~..., .. ._.....,_ . Fr ftra a Lady: ..- . • NS' atve Xttirtis t Sarato g a Co-IZ. 7-1.2 i •;,, ,_ 411.1V,6,,1866. S ; Ps ITosrezrza—hSir : I her elot,g - do t i,..a ~,...1 , 1 4. to , uu my s tervre thotik6 &If the good ! ou have do..e m l - c Lio_litor. let in truly soy that ,)•o:butt,t hut 14. e kind had of Provi le' ce nod , our BITTIO,B hay.- env' P.i her from all earl - grave. - Fur ; three . t ears 1 hove b e en docterim: her with e... cups and oil kinds of bit ,., ten , that hove heet rec.dnmended to me for her, he side- Itovmg two 1 ret-rate iihyslcians; hot al' seem, ed to' do her no . ' d, w il e I .fait searelatig tile at mounts and all lb new.- paper, that 1 could get hob. of, in hopes of llnd oar P.4nPtb , ng that would edit her cast:' sleCideralli ' them cane port of a newspaper s.mihd -owe :too i that'l ltondld at the Ils. 111 li.k.ltig it ~, , r. I re w 'tan glance that your Berraek was just wuat el, oyeded.. I cent the nekt - day to v. t netoo Si., ~,,i ~; .t a Nestle of your plectra. - She ... commence fo'ki, , g them; tani.soch s a:Mr, in oo: week with. her.opoetile, end iii , e distriss whick.lict• o a t s ocea,Mced, nod that burning lii the ettomai.li; 1' never saw in t * . fe, tie there was in 'her. 5,,, hoe takfal ttoe, , hotth,s.:thd iit tiow :th:r to work all the time. I think there is a liitletleranltemeta of tie- liv er. Plt.:a..e pelf rue three Nears more, which I tank will core he eotindy. We and otheredhoueht she had a di--no:- ,f the Iteart. but that local e to.d It-earring that w old almost stop her from ltreatbibg at times, isall .rofte, Yuhre,, with reseecte _ Ides. Alt.tsot, Nicl'a,:asott. 19 =I S OF tioasEs AND CATTLE. - - TO OWNE 9 0111AS 1 DE 3.13 Y. coxiArrins rowDET:s I . . . n . . 1 are witrr nitt .1 - a oorior to a ,y'uther; , , or pay, for' tbe cure ::f ).temp-r, Worms, Bud, Ola. Bide-hound, C ,, t Is. d:o., „it tiorwer; and ConiS Caugh,„ Loss of Xi dh. 13 . 'r4 - '"ck ..ToaJno, :Horn Do.teint per, .5.:G.,,,” Ca - le. Those Puvr .e're' were formerly' pet up by Simpo.on I:rob a5,,,0.1 of or. Toq ~,, and. i lime,. ids doath. It the domand has be ,M ru itreat for I 11 them, (101 l r." aria, Itioe etintinui•d to many facture i D (bon— They:it' .t.elf.e:l3 - sod , iii.? ; noticed ; of. stopoind. the workimrof your ananals. T;ley. in- crear , the il!lteite, give a lint, eoat,'Cleause the torn- ' ::eh and tird,:ay .orgatis ; at.,r, inczeare the milk or co -Ps. 'Try Ilion. al.d 500 wits never be UTlJaval -item. 'Hiram NV - a.nirn:l; the r o tobroikd trairo-r of trotting horieit; /in , tired tifetn foljears, and l'ecom rnentio [hemp to frim.dii. I:ol.Witio l'.. 1311,11, oft theJ , roMeitn; - Courre, FL O ,11,-.la , N. Y.. wuuld not use them until it was told of VI tt they are rem pd...ed, sinre'which he i . . never without d.em; \ Ho had over tM rent II g horAiEi in - his e.,arze,und forth ls , t ttireo yoar, has M-od no niter medicin , ..s for them. lie has kindly pertnittod me to refer any orki to him C/oor.1,01.00; her ref , renees eat li-- set - a at thest e . erot. Suld b nrodtabos and .Sad rerla . Pri,e 25 1 cent? per 1,-)c, IVepht,s6 enrtlanat E. : reet , :,:ew York 14nporrimat. Qualitice, nrand a-Fith's 1.?i16; tktaitraulate ail the I w,ar e r• at t.oi •ysteni that every D 0,01.1 itaptVity ds foi-rod tram hood iota the howels, and thus passel. off. Itevet•t ea,es of s.lekt,e,s will &`tell be a +red, by the' effect of 6 or S . Brandrt.th's 7 ,:h et teptraf,en is ful.l :ut•l c. rnh a c;c leave the biond ac fr.e . from pelFonous and unhealthy mat ter as. that of al new licrn babe. In (wilds. tuff:minia try diseases. Mei even in cholera.. their use testores to fienith snorter t ban all other remedies,b,.caude they take,from the hi° d and bowels that, matters. upon which pale, cramps. and acbee , depend for con tint:finer. • Captain T=IAC of Sint: Sint:. says. thirty of Ilrandreth's.llls,taken according to diseetion•,eured Itlm of a very severe i.roudiial atti , ction after ether means had failed,and lie wishen his nutee:ous friends to cow the 'fa:t. 13i,ndrell.'s Pillsl P incipal Offme • Brandreth Ilou;e, New York. 'Soli also by all DragLiis••s. See my name onlocyrnment witleh the pills are spuri Jos. B..BRANDRETH. • - Ayee's Cherry Pectoral I. . S a eeiothinr espyitioca,i, prepared to meet the nreent need of r. safe and reliable cure for iiieeassi o f the throattP leid lunge!. A trial of :truly yearn.has ' f`Stal , li-beil t 'e fart, that it is more etll,!:telettell., p.drnon:ary :i rectiottS, t1i:::: any other remedy. Its; adlieac2,: has - t OW brentne 0-0 Zenel-nly tin Owl., that it 1 S. ju-T]y recd ,led iii an ,u noun; ri,, n, a raedleii-e of i indie.peasabit, aece4sity. In Groat II irain, Franeri aid Gettmoty. arhere medic-Al f.e.i.,.etl ha...-: reacl.ed Ito bilthest perfect 0,0, it is pre,erib-ti li, 0011 - 1,-,:ie. proc Lice, and c-instantly us-•d in. the Arnipie. if, ho- pitnts and other tn.a,hc-itt..,titut ti-, where it Se rc,c , •r•lefl be! . the atte,,,linl i z plieti'ciatis in the 1 e.nt speedy and; azreenide rdindale :bat can be employ el. Soarec:. i 'any ncichb con - C , be foond where Weil known i 00000 of difely.eti..im.go which bad ti a pled :l i e effort, ' of the trio -t. skilifui mid experienced doctors, I:tenet 1 10001 perrnalienriy ca ; roil by 1 , . Then, e• S.:lite:ire the 1 tno,t cllolVineit,Zpr , of- (Jr tbesuperior curative prop•; retie.: o' tidy. prermition 3 a a:iii to t item -tie aeilioriiJ point witliPecaliar eatief t:on. While it is naira powerful ii.:iiiiist conilra.ed dii-eioies, it lir extremely i polio n,.• a ;medic lie in itifiory and youth' being' quite hartni,ie• e :,,, even the ~Jul ye- t, tcLytt valreh••• , I...red j Id el 1:113': 3 Th.), he 31411 regtorer nrei4nplieho.s even met, lIV prevention than cunt. If ta-yn in season, it iieolsiril irritatlo %.; of 11, , 1,1nat and 111114 , -, wiait•or iirist 2 ; i i,,,,, C o ld, . 1 et.,,_; , ,,, ”r 11,1 n ...Awl' .twee,-, w‘d i. , ..• Tv ei'v at tlvit 1-1;;) I rain of pr -fat 0.a.1 inc it aide di- • ~,,i, SO) e h W0L1:..1 311. A! troll Cie re zi , v.st of them. It 0 .1 101 :n. fl,taiiy!s;., , tll,l lq• witinant it. Itfincnza, Croup. 11,10 -01e10 N'{ - 1, 001011 S. 1'01:1 - .". Pie:1:100, 170. e ident k ; ',ol-.,,-,eption. ai.d 0:1er iidi eti-•:4 of ibi lireallo:iiiz d T , 4 :-.,,5, ::.N.,., way befide titre p eelaliie:it ~,obii-iiti,i; of riled : r eNt virtue e • • Prep:tn.-A by I.H. .1. C. _1 Yr.i: 'o Co., li,well 11,,5., Ana i,,,:d 01 0 nil Drti„iiiitii and deLleta io 111,1 - iellles exeryse.wre, .REiIVIMICTON & 80143 _ 7 10 ‘LANITFACTCIIERS OF REVOLVERS, RIFLES, At3l , ±7 . 7J1=2./51 For the mite-d St :6;6 POBKET'ANO BELT REVOLVERS. REPEATING PISTOLS, - Di IFL E CAN ES, IIEV 4 Itt p ; i. 4 Snot (jun thlrrrie, tint' uit ]l atcrzal _, euid Ly Gun PQa/ens .:d these tv . Ihu.s.c.l,redki,y and Rr,hbei . 2l,erri ROuse, 'St orr ()Nee sliould have Om, fy . = • Reniingtons' Revolvers Parti.... drr nilu L. .‘vas! tll..wk-rick, of flic intP fru proven.ti tt. and ~.tip-rior wurktLau-Lipa.u4.l faint, v. 1.1 ed new • Remingtons' Revolvers. cir?utars ,I,,eriptio'a,". of our firms w,',l he fn7))kbed up.v, E. RENII.I.:(.4Ti iS ,k. ar C.C'S Iliion, S. Y. [ MOOR:: 4,.....5i1i;110L5, ayn 4'[.l [ . COUrllalld St, New York !MOTHERS: READ 11115 MRS. WHEELER'S Nursing Syrup I, For rthlirl,ea. TyFernery. Cholera llorbuf , Cho:ern li,ca..thm, Pita from s ie a E ras 3 wi n 'in the . "..'utriet , a:.ti tkAve!ii, &c but ' PAItTICPLAILLY For Children when Teething AN" ii TV PROOLTC , E SLEEP. I wish to call Your attention to the above medlcinf an twin:: superior to any ever het ;reoffered the plod; for the purposes f o r which we rectuameiiii it. Ver. many children trout their btith are I IRRITABLE, NERVOUS, RESTLESS CM SLEEP SS. They live in a snit, of tern ins excitement - ; their crias and rrioansdenotesione in net lonat Benin Bement of the St Steal, Whit:// volu res bat the least exciting cause, and they fall a prey to disease. THE PERIOD OF TEETHING I i ---1--------- . i 1 .--... Ever mixious to increase the material Is ore more critie:ll of any dor-in-A thelife of tbe , c.»,,i, j 6....n0. 1 ; . unda-Aore euthire"..kie•luring this period than alllatiasrs ch , scer ity of Coudersport, we take the liberty I C . ,..i''.. , ISG7 i 1567 --- cainbine . a.. Aketuralog to statistic. j waicti ale u 4,11 ' . . . j. , . . j j ; this weel. of suggesting to the capitalists of.the Philadelphia S.:. Erie. IRa ilroad. autihe.n......:e.e.d.; : ~i 1 n : lar g e ! •I'lllr4 ;• r - Setentli•Vire old 61.. (wry lomareathat die undo ~ro , Borough, that wha.t. is needed note .s a ; i .... air a, t h e Int ersis the Norti ern and Nertli w st counties of Pennevltania td the citt of Erie cars of aye, dieffroy,l(l;z....2.sca caused by teciNn:7 i .1- . i liolel, built With the special idea of receiving '' On hike Erle: It ha- been - leased min is operated by- For' producing a gl"i'II: Tr‘ttl'al,Uriil refreshint Glee?, the PCNNepicAttiti P.m 411 , AP CeXpiNV. [Mini" the summer mouths, visitors from: the : one from which the . child .4111i/waken feeling icfleitn- i ( 1., , , : J .. j. Time o f passenger liiiins at EM rOltirrlt. ed and cieelqi.. . • , cities. A s it: is all the hotel accommodations 1 . 'LEAVE EASTWAR4- The.tiorsing.Ss,raP has no Equal', Erie Mal Train.— ...... ......_ t---.--.iii -s P. M. i ihere are annual]} occupied during the summer i , - -Far the bent of mothers and nurse.we wiiuld ad- I,_ I Ere Lx reds Train._ ....... -._i—_22:::'4 A. ii. vise you, when the child is rest]. ss. feverish ,Thi e , a . e . , try the over•heated CitiZEn6 Of ...Yew York. Phil- i i i i I LEAVE WESI WARD. ' 114-3 , 1 iait,face gushed. tongue coated.imlsequh'keneill,. j :del Chia, Cincinnati and other large placies; and i Erie Mail Tr-dr; ........ .....—..L...._12.n0 Al x. to give a warra bath, fonowed by appropriate oasts ot r i _ I Erie Express Train / 2: 1 7A M. the \ [WING STlttle, and I Were there larger and bettcr aecommodi‘r T .,... r ...,i,,.. without change hoih wit ) s between .....ions I Passenger care rah IleroChlh en the Elie Maii and ITS MAGICAL EFFECTS WILL 'GLADDEN YOUR HEARTS 'those persons who so: well know the desirabil- .E,IP I t litladelplna and Er-e. All %ye A 1: le for 10U 10 try rate bottle, anti if ''.uf , tl . ji s of this place Is. a summer resort, would bring I • are not fully entitled after using iv& of it. return itto .the :went at4get your money. Try it when }-ripe i their friends, and we hare _no doubt that as Lances. I .: , k . ~ S ON . . r , , ~ js ew pr at :-...0ri A. M arrive at c.ns au nn AII children ate Teething, and you will find this ` 9 S . "FT 1 , large a Hotel awe can. afford to. build ;Would Leave. Niiw r iirk ,it sOnr m ,n • . E 1 ^. F, . ' yLeave Erie atl ri :to p At It. ri ye at New Yorlt 4 40, P M . rrve at .e , 1... P. M. T imp-excellent It Peeders that proce.sseasy arid csafee ~rr ve at New: Vick 10.10 A. X the teeth to penetrate the gums, without rnoducing !he regularly filled. Our _fishing and bunting L ,.„,...,- Erse:, 1 . . 1 „, ;,,,': th,re« constitutional and °Mimes fatal symptoms's() ; • - c n e n mitneAped in Adwildreh. Iry it is nere.aih wake- grounds are unsurpaSsed, the purity of ;our air El i j EG . A7TISLEEPING CARS no all Nly t ht t...sjp e r iiormal.l h roApertinm Passenger hu7loess,iviii fitl and in itable child en. It can begiveo to the . tirost I - s and water undoubted, and there is I a iniploved'' , ' : • ply at Co. (. ne of 2,ot'utv : ,d Marset streets,Plinlad Iphia. delicate infant With perfect safety Ask for it fin d take uo other. fates '2.5 Ch‘TS PER BoTTL.E. . 1 1 , 1 I capital enough to put rip a large: Hotel this . ikod. for F. e' It'..insiness of the Cam in:Vs:Agents p p d . . Kin, ton Jr., COP nth and Market J. El, wit EE L E 11, sole Proprietor, II . Spring. We are to Lace an enlarged Tannery, serve's, '- • • Elthirtl., Chilnatizto„ N.' V., „ ladelphit,L ' • 'Where all oniere Will reeCtVe vrompt attentlon. II . a Stearn Sawmill, a Woolen Factory, and a! ', T v ' l ii \ :" . ' r r , t .':',r d A s,, , -E en r i i , i' : „ .7 • .cE. It .13 joth , n : nre. ELLISON ts TEIOSIPSOY, Agents f or tiondereprirt- Pail °ad within two hours' ride why ; not a n 11. !lOUS lON, Gril Frei.tilt Agl.„ Philada Apid ^also by ail Druggiels and COILUtry MerChttlde. I H . (60. t , II W. WlNlchlit, General Sicked Ag. Phiistia ocrri:i.a. Jemtr:2l6 . , i ...--- 4.. L. TTLER, Getters! Bar!, Xrie. ' Ii I i PO' ER COI4 T 1 JOURNAL Cou.ders?ort,lTues447 Evening litanlt. 26 1867 .1..0e6.1 and General. 'LI' The ;wedding of lames 'Gordon Bennett, Jr.,to Mies Dix 'will take place early next mond.. ar I t• is announced that Dr.Liyingstonn, the celebrated Airiest' traveler and missionary; vise recently killed Uy die eaffree. • , ..gr liong . f-tlaw - Loo, a youtig man from 13irtuat; who caluelo this in 1456. and' has since pi.;;;e the curriculatia - - of ;the Lewis-; bpyg,- Seminary pursuing,. xve.. believe, at the -ante time a an rse of ilieological studies; bas recently graaualed at the 'Charity ' Meidical 1 College. of (.I.e eland. Ohio. His object is t,, return to his. tut ivejandand ernplov"the know!. 1 edge he has gathered in America for the eleva- Don and amelim i atiOn of his heathen Countrymen. I . . A. wnie 2nactment haa been pm.sed by the LegiSlattire which may nut. be. generally knOwn. -- It ipn l ovidcs that. auy. person. ;shall receive ernat'ruinors, unknown or irre sponsible part ar.:‘,,•fserip irOm lead or shall be senien6d, to ),ia's a tine not exceeding $ . 50. and undergo ftn impesonment cif not mote t h an a yekr,or both, or, either." This make it criminal to lleny or receive froin such frirtics; irrespective i,f scheibth - it Was' stolen or not, a n d removes from Children the ,temptation to pilre,r. The Preudent Stevens. stianie it iS — that President Johnson cggested.all the paints in Mr. Stevens' wbt%lfe sale conftscatihn bill. 'lbe folloWing.is from; s‘peech of [Johnson, deliverell April-21,1865: Trceeon'mnlst be Mad elOd io7ls ; traitors must bt p s tmislied zind impoverished.: they must Mg only plinislied;but their 'social power must bci dentroy ea I; and after making treason odious. !every Union Man and the Government should be r;mtine‘ratetj out of the pockets of those who have inflicted this suffering upon the country. The Clorifiscation bill, which Mr. Stevens will endeavor to fOrce througi Congress, con tains nine sections. \ Shall briefly notice them. The first clan t, provie: for a general forfeiture of all bubbc lands ! ! in the excluded States, the second clause fOr the seizure of prop erty deemed forfeited under the act of July 17th, ISO., the third clau.9(.• for the aPpointment of a corn Missio n to condemn property, the fourth for the distribution of lands to''etnaticipattd negroes, the fifth for the "erection Of buildings on the said homesteads 'or the use. of said blacks," the sixth providing whose property shall be exempt from confiscation, the seventh, eighth and. ninth rovide 'for iederuption\of I property, and fur little detaibs of execution. Eserybod - is interested in learning the cau.4-e. ()Utile unusual state 4 the weather this season. ' Speaking of this silbject, a coterupo rare sacs: "Qui- readers n t iay think that the clerk of the weather has been on a "bait" for *last few dars. oa account of there being baJil, frost and saute, all in quick succes- I Flot? bUt this.is not the case. There has been a new appointment. made in that; 4epartment The old clerk has 1, cen turned out, and a new 0114 appointed' And c"nfirm6d. The new clerk beinr , a "greep tut" when he took charge of affhirs. filledlThe hopper with the refusc...f last 'winter and ground it °tit to us. and the eonsr.- Tierce is . We are basin, thin irs tnixed up a . lit:le jug: about now. - I 1:Z The Titmeasterl Eromi:ier of March 21, 4-‘: • , •Otie of our :merchants 'this morning ns/.: wed us 11 X3O nMe. nn the 4th National bilk nk of Philideiphia. which IM had paid in l l biladelphia, witho'hi suspicion at the time, iaind which has just h en returned to him as: !ciounterfeit. It hears sn ch , se a resemblance; the_,genuine that nrt one person i n :a' dozen' would , 013;;;e1we the differm Cc ; set lllt .o,lstse impectton sPurious character IS quilt; vident, The color is quite good, but the en; both on the front and back, is Much Coarser than the genuine; and it is more thati one-eighth of an inch narrower. A sharp look: our sliould b 1 kept N , r titern. a< no clout perous note, not on;ly on the above bank, hill lon other 'National hanks &Ili the same R ill i" be put to e',eulation. `rte" To those -Krim sTrrt the habiliments and assume the appearance of men only to stand nu the street corners and watch the Jadii'-is passimg by, freqUently indulging in ribald go+ ments in tone.? )sufficiently lurid •reach the ears Of the objeet.suf their blackgmtird remark's, we commend the ,pernsal of the fullowinir frnin the N4wi Albany Coninirrcial i •1 7 WOO WAS IT ? He . T as stantlin:z on the corner. In the place where loafers meet, And be wl.thhed the clil-F.sy dan.sels . As they Waded o'er the Street_ i Front his Month came itintiendgtes, ;And his ey ,, was opened wide, As en. tiptoe they came dancing ! - O'er the minkiv, sloppy tide— When a lady and her daughter, Stepping •carefully al , rig. Ch , st4y i - eiltld from street-thepection, !i Heard his slimy; 'renometl tongue, Them ate little reds were lifted, And with shame his head he hung, • ~. For his mother aria his sister Tbus had struck the speaker dumb, ... -- - , ,Nine women were mradnated as "doCtors it the'annual commence-mentor the N. Y.reedr ical college for women on tise.ttli. A snbscrip lion of $lO,OOO was given by" One of the direct r.tes; 11M, Lozier,,for the purpose of building a ho§pit it for 'women and children. . ;What the Negrees Cost; The, army appropriation bill just published malieS alt appropriation of $1,535.3Dt4 to sup- Port the-Freedwan's•lcureau.—Zulow &nand'. • _ . . Wkat the Traitorous Copper 'head Party Cost. - • The indebtedness of the United States pub lished in February, pritsthe total debt saddled upon the country by. Northern and Southern Derrin ll crati, in the late war; at about , The figures of the latter ate only a feir hhndred thousand times largefthan the former, and even that is traceable to Democrat ie rebellion. without which negroes "would be -ervants ,vnto their. masters." to this day, and Democrats would now rejoice and -be exceed ing glad," that a race of human beings existed 561,1 lower in the scale of humanity than them . . selice's ; which consoling reflection thab arc now cruelly deprive(' of, and the Abolitionists are the ca which the - vials' of their wrath are turned. aiTa upon whose devoted heads no falsOoncl, slander nor deceit is too great, or ton ntalignaat for the uuterrified to employ. a-4 --- The following is frOmi the Cameron p re= of las -- t iiek : ' B,ciwnyisu.—There are a few individuals in this' vicinity, 'who con ider themselves priyi leed to commit whatever depredations they pluaQe, or assault whoever they have a real or lancied p:que againsi. • A fete aays since one of i these fellows assaulted a young _man, hi this 1 h , r6uch without : olle least. provs 'cation, injuring him to a consiCerable extent ; after co mm itt ing this . depredation, the lawle•ss fellow with ,two or three companions went into the street, armed with "sling shots," and defied not only the au thoiities, but our citizens generally, and threat ened to assault any one who, might corne.in I their wee. It is said that .these ruffians came •intO town armed for the purpose of "cleaning Slii,ppen out." - as they expressed it; having been I Several weeks preparing for a fight. Thiss - pirit of r owdViS7/1 has been tolerated quite too long! in bur triidst. Porbeararice has ceased to be a virkue, and it is hoped the proper - authorities I I ;will take measures to have any man wno may he 'engaged in a fight, or attempts to get tip a fight promptly arrested and punished to the fli. -- t extent of the law. . I )-- A week or two since the Press contained a 4hie on Coudersport because at the last term ofiCourt two or three indiViduals were tried and convicted Tor selling liquor, thereby show UM that some liquor was sold and &Link in P riltter county. But what shall se think of the , above item from the Press? , •..1 few indiYidu i ; 4 privileged to commit whatever depredations they please," a yout.e* man assaulted on the streets of Emporium and the authorities and 'Citizens defied' "Forbearance has ceased to te: a virtue, an di it is to be hoped that the prop erl , authorities will take measures to arrest them,", tc., &c. Further eurument is mime ,., , 64eary. 1 \ . .•._ _ _ • MARRIED: '; At the residence ,of the bride's parents in tiumtnit tocv-nslip. March by R fin man. Kq.. Mr. ALBERT IA MAN. of Sweden trynshlp, and Mfti A DELA' . DE .1 ACKst . 0\ ILI 0 : • j At hi., res-itirner in Al,bnit township.. on the PE I - ER YOCki Elf, in the ti!.411 year Gt Li age. The decea.zed wits born in Bcrks county, Pa., 'March 27. 17,1(3. and has been .a resident of this county over SO years. D, C. ENOntlitalllollS of Teachers F Or this County are as follows : Svlrania,-Iltir/eson Schou' House, pike Center, • Sunderlinvale, Harnston Valley, Bingham Center, Le visrille. Ravntontl's Corners, Ilebron,'Grecninan School House, Roulette, Roulette Coudersport, 1 1 Center, Ex:ttnitiatioti, , to n at I() A. M. Teachers will furnish theinselves With paper pen and. ink. ''hoe whn intend to teach in the county; durim: this year.ll be eYpeitted, to attend some one n these Examinations, for there \;-i be no private examinations, except at Couder: - !q.t.:, cm the last Saturday of each Inunth, aft r dpril'i C 7. _ . A Teachers . ' Drill, beginning. at 10 o'clmt: A. , April 16, and continuing four days, wll be held at Sharon Center, I nstructio.. in tie Theory and Practice of Teaching will he eiv aehets are cordialls• invited - to :Wend t is Drill, and to tiling whatever Text books th have: Let those interested in our co ma' n schools, encnurage the Teachers by their pr s ' t the E Cot and hall. J. a 11 I. al I. • J. ALLEN Coudersport, Mai 7,1667 • vF A COMET, rt"cor.V.ng to ]Liitoa. is.re...tered tenfold more tern Lie by it:, "Horrid Hair " ; and there are thous:l , A. of fiery lium . in heads which rust: L he rcnSc rd ci'ut•tni •ir clia.uzine !heir tint to a inel!..w ,brown or a perfectly 13:itural black with CiIISTADOROrS HAI [ II DI E , It is riot colons toe Irrr into so-iety a ;:zrey, sandy or carroty head, when Eire nyn wee ,we:i!hi 'render it as attricti , e as Nature ontd have inttdi• it di he , hap p.-at moral. Mt nf.trttiredhr.7 CItt8TA1)01t0, 6 AiOor New York Sold. 5t d u i p s eis. Ip p(tel by itli Hair Dre.,ere, - Spring is coming and with it the :usual ount of spring sewing. Every family riot already supplied, should purchq.se one of Shaw & Clark's Improved Sewing 31achires of 3k' V. C. Dyke. These Machines are simple cheap; durable. and give perfect satisfaction to all who use them. Inquire at this Office. Dr. Schenck's Pultrionic Syrup This great medicine cured Dr, J. ll.Schencic, the Proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, When it had, assumed its Most formidable a-pect and when speedy death appeared to be ineAta ble. His physicians pronounced Ins case incur able, when he commenced the use of this simple but powerful remedy. 11,s health was restored iu a very short time and no return of the disease bas been apprehended, for all the symptoms quickly disappeared, and his' present weight ia more than two hundred Pounds.- Since his recovery. Le has devoted his at ten- i tion exclusively to the'cure of cmisumption,and the diseases which are complicated with it, and the curets effected by. his medicines have been' very iiroefous'and 'truly wonderfuL Doctor Schenck maxes profesSional visits to several of the 'larger cities weekly, where he has a large' concourse ofTiatients, and it is truly astonishin , to see poorconsuraptives that-have.to be lifte out of their carriages. and in a few mouths healthy, robust pets , ilk, • Dr. SCHE.kCE'S Pt-Lit 'SIC SWAT, SEAWEED tiNle,alid P/LtS are geui.-rally ail required in curing consumption Full ,direetions arcompany . each.so that any one can take them without seeing Dr. Schema, but when it is convenient it is best to see him. He gives advice free. but for a thorough examina tion with his Respirometer his fee is three dollar Please observe.when purchasing, that the two ,incite s of the doctor, one when in the last stage of consuinption, and the other as he now is, in perfect health, are ou the lgoYernrnent stamp. • General Wh01e....1s Agents: Pemas, Barnes Co., l l Park Row, New York ; S. S. dunce. 1(18 Baltimore more, 31d.:Jchn D.Park N. E. - corner of Fonrili and Walnut St., Chilli nati, Ohio; Walkor &Taylor, 134 and 136 Wa bash Avenue, Chicago, 111.; Collins Brothers southwest corner of and Vine Sts., St Louis, 310. '[4tliv.-.ea.mo.lyrOcu23 • • Administrators' Pi oil c . o. yEREAS Letters ..f Adroinlstrat - on to the as tate of Timothy Ires„ late of the Ip.rouith of lloudereport, deed. pace bean granted to the uu sigued, all pet one Ind: bled to•e.ild .slate are lieret, requestel to m.t4e immediate istyme,,n, and those t'aving Clailll4 against the same, sill, prteent thine. duly a. titeuticat-d for -to t lemeht, to :MARIA IVLS, A. M. BENTON - , t 41.3minIstratori. A. G OLMSTED, Couderspar,t Mai oh IgG7. THE. MIERICA.III COW-MILKING NIACIIINE! The GREATEST and most SILTCCESFUL INVENTION of Ilke age ! - Every prucient farmer should hare one. Secure your OWN territory. Apply early at the "ffice.l reb. E i g. ,, C l T.llg 6;. e3Bwt.iildings, EaTi l isbtrg, ra. BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE I rp nE subscriber regpectfully ir.forrng the citizens of 1 Coudersport and-the yuulie in general, tout he L.I.E opened Li READ Y MADE CLOTHING STORE, GILLETT'S 'BLoCK On r sbor ANDER. S0 0 .1" DOOLITTLE'S 11.1 RD WARE STORE, • Where will be found :it all times, a Complete .i.7.sort meat, aad late*t rtyles of HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS &C Mardi 29 April •2 6 B Our motto is • , I Cheap for Cash, Quick Sales Small Plofits, But One Price. .2s - ew Goods received every wee*. ~ I 0 “ 73 *, 20 C.:n.11 and emnmioe our G , ods and Pr:ce.'oofore g ing e:sewhere. - FL! OP October V_ tf PLASTER S nodersigoed would inform the eitizei s of Potter that he ha 50 Tons of Plaster at his store:qi ch he . will sell as low as any place on the railroad, B. S. Ccf)LIVELL. Alillgrove, N. Y., Feb. 5, ISG7. . stiuml an: Ao a 'WELLSVILLE, N. Y. [ Keep , the largett and mo.,t complete 'at -ortment of SCHOOL, aDd MISCELLANE3US BOOKS, , BLANK BOOKS, , h 1 , POCKET BOOKS, • Memorandums, Diaries, Gold & Steel Pens, Pocket Kruves, Law Blanks, and q Stationers' Goods genera, toy be fom ry , .d in the ‘ount. . ..Fie ha , also added LoOlLitir. i lainsfaS, O 4 .et., /own-I-Toe and SQ l99 ng ant ti yii.ING.GLASS I'LATEB. for tittioz up broken cf-ose, Ale., Picture !Frames and Mouldings in every vvriety, J , , He 18 Azent for OM , . "DOMESTIC SE WING ILI crrryr , the -impleat and t ,, al Machine vet. ()fermi to the pu'die a d the OVLY thi;rl.l..e a Hardened Cain Steel Shuttle. It will last a life time. fie jd :deo Ayr tit for several Fiiet PIANO FORTES. • CABINET ORGANS • . • and MEL OD E °XS, which ho viii se:l on very fa omble terms. Beautiful Holiday Good?, in their eeamon . ... . . Special agent ion .ill be t , , , lven to orders from abroad,',l for 3, , y art.cles in - his liile. - I 031ers far I.3Elleii.Vith School Booke.at rnblishoeS i P% let,4. i I Corrtspoadence .iivitcd. A. Stewait 1300.14 1561-11.7. WELtSVILLE, +-'ALLEGANY Co., N. Y INSURANCE. The./Etna's Loss by the Portland .. Fire! The total amount coveted lip' tua Policies on propertV . destroyed or damaged is $106,854 on which .- i3 - Ic4re will' he about : Dm . ..cent. Our total loss will not vary much from $200.00:1,ati3 is being promptly adjusted and paid. This :um is .5 per cent. upon the assets. a tig,ore but. slightly; exceeding the Government and Slate taxes paid last year, or a proportion equal to a $5OOO lose fur a company of onito,ooo assets. The necessity for insurance and the .value of wealt.W, strong corporations, is forcibly illus trated by this - fire. rieveral weak insurance Compa . nias are destroyed. Portland !me a poP olattou of 35,DU0;-was 'handsomely Im4t,nuk. - tie due brick or stone strictures- protected ais -creened with .upwaribil of 3000 sharier trees— boutided on three sides by water—indeedditer ally,-alimist rising - from the 43ceriii-- 7 and with.a ,rood steam fire department—yet it ha.s $lO, 000,000 of property consumed in a few hours: 7 - upon a holiday when it; people are.leaq 'occu pied—from the very insignicant eau s+ ofti . con ! . tenaptible fire cracker. , - ltetuember the trilling origin of fires that sweep away in arCS7 hours the earnings - of .v.ars Consider your best interests and give the ALlia. agent a call if voq. need properlnsuranee se curity. Pobjes issued at fair terms. - '14.. W. IPaI.IRN EV, As:mt. Coudersport, J 27,-1.666. if. - mANKoop: LT ow LOS r, REsToRE:). J.At pub new etilion rf Dr..CULVS,Ii.VVELL'S Celebra , ed ..}2-=ac on the radlced cure (without niedi cluo of Spermatorri,oea, or seMOtal , oluotory .Seminal L a:potencr. Nreatal land Ph..„oecal fneapaeity, fropediluents to iiari lace, etc : ako Co..eumptbm. Bo.leppy, and Fite .iadoced by .4e/ -lodult4e: ce or eeiu..l eXtrava...tance. • rrlee, in a twaled envelope, cony ill cents. Tice celebrated author in this toitnir.ddri essay . clearly, demonstrO from es. .4 thirty. yearn' si.fcces.ful. practice,th..t tht. alarm rw. - coni , equence, of .Ern-nbupti . way be radically cored lyitholo . ihe danzerong u-c ihternal medicinetits appl.cattori of the kni:e— pol,:tt oz. out a toode of Cure at wino Certain, and etT ctual. by. pnt•nini. of 'which eve:y •-n.' matter what hie con.Ot:on may be, May cure hituSelf cheat tv. privately, and . r-01b.,,ay. • hwoorp )4. , .the hands of every youth and drery man In the lam,. “,, ..P...4.4,Yc10pe,t0 any qd.iroot., poet pod. oo recei id of -ix reuka, or two lat6d6tatula. Addres• the pubh-,er 4 . • • C11418..T. C. KF.IN erz co., I 2 Boxery, • New Y l'a.d Ti-r• hi\ 4 Do You .Ktiow It ? D o yin know that Neura.gia and Rbetimat p.m can tw cured le3 v.ot know tett mmty po r u [fere r 6 wit the itches and pairte en Ives:dem ai ihlg tetubm of the ye..r. have found welcome relief by tieing a new and powerful remedy cale4 • • SALUTIFER? I It it the creat extern. for Neura]c.M. Rhert tm,Quiney.,Sore tt.rnat,Surttimete of It.e Litnbt, Crick In the track. Pteuriey. CMlhiams. i.t:a mat, oth..r which are cured and alumys brneitte - i by an outward applicatimi. Ii de to prompt iii Itt at tam. to Aare aLd convenient to et6:llvapphie e - v'crybndy will nee it. Sakititier ie told all dealers in medicine at .7.0 cente ter bottle. FOR SAL/.. PS Ellison Thompson, and Chas. S. J ,, nes. in Coudervort, acid by Burris dr; Putter, Llysse.s, Penn.?. 0CF2:2712;" A NEW NAN AND NEW PRICES ! ! C. H. ARMSTRONG', Would resimo . fully Worm the citizens of Potter couilly that he has „on rchased the HARDWARE Store, mul TEN-SHOP reeen!ly owned by: Henry T. Obilsted, and wi coniiitue 611$2110Ed at theold ;land IN THE OLMSTED BLOCK. • Where he will keep constantly'orhand LARGE LSD CAREFULLY . ._ SELECTED STOC of everything ..usually' kept i . o ai ;ird ware Store, among wl.ticktri4 z Ix fonnd . . • SHELF & HEAVY, HARDWARE,, / COOKIXG, BOX A ...V.D/ PARLOR - • •STOVES TIN AND SHEET-IROMP.RE POT,S, KETT/LES, * SPIDEPS," .SCOTCH-BorrLS FRYLV,G-P..4 XS, SAP-PA:VS.I • CVLDRO S. ..! / ALSO, / /- Agricultural Implements, e as Flows. Scrapers ; Cul- tivators, Corm-Sl,lellers, Horse-Ra.kes, Hoe; Straw-Cutters. WORK' IS WELI....ifIiDE and of GOOD MTERIAL. Goud and ~ ü bstanti;7l Eati:*-Troupfa put tip in any.par of the .County.. GIVE . HIM -.A' ) TRIAL • . ; Coudersport, Feb.'s, 1567. FINE FANC' f FURS !• , C 11,4.5. A. . No. 4197 BroadvraY. 2 `..(3 37 Maiden. Lane, New York, importer , Mar.ufacturer pnd - Shipper of •11 R S ; • offers bl; . 111"ge a n d ell I.s.orled orTind PUTS', iti les, t t lowe-t Si ~luffiet o , ern' prier. lllc . n.4t price paid furs or tril - T,ING &dr - Bond tor Ormuz MEW . SELECT .SCHOOL. 3E93 al. E. DAVIDSON' icilrivetrie-Seieet -- - school in the Coudersport Academy. on Non day. March 4: 1867. to c•mtinue Tivelre‘weeks. Those intending to leaciA in.strnetion FREE. to be Id at the middle of thel'erm, . TuiLion. to be pai: as follows: Primary, 1 nferthedial Common Eii lish, Higher. Hook lieepittg, (extra), Iticideuta{s, Coutler•sport, Feb. 4. 186:7.-3a% Firth's Music • Store, See 23,z-c:aicl.imitai-jr, XIII: lir. TILIDDEIJS • ' (Slicoassor.. FirtA, $, • Manufacturer sad importer 40t Muslciel Instrtinnentgi, - • Plane Fortes, , Meiotic fr ar4 CabineCergains, .lateverydesception of 3irrSierti marobairtl2lll.* • So' e sr York Arenry for the oelebretei G'itruore Co's Mind Instruistelitilt. ' • Our Baud Department is un42.er the penionet Wipers)" dlOn of Mr. D. L. .1)0 ,, NI NO. Wf.uf..eate Dep..t for the unrivalled llr3'l3iardett.Cpttlages Whkh c'. - nlloni.Ns comparison as tits inoit etdecatvel ititti =net t yet - Lifered to the putriia. :rex. au3 C'hoitz 3fissic Pc...Viand Daily. thorflio.Yues itailyrice Lists of lue.rumenvapir ,,i-1,,,t- L3tvat froavall the leading Plif?ollah, to America. • ;grApv piece Mont, or Music. Boik,tenibrc; recciprof rettii•tinea.• • 111- 7 .ordereiiy ot - I•uttrutotataractive_ prom!! and el,reful intention. para.!! 'kr! :tut eft 10 pripx , renreliented,it. I.lii.Tti'd 'MUSIC STORE, • . -"- SOS w York: f.". 3 car. WAGON-SHOP AND BLACKSMITIMIN In Lewisville 7 Potter County, Pa rpH urdcrsion-d disiris to- inform of P.M r- Con nty - that' he is pre pared to do all kinds of WAGCN 4....\tv BUGGY WORK and lilacksinithing, at the lowest prices. IsZerr work-:—both light and - heavy, built to "L I Z-10 bonilit the Wagon-'Shoji Ino'ven'or F.,llackett's Mill Shop, in the village of LeWIS. andlwit It, thete . : , istance or Water rowel', and the best of sea , oned Lumber, he. will do work on short-notice, at the Cheapest. Prices. Call and see fur yourselves, _ Lewisville Fcb, 4, 1837.—tf g.,(1 WiJrkman. A mati with - a family prilerroi. _ NOT A HUIVIBUC! • Tam authorized to et Doty , s •C 10,1415 and Wool. 1 Wmdter in the c0 , ..11.ty, and hating need tam fie three monfhe I ay, tiedly, they are jtnd tetait. they proud., guod - aflame. man 'or woman t... 51 wash sa much intsvo hour. , aa a woman can wash urt a !woman wa..h bq. d in eight hours. A fair test; arill.Coltrince am; ore that it ie no t.umbete. I wilt .ell thew at a profit cf °az DoLLast cal mat. liaCtUne- ; Corr...! , Adenee inc , ted. I al. .611 thertsivel,-al Clotbea Wringer Any Wringer a,l, answer that will 0^ stub. rsual price of a NV:.sllei, $l4 a•lti,•6 " i" Wringer, .6 60 Wanri ;VS I wilt considerably lese,tnyobjeett.lnzetdetili: tut rudace ct,ful art tele. .L. 1.1•0 , .. , k1and, Pa., Dec. 26, I / 566. Tor Notilpe. CE1131.151.1, Potter Co.; Pa., Ang -1,1)843. , ()TICE is hereby given that CbaffesP,T,. .... .L slier, now or late of this connty, hOldit tg th :011owing described property. has!not ye paid any consideration whateverfcr the Fame, and all ipersons acre hereby warned not to pur— chase any'of said property of tbe said Busher. before the decision of the Court is given in this ease and C. Bushor has paid to me the • consiaeration money therefor. The following js the properly: let. A certain tract of iand•irear the Ger— mania Mill. in warrant 5075. Abbott town , hip, Potter county, Pa., containing 100 reres.— Also* Tracres in warrant 5078 and adjoining the abOve. 2nd. .A certrin tract of land, with llilland improyements thereon, near r. ..ie Cieek, in warrant 5819:in sFtwarts:on town . shit..Potttft county., Pa., containing about 1;04 tett& , C. Busbor boldS also in true warrant; 1Q . 2501, in Gaines township, Tioga county, Pte',, on the road leading from Germania to Giant! 2, containing 850 acres. - • • - 1' tf - WM-RAMA '_ FOUTZ'S cusslwrast HOITO aid Cage TELLOIiV , *k .* TER, H E A V,E-S, ,- ••'• ••i" , COUGHS. PIS- • A 1..- ...-, TEMPER. FE- ./-•,•* - V F.RS, FOL'IMER. ~..: - . ,. LOSS or APPS- . , .- ' : 4 1,- ,- -,,;... MR AND VITAL . „,-., - ,.. „- _,..4 If...N . ERGTAcc. Its .. :.;•!-: . .7:-55r-i , .7: 0 .- rase Improves the ; -,. -- ,, ,:.:0,.!=x- - ,_ ..v ‘i win d . increases i t :" r_„. ..... tho appetite-givea " .S _ _ a smooth ir,,:i '..* - _ ot. .."- glory skin--and - •a-,1,, , i . :- 1 ?y r - ~.... „. ..., ..,-41 tmnstorms the .. - - - 7 7. ". %, ;T:r/T. miserab:o skeleton into a fine:lookla• z &I A sp ed hone. an of Ss -. .aie, such as Coughs, ricer* its the Ltm, to., this article nets as a i lie By. Pw.tittg ?co= a paper - ; 1 , a paper in a - '.carrel of an-in the - above diseases) will be eradicated! - or entirely , prevented. If given in fitnit, • certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for 81, wozzAaliaa Bit S. A . 1F4C013 - 2 - 2V .Sr, BsO., AT VIZIR WHOLESILE DUG AND MEDICIAT DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin. st., Bairn°ref rd. For Sale by Druggists sad Store eves thsough.• out the United States. Sold by P , A. STEBBINS 1 CO.,Coud,:s ,p4xt, Pa. 6" 50 • I 00 25 N. KIMBALL. shou taredably :a, will 3 1 1 1 $' 7 eisnr limey >koh-i 'SI azi4 421 hones, ene7 otheisiog • 'a" .issing the 70,0, e1a sad LAO- -7 7 • • " a sant 1-,4 , gay - a at all Mir . 'WS Lacidear la 464.161fDiig3. atriPltati n is inralttahlf. !tar , roves the qtt,,,P43r of the milk_ ltdas been proven ley coo- trail expediesent to , increase the. Gear tity 04.. adlir emd mate ttrebt:e make the tier 'nth and r.weet. kr tatter in =tap. itgfvt. them sr s appetite, Ica:arra their - hide, and makes-Sheen thrirer WI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers