- - cotnir ifiroci,AallATtloy. rVamlENE...thellon. Robert (31. White President Judge, and the Hons. J,p,'P.ggart and Woolsy }Aortal, Associate judges of the Courts of Over & Terininer and Gent:int Jail Deli Very, Quarter Ses sions of the Peace, Orhans , Courtittl Court of Com %ton Pleas for the County of Potte ;have issued their precept, bearing date tile Twenty-third day of Deer., in the year of our Lord One Thous; end Eight Hundred and Sixty-Six, and to medirected. orholdlng a Court of. Oyer and Terminer and tieneral Jail Delivery. Quarter Sessions of the Peace, (tit li ans , Court, and Courtof Common Piens, in the B. roue of t canters port, on RON 'AY ,'`the 18th day tf February next, and to continue one week . Notice is therefore hereby ;rice tt to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace. tool Consitables within_ the manly,- that they be thee and there in their proper I persons, r at lOWelock A. hi. of said day, with their L i : rolls, records, inquisitions, exami rations. and other remembrances, to do those thin a which to their' offices appertain. to bo done, Aid those who are , bound.by their recountzances topr wecute against the prisonenclhat are or shall be in thd jail of said county of Potter; are to be then and there to prosecute against them as will lie just. -. 1 rDated at Coudersport, January lOth, 1866, and the 00th year of the Indepeudeme of the United Stales of America. W. W. i ROWN, filieriff. ~.. 'Administrators , WHEREAS Letters of Ad e4tate of Horace3l. Rail b i N. V., deed, have been granted all persona indebted to said estrti . make immediate payment, .and th against the same will present the ideated, fee settlement • SARAH JANE RATH F. WV. KNOX, coroerovort, Jun, T.?, 1867. .Adminilsirator't VOITICE is hereby given t ; Di ed, Administrator of tl e C.-CARD, dec'd, by virtue c' Orphan's Court of Potter Cot to public sale or outcry at tht the Borough of ; Couderspoi February 21, 1867, the follow estate,, to. wiL: - All that piece or -parcel of land situate 'in Roulet CoWnship, bounded :Ind described as follows : I Begimn :g at. the north-east corner of , lot N 0.161 deeded to J. R. 'hut ; thence east, fifty-three rods ; thence no 111 two hundred l ' and one-tenth rods ; thence west fifty-three : 1 rods to a corner in east line o' lot No. 27 deed ed to J. R. Burt ; thence smfth two hundred and seven and one-tenths rods to the, place of beginning. Containing Sixty-seven and eight tenths acres, strict measure, Mid being 'lots Nps 20 and 73 of the allotment o Keating lands in Roulet tWownship and 'parts of warratts Nos 2163 andi 2225. . To be sold to the highest a d best bidder. • LYMAN BURT, Administrator Roulet; January 17, 1967. i Ag'S.,Stil, W : I6.I4LSVILLEI Reeps thelargest and most coo! SCHOOL, arid. MISCELLANE BLANK BOOKS, POC Memorandums, Di Steel Pens Pocket J Blanks, and Statiol genet,ll), to tiaround in the eon aktl td.li 41 Looking GitLYSttS. OrAL,:r% nn.l LOUIZING.GLASS PLAY brokgn 111, eyery vitTriety' frels Agent for the 1 iio.l/1:317C SEWING tho simplest and bsstlnching public, sell 11110 ONLY Machine tt Cast Steel Shgttle. It Will last Sat in :Awn Ah for oeveral F P.T.AIVo' CABI-VET• 0 and 11 =IN Beautiful Holid In tlielr seaßoll Spneial at tention NNllll.eg:ven for any artlcles in Lis line. Pealent furhi.ybed with Schoo Pricey'. CorrespOdence A. Ste Dec. 11, 906.-11 y.: • sate 20 Tons :it JiLS. I yes', on Ger Creek. 20 Tons near John L. Wilb Drool:land, Pa., Dec. 17 COUDERSPORT A ' STAGE R.UTE, pa ESSRS.. 01,ASSMIRE .S.:. t 'BITE'S daily line 4 `.. of tapes' will leave Coral report, until further notice, at 8 o'elock in the worming, arriving In Ship. pen about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and will leave Shippen on the arrival of the Morning train, at 10:30, arriving in Coudersport about',o'clock, P. M, Travelers are refered to the Time-Table of the Phil. aitelphia &.• Erie Railroad, whir will be found wirer. tised in this paper, for further artleulars. about the Ne York p' advantages of this route. •asiongers will whir will 30 MILES TRAVEL ,NO 5 HOURS TIME iIT taking' this roots ht preference to that of the Erie .Rtilway: NO CHANGE 0 CARS BETWEEN SIIIPPFN AND NEW YOT K.' Fine, new, curn• fort Able wagons and good team are kept on the Stage Route. Packages and Exlires bualn.ve, attended to With care. •I 1). Y. GLAS:SMIR.E, , I MIT. IA WRITE, Proprs Coudernport, Pa., Oct. 9, 186 ~ ' If you want SEASONABLE GOOD; GO T P. A. Steb STALL'S UNR TAILED Piano and Fu.rn#ur6 ' Polish ! TIIBT INTRODUCED, and beingadopted by all' leadlnglinusesM the mantifacture of Pianos, Or gams, Billion) Tables, Furnitu, &c., &c. Everyone who has, a Plano should have 'bottle of this Polish. Send forCireulare,. and we win give fril particulars and directions. It input up in bottles set 30 cents and 40 cent send where half a dozen are ordered at once. we will for Ward prepaid - by Express. Applications for Territory.and Agencies received by BROWN & PERKINS, General Agents ort he United States, Jan. 1-3 mos. No. 420 Broome St.; N. Y. JOUV N'S 'KID GLOVE CLEANER • ESTABLISHED I 2 YEARS. nits article has beep used its Paris for many years, and is what the manifact brit of gloves nos to Mr par to them the delicate titer they l . avn J e n the hand , of the ~ ewers. It seas littrolncecl Into this conntry over 12 vs neo,•: tel it is :it this dole the , NLY isrettir GOOD Kin Gin - F. CLEANED. It IS per fec:lrtnridorou.=. and tile ulev cleaned truth it while upon tint hand, and w4n irisk...diately. One bottle costing :35 cents will c can tilt pairs; thus for ONESEar a pair; any lad" , cur elean her gloves in n few moments and have them ookinv like new. Most dealers in Fancy Goods keel it for sale. but when they do not and will not send for it, ladies may 'club together for a dozen hottles and send us P 250. and lee stilt s'nd liwin t h e dozen packed in a wooden hon. Mitt ill nrieetodealers. A.'dress, - JUL:TENT., KID GI i tYVE CLEANER. am • Depot; 02 Fe on Street, New York. FURNITURE We would call the attention of th, peel Potter to our 1 very Large Stock of Furniture. PARLOR SUITES, CHAMBER SETS, DINING-ROOM SETS, KITCIIEN and COMMON Work of all kiricl Our aisortment of T-ac0c07r.133.g •Gratra..esesep es is larger than ever before tiliered. , Photograph Frames " and Notice. I Inletratlon on the e, lute ot . Portville, ) the undereigned, qe are requested to twee having elahne n, properly authen- ONE , I= IM l at the undersign e ;tate of ABEL f an order of the nty, Will expose Conrt House in . on. Thursday, ng dese:ribed real Of all varieties From our long expvriende in the busines.4l having better facilitit , s for manufacturing than any other establiselonent in Western New York We feel confleaut that we can sell cheap r than any otter Furniiure Establishmen in' the Coulltry. , 'Ready-Made Coffins Kept consta i ntly on hand. COATS' BROTHERS, -wEr,LsviLLE, N. Y. IS-25tf , If you want GROCERIES,suchasTEAS,COFFEES, WHITE and BROWN SUGARS, I, SYRUPS and MOLASSES, SPICES, G 0.70 - 1 P. A. Stebbins "& man, N . IN" r pfete nagortinent of US BOOKS, ET)OOKS, Ines, Gold & (raves, Law ers Goods Itry. Summer Goods ! !cm-Top and fIimARK for fitting. up e Franaes awl .11L1 CHINE" yet offered to the at lases a Hardened life time. et Class YOURatttention is invittd to the large and attractive stock just :received, and for `sale as low as the same qualities can be bought anywhere in the county. . We.have on hand a Wea l and varied as sortment of Domestic Cottenii, co;nprising BROWN SHEETINGS, and I! SHIRT) GS, BLEACIIED*-MUSLINS, • DENLifS, i STRIPES, CHECKS, (TANS ELODEONS, I.le termg. y Goods, orders from abroad TICKINGS, and QOTTO FLANNELS, on which we cannot be unders i old. . We purchase onr goods for Cash. and offer them at a very small advance Fiora Cost. poke at Publiaber art Stillman. HAY e.see Forks of Pine FLANNELS. IF you - want to Ipuichase I BED, ) GRAY), r's, in Ilector lUCI EN _BIRD. .866. . r BLUE, or PLAID FRENCH SHIRTING FLANNEL, call At OlmsteA9s. D SHIPIEN DRESS GOODS; DELAINEA, PRINTS, I BROOM:, and WOOLEN SEIAWS HOODS, CASSIMERES, a full supply At plmsted.N. J)I 1 ON7 fail to Fall beforepurchasing and Y see the assotitment At Olmsted's I ' of all Kinds, BOOTg .6z SHOES FOR 3ten Women & Oh nety and cheap I ins & Co's. For Molasses, Syrup,-Sugar, Tea and Coffee; in fact everything in the Grocery line r call A full assortment oflabiost everything that is kept in a country store on hand. We intend to keep Goode that will give satl.sfaction and _ sell good articles at the Lowest living profit. • II Grain of all kinds, Butter, Wool, Deer Skins- Also,' County, Township and School Orders, for all of whkh the highest prices will be paid I Al Olnthed.'s Coudersport, Pa,Novl.lB, 081 Gilt Windings, ER OLAISTED'S. • SONTSGS, .NUBIAS, BALMORAL SKIRTS: i CLOTHS, find CLOTHING. I lhiren, in great va t Olmsted's AT 01:31TED'S. AT OLMSTED'S, `~E I Sheep Pep e, Furs, II If you want 4LL RINDS OF Mil HARDWARE, such as IRON, NAILS, CUTLERY, PLOUGHS; BLACKSMITH'S TRIMMINGS, &c. A. Stebbins & Co7s. BBINS' ric Soap Eleo SAWS TIME! SAVES MONEY I \ SAVES LABOR I SAVES CLOTRE . . SAVES W s MEN! AND ALL GROCERS SEL IT. It is used find dis solving in but ive to ten minutes, and .o them as clean as hour would do, with ordi not 3 , fabric re ceive no Injui is of hind lies who arc 1 ierauaded to do withoui DOBB. SOLD ,BY TB 7 107 Sou IF YOU WANT Anything to Eat, or Wear, or for the House, the Farm, or the Garden, GO TO 1 P. A. STEBBINS & Co's. MELODEONS ! CABINET ORGANS ! Piano Fortes ! TIIE subscribers have opened n Music Store in the new buildings recently erected by the ALLEGANY 4CADE3IY OF MUSIC In the village of Friendehlp, where they keep on hand as extensive ho.assortment of Melodeons, Organs, and Pianos, as can be found in any Music Store In New York or Bo•ton. - - There le scarcely anything in which there Is !CP much deceit es In the manufacture of these Imdru ments. The outside is the work of Clabluet-mukers. Any one who will reflect how much ditremice tWenty Svc dollars will make in the appearance of a bureau or table, can readily understand, how a few dollars expense may improve the outside of an instram ot, while the inside may be utterly worthless. Any one can judge of the outside appearance, but only expe rienced judges can: decide the value of the inside. The great advantage which the subscribers offer to buy an Organ, or Melodeon. or a Piano, is that every instrument they have un handle very carefully select ed from the best makers, by ONE, OF THE PROFESSORS OF THE ALLEGANY ACADEMY OF MUSIC thus rendering it Certain that the ;instrument Is per fect. They warrant every instrument. and Will ex ch.•ngo or refund the money for every instrument that proves defectiVe. They can also Fell at less prices than city 2tinsic Stores as they do not have to pay the enormous city rents. Our firm is composed of those -who own the Allegan i 'Academy of Music. As this Institutlon is permanently established in Friendship, those' wishing to purchase Melodeons, Organs, or Pia , •os, will readily understand the value of purchasing from a responsible house located near thorn. J. BAXTER & CO Allegany Academy of Music, MUSIC STORE. Friendship, N. Y. J. B. & Co. nrertleo prepared to.t.nswer orders for nil kind. of Musical Instruments. Mumahrublien• (lone, Sheet Mtvie, and Musical Merchandise genet.. nov 30,1866 tf If you. want ALL KINDS OF DRY-GOODS, sach as DRESS GOODS, ALAP;A.CAS„MEAINOES T LADIES CLOTH, DE LAINES, &c GO TO Pi A._St4bbins & Co's. GO TO OAP, OCERS =I "18 years istablished in New York elty." "Only Infallible remedies. known." "Free from poisons." "Not dangerous to the human family." "Rath come out of theirlholes to die." "Costar's" Bat, Roach &c. Exterminator Is a paste—used fur Rots, Mice, Roaches, Black and 'Red Ants, &c. Costars Bed-Bug Exterminator Is a liquid or wash—us , tl to destroy, and also as a preventatlya f r Bed-Bugs, &e. Costar's Electric Powder for Insects Is for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bed-Bugs, Insects on Pintas, Fowls, Animals, &o. , Bar t I I BEWARE I I 1 of all worthless imitations 1101 - See that COSTAR'S name is on oaeh Box,Bot tlo, and Flask, before you buy. I 1 lid Address Henry R. Costar 484 Broadwu), 7L Y. Sold In Coudersport Dar By the Merchants generally. And all Druggists and Retailers ererycrbere. 46 C/cossteta-'s" . • CELEBRATED BUCKTHORN SALVE , . For Cuts. Burns, P. rnises, Wounds, Bolls, Cancers, Proken Breasts,Bore Nipples. • Bleeding,l Blind and Painful:PileAtcrofulousi Putrid, and Ill•conditloaed Sores; .Uleers, Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Cuta neous Affections, Ringworm, Itch, Corns, Bunions, Chilblains, &c„ Chapped Bands, Lips, &lc., Bites of Spiders, Insects, Animals, &c. vial 'Boxes, 25 ets., 50 ots., and $1 sizes 13arelo1d by all Druggists everywhere I""Aud by Hester IL. Correa. 484 Drondway,N.r aar - And by Druggists In Coudersport. ".Costar's" ItiNIVERSAL CORN SOLVENT , For Corns, Bunions, Warts, &c. tsar Macs, 25 cents, 50 cts., and $1 sizes. Mir Sold by all Druggists everywhere. by Hassy It. CosTAit, 484 Broadway, is:X —And by Bru2 g icts Is Coudersport. 4 "."4:;•tsites„,4r4 7 ci" PREHARATIoN 6F 4 Bitter-Sweet & Orange Blossoms FOR BEAU;TIFfING VIE COMPLEXION. Thi'ed to softeii and Beautifyl the Skin, remove Freck les; l'itnples, Eruptions, &c. Lathes are now using it in preference to all others. —l3ohles, by Druggists everywhere. • —And by Ileuny R. Costes. 484 Droadway,N.Y —And by Druggists in Coudersport. " CI c• ert ecz-v os" PECTORAL COugh Remedy, For Ceughit. Colds Hoarseness. Sore Throat, Croup, WhoopingiCough,lnflueurt, Asthma, Consumption Bronchial Affections, and all d ceases of the Throat and Lungs; Bottles, 25 cte., 50 cents, and $1 sizes Soldiby all Dr be r 3 And ' l),y IiENRT B. COSTAR, 484 Broadway,N.Y And;by Druggists in Coudersport "Ccossta,x -P air , CELEBRATED BISHOP PIL A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL, For Nervous add Sick Headache Costiveness, , nestllon, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation, hoe:i , 'hills, Fever, and general derang. of the Digestive Organs Boxes, ^•5 cents, 50 cents, and $1 sizes Bold by all Druggists evaryirlierf. Ana by lIENRi - R. COSTAII, 454,Broadwnyl,W.T. Aug by Druggists Couteport. clec4 3ca LOOK COLLINS SMITH BAS JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK WITH A LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS WHICH HE WILL SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Cloths, Cassirneres Clothing, Eats, Caps, roots, Stoes, Groceries, Crockery - Hardware, Notions, &c. KEEPS 'EVERYTHING USUALLY FOUNI) M A GOOD STORE THE HI HEST PRICE PAID FOR VIENISON, FURS, SHEEP• PELTS, AND 3HiST KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE THE RE N.B OUT D: i 1. NEW DRUG tOOKITORE Buy Where You eau Buy the Chealiest ! A New Store with Fresh Dru: ELLISON & .TROHPSON Bilring located in the room jrornterly occupied by C.IF. Nanning for a Jet Store, have refitted, refurnished, and thoroughly stocked the building with the la and lest stock of DRUGS, PATENT I,IEDICIN.ES, PAINTS; OILS, VARNISB GLUES DYE-STUFFS; HOyiTE AND STEVENS' PATENT DYE! PURE WINES AND LIQUOR I S FOR MEDICINAL FURPOSEIij I A GENERAL VARIETY OF PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES PAINT • rAINT BRUSRES, HAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, &CI _ _ Will also keep on hand. Dr. Lindsey's Blood Searcher,- Dr, Lindsey's Cholera Mixture, Dr. Janye's and .Dr. l Ayer'S and Dr Kennedy's Preparations. ALL TILE POPULA:II. 1171..16.1ET1ES OF BITTERS. lapr.vt,ccE. for - E - cYtax,r, anti* One cf tke proprietors being a graduate of the New • yark Medi,* College the public hairs the assuratice that all prescriptions sent in will be promptly and cardfully prepared. .BOOKS AND STATIONERY. school hooks, Blank. Books, Novels, Toys, Notions, .PC13.4,, Inks, Pencil., ,its. O. T. ELLI SON. decs..ti6 M. S. THOMPSON. " "ASV TH BUFFALO, DUNKIRK .& DANSVILLE • N s 1.4 C. 9 JOB I G Would announce to large dealers that lie- has consummated arrar‘gensents es:lth Large Eastern FLOURING ,ESTA.BLISHNENTS to ship direct to vs, instead of sending to New York. And we are uu Prepared to Sell Lower Buffalo, Dunkirk, Dansvillet FREIGHT, TINE EXPENSE. Every Barrel Warranted as Represented.' ta-SEND IN YOUR ORDERS FOR ANY AMOVNT:iint Indi parr ement December, IEGG :ADY-PAY SYSTEM WILL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. THOSE OWING WILL PLEASE MAKE °AI...HEAT WITH 'LAY, dec5,66- C I OLLINS SMITH. • the following with 7nanyl other .Potent Medicines.: 3FX.A437.7" Having made extensive arrangements for AS Tr 4 AS l' .' '''-,, ",-:, \'‘', ''' s ( " ------ , 1,. Iri' , ' "',N,•, -- 1'- r,k,'N I. J i • ,N l' ..A , ji: ' (_) ' 1 1 / I . or most any other establishMent, saving all in this section -1 3 E" cxua- as Rasn:to ctruAlyr, • C. H. SIMINONS. • 4 ! = VERSUS ON FLOUR, TI3L!M ng .clry ytri RI