IDLE THE TOTER JOURNAL, PUBL 10 ISII BY rjIeAI.A.RNEY, Proprietor. 1 10 - Dovotk. to the cause rif Republicanism, the in• tereeta of A gri a elture, the :lava ncetnent of 'Education, imid the beet g,cd ot Putter county. owning no guide bxeept that of Principle, it will endeavor to aid In the Work of more fully Breedinnizi fig our Country. IL. W. cements Inserted at the following rates, speCialbargains ore made, A `'square" . revier or.B of Nonpareil types : nsertion.. , .....- . ....... tii f.O or 3 insertion, ... '.. ...., .......... 2 00 :uncut insertion less than 13 40 pear l OOO 00 Ards, 1 year 0 tor's or Executor's Notices • 300 Editorial Notices per line.----- 20 sient adcertisements must be paid in to notice will be taken of advertisements ~-,, unless they are accompanied by the i sfactory reference. irk, of all kinds, executed with neatness tUSIXESS... NOTICES. -ear Advert letoept where lAA 10 lines of I • 11 "quare, 1 Isquare, 2 soh sub ,, e' square,'" u•i11019110 special sad Isar All tra lll.,dvance,and n( .titint a distani , taantY Or eat . rallob %Cc itnd despatch 'Free and Accepted Ancient 'York Masons, 111011,ALIAILODU E, No. 342, F. tux Stated' 1 1 412,1 Meeting' on the 2.1 and 4th 'wed ays of each ii 'month. ILO! in the 3d Story of the Olmsted Block.. D.C.Lnatopq,See. WM. SHEAR, tV, ' 4 T. ELLISON. ITC I)., PRACTICING FIT YSICIAN. Coudersport, Pn., restieettn ly informs the citizens 01 the villace andh vicinity that 1 c will promptly respond to all ealls fort professional s :vices. 011ie,. on Firs.t. street, first dour,j went of his re: idenee. 17-40 JOIKAT,S. MANN, • V AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW. port, teal attend the several Ceurts Cinneron counties. Ali. buseue•s eize care Wi❑ receive prompt attention.! street, it residence. JCI.TTORN • Couler In Potter an( trusited to hi Unice on Mail STE!) and IikRUAISEE, 010 .1 TTORYIi A Will r.t care with pr'si the several eAI In the secoi,d Y 9 AT L:. W, et titlet • port, P s . . .nd to all business entrusted to their titttat-:a and titklity. Will al-o at orts adj.tinitur counties. tillieO stoney of the olint-ted I Bussos, • LAW, 4.ll.sclor,port, Pa., will , votros.teil to Lim Witt wart . At...VVAS 4 2 , Mrt ,, of adjoinin:: coutij, It seco.d reet,near the Allegall} bridge ATTOWN I attend t And prompt t)t i J t Office 1.)1] • 1.... - VI. UNION., . 1 ATTORS . 17 ANTI) COUNSELLOR. AT -LAIN ,T Cou.ierkporl, l'a.., wIl attend thu (tom IA in L't,t , . 'el . and .thc nijoirilllg C.OOlll 1•,•. • • F. D. DITTED, 31. D.. P . EEYSICI ..,:`: and Surgeon would rmtpeet fully In- , t. form tit eitiv.-1,.: or Coutlerevort and eternity that he ju t- opened an 011oto in the emale'spoit Hotel, and m,ill . be ready at all tinma to make mo : feasMonl ealht. Ile i-t a regular graduate of Itutram , Madioai co eof .ISGO. liegegl Jan 1. '67. 4 T aionrsos, • • - rNEALErti 1" Dras, Medicines, Points, 'Vanpiades, Lamps toal Fancy articles, Book-of all kinds —School and NI issslloaeous, Starit.ner2,,lnks, , &e. In Mtddtings old Jewelry More. I 31.CiLLEIL • 3icALMItNEY, TrOil "; 81* E-AT LAW, 1 i Alt iet, , STjr:G; rellioa.T . _ i Ageno for the Culleetion of tik. plied Statesaud.,tate tiovenisnent-,-u.•in :,.., Pe11.,i0.. , , BounV,A.rreitrfi of Pay,&c-..1,1. 1 reas 1.1.. x. 95, • ,arr..hore w II . i I / 1.1.. E R:, Y. c...Ne.t I.A.Ks ET •.;11. W. :Thati:II.ARNEV., • REAL EgTATE and INSURANCE AGENT.,:,j- Land Bought and Sold, Taxes raid and Titlej, investigated-I loseres promo ty agoinet fire In the beet companies it the Coutttry, - and, l'ersone aZ O / 1 A At dents In the p•avelere Ineuran , te Company of Raft ford. Buelness transacted enytly 17-20 1." 1 . A. STEER' NS ES.: Co., AI E Elt onda , Fanet rG i t B .h; A a I r r B o viin Dry s „ o t u ; d •nd overyth cg I1811:,11y,krpt in a good country Attn.°. .toug.i Produce I t t sold l7 C. IL SIMMONS, • MERCII2I.NT—WELLSVII,LE N. Y., 'Whole sale aiid Retail Dealer ijt Dry Goods, Fancy and Bmple GoodH.Clvtlintr,LadicA Dret.3o“ods.GrocerieN Flour, Feed; s‘e., Retailer supplied on liberal t4.rrns • CIEARLE: S.: JONES, ritcriA."r—Dealeni lin D ragA, LLedici Pninte, Oils,fancy A rtnjle! , , Stationery, Dry Goode, Groceries, Sec:. Main Street, co derspnrt , l'a D. E. OLMSTED, • MEFtCII/I.lCl7—Deale r r in Dry Goode..iitendy-made• Glathing, ()rockery, Groceries, Vieur, rnric, &c., Main street, oourlcripoit, COLLINS SMITH, ERCTlliNT—Dealer in Dry Goode, C.: receries, Proviitions,llardware, Queensware, Cutlery, •nd all (lend. n,uitliy found in a-country store. n'6l b 11. S. OLMISTEM,' . . . HARDWARE Merenant, and Dealer in Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iriel•A‘:"at , o, Main st reet, Conde]. •port, Penh!a. 'nu and Sheet !Iron Ware made to •rder, In c,hid style, on short male, cE)timatsreler uoTEL. . - : .C.VEliMlLYlLA,lhtnrittit.tnn, Corner of Mititi II: . and Seconitstroetn,eoutlernport,Potter Co.ra, A Livery St tblo in also Itejlt: in cowiect lon with thin Hotel. Doi y Stares to and from the Railroads. ______ Potter Jinirnal Job-o.lLite: HAVING -lately added a fine new nagortinent - of JOB-TVTE to our alrcaq lafut natortment. We are now prepared to do all klnda of Wor'.;-, cheaply and with take and neatness. Ordcos solicited. LYMAN HOUSE. Lewisville; Potter county, Pennsylvania. -DpunToN LEWIS. Pr6prietor. Having 31.9 taken thin excellent ffoteb the proprietor wiehe, o make the acquaiutance of the traveling public and cola confident of uivi TI4 eatiefaction to all who may all on hlm.—Feb:•l2, 66 tf AHLARBLE WORK • pig 10 , Monuments and Tomb-Stones E r " Of 11111:M4s, will be furnished ou roasona J ble terms and short notice by C; Eirennie -11CIVI 11c;altlence t'Eulalin ' 134 ruifrs s utt . o f _, Coudersport, Pa., on t11.! - Sioneui•loo ' ilig " it owl, or leave your orders at the l'o-t fe6hi . . , 1 DAN BAUF,R, FENSION, BOUNTY and WAR CLAIM AGENCY' .) , Vuasions procured fur Soldiers of the present . Vex who msg.; tisabled by reason of wounds received ordtsea‘e ealiraeted while In the serxiee of the United States ; and pensions, bounty, and arrears of pay ob. tattled for widows or heirs of those who have died . or been .killed while. in senrice. All letters - 3f inquiry promptly nnewere I, and oh receipt by mall of a state ment of 'the case of claimant, I will forward the ne cessary papers for their signature. Fees in Pension eases as fixed by law. Refers to Hons. lease IleUson, A. G. Olmsted, John S. Mann, and N F. WKE A ..Knoxi Esq DA . RR; ClaIM Agent, Coudersport, l's. . neB 64 Itch ! Itch t: Itch SCRATCH I SCRATCH 1 SCRATCH 1 WIIEATON'S OINTMENT', Italic° the Itch in 4S Hours! Alpo cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS. CHIL BLAINS, end :ill ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Prlce3o cents. For sale by all firrhnfists. By send:ou eo cents to WEEKS & POrTER, Sole Agents,l 1:0 Washington street, Boston, It will he fo,waroed /nail, free of postage,to any part of the United States. Juno 1, 1866, sp.uotioo wky lyr. , A"'"!!T 1 • . . ..._ ---J.• . . , . . . • . • • -- ,... 40, :. ... •ON . S V • 1• • . • . -} ii ' . , 0 0 . , rTh 1 /' \. °. 1 . • '-'. 1 , ' 14 i ,' / / Pi 1 ? / •.1 - g ' , ',1411110 .. • '''' . 4 §. ..I .i . ' AO G I : Q • '''' '. I • I , '.. • 1 . , 1 INAUGURAL ADDRESS ',,, I OP :: • I '. Governor JOHN W. GEARY. When the congratulatory cheersi of the peo ple had subsided, Got. Geary proceeded to de 'Ryer his inaugural address, as folloWs: I FELLOW Cirmess- 2 ,Honored by iIM selection of the sovereign people of my oatiye State as their choice for Chief Magistrate 011 the Corn-• monwealth of Pennsylvania, it is with mingled feelings of humility and gratitudefell( wcountry i at I have , It appeared in the presence of my : men, and before the Searcher of all Hearts, to take the solemn obligation prescribed as a qual- i ification for that exalted 'station, '!'to support 1 the Constitution of the United StOes and the Constitution of Penn Sylvania, and to perform my offical duties with fidelity." Profoundly sensible of everything thatts im- plied„hy this Manifestation of the peopleis con- 1 fiance, and more deeply impressed with the vast importance and responsibiliteS bf the office than elevated by its attendant hot+, let it be our first grateful duty to return fervfnt thanks , givihgs to Almighty pod for his constant prey-, , Wetted and unnumbered blessings to us a peo pki, and especially mine to implore His aid and. counsel in the discharge of civil trtlys, who has been my shield and buckler amidst scenes of peril and death. In addising you on this occjion, in ac .cordaime with a custom ,originating with the Republican fathers, I propose briefly to express my opiniods of questions as;concern our common constituency, and relate 'p : our corn-1 .mum respousibilities. 1' . I mu Like e!! rieS of the Old Wnrld, our ration hashed its' internall commetions From the last of these we have scarcely yet, emerged, and during which "war's I desolation" i passed over our laud, leaving its influences principaPy up- 1 on those nnfortunate!States WhosC people re belled against the government, and notwith standing:the agonizing sacrifices of a great civ il war, the States that maintained the gover ment and determined that the Union should be preserved, have ctinstantly advanced in bon or,"wealth, population and general prosperity. This is the first time 'that a change hag ~c . curred iii the Executive Department of this State since the commencement of; the war of the rebellion; a brief reference, therefore, to, that conflict. and to its results, may not be in 7 ,app: cyriate. . j I 1W e eaVe the consolation of knowing that the; c‘infest between the ! Sol.' h and Smith was no( on our part, one for ambition, Mil military , re- Tloll'll, for territerial acquisition, nnr was it for a •violatiOn "laity of the rights of the South, but it was for the preservation of our own rights toil privileges as men, and for the: Maintenance icf justice, Liberty and the Union. 1 The objeet, of the Smith 'W.V.§ avowedly the dissolution Of ,he Union and the establishment; of a confed-j eracy based upon "the corner stone Of huntaa, slavery.'' To have' submitted tei this on' our OA, and 'to hare shrank from a Manly resist.' :Mee under .such -circunistances, wouid haver been deeply and lastingly degrading,and wouldl have destroyed' the Value of the priceless lega-!! 'cy bequentoed t-.) , tisipy our faherS, and which we are oblige to tsanstnit unimpaired to fitture generations. The imtriotic and . I.Jiiion-loving people felt, that the alternative was that of life or dec,th l to the Union ;and under the anspiciouS guidance of Abraham Lincoln, that virtuous and patriotic; Chief Ma t istrate, with the blessing or Dim who dir,•cts the destinies of 'ttid ions, after imen action and arbitrary voilence it the part of the South, the appeal to arms was made We' had a just cause, and oureilizims approving it with a degree of ntranittnty lteretolore: un known, in this or any other country, left their various employments:their homes and all that wits.,•lear to them, and hasten «I With enthusi asm to the scenes where duty :and danger call ed, and as the surest pledge of their unsweri- r ing love.and fidelity to the Union they utthesi tmingly offered their lives fur it. preservation. Nor was any other tribute withheld, in prd viding the means necessary fur the support Of our fleets and armies. Nearly tWo millions of soldiers entered the' finhl frein 'time to time on different terms of enlistment,. 'The citizens generally .e.thi-hited the highest degee of patri otism in the, prompt payment of faxes; in their liberal contributidns in the shape 'of loans to the government; and the world wits faitonisheil by ! the amount expended in their lantevolent care for the tick and wounded, through the agencies of the sattitaary and Christian Cononissions and ether eltarlti , le'. associations. More than Six hundred sanguinary. battles mill skirmishes were fotight, ill which nearly three hurn4d thousand of our hernicdefenders laid down their lives in their devtainn to tle nation—ttfer etod and Liberty"' . •! i 1 I : t I n every phase of this tr. •rible Conflict, Penn sylvania bore an and conspietnius part. She contributed three hundred atal sixty six thousand three hundred and:tWeniyisikvol- i utsteer soldiers to the rescue of the natien; and : nearly every battlerfield has been moistened ...sill the blood, unit whitened with the bones! of her heroes. To them we owe` our victories, lunsurpassed in brilliancy.and in the importance dl their tonsoquenees. To the dead—the thrice, honored deed-we-are deeply ', indebted, for ! ' Without their selWites it is possible our -cause might not have been successfuh) . It is natural and eminently pope - t‘ 061 tctre, as a people. sboxildleel a deep and lasting ill= terest in the present and future Welfare of the soldiers who have homes() distinguished a part In the great contest which has resulted 'in the' maintenance of the life, honor and prosperity of the natian. The high claims •o l f the private soldiers upril the country are universally 'ac knowledged, and the generous sentiment pre vails that that amplest care should be taken i by thegovernmertto emnpensatethemtequally and I generously, with bounties and pensions, for their services and sacrifices • L desire that it may be distinctly understood that. I do not speak of myself. in connection with this subject: but I anilappy to avail my, 1 'self of this opportunity to speak :kind words of ' Penns y lvania's private soldiers, and the noble I offieers who counnanded them I i The generosity of the peopl& of Pennsylvania', to' the Union soldiers has been infitated, lint not equalled, by other States:. There is something peculiar in the loyalty of Penntiylvania. She, seemed to feel, frOm the first, as if upon her de volved the setting of i a superior : , :ainple. The filet that she carried Upon her: standard the I brightest jewel of the ' Republic!, • that in her bosom was conceived and trom her commercial capital was issued , he Declaration of Lndepen , deice. gave to her contributions; in men and money, and her unparalleled charitable ortran- - izations, all the diguitv and firer: of a model for Others to Copy. 'file rebel foe see=med to feel that if he could strike a fatal blow at Peon sylvfinia, he would recover all his kisses, and establish a. resistleSs prestige in the old world. But thanks to Divine Providence, and to t the Debote6 . 11 tbe ?Pitleipies of Ii Daipoetleg, aqJ the Diehiiintiop of 'g.itehetthe QQ3 ffebls. OUDERSPORT, POTTER COUNTY, PA., TUESDAY JANUARY_24, 1867. enduring bravery of our Citizen 'soldiers., the invasion of oar beloved State sealed her more chisely to the cause of freedom. The result of the battle of Gettysburg broke the power of the rebellion, and although the fitful isssue was delayeil, it Was inevitable from the l date of that great event. That battle res cued all the other free States; and *hen the arch of victory was completed by Sherman's successful advance from the sea, so that the two conquerors could shake bands over the two fields thatcloSed the war,;,the soldiers of Penn sylyania were equal sharers in the glorious con suMniation. No people in the world's history have ever been saved from so incalculable a calamity, and no people have ever had such cause for grati tude towards their defenders. And here I cannot refrain from an exprass ion.Of regret that the General Gevernment =has not taken any steps to inflict the proper penal ties Of the Constitution and laws upon the lead , ers of those who rudely and ferociously .inva ded the ever sacred soil of our State. t is certainly a mcirbid clemency, and a cen surable forbearance, which fail to punish the greatest crimes "kuown to the lad's of civilized nations;" and may not the hope be reasonably indulged, that the Fedral authorities will cease t 4 extend unmerited mercy to those who bum gUrated the rebellion and controlled the move dents of its armies? I f this be done treason will be "rendered odious," and it Will be distinctly proclaimed, on the pages of our future history, that no attempt can be made with impunity to destroy our Republican form of government. And while we would remember ^the soldier who has borne the battle," we Must not forget 'this widow and his orphan children." Among .iur most solemn obligations is the maintenance of the indigent widows, and the support and education of the urphan children.of those noble j men who fell in defense of the Union.' To af- j firm that we owe a debt of- gratitude to those ' Who have been rendered homeless and father less,by their parents' patriotic devotion to the country, is a truth to which all mankind . will :yield a ready assent; and ttiongh we cannot j eall the dead to life, it is a privilege as well as duty, to take the orphan by the hand, and be 'to him a protector and a father. Legislative appropriations have honored the liv ng soldiers, and entombed the dead. The people at the ballot-box, have sought out the meritorious veterans, and the meritorious spec tacle is now presented of the youthful survivors of those who fell for their country, cherished and educated at the public expense. Even if I j were differently constituted, my official duties would constrain me vigtlantly to guard this sacred trust. Biff, having served in the same cause. and been honored by the highest marks of public favor, I pledge myself to bear in mind the injunctions and wishes of tlip peoplh, and if possible to increase the ellicien.S , and multiply the benefits of the seheols and institutions, al ready so creditably established, for the benefit of the orphans of our martyred heroes. The infatuation of treason, the downfall of slavery, the vindicath;n of freedom and the com plete triumph of tile government of thepeople, are all so many proofs of the "Divinity that has shaped our ends.'' and given sct many promises . of a future crowned with success if we are only true to our mission. Six years ago the specta cle of four millions of Slaves, increasing steadily both their own nuMbers'and the pride and the, material and political power of their masters., presented a problem so appalling, that states- I men contemplated it with undisguised alarm, and the moralist with shame. To-day these; tour millions, no longer slaves, but freemen, Irwin! , intermediately proved their humanity towards their oppressors, their fidelity to soci ety, and their loyalty to thmgovernment, are peacefully incorporated into the body politic, and are rapidly preparing to assume their rights .as citizens of the United States. ' Notwithstand ing this unparalleled change was only effected after an awful expenditure of blood and treas ure, its consunimatiun may well be cited as the sublimest proof of the fitness of the Americab people to adininister the government according to the pledges of the Declaration of I ndepeng once. • We have but to estimate where human sla very would have carried our country, in the course of another generation,, to realize the force of this commanding truth. And as we dwell upon the dangers we have escaped, we may' the better understand what Jefferson meaht when, in the comparative infancy of hu man, slavery, he exclaimed, 'tremble for my 'country when I reflect that God is just. , •4 • A:single glauce•at what must have been/our fate had slavery been permitted to•increase will be sufficient. 1860 the slave population amounted, in exact numbers, tie three millions nine }rewired and fifty-three thousand ;set en hundred and sixty. Taking theincrease, 23.29 per cent , from 1890 to 1860, as,the basis of cal culatkin for every ten years; in 1890, they would have numbered at least upwards of nine mil lions. What Christian statesman, as he thanks God for the triumph of the Union armf, does not shudder at the terrible prospect presented by these startling figures ? But while there is cause for "constant solici tude in the natural irritations produced by sued' a conflict, he is but a gloomy. pr'ophet who dues nnt anticipate that the agencies, which accom plished these tremendous results, will success- IfullY cope With it'd put down all who attempt too govern tho nation in the interests of defeated ambition and vanquished treason. The people of the conquering Niirth and West have comparatively little to do but to complete the, good - Work: Vies cOnlyno.nd the position. The courage of the soldier and' the sagacity of the star' swan, working harmoninuslyhave now mraled and confirmed the victory, and Malang ' more is required but a faithful adherence to tire doctrines Whieli have achieved Such ttari•elous results. 'The overthrow of the rebelliOn has changed the' whole system of Southern sOciety, and pro portionately affected other interests and see tions. Demanding the eolightpurnent , of nail= lions; long benighted; it fOrces 'upon the North and West the consideration Of a more perfect and pervading educational policy. Much as we have boasted, and have reason to boast, of our common, schools, we cannot deny, when we compare them with those of New Eng latid, and contrast them with the preparations for the education of the Southern people of all classes, that we have tiTueli #o overe:Mue; if ire would equal the had, or the other. The reeent doirvent ion of County Schoa Sup;?r: intkraknts Of Pennsylvania exhibits some stu:rt, hug facts; which deserve the attention of the people and their representatives. Yet it is not by legislation alone that jany people can lie brought to understand their relations to each other as citizens. Their best instructors are 'themselves. However liberal the appropiia- sotnims / FREEDOM AND SLAVERY EDI:CATION' OF VIE PCOUI,E. tions may be, if these are mit septided by that commendable spirit which inwels the parent td impress upon the child the necessity of a sound moral and intellectual training, yoiir represent atives are generous, in vain. Everything ,de pends upon the people ; hence thegreat com plaint, preferred by the Conventio of teachers, n r. of shortness of terms in some dist icts, of the small attendance of enrolled sell( lars, of the employment of unqualified •instructors, and of the want of proper ,school houses, results nn= questionably not so much from the indifference of the State, as from the negligence of those who are invited to share and enjoy the bless ings of a cheap and admirable system of popes lar education. , [lf my fellow citizens will only recollect the difference between the opportuni ties of the present generation and those of their fathers, and how torch is to be gained by a cul tivation of modern facilities, they' krill require little exhortation to . the discharge of duties which relate 'almost exclusively to themselves and to those nearest and dearest toithem. The importance Of common selools; in are pnblicau government, can never be fully esti mated. To educate the people iS the highest public duty. To permit theM to remain in ig norance is enexcusable. Everything, therefore, should be encouraged that tends to build up, strengthen and elevate our. Statel en the sore foundation of the education of the people. ' Every interest and industrial pursuit will be aided and . promoted by its operations ; every man who is educatedis Improved fit usefulness, in proportion as he is skilled in labor, or intel ligent in the professions, and is in every respect More valuable to society. Education seems to be essential to loyalty, limn° State in the full enjoyment of free schools; ever rebelled against the government. . Pennsylvania should be the vanguard 'of ed ucation. She should remember that as she has been the mother of States, she siMuld also be the teacher of States. "The great problem of civilization is hew :to .bring the higher intern . gpMe of the community, and its )fetter Moral 1 feelings, to bear upon the masses of the people 'so that the lowest grades of intelligence and morals shall alWays be approaching the, higher. and the higher still rising. A church . puritied of superstition solves part of this problem, and a good school system does the re. t. 1 THE STATH MILITARY.!! Nothing, after the edueatiori df the people contributes more to the security of a state than a thorough military system.l The fathers of the Republic, acting upon the instinct of preparing for war in time of pe4e, embodied this knowledge among the primary obligations of the citizen; Yet the rebellinn found us almost vdrolly unprepared. OM . cor.fidence in our institutions was so firm that the idea of an attack upon them from :any qdarter, much less from those who had been the "spoiled children" of the government" was never believeb passible; however threatened. fire first clash of arms found us equally un diceived and unorganized, and we very soon experienced that the contrivers of the great slave conspiracy had not only :strengt'rened themselves by the stdlen ships, arms and for tifications of the government, but had been for years designedlt mszucting their youth in the science of arms; and when, the blefody tempest (Vetted upon us they ,core ready to spring at the heart of the Republic, while the citizens, in whOse hands the government was left, were compelled to protect thethselves and their counf:ry as best they ,mild. When we reflect upon the terrible sacrifices we endurei to rifaiiitain our libiirtiesiand an ticipated that glorious period of our countrY when the whole continent will be dedicated to human freedom, and when the despotisms of the earth will Construe our example into a standing threat against their tyranny, we can not disregard the' consideration of this impor tant subject. . ...• . . before rail:lrked, Per:nsylVtinia Contri buted dyer three huthired thousand troops to the national cause: Deductiag the loss of nearly thirty tuoitsand woundsall'3.disease .incurred in the field, what an inartierise army has been ;eft to circulate ',among and to edu cate the mass of dur population i Properly comprehending this thought. we have at once the secret of our past success, our present safety and our future poWer. dt would be easy to create an emulation in the of arms among the youth of the State, by prdpei• organization, and to dissienate, in all our schools, that loyalty to, the Whole country, without which there caul he no permanent safety for our liberty. In their late report, the visitors to west PoMt Military Academy. !hid 'a significant stress upon the necessity of Stich precep-I in the future, as would tench the student' of that' institution their first and unavoidable obligations to the principles upon which the government itself repose's.' The neglect of this kind of instruction was felt in almost every movement during thelrecent conflict; and •it is not going too far to say that Many who dis regarded their oaths, - and who drew their swords against the governmentlthat had edu cated and nourished them, foimd a mere tricious consolation in the fact that they were' peirmited to cherish an allegiance to the State in which they were born, which conflicted! with and destroyed that love of Country which' shoMd he made supreme and above al dther political obligations. • If, in mir past and recent e::p,eriencej there has been exhibited the valuable' and splendid achievement of our volunteers in the national defense, there has also been shoWn the necess ity for Military skill, and that knowledge of, and familiariy with; the ruleS of disdipline so esseirtially necessary in their prompt and ef fectual,employment. In order,' therefore, to make our military system effective, we should have particular regard for the lesson, that to prevent or repel danger our Stam,should al ways have a well' disciplined foreed,prepare to act with promptness and vigor an any caner gency; nor should we forget that it is impos sible to tell how soon our warlikd energies may again be required in tlr r field. DOKE RESOURCES AND DOME LABOR In nothing have onr trials dtiring the war,i and the resulting triumphs to our arms, been ' ' so . full of compensation as in the establish ment of the proud fact that We' are not only able to defend ourselves righinst assault, but What is equally impfttant, to depend nio'n and live eron our o'len resat:re:* At the. dine the rebellion was precipitated upon us, the whole business and trade of the nation was paral yzed. Corn in the West was used fur fuel, lend the producer was compelled to lose only the interest hpom his capital, but, the very capital Lc had inve;ted. 'Aber was in excess, and men were every where searching for einploymenh Mills and furnaces were anatidoned. Dciniestic intercourse was so tri fiing that the stocks of a number of the most important railroads iii the country fell to, and long remained at, an average price of less than fifty per cent, but the moment dangerAdthe Union became emminent, and the necessity of self-reliance was plainly presented Rothe only means of securing protection, and the gradual dispersion of our mercantile marine by the. apprehension of the armed vessels of the reb els, the Atheriean peoplebegan to practice up on the maxlims of self•defepse and self-depen dence, From haying been, if not absolutely iniptiVerlshtid and almOst without remunera tive enterprise, depressed by-unemployed la bor and Idle capital, r all their great' material agencies ere brOught into motion with a promptitude, and kept - in operation with a rapidity and regularity, - which relieved them c t from want, their country from danger, and ex cited the a azement of civilized nations. . Protects n to the nifioufactufes of the coun-, try, when r ghtly viewed, is merely the defense of labor a ainst competition from abroad. The wages lof labor in the United States is higher than those in any.other country-;,con sequently Our.laborers are the More elevated. Labor is the foundation orboth individual and national wealth; and those nations that have best protected it from . foreign competition, have been the most prosperous. It is clearly therefore, the interest of the nation to • foster and protect domestic industry; by relieving from internal taxation every sett of labor, and itapodng such heavy duties upon all importa tions of foreign Manufactured articles, -*fis to prevent the possibility Of competition from abroad. Not only should individual enterprise, and industry be thus encouraged, but all pub- ' tic works; it liberal and properly restricted genersl railroad system, and internal improve meats of every kind, receive the fostering care and most liberal aid of the government: We Are rich in everything necessary to meet our wants and render us independent of every other country, and we have only to avail Our selves of our own resources and capabilities. to progress continually onward to a degree of greatness never yet attained by any nation. Our agricultural, mineral and manufactur ing resources are unequalled, and it should be'our constant study to deiise and proSeeute means tending to their highest development. Why, then, should not the wisdoni argo•- ernment make available the teachings - Of ex perience, and at once legislate for the mani fest good of the, people? Why permit our manufactures to beg that they niay live? The gcivernment of °resit Uritain hes, liv her protect ive systein, 'piled duty upon duty." for more than one hundred and fifty lyears, and hence upon her protection is fouid:ed her manufacturing supremacy. Yet her emis saries come to this count'ry, and for sinister purposes, extol "free trade," speak scoffingly of "protection;" and endeavor to persuade our [people to believe and adept the absurd theory that "tariffs hindef the dei'elopitient Of indus try and the growtti of wealth." . 1. The great RepabliCati party, id the Conven tion which nominated Abraham Lincoln, in Chicagoi in 1850, as if preparing for the very war which most of our statesmen were at that period anxious to postpone, adapted a, reso lution, "which,". to use the language of an eminent Pennsylvanian, "declared that the produce of the farm should no tenger be com pelled to remain inert and losing interest while waiting demand in distant markets; that the capital which daily. took the form of labor power should no longer be allowed .to go to - waste; that the fuel: which underlies our. soil should no longer there remain to be a mere support for foreign rails; that the power which lay then petrified in the forth:of coal should everywhere, be brought to aid the bumart arm; that our vast deposits of iron. ore ShOtild .be made to take the fond of engines and•other machinery; to he used as substitutes fur mere Muscular force; and .hat all our wonderful resources, material Wand moral, must and should be at once deVelopetl. Such Was the idteut and meaning of the brief resolution then and there adopted, to be at the earliest practicable moment ratified by Congress ns proved td be: the case when the Iticirril!_ tariff, i On the memorable id of, March, Iii:?:1; We-VI made the law of the land. To that law aid ed as it was by the admirable action! - Of the Treasury in suprlying machinery of circula tion. :We stand .now indebted for the fact that we have, ini the shortspab:d of five ., produced mote,fred; . btiiit able hoiiseg and Mills, oVeried wore mines, constructed more roads than ever before, and so greatly ::added to the wealth of the country that the prOperty of the loyal States would this day • exchange for twit the quantity of gold than could. five years since have been • obtained . for all the real and personal property, southern chattels excepted, of the whole of the: Stated and ter ritories of which the Union stands; coamoSed." If the principle of protection proved to be such a talisman in the time, of war, shalt we reject it in time of ;peace 7 If tin answer were needed to this , 411...5ti0n.; reference Could be had to the repeated concessions tp this principle by the regent free-traders "Of the Smith: Scarcely doe of the ambitious me.i who led their unfortoriate peoplii into rebel lion, but new freely admits that if the South had manufactured their own fakdics, on their -own plantations, and cultivated skilled labor in their great cities, they would have been able to prolong theirContlict with the govern , therit-; and now to enjoy substantial, instead of artificial prosperity, they must invoke the i very ageneirs they had so long and fatally disregarded. Words need not be multiplied upon this important theme; either to make my own position strcnger;,pr to InipresS tipOn the people-the collie of adhering to a system Which has proved itself werthy of our CO . tinned support, and of the . itnitation of its .1 former opponents. =MI The exhibit of ithe flnamMS of the Cornmon- W , talth, as presented in the lat 6 aniMal mes sage of my, yredecessor, arid the report of Om State Treasurer, is certainly very gratifying; and the flattering prospect of the speedy ex ting,uishinent of tIM debt bicb has been hanging for so many . ydats, 'Lite a dtirt: over the prospects of our State, combined with the hope that a reasonable reduction will be made in our habitual amtual t;xpendi tures, will cheer , the people onward in the pathway of duly. Among the moat delicate and importa-t ob ligations required of those in mlicial positions is a strict and faithful Management of the TERZSI--$1.50,P R ANNUM., public reVeillies and expenditures of iNe.Ctrtrt: rdotiwealthL Taiation should be where its burdens tibiy be least felt, did where it is most just that it should be,borne: Every resource should be earefull hasbatfill ed; and the strictest econcifily practiced, so that the credit of the State shall bel main tained on a firm find middling basis, and the debt surely mid steadily ditiiiiiisiled; I,ittil its final eitie,guishment. w itunecesssry deny. iii this would; ld niy opinion, Ud incenipatiblei with our true interests. Ths,t these expectations are capable of speedy and certain constimmation,has already been demonstrated. The pnillic intprpye ments, the cause: of our heavy dela, Whiah . seemed to be an incubus upon the prddrlerit . or the State, 80 long as they were manage by her agents, haye been sold ; the tax on rea estate has been abolislidd; and considerable: redtiCtions hate (dreads , bee riinde bn it'd State debt. This important branch of the adnitinitafti: Lion shall receive my constant and zealLidd atteraidn. The general and etsdntial principles; of law and liberty, declined 61 the Constitution of Pennsylvania, shall be watchfully giarded: It will be my highest ambition to adtrlintster the government in the tree spirit of that in: strument. • Care shall be taken I-that the la*.i be faithfully excentedi" aiid the dtit:iiionis the courts ibspeettd and enfcireed, if; within their authoriied jurisdiction, Influenced only by corisider..tions fur the public welfarey it is my imperatiVe ditty to see that justice be im partially adminiStered: That merciful pro: vision, the partiOning poiner, confsrred upon the Executive'dontitlessly ,for correcting only the errors of criminiti jurisprudence, tied- 1;e: curing justice, shall not be perreited to iziti . indiscriminate protection of those who may be justly sentenced 'to bear penalties for In fractions of the', laws, made for the Sectirity, and protecticin 'Of sciciety. Those - "cruelyr! or' "excessively" ptininedi or erroneously convicted, are alone Halite td its beneficent p r otection, and only siieh 'shciul expect ?ti 1 exercise in their. behalf. \ ~ Whenever the people deemit eipedient or necessary, &dui actual experienee,• to alter the laws or to amend the Corlsili - nticin, it Li their undoubted right to do so, itetaii'din 4 to the mode prescribed within itself. Isiiel'S ' f 2 peat, what I have said elsewhere, tkit. , -s,; long as the peorile feel [list the power to alter or elange 'the Charadter of the goveroi s ne•it abides in thent, 'sd long Wilt theY (Sc int oree)e,l with a sense of rdetirity and of dignity i.; hie that theyever sprite from the eorisciOu.ness that they Boldwithin their own hands a reaniidi for every pcilitical evil, it correci ive' for even} governmental abUse and usurpation." - , THE NATIONAL SITUATION 'We are tonfessedly in a - tranSitichi state. It is tmarvelous bow prejudice has uivrii•li - ,1 in the furnace of War, acid how; trim' the .ltFtfy ashei of 614 hatreds arid did pashas, the truth rises purified and trfurnpliacit. The eont ist between the Executive and a Congiels twice elected by substantially the saute suffiagos,d, contest sit, anomalous in dur eiperienee not to haVe been anticipated by the framers of the National COnstilution, has poly served to de:. velop 'l.he remarkable energies of our people; and td strengthen them for future Condicts: The eautest is cutually decided: , . , • The victorious forces, physieal and moral; of the patriotic millions, are simply pausing before they perfect tile work of reeonattrittiori: Twenty-sir StriAes :have not only hfc.4.ti Saved from the c,chiflagrittion of War,. but have heed crystaliied in the • saving. The ithrestored ten, still disaffected and Still deli:int, fatal to be PrOvidentially delaying their tretuht td the Unicirl,, so - that 'when thee re-eater trtgoid its obligations and its tilessingt,3 they will be Yhi better, able - .to fulfil the etre arid one the other! Their Condition ista fearful *Otani to men and nations, and especially to duiaelves. Until slavery fell we did not ftillyciddet.: stand! the value of Republican inStittticins. Accuitoined to tolerate, arid in ninny Cases td defend slavery, we did not feel that its close proxiMity, so far from assisting; was gradually de-troving, ourliberties; and it wits efol,v when rebellion tore away the triaak, that vit:e Save the fea u e; of the monster that was eat: ing out the vitals 011ie Republic. . If We are now astonished and stocked at the etxhilation of cruelty and ingratitude aitioni , those Who, having inaugurated and Prosec i? uted a causeless wit(agairist a generous and having heed pe"....tteu td escape the punishm they deserve, are once niore arrogantly cla coring to assume control of the destfriles of this great nation, how': much greater cause would we have for Orir prise 11)0 slavery been permitted - to increase nd rbtiltrpl.k Bottst 411 ;we nifty of our matt rbd and our moral victories, yet is it not tvtte that there it no such thing as a Republlcdd government in the t4ii Suites that Vegan and tarried on tfi',g war ?i Tliere is not, 'to-day; a despotic Slate in Foircrpe si , here'the rights of the individual man are so defiantly trampled_ under foot, a 4 in the iections Which were supposectici bare been brought to fu'l submission to. Gov ernrn nt of the United. Stites: haft ease has suggested its Proitiderithil cure. The abhorrent doctrine,that defeated treasod shalllnot only be niagnaninidtigly parchnied, but introduced "toyet ett.origef pfifileges, be cause of its gitilty failure, seems to have heed insisted upon, as if to strengthen the beliei and the contrasting doctrine, that a nation; having conquered its freedom, is its bestgriar: dianjand that those lib° were defeated in hoil:' orable battle shOrild betcodstrained to 8001 to all the terms cT the.conqueror.. , .1 The yiolators of the mhst 9olenchi atTigaz tion‘i, the perpetrators of the most atrocious. crimes in the annals of time, the murderers of our heroic Soldiers on fields of tattle, and id loathsome dungeons and (barbarous pris'Ons; they] "must not, shall not; re-appear in itthe .council chambers of the nation', to aid in its legilation, or control itsldeetlnies, unless if shall be on conditions whicli will preserve one, institutions froni their baleful purposesatal inflt:ente,and Secure republican forms of ov:: ernMeni, in s their purity and vigor, do •441 f section of the country. Tht they are indisposed to areept uclj conditions, is manifest froni their reeertlinr7 even arrogant rejection of the proposed aniVid: ments of the national Coastitution—samenct-, merits which.are.believedl by many, true and` patriotic citizens and statesmen, to be toe" mild and generous. They have, however, been fully con-shire.,