LIARCHIMG ON ! rnt!intjy ndvnncii ir in public fa'.or, throughou' Un td Stales, 1..1- B-il.sL Colo, ie* and and ne i ng no Flourish of Trumpets to proclaim it* miec- **. ".hat -tandn nric)e. ORISTAD OROS HAIR I)YE, 5, u * far ahe id of an;, preparation fUel*a. I'eo- j pi# of ftaakioa, at leitg h thnroaghhr mMtrrtud th* :erribte rntaiie * by the u*e of raeltllic j \ and caustic a i adrn ;U e superiont i finou vegetable Dii, M w <* cannot be #'.•< bat f: >m anheauby acMitno in the bow-1- or ihe blood, ic Br ml eth's ]| r more; thia method i- following nature,and tel .e, and heemtOOd the teat of time Se •B. Bran- , Orel in white letters in the Government stamp Sold by all Druggi-i Invigorate the Responsible Organ. T'.m ajomach tatlte r sponsible oijja oft..e- stem If the uidize-stioa i- in er ct. eve > n. m -r. < very glaud, ever, tiiu-cle, every -r\ and tibr— is mor<-or lea out 5f order. A"! i'i fttodsare dep i\ei. Tie brxn is clouded. Tlie a.iir's • depressed. A i 4y>peptica know th.p thetnnh. li is n'l,how •*r, calf the trath. Coluutea would >•■ required i •aomerate the | el- s end p. tn-s of dyeptq In, not jsu ij any pur do theia justice T-ns of thounaudp etit them: no man ce relieved: Cn tie. be bantebed a' ' 1 1 ~ llanabtv thev ron Wo i "n. noon- " o tl,.- con.p ,mt . JiieuraSie. j' Thi* Great Vro**B ana Ic wiM • -to |a#rad'o:>ti gi> In thoßan'*olu**oVerwM h met- , pal practitioners have shaken tliclrhead* oun DO u-ly, wayitig. ''X••thintr cm be done." The faculty tins its ml la- *• On- of t'-.ern ;h it is the iuo-i d fiio.i to* :t.. '. e ,-rd nary , Wllmeut* of nut kit d I,> c m •' :il. J su -1 .e. 1 si v j a Mi-take. Nothing r.-.n be easier thaai W ednq wf it ■ Ifffct mil ir fie idmiuiitered Ti.'.a e MaaaeUiMtWo which li - been be famous (htoiigli oet the civ li/.e 1 world .is ll'.isn.l lKli'S BTOMs ACli liITTKUsS is an Kiit' lote i t■ e <1 s .se which hit never be -n kieovi to fail, an l toriu ately ii i everywhere procurable It you vish to r-.OL w.lh the dyspepsia, try the pham ore! *ieed pa\ for it In s.,me stores two or th •e , c Vomiting Bpast s, and S Ueknees, saai aln-mcdy. It is sent to uleri. i y. s e < a.•> gi hs'.tls,—aid -xi run > for Chronic Uhenmatisra, Tlsa lache, Mumps, hr > IcJ VieL, BrulsCS. t? i ' - Old Bores 8s ■ 8 - Thro s, lie., - ij by ail the lirugg ft Lt ud. ou Corliaudt Bt ect Nw York. Aver's C herry Pectoral. a r n THE rapid cent or Coughs, Cold*. /•)/•'.-i I, II xtrs'itss, fro up. JJronchiti*. Inctpitnl Contumpt iotfj and fw tht relief of Cotuumpiivt Falientt in adcaneed tjiigcs of list dit-asf. rtOwid* is the'til 1 .'fits Us f mi ! so •: utile-- ous arc its cures. at ain St e - \ • c in f th* eount.v are persons nob sly who have| bsf n restored b_v it from alarrni ig and evend neiah ■. of the hints. •u ce tro d, its s peri.-r j lly over every i-I r exj e •■: , it l- m . * r air •• • hscapc ohs> rv tii >:i,a - ei'svi tucs , e known, the pnh cno . mgei lies'bts what antidote to em pipy for the d'str-s ing Rtid eer'.t'y t'. .. p ■ > '< ed v- tuss reined>>s. '-u* ;> .<•>• i.vie w not pr; • : s-ry of them. The Agents bel v.- named furniali gratis j our America A ' iaimr n wh.cli they are giv. > ; wth also fuli descrij iivtis of the cotnp..; .: jr rvtn edies cure Those who r r ; -ir an A ' •-■give ?.Te ine to • r rfy the blood w;i. li id .us',- Loyr Est Svrsvta r.t I. LA the ose to ate. Irv i; m.cfr. a: d\ ou wui ct fi. cede its va u v Prepared by I>* J. C A Y EIT Jt'Co .I/iw''.Mw. l and sold by ad l>iaud de. .crs iu medic.uc-e everywhere. or irouTU. A Oentleman who suffered for yearsfrotn Nervous Debility, Prem.itu e Decdy, an 1 ! r. ! tr.- ert'ects of Muthful iudiscretioa, will, for the sake milt AND EXi'EEILXCE OF I 1* INVAI.ia. Published for thebi • i i . - r •Y e Afeo and others, v■ i•> niiTe. tr. •• X r\. is la.- t\, Prematu e Decay f Mir, 1. i. ■ - •> y g : • !.i •ame lime the means of S If-Cure. 1",.. o.'e who i as cured h. in self after u .ergo inrcon-ii,- it- q ickci\ By enclosing a r *:-paid a Ir. -scd . nve ;■<■. si g e copies free of large, mac ire fad•f t; e author NATHAXIEI. MAYFAIIt. . _ Iysp-T\3o Bo k'yn, K i.irs Co , X Y STUAXGCT ill I IXI Lt Krory young lady an l gentleman in the United States can soinet .iug much t • tlteir a .vantage by return niai! (gee of c i-ge.) by add < ,-iug tin uti iersn; i-d. Ti,os- > h ivg; fc.a s of be ng buged i ! ol'ige by not noticing tl; • card. All; •Umts will pieaae address tbei< ohrdie t wr ai.t, THOS. F UllA' MAN. RCI Brntdway, New Yorlc.—(lijjß TO FC'OSSI MPI'IVEFL Th advertise-, having been restored to health in A FEW weeks i.y a very M n;> - r ;.:t- i t. g aufTereJ for set era": year- with a severe lui gaffection, and that Utead disease, Cotisiiruiitiun —ia aiixioas to make know.i to his feilow-sudereis the UH-K. s f ■oure. To all who desire it, he will nerd a copy o r the pre scription use ! (free "f ebvrge), w th ttie dlr-iT-in'' for preparing a d usliig t'.v same, w' htl • y tv-li find a SUBK ("CUE f r Consumption. A-thtna. Bninchetis, Coughs. and ait Titxoat and Lung Affections. Tho only object of US advertiser in aandrng the I'rt-scriptiou is to benefit the alMieted. and spread infoi illation wttich b co ceives to be in valaaWe, and he hop-s every sufferer will ;,y 1. s remedv, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prey-ription FREE, by return mail, will plea-r addre-s Rv. EDWARD A. Wir„SOX. Williamsbu-g'i, Kings C ■ . New Y"<>rk.—JlyjyS ' MAN11OOD: now LOST, now RESTORER. Just pub lishnd. a new ed tior. of D t'' LVKI! WELL'S ' Celebes'el Essay on the rad oil lire (without m.-di cine) of Sp rm.storr or se-.ninal W.-akin ss. Jn voluntary Se r. • e I. ■ .■-. l.t:p itensy. an 1 Physical Inc pseity, Wart lege, ete : also Co mumptfoa. Kptmpsy, and Fits induced hv i s! -In lulgei-ce or se\ul extravaga ice *,* Price, in a sea'e 1 enve!o,.c. only 6 cents. Tue celebrated author in thia si dm rabia emj clearly demonslrs es from a thirty years" su c-s-fu! practice.;hat ihe alarm nreonsetiiK-nces of s. If abuse may be radically cured without tiie dangerous u-e of internal med cine or the appi cation of tiie kniie— poi'iti'ig outia mode of cur tit once simp >. cer ain. and ff c'ual. i y cie.ins of which every sufferer, n >' matter what his con tit or> may l>e. may cure hiitise f tfheapiy. privately, s d radicsdly *•* 'i'h s lecture should bo in the hands of evcrv ' youth and every man iu the land. Sc-nt, un ersesl, in a p .tin envelope, to any address p >t on receipt of -is cents, or iwo poet stamps Audre the publisi ers. CHAe J. C. KLINE A C.i, j 1?T Boery, New York l'ost Dfliee bes 4 5*5 rriE PUTT Eli cut" NT Y JOURNAL j Joudersport, Evening Jan. £2. 1?67. aiid General. Tlie Sjring Elections for this County take place on Friday of next week, February tlrs-t. Let tlieni V>t- gtlieraHy attended and good officers elected. H. M , tbe Wellsville Pentist, will \>e in ibis fdace Vxtween tbe first and tenth davs of February. His re putation in this cofin tv will commend bi-n to a.l needing bis services- Absence from home for a greater length of time that t\e anticipated has delayed ihe publication of the .JOVRS'AL two days. Washington's Birth-Day will le cele biaied on tlie evening of that dnyt Feb. 2*2; at •he Uleoi.a House, by a Ball uudt-r the d;rei lion of Mr. It. H. Mason. CH: FArrottiES. —As there is n ctnforta f ilc cert a ntv that the number of Cheese Fact - ties in this c uuty will be considerably adtled to. if not doubled the cuninc season, any Sto ic ic- co; eehiino such eslabli-hmeiits will le acceptable to the farmers. W'e find in The h'unii A'r Yorker, the IT- jx.rt of a factory at Verona. X. Y„ for la-t year, wh ch se< m.s to fairly set forth tiie advantage of uniting capital in hke enterprises. Ihe averasre nuni'>er of c< ,TC - attache'.] to the estahli-htiielii during the season was 5"0. and the cht ese made weighed 212.975 pounds cured. The November milk proved the best for cheese. The cost of making ,v 1 cents j t-r jwund. Utle man sent the milk of one cow for three months and twenty-two days with the follow iug results : 222 1 1: >3. cb.• e?e at $:1" .92 per 100 lbs., £19.82 lb lb qts of milk sold at 5c p< r quart., 82.40 62 1 >. butter sold at 4."> c j>er lb., 27.90 7 lbs. butler sold at 35c per lb., 2 45 Calf sold, 3.O'J Total, £155,57 That is a pretty good exhibit. Another uairy of 2J cows netted £72.2? to each cw. Another, of the same number, net. ted £71.u3, each cow. Another of 66 cows, neiu t £B2.7s,each cow. mother of four cows, i etted £i* each cow. The latter produced 100 pound- of butter after the factory cleSed fqr the Rta-oti. *J he factory being built by Messrs Cone A Francis, near Stony Folk, is the largest yet attempted in this conntv. If will op--n for work in the spring, 'j he Delmar farmers should stock i.jt and bestow a gene-rots ] atroirage uj on tie esvabL-htnent.— Toxjn Agitator. THR ATLAXT C M' .VTH: y, for Febreary, lias The Guard an Angel, I art 11, a story of Xi \v Fn_l:uid Life of to-da", by Oliver Wendell Hot nes : Mntia, a poem by Alice Care ." : Char acteristic- >f the KliVihcihati Literature, tlie first of a series of articles oa Enelinb Literature, by F. P. Whipple ; Gerirge Redillion's Knight, . the begun gof a btory by thea.uhor of "Mar garet Howth. 4 ' "Life in the; Iron Mills," etc.; Comic Jo: : al-m, by ore whose experience p.-cmhariy li - him to write on this subject ; Kiizabt tics Cl am' er ; Kathr rme M< rtie, part 1\ tie autlmr of "iiermaii" ; A Drift Wood ' Fire, aitottx r-4 Int-Daor Piper, by T. W. Hig ' gi so:, ; ID fit Ksiate, t J iv'n; bv J. T. Tro'-v --bridge : How Mr. Fry would have preached it. by the author f~A Man without a Country"; ]Glacial Phemiffnui in Madie, the tii-t d as - fries of popular scientific papers, by Professor • Agas- z ; Forza Maggiore. a chanter of ltahau j experiences, by the author of "Venetian Life"; Frie (4i:erdrit, a poem, by T li Aldrich ; li'- collcc ions of John Vand rlyn. the arti-t ; The Ail.unci, by Joseph Maz/ini ; The Stand-Point of tfe Bowdwig*Bome ; Reviews at d Literary N ticca. Tickasr fc Fields. Pub it-hers, r-tom Not' .ng mreto be d'sired than a g ou a i Mi. and to have t .<• food direst well \ the stomach a d Imwt Is must lie in perfect or ler, vx hich :< nder- good health certain and en .u iiiig. u i en the appetite fails, the stomach s sour and f d, the bowels in an abnormal • cm •: t:-*!. take Cm'< Dysjcj sia Cure at once. 11 i- a ino-t excellent medicine, give- great sat i-faetion and i- -nre in its results wherever taken according to directions. We bid our friend- try it with c i Silence. 63 k s: ti ; In, Minnesota, Nov. 19. ]-6i HESTER K- youngest daughter of Julius Ba ker. formerly of Hebron, I'ottcr county, l'a. • agio about 12 years. r-eldoin ha- Death taken awa* a child of gr aicr promise, or one more ilearlv beloved Dy a araeif ch. of friends. To her, death had no terrors —she died with perfect trust in her Savior, an 1 wi'h the swei t a—uiouce tl at with her-all would be we'd." <>n being asked if she feared to I.y, she replied. "No, 1 am _uii g io Heaven," W ita i muikable composure she -gave ' tiie memento to each of her friend-, urge! bir unconverted brothers to seek tin Savi r ami after b; icllng them allan affection ate farewell. sa.J "Now let me die eay,-' and soon her happy spit it went to God who give it. '] . e ft llowitig Resolutions were jrassed bv the Presbyterian Sunday School i.f this place o; which she was formerly a member: Remembering a- we do. our former connec tion with Hester Elizabeth, recently one of our beloved class mates? vfo through the provi de: ce of God has recently departed th.s life, therefore Resolved, while we deplore her loss and cherish her memory, we fiel to magnify tho riches of God's free grace, enabling her to cite so piacetid and happy a death; and that we, feel deeply to sympathize with the rdli.ctid parent- and friends, R> That a copy of these proceedings! , together w.tli these Resolutions be sent to the betcavi 1 j arents, also l<'the POTTta JOURNAL fur publication. Altf-r adopting the Ilesolutiors the School united i" the btautiful hymn (-ung also c* her funersl) commencing ; "Sister thou wasf tnild and lovely. Gentle as the summer breeze;" E. In Roulette, Pa, January 13. 1 -'67, GEORGE W, only S"U of George W.and Idtula I. Man ning. aged 2 yeafs, 4 months, and 21 day.-. The house of mourning ; O, how sad ! No hearts ate there ajqu-aring glad ; All is -adness, tears and grief, 'Feyoiid man's js,wer to give relief. Hi re the lifeltss clav remains, Cold, and still, yet free from padis. 1 he in Heaven tburc, t lasped in the arms of Jesus' love. Could we on eartSfbe reconciled To this, tire loss of our ilcar child, M ere not tht ,s iruth So verv plain, 1 hat death, t • hiiu, is but a gain ? No. th s alone can cure the smart, Proceeding fr.m a troubled lieart ; To know tHat Jesus' outstretched arm Hath rescued him from future harm. COM. 'SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TOHIC. Tins medicine itivented by i'r J. 11. Sciienck of Philadelphia, is intended'ti'dissolve the fWi anil make it iufo chyme, the fits'- pKccflßoffdi ! gestmn. By don Mug tbe etoniimh wilb Dt. Schenck's Mattdrake I'iiis, the d otiic soon .'a stores the appetite, and food tLat could not b< eaten before using it will be easily digested. Consumption cannot be cured by Scuenck - Pulmonic Ssvrup utiles- the stomach a: d itvei is made healthy aud t'ne ap|>etite rt stored,hence i tae Tonic and i ills are required i •nea iy every case of consumption. A half dozen bottles oi the SEAWEED TON i 0 and three or font boxes of the MANDRAKE PILLS wul cun , anv ordinary ca-e of dyspejtsta. brifebenck mkes pWiaßWtid visita tz Ni w ork.Bostoil, and at ht- princij'al office HI 1 Si ,- aitlphia every week week. See daily pa pr of each place, or ht- pamphlet on consumpUou for his days for vU.tjtiou, Please ask for-] r. Schenck's Ma duke 1 ti;- aud observe that two likuesses of the doctor an on the Governuient stamp —one when in tin la-t stage of couaumpbon, attd the olner in nt present health. j Sold by all Drugg'st? ant' Dealer*. J net cents f>er box. Principal Ufnce, -.6.15, Noitl. , 6ih street, Philadelphia. General Wholeskls Ag'nty. Dercas A Co., 21 park Row, New 1 ork ; S. ?. HUIICI 108 Baltimore St..Baltimore. Md.tJchn D.I at s N. E. corner of Fourtii and ainut >i.. * incin- j nati. Ohio; Wjdkor it Taylor, 134 and 136 M a- ) bash A>ei.ue, Chicago, ilk; 0-ILiti-y Brothers • sontliwest corner pi Second and \ iw Ms., Si i Louis, Mo. [3d".v.ea.nio.lyrOct22 As winter is rapidly approaching and firi-s v\ ill become more numerous see to it tha; ! your buildings are insured. Call at tl e JoEX- j VAL OFFICE AGENCT. Policie- issued in the . best Companies of the country at fa r rates, who have large 1 arns with tlie ir summers,' crop in them, will do well to sec thai thev are Inst.rid. No one who exercises cm-1 utoii discretion will refuse t<> insure at this s a- j son of the vear. Don't wait until it is too late,, aud then say: "I meant to !• iusored.** Plt- J eras".inaLion imt otdy stia'ts time, but very often ■ |'" f -f, i ■_, wwrotL ' >l4 i;nss:i> : At the B ip'ist Otoirsh in Dunkirk, .T uitisrv 14. , lv>7. to lhiß v. Mr. Brastfd, Mr DAPIKT. I'. • RuBIBUTfi, iftirraerlyolPloumt V illey, tins eouti- . tv), aiiiJ Minn DELIA A. BON I), o! Dm.kirk. Auditor's Notice. IiHE under* gn,-d Auditor appointed by tbe Court of Fetter County t<> dt*tribute UMMM-V In lb , I, a its ot ibe AdiniaDvator* a trivvCship, died, lond Mtiionz tuoae li-gxlly i-miUed tben t i, wi'i tuevt a.. ; ar i.k interest d ai tin- Prothoiidtriry'g Oflfce tn tbe ; B*rongk off ("uudt-r-par!. or, Tuc-'Dv 'h.e 121 ii day "t ; Frtru tiV, ISD7. al i ck I' , t • HCtcud to tke dulie- ol -aid aji; Oi T. (' I.ARRABEE. Aildltor. Couder§port, -tan 9 trCT. Admiixistratom' Notice. WWTREREAS 1.-fcs of A IminJetration on t'. \ V e t.'to "i Horace M. KatblKxie, latoof I'oitTiila, ' X. i' ~ U c j ! avc is-t-n granted I • the under* gued , H'l pi r- rs indel'tvd to said rotate are requeeteff to I make iura-diate payment, an i those Laving oivta* j agaiD-t ti.e *aim xv i: present tki-ni, ]>rt>ptr \ uutLes tieaU-d. i ir se:t: FAR AII IAXE EATHBOXK, ; F.W.KNOX, • Coudtf -i'T , J in, T-, 1567. liupor'.ant to Kuildcrx, ' rpHE ?c 00l IK rector* or Eulalia Towmhip wHtj £ receive proposal# lor tt,e erection of a School j ; House in Lynvmsv.iie, until tie tirs; S .tnrdaw in Msr-h next. The building to be L' 4 \O4 feet ; to He l,u t in tlie m>st norkmaiiAe .-.lid su'u-;au;ia man- ♦ er. Fill p.; tiou ars ill U'g rd l- pan g eeifieapo s. ootbriMega rime and te us of pi)meat ve., nn 1<- J -0" i* at the I''olbonotary' Oliicc, in care of Dan B M r. l'.y order of ti.e Pov 1. : JON \THAN GLACE, l'res't •j -J. M. Brinoiio. gw'v. C'Sderspo 1,9a . 't'l, IH'>7. NOTICE. WHEREAS, my wife CLARAXEA has left mv • , B-oil ami b ard without jc.-t cause or prnvoca- ■ . tin! , 1 In i hv give noiiee i • all person- that I . will p::y no a< Lis of her contracting unices com .lpelledby law. W3l. WHITNEY. Hebron, Jr.ry ?, 1 -t?7 j ,1 '■ THE MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. I'irty i".!ffv- ! sty' - ii apti i I ~ - ■ red a d se<-;lar ••tusi •. r" -0 '■ > ?- ~ eV.. FI F I'Y >Nrl G • ; or • I i - rit !(' . •-!! •. jtlt.i'i; , LIN. or MA SOX A IIAMLIX, X. w V .rk 1 * # * Don't be foolish."—lou can make Six Doiiars from Fitly Cents Call anil examine lan invention urgently needed by everybody. r Or a sample sent free b'r rfetl for 50cents, th-it r retail- easily ltr t6, bv K L. Wl7jp j Chatham Square. New York. itimitti*! i niot * sale. ; VT"OTI< E is hereby given that the uuderrigTt ' ed. Admiiii-trator ••! the estate of ABEL " 1 0. CARD, dee'd, by virtue of an order of the! ' Orphan's Court of Butter t'ountv, Will expose to public sale or outcry at the Court House in f the B-purh of Cou.lersport, on Thursday. 1 February 21. 1867. the following described real 5 estate, to wit.; All t a piece or pare 1 o laud -Rente In r R< let j, lioumi 4 aid discti'el ;S t fellows : Begiinii :g at the north-east corner of f lot No. 164 iiei'l' Ito J. R 1: it thi-i ce i-a-t , tifiy -tiiiee to is ; th: :.ct jtort't t *>• hu dred and one-tenth rods; the ce west fiftv-tliree L rods to a corner in ca-t line of ot No. 27 di ed , ed to J. R. Burt ; thence s uth two hund'ed and seven and one-tenths rods to the place of b ginning. Co itainiag fiixt y-seven and eighl t< nths acres, tic' im a.-' re, and Ix-ing lot- Nos ' 24 a <1 73 of ti;r all'triH ft of Keating lands iu . 1? on hi twowi.-hip and parts eT warrants Nos , 1.3 and 222?. To be eolil t.> the highest and best bidder. I.Y.MAN BUii'V AJruiiii-Rator. Roi l-, t January 17, 18C7. COURT PROf I. k l! ITXOS. XXTBRBEASthe Hon. R ><*■ tG. Wb ie Prrotd* nt • \ .Tltd ■! * 1 1T Tl* T •_•.• i; • MM! \Y > -1 Buriei. 4*ea':l*te Judce* of t!.f ( of (her i '> Tfrnii 1 < r aid lir t- :ii .t:,ii 1), !iv, j y. IJ alter S,>- Cisiofibv Feace, Orhttu-' C un sin! Ci urt uffGom ;.) > lffroafortheCountynfPotter,havebwued '!wir 4 precept, b*ar mr •! itc ibe Twe. iy :ii rd iyoil) cr , g iI 11 ,• year t,f our LiTiD'• I .O:I-.IB<1 K:*iil linn i . an,! Sixty:u.(! to n.e ij:i-eted _• • Court of Up : an! Tc-iii,: i far. I )• u-a! -Ait D i very * yre tvr rp s* o>s ui Die I race, (irp'anr'C> Lit". -, d d irt of C•■ no T mtl e B roiKl of • ■ vere p.rri,on VoX AY*, tlie lS;b day of f'rHruary r,ev, .e aud to fuL't iue one wnk ' Notice i* therefore berekf civea to the Co.uiirw, " JtiMiees of the IN- .ce mt9 C w 'I, n tn, L couniy, that they He tuen un It! , ntiiir pro;t*r person-, at 10 o'clock A. M. of -aid cay, w th their T'T*. records. iriqui-itioTi-, exu:nina*ir.iis. a'.d ,>thor 1 r rn-nitira ■ th tbinz- wVeli to the r olffve- apper!.al . to he done, And tii ,-e who :ir 1 bi J.d !>> tbeirreeogntzaneestopmeeateaeainet t|p pri-o o-ts that are or -hall be in the ' di of -aid coin ty of I'.' •(--. a e to l-e then and ti.rfc to prosecute ai-iin-t t!,em us wii] heju-t. * Dated at Couderi'jxjrt, .1 oiuary 10:h, DG6 a d h , 9r.ii y,-:.r of the Indepen b-n e V :ted sSnves - tAm ri.-a. W. \\". RRijit N. 6!ieritr. If you want C ROCEPJES, suet, as TE AS, CO FEE E S, WHITE and BROW?* SUGARS, SYRUPS and MOLASSES SPICES.- f. GO TO P. A. Stcbfcliis A Co's. I i COTBERSFOBT PRICE (TRUEST It-ported every Tuesday by r. ii.. Stclatoins c4c Go. Dealers in Grocerioa and Provision*, Ocudi-roUOii. AppJee. eroen per busLel t 100 to 1 5 •' dried, " 250 3 ' Jean*. 300 2 5 3-e*wax. per lb., 30 j 8-t-f, '• 10 I B jrieg. dried, per quirt, * 22 3 Bsrseheatj iwr 62 Buckwheat Flour, 350 4 u Butter, per lb., 30 3 Onet-sc, " 20 2 OloVcrseed, 900 10 0 Corn, per bushel, 10" 1"2 J >rn tnea'. per cart., 3 00 Egg*. per dozen, - Flour, extra, per barrel. 14 00 15 puperilne, " Id 00 12 O il iDl', per i b., 22 2 Hay, pr ton, 80° Id 6 lou v. per lb, 15 2i Card," 20 2. Maple S'icar, per lb., 15 - 1 late. per buaiiel, _ v ■' 1 25 1 5 Fork, pet blil., 20 00 25 <* '• '• lb., 12 1! " In whole ho?, per lb., 12 1 Potatoes, IH.T bu : el, 37 5i Peac cs, dried, per lb., 30 o !>nullr' , per lb , 10 11 It e, JVf bushel, 1 fiO 15* Sill, tier lib!;, 450 5 K 44 ea-'k, 15 2* Timothv Se< o 450 55* fr ,u , per half Mil, 800 9 Wheat, per bushel, 200 2 W White Fish, per haif bbl., Slo 9CK NATIONAL HOTEL, (I.ATE VAN BUKEN HOUSE,) WELLSVILLE, X. V. tjlllß n dereifrned would reerMr'fully inform tbeii 1 trie is i:r! th- traveling public generally, tual tliev Lave leas d th* at>ove Hotel, (former y miowi as tile Van B ireti House), and will at all times b vj v to turui-h them with tirst class accoinmoda i tious on reasonable terms. An omnibus wll mr. l ■n. fr it. the H.etse taeeti ■ ;.eh tra: P;.£sc. ger taken to and front the Hotel, free of charge. Uegu'-.r ineof Stages to and ftotn Coudersport, Pa., aui WhitesvlHe, leave the llotei dai y. J((\ ITS it 111 KT. Proprietor*. COUDERSPORT AND SHIPPER! STAGE ROUTE, \1 L"?>R>. GLASsMIRE i WHITE'S dailv lin. • of Mages win leave \>U tersport. Until turtle: i notice. t 8 o'clock in the morning, arriving in Ship i"-n abiiut 4 o'clock in tl.e afternoon; and w II leavi ' SiiipiH ti on the arrival ot the nflnitaf train, at 10.30 I *rri vit-.g in Cou-icrspnrt about 5 o'clock. P. M. Travelers are refered to the Time-Table of the Ph I ! a ie'p . i Erie Riilroa ,nh rli will be found a-lver lined in this pax* r, for farther perl Scalar* about ih< ladvantage*of l#brptgf, N 4 '*' York posneßgcrswil SAVE SO MILES TRAVEL AND 5 HOURS TIM: by taking t is route i:i preference to that of the Krii Railway. N' CHANGE iF C IBS BETWEEN SHIPI'FN AND NEW ) <>KK K tie, new, com j fortabie wagons and go 1 tennis are kept on thiSUy Hou'e. Packages and Express ' (leciit Fetnale llcmedy for I rref u I la ilea. Tliese drop* area scientifically com led fluid preparation, aad better Una any I'i 1* r- r N strums Being liquid, iheir act'On i •• ©ct and i - live, rendering them a reliable, awaf; aui cer'.a ii spec'fiot r the cure ol all obstructions an stippres-io'is of nat ure. Tl r popularity i* indicate* b- the * ,cl that over 100,000 bottie* are annually *ol< fawi conenmtd by the ladieapf ihe United State* 4 e,ery me ■ f xvhor; steak in the strongest term* o i-e of their great me: its 1 bey are rapidly takint •he p ace of ev.-r. olii r Fe. i tie Remedy, and are con st •- r-i ty ah who know aught of their ." a* tie sttr-s -ifi and :i."st 'nfa'.i b • prepinit on in the w-.-rld for the f.r- of alt Fetnale co npiuiuts, the removal o o ■■true! o sofna'ure.a d the promotion ol he tit I y ' 1 -tr-i g*h. Explicit direvftoi-s sa i $ wbenihcv may 1-e used, a d explaining When and whj they si.on'd md. nor could not be used without p o ti -i.'-g • 11° cts contrary to nature's ck-fen laws, w 1 be to ii nd carefully folded aio .nd each t.ottle, witl • n■) en tig at ure of JOHN 1. LYON, tvitho jI wl ict n tie are genuine. Prepared bt lr. JOHN L LYON. 135 G! ripe ?;r,y% New Haven, Gonri., who can t>e consaltrc pe:s"t'iy <>r by mail. been tested it lia . | roved ilstii t>• be one of the la-st Straw-ci't br-in use. 1 s cheap, durable, does not get 00l •f rej air easily, and is warranted to give sax i isfiiction. Prrsitns eesirous to pitrcbe <*TtErtaniini this Ct itt' . ca• i no s< bv dlHtng at P A. Slcb bins it Co's., Coudersport, Fa. JAMES F] iA vCrS. Dec. 15.I 5 . 16j6.—2 tri'is. A NEAT PLUII3IE Foil iu,. .. i iUaLuTUuT. l'hitloii'n 44 >'iglit Blootuiu; Orciia.* 3 Phalou'* 44 N jjlit I* 100 so in g t'rrfui.'i Phalou'a 44 Niglit Blooming Crrcß.' Phalon'n ♦•Night II looming fcrcmJ I'halon'* 44 .>'iebt ItJoomiag t'crrui.' 1 A rr.o-t esqubbe. delicate, and Frsgran; Perfume, distiied from the rare and beautiful flower frou; 1 i whicii it tate- its name. Manufactured only by PU AI.ON A SO V New Yoik. BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR I'HAI/tN'S-TAKE NO OTHER Notice. Gbiimasia, Potter Co., Pa.. Aug. 1, IBG3. V' OTICE is tfereby gn en that Charles Bu- N siiur, now or lute of this county, holding the following described jTiotexty. has not ve . pud any consideration whateverfcr ihe same aad n!l persons arc- hereby warned not to par chase any of s-tid properly of the said Bnsboi before the deet&ioo of ihe Court is given ir this cas"? ard C. iitishor ha? paid to me th consideration tircey therefor. 'l ite foiiowing is the property : Ist. A certain tract of land near the Ger ! mania Mill. Fn warrantso7s. Abbott township J Potter eounv. p a . containing 100 acres. Also |5 acres iu warrant 5u7S and the, aooie. . /■!. A-certrin tract of land, with Mill and i improvements thereon, near Kettle Creek, in warrant 5819. iu Stewartsih township, Pottei j county, Pa., coutaiuing about 204 acres, i b. Bushor holds aiso in tru*t warrant no. '2501. in Gaines Tioga county, Pa. |n road leadingfrotr uertuanii to Gaines -aiulng buC acies. l G WAI. RADDE. JOUVENS KID GLOVE CLEANER ESTABLISHED 12 YEARS. Tlitf article has bt-c" osvll in Par.s for many yearn and is what the manufacturer* of gloves u-c t" Jm , par to tlinn the delicate fliiir-h after they lave ,ct the hand* of theaewer*. It sea* in! rod need into ttii eouiitty ever 12 y a ago, and it i# at this day th< SLY KtiLLv cooi> KID Giotk Cisisß"- It ie per fecily inodorous, anl the gtove can be cleaned *th ii wiiile upon the band; srti <>m immediately. Om bottle cosniug So cert* will e'eau U5 pails, thus o i o>s cast a pair, anj lad* cm clean I er v '.cea i>r few moments and have tlirmlo .k'.i-c like new. M * dealers in Fancy Good* keep it for sac. hut ci j tbev do not and will tot sen-, for it, lac e- may citi j together tor a d.tzcii liotties and *end us f- aJat -1 R i wills nd them the dozen packed in a wooden bo* i This is oue low est wh eelc price todes-era A d:u-t JULVtX S K 11) GLOVE CLEANER. Sin Dejol, t>2 i U'l ■ I "treet, X. w 1 ork ' NOT A HUMBUG! |j I am authorized to sell IVit\'s <1 'the* and W >l thing. A strong :nan oi . wmatt can wash as much in two hours na wotna; J Bah wash M a MWH weh b MMW ill eight In-u s • j . A fti'r test will cotivine* any one' 1 at It isnobunibuif ; J I will seii them at a profit DOLLAR ou each Mach'ue. Correspotidcn - e ittv ted 1 als > -el theUnivc s:L Clothes Wrineerwith cogs Ant Wringer will answer that w 1 w -rk oi a tub. j Usual price of a W .sher, sl4 *nd Jlo " " TTringer, hW) 10 and $1: I will sell considerably haw, my object being chiefly • J 'o introduce a useful article. L. BIRD. j ' B ookla d, l*a , Dec. 28, 1566. If you want K I i - DRESS GOODS ! l t GO TO ( I P. A. Siebbins V C'o*. * STALL'S UNRIVALLED Piano and Furniture Polish ! 1 I UST INTRODUCED, and >e : ng ado-ted by *ll • I eadit g li'.tis- *i . I lie Ilia ufact U; e <>l I'i .no*, Or guns, Bi!. ard fables, Fur itu e, Ate . Ac. Everyone who has a l'iano should have a l>otllc of this I*o :sh. ' Sen '. f r Circular*, and we will give full put culars | ( add ructions ]t is put up iu but ties at 30 cents and j .oO cent •, a.,] where half a dozen are ordere hat once j •we will forward p eyaid by Express. Applications for Tfcfrilc. y ai:d Affehtas rece ved by BROWN Si I'EKKINS, General A-ei.ts fort lie United Stales, Jan. 1— C tnos. No. 4du Bro- nie St., N. \ . FINE FANCY FURS! en i>. t. neurit it. No. 4&T Broadway, aad Maiden Lane, New Turk. i Importer Manufacturer and Shipper of FURS, < IflVrs his large and well assorted *P.ek of Fine Furs, : in all s'yh a, at lowest Manufacturers' price*. Highest price paid for SUII'ITNG r'JRs. * tf~ Send fo. f;', If you want I CLOTHING, . i GO TO P. A. & (o*a. MARVIN'S Patent Alum and Dry Plaster Fire and Burglar Safes, House ami Store-Door Locks) Send for Catalogues MAIIVEX & CO, Itroaduaj, \ Y. V1 Chestnut St., l'hlta. Au. 17 I v If vou want ■ BOOTS Sz SHOES, 1 ; CO TO P. A. A ( o'. E.REMBMCTCN & SGMS SVrACTI* Rr. R s or MREVOLVERS, RIFLES, IVluslLcts cD Carbines F>r ti.e United States Service. PGtKET AND BELT REVOLVERS REPEATING PISTOLS. niH.K OA N ES, REVOLVING RIVLEtJ, R fie IV adS ot Gun Barrels, and Gun jLk rlai?, so.u by Gun Deatemnnd _he Trade gene ally. ! n thett 4*9* of lluf break t rj cud Robitijf !eery fluitft, Store, li-ink. and < 'ifire thovld have ue avail!ve4 r T thy !*V im piovein- it iii Ihstoi*. and eup-t-or .rkinau-hip and j latni. wi'.i H d till cirobibed i the n- *.v Remingtons' Revolvers. Ci ca'atr entailing cut* and dencriptions of our Aim* wiil i>e fu r nifbed i:r>•" application REMINGTON A SONS Ulk>n, n Y. P MoWl fc ffICBW.I, Agewf, IyII No. 40, Courtland St, Nw Vork If you want SHEETINGS & SHiBTtfGS, GO TO P. A. Sft'bbin*. A (o's. THE , BUCKEYE STRAW-CUTTER PATENTED, JULY. BY I'Ol.TUi a SMITH PIIOTS.VNPS .*•-- v* uv btluyiiWt k and Mi'd, a c k'ivt- i i - tiiivcisal hatf {;u!loti than any other Straw or StallvT'utter* market, lil.ftei.' . . .•< ul U can Ntu .r repaired in any c • u.t.> >'* 3 file Knife .sta; .nnn R *'7 a'ee ft He]? -cut un U']i of thr knife-, l -* ■ \■! I c rqiiareofl nv le. iTth yon i-h, : .J \ .. •• i....kc raggrd Work of It evtli Villi a Utt k *. |'rlp, sl*2. Panip'°< if M '.'l' "<•* can t ..en t* *'op t>* tfe tindersiguta M inula .unJ G hr cale bv N. h. GQODSELI. Con lerspoft. Pa., Oct. 2,15G5. 3QSTON CLOTHING HOUSE I 'PUTt * ' .v. rre m . f">it f. i 0 ctl}i>-uf 1 Ooude s.ortacd the luiuc in jv em], ibat 1.4 optueiJ a HEAI)V MAI)h CLOT I i I NO STOKE* IN GILLETT'S BLOCK WELLSVILLE, ALL EGA XV CO., NT One door Ic'ow AXDERSOX ,j- DOOLITTLL S . HARD WAVE STORE, Where will 'a? f >und a' all rimes, a Comple.e Aort uient, a id lateat tyk* ol CLUTIiiXG, II AT?, CAPS. FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNK,S &C. Our mottd•' : CheaD for Cash, Quick Sale* Small Profits. But One Price. tXcw G..*H3> receive! every week. Call ar.d examine our G odr* acd l'r!cet before hi cUewbere. E2. Eh Ol'l*. October 21 1 f ISGG ISGG Philadelphia .S. Lrio Sl*lFfrth wtl oounli ... lYnnaylvania l) tins ytt f Xti* lon lake Brie. It Iw bcMtlrMed aud la opridSwl '• y I the PESKSTLTAMI LAI J: JD I'l-SMM Tiinc of I.gvr tin ii- :it EMPORIUM. LEAVE EASTWARD. Eric\f:ilTr n 4 32 e. *. ■ Erie Expri-p.- In n .'4 i' n LEAVE WESTWARD. Erie MalLTritfu ...IIS# a. u ' Erie Bxprees Train 2:13a a. l';ise rr i <:i t • K : M il -nd Kxpr>-s i rnin \v tVi 'trt chat fe both r between Philadelphia .i- .1 Ere. NEW YORK oDNNECTOR. i Leave New 1 ork at 9 00 i.. ■ , airiv wi K>-i • s* ,<> a a.. Leave Erie at 445 p. M., • r ve at Nov Y . V 4 1" r * ELEGANT SLEEPING C 11S ■ a : N .hi • % n Par Infornrath a r **].••PiKa'efigei , ply at P.. nerof 30t' ... m rtet Mr*. l*h i:"i .id.ta Aud fur Fre _!it - . 'i- e.- o* tin- C'otn ay's Agent* S. R. Klngxt .u, Jr., Cot. 13U> and il.u crta. Philadelphia. J J. \\". Reynold®, Erie. Win. Br IWI , Atcot, N. C R. R . B I'irhnre. H. H. HOUSTON, Ge lerai Fr it A_ • I*l il4w, 11 W. GWINNER, General l -.-ke' A.'t Pu" *'• A. L TYT.EIi. On i ? Vt. Erie CASH PAID FOP: HGA The Highest Market Price Paid FOR i AT TUP coußEEsror.T TA:;EEEY. Wm. Miliar. Oct. e.3.18GG-3ra FOUTZ'S CELEERATID Hn Ml Cattle Mte. —"7 SN3V This preparatiorw "4 l.ntg a*rt? favorably known, will thor e E'r£"^ v jKC Jt-C i •* j fc: reinvigoratt MB yira '*jf P broken-down anu Wma low-spirited horsea, TJ& H Inn lv strengtheaing fir Sj W and cleansing th if **L is a sure pre rentive ef all dia- * 4 ' eases incident te this animal, ruch as LUN G F£i EB. GLANDERS,' LO W IV A - use impro- s the v i increases \ fli "as 4 ;irltod ' Lorse. To keep- -s cf Cow? this preparation' it invaiaablc It iacreaSoi t;,e quant.ty and improves the quality V V cf the in ilk. It Iss ft tftyA been proven by w ■ ■ mi i | _ * Uit t by I'-.-uggista and storeh.\;