II N C ;STATEMENT- . I i/Orepenicop snalopennitorelorpottermoty , for the setkf "indhig" 011 - the - 29:hsday of - Dec. A. D. 1666. Reed from notes, Judgments end redemption I of Linde $ 63216 Idee'd from Seated CduntyTazus f0r.1666 and ! Previous years *- 4421 62 Reed from tlaseateatrounty Taxes for 1664-6 786906 /we'd Beth. f Taxecidottedlbr 1860 and pro. . done years 68 !We'd from Relief Taxeis.,lTheented for 1864=5 1545 38 Bted:frorri tfolief 'cozoe for Beatedltuids turned a. Uoaeated . =22 39 geed from MflitnTS Tuxee for 18644' 23 70 Seed from Seated Bounty Tni fur:lB66 and . previoue ;goose 9109 G 4 Bee'd from U ',rented lands for 1664 , 45 31076 48 8d from UtlinCitvfl landq for 1866 , -1216 72 fromfivard V9 - 11.,i:nt4r29.41-als iltumated 400' 25 '6 from Cot:the - Tim ' ' go from Dog Tftielf 97 13 OEM lEM *'•l4l for Guaira on ace't ot me.,lees kr, 10115,110 00 " • .• - IWO 79. i. S 0 " Clerk bird kr isns ' 11 00 , . . "f- '!, ..' 1860 --- ' - Goo 00 ' s On Sootily bounds 3 40599 09 " Relief to9tioldiers'. families 70 00 " Grand Jurls fees I - . ' 828 81 " Traverse I rami, Pei ,• • ' • 717'26 " ltieetton expenSes ' ' - ' 164 57 " L'' ARINIIBO , e wages 518 86 ' 6 ' Clerk of Quattereessions far 155 22 . ".., CoUstables returns 162 12 " Tending Town Clock 50 00 • s Justices returns . , 14 26 ' s' - Repaint to public bulidins 46 81 o Ito d end township views 321 50 " •uclltois• wages . . 1 80 50 o Tip Staves - lib ° Datmeme asses-red by Road 'Viewers 80 00 '-'" Public Printil.g. 250 00 0 Fuel -1 - • ' -' • - 121.50 ' 0 Confmnnwealth costs ' 261 91 " Judgments in favor of townships 799 CIO O 44asiSlaa.. 67 5 lon fees 86 53 !.unit crier . ' 5 47:19 0 Jail expenses O Wild Cat Bounty . 90 23 ' " - Attorney. fees - 60 00 "- Roney refunded. 65.45 . 0 Sheriff's Peas . ; . 1 th3oB7l— at 'Stationery . .. ' • 'lO5 8 '' " Jury fees 4 'i O State Tnt on Judgments . 24 45 " POstagei. 4 • . 300 " Brigade Inspector 889 00 " Judgment. to School Districts 605 88 " Sheep killed. by dogs • 56 50 ," Judgment to Ellas and Don't Herr 1600 05 . o Court expenses 14 75 "'' Lunatic Asylum - , 91 35 " Recordirs lees , 4 00 " Protho otary's fees 21 70 ° Bridge 24 01 I 0 Expenses of vagrants 56 86 , ° 4pr a txt Treas. on $19.994.36 Co. tax .519 77 O 1 Feet tO Tress 0n54204.75 Bonny tax 424 el " 4 pe,et to Treas. 0ut:401.15 lielb4 tax I 96 03 ' .. 4 Dr, ct, to Treas, on #97.13 [log tax 3 1.8 O XIL eseonteoefptsover Expenditures .5951 90 .. , Total Expendit urea $87907 39 t,-10Fir-da etrtl4 that the foregolnt Statentent of tie 'll4{ As ati4 :xpendit urea of Potter etttlaty for the year ISIS Is eorieet as appears from the records and vouch Sri in ..thla Oftlee. . , . CeritmlaSmters' Ofiel, Tan. 26, 1867. i I . C. P. KILItoCR%, ) i [ 1 SAYUItI. Id.esnor.. t Commissioners, c , —E. O. AUSTIN, i Attest: L. U. COLT., Clerli. - .. . • . _._.....________ i . 1 •ct i STATEIIIENT • • . OT.l t e Fundet of Potter . Couttly on tlaff:t Os of notary A. D. 380. . , . . Do, t 1... _ . wir aint of CoUnty orders odidamiiitz # Rs 40 ' " Judgl'ln favor of Wtoreu Co. Bank 2RT.I 95 ". Intere-I..en the smile 51498 ". Joars - nent ill favor of E. S. D. Herr 3245 Ol " ttete.ett on the name 194 73 4 * Bond to John Reathig , 484 oo ' • " intrest ort, the [Ante IN 04 " Jii4tnivnt to favor of the State WO (M 1 J. 12 07 " Asertin over indebtedness . T.,tit amount of Contity Imiehlettntst $9:132 78 iirfam't ofltotirlty ot•l , •rx otttlitandittg Bond . to • yilt , restot wont, 47 paid booth! to vottinteeTti .t• Interest on the 6:01t0 Total =mint Of Efounty indebtedness $34284 55 ITo *nil of Doe orders on tgtonriitrz ro.ne Ausette over iudeloed.,eB3 $347 84 On. ..... , _ . illy snit at County lases due from unseated I ' lards for 1V0 24 $ SO 1 ..n Cu IS.Xits &WED= unstated lands Ii • for 1866 • 4873 t,;9 - 1 ' Seated taxed rettffne , f as Unseated 71 00 " Taxes due fl...tn seated lands and versional property fur 1.864 t • " Tales due from seated lands and perrimal property for 1555 " 'Tales due from er..ted lands and ,ix.i..0101 property for 1886 1387 06 .. Relief taxes Ortfl,seated lands tor '6:i 4 1; Relief taxes 011 un••eated lands for '66 974 69 " Relief taxes on Seated landßand per sould property for 1864 ' '• Relief taxes on'S-ated lands and per sonal property for ISM • . " Relief taxes on Seated lands and per ' • POIJiI i property fol- 8508 .. " Releif taxes on seated lands returned as unseats " in the !muds of the TreaStitel Total amount of County funds antstrouting $9352 18 Tetuan of Bounty taxes duo from rin , eated lands for 1865 $ 21) " Bounty tuxes due from unseated • lends for 1866 • 8,520 86 " Bounty taxes due friim seated lands . and personal property' for 13 , 11 ti 59 ",". Outlay taxes due front seated lands and personal property foe 1865 ' " Botlnty.t txes due trout seate.l lands and personal property for 1866 . " Bounty taxes due on seated lands re • turned as unseated " Balance In treasurerle hands " Indebtedness over assets Teal meat of Bounty fundis outstanding $34284 55 ani't of Dog tax..., due for 1959 ' $305 84 I** "freastirer'e kunds 42 00 Total smottnt' of flog tn± outoandirig $347 84 SUMMARY. • INDEISTDENESS. To aggregoe amount of Indebtedness ' $43724 71 lii=32l egregate amount of tlicoet I II II" excess of Indeetedwas over et eetts Total Mount of fh3eeltO $45724, 7 1 I W. the Cemtni-slonere cif the County of Potter (h . ) do certify that the forestuit* Stafiment Of the Fundi •f said County on the I,.t dny Of anunty 186 f is car. reet as they appear on the taroks and vouchers of Oils Office. Commissioners' Office, Jan'y 26,1867. K.II.II"ERN, Sittugt. Mustn't', t Commissioners. E. O. AUSTIN )] Atteit : Cots, TREASURER'S REPORT. A. F. Jones, Treasurer of Futter Coihily, in account with said County for the year 1866. 11a. County., T. unseated tate e for 1:664 * 3 53 1 44 " unsealed taxes f0r1865 4327 a $ 7:869 08 " seated taxes for 1664 ' 146 43 " seated taxes for 1865 1790 28 seated taxes for 1866 4371 31 Am't of seated tax ret'd as unst'd 115 2.1 Am't rec'd r O , l - notes, judgmante aird tot redemption of lands - 633 76 Woe 99 I 'lB6l.c:edited toatct of relief !nod 628' Si 828 84 Relief and Military. To Balance due as per last report - . 4 of County Auditors • S 166 93 Ain't unteld taxes cad for 796.1 ,T 999 72 " Angt. nus , td taxes col' for 1865 846 66; 1548 38 " To sestetfret'd as nnat'd in 1866 • 22 39 lelltarY tax collected in 1866 13 70 nellef tax for 18668c.preciousys• is oo • - ,County Bounty Taxes. T r o amount' collected on tneeted tax for 1364 $14165 36 " Anet collected on unseated tax for 1865 16911 12 Atiet enllected on unseated tnx for 1865. 1226'72 ttnet cbletd on -eateo reed al un.aated 400 25 0 Ain't nadrd On Tier caplta tax for 1866 591 66 Itm't skated Bounty taX for 1866 and pre vious years. ' 17691 22 Coudersport 'cud: shippe - Staießodif To aroptint of iToseated.State Rondlax. and, of the Regular-RoadTat to arfitcliihißtate* Wind Is entitled collected in 1606i 1068 Wharton and Lumber State Road. To Stott. Road tax in Wharton 9207 68 ", Half the Road, tax Ir/In:wino for 1363-5 367 41 " Tu'habince. due 4. R. Jonei . 22 90 • pfld f rilla Bun am -topper _- 'l a b. half the;tia•ad Tax OD the Warrants spec litlect In the-Aat of ASeembly • In Ittie 'abifis of Abbott, BtlN'p , llloll & Weal. Branch $2OO 98 Germania and Younkrromanstoom State Road. Tgnii✓onnt-of Btate Road Tax In-Ahlxati atuou,.tof suds Road Tax fu Btawartsoll,- 9 0 7 00 . 4 ILllf pr at ou State road Var. 14 laid 2134 SS 1 Om a Dog Tax. dont of said tax for 184 EEC Ma Br bill. due Teseer as pr last Auditor's rep't. • 152 79 ite l nunrssiou Ott $1 . 3q4..361/ 1 :4 percent 619 77 " 4'ls:tidy ( - Ver. paid :end tat neellt4ll3lsl 41 " Ain't ab.ited on seated Litwin for 136 - 6 and ;prior • us :tsars , 34 29 " Ciimmlasiou told Gallectors far 1860 and • . 'ptsclous yews - 233 7; Se-ated rel timed as 11nseate0 • 31 96 " AniountfuncoUciitsil fur 1806 and pert ' Ous feats ,; ja :: . , Bell f a Military ; r azes . Met abated do seated- tax for,. 1860 and • . • (precious year* - I .., .15 74 p otninisaion paid Collectors for 186 d and precious gran 4 46 73 Amount Jeturned as unseated . for 1866 and lereflnus years I , ' I ' 17 17 ' thoeoll-eted tax outstal..dfag , for 1800 and Iprecious years ' , • 68 " Commission on $2401.15 at 4 'per cent 96 04 ' Orders paid and c anc e led r 155 50 " Balance on Ci•unty tax overpaid ' :808 . 84 " Balance rod il. NY:Stet/Ins, ,- censurer, as per his Receipt. . 1487 70 • ... ' 1 1 ' County slounly Taxes. By lia . lnce d Treasreras per list Report • I el a 4fouid ue y 'Audit u ors 1 $•3O 45 " ConintisSion on #42404.75 at 1 per cent- -.424 04 " Antounti paid on Bounty orders fur the I payment of Bounty Bondi ' 41831 00 " Amountabated on seated Bounty tax , fur , !1866 and previous years ;I 1617 67 " Commission ;Old Colleel Oft , • 332 83 '" lrocollected outitanding ,l - 63'24 82 " Seated returned as unseated) 306 36 " Balance 'paid J. W. +Steve:l'i Treasurer 118 30 1 .. I • $54 9 85 = Coudersport and Slurpuen State Road. i. 133- nin't of Slate Road tax paid A.ltounsville $1025 65 661-" I , ulund4.-lottotriiocs. 3 B 1 , ' ..-. 42 13 1 EZC Wharton a;,,d Luinbei Slate Road. By rnmml4ion on $576.10 at -.4 per eent $23 00 " ednuniasionerr.' order a State Road 510,r0d 1 #598 00 P . ortig's I Rani and floppy Ho z e State. Road. • Br "Inn' t p 4 A. Roo TlPVllle,Treaq't of Mid Road $270 00 `• Conunrpitun on s*-V*oB at 4 per teat . 11 ti 4 1 1 ' i , , $290 98 atl manta and Foangwomanstoten,State Road.- .., ftylam't paid State gOnfl on Clm'Ara oi•dar. r 535 68 ,ennuntesiou on $51368 at 4 per rent. - V. 91 " 11alatidu due U. 6*. Y. Stute Road ; . 14 09 r , t, 1 . D 0.7 Tar. ... y ordeni,pnid and enneelled ~ 1 C i ' on Pi 63 , "1 Amouio orat ed `.', Coinoiliodoo paid Colle•tors A footiiit uncllort.-,. ont.tunding .. ILdoue.: lt.sid to J. W. Stowus, Treasurer none 10000 00 451 OD 21.67 fA 496; 55 IW ~, tili • I. abgeribers, A nditorn Of Potter County. do cso td'yi that we have examined the accounts and vciuche.si, of A. F. Jones, late Treasurer of stud County , relotinz to County. Relict", Miiitary County, ~o nnty, Sate 11.. ad stud Dog . Taxes, and that the wi:11 in Stiitrinent Cl the saute I. correct. ' . 11, - it.negis uur hands [1114.34th day 0(.411'4 A.D.186i. I , W. -11. iti KAVZS, [ 8. H. I'd satin, Auditor's. A—RH:lsar LYMIN, . , I. TIMASUREV SCHOOL REPORT. J,ines, late Taeaszicer of Potter County, in Accolint wiih the 'several School Districts for the ;g l ut . 15'66. . BEI Abbott: Dr. To hal One Dist ns per Au ditoOs Report for 1845 2 81 i..Am&utcollected iu 1866 1:43 23 EMU EMI By Commissioner's orders •• f Trea3vrer's blinds Ei'lli 1457 70 I I { Allegany To an?t collected in 1866 By conirnisAimers order I " Bailin Treas'rs hands 954 59 Woodrille independent Distiiet. To arnr i t of tax col. in 1841 G $7 17 By Comniissioner's order I • Bingham To amt collected in 1866 By Comilissioner's order Hai in Tteas'rs bands 6816 04 BIM 11. 32 17423 31 To Ila!once due district par Auditor's Rep't for 1865 $ 86 58 " Atn't collected in 1866 198 30 #26561 SO 16162 91 By. Com Missioner's orders Coudersport, To ain't collected in 18C# o s o r's ofdef Botalia: To bal. flue Dist. per Aii ditor's report for isGri $ 80 34 " Atu'i collected in 1866 93i.; 08 $lOl6 42 By CoirmiFtitres orders! $932 34 " Bal i in Ti w.s.s'ri hands 84 08 To soul of tax cord is 1866 $166 66 By Cothmisston'ers' orders , $l4B 66 is Ba1:4 Ph 7reairr bonds, 18 00 Genesee Independert To }mitt collected in 1866 $l4 69 By l i Coasnlds'sioners' order Harrisone To amt collected in 1806 By Coltimissioners' order " Bat in Treas'ra hands $15694 91 Hebron. • To amt collected in 1866 VBl . 88 By Coiamissioners' order " Baja Treasirs band • ' Hector. . To aqt collected tb 1866 $247 63 Br Colrimisqioners' orders $237 6, " Bat. is Tress rs hands 1 0? $3056 40 i 5098.6 ..; ) iiEr( 453 , 3du House State Road. $572 68 $422 OD 1 CIL county. 102.29 --x -91L694 91 .3040 40 $lO6B 38 4572 GS MEN 4 93 13 5. 5 78 20a 09 42 20 e 4 == 00 $114604 $llOO 00 46 04 $1146 04 $ll 07 $8 35 3 '72 $12.07 EMI $7O 14 $65 70 4 44 $70_.14 FIE $284 88 V. 18 4 88) DM lie $lOl6 42 Gentle , . $166 66 $1469 $95 Se; $B7 4s 7 48 $95 06 $351 32 303(1 $3Bl 68 $217 6.. Homer. To bdisnee doe Dist. per. reo't for 1869 $ll9 79 ' I " Am% coileeted in 1866 -18 40 I $l3B 19 , • By Commissionete of4ef $ll9 79 " Bal. in Treasls hand 9 ' • 18 49 JoeLton. To mill collected in 1866 $469 ar Ity Cainotissioners' orders $469 31 Keating. To ani't collected in 1860 $199 89 • By Conmisstoners' order $122 82 " Bat: in Treai'eS bands 27•" 97 OSU'OyO; To bit due Di l st„per Au- ditors' Rep% for 1865 S. 50 ' Azi,'t ibilected in 186 G 298' 11 By Cotamissioneta l orders: . •$298 61 Pike. I To ain't collected in 1866 $327 1 66 By Catomiss'oners' ordefs pm 53 troas'estande [ 116 13 s42f 66 ,Route,. To 141. clue bisC per Audi tcirs' Report for 1865 $59 45 !, Atli% collected in 1866 172 50 By Commissioners orders " Bisl. in Tieas'rs bands 1 , Sharon. [ . 1 co ain't collected in 186 G $334 02 I. By Commissioners' orders $334 02 i - 1 ' Ste:car:ton. ' 1 , 1 To am't collected in 1866 $1313 IS By Commissioners' orders ' $1336 00 " . 1 Bal. in Treas'rs hands . 177 18 Sumni4. To bat. due Dist: per Audi. tors' Repuft for 18Et3 $ 98 Atn't collected in 1866 605 96 $663 34 By Commissioners' oeder " Bal. in frefers bands Sweden. To bal. due Dist. per Audi ditors' Report for 1863 " Am't collected in 1866 By Commissioners' orders " Bal. in Treas'rs bands Sylvania. To Ivai. due Dist. per Audi tors R'eport for '865 $79 77; Atit't collected itt 1866; 200 1 - 7 Br Commissioners' orders Ulyves. To hail Collected in 1866 $ll9 60 Comniissitmers' orders $lOO 00 "I Bal. in Treaets Lauds i 9 60 West Branch. To am't collected in 1866 $497 5$ BY, Commissioners' order $492 21 4 1 Bal.-in Treaers hands 5 37 $497 58 Wharton. • TO arn't collected in 1866 $1469 88 13y Cononiss.ioncrs' order $1344 00 " Bal. in Treas'rs bands 125 68 $1469 . O'S We the subscribers, Auditors of Potter Cpunty, do certify that we have examined tire aecounts and vonchers of A. F. Jonas, late Treasurer of said County Account with the several School iin said County fOr the year 1866, and that the foregoing Statement, showing the balOnees due said Districts (out of which be is entitled to his usual per centage) is correct.] ' Witness our hands this 30th day of Jan's, A. D. 1867. ' - ' 1 .. W. B. ORATES, . S. 11. MARTIN, Auditors. A. SIDNEY LYMAN, AVbiTORSI A. R Jones, late Treasurer of Potter County, in Account with Me several Townships of said County for Me year 186" Ge Abbott. Pr, Cr. To bal.: Road Tax per Au- ditors' Rep't for 1865 $ 1 4 Bal. °Ash Tax per Au ditors' Rep't for HO Bal. Bout ay Tax per A.u.- ditors' Rep't for 186'' Ani't Road tax collected in 11866 Am't Cash tax collected in' 1866 " Ain't Bounty tax collect ed in $2105 31 By ,Corn's prd'i Olatoad ta*. *5OO 00 Bat fro.ncitax in'Treas'rs hOnd3 " Corn's ord'r on Cash tax Bat Cash Tax in Treas'rs hands Cocn's ord'on Bounty tax h Bal Bounty tax in tress' Allegany; To am% R:oal Tax collected in 1866 - $27 86 Arn't Bounty tax colif i ta in me By COs ord'i off Road tax '• Bal Road Tax in Tietirs bands , " Coni's ordr on Bounij fat . Blalßouoty Tax in TreaS hods To emit Reedit& folleetoti ' in Ts 66 $ 69 66' ` 4 Anil. Cash ifrx ci?it l ect, , od ) 21 0? Am't I3ountjitax collect, etl in 1866 . 1 MI fty Cota's ord''r of TtrmcFtaz $1 6 68 8G " " " Cash 20 73 Bail Cash tax id Treai s ts ha Ids • al Cum's ords onßourrty tar 107 To am't Road tax collected io 1860 $33 Com's et& on Road tat :17ii Coudersport. To bid on Mud Tat per Au-' ditors' Report for 1865 $ 16 " Ain't Road tax collected in 1866 - ' - - 5 91' Am't Bounty tax collect , ed in 1866 $l3B 19 $l7 63 By tom% ord' on 1161kd Int It a& s. B ounty A. $139 89 Ao am't Road tax collected itt 1866 443 30 Aro% Bounty tax collect ed in .186t1 1446 59 $llB9 89 By Com's.ord"f CM Road tax $ 435 " Bel Road Tax in Treas.. f urer's hands Com's ord on Bounty tax • 1420: 1341 Bounty tax in Tress urer's bands . 26 To am't Road tax collected in 1866 $)5B 63 "'Am't Cash tax collected in 1866 Ana Bounty tax collect ed In 1866 $231 3s` $207 49 r I 24 .46 $231 95 • $477 21 By Cm's ord i s bn Road tax SISB " Bat Rind tax in Treasr'a handl Coma orifs on Cash tai " Bal Cash tax in Treas'rs bands " Com's ord on Bounty tax " Bal Bounty tax in Tress' bands 313 18 YU itto f t Road tat collected • in 1866 . $126 26 " Am't Cash tax collected In 1866 36 II " Am% Bounti tax collect ed in 1866 168 67 Am't. Poor tax collected in MG 1 19 $653 32 1 30,12 =EU - _ $382 31 By Corn's ord' on Road tax $124 44 " Bal Road tax in T,ea'rs bands "-Com's ordr on Cash tax " Bal Cash tax in Treas'rs hands • • " Corn's ord on Bounty tax " Bal Bounty tax in Treas' hands " Bal Poor tax in Treasr'a -bands $lB3 it 70 13 $25.3 88 $2?9 94 $279.84 - Hebron. 1 To bai fiontity Li n per Auditors Rept for 181;5 $ " Auft Road tax collected in 1866 ' 213 10 " Am't Cash tax eollecthd in 18dd lid 'id " Ain't Bounty tax collect ed in 1866 1456 00 i $ll5 6 $1785 47 By Com's ord on Road tax $ 181 58 " Bal Road tax in Treas'ra hands ai 52 " Corn's ord' On Cash tai 83 ." Bat Cdsh tax In TrBar'r9 hands Coro's ord on Bounty tax 't Bal Bounty tax in Tread. hi•ands To amq, Road tax collected in ' 1866 , , $220 93 " Arn't Casts tax collected in 1866 4 - MIA Bounty tax collect ed;in 1866 $9B? 17- , - By Correa ord. on Road tax $220 68 Cam's ord. on o..sh chi " Bal Cash tax in Tieas'ra paid; • " Cm'i ord. on Bounty tax Bat Bounty tax in Treat: Bands ITO T 3 0 ; 7130% To atirt foal tax collected in 11866 ' $142 A " Am% Bounty tax collect ed in Ins mg 578 54 380 81 $162 87 By Corn's ord'r 6'd Road tdx • $l4O 5 "Bat Road tax in Treas t ra ttaillts " Cm's ord. onlßonnty tax " Bal Bounty tax in Treas. hands 1119 39 ISO 42 320 00 62 69 940 00 To Am't Ilona tea collected lc 1866 I - $329 10 Am't Cash Mx collected in 1866 Am't &fogy tat Coifed: cd in 1866 262 20 $.105 31 $lO7l. 811 • By dinxiS ofd'r on • ,tax - $277 $8 Bal Boat! tax in Treas'sx hands. - . 1 Oain'l - ort . i on Coil Lai 4 . Bal Cash tai iu Tikas'is harahi . " Cw's ord'r ou tionniy tdz Bal Bounty tax in Trea's hands 73 00 $lOO fre $25 iO 2 16 6$ 68 OE szoo 86 Keating. To bal Road tai per Arai tore Report for 1865 $54 56 " Am't koad tax colteettd . in 1866 Am't Bonntits; collect ed in 1866 107 36 $2Ol 28 By. Cam's ord'r on Rnad tax $ 54 56 iL Ltd Itmd tax' in Tieass'rs hatvipt Zise Buanty tax in Trea'a $l - 38 2..? Clara E UM $6 01 11 63 Eulalia. $11389 Genesee 156 79 162 49 20 lb 3 I $477 Harrison. 1 84 32 15 .4 .03 1.57 atl 10 87 i if 3. $332 31 ELM 12 2 1339 45 131 13 $1785 47 Hector 125 84 540 35 &37 65 1 ' i7O $BB7 n 20 41 .1 go 16 56 EES 162 87 Jackson: 329 75 413 lid 51 12 277 98 51 77 393 33 i 13 70 I $lO7l 88 2 78 149 94 2 7 146 94 s.tui 2. °mayo. To bat . ItclB4l gm - per Audi , . tors' Report for 186$ Auettßontll4.l'enilecjeti in 1866 Am't Cash tax collected In 1866 " Am't Bounty tat collect en In 1866 ' By Com's ord's oil Road tax ta I sa at tj,,,,stE h /30Uktk MEM • • Pike, - To am% Road tax collected ' in 11166 $305 31 1 " Am't Cash tax aollected in 1866 Atn't Rountt tax collect ed in :1886 430.65 " Am i t Poor tax collected in 1366 #9lB 09 - Hy CoM's ord' oti Vasil ts t • pa co " nut Ro'sd tax in Treas'rs , hands " Corn's ord'r on Cash tax "flat Cash Mx Treas'rs hands " Cm's ord'r na Bounty tax " Bat Bounty itax in Trea's bandit t i I. R_ at Poor t x Trealers " hands ittrtath • $ 9lB 09 To bal Road tax per Audi= tors' RepOrt for 1865 $56 34 " Bal Cash tit* per Audi tors' Rirrl for 1865 " Bal Bounty tax per Au• ditore Report fur 1805 231 CO Atc't Road tax collected in 1366 a Adt Cash tax collected in 1866 Atn't Bounty tax collect ed iti 1866 .1735 10 By Com's ord'r on BMA tax Bal Road tax in Treas'rs hsnds • " Corn's ord'r oo dash tax " Bal , Cash tax in Treas'rs hands " Cm's ord'r on Bounty tax 4 . Bal BOunty tax , in l'rea's hands Nedron. To am't Road tax collected in 1866 $ll3 30 " .Arn't Cash tax eolleeted • in 1866 404 :91 - $527¢2 ; : By Com's ord'r on Road mai 7g 04 " Bal Road tax in Treas'rs lianas - I 40.26 "Corn's ord's on Cash tat ; 345 33 " Bai Cash tax in Treas'rs bands Stewarizon To am't Bond tax collected • in 1866 $ 874 53 " Am% Cash tax collected in isds - 1210 64 " Totta Bounty istt - collected in 1860 2431 74 "lAm't School Bounty tat collected in 1866 1401.68 $5908 59 By Cortl's ord'r nu Bond tax $BOO obc Ital Road tax in Treasll - hands t 4 53 " Cirifs ord'r off Cast' tai 1130 GO Bel Cash tax in Treas'rs hands " Corn's order .on TBwd Bounty tat " Bat Town Bounty tax id Treasurers hands " Cora's order on School Bounty tax Bal &TOO Bounty tax in treasurer's hands Summit. To hal 11030 lax per Audi- , tort? Report for 1865 $lOO 31 11 Bal Cash tax per Audi tors' Report for 186$ " Ain't Road tax collected in 186 t; 34 . & 41 " ;Val Cash tax collected in 1866 308 91 " Am% Bounty tax collectL ed to use ' 178 14 • stipq 68 By Com'sord'r on Road tax $14:11 13 Bal Road tax In Tteas'rs haffda Con's ordes on Cash tat " Bal CdsU tax in Tireas t rs hands " Cm's ord on Bounty tax " Bat Bounty tax in Tkea'd bands Sweden; To bal good di pei Audi- tors' Report for 1865 $ 430 " Bal Cash tax per _Audi tors' Report for 1865 " Bat Bourity tax per Au ditors' Report for 1865 • 1 Aral Road tax collected io, 1866 " Atui bash tax collected in 1866 14 Amet Bounty tax collec ted in 1866 ' • t By Gotn's ord'r onßoad tax " Bal Road tax in hands " Com's ord'r on Cash tat " Cm's ord. on Bounty tax Bal Bdunty tat ittTreat :bands , . i • Sylrania. 1 • To bal Rob tax per Audi- tors' R4ort for 1865 $ 92 02 " Bal Cash tax per. ,Andi- i tors' Report for. 1865 - ' 51 21 " Bal Bomil l y tax per Au- ditors' eport for 1865 184 •04 '• Aral Rod tat coileCted in 196 • - 235 45 " Ain't Cal h. tax collected in 186 • . . 11'7' 215 " Am' t BWinies; fai•collectc td in 1668' 1 $ll5l -4T ------ By Mee ,ord'r tin Boni tax - - rfif - 7 ~ Cale's ord'r on Cash tax 165 06 " Car Ord: on Boenti tat.--:A-i , .,- -, , 654'414 _ • L 7 sae': t To am'eltotrdAO- - ,----- 4-7- -.7- '-• -111i-1866 --, tax colt ( ~. .....';' -....4141.3 : 2..00rz.:..iL. 4 g Am't Cash tai coihicted in 1866 "'Ain't Swing fia Co lent= ed in 1866 - 604 ITIM .605 24 306 66 i 351 OS .$1759 22 tly Com's ord'r, on Bead tat $132 01, 6 . Corn's ord'r on Cash ta± 54.09/ , !•Bill Cash to; in.Tresrs'rs . , bands' " Cm's ord en Bounty tar, Bat Bounty tax in Treas. heat 2263'0ii ERE West Prang. To ani l t liana tat collected * $lOO Vfi,, , ` 41 Ath't Cash tat eollected - in 1866 ; .654 43* * 1 Ans!t. Bounty tn.* ed in 18 . 60 . 194 61 EC] 62 32 141 68 $1449 66 By Cities drd i r ttn fiottdait 1104.0 Hal Road tax_in Tretteff " ord'r on dasc tai ' , Bat dasti tax in 'fretted bands ' • gg Cm's ord: oft Bounty tax " B4t Bountj , fax in 'tread. bands 38 OS 341 82 GM EE3 'Wharton To ain't Road tai collected in 1866 $ 36i id " Ain't Cash tax collected • in 1866 734 ea " Ai& Bounty, tax collected in 1866 1770 38- 112 34 QM CM tty Com's ntde Bal 'toad hands , I . Cam's order: .._Bal Cash balldB . Cum's ordir Bal Bounty • hands • 194 78 $56 54 446 56 Ha 10 9a 12 TR 76 . , . , Al, the stitseribers, Auditors a Fliiitr Cuun' ty, do Certify that we hare exarrtitted the ate: counts. and vouchers of Arch F. Jones, late Treaiiurer . of Potter County, in Ac:couut whit the. 4i-chi l'Oelitships of said County, for the year; 186 G, and that the foregoing statement: showing the balances due to said 'rtrWushipa (out of whieli he is entitled to his. usual per dentage) is correct: - ' Wituest °tn. bands this 3041 dity bf JitnlB6 . o.: iir; Oitari4 1 aIL 3,li,nrct, j Atidiftits; A. SIDNEY LYM AN, - IBM $735 10 Balance Due from Collectors. The hollow in' Stateinent shod-s the 61661,04 true front Colleditits for ye* prior to 180: C.d. A iliS; eiditetor of GeneseeforlB63s 4,11 Stilhnnn " Ilebroo ; 1863 4 rgt Hudson Hondlix " Allegany, " 1864" 893 James " Genesee ; a 1864 102 94 , E McCarn Bingbani " 1865 33 5i o.lr Olney' -s, liarrisbn 1, 1563 '',„lB' Fli " —.Jackson " 4645 10'93' iVin Ansley " 1865 172 3/ E A Leitis " trip's& 4 /864 208 41 Chas Crit)pcn West Branch" 1E65 49 4ils Mti Bartron " Wharton; " 1805 253 56' ft is &peeled that Collectors for 1866 will settle up by February Court therefbie tiled names are not published.'. • By bider of the Board: J B: Cm's Clerk. Commissioners' Office, Feb. 5 . , ,1867: Mt 58 g 3 $51.7 82 :OTHERS. EAD THIS silts. 'WEL Ft:PRI • . Nursing SYTTLP ; I- - • • • ror biartboet;l7Slehtert, ChhUfs litorbus( Chblern. "uranium, Fits from. Worms, Sinuimii in thi3 Stoillath and Bt4e!a, itcc., bet - - TARTICCLIELT • 80 64 2300 00 121 74 1300 00 101 CB For thitdren when: Teething, 1 AND TO PRODUCE. SLEEP. -'• • 1 wtih to call ylitlf atterithin to the itricE medicine se beidg lid*rfor to dcy Over el efure offered the pubiii fdr the purposes fof Whlai a reeMultierld it. Vary Many children from their toltt are IRRITABLE. RERfOUS, RESTLESS di .SLEEPLESS:' They Ike in a itateof nercdus exeltentettt ; theirerhe a ild moans clenotaiorne funetiddal dbrialgernent of tie et item, which rue rea hut the tenet bibitutg,Canaw, and they fall a prey to dlemee. . , .- ' —,- ' c i THE PERIOD OF TiefillSPl . . i the` moat Critic-GO:if apydCirit' tit •;he life of the eht: 44 ,_ and &unreal tictnpu d asiur)ng (hie period thanallethert cambined. Accatilog ttl atattatica which are waif authenticated, $5908.59 IMEI . iStbenty;fivi bitt of every hundred that dis wider tvo ,years of aye, diefiinfi. diseases caused by tee . chinp, fdr iirodUCing a quiet, natural, and refreshing sleep,. one &Ora which the child will awaken fooling eshv ed gleeful, The Nursing. Syrup luso no Equal/ For the,benefit of mothers and nurses. we would ad." • vise you, when the child la restless, feverish , thirsty" head hot,facetualed,touglYS'nuated.puise qutckenade. to give a warns bath. follo'ai - edlV aeproprtate apses er• the NURSING SYRUP, Rua 12 39 378 /3 ? 59 1 1 44 6 ?O ITS MAGICAL EFFECTSMfIit-Gl.Abitli *lfflitAnTSl $lOl 68 All we ask is for yotetetry one Abitii;end if are not fully stained after using haler it „ WWI% fate the agent and getmour money. when' your children are Teefifidir, end you will find this Syrdp par-excellent. 16 renders that process easy and' camps the teeth to penetrate the Rama, without , p' , 6ducinie those constijutional and ofttimes fatal sytniitorit• so' often witnessed in children. Try' it In nerVotts wake. fill and irritable childien. It can begiven tlYthe most deries4 MOS with ' ; Perfect tisfew Ask for it andi take no other. Pates 25 osNya rue writ:ll- I J. 11, WHEELER Sole Proprietor orders ptemung_cd.:-luir. Where h ` ll Obeive prOnspt ett-Entien.- SLirasiii'L TactlfPliON; Agents for Co r ieropert.- SOld elect by all Ilinggists and 'Country; riKshstalf everyWhettr. Jantehitti LED 17 20 190 50 24 92 649.43 YEADIEN PATorr ISTR wc -irtilAit. • i • • . HE Undersigned Eatng•purchttseci fife Aglit. flir Potter Canny; prepW6d to fur- - matt the farnitti of the biddy. t•tiW dens ererle leiit Machine- 'Where it has been tesYM it ba proved itself to bk One of ibe best Straw.eut-- tent in use.. Is 0144, durable, &ilia notgirinit a of repair etisily, and is It : anted to give sat isfaefinn. • Pen - Jona , (71640;iis • to' tufaiast•Arr this Ctittki; an no go.by aillinott:P. A. Stebr bins Cots., Condeisport,- Et' , • JAMES'FItANCI Deb. 18, 186G.Ti $. 012 6 4 , $lBO. 14 61 31 21 t 29 91 36 72 $892 64 Important to;.Butidero. T!chord Directors of 7,l:lleitis Township 1 receive proposals for the erection of a bat: UOChSts in. Lymansvillerit ,tfte. Bret Ssturda Merah)ne,ir. s. ghy 34.. feet ; be built Ist i thiffriast workmaititkVand soletantial ner._,. Tull p3titdalatiin togrrd to plan, aPectaeaaviarls oitt,buildinge, limo and ton)/ of pvmsnt Ice„ seen at the Prothouedery's Rice, lu asre . of BLit' Bakee r I • By order of the Thitrcl. Jo xTBAN 4:ll..kditi J. M. SPAY*ORD, gv y.. COuderaport, Jas. —, r 4 1 f090 $ll6l 47 57 84 56934 3 It 545_1 tt --1 ; : 14.70 `~~~f MM 5 et 284'0* - Igo fiti $2672 84 on Road tax - 1038'58 in Treab'ra 41 678 O on Cash fax iu Treasiza 56'71# '161:-* 4a 138 id tai tax in Treasirs $2872 el 3 10 20