The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, January 24, 1867, Image 2

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    . ,
by the people dhri4 the bite electiumz. and
approved by Majorities so large as to give
them a sanction which it would be improrr
to, either overlook or! disregard. And cer
tainly in view ofti l ls jfaet, none of the -late
rebel States shouldihe admitted to their for
mer "practical relations" to the peneral Gov
erpment, while theyieoutinue to, oppose these
amendments. ,
To the 'Congrecs ,of the United. States the
heartfelt sympathies and oven -bylining suf
frages of the people have been generamly
given. They haVe ffearlessly proclaimed tlieir
unequivocal verilicti--"Wnia , OoNu 0000 AND
PAITLIFVL SEUVANi'S.I' Tpon the deliberations
and actions of . Conl.vess our present interests
and future welt re' all depend'. In its firm
ness and eourage }the is hole "'Cxperiment of
gen lite republicanism is indissiThsbly involv
ed: That this firmness and +wage will he
fully exhibited by its controlling tn%joritieS',
in the origination, and adoptiJo of treasures
Of wisdom and discretion, even more radical
and decisive, if necessary, than those_of the
past, I entertain no doubt. arch measures
will meet with rte cordial apbroval. And 1
may well ado, that while Pennsylvania will
confide in a loyal slii will not hes
itate to surtaiu it with her entire influence
and Tower.
That in ,the administration
Mint I may err, is only wha
pveted from the, intirtni'ies r
mind ; but es I enter upon tle
my responsible duties with a
to act with -ImdMity and imp:
toy errors will lie regarded: w
treated with the g paleness 01
And I earnestlillinpe that my intercourse
with my fellow-4itiz , ms o f
,he &nate end
house of Representatives willhe so frauli and
cordial that our duties to a ebutmln constit
uency Will he plehsantfy and faithfully i dis."-
(*barged. Different, branches of, the Go'vern
meta as we are. .xvitli distinolve duties, we
are nevertheless Out of one organized and
well regulated system, end ais we co-operate
?tr. disagree, the ;interests of the State will
pr'obably be promoted or retlarded. Elected
by , the people• desirous to p'rompte the wel
fare of every citizen, mere party differences
should not be allowed. to hiterfere with the
maintenance of a'generous, 1 true and com•
preheusive public policy. . I
It, Was the illustrious Wa,binglan, equally
. - 11§a warrior dint a statesman,
who gave utterance' to the di l iclar'atidn : "that
the rropitious smiles of Heaven cannot be
expected on a triation that disregards the
eternal ruies of order and rili.t ; and Jeffer
son who asserted; that ''whatever is mil:1.1'11y
wrong cannot he, political ft right." These;
utterance's exprO§ my deeptst convictions of
the ruls and pr-; NVIII'II should perme
ate and control all gover iments. Let us,
fellow-citizenS, !hdhere to bent be governed
by them, and our efforts will be happily united
tu surrounding ;the institutions .of our State.
as well as those'. of our nation, with a rampart
of truth that will repel the •naduess of amb:-
'lion, the schemes of usurpa
fully resist the changes an
coming time.
=lion. Charles D. Drc ke,a Radical, haF,
been chosen I:L.'S. Senator from Missouri
to succeed 1Io'n.:13. Gratz Brown. He was
one of the earliest and is one of the most
able and constant Republicans in the State.
Roscoe Couldinglas been elec
ted U. S.' Senator from : I ;6v York to stte•
teed Judge Harris on tha 4th of March
next. He is now a member. of Cone;ress,
is also a member elect ache 40th Congres,
and is an able: and imilin l .hing Republican.
-Gov. flli
•er P. Mor on has been elect
ed U. S. Set) for frotn 1 idiana as the suc
cessor of Geri Lane on i l ia" 4dt. i of March
next. Ile wan ehosen LW_ Gov'ernor with
Gen. Lane lin'lS6o, and succeeded to tie
Excutive chair by the el..,ctiou of Lane to
the Senate. In I 564 h 3 was elected Gov
enter and now goes to the Senate. Ile is
one of the ablest and ruest men in the
of political - trogress in
'world, is the tint in Et
the importabee of the
members to the :Massa , :
On tbit; rinclstion all E
agree tt•ith hint, for evi
native elements in Eu
courts, do not refuse t.
dent of Liberia the salt
concede to the white I
pan and Anuriean E
cable (I:sprach :
bread-riot has just take'
of Liverpool, caused
poor of that city, whose
airfzi•avateil by the unt
AV inter in Eng,land.
in' around Lord Dab
in London :is well as ill
tress exists among (het
the fact that tho•it•arvll
recently been throw n,l
by a Stagnation in tl
-other trades.
—During the year 1,
nrnOutitiA to *53,8021
to 553,328,080. r jit
foimer came from 'F
the latter went to th
A Washington adm
an armed organizati
—An ola oil well i
day last week, suddei
stones and. water to
than a 'lltintired fee
,continued for over ati
1.-ad Centre Stephens
Fenian lin rnhug,s, is
figment Of tlhe facts
W York, has ;resigned
ian Head Centre, on
nization was Trot stronrrt
tor. by any some g , andthin% Ile
—TttE .-I ))i,ari,E . of Indiana county are
a .
doe,mg mass rocettt gs preparatory to 1)06-
nians. Gen. Gleasoni
the i Legislature for; the passage of
to: succeed Stephens.: tinning'
a law :prohibiting the sale of intoxicating
Governments, are st:11; liquors in that Couilty. the agitation of
pects to have 450,0001 this questiOn has created inuChi feeling in
.ruse by May next. and that part of the trite.
TOO cast-steel cannon 1 [ •
vorkS ot Messrs. Krupp GING of horse thieves, are opera
to be paid ; fourteO, tin; - 4 . in ‘.',ll:shington countif, Penna, They
each. 13:taria, , too, is ; paha themselves clff as Nrool buyers, and
erect 00 titled cannon' have suceeeded adinirablx in pulling wool
A m,;,-c, . lover die elves of the uus4pecting farmers.
—The notion that
is the oreatet. :of the
justified by the ,lip,,
that he is now in Ne l
his position as a Per
!.he plea that the orga
enough to aceoMpli
stigmatized as a trai
coward by other, I,'t
has been appointed
—The European
arming. France t•
needle guns ready
Russia has ordered
front the eekbrated
at Essen.' They at
thousand dollars f.,r
riming, haring or,
from - a Ilobeinian
Tuesday, Jan.. 22, 1867.
14:47" lu the House of Representatives,
Mr. John S. Man i l a is'Cliairman of the Gen
eral Judi6try Committee, and is a tnena
her of the, Connaitte'es of Ways anal Means
and Federal Rehttions.
Mr.: Mann is tihus!a member f the three
most anpartant l Committees of thel. House.
A just tribute to one who has beea
guished'for his ribilitv, •faithfuluesii and
tegrity, and a eumpliMent to the 'people
who elected hiM. j !
mittec on Elec
uicipal Corporal
ties and Town:il'
In the Sennl
Chairman of tli
tee, and a metal
Education, anth
lof the trovern
should be ex ;
lof the lininan
e discharge of
firm resolution
rtittlity, I trust
ith chanty and
ficial returns fo'r Uovernor were orjened and
counted in the presence of the two Houses
of the Legisiziture on' Thursday. They
John W. Geary, 307,37t0tes
Hict,ter Clyliner, 290.09 rote's.
- --r •
Geary's ina;ority 17,17' j
. ,
EDITOR .TO_IIINA.I.: II lam pleased to see
by your Joi:uNAL of the ISt inst., that the
action of the borough school Ditlectors has
awakened one of the tax-payers, land hope
that he wilFStav awake until tl4 commu
nity are aroused to tlre-neceSsity of softie
better provisio'n than 1:31,ow exists for the ed
ucation of ourichildren„and for tleir health
and comfort tyliile piu•sning their studieS.
[hiving, a short time since, conladted our
State Superintendent upon the propriety
of -introducing paying. Stu tents, as 'sag,
(rested in your comment upon; "Corn's:"
article; in consequence of doubts expressed
as to the legitlity of such a coarse, I am
IIL , ,
preparewt2 sly that he not on.), approve
of it, hilt considered that such a course
might enablee, many diaricts lie our own
to secure thO benefits of a Grad :d Schdbl,
that would .he Otherwisit. too liliavily bur-,
dened to 811StzliII it. : There is :mother eon-;
sideration not named bY your ICorrespon-I
lent, to Which it is, necessary to call the
attention of our. citizens. yThe, :present'
SchoOl Lot, bein`e• 0n1y,,32 ft Ly 04, and
loccecd iota.swa7fll?, is . not su table for 'w
l i
school o f any kind„' large or s )ail. Th'e
question of a new locat.ion has bL.en already
discussed by a few and should lbe decided,
only ;Olen careful .•etberation, f'ithout ref
erence to the pockiet interest bf any who
may have lots to sell or "axes i.o grind”. of
any size, or pattermi 1
It is -rot necessary that thq
, tax -payers
should be burdened with the cost of a'lot
which could not, piphaps, be purchased in
now eligible locatioti, convenient to the.Ma
i„,rity of the residents, for le- , than $BOO
or ..i1000; but supposing it 4ould be;oh
taine.l for ,'.•,:;600, I do not '.knOw why I
should be required': to pay My ,liare of that
amount when we jcan; obtain a good lot
free of cost, probably the I Cs. in the'Dis
trio, all things considered, iwilticlt am be
I made easily accessible' to all ibi a proper!
Vocation of the buildirT..oll tfleJlot. I refer!
to the" land now beld by tbel Trustees of
the Acadeniy, Which you tr 4 say "has no
hope' of present or future ) resurrection."
For the benefit of the few l rho, perhaps
from interested motives, pia ' assert .that
the District Cannot hold the, property, I
will refer them to the: 0ri,, , :4a1 Grant on
Deed A, itiV,. 6 05,—the fifth'line from top
. of page expressly states that! the property
is given "for: the use of an; Acadenty or
Public. School in-the said Tiwn," and for,
the information of aityl who! may not nu
lerstand how the property lean be Obtained
I could copy in fu", Seim Ut 40 of the Act
Id April 11, 180 9 etniferitio full v •
~,,, , , pot et on
idle Trustees to eoneeyi to the Scheel Dis
trict, if I did DOt tech that I was trespass
I upon the space ini yonq columns. It
I may be seen by refernig to l!atriphlet'Laws
for 1802, page 475
Pleading the impOrtance tof the subject
as an excuse for writing sit inuch,l wi.l
close by hoping the intr.tCr• may not be
permitted to rest until it is 4c) decided as to
he most conducive to the interests of the
whole Commintity. .'ir AX PAYER.
ion, and success
agitations of all
s•atchinfr the signs:
every part of the
rope to appreciate
electign of coloreil
tusetti Legislature.
Trope i known to
n the most conser
•onenn society, the
the colore.l Yresi
r e rights wliich they
resilents of liuro•
informs us tliat
place in the streets
• the distress of the
stml severity of the
;Moult ieS are thi,:kei
ti.' Government, to!
1 4 LiVl - 2.: : 1)60i
optliitives, owing to
s in that city have
out 91 employment
566 Canacla'simports
,319, and her export ,
greater part of tli
mrlim4l, and most of
United SMtes
ecitange says, 1. v the last cen
sus, the population of I. s enn;'sylvania was 2,-
9:)5,215. By the Usual ratio of voters to
the entire population we esciinate the nuni
her. At t)e Jated etion foli Governor 507,-
:370 votes AV.Are.! ca= ' A4wing one vote
for every six . and a 4311 pe9pkt, this would
give 3,883,000 as our pre 4t population,
increne iii ei , rhti years qf 972.000. By
the same method, dew V y rork appears to
have gained 792,000 in te same period.
This calculation would aNe to liese two
States a pop:114201j td : a half
inistration paper urges
m of the tbcploorativ
L uio:ito vn Pa , one
v began fo throw up
the height
. of luork•
()URN L.
xsport, Pa.
M. W. McAIARNEY,Entrort
•ey is,Cliairman of the Coin
ions, and theinber of Mu
ions Rai!roads; and- Coun-J
hips. 1 -
te, Mr.: 'WarrenOcTles
le •
Local Judiciary hOirunit-,
' ti l er of Estates and Escheats
- Library , •
In act
the resp
of electi
'of Pent'
States, ft
4th day
Brown ('
aughy, RI
man, Tai
Messrs. Burnett, Davis, Donk..
Jackson, James, Randall, Searight,
Wallace and Walls-11. voted for Edgar
Cowan. ---
I This body met punctually. Speaker
GLASS in the Chair. j{
Messrs. Adaire, Arrnstrong, Bar
ton, Brown, Cameron, Chase, Chadwick,
Colville, Davis; Day, DeHave9, De»oburzh,
Espy, Ewing, Freeho i rn, Gallaugher, Ghe
gan, Gordon, HarbiOn, Hoffman, Hum
phrey, Kennedy, Kerns, KiMmell, Lee,
Leech, M'Camant, 3Sl'Cre4y, Mice,
M'Pherrin, Mann, Marks, Mechling, Melly,
Pennypacker, Peters; Pillow, Quay, Rich
ards, Road], Seiler,; Sharpies, Shaman,
Stiicey, Sturnhatigli; Soberl:4, Waddell,
Wahace, Watt, Webb, Weller, 'Mann,
Wharton. W'ilson, \Vingard,j Woodward;
Wormll, Wright and Glass ,Fraker-02
voted for Simon CanLieron,
Messrs. Bari ingtoii, Boyd,
Brennan, Calvin, Chalfant,.
Deise, Vogel, Gregory; Harti
Hetzel, Hood, Hunt, Jenks, 1
Koon, Koontz, Linton, Lo
Maish, Markley, Meyers, M I
Quigley, Rhoads' Bobinson,!
tertliwai I,Tharp Yestbro,
for Edgar Cowan. 1,1
Fur Si»to)1:,
In the Semite
In the House
For Edgar Co?
In the Senate ,
In the House .!
After the elects "TniLl States Sen
ator the Members _ "legislature and
other friends of Gen. Camr.:on, met in the
Lochiel dining rootn, and after the General
had received the ConmrAttations of his
many friends ho aJdressed them as' fol-
Idajority fur
1 ~ 1.
GIiNTLEMEN :--4 *. our greeting is very l'
kind and- cordial, and I thank you for 'it. I'
I thank God that in spite t f the slanders i'
my enemies have repeated, for twenty years I
my fellow citizeq, whO haVe seen my life!
from day; to day; lhaVe. alwt' i lys stood -liy my
side and helped the to repel them. Thisi
last struggle of My has ended i
in victory I deSired rids as sn answer, to
vindicate my honesty to n y children and I
my friends. I now propo,e to
_put these )
slanders behind' Me, and to forget alike, the I
liars who coined them, ant the fact - that!
good men, in some cases hly the repitition
of them were induced to believe and re
peat them. .
Of the eiglityitiVo Republican members ,
of the Legislature, my friends assure me I
that sixty of them • preferred me to any
other candidate,., and would have voted f or
me, rather thaMliave witrlessed my defeat.
The character of my supporters is as grad
, fying to me as !their numbers 'Any one,
who knowsanything of
l ur politics, who
will read the list of those/who voted for me
will find nameg, as pure ;ui s ti honorable as
that of the purest Christian Moralist among
toy rivals; and/quite as unlikely to listen
I to any corrupt proposal. I Just there I leave
,the whole matter, puttilg all falsehoods,
and animosities, and prrjudices, together
under my feet; and I go forward to the
honorable ditties to which my native State,
lies called me or the thqd Lime.
Six years ago I thought that slavery !
was the strehgth of J.llie, rebellion, m id
‘ittgli t to be destroyed Without delay. . '1
I wished also to arm all black men who
world volunteer, Of course I thought that
clothing a beach man in the American uni. I
form clothedlhim also With the rights of
an American/citizen; and I am always sOrty '
to see a black soldier, aid . reflect that even
Pennsylvania denies luni the ballot—the
only weaponi whereby he can protect' him.
self. 1 hopo to live to site the word "white"
stricken frorn, our own! Constitution, and
the spirit of caste, ba ll ed upon color, ut
terly destroyed, ' 1
The Sou! h, however, is more controlled
by social influence than by political princi-
pies. Ifyou are wise, and firm you in ay
possibly; educate the i;A,ing generation into
loyalty, but there is - rid, method of states
manship which will !Mike this generation
of the South loyal to the Union and to the
flag. The poison of •thirty years cannot
be eradicated by_ the subserviency of the
President, or bye the st Antes 'of Congress.
Let us lookkho truth in the face.. The
Southern territory is disloyal ; —The loyal
men of to-dav must 4ard their children
against another treasonable rebellion. The
'Constitutional Amendnents and impartial
suffrage will help to dtt this, but universal
amnesty will help to undo it. •
..Of Andrew Johnson I saki long age that
he was a traitor to his patty, an enemy of
his country; and a bad nun. lie has done'
uiu:v bad. things, but nothing worse than
(/.I.::ing the oflices of he country to those
few un • • I d ( 4 Johnl Cleveland with tm rm- , R to Henry, prmem e men who agree to i nsert;f , , • In -
and betray the great RepubliCan Orol, l niza- I Youngs as Garnishee:
tiocr for his patronwe. .He joine d the -
9 LSO 7 -Certain real . estate in . Hector al.,
bouuded al d described as follows: On e
Democratic patty long ago. He has a i horat by Bin g bam lands. on the east by hinds
right to give them the offices,: but he bas' a Samuel Enthrce, o» the soutb by Adluin
no right to dispose of them at a uction to , lands, and on the west hy lands of Thomas
e•' 1 Lumen. Containing. One launched and :S ine
weqkkneed Republicans. I . : I teen and ; Three -tenths acres. more or 1t , ..5. With
The pauper labor of Europe is ngain'abont ton :Imes improved To be sold - tt7 the
eompetitor with our labor.- and our Mann- property of Edward J. Cane.----• . P
, 1
sh for want of
factures Farigni ALSOUer.ain real estate in Pike t bound
protedion ed and described . as follows : On the north by
against it. Pennsylvania needs noi assn I
; liinglimn lands, on the east by : lands of IX a
rance of thy devotion to her intere4ts in i Martin, and on the south and west by Bingham
t hi s regard, which i s t h e interest Of t h e (lands..ContaiiiingFifty-one and 'Seven-tenths
acres, mire or less Waotit twenty acre; of which
country. I will continue to labor in l
are improved wit h One block h ouse, two board
season and out of season to proteqt our' stables acici sonic fruit trees thereon. To be
manufactures from ruin, and their woilmen i sold as the ,roperty of Aaron Whitmore..
from being thrown out of employmdut,• Or • ALS p—Leilain real estate in Pike rp, bound 7
i)clitit,ls e o d u a li n i d a l id es l itt s i t ed b as l f a u t l i i d o s w , s ,f :
L O , u n th itu e 4 uo s r h t e ta ka s , t , ,
their wants reduced to starvation
for I hold that the true we f o re of any na- containing Two iieres, all improved, with one.
.iondependsGrist Mill-and on the welfare of its lahoring one frame house there:in. To :t•ie
, f i sold as ;die properly of L. Sherman, William
, Shi:•rinilti and Seth Daggett.
polit" a
desire, t,
think, oft a
I will try toi .
the Radical
without regarq
sensions. Will
forget my friends %
so nobly, but. I will t
give—the unjust calurn
cal opposition I have ex. •1
entlemen, I. trust that this
struggle. I have nigh
Ind I hope we will all
injustifiable bi
late contest. !
act as a represent;
'publicans 'of
\o past •litioren ,
temper - tin
io have st
`l , to ford
Ics, an,
BY ! VIRTUE. of sundry writs
EY'ponas. Fieri Facias, and Le
issued out of the Court of Commot
Potter County; Pennsylvania, and
reeled, I shaft expose to public sale ur o
at the Court House in Coudersport:.
MONDAY, the 18th day of retry., 1e67,
o'clock, p. M., the following described !tracts
parcels of land to wit; II •
Certain real estate in Heetot tOwn 4 p bounded
on the north by Bingham lauds, east by lands
of Eliphalet black man, John L. Cilison and
Bingham Lands, on the south by lands corr
t ranted to Ai Robbins, and on the west by
ham lands. Containing Fifty acres, '; iiiore
less, with about ten acres improved, Ilvith one
frame house and one log barn thereoM To he
sold as tire proper:3 - of James C AlleM
ALSO—Certain real estate in t--.Wtslen tp:.
bounded on the north by lands contracted to
J. and J. A. Nichols; on the east. bv) lands of
David White ;'.111) the soUth by land:slot' David
White rind D. B. Martin; and lon the! west by•
Keating lands. Codt-tininr , Soamtv-eioit and
Six-tenths Acres more I,l' less, all unitnproved.,
To be sold as the property of Leonarril McKee'
ALSO—Vermin real estate beginnim,r; at :1. 1
post in the road.' being the south-wei,t corner
of Jot No. 23 of Ehe allotment of IlingliMe
in Sweden tp.; thence south Srl anct 311ths de-1
grecs east. 133 and 4-10:11s perches; theirce.somh
1- and 3--Phs degrees west 1116 and 1-10di l
perches ; ;k eno ., wes t a long 'north Vine of lot I
No. 77 of the 'allotment of Ilimdmm lands 13;2
and 7-lOt is perches : thence north 1 1 ..1 degrees
east along the road 1110 and 69 antl . 4-10ths
t)erelteis to the place of beginning. Cil,ntaining
One Htindred and Thirty-one and FOrw-tenths
Acres. with the usual allowance for iMarls
being lot ! No, 5 of Bingham lands Hsaid tp.,
!and-Tart of warrant No. 2:02, of iCli rib Forty
acres are unproved, with two frame Iniuses, one
f rame •barn and on e log barn thereaa To be I
-sold as the property of William Nelimn. with
notice to Ceplia.s C. Nelson arid. NV Ilroair,
as Terre tenants. 1
ALSO—Certain real estate in Ifiktor tri
bounded on the north by I3inuham l fands ; on
the east by lands contracted to. Edmund J.
Cone ; on flar smith by Bingham land:4 ; and on
the west by lands contracted to Williaar, Jri»way.
. .
Contanno , olety-o , and eight-tenths acres'
more or less, with Mann Fifty acres! improved,'
with one frame house, one log house, One frame,
barn arid some fruit trees thereon. To be sold
as the property of Thomas Lamer).
ALSO—Certain real estate beginning, at l a
post on the boundary tins, of the larids o f the
Iliredrim estate and 'being the sontlilnast comer
of lot N 0.77 of the Mime. lands in Elector tp.
thence north along cast line of lint tiro. 77 and
unsealed lanas of the I?in , ham estate 212 and
2-10111 s 'perches ;• thence cast along unseated
lands of the Bingham estate 74 perches ; thence
smith along Vest line of lots No.' 109 add 79
214 perches ; thence north t!-Sl- : t degrees west
along boundary line of Bingham lands to th e
place of beginning. 'Containing sinety-three
and Nine-teidhs .acres nowe or less, with the
usual allowance Of six per cent:, it heing lot No.
its.' of the allotment of the Iliqgharn lands in
said township, and part of warrant
.No. 178 e.
Fifteen acres are hnproved, With . ] one frame
house, olie frame barn and sonic fruit treeS
thereon. To be sold as the property of I burry
Johnson and Hiram O. More, Terre tenants:
ALSO—Certain real estate in- Eulalia
bounded and described as follows: On the,
nordi by Bingham lands ; east and south by
lands of John NV edswOrth ; and ira the west by
lambi of Harry Lent, dec'd. CHM: l nning T Nen,
ty-five acres, more or less, with. about fiVe'
acres improved, and one log house thereon. To
be sold as the property of John Cdittenden.
ALSO—Certain real. estate in Pike tp,,,
bounded inn the north by BingliaM lands ;
the eat by Tioga county hoe ; on the West by
Bingham lands; and on the south by lands con
tracted to William S war wood, C o ntaining
Fifty acres, more or less, with about four acres
improved: To be sold as the property of,
Hiram Knickerbocker.
ALSO—Certain real estate beginning at a
birch tree the south' east corner of warrant No.
1391, it being in north line of lot No. 11, Pike I
tp., belonging to to Robinson Lory and Wm.l
McDougall ; thence west along flortli line of;
said lii. 92 and 4.loths perches to a hemlock ;!
thence north along line I f the Adlum lands :30'
perches ; thence south Hr.:4 tlegtes cast along
south line of lot Ni,. 40 needed to Win.Mc
Dougall 93 and .1 2.-1911, perches ;I thence south I
30 perches to place of beginning. cont r tit,
Sixteen and Three tenths acres, more or less.,
with (Inc: usual allowance of six per cent. for
roads it being lot No. 39 of the allottneni
of lands of the Bingham estate in said tp., and
part. of warrant No. 1391. To be sold as th e
propert y' of John I‘l, Kilhourn, with notice to
Oriel Kilbourne, as Terre Tenant.
ALSO-Certain real. estate in Hector tp.,
bounded and. described as follows On the
north by Bingham lands ; on the east, by Bing
ham lands and lands of B. S. Wilbur ; nn the
smith and west bw Adlitin lands. Containime
One Hundred and Twenty-one !and Six-tentlrs
acres, more or less, with about twenty acres
improved and one new log hounle thereon.. To
be sold as the property or k% illiton Catlin,
ALSO—Certain real estate hector
bounded and described as. follows': On the,
Boyle, Breen,
ohms, Craig,
l'er, Headman,
;Jones, Kline,
ncr, APHenry,
ullin, Phelan,
Roush, -Sat
-37, voted
leron 33
north, east and south by Bingham lands, midi
on the west by lands contracted to Jnntes U.
Allen. Containing Fifty and Five-tenths
more or less, all of which is uldinproved..To
sold as the property of Eliphalet Blackman and.
John L. Gibson,
ALSO—Certain real estate , in Elector tp.,
bounded and described as follows: On the
north, east, south and west Fjv lands of the
Itingharn Estate. Contstining One Hoodred
and fifty acres, more or less, about Seventy
acres of 'which are improved, With two frame
houses, one log barn,
one log Stable and some
fruit trees thereon. To 'be sold as the property
..... —... ___ .
ALSO—C(4l:th' real estate in Piltett hound-
ed mid Idescribed as follows: On the north hy
lands of 0.13. Goodman, on the east by linig
ham landS and the Hiram Knicheibocker lot,
and onlthe south and west by Bingham lands.
ContaipiM7, fifty and One-tenth acres, more or
less, with about ten acres unproved.. To be sold
as the property of William swartwood " 1
ALSO—Certain real estate in 'Genesee 11 , :.
1301111(10 and described., as follows : ' On the.:
north by lands orlillihn Cale, on the east : by
Bingham lands, on the south by Bingba:» lands. ;
and on the west by Bingham lands and lands
of Chalincey : Kenyon, Containing Thirty se.% en
and Six-tenths acres ! . more or less, With about
six acres improTed. 1 To be sokl as the property
of Enos Goodenough. . .
ALSO—Certain real estate in Allegany Mid.
Swede» townships bounded and described as
follow : On the niwth by lands of Collins
Gardner on the east by 'Bingham lands, on the'
south by lands of Abram Kimball. and on the
west by lands of Coleman Vanhorn and Daniel
Wambold. Com :lining One linutired anibThir
teen and five-tenths acres,. more or less, about
Fifty acres of which are ithproved and some
fruit trees thereon. To be sold'as the property
Of GeOrte W. Wilcox. . ' -
ALSO—Certain real estate in Keating; tp.,
iniiimr - at the-not - Ili-east 'corner of lot No. 9
-iied by Miles White, thence east 40 perches
ist corner in west line of lot No. S owned
'. ()I n uiled ; thence sUuth.S perches to a
-ir-being, corner of sail lot tin. S
4tlong south line of said lot No. S.
• piret corner ; thence s.itith 150
itnlock coo ner ; thence. West SO
corner; thence north . 155
\ce of beginning. Containing
-trict measure, more or less,
,of the allotment iif Keat.•
hip, and pait of warrant
the property of R. Z.
as my la,t,
lug ttiOre to
I forg l ot the
'j r my part
ative of all
. 6111)ylvania.
ices Or dis
eut Ilcantiot
toed Py rne
'et—and for
id the politi
. S.
• ,f Vendition
- FReizu.
i rica:i of
lie di
Le t
to a
by 1.)'; '
post 'con e)
thence eas
40 perches t •
perches to a
perches to a p
perches to the pl,
' ,. ecenty-five acres,
and being . lot No. 1
ina lands in said towns
.tio.'4l)oo. To lie sold
W :OWN, Sheriff.
CoUdersport, Jany. 21, 186
We would call the of the peovl,6
Potter to out
Very Large Stock or FO.rniture..
Work of all kittla
is larger than ever before offered,
PlOtograph Frames
Of all varieties
From ritir low.: experience in.the businc::]s.
having better facilitii,F, for manufacturing than
any other establishment in Western NcNtYork
We feel confidaut that we can sell cheap
er than any other Furniture Establishment
• in. the Country. •
Ready7Made Coffins.
K i citt constantly on hand.
'A.. S. Stillman,
wELLsI7iLLIO, N. Y.,
I . , s:eeies the largest and' most complete assortment of
Memorandums,eDiaries, Gold &
ieel Pens, Packet Knives, Law
BlankS, and Stationers Goods
generally, to be form el In the country. . .
Ile ha , also :Ode, -
it.ookin" Glasses, 0v.41., Ancit-Tor and SQVATiO
an I hiilLRI SG-GLASS PLATES for tilt inn up
iltr . oltett arta,s-sr, Ai-o, 1. - " let tire iT'x'arrics and
..Nlouldings in evi,ry lariely.
Ho is Agent for the •
~ .on.likisric SF,lrizt - 0 NACHISP ,
lho ,thlplen:t land best. Maehiue yet "tiered to tt.e
public, a d the ONLY :SioOhille that 1.1-e.,1 ilatdeliei
eI , L. Steel Shuttle. it will lard a life time.
Ile is also Ag-nt for several Fite. C1a.,8
which he r l eill se:l da very fa orab e terms. . .
1 Beautiful Holiday Goo ds ) '
In their season. •
Special atteniion viii) lie z'ven to orders from abroad,
1 for :Ley art,cleg in hie line.
r rettlers futurrizhed,v:itli School Woke. at Publiebet's
r prices. . .
Corretpondetee invited . _
Doe. 11. 15G3.
23 Tons at Jas. lees', tin Gene:see Fbrks of Pine
90 Tons near John L. Wilbur's, in lector.
Brookland, Pa., Dec. 11; 1666. t.f.
Our assortment or
Gilt 3mouldings,
art Stillman
lk. Sten
&MY for soir HAY
)3 T
~~~ ~'
No attention paid to the 'cost of
Pronipt coliformiiy, to the:iowest
Market Prices r 6 our established
IVe.are! deterinilled to give the
publit the Beiletit of the FALL,
this tithe.,
We shall try to prove the Role
‘ , ll'6l:Ks both Ways.,
You paid. high prim :;lien Doody
went „up, .we, t ill see to it that
you Pr ;Y . IoW . prices - now GOODS
are clown?
Others May go do ;u, 'but lit do
net intend to be beaten.
AlLive ask is to give us a Call.
All'lliods of
Cotton - Goods !
we are row "offering at prices w'bich can
not.f4il to sfiihe the purchaser . as
Plain & FanCv CasFitner-
Bleached and Unbleach.
Mu - slins of all Prices.l
Flannels of all Colors.
',Ticking, Striped Shirtinz
Denims. Crash. Towe
All-Wool Delaines, Amer. Delait,
Mphair rustres, tVe.
Of all kinds. COFFEES, WHITE & BRI
hinds. A great variety of thlftest bragi
Brooms, Cedar Buckets; No: 1 and 2 Mack
Labrador Herring, Hautis 4 Shoulders.
Couder&port, Juue 54 1866
. 1 f all
de of