The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 27, 1866, Image 4
PiVorCO Notice, • JOIIN NESBIT,. Iv e. 61, Feb. Vrm, vs. 1866, in the Common SARAH - JANE A. NFSBIT, Pleas of Potter County. Libel in Divome. To Sarah Jane A, Nesbit; Res pondent above named. Please take notice that a subpoena and Mies subpoena having been issued and returned n1h11; you aro hereby required to appear on the first day of next Court the 17th day of December next, to answer to the complaint made in this case. . ai W , BROWN, Sheriff. Coudersport, Nov. 13, 1866. . " Divorce NOtiCC. ELIZABETII BAN KS, 1 No. GO, Feb. Term, 1666, by:her next friend I lathe Common Pleas of JERtEIAII B. PARKER, ; Potter 'County, Libel In Divorce. To Josiah E. JOSIAII E: BANKS. ) Banks;R.espondent abogSe named. Please take notice that a subTna alias subpoena having been issued and returt ed nitill; you are hereby inquired to appear on the Ur t day of nest Court, the 17th day of December nest, to answer to the complaiht made in this camp. • W. W. BROWN, Sheriff. Coudersport; Nov. 17, IStiG. • Divoice Notice. ELI SPENCER, *( No. 59, Feb. Term, 1866, in • • . the Common Pleas of Potter MARY - SPENCER, County, Libel in Ilvore.e. To ary SpeneiT; Respondent above named. Please take nottee that a subpoena and aline subpoena bar. ing been loaned and returned nihil; you are hereby required to app , •ar on the first day of next Court, the lith dayFof December next, to answer to the com plaint made,M this ease., • R. W, BROWN, S'ae:lif. Coudersport, Nor. lft, WO. COURT IPROCLAMATION. rt c, (l...Zii n ri e li s te ,, P nd resle u nt FFVV il i E n and l the lions.. °T G. Colvin, AsSochde of the Courts of Over Az .- Terminer and 'General Jail •Delivery, Quarter St's. Idioms of the Peace, Orhans' Court and Court of Com mon fleas for the County of Potter, have i issued their ...precept, bearteg date the Twenty-third dtty of Sept., In the year of our Lord Otiii Thousand Eight Hundred and Ststy , Sl,v, anti to me directed. for holding a Court of Oyer mid Termiher and Oenttral Debvery. Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Cortireon Plea., in the Borough of t.outiers pdrt, on MON 'AY, the 17th day of December next, and to continue one week • • therefore: hereby given to the Coroners, Justiges . of the Peace and Constabie,, within 'the eon sty, that they be then and there iti their proper persons, 10 o'citick. A. M. of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitionS, examinations, nod other remembrances,- to do tlitate things which to their races appertain to be done, And those who . are , bound by their recognizanct s to proseente against the prisetners that are,or shall be in the jail of said county •of Potter,l are to be then mid there to prosecute against them as will be just, Dited at Coudersport, Novemb 1, ISLO, and the 90th year of the Indenesulew e of the United Stales of Ameriea. BROirN, Sheriff'. REDUCTION IN PRICE OF TAE AMERICAN WATCHES Made at Waltham, Mass. In comicquence of the recent decline in gold and silver and all the materials used in the manufacture of our goods, and in anticipation of a.still!ftri:Lber decline. we have reduced our prices tons low a point as they can be placed WITH GOLD AT PAR. so that no one need hesitate to buy a watch non• from the expectation that it will be cheap er at some futitre time. The tort of ten years and the manufacture and sale of More than 200,000 Watches, have given our productions the very highest rank among time keepers. Commencing with the determination to make only U roughly ex cellent watches, our business has steadily - in creased ns the public 4canie acquainted with 'theigyalue, until for months togkher we have been pnable tosupply the demand. We have repeatedly enlarged ourfactory buildings un 'ol they now cover over three acres of ground. and give accommodation to more than eight hundred ‘vorkmen.- . We"are fully -justified in stating that we now make more than one-half of all the Wat ches sold in the United States. The different grades are . distinguished :by the fallowing trade marks engraved dn the plate : 1. "American Watch Co;" Waltham, Mass. 2. "±Vppletoti,Tracey;',Rz co."Walthamplass 3. "P.. S. Bartlette," - Waltham, Mass. 4. "Wm, Ellery." 6 ; Our DADIES' WATCH of firit quality is namedA'Appleton,TraceY & Co," Wa ith a in,illass 6. Our next quality ofII Ladies' Watch is rnmed ".P.S.Bartletn.e,"W Itham,lfass. These ; Nritches are furnished id a great variety of .sizes and styles of .eases. The Atne'rican Watch! Co., of Waltham, Mass., authorize its to state that withodt dis tinetion of trade marks or price, ALL THE:PRODUCTS OD"rIII3JR FACTORY ARP - - - 10.10. Q the best timekeepera of their class ever made in this or any oth4r country. buyers should remember that dlike:the guarantee of a foreign maker who ctn never be reached, this warrantee is good at 11 time,. against the Company or their Agent r 6, and, that if after trio most thorough trial,! any watch should prove defective in any pa i rticular, it may al ways he exehanged for untidier. As the Amer jean Watches made at Waltham, are for sale by dealers, generally thr(Mghout the country, we'do not solicit orders fbr single watches. qAUTION.The public are cautioned to buy only of respettable dealers. All persons sellim; counterfeits will he prosecuted. BIN S _Agents foy the Amerira i n Watch Company. Itn "I.S`Z Broadway, N.Y..' ROY'S CHOLE`A . DROPS, Asure, safe, and effect nnl I remedy for Dinrrhnen, -{;holer4 Morbrs, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera In- Innt ton, - Cronns,Spnsins,Grif.inw; POlns in the Bowels, and ta l bestlancidote for C1101.1;;DA. SALUTIFER i • The Great External Re l medy of •the Age. 1 ceitain Oro for Neurall l .ga, Qui nay, Croup, Sore ~ t .Throat; Rheumatism, tiimiins, Swellinzs.Pleur isy, Crick In the Back, Spinal Irritation. Cramps, .Bpagms, Sinnbness of the Limbs, Chilblain•, Rine .worm, and the best external :ipplicat ion for Dyptheria ' ' FOr: SAL E .i.: It( . . , Chas. S. Jones, Coudersijort, and by Burtis Potter, Calyces, Peoria. Ciet:22-12: _LITE if' PATENT LAM P CH 111:YE ! MI TEBB War 7' BREAA j CALL AND EA 1 i COUDERSPORT AND SHIPPEN r STAGE *OUTE, , • ESSRS. GLASSIIIRE WHITE'S daily tins -" .• of Stages will leave Condersport, until further notice, at 8 o'clock in the mOrning, arriving in Ship per/ about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, 'and will leave .Bhlppen on the arrival of 11,6 morning train, at 10:30, arrhingin Coucleniportaboht 5 o'clock, P. kr, ' Travelers are refered to tlieTime-Tahle of the Phil ctil;elphitt Erie Railroad, which trill be found adver tiled in this paper, for further particulars about the vatdages of this route. ..*Nv York passengerswill ~• SAVE 30 MILES TRAVEL AND 5 HOURS TIME taking this route in preference to that of the Erie 14 , 11 w tY. VO CHANGE Kw CARS BETWEEN HIIIPPEN"'AND NEW YORK. Fine, new, ocn• fot:lnWir goad tr-arns arc kept ontlieStage Packages and Express bllNitl.i•S attended to with caro,lP. CLASSMIRE, • Yi Pice•yra (ii.. • • • p2O - a 4 IMO 18,5 OM PE° P 244- !! Y AV I Pa - , , 1 .r.. : : t Li s ta r 1 igt i Ilicif '---k7 • _ wA •, AC. i. 9 . 0 r EZd , 0 ' • . XI% (D. F..... 4 - .. , .., 7119) Ar , I,- , ,•,4 1 w-v-• I F.'"-‘4 .'• ' ' ..- • NW ,) y II- d , i tt .... .,.;tiS r :. pa 24 ..,,,e t s p-74t0 , I'6 wn! ~j ;1 0 ..,m. :1 o e io 1 --.) - Eli iNE -e5 o i t o 4% 4 .5 Ifta e-4 val ozi C r+ el 1 , -- , k , - = PAA dp r J... • C 7) ;:ir" o <1 Irmsi f PiZ2) 1 . 0 ° '•=l-- ge 0 erMd. j'' om 4 1./.., 61 tczi iNft* 0 nit, (19 'PO to Adeth 0 .119, 4,14 g 251 1E24 - -.1- i 1= 71 • tli i e546' 1r li 014-N - 5 . we, ozlit v.. 7 PZI effikt ' CA tzuj t e•,- ie3{i ,24„. .'... zle•••.- -•• ........ 1...., . Yom}' ft 0 ' I.. "'' MEM , 1 I tt • , • e • ei 0 : , 52 * , Ir 4 oing (it ..... . ~, t , . , ©, pm"- v • Ikea lam+ I )- iNt) • ' c . ~_,, ,-.t-. ...., Imm, ES 1 , 24.? ict;' vg/ • Mad m 1- , ~—, A A " 1* , i• Ic'D6,- ' ~ ,to .. 1 i Zi ' e T . 41 I,* , ® zr- , I , I 0, olsms. f Q i -TA 011lig W '-5 Summer G OL3ISTErrs. OUR atttentiOn is incited to the large and attractive stock just received, and for sale as low as 'the same qualities can be bought, anywhere in the county. We hays on hand a large and varied as. sortment of Domestic Cottons, co-oprising ' BROWN SIIEFINGS, and SHIRTINOS. BLEACHED MIISLINS, DENIMS, STRIPES, CHECKS, TICKINGS, and - COTTON FLANNELS, on which w • eannot be undersold. We purchase :one goods for Cash an offer them at a very Small advance Prom Cost. • : . VLA,„I•TNE, IF you want to purchase • ~)/RED, GRAY, I • BLUE or PLAID FREND/SHIRTING FLANNEL, call At OlmstedN. DRE GOODS; DELAVES, • PRINTS, BROCITE, and WOOLENISFIAWS, HOODS, SONTAGS, • I's TIBIAS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CLOTHS, and CASSIMERES,7 a full supply CLOTHIN G. DON'T fail to call before purchasing, and see • the assortment At alnisted's („:" BOOTS& SIIOES -pop. Man, Women & Children, in great Ta riety and cheap At Olmsted's 0 1 1 El For Molasses,.;syrup, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, • in filet everything in the Grocery line, call AT OL3ISTED'S. A fu]] aszortment of almost everything that is kept in a country store on hand. We intend _ - to keep Goods that will give satisfaction and sell good artices at the lowest living profit. Grain - of all kind., Batter, Wool, Deer Skits Also, Country, Township and School Orders, for all of which the highest prices will be paid Al 01 lust d's Coudersport, l'a,Novrr 18; cnst GEP.M.INIA, Potter Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1863. VOTICE is hereby given that Charles shOr, now or late of this county, bolding the folkiwing described property, has not ye' paid an3j consideration whatever fcr the same, and all persons 'are hereby warned not to pur chase any of said property of the said Bushor before the decision of the Court is given in this case and C. llnshor has paid to me the consideration money therefor. - - - The following is the property: • let. , A 1 certain tract of land near the Ger mania Mi I, in Warrant 5075, Abbott township, Peltier 6tinty,i I'a., containing 100 acres.— Also 25;acres in warrant 5078 and adjoining the above. 2nd. J A certrin tract of land, with Mill and improvements ;thereon, near Kettle Creek, in warrant 5819, in Stewartson township, Potter county, Pa., containing about 20-yteres. C. Bushor holds :also in trust warrant no.• 2501, in Game's' township, Tioga county, Pa., on the road leading faint Germani. to Gaines, containing 850i:terns. i RADDE. E.REMINCTON & t ! REVOLVERS, RIFLES, :Matzgsalf...etsac cfa ' For il,c United Stptes Service. Also, POCKET AND BELT REVOLVERS, REPEATING PISTOLS, PIFLE CANES, REVOLVING RIFLES, Rifle aid Shot Gun Barrels ' and Gun Materials, sold by Gun Dealers ;and. Trade generally. i In then clays of Ilousetreaking and liobLery,every louse, Store, Bonk, and (Nice should have one of Remi i ngtons' ReVolvers. Portion desiring to avail themselves of the late int provements iir Pistols, and superior workmanship and form, will tied all pombinpd in the new ' Reimpgtons Revolvers. Circulars containing cuts and descriptions of our Anne will be furnished upon application. E. RENIINGTON & SONS, Illion, Ni Y. Moons S, Nicums, Sgents, INo. ioi Courtland St, Newl,ork United States Steel Pen Works. Factory, Cotroden, N. J. ' •-•" R. ESTERBR 7 OOK &CO. STEEL PgN . MANUFACTURERS. Artrelipus: These ,Celebrated Pone are of Genuine American Manufacture, and comprise every leading style in the Market, and are equal in finish, elasticity and fineness of point to the hest, imported. They are, therefore, sure to gain the cenildeace of the American public. Samples and Prices on Application. LOTS MADE TO ORDER, OF ANY PATTERN DR STAMP REQUIRED. For 'pale to thetrade at ithe Manufactu rer e Warehouses; as above; and at retail by all Sta tioners, Booksellers, and Newederders in the United States. [1)1.749 Esterbrook S Co. ItWILL attend to the Collection of Bounty, under he late act of iCongresa equalizing Bounties; for all who ;may apply to toe 'person:Ms' or by mail. Address, ,JOll".i.C. JOIIENSON.) , Atry at Law, Pa. August G. LAG...) . --iw • ) Otis I AT s. At Olimsted"s. AT OLMSTEIYS, 11,1 ) antf, Sheep Ptlts, Furs, Notice. (SONS MAN Li - FACT RS OF JOURNAL INSURANCE AGENCY. CONNECTICUT =AL LIFE CO., lIARRFORD, CONN Cash Capital, I - MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., NEW Y 085. . ,„/ $14;000,000 Cash Assets, INSURANCE CO., TORK. I - NEW Cash2tssets, 1 WIDOWS & ORPHANS BENEFIT CO NEW YORK Capital, HARTFORD, CONS Assets, INSURANCE Co. of NORTH AMERICA IMILADELPIITA Capital, PUTNAM FIRE INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONI, Capital, 11:0)6iDb$0421110141,01:14001.10441V:131 NEW YORK Cash Assets, Travelers Insurance Com'y of Hartford Capital, $600,000 INSURING AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND AGAINST LOSS OF LIFE FROST ANY CAUSE W. IllcAla.ritey, A gent, J. GURNEY & SON, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS, 707 Broadway, N. Y. hi addition to our Photographic Arti ; Gallery, Established•TBlo, We have for the lastlfive years had advantageß supe rior to any other establishment in obtaining sittings from life. of all the prominent celebrities of the day, in CARD porrnArrs, and are now pu`:dishing a Catalogue of over 2500 Subjects, American! and Foreign, also a large list of Copies of ITrorles of Art and Engrav;gp, Catalogues -eat t receipt of S: amp. • An order for one dozen pictures from our Cata!cane will he tilled at $l.BO and sent by mail free. Bin & Pictures 25 cents, copies of engravings 15 cts. each. N. B. We also l desire to call attention to the ad vantage .we have for reproducing, or copying, Old Danerreetypes, Ambrotypes, Cord Pictures, &c. of Deceased Relatives and Friends, enlarglngthem to 'any size, and finishing to Oil, Water C ,ors, or India Ink, w th the a.d ~f 'Ten Talented. ,Vrt ist s. Parties desiring copies, should therefore corFespond with us direct. • Send ;for n Cat:llona - Le. The Trade SUpplied at a Litie . ral Discount Gallery open for Free Inspection. and strangers visiting the City, will find Or Galler!y one of the most agreeable places in the City, wherein to while away on (tour. a% Giza - 32.4:34r cfc 19101 ()GRABBERS. 707 BROADWAY, N. Y. 1S 23 Stno . BIA.RVIWS Patent Alum and Dry Plaster Fire . and Burglar Safes, House and Store-Door Locks ° Send for Catalogues MARVIN Sc. CO., 265 Br( adway, N. T. 721 t St.,Phil Au.l7 ly Firth's Music Store, usa 3arc) ! EzclL-0 , -. ELtr, IV. Mr. THAD E S F (succesxoe to Firth, Son d Company,) MUSIC PUBLISHER, Man, fact tire,. and Importer of Musical Fostrnmerrts, rialto Fortes, 1 Melodeons, Cubits Onrans. And every description of M ttsicall'inereliandiSe Sole New York Agency for the celebrated Gilmore d 7 Co's Band In;StrinnentS • Our Band Department is under the personel supervi sion of Mr. D. L. DOWNING. Wholesale and Retail Depot. for the unrivalled ra - 13urclett Cottage Clorfaan. Which challenges compaiison as the most effective ;instrument yet offered to the public. New and ChUiee Music Published Daily. DV-Catalogues and Price Lists of instruments fur: niched on application. s= - 6 - Latest Music from all the leading Publishers in' .11 merica. 6:10 - Any piece o, ; f Music, or Music Book, sent by mail, post-paid, on; receipt of retail price. , .. - Orders by mail for Music or Instruments receive prompt and careful attention. rfa - All goods wiirranted to prove as represented, at FIRTIPS MUSIC STORE, 503 Croadway, New York. J _lB-23.1year • TAKE Y I OUR CHOICE! • 'We will send b 3 express or otherwise' as ordered, securely packed, 455 SswEsaXAMILNE, either Whee ler & Wilson, or Girover & Baker, to any person set-A -lm!. us, Berms VIII FIRST OF JANC/RT NEXT,NI.IO names of SIXTEEN NEW qI7I3SCILIIIRP.I3 to the' New York Observer,. wlOl the money (856) for one year in advance. . Cla'7on and afteiJanuary Ist, 1867, wo shall require EIOIITEEN new entiscribers ($63). We have Sent away as premiums nearly , I rki.reiCa of these machines !Ind the.) , give universal satisfaction The new sabserAbe're may be from one, or from earl• sun places. I ; Send the names as That as ,you obtain them, with the money, by check, 'draft, ur Post Office order. Sample copies and Circulars scut free: Terms . .3.q0 a year in advanc. Sidney E. Morse, Jr., &-, Co. 37 Park Row, New -York. $9O erCili•ely rlN: n l ew °11 Etritt t le l- 8, 4 V-t E o N ut TB Ae r l ‘ d r ree: lx C. T. G ARS City Bullding ) .Bitideford,llatuo. Dtc. :6, 1665. w ly. NEW New citore! NEW G OD S ! $6,000,000 fliessrls, Jones & ILyman $5,000,000 Successors to S. 13. WEST, are offering their large and nevi stock of . Drugs & Medicines, $2,000,000 , Chemicals, Perfumery, $3,000,000 GENCTI,NE PATENT MEDICINES OF THE NEWEST ' AND 31$91ST PM"- *1,731,000 PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH 4, PUTTY & BRUSHip/ $560,000 E OF ALL QUALITIES. Gla.4s of all Sizes. $3,596,922 LAMPS OF TEE LATEST' AND NOST APPROVED STYLES KEROSENE OIL, &c., &C. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF i STATIS'NE'f ... 1 1?' • AND VIE IE.ST ASSORTMENT OF' Notions and Childrens' Toys, 1, . To be fpund. in the 'whole County, for sale 1 1 - ! • LOW PRiOES )"• 1 ! A;s those of any other lt establishment of the kind in 'Western .I`,CtiV urk. - . r . . em ember, next door to West's old stand i i, 11. A. JaNES 'Sc E. 11. LIEUAN, i I ! • H Wellsville, N. Y., Aug. 2 7 , 118 CG. .tf Banner Store , , AT . °SINAI 0 1 PA. SAMUEL 401-INST Would respectfully inform the citizens of Pot ter county that he is reCeivinir,;, , frtim New York, supplies of ( i DRY GOODS • I GROCERIES, • • cLoTHIrip,/ • HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, EARTHEN and CHINA-WARE, &c., &d. He is determined NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD. . Highest Market Price Paid for Shingles and all kinds of Conztry Prodlice. Feeling thankful for I)kt - fill-Ors he hopes by honest and fair dealingko merits continuince of thelsame . CALL AND TRY THE PPICES . i Oswayo, May 22-6 ml COFFEE! OSHORN'S i I JAVA (VITEE—The r . nost delf cioue and healthfnl beveracre known. It is prepared fawn the best JAVA CORPTE. and while it has ail the flavor. of fine Old Goi•ernment Jove, sells for Jess than hrilf the price. - Clo 15slc)c:Ekla- 7 1si Ere 4E5 H 3 .4 bee steadily row(' for years, by thous:mos of persons in 4 iliparta of the Country, :did is uniliersaily acknowledced to beat once nutritious, delicious; healthful and economical; The same quantity will make a richer and stronger cup of Coffee than any other known. ossicc,x-inotai a - c4,-.7e4., Cc, fft:› Is particularly recommended a:sa.heTittl7l - 01 bestir-. ageand is most benetidally ased%y,those who suffcr with. headache, Nervoneness' :tad other injurious. effects from the use of other Coffee. • It is prepared with the greatest Care, and contains no ingredient which is not more barrhipss and bene ficial to the human organism' than pure. Coffee. to which fact the most skilful Physicians and CM:mike testify. 1 1 sibox-ri. 7 s; Java Coft© o Has been extensively used at numerous. Si aitary Fairs throughout the Union, and received certificates of the highest recommondatlon. I It has also been thoroughly tested, and 'received the diploma of the American Institute und,' - other prominent inatitutlons. , Pat up in i li, packatees 'hearing the fac simile Sig nature of Lewis A. Osborn, and in boxes of 30 and LO lbs. and Sold by Grocsrs generally. • Wholesale Depot and Trade • - Supplied by THOMAS REID & CO., GLOB} MILLS, Inverters and Wholesale Dealers, in Tea, Coffee, and bpices. - 5.01 & 133 Vlrren a.i.3 233 Washington, treets, Xew York. April Administrator's Notice. WHEREAS Letter's of Adtnirdstfation on the vy Estate of JOHN KIBBEE, lat . ° of Oswitp3, township, deceased, have.been grunted to the undersigned, all persons inebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, end those having just claims again t t the same should preSeut them, duly authenticated, for settlement, to / L 1 1, ISGG. t HARLES H LEACH, Adru'r IRM ! tTLAIt DESCRIPTIONS MI SHOES, ' HARDWARE,', I , PROVISIONS „ • ' - G . ROVESTEEN• 4& :: - CO. -.'. Piano-Pohl 1 1 / a n , ufactuters , 499 Eitoadway, New York. I. TILE attention of the putmc and the trade I, 1„,. vited to our New Seale -even Octavo Itosetre,,,l Pianu-Ferten, which ter volume nod purity of t„ he are unrivalled by any hitherto offered ite thir, m ar k et . They contain alt the Modern Improvementn, Freed, errand action, harp pedal, iron frame, over.t...trun.: bale, etc.,. and each imartimem being nn,et e u „ l ., r the pernonal .upe,vistenor Mi. J 11. - Ore‘e st „,, who ban had n practical , expetivuee of over Rat; yearn in their nianufacrure, in wily warranted is every particular. THE "GIioVESTEEN PIANO-TORTE" Received the hlglivet award of merit air others nt t h e Wurtif FAT 1 - • Where were exhibited ,histrunivut e troni the teat utakera of London, Park, GiTtbiloy,•/14,dolpho„ Baltimore. Boston, alai ',New Fork ; and "In at b.& Ante, icon Nei it ute for five tglee,SAiVe 3eare., the ?phi acid silver inedah , from both of which cau teei, ut our Wart,reetn ., . liv I • the iat,t,darth,ll I,lllproreme,,ts tiftilie atilt ,rnore perf,,ct . :tad thaumuci,orink largely, with a etrictir each eyetem, are tiiiabled to como pe ffer ihei tioee inetru Mulls la amine i which wi ifpreeludo tn. • PR.;...E§. No. seven Octave, Ritual camera, 110 k, WllOll Pwin ..... .. .......... !. .. Vtoo No. '2, Seven Octave, rbMid.cornere,ltueewood - Heavy: Moulding--.. .... ...... tz2s No.•73..Seven Octave, round emiticre,• Bonowooa XIV, etyle TERMS—NET CATAI t OW:ENT FUNIi.% . • Th,mptive Circuit, ee l Ut free, rec , et.tpuicl IT. T Ho. • ' rantifactorers of P4otographic Materials, R'll , AND 1:1•:TAII. 501 - 332.0:tclwH s , add,tiett to it 17am busiee,n of GRA II I! IC MATERIALS we are Headquartera fur the foliowirmr viz. STEREOSCOPES & !STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS Of Ant v rie:m and ForeAtu Cities WM Latalnapeii, p Grou, S!atuary, ete. . -- STEREOSCOPIC lEWS OF THE WAIL • From forming a complete Pilo bgrapltic history of tie great contest. STEREOSCOPIC [VIEWS ON CLASS, Adapted Mr either It ItlaLr.o Lantern or tine Stero. 0,01, (Mr Catalogue Thrill be 'sent to any addret.s on receipt of Stiimp. I PHOTOCRAPHIC v.e oltioun)t nit,..•lit only ti n au: 0111er bonne, tint 20) varieties frond Cent, to e. 7,0 Our ALI a.". have the repukation of being Elperjor In I•enuty•,,,.d durability totai'v of crs. - • Card Photographsr of Generals, States- men. Act rs etc., .etc. OnrCatalog:it,emtrtt ee. river FIVE TITOUSAND different ;subject Inc' iding reproductions, of tha mod celebrated Engraving 44. Paintings, l:• use, etc. Cataloniiis :and on reeeipt of stamp. Photograpliyr, and others ordering zoods q 0. p., will place remit f. 15 per cent of tin, atnot it with their order. it Tin' prices and quality of our . orle cannot f it to :mil:illy. • [dune D9EBIN Electric Soap SAVES TrArE! AVER MONEV! SAVES EA13011! SAVES CLOTRES: SAVES WOMEN! AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT, It . is 1.1. ed by cratin 4 into . small e•lolvings and did solving I I' hot Water. then •11:11Z the ekAlleS five to ten minutee. tind a hill!r haul rnlo6inglvill male Osumi, dealt a• , t situ's of lard moelliue rubbing would do, IT !t1 urd'lnur j , s , : ip. aril Ole 1110 -E: delicate fa brie re ceive no ioju,y. We eau refer toUboln , ..lnds of f:unl nos wh o: , ~,,,,,,,,, it, al.d who couhl not be perzundt it to do wi hollt lt. DOEMI.:;;S 7 P..14113CT111C SOAP, SOLDIPI ALL LE_IDIIN* GROCERS • TBROCGHOUT THE STATE. Mannnivtnred only by DOBBINS Px LOV-E Orrice : 107 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, T4E SILVER SKIRT, Patented march 7, 1865. MORE DURABLE, 1 MORE GRACEFUL, • - MORE ELASTIC,- And will keep its shape and retain its place better than any other. Skirt. r • I . Title ticiw and beautifi 0 pc; of Skirt traS i atvarded I, ibellltttiT AMERICAN NSTITCTE FAIR, held in New York City, October, Ittilf.-. a - j THE HIGHEST PHErUNI EVER .GIVEN FOR A HOOP SKIRT. 1 The Steel Spring,. are wound with n. • Sao 'plated wile (in place I,f a I,utt on coveritc) which wid tot wear•off or become ,:oiled, and the whole Skirt may be. WASHED WITII . r;T INJURY or fear of rusting and will be as good as new. . . C O.IBIAATION SILVER SKIRT • Tide ikvration combines with the ordinary cotton Skirt the advantages of our Silver Skirt •, the bottom hoops are.the same its there used in the Silver Skirt, the covering of which cat tot wear oil, while the up per ones are covered with cotton. No lady baying Once worn one of our Skirts will be trilling to wear any other, as tio, lower hoops of ull other kinds are soon injured and soiled. ' The hest Material, are used in their conetraction and from their durability and oeatr.eee, they are i, des, tined to heroine A FAVORITE SKIRT! For Sale - In Coudervort, by P. A. STEBBINS & CO., D. E. OLMSTED, CHARLES S. JONES, and . N. M. GLASSMIRE. Ai Rimlet, by 04R. WEBB. 111L7-S. Burbanli, Traveling Ag't., An, 33. l'fira :3.2, Courtlandt St..N. Y. CH J. OLMSTED'S 1 Q.. TORE can always be found the best o Cooking, Box and Parlor STOVES il A Lso, TIN and SHEET .IRON W REPOTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS FRYING-PANS, SAP -PANS, an CAULD RONS, Also, • 1 • gricultural Implements. such! as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS, CORN.SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES , DOG-POWERS, &c. HIS WORK is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put ill , in any part of the County—Terms easy. Rend,' Pay of all kiuds, including Cash, seldom refused. Stbre on Main Street opposite the Old Court, HouSe, Coudersport. Ang. 1, 1863.--50