Summer tUoods ! AT OLMSTED'S. TOUR atttention is invited to the large snd attractive stock just received, and for Bale as low as the same qualities can be bought anywhere in the county. We have on hand a large and varied as sortment of Domestic Cottons, comprising BROWN SHEETINGS, and SHIRTINGS, BLEACHED MUSLINS, DENIMS, STRIPES, CHECKS, TICKINGS, and COTTON FLANNELS, on which we cannot be undersold. We purchase onr goods for Cash and offer them at a very small advance From Cost. "FLANNELS. IF you want to purchase RED, GRAY, BLUE, or : PLAID FRENCH SIIIRTING FLANNEL, call At Olmsted's. DRESS GOODS; DELAINES. PRINTS, BROCHE, and WOOLEN SIIAWS, HOODS, SONTAGS, NUBIAS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CLOTHS, and CASSIMERES a full supply At Clmsted'N. CLOTHING. DON'T fail to call before purchasing and see the assortment At dlnistcd's BOOTS & SHOES 17*011 Men, Women & Children, in great va . riety and cheap At Olmsted's For Molasses, Syrup, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, in fact everything in the Grocery line, call AT OLMSTED'S. A full assortment of almost everything that is kept in a country store on hand. We intend to keep Goods that will give satisfaction and sell good articles at the lowest living profit. AT OLMSTED'S, ' Pantftr. Grain of all kinds, Butter, Wool, Sheep Pell!, Furs, Deer Skins', Also, County, Township and School Orders, for all of which the highest prices will be paid At Olmsted's Coudersport, Pa.Nov'r 18, ppsj JOURNAL INSURANCE AGENCY. f PV * CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE CO., lIAKKFORD, CONN. Cash Capital, $6,000,000 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK. Cash Assets, $14,000,000 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK. Cash Assets, $5,000,000 WIDOWS & ORPHANS BENEFIT CO. NEW YORK. Capital, $2,000,000 JETNA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY IIARTFOKD, CONN. Assets, $3,000,000 INSURANCE Co. of NORTH AMERICA PHILADELI'HrA. Capital, $1,731,000 PUTNAM FIRE INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, $560,000 HOME FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YORK. Cash Assets, $3,500,922 Travelers Insurance Com'y of Hartford Capital, $600,000 INSURING AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND AGAINST LOSS OF LIFE FROM ANY CAUSE. M. W. McAlitriicyy Agent. j MELODEOFS ! CABINET ORGANS! Piano For es! j rpilE subscribers have openid ft Music S'.ore in the I new buildings recently erected by the ALLEGANY ACADEMY OF MUSIC ! in the village of Friendship, where tliey keep on hand aa extensive an assortment of Melodecris, Organs, and Pianos, 1 as can be found in any Music Store in New York or ! Ho-ton. (There is scarcely anything in which there is so much deceit as in tiie manufacture of these In-trtt merits. The outside is the work of Cabinet-makers. Any one who will reflect how much differ nee twenty | five dollars will make in the appearance of a bureau or table, can readily understand how a few dollars j expense may improve the outside of an instriiin nt, ! while the inside may be utterly worthless. Any one j can judge of the outside appearance, but only expe- I rienced judges can decide the value of the inside. ' The great advantage which the subscribers otter to j buy an Organ, or Melodeon. or a Piano, is that every iiistruriii'iit they have on hand is very cardu'ly seleet | cd from the beet makeis, by ONE OF TIIE PROFESSORS OF TIIE ALLEGANY ACADEMY OF MUSIC thus rendering it certain that the instrument is per fect. They war> ant every instrument., and will ex ch .nge or refund the money for every instrument tiiat proves defective. Tin y can also sell at le.-s ju ice.- tnan city Music Stores as tliey do not have to pay the ; enormous city rents. j Our lirtu is composed of those who own the Allegany Academy cf Music, ! As tliis Institution is permanently established in Friendship, hose wishing to purchase Meiodenns. Organs, or Pianos, will readily understand the value i of purchasing from a responsible house located neat ■ them. J. BAXTER & CO., Allcgauv Atiadcmy of MUSIC STORE. Friendship, N. Y. ' J. B. & C". are also prepared to tnsvver orders for | ail kinds of Musical Instruments. Musical I'uhlica tions, Sheet Mu-ic, and Musical Merchandise gener ally. nay an.lß' 6tl If you want ALL KINDS OF DRY-GOODS, such as DRESS GOODS, ALAPACAS, MERINOES, ! LADIES CLOTH, DE LAINES, &c. GO TO I*. A. stebbiiis A: (o's. Firth's Music Store, SGG Bronclway, Y. THADDEUS PIRTH, {Successor to Firth, Sou d' Company,) MUSIC PUBUISFIUR, Manufacturer and Importer of lYliisiotl InNtrtimeiits. Piano Fortes, elotleous. Cabitiet Organs. ; And every description of .linsical iiii-r<-9i;iiile Ni w York Agency for t lie celebrated Giiuntre Y (it's ilitisti liistriitiieiiis. | Our Band Department is under tin; personel supervi- IsionofMr. D. L. DOWNING, j Wholesale and Retail Depot for the unrivalled 8?F" lliii-rlelt Coll age < >i-< n | Which challenges comparison as the most effective j ' instrument yet "tiered to the public. Xcir and Choice Music J'tddi.shcd Daily, ll®~ Catalogues and Price Lists ol Instruments fur tiisiied on application. 2 -if Latest Music from all the leading Publishers in : America. i SFiT".vny piece of Music, or Music Book, sent by j mail, post-paid, on receipt of retail price, i JFsTOrders by mail for Mitsicor Instruments receive j prompt and careful attention. I BuT*All goods warranted to provpas represented,at HUTH-fi M I'SIC STORK, is-2S.lyear 563 Groadway. New York. ROY'S CHOLERA DROPS, \ sure, safe, and effectual remedy for Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery. Colic, Cholera In j fan turn,Cramps,Spasms,Griping Pains in the Bowels, I and the best antidote tor CHOLERA. SALUTEFER The Great External Remedy of the Age. \ certain cure for Neuraliga. Quinsy. Croup, Sore j Throat, Rheumatism, Sprains, Swellings, I'ieur- ! ! isy, Click in the Buck, Spinal Irritation. Cramps,! j Spasms, Numbness of the Limits, chilblains, lib g- | | worm, and the best external application for Dyptberia 1 FOIt SALK IIV Cha.. S. Jones, Coudersport, and by Jhirtis it I Potter, Ulysses, Penna. Ucl J'.'-l v United Stales Steel Fen Works. Factory, (.'amdsn, A'. J. R. ESTERBRCOK& CO. STEEL PEN MANUFACTURERS. \1 'iireliouses: 403 Arch Street, Philadelphia, ! 42Joitn Street, New York. These Celebrated l'ens are of Genuine American ' 1 Manufacture, and comprise every leading style in the Market, and are equal in finish,elasticity and fineness lof point to the best imported. Tliey are, therefore, | sure to gain the confidence of the A tnerican public. ' Samples and Prices on Apolication. LOTS MADE TO GF.DER, OF ANY PATTERN OR STAMP REQUIRED. For sale to the Trade at the Manufactu j rer s Warehouses, as above : an I at retail by all Sta- I tioners, Booksellers, and Newsdealers in the United ; States. (lylT-40 lAler'oroitl. V Co. "NATgx.iTT'EJD- ItAirrLKTT ... ~ o Vsi: MACp£XES.\ to U g Fully Exr)h*fve territory given. B (T| : J ■ Tay from to S2OO peXjmUh. For terms, IRus- B , i L) B tratefl Circulars, stamp, either B J $ \ offlce ' PAj^rflKOTHEßiM>CTAgents,/ X "k Chestnut St., Phila., i!;Jl Summit St., Toledo,O. j JLO-estts w^.2srTiJU. If you want ALL KINDS OF lL^, | HARDWARE, such as IRON, NA CUTLERY, PLOUGHS, BLACKSMITH'S TRIMMINGS, :3jla>C3i2:*33.''Sj Coffoe Is particularly recommended as a healtlitul bever age and is most beneficially used by those who suffer with Headache. Nervousness and other injurious I effects "from the use of other Coffee. It is prepared with the greatest care, and contains which i not more harmless and bene fichu to the human, organism than pure Coffee, to which fact the most skilful Physicians and Chemists i tjsiify. On *3orn's Trt-vrtx Coß'co Has been extc sit' ly used at numerous Sanitary i Fairs throughout the Union, aud received certificates jof the highest recommendation. It lias also been thoroughly tested, and received i the diploma of the American Institute and other ! prominent inatitutions. Put up in 1 lb pack aires bearing the fnc simile Sig nature of Lewis A. Osborn, and in boxes of 30 and 50 lbs. and Sold by Grocsrs generally. ITktolcsalc and Trade Supplied by THOMAS REII) & CO., GLOBE MILLS, j Inporters and Wholesale Dealers, in Tea, Coft'ec, j and Spici s. s.OI SJ 19") Wirraa ail 239 Washington Streets, New Yoik. April 3.—ly J. CURNEY & SON, FHOTG3F.APHIC ARTISTS, 107 Broadway, IV. T. ' In addition to our I Photographic Art Gallery, Established 1840, We have for the last five years had advantages supe i rior to any other establishment in obtaining sittings : from life, of all the prominent celebrities of the day, I in CARD PORTRAITS, and are now publishing a i Catalogue of over 2500 Subjects, American and Foreign, j also a large list of Copies of Works of Art and Engravings, \ Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for one dozen pictures from our Catalecue | will be filled at at d sent by mail free. Sin ! gle Pictures 25 cents, copies of engravings idcts.euch. N. B. We also desire to call attention to the ad vantage we have for reproducing, or copying, Old Daugerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Curd Pictures, Ac. of Deceased Relatives and Friends, enlarging them to any size, and finishing in Oil, Water O lots, or India Ink, with the aid of Ten Tuleiited -Artists. Parties desiring copies, should therefore correspond with us direct. Send For rv Catalogue. The Trade Supplied at a Liberal Discount. Crsillery open For F'ree Inspection, and strangers visiting the City, will find our Gallery i o! e of the most acu cable placps in the City, wherein to while away an hour. J". Griiniey tfc Co., Plio-niGRAriIERS 18-23 Bnio 707 BROADWAY, N. Y. A IMonlli !—AGENTS for six ©cF HJs entirely new articles, just out. Address O.T.GAH-KV.c ty Cuildiug.Btddeford,Maine. , Do. 24, V.fifi. iswly. '" - & Ui'iJ' -v '>3 "18 years established in New York city." "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from poisons." "Not dangerous to the hnman family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." "Costar's" Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator Is a paste—used for Rats, Mice, Roaches, Black and Red Ants, Ac. Costars Bed-Bug 1 Exterminator i Is a liquid or wash —used to destroy, and also as a preventative for Bed-Bugs, Ac. Costar's Electric Powder for Insects Is for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bed-Bugs, Insects ou Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ac. JUS" ' ! ! BEWARE ! ! 1 of all worthless imitations fttiTSee that COSTAR'S name is on eueh Box, Bo ttle, and Flask, before you buy. SdFAdtlreeu Henry It. Costar. 484 Broadway, N. Y. BfsTfiold in Coudersport B3TBy the Merchants generally. And all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. " Costar's" CELEBRATED BUCKTHORN SALVE, For Cu*s, Burns, Ernises, Wounds, Boils, Cancers, broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Bleeding, Blind and Painful Piles; Scrofulous, Putrid, and 111-conditioned .-'ores; Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Cuta neous Affections, Ringworm, Itch, Corns, Bunions, Chilblains, Ac., Chapped Hands, Lips, Ac., Bites of Spiders, Insects, Animals, Ac. SSP Boxes, 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1 sizes S s"Bo'd by all Druggists everywhere SOR*And by HENRY R. COSTAR, 484 Broadway,N.Y. h?~And by Druggists in Couder sport. "Costar's" UNIVERSAL CORN SOLVENT, For Corns, Bunions, Warts, Ac. IFF* Boxes, 25 cents, 50 cts., and"sl sizes. &F*Sold by all Druggists everywhere. And by IIKNRY R. COSTAR, 454 Broadway, N.Y And by DruJUgictsin Coudersport. "Cos. tap's" PRERARATION OF Bitter-Sweet & Orange Blossoms, FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Used to soften and Beautify the Skin, remove Freck j Its, Pitnples, Eruptions, Ac. Ladies are now using it in preference to all others Bottles, sl. Sold by Druggists everywhere. And by HENRY It. COSTAR, 454 Broadway,N.Y And by Druggists in Coudersport. " Costnr's" PECTORAL pough Remedy, For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Consumption Bronchial Affections, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Bottles, 25 cts., 50 cents, and $1 sizes. Sold by all Drgists e brywere. And by HENRY R. COSTAR, 484 Broadway,N.Y And by Druggists iu Coudersport Costar's" CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL, For Nervous add Sick Headache, Costiveness, tndi neation, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation, Diarr hoea. Colics, 'hills, Fever, and general derangement of the Digestive Organs Boxes, 25 cents, 50 cert's, and $1 sizea ——Sold by all Druggists every where. And by HENRY It. COSTAR, 484 Broadway,N.Y. Aud by Druggists in Coudersport. deed 3m [LOOM HERE! 1 COLLINS SMITH HAS JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK WITH A LARGE STOCK OP NEW GOODS WHICH HE WILL SELL AS LOW AS THE LOU KST CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Cloths, Oassimeres, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots,- Shoos, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Notions, £:e. KEEPS EVERYTHING USUALLY FOUND IN A GOOD STORE TIIE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR VENISON, FURS. SHEEP PELTS, AND MOST KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. THE READY-PAY SYSTEM WILL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. jy. B THOSE OWING WILL PLEASE MAKE °A YMF XT WITH j OUT DELA l r . de cS,OG COLL INS SMI TIL NEW "DRUG& BOOKSTORE Buy Where You can Buy the [Cheapest! A New Store with Fresh Drugs! ELLISON & THOMPSON Having located in the room formerly occupied by C. F. Manning f>r a Jewelry Store, have rejitted, refurnished, and thoroughly stoked the building with the largest and best slock of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLUES DYE-STUFFS, HOWE AND STEVENS' PATENT DYES, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, A GENERAL VARIETY GF PERFUSVJERY 8 TGILET ARTICLES PAINT BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, &C. Will also keep on hand the following with many other Talent Medicines : Dr. Lindsey's Blood Searcher, Cr. Lindsey's Cholera Mixture, Dr. Janye's and Dr. Ayer's and Dr. Kennedy's Preparations. ALL TIIE POPULIK YAKIBTIKS OF BITTKKS. Sh.o ulclcr Braces for Yonxig ancl Old. One cf the proprietors being a graduate of the New York Medical Oodegc the public hT the assurance that all prescriptions sent in will he promptly and carefully prepared. BOCKS AND STATIONERY. School ltookM. Itlank ltooks, Novels. Toys, Notions. Pens, Inks, Pencils, •*. O. T. ELI.I SON, dec.'. 66 M. S. THOMPBOIC. VERSUS BUFFALO,DUAKIRK& DAKSVILLE . ON 9 j£bkm ■A—o j <>" ' O C. H. SIMMONS, Having made extensive arrangements for JOBBING FLOUR, AS WELL AS Would announce to large dealers that lie has consummated arrangements with Large Easter* FLOURING ESTABLISHMENTS to ship direct to us, instead of sending to New I ork. And we are io \ Prepared to Sail Lower THAN Buffalo, Dunkirk, D&nsville, or most any other establishment, saving all in this section FREIGHT, TIME, EXPENSE. Every Barrel Warranted as Represented. *g-SEXD IN YOUR ORDERS FOR ANY AMOUNT."®a Yours Ilcspcctfully, C. H. SSiVStrHONS. December, 1866 *