby he wort% go four times; NVlren a lady Id* her waist ii - third leaS than natero nia , le it. we wonder it her pr , t- iy figure Will not Ohorten tier lift: a dozen ~bars Or more, . besi.les making her miser: :We whpe.she doel lve: When a man receives- a . tiewTailei• of perio,.licill weekly, and takes great delight in rentii ig it, bat neglects tb pay for it, We wonder, whether he has a stful or a eizzard: 1 , II II GM