The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 14, 1866, Image 2
)TAKING TREASON'ODIOCS. Ono of the things which made, Mr. Johnson Vice- President; and by the death of Mr. Lincoln President of the United Stafea was his celebrated saying,, 4.TreasOii Inuit be made odious,andttrai tors punished." The Union Loving people of this country saw, safety in that speech. They' adhered, a to man; to that . programme. The felt— and feel—that if' the leading traitors are tin:night to punish menti for i their monstrous crime, and if treason is made odious, the country is safe, for we May hope to gain'ail else by argunient,. and by the help ()Nate. Somehow -traitors` hare not yet been punished: Many of *lie Vilest and most pernicious have been pardoned; and the ckief ef all still lies in prison. Nevertheless, treason is daily - becoming more odious; there isrno doubt about it. It was more ()thous do the day after the Memphis, riots than it was before; it was more odion When the colored• Unionists of Georgia were driv en away frOm the Union soldiers' graves they wished to decorate, .than before. it became still more odious - yesterday morning as peoPle read the account of the New 0-leans riot; and the New. York Daily the RichmondlEalair, er, and half a dozen. journals conducted in a similar spirit. make it more and more odious from day to day. , Not only is the sph it of treason becoming edi:ous by the lawless and defiant conise of the men who lately 41 . c engaged in an at tempt :to overthrow the ,IGovernment and Union—and who have been so . freely for given for their crime; traitors as well as treason-are becoiningOdious.. The process by which -this is brought about is not pre cisely that which wits in people's minds when they applauded Mr. Johnson for his famous phrase: But it is just as effectual —it may turn put to be more so. Fur, the condemnation which the south - can leaders are bringing upon themselves is msre severe,and will bring with it severer penalties, than any the courts would hate -decreed.. The Union loving people are quietly' watching these man; they see theta everywhere the abettors of violence, of un righteousness, stirring up sedition, the in dustrious sowers of hatred uncharitableness turbulent, lawless,/ defiant. They draw their own conclusions from all that has passed in the last Year in the South; and those conclusions are not favorable to the continued rule of the class which boastfully pretends that it alone can and ought to rule in the Southern State,s. I# thereis any Irma of influence and of 'common sense in those States, he would do' vrell to warn thorn who were lately en gaged/ in rebellion,l that they will be. wise to act somewhat more cautiously and pro dent 4 than they are doing. They ought to,uuderstand that .though. the twenty millions who fOught'for the Union are patient, and long sutfering, they are not fools. They would do well. to remember that by -about twenty-four millions of 'our ' populatioo treason and rebellion are re-, graded as crimes deserving of the' heaviest punishment; and that every- act, every reckless defiance, every boastful as-1 sumption on the part d i f men Who were rebels and traitors, only strengthens the sentiment,a which is growing rapidly in the Northern States,that conciliation of traitors is a huge blunder, free pardon a deadly wistake,and severity and the strict enforee ment of the laws against treason and 're .bellion the only wholesome or safe course. It should be remembered that it is not yet too / late to revise and reverse all that has been donein the way of reconstruction. Already' the very name of pardon -has ba con:tie hateful to the Union loving people, and every rebel pardoned excites new alarm au .l dissatisfaction. Already people begin .to7feel,---and to say, that rebel leaders ought not to be pardoned, that the chief movers in ecel state ought to be treated as the crimina.s they are, or atleast as aliens,and, if they are permitted to stay io the country at all, should have this permission only on condition that they, refrain from all part in politics, either by speaking, writing, voting or hOlding office. Public sentiment is more set now, upen confining office to original Unionist, than it wits six ar three months ago; the peop!le more universally 'demand the execution bf the . laws against treason - now than thy la7e ever donei since -Lee's surrender. Congress had •blioSen to adopt a Constitu tional Amendment guarantyi ng,in the name of the nation, not only equal rights hut equal suffrage, lit would need only andther New Orleans riot to gain the vote of every northern State for such arrieasure. The - lawless 'Class in the Southern States seem 1,9 be engaged in a deliberate attempt to mate free government impossible there; let them not go too far; let thern.remetn ber that the patience of those who supported the Union when they were in arms to de stroy it, h a limit, andthat there is only one thing sure—whatever may happen to repels and traitors, whatever.inconvenienee . they have to be put to,er - whatever severity of 'punishment May be required to hold them in awe, the American people are 40,- 'tetrninetl justice shall be done, liberty 'equal and impartial liberty-.—shall be main tained, and-equal rights shall 'be enforced on every foot of,.our territory. Pardoned traitors like thii` MOnroe, isfayor of New Orleaus,and hundreds of others,are maktng treason so odious here, by their outrageous misconduct, that they 'will presently find themselves fatally the losers by it.—Nit7 'York Post. ja'The long-contemplated monument in memory of Hon. David C.Broderick,once United States Senator from California,who %vas killed in 4 duel with the notorious Judge Terry, several years ago, is now com pleted, and will be eFectecl, surmounted by a fine bust, in 'Lone Mountain Cemetery, Ban Frantisco. it ctiat $17,000. I TB L E JOITIti Coud&sport s T4esday, Aug 1866. M. IV. McallißNEl7, E rroic. ' • I FOR GOVERNOR: GTN'T_ J. W. GE Of=; umberland county Hon. G. A. G Will address the Union !County Co l nvention, :on Thursday after noon, at 3 o'clock. It is 'suggest ed that the Ijele,ga;tes meet at one o'clock and transact their business before the address. Come' early! GRO Sr is one' the most elo quent, and entertaining speakers of the Keystone. Let there be a general gathering of the People ! MY POLICY.: . . . , An old adage explains the circumstances , . under which two unscrupulous,pa k i ties to an animated controversy can bo ,expected to tell the truth of each other ; and the dis cussion between the'Sew York Times and Yew York Hezes , in ;regard to the tests of membership to the Convention which com mences its session in' Philadelphia to-day. seem to have reached this interesting and r .1 :,ys 0 i structive stage. The Times s acs • What the Daily Naas understands by Con ervativism, is now manifest. The COnservative arty, as interpreted by our contetnPorary, sig ities an alliance of tho.Norlhern ..VOPperhcads" with. the Southern , ,lemb , rs of the rebelli r hn. ,Itis a , party made up lof VALLANDIGDAT. and JACOB Plomrsox, Yeatti,xuo WOOD and 1-lowEliL COBB, and all who, like them, , •participatel heart and hand in the rebellion," on one hand, or exerted themselves to cripple and thwart the National Government on 1 tke other. ObserVe, he plea is not for the Moderate men of t'e 'oulh— those who aim* necessarily took part in the rebellion, but either did not fight fOr t, air fought i under compulsiOn ; but for the rob I Faders the men who „ot)eilly promoted ie ennui, and were its active spirits throughout the (conflict. These are they! for whom the DaVy brews de mands admission, and on whom it relieS,in con junction with the '.Copperheads,'l to' control the deliberations, and lay the•foundatioms of a National party. TO those who have watched the tactics and the reasoning of the News and the World, the avowal will hardly' be surpris ing. If the oCopPerheadsl'. are to be recog i nized at Philadelphia as loyal Unionists, it fol -1 lows as a logical result thatithe members of Jrs- BERSON DAVlS'Cabinet, and the commanders of hie armies, and the managers of his plots, and the keep ers of his prisons, are also entitled to be placed in the same category because -they luippen. now to call Vtemselves Union milt. : , ! , This is certaiuly true, but the Times ' un like nearly every other j4oUrnal . with Re publican antecedents, refd4es to abandon participatiOn in an assemblage, whose ten dencies it accurately describes on, the pre tence that it can control or Change its com position, and that the inotititain will come to Maliomet instead-of Mahomet going to the mountain. The Ncios, on the other hand, defines the position Of the Times,' as follows: The Pima still insists that i no Southern dele gate shall be admitted to thelConvention except ”those who may not have borne arms against the National Government," !or, who having. done this, shall have been pardoned by the 'President ; and that no Northern delegate shall be admitted unless he shall satisfy the conven tion that he supported Mr. Lincoln's adminis tration. The object which the Times seeks to I accomplish by attempting to make these tests . is plain enough—the dwarfing of the movement to 1 inch contemptible Propoilions that it shall be Under the control of the Seward and !Raymond section of the radicalparty, to the end that this faction (for it hardly deserved any better name) may get together, from the war Denioerats and South. eru renegades, a Sufficient fallowing 'to enable its leaders to make a respectable fight for the control of the next National Convention of'the radical party, thachairman of whose oxecutivo committee is Mr. Henry J. Raymond.. It is obvious enough that it these gentlemen shall succeed in enforcing the f application of these strange tests, that the, convention will not represent any 'respectable constititen, in any Southern Stale, nor any considerable ';constituency in any Northern State; and that the Movement which the convention was intended to inaugur ate will not r e sult, nor do we suppoSe that Mm. • Raymond desires that .it shall, in the:accom plishment of the professed object of the call— the restoration to the Southern States of their rights Linder the Federi.l Constitution, among . which rights is that ,of being represented in Congress by Senators and Representatives who possess the qualificallops prescribed by the Constitution of the United States." From this controire sy it is evident that an insincere attempt delude members of the Union party is 1, ade by the Timps • or that, were its tests applied,the Democ racy would be subjec ed to the insult of having their • represea tive 'men excluded from a body endorsed by thir representa tives in Congress. 'I ','the Position ofd the News is fully sustained, the language of the Times' accuratelkdefine the composi tion of the convention; but the latter jour nal occupies the contemptible position of seeking' the cO-operation and aid of 'meri whose companionship it is ashamed : and afraid to acknowledge; and, as the New York Triouae L :ivell remarks: "The fatal obstacle that, bars the way to power before the formidable coalition of ex-Rebels, Cop perheads, and Johnsort-Unionists, is the palpable and natural indisposition of the two former classes to keep iout of public , sight and simply vote the latter into office." At this stage of ,theplay, the Hews trots out, counseling its fellow rebels as follows: We say, therefore, that the first thing for the South to do is to secure a foothold in Congress. They must get into the arena &fore 110. y caner peet to strike effectively for their cause. Let their march in, with flying colors; by virtue of their rights, if potsible.* If. not, let them' crawl in, dim!) in, pug it, buy themsdues of or steal in, get in what way they can, so that the next SCSSIO11;of Congress hods them there.. What the Mtn means by itrikiag eft_ tively for !theie cause" is not distinctly stated heie; brit'Avery loyal . man knowe full well .what it typified during the last five years. The strictness with which the South crit 7 icized its delegatei can he witnessed in the .11thuliosn, July 25, 166 G. 1 A meeting of people of Hanover county, •was held at the court-house yesterday (court day), to appoint delegates to the district con vention to select representatives of this -con gresaiond district in the Philadelphia conven tion. The four men who had been the most active and prominent seesionis:s in the coun try were sdected. A motion AV as Made to add' General Wickham to the delegation, General W. had been tv member of the convention that passed the ordinance of secession and - strongly opposed it. lie sutsecitiondy .served in the Confederate army, but since the termination of the war, has IMen active and ardent for restora tion. The motion was opposed on the ground that General Wickham ..had. written a letter denouncing secession" and he was *tad. When Gott. Dennison - saw that the ma chinery of the government was to be pros tituted to the vindication and restoration of treason, !he withdrew . from Johnson's Cabinet, and raised the curtain before the eyes of thousands who, without such testi, molly, would have remained incredulous. Since his resignation, that which he saw inside of the'Administration is constantly showing. itself to the outside world, until at last the Republicans who aro taking part in the mongrel convention are a very small percentage Of the copperhead and traitor aggregate. The fact above stated is true of every southern community from which delegates to the grand roost of the carrion birds of the : rebellion have been selected. Nothing elsEi could have been expected from Richaiond. There is not a day that we do not hear of the iniplacable feeling in the former capital of the crushed Confed eracy against the people of the loyal States. Officers of the national government station ed there in the discharge of their duties testify not only to this feeling, but to the offensive , way in which it is exhibited. Every door iis closed upon a patriotic citi zen, especially if ho wears the glorious uni forai of the Republic. The very children are taught to lisp maledictions against the "Yankees," and school books are being pre pared and printed in which the glories cf the rebellion are exalted and the cronesand tyrannies of tlie National Government made clear to the:rising rebel generation. 4ut here comes the father of lies with a song that will tickle the fancy of a rebel bully, and at the same dine not , frighten any one very seriously : RY, ow „ The Hon; Montgomery Blair was the next speaker. He said the only issue was whether the country ;would continue to remain in a state of disunion in order that a political party may retain power;- or whether the old Linton, as es tablished by our fathers, should be restored. It had : beeri his misfortune to differ with the Democratic party; but it was composed 'of hon est men' T hom he always, honored. They bud presented the spectacle of furnishing 'Men and means to defend the Government at the same time that that Government was in the hands of their political adversaries, thus proving,to some extent,tW intense feeling of devotion to country which ever characterizes them; this too, when as the speaker knew (he beings member of the Government) that Government wg' wielded in a most miserupulous and unjustifiable manner. The speaker predicted that should the radicals carry theelections ifs October, the resultwould be the , establishment of two Presidents and two Congressei, for the Radical sectional majority would then immediately impeach President Johnsontird turn him out, while on the other hand th .p emocratic members of Congress would unite with the regularly elected members from thel South. He also warned his hearers that they 'sere on theeve of another civil war, the battle -fields of which would be in the north while the south would remain united. He dis claimed kpeaking for any sensational purpor; but earnestly warned the people of the North 'against thelevil effects of tampering with the fundamental law of the land.” , There 'rims but one thing lacking in Mr. , litontgomery Blair's Speech, he should have given his reasons for always endeavoring to he on the side of those who have the dis position.of put lie plunder, — after which he 'might have told the story of the encountre between Mrs. Jessie Fremont and the elder 'Blair. ,' "And ire shall feed like oxen at a stall, 'rlie bett!er cherished still the nearer death." —We have made these quotations to show the 'spirit of the men who seek to re new the contest of four years ago, unless they can rule. Memphis, Now Orleans, and Georgia, testify the character of their arguments. I CONGRESS. A elTlON'.—The paper started by E. 8. Lowe, ex . Governor Packer, and others of the Copperhead fra nity, asking L. A. Mackey to become a candidate for Congress, is designed to have Mr. Mackey run AGAINST the regular Republican Candidate. • Mr. Mackey haa o WO think, too much sense to be caught is that trap, and no Republican should aid their cue mice by signing such a document as that now -In cir culation by the Copperheads in this city and else where.—('rest Branch Bulletin. • This manifold movement has been on foot quite long, enough, We have verbally cau tioned thq few republican friends of Mackey in this place' ? connected with it, against giving anY countenance to the ell'ort to distract our party by the introduction of his uatne,at this time,into our canvass for Congressman. Some of them, we have reason to believe, have liken our ad vise, and are no longer identified with the movement. Others, not more than a half dozen in numbe'r, whose motives are clearly Under stood, with a degree of folly which nothing but an irwane greed of office can account for, are still pressing it. If their efforts were open and honerable we should have nothing'. to say; but they hard seen proper to proseciite their work outside ()tthe town with secrecy.and,it mustbe with lying and deceitful speech. Under such circumstances we cannot remain silent without doing violence to our sense of duty to our party and the sacred cause which it has in keeping. For'obvious reasons the movement was not begun in -Clinton county./ Prominent Republi cans,whoWere supposed to entertain unfriendly sentiment towards Mr. Wilson personally for his course in the distribution of the Federal patronage in Centre/and I'otter counties, were applied to hid in securing the Republican nom ination fur Mr. Maekey in these counties. It was believed that by representing him as a sound and reliable Republican there would be no diffictilty in' obtaining for him the endorse meat of the two counties named, and no doubt 1 seemedto be entertained that hisindividual pop-. ularity and influence in this county,would over bear any prudential or patriotic chnsidemtions that might exist to oppoie his nomination by our Convention. • .1 The announcement of the intontion of Mr. Mackey to become a candidate for the Repub lican nomination was first made in -the Central Preis of Bellefonte. A little investigation soon convinced us that this-though osteuSibly a movement bf Republicans-o , ms simply an in genious snare laid by our opponents to divide and: if possible, defeat our partyat the coining tdectiou fur Congressman. • , , It was.believed by . these intriguers that Ti na 'woulfi yield to no compromise, but would haslet upon the renomination of Mr.•Wilsonan.d would support no one elan at the, polls; and it' Mr.; Mackey could only get the conferees of the three counties mentioned he would Mated on the first ballot, and thus a split in the Republican party would be Occasioned: that could not be healed, and-which would defeat both Mr. Wilson and Mr. Mackey, and return a CoPperhead to Congreize. ' This was the design of the Copperheads who projected the move menttliough We do not charge the Republicans engaged in itwith any complicity or sympathy with this, its designed ultimate effect,. They-, perhaps good,easy mien s thought they were act ing in perfect good faith with their party, and were only going to:obtam a republican victory where they believed none could be otherwise obtained. Whatever might be the precise re sult of the effort to give Mr.-Mackey the Re- publican nomination, the effect, it was thought would be to, divide our party and relies c Mr. Wilson, or Whonisoever the choice of that party might be of the, requisite number of votes to elect the Copperheedcandiclate. As for the action presupposed of Tioga county by , these Copperhead manoeuvres, we think there was not the least ground for the assump tion. That county, like all others in the dis trict, will stand by the nominee of the party when fairly presented. • The Republicans of the district are iu earnest in their political faith. and they will yield to no schemes, of selfish politicians to divert them from thd support of such measures as they be lieve to be righter of such men as they . know to stand squarely, and avowedly on their plat-, form of principleail For the information of our . friends in the country, we would say that this effort to bring out a man in opposition to Mr. Wilson, is not approved by a single prominent undisguised friend of the Congressional policy in this" born' Two or three individuals, who call themselves Republicans, but who are believed to be rehdy to sell themselves to Mr.Johnsou or anybtaly else fur office, are the sole managers of the movement. The one supreme desire of all the Republi cans with whom we have conversed on the sub ject of the Congressional nomination, is that without dissent there should be a cordial en dorsement of the Congressional scheme 4)4 re construction. To this scheme Mr. Wilson has given uniform and unwavering sulipiort,and his re-nomination and election would be the most !emphatic method of signifying our approval of ' the action of Congress.--Glinton . [Curren') mdeueeof the Potter Journal.] Letter from the Capitol. .. ' ' IlAmusnuno, PA., C Aug. 10,1866. DEAR ;JOURNAL : The loyal SOILS of. Pennsyl vania in this section' Of the State, held a grand Mass convention at york, on the 9th inst. It Was a decided success in favor of Gen. Geary; and did honor to the loyal people of the great commonwealth. There were at least twenty thousand true soldiers on the grounds, soldiers Who have fought and suffered for our country; soldiers whose scars tell of their undying hero iim for the protection of. the Republic ; soldiers Who have stoOd undismayed at the shock and carnage of battle. Such were the men who ral lied from the hillside, arid from the valley, in the old Keystone State, and assembled in irork On Thursday, and spoke in tones which will re ceive the sanction of every true soldier. The number of tickets sold in this place alone amounted to over one thousand, and the train from here was the largest passenger train that ever passed over the Susquehanna bridge, it numbered twenty ilve passenger cars. His Excellency, Gov.Curtin accompaoicd the party, as did Gen. T. W. Geary, who got on the train at New Cumberland. The table at York,which Was spread in the grove, was' half a Mile long, ii.ncl was covered with forty Wagon loads of pro 'Vision, and all had a free dinner thus showing the sentiment of York countY,which the "cops" of this place say can never be redeemed, but is true. to Hiester Clymer. But the soldiers who have been Clytner's friends are fast leaving him. Ilis history in the Senate of h ihe State, tells too "strongly against him. lii April, 1561,he voted* 'against putting Pennsylvania on a war footing. He voted against increasing l.he pay of soldiers, and also against the right ofisailors andaeamen to vote He voted against tine bill to regulate the elections held by soldiers in the field,in c r der to disfranchise them. Still he snid in Lis ;18th of July,speedh at Reading.that/hiS history ris the history of the State, ! and •tliat he would not alter it if he could. ,Such being his record, land such his principles, now, he cannot dupe the soldies who fought to pit 6wn Rebellion. The watchfires burn brigl tly over every portion of the old Keystone, and nothing but a miracle can turn the election against Gen. Gear y. The Rival people of the/Commonwealth aro massed 7 in one grand phalarix, and bear their banner aloft with the inscription, ' , Geary and Victory " 1 But while Pennsylnia rests in comparative security, we must not forget the brave Union men of the South, Who are, and have been be trayed by a modern "Moses"—or I should have said a modern Judas. The Republican party has been betrayd—grossly,dastardly, betrayed.: As soon as An rew Johnson began to slaughter his solemn pl dges,by a preorganized and /pre concerted pl n, the slaughter of Union men in in the South begun. The city of New Oilcans is reeking,.Witla the blood of tjnion men,) mur dered by/Rebels, instigated by Andrew John son, His course is condemned by every loyal paper and , loyal man in the land. He insolently overrnieci.the authority o£ Gov. Wells, and con ferred with subordinate State officers who are in sympathy with the traitors. Stich a course looks black and heinous. Is not such actions on' the part of Andrew Johnson,engendered by lie same spirit that plotted the Rebellion ? Is /he not in secret conclave with the traitors of this government? The Issue is upon us. The death gurgle of more than thirty Union men is borne on the breeze from N ew Orleans, speak ing in terrible tones of .the deep damnation of their taking off.", The scenes of a martyred President looms up to our vision, and all cry in this calamity of our nation's betrayal, GOD SATE THE. REPUBLIC.' I ' ' PUBLICUS. AO - Horace Mayn i ard, Gov. Brownlow, and Hon. S. M. Arne% Congressman elect were present at . a Union celebration on the 4th in Nashville. Mr. Maynard declared that the terms of!Congress showed a mag nanimity unparrelleled in the history of the World. Mr.4rnell supposed a case of the "reconstructed horse-thief," and said eloquently: Go to your jails and penitentiaries,bring out your horse-thiefs, and say, "Hold up your hands; you do solemnly swear that henceforth and forever you ' will steal no more horses— so, help you God." Go re constructed horsq. thief! This is a parallel case. Hair splitting logician,constitutional quibblers, are not mnrder and arson higher crimes than horse-stealing?, Hold up your hand; you do solemnly swear. that you will, murder no more citizens' of the United States, starve no more of her soldiers in Andersonville pens, and that you will be an Abolitionist for the balance of your ' days help you God! Go, reconstructed traitor. NoW, if the highest of crimes can be so sworn !away, so that 4, never hap-,. pened,' why not try that same doctrine horse,thiels? If you are going to be con= dilatory, why not pardon the little fellows? said that we are thirsting for revenge. No, revenge is a great mistake.- There is., no one person ou this earth to ';whom ' bear malice. But Ido not wish my chi), dren fifty years hence to be''fighting over again this . Rebellion. The position that wise statesmen ought to maintain is to hold the; Rebel element, hopelessly poWerks? until it is "clothed in the right mind. 7 I can well understand ; how a poor I:rah:lh ist - would Soliloquize to bin - mall, "Olt Presi dent Johnson!, you penned the'sentiment On our banners that "treason oughtltd be made odious"—what treason inean We poor. Unionists stood by you when the proud dames of Nashville crossed th4'street and avoided meeting you, as if yon ; were struck with the leprosy—When even the children sneered as you passed, becatise you were a Union man4—we thought you l meant treason to the. United States. Under yOur leadership we were summoned to this fight —did you let us in the for front to be crushed? Well, we owe it to God and our selves that we have: found out one 'thing, that this Government is in the hands of no one man, or half a dozen men. It fount dations are in the heart of a great people. rYSenator Trumbull, the 'author of the civil rights and freedmen's bureau bills,in late speech at. Chicago' gave the following_ account of the course pursued by 'Oe President in refereLee to them: Both these bills' as you are aware, were met by au. Executive veto. Bills drawn tip in harmony with the mes,sage delivered to us at the commancrrnent of the gessiori; bills submitted and read to the President in manuscript before they were printed.; Ibills ,sent to him aft i 4. they were prtnted land against the provisions of whidi he never lisped a wordluntil after they were enacted by both Lloitses of Congres; both these bills, then, met with 'a veto, not by', ' reason of any particular feature in thero,but a veto against the Iwhole principleS :.f . the bills. We then fou I d that the President of the United Stakewas ; as' false to the' pledges of his anal message, when he said that equal and exact Justice should be meeted out to al mien, as he had Proved recreant to the pledL , :es he made When he took the oath of 'l ) reSi•lent, that rebels. should be impoverished and take back seats in the I work ,of reconstructiOa. alhen it was that we found it l!inpossible to'go along' furtherin the course hat the President was i leading. ' ) 'The Copperhoads bring all these charges against the Republicans on the negro.. liiester Clymer could talk on no 'Other subject at the utte Clymerite Soldiers' Convention; W. AV H. Davis ' 'in his reso lution in thatdbody, had nothing but the I negro to discuss, and today in ~ ennsylva- 1 nia, there is ndt a Democratic o gan in ex istence, that can print an editorial without dilating on the negro, and charging whole.' Sale . that the Republican party is in favor of "negro equality," "negro ,suffrage," "mis cegenation,' - ei.c., etc., etc. It is not our intention to vindicate the republican party from such ridiculous charges. What we aim at is the Proof to show that the Caps. are at their old game' of Misrepresentation. Neither. the Convention whiell nominated Geary,,or the Conventions !which haue thus far put in nominatiola:l?epablican county ticketin this State,l has deelared' for negro suffrage,or negro equality. The Copperhead leaders have set up this lig,a.; boo, to serve-the lack of argument in favor', of their candidates. . ' ' /10 - Vallandigham, in a speech at Lex ington, Kentucky, a short time since, when advocating the claims of a rebeL eaididate for office,said he never had for an hem. be lieved that the war would restore the Union, and he found the:same issues. presented as in 1861. He , said also that the !contest. was the same in Kentucky as in Obio.— Put this and that tegether, and` follows, according to Vali, that the Ohio Democracy Democracyey ao into the comingcarripaign still declaring as was done at Chicago, that the war was a failure, and Unit "the issues o(1861" secession of course the mo-t prominent— are yet undecided. Vallandighani will, of course, repeat these assertions at the Phila delphia R o ndall-Doolittle Convention,. whither he goes to speak _fok Andrew Johnson. g' George H. Pendleton; candidate for Vice-President on the ticket with Melellan d a Senatorial delegate from. Ohio to the Doolitqe-Randall convention, is engaged in maligning Gen. Chant. Pendleton affects to believe that Grant, instead of being a a soldier, is a mere butcher—a brute. whO depends on the force of nnmbers 4nd not on military genius or strategy for hiS vic tories: Does Pendleton speak for the President, and are his slanders of Grant part pf "my policy I" He might- answer these questions at, Philadelphia on the 14th inst. • tar Howell Cobb,BUchanan's Secretary of title Treasury, has taken the stump in Georgia, in advocacy of Johnson's Recon struction policy. He took the funds of the Natiimal Government, while be was Secre tary of the Treasury, to aid rebellion, and hence it is logical that he should take the stump in defense of Johnson. Besides this, there are rebels in the South Whottow take the lives of Union men in aid of the Pres ident. The fact is, the Johnsouian move ment is "taking"—taking the Government to the rebels with lightning speed. ,It Mayor Monroe, who commanded the rebels_ in the attack on the Union men at New Orleans, is to be a delegate to the Doolittle-Randall Convention at Philadel phia,' on the 14th. inst. 1. He is the beit represeqtative of "mxpolfcy" in the Union. SPECIAL NOTICES. . par's A ,RE you tick, feeb'e end cr ruplairrlagl Ars our of oruer —your s) - , ern deranged re.d }our fe, T tings uneeinfortable 1 . 1 /2.35 e m wore,' arc „ft n , the precursors of serious illnees. Some tit uf eickness is creeping upon you; and should he evened h - timely use of the right remedy. Take Ayer's Pills, and drive out the humors—purify the blond, and let the fields moremt uliohstructedly, in health They stimulate the organs of thebody into vigrirous activity purify the system four the obstruetions which make disease. A cold .ettles somewhere in the body, and deranges the natural opoinaions of 01'1..1 not relkied , will learn Upon itself and the surtnn n 4 Ing organs, producing keneral aggow a tk e, nctorin, and derangement. Wl.fie this condition take Ayees Pills and see how directly manna/ action of the system, and alai it the buoyant r e e`iag of health. What id true and so apparent in this Trivial and common complaint is also true in ' nu .. of the deep seated and dangerous dirsea,... The same purgative expels them. Caused 1 ;9 , obstre e , dons and derangements, they are surely and many them rapidly, cured by.the same means. Now, who knob the virtue of these Pills will neglect n> e mpr oy them when minoring from , the disorders they cure, such as Llea4ache, Foul,Stomach, Dysoltary, &hoes Complaints, indigestion. 'L/erringement of the Liver, Costiveness, Constipation, Ileart•burn,lthetintatism . Dropsy, Worms, and Suppression, when taken In doses. ' They ere sugar eoated, so • thnt the tneit o eb e t i fe can take them easily, and they are surrey the bm; purgative nictliclueyet discovered.. • . Ayees Ague Cure. For the speedy and certain Core of Intermittent 14.. er, or Chdls and Fever, Remittent Fever, Chin Fever, Dumb Ague,Veriedical Headache ur Bilious Ileadache,a;:d B noun Fevers; itpleed,for the whole class ordisettsrs e.iginating to binary derancem,st, oau-ed by the malaria or miasmatic cutmt,ies. This tenfrdy has rarely failed to cure `the severest cases of Chills and rever,und'it has thiegreat advan tage over other Agile Medicines, that it subdues the complaint without Injury Yo the patient. It ent tains no oninine or otle.r deleterious e abidance, nui does it produce quin:sm or any injurious effect what ever. Sbaking brothers of the army and the west try it and you vela end .rse these assertions. Prepared by Dn..l. C. itY.ER dr. Co.. Lowell,tinst and sold by all Druggists 'and dealers in medicine everywhere. Ahu by C.S.Si.E.A.Jones, Coudersport A Beacon of ifealth. The gocd things efthis world have each their ap. Pointed inimilon, It is the mission of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS to prevent .qtr relieve a great variety of ailments EOr twelve years its oneness as a protective ss7d remedy'have beco with*, a check or drawback. It is strong negative evideuce of this fact, that the . efti.- racy of the article as a specide tor dyspepsia, bilious. ites4, constipation, nervcalsness, general dvbility, and intorinittentfevers, has never been questioned. As procif Positive of its Infalllability ill ouch eases, the statements of public men whose numes are tarsi!. tar as household words, have from, time to time been. given to the world. I If it.: reputation is sot founded in faci.s, then truth Ilia a shadow, and the utterances of conscientious cid. j zone are of no mere value. than "dicers' oaths!' And what is its repntat'oq! Let tho progress of I its sales answer the.hiquiry. Where Mont, doe-u bottles of Llostetter's Sitters - were wild In 1555, , rits lit'NDlll.ll3 DOZEN are dispo , ed of now. ' COrttii public opinion la, Mere significantly es. pressed than by'its naparallad Incren.e of consurp- Gia!i ? It semis impossible, The preparation has been imitated: Where are the imitators t Echo answevs, "IC herei" To the "limbo', of things lost on earth they are all either gone or go ing.. Peace be with them -- WORKS OF NATURE..—In n state of health theintestinal canal may be compared to a rivet trims Waters flow over - the adj Ailing land, through the channels nature or art hag made, end improve their qualithi-; so lon , as it rune on smomhly the channels are kept pure :tall healthy; if the course of the river is stopped, then the yvaterin the canals is oolongst pure, but eion becomes stagnant. There is but one law of circulation in nature. When therels i super abundance of hail:mint fluid iu the intestinal tubes, and 'coativenessytakes place, it flows back into the blood vessels,and l n fl Iterates itself Into the circiflatlou. To 'establish tholree course of the river, we must re• move the obstruOtious which step its free course, and those of its tributary streams. .I,Vith the body,fullow the same natural principle—remove the obstrueffons from the bowels with BRANDRETEPS _NUS, whieh never injure. but nro always effectual for the perfect cleansing of the system from foulness or dis ease. RemeMber, never sutler a drop of blood to be taken Loin you. Evacuate the humors as often and , •as tong as they are deranged, or tip long as you are sick. file that B. BRANDRETII is in hits letters in the Government stamp. *id by ail Druggists. TUE GitE.4.IOEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. F.A. 1,, 1131E11 S, FAMILIES', AND OTHERS CAN urchaso nu remedy equal to Dr. Tobias' Yens min Liniment for ilysetrary, colic,:croup, chronic rtemmatlern, sore thro.its, to•ithade, sea stckileso, cutii. burn:, swellin4s, bruises, soittii, headache . , nin,plite bites, pains in ti.e Inaba, chest, back, &c. If it doe:, rot give relief the mot ey trill be iefurdell. All that is naked is a trial, and use It>Sccarding to the directions. • . Dr. Tout-as.--.-D4.•ar. Sir: I have used your Venetian Liniment in my family for a uumber'in years,ival hue lieve it to he Ilan best remedy for what!it is 'neon:inten ded that I have eVer — Lintl. For nu4.lezi attack of croup it in invaluable. have no lieSilittion in race mending it for all the tines it proferises to curo..-I have Sold it for many years, and it gilven.eutire antis. faction. F , CHAS. 11.TELMALEIL ! Quakeitown,.N. J.,1 May 8, ISO. I Price 40 awl &remit ai Sold by all drwzglitta. Once 5S Curti:milt street; .Niutv York. s;') 000 A 'Veal . made, nny ono C. experiencl neceuaary. ~ W ildr.4, and Troneurer of 3 Bunks itidure trio circular. Bent freo %Vial El' plea. Ad dreg. the American Stiinoil Tout Works, pringfiold, VvrrnoLt • ; A CARD TO INVALID A Clergyman, Whilelresidii.g inlßouth lAmerien l as mis-iorarY• diacoi - ered a cafe and edurple remedy for the Cure 'of iNervoue Weaknbais, Early D cay,lnlseaseq of the Urinary and Sen4nal Organs, mid tile whale train of brought ion by bane ful and vicious liabit4. ,Great Iltirribi•ni bare been already cured by thin iinble'remedy. Volompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and- unfortimate, I will sand the recipe for preiiariag and claim; tliis medicine, Ina'aealcd envelope, to any ono who lat Ode it, Parc OF Cueinic. Please Inclose a posbpaill envelope, addressed to yoniself.l AddrePe. JOSEPH T. iNxi.LIN, I , iStatiou D, tmar2ol.ppl i, New York City: EROORS OF yori7i. A Gentleman tiho shlret ed for cars fr m Nervous Debility, Prematnro Decay, and all the effecti of youthful indiscrdtion,lwill, for the sake of suffering humanity, smd free bail who need ii thy recipe nod directions for ,the simplel 'remedy by which ho was cured. !Sufferers wishincti , to Profit by the advent:teen tixperience, can do t.o by, addressing • . JOHN B. 0011BAI, No. 13 - Chambers St., New YOHC.--(1:11TS WlllSirit RS • Dr. L. 0. 111.01Mtz' Corrolia, the greatq l st st'mnbitor In the world, will flirce Whiskers or Ilustaelles to grow on the E ni* c,.t face or chin ; neier known to fall ; sample for t.r.:211 sent free to any one desirous of testing its merits. Address,ltneess a CID., IS Nassau St. N.Y. . Jy3m3 :Lyon's !Periodical Drops_! The Great Female Itesnedy for Irreg. . u mrmes. These drops are a ectendfically corn. pounded fluid preparation, and better than any rills, Powders or .7.costrurns. Being liquid, their action is direct and positl4, - e, rendering them a reliable, speedy and certain specific for the cure of all obstructions and suppres-ions of nature. Their popularity is indiested by the fact that over 100,000 bottles are annually sold and consumed by the ladies of the United States, every ono of whom speak in the strongest tenth, of praise of their great merits. They are rapidly tiking the place o r every other Female Remedy, and are con sidered by all who know aught of them, as the surest safest, and most infallible preparation in the world; for the cure of all Female complaints, the tumoral of all obstructions ofnature, and the promotion of health regularity and strength: Explicit directions stating when thee may be used,and explaining when and why they should not, nor could not be used - without pro ducing efibets contrary to nature's chosen laver will be found carefully folded around each bottle,; with written signature of JOHN L. LYON,withont which none aro genuine. Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LEO.. , '195 Chapel Street. New Raven, Conn., who •ea be consulted either personally or by mail, (enolosin stamp,) core , corning all private diseases and female 'weaknesses. Sold bi Druggists everywifere. Price $1.50 pr Bat C. G:.CLARK dr. CO. ' lysp General Agte for Vatted States and t.W:i34" - oistyators' Notice. . WHEREAS Lettem_.4l,Adnelnistratlan ,on the Etitate of ED WAR,D ELAN IC; Leta of Abbott townshlp t .deceased, hare been granted to th e under signed, all persons indebted - to odd estate: ate re. quested to make , immediate payment, lad those bat ing just elainis ag-aluht the same should present them, duly attthonticated few settlement, to ' •2t.CARCI &BETTE BLAZTS, Ad ra eg. July 2 , 4 : 3:15 n i tV1D COZIWAY,