A. HUM !RUG. 1 AateOW OFTEN WE REAR 'MIS' EXPRESS ion from 'miens rending advettisements of nt Medicine/3 ' mill in nine cases out of ten they may be right. It ll over 19 years sincol.l introduced liny km-dicinb. the VEN171•1 , 2 MAIM ENT. o tbeublic. I had no moldy to advertise it, so 1 eft it fo p r sale with a few druggists and storekeepe s through a small section•oi ti.e country, many takitig it with rii. luetauce, but I told them to let any on have• lt, and 1(11 did not do all I stated on my pamphlet, no ore used pav . fur it, In some stores two or three bottles were taken on trial by persons present; I was, by mane. thought Crazy, and that would be the last they would see of me. But I knew my medicine was no humbug. to about two mouths I began to receive orders for more Liniment,some cal ing# my valuable Linimeet, who had refined to sign a receipt when I - loft it at their store. Now my stales are Millions or , L battles yearly, ands!) for cash. I warritnt it. superior to any other,mgdicine for the cure of Croup, Diar rhoett,.llyserMy, Colic, Vomiting, Sp %roe, and Sea ifoltness, as an interoal remedy. It is , rfeetly inn°. Gent to 'mice internally, see oath accoripanylog each, bottle;-and 'externally for Chronic Rheumatism, ~.Iteadsche, Mantua, Fro•ted Feet, B /flees, Sprains, Old'Sores, SWellings, Sore Throat's, Ece., &e. Sold by all the Druggists. 1) pot, 56 Cortiandt Street, New Teak.' - . . Ayeetr . Cherry Pecitoral Ts a seething expectorant, prepared to meet the I 8 urgent need of a safe anti reliable . ure foi diseases sof the tbrunt , ind lungs. A trial of many years has established the fact, that it is more efficacious In pulmonary affections; than any other remedy. Its sitHescy has now become so general"; known, that It IsJuAly regarded In many countries is n. medicine of indispensable necessity: In Great Britain, Yrance and Ger many, where medical science; has reached Be highest perfection, It Is prescribed in domestic prac tice, and constantlY used in the armies, In ho•ipltalis end other public Institutions, where It isitegartied by the attending physicians as the mind speedy and agreeable remedy that can he employed. Scarcely any neighborhood can be found where well known eases of diseased lunge which had bitilled the etlbrts of the most skillful and experienced doctors, have not 'Risen permanently cured by it. Tlicke results are the tried tionvineingproolk of the superior curative prop. attics or thIS preparation • and to them the authors }Mat with peculiar amid ation. While it Is most powerful against confirmed diseases, it Is extremely gentle as a medicine in infancy and youth' being quite harmless to even the youngest, when admlnis. teredjudielbusly. This bealth•reatorer accoMplisbes even more i ihy prevention than cure. If faxen in season, It Irritations of the throat and lungi; whether arislog from Golds or Coughs. or from Other causes, and theta prevent that long train of painful and incurable dig. cases, which would arise front - the neglect of them. Hence titifitirtily should be without it. Influenza, Crimp, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough; Plow isy,iln- I cipient Consumption, and other , allectinns of the breathing organs, give way before this pro eminent combination of medilial virtues. Prepared by Da. J. C. Al ER Co., Lowell .llats., end sold by all Droplste and dealers to mod lelnes everywhere. Ladies of Delicate COnstitution And' uncertain health' are strennously• advised to . throw aside the nous COB and M.eless preparations with which titer:ire a customcd to drug themselves: and test the hygeian, bnV-and-mind•strcngthcning virtues of HOSTEWER'S STOMACH. BIT TERS. lit all the complaints and disabilities arising from various ca nons, they `tt•ill find this cheer,• lug, refreshing and invigorating preparation of eat a ordinarr efficacy. Its regulatidg Pr•porties are won derful, and as a remedy fur the languor, nausea, tre. mere convulsions, hysteria, &c , which often accom• party the development of womanhood, Whoa no equal among the prescriptions of the faculty or advertised medicines. For the may distressing feelings which lusher in and often follow the period of maternity. and also for the painful and daugerono symptoms which sometimes accompany ••ch:woe of lite," - HOS .TICTTEIt'S BITTERS are earnestly recommended. No other restorative seems to suit co well the cOnsti tutfons and the organization of the feebler sex. in ■ll MAN of Female Debility, where there is want of brisk vital action, the BlTTERS.produce a most im portal change—relieving local weakness, and re isstablishina the ge,rMmi health. , Alteockls PorouS Pltsteri. LAME BAGS. • New York Nov. 23, 1859. T. & I : lately watfered sevetely ;from a weakness in my back. flaying heard Jour plisiars much recommended for cures of this kind, I procured one, and the result was all I could desire.. A single plaster cured me in a week. Yours respectfully, J. Eh ISGIGGS. Proprietor of the Brandreth House. CURE CF CRICK IN THE BACK AND LUMBAGO. Lyons, N. Y., July 4, 1862. • Messrs. ALLCOCK S. Co.: Please send me a dollar's worth of your plasters. They have cured me of n ertek In my back, which has troubled me for some time, and now my father is g• mg to try them for difficulty about hie heart. .ll SHERWOOD. Dr. Green, No. 863 Broadway. New York, Informs us he sold, on Monday. June 22d, 1882, two plasters to a young woman suffering very severely from lom tago. On Thurlday she called to get two more for a Vend, and then stated bow the two she had pur timed on Monday had relieved her immediately after putting ts•erit on, and CORED Hen IX TWO DALTS Of a most disagreeable pain In her book and loins. Sold by all Druggists INVASION ! :D. you wish to have your hair cauterized from the scalp? 'Then beware or the new brood of Vitriolic . and Canestle Dye+ got up by nm+trum•mongors, who bear the same relation to the responsible Chemist that Pirates Emd Privateers ;bear to hnuest merchantmen.' Remember that the experiepce of years, and the! very highest scientific 'endorsements, guarantee the superiority of. " CB/ST.4ID ORO' S, H.AIR DYE, `over every other In use. It Is purely vegetable, in. .fallible and Instantaneous Manufaetured by J. CRI3TAIIORO, 6 &star Rouse, New York. Sold Druggists. Applied by aft Ralr.Dressers. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just putt- Haled, a now edition of Dr. CHLVERWELL'S Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medi• 'clue) of Spermatorrhoea, or seminal Weakness, In voluntary Seminal .Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedinients to Maritime, etc.: also Consumption. Eptiensiy, and Pits Induced by sel -Indulgence or scowl extravagance. . Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. Tne celebrated nether in this adinirable essay clearly demonetreles. from a thirty years' soccee•ful prac ticeo hat Hie (domino consequences of self-abuse may be radicilly cured without the dangerous u'e of internal medicine or the application of the knife— poitoirm out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and off ctual,,by means of which every sufferer, no Matter what his condition May be, may core himself 'cheaply privately, and radically, • This lecture (should be in the hands of every youth and 'every man in the land. Sent, undersea!, In aplain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or compost stamps. Address the publishers, CIIABA . . C. KLINE & =Bowery, NOW York, Post Office box 4 556 A, S. Stillman, 'WELLSVILLE, Xeeps'the largt stand most complete assortment of SCHOOL, m IHSCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, • . . POCKET BOOKS, tieniorandums, Diaries, Gold & Steel Pens, Pocket Knives , Law Blanks, and Stationers GOods generally, to be found in the country. also added . • Looking . Glasses, °vat, Alien-Toe and SQUIRE acrd LOOKINGGLASS PLATES, for Milne up broken ghat se,. Also, -picture Frames and Alouldintr,s in every variety. Ere Is Agent for the "DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE? the simplest and best .51i/thins yet sabred to the nubile, and the ONLY traeldne that uses a hardened that Steel Shuttle. It will la-d ehife time. Ile is also Agmt for several Fit et Clans PIANO FORTES,' CABINET ORGAN'S- . and' ITE,LODEONS, whi c h be will eeil on very fa orable terms. Beautiful Holiday Good; So el r season.. Spools! sittent ion. will be glwea to.ordere frown abroad, lot aoy i articiee in his line„ ['oracles furnished %vial; School Dooke at rubliebor's ?Agee, Correspondence ill VI tp,l A. Stewart SUDaum She, it, 1,541.-1 iy THE POTTER_COUNTY JOURNAL rir'IMMI"3 7 ZW Eocal and General: • 0 2— With this week's issue much of ourad rerusing expires. when w4,'' will be better able to attend to the'wants °four readers. ,tff - John H. Surratilas arrived at Wasliingi• ton and bas bleeti indicted for murder. He be tiled by a civil Court. I ! • I • . _ sar - Don't forget the "Garber in the bascinent of On Condersport Hotel. Mr, Haynes is pre pared to do alt business in ••line equal t 4 any shop in the country. 1 'The Excise Law hashbeen enforcled in- New York city with effect that are exi:eed ingly gratifying to the friends of morality and public order: •If the tide Of intemperance in New:York can not be wholly, dried,:up, it can, at least on one day at the week, be put tinder very wholesorne restraints,. --------...--..:...0.-L-l.e i Or The Lock Haven; Jersey Shorl, and Williamsport papers are having a furiouslquar rel over the traveling on Suilday of a trope of low theatrical vagabonds. lf the comm fifties will support "such things"..it is just such ' hings as the communities should ihave. As i is, we are glad we are too poortoltempt the d uken leeches, . ...... J_ . . Scene--- - 4. Illardware Sto e. • Enter, a myciung man from Wellsville 1 Young man--“ Got any apples l" , I [ Clerk—"No, sir." 1 I I Young man—" Got any g m I" Clark—"No, sir." . r ~ Young man--" Gosh! Y.O don't kee noth in' du ye !" 1 , Legislative. HAtititsamia, February '7i,—The House passed the joint resolutions ratifying the Constitutoinal amendment The Senate! bad already passed them. I . A bill passed the Senate, which will un doubtedly the House, whi4h makes it an offensefor the railroad apd railway corporations to make any distinction with passengers etn ac count of race or color. I j • Or Chester Shattuck,lof Oswayo township, Was accidentally shot thr)ough his left shoulder on Tuesday morniig last; Be was.prepared to go on a hunting eXpeditibn, when one of his dogs sprang up against his side and in'slipping down one of the dog's pairs caught on th'e ham mer of the gun Which 14 had standing gainst his person, pulling it back so fir that when the hammer sprang back oh the cap it was with sufficient force to explode it, sending the charge through his shoulder. He will recuverl nr In , 1866, sixteen million tons hf coal were mined and marketed in Pennsylvitnia, ai increase of two millions over 1865, and of four over 1860.. Value, $80,000,090, this year. In 1866, the quantity ,of petroleum produced in the State was ninety million of .gt.llons, Value, $47,211),379. In 1866, the product of pig iron WaSi g 46 ,!26 . 8 0(10 . ' cons ; increase of 00,0 d 0 tons over e year before, and valued at $31,020,86 The aggregate value of these three articles is $153.231,243. - I UNFOIITUNAiE AND FOWTITNATR.j,—The Penango Citizen, says: "About tO days ago Afri Francis Collier one of our citizens, was worklng at an oil well on the Allegheny riser, and while turn ing the bull-wheel, hej unfortunatelyi had his arm caught and broke off immediately above the wrist, This is a sail case; as ildr. IC. is de pendent upon his labor fora living.l We are glad to learn, however} that be acted the part of a wise man, by, the timely insqrance . against general accidents in the sum 0f154,500, in the Traveler's Insurance p Company.l of Hartford, Conn., by which , he weives prnMptly, at the end of each week, $12:50." M.W.lifcAlarney, at Coudersport, is agetit for this nnipany, how will issue policies on applicationi STRUCK BT LIGrITXING b F.T.I3II47ANT.—Last Saturday night, when the thunder) storm that passed over this;portion of the State was at its height, the dveel) , lng house of Mr.l William Stem, Cherryville;Northampton coup tY, was struck by lightning, twice in succession. The electric fluid struck one,of the gable ends) knocking it into the street, then passed loWn into the par. for, putting out the lights; overturning the chairs, and tearing up the carpets,lafter which tt entered the cellar and passel into the earth. Mrs. stein, who was alone tt' the tinie,was ren dered insensible by the sho clt, Mid ;Was restored to consciousness with considerable difficulty:— Harrisburg Telegraph, I SLEIGIIRIDING.-.A. chap 1 town; of the prac tical sort, has invoked the blames !to help him properly apostrophize "the beautiful snow :" i 0 the snow, the snow, th beautiful snow ! Such a lovely thing, you linow,eyou know. Mantle of purity ; about as Whike As a blacksmith's shirt of alSaturday night. How the swirl of the flakes the wind exalts— So like a shower of Epsoin , ' And the dashing sleighs,gow swift they glide With people half frozektakkriMa ride. - - Ho, boy ! a pail of ice-wakeslhrinF And over my; ead the teti-bell' ring. put snow in my face white triyi feet I soak, I'll have my fun, if I. am' dead broke, 111ECONSTRV . COON.. The following are the Union Ipointe in the Reconstrnctinn Bill as it had pAssed both Houses of Congress, l and sent to the ll'resident. It is 1 • d:fficult to say whether itL id:wet with hia 1 approve.: - 1 1 I. The Rebel States wq retain their present governments. but merely as ; provisional govern ments, under which no ptisoli Who, as the third section of the Ciinstduqonal Amend ment enacts "having taken an oath as a mem ber of Congress. or as an Otliecriof the United States, or as a Member of ti,,,..yStote Legislature. or as executive; or judicial lotlicetf of any State, to support the l)oustitutkmcifthe Vnited States," shall have aided the Rebellion, iieligibk to of fice. And also under suet)! 'governments no discrimination in regard tolcelorisliall be made in the erectri-e franchise) 1. I 11. While these . Provisional governme.rits ex-. ist, the'llebel States are tolbe divided into mil itary districts, governed by, officers of the army, with power ; to 1; organize ; tuilhary courts, supe rior to State authority. ' I , • II i. Thelpeople of the Thebei Siates ‘ xvhen ever they are tired of this government, may, it a vote of all their citizens, without respect t color, except ;thoae didiudlified from holding , office by the. Oonstituttondl Amendment, elect delegates td a Convention; tO . ;forirt State Censti tutions. When these Constitutions are estab lished, upon the basis of impartial suffrage, and , are ratified ,'byithe•peojtle. and *hen the States thus organized have a 9pted the Constitutional Amend:licit, they shall he adniitted to repro sentation in Congress, when Military rule will cease, and South Carolina). and Texas will hold the same places in the Union de New York and Acuisachusetts. Nor is thcre Want of cause to hype that this' result m 411343411 be reached', for those provisions of the bill whielt once estab lish impartial Suffrage Make 'the Freedmen equal partitipatits id the Voil,c3--,Yrirfrientne, or OcheCounties in the State are so Wail please. d withi , the results of the Potter county prohibitory,. igtioi'Law that they ere petition-1 mew extend it. _Beaver county it is espeetect. will suee.eed in securing this righteous and sal . i rang law. ' ' - - 1 RE PREPARED. " How often are People, both adults anil chili dren, attacked. at ;the dead hour of night Witli cholera morbus, crimps, choke, vomiting ;and purging ; a doctor cannot be obtained till morn ing ; the case grows worse ; perhaps,death hais already claimed its victim ;--fa few doses. of Coe's Dpspepsia Cure would have relieved tlik. cramps and pains and soon cOmpletely cured the sufferer of his troubles: Mothers, hive it ready for your children ! Fathers, provide t fur your household 1 - . EVERY SAT twilyi--In addition to the • eel lent Serials, by Miss Thackeray, Henry binge icy-and Edmund Yates,. this polTular WOkly has numerous short,pithy articles on European political and social topics, which are of (great interest to :all intelligent Americans. It also gives everyl week one or more choice poeMs by Swinburne.l Buchanan. Jean. 1 ngelow, some other of thrising poets of England ; frequently it is enriched by a ttanslation .0 some specially instructive or interesting sketch from French and German periodicals. In fact, in contains weekly a valuable miscellany of what is best and—to . A.rnerican readers—most attractive 'in Foreign current Litelature. It is published by Ticknor &I Fields, Boston. Frank oore's "Women of the War." "Women of the War:" their lierolem and Self Sacrifice. By Frank Moore, author of the "Rebel lion Record," "Diary of the American Revolution" etc. Illustrated with S eel Engravings. Dartford: S. S. %tauten & Co., 1866. This best of the boas of the war yet pub lished, is now offered to the public by the can vassers.. We 'feel sure it will be found to be a work of real merit. It seeks no ephemeral popularity fiom highly colored and Mandan selfish stories of impossible adventures by doubt ful fertiftes figUring as dashio i g couriers in our armies or "spies' in the COnfederate • tamps. But its records are the truthful histories of more noble lives. No character is here introduced that was not Iteciwri to be pure. Here we have the experiences of women who forsook the com forts of elegant homes, for the wild scenes, the miseries and Ithe dangers of the army life, actu ated solely by the desire to.minister to the suf fering soldiers. And what ieenes they:encoun tered ! !Sometimes in the thick of batile,ninidet plunging shot and bursting shells, succoring the fallen soldier, regardless of their own peril ; oftener seen! at the hospital cot, bathing the brow of the flatterer, attending to his wounds, and cheering him in his loneliness and agony with some r i saving .delicacy that only the thoughtful heart and .ready hand of woman ever brings.' How many owe their lives to-day to the ministrations of these self sacrificing wo men ? Margaret Breckenridge. Mrs. Danny Rickets, Mrs. Mary Brady, Mrs. Belle Reynolds, Mrs. Mari Morris Husband, and Many more in this noble list—they are names that deserve to live. Only,hy reading the facts of their lives in the army—facts oftentimes more thrilling than any romance—can we.be let to realize the beauty and nobility of woman's soul, or the true heroism, and the unselfish. faithful devotion of which. women are capable. This is the true field for materiel for an interesting book ;. and the anther has dime his part 'well. Thousands of our soldiers who will see this book, will take it eagerly' to their hearts and. homes, for the grateful and undying memories with which its characters are associated in their own breasts... The work is splendidly published. Nothing cornparablO with it in elegance and beauty - has before been brought out, of all the..books de voted to our war literature. The portraits of these women, on steel, are in the very highest and costliest style of the art. We hear it is meeting with a great sale. It deserves it. ( Mr. George fluwe, agent for, this Book, is now in this place and will canvass the village and most of the County, of whom the Book can be procureq. • SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC This medicine invented by Dr. J. H. Schenck of Philadelphia, is intended to dissolve the food and make it into chyme, the grst process of di gestion. By cleansing the stomach with Dr. Schenck's "Mandrake Pills, the Tunic soon ra n stores the appetite. and food that could not be eaten before using"it will be easily digested. Consumption cannot be cured by Schenck's eulmonic Syrup unless the stomach and liver is made healthy and the appetite restored,hence the Tonic and Pills are required in nearly every case .of consumption. A half dozen bottles of the SEAWEED TONIC and three or four boxes of the MANDRAKE PILLS v;ill care any ordinary case of dyspepsia. Dr.Schen el:: makes professional visits in New. York,BOston, and at his principal office in Phil adelphia every week week. - See daily papers of each place, or his pamphlet on consumption for his days for visitation, Please observe,when purchasing ; that the two likeness of the doctor, one when in the last stage of consumption; and the other as he now is, in perfect: health, are on the government stamp. • • ,General Wholesale Agents: Demas Barnes it _Co., 21 Park! Row, New York ; S. S. Hunce,l 108 Baltimore St.,Baltimore,lld.;Jchn D.Park; N. E.'corner of Fourth and Walnut St., Cincin; nazi, Ohio; Walkor & Taylor, 134 and 136 Wei. bash Avenue, chicago, Ill.; Collind Brothers, southwest corner of Second and Vine Sts., St. Louis, Me, [4thw.ea.ino.lyroco2 1566 • : ISGG rhilad l elphia & Erie Railroad. • pniS grgat itne travgreeolho Northern and North• west eanntiee or PenneYlvania to the city of Erie on ink° Erie. It hag been leased and la operated by the PENNSYLVANIA MiII . ROAD COMPANY. Time of passenger trains nt EM PORIU I. LEAVE EASTWARD. Erie "Itfaq Trnin 5:10 P. X, Erie Express Train 1 0- 4 A. U. _ _ LEAVE WESTWARD, Erie Mall Train Erie Express Train _ . ........ A. N, 9 :17 A. JA rasaunger ears run through on the EritiMall and Expre.e truing without Chatiffe both ways between Philudeiphin and Erie. .-NEW YOIK COMMON. Lento New T . ork m Opl A. 31 , arrive at Erielo.oo Aar: Leave NeW.York at 5:00 P. 31., arrive at Erie 7.15 Leave Erie at *5 30 r. IL, arrive at New York 4.40, P. 31, Leave Erie at 0.10 A.m., arrive at New York 10.10 A. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Night trains Fur information mepecting Passenger businese,ap. ply at Corner of ZOt'a and Slarket atreete,Fhilnd4pltia And for .Freight imisinese of the Com pany , i Agents S. i. Kingstou, Cor. 13th and Market streets. . T. W. Reynolds, Erie. \Vm. Brown, At N. C. N. it , Baltimore. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agt. Fhilada "'AV 1 NN ER, General TI cket Agt,. fshilnda - ;.11, General Supq, Erie. THE 'AMERICAN. COW-MILKING MACHINE! The GREATEST and most SUCCESSFUL . 'INVENTION of the age It. Every prndentfarmer should have one, . Secure your OWN' territory. Apply early at the office. • Exchange Building. Harrisburg,. Pa, Feb,l9,Ad6i, 31v Administrators N NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad:artie r% I trntion on the estate of Sarnuti I EL Waite. da t'd Into pf Independence; N. Y., have been grantte% to. thelindersigned; theretore all persons' indelaed to said estnte will please make immediate paymentond Ova having chtims against the curio, yilllrresaat tl.e:i duly au tlaqati e.aird, for settlement to • ' GROH* B bk, Wlirrit, edmi . nistrator. fa s u b, 2.0, isoi. . I= SELECT SCHOOL. Miss M. E. DAVIDSON will often a-Select School in the Coudersport Acadediy, on Awn nay, Atarch 44867, to continue Twelve weeks. Those intending to• teach Will 'receive Special instruction FREE. .. Tuition, to be paid_at the middle of the Term, as follortra Primary, Intermediate, Common English, Higher, nook Keeping, (extra), Inaidentats, Coudersport, Feb. 4,1867.-3 w Firth's Music Store, 068 -3Egraztic:livwreeisr,..l%T., 73r THADDEUS FIRVI, (Successor to Firth, Son é Company,,) MUSIC PUBLISHER, - - Manufacturer and Importer of Musical Instrnments, Piano Fortes, Melodeons. Cabinet Orr s attg, And every description of Musical merchandise B•+!o ti. w York Agency for the celebreted Gibucire & Co's Baud Instruments. Our Band Department is under thepereonel supers lion of Mr. D. L. DOWNIND. • • :LA Retail Dept far the unrivalled 1 3'13 urdett Cottage Or; and Which challenges comparison as the most effective lustrumeEt yet ••ffered to the public. New and Choice ifusiiEked:Daily far Catalogues and Price Lists or Instrumente fur ..lahed on application. wirLatem. Musicfrom all the leadingPublisberaln America. oar Any piece of Must°, or Music Book, sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of retail price. Ord ere by mail for' usic or Instruments receive proMpt and careful attention. Car All goods warranted to prove rts reerptented i at maws MUSIC From, 563 Cro id way, New York. 18-%.lyeqr WAGON-SHOP' - AND BLACKSIVIITHINC, In Lewisville Potter County, Pa THE urdersigned desires to inform the in habitants of Potter County that he is pre pared to do all kinds of WAGON AND BUGGY WOiUC and Elachsmithing, at the lowest prices. New work—both light and heavy, built to orddr. Having bought the Wagon Shop knen as E. Hackett's Mill Shop, in the village of ewis vale. and with the assistance of Water ll'ower, and the best of seasoned Lumber, he Will do work on short notice. at. the Cheapest Pices. Call and see for yourselves. N. L. EIMHALL. Lewisville Feb. 4, 1867.—tf . IVAN-me—A good Workman. A man with a family preferred. NOT A H 111113UC! am authorized to sell ,DotPs lorbes and Wool I Washer in the county, and having used- , re.e for three months I say, unqualifiedly, they are just what they .prornise—a • good thing. A strung snart or woman can wash as much iii two hours as a woman can wash on a :ommen wash board in eight how B. A fair test will coavince any one that it is no humbug. 1 will sell them et a profit of Ore Cotten on each Machine, Correspondence InCited. I 21i13 , sell the Universal Clothes Wringer With cogs. Any Wringer will answer that will work on; a tub. Usual price of al Washer, $l4 and $lB tt tt Wringer, 850 l(1 and $l2 I will Fell considerably less, my object beau' chief!) to introduce a useful article. • L. 131 RD. Broolaand, Pa., Dee. 26, 1866 Notice.. GEttMANIA, Potter Co., Pa., Aug. 1,;1863. NOTICE is hereby given that Charles I3u shor, now or late of this county, holding the following described property. has not ye' paid any consideration whateverfer the same, and all persons are hereby warned not to pur shase any of said property of the said Bushor before the decision 'of the Court is given in this case and C. Bushor has paid to me the consideration money therefor. The following is the property: Ist; A certain tract of land near the (ler mania Mill, in warrant 5075. Abbott township, Potter county, Pa., containing 100 acres.— Also 25 acres in warrant 5078 and adjoining the above. 2nd. A certrin tract of land, with Mill and improvements thereon, near Kettle Creek, in warrant 5819, in Stewartson township, Potter county, Pa., containing about 204 acres. C. Bushor holds also in fruit/ warrant' no. 2501, in Gaines township, Tioga county, Pa., on the road leading from Germania to Gaines, containing 850 acres. tf W %f. RADDE. F OUT Z'S CELEBRATED Horn NI Cattle Pallor& TER, II EA V 1 COUGHS; D 3 TEMPER, F VERS, FOUND] LOSS OF APP TIZE AND VIT: ENERGY, &c. use improves wind, flatter's* the appetite—gi , a smooth a glossy skin—al transforms t 1 miserable skele horse. To keepers of C r ows this preparation is bred - rattle: 'ores the 'quality be milk, It has proven by ae. experiment to mise the quatt of milk and a twenty per and make the ‘.er firm and . In fattening , it gives them 'petite, loosens hide, and theta thrive , in all &sets( the Lungs, Li) &c., this art acts as a speel By putting fr one-half, a pa) to a paper, it barrel of swill above diseas will be eradleat, or entirely pre; preventive and Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for $l. Prorra.l322; BY S. A.. FOUTZ ar., 13R0., AT THEIR WHOLESALE DECO An MEDICINE DEPOT. 190. 116 Franklin St.,Baltimore, For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepeto throne:lr out Ohs' United States. • Sold by P, A, STEBBINS & CO.,Condorz port, Pa, PLASTER MHE Undersigned would infortu the ititisens of Potter that he has - • - 60 Tons of . Piaster at his store in Millgmve, which he will sell as low as any place on the railroad; , - • " 9etwELL „lilillgrove. N. Y., Feb-,5,:•_ • $3 00 4 00 5 00 6,50 100 25 , , .. D ° you know tbat Nenraigia'and Ithenrcatbun can be cured I Do yen know that, inany po-r sufFererc fum the aches and pains CO prevalent A tnla,w.on of the year, bare found welcome relief by using a sew and powerful remedy exiled: , - • SALUTIFER 7 -..., •Itli the mnat external tentedy tor „Neuralgia, Wien re rt - matiam,Quiney,So Thiat i Numbneaa Cf the Limbi, Crick lu the Hack, Pleurisy. Chilblains, and many ottn-r diseases which are cured and alw sys benefited ± by an outward application. It is sop pi /12t,511 iC. tun. so safe and convenient. so easily applied._ that, everybody will use it. ealutider is sold by all dealers Tu medicine 50 . centatmr bottle. . . , , . . ' ' ' YOE YALU - itY ' • Ellison k Thompsope and. Chan: Cuudersport, and by Bitrtis Ai Pot! Penult: A NEW 11( NEW PRICES:! ! . C. H. 'ARMSTRONG, , I , i Would :respectfully inform the ciizeins of Potter county that ,he has' purchased the HARDWARE Store, and , recently owned byoenry Olmstetd, and will continue the Inisiness at the old stand IN THE OLMSTED .BLOOKI Where he will keep constantlfj on &aid a LARGE AND CAREFULLY of everyting-it,sually _kept in a Hard toareStore among which, will, lie found SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE, COOKING, BOX 4ND PARLOR STOVES, TIN AND SHEET-IRONWARE POTS, ; KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH-DOTVLS FRYING-PANS, SAP--PANS, CAULDRONS. Agricultural Implements, Such as Plows, Scrapers, Cia- tivators, Corn-Shellers, HIS WORK IS WELL MADE and of GOOD MATERIAL. Good and substantial Eaves-Troughs put up in any part of the County. LIVE HIM A TRIAL I Condersport,Feb. 5, 1867 ThLs preparation, long and farorabli known, will that. oughiy reintigaraty broiten-down and low-spirited horses, by strengtheaing .and cleansing . the stomach and intes tines. BOSTON CLOTHINGHOUSE! 17111 E subscriber respectfully Informs the citizens of Coudersport and the publid9rit general, that be bus opened a READ Y MADE It Is a sure pre. Ventive of all dls. eases Incident to CLOTHING STO.RE, GILLETT'S BLOCK VaLLSVILLE, Ono door below ANDERSON 4• DOOLITT I EARD W Wbere will be found at all limes, meat, and latest styles of CLOTHING, HATS, FURNISHING GOODS, . TRUNKS Out mottals Cheap far Cash, Quick Sales Small Profits, But. One Price. New Goode received every week. Call and CS:11XliI30 our Goode and Prices before going October 22•tf FINE FANCY FURS CHAS.' A. No. 497 Broadway, and 37 Maiden Lane, New York, Importer, Manufacturer and Shipper of U R S, .01Vrabis large and Well assorted stock of Fine Fare, to nil styles, at lowest Manufacturtrs' Mighrst price paid for SllLL'Eatta 1 -- Bend for (Arcot:tr. Do YoullaOir It 'I AND TlNosnor SELECTED STOCK ALSO, Horse-Rakes, Hoes, Straw-Cutters. NY CO„ N.Y ALLEG E'S STORE' a complete Assort CAPS, IL K. OPP.- GOOD AND', ••- I ' BTR Jones, in er, Ulysses, Oet22-IT riE9EVETE THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIM BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! attention paid. tit the cost„of Prompt ctonformity to the:Lowe,st Market Prices Is our established We are deterinined to give the public the Benefit -of the FALL, We shall try 10 prove the Rule "Works both Ways." You paid high prices uhen goods went up, we will see to it that you pay low prices now GOODS Others may go down, _but we de not intend to be beaten. All we ask is to give us a CaIL Shop as mach as you please. If you know our, prices We feel sure We are in for the trade thii sprlag and are determined that CHARLES S. JONES Shall take the lead in furnishing thiii section' of the country_ with the bed articles for the least money. Ours is the Store where that can be done. COMET SEE, and be CONVINCED. Cotton Goods ir we are now offering at prices which can not fail to strike the •purchaser as salitie4al3 CALICOES WITH THE STARCH' OUT OF BOTH CLOTH AND X3Nelia3o DROAD-CLOTH, Plain & Fancy Cassimeres STANDARD MUSLIN Bleached and Unbleached Muslins of all Prices. Flannels of all Colors.- SILK & LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS,. SPOOL COTTON. Ticking, Striped Shirting? _Denims. Crash. Toweling LAMES' DRESS GOODS, All-Wool Delaines, Amer. Delaines, Mohair Lustros, ISte. GROCERIES Of all kinds. COFFEES, WHITE & BROWN SUGARS, SYRUP 4 COMMON MOLASSES, GREEN & BLACK TEAS, SPICES of all kinds. A great variety of the nest brands of SMOKING & CHEWING TOBACCO. Corn Brooms, Cedar Buckets; No. 1 and 2. Mackerel,. Labrador Herring, Hams 3• Shoulders. Also, DRUGS and MEDICINES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS. and SHOES, HARDWARE) die. REMEMBER WE PAY . THE HIGHEST.' PRICE FOR COITNTRY PRODUCE. CIIAIRLES S. JONES'' , Cuudereport, June 133,1 Nat GOODS. RULE. this time. are down, of a sale. All kinds of IC:3