The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 14, 1866, Image 3
II II To POTTER , COUNTY JOURNAL Coudersport, Tuesday Evening, MR:I4, 1865 Local aiad. Gene :I [ of- Messrs. Larrabee Pieite tiVistd si b ea r in Summit township, last night. '; .0" The Silver Skirt adveitiskl in Atiother colunin is tlie "present rage, tgr Ddoss Geoung Lae opened a newißlack snail Shop at Brooldand. Gise him a 'MIL has yielded a full average crop: r The counties of Cameron, 11 1 1Ctlan add Warren hake instructed for Hon. Glenn' WI Scofield' for Congress. 1 Tbere will be . preaching in the ITresty tertan Cliureb, next Sabbath morning r,lt. 1034 o'clock by ReVt Blr.Anderson,- Germantown.. .1 ReV.lMr. Ripley delivered a vei.y inter; esun c ,c , lecture on the subject of Ternperunce in the 11.E.Church,on tfiday evening of last week: Don't forget' the speech by •Hon.Oslusha A. Griar, on Thurday afternoon—Convention day. He was at , one time Speaker of-the Naz. tional House, of Representatives. Is lan able man with an intimate knowledge of thelpersons aid questions now agitating the publicimincL VirDo not fail -to read the article Xakinv Treason Odious." It is froth one a the incia Conservative papers on reconstruction4•in the cOuntry. 'President Johnson's course will se- care just the opposite of what he desires. vrlVe notice that several young gefitlernen in our village, while prompnading the! streets with ladies, smoke and puff away a an , old stub of a cigar! If the ladies .‘chaw'" snuffi it's all right; perhaps it's fashionablelf by all means.-114llarille Prca.R. Comment is unnecessary 1 ar Friend Bowman in his orticle.on Con ems speaks Of patronage given Potter county. 11l he state what it was—it would be. news to some in this section. If Clinton counkir ticiOns are quarreling about the patronage given 'Potter, they are qtrarrelling about that which is much smaller than Esau ' s mess of pot age. ••-••111a10-•4. - •re• r , Sr tar "The ox knoweth his crib and thc'ass his master's corn." Col. 3P Candless, President ',lid We Clymer Soldiers' Convention lately held in Harrisburg, and who left the army when Mc- Clellan left, has been appointed Collector of ;Customs at - Pittsburg ! This , is the pay he is to receive for playino•" puppet. • tors i . V. C. DYKE i. Agent for Shaw tt: Clark's Se Wing Machines. This is the.BEST cheap Sewlng . Machine ever offered for sale, and the only one in market fur less than $4O which can be sold, bought, or used with satety, as no iotherslTC fully licensed. Three 'varieties, with !or 'without Tabks. inquire at the J otax4t, office. • - vgrWe publish this week,"a history of the 'first session of the 39th Congress" as p'repared fot f ilie New'York Tribune. All would well to ead it, and then lay. it away for fut. e refer once, as it contains many things about which there will be more or less dispute, and it will betTonvenieut to bare daring the Campaign. The Reydblicans of Cameron county ••Ittminated - tte foltivcing County ticket. on the' 'Bl last: j Treasurer- - --Philko Lewis; •Sitriff—Lieiit. R. 31' 0 Commissioner—j. DI Smith, 1 District Attorney—J. H. Vosbuit • CoronerDr IV.Hat Ito• auditors--Jolm Beall., 3 sears; J. W-. Phelps ar An attginpt was made when the Harris burg delegation rasestheir.retn &Gin 'York, to Murder God. Curtin i`nd Genqsral Geary, by' shooting into Lthe car they 'vck knOWn to oc :cupy. The riscals had stationed themselves on the Ontsldits of the tovia And as the train passed it Was fired into end 'Clubs and stones were also thrown. —'Phis is carrying! out the -Copperhead pnlicv,'"if you 'canna defeht a man murder him.' ff Mr. Clytner's friends expect to gain votes 'for him by suila proceedings they will find in 0 Abber that they very- much mis judged' the character bf the_people of the State. • 2 years. Oct IN CArrAitAgcs semnito have been decided It last that Oil is to be produced' in this county in paying quaniitits-. The well sunk'near tbeimouth of Limestohe Creek,in the town. of Carrolltou,about seventeen Wiles from this village, commenced pumping oil hist week and up to this time has prodnutd an z4verage of five barrels per Inv. Gentlemen of experience from this village visitd the well on Mottday,and ull agree that the above estimate is not an ex nggeration. The well 13 1232 fret-deep, dud fifteen sixteenths of it is owned by .Mr. Muses Of New York: It is believed that the daily product of the well will be materially increaSed though at present rate, five barrels per day, it is good fol'a net profit of $6,000 per yeai.— This result will doubtless give anew impetus to • oil speculation and development in this Co Oka Times. • MraTheßepublicans of Mnrettn have none-! mated for . Assembly—E. Hanililt, Stnethport; , y,:-,ciate Judges—A. W.Taylur, Smethport; A. T. Barden, Eldred; Dist. Attorney—NV:W. Brown, of Smethport; Treasurer—Thos. Malone, of Smethport; • Sheriff—B. T. Wright, of Lafayette Prothonotary and Register and Rec Orde— r R. Chadwick, Sruethixn - t; Commissioner—P. M. Fuller, Bradford; AuditorkF. D. Wheeler, of Eldred; Coroner—M. A. Sprague, of Smethport. Messrs.l . S. D. Freeman, L. Rog!rs, and W. 'Crawford were appointed Congressional Con traces; and Messrs. J. R. Chadwick, L.R ogers. and W.W Brown, conferees to attend Conference for the nomination of a candidate for Assembly. r ff -The Clinton and Lycoming copperhead papers are very much exercised about - the prob. ablelnominationi of Hon. S. F. Wilson.. Think republicans shouldn't do it,and give many rea sons which to one who has the interests of the country at heart, seem very curious—Why, are you so much troubled about our candidate? You say yiziu will carry the district-What difference does, it make who we take for our standard bearer—the more objectionable the better satis fied you should .be, as the victory would be easier. Trot out your own man; we know you have been ( laboring very, hard to secure some weak-kneed republican to vote I for, but lthe chances are you will fail. So, don't wait, but g i ve us a real nice, true-blue, sulphurous cop perhead, a rebel who will be embraced by a Packer and hugged by a Gamble, one who can honestly and consistently work and pray that 'the country may go to the devil!" • You have such men—plenty of them. Don't hesitate! if Wright has spore money, which he is foolish enough to waste in the contest, Tutt him! He is as good as apy I All you really need is a name and a' purse—but by all (means secure the latter, or your father's beverage might 1:r. 'wanting . in some localities and that prove your atter roan. - 'loir The' . Prea'c'hers'" Meeting in Misplace /saw* i+.ld very pleasant sessioniond adopts ed among'thers.the:following msolutions i , • - Resolved, That we are highly ratified with unr visit to Condemport, and panel:daily with the cordiality Mid kiednes which the members and friends of the place have received and treated us, and i that ;we .do hereby- tender to them our hearty thanks and that 'lvd shall pray that b le ssing of .Providence and Grace may ever rest upon theni. : 1 - • Resolved, That we respectfully proient this resolution of our association for publication in 1 the Potter Journal. . 1 1 CouderspottiiAtg. Lisps} _ "ri•GerastinsitiOil is the Thief of Tithe. Too many allow themselves to go - without proper llourisliment, andLbefore they know it have the dyspePsizi in the worst way. Indiges tion, unless speedily attended to, will certainly produce sickn4s and ill health. We know of no remedy equal to Poe's Dyspepsia Cure in such cases, It enables the patient to take hearty food; the - pared of health, stops distress after eating as soon as you take it, and is a perfect regulator of the stomach and bowels. • - INS ItANCZ...• The iEtna's L the Poitlarid ! The total am anti covered by -Etna Policies on property des roved or damaged. is 4206,85.1 on which salv e will be about 5 per tent Our total loss will n teary much from s2oo,ooo,and is being promp adjusted and paid. This sum is 5 per cm!, upon the :assets, a; figure but slightly paid Government last year, of a proportion equal to a $5OOO loss for a: company of $100;000 assets. The necessity for insurance and the value of wealthy, strong corporations, is forcibly illus trated 'by this fire: Ilrieveral weak : insurance Companies are duaroyed. Portland has a pop- Ulatie n of 35,000 ;-was handsomely built,rnoStiv fine brick or stone structures—protected and screened with upwards of 30001shane trees— bounded on three sides by water—indeed,liter ally, alittest rising from the ocean=and With a good steam fire department—yet it has $lO,- 000,000 of property consumed in a few hours— upon a holiday, when it people are least occu pied—from the very iniignicant eause of a con temptible fire cracker. I - Renlember the trifling origin of fires that sweep 'away in a few hours the earnings of years Consider your best interest*and give the .Etna. agent' call if von need pfoper nsurane.e se c.uritY. Policies issued at fair terms. DI: W. SPAL A RNEY, Agent. Co l udersport, July 27, 1866. tf. T_ Patenied March '7 1865. MORE DURABLE, I , MORE.ORACEFUL, MORE ELASTIC, And, will keep its shape, and retain its place - - better than anyJcither Skirt.. ; This new and beautiful SOO of Skirt was awarded. by the Gassy AMERICAN INSEITIITICEAIN, held in New York City, October,l66s, a .111. , i7iCar • Wit" . THE HIGHEST PREMIUM jEVER GIVEN FOR A HOOP ;SKIRT. - The Steel Springs are wound with a fine plated wire (in ipince of a cotton covering) which will not wear offlor become soiled, and the whole Skirt may be woul.wwirpouT INJURE or fear of rusting arid-will be as goad as new. I . , . ginEIEM • COMBINATION SILVER SKIRT -This livetition combines With!the ordinary cotton Skirt the atannigys of our Silver Skirt the bottom hoops are the same as those used in the Silver Skirt, the coverin g ofisvhich asnnot• weir Off, while the up. per ones aro covered with cotton. No lady having once worn one of our Starts will be willing to wear any other, as the lower - hoops of all- other kinds are ' soon injured and soiled. ' The best materials are used la their construction, ! and tram their durability aria.nebtuess, they are des. ' tined to became 1 - - • A FAVORITE SEIRT! For Sale Iri , OciuderFort, by -P, A. STEBBINS Sr 1.C0., D. I. OLMSTED, CHARLES S: ijONES,4 nd N. M. GL&SSMIREt At ROulet, by 0. WEBB. I, U. IS. Harpank,lTravelirig Agq., .Apg. 13.-6 m 32. Conrtlandt St. N. T. I PuotkictßAputti H• &H. T ANT II oxy . & co-; , ilandacturiri of Photographic Matartala ~ ! 7aol l i ss.,Lis AND DFTAIL, • 861 - i3r9171.(31.1;t413;', Ne . tir "Y"oi4r. In addit'ion to dtir iiiniln tiqrtinkhe of PHOTO G RAH IHC biIiTEIALS we aro Headquarters for tlfo following, vii.! ; i „ ' . tftRtOSCOOE a-STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS Of American: and !F reign Cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, etc. • i - 'STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS bi THE WAR, Prornlnegativeamade in thevariou• cturipaign• and fortning a comphite Photographic history of the gtaat contest. .., • 1 . STEREOSCOPIC V I EWS ON GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or the Stare. osetipe. Our Catalogue will ho sent to any addresi on receipt of Stainp; ; I. . , .. P:HOTOGRAP,HIC ALBUM S . ~ We manufacture more largely than any other lions°, about WO variba fromlso cents to; 50 each i Our ALEIPSIS haveOm reputation of being superior in beauty and du i tillity to any others.. . Card Photogra i ths lof Generale, States: , ;mini ctors, etc., etc, • r ~ Otir Catalogue i lembraces over PritE TEIGUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of the most celebrated Engravings. Paintings, Statues, eta*. Catalogues sent tin receipt of stamp. PhotogYaphersjand others ordering gobda 0:0. I)., will please remit 25 per cent of the amount with their ordir. .1 • j I Ea' Thb prices and 'quality of our goods cannot fdl to satieff. ! r i 6e90, 1 [Juno 19. A NEW PERFUME FOR THE HANREERCHIER Phulonla ii Night Blooming herewith . Phttlon's L Nigw BloOmmg Ceretts. ,3 Phalon,s, I 1 6 1 6 Night Blooming Cereus.” , - Pholon4 Night Blooming Cerens.” , Night Blooming Cereno.” I A most exanialte, delicate, and Fragrant Perfume, distilled from tile rare and ;beautiful flower from which it takes Its name. I • • gerinfactured bnly by . BEWARE O 1 Co • :jag COURT- PROCLAMATION. VITHBRE.AS the,Hon. Robert G. White tee en V V • - :',Tiidgei - and the Tiona.-0,- , 5.--Jones and G. G. Colvin, Associate judges of the Courts of Over 6; 'Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter See done of the Peace, Orhans' Court and Court of Com mon Pleas forthe COunty,of Potter, have Issued their precept., bearing date the Twenty-third day of June, in the year of our Lord One Tedusand Eight Hondred and Slaty-SiN,erld to me directed. for bolding a Court of Oyer and erminer and General Jail Delivery. Quartee Sessiotusof.the Pewee, Orphans' Court, and Court c'..f Common Pleas, in the Borough Of Couders- Port, on MONDAY, the 11th city of September next, and to :Continue One week • Notloe is therefore hereby given to the Coroners, Jtusticei-of the Peace andCOnetables within the county; that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock - A. M. of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, eisminations. and other remembrances, to do those ithings which to their offices appertain to ho done, And those who are bound by their recognizances , to prosecute against the prisoners that' ere or shall be in the jail of said county of Potter, are to be. then and there to prosecute against them es will lie just. 1 . Dated at Couderspurt, August 'l3, 1866. ',and the 90th year of the Independence of the United Stales of America. W.'W. BROWN, SheritT. .i Oriihati's Court Sale: :DIY virtue of i n order of the Orphan's Court of Potter Cou ty, Pa., the undersigned, Adminis trator of LEST SR FLING late of Ulysses Tovroship, de :eased, will offer fur sale, on the premises, in Lew ludic, -on S.AVIRDAY, the 15th. day of &Timber neat the following described Real Estate, to wit : All that certain tract of land or Village Lot situate in Ulysses tp., bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a peat the north-east corner thereof, thence south 2 degrees west 8 rods to a poet, thence north 88 degrees west 8 reds, thence north 2 degrees east 8 rods, thence south 88 degrees east 8 rode to the place of beginning ; Con taining 64 sqttare rods of laud, and being part of a lot of land deed from Bingham Estate top. A . Lewis. The tit:fp:oven:tents consist of a one and a half story frame Louse and a small frame barn. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock P. M. To be sold for Cash: LOTS FLING COOF, Aug.43,1866.-4t Adm'r.of Lester Fling, dec'd. • -! TnEICONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OP AN INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a Caution to Young Men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature.Decay * of Manhood, sec., supplying at the same time the means of Self-C ire. By one who haa cured himself after Undergoing :onsiderable quackery ' By - enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies, free of charge, may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Erg., lyapJ) 30 Brooklyn, Rings Co., N. Y. TitANBrOREATION ! The superstitions of antiquity fife only "food for laughter" at the 13fesent day, and yet this is'aniage of MIRACLES, accomplished with the aid' of science. For example: grey, sandy or red hair is IClianged in a DI went, to the richeA conceivable bla k at brclam, by a simple application of Cristadoto's Irl"hix• LP ye, Man factured by 4. CRISTAHORO, C. Astor Ho/se, New 'York. ; Sold by Dru gg ists. Ap plied by all Hair Dressers. [June 19. TO CONSUMPTIVE - S.: . The advertiser, having been restored to health in a feW weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection, andlthat dread dfsea:,e Consumption—is anxious to maki known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure, Tuall who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directions, for preparing and using the same,which they will find -a. SURE CURE for Consumption. Asthmaj Bronchetis, Coughs„Coldli, and all Throat and Lun Affections. The only object of thd advertiser iu sending the Prescription is to be.nefit the •afilicted, and ¢prcad information which he conceives to be in valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will, try his remedy, nalt will cost them uothidg, and may prore a blessing. Pirties wishing the prescription, rasa, by return mail, will pleasr address Rev. EDWARD A. ,WILSON, Williamsbargh, Rings Co.; Ile York..—ElyjyB Admintstratoes N 'item, r TXTHEREAS Letters of, Admit)! [ration on the V 1! - Estate of JOSEPK A. lID.:GE , ate of Keat ing 'township, deceased, ha - Ve been fitted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are reonested to make immediate pay ent; and those having just claims against the same should present them. duly authenticated; for settlement, to I I July 2-1 ' I , 1.566. CLIARIES tincGEE, Adseiri , STRANGE, BUT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United Stites can hear something much to their advantage by! return mall (free of charge,) by addressing the undersigned. Those who have fermi of being bum buged will oblige by not noticing this card} All others will please address their obedient er van Taos. F. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, New York.--flyjyB. tiILYSSE ACACiEWiII ! ! Potter. Co., Pa. F. X. 40HNSON, Principal. Mrs. NETTIE J. GRIDLEY, Preceptress, dies GERALDINE WOOD, . Instrumental Music. Fall Tel m opens Tuesday, September 11, 1888. Winter ". " December 11, 1868. Spring " " March 14, 1867. Students are EARNESTLY SOLICITED to be present at the commencement.. Classes will be arranged to accUmthodatelLL. Students; before entering their classes, will pay for half a Term and the Ineidisntal Fee ; the balance to be paid at the middle of the Term. No dedrictiora will be triads OD tiOCOthlt of Students leaving, etcept in cases of sickness.. iSOcial and moral cultbee rbbeite dub attention: We will labor EARNESTLY for the welfare of those who may come under Our instruction. .Test-Books can be obtained at the Institutiorl. Itotims can be rented and Bdarding Obtained in pri tate families at reasonable rates. . • Tattled per Terra : 'English Dirnbhee; . 00 , Languages and, nigher Mathematics,, 8 00 I !Drawing and Book. Keeping, each (extra) iOO Instrumental Music, ' 8 00 • t Use of instrument, 2 00 'Dissolution of Partnerslip.. NOTICE is hereby given that the. copartnership heretofore existing under the name of M.,Nelsod Has this day been dissolved by mutual cohseht: Those nii•lng.tbb firm will make payment to Mason Nelson, and these having claims ar,ainet it Will rte. sent them to him for Settlement - . • MASON NELSON, Aug. 6, MS, FRANK. PHELPS. Jhe bushings will bh, C:cintintied at the same place by the undersigned, where be will b. pleased to see all his Old and many new eustomets. MASON NELSON. . . . . . .BOUNTY .CO LLECTED WILL attend tp the Collection of Bounty, under the late act of Congress equalizing Bountiei, 'fo r alielio iriak apply to me personally' or by Mail. A dOe.s, JOHN C. JOHNSONJ • - 1 1 , AtCy at Lawi Emporium, Pt. I I , Anal. 6. 1866.-4 w I I 1 Tll undersigned' Auditor appoietedle Court j_ of the County of Potter, to distribute money_ in the hand's of the Administrator of the Estatel of Wm. Nelson Howe, late of Bingham township, dee'd, to and amongst those legally entitled thereto, Will meet all parties ietereeted, at the kcgister's Olft6 lin the Borough of Coudersport, on Wednesday, thellsth day of August 1866, at 2 o'clock P. .11., to attend to the dti ties of said appointment. DAN' BARER, Auditor. Coudersport, July 3,1566, • I 11 • Auditor's Notice! tinderslined AiviitOr appointed by the Coiart I_ Of the County of Potter, to distribute mono In the hands of the Adminlstrti 3 Administrator of the Estates' of A. Corey,late of Ulysses tonmahlb; dee'd,te and amongst those legally entitled thereto, all parties in teregted, at the Register's alee in the Betrbngh df 'Coudersport, on Wednesday, the loth day of Augutit 1860, at 2 o'eloek r..u..t0 attend to the duties Of said ' appointment. ' DAN BAKER, Auditor: COudersport, July 3,196 e. AilditOPYS NotiCO: HE undersigned Auditor appointed by theConit T of the County of Potter, to Aistributo money in the hands of the Administrator of, the Estate of N. Schoomaker late of the Borough of Couderspoit,dec'd to and amongst those legally entitled thereto, will meet all parties Interested. at the registers (liffice In the Borough of Coudersport on Wednesday, the 15th' day of August, 1866,at 2 o'clock P.M:. to attend tO the duttes of said appointment.,PAN WLEB,Auditor , Condsmort, Jay 3, Ists. MON, New York. stEßrErrs. • Asz FO OTELIL Autlitoei Notice to 0. el : \llll* ing ish ft* 'wr to 1.51 1Z 00 21 =I W li t e-f- semi - imam 40 014 4 psi pao cD orki r-; gl*- de l CD ;ID • Aft e-t_ Liv, f" . © ... i -4- 4.\ I= l i1i..0 ;n n 1-: • o . ok . mil 'yaw6.l.h t 4 P .I W p.r . " eD o ld 4. i t 6 MOS 4.4 F O e~ A 0 tt 441 2 ME owe 111.1 , ! , 0 C". 1•. i.. N. I mo • FQ , O M I 9 0ne1':...'..M0t0.....:,V0t01 . _ P. A.rflii - ; BBII\JS & (0- Headquarters for Bargains ! LATEST SPRING STELES, I 1 Elegant Sea THE: epp.R. , ,STORE:11:1111. Drieo:4o6'.lo,k Trimmings FAM - 1 - P‘ . . I" . • I • I tipkiVINIOTH STOCK OF CStro MoIisCONVID The Propriet'prs of the POPULAR CORNER STORr. are determined to supply this market with the best quality of. DRY-GOODS,I'HAT & CAPS, HARDWARE, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, VARIiISHEt ; AND PATENT MEDICINES PL I OUR FEED & PROVISSON 3~n}~, 23, 189: ODDER SPORT AND SHiPPhN STAGE ROUTE?. MESSRS. GLABBILIME dally ithe of Stages will leave Coudersport, until further notice, at 8 o'clock in the morning, arriving in' shlp pen about o'Clack in the afternoon; and will leave ehippen on the arrival or the re/rnlng train; at 10:30, arriving in Cendersport.abdut o'clock V. Travelers are refered to the `Lime - Table of the Phil- Pelphin & E.He ltailreittd,whiat will be found . adver- Med itirthis fiae . r, for farther baitihulars about the Advantages of ,s 3 route: York pa.spengersvill SAVE MILES TRAVEL AND - 5 HOURS TIME by taking this route in preference to - that of the Erie EFdltvnY, NO CHANGE OF CAR. BETWEEN AND NEW YORt.. Fitie, new; com fortable wagons and good teams rirekept on the Stage Route. Packages and Expresa ,business attended to iVith care. D: F. GLASSMIRE, Oct.WHITE, Proprs Condereport. Pa O 9, 136,51. An Invention of nixie •Aleilti Brom= Pnieit - 1 \ METAL TOP ‘ LAMP ; CHIMNEY, .., 41. , , ) THAT WILL NOT BREAK DTI Hirai.; ~ Burns up all gas and smoke; never breaks by putting on a i r ,, ,,,1 ., ,• ~. shade; short, and not toP heavY; is easily Cleaned .by gm - remdving top; in faet; the .",•il ' :zoos t perfect chinaney. known ;—and is fast superseding all ' iothers where it has been in: itrodueeci. , .. . No'deeler can aora. to be • jwithout them. INEW LAMP CHIMNEY CO.; • - ,e.,... I__ ta w.rreti St:i N; T. S. A T S. 'OLMSTED'S STORE: can alwass lie i found the best . o Cooking,;l3o.x and parlor' S Aiso.TIN nhd SHEET ;IRON WARE, , POTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH BQWLS, PRYING-PANS; SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS. Also,, • Agricultural Implements, such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SLIELLERS,'IIOIISE-RA.lit'S, DOG-POIVERS, EC. HIS_ - 1 is well made and the nahterial good. Good and substantal EAVES-TROCGIIS pinup in any part of the ,COurity r —Terniscas. toady Pay of all kinds, ,including, Cash, seldom iodised. Store bn Ittaita Stitet opposlta the Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug 1, 1863.-50' • PINGREY'S .11CTROLEUM IT will remove all hinds of Grease, Tar, Sc., from the finest CLOTH, without stain, and cleans KID GLOVES without marring them. Sent, postpaid, rcir 50 eents pet bdttle.. 100 *tittles .V. 5.4. an bottles, $l5. Address, I). 11. PINOBET, 4, Mylam, Ptinna. BINGHAM ESTATE. rrntil further notice, the Office of the Estate in V Coudersport will be per.t only during Coart Weeks ; at which time Mr. Ensworth will bo there. fie will also be in Smethport daring the Weeks of Com t iti MeEean Cotirity. i Persons who have business wjth the Estate arc re quested to meet him at tho6e , time.. Letters on business addressed to the Office at 'Wells. borp', will be promptlylanewered. , May 1,1566. WILLIAM li. CLYMER. —AGENTS for six $94) entire_yl :tlevv° nth l Irrtieles, just Out. Adtlrt se 0:1. GARB 1", City Puildtog.Biddeford,llaitm. ri•o:!Itelb. iswty„ unable Dress Good P. A '6tEttleiNS & o:il'i' fanner Store AT O Swa YO, PA. SAMUEL JOHNSTON Would respectfully inforin the citizens of Pot.; ter county that he is receiving, weekly; front New York, slipplieti of DRY GEIObS; _ , • BOOTB; , • SHOEB, HARDWARE; • PROVISIONS. EARTHEN and CHINA=WARE, &o:i -Stes lie is determined NOT TO BE UNDERSOLOI-, CAPS, Highest Mullet Flies Pad for and WI kinds of Conntry Produce: Feeling thankful for past favors lid hopdo by honeit and fair dealing td nierli a contientAncii CALL AND TRY THE PRICES! (Nwayo, May 22-6ra Orphans' iCbuit Sale. - nit virtue of an order of theOrph DoUrt of P.,i; tor county: Penn's, the undersigned tfoilidlati the persori add entate of FRANK J. ROSSNIAN, ta minor). will offer at Public Sale, on the pretnisov s tin laweden township, the following desailbEd real itit:o A certain tract of land in said township benin6ine• a poist in the centre of the Potter and latcorning Tdru pike and in the north line of lard late n i of B. F. Iloilo, thence west 276 and 4 - l othe I,Crelp-4 to a post ; thence north 47 .and 8-10ths perches to 3 pdst ; thence east CO4 arid 1740i:the pereht4 id a - Ty , ; thence soOth 4234 degrees cast 12 and 810 perches ••• a poet ; thence north 49 and three - fourths - argr. ea easOtland 7-10tbs_perches to post ; thenei -:lath 17 and three•fldurths degreet east 54 and 6 ?Mho , perch-s to a po.t ; thende death 28 degrees wait 16 and; -10h.os perches to the place. of Conta'nion• Seventy-four and Five•tarilli acres, tihodt Tirvity five acres of which are Improved, and a franc dted ling house thereon. Hale to he taade on the 25th day . of. inguat, /I. D. 1866, at 1 o'clOck in Lie :inCioOoil of Bald day. Terms. Cann in hand. RICHARD H. 8111TH, ZI a-III:limn. Cdudersport, July 24, 1866. • LECTURg T o En C vtl l t o u p f 3 1 1I fi one; t4 . l .lozr en r t ' s. cirt.Masn; iri a Seel..d. A Lecture on the Icaturil, Treatment, tina Ra es -• di " 1 Cure of Spermatobirhoda or Seminal Weairn'‘all. Ju -1 voluntary Emission, Sexual Debility. ; anc‘ ,finitedi ments to marriage generally. NerOusufaA,Cotimimp Lion EpilepsY . and Fite ;'Mental ana I'llyilmai pac?ty resulting from Self-Abuse; ace.. By !Comm? .T; CiILVEILWILL, M. I).,authiir of the Green 1300144 re • 11 The world-renowned author, in thi. admiral-,; Ler - I tare, Clearlx prevesfroni MA own experience that Ihe awful consequences of Self-Maude may be etisetually re: ' moved without medicine,. and withiint ,lamf..rous fst: Oral operttions,bougierstugi,hastrument s,or coi.iia . ,s, pointing Out a mode °retire at once renal.. a,..tefri u. 41 by Which every etifferer, no matter wha , hiseandition may be; may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to t lOusafide and thousands. I 1 • - • '• . Sent, undersea', ins plain envelope; tt ta fly address; post paid, on receipt of six cents,. or two post 'stamp... Addresn the publishers, . L ' I CUBS. J. C. KLINE a - . co., • . 1.^7 Bowery, New Turk, Poet 011 ice bas 4 Wit' NM 111 @fiOCERIES; OLotaiiid, HATS} of the some II