II 11 11 KITI.II.- -NUMBER `►. VOL , r.kik:: JOU RN.4IJ, POT About twenty years ago, the health of, ar Mr. Edwd: L - - 1 , an English clergy,l 1 mall being in a precarious Condition, a mor- I '!al and physicid languor—that grace Eng-I llliSii inalzulv Wilii:ll comes N'e know not how! or why—he _le l cltled to cross 66 . Channel I mid seek under a ; rniider Sky the.. pure air 1 and Sunshine which be needed. One fine day he !embarked for France. ',. He stepped Some days at Rouen. Every morning he, Made a little trip in the sub , bui.hs, carrvitio• under his armarm volume of IDante. dile afternoon he cliMbed Mount I I Saint Cathnrine, and seating himself on! the grass, Vegan to 'run over some pages ofl ; the Divinii IComedia. Ati this mhment, a! !stranger ' N . OlO bad !also climbed ..the hill,l t approached I lii and asked of him in Eng-! Hsi), w4-the greatest courtesy, p4mission te converse With hitn.lilmernent. , i. "I Wish to perfect mySelf in your lan- , I gunge, isaid he, smilingly,:"and I seize time opportuinty to talk every time I meet - au ; Englishman." ! . ; They tailked a little atalut everything,— the. weather, ,`Dante, reliAou and . politics.! The 'French nail ! was wel instructed and , very aniii i ibl '. He inforMed Mr. L that ha W i aS me of the physicians of R o uen. I Learning !this, the young 'Minister related! his Case to him and asked I1s• advice. ! The doctor exitmined hiih carefully and wrotelliM a prescription. , They descended', together' to Rouen, whore. they. separated, one t 4. go and pay.his visits to his patients,' the ter to enter an apothecary shop, No:t day . Mr. Edward found hinisielf I !better; the doctor's; "prescription had done, him much ! good. ' lie had gained! inGre! trength in one hour than during a mouth 1 of previous treatment. He wished to than! tha doctor, and re . proaehedhimself besides with having direr- i ed him nothinghi iettan !for his i consulta- ~ , Lion. He went aiiin iiist in ctiveiv to Mn.mt ; Saint Cat i '''.:. ue., A Moment afir`r he was reioined by the hireni - ihinan. !hey both! le.iist cu' in . 3oyoo laughte.r, and pressed 4itch oillers hands'izes th;uo.h they were old , - ; a 1 i , nalatan , es. t•You have saved my life, dOctor,7 Said .IN.tr. Ed , aid, warmly. Then he t, q . . - led timidly tie question I . of money. The doctor closed, his mouth! at the first word; decla.ti* liiinsell amply r_nihms the Succeis of his prescrip-' tian and the joy Of his paient.! I . "Doctor,ll said Mr. E. `yard'. "I am :n' E'itglislunan, and ;conse,inently I do not! . . as. srm.nozet4, like the weifdit of'an oblirtir,ion; can I not' wELLSVI [LE )7 T . 'A - ..:*•- 1..e!0f nse to You iniorne \';ay ? ! 1 et:tint k, -11,...r..7iii,,,Dre - ,,:(,i ~., ~ .ir.,.., : ic., . n'q't , - 0, :1 , 011 ,- f 0 , :ioe4, /11 ,1;:t ifi..,ii,in-...-, tor It.l , ller- s , pall ,, d - ~I I•', ! , ! , !!1 , Park and 1 ;nil :It y. - .4.ir ser\ ice , LISIIEII BY RNEY, Proprietor. E 33 he eath.e. 'tre. the fLdran,einlo. of Ed neat A Putter cAlarc. t/whing no el „ eo,e, ew.eavor :t,l Freedom ring our Country. Irrnoyntod to tervet4 of A 4rio and the best ;toed except that of l'ri work. of ni.ro lot eata in,e-ttal . at The rorowinz r l ialbara,ing aro made, A ",qu'- or or B ~f Nonpa, oil type,.: !/ t In s ertion :loot 13__ _ 11l ------- 1 year , or Ease.nor, Not :co , Notievei per Itadeertiee mrute mu-t he pa tics arill he taken of ailverti-e In!e-a - they are a,:comianied j arc reference.. Bar Idverti. , o.l 11teept where ope '4il•lolith.s of 'Bre,: .genre, 1 , a , .• 1 square.. .21" r 3 : Each adh-eque , - j ,elaare, 1 year ,75 -inces Adualudd rater'. Bpccial and Ed likai,,,,ce,and no n. ftdr,rl a a iEt311,70, money or sat f:te 6a -job nd despatch. Ball kinds, ex( , cr.ted with ii Norrieu j , ",S i3USIN I pled Ancient York :Masons I Dii: Yo. F. A. M. Stat,l the 21 :evl aii 've.l:l-,4 lays of each he 3d Story of th , . 111-7.3. W.SI. SUE:AIt, W.ll. Free and Ace Li Meeting , on month. nail, in P.C.LAnninnr,S( ELLISON. M. O. T IDIRACTICIN ' respectfufly i .vicinity that he v.- professional setvic best of his reside, PEITSICtIN, Cmi rm. Iform, the tho villAzo and ll promptly ri—pon.l"to all cattyl fqr 0111.. - m on Yirst street ; Krzt ;leo. 17-41 l ND COUNSELL9I?, AT LAW. at*.e.d the sevvr.LlCuurts I :nerOn etrlnll. A:1 're '-et, in re-Idum, 4 TroRNEv coud,por In Potter a n d C: A - truAted to hiF C. Unice on ll'am str g.:1) and 1,3.1:::3:. 4 ,111:2;. AT LAW C'ethlen , port. Penn', , to all le,ine , ,, rutty-teri to thoir e, , , owl II k !itv. W.II :,1- , ., etTvil,l ie the :,,;i..incr z coutili,re. Ullice i v ~f the l . i:ler-ted 1i!,_,..*,!;. (111,31STi ATTORNEYS Will attei..il care with the several ei,urt. :ln the siaaniii T-LAW. il,ll 4V.e11 , 1 , ~ f !. A TTORN.EY atteivi lo and promptii,sF. ties, offiec :Sc '. W. fil.N4l, ND CICN:; , ', I 1, ,Ca.,w 11 A TTOI...;cEY a t-A Cou .erer,n, 'er and the niljoi Ml= r 1..‘ W . . I P.,y,&c.-..1.1 ti ! 2s- t ERE ATT.R: ET'S- Azent- Vnited I Ilaunty,Arrvn.r , w u. ItlLLun, Y. 31e.i.1.A11'.7i; - ;1" . a.iri NS7 - IZ . t.:` , 7C}: it ,tn.l S T:lxt•- , iresi nz . .r.l dry. anal I'e EIL EsTA ft, • Land Uo.ll fnreetigated. In. companies in the dents In the Tr v lord. 13m.ine,E. _ . An.snctiApromytly ST.LI:ItEN:.: tic Co.. —Dea in Dry i••l.l . ii - I n C, IT and ewrytilit,z Produce bought "•\ ER CTT de ftndlt• St3ple Got.) 16 . Clo F,,d, s. ,C,r, in DrT:Lr, rE:Ze . TANTH 11 • 011±, Fn• Groceries, &c., A =MEE , nature. . „ • The Enl2, - Iklunan pressed him so perse . , , • VH'III , IN' that the doctor finany isaid... j ; "I hav,.; inanvi patients'Junder treatment . at iii 1i01i5,7.. Among, then] - Isla very 14‘ . 21i deint;i-ellii, who+ ideas area little di ll fanrzed., I think tshall succi•ei in sayinri• hi. • L :1-; .., . 1 1a•tu1ilate'„V. imee al , out a moutlidle has, taken it into her - head to- , .return-t.` , ..‘ Paris., I haVe eihPloyed all means to dissuade her, i but without success. I see that there '.VIII F.ItSPOII.I' noTEL. 1.4 neither, true nor rc.lpkise. until her ea-;! IX EA,PnoranT , lll. Cor.,er el . `. .tan riit'e. is ' Satisfied. I have; put off the jour , msno dstrt- Cd•oll t T n oer cdl a. , ~.., ~, :,, i fr,,,,, il„ Tt ! ,:,. : -, i.s " . •' 110' vlt la her troin day to - dav, becau,n3 I. 1,., lolit I:, c.m.,,,•. , .0..t..tu ~J , , Zottrotti Job.Otire. Idive many , natients in tire city wlnch it is; ditileult l j inriossible, even,„ t , ..yr me to leaVC, , r:Y 3 ' l ':‘ - / ~ li :',"' w "' " ' " '7 '.l r ' f 1 - en., - . it oulv f ,- )r a sin , de 111‘ . . " 'E t, our ad-,,,,y ,ar.ze a , set ,n, , nt. ' . -' .. - ' 0 ~' 2 red t. , do all kinds of work. cheaply ' Edward L— saw that he - had been. a 4 neatness. birds soltetted. , . ' e • ' little too fist. Bat how w could he draw ' laa"li no‘.•• • ? I .. ~, , . 1 ' Ail HOUSE. otter county, Pennsylvania.' "Diable;', raid he it derilto:Aelle, and crazy 1 E,EWIS. Proprietor. Ila.ina in tie barrhin." ; :: xcellent Hotel, th- proprietor «" =lr . ~,... ,:, , 1 11' ' " ,1 the 'a - • intalley of the travein.g . pi:',:ic and'. -\ e, er min. ia,, ism li.l , OCL.JI, . I tliyltt.; t-atisfaclion to al: Wil , ' , may smilira, ; "Ails tlell,aise.sei is in her,. forty- 4 , 1.2., f,t3 if , 1 b, VSii:Ztli 'spiln ,, , and furthermore yo.ur word' \IIBLE AV - ORKT crass is pc:ilia r s..a Hui,. Tpx:lT g Qrated. In . uments and Tcrmb-Stones Ably ease her .rnadnes\ if madness it is, ii ' . ..., of the mildest form. I give, von Inv word II - win de furnished on reasouo of hcnior that in tins resiiet she vv ; l 1 giv,,,, 1 1 ms and short r.o; der. by C. Ilretiolv. roil no troubk; ' . 1 , . 4 - I. , •rnP s . .m.I. c , -. • " " knee ' r Eu:a". ''-. ''' ' .. ' "Well, so be it! yr) 'at one o'clock in i ,vrsport, . l a., on thy rt•taltett - raao draz ,or orders tit the ro.t ();;,... 1.•; - 6 , the morning ?" . 1 i, PAN BAKI:::.. I "Perhaps yes, perhaps no; the hour is a TyENsnyg, B)C . STr . and St SP. CLAIM AG , F:::;C: n 1: ' . 31 t. 1 .„ i ,„ . ,. ~ ii_ttle ._ m_atciil, I . am . n , nt sure that the! 1.7 Pensions. prpeur , d for soldiers War who are disilded by reason of, wounds r,emved ' (iernol,ell4 ,- will be tead3.l ' or disease contraced while in the service of the liiitci , while they 'were • talking thus they 1 .States,; and pens ions, bounty, and%wrears of pa . .!. ob- . 1 ' 1 tined for widow, or eirs of time who trove ' 1 "; 1 ' 1 '" , reached thejzates of the city. Before sep-; hem killed wh4e in service. _pi 1.-tiers of inquiry ~ . promptly answee. - 1, and on reco•ipt. by moil of a state- an.11.111 , r, the doctor Limded his card to .1. : :(1- ' 1 meat of the caseLof claimant, I will - forward the :,e l . w ,_ tr if L ...... L__ . , tees:try papers fe their signature. Fee , in Pen-run . `.l . , rases as used by ow. Refer: , to lb s. Is.mc ltEm , .-m.!• “Aild now ati revoir till to-morroW morn- A- G. Olmsted ,:ohn S. Mann, and F. W. Knox, Ezsi . i DAN 13.11 ER, i MD' , •br perhaps adieu;. it is quite possible ; • . , Claim Agent, I.7.,.udersr ort, Pa. ' that !we shall not See each other 11 ,, a." I ' ! h. P er Year' S 1 l e want agents M'r. S—L-- 'twitched the departing; doc p ver - -I .^ t ., ) H.II our I'lP' ,,,- . 'A S , ' '''e . ....- I. l' . d . '. tor With an embarrased lair! The idea of linis. i,e in., - 2. -. _a,. r and . Irranted nye year , . - Above :-.l:ar 'A:lld -,g a mad wonian to Pails was not a ion,-- paid. The ONLY machines sold . les fdr tess than 54n, whieh are luily ver, smiling tine.. He. c•laneed ;it the ;card .• W , r , hee , :e ,Y' W , 11 "'"1, (-; ' ' ' Y 'r S. ' l '"' : Pnd reqd: Doct4. d Lii Belie, rue. ;Auto & .ieuee•er. -•LI. ot h er cheap ma- :, ' -- • L r,emmits' and tire seller or user are Hie, 1 . 1\70. 1.2. ' : - alio, and imr.risonment. eireulars , I , r call upon Shriw & Clark, n0d.... ! 1 Mr. L— happened to be close to this •hicago, 111. De;,.. f.'s,', 1565. j :sv i... : 4r3lstreet,land ctiriositv led him to it. NO. Itch.! Itch ! Itch ! l } -2 was a fine hotiF.e, with a briLiant door i-, , SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH 1 p , 4kte, e on which could be read: Doctor de . • :Ea irylie.4.l"o3l.'S OINTIIEAT, . i I . . Arrived at his hotel, lie asked the waiter Will Cur b the Itch in 4S Rours,!. , .17 1 -" RI I, ww : \ i . d e Lri Belie : . . Also cures S.I'CLT II II ULITIZ- 7 .. CHM-": ' SLAIN'S, end all ERUPTIONS OF 'THE SI; I\ "1 think I do, Monsieur; he is the•.besi i t Price 50 cent s. lt,.- sale 1, a3l drot.).:lst, .7-ly s...r•rl , nz •th... , -,',-: 1) ICI idin B.Gllen " ' ... 60 Cents to WEI.4IiB 5... Pill EN, So;e A:zents, 170 -/- ',, ' . . -; • Washington streot,,noston, it will be to hv I .. _A t one o'clocii in the mbriciiro , Mr L--- man, free of post,..to am part of Ile UninlStat,;;. , '. ' Julio 1,1E45. rp t utict: wsy IS-r. , was protneuawno• anxiously! iu the waiting 1 1 .' . °LI:STEM 11, I >•.- r3u.kery. , s I Fi-11r. Ctr:ll. rEo.Cll.%.:\ • f. 111 CI thins, PorK, SM.I i—Dell9r (1,-Pl4, Ar IICIT A NT and as is Q•it === • Mere 1).1.1,1 MA Sheet r ARDW.II:I I :I .Tin nd w curt, rt•11:::l. 1 C=Ert=l • COll.l lIC.VERM . mid A. Livery Tiotel. Potte. HAVING la: JOII-TYP wo aro now prep and wish tnA e Nil Lewisville, PI pC roN a; t ken this e ' o make the Rep: ,eels •eontitl..nt oil All on hiln,—Fc• r 7 . M ' ' l MO of all tc. Com,' f:oad, or leave.pd Jnne,S G 4 $1.1.50 :IF Sewitn: MAci} upper feed. NV" or Iftrze to the United licensed by 11,,w ker,Si nzer & Co.! ehinea are infrin iablo to arreg, I res. Addre+, A ford, Maine, or 8 ... --..,„‘, 9/7\,„ 1 • , • . k• e7tc-4.:_c„,,,„,... . . -", ( 1 ) • , ~ .... 1 1 t ill • . f ,r f j,, _ , . . ....0 Iti . LI 1 ' - 4 -4 1 LeNA . Ir i e't 1 l N • . ••• 1 ''. . ! • 4 ,.. re ~ .. ' 4 e i I , , i.,p 0 \ - 1.. qe---1 . I V • , • - :., -__ •, • I 1 ' .1 , • ' I 1., • - . I - , . - -- -= --=_-T.-=-_ —— -- ,-_-•,,•'--..-_,_=.-.-_-_- 2..'_=--_-=--_---_=--7:-.= 1 74 : . 1 - 1 4 " J , 0 9 / - ) ) :. t , ' l ik 1. F.A,NiN .4.c 1 ., \ --, ;"---- lilt MEM .. U.! LI:T.Or. AT T.AW =I NIZZIEESI C.F\ T - 11,7 • r; eft a ;au:net/1 . -, the .lo2tor "No—it.v.-6n1,1 be an atris: or von - MEI i,..,.., 1i ! ),„x • • . ' • .7 17 '14z13,1 - leo il)c, cf .:i7)oCi'Qi!, :10 rile of UcEPs.. ; _ ti STORY Or CRIME!. COUDERSPORT, POTTER COUNTY, PA., TUESDAY NOVEMBER 27, 1 1855. room of the depot. M. de La. Belle did hot appear. The English . minister was rutbing his hands with a great sigh of sat isfaction, when he felt himself touched on the shoulder; it was the. doctor. A lady dressed in black was seated on the bench, witha thick veil. over her face. Mr. 11,— keptiup a good 'heart against his ill luck. "I ; have taken a whole cOupe." said the doctdr to him, "so that you will not be in cornModed by other travelers. Here is Mademoiselle's I purse; perhaps she may' needl sorrrething; here is ..her ticket, also, which you will have the goodness to show to the employee. I telegraphed to Paris, last evening, to the relatives of - 11Iademoi selle,' begging them o send rtearriage to the train when it arched. I have told you that she is as gentle as a dove ; . if she should have a moment of, weakness, you have only te o give her ,a lump of sugar Moist tied with two drops of this syrup."' And he handed him a - little phial, with the-4mrse ani ticket. During this time he had lifted the demoiselle somewhat roughly into the car., -He remained there till the last moment, warmly thanking Mr. L—. Finally, the bell ran , /, the minister entered thelcoupe, coming out again soon, and ex clailning--7 - 4What a strong odor there is in there!" lltAs nothing," said the doctor; "it is a bottle of Eau (e Cologne, which I broke in helping MademoiSelle, enter the car." The -train started i Mr. L— placed himself at - the back end, where he was sep arated froM the demoiselle in black by a bO of flowers. He tried to open conver sation, bUt seeting that she did not reply, he ''arranged himself for a nap. He awoke sevbral times; the demoiselle, always with her veil down over her face, remained- mo tionless. At last they reache'd Paris. "Mademoiselle," said the clergyman, "be good enough to wait a moment; I will go and call .the coachman who-is waidn ,, for you. He looked a long' while, but in vain. He cotild find no one who had come for a demoiselle from 11011 , 211. He returned, much vexed, to the demoisele, when to his great stupefaction, lie saw an anxious crowd sur rounding his car. He advanced. "Is it you who csine ii this coolie?" de manded a policeman". HYes." "Do von know that the lady is dead ? Itis more than four hours since she ceased to! lice. Y.uu have poisoned her with pros sie acid !" Ti a eler!rytnan was horror struck. Ile sought to exeul.pate himself with :ill the enes ! , :y of an honest Man, 'but Ins story soUuded *like a tale. it was so improbable. .j:liev s-ed:clied Lim, and foupd upon him the lady's puNC, annl the phial, which con taied pril.ssic•aeid Mr. Edward L crushel down, hall . mad, allowed himself to be led to prison without Off.riti , ..r the slightest resistance. "Take toe to Rouen,' said the prisoner, "I will unmask the NVI"..t.CII. He will P.Ot dare to' dem• it before t 1= ,• Two policemen in Litizens . !dress add some other enlployes - of the department took a car with him, and they l arrived at Rouen. Mr. L= was sure tha l t the as s a ssin would tremble at the sight of hint alone. When they entered Dr. La Belle's house he was out, but would soon return. An hour after he entered the room Where they ivere waiting for him. Mr L— trembled from head to foot. It was not the man he had nret on Mount Saint - Catherine! "It was not Dr. La Belle!" cried lie, see inf, an abyss open before him. the depths of which could not sound. "It was a lie! • The.mini was not Dr. La Belle!" Alas! they must give in to the evidence. The clerTYman 114 d been the victim of the most diabOlical trap 'ima , inable. They rsturned to Paris. Some I;eeks passed., The agent of the police wpb had particular charze of him soon satisdliimsclf that he was innocent. Mr. L-••—•-i-• was then removed to a .house— he never linew what one or where—but where he could read and write. The dity after his new inearccration man entered his chamber, irode him put on a suit .!.!!f black, and begged him to low him. At the door was an open caleche, and they toy: the direelicn of the Champs Elysises. • "Look Well at everybody," said his mys terious coMnanion. 1% m in_ e :: .I.r. L=-L=-looked with all his eyes, but the the minister fe : ._ ll cte: I)ackward he saw neihing but Promenaders en footH and in caijFiares ale 'next:day, when he B9t: he was °i /v stunned. WI " he e. - entered the caleche, he was surprised to see , opened his eyes again he saw M. de B a large white doz.crouching. on the mat at ! between two policemen. The police ,had the tubed the servants of M. de Bo , :tak the driver's feet. He did net understand; the balls from his pistols, and %i - e.re ;'the mystery at first, but it was exPlainedi lu g concealed in the apartment when i Mr. to him afterwards. At the time the c.,-iinel ! presented himself: . M. de 80---, 1 was committed, between Rouen. and Paris, a white dog, without _an owner., had L---- . • been 1 whom they could not pursue as the assas. 7 i sin of the demoiselle, was now guilty Of an I found by some . one in the former city. The! ; attempt at al._.=_. , sas,. - • , -.inatatn. He was Icon police sent him to Paris at once: On the 1.. . , two lost dogs damned to twenty years hard labor. i day of which we are spen on,i One should hear this extraordiruiry Story i were advertised' on the fourth. page of the; from Mr. Edward, L--,- himself. I re kjournals, one at Vangirard, the other. at'l member to have shivered often at the •e- I Passy It was to these places that Mr.l I L— went with the officer. I collection of it, and the image of the 'tlead woman in the car pursued rile 0 a lono.e I - But it was in vain. Bass 1 .- }assed a4av ' Itime I thus; nothing was discovered. 1. 1 like a horrible nightmare. l ;1 One evening the agent' of - the police told hiM to accompany him to a ball, alid gave him a Costume of an officer of SO bees (Turkish horse smdiers). The eler-I gvman made some objections, but W i asl obliged to yield. The carriage depositled them at the foot of a staircase of a vdry fine hotel, 'where they were received BH footmen. There was a graml ball that night, and the saloon was qllO with Or-I sons who appeared to Mr, L--to boopfi to the best society of Paris; for that ,mat-i ter he Might be convinced on hearing the' names of the guests as *announced by tike valets. • He was presented to the niistresT of the house, Madame la Comtesse del . —, who received him very !graciously. He con versed a great part of the evening With : 1 I son, and retired at an advanced hoe With out having discovered anything. Another week passed. The following Saturday be went to the 1 ball again at the same house: M. de I•--H .' the son of the mistress of the house, care at once to colverse with him, and drew him behind the large curt is of a windbw of the saloon. Mr. L— soon heard the koie of ,he agent of Police—who was in citizens (hie —in conversation with another persbn. They talked of the chase. selm•-! minutes convemation, during which Count F kept his eves fixedlon Mr. L--, 1 who remained impassable, the couple wrnt away. - A moment after he;heard the sound of the agents voice again. • !' "Ali! liere - von are at last, M. d 'said he; "it's a long time since we :seen you !" The person addressed had no sooner ; pronounced the first word of his phrase than bounded in his place behind the curtain. I "It is him I it is him! it is the unkuc wn of 'Rouen I" he exclaimed. "Be still'" sa'id M. de P--,,"0r v3ar imprudence will spoil air An instant afterward they were joined by the agent of thd police. ~ y "Weilr said he.' I Mr. L-- trembled in all his "I have heard hilt'," said he, shivering "it is him--1 reoffrnized his voice." "It may be a mistake; von will iremain here without stirring until all of did gu i ests enter the dining saloon.L. You ste that door by the side of those Curtains; through that door each one will cone with alitdv l on his arm Scrutenize each countenance, attentivelv, and above all make no 113 , 4 1 inept .7 , • 1 One o'clock in the mnrnin,-* struck last. Mr. L parted the curtain al Re; and his eye of tire was fixed upon 1, door of. the dinin2; Lod trembled as if traverSed by an e tric shock. All at otllee his crisped 1.);. , directed itself involuntarily I toward a 1 1 who was conversing with a young ladvl was indeed the strancrer of Rouen. :went of police was 4,li , edlto seize L around the body. He wished to Limp. the assassin. ! The next, morning lie iigent came, e,trly to find lihn. "loci must call on Mr. de i ßo--!--.", I "Let us go on the ins!azit." "I will conduct you to tiie door, and You! will - go up alone. It is necessary' for to speak to him tete-a-tete," M. de Bo ' lived in'; the rue Saint oriOre: When the elerg,yman, paid H as! death, rarg at the door; 14 7 de 80-±---,! who was putting on his gloves and prepar-•! ing to go out, ,came to open it himselfd Heiturired pale in spite of himself] on! ',seeinnr the Eno-lish minister. But he! re, covered himselrat once. "Pardon, Monsieur, what is the obj , ,let of, yoUr visit I" "You ask me that, wretch!" cried air.! furiously " , . "You me mad!" said M. de shrugging his 'shoulders, land drawing! his interlocutor into his study., "Noiv what do you want ? said be, Wl ing at nim fixedly. , Mr. L--- then allowed his indignation to speak; he assured him, that he shBuld 'attach himself to his person until the recognized his crime. "I shall succeed in uninaskinn• you, 'aid he at the end. "You are deceived, my Brave man, M. de Bo , taking a pistol from table, and placing the intizzle agaiiSst f —head of the clergyman'', He fire'd Those who ba've been educated to be-! Have, or - takea the idea into their heads without being educates at all, that cheese is an unwholesome died are:ln-lie!, in error: It is likelv enotioli that a surfeit on cheese will sometimes kill, or cotnetincomfortably j - - - P t - inaas tea CIIEF;SEI: . rear it. it. So will beef a la-niode, oysters, or; -' _ • •- • This cheese, celebrated f'or its delicidusi chicken pot-pie. Bv / t ei&ri re , -iiiitriv and is not !I :Ivor and beautiful, elastic texture ; is made in moderation at every ;nett], cheesy that Italian territory called the LiiideSait only a wholeamie diet as a promoter of di- . in crestion, but at taanty-tive Cent- p e r riejav i : district lying between Lodi and Cremona; even is more econoncathan meats. This : and comprisieg the richest grazing' portion iof the :Milanese department. The Bows has been satist!ictolilv proved by experi- a j,,a:,sieof the two iris-; from which the Parmesan cheese is maid merit and chemical always kept closely guarded and fed Ai terials, but more eatisfaclor4vebt" the cape' the year round with, green food. As the 1 ience. and evert - -day practice C)f the nice: these Italian ci-earn clietae range ebanie and field lhborer in Enniand, Scot-; weight of and ;and a s, ati:e, au! , om.a. , ca .., satra . trom 150 to 200 Pu onds,; of course there classes in Hollend an Belghatn. • i t rue no individteil dairies that afford suffic , d -' Bread. cheese. 4:1 , 1 beer constitute the: lent "'i ll ' to make one, :tad so a whole mechanic, dinner of the artisan, alai orai community of Pal mese firmer dub to ,, nary Itiborer in :ill the . se c:uutries. Cheese, aL(ether—hutting in their milk and disking ta , t ara „ae,,, e. e a tielleese first our one and then another, !111. bread, and beer Make) • „ , „:„....... ,t , il . ,every member of the company is suds themselves and f mi,iii,e, arid] fa..,1., weighing from 15Q tct .1 bread make in the mai% the Saris. i 8 of P lli ' d v;'! l ' a cheese d r l . ‘ 2.0 . 0 p0;111 , 1s, according to the qttantity of the taajeritv of the NI:01 1 01 caii,es ill all', mill: •I, i these onintries, and WherS el,- ,ha Icu • j u l !'a c"" t "a ut '''• - , find working men erdl,wonip' more hardy, lieziltilf: 1 and eicrarous ? Cer- hi C el Y na ' nd child - ten , ,TliiiXarinerse cheese combination is mo.t, the pare ,t of air combination cheese n in the United States. - There tainly not in our o , :vn l country ,of universal F"P'r. anic ' s meat ,eaters. i are similir confederacies in two or three of tli, provinces of France, and two.rit least in W ; e know froth other thdri Bible author- : ..,' 7,Nyitzerlaial at .Which the famous cheese a icy that "man Shall not livelbv meat, alone •;'' Gruyere is manufactured. and that beer, (hou;:lcit‘ina)L he wi:of,',,qxle., NFufchat°l and is not food fit i‘s ,- , the coirclie , ion is that • CORIANDER FOR Cows. the strength, endurance and, rotmat heelth i It has been found that coriander seed is :of the-e. habitual cheese e4ers comes in a, an excellent, and itis believed an infallia , cons•iderable degree from ,the consumption oat alterative of milk. Somethnes it hive of that material. 1 :pa' , ns that t 1 very finest appearing animal , There is :mother cheese -a•ror that a very ,in, the herd, and most generous inilkea f . 1 ` r - • •of v : , ,,e : whatwill gre.;t, niany—peihaps. ale ameoritv a.a --Yes inttk : l Ameriean farulers have frtilLu into, and do , butter by itself, and mixed with other milk not seem inclined tai trill out •of a ithOut :1: ale.ays makes with difficulty, To corr e c t :great deal of persuasion- 7 -a e, the belief thisle - ive coriander seed as fuflows! . • that cheese cannot be, made so as to be Ginal the aced in a .coffee mill, mix two 15r..f.:ta 1 ..13 or good cheese ctitia,z ti,e winzt , r. l table-spoonz-fal thoroughly with a pint - ,,t" or v. itheut keeping ten or, twelve c.oes at ; goo.' sound cider, then stir the whole hito heat. la-..t zus see how ...eiil. of eer f 4.,..m a dish of corn meal, bran, or any fine food, 1 1- - . • ' 1_• )....ezartas.e.a.s Ina!l:lLte . .11:1:. I t;ltsllig fit'-tt. Llte ; and feed the cow; every morning before elm; ' Ta e -„ : e ne a',. . 1 : :14s eaten anything else. From three to ; pad.; eia doses will effect a change that. will most In titre - air they manufacture rear . ; satisfaetory, and in all cases atfibl.; cheese frog] the Milk of a '' in " le ! i iik r e- i i i ) ;:itie )r iT, , Cow and a patch of potatoe. in this way :- 1 - i ? - - ; , - -.....c5..--.-..----_____ 'The potatoes are boil:al until perfectly, , ! ... A B ob in. Tr °Wales ; cooked theatieli; then mashed, and to fun ' Truing circumstances often teach uff pounds of potatoes add orIV,: quart of thick, ! ,snit- milk with salt,enotieh] tO season, and most important lessens. The fellowing ia , a geod illuetration An inquisitive boy knead the mass th.4.141.11Y as you would carne. into our_ Office one day while we . a batch of bread douedi. felt it E-tand in bulk feer d e r,. :peen- ,ire, it ar : o , her vi,.. _ , were adjusting; an electro-magnetic appa ratus, and was disposed to be rather fried -- oreus kneadfne, divide it into bales of three' diesmne. . IN - e admonished him to (.Iteep to five peundswei , lit, press thesc - with the hands off, but he persisted in having hand al , . compact a ' s I,o , :ii i ..dt into small leis- . . , `ire he . . nad: in hands on. So we quietly connected a,pair kets an 1 dry ill summer .iii win:7er by ti:e stove or tire.' 11,-1 en "cher- "1 .: hzt r i'llc s l e and arranged. them to stilt out' purpose. :aeon Paul Pryhad them in his ondily (ha' pat.lie. cheeseinto tin cans Ur - I.ay of;the improved t.rtiidc,ins, seenup, an i , hands In an instant we sent a powerful current of electricity, through hints It wa.4 'set by Ibr use in a cool, dry' place, pr .Itlav I rear : ,sO strong that it - drew his hands to hia will ]:cep in cepital cotalition five: - '; brettst anti held their as though they had :Let tia have a look next at I been tied with a bed cord. He began to . • SRim - 1 : 1 -'-;. FA-11::.s'. ! bellow and dance and twist about in a math In all tropical countries cheese made. .of ner most gratifying , to ourself. - "Take it skim milk, and of small size, keep flu- bet : - . :Jii! Tzike. ' "it off: 'Fake it off!" he cried., : ter. and are always more iii demand titan ', We were not in - a bUrry. Take what off'!" the great new or whole milk nioneters of we coolly inquired "Oh you know! that from fifty to ode 1111;1,1:lea pounds that the thing! Oh take t i i t . o1fl• Take it off]"_ , ~ hot weather melts into , mus r la and very few ', When we thought he had enoudli we asked , ! people care to purcnase. Skim milk cheese. i "will you'leavethinds be if I ,Tii?" '`Y A P o male small :did thin, weie. e hima from ten t , .i —ye - s."---only take it, of'!" \Va t broke the ..e. twenty pounds' may' be prat:ably inanu a ; current, and disini4sed Min with a.sliOrt tlietured by all oar ' butter dairymen leCanre on the imp6rtance of rttinding.hia and women the year 'round, and as. own business. . I I they rel t e ire none of the "bandaging and ; : How many disaestrs and troubles are air fussing, over to keep them here and what; result of this same Propensity to pry into they ought to be, it Will pity largely thoselothi.ir people's affairs. llow - mach bet who conduct !,utter dairies either large or, society Wcuid be if 'each member were aid: small to torn their skim Milk - into cheese. rill tunes • just where duty or'businPas call; 1' ;It will sell readily and sped;}, pay•era tin'; him.' Intl your own business La a golda ; I better than "smear-kase." l ' len role Whet]. trim (and women too)0 . ' --- Eoam oilEff; N E. . I eon-entiously ftillciw it in: all the detaVag r • I and each - one leaves ish neighbor , GP 'Thus far the Netherlanders have main-i di life ; e taine.l the "eall";of the Market. sunplvirea; attend to his own private mettersaill taall , uile i N _7 , stlf..! and discoed Will cease. the civilized, ..and a good ti ell of the' I i ilized world, too, !with what is popelarl6 . . known as epine _ appil e .. cal l, se. very ex _l . FitAICLIN s Waton.—A Lml&tsteni - dis-- i,cellent chteee' -- it is. toot t i - tils Dutch - pine ' itchP fo the Pr wtch h " . • ~ e eeat tor raytirs; at one 'fif thejew l 1111 le, keeping in :,•11 climates capitailv, littli - ' ' e r Y stores in this city which was owned and alwaysecommaading ready sale at errood i prices. This is the Hollatiller s . formula for for a number of year carried by Benjamin. ;' Franklin. The yalich now belongs to Levi 1 t nak inn- Edam elieeSe. It rs 'simple enough, i e \V. Groff, distiller, Of West Earl townahip f and the It )11an,*(1 "pine PpP tcs::,may lust asl this county, and [came into] his poafe)ssioß , easily be made in the 13iiied States wher-1 . I.s..veral ye:vs ago. !Ma G has satiafactory ever four ortfive &ie. - slam' 'kept, as 'it is in I,evidence to si - row that this watch scalps ;the 4 1)etlieri4nds: : '. ~• belonged to Franklin. The time piece it I ' 'lhe freelif sweet milk 'i;); curdled with j theold English pattern, gneralily of imuriatic acid ors pirits of silt, and the curd "bull-eye." ,The case is of ITeav*. I cut and ch.Tped , and as it: the i as the and , t,h e na , an;ernent is stilr in i most thorough Manner in "tole' r to expel silver : „ card is then; running oruea inae - pendent. of if.: intert..t. !every particle of wheyi. Th having been the, property 'ol,ohl Beni. I soaked in a baine of ufheient strenaah toe s ' Franklin, it is quite a - curiosity in Life' float an eg g for an. icani. The brine is It way* ' i a time-p.iece. Mr s G Efh • 1 Ef 1 I then worked out, and he Cu'rd subjected to , 1 of . ro as acaan 0 are. price for thi4 retie by aeveral sae.. 1 , a heavy pressure in it n Moulds thatagivela large ciations,,:unong which is the Mits:acli 'sent 'the pine apple form t thb.cheese. ..zifter : u.„, pressing, the cheese; Historical Society, Which hits tear red &int !from four to five he I is taken from the forr and ann - ointed with I $3,000. 1 -4....,-00-ea.e. , soft butter, haying as 1 lech fine salt - worked! A Young lady Schuylkillof eiiimtv offer* i t . ' imp it as it wi.l hole . Tims finished up i herself - .as a prize to - any young' gentlemar i they sot singly in rows on' shelves in a c•oo1, 1 %‘ •1 10 will get up the largest club, over fift y :miry place, and - with:d month's curing! are r szi n eset at eea T a for the Tremont un ri , . iorr.— , in a fit condition to send :abroad, and will Cheap (Yids down there. !keep for years in any' climate. - I , '' l_ --...--..,-....... - ~ I• The largest of these Dtitch cheese never I A man in. Mobile committed saici le 1;0 !exceed four and a half piund s in NI eight,'.escape the of mosvitaes. . , ; tli • 01, =aid the the 1 red, lan( ‘; CeIEE~E, TEP.DIS.--q.50 PER ANNUL II Which. ..„ to make one of Which About eix: aallous of mil.. So at any farna-house { - . , where three or fonr con's only are kept, art Edam these may be made every daywith.: out interfering with other duties, apd.ilki :!frgrei . rate fur :tyecir trould make a Teveeta able increase of income. . . .....