El lal Constivation. :CT A CEILT*N AND. PER•; Ilabit ILOW TO £FF AN-gst cu Rome occupati ns of life predispose to Costiveness, especially those }itch allow but little exercise; Per- ess 8 who contr ct this unfortunate Laid' of body, 1 under such circa , 'dances, migh , possibly be relieved ' by changing thei eedent ry emp , ovme:ts for-otheas ' of a more active kiwi; but this is by no mauls cer- ' ' tain. habitual ...nstipatuan is a very obstinate di' older. All then di nary so-called remedies invariable Aggravate it. N thing Can be more injurious than the continued tile of etroug aperients. --They at first irritate, and finally* almost paralyze E.ie bowels-re i ri.ring them-sot raid that enoi mous doses of cathar i tie medicines b ye no effect upon them. A mild jisperient,' combt ed with a tientie stiraulact, is the true remedy; ae a combination in the happie t in.- portion, of tl,es ingredients, is found in Rh/STET TER:B STOMA H. BrrrEits.. This famous Stom achic Invigorat the whole intestinal cleat, vette quietly' romovie from its convolutions all impsdi : zuen•- to to . a free passage through them. No me,e purgative has his double operation. No ordinary stimulant effect the desired objeet. Cares , d'' Con , stipatton •abandpnbd .as hopeless by d , stinzu , sbed Medical men halve been cured in a few weeks by the Bitters. ' To th se who have tried all the medicines 1.,, .of the dispenses in vale, We oy try this irre-istible stimulant and a erient. There t- nu entlie.ielit reason why Constipati.n should be the con-equence of Stfil p;ntary Itabitai..4 ROSTETTEWS SITTERS, by stile Plying the vigo whit:, would otherwise be d-,ireci from exercise, , •111 in all cases enahle the system to perform ita exc etory functio..s regularly and health fully. Chcirr Pectoral, I$ 7116 RAFID CURE Ayer' Coitghi, Co ; Influenza. Thare-ness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consusspi ion, and for ' ' the relief of C9usumptire Patients in advanced stages of th disease. • . 00 aids is th 'liend of its us. fulness and so limner rj ous are its ores, that in almost every section of : the country a 'e persons publicly known, who have been restored by it from alarming and even 11 spvrate diseases of the lungs.' When o..ce tried, its soperior . flyover every other elnitctorant is too apparent to 'escape obiervation, and where its virtues are known, the public uo longer hesitate what antidoteao em• ploy for the (FM-eating and datteerous. affections of the pulmonary i omans Incident to our climate. While :many Inferior remedies thrn't upon the community have failed andtbeen discarded,thh. has gained friends -by every trial, '.onfe.ired benefits on the afflicted they can.never forgi t. and produced cures too nutuermis and too remarlsable to he forgotten. 'We can assu^e.the public, that its quality is care fully kept up t the'best it ever has been. and that it may be relied do Undo for their relief all that it has ever done.. I 1 • ' Great •numbt'rs of Clergymen, P11:4 - .1 , 111119, Stittes yf rueo,und othei eminent personages. have lent their 1 'names to verby the• unparalleled usefulness of lair'. remedies, but pace here will not vermit the insertion of them. The Agents Leb-w ranted furnish gratis our AEON - len Almanac in which they are UiVell: with ahm full I..ucripthni. of the couiplaint , i our rem-', edies cure. . : Those who rtNnirc an Alterative Me h Ans to rn rify the blood will find AYER'S Come. EXT. SARSAPA- ' JULIA the nee to we. Iry it ones; and you will con cede its value.l • 'i Prepared by Dr.. ;T:C AYER ..5,... C0.,1.0we11.11ai , .., Rita sold by ail Drlizeists and dealers in medicines everywhere. . 'FRIGHTFUL EIXECUTI I.N! Is done upon thousands of Irrt.v liswis,hy endeavori a; to darken thor l. n with metallic dyrs that , toco - rch and 331ast the fibres fro m tip to ro a. V - - - ,rif Avoid these horrible • DI SFIGURING AGENTS 4d use only e great toilet staple of America, C',ISTA t OL:O'S EXCELSIOR DYE, i which not only thstautanenu.ly produce- all shadvs, of black rnd Crown, but also nourishes• streilztha,s. l and 'beautifies the hair. N . uaii fact areki be .I.Cnls-: TADURO,6 Astor I I ouse, New Yo,1: so - la by D, ug. gists. Applied by all flair Dies.-era. Porous Plasters. , BEST STItiNOTDENING PLASTER IN TM" WORLD. ,Al.l . oock'S Porous Plaster o s ri.s.,we ar i d as sy, we pain casting turtit it.e ecrid hin a ., ss f rom t flaw arts to fllee4;i9 . :ll.d cii cu::.tion— t us, In ?' cases. pu,,alve!y vv.:lvor:Om." the dis ease. JAMES LULL, M: D. There is nthi^g equal . in the leuv of piaster. to Porous to the l'lsster of Mr. ALT.OOCR. Every thing is plets...mt about them. 3 . bey r.• the plsste, o f the aay, and tit type of our present adt am:ernel tin science and art. lu Ar,thum, Cough, 1*" Atree tions,pout,ltheumutism, a nil deep,,eal,d they afford ptrmauent retell J. F. JOlll .itiN, :A. D., on "Topi ' Remedies. From.% pe sonal kt.olviedge of these plustms, .esh state that they are decidedly preferahie to n uy oiher In use. I Wherever relief is to be ol.tained bg the use ore plaster, We should reeouirn,,l A. INGRA - 1.1. 3 1.M,M. n., Editor New York Ilm,tor. Agency, Bralalreth !louse, New York. Bold by all Druggists. BOBS OF VOUT:I ... • A Gentlenian who suffered for i ears from NerV011;• 1 Debility, Pr'ama urn Decay, as,l all the ~.rh.,.l s „ 1 Youthful indiscretion, w;11, for the sake of snit' riv:i - Litman/I.y, I .7id ree 10 ni: wl.O ii,A a, 11, rveipi, and directi us ftri•-Drlkifti: the sh,ph. remedy by which ha xv: s cured. •Su ;firers lel,l,in•:t4, pr.,11: by. , t the advertie r's experience, can ,10 , 0 by .1(1re-sing .101T.N . B. ()GORY, "o. 13 Chambers St., New 1"4,k.--flyjyS _ rpriE CO.IFESBIO-"Cz; AND EXPERIENCE OF EiVALIII. Published for the be: it and as a Caution to Ton on Men and on erg, i‘ ,utrer trout Nervous Debilit; Premature Decay of llanhood. s.a. •upplyil.g at the datne time the mean- of S-11 - .12 ore. By one Nvim ha cured himgeOafterundenzoingeonsiaerable cptarltery By eneloAnt a post-pail addressed envelope, single copies, free of ename,mav he had of the :Tuition . • .A.TifAsigi, MAYFAIR, I::=q., Bronklyn, King. CO, N. Y. 9EI ANGE PUT TRE.Tri. ng lady and gentleman in the United !ear something much t, their advantage nail (free of charge,) by addreii,ing the Those who (Inez fea.,t of being burn oblige by not noticing this card. All lease adifre,. their obedient ,er ••ant, ; TIIOS. F. (211 A i'MAN, S3l Broadway, New Yorlt.—lltit S DR. TOBIAS' Every ye , States cart by, return undereinne , baged will 'others Will Ve • eoan. Liniment. AN - ESSTANTANEOCA . REMEDY' FOR. chroni theumatism,herAtche,toothacbe, croup, eohe, coins",sore throat, and Pains in any p.m t of ti body. Renserrkwr, this at tick, is a 6ucce,B—not an experiment ; Mr /9 years it has been v e nted. N o meri. icine ever bad such a reputation n., this , s il en tly. it 1 -has works its way before the public and all are loud in its Prab e. "Ch rook rneumatbm. , -Thousands who had lad for weeks on a bed of mony, and never walked without the aid of crutches, with this com plaint, can testify to the mag'cal effects of this lini ment. • Remember, relief is certain, and a positr...r tare is sure to follow. Headache of ,all kinds we warrant to cure. l'utrid sore throat,quinsy, and dip theria are robbed of their terrors by a tnneiy use of the Veeetilm Liniment. It has saved hundreds the past three u oaths Price 40 and SO eenis a bAth3. Office ; 55 C rtiftudt street, New l'lri% Sold by all Druggists. 110 CONSU3IP illiV ES. The adi.o-tiser, having )TLen restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered foeseveral years with a severe lung affection; and that driead disease, Consumption—is anxious: to make km; .1 to his follow-sullen:l-s the means ,f. tore. V To alt It- o desire it, be will send a copy of the pre- scription u ed (free of charge), with toe directions for preparijm and UNIE: , the same, which they will find a SURE CURE for Consumption. Asthma, Aronchetist Coughs, Coldr , , arid ail Throat and Lung tiectinnal The only object of the advertiser in 43ending the Prescription is to benefit the at - flitted, and spread information which h conceives to be ii“, valuable,,dnd he hopes every rufferer will try , hia al 'remedy, - it, will cost them nothing, and may prove is blaming. Parties isbing the prescription, race, by return I=ll, wih pleasr address - .. ( Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, ' Willininsburgh, Rings Co., New York.—TlyjrB' A LECTURE YO . lll , Ken. JUST PUBLISHED, in a Sealedl , Ett. velOcie. P rice Six Cents. A L.feltird en the Nature, Treatment. and Radical Cure of erielm'atohrrhoea or Seminal Weakness, , voluntary j Emission, Sexual Debility, and Jrnpedil merits to rearri.eeurnerany. Nervouszies-,Constimp., l l tion,Epilepsy and Fits ; Mental and Physical Lava-l i pacify readtting from zielt•Abuse, ke. By ROBERT .1.11 Ctiurrewst.t., M. D., author of the Green Book, stc The world renowned author, in thi- admirable Lec tare, clearly proves froth hi, ewe esnerleace that awfnl consequences of self-abuse may be e nect a:fay re .1,/ moved Trit Atmedicine;and Nln titOUt danzerous au r-1 gicajoper s ions,bongies,rings,instt um en ts,or 11144 poitting out a mode cite ure at once certain and effectual:l hy,qvery sufferer, no matter what his ceaditiod may be, May cure himself cheaply privately, and radically. This lecture will prove wbOon to thousands' and 'thousands. , Sent, under seal . , in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or La o post stamps.}. Addres, the publishers'. caAs. J. C. KLINE S. CO., /27 Bowery, New York., P 0... (.%).I.:e ix,1.4,565, Nrursllf 3i - ou want td: V V AND GOODS 14 TRANCE BUT TIM ?, ErWI 'mita EST POSSIBLE PRICES THE LO INS ! - BARGAINS ! BARG Alan paid to the cost of No atte GOODS: Prompt tonfortuity. to the Lowest prices is our eshiblished 31arket RULE. • [determined to give the We are he Benefit of the FALL, public this lime. j 14Ty.0 prose the Rule , torks both Ways? high prices when goods You I wen. u J), We• will see-to it that law prices now GOODS re down. • doym, but we do intend to be beaten. ask is to give us a Call. tuned as you please. Ifl w prices We feel sure So°l pa Others ( Ile All 17 e Shop a you MI or a. sale. in rat l ike trade this spring I are fleterntined that i I ~- RLES . Joists !' de.e the lead in furnishing this of the coun ry with the best for the least money, Ours is the sere that G an be done. COME, We are Shall tf .ettion articles Store w be C.OIiyINCED. All kinds of SEE, an GGoons to , oons I now offing at prices which can to strike the purchaser as Co EINEM not fail 1 tiCa, c 1 - 2.(e — aa:l) 2 r I - CAL k OES WITH THE STARCH 1 • OP OF BOTH CLOTH AND j 1 . 1:M, EtKV.EIi 7: Bito,AID.: CI T ,OTiI, Plain & Fancy Cassirtieres ST4LNDARID 1111.7SLI1VS Die: ached and Unbleached 1 , ivuslins of all Prices. , , Flannels of ail Colors, - 1 SILK B.l' LINEN • HA NIDK.ERC,I - lIEFS, • tPC)OIJ boirroN. Tic, ing, Striped Shirting; Deriiria.O. Crash. rroWeling T,ADIES' DRESS GOODS, , All-WooljDelaines r .Amen-Delsines. .i Mohair Lfistres, &c. - . GROCER IES, 1 Of all kinds.' COATES, WHITE . & BROWN SUGARS, SYRUP . - COMMON MOLASSES, GREEN & BLACK TEAS, SPICES of all A great variety of the oast brands of CREWENG TOBAtte4. - Corn, 'edar Bucketss No. I and 2 Mackerel, Herring,- Hams 4: Shoulders. / Linds. 1 1 S3IOKIN Brooms, Labrado, 'kl DRUGS sclo-r and MEDICINES, / READY—MADE Df:OTHING, and ROES, ~/ 1 ;HARDWARE, &c. RENIE3 ' pIER W PIA': THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR CO,UNTRYP4ODUCE. H CAFeiLIES S. JONES. Cou j ersport, June 5, 1866 bitY 7 GOOD§i is DRESS GOODS, ALAPACAS, 'SERI TOES; LADIES CLOTH, •DE LAINEE:3, &c. P. A. Stebbins A: Cols. I I , . ACENTS .WANTED FOR THE MOST. PO.PULAR nd - est selling Subscription „Book published: • The most.exleuslte publisher: In the United §,tates,'(litivine six liouseso and therefore can afford to selhbocks cheaper and pay agents a more 'liberal commitoilon than any othereornpany. ' Our boojts do not pea through the bands of _Gen eral Agents. (as nearly all other subscription works do,) therefore we are enabled to give oar canvassers the extra per cent. which is usually allowed to_Gen. eral Agenta.. Experienced canvassers will see the ikdvantagw. , of dealing directly with the publishers. Our series embraces the most popular works on all subjects of importance, and Is selling rapidly both North and South. ' Old agents. ands all others, who want the best pay agencies, will please send for circulars and see - our terms, and compete them and the character of our works with rho-e of other publishers. Address, . • - NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia. Ps., PA).1.011, M:16.4 ,Lineinnati, Ohio. ' Chicago, 111., St. Louis, Nlo., or Richmond Va. LIE This article has been used in Paris for many years, and is what the Manufacturers of gloves use to im par to theth The delicate finish after they Lave left the hands of the sewers. It waaintrodnced into this country' ever 12 years azo, and it Is at this, day the LILY REALLY GOOD KID GLOVE CLEANER. II id per• reedy Inodoroup, and the glove can be cleaned with it while upon the hand, and woin immediately. One bottle costing 35 Cents kilt clean 35 pairs; thus for ONE CENT a pair, any lady an clean herigloves in a few moments and have them looking like new. Most dealers in Fancy Goods keep it for sate, bat alien they do not and will not send. for it, ladies may club togetberlbra dozen 'bet tles iiiid Send us $2 59, and we Will send them the dozen Packed in n wooden box: This is onrlowest whole,ale price to dealers. Andress, JOLT EN'S KID GLOVE. CLEANER. 3m , . Depot, 62 Fulton Street, Scw York. If you want SEASON' "ALE GOODS cf all Kinds, Lyon's Periodical Drops! . . rirmb Reeot - Female Remedy for irregut- I bullies. These drops area scientifically com pounded Auld prep:tr.:JUDl, and better than-any rills, Powdl, or Nostrums. Being liquid, jheir action is direct and positive, rendering them °reliable, spscd) - an:l certain specific tor the cure ot all obitruetionsand suppressions of nature: TlMirpoptriarit,y IS hidlcated b, the fact that over 20,000 bottles arc anntfally cold and consumed by the ladles of the United States: every orie of whom sneak In the strongest terms of praise of their great famit§ They are rapidly ratan_ the place ef every other re - rude Ff.emedy,:ftid are edit! sidYred by nil who t now a ght of them, as the f ureft safest, and most infallible preparation iii the world; for the cure of all Female omplaints, the, remora/ of all obstrUctim.s of nal it rem.nd the promotion of health regularity and strength. _ ll'rpliCit direetbins stating i when they maybe used. an esplaining w when and shy they should MA, nor could not be used without pre diming eft , eta contrary to iature's cliofen laws. will 1 . , e found carefully f ;hied a t -oymi e ac h 1,w, , w i t h writ • eri th.::.:il Il re of J011.:\ L. LYON, withog t which none are genuine. Prepar6l by Pr. JOT1:1 Stree , , Itew, Briven. - ' Con enber itorolly or ivs,nial . cerninz private; d 6C:IS So.ld by all,Drxiggi.t. ea BOttle. lyep General Ai:* for If you want GROCERIES,such WHITE and BROWN SUGARS, SYRUPS and MOLASSES, SPICES, Prospectus of the HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FOR 1567-. One year In advance Sii monttie, in advance Three "I-.. " • " ' ' I 75 For the Sesslon 2 0) .. , pt ions No snbsc nlons ,Eal: en for less than Three months. 'ke - Th Weekly Teleg , ph, Will contain a resnme Of the important bneineis iran=acted in Congress and the Le_ , 'eia Tele raphic qeports. will appear in 'tipVD:illy, Commer cial and Financial Intelligence, a:mr other imnortant matters nee .nary to make up n Xrst class Political, Literary and Family Newspapee V 1 . • . . . . • . , _ . One year •rsans , i'n advance .... /....... ........... .42 09 Three copies to one ad ces, In athance.......4 50 Five copies to one add se. and ; an extra copy to the person sendi g the club rty 2 7 50 No names will be plite,.d on Mir books unless the Cash accompanies the order. 1 Acidre,6 / GEORGE BERGNER. / . . i: Harrisburg, Pa. "„* Dou't)lefoolish."-:-You can make Six Dollars froui Fifty Cents. Call and ex-Mnine an inyenp.tin urgently needed by ftverYbody. Or a sample sent free" by mail for 50 cents, that retails/easily for $6, by It. L. Wolcott, 170, Chatham Square. Nev. Ydrk. If you wait SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS, P. A. Stebbins ek. cc's. I ' kTNDS OF GO TO JOUVEN'S KID GLOVE CLEANER ESTABLISHED 12 YEARS. GO TO r. A: Stebbins dr. Co's. L. LYON, 195 Cl.apel Nvhti can I,e con , ulted I. (eneloi.ilez Fnnnn.l en an,l female weakne-FeA. rywhere. ice $1.50 G. CL AI: & CO.. 'died States and Canadae. sTEAS,COFFEES, GO TO P. A. Stebbins .sz; Co's. GEORGE BERG NER.. Proprlotd El= 00 TO admx4-ms :r 13..:11,11,TX.OE'r e r SE I • &'G2ILIe , -.0 ES. N. Fan, E •• e territory give% (II - Pay hum 230 u 4.101, • • ,outh. Par toms. Ms tratal Cinulars. • with sump, cigar. • b PA ROTHEIrs Agenb, 0 .69 .4 Chestnut Elt."Phila,, • • Sundt St.. Tak•do.O. BENGIIAM ESTATE. Until further notice, the Office of the Estate In Coudeniptirt will be open only do-lug Good weeks ;sat which time kir. Ensworth will be there. He will also he in Smethport during the weeks of Gerrit in McKean County. Persons who hare bni.iness with the Estate are re quested to meet him at those times. • Letters on buslness addressed to the Office at Wells boro', will be promftly answered. ______. May 1,18E6. WILLIAM R. CLYMER.. Firth's Music Store, • osz. Y. THitDDEUS FIRTH, (siwes.,or to Firth; Son Company,) MUSIC PUBLISHER, Manufacturer and Importer of • Mastleal Instruments, Piano Fortes, Melbdeous, Cabinet Organs,. And ere. description of Musical merchandise :•..dei'lgetv York Agency for the celehreted - Gilmore & Co's Band Instruments, Our Band Department is under the persona supervi sion of Mr. D. L. DO wNING. Wholesale and Retail Depatfor the unrivalled tErri'lqurdett, Cotta , ve Ore.-au - 04 Which challenges comparison as the most effective instrumeLt yet offered to the public. .A r tile and Choice ..Ifusic Published Daily e..17-Catalogces and Price Lists of Instruments fur nished on application. . Gar "Latest Music from to the /eaditigrUbliSiterS A merica. _ 'Err Any piece of Music, or 'Music Book; sent by mail, post.pasd, on receipt of retail price. I:F:el — Orders by mail for Music or Instruments receive prompt and careful attention. goods warranted to prove as represented, at riaTirs IIIM3IC STORE, 563 Cro.,d way, New' York. IS Mlyear NATIONAL HOTEL, (LATE VAN BUREN 110 USE,) .WELLSYILLE I N. Y. TAE undersigned could r espeetfully inform -their friends and the traveling public generally, this they have iemsnd the above note!, (formerly Kno*ii as the Van Buren House), and will at all timeibe ready td fern!sh them with first class accontruoda. tions.on reasonable terms. An omnibus ve.l) run to and from the House meeting each train. Passengers taken to and from the Hotel, free of charge. Re4rular line of Stages do and from Coudersport, 'Pc.; and White.ville, leave the riot.] daily. JONES Prciprietors. VIELODEONSI CABINET - /ORGANS ! Piano Fortes ! MIRE gul,z , cr:bers ',lave opened n Mnsie S'Ore in the new blilditp recer.tly erected by the ALLEG ANY ACADEMY OF. MUSIC ! iri tlie Tillage of Friendship. Ti - Lens they keep on ban ae extenSive nssortineut of Melodeons, Organs, and Piano-, aF can be found 'in any Music store inliew York or kb-tun. much seareely anything in which .there is so much 6cc.eit as In the mannfitcture of these Ingro mints. The outside is the work. of Cabinet-nmkers. Anyone c - ho will refiectbow much'difference twenty five delldrs swill Make in the appearance of a Loren] or table, cat readily understand how a feW dollars exp-use may improle the outside of en is.etrum .nt, while the inside ma:,;- be utterly worthless ; Any one can judge of the outside appearanee; only expe rienced judges can decide the ratneor the inside., The great advant,go which thin stiblelibers offer to buy an Organ, or Melodeon. or a inar.o,ts that every instrument they hare on handle very carefu'ly select ed from the best makers, by 0.7 E OF THE PROFESSORS ALLEGANY ACADEMY OF MITSIC thus rendering. it certain that the instrument is per fect. Then warmitt every inet ument.. and JAI!, ex ch •ngo or refund the fot et cry instrument that proves defective. They calk also sell at lle.=s prices tnaln city Nagle Stores as they do not have to pay , the enormous city rents. . . Our iirto .5 composed of thosc who own the ...$7 00 -.3 50 Allegany Academy Muni& AS this Insiitutin is pbrnannntly estiblished in .Frietutzhi, i;:ishing to purchase. lie;ndeons, Organs. or.Pito-ps, resd!ly understand the value q.f purchasing from a rekpongible Florae& :carted near 1 J. BAXTER - & CO., Allegany Academy of Music, MUSIC STORE. Friendship, N. Y. J. 11..: C.. are also prepared to t.nswer orders for 411 kind. of Musical Instruments. Musical ruhlica tions, Sheet Mu,ic,"and Musical Merchandise gener ally. , . noc 30,1868 tf Grtiria'ut, Potter Co., Pa., Aug:. f, ISO. VOTICE is hereby given that Charier , Bu ll/ Shor, now or late of this county, holding the fopowing described property. Kas not ye' paid e, Consideration [ whatever fcr the.iame, and all persons are hereby warned nOt toimr chase'an of said prop rty of the said Buslior beford the deefsion of the Court' is given in this case and C. Bush r has paid to me the consideration money t erefor. i The following is the property : Ist. A certain tractl,of]and. near the Ger mania Mill, in warrant 5075, Abbdtt, township, Potter county, Pa., containing 100 adres.— Also' 2•5 -acres in warrivat 5078 and adTarnitig the above. 2nd. A oertrin tray, of land, with Mill and improvements thereon near Kettle Creek, inw n warrant 58r9, in Stets township, Poes county, Pa., containing about 204 acres. C. Bushof holds alsu in trusi!warrant tio. 2501, in Gaines township, Tioga county, ra., on the road leading froin . Gertnartia to Gaines, containing 850 mired. .. tf 1 - W3l. RADDB, OF THE Notice. N. m. LS Now OFFERISi A LARGE AND WE ED STOUR CALICOES, , DELAINES, MERINOS; SHEETINGS, SKIRTINGS, LADIES HOODS, . Ladies i ßreakfast that Vis, Ealmorais, Cloth and r Gloves. &c., &c., &c. HE ALSO CALLS ATtENTIOIN TO HIS STOCK 01 Groeeries, Provisions, Flour, Pork, Salt, - Cod Fish, Mackerel, White Fish, &c., &c., &c. TEAS, of all kinds, SUGARS, of all kinds, COFFEE, grOund and ungr'd SPICES, of all kindi, AY.D, .EVERYTHI,VG PERT-11-TfITO- TO THE GROCERY AND. PROVISION; BrSLYESS, WHICII WILL BE .- • • SOLD LOWER THAilr ANY OTHER' PLACE TILE d O U.Nit.R .1 1. ': . 31. GI.a.ASS3I/11E. IOV. = 2 , 1866. 1866 . . l ' 1666 . . Philadelphia S:, Erie ( R ailroad. . 1 'THIS great line trarsrses the Nora ern and North west' counties of Pennsylrania to the city of Erie on lake Erie_ It has Levu leased and is operated by the PeaxsttrA sta RAILROAD CoMPAYV. Time of pa-senger trains at EMPORIUM.. _ O / LEAVE EASTWARD. - Erie Mrt'l Train ." ~. . ... . . ........ _4:32 P. X.. Erie Express Train 1.,..:_1f.':9.4 - 4. ti. • LEAVE IWESI WARD,/ • Erie Mail Train L — , 11:58 4.3 f. Erie Express Train ' *, 213 A. sr. Passenger cars run thrugh on the' Erie Matl. and Express trains - without liange both ways between Philadelphia'and Erie. • . ;NEW YORK CONNECTON. 1 . • Leave New' Ydrk: at 9.00 s. x , arrive at Erie 9 304.31. Leave Er:eat 445 P. ).,arrive at New York 4.10, p. It ELEGANT SLEEI'ING CARS on all Night trains - F. , r infortnati , m respecting. Passenger husiness,ap• ply at Cdrner 01 30`.'s and Market streets, Pbilad , lphia dud fur Freight L•nalnesi of:the Company's Agents 8: -I. Hint:stun; Jr., Cor. lttli an'd.Market streets, Philadelphia:. J. W. ReSmolds, Erie. ' . • .. . Wm. Br , (ern, Agent, N. C. P.. R , Baltimore. U. 11. nourst - ON, General Freight dgt. Philada " 11. W. GWINN ER, General licknt Agt. Phillida A. L. TYI.Eit. General Supt. Eris. • - • CASH PAID FOR HIDES. The Highest Market Price Paid FOR MOO I El 30 4M) AT THE COUDERSPORT TANNERY. , Wm. Shear. ' 0ct:2.3. 18663 - Utect Statei Steil pail Works Factory; Cam a esi, N. 4: R. ESTERBROO.K Bc. CO STEEL PEN MANEFACTLIERS. xrarehonseri: 403 Arch Street, Philadelplts, `'Y • 42 Job!) Street. New York. . „ These Celebrated Pens are of Get/al:at American Manufacture'. and comprise evetT l ieading style in the Market, and are equal in tinisit,elasticity atm fineness ptittit to the best imported.. They are, therefore, sure to gain the econtrdence of the American public. Samples and Prices on lApplication. LOTS MADE TO ORDER, OF ANY PATTERN OR STAMP REQUIRED. For sale to the "fratU at the Manufactu rer arehouses, as aboie . :, sui .I",t retail by all Sta tioners, Booksellers, and em - sd tilers in the United States.. • flyl7-19 ' .C.iterbroolc st Co. COUDERSPORT AND SHiPPEN STAGE -ROUTE. IV-ESSE:S. GLASSIIIRE ekc WHITE'S daily I6e of Gages trill leave Coudersport : natal farther notice, at S o'clbck in the morning, arrirlog,iu Ship nen about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and trill have Shippen on the arrival of the morning tiainat 10:30, arriving in .Conderspoit about 5 o'clock, P. M, Travelers are refered to the Tizne t Tableof the L'hil- Sfilelphla tt Erie Railroad, which will be found adrer ilced In thin pap r, for further radiiculars about the adran cages of this route: New Tork pansengeritvill SAVE 301 MILES TRAVEL AND 5 HOURS TIME hstisktng this route in nfeferstice to thotof the-Erie Railway. NO OHANOR OF. CARS tETWEEN SWIPPFN AND N.EAV YO,RX,Pitie4asw,lcop• thrtsble wacons and good teams a: e' on the Stage Route. Packages at.a.'.l.;:scprepti business stl.E : li6 , ll's with care. D. F. GLASS3IIRR.I • IDLES WRITE Prsonrs ContiervpiTl, ra „Oct. THE BUCKEYE sTRAw - - ctrrirgazt. PATENTED, JULY, 1564, BY roirtE4 h gserrif rrlDJUSA.NrDS of these IttaehineS sire , being *rade and. sold, and give more Vigiverrial than any other . . • Straw or StalkCiitt%r ip.glarkeL It haa' no ca-stings abuut atad Can bet -ads) or repaired in any country to n. The Knife ts.st,attnary-11 , 1. siiirriest--fasisiii„ self -rents on top of the knife—cats everything; Rqus ref any. length son wisb, and yon calm& make alfgad of even kith a dull knife. Prite, $l2- Sarnnett, Xfaeldnes can be seen at s'•- * OP• Ott %niers grica. Ifatinfactareil nn ti3r Safe. by . GiltiDSEtt, Coudersport, Pa., Oct. 2, 1565. FOR SALE L SELECT . OF 1 BOSTON CLOtHIt4G HOUSI I ~,.. Tar.. sOAcriber re Filet.' fully la'forrits Ate intril t s Couae rrurland - ,.he public in geataiai riu7 /it Las opened a READY MADE CLO'IqiING GILLETTN BLOCK One do3f _4_VDESSO2I' ; c• DOOLITTLE'S . . When - cif:llm foimd at all tiviisis..coriiplete meth,!z;ll4 Latebt Ityi es of CLO'rHING, CAPS; URN'S RING GOODS; Our ic'otio is Chew& for Cash, Qn'inir Sthah ,f C • Profits, But One Pito. Call and oxamlue our Goods audl!rii.ad'qfore going elee*here. di•OPP. Octotter 211 tf SOLlis'briry; Bro. & G 6 r Extensive Matraticttrers and Importers of - (5411; ca,7lo.cii . Ortige. llczrelrgi ArneHaan, English, ah 3 Sdriss W‘itches, Cased by Ourselves; And every de , :cription of Faney'Gmak and 'Yankee Notions, elpecially nd-tpted ziaiii:iest,- ed for SOLTIIEDS and WESTERN TRADE,. Circulars and full descOptive Price Li±t3 eni free. Akints wanted Addresi,: S.illlS4rlrf lire. & C 0.:,. . DJIU STRCET,... - 0e122-3ru PRON/PANar.:: IL I: Maple Sagat Matier?. 'Now is the time to get due. .err Cookis Cae , brated EVaporaturs for Making, Supr, Haring used one the past beti.ou T ..Nlnnie them ,pg be the best PAN fur making Ntiple Suga o r r Svrup. For further particulars Qilic,*ars, address the undersigned who is a , tent Potter Count-r.l JOEY LLICDSEY. - _ ;171cRcpr... Pottpr : Ps. 'luso milli Powders. TERI, BEAVI C 0 tr - G HS, DI TESIPER, TRRS, FOUNT)) LOSS OF API TITF. AND VIT. ENERGY, &c. ~ i thpreces f flicrea.9ts the; #ppetite—g-h— -.r.omootb glosi9 skin—an' transforms t misgmble Eke( horse. . - . . j:, au ,i5..-•sses of Swine, such as Conchs, I.lceriiin the Lungs, Liver,-' ,. .t: : • - e ,• •• • •4- -4 .:..' - - t " -.., : • •tc.; this article i i i ei - ::-• ;-;- - 1::'- - ' - -"rii : acts as a spec. -c-': 7 ......: - . ..,-,. - - -• v ." By ;putting from • - 5-'7":, - "' - ...'-::: - •,: -. .- , .;1- r - '' • '. one-half a paper • ~. :::- : -, t- - ( 0 i PsPr-r in a - barrel of swill the -,-------- • i -_- -- _ - ", ----4 ; Above diseases - 47 : .---:-:- - ,..t." . .—, -..:4L- .- . - - Will be erailt,,,N.4 ---:----,-,....,,-- ..--..„ --- - .: . • 9r entirely prevented. If girl°. in Woe, ..a_ certain preventive and cure for the nog Ci.oh7ra... , . Price 25 Cento . per Paper, Parert for. Si. - P.B...TWA_RED Err . _ S. A. F`CILTOCZ TJRO., : AT TEEM. . - WID3LESALE DRUG AND AIEDICI , E "Mir, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, rd.- 1 For Sale by A:Ogg:IAL% and Simi:et:Peri iltrougti,' out the United Slatco. . . - Sold by P; STEBDINS' port. Pa. An tnvention of .ITtar•ct Merit! I 1 Bnrinis P. - Stat, METAL TOP _ ]. e., LAMP CHIMNEY, L. .• . r TI N T WILL NCT EIIIK . 1 _ BY 111. AT. '' 1 • / • : Burns up al/ cas and smote. er , never breaks Lpy p ut9r.kgSr• s 4-) s 1 1 re hae m a."-d o e v ; 4. i ii, razii t, t2 : 4'; irt elet4 'i rc r ea r l' ,: tl3 lo 7 ~ ,e , , I L ca n o u s t d pp e rf f eet ast Ch r, i l lI;r47 11 1 . t al ltrIl a 1 .4 : . ,li without i t ivr h lo7u r LI S LI elA r d at. h ::he e pre r Li e s le i t 1 1 : : a rr o : 0, ,7r130, to be . in trod 1 • 1 , • CO ., I- I '''S'',....l . s 7 3 'Warren ••..., _a. r.. ;FELLS ITILLE, I ._ E ea; MED WARE STORE; HATS, New Goods reeved every WOek Solid and Nickel SILVER-WARE, FOUTZ'S . Tlits preparAisdi long and ,racOralny known; will Pimp °uglily reinvigora broken-down and 1 9w - aPiritedlr". 6, by . s Ere nr cuing and cleansing the stomach and antes os is invalvtahlo. .Tall the quality A' the milk. 'lt I al been proven b.l 2 eer. exPerir*,`t reefs the ,Ine , or milk and. ere* .t.weniy 'et. end route the Ater ffirri Ain( reef. In fattening tile; it give then appetite; )Dant* 1r )2 36 e, and :es theta thrive
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers