_ A !MUM BUG. lElow orrt.N w!E REAR TAIS EXPRESS lon from persens reading advettieements of Wept tlediclues, antll in nine cases oat of ten they May be right. It iseeer 19 years since! I introduced sty m divine , the VsaTeriss I.tamearr. to the public. I had no money to ailverthe it, to I 1. ft it for sate Stith 2 few droggirts' and storekeepers through a small section of t• e country, many taking it with re lac! cu, but I told them to let any tree have it, and If It did nut do all 1 .stated' on my paniphlet, no ore steed pay for it. lo some stores two- or three bottler were taken on trial ,b) pe.sons prep-tit: 1 Witici by maw.. thought enizY, and th.,t would be the last they should see of me. But: I knew my inedieMe was uo Ilintonc. I. about tutu nontl4 I h,gan to reeeli.e .orders for more Liiiiment,sone cal log :it toy vainable Liniment, who had :refivoed P. 11i zn a receipt. when; 1.11 it at their store; Now my miles are millions of battles yearly, sod all, for cash.' I warrant it superior Unni• other tuedicitie for the care of Croup, Diar rhoea, Dyeentery, Ciiiic. Vomiting . Spasms, and Sea alakness, as an Internal remedy.',lt. is perfectly Int.o. ._trsat to take internally, see oath aecOMp hg anyteacti, liatthi,—and szternany for. Chronic: Rheumatism, Headache, /dumps,l',r.•te.l Feet, Bruises, Sprains, Old Sores,, Sw•-litng., Bore' Throne, ',14c., &c. Sold Nall the Droggid.B.l D pot, 56 Curtlawit Street, yr• York: Ayes -1 s Cherry Pectoral _ . . IA a soethint ex p e c torant, prepared to meet the urgent nerd of a wife and reliable CUM fur diseases « the throat and hinds. A. trial of many nears has estahll.hed the fact, it is more eftlincloug in pulmonary affections I litt” any itithtr ret irdy, Its efficacy ?OM nor h•COrne AO grOOtaiy JinOWn, font it Is jusly regnrderl in really eolintries as a ml.dieltie of Indisneasethle necessity, In Great Britain, France and Germany, whersOmedical science, has. reached its khrtieet perfectio ~ 'tits prescribed In domestic unto., . Gee, and constantly used in the armies, iu holittals sad other public insqtut.ou.., where it le regarded by the attending idir&eistis as the .t speedy and agreeable remedy that can he etnployed. • Scarcely any nsighborlieod ' , can be found wheru well known asses,of diseased ituwe which had twitted the efforts ' of the mo t rk ilful stv.l experienced doctors, havennt been permanent.) , cured by it. These r• tulle are the roost sonvinelng protifs of the superior curative plop. inks ox this preparlition ; a d to .them; the authors jolut.with peculiar Isittisf anion. Willie it is Most ptiwerful ngainst confirmed diseases ' it Is extremely gentle ZIP a medicine In infancy and . youth' being tope harmless u even the youngest ' when tulminia- Sired jut! ciously. 1 th 1 . • This bealrestorernceompllshes even more 'by pr...vntion than cu, e. If tuxes in iieasen, it heals all irritations of the throat and lungs; whether arising from Cads 01 Coughs. or from et her causes, and thus p. event that toils , train of painful and incurable die asset, which wouldhirlse from the neglect of them. Bence no family ,sliould be without it. Influenza, „..t.lnoup,frioarsetieis Whooping Cuegh; Pleurisy, In . elpriet Consumption, and other inifections of the lreathing.ergstisi give way before) thlit pre tauluout eombunition of medieal virtues. Prepared by DX.' .T. C. AYER k Co., Lowell Yam, and sold by all Drug4lstA and deulere iu rued {eines everywhere. , Ladies of,Delicate Constitution And uncertain helialt -are strentteusly advised to threw aside thel nauseous and unless preparations with which they . are accustomed to drug themselves: and, test the hreelitn. holy-and.mind-strengthening eirtues - - of HOSTETTER.% STOMACH trims. In 311 the complaints and disnbllitlee arising front varimis causes, they find this cheer ing. refreshing anti invigorating preparation of ex , e •rdinarr efficacy. Its rezolatidg properties aye wou• distal, end as n remedy for the languor, nausea, ire moss convulsions, hysterl : u, &c , Which often accom pany the derelopmhnt of womaubbod, it has no equal arobnk the prescriptions of the faculty or advertised asedicfnes. For, the many distressing feelings which usher lu and often] follow the period of maternity. and also for the. painful and dauggnms symptoms which sometimes semi - fp:toy . —chants of lite,” HOS THTTER'S.BITTERS are earnestly recommended. Noothevrestorle seems to suit so,' well the cense/. Ist:ons and theo imigation of the feebler sex. In all eases of Female H. Willy whereithere Is want of brisk.vital action, klie BITTERSIpto 'uce a most Int portant chance-relieving loonl fwir koess, and re ,ssf l .ffitshinu feenend health. ' I ' Al'cock , * •Porous W 1 LAUF. BACK. l' i i - • • 1 , 1 • I ; New York Nov. 23,1859. , ,T. Aux:bet & Co.—Gertiemati : I letely sutfere4 iseverely from a Weakness in my back. Having heard lied, plasters much recommend.. 4 for cures of tile lied, I procu-mst one, and the result was all I could dilate: A single Plaster cured me in a Week. , 'ionicred'tmtfully, 1 ' J. (I. BRIGGS, roprietor of the Brandreth Rouse. j r .ICIIIIE CF CHIC IN THE' BA dr. AND LUMBAGO. Lyons, N. Y., July 4,1862. ' Mesita...At 1,410011 ic Co.: rictive fend um a dollar's worth of your pliutters. They have cured me of a trick In my bock, which has troubled the for some timeoind now my father Is g!..ing to try them for difficulty about the heart , L .0 SHERWOOD. Di. Green, Nol 863 BroMiWaq blew York, 'informs slii lie . old, on MOlidaY, June °l, 1862, two ringers to a ,tiontig woman surfer] og, , ed., sei.erely from la m• ].rte. On ThuNdav she called to get two more for a friend, end then 6itated how the. two - she it'd pur chased on Monda y had relieved her lemnettiotely, . after. putting thrim on, and cunco nett in vim tsars of a root disagrcmtble patudn tler back and tutus. Sold by all •Rirggists e INVASION ! 1 - D 4 yon wish to have your bale 111 cauterized from the scalp I Then beware of tile nsv brood of Vitriolic :and Caumdic Dyei got up by n strum mongers, who i ,. . bear thesamOrelation to the re. Chemist that Pirates and . Pt i vateers brar to te.nest Merchantmen. tßeinember that the issperietice of yttars, and the -cry highest cientlrie endoriaments„ guarantee the yiaperiority 4DORO'S HAIR DYE ever, every other in use. It If purely :veg.-table, in fallihle and Itistantioleons Manufactured by .1. - entsTAtorto„ 0 Astor flotise, New York. Sold by DruggiatsLa.4pplied by all ilair.Dressers, ANEI OD: , • . tirolv LOS'', HOW It. ;141151C.F.0. Just pnh -11410, a tjew eddien.of (I.'I,,VEIt.W.ELL'S smehealed Essay on the radical core (without wed,. I einc)'.of Spermatorrhoda,.br ,ieminal Weakness, In. :obituary Seminal Losses, Inmeteitcy, Mental aud Phisicat Impedinients to Vantage, etc.: also ,CoosuinMieti. Emlepsy,l and Fits laduced by prl 41i-Ittlguitcy or dOKU extrtivagance. , Price, inia sealed ctivelotie, tally 6 cents. %, , celebrate, author in I thin admirable ,ensay clearly derunnetrates. from a thirty years' sucess•ful pract iee,t ln, t the alartn , na consequences of selfabuse eety be radically cured witholit the dangerous tve of 'sternal medicine tm the application of the knife— pol.ding out mode of cure at once simple. certain, arid elf citd, by means of \Ole') eve y sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself rhea ply, privately, and radically. •,„, This lecture should be lit the hands of every youth and every man in she laud. • 8.. tit, under sea I, I n a plait' envelope, to any address, post paid, on reeeietof six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers, j 4. C. KLINE ee. Co., 21 Bowery, New York, Post 011ie° boa 4 566 A. S. Still an, , 1 ' ELILSVILLE 7 N. Ikr.i 'Keeps the 'largest and most complete assortniettt of . : SCHOOL, and ' ' • MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS; BLANK BOOKS, i • . " .• PCKET BOOKS, ',Memorandums, Diaries, Gold & . Steel Pens, Pocket . Knives, .Law , Blanks, and Stationers Goods jieneraiiy, to be found In the country. Ile hue also added , • I Lookint- Glasses, Ov4, etnett-Tor and Squust ;and LooIciNO•CILASB PLATES. for fitting up broken uhisses. Aloe, Pibture *Frames slid Mouldings In every titriety. ite is Agent for the 1 i "DONRSTIO SEWING MACIIINB" . the simple and best td:ichine yet offered' to the public, a..d the wsty Machine that Men a ilardeusd West Steel Shuttle. It will last a life time. • Ile Is alsn Ageta,for. several Flint Class .. PIANO FORTE. . 7 t it' . . ii ARENA' ~ORGANS . • • an, -. MELODEONS, which Itt*Witt - se:l on verita °ruble terms. Beautiful ilolidwir Goods, so , thbir!em.n. Opialaiinttent lon a 111 bolempn.lxordure franraDroadi. for al.y truioles In his lime, . Ilordeto iiith-fithOoll Book* at ilublisher'd (;.r roxfrwlor,c4 l Ole( A I 1110warill Se,/,ty rUE POTTER COUNTY JOURNAL Coudera l port, Tuesday Evening, Fcb. 19,1,1867 Locai , and .General. . , taraoyernor Geary in si! ling the death wars rant of Wiley, The Luzerint county 'murderer, raurtis to the old idea br Friday Willi; hang in ait's day: wh'eh was wisely discarded and departed from by Governat Curtin. . VI - Farmers will find a tine opportunity for musing money in another column. AN. Mills offers his splendid farm ,at Ci lesbum; f . cir rent for three years from the first of April next. tar Frozen-to , death, iri Hector township, January 20t141861; Abner Burdick: 'The de ceased was over eighty. years ofage and, had nearly lost, the - use of his rneptal faculties, r, He w,m, an bout *t and industriour citizen.MOlL 4 - 1 _ - t"*"' The friends of the Rev. J.. L. Phenix manifestid their appreCiatioil of his haws by oinking, 1 ' a Drination of $6O, at the house of .1. Q. Merrick, Esq.. in like township, on the evening of Feb. 9, 1867., , McH. ~, I 2 • tail% TtfAT UR ERR nI,T NOT' INEBRIATE." —The celestial herb . that steams its fragrance upon millions of tables the w#rld.tiver, is en joyed in its perfectioP only by.tbose.who know where and how to get the genuind article. is not gold that glitters," nor is till TEA that is wrapped around with Chinese hieroglyphics% AU sorts of vile weeds get Christened with the genuine name, but to the palpte.of the esperi owed tea drinkers they are an abomination. Some of our Allegany County readerS will find a supplement with this paper:giiing-them full information upori this important pOint.:.To others we would say,' tbpt Mr. 0,14 points of Wellsville. is doing 4 wholesale and :retail busihess, making Tit; aspeciality. Hereceives his Teas direct from itherimporters. can guarn tee the quality, acid r sells at astuunthirigly low figures. , ; I M'll'e take the above froni the Canieteo Valley Times, p ublished ' at liorpellsville. The ;heprice 8 of are from 75`cents Orders filled by mail Teas warranted (as rep preuted or money Pefunded. • AN ACT J To amend the Road Laths of Tiogo and Potter . , Counties; • ! - Samoa 1. Ile it enacted &c,. That whe never the amount of read tax assessed upod any per son in the said Counties of Tiuga and 'Potter shall amount to lesS than one day's labor, the Supervisors of the 'Several townships shall as sess such person with one day's Jabdr, to be worked out upon the public roads in tine Towd ship where buch person may reside, in the same mariner as the road tax is now by law 'directed to be vorked on t,and if such person shall neglec t or refuse to perform such labor after due notice by the Supervisor, then the value of one day's labor shall be collected in money as•unpaid road tax is now by law collected ; aid if any person so assessed i viitli one day's labor, shrill own or have in his possession and a'ct's a team. a eon, of horses or males or a yoke of oxen, such person shall he asaPssed .ivith rine day's labor for such team, and if any such person after due notice, shall refuse or neglect to per form the haw soassessed for the team', then the value of one day's {work for a ,tear A; shall be collected of said delinquent in moneyl as other 'unpaid ruildrtax lir now by law collected: o r istr. Mann ilnis sent his the aboVe bill for i xe the passage of which he IMs received' titiong. and he invites th e exertionl, of the people on the subject. According to. our ideal? o ; right, it should become a law- . 1 ' 1 r . listen. OW! the Jim, . Marrow: The dwelling beiwie of L. W. Lymanvlcasrbureed to the g round this inornicg. The tire took from an oldfoshiOned chimney which`went: through the centre of the house; and wltiCh for some timepast had needed re pairing. At about five"o'cloek the family! were awakened by ,the fire ; which ad already made such ravages as:prevented extinguishing. Lynian was away, and the only elreetives were Arthur LYman a young man of twenty; Mrs. Lyman and the school teacher, Miss Sophronia who happened to be hoarding there at the time. An old lady of near . a hundred years of age, and helpless, was dragged out on her ,bed, the children (some adopted, were deptisited in beds upon the snow,land with incredible labor and superhuman strength these i three, persons in thirty 'Monies, cleared the house of the Most valuable eolutents.'elt i lfough the dishes MO 'all cooking utensils were dmtroyed.. I arrived on the spot a little past gir t - but ton late to render any ssistance, excep t that of. syMpathy. 1 The barn, containing about 200,C1 bushels of oats, with other grain and : hay accordingly, stood a narrow chance, but the wind fortunately blow ing from the south, it was Saved. The house was finished, and probably the whole floss is $lOOO 'or more ; whether insured, or unt I do not k n ow. Mr. Lyman,, through industry and good Management, is better able to Sustain this lot* than many others of this town. I ' I a. L. btu,. Sweden Valley, 1 Feb.l2' :1867. St I. I ore /thous graded Schools. .. ._ , . ; Mn. EDITOR : : Allow me to add a word to the discussion respecting Graded Schools. Coudersport has not a sufficient pbpulation to support an -Acitienly while a District school fails to meet the cleniandi of the people, The money to support selmolo comes from the pea ; pie whether it be by taxes or ; by tuition. There is but one object to accoMplish, to wit.:' the ed million of the children arid ybuth. ' Having, then, 4trie source froti. which to re eeive funds, midi one object to accomplish, the praetical gnestion is this 1: Can a Praded School compass as wide a range of studies as can a 'District school mid an Academy, and do it as well, and for less money't j , • A Graded School is simply a Primary sad a ;Fligher school united ? in which acquirement t 4 ; the basis of advancement. In a miscellaneous school a teteher finds ; plenty lof work with thirty-.-five scholars, while in a Graded' School the number may be increasedsixty without 'adding to the labor of lb; teach / i. Ihe reason of this is obvious when e roil t that as a rule the-same scholars . ate togeth froth the;time they enter the _lowest • they j graduate .front ! the highest departmen There are fewer but larger classes. Practice proves that the Glass pride consequent to th gmdeil plan', ixtrtery beneficial especially. to; those nclined I& fall behind. . ' I . • i. ' 1 I.)e But I will not discuss the ribs said de. merits of Graded,Schoolsr for while .theie are I no demeriti the merits are known and acknowl edged. and I may a:dc,. are felt where such schools are in progress. ;A Graded School will pay where there are one hundred scholars ,• I think not with lers. There should be four de. partnients, namely , :rimarj Intermediate, Gammas and Higher. The Cast two can be jpisbed, ilia/ is, be in the same boom and recite to the same teacher, bit the department line shoriii he maintained, land' art scholar, should be ?Wolfe& to advance to :v higher department till be sussains,an eFarainationbeilore an exam ining committee.. So also may tite , first and second departments be unitetll . . It is the province otGradediSahoolsio carry . a large sail r buO tx; mei , of this as is not needed' can be closely reefed; fpr the 'Owe,. and 113 116. then cumbersome nor expeirsiye. . „ i lii no; opus nn aGrarled Si3bool is the thing; for CouThersport andislamitt be one of her per.. inanent 'ibstitatiotia. h 1 A. W. than. Knoxv,ille, 111, Yet ' 6, 1867 • Exactness of Expression. , ED.3OIIIMAL AM so much pleased with the discussion elicited by my brief cominunicu tiori some weeks ago),on ihe subject of Graded Schools, that I venture to write a few lines on the subject at the head of this article._ Fvuerriess of expression is a rare - excellencs. I make, no pretensions to it myself, and yet strive to correct my l inlperfections inl,tlns re gard, and therefore, hope may be' *dulled for asking others to'dp the same. There is. one werd!, in very common use that I especially desire to call attention to. because nearly .everybody has fallen into the habit of using it infelicitously?. We say "female" col lege,..ifeinale" visitors, "female,' citizens, and female" prayer meeting. Any person of good taste,l who will consult Webster's Dictionary, will see at a glance that the terni"fethale" in such expressions is intieffinite as well as inele 7 gant.' The word "woman" willgive exact ex presion to the idea to be conveyed, and is every way more appropriate: Hence the authorities of Vassar Female College have applied to the Legislature of New. York to change the name to Vas."ar College ; and the 'Frtustees of the Fe male Medical College of Philadelphia have applied to the Legislature of this State to change the name of their institution tot• Women's Medical College of Philadelphia." These examples are 'sufficient to show. the itnprovement of taste in this respect, and I sub mit the matter to the good sense of your read ers. • COI/. • rank Moore's! "Women of , the-War." "Women of Hie *ar." their. lierninin and Self. Sacrifice. By Fr.tuk Moore, author of the "Rebel lion Record,. •.Disiy of the A m.rican Revolution," etc. Illustrated with i eel 'Engravings. Hartford: S. S. Remoter) & Co., UM. • = • This best of the books of the War yet rob lisbed, is now offered to the public by the can. iassers. We feel sure it will be found to be a work of real merit, If, seeks no ephemeral ' popylarity from highly colorerfand Mrinchau. - Beulah stories of i mpossi ble ad ventures by doubt - ful females figuring as dasbi.ig .couriers in our armies .or "spies't in 'the Confederate. Camps. But its records are the trnthful histories ofnaire noble lives. Nn' character is here introducer' that was not asowsfto be pure. Here we have the experiences of Women who forsook the com forts of elegant houies, fur the wild scenes, the Miseries and the dangers of the army life, actu ated solely by the dt , F_ , ..re to-minister to the suf fering soldiers. j Ana What scenes they enconn— tered Somettmesitt the thick ot tiattle, amidst I plugging shot and bursting shells, succoring the fallen soldier, regardless of their own peril; oftener seen at the hospital cot, bathing the brow of the safferer, attending to- his wounds, and cheering him in his loneliness and agony with some saving delicacy that only the thoughtful heart and ready ham) of -Woman ever brings.. How many owe their lives today to the ministrations ef these self sacrificing wo menY Margaret Breckenridge. Mrs. Lanny Ricketri, Mrs, Mary Brady, Mrs. Belle Reynolds, Mrs.' Mary Morris _Husband, and many more in this noble litit—they are names that deserve to live. Only by reading the facht of their lives in the armY--facts', ofrenthnes more thrilling than any rothanee—;cark we lie let to realize the beauty and nobility of woman's soul, or the:true heroism, and the unselfish. faithful devotion of which women: sre ',Capable. This is the true field fur material for an interesting book ; and the author has done; his part- well: Thousands of our soldiers who Will see this book, will take it eagerly to their hearts and homes, for the grateful and undying i meinOries, With NThia its characters are assoclatedin their own bremrt,s, The work is splentilly published. Nothing comparable with it in ii elegAnce and beauty has before been brought o ut, of all the .taroks de voted to our war literature. The portraits of these women, on steel, are in the very highest and costliest style ,f the art. We Insr it is meeting with a grefit sale. It deserves it • Mr. George Howe, agent fur this Book, is now in this place nod will canvass the village and most of the Cloimty, of Whom' •tke Book can be procured. - • ' ' Dr. Schen° Pulmontc Syrup 'this great medicine cured Dr, J. 11. Schenck, the ! Proprietor, of; Pulmonary. Consumption. when it had assumed its most formidable aipect and when speedy deatli s appeared to be inevita tile. His physician's pronounced his case inept.- able, when he comMenced the use of this simple but powerful' remedy. His health was restored in a very short time,and no return of the disease has been apprehended, for all the symptoms quickly disappeared, and his present ,weight is more than two hundred pounds. Since his recover he has devoted his atten tion excluswely to. the cure of consumptionand the diseases which are complicated with it, and the cures effected by his ,inedicines have been v e i.v numerous and truly , wonderful Doctor S e g en el:.iiin:res professional visits to several of the larger ci;.ies weekly,eylere he has a large concourse of paiLmts, and it is truly astonishing to see poor consumpiive4,that have to be lifted out of their carriages, rind in a few months hc.ilthy, robust person. - Dr; ;Scnsseit's Penn,- :sic Szswitry ToNic,and 2,l,oainassE PILLS are generally all required in curing consumption Full directions aecompaity , each, so that any one can take them without seeing Dr, Schenck, but when it is convenient it is best to see. him: He gives advice free: but for thorough etcaraina- Lion. with his Respiremeter his , fee is three dollar Please observe;when purchasing, that the two likeness of the3doctor; one whoa in the last stage of consumption, and the other as he now is, in perfect health, nie on the government stamp. General aholestils Agents: Demas Banes Co., 21 Park HO:, New York ; Ironed, 108 Baltimore SC,Bultimore,ltld.gc,hn 17. Park, N. E. corner of Fourth and Walnut St... Cinci nnati, Ohio; Walkor, S Taylor,l34 and 136 Wa bash Avenue, Chicago, Ill.; Collins:BrOgiers, southwest corner of Second and Vine St.s., St. I,m As, Itfo: I [3rdw.eamo.lyrOctp, / THE .AMtRICAN • qOW-MILKING MACHINE! I Tye GREATEST and most. SU,I6CESSFUL INVEPTTION of the abie ! Every prudent farmer should have one. Secure your OWN teiritory. Apply - early at the office. Exchange Buildings. Harrisburg, Pa, Feb.l9, 186 e. 3ur VALUABLE FARM AND ROLE STAN% FOR 'RENT, At Colestitir undersigns -to inform those; j r.l wishing; to rent that be will ren t the', fine mid tat farm situated at the' above named place. for three years from the first day of April, 1867, It contains FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFIT of land, of whi h about sixty acres ere ploughed:l seventy acres of meadow, and one :hundred acres of pastUre. I - The above fora Cash rent. ,_ He wiltulso rent at the same time, if desired,! the live stock on the farm, consisting of nine cows. one hundred sheep, with a fine stock of hogs, chickens and geese, and abdut twenty young cattie r ell all ItiOds, to double in. three yearn. i; 1 1 There is also ox. leans whielb the renter cart have if he desires. 1 Approved security must be give'. I 'will be in Coudersport, at Vernrifyears Hotel, on the 25th day of February; to reinain one week, and Will not close the bargain until the third day to give farmers from a distance; an opportunity to examine this farm- ' 1 . ' StitIlUEL bl. MILLS. Titusville, Feb. 15, 18G7. • SELE Miss M. E. D Schskil in the,C day, 31arch 4;1 Ttose. intetidi i instruction Vs • Tuition to be sa folliows Intermediitte Common En. Higher, • Book Keepin! Incidentals. Comkrsport, ,Firth' _Music Store ~ . . D .i irs 4l.w irra .F3r; r4 .-To:- Ir . ' (Soccessorfts Firth, So et Company,) ,- , ,MUSICS , .PUBLISIIER , . ManMeitner and Importer of - eal lON rnments, . ' 211uot - - 1 . 'rlano Fortes,. .. , ilielotleotits, . . ' Cabinet .otworts, ' li.ndeversdcw; piton of Musical titerehondlse . ado N't w ork Agency for the celebrettol, . Gptitore • Co"o Banllpstratocota„ Our Band Dep4tment is inkier the pmsotiel onperal pion of Mr. D. T.. nOwNO7O.. - " ' Wholesale Mid Retail Depot for the nusivalled • Farliur.df.tt Co ttage Organ Which challen c teo comparison as the most effective Instrument yet rifered to the public. New and plaice Music Pablahed :Daily. . ' raf-Catalomses and Trice Lists of Instruments for olobed on application. , trirlsitest Music from airthe lending Publishers in Amer/ix I . tar Any piece of Music, or Music Book, sent by nail; post-paid, on receipt of retail price. Zar'Ordershy mail for uoicor Instruments receive Prom pt nod careful attention. saran goods warranted to process represented, at FIRTH'S MUSIC STORE, • • 563 Croadwny; New York. IBM.lyear WAGON-SHOP • AND . BLACKSMITHINC, In Lewisville Potter County Pa Hl undersigned desirea to inform - the in. _habitants of Potter Catlfify that . he is pre pared to do all kinds of • • • WAGON AND BOGGY WORN Una Blacksmithing, at the lowest prices. New work both light and heavy, built to order. Having bought the Wagon' Shop known as E. Hackett's Mill Shop, in the village of Lewis ville, and with the assistance of Water Power, and the best of seasoned Lumber, he will do work on abort notice, at Hie Cheapest Prices: Call and see for yourselves: N. L. KIMBALL, Lewisville Feb. 4, 1567.--41 • WAsran—A. good WOrkinan, A' mart with a family preferred. .. NOT!A HUMBUG! T am atrtharized to sell Doty's einthei and Wool I. Washer its the county, and having used one for three months 1 nay ; unqualifiedly, they are just what they promise -n gon.d . thirig. A strung , man or woman can wash as mach. in two hours as a woman can wash on a :ornmon wash board in eight how s. .4 fair test Will convince any one that it :if noi r pmbog. A will sell them at a profit or Oais Doidrio cab each 'Machina, Correspondence Invited. . Lain, sell the Universal Clcithei , Wrinker witli togs. Any Wringer will answer that Will work ma' a tub. Usual price of a Washer, i $l4 :militia 4 Wringer,. i 660 10 and $l2 1 will e'en considerably les ,my object heina chie fl y to introduce a useful article. I L. BIIIID. Brookland: Pm, Dee. 20, l 66. ; GERMANIA., Potter Co.,' Pa., Aug. 1, 1863.. XI'MICE. is herd*. given that Charles Pm .l.7‘ short now or late a this county, holding the i'ollowing described !property. has not ye' paid any eonsideration Whatever fcr the 'same, and all persons, are. licrey warned not to ptir chaSe any or said prope ty of the said Bushor before the decision. of .he, Court is given in tbi4, case and C. Busho- has paid to me the coaideration money t4refor.' The following is the property : Ist. A certain tract pf land near the Ger mania Mill, in warrant 5075. Abbott toirnibip, Potter county, Pa., containing 100 acres.— Also 25 acres in warrant 507 S and adjoining the above. 2nd. certrin tract ()flaw], with Mill and improvements thereon, near Kettle Creel, in warrant 5/310, in Stewartson townshipiPOttel county, Pa., containing about 204 acres, C. Busbor holds also iii /Treat warrant no. 2501, in. Gaines township, Tioga county, Pa, on the mad lending from Germania to Gaines, containing 850 acres. tf WM. RADDE. TER HEA COUGHS, TEMPER, YERS, rou: LOSS OF' TITE AND ENERGY,. use Improve wiad r ins the appetite—) a smooth glossy skit transforms meLserable it hem, County, Pa. . In all disease of Swine, Rich as Cought,tilsera fet the Lungs, Liver ~ • le ( Se., this article - 1 , - , - - sets as I speeille. c'. . By putting from . ' - . ' one-half a raper to a. a per n forret p of swill the .-- 4 1-=-- Obove diseases 4 - - _,.--....2- - ' r._ - = -- ' - 7 --- - ----- . -,-...- ::.....-----__ will be eradigated -- --, - --r. -..---,-- - or entirely prevented. If given fn . time, a eerhdir preventive eat! cure for the Be Cholera. Price 2&:Ceata per Paper, or 5 Papers for li. PBEPABBD sir ig, A. ror TZ & urto., WA= • IVIIMISALN MO AND MEDICINE DIVOT. No., US Pat lat St., Baltimore, Md. . For Sale by,Drugglata sad. Storekeepers through out the WWI Slates; Sold by P,:A. STEBBINS k. CO.,CQuders port, Pa. I - T SCHOOL. ' VI DSON will bpen a sa ti n 'udersport ,Aeaderay, :57, to continue: Twelve wee 4, to teach will reeeivjapeCial Eittite middle of the Term; • .. $3 00 - 5 00 511 -- (extra), 1 00 25 b. 4. 1867. 3w Notice. FOUTZ'S Pain 'This preparatfon, tong and favorablt kpo aa , will shoe oughly reinvlgoratp broken-down aad low-spirited horses,' by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and intes tines. It Is a sure pra• "Mill's(' at all dls• eases incident to %dog is !nearest:de. -"yes the quality `le milk. It Dee proven by u• . experiment ter ,create the qua" , .ity of milk and cream twenty per •nt. and matte the At ter arm. end reel. In fattening Ile, it gilleit Thine xppatite, ioolamiS Ic hide, um them firth PLASTER ! 11111 E undersigned would o inform thicitizens , t!f Potter that has 60 Tilos of Plastet • • = at his store in Mil)grove, which 16 sell'm low as any place on the ' railroad.' • S. COI4WFIL: !grove, h Feb. 5, 186 • , . , _ Do Y . otil 103.0 w ''[t7 TV) you know tbat Neornlgla , and Rhutitatu t sreica LI he cured too nu know thakmany po r sufferers - .om the aches and pains so precaleot at tins etll6llll of the year, have found nelcome relief by using new and powerfnl morels . ; n .11ed - • - • - SALUTIFER? It is the great external tali for .Neuralgia; Rhea matistn,Quinsy,Sore 'Throat, nuttiness of the Limb.. C*lck In the tract, Pleurisy. Chilblains, and 111/11V oth.-r diseases which are cured and always benefited by an outsardsipplication.: feseprenspd lion. eo safe and convenient so. easily applied. that eofriybod'y will ago% ,13.1dutifler is sold 1,3' ill deafer" in medicine 1110 °rids h.er bottle.' • • , von pw.S.*. BY Ellison. it• Thompson, and Chas. S. Jonas, in Coudersport, 'Mid by 'Burris' kotter • Ulyeaes, Peuna. • . • Oct22-iy NEW. NAN AND PRICES ! NE .C. H. ARMSTRONG ; . • Would respectfupy inforn: the ettfze'ns of Potter county-that-he hot purchased the Store, and TIN-SHOP recently owned by Henry Olmsted. and will •ontinue the business at the old stand THt 01.14iTED BLOCK. he will keep eonstandy on hand a Wher LAR AIVID C.AREPULLY SELECTED SVOC.II r,vtheag asually kept in , a Mird :tpee, canartg iehieh Ufa It; found F CHSAVY HARDWARE, .41VG; P0.:1" AN.O F'ABLOR A. STOVE,' I il SHEET-IRONWARE of ear, ware MB COO TIN PP gf KETTLA'S; 4WIDEkg, SCOTCH-BOWLS 7XG-PANS, FR SAP-PANS, Cli UL1?11ONS. ALSO, ricultural Implements, as Plows, Sciapers, Cul- EM. It vators, Corn-Shellers, Horse-Rakes, Hoes, Straw-Cutters. WORK IS WELL MADE and GOOD MATERIAt. • Good andsOstantial Eaves-Troughs I put ups . any part of the 'COunty.. Efi 'VE HIM A TRIAL I Coudersport, Feb. , 5,1867. BOSTON, CLOTHS HOUSE ! THE subscribes sespeetfAy Informs the citizens of Coudersport and the pablie in general, that be bas opened a , . READY MADE 1 CLOTHING STORE, GILLETT'S SLOCK WELLSVILLE, AT4JEGANT CO, .N.Y One door below • '• 1 • ANDERSON 4- DOOpITTLE'S HARD WARE' !STORE, Mere will be found at alt times, a Conti:date lestoll utents and latest styles of ! CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING, GOODS, TRUNIP Our motto Is Cheap for Cash, Quick Sales' . Small Profits, But One. Priem New Goods received every week. Call and examine our Goode and Price's before going elsewhere. . U. IL OPP; October 22.11 FINE FANCY FURS 1 CHAS; A. BEIRIPICIFI. No. 407 Broadway, and 3 , 2 Malden Lane, New Sort, Importer, Manufacturer -and Shiplier. of FURS, Offers hIS large and well assorted flivUK of Finn Fara, In ail styles, at lowest Manufaoturerre , prices. • Highest pricepaid for BallißLNOt VMS. lki" Bend for Circular.- • GOOD NEWS NEW GOODS STRANGE ME rilitialra THE LOWEST FOSSIBLE PRICES BARGAINS BARGAINS! No attention Daid to the cost' of Prompt eonformity 'ffithe:feyest Market Prices.* our established MI We are deteratined to& glye the public the Benefit of the I'FALL, We sign try to prove the REle "Woks both Ways." You paid high prices whet, goods Went tlfi f we will see to it that you pay low prices now GOODS Others may go down, but we de not intend to be beaten. ill we ask is to give us a Ca% Shop much as yau please., If you know our prices we feel stir 111 We are ht for the trade this spring and are determined that CHARLES S..JONES• Shall take thei lead in jfurnishing this!, •. • - section oti the country ; , with the best ofl the: articles for the least money. Ours is the Store where that can be done, COME, SEE, and be CpNVINCED. , Cotton Goods! wd , are now offering at prides which can not fait to strike the purchaser as oabusettiip CALICOES WITH THE STARCH I L OUT OF ROTH CLOTH A,19 PniEVIT4O3OIII BROAD-CLOTI-I, Plain &Fancy Cassimerei STANDARD . MUSLIN S Bleached and Unbleached Muslins of all PaPices. Flannels of all Colors. SILIM LINEN 1-IANDKERCLUIEVS, SPOOL COTTON.' Tickin.g, Striped Shirting. Denims. Crash. Toweling TADIES' DRESS GOODS, All -Wool Dabbles, imt.Debbies. ' Mohair Imitres, GROCERIES;- Of all kinds. COFFEES, WHITE & BROWN SUGARS, SYRUP COMON MOLASSES, GRIMM & BLACK TEA S, SPICES of-all kinds. A great variety of be oest brands of SMOIOSO & CHEWING tOBACCO. Cort! Brooms, Cedar Buckets; No. Land 2 Mackerel,. Labrador Earring, Hams .1 Shoulders. Also, DRUGS and MEDICINES, READY-MADE - CLOTHING, ROOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, AC.- REMEMBER WE I PAY ME HIGHEST PRICE FOR COUNTRY- !RODUCE. • CHARLES s. Jon& Coudensiorl, June 5, 1856. AND BUT IN MI GOODS. ME PATLE. this time. tee ,down, of a sale. 111 All ; binds of