The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, December 11, 1866, Image 2
ea ammo ecrudereport, Tuesday Evening. DI Local and Ge tgr dourt convenes next week tr• We are entirely out of thousand and one promises but discovered how to burn them t ar New Music at Ellison's ,-Just received. 001 and exa new lot of School gooks. tr A large and finely sel , Goods just received at the p Store of P. A. Stebbins dr, Co. it is too late, or Do not fail to read the a , A. Stewart Stillman, of Wells week advertises one of the fin, Books and Fancy Notions to Southern Tier. tlrThere will lie a Cotilion mania Hotel on Christmas Eve i one at the Coiniersport Hot.! , 1 night. Those- wliolove to trip tic toe, will have two fine opp ri r Bee: Wm; S. Tuttle, P -iding Elder of 1 the Olean Distri4 of thr. "" lurch, will'! deliver a Temperance le, M. E. Church in this 'place , ing; the 21st of Dec. (Court AN, - - rgr" As a phristma , appropriate : than tate ing Machines. A new under-feed Machines' Dyke, Inquire at thi t ir Horace Preelc: letter" has very muc to the United States Senate And indeed many of his fries no possible chance of his suet, pi - We give most of our H idea's Message, not because serves it; but to satisfy the people. He is wondrously t• Lis bullish bellon•ings. dial I Guess he must have heard fr lions. ' • r i r The Pittsburg Gazette jority of the Allegheny and favor the election of Gen. Can States Senate: That neither eron will have : majority on that the outside-candidates balance of poker and casino! number, but that the choice 1 , Lwow Cameron and Curtin. i csjr By the Agitator we fi boro Academy bas just clos tion.—Mr. Sticklin's Chai stroyed by fire Nov. 29, loj sured $1,800.. As usual so sensible part and what wl broken. A certain clas in, sbould be tid to their ' occur; and kept there.---, township destroyed the G i l Herrington. , I tirThe .Einporium Pr • a says that 'quite a /arge number of new build' igs will be erected 1 during the coming season a that place.—Thf , editor asked fOr a turkey lo Thanksgiving and didn't get it. Lucky turk y but unlucky ed itor. lire got a big, fat on —C. Id, Dickin son has resigned the Comm -iotter's Clerkship, and the editor recommen Capt. 4. G. ! Johnson for the place. .We licpe lap. will get—if be wants it.—Somebody std el a barber's pole— and two young men "got s ect" about the same lady and a "window -shad " over the 4 . e was ' almost the result. Neithe the cause nor the \ consequences were seriotr —Some generous creature gave the editor a • ish of oysters and feels like a boy with a tin- whistle about it. " I COVIIT rROCEEDINGS.— . ::Steatu" Judge worked th iPtorses, night , aud day, thi * by far the Ipleasautesl, . week's Court ever held i convened on Monday afte noon which day was advoted to rriotitms, and charging the grand juiy. The first case w tried on Tuesday morning, and from that t me until ten o'clock Saturday evening, every •ay and night, it was one busy scene of swea log jurors and iwit nesses, arguMents of counsel , and ':charges of the judge. One case um. rattled off, and an other on; with a rapidity hat must have aston ished even the judge hi iself, and alti ough ni compelled , to, work hard, we heard no com plaints iron the Attorne 8, but only a mover sal expression of admiratr In of Judge Williams, whose quiet and rapid ischarge of business, brief andinipadial charg 'to the jurors, quick and correct decisions o legal questions has .made him the favorite. n only of the bar, but of the whole county.--Ca won Pies& _ , glir Abnut the first .f last August a man going by the name of P. W. Smith, came into this county!, and since ; n has traveled -from one place to another, sto .ping with the farmers generally and making • itself quite agreeable during the lung ereni gs. One of the places -he had sometimes visite was George Ayers' on Ayers Hill. On the tight of Dec. Ist, (Sat vrday) he came to the hose of Mr. Ayers from Sinnemahoning, and x ox four silver table spoons, eight silver tea- poons, several yards of factory coat lining and satinet, with which he made tracki down th .Sinnemahoning. As ~.1 laminas 'the loss was disc rered he was followed by Alfred Ayres and o ers, and war coming *town the Kettle Creek. They took charge of him , and the stolen anti es, with the exception of a few which he bad isposed of, and started across the mountain for home, when in passing through a lalrel thieke Smith nstvped, since when nothing has been beard of him. Smith • is a man of medium he gilt, slender and rather steop:ng„ with. dark hal and eyes and a heavy slink moustache, and - gether of a pions east Q . countenance. Mr. mith reads "Young's tight Thoughts," all !ton's Paradise Lost,ir ati Arc., before breakfast: Our enuntry friends will please take warning as they may receive a call from Mr, Smith or some or his friends. A satchel of Smith's was attached in the Lands of the lerfvy Shore stn e driver, in which was round a large silk drea, a full suit of clothes, mem coon Akiwt,dlc. DICKENS" CFI IIISTIIi*S STO' Y In Every r I 03. f roir JUNCTION," Dickens's' Christmas Sto ry for 1866, is published complete in the 50th number of ETERY SATIRDAY. AA NT. Dickens's contribution. to the story this year occupies a larger portion of the. tibliime than usual, it is safe to predict that 4'.ll.ibrisr 3trzto7ioN" Will prove even more popular than any lof its itred ecessors. The first four tales'.in •• tEn.colleetion., are froth the, pen of the iiiiinitablei . ."l44." These episcldes are written in - the author's ' happiest vein. Many of the charactdrs introduced to the readerwill at (leo take their plabes in literature besides such immortal creations as I"Mr`. Pick- I wick,'"'Little Nell,"“the Marclootiess,"and"ol- iver Twist." The sketch entitle i'Br.rbior.Bnoth ers," is one of those delicious leasona which Dickens teaches so adnarrabt i . trio one_ can read it without strengthening his belief in hitt.' I man goodness., Young Jackslni,ll,' .. ".Plicelie," l abd "Lamp," with his periodicalio , rounders," ' become our personal, friends infinedjately.— ”Little Polly, the lost child;. whose mime is not Trivits. is a conception as cbadining as any thing in that niafvelouS series' of iiovels Which 1 we are never Weary of perusing. 'The whimsi- . 1 ell description of the 12,EniEsmicav'x Room, with the stale pastry, and poor Mr. Swift, will make ”MCGBY JUNCTION" a :favorit4 sOpping-place this year for many b. delighted !reader, This Storylappears in Evenv SArtninsi seven days previous to its appeatande:iti Ellgland. The Publishers evidently intend; by such enterprise,- to give the readers of Ei•EaF SATIMDAT more promptly than they can cibtain'from any other source the best and most attractive of the good things in European Periodical. '--- i. • To persons who desire:toirary weekly of character And sense we can roinmend no bet ter than .Evrav SArunnli. • for by Tick nor d Fields: Boston, of !for :ale at tlie Baok stores.. Price $5 per annum. OU3NAL 33E2 ME ood—have a yet have not Tbinson's, Also a !creel Stock of [pular Corner Call in before vertisernent of ille, who this •t selections of e found in the !arty at the Ger , Dec. 24. and I on Christmas 'the light fantaA drtuni ties. Would you have • - aotir fait!' set *ell upon Tour stomach, your digestion 'regular, and; no trouble from sick headache, sour stomach, con stipation; in short wauldtybu be cured of Dys pepsia? then Use Coe's D . *sriepsia Cure.. It is . a certain remedy in all su6 bases. BAs Winter is 'rap L dly I approt r ebing and e fires will become more nntuorous;s •to it that your buildings arc insured. Call: at the Joint- NAT. OFFICE Aumozn-,. , Policies isst ed in the best Companies of the poyntty at fair rates. LV — Farmers who:hare .ar e bare with their ih I ' summers' crop in them, Will do weljto see that they are Insured. No. tnih *ho CXqreiSCg conr mon discretion will refuse; tol insuyelat this BO son of the year. Don't whit untilit is too late, and then say: "I meant.tcl be iiistied." Pro crgstination not only steals time, but very often • both time ,ud money. j 1 I , . •: , )e more 's Sew- Aproved rs. V . C. wnesty MEE rom New York, ds think there is MEE pace to the Pres -1 we tidbit - it de curiosity of the ame, considering g the summer. m the Fall Elec- Doctor SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. A Substitute for iCalornef. 1 , The Pills are composed o various roots, hav-- ing the power to relak ! tLe secretions of the' fiver as promptly and effect tally as blue pill Or mercury. and without b prodiming any .of those ,s, disagreeable or dangerous ' ffects which often follow the use of the latter. I . • In all billions disorders helve Pills may ha! used with confidence, as ih promote the dis-i charge of vitiated bile, fined remove thoSe ob= sanctions from the livet Mid biliary dticts,whicli are tlyi cause of bilionS affections in general. i SCTHENCK'S MANDII4K'E ;PILLS ; Mire I S clt•Flleaciache, and all tli.s).rderS of the Liver indicated by sallow skin; floated : tongue, cos; tiveness, drowsiness. and iii general feeling of 13 wearri 'less and lassitudei!sl 'owing that the liver is in a torpid or'obstruCtid condition. • In short, these Pills tud.v• e used with advati tape in all cases where a!juirgative or alterativP medicine is required. ; ! I 1 Please ask for"Dr.Sch4tielee MandrakePillsl' and observe that two liktieSse of the doctor are on the Government statitp,-one when in flip last stag of consunilition, and the other in liie , ! • r • : present health. ; , . ; • .1 .• Please obserVe.whea pure:ha:sin...that the two I I I • • When in likeness of the doctor," one When to the last sta'. of .consump*m; and !the other as he noiv is, in perfect health, are !lon the government stamp. • ! ! , 'Sold by all Druggistsand Dealers. Price 25 cents Per box.PrinciptiPollice, NU.IS; North 6th street, Philadelphial !. r • • ! I , General Wholesale Age its:,Detnas Barnes il: Co., 21 Park. Row, NeW-IYoik ; S. S. Hune6,l 108 Baltimore ISt.,Balti rim Se, Md.;'Jclin D.Park; 11. R corner of Faurth an Walnut St., Cincill-i nati, Ohio; Walkor &;n..% 10r,134 and 136 WS-, bash Avenue, Chicago ' ~1 ; Collins BrotlMtsil southwest, corner of SectYud and vine Sts., St' Louis, Mo. ' [4.thwA.ino.lyrOct22 I ' 1 , Bays that the ma ittsburs, members eron to the United Curtin nor Cani be first ballot, and 1 .111 not hare the elect one of their -ill fi wally be be lid that the Wells d with an exhibi- Factory Ic-as de . about $2,600; in e people acted the not burned was every community id-posts when fires 1: Bra in Shipper) jnt Nill of Deroy In the Priiabyteriari dhurel4Wellsboro, San, d y evening, Nov: 25,-by' Rev. J. F. Calkins, 3 aj. GEO. W. MERRICK, and, Miss,l ONE Hi TTER WORTH, Wellshoro. If you_want lthongh our new Attorneys like dray seems to have been mi most profitable Cameron. I t was DRESS !GOODS A. S. Stiiimpn,l WEPL.SVILI4E, N. V., I Keeps the d s e.t and most complete assortment ci SCHOOL, and ; - IVHSCELLA,NEOUS BOOKS, BLANK,BOOKS,, POCKETBOOKS, Memorandums, , Diaries Gold. & ) Steel PenS, Popket Knives., Law Blanks, 'and §tationers Goods generally, to be found In the country. Ile has elan added • i Looking Glasses,pv.u., A:nun-Ton and Suesnz and LOOKING•GLAS for fit4ng, up broken glnnes. Alto, Picture! Framesand Monldinws In etery He la Agent for the r,,' ' . g•DOXESTIC SETITLVG MACHINE"" the simplest and best liichine yet . offered tO the public, and the ONLY "ilife . tlinp that uses a Hardened Castlt Steel Shuttle. It ./II last a lifetime. • He is also Agent for s ro,eral Fit st. Class PIANO' FORT 41 . CABIN FICMGA2tr6 I , i aiid.NELODEO I .II 7 S, - which he will so:1 onsie• , fa orablo terms. 1 Beautiful . Holiday 'Good#; in their season.' .; :) - • Special attention will be .lien to orders from atroadi. for any at-tides in Ns line , Dealers furniSbed.with boa Banks at Publisher's Prices. " Correspondence Invite .. . - ; A. Stewart Stillman. Deo. 11, 1860.-10 y. • • • DEI maim: GO tebbins dfc CO YS. P. A. S AT , . , . .....i. COUDERSPORT PRICE CURRENT. i., : ~ . Benorted every tuesday by 1 - 30. j - A.. iakeC1C:0 1 3:24.3211.E5 ; eft Co., . ~ . I- 1 Dealens in Grocericslond provi,ions, .: : • • Condersnort. i .A.Pples,zreen per hushel ! 8.. 1 Oat° 1..50 , " dried, • ' , , , 2 50:: 3 001 Betnis,.. ' " <c• : - 12 "/ 2 90 1 Beistritx, per I" lb.,' - i - 30 '35 Beef,] ' ' A . ..10 ' 'l2; Berries, dried, per quart, 't 35, Buckwhca t, per bushel, I 3 62 751 Buckwheat Flour, I ; I 50 400 Butter, per lb., • - '', 30 35 (Meese, 20 25' Cloverseed, 900 10 001 Cdrri , per bushel, , 100 125 Writ meal, per cwt., • J ' 300 3 501 Edge, per dozen,• , - 0 Flour, extra, , per barreLl , , : 14 00 15 00 t"' superfine, " : 10 00 12 00 Minis, per lb'.,', - ' 0 00 Hay, per ton, ' - • • ' • 8 0 10 hon e y, per lb., - • --:-. -- .-•15 . 20 Lard, • 20 25 Unplci-Suertm, per lb:; ! 15• 18 ChM, per bußliol, . . . drii6ne, • Verk, per bbl., , lo ' ~ lb., 1 i te, in whole hoz, per lb., I ' Potatoes,er bushel, i Beaches, dr ied , per lb.,' Poultry, per lb:, 1 Bye, per bushel, Salt, per bbl.,t.' t " sack Timothy Seed • - treat, per half rot, Wheat, per bushel, Vhite Fish, per half Ltd., 1 00 1 - 1 450 5 . 15 H 450 5 8 00 9 2 00 2 800 '9 TEE MASON &MAN:LIN CABINET ONGANS. i - porty different styles, nOptcd to sacred and secular tussle, for SSO to $6OO each. FIFIIYGNE Gold 'or llliver Metlats, or other Bre preml rithe nwarded.thern. I u nrated Catalogues frCe. Addreis.MASON &GAM IN, or 'MASON & lIAISLIN, New York. COURT PROCLAMATION. theßon liebert GWhite President V i Yo rE Judge, Indlhe Hens. C. B, Jones and . G. G. Ctivin. Associate Judges. of the' Courts of Over & tTermlner and General jail Deliver', Quarter Ses 'alone of the Peace, Orhans' Court Mid Court of Cunt- Mon Pleas for the County of Potteri have issued' their !precept, bearing date the Twenty-third day of Sept., lin the year of our Lord One Thousand Eicht Hundred and Sixty-Sit, and to me directed. for holdine a Court of Oyer and Terminer; and Genetal Jail Delivery. Quarter Sessions of thp Pence, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common PleM, in the Borough of Couders port, on MONqA.Y., thb 17th day of December next, and to continue one weOk. • ' Notice is therefore hereby nivel to the Coroners, Justices of the Peacei and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper persons, nt 10 o'clock A. IL of said day, with their rolls, records, inguisitlims, examinations. and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done, And those who are borind by their recognizances to pH - wealth, rmai nst the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said county of Potter, are to be then acid there to prosecute against them as will be just. . Dated at Coudersport, Noremb 1, 1866. and the 9011, year of the Independen: e °tithe United Stales of America. W. W. IGIOtTN, Sheriff. If you want i• CLOTIIING GO TO , P. A Ste - -.lbans & Cops. 0 PivOrce Notice. JOHN NE 51314,0. 61, Feb. Term. VA. lade. In the Common SARAII JANE A.NESBIT, Pleas of, Potter County. Libel In Divorce. To Sarah Jane A; Nesbit; Res pendent above, named. Pleasql take notice that a subpoena and alias subpoena having been, issued and returned !Will., you are hereby required - to appear on the first day ofnect Court, the 11th day of December next, to answer to tit-c complaiatimade in this case. W. W,I3hiOWN, Sheriff, Coudersport, N0v.:13, 1866. , . . Divorce mitice. • 'ELIZABETEI BARS, 1 /No. 60;Feb. Teini, MO, by her next frieil jin the Common Pleas of Ji61,12 MI B. PAP "ER, } Potter County, Libel 'in 75- ' , i Divinve. Ter Josiah E. JOSIAH 2.. li..!NRS. ) Batiks;llespondent above named: Please .take Otlee that a subpoena in'. ti alias subpoena having been tsst;f'd sod returned nthili: you are hereby required lo appear on the first day of next Court, the 17111 day of Deeembet ne.Zt, to answer to the complaint madeln this case.- 1 "W. W.: i BROWN, SairifE Coudersport,, N0v.,13, 1806. Divorce Notice. ELI prEscER, - No. 50' Feb.. Term, 18G6, in vsthe Cotrimon Pleas of Potter ttfARF SPENCER., County,.Libol in Divorce.. To Mary Spencer; Itospondent Obey° named. Please tithe notice that a subpoena and alias subpoeha hav ing been issued and,returned WWI; you are hereby required to aPpear :en the firs; ilay of next Court, the 17th day of December next; to answer to thecae. plaint made in this case. W. - Coudersport, Not% 13 IS& E.REIVIINCT MANUFACTURERS OF 3-1 -, =.:04 REVOLVERS, RIFLES, IVrea.osix.eet Er etc 4arcx-lco3xt.tats For the United States Service. Also, 1 , POCKET MID BELT REVOLVER , REPEATING PISTOLS, ria.FLE CANES, REVOL TING RIFLES, Ride Et ; and Shed Gun Barrels, REVOLVER Gun Aluteriats t seld by Gun Dealers and Om' Brad generally. In these days of Housebreaking and Robbernevery Rouse,. Store, Bank, and OfiesehOuld have one of RemirmtorleFry()(vers. • , Partial desiring to avail th meelvee of the late Im provements In Pieta's, and enperiorwortmanehlp and form, will-6nd all tombined ii• the new _ _ - Remingtons Revolvers', Orenlars containing cats 4nd description's of our Arms will be furnished upon 'application. E.-REMINGTON dr. SONS, Illion, N. Y. Moons Nionot.s, Agen'ts, lyll No. 40, Cqurtland St, New York If you want BOOTS &SIIOES, GO P A. Stebbins & Cots. M ARVIN'S Patent Alum and Dry Plaster Fire and Burglar Safes, House and Store-Door Lookf3! Send for Catalogues IHAEiViIOT &. CO., * 265 Broadway,l t. Y. 721 Ehrstnut Au. 17 ly Summer Goods ! OLMSTED'S. yOVR atttention is Invited to the large tnd attractive, stock just received, and 'for sale as low as the same qualities can be bought, anywhere in the county. We have on hand a large and varied as sortment of Doinestie Cottons', co-nprising BROWN SEIEETINGS, and SBIRTINGS BLEAHED MIISLINS, - • . STRIPES, - CHECKS TICKING.% and -COTTON FIANNgLS, on which we cannot be undersold. We purchase our goods for Cash and offer them at a very small advance , I From Cost. . 125 , 1 ,20 00 25 30 - o j FLANNELS. iryou want to purc h ases . GRAY, BLUE, .or PLAID FRENCH SHIRTING FLANNEL, call At Olmsted's. DRESS GOODS; ' DELAINES, PRINTS, HOODS, SONTAGS, t BALMORAL SKIRTS, OATHS, and CASSI3IERES,7 • a full supply CLOTHING. DON'T fail to call before purchasing and see the assortment BOOTS & SIIOES FOR : Men, Women k Children, in great va riety and cheap For Molasses, Syrup, Sugar, Tea and Coffee in fact everything in the Giocery line, call A full aszortment of alms, 6teritbing that izl kept in a; country store on liand. We inten to keep ; Goods that will give satisfaction so sell'good articles at the lowest l#vlag profi IlJaittett. Grain of all kinds, 'putter, Wool, Deer Skins- ' Also, County, Township and School . Orders, for a of which the highest prices will be paid At Olmsted's Coudersport, Pa,Nov'r 18, £9Bl JOURNAL" INStiItAW AGrEINV CONNECTICUT MUTUAL M C ITABRFORD, Cash Capital, MMIAL LIFE MORAINE CO., Cash Assets, NEW YORK LIFE I:NSMI4INCE C+ xzw YORK. Cash Assets,, WIDOWS & ORPHAN'S BENEFIT C Capital, ,STNA FIRE INSURANPECITIO. HARTFORD, COJFN Assets, INSIMANOt Ca of NORTH ASTRVICA Capital, PUTNAI FIRE MORAN= CO., Capital,) HOME FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Cash Assets, Travelers Insurance Coin'y of Hartford Capital, sow,poo INSURING AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND AGAINST LOSS OF LIFE 'FROM ANY CAUSE M. W. MeMarney Aged. 4 - ) (inn A lesft , made by Any one - wdlii 315 Stencil Toole. No experience necessary. The Presidents, ,C.shiers, and Treasurers of 3 rt anks indorse the circular. sent free with uamplbs. Ad dregi the Amorican Stencil. Tool Works, Spriagiteld, Vermont. 1311 BROCHE, and WOOLEN SHAW'S At Olmsted's. At aluested"s At Olmsted's AT ObISTEE'S AT OINSTEVS, She pp Pelts, Fin z $6,000,00 NEW . YORK. $14,000,0b $5,000,00 NEW YORK $2,000,00 $3,000;000 PIIILADELKITA DEB: EMI LiARO:ORD, CONN $560,000 NEW YORK. $3,590,922 EVir • _ - ~\ .1. , ... :.- • ...:..: New, SOW ME E GO,ODS 11 esus. Jones & Lyma, Sneceors to S. REST, are oaring their . 4 ge an 9, new et,o4 of Drugs & Medicinqs, Chemicals, rerfumei7, GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES OF THE NEWEST Allit) MOST POP- MAR .D.F,SCRIPTIONS fA!NTS, OILS, VARNHES, PUTTY lec. BRUSHES,' OF ALL QUALITIES, Glass of all Sizes. ILAMPS OF . TEE LATEST. AND MOST APPROVIID STYLES. KEROSENE 011,, itc., Sm. ALSO A LARE STOCK I - isTATI 1 4 NER y . . .)? AND THE EST ASSORTMENT. OF - Notions and Childrens' Toys. To be fOun4 in the whole County; fin- sale at as , . LOW PRICES . As those of any other establishment of the kind in WeStern New York. " " I ' Remember, next door to West's old stand E. A. JONES & E. LYMAN. Wellsville fN. Y., Aug: 27, 1566. tf IF YOU WANT Anything to Eat, :or Wm; or for the louse, the Farm; 4 or the Garden,, GO TO •i• P. A, STEBBINS & CO' S. ) 1 COFFEE!. • H Oscro i.n. -1 1'tejallatl . bte'N(. ! . .t r. ' i t s E k ltT n he most deb it is prepared from the best JAVA COFFEE. and While it has all the flavor of fine Old Government Java, sells for less than half the price. GPOsillocrirrees tTia,,v.a, eCollia.e , Has been steadily used for years, by thousands of persons in alt parts 91 - the Country, and is universally acknowledged to beat once nutritious, delicious, healthful and economical. The same quantity will make a richer and stronger . cup of Coffee than .anY other known. C,lOllO particularly recommended as a h C ealthful beret. age and is most beneficially used by those who suffer with Headache, Nervousness and other injuriiius, effects from the use of other Co Tee. It is prepared with the greatest care, and contains' no ingredient which Is not more luirmicss and. bent, fide! to the human organism than pure Coffee, to, which fact the most skilful Physicians-and Chemists' testify. Clleiebse=s2•33. F lS Wm:oel , Coffee r:T' Bus te used at numerous sdnitary ! Faire throughout the Ilnlon, and received Certificates , of the highest recommendation. I • , • ' It has, also been thoroughly tested, end reafited the diploma of the American Institute and other prominent inatitutions. ; Put up In I lb packages bearing the,tac simile Sig. nature of Lewis A. Osborn, and in boles of 30 and 00 lbs. and Bold by Grocers generally. • , . Whotetale H,epot and. Trade* Supplied by ) THOMAS REID Jr: CO., GLOBE MILLS, Inporters and Wholesale Dealers, la Tel; Coffee, and Spices. i . , 1.03 &,. 1?3- Wirral ali '233 WA !:atiziton Streets, New York April 3.-ly J. GURNEY & SON, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS , 1 7411 Broadway l N Y .4V In addition to our Photographic Art Gallery, Established rB4O. We hare itor the last five yearn had advantages supe rior to any other establishment in obtaining sigtiags from life. of 01l the prominent celebrities of the day, in CARD PORTRAITS; and arc now puNishing •Catalogue of over • . 25Ci0• Subjects American and Fcreign, also a large list of Copies of Works of Art and Engravings, - • Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. Au order for one dozen picitires from our Cataleptic will be filled at $l.BO and sent by mail free. sig. gle Pictures 25 cents, copies of engravings 15 eta. each. IT. Ij. We also desire to call attention to the ad vantage we have for reproducing, or conying,•Old Daugurreotypes, Ambrotypes, Curd Pictuies, of Deceased Belniives an `d Friends, enlarging them to any size, and finishing la Oil, Water C lore, or India Ink, with the aid of ( Ten Talented Aitistsl Parties desiring copies, should therefore correspond With us direct. Sena for a Catalogue. The Trade Supplied,at a Liberal Disconnt. • Gallery open for Free Inspection. and strangers visiting the City, will llnd our Gallery one of the most agreeable places in the City, wherein to while away an hour". • , .T.' Vrli7rb3lo7 de: Ccs- r i t)Grltirli FIRS 18-3.8m0 707 BROADIvAY, N. s9o nth entirely 3 nlwo i G it E otiTAh r res g s ix Ci t T. GARS Si, City Buildingsßiddefoid,naim. Dec.ZS,l565. itiwly., If you want f ALL KINDS OF =I HARDWARE sueh u IRON, .NAIIA • - CUTLERY, PLOUGHS, BLACKSMITH'S :TRIMMINGS,• • • Y'. A. Steitbins GROVES TEEN & CO Plan-Forte Manufacturers.. • 4 Brckaaway,l New York. THE attenti n of the intblie and the trade is ie.- vited to on New Scale Beven Octavo Itosow om y Piano-Fortes, w t e h fo r volume' Mal parity of tone' are unrivalled by . hitherto otTered lu his market. They'contain al:" t e motlern'lmprovements, French grand action, harp pedal, !iron frame; over.stron g baee, etc., and each ikstruntent being made under . the personal supervision' of Mr. J Grovesteen y. who has had wactidal eXperience:OT over thirty 'years in their mattidaseAre, is lolly I warranted in'- every particular. THE "GROVESTEEN PI INOITOTITE" 'Received the highest award l o , of merit Over all others :at the. Celebrated" reed's Fair I ' :Where were exhibited lost untents from the beet makers of London, Paris,l66mmity,lhiladelphla, Baltimore. I3oston, and New York ; a d d also at the mo rican Institute for five 'en ccessive Years, the gold and silver tnedale from both of which can be seen at bur ware-room 4. ' " By the introduction of Iritprovernenia Ire make • more perfect Piano-Fotte,aild by manufacturing lareely, with a strictly cash system, are enabled to offer these 111E411:Intents at a price whiehwillprcelude competition. PRICES. • 4 No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood Plain Case Igo. n, 2 Seven Oetave, round corners, Rosewood Ireeavy No. d. Seven tlelave, round corners, Rosewood Louis N.TV, tyle SSW TERMS-NET'CA:III IN CURR - ENT Irms. Descriptive Circular sent free, - ' DO:it:BINS' ~, • . Electric. oa , . . - SAVES TIME! SAVES MONEY! • . • •• SAVES LABOR! SAVES CLOTRESt • . - • • SAVES womEicr AND ALL . GROCERS SELL IT. 11 J. used by cuttinz into Email shavings and din eolving in hot water, then ,oal: the clothes five to ten minutes, and a littls hand robbing Will make Menses clean iectiotirs of hard nmebit.c rubbMg, would do, will ordinate soap, and the moat delicate fabric re ceive no injury. We can refer to thousands of filmi lies who are using it, and who could not be persuaded to do without it, . . . DOBBINS' ELECTRI C SOAP; SOLD - BY ALL LEADING GIWGERS : T11.13:01:GLIOUT TIIE ,STAT.'. Mannfactured only by I 1 DOBBINS & LOVE;'. ',+--, Irtzt.a.Essis OFFICE I 107 South Fifth Street, Philad ' Iphi,i.- i • :: • ; - • 11l 1 I 1 I I THE SILVER SKIRT' 1. Patented March 7. 1865 " MORE DURABLE, .MORE GRACEFUL, ' I MORE ELASTIC,: And will keep its shape and retain its place -.1 better .than any other Skirt. . rile d e w aiui bp:utfit, style of Skirt was awarded by, the Canal` A MEl:leaf: IfITITVIT FAIR, held hfNer kirk City, October, MG, a A. .~3JLVe3T 1%/Xocieci THE HIGHEST PREMIUM EVER GIVEN FOR A HOOP SKIRT. frhe Steel . Springs are wound with a fine rbitod. wire On place of a cotton covering) which will not wear 'off or become soiled, nod th'e whole Skirt mai, be wtsu En Ny1111 , 41 . 1' IffftaT or fear of rust gang wilt be as good as mew. • CMIBINATION SILVER S T . This lavention combines with the ordinary cotton Skirt theadVantag‘a of our Silver Skirt ; the bottoni hoops are the Name as those used in the Silver Skirt the c,,vering of which ca mot wear off,,whilo th e upi per ones are covered with cotton. _ No lady having once worn one of our Stotts will be willing to wear any other, as the-lower hoops of all other lande ' soon injured and soiled,' ; - The best materials are ;need in their construction , and from their durability and neatness, they aro dee; tined to become • A FAVORITE SKEET! , For Sale ' In Coudersport, by P. A. STEBBINS ‘& CO., D. E. OLMSTED, CHARLES SI. JONES, mid N. M. GLASSMIRE. - At, Roulet, by O. R. WEBB. S. Burbank, Traveling Agrtl, Atm 13.—nni S 2 Courtlandt St.N. Y. 11; • A. T • . H. J. OLAISTED'S. 0 TORE can olivays be found tho best 0 Cooking, Box and rarloi . I ST 0 V • Also. TIN and SHEET •IRON WARE, POT 4, KETTLES, SHIDERS, SCOTCH BOWL„ FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULI7,- RONS. Also, ' Agricultural Implemen ts; such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA- ! TORS, CORN-SIIELLERS, HORSE-E 4 ,P DOG-POWERS, &c. E. ll • HIS WORK • • I f is Avail made and the materiaL goad; s Go3d' and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up is any Tut, of the County—Terms easy. Read,r Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldom refased. • , Store on Main Street Opposite the Old Coate House, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 1863.7-PL., , • Jzc. GO :TO 11