The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, July 31, 1866, Image 2
[Corresymdence of the _'otter Jourrkl.l • Letter from the Capitol, HARRISBURG, July 30,48643. I DEAR. jourtast : TheGnbernatarial Can vass has fairly opened in this Section of the State. The copperbea s are putting,forth all their energies for Clyiner: ._Qn the 18th cif July thei_cCorivention at /leading Prov ed a compare fizzle: True;--Clymer,-.Pen dleton,Vaux, With a few (lesser lights spout ed to their hearts" content but failed to achieve much. They e,xpected fifty thou sand but - were crest-fallea at "the deep dam nation l of their taking off." There was a crowdlof five thonsan4ersons and many of these Republicans whop went to see'ttie 4 'elephant." . The spea era were bOld thew denunciations of congress,, and took Tarticular pains to join lhands' with:the re bek4... Their, case in thi section of the'state is indeed Thefirst "great" drama • proved a decided fizzle. Last week the • . curtain of , the second scene' was raised et , ISechanicsburg, when Clymer ,dispensed lood to the political bietbrea, but as fate would have it, disappoibtment came again, and only a few of the cl4sen could be found, after : canvassing the, surrounding country for two weeks and distributing passes over the: railroads to all wh would promise to attend. This closed the second scene and . . . .. „ the.curtain fell in der6ess., The opinion I T is .gainieg ground : a 1 ong all intelligent classes, and acknowled ed by honest leading .democrats, that there is not the faintest erospect of Clymer's e ection. Gen. Peary vill be most triumphantly , elected.. But the more violent of .the copperheads are .determined to give battle as long -es they can.,..lConseguently they have appointed next Wednesday as tb time for presenting the free under the n Imo of the: Soldiers' Convention. They'r . U.e pettifogging and holding County Meet ugs for: the purpose _or selecting ddegates for this . third fizzle . upon the programm . , But a very:great obstacle beta. arisen Which they cannot avoid; ! viz,: They cannot Eng soldiers .etioth for delegates. In this e.xtrernity they have re sorted , to a very honorable practice, and get deserters and bounty jumpers, who they pay a regular salary. i They have learned , by exnerience Thai, the soldiers would ra ther fight under Gear , --who is a soldier,— ithan•under Clymer, Who opposed the sol dier, as a Senator of .Bennsylvania, in every conceivable - way. The soldiers of the Key, ' stone State have seam too many battles, m and undergone too. any hardships 6) de sert a hero like Genj Geary, and yoin the disloyal ranks of He' ter Clymer, Clymer „is at_heart to-day opposed. to the soldier and in sympathy with the late rebels: But the intelligent sons of Penrisylvatiia will :not be deceived, ind the October Election will speak in tones Which Mr: Clymer wilt never forget. 'ours truly, , ; • • • Pormicus. AO'The_Choleia e learn by reports in the daily papers oon f inues to pursue its in cipient. steps, and the ,number, of cases is steadily ,;increasing. The fact that this dread visitant first.seeks certaM localities Lich are most favorable to its develori mentand that it ia most fatal ; to persons of depraved habitr, is conclusive.', proof • that much cantle done: to prevent its spread.— , tet all be adreonisbecl,,therefore, that "one ,_ounce of prevention is btAter than a pound of cure." Letpch citizen : give . particular attention to all the,sanitary, measures cal culated to promote lis general health. Keep a clean house and cellar, don't spare the lime in white washing; remove all filth or decayinf , matter fr your yards or, prem ises, live plain an abstemiously, take at •least two or three.b the weekly to keep the skin blien and in, realthy working order, 'keep cool, don't ge frightened, have a good conscience, vote the Union Ticket, need not fear the olera, T------;- . , • rh eids have be - en severely ion of Tennessee in rat utional AMencimelit. . If 'he 'same sPirit In' *Copt f:cion,gress,and were as , rebels from ,Office ex- 1 ',the freedmen, establish Otaiien ; . our internee-; `'ost' inStantlY cease. It hat keeps the rebellion of. Tennessee foreshad-1 th. . . . .1. .. 1 rebuked by the ae `ifpiria the Coa'stit. t hey would show ; t , ing the legislation. ',willing to exclUde tend jnst basis, of rep ene strite'woula aC is copperheadistn alive. The antin. ows the fate of a a .10 11- President ohnson objected to cer tain congressiona . bills.because . they:con ferred.on the; Executive -too. gi eat power. i,.6. is it, notsingular that, one. Filo ..claim* ,40 feel so much con rn for tile cause of liberty. should make , su, h dcspptic use c..f his au thority. I .B.ut,an =suited Congress and an Outraged nation are; watchinglaini. le-"my policy" means to turn the govcrnment ovier into the hands o . rebels, it is evident/that the Executive is; ;hedy invested,yrith:too much, rower. ~; . , , , larThe mass}ve new bridge, Which wig being 'constructed across the i iiver at: Ilay,re de-Grace, for th u s e of:the p,hiladelphia, Wilmington and B4timore' iatlroad, And nearly complete ,w7troyed by a storm which pacmil s ection on Wednea 4. • evening last - It is said the wind blew feet hurri e, and the haveemadehy storm was rrible and cothplete. ;Ur / The. abs raet of crop returns dust issued; is more vorabie thart , the June-re: port, and shows a year of ,average.truitful uess. Wheat it a little less in quantity,but, //of )xitter quality than last year's crop. The oats and corn dop are in. most .States un -4 asually good. be prospect lor apples is net so good; a d a poor show forpeac4B.., Potatoes prom' well. 2,0" A Jer. -• n Democrat:: one who was lowly to sari his life, to secure his prin ciples. • A Johnson l emocrat:. One who secures Lis living by dewing. his Principles. THE JOURNAL. Coudersport, , Tuesday, July 1,1.866. M. lir. licAfAliNEYi di;rtiut: 7- - ':-.• , FOR GOVERN , 'ft': GEN'L J. W. . EARY, Of Ciimberlaild cininty. IiTNILON POLICY OF HiICONSTIMIXTION! "Regovrize, !By the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States ofAmerica, in Con gress assembled t*o•thirds Of botliHouses concuring, That the following article b4.proposod ID the Legisbs. totes of the.several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States,. which, when rati fled by ttrree.fottrtlis of the said Legislatures, shall I:ie valid as a part, of the Constitution; namely : i 4 •Article-cSsovvbir I,i All•persetne born or natural ized in the Unite& States, and subject to thejur,isdic tion•thereof, are citizens oi theUrilted States', and of the State wherein they reside. Np State shall make or enforce any law 'which shall abil•3ge the privileges or humanities of, the citizens of the United' States. Nor shall any State deprive any person of 1 ire, liberty. or property without due' process bf Yaw nor deny ,to any.person within! its jurisdletion,the 4 1 lairtoteq Lion of the laws, . 'Sim - Row 2. Itepresentativei shall be apportioned among the aevera States according to their respect ive numbers, vomiting the whole inumber of persons in each State, except Indians not taxed ; bat when over the right to vote at any election for electora of President and Vice•President' 'or for United States Representatives in Congress,! executive! and judicial officers, or,the members of,the Legislature thereof,is denied to any of the rattle inhabitants of such States. being twenty.ona - years of, age, 'and citizens of the United States, or In any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein Shall, be reduced in the propor tion which the - number of seen i male citizens ihall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty one years of age in that State. .. • . . - 'ilsortolv S. No person shalt bo a Senator Or repre aentative In' Congress, elecitor of President and-Vice- President iir hold any aide, citill. !or military under the United States, or , under tiny:State, who, having previonsly.takeixon oath as a member of Cnngrese,or as an officer of thOtrnited States,'or as a member of any State faegislaturei or se an executive orjudicial officer of tiny State to support the Constitution of thit United 'States, shall have engaged' In insurrection or rebellion against the same or given aid or-comfort to the enemies thereol;' but Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House remove each disabilitY. "SECTION ' r t. The validity of !the public debt of the United States apthoriked by',lttive, including debts In curred for the payment of,. pnusione and bounties for service in, sappressing insurrection Or rebolliort, shall not be ones - OM:XL but neither the United States nor any State ev.tissume or 'pay any debt or obligation Incurred in dof InsurreotiOn or rebellion against the United States, or any Claimor the loss or emanoipa-. tion of any Wage, but all such debts, obllgations, and e 'aims shall be held•illegald 'gold." • ! ..! i I. • ' • • InrA n34.l.acre of Irt occurred in New Orle l anS)yesterdziy. The Union Conven tionwas broken up, prominent Union men shot • 'dawnin the streets , i Rebel ',flags hung out, the Mayor and 'police ehe'ered the rabble, and rebel soldiers again pe i rtially , appeased their appetites foli. blood :I.The minions who have been, sehoole4 by Polio -" are working out the legitimate fruits of theii' teaching. If President, A l linson escnp thr:respousibili. responsibility of these-murders, Islf.o's, name will be honer able. - Vie Will publish a full account 'in Our • ,The' :Preacherit' Meeting of the ' Olean Dist,rictof the:Methodist Chitral will be held in - this . place,' commencing with: a•sermon Tuesday evening next; a usmess meeting WeritiesdaY; . itild 'sermon the everting ; a business.ineeting on Thursday and Centenary Serviees in the evening.: Tolail - ttf theitemeet ings . the pliblic 'are invited! . . ..The,' Centenary services willibe very lriteresting: Iliese meet kip have been pleasant . andiprofitable 'hereto fore and • WC"haite no - ,ffoubt the"present will be peCtiliarly interesting.`' , • ' • • 1 1 , " • The Atlantic jeable tompieted..' , „ Science Nas at last accom p lished the grand enterprise of Connecting thO l Old World with .the New,:gO that thought dart be transmitted from the oije to the ?other 4ith the lightning's speed. The vessel bearing the shbre end. of the •Athintic•lxibie reacbed eaips Content on Sat urday morning last:lama ?thus was perfected' the great worirtwhichrhad go long 'baffled al/ hu :man efforts:and which seenled to many beyond tle possibility of aceomplishment.' 'By astrangs coixtcidene, the number ? ot miles of cable laid iseysegy'qual laid exactly equal to the num ber of,years in the Christian era. ? • + resointiona affecting the L eap• tured an 4 arrested Fenians bave passed the House Onel urges the -release Of the Fenian pris6eni isganadit, .and the other asks that the piosecution of the alma in the couris,be abandoned ital; BY their deedsye shall know them.'! one,of the Tennes see deleetes . who' 7 - as, svforn into office, had.scarcely ~ finiiate4,,shaking hands • with the, pea.)ter when li*mute..was 'called to vote on the bill toindernnify loyal Citizens ofTemessee folipioperty•deStiovd daring ell' the , reb and he voted "No." Wile I Will Say ;what hi r i ;vote, would .have been bad,the:Msolutiqn been to.indemnify the rebers . arql guerrfilas, the men• who filled East Tennessee ,with graves? Such acts are only the outroppings of "My. Policy," he preliminaries of the Pnladel phl iebel C I venti nao not prophecy very, peaceful Ones. The Copperheads and violentrebEl ', t allies in•the !north' seem telthini . that tliei are t thi,; ---- proper persons tot dispose of tbe.qiiestiOns there te-bepre twitted, ; ; and ,are packing it with , men of their . Orinciplei. ,Others who, have not been solviolent, , feeling that the country twill' net . submit to fir'ilatferm trained by prom intent/ rebels, atel,endeavoriogso shut the, dos' upon, ttli ' , At # meeting of tlite .10finson Nationa Democratic Union Mehl a vote Was emit requesting yallandigharri not to iiresent Ihim.selfat thetioniention. ~ It is stated , thee the Ohio Patriot 'resents the preposition . ith indignation,_claiming drat the people ho.sent him are entitled' to repnientation in the Orison of their cboice, '-' 4Doks dekbt to' bark and bite, '.: 4 1, . For 'tie tbeirmatnre--;- : = 1 --nt i I t'. TENNESSEE. WignmaTos, July' 24, 1866. The House to day met at 11 o'clock, a:..d commenced working in earnest, preparting for adjournment. Most of the flay' : was oc cupied on Deficiency Appropriation hilt. At 211-o clock, Col Cooper, the PreaidenVis Private Secretary,lcame on the floor of the House and 'presented a message from tile President, l titating that he had signed, un-- , der.protest,! the joint resolutiOn admitting ,the State of Tennessee into the Union. Rumors had been, afloat ally the, morning that the President' would either: •eto the bill outrimht or allow it to.become a law - without his signature by letting it remain over the necessary' ten days; 'consequently the members were all on the qui vine about Tennessee's. fate. : Accordingly, when Col. Coo Per made his appearance, a Mini berof members:gathered around hini to hear the, news. When, he announced• the result, ;lie was- heartily congratulated by [ those around him, among.whom were some of this most. Radical :Onion members. An outsider in - the galleries would :have thought, from . the scene below, that the quarrel :between the. President and Con-, gress had been' settled, and an era of good feeling was folloWing. Speaker Colfax re eeived the ineesage and, not being in the Chair, al number of members gathered around 101 to, knew. the exact Words of Mr.. Johnson,.:.. Mr. Bingham, in particular, was very.anxious. It, washis and he evidently felt. that he bad the first right to see the message. Accordingly Mr. Colfax surrendered the rnanusciipt to the gentle man froixidOhlo but before Mr. Bingham had time to read it to the grouP around him the Committee on the Whole arose, and Mr. Colfax "relieimd Mr. Dawes from the duties of the 'Speaker's Chair. - Down went the little , mallet, and the Speaker announce& the message from the President., there Was.a dead silence, and the Clerk, • Mr:t-McPherson i "commenced reading the message. ':When: •Mr.' Mc- Pherson, reached , that part of the message where. Mr. Johnson stated he affixed his Signature to .there was loud clap ping of banda and. applause _by .Members on the floor—Radicals, Conservatives and Democrats joining in. Then again, further down inthe message, where the President stated that he did • not ;wish Congress to construe his signing the Bill into an ac quiescence of their policy, there was loud laughter by Members. The reading of the message consumed. about 10 minutes.- IWhen finished, there was applause from all quarters: There were very few in the gal leries, however: When matters bad got .., quieted ) ] Stevens rose! and moved that the. Committee;'on Reconstruction be dis charged from further consideration of the Tennessee question, and also moved that, as Tennessee.was now State in the Union, the ,credentials ;of. her Representatives , be referred] to. the Committee, on . Elections. Onthesemot_ D S , f Alin h mot_ DS, that the Heim had no time! to spare for debate and unnecessary talk, demanded the previ- , ous question, but, as a matter course, the Democrats must say . semetbing., Mr. Le Blond thought the members from Tennes see should be sworn in without their cre dential; going IM the Election CoMmittee. Other, points of order were ,raised but all were overruled by the Speaker, and the first motion Of Mr. Stevens, for the dis charge of the Committee was, adopted with , out calling the yeas and nays. Then, on i the question of referring the credentials of the, Tennessee members to the Committee on Elections, several members straggled into a debate,whee Mr. Wentworth rose and demanded the regular order.. After sev eral, pints °Corder had been disposed of, a vote was taken.. by yeas and nays, the motion beieg adopted by a vote of 89 to 28 Mr. Dawes immediately proceeded to get a Aroma of his Committee together, and ,hatl au examination of the credentials of the Tenne;see members present. They were Air. Maynard, •Col. Stokes and. Mr, Taylor._ i'inding the credentials correct, Mr. Dawes, at:about 4. o'clock,: moved that the above-nained members from Tennessee be sworn in,lwhich was, carried, and each member then took the required test oath. Messrs. , Maynard and Stokes took seats on the. RepubliCan side of the House, and Mr.l Taylor on the Democratic aide * During a part of the above prec,eedila Messrs. b , Bina.- ham, Schenck, Kasson and ..Raymond. fOrmed a grhup, in the center of which was' that: firm old Radical leader, Mr. , Thad. Stevens. . Altogether the day ba§ been one of rejoicing in and out of Congress. This evening a salute of 100 guns, in hon er of the event; was fired at Judiciary, square, • I • • i said that Senator PattersOn'ef _Ten nessee take the test oath, and that Objection will be made to his being sworn in until his antecedents during, the Rebel- Rion are examined into.— Tribune. 4Xr, 'The, special ,Washington , eotrespon 'dent Of the INew - Tork Tribune teligraphs Ito that)onrnal, under date of Ail* 19th: "I have anthority fOr 'stating that at ,the Philadelphia Convert tionon its organization ti resolution will be offered 'that 'no one shall be' admitted as a delegate whd inky have borne arms against the Government,' and that James' Brooks and Pernandd, Wood expect to commit the New - York delegation against: the resolution." The total contributions in New. York and Brooklyn in aid of the sufferers by the recent great fire at Portland, Maine, bat; reached the magnificent sum of $109,558. Other cities are dOing equally as well. Large nuni- hers'bf the inhabitants are yet destitute. I . IA. joint resolution introdueed into the ; ,Senate, last:week. by Mr. Fessen den, authOrizing the suspension of the col. leCtion o internal taxes in Portland, piOmptly ',used that body. , , ADJOURNMENT OF CONGRESS SENATE. • WesutivoTON Ju / •- • - 28 Mr, 'Harris; offered a 'violation fdr: the_ appointment of acornmittee_of two, AO 'join A committee of the House, to wait I upon the President' and inquire_ if he bad 'anjr 'further,' communication to Malta with: Congress. • 1 ` The resolution was adopted,' - and-MessA: Harris and Nesmith were appointed said committee. 7 At 4.50 Mr. Harris, from Abe comittee tb Wait on the President, rePOrted that the President had noturther communication to Mr. Buckslen , offered a resolution Of thanks to Mr. Foster for the impartial-man ner itt which. he has presided dunng !the session. Adopted unanimously. • ,Mr. Foster :briefly fetnrned 'thanks to the Senate for the tonipli men t eon' in , the resolntion, and then, deelat Senate adjourned .sine Vie.. HOUSE OF AEPRESENTAT/ The House at 3.20 took anothel till 4 o'clock. There being nothing , before. the Mr. Ancora offered a restlution, ji for the appointment of a select cot of twenty-one to inquire into thee.. andßction and detention of members fru_ the sessions of the House when important measures were pending, with powetto send for persons and paper., and sit during and , report to the Philadelphia Convention on the 14th of August. [Laughter.] , Unanitnous consent •was given. ,' j Mr. Wentworth said his remarks•rthglit I extend over five minutes, and he' would therefore wtite thern out and have,thern . published in the Globe. [Laughter and cries of "Object."] 1 / 4 Messrs. Morrill and Flack were appoint ed committee on the part ef the House to join the committee on the part of the Senate to notify the President that; Con gress has concluded ita business, " In a feW minutes subsequently Mr. Mor rill reported that the committee bad so in formed the President, and that. the Presi dent had stated that he had no further business to . communicate. • I THE SPEAKER 8 ADDRESS. The hour of half-past four, having ar. , rived, the Speaker 'delivered hii farewell speech. He said: , GENTLVSIEN 'OP TILE HOUSE OFILEPRE SENTATIVES-1 cannotspeak the_word that announces' our separation until I thank you with all the warm emotions of a grateful heart for the unanimously adopted resolu tion you have placed on your journal.. Un usual as this is, at the close of a first session of. Congress, its value is thereby enhanced; and I . prize it- because I believe it to be you sincere . , endorsoment of MY, endeavors, to administer the duties of-this responsible and often trying position with' an Barnes impartiality to maintain• the just rights of a majority, to protect. the even., more nec-- I emery rights of a minority, and yet to hold the Scales so fairly poised that every , decis ion shall . stand the 'teSt'' of 'ieason and of parliamentary law.' -Watched as a presid ing officer always mustbe by scores of crit ical eyes, this is never, less than' difficult; , and he is fortunate if he can impress the body over which he Presides with the con viction that his constant aim has been to render justice to all. Meeting he iv amid' the frosts of early winter'and parting after such a prolonged session. amid the torrid heats 'of summer, friendships, have --been formed which will brighten, as yeir 'after year rolls away.. , " Discussing' some of the gravest questions ever submitted to ,a de , liherative body in this land; the.attraction of mind with, mind,- And the conflict .of thought and action have left but feivstings behind; and despite all differences of senti ment, no Congress within my experience here has closed its session with more gen eral good feeling amongst. its, -members. 1 1 gci back as our institutionsivisely :pre scribe td, submit to our constituents , the issues which have divided us here, and, to, cheerfulljr abide by their verdict, as a,eourt from which there is. no ,rightful appeal. Wishing ,you ail a safe journey to your hoines and a happy. reunion : and friends;; I do accordance with the concurrent resolution of both Houses, declare thet rst session of the thirty-ninth Congress adjourned- sine die. ~'; , The ball of the House and the galleries were crowded with spectators, watching with interest the closing moments of•a ses sion that will be so memorable in history. The Speaker's valdictory was listened to irr l deep silenee, and as he spoke tile: laSt words there was an outburst.of :applause; one of the Democratic members [Strouse] crying.. out vehemently, "three cheers fir our noble Speaker." The:call ' was resi• ponded to heartily., The parting of Mem bers from each Other . ..was of the -most friendly-Mid eventishing charact,er., Thus clOsed the first session of the Thirty.ninth COngress. _ itgrAs the. Democracy ~have been very much in love with Horace Greeley lately, for the reason that it was reported that he offered to become one of Jet): Davis'. bail; we ask their attention to his opinion, of them, given in last Friday's Tribune: !, "We say no mare than every observing man knows to be true when we assertthat Ignorance and Intemperance:are today the maul pillars of the swindling. fossil which miscalls itself the, Deinocratic party. We mesh precisely this— , that if all , the . voters were intelligent, while nOne were intempe rate, the so-called Democratic party would stand no chance. Take any city, county or ward you Please, and single out: those among its voters who can't read and. will get drunk, and nine-tenths .of them are Democrats, even. when *the:great mass of their neighbors are Republicans."' s. COVNTIC CONTENTION. The Itepublicans of Potter County lire`t : equestiii meet tile usual p hout the County, o n Or -holding their:Aiwa; ship n througn'Tnesdiy,„ the:l4th day of ,Angust, between the houranf 4 and te. )6, to elect Delegate* to represent them in CountY Convention, to be, held in Coudersport:oh:Thursday. tbp'lBth day of Anittel, at 2 Worockr. m., in nominat e a - Vona). Ticket to : be supported by the; paten zn.n3 of,Potter county at themezt election, and to choose ongreeslonal and BePretoiltatiiv• Confereei; and ttnosict auch'etherlou.6ness - as may . coitnii. brfore the ,ConVention. ! • •• The Vigilance Commltteee of the esvprat Town. - ships are hereby requested to post tip kfitices•of the time and place of bidding the meetinglC - Ithd IS Se present to organize and act atr',Board of Election of said meetings. The number of Delegates to be se lected In each Town is as follows : Abbott 2, Allegany 3, Bingham 3, Clara 2, Conders port 444trIsida 2, Geneses, 2, Harrison 6, .Hebron 3, Elector 3, Homer 2, Jackson 2. Keating 2, Oswayo Pike 2, Pleasant Valley 2:Roulet 2 Sharon 4, Sweden 2. _ Summit 2, :Sylvania 2, Stewartison 2, Ulyssee 1, West Branch : 2, Wharton 2. . order _of County committee.. P. A. BTEBBINS, Ja., Cots dersport t June 27, 1866. •! r. Committee; or•. • Igilance. A bbott—D.Conway, J. Schwartzenbacb,J.SandbacU. Alleitimy.-.0. , Ml:a:Judd. Albeit Presho: Blackman. Bingham-4-E.Miltvey,Trank Coi in, N. Spencer. Clara—Leroy Allen, Sala Stevens, llohn Brooks. Cedhlors S ntt-W. W. Brown',lL 34.'-Larrabee, X. J. Mills, r. Enlai ia --Jasper 13 paftord, Job n Yeomans, W.B. Lent Gcnesee...-J, C.:Oavanau,gh, Perry, C. C. Allis. I Htirrisen-11. Dodge, G.,W Stevens. M. It .swetland. 1 Elehron—S. Si : Gireminzan,'lsieison Vaninwigen, Geo. W. StilltuartC' - ' I • . BeFtor—C.,,l,'.:;; Cyrus , Sunderlin, Stephen Dickens.' thuner—J. IT.,Qulmby, Dennis Rail, Jacob Peet.. Jackscin•Rtiiiben Perelog, E. lloreacamp; William Smith, , ; . • , . F.eating-7llenrrilarrle, E. G. Cranti, Geo. Learr.. • Otivrityo—H,Tl.-311inson W Dexter W L. Shattuck. Pike- , ,P. J. Q. ?terrier. liattheW Yonnz, Pleasant Valley—Ernst Wright, Daniel .Batlttiood; J. J. Roberta . • - Roulet- r 13., B'. Burt Orrin 'Webb. C. r.nowlton. Shaton-Ransom Stoat, W. L. Starkwetber, :Nelson Parmenter. • • • • Summit—Albert Rennals, M. Larrabee, James Reed. ; I Sylvatda—E. G. Austin, R. E.. Stewartsrin-11. Andreson, J. rrancls, B. Dawns, SWeder—Ain•Toanabs, Edwin! Lympn, John Brown. Ulyeses- , •B D..LeMity•K L. Gridley, H.Tlßeyrtolds. Wharton—li...l.Brninard, Perry Duvall. LW. Sounds. Wait Branch:—A. B. 'Berton, 8;31. Donable,A.Trask. SPECIAL , . , NOTICES._ I . • WOlll4ll OF NATURE—In I a state of health the intestinal coma may be compared to a river whose Waters. flow over , the adjulhing labd,. through, the channels nature or art has made, and Improve their qualities; so long atilt runs on smoothly the channels are kept punt and healthy; ifthe course of the' river. Is stopped, then, the water In tlie canals is no longer pure, but soon becouies stagnant. There is but one, law of uireidation in nature.) When there is a super abundance of humbtial fluid in the' intestinal tubes, I and !costiveness' takes place, it Ilnws • back Into the loodfiessels,and I ntil terat es itself into the olrenftition. To establish the free, course of the ' iver, we must xi move the obstructions which'step its free ,course, and those of its tributary streams. With the hody,fullow the. same natural principle--remove the obstructions' from the bowels . with BRANDRETII`S PILLS, 'll4)lcP never injuie, but are always effectual for the perfect' cleansing of the system from foulness pr dis emo.Remember, never suffer a drop of blood to be taken from you. 'Evacuate the humors as often and as long as tioly . are deranged, or as long as you are See that B.DR.ANDRETEI is in white letters in the. Government stamp. Sold by all Druggists: • THE GREATEST ' DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. .• FAItitERS, FAMILIES, AND OTHERS] CAN purchase no remedy equal to Dr. Tobiaa':Vene. thin Liniment for dysentary;.coiic, croup, chronic rhetunadant, pore throats, tontlactio, sea sickness, cubs, burns ' swellings, bruises, of d sores,l headache, mosquito bites, pains in the limbs; chest,' bank, am. If it does not give relief the moray 1111 be refunded. All that to asked is a trial, and use it ccOrdinglo the ;directions c . 1 Tonitia.,--Dpaik Sir: I have used your Vcnetian 'Liniment in my fondly for a numbek of years,end neve it to be remedy for whit it Is recuramen did'that I have'ever used.. Tor sudden attack of croup ft is invaluable. I have no hesitation oi moo mending,' t for all the uses it. professes to core. I hitie tiold'lt for Many years, and it' gives entlie sans• faction. k CHAS.:ItZItITtriER Quakertown . 1,1". J May 8, :1866: Price 40 and 80 Cents: Hold by airdrnglata) 53 Ccirtlandi sireet,'Ne* ,York. l. . 1 ", • 000Yenir . rnade by 'any ono 'Watt ' sls— Stencil Tools.-, No experience necessary. 'rho Presidents, CWshiers,andTreasnrers of 3 Banks indorse the circular. Bent. free with samples. Ad dress th 4 American . Stencil Tool Works, Springfield, A CARD. TO INVALIDS. , , • A Clergyman; whqe residing in. South America at - missionary,.• discovered 'a . safe and simple,' remedy for the -Cure of Nervous Weakness,: Early Decay','Diseases • of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on yy bane. rul and vicious habits. Great numbers have been already cured by thitrboble remedy.' PrOmpted by a desirn to benefit Our afflicted and unfortunate, I tVili Wend the recipe for preparing and using thii Medicine, in stinted envelope, to anyone Who .neede3t, Fast or CHARGE. f?leze incloseNet-paid envelope, addressed to your elf. Address, •J ' • , - JOSEPIIVP. IIMAN, . SStationD,l3o2io House, . trnar2Olyspl . . • , New York City. • • Elia ORS •OF TOUT EC. • , - Gentlemin wbo suffered for pairs from Nervous Debility, „Premature Decay, and 'all the effects of Youthful indiscretion,*lll, for .. the mike.of sathiring • hunatiity, send tree to ail who need IA the recipe and directions foi Making tho simple remedy by whictfbe 'weir cured.: Sutlerere wishing:to 'profit by' the advertieeee experience, can do so by - addressing. JQHN B. OGDEN, No. 1.3 Cliamlicis St.., New York.—jlyJyS wilisgErtsr , 'WHISKERS !.!* • . Ms.:wear? Oorrol thegfreatest stimtilhtor In tho 'world,; will rorco Whiskers ,or Mustaches to kitiwon the sncoothet PACO or chin ;never known to fall.;-satoplel for trial fret to any ono .isirotts of leafing its merits. Aild.ress,RsEvEs St ,S Nassau ',FAL ' - ' C 0. ,, JEBni3 • • • I fs • 'Lyon Dropq ! • b Trie Great .Femalek. BemedT for Irreg. utatities:' These drops aro a scientifically corn. pounded fluid preparation , and better than all Pills, Powders or pfostrums. Being liquid, their act on is filreet andposltive, rendering them a reliable, speedy and certain specific for the cure of all obstracttouS and suppressiOnil of nature. Their popniarity is indicated by the faq that overloo,ooo bottleS are' annually sold and consumed by the ladies of the, United States, every ono of whom speak in tho' strongest terms of praise.of their great merits. . They are rapidly taking the place.ot every other Female Remedy, and are con sidered by all who know aught ot.them,as the surest safest, and most infallible preparation m the world: fdr the cure otall Female•complaints, tho remora] of nit obstfactions ofnaturb,"and - thls promotion of health regularity and strength. . Explicit directions stating when they•may be used,and explaining when and why they. should not, nor mould not be need without Pro ducing effects contrary to nature's cbosen!Jaws, be found barefully- folded around each bottle,. with written signature ofJOUN L. LYON,:without which Mine are genuine. Prepared. by Dr, JOHN L. LYON, 195 Chapel. Street, , New Garen, Conn. who, can •be consulted either. personally or by mail;(enclosing stamp,) `con earning allpdvate diseases and female weaknesses. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price $1.50 pr Bot. , C. G. 'CLARK & CO., •sp • General Agts for United States and Canadas STRANGE, BUT TRERC:': Every young lady and gentleman:ln the. United Statest can hear something much to their advantage by , return'mail (free 'of charge,) by addressirm the undersigned. Those who have fears df being bum bilged - will' oblige by not.noticing . thlS turd. ' Al! others will please address. their .abedient servant, • ' TROS. F. CHAPMAN; ' 831 Broadway, New York.—tlyjyB. TO' CON -UflirinvES The"advertiser, having heen restored" to health *few weeks by.a very simple 'remedy, after having ,shtferod for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dreadiltsease, Constmiptioli=is anxious to mike 'known' to Ws fellow-sufferers the, means of Told' who desire it, be Will send a copy of the pre-: turription used (five of charge), with the directions for preparing and using 'the same, which they will And, a BURR CURE for Consumption . Asthma, Brenehetia, Coughs, Colds, and aa Throat and Lung, Affections. The 'only object of the advertiser In sending the Prwription Is -to benefit the .afilicted, and spread Information which h. coneelyes to be In yalitable, - and he hopes every sufferer will try' , Ids remedy,- as tt will cost them nothing, and may, prove blessing., " Parties ishing the prescription, raii, by return mall; will pleasr address .1 - - 'Rao. EDWARD Williamsburgh, Ships Co., New York.-----(1yj7,4 - - The World's Opinion ofßostet. let's Stomach Bitters. *ranching these Bitters this grand tact is class. Their fame:fills all the Western Hera larephers Sawn In 6)llw:ids, Washed by its oceans twill:. RealtbFhope and vigor follow in their snarl. • AVOID COUNTS riniTETTERT BITTERS sham the coratamikie cr all things good—lmpostors Imitate. Ottbese beware—discreetly use your eyes— Front tomcat houses purchase your supplies. CAUTION.. . vas GOVIIIIMINT 111D01.11111XX?. 4m a rd e er to guard against dangerous ltopositlone,th publio are requested' to take especial note of the be n ,. tiful engraved proprietary 'tamp, thtough tableb.tho Government of - the United States officially at:abet:au entea every bottle - of ROP3TETT-EfeB BITTERS' This shield thrown by the Government over the pro- prietors and the public fur their joint protecti on is placed conspicuously across e cork and over t o neck of 'gob bottle and cannot fa ll to strike the epic f the-nrsoetcwittel ohm vett, • N thing that purports t , I be Ifoetetter's Bitters can be genuine unless thests co Is there. ' . , .., P It is also proper% statethati the Bitters are sem oz ,. elusively In glass m , and never nhder any elm:unet, g}be gallon or tbarret illipolitolllll.lo ilnitat t n i tn . rrntol, and the Or4antfetruar4 the public' ai * mad thorn to to see that the bittern . they bey bear the en graved label and note of hand p rof Messrs. Rattner Ili Stnith, and tho.atamp above znonip.m* -, . _ T4E EONFESIMONS AND EXPSRIfiIIiCE OF • , . ISVALID. . I • 1 Published for the benefit and 'as a BM:aloe to Po n Men and others, who Rafter from Nervous Pettl)ty, Premature De of Manhood, dtc., supplying lim e dame time tho n means of Sdrettre. By one who ERs cured himself after and - arguing considerable qabekery By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, sieve copies, free of charge, may be had of the author.. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Ess,, lysp,lf 30 Brooklyn, Kings Co., IS. T. . . TRANSVORIYEATION I The- superstitions of an tiqUity, are only "foal for laughter" at' the present day,,and yet :hi, is an age of , I • MIRACLES. accomplished with the aid ofscience.' For example grey, :sandy or zed hails - Changed 111 a Dia eat, to the richest cOnceirabla black or brown, by a simple application of Cristixeloro's Muir D3;e, • Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, 6 Astor House, New York. Sold by Druggists. Ap plied by ell Ilair Dressers. [June 19. A NEW AND BEAUTIFIRVIOR ; THEPICTORIAL BOOR OP ANECD O 9TIfLipmiNDFNTs EROIC, Patricitic,. Romantic, Humoreas, aad JUL • Tratrical. • - • - lipletididlyllitrefrated with Met* 300 dna Portraits and beautiful Esgravings. Thin Work for genial humor, lender pailans, Ling interest, end attrantire beauty. stands peerless nd alone among 'all its comphtitors. The Villein and lirave Hettrted, the Pietureeque and Dramaac, the 'Witty and Mari:Mira* the Tender and Pathetic. The Roll of Faille tend Story, Camp, 'Picket, spy, Scout. Rivolnrc,, and Siege ; Startling. Surprises; Wonderful Escapee. Famous Words and Deeds of Woman, and Um whole Panorama of the Waris here thrillingly and startlingly portrayed in a masterly manner, at once hiatorical and romantic , rendering It the meet ample, brilliant, and readable book that the was hria called forth. This work sells itself. The rieolile are tired 011.7 details and partimn works, and want something la mototis, rourtnhc, and startling , . hare agents , clearing over $200) per month. Send for circulars, and see our terms and Moor of the at assertion_ Address, IcA'TIONAL PUBLISHING CO. July 27—=„I .No. 507 Minor Street, Philadelphia, Pa. • - 1566 1866 Philadelphia dr. Erie Railroad. THIS great line traverse& the Northern and Nsith west conntles of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie , on yoke Erie. it boo been kissed and Is operated by . the P11321313.CAN11 Earticoan COXPANT. Time ,of passenger tralns at kid PlanitV. LEAVE EntY;AfiCL: Erie Mail T. N. Erie Express Train LEAVE WESTWARD. Erie Mail Train . . ... 11. lt: . . Erie Express Passenger care ruff through - on the Erre - Mail awl Express Trains. without chant', both 7 10 Pir bairetr' Philadelphia nnitErie: NEW YORK CONNECTON.tI ., I -- Leave New York at 9.00 arrivaxtt Erie 93916.. Leave Erie at 4.45 P. x., Arrive at New 410, T. a. ELEGANT BLEEPING CARS on ail Night tralar Fur information respecting Passenger brksiness,sp-- ply at Corner of 30thand3iarket streets, Philadelphia - - And for Freight business of the Company's Agetita S. R. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market- streets, Philadelphia..:! .1. W. Reynolds, Erie. . 7. Wm. Brown, Agent, N. C. R. R , Baltimore. G. 11. HOUSTON, General Freight Agt. Philada. H. W. GWINNER, General Ticket Agt. Philads. A. L. TYLER, General Bup'l, Erie. PHOTOGRAPHIC. & 77 T. Ayr somr 4:k co., • Nanufactureis of Photographic Materials; •1' wooLEo•us •ND ItZTAIL, 501 33ioadway, iSrew "York. In addition to our Inain business of RPiIQ.TP GA 'IMO MATERIALS we are ßeadgaerterie for the followimg, riz, . . I STEREOSCOPES & STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS-H - Of. American And Foreign Cities and. Landscapes, Groups, Stitusry, etc. - ; • • STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS . OF THE WAR, 'Prom negatives made in the various eampaigns and forming a complete Photographic history if the gnat contest. , „ 'STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for, either the lifaile Lantern or the 8(.4 oscopo. Our Catalogue will be _maul to any address ort reocipt of stamp• - • PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, . We manufacture more largely than any ether house, abdut 200 varieties from 60 cents to 00 each Oar AL/417616 have the reputation of being superior la beauty and durability to any others. Card Photographs of Generals, States;. men, Actors etc etc . Our Catalogue embraces ocerllVE THOUSAND dlffereot- subject, Including 'reproductions or th - o most celebrated Engravings. Paintings, -Statues, etc. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. ' - Photographers and others ordering goods C. a D., will please remit 26 per cent of the amount with their order. ' Car The prices and quality of our goods cannot fill to satisfy. - dmo [June n, . . Executor's Notice. been appoi n t . AATELEEEAE,the undersigned billing been appoint. A V V ed oxecutora of tbo last will and testament it Ed ward A. Dond, late of Harrison township, des , d, notice is hereby given to those knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and thodu having claims to preseet them dairsdabldr Heated for settlement.. Mrs. E hi. DOUAI _ June 2t, 186 e. A. - A.SWETLAND, Zee. Administrators' , ltiotioe.; " •••-,, . A . XTBEREAB Letters of. Administration di the VI , 'Hetet. of EDWARD BLANK, 'sterol' Abbott , township, deceased, have been grantetto the linden eignedi all persons. indebted 'to said 'Write- are ne queeted to make immediate payment, and Shoed hal , ' Ingjust claims against the same ehonld prinxit,theia t duly authenticated for settlement, to MARG A ItETTE BLANK, DAVID CONWAY July 24,1866. ,L - • , Admin'lstrator's.Notlice. . TITHEItEAS Lettere of Adminfetration on tbp Estate'of JOSEPH a: DINGEE,, fatetif Sts log tovneldp; deceased, bave - beea.grantet to I *j: undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate"' requested to rot/kola/mediate payment, :and Mo. halting just claims against the same abouldlgenst them, duly authenticated, for settlementdo ." 'July 23,1866. CHARLES EHEG=I;,-, and Lime, Co ersigned desirev to,inkry ,t? ; dersport and v icinity fr" • The nn tens of Co to furnish ID At 1,11V1.V • i ce& Keeps a Stoele on hand, mu*: S. STOORS ,, P t.. Jul at 'fair p stantly.. £MFO