The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, January 15, 1867, Image 3
ZING ON ! ig in public favor, throughout I le British Colonies and tzpatilab coudosport i vn .,..Th Tay Evening: g I of Trumpets -- 7 - Incem,e s zhat_ptaTadar4 arifle, -1 Mat, Constantly .advane , America,a .States, t , and needi to proeIASIXI Sta CR !STA D fr 0 .. w far ahead of pie of Fashion, at I. vrri hie eonbequen. and eau-tie prep r: V k is famous veget CRISTA l'il.RO, 6 bi_Druggiet, A p CONT • , 'iRO'S HAIR DYE, lany preparation ofits elms. Y.o nOl thorou g hly understand the s e ntailed by the nee of metallic !1.0 aad admit the superlont; ItiN of 'ble Dvc, nufact urea] by - .1. A-tor. !Joust.. Yoik. Sold by all tiEdr-Dressers , EOUS DISEASES. „L Tilt:.T Mr:UN E TOIL 1867. i ', . • THE Taturrti l i. l entered upon the 'year 1867 more pmsperopli in b-siness than ever before THE TR I RI:1F the largest and the - Cheapest newspaper in A; nerica—was doubted by many. We hive fountllour account in it. The circula : thln of ` THE 1,,R.1. RUN E is steadily incref.s . ing, so mush that :it is more difficult to print our !. I 'news lhari when we use' a smaller sheel. and ;this; difficulty' We can c lily mend by by Ire : wiently publishing sum) ernentary pares! 1 s Tin close ot ille war fias imposed upon THE I he Responsible Organ. . iTH I }?DE Hie discus,sion of momentous and i Qintr - r• [ he resmonstide °lca .of the,.. stern ; pecul ar proldrins. We, have met tnet them as : luyi- 1 - 1 - 1 ml ref ea-my memirer, ...v.....-y , . /OK ' S . SEAWEED TUNIC. ;best Ale ctiuld labiwing with sincerity for Free-I This ined.eine invented by Dr. J. H. Schenck l` e, every verve and lihre i. more or ; All the fluids ore deproverl. The • dom..Social RI r"e'ress• Political Eeciality, Im-lof Philadelphia, is inteUded - to dissolve the food I I ~., The spirits are depressed. All ' partial ...diffraktr—All Brglds for All - A fie-; and make it into chyme, the first , process of di-j hip in be the truth. ,It is ant, how• ; , publiran President became the enemy of Re- I gstion. By cleansing the stomach with Dr. li. Columns would Ire required f• : , ti brii.,..anism, field we have been called upon t o lSchenck's 3land rake - Pills, the Tonic sot ra-; ot and im.oallies if .1 . y015•p0i . ... 1101 ' i d beta justice- Tens 01 thousands • enottlate and eXpose the treacheries of a degra- istor the appetite. and' food that could it tbe l n cm, DENCRIPE them. ' I del l Administ Mtion. I t was not without pain, eaten before using it will be easily digested. tam / Can they be •relieved :: m•rtainlv not re thout much thirdeng, that we Consumption cannot be cured by Schenck's Lvd,..„. , ..-Tcc" lll ''',"" er I . 112 "q:."'” I made an isl.tic with President - Johnson. The I Pultnonic Syrup unless the stout:Rib and liver ..... .3seeree W. seer lat.ell i .. I is made healthy and the appetite reAored,hence iniNtAcli BITTEIts in rain_ ; bcople approcm..mir course by returning, their r says the corap,aint is incurable. 'radical representatives to pilwer :,,, storm/63Jc will eradicate it houmnds uf cases uv,•r whi,, nied- , o . 1 .. ! are shaken thelr heads owl :.ou-ly, 1 .of I 81i6 —l3-'' in be deire.” The elections id POftenllllthe nation is Lbe l s stir ; now the cony p r e run- , is fallacie.. One of them is that struction is icok the duty most difficult of all the ordiadry id to tolubm and rubdne. This is • the Tonic and lids are required in nearly e‘ ere I ease of consemption. A half &tea bottles of I , rc noel —i - r i a , ~,i f i et bw e d e u n u u 'e... , :i t . rr— Rec , o a n it s i tri cal mtiyttis l i t b i 3 , ..e xe S s E . , f A t I i ‘ I ' e E .N .I'LIL'I D TL!! „, ; ‘, I K C E and i. three or four • of tile country—politis , any mdinary ; cal reconstrutien:-reci -- instructicni in finnuces! IleS ! tariffs. Ye are n; It • ••er pressed by war • l 30 i case of dy,pepsia.lLL:4 will cure ; I chenek makes t rofes-ional visits in New • - Yoi k.Bostun, and td his principal office in Phil- i ie can be eaaler than me conquer it .and • l i , •,. be administered. Tail, v,,e;,.... necessities. an'd ,we must amend our war experi- j a • Orb b 334 he , onle faun... 1 1 ! merits. The - "iiesent condition of the CUll'eliCF delphia every week week. See daily papers' ;,(f each place. or his pamphlet on eintsuniption I rod as . 113 , 8'rt:r • tefs 2 - rnm . _ ix ft g,rievious eriL Trade seffers; our man ufac . - j for his days for visit idiom ' I ta ,. n r, a i l ° , It 1. , , !:N , e and t...tl7 .) ;l t l u .....a a s t e el l i i i re i l , ! tutting inheres - are in a precarious state. A dul- I Please ask for-Dr. Schenck's Ilandake Pills"' dui _ If you wish to F•.OL with , far does not riean a dollar - , but its fraction ; It ' and observe that two liknesses of the doctor are! • the phannaeepoetn prescriptions. i may be sixty •Cents, it may beten. it is a see-!mil the Govermment stamp—one' when in the rte ~)01 - and prevent : its recu reimc, : ily. There is prevent di-count on the air. If there is a nun or Avurriall . molar. he ii..01:11.10i know it fur Indirestion without , t . Las not transpired. Univers:L . :, . . tist “atruchts Its %to utr ' 0r 0 1 -•- - • rt, • lu, t;1 • :. Illl , l , ent.not , ; tact. , 1 ,, V hen the laborer earns his I last stage of consumption, and the other in hisl whether he has one: be tar , loaf of brcailllor ten. All 101Siriv..55 '... feverish i Mai linscttltlll. 1 Weibink this can only be re- present health. , • I Sold by al} Dreggists. and Dealers. Price 25 ; re-; cents per box. Principal CB - lice, N 0.15. North - mi.-died livl a iwise and intrepid policy at Wash- ! 6 lh street- PlliladolPhia• - , I I [SEM HUG.. I . ~ , ~ WE lIRAR, TIIIT Exm:uss I . nvrt"-1;)1 reens readiutr. rulve;:tiscriteuts of t. reduce - 11m the curnnev to the spy-! • cie basis, L - 40in this, we shall insiSt. The necesdiv of. Proneoion to Labor again • poti l il'S l - dr • 1 • ad in Mne C.v.,: o t of ten 1.11.-y .pre.ttS . C . S . l. .„. c regret that on this most - • L ' General Wlndesals Agents: Deems Barnes (E ., I Cu:, Ell Park Row, New York ; S. S. Huitee, j 108. Baltimore St...Balt i mere, Md.:.•.Telin D.Park, I -- - ; lc E corner of Fourth and Walnut St-Chichi- i - over 19 yea , sine. I Urtro•ltlttert iiiporrent measure the Republican piety is diei- natl. Übio:•Walkor & Taylor,l34 and 136 Wa-: - LNITIAN LINIMENT. to OM IthliC• lied. An Lobe: t 1 u• lil . SttiliCVors winoritv in :ba-4,11 Avenue, i o ativerfi - e it, so 1 1 , -1 tit for sale : the w eE ,.. i...• 1. . 1- -.' ,-, iris iind ,aorekeeeeis throuzli, a , I - , pa ,ticu ary, , are en/ tt 01 i 11,,, tO CreatC %11:71 , tr, ill.; Collins Brothers. soti . t . hwest corner f Second' and Vine Sts., Sr . I , cou.dry, inm.3 - taking it with re. ' a polio which cantsely vesult in the prostration :Loins, MO. ' [rldW.ea.nlo.lyrOer2"2 , . d them to let tut} toe I.C , 11, :Mil 'of American A ndi.stry--the derraciation of La- ! -----;---...."----"` elated on art' I.:MI.011e', mu 'Pr' i hot and The n' , .:divaildrsensetit if English canital- ' n sonie at two or I.otttes '• ~ 1 , • t, . „ , s ' ; ' I by pe,on, i.r,,,,33. 1 sv „,. , b y 1.1.r5, A illingipte many 3 ears of our wore we : i ; .iV i ,,w York Tea 1 Company Wellsville.; , , C•, 1. - I, ' Sr.3l'_%.loc.NS, . ~ ~ „,,,I that ~,,,id h e t i, h in t t h,y : hay a situ ht akaiiist this iuterd. We lie- ! ! t; 1.,W0 umati, I beau to rsCeiVe ' irttrO' tiA - Mt CI izo•s: Kiniwin that there exists niment.siene cal iriZ .1 My valuatr:c ; • r 13th I Ithew my Medic. me 'as au , Lets Prii .; tri l •ti tUoreuere t ssary now Ilan er I refused to she; a iee - vict.t whell 1 . a T i P.AjZTN ER AND :SOLE AGRNT, re. a. 3 shallinsist upon the broadest', : . _..• ... . ,7- ~ 'and 'wisest. 10 . 1:: =la:lion for the Riehts of Labor. ! hoar my mule. , are iilllnor, at 1 Jit the pertnl t exing question of Reconstrue, ton .1. Grt , Leit Atiteric. i blinn»lig . I ._ . , .• ; throw:l their c•stensiv i e ad l v ' e a rtis t ig lir a a r i e lit f ' ool a i T h id g I minty for tliininia Rheum:al-a: i Bk e k . w e diu „,„; see th e wild ,n, ors ~„lie s. , nie /.f or ariV 20 rstr L'Crit from any New York 1 • all for Ct.h.. 1 warrant it in im.rior we see 1.0 re* in to amend the policy whirl We . the r e" / Ie "'I this s e cti " n • I ha' made . 7171 i ins for the CM, - ttl . ertolp. Di.ll , h a , , ._, ~, 1,-L , , . co ,. ~it i n , ,, ~,,,,,,.. ~,,,i 5 . .„. (.. t. ,- Lr , ,t . since the rinse of lice war. ll's ye arrangements for Jobbing Teas,* well res , t wont remedv. IS Is i o , 0 _ • then . eemed to ;is that Entancipathol „r th e Flour. Cl , othing and Dry Goods, and will sell: i wily. see will a •cointeet3i. e east.. P. a k should - 1 1 ;e followed be Sufi:age for the piu liy ll:Met:est, from 5 pounds to 50, at a Sar i. :eroded Feet, lira .a. ti;.r..11 .., f.. .., II . 4 . , .. , . r ‘,.. 11,....,. „••• 1. 4 , ...rm.. tau t a . Q:1,4 .k, .1 „T., 1 i nis, .S. , re Tht , tl5, .}-.... , N.c. Z. -- ...'.1 l" "nnsuu nl`L t “ 1 " - c a " nn 41 ' i* a lia n -" 1 " 2 :. `• e', - , . 1 .• **** ',* ' ***'• ...1 ei. .1.) put t f.,0 Curthaldt”' St. eet, hail too inuel',3ll;lond in war to ask f..r lihnul in Senn in your orri..-r,- Prmes and quality I peire—even Ito gratify mEmrr eenr , e ,, e i,_ lt gmtraittetd t 3; suit, subject to be returned andl . 3, . •,. i „ seem.] inipolt'ent that the Furth should eon- t"'-'!" . .1 . r ';' - " in " e( ' '' a ( ' -l ' e s case* . -i Cherry 1 2 eetoral, . ~,,,i, .., ~ ._ 5 1 . I . 1 . h f ir th , , . , C. IL SI \1110 \?, 1 ..1.....,. , . 4. 1111 1 E s nou t o co,- ,. rue curia cries or , 0.11 - . fit, -t l SoillO of our fr:ends (li-til pro: 1 I Empire Regulators. .1 lry!UenZg, 11,ar, , ri.e. , ,-Cr ,,, lr. rd of t F..: hit Cilitr - TO, 1 11.: boffin , r•:1 our ad- ; Well - L-ville, 33 • 1. 1, 1 Si-13 3w 1,1 ncirici, t CO11.5111111 , ( i , n, (1,1.1 fir ' met-. A Intie44v has I.r•ett api•rovbd by Coseen•ss l c _ . . ~, .. • : . I ,ieuriti4irc. l'a:ttn::. is ridcance. tr .! —lO a ; !rtiadlr! ex tent :I an we have * ela:dae,l i,, ':•:- " I- I., 7::: n e e r i i i s i „ .r l - e cl: i %'; l 3, u ,' n ;/,l:l; s " e a c el t !,,T i g t. t r i ' l l a l . 1 .r., 11 ,, F . : , 7 1 I _, U 1' ;• : .,. 2; - '''," ill- IV i e l' ' i v e 1 ... ?' , 1 . ' , 1 n at . he ".1' , 11 ; rime l:lle will il il (lil 1 zs are !usurer]. • ;Call at the JOritr 1 leitl of its ll I . lth r , .. , And F. rllolor- . , -- lI , 1 . , , I% ~....- 1.1 .e 1.1111.,..1.. Ni no mid- , - I lot u se. I I ~,'- o lin v i„1,,,,,,1 th e , N•ti... Or.rtcri ...A.GEsttr. Policies issued in the l'res, Illal in :. 1 1tio-I ev , ”o, - ~ , ,li.o, 01 - , fk red ‘..tlEt" , .ni It red prioners. „.,-„,,,,„ p a finely 1..,,,wic. wto , •ave ; idles of war, hm il witted the assaPsitmtion of Mr. • be,t - C...143 pante, of tile- couutry at fair ratty • 1 t from rilarmia,:rria evco d sp•-rata; : Li ne .,h im. ~.1 , ,, ; 3, • 1 ~ , • . i , _ I r ---- --e. i l l - mers who have large barn , with their um •0, 1,9111,41 e. . 1..1111 , 11e - , a :t. ...., t '" ' . in th e m, will, du. well ti: see that l 4 il , Wh , . , o, •ee. :7 1, C., i: , -.1 en , r . 1 , „,..,.,,., ,„ 1 i:e A dininisft Miro: have re:reed Oat Doi lllli,-1, , ', ,thr"e ' ..... er" l . I ..1 - exts. - ..M0r.t1.t i- ioo a 5,...• .., •.,,,d wh e r e B. e •rte s ..., ~-,. ;;;; ~,,,,,,, Inieot shouhl lie in:I:ell:a even tr i arn lima who : tiler are In-lited- No one who exc-rctses com irer Les't...te 1VII:Al. :04',.,101, to elm , are cl,rna - rt.d. 'With these crimes, aiol the iii.,.. iii , •ctetioll NVIII leit:se to insure at this sea n's•ial: . 1,1 l-' "lt . I "''' I ; measuve 10ri1,, - iltn.; ha l- c laintslintent is !heat - m -1A- ...n , .0 file v' "' J. ' ' II"' i Walt until it l ''' /n ' /all. ' reelsincident 1.3 otrr cliu.rte. 1% ii:c 1 ' ' r (-dn., then -t arc!. the volatome:v mint of disimahellisentelif fr;iii iiiild;:p• eisti,., and then sr.3: -I Ineatit to Im. ill:slit - ed." Pro.; 'en rdscnrciel.l l, -1tn.57 , . - ertt . ten ,l- ! which is , niel els a sentinlent and h o t a ],liar_ taw--tibalion not only stsuls time, but very often , treated be. erits 0.1 the an: trle I 4.1,, . tical r,e0,i11. - ,- . (ii, Ow o lher h a nd the 1 ia...a...e both tint- at..l money. mid pr o .llJord CUr.., too nun:mu., o f t i ~ c: -1 . 1.• .1 'pi-3 .1 -- 1 • It - , ole to be i.• . 1,1 I .i t ,„ 1 .,0,tc,. that it. qtrtli'v i- eine- 1 Bel."-antiitil.te Ili: - " dl - f - r ;R :.- n e nc ;i n' i ( t ' l ' i l c a • " 1 ';:st;:".icn't.:3'l.ft ' CC 1 " 1.1r PR° 4[11,433 4 Ti f " . 1 1 ..: t....-I .1 e •., i...... i-,.......,,.. 1,31 11 C durnhia. show that r.h....-trti.•tion will not Le - W l _ l i,, j , - . .., ' , , ,j t .,,,„i i - ,, i ,. 1 : . ' -rp t 4. ; ,. ‘ . 1 ..., 1 2. 1 . e ,„ 1 ;V r . h1 , ` ;! t ; .0 au fur th e r Imief Ml tnat t. Las ' ~,,,,,,,,m , , , ,....., , ,,,ith,,,,,, ~.,,,r , .a , ,, ~,,,,, 1,,,,1 ".. ii,,i. ri ~,.., ~,,,,.. iiite .to-1,„ of the i- , - ,.. -: , • Of ~,:., 4.... , , o r c e „,.„ 1 ,,,,,,,,, pn a ...1...,,,'5•„;,4- if. rthe llincks. Ttie pi orutiv of TliE TRI BUN F, ' ...On- ot . I: e P.•,0: - /ctli. • C-fir[ ..i el C.•IlrI 0f t, m- 11 , , nert pers.:tun:es. h., e len; Gel. l it 'l , ' been prarticalb - adopted by those who dif.. l'''''''' .n "' d li.' e'd :l'il I).jii‘i-my.t.! '''".-- the u, p :rant-led use, Llt.ess of o, n 11l ed with Its dbriik, its disc u s _ii r oi_ w , , . nee, P.e., for t , c l'o , ty 0f Potter, hace issmal thmr c la ct,l' iireccm 1,-,-.1... d:,:," the Toren:} - -: y•Z h•rd ri ,y of D• cm. cel,erc wilt not permit 11, i:,...,1:0n ~. , .. ....; 1 • . - ..• . , • • • ',. - , qt.dr. er ano II .01. , ,, w.,,, arc- inn[ a, ten, wit .11.1, , . 0, lit, ),..a . 01 i. 0.1 - ~,,rd 0,0 - T: ou- - nell:t,ht Hun 1,e,l zeta. , l e l .w ',0,: fk-nish :-,111. Inettme in whiell liwy ::: , .:1; 1 \C( ' 'I" Then' t h e jusile" of h•-Levi: " 11 : , ' v. s'll a r l" l „ s " l . l " si t s • ( ''' d `,...T"' e ' - ' l '''' sl -1.- ' r l ' II ' ll "'" C ' Urt • et i trti. us of the to:up:amts. t ur rum ' to \dint is rir , lit.ill;./. 0, CVO t1"11,4 Ille V - M"ill 1 . 1 0 ' 11... "-; -," . I. •"' '''''" , :r "" I 43 ' n " at jail D ' l " rY. - (1, 1 ,-,,, c.-.. 0. ,µ 411 mile renr, (lrpl:ries t Cs•urt. n: ti . the jusCce of lieliei•lng we 3 , 03; or . ‘as - t., What ~. 1r c I' d 1 l' 1 ' Min .. nn Alterative !deli •;10 , 20 lr. 4 .. , ~.,1 ,\F , ,-- , • ,10'ir. 0 .„•., mon m m 1.0 ~ r oo_ ,0, 011 , ,01,-- : ,, e ,, W01 1. 1/ , :11/r „ t_he S l .l \ l_rlle i tillitel, Old I)er- . ri..t, on lii: "a AS, the 18th ciiiy of l'ebrt.try hex . , • in end A rEe.'s Ce?!s.. EiT. liArS,r.s,.. ' l = • ,',,... "`: ) lI , C. lry ll once ; :use 0:2:‘ , 11 1 len- .1:1,',` , el 01.,rei, ‘a „.s. . e .iase in• Ind i ct tee' to cola ;we one Wee,: - : I , :11111 Viola 1.!! Skip reipeace to this nation, ai id 11 ' 1 cooler i' ml'air."re l're' d 'y F., i r a .2C, , , the (-.. ` i '' -cal ' l '.'": : n ~a , „. - .S A , I:,,irldst,..,C,`.r..,llin„'‘;-;:i,1.i.1":1,,--,11;:. all l'a 1 i" ,,, • — l I : 1 ' 1 ' 11 :-C •pi , Tress• lial.pities. virtacl .`clijuiti.',ii!',.t.'-ii-'3.3ftri;icit-...1‘,- 1:1,:. ,' 1 ant: h e ' e i n -" tl7ei . r ) p 4 r ' o t t ' ... " ; r ''''' • -• • and the universal ;brotherhood of man.. An 4 trers,,rs. :it 10 o'clock A. M. of 'said day. , Vith their , all this we ill,all imntinue to toil iii our vet rr•ii-, tecort:s. mritilSitions, extttlithritionft a.'l other! . IRS 01' ICOUTIE. , hest wily. il i , Tun- .-nl'3re.,, .to d•, those thieo4 which to tile r . i (nue- :I , , ,, per:ilit 10 IT dune, 1... An 1 th,,,e; wl, O are' vim suffered for yearn fisim 'Nervous We Lave re.Tr.:alliZeti and i.i.nete.rthencii e: - ere 1 i m uld he t h, 2 irre•-om.r::nuc-stri,vr.sret ilittPira'nst the , : twe DeC , I.S, 1.11 all the tqrl . C . te• uf : department of 11 E 'TV./ RUNE. We hate I pri-s , e, that are 44 . tiIII C I'At• in IC/E . iii .rf sail con: to : • *Lion, 'v./ /"' the -tike ' - ' l- sutl tine'cotresimudeins in se's• part .;,f this coy ',try and i' lr r'"ler• toe I" n e then ar.d there to pro:a:cute 1 tree to :di who Deed it, the recipe:, .• . .. , -. . - ' - ' ' ltlf , 114 1 . .001 z ., . , Vi'l 1,- •.l ,1- l. t, y ' an d to ece7i.ii„idry . 1 .1 . the wirrld: resident ern.- , or maltinz, the Aithl)le.remedy tvcit 0 , ,,,,1 a t c,,ralsrsbori, Jan mare 10 It, Ico.l and tbe red. Su Ohre, w•3-Inna to protit hy r.Sion1:11111 , oil tat cap tap and coniticial.cen- 01.. i, of the Iteiepet th n e ,!; . 4 . Th . U , Cited Stak-s ..Efwrielleo, can do •cr 10; t, ',1n....5ta.; t e r ~f Eet,;;;c• and:(am'; h Ann-ilea: si• 1 ' i 'it' '' - •e 1.../ 1.1 , r- •.t - .0. , .t. W. WI. 111;0 o .IV" ; s'„,•riln ion:s: It. EN, • a Choral*, R d . N,„. •,•„,k -0 , i , A respl.mic tits who •illii•Y import:tut movements! 1 : in rip parts of till. eirttli. This establish:ono -. • • i - 1 AY ..l' ir s' 1( 1 ill AY stON- ..'IND EXPERIENCE OF c „,.. 1. .d 1 f Ir - . - '-' 2 1 T ibs ••• 'tes 1 . -c.' on-Geln•-st--.Ev'rk:3 , lf Pitle AN NVALID. -. a .•rt a, • ..a. 0 money, an, 01 or it _ ••• • • •••"; --•- • • ' -- - • e benefit a1,..1 a. a ( ~ 111Iitn, to y,,,,r,,, We have in t - cstem many thousands of 0ollars; l Crmtl ., • ut.i, ,qiir,.. tram N. roots Debtl t , .• When wd st Ile that there are' three hundred 2 .° 1 -- , ill ; Tons near john L. I'l illaur s, i Hector. Y of 11 ." .. .1h" -4 •• :- I c.: " I _i'l''l . " c . "' ll' smile d;rectly or iiidirc-cel v 3, inoccie,l with the I LUCI EN; Rini). !1.-MIJ , Oi 0-41 - -LOlre.. 11:.' 0.0, Wl,O lot, . ,•, ~_4 . . t n Ct. , 'I f TEI —T"I Dr N . ,." E 1 - • i Brook:and, in.. Dec.l7. I:•iti , l. t.f. ..7 tiii.!eritoilll4,oasi.k . r.a.le q ,ACkery Lui"..l • e , a, awl. o r- o _ - , c iarg- I C 1..114 -pat,/ aodresecl enx-e:ure, f .it,zie eth !II a g'realer or les.,,er iivgrce , lv-Ith "Ti t 1 "lz ' THE LIAISON . di, HAMLIN CABINET ORBANS. I 3ri!...,n , :‘v l'e 1,,e1”f11.,Io.111.07. . , tor its cdiu mini a': eic - lito• it news, and that for 'HANIEL. 11AYFA1 FL Lsq., 1 , evr ,„ t. i ''' ' 'Forty ditTere• , t st vleg. li , :1114-I 1,1 .ac red md secular, • B „ , 1 ,. 13 ..,, , Rim a ,,c,, , N. y . : , - —•...- tent ”' {lank we pay money. the va.,4 e.` , " limsic, for •!--0 to r.O tr Ich . FIF ry (IN cl. Gold or , , , f pence °four j', I i...cati ,, t. may be iina."2:ined• We Sriecr .11edm-, C. otmo firs' premiums nu tint ed them IgGc,, Birk' TRuct - intended to it, arse these facilties. act not ohly 1 • 1 " -i l' le ' l 1;: "" !° •'" ei • in ' - ` . " - ‘ d ir '''' :ki-t ' UN &II" ads and eentleman in, the United to 2:tither new i fr,:tri all r a: ts of the world, Ira LIN, or .1.1-ISON .v. 11 A.l4.Lillt i Novi lark, , Aulllethln , ..! 011.1,11 l their A,IV:1111:IL'...1 1 . 0 n....-k tl,e most ~t gifted men of otlier co ;writ , t 3, ' ' tirse 0: charge,) by adrliesallre the w . •., ~. t . , n e fur ,t.rcoluinns. With many of then; we I who ba,a few-. of belan bun, : I: be nut. nO'lcia.' t :la c. ,, .1. ..11, hai - e ;thready entered iiito creeptiations which • - e address thud' olsediebt sec.- ant, t will result ill piviziL; to the readers of TIIE T 111 - T1I0:3. F- Cai l.ll -‘N' . in-'?... ' tunic %Lillie rtnil the fame id . their illustrhin , al:- Ct./1\81:01 I' 1 . 1 VIES. - ..;hors_ will 13ing, be memorable in the history of 3 , Lavine been tenured tO: heal I:I ' joLI - 11111 , 111 We 0-.1 • S I e fur - the prescarit a very simple reds dc, atter !mein,: • " •- .. p • 1, . ral years with A ,I,Ver , la,.gatrecttou, inore (lea nice an tionitcentent. I lisease, Consumptarn-is aircioae to Friends3 - dimpartial Justice and li'rogress !we his fellow-soa-erere the :mei"' •I greet I you on tie , bright pn , spect - i before us. ire it, be will -end Weepy of the pre- Friends of THE TRIBUNE 1 we appe'al to tee of charge), with the dir•ctions those who Indimay that an 111Cieasfad circulation d using the same, which they w:II of THE TRIL,TNE would conduee to the pus CURE fur Consumption. .A.,(;,:n., liticahintellectual, and moral welh , bebi , of the ohs, Colds, and a:1 Throat and hum: 1 , .. 3e , :,,• 1 - ,- • •-: ' ~ le milt- otnect of the adVerti.‘tfr in ..t.CriptiOn is to benefit the arlitcted : I flam. 1101) which h. coact:ire,: 1. , .. I* in.; 1 bop, every sufferer will t,,y his •, , I 'TEP.mis, :. a °Ott them t:uthiu!, and may prove Mail :410-Inhere . einelec roacimidilc, tr......1u lis lir Tr - lea:ling such increace... mail subscribers,' eMos WEEKLY 7EIDV:cr. 00fP15i,I.eyr-'52 number-tr....V. 00 d lA' i e the 'prescription, reap, by rettro : Teri coldr-s or over, adaritssetl to 'names 01. E 1. . :; ‘ address ) ... . seribers, each I 'O Er. EDWARD A. WILSON, 1 Twenld COpies, adder , Fed to subscrilorrs 11 (Cu rgri, flings Co., New Verli -i iyjys • Tell copies, t r ti one adder-s__-' ''• 15 00 nro,e ad l dres • '4O 00 apted tlo• ..stare of the flab, increase ; and. the human body tree. or there will be •.o t , lckness. ele and blood hare been cleansed 'Water nni he n or there will be n. moat eonthinlmpti , The wan whooe Ibu. by a few BRA. roa♦ walk throne 'lite, life• of the be.dth.we must U . cause' we cannot 1 . in the how r move; Ude and h.a at dret • in white le Sold lby all Deuggh rfIitESTEVI PILLS infected districts without fear.l Is in thy htnod?' To 13. BRAN DREl'n'S be.. sick but (ruin unhealthy mcumm a or the hheal, wain. Br -lid ,•th'e ethod if f011()Willg iii ure. told is I ; Gm test of time. ce- B. 811.111- tors in the Governinent stamp Pte. Invigorate • The tuteuseh iet If the tedhreetion i }land, every rowe r lee , . out of order. brain is clouded. ilppoptice blew t ever, half the trut I *wont-rate the pet could any pen do Irgigt. them; no m. Can they he t. C-tn they be brit cinnahly they ca I OST ET - I" g B lieve 'team. wit !nth, - Great Vezet I• era,/ totdi It in I -al practitioner 11 i n ying,-...i.N.ttitiric • The !acuity has irneigekioll4 6 the ailments Orvettrtki mi-take. Futhi if the rare ; SPECIF Lie combination se .zit the civilized IN . Itas never been kn l i *verywhere proet dyspetria, to If yen want to wa Care the "litters , dt, •teatimetty in it. hi , 'ho ban ever tear Lenefuted, tie fat s....ncontr.idichA p virtues. ow OFtLNI F7ion from I 1 Patent Vellicinva, may he right. It toy m, dicine; the I had no rute , ey j, %rah a .few drui Fection of t Met:lnce bat l tol I if it did not do all teed pay for it. , e.•re taken on tri'l • Many, thodgiticer would ace of me. I humbug. Lt'abo orders for mere Li Liniment; who ha relit at their slotl 'bottle'' , yearly, am . l to any other metb , thoett, llyfentery.l raektieTtit n+ an int o to LAG intet! I bottle, , —and eat , Mutot Old Sore", by all the Drugr. cw York: Ayer's er.sghs,6ld4,l Brondeii .the relief ( t f CI slava Qi'thc.1 1 .Si) wid.• is , of", are lie CU tile viontry "re been restored by ‘liseases of the It: ity over - eery ..111 eecapc obsereatlo the public c posy for the die. the pulmonal 0 many inferior r 1.71 hays failed and I'l by evert* trial, cal can never fortt"T! ' anti too remarka We eta tt , eure fully kept up - may be relied Olt • • .Great 'number men, and other namee to certi'y remedies, tottap, of them. The .• oar' America:l md e tb ;do; full de' tdies cure. trho, who reel t i dy the bloo I .; itz'x.LA the nue to . tede its value. Prepared ptid sold by all ' everywhere. ERR A Gentleman Pretm eouthlnt Indiecr tumanity, smd •nd direction which he e the adrenieees' T ILE CON FE Fuliththeil Sir Lien and othe-s.l Fre:mature Dec: .snit time the n cured hi:me:elf:a, By a copies, frce of c NA 1,,..1,Tt 30 &ra% Every young States can bear by return m ail Will obi. •'vrii will pl Mg The advertise' a few week.; 1.7 suffered for ACV and that dread make koLven cure.' To all who d scription used f, ' for preparing a find a SCR); flronclietis, Co Affections. sending the P and spread inf valuable, and l, remedy, as It • a blessing. .1 Partiei wisbi mall, will plea. Willlumebj i - .NIAN 11001): i TIONV - LOST, DOW RESTORED. .To=t Pu t._{ I I lished, a new edition of Dr. CULVER WEL I.'S ~ ; ; Celebrated E , Iv on the radic.-il cure (without medi Mall subs iribM - s, 1 copy, 1 year—lo 4 num , ,ers . ...s4 fO ! cinerof Sperm norrhoen, or seminal Weakness, lls , 1 ; ; ~., c 0,,,„:, ".J.... ----- ----- .7 00 . voluntary Sc inal Losses, Impotency, Nleutal and - , t; copnes, or oiirer,for cacb c-.pi...;; 00 ' Physical Inc 4p wity, Impedituenif to itarilaz,,ete,: l'e4Fions rendiring for la copies 14 . ...6 w.II recd. e an also Consump ions Ernlep=y, and Fite 'minced by ; k•xtra copy for ,ix months. aci -Indulgetic or.sexual extraya,gruice. 1 Persons remitih , e for 15 ro't , e& 45 ill receive an „; •,,,• Price, in scale I enve,loi,e, only 6 cents. extra en:.y 0.,- year. Toe' celebrat author In this admir.ablo essay ' Tor 000 'WC will send thirty-four copies amd Tue .clearly demons reoes. from a thirty yeah .-yuccemful ; , . Ditty Taint:se. . practice,that the alarminz consequence, of self-abuoe 1 may be radical gy cured without the dangerous It, of internal medic' ne or the application of the knife— I . pointlnz outia mode of cure nt once simple. certain,.; and offrctUal, - by means of which every - sufferer, no. i matter -what his condition may be, may cure himself ' Terms, oath n advance. c-eply. prirati•iy, and radically. h Drafts on r\ ens - Toil:. or %,st 0 iTi i-e orders, ''..• This ieet!iire should be in the hands of every youth and ever - man in the land. L payable to the order of THE Tlt I BC - NE. he- Sent, unders4.ll, in aplain envelope, to any address, iii , Fritter, ate. preferable to nu v•otLer !n o de of , P. 5.1 p•A, on receipt of six cents, or two pat staao.,s, .'•, , _ 1 ' .1_ I ''l. - 1 + . 1 c;:nda:.ce. IJt v.,Lrl , t 4 ..- N, 0 ,A.:4" 11.101, Address the foubhsi-ers, , I 1 C1i.1.3. J. C. KLINE & Co., ; E's.cresis mug 7 . 1 . .. , :. - , ( , :r1 es- , cl ir.---: , I'd,- .. s 1 12Y Boy pry, se , York, host '..Jo. 4.,:..E.; I 'TI-IE TRI r.L - NE. Fr-z- Y- .. rk. 1 TIIE POTTi: ita.:15,4f.67. • 1 -I.ocal k ' , a13.(1. General. . 1? I . ' PIIIIRECIED: On the .9.4thf ee., at the residence of 0., R. (-1 1,... , a....' 14 : . , Ch i j o g ~ ,; HT, by Rev. J. A. Healey• Mr. .A,. C. A...TATA., of chleago: :and .31i. LO(JiSE . ITTI I. TTERWOIi,TII, of Sparta. Tsvelittevilie, to „. T it- 4 cope will be sent lior each club of tea SEX:•REEILT TaIUrSE DAILT TRIBI-NE I /en Dollars per anLe.m The Herald of . Health. Fua JANUARY, 1667.. This number of TUE Idur-Aun or HEsaru if we think:, one of the best issued. The New York Tribune Says: "This Matrazine deserves a kindly welcome as an efficient aid to the vrogi-ess of vipular iduratio:2' The January,. number, among fifty other articles, éontaiit ! one front liENRY WAtil) BEFrllkal, WI the iiiipokance bf selecting healthy companions for liush4ntisamr wives if we would rear healthy children; alSo lecture by L. N. Fowler, as readablti, as any novel, on -How to Train 15p a Child:" H lint-60 (yids a war,bte - . A Whi_eltr it: Wilson Sewing 31actint, worth $55, Or nsubstribers and $6.0., Wool, it Co., •. 15 laighl Street; Xcer York. NOTICE. WaEIIEAS, my -wife Cieti r vs4 has left my bed and Ward without jut cause or provoca tion,!l hereby give notice lo all persons that I will .pay no4elits Of her contracting unless com pelled by law. W.M. WHITNEY. Hebron, Jany 7,1n7 pd If you want G RO CERIES, svab as TE AS,COFFEES, WHITE an BROWN SUGARS, SYRUPS and 11,ADLASSES, SPICES, GO TO PI A. Stebbins Z.: Co!s. Don't he fool ,"=You can make Six Dollars from' Filtv Cents. Call and examine • ail invent: on , urgently needed by everybody. qr a samplei•tmt free by mail f•,rsocent , z, that retails easil? t r Sktl. by! It. L. Wolcott, 170, Chatham Square. S:exv If you want SHEETINGS & 81-IERTIMS, GO TO P. A. Stebbins & COUDERSPORT PRICE C Reported ;try Tuetday by 7=oi.*—Al).4SS Dealers in Cfroceries and Provisions, 53udersDo.;.t... Apples, green per busbel $ 1 00to 150 dried, , u 1 250 3 00 Ferns, 4,, 2 1.10 250 B eswax, per lb., 30 35 Beef .' 10 12 11,rries, dried, per qri‘rt, , 22 35 Boca wheat, ....r busuel, 62 75 , li Idkwi.eAt Flour, 1 350 400 Butter, per lb., I 50 33 . Cl:eese, .. 20 25 Cioverteed, 900 10 00 Corn, t.t.",t• bushel; 100 125 Crn meal, per cwt., 1 300 3 .50 Egzs, per dozen, 011 - Flour, extra, per barrel. 14 00 15 001,3 fuperfine, '‘ 10 00 12 00 Ilams, per lb., - 22 25 Huy, per ton, SOO 10 00 Ilon.-y, per lb., - 15 20 Lard,. 20 25 Maple Sugar, per lb., . 15 .13 0.10, per bushel, ()Mons, -' 125 150 Pork, per bbl., 20 00 25 00 " lb., , 12 13 in whole hoz, per lb., 12 12 Potntoe , , per bushel, 37 50. Il'euel , ,,, dried, per lb., 30 35 l'oultr.t, per lb., ( 10 . 15 B.'e, per bushel, 100 150 S:ilt, per OW., 450 - 5 00 " E-.:1:, 15 20 Timothy Seed , 450 550 Tow', per hull:0.1., • 8 00 . 9 00 Wheat, per bushel, c.• ,2 00 200 j While, per half bbl., 800 9Oa NATIONAL HOTEL, V. BUREN.HOL'Et;) LSVILLE I N. , V. • TIII und.-reigned wonld tespectfullyinform their friemle and th.. traveling public gc , neraJly, that t:.ey Lave lexs•-d the al.ove Hotel, (forMer;y shown fir the Van Barn House), and will at' all tlni'es be to turni,h them with first classlaceommoti. tione on reasonable terms. An omnitaid wll run tit and from house outw meeting each tiaini PasEe.gera taken to and from the llotel, free of cha i•ge. ' Ite.,:ular line of Stages to and from 'Omd'ersport, Pa., and White-ville, leave the Hotel &els. JONES b BERT, Proprietors. - - COUDERSPORT AND SRAPPEIV STAGE ROUTE.. . ! Essr.s. GLASSY - IRE S. WRITE'S daily line of ;rages will leave Coudersport. :until further notice, at S u"clo,:k in the morning, arri ving in Ship pen about .1 o'clock in Ile afternoon, and will leave Si ippen oa the arrival of the morning train, at 10:30, arrivina• in Coudersport about 5 o'clock, P. M, Travelers are re feted to the Tane•Table of the Phil a le!phia s Erie R tilroad, wh;ch sill be' found adver tissd in this pap; r, for further pirlici4:B about the advantaged of this route. New York passeugerswill SAVE 30 MILES•TRAVEL AND 5 HOURS TIME by taking this route in preference to that of the Fric Railway. NO CHANGE OF CARS', BETWEEN SHIPPFN AND NEW YORV. Fine, uew, corn fort‘.ble wacons and god teams are kept on the Stage i Route. Packages 'and Express, burin-ss attended to with care. D. F. GLASsMIRE, M ;LES WHITE, Propra Coudersport. Pa., 15,35. If you want SEASONABLE GOODS of all Kinds, P. A. Stebbins d. Cops. . . Lyon's Periodical. Drops! Illhe Geeat Female Geanedy for Irrr&-t; t j_ I. sties. These drop- area ecient •fically corn. pounded fitiol preps ratio .. nod better than any Fla-, Powder- or Nostrums. Iteitqz liquid; itior action Is di rte.: and posltive, renderiou thelii art-liable, sly edy an t ev ram spec tic tar the cure of all ol,, , truelions and suppr.,sions of nature. Their popularity is indicated b. tae fact that over l0),000 bottles are annually sold and consumed by the ladies of he VititYd States, et cry nine of wimm loyal: in the st ronv:est let ma of inni-e of rim-inure:o melts Thor are rapidly tat ins th e pier of every other Female Remedy.andare-con• si .• l e 4 I '3" a: i who 'vino,. auzltt ut thencats the surest , fe•t : and most inf4:ll.le p,parat , on in the world, for the fir- of all Felon:v. eveuplaints, the removal of levtl--tryie: , o s of nalore,and tie promotionof health riezniarity acid -tr. ny . 11 , ... Expileit directions sta.leg w ?,,,•,1,y nt,y• be u.5....1, and espial uitiat when and why they -I,;T:*.d hoi. n a- cethd not be used without p-n dueir...z ell etc contrary to nature's chefen laws. Wqi he i tound carefully f .1.1..1.1 t lroetid each bottle, with wt I en ti_ oto ere ofJoir.s L. LYON, withoot which n • .. are _emirs. Fretared by Or..JOYIN L. LYON, 795 Chapel Sit e-, Nes - Haver, Conn., who Call be consulted .cut tee ;4•1 enn.dly or by mail. (enclosinz stamp.) on cern lrny all private d'sens -r• and female wealole•a.eA. ,‘,...1d by all Druggists everywhere. Price $1.50 per "a - .?'tikr: C. G. CLARK. & CO.: It p General Acts for U-.ited Stales and Cooodos. YEAIVIEN STEIALIV-CI7TTEIt. undersitntd hating purchased the right T for Potter 12ounty, is uoji prepared to fur -1 rich the farnirrs of the ciltinte with this excel. Lent lilacliiire. Where it has been tested it has proved itself (4.1,e erne of the best Straw-cut.: ter. iii use. is cheap, durable, does riotp:st out of rei air easily, and is warranted to give sat ction. . Persons desirous to ' roireliaQe nr 6k:in-line this Cutter, can no so by calling at 1' A.Steb - bins Coudersport, Pa. J AMES F R A NC , I S. Dee. IS, 1836.-2 m's. SEW PERFM. ihiJaitlilLE. Phut tni 4 l "Night 1114oluittg ectenit.fs Ph:awes "Nigh! Blooming errems.” IPhithstois . 4 :Wight ItteciittSttg Cereits.” rhalon's Blooming Cereos.” Pisalon's '• tight Blooming Ccreus.” A rno.t exqui.he. delicate, and Prarant Perfume, (Esti led from the rare bud beautiful flower from which it take. its name. Ifesitifacterild only by ruAr.wit & SON; New Tork. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ASK For T , ; Lov•;—Tdßr NO 01FIER. Notice. GEP.MAVIA, Potter Co., Pa.. Aug. 1, 1863. °TICE is hereby given that Charle shot - , now or late of this county, holding 'the toilowing described property. has not ye' paid any consideration whatever kr the same, and all persons are hereby warned not to pur chase anT of said property of the said Bushor. before the •decision of the Court is given in this case and C. Buslior lias paid to me the comrideration money ther,efor. - The following is the prOperty: Ist. A certain tract of lan& near the Ger- Mania Mill. in warrant 5075. Abbott township, Potter county, Pa., containirg 100 nrines.— Also 25 acres in warrant 5078 and artining the above. fnd.. A certrin tract of land, with Riff and improvements thereon, near Kettle Ciet..4.: i r.l) warrant ';819,, in S•! , vrnrt ,, •• Pc•ltet •-- Pa., c:ontaiuing about 804 acres. =M vr. .11 1 q= 2 . 77 0 ,110 fro. 2501. ill. %,,51.1(1.C3 rioga. c.uunty, on ' L.llinSs., H 1„: 111!1:2g C5O acres, CM lirmill GO TO WM. R JOUVEN'S KID GLOVE. CLEANER ESTABLISHED 12 .YEARS Thus articlelms been.Ynied in Per for.many yents, l and is what the roanectictuteis of ~ , ,,, o ves n-e to tm par to them the delicate dulsb s tler .hey Late lett, the hands of the sewers; I. en , r , in;lodec,74l intn this 'country ever. 12 yea, lat,o, eve, It IS Si Lida day'tbe FLT DUALLY GOOD ktit 0 , 01 - 4 CLTANT.C. It is per• fruity kodorons, and i:4e gtove.e.'a cleaned wittrit while unon the hand, fiLlll ItUt tl. ilnyiArdiatelyL One, bottle e+3•3•ing 25 coins bill clean 25 nays; thui for ONE CET: a pail, any eon clean laer Oorea in a , few snuments and baveineinlooklog like neir. Most dealers in Fancy Goode keep it for fitt:D. but hen they do not and will nolt.. sera for it. `ad , c , ‘ may club ,or a dozen to' Iles and send us '2 50, and we will real. them the dotien packed in a wooden box. I Thi: deer. rst wholeLale price to ...Vdress, JOCVEN'S KID GLOVE CLE.A.NEft. Depot, 62 Fulton Street, Net! York. 1 NOT A, ,HUMBUG lauk atithoriied to seal-Doty - 's Clothes and Wttol Washer in ilee county, and having used one fbr three Months I say; uhqualifiediy, they are just What they promise—a rood thing. A strung man or woman can wash as rituch in two hours as a woman can wash on a r.orrimon wash board in eight Iniuis. A fair teat will convin any one that it is no Illimbne. I will sell them at a refit of Ose DOLLAR on each Machine. 'Correspond nee looted.. • I 4116.0 sell the Unice. -detailed Wringer with cogs. Any Wringeewill ens •yr that will work or. a tun. roual price of a Wag er, 46 4 Wri ger I will leba, io iutroduce a uerful ji tide. Brookland, Dec.. 213, 1866 STALL'S tNRITALLED Piano and Sarni tune Polith II TusT I.NIHODUCE D, and boing adueted i;ry ail E,/ leading honiwa in the nutiatifacturt ,, 01 Pi-inue. Or 1 gime, Billiard Tablea,,ltur itnre, &c , &e. Every one 1 who has a Piano altould have a bottle of this Poiii.i.b Sew! foi Circular-, anh we will give full p.ttt eulam I i and direttionin It int_ tit unit' bottles at 30 centeand 50 cent., and Where ! Ifa dozen are ortlere4 as once. I we will forward prep id by Elprese. .Spplication! , for Tetritory and .Age eiwi r.i.ceived bv 1 BItoWN & PERKINS, General -iitgenta fort he United I'lntees , Jan. 1-3 mus. I .‘'Nv. 4:2u .I.Uo.uie ri.c., S. Y. -I ' . FINE FANCY FURS! i " CIIAS. 'A EIERIPICII. No. 49: a nd ßroadway; 37 Malden Lane, New Tore; 'lmporter, Manufa l cturer and Shipper of FURS, Offers his large and woll as,. ted sleek of Fine Furs, Iu all 14.) lea, at lowefit NlatHilaCt u rene pricre. Higb-M price paid fur SHIPPING ICH ii Gar Sei.i. lu, thr-cur. _ ...._ If you want 1 - CLOTEING GO TO ' •P. Ai St bins IS. COTs. THE SILVER SKIRT I Patented Viaich 7. 1E65. _• MORE DURABLE, MORE GRACEFUL, , _ MORE ELASTIC, And will keep its shape and retain its place better than any other Skirt. This ern - find I .rinf all style elf SliirtNrs4 el•nelsa by the GREAT Am ERICA. I xtrrrciE Lticll2l etn - York City, 7..'et5 ex. WIZ THE HIGHEST PREIVUII EVER GIVEN FOR A HOOP . . • • ' SXIRT. - • The Sterl Springs or , wound with a rule plated wire (in *prone of a cotton co , eri g) N , Lieli'l ?n1 ‘rear - otT or 1, coded. aLd the tvhole Skirt mar 1, iViSIII , NCITII CT INJURY Or fear of lc:ging:lnd will be an good a. new. ' ' CO3IIINATITIN 11.1liT 1 . . This iriveut on aornVinet , with the ordmary cotton Skirt the ad v, mazes of our Sifter Skirt ; the I , ottom lope are the t.arne ne shone ue l e.l in the Silver skirt Ca: c , vering of which ei , 11,01 wear eft; while the up per once are coven 4 with c••t:on. No holy -having onoe_ worn onie of our. S..irts will be w , llinc: to wear any other, ai.the loieer hoops 'of ail Other kinds are ...ion injured And soiled. The beet material. are need In their construction and from tkeir duiabilits - ioni ficatnes.4, they are dce, tihed to become A FAVORITE SKIRT!. . - • For sale In Couders'l)nrt, by P. A. STEBIIIS'S CO., D. E.- OLMSTED, CHARLES S. JONES, and N. M. GLA4SMIRE: At Roulet, by 0. R. NV*BR. H. S. Ifurbank. Ag't., Atm 13.-6 m CtfartUa.Si tit.N. Y. .AT 11. J. 01.31STE,D'S TORE can nhcs vs tie fouwi the best o cookirrg..Box nod Pdritir ,S T 0 V E' S' Also. Mit' SFIF.ET IRON W.. 4 RE, POTS. RETTI2ES.jSriDERS. SCOTCH HOWLS FUSING-PANS, aid CAULD RONS. -F o. ..16riculturalaements. such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CELTIVA TORS. COr:N-SIIELLERS, I,IORSE4LAKES. DOG-POWERS ; be.. • is we'.l the waterial •gotra. Goat Ttc)rf:!RS Flttlp n.rt h. P •-• ear of ail kthilsf 4 t.tuse,.l. z:!"-i. on Strret ax,orite :14 1,- our t, Coudersport. Aug. 1, Ito.-50 • THE • strocr.U.sTßaw--otertilit RATENTED, AMY, 1.64, BY PUITER & SMITH THOUSANDS of the«e Sfachines are btiug mad, and fold , and Ore ilt*e UniVerelgil Satlstattion than any other Straw or Stalk-CALttOr ium.rget. It has no eaaiingt about and an le iziaati or repaired in may cuuntr) tqwn. The knife is s.tationary—Bot vibrat ea—feeds itseti knife—ciao—cote on top of the knife—ee everything itquareili any length rut] wish, and you. tannta Iruakt ragitAl Irak of tt eviii with a dull knife: • ; Price, $l4 ; - Eampl~ea of Iffe , hinem can be , iat 314 by ihl ander,ignea Ilartatheturud and at s. 1e hy N. H: cotaerw.rt,ra., , ati: ;1865. _ , \. • .. BOSTON.•CLOTHING E4OiISE 91 . 11 E subseribet re fpertfray inform Eittze.-11 tit COUdei evert and the jetiitilit iu guheitli that hi Las ()yelled e 11V,AD - m - Ar)r, ' G!LLgTT's BLOCK $l4 And $l6 550 10 and $ll y object beim! chiefly • L BIRD. Oae dwr A_VDERSO=s bOoLITTrE"S I i BARD IrAii'E Where will be!otinti:tt all times, a Complete :AIWA: went, at lea at CLOTHING ; 11 A f' • `• CAPS ) PtiIINISUING GOODS ! TRUNitiS Our motto Is Cheap tor Cash, Quiclf Salef Small Profits, Bit One Prkill 011 and examine our Gocxls and i'i:Eett befb'r• i.64it "cl.ewLirtc. Octalvr 18'66 Philadelphiti S.; Erle . Rditioii . ifl. 7 1-is great iine traysrAts the :Corti cr.. nr:jiii IN4l . lis isesk cionntims PentiSyleania to as cite of Eriti on lake , Erie. It has Vera leased and is . opei . 0:1: hj; Iths. l'ess's•tte,.orrA RillnodD UonrAVV. 7:rno of lattenger trains at EMP.01111:1L LEAVE EASTWAY: Erie Mal Trail' Erie Expn2zt. Trpilb ........ LEAVE WESTWARD, Erie Mail .... ..... Erie Elirexs Train • m. ears .run throrlirh on 11it; 'Elie 51 -.7 . ...; , 1e1 Exi re,s. IraTite aallioat waye bet Weer; Philadelphia and Ere. NEW YOFV.CCINNECION. . . Lea, New York at A. X , arrive at Erir I'o a.x; Leasve Erie at 4 45 P. X., arrive at Y- I, r4i 4 lu, e. ELEtANT SLEEPING CA LIS on all Nizlit tit `ire P•irdisforraatuin Piu , selezed ding ei..enil- • ply :it Cd.tuir of ilOtliaad stret, -.hi ;ph , A Andcfor Freicht . Litisiness of the. Co Agen:s . S. Jr.,, Cur. 1.31.13 and diderik - et StreAl4: Philadelphia. I .T. W. Reynolds. Erie.. W!n. 8r0w..., A ...tu., S. C. B. • IUSTON. General Frele.hi Aft. Pi Hada: • 11. W. GWINNER, General ticke' i t A. L. TY 1.E.:, General A• I I CASH PAID FOR HI The Highest Market Price Paid i " COUDERSPOIT TA.I Oct. '23. 1666-3 m ' F,O zr Iloilo ad Catty Fowdefs. YELLOW TER, ILEA' COUGHS, TEMPER. TEES, FOTN. LOSS OP Al SITE AND T' ENERGY, .kc, nse improves wind, incre the appetite—f a smooth Flossy skin transforms mistrable 61:1 horse. In all diseases of Swine, stivii the Lungs, Liver, t - - &c., this article 'l4 -- acts as a specific. rty putting from . ' .." . 4 „‘ • ti one-half a paper --- - to a Taper in a - ba.-rel of swill the 1 _=_ _ ...- above d i seases --- trill be eradicated or entirely prevented.] If certain' preventive and cure for the Tree ehol Price 25 . Cents per: Paper.. or 5 re,e,b for iL PEZZEte.P.Wa SY S. A FOTJTZ & 131 - 71147- '1 AT THEIR I WROLESUE DWG AYD DM:if Th. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, *tr.- y6r by Drtiegists aid Storeke.Vkii iturdt•ieet" out tl= Cuird Status.' • Sold 13::: V', A. :ETEBBINS l'a. CLOTHING sToB;b:, WELLSVILLE, ALLEGANt et) zirzlt, Goode rece!red erery week Ii; K. ENE AT T lIE Wm. ghtrar. CELZ2HATID f ,,,Ta rii r s z ..,i'dl' ir efaPara il s ; nra t t h iblll anditly reinviguranp broavn-down and low-spirited hore,Si by streng . t . neaiag :and tied:fit:rig rd • stomach and inlet, iswi r 2 D It if a Frit rt rentive of .sill di* • ••• , - , ras th e c:ailty Seen.'e•c-4ves ”•. xnet - csuu t „..? - t ip r rya and t , ,ret 111=212=1