The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, July 31, 1866, Image 1
VOLUM XVIII.- -NUMBER 15. H . POTTER JOURNAL, BUBLIBIIED BY PI. W. 31cALAIVIFEY, Proprietor. ISQ"Deroted to the eauee of RepublicaniFra, thelni terestg of igria elture, the ad , ia oceme at of Education/ and We beat good of Potter county. Owning no g'Fid. except that of Principle, it will endeavor to aid in th. work of more fully Freedotnizing our Country. I;q'''Arlvertisements inserted at the following rates, except where special bargaine are made, A,",qu'are'l li 10 lines of Brevier or 8 of Nonpareil types : 1 square, 1 insertion ,f,.1 50 1 sqnare, 2 nr S insertions °-00 sabi.equent insertion less thou 1a...-. 40. equate,-1 year • 10 00 Bn iness,Carde, 1 year -----------------r--- &on 1 . Administrator's Or Executor's Notices .3 00 Special and Editorial Notices per line.— -- 20 liar All transient :advertisements must be paid in, e,dvance.and no notice will be taken of ad verti-emented from a distance, unless they are accompanied by thei money or satisfactory reference. ilair"..Toli Work, of all kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. -' BUSINESS NOTICES'. I'ree and Accepted Ancient York - Masons - EIITLA.LIA.-LODGE, 342, P. A. IL Stated ,Afeethvg on the 2d and 4th wednesaays of each month. Rail, in the 3d Story of the Olmsted Block. D.C.L.LaaisEE,Sec. W..IL. SHEAR, W.M. 0.-T. : ELLISON, 11. D., IDP.A.CTiCING- -PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Pa., I respectfully informs the citizens of the tillage and ricinity that be will promptly respond to all calls for Profe&sional siftlct.. Office opFirststreet;tirst door crest of big residence_ 3.7-40 JOHN S. :11A3.73i. . • - A, TTORSTY ANT) COUNgEL.LOII. AT LAW. A: Coudersport, I's., wdl attend the eereral C 'erre Le Potter and Cameron -COUlltie2. All buemee s. en- trusted to his care will receive prompt. attention_ Office ou Main streot,Fin residence. _ - . AMTITED G• OLMSTED. T,TORNEY AND COUNSELLEIt AT LA*, Coudersport, will attend to all badness en trusted to ilia care with prAnptnega and fidelity. Unice to the /wound Morey of the 0 inafFted Btock. ISAAC BENSON, TTORNEV-AT.LAIC, Couder , port, Pa., 'will attend tea!! business- entragted to him aitt care ang promptness. Attends Cmarts of adjoininz coun ties. Office on Sc'cond streei,near the Agertn!,bridge F. w. UNO.V. TTORNEY AND COUN:3ELL7P. AT LAW Cun4erswt, Pa., w.llnttend the Uourte in Pot 'cr. nnd. the adjoining numWe.A. 1111.1.JLEIL at 31eALAII.NEY.,. i•TTOTP.ZETS-AT LAW, renn'a.— •"1. Agent.' for the. Collection of the United Statte.illkitztate Govern nt ent- , ,meta ft..; I'ensions. Bonnt:tr,Arrettrs of Pay,&e-Addressti.,x 95, irtrrtibur vir E. XILLEi, 1 .0. DeAtanstr 31. 3.IcALARNEY, EAL ESTATE and INSUiRtNCE AGENT.— Land Bought and Sold, TIiNVF paid and Titles Envestigniel. Insures provrty nal %IA their. the best '4cotaptruies in the Country, .I.lld L'ersonsugain-t Acei 4ernia la the Travelers Insurance Company of „Hart 'ford. Business transacted promytly STEBBiLIiS dt; ArRCILINTS--Delleni in Dry Goode, Fancy GaAs, Greeeri,s.Procision-,F:our,Pecd,Pork, land ecerychicg kept in a good c; . .)vArg ore. Produce bought cud Auld - . G ii. S.LIASONS., ERCEI NT—WELLSVILLE Whole /11-axle Retail Dealer in Dry licod'o, Foncynnd Staple GoodsiClothinz,Ladi Floor, Feed, Retai:ers ounptilid on liberal terrn.4 --- - ' \ ICINARLF 4 .I S. JONES:, I.E.Rgra';',.a.',erran„Pßat'iom.e4erricty raiji,tl'i' iroteriee,'&C..., Min Street., COuderepOrt., Pa \ D...E. OIALSTED, . '• Pol'E Ran . 4-N - 7--Dealef in Dry G 4.45, Ileady 7 made 1- Cbsthing„ Crockery, Groeerie... - , Flour, -Ft-td, re, Provitions, &c., MAin street, Gouler9xnt, Pa COWAN'S SMTII, Airr.itcrtAsT:_,Duafa in. Dry Goods. Groceries, I'l"rircisions, Hardware, Queenswarr, (.3 ntlecy, and all u -call} found in ,a euuntri• store. , n'6l. . k • IL J. OLMSTED, HARDWARE liercuant, 'and Draler in Slaves, Tlmarid ElbeEr Iron-Wam, Main stree3, Couder •port, Penb'ar Tin atid Sheet lion. Ware =vie to 'order' io good style, on short nut:cc, . s O.I3T.IIOTEL. cED. Ertsr F. GL l ...k.SSl.TlßE,rnerarrrea;eorner cf Main -D • . and Second streets:Coudersport ,Intter Co.. Pa. A Livery Stmlble isalso kept in cennectinn\xrith this Rotel. ,Dais} - Stages to and from the Railrcksds. , s . . - • Potter' - journal Soli -Orrice, \ s , riAVI.NG lately added a-line new assortmeht of JOB-' FTE to o*.tr already largo wsortment. tee are now ;prepared to doiall kinds of work, cheaply hnd with tas e and neatne=s. Orders Eolic aed. . . _ .. ~ LIiiVIAN - HOUSE. • liviisiiiife .Potter ounty, P nsyiliania. . BIIBTOti LEWIS. Proprietor. Haring taken this excellent Hotel, the proprietor wisher o make thnorquaintlulco of the traveling public and ecu corifident•of giving ?eatiefaction to all who may al fl on him.:l-•reb. 12, 66 ~ t . • , 1 • • • - MARBLE' WORK' l ' i t Monuments - and Tornb-Stunes if of kinds, will be fniniihed on reasons 'h W terms and short noties by C. litrecuile. • ' Coudersport, Pa, on the Si nnernaboning• Roll4or IMO your orders at the Poet Offlze. fent' - 1 BAKER-. . . and-WARCLAIM AGENCY renaions procured for Soldiers of the present War who are idiaabled:by reason, of scow:ids Deceived ix - dist:use contracted while in the serviceof the United States; and pensions, hminty, audarrears of ray ob tained for widows or heirs of those-who have died or been, killed while in set - vice. -All letters of inquiry promptly answere.l, and on receipt by mail of a state ment of the lose of claimant, I will. forward the-ne eesia-ry papers for theiraimstare. - Fees in Pension calms as lazed by law. Refers to ions, Isaac Benson', A. Olutsi..Ll,John 5...11. ,, n and F. NV. Knox, Esq MULE EL, I ' Agent, Condersport;-Pa. dunes 64 . $16500. eire r rVw T here r. L Z; 3 . 'u tx t' r . .. 3 = t e 103 dewing hisehines. Threemew kinds. 'Under and upper feed. Warranted five years.. , Above salary stings comorria4ous paid. The osLr machines sold In the United States fur less than t-19, which are }alit liepneed./byli.owe,:Wheelor Grover & „Iki kar,t3lager & Blehelder. ALL other cheap me shines are Infringements and the seller or user are p.m. to arrest, Ape, and imprisonment. Circulars treit.% , Addrets, ore.rd I upon-Shaw & Clark, -Bind& isrOfigpoOkr . Chirago =et:. 26. 1855. - iswly Itbh ! Itch ! 6CRATetiI.:.SCRAT - 0; . . - VRATVIT . I. OIIT3IE.NT, win Cure the.ltehl , in 48 hours . Also ,edres l - HAM RHEUM' -Ufk'BliS; MAINS, end all IRUPTIONS , OF. .T.EIR SKIN. Priens4>eents. Yor sale by sill drngnists. By sending 60 anti to WEEKS lk YO TER, Sole Agents, no Washington street, 13cetott, beC ftvyrnrcliltby 4,0 4 free of postage,to any part of the United States.. Rine 1,158.1, sp.notice tyky lyr. .. , h • . e -----4- . . ~ • . - Ar_ l- I- • . - r ---- - - -14 : ~,, I L -_ _.. , 4‘../ . •... ' ' , E ; i -4-.1,, ) .-- j No , , ~ e* .. ' e o -. ~• ~,,,,,e .\\ • ._.,,,,..„._,... 40., ~0. H, ,• 4 . _ 4 : ,t, ~ (..., ..___,, 4 ‘: G - 4, . i \ 1 1 . • 1 1 ~ - . A.h, what is the matter with Barney? • The cold look of pride that he work Has flipped from his face,like a shadow, He is not himself any more. And yet he *ill turn' from his smiling, To sighing ah me!, and alas! • I cannot make out what's the matter— He is not the lad that he was. Sometime he i ill keep in the shelter Of clouds, and he sullen alone, Like the sun : when the earth has offended His pride, with a light of her .410-n. The weeds hare run wild in his zarden, • The toce•cjnes have dropt from the wall, As if he had gathered the tloWer o' th' world, And eared'for no rose of them all. ' And when the gas girlsof the village, With red cheeks and milky-white hrOWs,' Go by him, he answers their greeting .A though he were calling his cows. His hair noW-js left in disorder, __ ,; And now, with womanish pride, Sweet-scented, and e ,•enly parted, And now, it is all on one side! He used to be stalwart', to work with The best of them, now has got ¶'o idling—hes taken to terse`! To finger-rings! and , to what not! 1 . He used to be late at the "meeting," iißut now, ere the solmn bell rings e is there in his place; and if Esther Look down from the; choir where she sings, i Third night the low tune of the anthem I Will run in%', hiS head,!and ere break Of the day, he will be an the hill-tops, Singing the fishers awake. I cannot interpret the meanirrg Of all the strange ways that he has. Ah, what cari have come ()vier Barney? He is not. the lad thathe Was! • THE BUFFALO* WASHINGTON RAILROAD. On the last day of this Month, a vote is 'to be taken by the citizens Of Buffalo,to de r cide the question whether the city shall, in 'its corporate capacity, subscritie $200,000 i to the Buffalo; and Washington R. R. It is generally understood that if the vote re lisults in favor of making the subscription, the foregoing sum is but a Small amount in / comparison to / what the city will do towards • building this , road. It is believed by those who are familiar with:the affairs of the Buffalo and Washington R.R. Co.- that if the election results favorably to the road. work will becommenced immediately along • the'line of the road, in the State of New York. It was the original intention of the I Company to build, the road to Emporium via the Allegheny river and the Portage t creeks. A very earnest . and persistent TS- I fort is being made by parties in the interest of other routes to' divert the attention of , the company' from their original purpose; and make some other points on the line of i the P. & E. R. R., their southern terminus. The arguments used against the route originally intended, are that the road does not touch coat basiqattywhere on its line, t'at no dependence can belplaced upon the h C rueron colliery, on account of a - very li iced supply at that point, and that if the object is to teach coal,the shortest and most ,;direct route to the coal basins of Elk county !should be adOpted. , '. We know it has be come quite fashionable of late,for those,who are: Qperating ;in Ceal in - Elk county to ridicule ; the idea of there beibg anycoal de posits irl either M'Kean or Cameron cou*- ties.. Now we are jtist as confident as we can be Now reality of any one thing, that if,the Buffalo.;; and Washington R R.-Co., should finally adopt the Potatoe Creek, •Red Mill / brook and Driftwood route to Eni poriam, ithey -would traverse coal fields enough, ;and reach thein by the easiest 'of grades, to supply a dozen markets like Buf falo with! the choicest bituminous coal fora thousar.d veais.! . All this could be done without crossing, the Elk county line. But e have no disposition to change the com pany from their. original purpose, nor 'to d6tmet c pne iota from 'the merits of the old • route. The Portage creek summit has always been estimated as one of the easiest ii!l this country to cross, which is a gre4t desideratum in the bnilding of railroadi. This route traverses one of the most popu / ions aitd thriving regions of this county,and 1 wonld be the 'outlet for a large , portion of the clitizens Of Potter county, including CondersPort, the County seat. As to - the eoal it would Feadli,- we' hare everreason to believe, the supply ample for ages to come. Besides thei immense operations now being carried on by the Cameron Coal Company, other cotn i panies are developing their lands,, and-in.sever-al - instances havd found Splendid. depoki, ts of_ coal. A. very rich vein 'llia Ncentlf been ' found on the • hetulwaters of ffune.s Run, where coal was I , linever before supposed to exis-t.' Another 'strong argument in favor of this route ip, I tbat it is of great importance to Buffalo to trmake the distance to the Anthracite Coal Ifiellds,of this State es short as possible,and l the Shamokin Cdal can be reached via the l'Portage Creeks 'and the R I &E: R. R. i - many miles less than by any other route. As before stated,We can see no good reason why the original purposes of the l Company shoal not be carried out:—„ArcKedan ilinar. A I committe© of bebotze to tip ?Evipies of Trqt . 41):,imcmet!, pi 9 D;sseir?iintioq BARNEY. BY A.LICX CANT. the Common Council COUDERSPORT, POTTER COUNTY, PA,,, TUESDAY, I \ lllY 31, 1866. with several other citizens in i company have just returned from an inspecting visit to the coal region about Emporium. Pa. with which it is proposed to connect this city by the building of the projected Buf falo and Washing,Lon Railway. t The report which we give elsewhere this morning of ' what the excursionists saw,must satisfy every intelligent person - that it is expedient not only for the business men manufacturers and merchants of Buffalo to individually, I , contribute means to the building of the road, but for the city of Butralo, in its cor porate capacity, to give large and liberal assistance to the enterprise if its realization can be secured. The only question as it seems to us,is with regard to the securities for the full carrying out the undertaking. , About these it is, of course necessary for the city to be careful. It .must not corn mit itself blindly to a large subscription, which may -be expended without accom plishing that which constitutes its only motive for subscribing to the capital stock of the Road. It must have some guarantee that its money is to go, not to the begin ning but to the completion oft the work. Its aid must be given coriditionOly,and the conditions, as we look at the matter should be bubstantially these: 1 1 Ist. That the issue and delivery of city bonds in aid of the road shall be at a cer tain rate per mile of completed ',road. 2d. That the building of the road shall be carried on, from this end. t - If such a farther guarantee is practicable it would be well for the city to have secu rity from the company for the refunding of the money invested, in case the•road shall not be conapletecl to Emporium before 'a stipulated periOd of time. IL i 4 said that the Company will tbe prepared to give such security. ; If so, there can be no dif ficulty--2no hesitatiop. - ' 1 Upon such conditions with such guaran tees, the city should be Willing to giste its aid td almost any eeded amount to the proposed Buffalo and Washington Railway. The country to be opened to ps by it is one vast repository of both coal and lumber. There is no estimating the -Wealth to be gained by coming into communication with it.---Bufalo Expres, - June 28. . AL WOMAN'S 'CONFOSION.: A lady- correspondent of • Tke Ilan. thus de.lares a seetet. WhiCh 'id rather surprising, and at. the same time very satis factory, if trite: We must put in..the res ervation of a douht, because we have sup posed with the rest of the world that dress proceeded from an innate taste of the ladies that led to an 'out cropping'of pretti ness,•thus believinz. with the poet that "beauty adorned looks twice as weir. SPAT IVO3E,'AI.: DRESS. ,"The true explanation of the prei-alling ex nara;,,,aneein costume is that women dress for one anether."--Erchcrage paper. , WOnen dress for one another! for one another ! ! That statement is all nonsense; women do not dress ,for out - another; we dress for you, gentlema - n-;--far: you alone.-- It is a pity to spoil a pleasing delusion,but it is a duty to correct errots. We hear and read a great deal about the sinful and reek- l!as extravagance 'of women. "The Riot of the Women"—an article setting forth oar fearful extravagance and its no . less feafnl consequenoes--appearud, quoted from the Round Table, in nearly every paper pub lished in this State. Indeed, one has only to'pick up a newspaper Or a magazine to' find something oU the never-failing topic— "the extravagance , of the women." - I - for one am tired' of - so much censure, and think the time , has - 001130 . when justice demands that we, investigate the causes of sticli`rninous - effects. I think enough has been said to rouse women to reflect on - the evil of her ways, and at the same time Say a word occasionally in self defer - ice. Bettritig these terrible accusations in silenbe is equif alent to acknowledging. be deserved, To add injury to•injury, gentlenien after vouching us with oni- own isms and: follies through: the press, .vott sum. theta all ,in: the one wordi. "extravagance," and ' , Make :the bold and falsestateinent that, WOlll6ll dress for one another. . 'According to that:theory , women. drem up . look pretty when in 1 in company with each other. I wish you would see us when we are where we do not expect to meet gen'ticinen. You would see different looking specimens 'of perfection from the lady of. faultless the that you meet in the parlor and on the street You know what -lunch parties are do von hot? They are' a California institution as-far as my knowledge of thent goer—and-'very stupid et that. When: invited . , to one - of these entertainments4..the first: inquiry/Fr ' lady niakesis: there be. any gentlei 'Men present?" It is - very seldom- thp - , latter ' worthies rittend ladies' lunch parties'. What I was going .to; 4is thii .YouYwoald:. be astonished. to • seeithe differerice the :reply makes in t,he lady's dresi arrangements. If there are to be no gentlenien present; she proceeds 'with novel or:fancy-work With which sh; may engaged, spendiirr - very little tim: dressing, assure .you. Rut if ' theria is: - eveteone gentlemen .present; you woul .be surprised to Ina:LW . ..the mini, ber of hours/we spend in dressing, the sf E.itehituj'e, gpa I(et's. length of time we stand 'b fore the.mirror, I land the number of times We turn • round before it. , - • \!..• 1 When invited to take ride by a lady,do 1 ; toti suppose we keep iet,r waiting for at ; Ileast three. hours while we run, to \be, gone I "just a' moment," to put on cloak and hat ?1; I Think how many times you,my ge , tleinan I ;critic, have been kept Waiting th t lOng,; l with - nothing .to do - to amuse your elf ex-d; I cept to pace up and down the floor of. !gloomy parlor?. And all this while that; ; I lady was dressing for. you. You are mis taken when yon'think we would spend so -I much- precious• titlnel might say our Iwhole lives—and next to the last c'ent, we 1 ' possess, in dressing to; look pretty to please; ; one another. - Ito, no, gentlemen,; it is! fel I you .we do: all this.; 'Ladies would not 'spoil-their complexions. by using ruinous ; paints on the face knowing they lend only] a passing charm, for one E,knother-- I ,never. i It is-for you we do. it ...all. You lido not 1 , krtozo the difereafe - : - Letu.eest 71atu'raltand. iartiiicial. - beauty. You do not' . know 1 whether the. pretty flush on the ' face is. I natural or "put 'on. ' .; ;Yon do not . know i 1 - whether the softness.or fairneis of a pfetty,, face is nature's work or "liquid pearl"—the fashionable name for ',whitewash. Indeed I you dip not.. -To -use Lour on words &II- Itiemen,.you "only .know when, a woman hooks well."- - ' You may think. you • knots-. a ; painted face,. but you do not. ': I could not I detect- it myself if I had not Seen the paint; ; put on, - and Were not familiar with-this 1 branch of . high' art.- 'And .is !Ong as 'you: ; I think the pretty which we snake up a.gen- ' ;dine one,' what is the difference whether it is or not?. :, Oh, bu t. you are deluded about-I Z some thingsl A few ; days ago,when walk- ; ina wit,4....Mr. H., all . at once, stopping 'as thong lit a streak of lightning had flashed across his path and he was afraid of step- ping on it, he said to 1 me. "Hagar, who is I that -lady. that. .j ust -- -bOwed - to*yon I"- - 'Afterl breathing. a full, -.easy;. - breath;-relieved ; to , find that I had done nothing to cansejlis, .excitement; I 'replied in the most matter-of I faCt manner—"lt islliss. so-and-so."• . His/ next,exclaniatioriswere,"beautiful!"'"charm-. ing - E filovely. I" : . I had seen that face- at a• time of day when gentlemen are - not sup-_ posed 'tl i cifseeladies.. - Thad' likeit - thatl-face when it; presented--rildifferent ---appearanee from that which - captiired 'hire oitthe'street. But as 4.e. thought .• the lace. - was - what' - ;it seemed'i - -I-was . .not going' to undeceive him. - - no; ' no.-- 'And ;though.•l :A - new; as' - we i 1 w a lked'alimg that he Was contrasting that. girl's bright:face -and dark shining lockSl with 'my dull face'and faded golden hair, I I !Only remarked,- 2 meekly "yes she -is very I . . - '' l I beautiful:" - - •!- •: - Whodescribed. the 'belle :of a ball-ro m,•! telling what she `wore,' how She' • had het!! ,hair done, up, the color and . quality of her , complexion, -and eyes,lips and teeth ?..; Gen. Vernon. ,WOnien' dress- for 1 one -another 1 ALbsurd.. It is for you, , whb condemn'Our 1 extrevagance,that we promenade the streets: with three-quartere - of a- yard of rich silk or velvet;trailing behind!ul -- It is for yriti we spend sleepless niglitsl ; and :anxiousd'ys, , devising ways . and meaus to 'charm- and to! please. - It is 'for . yO ; u1 we 'Spend' our list dollar for 'dress, and go half starved ; and I comfortless in - consequence. It :iSlor yoti ; 1 we are•just whitt .you ]make "us. -- Do 'not, ! then, be so inconsistent fist* blarne'vroinen foi l being Iwhat-sheisis; do not lay CII the awful- sine of the unnatti i al life . yon canape!! her to lead at her door. ; Such ineodsisten cy. does 'not accord wigs ,the dignity and: wisdom of I man. Remembering-that-the 1 .accusations which you; heap upon her - rd ' I -fleet back 'upon your -own soulA—;-that, you -will have to !answer for the. greater weight I 'of woman's sins at thegreat day of settling; accouritsrefleot ,and' do dot be to -upon yodr own , works, if 'they- are evil. 1 HAGili. -1 iUrThe Reading newspapers agree in the statement that the late Clymer meeting in that city was nothing more than a gath ering of Philadelphia,POttsville,Harrisburg and Lancaster "knucks, i ' "shoulder hitters," "draft skedaddle'.' and blatant opponents Of the war to crush the z slaveholders' re hellion. .CroWds' of th. 4,6 invaders of Read ing perambulated„, the streets there in drunken revelry, ‘ insulting, ladies,panicizina Children, and . eqsl‘ying' to - intimidate good arid' sober men. The orderly petition of the ,P a eoPle #Oided 'collision With these outlaws as iong - as possible, - bitt Wheri their patience ended the result was the sound drubbing 'of of The 'irlost,fuffianly of the bathes of Philadelphia,Lanca.ster and , Harrisburg. After the decent ';riien of Reading had shown the bullies who " Came there to swell the crowd at' . the Clymer, conclave, that they a ere - deteribitied to' re sent all insaltsr &lei; was restored ; and - Women and children Cora :pass along:the streets unmolested, - • - 2,30 "round.. I tell ;my stories over . twice, and just as - I reach the point, in the story a friend breaks with— "that reminds me of a little incident," • dm. 3 IL—As .near . as I can. 'recollect called , for, more beer. One man, in the party ; who had been very boisterous 'up to that -moment; .growl suddenly silent,. his head draps over orl his - Shoulder - aikP he gixm to'sleep: Another than sings-a sbng: We all join the chorus withOui any partior ular regard .to ;key More` beer.: ' : 3.30. introduced. We play for the beer, and contin- ; us, to' play the deuce with • us.. 'TWO or • isuipicioirs looking strangers wham we wouldn 7 t-adatii:M.our fellowship utider 4::)91F circumstances: worm themselves into the, party. • They laugh • extravagantly at all my . storkes;,!Spil call for beer which is appked to my acedmt,' - - 4 rl at: 2 —A 'Man -who lias "been silehtli diinking: hia beer for; seine tinae, ;Sudderily breaks puft.'irc*lent ; clenunciation. of eetne inilividua,l: whois_absent, and whona:none. of US know. ;1e immediately sympathise. 'Withl!fm; aild - proceed to denounce the 'at; : seat indivrdnali wrtti great::warmth,' • When. Yen offer 'oats to . a bane .he rosy' • - . • • • .. t , ~5 ainia-sopg, - forgetting t.. 14 1 .1 say l or donut mean • third tin - e . , thel secOnd• : verse,. and , nearly A young lady in'•loiva,all for loveir - go to sleep in _trying, to_ recall: G.. ,04. hung herself—to a limb of the law. 5.30 r. moist upon paying for all • ' • , at.g"The new Tariff Billla - s•pia:ed.the Ijouse of Rep:resentativ?s, but. we are sorry to say. all action upo4 it has. been,,pst ponecl in the Senate, untilliecember I= DON Lager Beer intoxicate?--Diary 1 1 • of_a Man 'Who Tests It. _1 _ . From the Pitiladelphla Sta,aay Tranficr.p.. ..) 'Does la,ger beer into - xicater That isl a for which ha.s agitated this countryl for years—Courts and communities being; divided upon it. .As a scientific expen-j meat, and for the purpose of saffsfyinz myl mind upon,the subject, I went among the' beer gardens and beer saloons. yesterdayd `keeping a journal of my progress, which I herewith append :1 1 I ' ]t.—Teok - a glass of lager, at a reef saloon. Exceedingly cooling -stem. It diffuses a gentle ', and, , ...,..____ a \ exhilaration throughout I the, brain. \ ' I I 9.05 A. lt.l--TOOli I ith ' , . another glass, W brown bread,, salt, and cardamon seeds. in Thoughts runagreeable channels. [Dis posed to look leniently upon the frailties of humanity. Wouldn't refuce to receive cash in full from a deb,tor, or force money upon a man I awed.' Pat the head of a little Dutch baby that toddles by me.l Am carried back in imagination td the days of my youth (whieli the nights of my mature years had put out head, t somewhat). I ; remember my . Early love,j , and muse in a kindly vein (all in vain 1), upon -the morning of my, existence. I tHad 1 hacLsome annoyances in the morning w ich / ; vanished with Ake froth of, the beer, andj '• - with - them, ' some' life-long troubles went s em, ' for a time, at least. - ' 1 • 9.10 A. I.l.—Took another glass, jclined i [by a friend. 1 A. kindly feeling toward thei friend. I allow hiin tolpy for the xer, ; however, retaining my presence of mind.l !We indulged in cheerful conversation. I 1 becothe i eloquent on• German literature. ] Quote from Gththe, Schiller, and glow at; !the mention of Rembrant. .1 'Other friends enter. I allow them to I pay for the beer also. 1 ; I - 10'.t.-I<t:--T call for • more beer, - and tell -1 the bar-lteepdr that he is "in." . .:Alsk'ed a ; 'stranger to "join us."' Another Member, I I of the . party , tails - Vobifernnily„ -forl "hard boiled egg" '- 1 I check him, andifeel a sympathy for a man . ph° "shnws.his beer." 19.30 A. m.—We hait indutdd in mortal heer. DislitL'sitiOn'cin. the part of some to: tell old ariecdOtta.N- "at Which• ] the, ,party 1 - laugh iriordinatelf. ' The bar-lielpperutiailes" j at our exPense., Same'.Orie • propotes - . thatl, we, go, up Vine street. Another. glaw of, beer and we - go. '1• • , 11 o'clock, A. m.-- 1 ,-Shook hands with? every acquaintance we: met on the street ming here. Remeniber pattine• one or c wo. ydry .m_utcular . n - endS_ AD cthe back, and urging them -to "go o long."- Gave.s I newsboy twenty-five tents fora morainal paper that I had reatLiand dechned tai take, env change back. Had a glass of !men 12 3t.—The party gt - . 4 larger and fitiler7, All talk together, as a general - thin:ai l Through some.perfectly inexplidible,pro-[ ce..s, beer. mugs 'that Were empty at one; moment, stare face-at-tinother . [ moment - full. Some :one ,callsfor cigars. I One:man in the party looks pale r becornes I silent and meditative, and then makes his; feeble way towards the back yard= croft' which rriched,soimtis Proteed, „ I -: A. ' 4.. I it.—We .• - are -"overt' the - Rhine,"l though -I have little retollectienrabo4romi-i Mg here.. Think we.stopped ;twice on ale 1 way , and -drauk / beer. .One mai has_lefe , the party. ELEY / sfil he he'd "lisiriess" to ! 1 p attend to.. Re meieber feeli ng• h" . iiiit of admiratioiyfOr- the elan - Who bad The nerve; to leave a/party-, , and 'go -about his business. I Wished 1.• had - soine bitainims, and had the nerve - to go about, it: Thoeght." . there-Was 1 a bare possibility that I drank ton narch benr. Concluded to have "sonie..thore beer. 2P. ii.—koro beer. Some of us"lave half a. glass undrunk; while otbem•Order "kline" glattserS.: . 1 One. man "switches rotiv on whisky, and antithet =lakes a cigar in his'n." • • TERMS.- -$1.50 PER ANNUM. we've had., A total stranger borrows five dollars of me until he can "see Stofe.” The glasses are filled up again by order of a party at the other end of the room. 6 P. sr.--Men with their coats off, vocif elating violently. Everybody in !intense perspiration; disposition to spill beet on our shirt bosoms and our clothes. Beer mug knocked off the table. Bar keeper gets excited and wastes his German on the desert• air, the lair not understanding it. I imagine that he is asking us all to drink, and accept t 4. invitation. It is clutrged to me. , 7 r.-st.—More beer spilled on our shirt bosoms. More :fellows grow pale and go oat in the back y.sid, and more suddenly recollect that: they have businm to attend to; going about their business as though it was the "rail fence" businegt - Lager beer won't intoxicate! Man, asleep across the table. .Atitititer man otters to "rassle" any one in 'the party for the beer ,(having' "rassleV a"lltgt,l quantity 'of beer). - A stranger takes it up, the "rassle" proceeds,-and—and I go un der. More beer. • • • I 10 P. If.—More men sleep. I embrace 'two or. three Dutchmen at: the next table .I—telling them, "you're my friend." '• Look iaround and discover, all of a sudden, ;that Imy party has changed. All gone "WOt I knowd,' and a - lot of mtrangers there, }Think it is tithe to go home. Drink a 'glass' of beer and gait. . 1 11 P. 11.—Am rudely awakened by seine l one. Open my eyes, and see a eoupleof watchmen. lamon a door step on \Tine t street. The watchinan says:- . • "Yon don't want to sleep here." • "The devil 1 don't. Do:you stipprxze 1 iiwould be (hie) foolish lay down ' l and go to sleep 'here didn't Want. to - i" , "But you can't sleep here." 1 "That's a 'different- thing altogethef. IYou said I didn't want tn, and (hic.):lnef. er wanted tolsO.bad in. ms life . before;# , 1 IL3O P. reiper. !pace a good deal of difficitityin . unfocliing !the hall ,door witl.L'A lead pewit :Try a pocketknife, and then blunde upon the I night key. Suddenly _remember that, I have get: the hiccup; • and ..gettiog, Wider i the hail gas light-I'tiz,tO toteAlierli9iy seeing how fear T 4:xiia Tilt my . tvici, fitlerse tegethet- it*n - , I f c lob,' them by 'aoh , otiter; dear up to -the ;elbow:- Then eitperiene Eig(OW of triumph hold 'them , very near-ttether,' two ett apart. • • ' ,- 11.55 P. 3t..aThe hieciiiiscniekt,"Vrh gratnlate Myself- on the sure ha I ge up stairs -< ,Think of taking out a licemWto Ifilactic(i in that line. 1 open- the diihr-=- give' a Inec:p: that "starts , the roof 'I nod inea i rly throws -niy- head ofC - Wife Amite dp, in bed, and sacs rifrttnAr again PI -- ' • I - I pfOteit- that I anti , (hie) - -tiiit.. • i'lwa.k !dignified and learnecl," and ask her if she i (hie) uniierstands the diag (hie) 'ttbiis of iti,ienFis,' She saga she had' (ight to phis I had seen me lfave theta often enough. •Said J., in: eifirijilied• voice 1 "Do you knovr, midair:4 . - that (hie) ,We cues colds fronT(ltie)Omes tromn,eold tin the stomach?" She' said, sip 3 thought it came f i rcntia beet -garden oss the ." : I'insisted that hiceive frniz, a ieveie stomach, arid rre member` 'wandering,' doff into i'sliaseitatiOn upon titer intcxidtting - ii - roperot quail , while she - was off Trfy Lao bee,r no • Gen. Geary's reception in Poihule hvt 3 on , the 4th - E iciteti - Ilig most uunbounded onihnsiisrn. •r 1 He rode at:thAbad - itftba TeteniniWboF ad iiveliarFe:;tlt&96AZi,tlAo. His preiente Was' - the signal 'Of Me boat nproarcitis cheering allelong tl!o hrie - of thii ptoceiiion:".At-tria it I points the- clowili of soicliers - and`eitliens whil'atiminUclea the hero stopped'-the prognitsii'df' - the tnitch: At Sixth and Ch6teut iltreeti. : th 4, flig! eral could Sdarcely• keep, higiadclle; iioql.kuly. Was he besieged br-Litids'.whiel; fLid C.l - 4 4.- ried•tifles-atd••muslitita'filtereiie lel i? - ill; fray to crush rebellion. ' Altogether_, it-4•li a grand spectacle." It" Okla - lute - 441w Arne feeling of the, people" for the sOi'dtei.; - , , %.1 was Veary "speaking " on a of that 't pore" t the uttettage of which so anneistbe , _ `. P 6:116 * '..';' f.' ... - : -...' • . 1., . f„,, - TEIE 4TH IN 'Thacre.The - 46 of Jai' was "lief celebrated'in the -Soh* at -all, eg g eept:by U.S.: troops on duty, -a few ei and real Union and-thelfeeedmen; The late -rebehrgErreihe - day - a - oblitshoul , hey 'say that% the 'day ie dated with the fall of Vickibutg add theretel defeat at' G-ettyiburg---dismteis Opt' sii the-Short-lived "Confederacy" its' tn 64 ink - .The negrcnta everywhere thraili: out the South had a trend 'jnbiiee. 1 1 Thii 4th of lily ineaniiotnething, for the fa 'wig that they are no- lonera , sh i vils:r - . ,SOSIETIIM'G-FOR -HORSE-THIEF CATCH sai-=-There is said - to be - .a , Old' law 1 ' 8361 4 that , any DersOn:.arrasting• a bin*: thief is entitled to a bounty of twenttdOti" and triileago.;3c ordmg to Q" :°l q -6 1 pf Asscual3ly-il !This:tau is not: gerkiial,„yo known, but it is worth knowing. •