1,12 . ATEM ENT nd Exptnd I 1 .itnrcis or PottbrCdunty eliding WI :the 24 a t tiny tit Dee. U F the Tteteipts. 1..) for the ; $ANir D. 151 "- jtsc'd from notes,. of Lindt r. wed from Seated' ,udgment and redeinnt ion • $ en 7d Co II ntyTaxca for ISOB =id 4491 52 l efironnty Tixes for 1044 7869 OS . Sented for 1666 anl pre- perfiotts itretirO Unr , x ea R“..d fm Tu., 803 6s. :,...cep - ,Thiseated fit , . 1864-5 1545 t:8 Iraxem fur Seated laud., re, vitliigytars It.e'd ['colt Relief tied iron, Kel:et tlitned:tiUtit , th fter'd trom M ilita Bee'd froni St.zte, precious yci Ber'd from U .sen teed from Un.e“ I teed froni Soat,cll 1140:1 from Capit seed (tot Log I s Taxei for 1564 13-uuly Tax for 1866 and edlnnde for 1g64-5 EIMB=I returned ui Unseated . 4 , 5) 25 R .celigg, Toth roil for Cot'ara on am't ul eevicbe for'lB6s * 80 00 • 1a66 7f.t9 50 " berk. hi for 1865 . : 71 .00 " 1866 • 64)0 00 . • On Botrltv b..uds - .. 40505 09 " Relief to : 4 43 1 diere' families in 00 " Grrnd .10,re foes 1 528 ++l '• TraVe , on Jaw s fees . VT 28 i" Hlection 4•xpenaes 764 57 4 Clerk of uarter Seaaiona feet!. 155 22 4. COrititabitrA,CtUr:lll t 16311 " Tending Town Clock_so 00 .. Justices returns' Repair* tkpublic buildinza Ho d tinlownsblp ;lows i" AuJitrirs w wages . , : t•' Tip Stav •it lr. lUnitizes nostst , ed by 'Road VieWErti .. Public Priuti..g. I Fuel .. ti, - --noniwealth costal Common...—. -., 0 Jlidgmet 4. 70 favor of townifiltit .1 qtalifies ion free . : • . .0 c o urt crier " Jail expenses :" Wild 1.1 Beettity 0 Attorney fee 4 " Money refunded ° /Merlin. ff.re, • "- eltationer : • ° Jury fee. '0 °0 State T. on Judgmeitti ' 1 • '" rostage, . . ." Briga , le nspeef or ti ." Judginct) Ain :"'CIiCIOI DiAttidli fd •.. Sheep kil ed by ....oze :I " Judgme; tto Elias and Datil Ile:rt. i:ife. •." Court exivense: 14 :". Lunatic ry lum DI; 0 .ReCordet tees 4 •" Prot ltonotary's Pets 21 1 " Bridges l 24 0' ." Expense of variranie 56 SG . 41 4pret t Treas.] on .$.12 1 :11 3G Co. tax 519 77 .." * 1 pr et tolfreee 0n542404 'it. 13nutty tax 424 04 . 4pr et io,Treas nit ;2401.15 liebef Las 96 05 . °4 pr ct I°l'l're:is:lon P 7.13 Mu; tax li CS ." c ElCessOflkceipi-sover Expenditures 5951 06 0 I Toil] Expenditures- V.)7907 ::.9 We do certify that the foregoln: Statement of Re lfeis4a end Expet diturri of Potter County for the year 1 11114-lectirri:et as appears from_the recortia aid vouch 'sea in tlite (tifte r . , . 4241' Clatniegiol.le Y 0010 , ..T:in, 2t, 1917. • C., P. FCILII 11.;.1.N, ? F" , 041 , C1.. M/1. CNOE. ` COMMIShiOnCTS, E.. 0. A (.1.,,T/S, S . COLE, Clerk. 3tteit - :1). 13, ir4TIE4IENT of Piitter .County on the let il,ty or 1).15.137. riF, the Fund' Janilar'y ty opts'Anainz $ RS 46 r:IVO . I1 of Wat rvli Co. ..1111.r. f. 1123 Stkortet of Coo o *Yode l lotere-ti I'' Jademc flood t !Worm , " Judgro I Assette 13'1 the KlMe IL ill favor of 18. Si. D. Ilerr dil Ili* sine.. 6 !I Jolm Keating 1 an the sante lilt in fuvor of tire,S:tAto lover iodebtvdoeei nt of County Indebtediirs4 $.9Z52 7s tntat itmo II) or • Rand t Inure Unpai Intcr Ily or 1. iThne 1.43:1c . # 169.0 IX) =I tr , tidA to volunteerg 2..1567 00! on the same 67 irOt:htednesl s34zsi orders out :1:111ditit: n•_ne. Total ani , sm't of no Aest,lts user indeMod , .ess VAT ,S 4 • Cu inty toles due !zooid untelited ' for ISGB t 20,k es due from P.M.eottid lands by am't of Co !snap t a . for $ / Siate.ll .1. TaXe• perocy taiCa • " Tates • 0 'Relief 1 1'57:360 returned akunffilted t 7700 file fr.qn F eatrd tai.ae 'ma • , j prl)perly )S4 61 due trotn t•eated lands and nal property for 154.5 . • due. from Feted_ Inds and • H n Pr-perty for 1566 . 11;57 06 axes "11 U: seated f:tad+ for '6.5 . 4 F: axes nn tin -Oated f 2. 'CS 974. 69 use , do Sente . .d.lnilds And per property for 1554 nst.4 On S aed In.& and per- EWES • ; " nelei I prdperte for ISSN . . 31 31 t,xes on Sent-. 1 lands and per property for ISG - 357 CA taxes on seated lands rettirned I seat 4 tiawits of the Treasurer of Cntiat!t futtds outstandly/sls3 32 13 nu.y faxes, du6 from uilkated for INS $ $3 20 by.- %lays due from unseated tt or ISGO 7520 3CI tuxes due from orate I lands I I persoTtcprorlerty ft , r 7 51 59 'y taxes clue from - seat d lands , , - He , ednal property for 1565. 654 56 y t ixes duo from PC:M.. , lands _ I , personal Tiroperty f0r.16G6 . 0310 04, y I,,,kep doe on seated lands re- I edias lin,wated s, 111.1 CO e,e' In TresOurees hands ' 175 30t SOX Int it Stndao se: of IT , i • tn..] Bun and d. Bunn sae " Bonn and " Bonn tur id Rth , 'nap t 2 odittess orqr asse:til ' 174= 37 I\ —.-- ---. I t of B,untyl funds ontstandiog 434254 55 [ or; taxes due-for IS5e *O5 84 easurcr's Lauds. N4^2 00 'Totod 2anTi y.. affet,a I u , In T, ?et f =sop _. • t of Dog 'tax ou,Atanu,ild SUAIMARY;• INDT.BTDENESS. ,e amount of indebtedness OE= • AS. ETTS. :, .. I My alrg•egs e amount of assett a r 2461 '64; By excess indebledne , s over simile c.: 16162 1 0 . 1 Tot hl amount of meets ' - $45724 7 t , We the emmi-elonere of the County of Patter ,do de certifs . t at the fortgoink-Statement of the Fnuide of said don ty onl the Ist day of January 1567 Is qir, mi. as the filitu4ar on the books and voucher ,of, 'has Office. Cocamiia, onere' Office, Jat, , ,y 26 , 1667 . , C , . P. Ku.n. -rex; SAMUEL M rI:RoE, i Comede6loiic4. E. 0. Aran!:' I) 13. COLE, Clerk. .. . IC= ASUREWS REPORT. • es, Treasurer of Potter County,`' 'n with said County for the rear 113619 - " Q TR • i A. aceoun OeU7it . . , I...taSesTor 1861 ..f.:281 .44 - -. ' ' i . hues for 1E45 143117 74 $ 786$ OS axes for 1544' . . 146 42. . zee for 1865 1730 28 taxes for 1866 4371 31 . f seated tax*ot'd as unat'd 115'_2,• I• '.l on notes, judemanta . ' ~ or redemiitibn of landa 833 76 6.99 t; 9D . 6. dlted to acc of relief. lurid 828 84 525 84 iisantittn " unseat, " seated " seated " seated Am't Am't and Bal.c . . Rdiel and Nilitary. e due us per last report's ounty Auditors undid taxes col'd for 1864 i.k698 ii uns'td 'taxes col' tor ISni 646 66 • 1645 ;18 . 1 , tedret'A ai3unat'd in 1866 22 391 tax.eollktei4 ifi 1666 - - ' = TO' tax for 1866 &previous ya - ;.: .I'4B of To Balso,l "Am't Auer.' Tp I, R a u • County Bounty Taxi's. i? • nt collected oii•va'sted Lai for 186.1 (14165.36 collected on unrested tax for 1865 1 16911 12 collected on unseated' tax for 1665 1^_•26 .72 collld on F.eatediet'd SA unmated • 400_14 colPd on per capita tax for 1666 591 66 !seatidlltnillty tax fur 1666 and pre kl - yean i: : -..- I . . 17691 To am "Am't Am't " Am't " Am't Am' nudereport mud Shippe? State:Road. • • runt. of linFeatod Eiinte ito , td Tax' and !e Itrgu ?a r Road Tax to which thy State ( Iha elititledk.ollecied in. 1666 . SIO6S 35 liliarion and Lumber State Road, ff,! Rom] tax:in Wharton $307 CS ? tire It .)3d tax in Wharton for 18137.5 1r.:1374'2 ilulance Ono A..rJont..% :.L.' tot, (fit.;, To am , of th Roat, To St.' " II " Toi . , . iffrx Radii and gorprr il .use State Road. 0 . . the Road Mx f in the Whrrants ajree -11 in the . Act of Ai.oeinbly in tlie , ttiwn, Pal To In. ified 2'.2 .9 2 70 of Abbott, Stew attson:J.: ire6t Brun c h 3200 95 - _ , GernAania and Young,tromansinnx Sidle Rnad. To an .iunt of Sate Road Tat in Abbott $ 8: so ‘• aniou.r. of State Rod Tax in Ste . wartF•on 207 00 " J=1.4.11 pr et on State road svar.in — Aaid.i.i.,. 28:8 S 8 9169 64 $1676 is CM .501 c 6 97 ILli 4 , ,Aa91 ag • Dog,Pat nat of siiitax. for 1568 • .1 - . COUnly; -, s• • • *. , . . ~ 11. lilts: Tr ,, at s isis or Insi l. A lldit Ol ; ArilA $ . 152 7 9 0 - Finn-lion ors i thl 3 94,::6sis 4 percent. 519 77 ikunty or.'.s.,r-li:Lid-onsi ests.celled-,, 10151 41 ,Pn'ta:t, Lti,d'onii.eated tat.eirfOr ISW and .. j.nunk , ,ion 1 , 94 Collectors for iSf:A•I and Iperioaa yaalli . _, • fated 're. urili!d"af. drip'phtoA " f mourit.lu ..,boll4etbd fist 1865 and, pros:-_: !one .5 i aura 1 147'i '.I . . ET F 1 4 1" i eu 189 50 115 20 80 00 2 00 121 on . 291 91 IC Relief:and _TIFilarY Tazrs. at ed on seated Aux. tor 1866 'and us.teara $ lesiolesion pai" . 4 C . ollFtpcs fer IS and 0“13 n t iete rued na nu:seated for isop and ytOti; 17 17 ~cted tax outsta•aling for IS6d.and one years 408 es he.ion on tt^451.15 at 4 per cent , 06 04 paid and. caner 155 55 11 s 4 on Cr.unty tax oferpai I e .). NV, StereLs, Tcetti 13: tttei - 3t'a ; is Itoceip ' ' : 2 14S1 : ,0 , pub 6 40 By aln't li r n e n3 9i I jprevi preVi" neoll prev • rmrni, 4.1.111,4 " 1{:11.J1 .d, touniy . Poitnift . P.Ted; i intinnee due Trcasnrcr ae per LA Biport i iof C4 l uoty Auditors ' .. $ :10 45 poin m, tisluil on g424t,.4.75 at 1 tier cent '' i 424 04 A znoitht paid' on Bounty orders for the t- - pny,4ent of B o unty 'Rm.!: • - -f' ' - 41831 SG A noilqit atuitol on ' , entre] BilanCy tax for 1S)1 onil.p revio II A i eari4 ciao Olissiiin Laid ColloctorS ;IT iicull i iocteit oatiAnn•liim 1 . -eitiodi rim Inod an tinscitted''' :11anco paid J.. W . ..kituv ens, Treasurer 1 r.0.?8(.1. Couderiport and Shipp en. State Road. hood tux paid Altounsville ,O0?5 Cuaup:6-iun uu ! rafton ami Lumber ,State Road rs 3 - r np, is.ion nn *Y76 16:kt 4 per cent - I? . f.. -. ., 7 " 00 " .I.'“id Cou, - ..4..sAo.tere' .. uriler tu,St4e Road 07t.t .- t) . . I . ; t , Po, d 1.9 - 'i n.iir dig ( ITapi4r Ilault , State Road. i I ',, r; V . :, ni t pi ..I.lrorinfectliel`i eas'r of raid It4ad 4".27# 00 I ,: eon:l:mist:4Al utqa -, ,L13S 4 4 per deat 11. d 4 t.." 50 6s 1 L i Gel mgniz and faunge-Jraanstown Stet Road. Li , I .. , 13y ulrit paid Stale Road et Cm ordor $:35 CS ... . r. •• ConiTlP. , sioll ell $u.'21.6 .1. 4 per rent '22 91 •'nalapte due 13: a.. Y. SI . tu neeld I 14. CP 514 3'245 r lW 4 , 4 00 Ct' 04 iyi (K. 37 1 0; =EI Dog - az. By ordere paid and rancelt •d t-ttattritirion on $93 . 6.'3 " Amount: abated " CO:111114,10.1 paid Cao tore isl'ooll " . , amount tutcL.-1:11E11z 305 tr., " .B.,.laueux , dd .0 J. W. t.ev,:us, Treasurer 42 -20 . . .• - qtr_ o 0 We, the 'Fnbtei:bei7, tiditars of Potter Con city. tlfy that. we have ex:twitted the nec.,uots nod yttOho, of A. F. tate • Trerturi..r stnd. (2 , n ow jo Curtly. Itellet, Mibtary County, ontay. ti,ate !It• ud :“111 . polz T. , 5., and that tfie wit 11111 : Slat , m oo t ot s31:112 is correct.. 'Win:laza our bating alb. 3ilth day , xf tafy .1,1) 1567. R'. B. metre;). : , • 8. IL Atatt.rts, Auditors. • . .•' A: St DNST PREASURER ' S SCHOOL REPORT. .4, IF. Jourx, bar j,ca.surer _"otter County, in Account leiyh the ze..ecriel Sehool Disfriets for ihe Year 14.64.01: Pr: Cr Tol duciiist fiF Ati - ditor'sfoi• 1i415` '8 2 - St '•iniiu l cullecte4 in ltiGti 1:43 23 • , - $1146 04 By Coinnilssioneet i T ord.rs $l.lOO bo _'• Bal;4l*lea,uryr!handS 46 04 . .. 11 4C 487'70 • 1 - le• ; g To :loft col l ected iu 18,66 fly commis , ioners (order Bat in Treas'rs hands 3 11 • - $l2 07 L, Woodrilk;lndefiendent Dls/rit:l7 To rtriit of I:tx eolc in 18C6 $7 . 17 By Ci.ntuis:Aonerl order ;Bingham r ' • To ain't collected in 1866 By Cbrnmissioner7s , order BAllriTreas'rs hands I 64 - - tilara To Rti^rjrr dire difrie.t. Jr?.ib• A Audit ta's Relit t t 4r 1865 $ 86 58 A'm'tcollected i 1866 198 30 $284 68 By Co issioners[orders $284 se C4ucteraport. - To am'ec lleEteid iit'lB66 $1 44 BS eomitis iOtiees , order Eulalia. To bra. due D.rt per Au ditor's repo for 1665 $BO 34 " Ain't collected •ti 1866• 936 Q 3 $lOl6 42 • 1 1 17 -7'!5932 31 ..• ti 84 OS gas zheS;ri liatid I 1 1 I Genesee. arn't of tak cord in 1866 -$1 Coutraisioners' orders 'I , Bat ilf Trtai's' hands — , I I I ByCornmi " Bah in 1 Gnestv Independent District. % f 9nm co Iccted in 1866 $l4 69 Conianisioriere , order 1 'i.: i , — garlifork b am, t noOected in ' Iff6o - :? , ;.- sQtil46 i Coinin47ioners' order y Pal. in Erreas'rs bands SICZ94 91 is 166 P o wrrj: Olt in 1 • Hebron. ' (emu, tnlBGC:' s3er GS • Iloilers i order. 351. 32 eas , Ada 30 36 $3056 40 $3Bl 68 Hector:. - ectedin 1866 $247 63 o ain't col y comthi " Bal. in 11 toners' orders $231 G i reas'rs -hands . 1 o^ ,15(frOS6 33 MUM --. ;1572 es 1422 CO INISI S4_9 : 5 .23 77 $1.694 01 1617 51 :N*2 83 6 ,4 82 Mk, 36 -Ik,IOGS s MEI IMO $ 51 50 '4 r o 5 78 $1146 0' $8 85 $l2 U'r I AtTDITI* .4. j 4 F. Jones: late an Account with /County for the stc) $7 1? $7O 14 $65 70 • 4 44 $7O 14 ME $lOl6 42 :6 66 \ .. $l4B 6G 13 00 - -- 7 .466 . 91. Y \ v / . , 1 .51 GO s.97'.'s 7 48 lEM! $95 99 BEM 11 - 0-n,r To balance dtte Dist. per • Auditors' rel.'t for 15135 $ll9 79 " Ain't collected in 180 18 40 By Connissiohers (mini " Sal: in Treas'rs hands Jackson: To anatt - eollected in ISGG By . CointnissioLters' orders Keating To ain't collecled in )866 y Commissidners' order ' " Bal. in'Trelys'rs hadd3 ' Orrayo. To 13.4 due pist. per Au- - Rep't fir 1865 50 " ATn' i t colleidecl In 1866 298 11 BY'Commissidnei•s' $298 GI •Pike.. To anft collet din 2856 ..$321 63 By OornalissiUntr' orders •' 13a1. in Tr4as'rs hands Route: To bal, due Dist. per Audi ttirs' Report for 1,8(15 $59 ti ac Aet cndle'cted in 1866 1.72 50 By Commissioners orders " Bal. in Treas'rs hands 1. Shir or:. ~ t Td ain't collected in 1866 15334 02 By Commissioners' orders Steirartson. To ain't collected in 1866 $1513 IS I . ly Commissioners' ord6rs sl33e 00 ~ 8.1. in Trens'rs hands l:7 18 Sunit ft Tp 41 me_ ~,.perA - d‘• • • tors' Report for 1865 $77 3g " Ain't collected - in. 1866 ; 605 96 By qommis;ioners ' ' order " Bal. in Trers'rz hands - To Ual. (111 - e . Di..Tif9r AndiL ditors' 11. Tort for /863 11 18 " mu. t collected in 1866 242 70 By ci!nrimi; - sioners' orders I3al'. iu Treas . rs hands 4Cyltania To 1,11. due Dist. per Audi.i'• tors Report fur !BGS $7977 , " Ain't collected in 1566 ! 00 17 $ 1994 Dr Docnruissioners' orderz '. I ' $279 94 •1 Wysses. tTo atn't collected inl4...:Cti 4. . . By tOmmis-sioners' -orders " Val. in Treas'it hattis • $l.lO 60 Weir Branch; • . To ain't ebileeted in 19t9.1 S49Y 5g By= Commissioners' timer $492 21 '• B.tl. in Treas'rs bands 5 97 $497 :78 1 S L-A4 i 25 duR Wh rto . • To ain't colleeted,in I:'6f3 eI4G9 GS By Commissioners' order " Bal. in Treas'rs bands We the suhserihers, Auditors of Putter CooPty.:do certify that we have examined the ,recounts and vouchers of A. F. Jonas, late Treasurer of said iCounty in Account with the seven/ School Districts in said Coot& for The 7 1-car 1866; . and that the .foregoirlg Stacementi shoiridg the - balances due sald DislriCts (oat of s . h.telt he is entitled to his usuiti per centag4 is correct. \fitness our han l 4s this 30th day of Jan'y, A. D. 1867._ I r , I i ' , W. B; GnavEs, ! I , S. I-1 .1 MART.is, , Auditors. j__ : • A. SiDNEY LYMAN, J. . US' BE PO I{ll% ' reasurer of Potter County, e sryeralTown.ships of avid r 1866. Abbott. Dr. Cr. er r 1865 1 $ I p , :r Au r 1665 per AU or 18G5 collected Tit liai. I?.oad'Tax ditors' Reiet ' Bal. Cash Tax ditors' Belazt Bat. , Boutdy Ta ditors' Repl tt Atn't Road taxi in ISt a Ain't Cash tax collected in 1566 " Ain't Bounty tax collect ed in 1866 $2105 31 3norD's.prLl:i l 2 ; •Tlatl tax ~.._. ' ssoo" 00 `!:,s"4 4 6 °4 .11 1 44x:Tre4r. j • hands'Bo 42 " Com'3.ord'r oo Ca'sh tax 1 / "g2O 00, f Dal Cash Taliti Treas'rs hands " Corn's ord'on Bounty az " Bal Bounty tax in Try.tts' hands To nnit Bon . in IS Am' ounty . 1 1 866' • 2fllrgang; a collected $27 86 tax colt d scro se 'Road Lai $25 7U in Trea'rs , By Corn's ord'r o " Dal Rqad Ta • bands " Corn's oft!' on " Boliuti T. bands 2 16 Bouni± ta± - GS 66 x in Trer:s ` B eT3 I7 2 11 9 4 t'%' Tb•am'CfetSd . l. in 1866 •- • • $69 66 .. /rAtil'illa,slC 2 tak664ectedi . 7 l " 2r ; OT :;if - Atietlio443 -1 1a.a0U41-1::- edin 1666 , 107 36 .193.29_. Br Com's oro'r on Road tai $69 " ' " • 20 " Bat Cash tax in Tiess'is 11'nods " Com's o di onßounty tar .3 OT To ain't Road thx collezted By Can's ord . on Road tai $133 19 Tdtal on Road Tax per An : • • ditors . Report for. ISCS $ , It 3 a'm't Road tai colletaed $ll9 79 19 4o « SI3S . 19 in 18G , 3 , Ani . t. Bountc . tax collect ed in 11:C6 s=69 S 7 $. 4 6'.9 31 Br Corn's prci . .on Road- tax LA , Bounty $139 89 0422 S 2 li 07 ,139 81 AO Im't Road tax collected ill 1630 ,1$ 443'36 4 Ana't Bounty tax collect ed in IS'‘l,t3 'I• I S9 S 9 By Corn't ord'r on Road tax $ 435 40 " Bal Road Tax in TreasL I urer'shands ' 7 80 " Cum's ord on Bonilt.3 - tax 1420 Bal Boitnty, : tax in Treas - rases hatids . - /6 18 $251 53 EMU I= ,i 327 GG To ain't Road tax collected: in iStA; $l5B Si "Ain't Cash tax collected in 1866 " Ain't liouhty tax collect ed ih 1,9,6 G $231 145 $207 49 24 46 $231 ;.45 . $177 91 By Cm's ord's on Road tai $l3B 56 " 1.3111 Rnad tax ih Treasr's hands 20 07 " Corn's ord's on Cash tax 138 06 " Cash tax in Treas'rs hands "lll's ord on Bonn ty tai Bal Bounty tax in Treat' hands $334 02 $1513 IS to ain't Road tax collected in 1866 $126 28 " Ain't Cash tax collected iu 1866 36 11 " A m't Bounty tax colleet ed in 1866 E• Ath't Pont . tax - hollected is 18,36 15683 34 $653 32', SO 12 $383 34 By• Com's li Dal Roai Lands) " Com's o; " Bat CAE! Lacidsl " Com's of " Bal Boul $253 88 $lB3 7.5 70 13 w° - 3 88 hands " Ba! Poo !model 100 ob 19 GO bal B4nnty tax ns per Attditks fleptforlB6s $ " Ain't Road tax collected in • I SCG " tax. collectO in ISCG " lax collect cd in 181.313 1-156 00 ily`Cont's ord on Road tax " 13a1P.oad tax in 'rreits'n§ bands "-Coru's'ord'- on Cash tax Bal Cash Xax in.a:rearri 4 " Cm's ord on Bounty tut - 1330 I Bal Bounty tar. in Treng, hands 'SI4GJ 64. To ant',:. Road tax collected „.. iu 18.4i6 $220 98 44 Ant' L t Cash tax collected ii4J1863• 425'84 4 - Ain't Bounty taxcollectl ed in 1886 540 3.8 - - / $387 17 . . .. Bi-. Nin's oEd: on tfOia isi. ' .. ... .422!/' a Corn's ord. on Casli tax ' ,225 " ILO Cash tax in Tteial-3 hands " Cm's ord. on Bounty tax/ 537 ' 4 gat Bounty tat id Treiteie i hands / !1 . /Homer, / ~ To' j ara't Road tax collected - . .. in 1866/ . $142 3E/ it 'Arti't Rcinnty tui collect: ed,.in 1866 ' 8 1 88 IEI Ern 578 51 380 81 • ord'r on Road tax "d3al Road tra: in Triflers bands "jfm's' ord. on Bounty tax "Bal Rooky tax in TiZas". • bands 1 1139 39 t - ; 62 69 _ 00 202 20 To Am't 11.!ad tax. collected • ' ' in 18)36 $329 1.0 gt. Ain't C,ish tax. collected -• _ 'in 1868 .4 Ain't Denniy,tax collect ed itt :1800 DEE II By Com's ord'r on Road tax .6 Bal•ltotid tai ill'Trerls'fs ric,&dne.s'Oid'r on Cash'. tax' 13.11.Casti tai in- Tretts'iS - bands ' • - '• Cm's ord'r on Bounty tax Bal Bounty tax in Tr.ea'i hands • 73" 00 $lOO Heating. . . To" bat J. tax. per ,Audj- . tors' Report for ISGS $54 AG Am't Road tax collected in 18GG_, 2 41;r . ".Am't Bounty tax collect .- .ed , . 9 07 28 BY- -Ciim . sord l r on Rad r• 54 56 " RA Road tax in Treas'r3 hands . " Dal Bounti tax in Trea's I :, - .. , ==.7,