=NE If yen wani - I DRESS dOODS o GO TO ' P. 4. Stebblin & Cols. ,TH BtralCrirE STRAW-CtITTITR PATBSTED, JULY, 1844, BY FrITTER , & SAIITII NrOOI:WANDS of chew lisehloes. are bang made sad eold,autl give more 4 Universal !lath action than • ~, other • Straw or Stalk-Cutter in Market. It has no eaetlt.go nbau t and can bo made or repal.ed In any road', tawn.l Tbr Knife +l5 Afttlailfte‘—ita I.lbraten—feedu !t r oll ...onto on top of the knife—cut e eerythb g equarr on any lei gtb you wish, and you cannot wake rugged work of it even with a dal} ki Ire , • I Price, Sr Felamples of Machines ran be eon at shop of the anderalguen Manufacturtd an tor sale by ' . it i H. GOODSELL. Coudersport, !`„ Oct. Z,1865. MARVIN'S , Patent Alum and Dry. Plaster Fire and Burglar Safes, ... House and Store-Peer L)eLs! Send for Catalogus. 111A11 11l & CO., ,1 265 Ilrt a Iva), N. Y. 721 Clue t lut Nt , Nitta du. IT I If you' want BOOTS & I GO T P. A. Ste . . Admlnistrnto NkTFIERICAB Leiters of flontee M. Hat N. f. r deed, have been tzrant all pt , remot Imitthtot to lend mAke infra Alma payment, a ag.stn. , the 5 une wit peei,em Mated, for ,trzflpment 14 MAR JAVE KA. F. W. KNOX. Condors ort, J3lll ‘ 22, 1867. If you want s: EETINGS:& GO P. A. Ste HAY.for s. 23 Tons a Jas. 1. res', oft •rpl.l;. 20 mu; 'Par John L. Brno`dnrisl. Pa.. Dec COUDERSPORT , STAGE MESSRS. GLASAIRRO of tozo, 10.41:6 • no' .st 8 o'clo4;b1.113 pen about .1 o'olook in the 8 rip ten on in , . lin• vat. of am VIII% V. ler•p 4 rt nig 'V. :wafer. are rerere,ll,t ti Erre It &limn •leettln tVe pip r, (Oct bt4p441.10 . 6 •:r th runic:: SkVE BO MILES BAT by t•ikifig this mit. , h. pre RAI way. NI) 0:IA. N 0 ASD NEW. fort-ble w,t_iinea,Al q.. -1 helve. Peek: wen I.nl Ex with cure • 1 21.1 ', 111-Tlllge "rib. Ph .lh eh .01 he fontol :etre •er intitlctilti s tilititit th or York po-tlettgerwvt. l tN) 5 HOURS &cote to Abut or the 1 r • 0F 13 111:13 BE MEE: , lIICK. le n., nor, coo. arnA ore kept on tio..Stott. reps tiooto 1 , 8 rtttemied I • . F. GI. ts , mutr., I.K$ '.%• arre; ProprA 1665. Coudersport. Pa., Oct. 9 If you want ODS of all Kinds SEASONABLE 6 ebbi P. A. S • • 'RIVALLED niture Polish ! and helm ado tad by . un. ur.ct ore tuts. tlt Ito 3,C, Bc.lt:we:TOW IWO a 'boo It-of OUP Po Ist, tell ¢ co tall p.tt culta, up In bottle* at 30 M.lOOllll, donut art, urger, at Onee by b,:cpres... Application, - reet , red by OWN 3c. PERKINS, ..übtta the Rioted tatee, 410 Bro. tan St., li. Y. STALL'S. 1.1; Plano .and Fu g 1 tie r Irlittiutrusl t p leadlins h.ikuu.s i,i ..hb r i Kuns t Wh I.hss ai Pool. should 11i Ben • f r lJ reuhtr., teed a.. 11 direei low. it is pet 60 cent ri .1 where hair We f-rwanl Fel tild to: Torr,tory nild Ageing • Gerwral Aa mn.-) —3 my*. IC • .- . JOU EN'S. KW GLO lt CLEANER ESTABLISHED 12 YEARS.' • This article has bed , ett in Parts far many years, sad .e N%.hat tha matt .fauturets .. f ulav s u•e to im. pa Ito them t .e del calf. limeh after they Lave left the Wu../ tit tit...waters. It was Introduced int • 1 Iti *pantry ever 12 y a aco, and it is at Oda day U. 02LT KVALLT GOoD KID GI ova l Lease . I , Is Pet fee 13r itiodocou-, anti t .• "%ince ca. be cleaned with •• , i , while upon She hand, a .1 Co. n im s wr ib it ,Jy . i) bottle cos inn 85 neus ill clean 28 pale s ; mu. to 05$ OiXT ti\pslr, may Int y Can eletur her sent - ea ii, r. few ti.onlenttstu-d have t.emlo •ti g like new. Mos dealorr It, rtr 5' 0 00 di keep IL for Site but alto. they'd* not and willt.o 51111 tor It, 1,0,,,,„ may chi 1 . tauet her or a daz.im l ot let. and send us 32 bo 7 .4re dl . v. wilt • nd t em ti e \d oz n Imol,. its a wooden Mn. 115/514.0 , 1, ner.-at antallemie price to deniers. a .....-411WER&Prs.1E 11 ' llLl.Oirli pLEAIck.II. :.-.....4 1 .2 0 t 1, 6 1,)allas$1341111111vir Vick,. FURNITURE 1 We would call the attention of the people of Potter to (Au very Large Stoci of Furnfture. PARLOR SUITES, I. 9 ' 1 1 CHAMBER SETS, DINING-ROOM SETS, KITCHEN and . COMMON Work of all kinds. Our assortment of X.sc.c..lE.l2tivr;fOrlitassese•sal is larger than ever before offered. Photograph Frames Of all varieties From our Jong expariene in tl , r businem haying better facilities:for manufacturing than auy other establishment in Western Nen York We feel confidant that we can sell cheap . ec t han any other Furniture'Establishment Kept constantly on ttati'd. COATS' BROTHERS, If you want HOES, GROCERIES,EIieI'a TEAS,COFFEES, WHITE andl BROWN SUGARS, SYRUPS and NIQLASSES, SPICES , I -11 1)111; )• 4 Notice,. . dmlnlstnitirip on the d~0.e,1 toot' Iktitelik t'• the undegliPti OState ore req eeOff t,. I tl.twe proper y Summer Goo 11/301.1}: " i Admr's YOUR atttention is invitt d to the larg: nr.d attractive 0.04 just received, and fill ..tie as low as the eaffte 'qualities car be bough! inywbei e in the county. We have on hand al large and ivaried as 410 men t i)onwstic tlot t , ms, colprising BROWN SHEETINGS, and HIRTINGS, bins le Cols. CICKINGS, and COTTON FLIANNELS, on t bleb wt 1 ., :annot he undersol4-. . We purchase orir',;e:: ods for Cash nd offm hem at a very smali - tdvanee Fri:oi Cost. de HAY Genesee Furke of Pine lbni 3 4, in Elector. LUCI EN $I RD. 7, 1866. t.f. FL L F you 'want to pi D S3IIPLT, .OUT E. i'LAID FRENCH MIL'E'S daily 11n n.lowo t until furl: nrrivlng fn $llll 'fie. noon, and will low inor..lnv train, at 10::V, ni 5 oclt,rlc, P. NI. DRESS GOODS; DELAINES; - PRINFRi '; BROCIIE, a:fit wooLEN suaws. 1100DS,, SONT..AGS,I ' 1 1siIIDI-.,5, 1 ; • ' BAL:kIORALI STMTS. • CLOTHS, nne OASSIMEREL a ;full inpply AEI eLbTEll' N G. DON'T fail to call before pur 'see the;assortment At dl BoOrr6& HOE TO ROR Men. Wrnpen & Chi dren, in great ra riety and u4ap A Olmsted's s & Co's. Fur Molassea, syrup, Sligo in fact everything jn thc A full assortment of alruos i kept in a country I rtore on to keep 66,0ds that will gi sell good articles at the 10 AT 00IST Grain of all kina, ;, Butter, Woof, !Sheep Pelt), Fore, Also. I flnonty. Township and School Orders,.for ail f which the highest prides will he paid Al I Ouvoluspintl re*W.; gOi "NUJ veer Skins• =EMI and I Gilt Mouldings, in th# Country. Ready . ..lo4e Coffins ELLE, N. Y. WELLS 13-25tf CO YO 4 A. Ste3lbint. FE OLM STED'S. SHIRTINGS,' ' BLE:10 ED MUSLIM'S, DENIMS, STRIPES, CHECKS INNELS. :urchase ' RED, 'BLUE. ELIRTTNG FLANNEL., c4l At OCnisiedls. NMI AT oLgsTE stt(4.itto. II If you want EU CUTLERY, PLOUGHS, LACKSMITH'S TRIMMINGS, lee,irio Soap TS TIME I SAVES MONEY I SAVES LABOR! - : SAV ES CLOTRE'! SAVES WOMEN! D ALL GROCERS SELL IT. ti ‘lt U6ttl I.) Cult Ili iiilo rIlt:.11 Fl.usiiigiblnd 'dis e‘olciFesg to hut water. then voak tlo cloili er• five to tin tuft l, toot u I tin: Wind riii.t,ing will Illi!tc, 0 emll3 Civil /11$ }tours of bard ntnebi o robblt c. Uo: id do, will ottlooloy seep, itr),l .lie tno,,t delicate ft• r;e• m eete no Inju y. We' an refer to thouvende of ft.u.l. Hot v.-Lo are tolng it, ut.d. wl.o could not be persuadtd. to o without It, • i . .pq, elii NS/ ILECTit IC SOAK n'. SO D BY ALP, 1,B.41)1A - G GROCERS : THROUGHOUT TUB STATE. Manufactured touy by A►LK ume.: 07 South Fara Street, Philadelphia. Y&U WANT ythilv, - , to Eat, or Wear, or for 1M v;;NoT <1 6 1 7 7 31=4; 1 `4 - 1 4 :1 rj ABINET CFG'" ! iano Fortes I TurE stihFcrlters T ave orened a ?dank S - o ein tI. new bdt.lings t. ce..ti) erected by thu G a klt, ALLEGANY .ACADEMY OF MUSIC in the viil:.ge nr,Frienfiehip p outmntl as exteueilvt: an ns.ortment. of Melodeons, Organs, and Fianos, as enn be fonneln any f ikusle Store In New Y. rim or Bo 1011. I Thine in senreely i'inythine In .71 telt there is 1 , 0 Tri te , l, 6eCell 14,,i1, ill« ninnunalure of three Inniru m ,.„ 0 , T he m m 4,,,• i. the work of I'n lio 1, It!ferp. Aby one who will rolleet lon much i itrerence tw. 013 Awe glnllnrs mil innhe in 11 « llppea once ern lane II ar ial , le, van renally roolenannil Hav li./en , th,liars , ip.i...e nut) hiiprine the outside or .I'l 11.4011 , 110 . WitilP 011. 11:tilt:C only he utterly n'it.ohler«. Ally one CaO judge of II: outs le iiipeatiiiicl, Ina wily exile• rill cell juolaini «lin lif•C , 4C the cnNo. or If , itwirh.. The event advant , ee which lime RI Ifte iUell. 081 r 10 I , lly au 0 YOH, .)r Meh4le..n. or it I' :mo.'s thst t... 7. ry imortnnent them have on loin: is very C.srelu4l ,civet. ed from the beSt makers, by . seed's. ONE OF THE PRO OF THt chasing and ALLEGAtY ACADEM nastedls `..# thus rendetinti Iteertnin that th nnote ent to per. feet. 'lhey weir:int every be. ri be.it. to I v.ill ex ett nee or refil'ed fire money fol.:, , ty ifl• 1, (.11Tela I hat pros i. d. 'r .elive Tip y ell. o ..el: in L.. 6 1 ., ic e . I i:n cliy Idnete Stores en they do Dot Love Levey the ritotintTho cll . \ •n•IITO . Our drta to einnpoeed i f those who own the . Allegany Academy ll of Music. 1. As this li,elitiolo. in pprnwineitly e- Fripti.t.4, d.. 10:4_ Wifiiill{Z II) ill elm.e I intone. or niiiriw, will rved ly TIT der,. n uf nitichititt% from u rt•sponsible home I, . . them. Tea and Cofle rOcery line, call J. BAXTER & CO„ Allegany Academy of Alcodc, . MUSIC STORE. Friendship, N. Y. .1. B. & are slot) preparcci to . uslvrr Wens for all kWh. of Musical hid rumeutO. BlusEcal Publics Mons, Bbeet Mu-ie, and IM au•icitl Me chn nd Ise nov3Ol&6tl. SO MO everything that - . b r and.' We intend satisfaction a If you want Fat living profi ALL BINDS , ' DRY.GOODS, such as DRESS GOODS, ALAPACAS, MPINOtqf LADIES CLOTH, DE iLAINES, ALL .BINDS OF. DWARE, such as IRON; NAILS, &C.,C., .&C. GO TO P. A. Stebbins & Co's. BOBBINS' DOOMS fa LOVE, the name, the Farm, or the Garderi, GO TO P. A. STEBBINS & Co's. MI GO TOI P. A. Stebbins & Cols JO'UBNA INSUBANC!," AGENOI. CONNECTICUT MIUTUA CO.; }LARRFORD, CONN. Cash Capital, IdIITUAL LIFE INSITILANCE CO., Cash Assets, NEW YORE LIFE nom= Co., Cash Assets, WIDOWS & ORPHANS DENkteiT CO. Capital, MITIA FIEF EtiSMIANCE COLTPANY HARTFORD, CONN. Assets,. ' $3,000,000 INSURANCE Co. of NORTH AMERICA Capital, PIrMATiI rritE 'INSURANCE CO , Capital, HOME PERE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW , YORK. Cash AssetS, $3,596,922 Travelers Insurance Com'y of Hartford Capital, 8600,000 INSURING AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCEIFTION, AND AGAINST LOSS OF LIFE FROM ANY' CAUSE. M. W. Mc A fawner, Agent. United States Steel Pen Works. tuclory; l.uudPu. R. ESTERMROOK & CO. STEEL PEN AIANUFACTCREIIS. 'Warehouses : 4. 1 / c o l 6 hu tr i e r. e i t l 'l , L h w il" l l 2 l : l; Tlie.e Ceiebrate , l Vent; are or GO ttl , e A merlenet Matta :.elu re, and corwlee eery !earthly oty!e in the Market, lull v equal au titileh,ela,tief y mni flnenev.s ir polio to the beat itolaoted. Tt ey ate, thelereVe, Aare 10 vain the cm, fl!lenee of the American Samples and'Prices on Application. LOTS MALE TO OEDERI, OF ANY PATTEFEI GE STAMP REQUIVED. For ta.le td the Trade at the .11anatart u rer ir• . alebOOPea, at+ above: and at retail 1y all Sta. tluners, Bookaellt•ra, and Newadealers in the United States. 7-49 Esterhroola at Co. GROVESTEEN & CO., Piano-Forte Mani aCactuserti. 499 Broadway, New York: 4THE,intetatou of the public and thti trade is in vited to our Ni w Beale Seven Octavo Rosewood I latio-Foiti-a, which ler volume and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto offered t.. fibs market I hey contain all the modern !imam melds, Frei eh zrand action, harp pedal, lion trame, oierstrum: Nisi, etc., :nmil -each nietrument being made under the p. reonal cute vision of Jr, J IL Ur./vesteett, •whe ban had a practical expelie nee of user thirty Cetus in their manufacture, is luny warranted tu e‘ery particular. THE "GIIOVESTEEN PIANO-FORTE" Received the higheet award of merit over all others at the Celebrated World,- Fair I Where nver , • ~ ezhilan 4 naortmo-ots horn the hest makers of London, Paris, Gernmay, Philadelphia 13altiotore. Boston, nod New York ; and 01.0 at the Atomic:tit lostituie for five rove...sive years, the gull and solver mel!als from both Of wh;ch cau be nett at "ur war,-roams. trt , " • duetton of improvements we make a siy the tut. , duetton of improvemeos. ti /1 more rerfs-ct-I'muo-Fost..dued by noo.ufactur.ng iargely, with a ..trictly caelt eyetesn, are e,.ablect to •tll'er three tuetrunteuteat a price which will preclude ~ out petit iou. • PRI ES. No. I, Seven Dettwe, round varlets, Roaewood Plain Cues.._ $3OO No. 2, Seven ()wave, round Curnere. Roeew, 11.-nvy ................._.5.325 No. 3. Seven Octave, round. corners, Rosewool Leine XIV, style i 360 TEItNIS--,Ner l'll.ll IN I'VNLENT FENDS. T. • rly, woo fiee, d. I.3I,RNEY:& SON, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS, 74 , 7 toeodit boo to our • Pliottiuraphie Art GnDerr. Estoblislied 1840 We hare for the bot five yoalle bad tolvantages r to any other m.ta I.eloneM to old:doing sittinp frem lie, anr the rreminetit relet.lities of the day, CAM) vomiter' s, and are now pu'lishitig n Cavil , woe of o 14• 1. 2500 Stejeets, Ame4can and Foreiam o h s , a burg. t. r u of 0.111(.0 of I Works A i Art ang 'Etlgravings, Catnlegues ,•ent on receipt ol kit romp. An order for coo. dorm picture- from our Cantle:rue will be filled at $l.BO a. d eeta by moo free. ti'n gle Pictures 25 c..ine,e9 l iesOftolgta‘ftigsl6eto.ehoh.. N. B. We also aesire to cut l attebtlon to the ad. • ttot:tge we bate for eprtFluclt g, or copying, Old paugerrettlypee, Ainbrotype , Curd Pip , toes, ac. of Ikacmcd Eclatit7 and Friends. en.emlnptbein to any elt.t , , :Oat tittisling to Oil, Water lf lore, or India Ink. with the met of Ten 'Talented .Artists.'• Parties desiring copiesotbould therefore correspond with us direet. Send for a Catalogue. The Toole Son r lied at n Lit crib . seouro. Gallery - open for Free Inspection. and crongers the (;ii), w finti our lialtery one 01 the must atzt ecable pi Ice , . to fvbile awn) et, boor. I sTs eittol oGlt.ArltiLltr; 'flit BLit /ADA AY, N. Y. ESSOIIS or RUSK. a' , lphed in •hrcn'o.• owned near 18-.13m0 If ycn I ereby trlveo that letter- of Admit lee :, the tstnt- of Sarno e. B. Wiltt , de 'II. rnt'enet , N. Y.. hare b. et. ',emoted to. ol; therefore 'all . ' per..ce e lodebted •to ,itli please 'nuke' horn, dint.- ',proem -,and rretttima Itgalost Iti , .. Sillyie, Will present 19111 eotteat. d, fur setts. meld to EoltUE 8. AL/T.E, Admintatrator. M OTICE tratin, :ate of Indel The m.derst nid ertzde ih. re I.llv`Mt them dub Sak Pi $6,000,000 NEW. YORE. $1,4,000,000 NEW TORE. ss,oooppo /4/IN YORK $2000,000 PHILADELPIIrA. 51,731,00 LIARTFORD, CONN. $560,000 MI °TIEING, , GO TO . A. 'Stebbins .k Co's. "Imoslrai• v• Notice. .IEO COLLINS SMITH ..., 7 nw....remAr 4. ! ...- . , . HAS JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK WITH A LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS WHICH. HE . WILL SELL AS LOW , AS _THE LOII EST . H CONSISTI,NG OF l i ' g . 1 V ' Dry:Goopts, .Loth ,- :Cassimeres, Clotlikt, a t s , . Caps, Boots. ~. . 1 . , , , Shoes; ,Grocerl s t C eIE3 y . 1 , 'f EartslW4re) -DT tici . s; ezic --. - . •- .1 L _. KEEPS EVERY T HING' USUALLY FOUIII/ L 1 A GOOD STORE 'THE HIGHES'r PRIC4 PAID FOR VENISO.t, FURS, i SHEEP PELTS - I ' ' AND MOST KINDS 'OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. 1 • THE READY-PAY SYSTEM WILL BE ST RICTLY ADHERED . TO. N. B THOSE OWING 13''ILL PLEASE 41KE °AnIE2I7 WITH f OUT DELA Y. ,I dec5,66 . cfg.LLINS SMITH. NEW DRUG 41 B t f 1,1( STORE Yon can Buy the; Cheapest ! • j l / 4 A 1,3 aa Qtere w, F h' Dzugs: • ELLISON & -THOMPSON . l'iliming located in the room formerly occupied by q. F. Manning for a Jewelry • Store, have refitted, refurnished, and thoroughly stocked the building with the largest • : e and best stock of ,i . 1 . . DRUGS ; PATENT MEDICINES, • PAINTS, 04S, VARNISHES, 1 • - I • ; - ' GLUES DYE -srfurrp; HOWE AND STEVE= i . I'ATVNT LIES,' ktfirE V'INNS AND LICUOD.S Fell LTED I ICINAL FURFOSES • 1 • I , ' ' - A GENERAL:VARIETY CF PERFUMERY g TOILET ARTICLES , PAIL:T EBUSBES, HAIR DRUSHES; T CCTH BRUSHES, &C. i • I 1 Will also keep on hand the fallowing with ntaiy other Patent 11fedicines i.)••. j • . ' Dr. Lindsey's tlocd Searcher, Dr. Lindsey's Cholera Mixture, Dr. Janye's and Cr. Ayer's and Dr. Rey, medir's Preparations. A.l-14T4E POPULiALI VAIIIETIII i iII Olt BITTERS. 1513.<::6tz1e.7.. - s - 'graces. for - 4 - cr.s..=.q zezacl.l Old. One cf the prop-it-10.3, being a graduate of the New York Medral Oollegel the public have the assurance tint all prescriptions sent in rill be prompthi l and carefully pre' tired. BOOKS AND - STATIONE Y. School Rooks, Illnaik Books, Novels, Toys, NotiOns, Pena, Inks.tenciis,lht. O. T. ELIA SoN, 1! - 1 . c1ec5.66 1 M. S. ! HOMPSON. t.. 1 ; • ItUFFAIAO,DUNKIRK DANSVILLE :.~ a r fl o Vt ; M - Ilk bIV -9 Having made extensive arrangements for 11 1, INGH FLOE. R _ . _ , i R., ~_,, . ,:-,.._,: r.- r\--..0-, It. ,\ 0,1 ; E y , , f 1 ra . I , L . , , ,fc e H 1 slic :'" •- '` '`---- .._, i Would announce to large dealer that le -FLoup.iNG to ship direct to us, instead o Prepared ißil'affalo;.[::... l . l or most any other eats . FREIGHT, TIME, EXPENSE. i Every Barrel Warranted as ItOresented. ser SEAD IN YOUR O.u.D.b.RS FOR ANY AMOVNE - 6 ,3 I • 1 Nt.c, erro ectfullyr, .irCIDI2XIS December,lB66 HERE! vEl?strS ON AS WELL AS has =summated arrangements with Large Eastern STABLISENENTS sending to New York. 'And we nre now ~.:.0: : .,5..101. .1 . 1 ,414. e tt THAI kirk, pansiae, .lisbment, sating all in tliis section all 21 SIMMONS. FIE