OUN'fY 401.111NAL ,POTTER esday Evening. Oct 30, 1365,1 Condersp7rt, T - - Local! General_ • . Examiration of Teachers. The exainiu4iuus!uf Teachers will,be as fgt. ECM Sylvania. at lurlrson;.s S. H. New Ilerget/ rike, at l'ila, l :Cf IV - ert " Let In4llle, at the Actuietuy Ellisberg, sclioo.l.llouqa Itoulette, do Coudersport at the -Academy, i "- 24 E xa n i lmtio r s will commence at 1(1a, ro Teacherstvill provide thenisel es with ' , ells, ink and paper. Evening Le hires on Education wen prac ticabse. All, especially Dirpriorq, are c o d ally invited to attend. W. ALLEN, Co, Supt. boctor SCrrIENCK 7 3 MANDRAKE PILLS. •A Su il bstitufe for Calomel: Tile Pink composed or carioug roots, liar 7 tug the power to relax the secretions of the iiver as promi'py aid effebttially as blite pill or Inereury. anil without p r oda e ing .r. y o f tliccigreeable dangerous effects which often follow the teq of the latter. , In all billi, its disorders these Pills may be , ch ,„ 2.13 1 for , Cash 1 Quick sales it,ed wit)) cm tidenee, us they i l ili d•oinote the di & Charge of viii ted bile, al.-i.." 1 . eove those ob.- . Small Profits, But One Price. i i ,tractions trot the liver and biliary ducts,which , , !titre the cause !of bilious affections in general. 1 New ' ;Goode received every week. 1 • SCHENCIt'S MA NDRA K E PIIA.S cure II I Call rind ex:m - 11-e ottr Gtiod s end.rrices before going E:cli Headacl e, and all di order:,of the Liver eleetvbere. 1 , Indicated by -allow skin, coated tongue, ciN. 1; i er tivenff‘s, drowsin , s; and a general feeling oft Octolier 22 f ' . • vrearritiess in d lassit it dr, slims - bur. that the liver i , r - :“Unprotion?bly the h ea t sii.stsfin,vl :cork of t? is in a torpid or obstructed condition. In short, these Pills mayl 1-' 1 I - -,. i ,-- ;. 1 Aind iTt tiff . ootOttry J ' ii. ... , •'. '- 'cage in all yea where a purgati l ve or alterative ; ; ;. -11 ' --- ''' '.. - ' '' '-' ' 1 il Ii.III PE lI'S. ;medicine is r«Fired. -1 1 ',., iN . .Please ask or "Dr.Sclienck's 3landral:erilP l ;N 4 MONTHLY MAGA.ZINE. had observe Oat two I iknesses of the d,n,...t . 0r arc , ': (3l i. t ic al not i ces o f the Press: gm the 0 01"(Irp/IT/Lint stnotn--ony T.-hen In tne • , ' Itis lie for mort Ala line of the &iv. The fireside last stage of Lionsuniption:and the other in his !never had a nuire ' deligr a ltfol - tom. pcn!on; nor tie to :ll present health. • I too n nit e enite.prisln; friend than I.larper's.‘lagu‘ Sold by all; 'Doi , - . Tists and Dcalem. Price frs zine.—tifethoplet l'r,tteentot. Eeintn . cre - . 1 , The rho< punui. 110 t iv , the d --r.: , , - rents per box Principal Unice. No IS. INOiliiit '' ii, il.. 1 " -r . " b '" i t ll'.`"l ' - - cu.. Cith Street, Philadelphia. I 1..0'. o oSers'i4r. , 1 We must refer in terms of etilocv to the high tone - .General W i'olesali A SPIIIS: Pcmas Barites it; , ond:vari,des4:neueesofiLinegios.i.tbilsZlNc—a Jour- Co., 31 Park Row, N'ew y or i e , . s . s . }1 „ „ ce, 1 not :with a inai , thly e' rculallot of about 170.000 copies i - - in Whilln p i'e , nre to be found some of the choicest JOS Baltimore St-Baltimore, 31,1.;.Tchn D.Park, ; 7 - " ' ' 11:11ft tu.d zenFral reading of the day. We speak ut ,r-• ,„ ...-, N. E. corner of Fourth and ~ a:ouL Cinch,-..,t., ' tilt wiorkins :In evide,.ce of the culture of the Amer. , nail, Ohio.; W. clkor & Taylor, 134 and 136 Wri- i icon Pen de ; 1: , !!.1 the piroulartty ' ii has arquired le bash ..k‘ j elitid, Chicatzo, f 114; Collins Bs,thdri,-, io ,. .ruk - d- ~Eir.i. flambe cowl:ibis fully 141 lindes or southwest e. rner of Second and Vine its., St. ; re"ilit'l4. ' l •' .: lt ' aP i ''''''r i a.!elc ,s lr l, "trnt`' .. d 'ltl' ‘., "l 7 / cuts ; and ,t on:lune , .1 itsea the rac% inont/oy and Louis, 310. [lll 4:.5t1i w.ea.rno.lyrOcr22 ; 1 the more'rldiosophieal truarterlv I , :eildesl with the I beet feu . . nr S: •.1 the the title 3.iilennh It Las greet power in the Uh , setoination of a love of pore li t-ra. ore: —Tt,ret•cre•:. lioitie en ...I„pwrican Literature, London, The vonuti••eb:..,utt.i CODA itutnof themselves a lit.r.i ry Uf In iscidkin. one reading such as e - wriot•he iiit2lll in the same cbinp'sr , in any other I.l.l l eation that late come under 4:Sur notice .—llu-ton Courier. • ..'ii:TDP I ..."...C- - .1._M30"1" : 7- 4 CD:IN... T,..p., , l' 3.0(37. '.-., , • . " I The Athlirl,hers have perfected a ' system of ma,ty, iliv lly which ilik can suuply the !SLAG;ZINE and WELE.LY iirinllitiy ti , lin, who prefer to ri ' t•ClV": their perlOii• I ,i. 41 dirti-tlc from tile enlicc of ptill:ication. The pi.-1n...e on Ilarpe.'s.3l,, , azthe is 24 ceutsrt rear 11161/ n.Sta4 :be. pad Lt •I.lteub.erfleis po,f-office. 1 1 1 •. ea 4 11315 i. 1 .- iitinnT.lo.4 F ACSZTNE, one year : $4 03 An Ei - tra ..lioirytlfeirly.r tire ir 4 GAZI:Cr. , 0r Wersiw will I.i Oupplied gratis for ,:very .Club of - Firs fico- , , scetive4 et,t-.: no 'each, - in one ronttlaticc ;or Six . C... pie: :.,r , 0•01 41 Beck notrq,et F. cant , ,' sappiie4 al tiny time- A cerapetr Oct. now corn irisinc 'fhirty-three Vol. Illin iii, 17 ne:it cloth I.i tiding, Will be sent by expres 4 , f ... oschtifil expense of purclia.4er. fur s=.s per ye: nine, Cs ' ilale ;Foluin'ei, by mail,ylost-p.iid.. $3 - 00., Cloth eases. felt - binding. CS cents{ I.ly- mail, postpaid. ' • ' tj 1 - I.:\II,PER ts,..nnoTnErts., , ''ir. r enklisi Sprire. New Torii. COUDERSPORT PRICE CURRENT. Re porttd every 'Tuesday by ' cr=c Dealek , ih Grocer:es !old Pro \ Ccuderrt)Oti. Apples, ( 11 . !• . e: 1 p er 1 , , , usl:el . • Beaus, Beeswax . , per b., Deer, Berries, dried per y ryt rt, Suet:wheat, 1,1- 1 , 11,..ite1, Buckwheat, F o ur, . Butter, per it), Clfeese, " , Cloverseed, Corn, per bitsliC.l, • Cnrn meal, ;Kir c„ L, 1 ., Rims, per dna In' Flour, e xt in 1 , 'per itarrel, .• Fiver* .t., Trims, per lb, fly, per tun, }lout}, per ibl leml, Maple' Saqttr, I tuts, per basil Onions, -, , rock, per bbl. u, .L 4 _ lb., . !. in whole t'otatoe•, per Peachy, Alriv ' Poultry, per. Rye, perllttElt Snit, per bitl4 " sack; =I 1 rib., el, rer lb. l toper lb., [ Timothy See 'Train, per h: IWheat, per 'White Fish, !fILL ❑stet, er huff CHOLERA DROPS, ROT AFlare, Cheer. , inntum t Cr:ll and the best , amt. etrectual remedy' for Diarrhoea, Morbt,, Dysenlery. Choh.ra 1 1 . 1 n ”' . :t 7 ,1 1 0 , 7;n f l!CL,r4. ( Tifaiini in the Correll, SAI UTIFER Extetnal Remedy of the Age: cure for Neurufign.. Quinsy. Croup. Sere Rheumatism, Sprains, SwellitlirS, Pleur -1 the Pack, Spina/ Irritation: Cramps, mbness . of the be.best external npplication for Dyptberis The Grea A trertnin It_ Throat, iety, Crick it Sprt.ms, Nu .Torch, and t 11. FOP. SALE £.17 nes, Coudersport, and by Durtis dr isses, Penna. • Ceti?...!‘ly Chas. S. - J Potter, 1.71,. bury, Bro. & - Co., re Maanfdeturers and Importers of . ird *& Ortt4r - gvrtirit, Sail EOM fold,. Solid and Nickel .VER-WARE, English, and Swiss Watches, :I.secl by Ourselves ; ••cription of Fancy Goods and long. e.petially adapted and design• ERN WESTER:7 TRADE ea for Sort Circulars ,nd full descriptive Price. Lists gent, free rated everywhere. Addresk ' iisbury l Bro. A:: Co. , , 51 DURBA N CE STREET, t i li Octll2-3 PubcrUANCE, R.I. , TAK YOUR . CHOICE I ur.will m enil by express or otherwise as ordered, securely packed,u $55 Saulyc MACHINE, either Whee ler 414.. 'Wilson, or Grover .5.7. Baker, to aoy person ser.d. lug OS, NEFIRE TEE FIT OF JA'crAaT Ncy.rAlle names Or SIXTEEN NEW STESCIIIIIERS to the Agan a Is iew York Observer, , hEley (s.ss for Dna Year in tolv.inee. after January "1,4, 1867, we shall require • ow subscribers (SGS). sent army as premiums nearly 00 SEE - 12.31 ci.x. ci chine., anti they give tin's-ores] sotisfletion subse ribers may be from oue, or from earl- .' a PIIOTOGRArtaIC. 1 i --1 I r: E. L.% 11. T. ANTEIONY & CO-, s Nan i ufactrirers of Photographic Natmials, • : t. 1 iciottista,„ A i liD PETIIL, 501 33.i.o.sclivriy,, ISTew . 1 - 0 14 - Int add it io n to our main business of PHOTO- Glt.: lIIIIC SI ATF.RIALS we are Eleadquarters.fer the felloxiiimg, viz. i • ' STF_REOSCOPES & STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS Of A.Enerician and .Foreign' Cities and Landscppe Greeps - , l ,puttnary, etc. ', :-.. -. , . __ 'STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, 1 Ftom!ndgatives madedn Ole various campaigns And forming IL mplete Pbotogfraphic history of the great contest: :I TEREGSCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, - AdaT,tedl ir either the Ifieie Lantern or the Stere oscope, 1 nr Catalogue wi , ll. be gent to any addresi on receipt of Stamp, , : PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. , - W o roan facture more largely than any.ottrer house, it't 'AO I variesies frets 55 'eenCer to'f.96 each . Our ALittiltS have the reputntien of being superior in beauty abd durability to any others. Card, Photographs of Generals, States' -;' .• i glen, Act Ors, etc. etc. , Our C tali.gue embraeed o erFIV. 'l' tiousAND !altrereral stiNCets; - including retYrodUctions of We , ' . I most celebrlted Engravings,. paintings, Statues, etc. , I A Yetir made by , any one with 0.5—; Catalogues frrit o i receipt of; stamp., __, Stencil Tools. No experience aecevaarc. I !Plioto4e.pineen and others ordering goods C. 0. D., ' ~ ems, Cashiers, and Treasurers .of 3 BanEs ! Will please }remit2:3 per cent of tiro amount with' eigeniar. Sent free with samples. Ad i tlicir order. I- . , - i 1. '- ; - , merkan Stencil Tool Worke,•Bprioeeld, , IFir 'l' hi. 'ri tea at& qiia,lity of our goods eanno, fitt .o galls(' '.. Gino .j..ILLIUL 12.: I ' ! I • 1 1 • ‘tith_the re' 11arOn a ILICIITZEN • WC have! of these in The ne • iiioney, by . Sample taunts as fast as ypn obtain them, scab the eherit, draft, Or POW (Juice order. • plea stal Clrcutani . .ent free. 83.50 a year in adrane. ney Morse, Sr., ,Sc; Co. 37 Park now, New York. .NE IF PATENT Terms A.MP CHLILVE ! AT t STEBBLV'S'I' 'T BREAK-CALL AI D EXANLVE. Tvaa 5 C 2,001 The Preei l IndorFe th, dress the ,rmont. BOSTON Cl.OlH!tiG UOVSE I -•!,: •-•• s•• . ;N.!' • . rrlrin sprit infnrittst )eeithems.of . COwie:sport and :he publi c in general, that' be bus opened a I READY mAD I E CLOTHING STOEE I3rLOCK 17 rm. " 13 15 17 " 19 " 21 23 One door li.levr t I I i'N' . DEESO.4I I ,j• DOOLITT,LE S ' 1 I 11ARD WARE STORE, Wboretcsllb. merit, and laf!.- CI bTIII lEEE Our rt Lootto)6 , . $ t o 1 5) 50 0 2 kal 2 50 10 )2 02 1 75 50 4 00 3,5 i S 51) 9.00 (Y) 1; 25 2 LO Z: 00 14 (1!) o'l 3_o, DO _L"-{Y) - '25 S u 10 0,1 . '25 15 1S 40 25 • '1 LO 15' 00 2S 00 15 25 10 25 50 , Ac'on2l. l 'ell.../,'ictoriiil Ifirot9l.2l of the Tinics,;" - 1 1 i hp Best, CL(lpr.,:i, at'] .if. r ct Shereizfla .Familg 1 P4ri -, cr Zn.:1140 ILl:ro,c." . i - . it.:113.[ 1 1 1E: t'Z'S XV E Fail E. IC . Sp:end/di 1 111-s f r. - li — srr n _A_ 'X' .72. to ! ' 1...'r1.04a1 A - otiv , Lc of the Preas. "Tlle hest F j aritily raper published in the United Stat , k"—lservlT,onden Advertiser. : 4 7 . 1 1 11" M (-T F:11 :STE Ir =FA 4 ER ' , IOW . ' ellll7/1 r:r --cernple: 6 In nil ;the deoar mien", of an A Invrican 'Family Piper —llarper' F IT4'9v)ias•earneAfor it.elf a rut In its 'Oily 'A 3Ot lINIL OF cniLizATIoN. , "—N.Y. Erealez Pil:t I I 1 , This pa eriftiraishes the best illtigratior,s. Out' tidal, hba eiatle kill enrich thent4eires out of liar - 7 e.l'n Wt e1:6y1,,,g after writers, nod pr!plerA. and pub 1141er- are trtiri d to dart "-New york Evanzeli-t. " A neee..eity it ..trery - konsehedtt."—Boi.ton Tran etript. I I '''lt. is at nee Inadirer political had historical mi. nalist of th , rritka "‘-r i'llil:idelpliFi Pre , ,' "The bee { of il j els alss in Americat -Bo..ston Tr:lrene' .. 1 117.t.1E3 CilL.2..M2' 10 100 IVJ x47's u 0 15 2') 4 50 5 :10 00 000 2 00 2 01 4 S rfi N 00 The Puttli.l) ei - z have perfe icd be which they can euppl2; the MAC A t prompt;s• io il. 05e who prefer to in. I. directly from the Witco of 1' ;nretersarid dthere - dekiroiieofOf halFupplieil with n Show Big on ai • he po.lage 0 11 IJARPEEe3 AVIt year,which moat be paid at the sull . _ • Terms : Itinrania Witriir,'one year, I Am Extrp, Copy of either the NVEt will be supf.li , d grail% for erety, iCTUBBR.; fit 00 each, in one 11 Copice fot,t2O 00 13-tot Nionhers can bit anpnlied, t any time.. l The Atiftnl Volntne.iofl2(Atcptel'ti atityt,in neat cloth binding, will be sent by ext*ress,free of lixpenAe for t; each. A comphite S-t, coniprlsing Nine 1701- umes, Beni receipt of ca•tli at t ratO or ,15 '25 per i• t-olume, freight at expem , o of pur seer. Volume ready Jaquary let. 1067 _ • • HARPER B .OTriET.S "ranklln Square, New York. .agar Makers! • I Now is the time to get one of Cook's Cele - - bratect Evaporator's for Ming Maple Sur r. /laving,•nsed one the past season I Know there to be tht hest PAN for making Maple Sugar or Sy - rup. For further particulars or Circular ndiltess the undersigned who is agent for Potter l w ountv. ; JOHN LINDSEY. % Gri., % Ulysses. Potter County, Pa. • I WELLSVILLE, ALLEGA_NY CO., N.l • onnd At All times, A Complete Arsort .l ,tylee 2 .1 HATS, CAPS, IX°°Q S ACC, 1 U. K. ©PP M1C70 . 1!1"... rtVteTti of mailing 7.1 N -p and WEERLY Ceire their period ibliention. Post un Clubs will FKLT lo 2D cents ti scribers post cl °Me e • FLT Or MACAVNE 'dub 01 Frss Srn iraittsnee ; or SIX rgr 3lrs. r C. DIKE is Agent for Shaw CI 'arkts Sewing •Idaehines, - Thi ‘ Is the 136 ST Chetip'Sewing . Nlachine ever: oeert!d for sale;nna the only one in 'market fur less than $4O iwhiell can be sold, bought, or used cc th safety, as n '. , 0 others are fully licensed : ThrOe varieties, with r without Tab Inquire attke3outtNALf , Bitee An asst;rtlitent of newly imp:o - ml nude' feed, Ilaeldnes justfee . tived, Coll and examihe. *, t. • Don't be foolisla."—You! can make_ Six . Poliars from Filty Cents. Call and examine an. invention 'urgently needed by everybody. a Or . ' Sample Sent freeThr rt*l for . sUeenis, that reta& eastiy 1,,r $6, by R. L. Wolcott, -170, Chad ^m•••_';Taro. New tork. • THE NA§'IN & FIANLIN CABINET ORGANS. Forty different styles. alpted to tiered and secular music, fur t:4l .t.1,;(0 ea& . FLFTY oxe. o , dd or Siirer or. other tire'.) remlains:twarded theta. 'Liu-trued 1.3.‘ta104,.es fri.e. -Add r 11-951 ' lAN, or MASON A; If A MI.I N , ieu York. ERICORS OF 11111111. GeraPrnan who suffered for lieurs from 'Nervous I)ehility, Premature Decay, and; all the effects of youtlafal Indiscretion, will,Nfor the sate of suffering hntnanity, asnd , tree to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he Wll. our,d.Sufferers. Wishing to Profit by the advertiser's exprtilenee, can do by addressing _.1011.N. 13. ogyEs, 1,(41:1 Chamb ers St., New Vo,rk.—tly.iya STIRANGC,•IBILTIP Every -- young lAdy and gentleman in the United ataie4 can hear something ranch to their advantaee by return mail (free of charge,) by add.essiug the findersivied. Those who have fears of leimmhum tinged! will oblige by not notteing this card., All otbers.will please address their obedieht THOS. F. CHAPMAN, j " Broadway, New I or l lc.--113jyse. Lyon's Periodical DrOp ! The Great Female Remedy o ilrreg• tilai ides. These drops aren , scientifically rom. pounded fiuid'preparation, and bCtter than an:,• . Piiis, I'oV:de - I'd or Nostratus. . liquid, their 'rict:On Ia direct and r.ositive, rendering them n relitthic,-speedy and certain specific for the cure of all ob-triactions and eq)pres.-io!:s or nat uro. Their popularity is liniicated by the fact that over 100,000 bottles are itantially Fold apd consumed by the ladies of the United Slates, every one of atom Fpeitk in the strongest terms of praise of their great merit.. They are iapidly tithing tie place o every other Female Remedy, and are con sidered by all who how Dili:Tilt of them, as the surest safest, and most inf.dlible preparation in the World . ft/CA(O ic . ark of all Female COMO:if its, the rihnoval of all (AA-tractions of nat nre,und the promotion of health regularity and strength. Explicit itirectious stating when they may be used,and explaining when and why Our shouhtnot. nor could not he used without pro ; dujing effects Contrary to nature': chossa laws, will. ba, fonnd carefully folded around e,cit bottln, with written signattire ofJOilN L. LYON, without which n,, , e are genuine. _ _ -Preptred b "Dr, eda --cuts nn top of the knife—ems ererythbit !Alba:Miff any length you wish. and, you cannot make ragged work of it even vritb a dull kbife, Prpte. !.. 1 32; Sample. ,f Macbinea ran be sc , ett ht al-op nr Inidempoi Manufactured and - fur rale by - I N. N. GUN/SELL. ecoa.hort.rn ;Oct.^ 1.5c.5. • - - TrST receired—rnikna, Walizrg, Scbottish Maretles Soms. , .I.ltv•ttA, April 'A, '65. -1) C. &)d. M. LA RlZArtat. DILtWING TITST received by I). C. k if- M. Larrabee ' et thei poFt ()nice. a fine lot of PaAM, Timely] and None , ' cb,romatic board,-Tifteme paper, Paiute.,tirawleg for Rata cheap. • COUDERSPORT AND SHIPPEN STAGE ROUTE= • • r.ssits. GLASSMIRE & WHITE'S. dent, line of :Ra g es will leave Ccurlersport. Until ffirtber notice, at S o'clock in the mornin g; arriving ful Bhtp pen about 4 o'clock in. the Afternoon; and Will leave Sttippen on the-arrival of the mornin g train ; at 10:20 1 arriving in Coudersport about 5 o'clock, P. Travelers are re fe red to the Tirne.Table of the adelphia & .Erie Railroad o chich will he found eldest , tised in this papi r, for ftirther partlenlars ihotit the adVanta g es of this route. New York passen g etswitl SAVE 30 MILES TRAVEL AND 5 HOURS TIME by taking thinmite in prefere n ce in that of the Pie Railway. NO CHANGE tk.F. OARS BETWEEII SIIIPPFN AND NEW TORR.. Eine, new, Cora; fo l lti.b`e Neurone and rand ,: i team are kept on the St a ge Heintei Packa g es and .egpress tutetnees attended id with re. • D. F. GLASSMIRE, WHITE, Prove COndersport, Pa., Oct. 9,1555. PACIFIC HOTEL, 170,1172, 171 & 17;3 GREEWICII , (ONR. SQUAttE WEST OF EittOADWAY.) Beareen Couraatultand Dey Streetz,New York J 3 PATT.EN. Jr.i Proprietor. fIIFTE .Paciac Hotel is well end ' 4 idetj 1. mown to toe traveling public. Tit cation is especially suitable to merchants and bitsiness men.; it is in close proximitylto the business part of the City—is on the high: way of Southern and Western travel—aidl adjacent to all the principal Ttailroad and'; Steamboat depots. The Pacific has liberal AccomMOilittinti Tor ever 300 guests : it is well furnished, and pos. tesses even- modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of' its inmates: The rooms are spacious and well ventilated; provided with gas and water ;, the attendance is prompt and respectful; andplie, table is generously Provided 'with i delle , icy of the season. i The subscriber,who, for the pastfeW has been the lessee, is now sole proprietor, and intendA to identify himself thorou g hif with the interests, of his bone. With Inti 3 Ol experience as a• hotel-keeper, rhe trusts, bj moderate charges and a lib4ral pii l .l4 l id mainta;n the favdrable rcontat,itin of the PA: I cific Hotel. 1 ' JOHN PITTENI, JR: 1794. ±1.794, INsuiii&cE F ComITIANN: NORTH AMERICA;' PHILADZLPHIA , Olbst In -:Janos Company in Aaeriing Cash Capital and Surplus, oli . Jl e 1,750.000.00,0. SEVENTY-OE Years Successful Businkii4 Experieuce, s;ith a reptitation, for iiitegilty tsnd honorable dealing unscirpqssed by nity `similar institution. I LOSSES PAW since crrganliatihni Site I 500;000.0'), : icitti3ut . the deduction a a anti !or a dtkr's delay- t I I LIBERAL RATES for all, the lifer classed ! cif prnparty. Insuraiice of Dwellings: -ii id i Contents, i't, z specialty __.- 1 BRICK or'STONJ EDwellings . ihsorett {la= iilretaalig, if deAredl 6 terms of the greatest reconomy and safely to the insured; 1 It is Wisdom and cononiy to insure ih the 1 best Companies, and there is none biller that the old Insura ee Co. of ITOrtlll Amerlca • \ Apply to 3 . W.'s , N . c A,,ent for T Z \S F 0 ,tBr.A.TED ottlo PoNolte ilofso aid IT= By fititVtv ifr one-half , to paper it blirrel or slim abo'e dlson! . 02 entirely pr preventive ant. Price 25 Cents per Fever, Papas for rar4 . -'l l EY • \ Si A.. .irCY&T.2I; T3lloz, inEnV . _ rh - oirsAtt DECO Mrlllo`7 N 3. 116 Fr St, Ealtimore i NA,/ ro 7 Sa!e kr Prngg ats and Store.l.-.:Livis' ill.rottgbe tat the United Sta s. • ' Sold by P, A. s EBP,INS Sc Contiefik p,37l,;Pa. • j I= ALARNEY • otter cotiety MM= M=M 1 t-lia pioren by so, . vxMcle':Pt iQ lemur' tirevann stlat ram twenty. Fwe and malt the' , er grrit - ant, fattenitii. it gives Olen* [petite, 'norm( r; hide. isr4 :s theta Hated"