--~--- - - The Suprene Court and the President. Johnson, in his reply to the address, oil the Philadelphia Conveniion, described Congre s s as "a body hanging upon the verge of the Government."—words unmis-1 tikably insuring to the American people whom Colgsess represents. If tbe.Senat vrs and Representatives of New , York, Pennsylvania, New England, the Middle I States and 'the West, constitute a body hanging on the -verge of the Government,l the President who is but one man, roust: .hang *side of it. Thislinsult to the people has Leen Ire-I N neutlyl repeated by Mr. Johnson, and isl •caused by the, assertion of their right to deterMitie the reconstruction 'of the Unionl by legisatiou,' in opposition to M. John-1 eon's claim to: settle ail questions by Exec utive action Morally, thiS is a question as to who•trnly represents the people, the; Senators and Representatives of 27 States' or the one, Man who has become President' by an aceident. Congress, unqirestionably, far mor&thor-1 oughly embodies the nation's prit cipleF,l and is in fad more intimate relationslwithl the people, from the fact that it represents all the slut+ of opinion iu every district of every loyal State, The business , a the President isl to execute the laws; mid not to : make them. In this matter of recoil struction, he is, not only morally, but le bound to carry out the decislidns of Congres't. I In the Oct , quoted case.of Luthur agt. - Borden (7 , Tow., U. S. Rep. p. 1), which -arose Out of the "Dorr war" inkithederlsl and, it was lheld by the Court (page 42) that, under the fouttli section of the Con stitution, 'the United States should guar tee' to every State a republicant form 'Of :government, 6.;c:, "it rests with Con yri i s ) s to decide what government is the. esta one in the State. For as the United States guarantee to each State a republl - 'of 'government, 'Cronfiress must necessarily decide what government is CE tablished ,beforo it can determine whether it is tepablican or not. And . when the Senators and Representatives are admitted into the eartricils of the 'Union, the author ity of they Government, under which they are' appointed, as well as the republican -charneter, - is recognized by the proper con stitutional authoritu, and its decision is Litylinst on ever/ °M t+ cicpurintent•oftlre Giberninent, and could not be questioned in judicial tribunal." This decision embodies the long egtab lished popular and judicial opittion'of the jurisdiction of Congress, and it suggests that Mr.l4olins ; cet, who talks so much about the Constitution, would do well to read ANOTIF,R. VECISION.---The linitedStates Treastirer'has ( decided that the only pro tection to,the owner against the payment of tibend lor 7-30 note that may have been stolen, is sy entering a caveat at the office of thiiSetretary of the Treasury. Cou pons are aS negotiable at 'all time's as a bank note, and will be pail in tho hands of a third pm ty and holm tide holders, even in the cas'o where it is known they have been stolen. btrontrer comment on the character of the lato . — Copperlohnson Convention is needed, than the fact that the tame of the savitir - of his cbuntry, the mourneit Abra harn.Lincoln,..vas not once mentioned— not even a formal tribute to his Ineniory— not the slightest recognition of Lig sel:- ides; Can ,the dontenmers of LineOhl be the friends Of time. people? ,Some yeArs agp,'Mr. Horace Gr6l4, iu senteue?. of I;entatious contempt, icitarac teal!, .t.l Mr. Henry J. Raymond litae vidain." The deSignatioui stuck, not becmiso Mr. Gre l eley applied it, not be .eaus.je it Ni•as spiteful„ but simply be;2auseit was true., In the., use Mr. Rayrnotnl is making of the post' f Chairman of the 'Na tional Republican' Committee, he ;demon strates that a lapse: of yenrs jo bas wrought iao change in ilrs cOm Position. The Philadelphia' Convention has pro- Ilueed one legitimate result—it has in erelsed the ,marhet value of Confederat bonds in T,onden. The money 'barons of Europe cOmpretend. what, the President's Policy really means. Egstore the rebels to 'power in the government, and why hhould not their bonds ap;preci:6. ? The only sure thing is to pass the Congressional Amendment. That makeS - Tilin4 of the 'rebel debts. / The Ur soldiers of Michigati-made -irand deinonstratihn at Detroitl on laNt Thursday evenrng. They think "it will be time enough to proclaim peace, when a Union soldier can visit the gravies of his comrades, and the 9,lds of his; victories, wearing the Union blue, and calirying the old flag, secure from public violence and private assassination, and without, a pad lock onhis lipc, -or a cover over his loyal heart," • it has been an open questiO whether Mr. Johnson or Mr. Seward, if qther, was to reapskilid advantages from tlo betrayal of the illep r ublican party. On lone point that qu'estiou is closed. Mr. JOhnSon has made himself so thoroughly odious that he ,-stands no i chance of ate-election; Has Mr. -Seward egged him on in order 'that he Tight destroy him The canvass iu Indiana is progressing with great spirit on both sides. On the Republican side the *energy is unprece dented. The President's Poli4' has 'only served to stimulate to fresh exertions; and ua doubt is eigertained .of .a ptopitioti result., Dr.xlvixG DELICATELY.—The chair van ofa late cr.onty meeting of "My Pol ice men in Franklin, Venango ,county, allirdei to the we( of the rebellion ari a '.561?1:1 of UITI;35:110.118t!.." THE ! JOURNAL. Couderspdrt. Pate Tue.day, Sept. 11,18,66. M. W. McALAIL.ti:EY, EDI TOrt. FOR GOVERNOR: GEN'L J. WI GEARY, Of Cumberlan ' d county FOR CONG I RESS, STEPHEN F. WIIiSON, of Tian, 'FOR ASS4MBLY, JOHN S. MANN, of Totter. W. T. Et7.IIPERErX, of 'nog& FOR PROTRCINOTAItY, HENRY J. oLMSI'EP, of Cuudcrlpqrt k - Oft TRE.AiS I t:RER, JISON W. STEVFIN.. 4 , of Harrison DIV REGISTER. f; RECORDER, D.LN" PaKER, df Couderiptqt FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGES, WOOLSEY - HU RTI S, of .121vsses JOHN P. T.:N.(1(3.41LT, of; Etilaha , FOU. COSIMISIONEIi, ' I SAIIVEL .310NR?E, of I;,ingbam. FOR. A1..i1T0119, LY:IIA.N; of Osc.hyo, 3 vettr., S. H. .31.1ItTLN, (i;f 07.A.ECONLIT.P.ISCTION ‘T C 501.1,1-1), By the Senais'and House of to re sentat:ves of tilt; United States 'of Ante.ie.t, in Con gress as twu.tbtrda bf uuth Fluus , tt eot.curlbg,, That the following ari tele la, prulateed tis the Legista tares of Cr e sever.ll Ska no tto an 11111e:1dt:1,1a to the Constitu,tion of the ,LialtollStatS. , , whoa rat i tie-I by th r.-e-fout ti,: of I.l..i.ls“itt i.vginht6irt 9, ahalrhe t alit ai a part of the Centa.ittithei, [lamely . 1, :Nal pet su:.s built or Stattfral in ibe United Slat' s :, sithieet tit the jurisdic tion thereof, are eit:zebs o the Unitea State. , and of / the State wherein t,tey reot,-. ?.o State s tna,te or-cu force any la abridze the pt:elle4eS or ittinttusiti•td of the Orizotis .of the roiled Statt,i. Not At:Hl:my State tlei.rivt::tny,pes son of life, liberty. orl-roperty without tine prueens of law, nor clt.i.y . to any potcoli wititiu ja,t.sdietant thutqual pyolee. Coa of the laws. 1 St:egoist-1; hoptosenlarTes ,hail bu apportioned amonr the several Stales ittecordli g to tlpAr.rentip,zl - it urnl,e..e, euailting,' thollehole nanther of persOit.t : in each Sate, except Intimits not taxed ; but l t ylient 1.! ,, T thu rizi.t ti: Vote at : ity eleetiott I'm' elc l etOrs Of t: Presidenm P Pre-1 eta, Cror for ei Vice nitell 'itates l i p,;,.. l ,,,, ee c a ti ee , in CottgC •d, executive nit j dieial 'ellicerg; or tic ineninere Of tile legislature the cuffs dente; tu any of MU lii.ttj inhabit hits Or. such .:I: tcs. b r it.g to..'elity-utte yearti i f nge, and eitize.ts of t h e 'Cultell States, or in toy way oltrideted, exCe it for participation in rebeilion I it other crime, the'lit As of represent:them 'therein dlid.:l be reduced in the p oper lien wh i ch .the Itikil , er Uf ;r.elt to ale citizen. shall: bear to the w bolo it umbitef male eiti o ttens Le ettty ,r one Nears of a:de in that b WO, 4 ' 5Et...'11‘ , .% O. 'Nu perlon . !Lill be it Senator qr „op t .e 7 sentaiive in Gon,'reEs, e t eteir of Vies:dem an Vice- Pre-ltiont ur hold ai'y en et. e'v:l or multi:it:: nutter the GilittolS,tatqs, or. nii, er any State, who, ;acing previete,:y taketi an oath ;e3 oh - lumber of Gong ess,or SS an olti,er of the Uni..1,.. Stated, Or as a ructi bar of any State Legislitture, ur is on I:l:et:tit u or j idicial' 1 et:fitter of :my 6 3tilis to 511 . 1 , tort 14. e .121,,Itittl: lto of rho •Ullited antes, shall bare cog:L . :ea in ;Morrie,: ion oil [ rebellion against ties saint , or given aid or eon' fort to rite 011:tits thereof; but ongress inav, by a' ute of two-thirds of 011 Oh House remove such disabili y. ',Sm.:melt:4, The.validirt of the public; deb of the. 'United States autherizt , d by law, inelutling, d Its in-' rutted fuethe payirteet e pensions and bout ies fur ,erv:ee in t.ll4mte et-ing ill, urreetion or rebellim . shall ' net be questioned, butt it ether the Unitetl'Stt .es. nur tiny State shall 3 , 5111110 OS pie ally debt tx tiLl igation ine erred in 'oil yr iut,,,,,ti. or rebellion ago Its? the United States, ur au; chi In fur the loss ur . ein noir,- Oen of any Altiv+, but all tech dubts, obligithu id, and maims isha 1 he I?Cildtits,;. 1 nod vuld..ll 'The fq7lowing written on a , iziun. Republican, by the post-Master, W pre sume, of Couderspc, t; Pa, and rata led to us: D., S. Dunha n, you he d—a, go to h-11 ur New OrIMIIS% We don' want your d—d copFer6•ad stuff in this place.' Now Mr. Pos.ina:ter, we.respectil l lly de cline doing eit.ler for the present.i The tifA place you siwal - of is already full 'of just such IcllOws as yuu arc and we dont train iu yoUr crowd. 12r.2 I.A few veek . go the above npp4r ed in the blibit R I 41ili•ciiit. published ,y a lick-spittle of AndyJohnsOn, one Dunh: rn by nanie, but p:ittri lii Chraractcr, and r e , , believing the I lie - as apparent, did not deem it necessary s Contradiet?it. 1i0w,., ever, a day or two s lice, when the; post master was reino‘ .- e , he assertion' that such words had been w ,itten on one of- those papers was given 4ineng the reasons for his 'removal. Everaersci in Potter coun ty, who has any kniledge of , the-charaker of Mr. Larrabec, 11l ' belive usl when W a i pronounce the stdr , a tie, the man who Orig,inated it a' liar, id the pers(in who 'cir- i eulates it the pedli r L f hies. .Ir. L. i n ; openly E . lid manfur l i opposed the l i policy of . the President, trozz 1 ii•incii,le.; -not because he npected to; gain i,y it.. 1 He believes , 1 . li . . .., :, with a great majorigy of the ..il ortn, that the President has net .° i db l proved to be a grosS 1 demagogue and ret dgado Intt is daily con firming - the i impres i lni that he is :a ridicu lous represent i ative !oil (ho mOdern; political Don Quixo4e. , ;it; was sCi.flo,'or of the war to crush! trait, MO does not believe that traitors 'or tra to , symp f itthizers should ! govern the country. Il;is yolunger brother,: ssho has had!cliarw l e of the office, was dis -9 abled -in the i war the crushing out of I just sucliqraltorS at ': how seek to gain con trol of the igoNei-h neat, and - while lie was in the field battlin6'u defene of these men who control the griernment l patronage in 1 this section, they iv re chuckling over rebel successes and mourning at Varian victories.' Men; wile are now band am glove with his "aceideney,"! then Zvi Iked ur limit down our streets defedding the rebel tit_empt to divide the linioii, l' WhOlcoes•not reMember the 1 I first lime the news font° of the taking of Richmond ? I r it ti' rts prerinture ' but the . 1 people belieod it, and lightld boufires,rang . ' I I the bells and fired anvils on tie square. Did a single oneof the oppethe id crew contri bute towards defrayi ig thee - Penses ? Were bey part of tl.ae c eeriDg .xli*cl I No! They sought the dark comers and looked upon the happy throng as sheep thieves do upon the shepherds who have defeated them in their midnight raids That very evening Ire' beard one of them say that be "could se 9 Lnothing to rejoice over." And a wo man; who claimed to be 'Union, said that "every stroke of the bell went through her like a knife." Such is die party that now rules the government. i Such are the men I that say who Shall and who shall not have the patronage of government. It was a common remark during the war that a peiSon,could teff hy the complexion of the crowd on the streets in the evening, the character of t be.war,news. If our ariny was successful; copperheads sought their holes; if it was defeated, they were all out, and would tell you the news with the sm*Fis of g Lining jackals. They advised drafto men not to report. They opposed enlistments. We believe one of them went into the substitute business, but being a natural coWard, the friends of some of the men whom he sold hightened him out of it. This Was too bad, for it was lucrative business. "Buy a man.for $175, and sell him for €4400." But be .was excusable, he is weak-minded and was only patterning after his southern masters. Such men ac these are Ow the village moguls of the -Boothite President. Congressional Conference. The Conferees appointed by the Union Itepublicon conventions of C(Mtre, Clinton, Lycomin , z,.Potter and Tioga : counties, met in Williamsport on the 6th and nominated HON. STEPHEN' F. WILSON', of Tio,o Co. by acclamation. , Full particulars next week. ' Repr esensaftvf e Conference. The following name:.) zentleinen, Repre senintve conferees of the counties of Tioga and Potter, net on the Gth: Tibga,---Mai. M. A.N iehols, Gen.ll.C.Cox Potter-4.Larrabee, M.W.MeAlarney D. C. LAP.t.ADEE, was made, Chairman,. and M. A. Niehohi, Secretary. 03 motion;, l Dr. \V. T. iik.:MPIIREY, and Mr. Jons S. MANN . , of Potter, were nomi ated by acdamation, Adjourned. Mrs. J. W. ALIEN, Vi ill Tell a school' in the Coudersport Academy, on Wednes day, September 26th. Mrs. Allen Main-' tained an exce ont. reputation al'n teacher,: as.one of the teachers : In cur school last winter. . I --.1-...—...... t.-27*Qtaat I Will the delegation from Liberty town hip, McKean county, to the Copperhead Meeting to be holden in this' place, cheer fOr Jeff. Davis, as they did in 18611 If nOt, why not? ttzn E. C4rswell, of Canada Weiit, will deliver a Temperance Lecture in the Court Floase.on Mon lay evenin Sept. 17th. 0. W. Scofield has been re nominated for Lis third term in the 16th District. Thi,s is just as it should be. The South in its: palmy days, jalthough in a numerical ti4nority, maintained suprem acy in influence by returning itslalle met from session' session without regard for local wants or prejudices. JndgrA Scofield is decidedly one of the able - st rLpresenta tires in Congress, and the State does itself an honor . 4 the selection of such. ron 'ruE JOLT.NAL. FRIENDNCALARNEY : There is a man( ?) somewhere, i)erhaps living in Coudersport; that works hard for "Andy" Please in form the gentlemen through the columns of the Jouai:AL, :that ho has made a griev ous mistake; He has selected a man to fill my placf; , , i in the Bustoffice 'Department, much better than I am.. He has caused to be appointed Mr. Richard ,Sinith, who is 'Republican, Temperance and Christian. Now, as neither he, nor his mastery° ses ses these qualiOes, how can -Mr.. Smith support, them': I dcn't think Mr. Smith will violatti his donscience enough toy .cast a Copperhead I vote this if he doe, it Will lie for the sake of the office. This lithe country Postoffice is of the sth -(or .fiftieth) class. It has four changes a week; being supplied only by the Jersey Shore arid Coudersport mail, and I receive Giro ehormous sum of Six • • i . Dolla-rs a year for tending it. But I *as glad to d 4 it, Mid was qute proud of My offie, this eagleeyed Johri souian gets a part of my salary, or whether he envied me fer my popularity, is uncer tain. iFortunately for Mr. Smith there wa's no deserter in the neighborhood. If my decapitated brethern throughout country think best, and will fix on the time, we will meet at Ghnsmire's, then walk down to the White House and sere nadel our; executioner: I will bo 'pleased to hear frOm th, ,l 3m. H.L. Man, Ex-Postmaster of Swecfpn Valley P.O ' Grant land Farragut left' the President at Cleveland find went ahead by boat.) After that the Presidential show was like the plc 7 of Haiolet with hamlet omitted. The President is charged with needless ly delaying the - payment of bounties voted by Congress at tht last sessioli i under tho plea tbal sufficient moneys were nOt ap- 1 proptiated. The finding of the Atlant:c cable which failed last yeat; the successful splicing of it; and the perfectness with which it trans mits electric currents, are all noteworthy events. London, Angust.'3l.--,Advices received here of the action Of the Philadelphi.*Con vention have had the effect to slightly ad vance the Rebel bonds, Of course I, That's what the rebels were iu it for. it would be to them labor lost if it didn't revive the dead "eOnfed- reacy," :lathes M. Scowl, of lgei'v Jersey who prevented the election of a United States Senator from that State last winter andi declared in favor of Andrew Jolidson, has repented, and now goes fur the colptitu tional amendment, which A. J. opposes. Possibly Scovel, like others' has Darned that his Accidency sornetiities forgets to redeem his pledges. The President is great on promising, but small at per forming. • All along to Cleveland the President, Granted the people Farragnt. Buti there he gave thena farrago, till the General got very sick. We would like to publish sotnei of the President's speeches as a curiosity, stit du r stock of cap l's though pretty laiged would (rive out. We havn't got more than a peck. The Augusta ( Ga.) . Copstitatibnglist •, discourses most irreverently on f,W clap ' trap and deception of the Philadelphia Johnson Convention. It comparr l s the coalition: between rebels and norther t n sym pathizers for plunder to Artemus b'ard's account of why ,he loved Betsy. In its article it quotes Ward as applicablelto the case, thus—.- "Thar was"—says the great Art Ons in his account of that episode, hisvouing— "that. was aff,ctin ties that made me han ker arter Betsy. Her father's fortis jined our'n ; their cows add our'n squenched their thirst at the same spring, our old mares both had stars in' their tbrreds. The mea sles broke out in both families . at nearly the same period. Our parents (Betsey's and . mine) slept every. Sunday in tho same meeting house, and nabers used to 'observe 'haw thick the-Wards & Peasles air!'" VICTORY IN VERMONT! dread Bad Batter Aas•ge-spilt! Delaware Feels Better, too: Tuesday of last Week, the Greed Moun tain Boys elected a Governor; and the returns iudicate that 'Dillingham, radical, is elected by an increased •maJority of about 5,000 Th 6 Senate will be, unani : imously Repnblicab, and the House. near ly so. In Wilmiurrton acme da'y, Valen tine, Union, was elected Mayor, and the whole Union city ticket was elected by Ltrgely increased majority. 1 49110. t Did They llledVil One of the transparencies displayed in Broadway, during the Presidential recep tion had this motto: "'Show me the man who makes war OR 'the •Goverryncnt •and fires on its vessel, and .I will show ydu a traitor." If I were President of the United States I would have all such arrested, and when tried and convicted ; by the-eternal God, I would have them hung i'' I ANDRE W. JOHNSON:. March J. 861. . Was it right to thus mall the .days when lie was respected by •the loyal men of the land?': • _ _ Defeat 'of Heider Clymer. in Beiks; . The Berks and Schuylkill Jon-mat says: The defeat of Ileister Clymer at the late County' Convention is bad. lei. him in , many respects. Ancona for Congress; Er -Menu-out for Senate, and Hottensteiu for Assembly-411 of the Clymer faction, were defeated by the Getz faction. After the-election of Gen. John W. Geary, for Governor, the next effort of Mr. Clymer will undoubtedly be to -aet the Copperhead nOmination'for the Senate; for the honor that would accrue, 'even if there was no hope of au election. The majority of tho-candidates for the Legislature in Beats are, howevei., anti-Clymerites, - who cannot be expecteth to'press his claims with much force. Clymer is in a bad way altogether so far as his future prospects are concerned., , Change in the Kanner of Voting, At :the last session of the Legislaturaan act was passed changing the manner of votinin the seveial counties of this-Com ' monwerilth e . Hereafter the voting will - be done in the following manner: "One tick et shall embrace tke names of all judges of the courts voted for, and to be labeled - judiciary;' one ticket shall - embrace the names of all State officers voted for, and be labeled, 'State ;' one ticket shall embrace -the names of all county officels voted for, including office of Serrator, Members of Assembly, if voted - for-, and Members of Congress, if voted for,. and be labeled 'county;' one ticket shall embrace the names of all township' officers voted fOr, and be labelled 'township;' one ticket shall embrace the namea of all borough officers voted for, and be labeled 'borough;' and each class shall be deposited in separate ballot- boxes." 1 GEARY &. CONGRESS! I `f LOYAL MEN MUST RULE i ! GitAND Mass Meeting AT 'COUDERSPORT StPT. , ig. (TUESDAY, of. Court Week) ,Vr'Notice` the change iu the clay-froul Wednesday to Tueeday—Second d 4 of Cart Week.-Va uta:The following panted orators be present and address the people: HON. JOHN W. FOWNEY; Of P.niallvagia.t HON. J. II . . . Of Loilisiaa:i HON. GALUSHA 9. OROW . , 5 - Of ,Pennsylvania. JOHN Y. FOSTER, 1 1 Of New Jersey. HON. STEPHEN'; Fl. WILSON, iI !' Of Pennsylvania.. m—Theselgentletrieu have been a pp o i t y.- ed to attend this tneeOrig by the State Central Committee, and gill positively I pi esent,. rgr Judge Prrttnt was one of the mem ) 1 hers. of the -New Oilcans Conventidi), which !was mobbed by the Thugs, in Faccordance with the directions of "my pylicy.7 • ATO - HON. JCIIN W. FoiNEY, is one of 1 I "Andy's particular friends anti be very willing to picture the career of" tist." COll3O and bear him. i Dar. FOSTER. iS • ropreien las being. I one . Of die most eloquent ortjtors ullthe day A to - 31zssas. Grow and WILSON - . are of our own household" and the pe,:sple wil% • I accord to them a fitting recepti o n n. • . t• riss-Let the people turd oa t and Ihear the words of those whose l'o l vo. of : Right and hatred of wrong is not born of to-day but d4tes anterior to the existence Of. An drew Johnson's Bread and Butte ' party. 1 ' TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION IFIREWORKS, - 1 W 1 ILLN CLOSE TILE DEMOSTRATION' o f THE DAY. COME ONE! COME ALL! And ( 'bring your wives and children with you. It is determined that this- Shall be the grandest political dernonstration l ever minde in this o=l •Stmanya- th.:-I\ll% Vall. ndighatn, in a rivate corrvetsation with a Chiag(.? gen tlemen 'recently,' sumn4 'tr i r) the jpolitic2.l situation as follows' "The only question Tier is Whetter the whale shall swallow Jonah .or Jonah the whale—=that is, ‘rhether the gregd Demo cratic party shall swallow, the handful . of Johnson hien, or the Johnson til( - ,Lti shall sway low thelgreat,Dernocratic All of which, (says an exchange) must teniind the reader di IL& .Letnon's lines iu Fun ck-i . i I , Will the - Boa - . bolt' the blanket? `Will thelblankei choke the Boa? Tremendous thought ! t Prodigious Bbinkcili , • • ENO/nit/VS -Boa ! !!" I=EMS Does the Bread and Butter Brigade aeiv below/ to •the Democracy, or the Democrat-, cy beCoog to the Bread and Butter Brigadel? Occasionally Tells the Truth. Although we have Very little' confidence in the political rutteran4s of Heister CIY, suer,l he has sometime 4, unwit iugly per haps, stumbled upon the truth. In 1863, Clvmer seems to have 'understood Andrew Johnson pretty well, and earnestly oppcAed giving the . Governor of Tennessee the priv ilege of speaking at 'the . _ Capitol of Penn-1 sylvania on behalf of the loyal incti of the South. IClymer denounced JohnsOn 4 a usurper,( , charged, hiM with I"aptitrning every principle on which this Sol . ol2l7thili is founded; with having:bent the euppli ant .knee before the throne of power;''• and that. 'for pelf or sane - other consid eration," he had • yielded to the measures of the government. He further spoke of him "as a • mere hireling of Federal pat ronage and power." 1 COUDERSPORT ACADEMY, ..HOOL. designed principally fur the ti Instruction of Touchup., and those in tendins hi teach, will open in the Condeis.port Academy, on Wednesday, September 26, 1806. and continue nine weeks, Tinder the supervision of Mrs. J. W. ALLEN. Tuition as follows : Primary,!' ' 1 - $3 00 Intermediate, • 4 00 Common English, . : 5 00 Higher 6 00 Book•aeopiog, French or - Latin, (jeztrii) 50 Gouda - Tort. SOirt. 11' • SPECIAL NOTICES. Ayer's Pills. via yensick, feeble and complaining? A te you cut of order—y Our system derat.ged and tour feelings uncent tot-table f These eyoutotes are If te ,, 'the In ecuretirs of eethnie illness. Some fit of tdcki:ent is creeping upon you, and should be averted 1 1 timely u,ti of the right remedy. Tithe dyer's 'Pills,; and drive Out litc .littmors—purify the Hod, aril let' the Raid two‘ e on mmistructedly, in health stimulate the or,4tthe of the body it, t o pklify then stem fern the obs`ructioas ernte. A cold ettks somewhere in the 1.,6,.. 1 1 deranges the natu al i.h.iratiot Aof that t :krt. ; niXrelieyed,vrilj tenet upon at d the enr.eund ins organs, produciiig 'den° ral ag,inavatien. and dernnwenielat. ' Vt.ilu iu this t , k :l Ayer's Pills and see how directly they re-tere natural :team' of the resters, and with it the hue:is:it' fee of health. What i4 , •lltle and to npietre.:: t e r this irivial tti.d common e' mibt'd is al,o true in mt.eyi of the deep seated and dander one dbeat.e,i. Ti le purgative expels them. Caused by .innlar dons and deralozetriente, they me surely unit tnar,r of them rapidly, cured by the saint. Int No ls w) ,,i know the Virtue of tLese Pills will ;wick e t u , p . ,04 them when' en front the titeiorder a flier e to il such I.le3;:i.cl:o;;FouOtornach, py. , .tary.B ;, 0 ,4 Compiainlo, Peraneetee..: or :L. Liver; Constipation, lieart:burn, Dropsy, Warnidt uud WLeh token in lards doses. ' Tbes arc s agar coated. so th at ,•ertu lake them easily; and they ate C41..y pil:gatlVo nt. al:cimvut. dith,ovutt.3.l. Ayer's Ague Cure. ror the ,peeily and certain 'ure of Intermittent Fv , ..; A er, or th:ll., - and FCver, I.,:cinl!tent. Fever. ChM' . ~ F ever. Actne,Velod cot flea , lacho LleadaChe,a..d FeVe , e: juiced, tar the - .chola , ' of ini;t:fary deranz t .rn.,,t , the malat+t m;asynhtie count, ire. , atc•ly to 4-17,.. eeverect cti, , ee of Collts . mi , t Fevee,and it its thi., great alcal.- t n ,e over otter Ague Si ;:olcine:. , . that it eubJLee 11.,3 svttnuut in,fal'] to the rati..nt. It e_ia• ttiine uCquininehr onher deleterioue eubstance, ier doeb It.finotillee. em Cr any etfect suhat• ever. S.itakilitt Ott:Al:15 or the army and the viestt:;y it :,m1 yoti Az.nr he, toe, n•eert..one. Prer:o I b'. Drc..l. C. AYER S. Cu., Low/.11,1t a , and Buld by ail riruggiKus and dt.ders in Inetlic.t, everywhere. Alto Cuutenilort 0...) 000 A Year !with, I,sqtru. ono With —1 Stet.vil (-xpermice The I', C , ehicre.“l , : TlV:.nrvrs of 3 Banks hlor,t• the circular. , %1:11 f::itlpf ea. Ad dry:, Ll,e Ln !I T,ul Work, VA, ERRORS OF r1)1211.2. A who fort ears trout .I)e•oitit v, Prottuttw e iteil all the eilectiti of yoothfilt iudisc repo;-, h, the dlalu u 1 buti.irine: to all who iieed it, the reeh, direetiett,, fur malting the ti,uple retriedyl tohich Lo so:, cured. p t i t iiit the ativertibef. can Ctileiher, ti.z!„ New 1-,re( 'll"i' It EU E. . E. , ,ry yoz::..g iwly 3:1 , 1 4.. w.:.:illan in ti, C,ited 1,, c :II i;e......,,0u1t,t:A1h: touch x•. Voc , ir v....0.,;:i'...g3 . 1 oy fel l i t /I lII.Iii (frt . (' or chargeoimy o dd :e n ...L g . ~:,.,.; to der 1:,.1. Yoobu who La., le:hr. of '.e:1...:hu..1“ hou.e.l wil oloihto by 11,)t no:it:hi:4 , thia c:kr,l. Ail GILtrA NVI:11.11,%::0 wbire-,4 ;heir,. 01kiliebt ~.. r•al:1, m 'ris. F C11.V•11.1.N, L .. F.':',l P0.,,1w0n, .N , ew Yurl'..—ily:: S Lyon's Feri , 3ciit - 21 Drops ! 91 4 2:e . i.;1 . C.P.1. , r,..!.`MV11/5 - for Irri , g; . 'I hi-, art. cum ;,.,-;lrded Auld pt ,1•• or thr:r !4 e! 16.6ii;ve, alo. cc:IA:111 so! p:4ll:re. Li., bj Op. I:,et trot,' ar, a.muraly Wald aid eini. , ttivtl I.y the hyl'.vt . , 1.1 lh I_7lli.lett :rider.. t. every .t. uf . tpeai: trr.n.s of prat.: of tier Li.te., merit-. TM* 1,1 , 1•11 y t4;:'.11 - 4 ti•C 1.1,7!“ u other Fi•inale , and are'co, I al! who 0rtht111, , .." li a ttlreh:. • in the Neari.i a ,i for: lie rare of Cup. the ronuaralvt all „h;.ruetivue at na; re, alai the pronwtioe of regularity and strength. wiren th-y ntay be u.-cl,att.lexplai n \On n they Bhoni ! - I hot. :or could lint be ueud without ph.- eirectn contrary to nature'., cla:u.ea laws,, will be fooml c,r,fu!ly arunad each bottle r with writ tea al.:nature ufJOit.ls . L. LYON, asi t hunt. whiel: e are ;:caLlii.e. .I',ep.trul by Dr. .:1(711.'1 i . 2z - ; Chaim: Street. ten, Coan„ who' call la..coi,tadte.l eittirr pers,malT or ac mu!. (-ncicult/g starnp,)' cut/- certain.; ail private dlee:a,u :hid female wealtnetoles. by• e,verywhere. Price $1.50 pr But. C. G. tygp flea eral Set, for United St; ts and Canada.: TO 621313 UM P rim ES. The ads.,ertise7 burin , ' ;•t , •n r t I- • I l•••• : health f• a fete week; IT a very riiiiii. C. r ,n,ly, after hicin; suffered Ctfrseverulye•ir- an li-iisevei'e luraraffection,' and that t.i• ea.' disease, •:••asuunuioa—is anxious to. make liadwit to hii fell,w-suff,..rers the meubs i..t 4 cure. • 1 • . Fo all ••,•illin ilesdre it, lie will seirt a copy of the trt-c-: scrintiou Lsed Circa ••i' charge), Witll ter direetii.iiie.. for prill34hii: iiiid tisiliq tia swine, !which they lin fi11.2 :l Z.. 3 ;:12 l - CURE fa. •CnnsuinpillM. ASILIn . P.r.rtlet . ,itii, 0,11Z1, , , ~ ., , ,d ri.; :ld a:i Th,,mt atii i lLuo..; A ir,•,,,,,1.. The : o:dy object of the ailvertiSer i.i setulqiir die Priiszripiiuit is to briirtii. the afflicted, and spr,ildinfornualtia which h ri;ii.ecive.iitiHtie iii, valaiiiiie. r ,!1,1 hei 1,11)•'r. every `LlaVrCr will t•!y his reined., as it Will Coat tilt 111 I:vtliing . and may . I.iroTts a iiiTTS for 611 entirtly new lan cles,. just.-aur. ddrret O. T. GA ItEiV , City BuildiEg.n:ch3e.or7,ll.xu , 26 186.3. ' BOUT g Hsf COLLECTED IWILL atten tone Collection of Bounty, under the late act of Congree equalizing Bounties, for ail who may ap 7y to tee personally or by mail. AddreNF, JOHN C. JOHNSON: Att'y at Saul EmpOritan, ra. anznat 6. 1906.-4'm • ' • Nillitinistrator's - Notice. 1 NITTIEftEAS Letters of A dtnintetration en tiro ll' Eetate of "JOSEPH .1. DINGEE ; 'ate of hea t ' 111,2: township, dee - eased, hnve been granted to the widersittned, iilh persons indebted , to said estate - s - rs requested to make immediate ' syndic, and iticrit having just elaiiils nktaint the gismo ohould• rirseat them, duly nuttieuticated,for eettldnoiit, to Ji-li 24,1E0E. CLIAWLESDINGEE, Adie: