The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, July 24, 1866, Image 1
OLUIII XVIII.- -IVSZBER 14. . _ . -... .... .. • , : , THE- • POTTER JOURNAL, i ii. . . ! prstisTrED BY IL W. Me AILNEY, ProprietOr. 67" Devoted to the cause of Republicanism, the in terests of Agrioel ore, the advancement of Education, and the best gocd of Putter county. owning no guide except that of ?ri ciple, it will endeavor to aid in the work of mire fat y Freetlomizing our Country. . EgrAdVertise ants inserted at the following rate.. - except where specialbarmins ore made, A "square" , Is 10 lines of BreVier or S ' of Nonpareil types: Isquare, I inertion...... $1 50 1 square,2 or 3 insertions. --------- . -..-- 200 Each siihsequ nt insertion lees than 13.-- 40 1 sonare, 1 year 10 00 • En { ' ,teas Card , kyear.- .... ..... .... . ... - 5 00 Adiiiinistrator i or Executor's Notices......_ 200 'Special and E. itorialNotices per line._-_- t'o . ' tiarAll transie t advertisements muat be l' advanco,and no n tics %ill be taken of ndverti-etments from a distance, !flees they are accompanied by the money or satisf itoiry reference. - I Ear Job Work, of all kinds, e;ecute , i With neatness and despatch. BUSIi SS 'NOTICES. • n0,,,...44..wie . • li. 11. Ciammln. A..ttorneg-nt - - Law, AITILLIAICSI S r ORT, Penria. Special attentiorc ' given to Collection of i'en l ions, Bounty and sc Bk Pay. and sill claims azainst the National and ' StsielGuverilineUts. ' nov`-' I Free and Ace pted Ancient York -flacons ECLALIA. L DGE, 11 , .70. 342, F. A. M. Stated Meeting; o. the:2d and 4th "'eines rays °reach ' month. Hall, in the 3d Story' of the Olmsted Block. D.C.Lannancit.2 c. , Wll. SHEAR., W.M. ' i II• 0. . ELLDiON. M. D., ' TVEISCTICIN PHYSICIAN. C.ozde , sport. Pa., , r rest - we:fully nforms the citizen , . t.i the vilia l e and vicinity Olathe ill promptly respond to allealls for na professiol set v (tee. Oiliee - ou First street, firstdour west of his redid lice. .11-40 1 JOAN S. MANN. ATTORNEY. AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW. Corelerspert, Pa., .Will attend the several eon rts I, Potter; Cameron and 'McKean co ties. All busi ness entrusted ti lilt care, trial re -Ire prompt atten ' :ion. infice on Main street, in r siderice. / ) AItTHER G. OEMSTED. { TTnENEY AND COUNSELLER AT I.AW. ..„:1:. Couderspo - t, Pa , will attend to all business en. truszedto his carts with promptness and fidelity. littler in the second oto ey of the Olmsted Block. 1 ' . SAAC BENSON! ' . ' 4 TTORNE AT:LAW, Condor-port, Fa. wil j-k. • attend to 11 busine.s entrusted tO him aitt car, and promptness Attends Omits of adjoining eOl lll :Ire. 0/11CV . ../ S •condstreet,near the Allegany bride' - • F. W. nsev.v. k TTortNEY AND COUNSEL'' , R. AT LAW _L - I. Coo lersp.rt, Pa., will attend ii eWm taln Pot ter and theadicinitig counties. t, MILLED.' d: .11cALARNEY. ' A TTOR s'EY AT LAW, lisissisncso, Penn'a. ,„. ,- 1. Agents fo the Collection of Claims th , 1. - cited "foresail, ` he i; WI ern ments,..ucli as Pensior.,. Bounty,ArreareirifPay,dx-Adiressfl.,x 05, -.arr.- bury w H. MILLED., I . .1/C.'.ll' ACNE TILW. Mc... L AIINEY, j 'IDEAL Ers.. - T TE and INSUR.CNCE A GINT. . _E t , -Lanh Bought and Sold, Taxes paid an Title !nrestigated. I inures property against fir ein the lies companies in tii • Country, and Persons main It Acci • dents In the V.., elers Insurarr•e Company of.' 'Hart feed. - Bnsiness rantsacted promytly 11-'i3 l, P. - STEBBINS A: Co.. 1 • \ lERCIIA.N , S . --Dealere. in. Dry rirK.IF,J Fane 11_ Goods G ocerie6..Provision-,Flour.Feep.P or, .... end cv , m.qiing den illy kept I: a good cont.:7 sr irt Produce bough , and s•tid , 11 21 0 - . , . ArE.IICII.3.NI -WEI,LSVILLE N. T.. 1 ., (ins ill_ sale and etail 13ealer in Dry lien Is. Fa cy :in Staple GoodstC othing.Ladtce Pre,:st.i ,, od , Or ',aerie Floor, Feed, •-•, R-Lii.ers 'supplied .in itheril term i 11-FY C. S. .S: E. A...JONES. 1 I'l .ICIANTS -Dealers in Drugs Medicine:. t', ...;11 Otis, Faticy Article', Stationery, Dry Good Gr.iceries„; air, Street, Coudersport, Pa , 9. E. OLILSTED. i _1 li itERCII.A.:I--Deater in Dry Goods. Ileril„s-mad ,11., CI ithing Crockery, Grocerte, Flom'. Fee , Per:, Provisinis, Se Main street, Coulerpert. l'a , OLLINS SJIITII. I ATERCII.I. -Dealer in Dry Good•. Gr i egerie .ii-l• Pr.Vi •,) o, Hardware, Queens utiet . . ii ~i ail n ually fon rid in a country store. n'. I . 1 1 . . 1 . • t I T_TAItDWA •.E Mercuant, and Il.taler'inl Sore 11. .Tin and 'nest Iron-Ware. Main streetVotide • a tort, Pent.'ll. Tin and Sli,eet Ircu Ware shade sr:er, in goods rte, on short notice. ~ . , COI: 9 EittiPol . tT HOTEL- T\ F. GLA.S.SMINE, F.:Oratzveri,-Cornericf Mai j., , ,. and Sec nd streets.Cuudersport.Pottetr Col' A i.,,ery Stant • is also, kept in connection With ti Hotel. 'Daily . rages to andi from the R.:dim:Lids. Pott r Journitl Job-Oil-ice.' ' T_TAVING I itely added la fine new assortment n_ :JOB-T l'E to our aiready lane a•siortmen we are now pm pared to do all kinds of work.' cheap and with mete ni neatness,. Orders solle•teid. ' I ' • LY ' AN 140USEI. ' -Lewisville, •ptter °arty, P ' nsylvani. U !P ItTON I.EWIS. roprietor. I Hail Btaken this excellent Hotel, in epropmetor wish o mate the ac. naintance er the traveling public a. eels confident of giving satisfaction to all who ni: , idlion him.- , eb. 12, si, Itf . , .., l i t A_RBLE AVORI 1 .' 4.7 - • . ". a ll ' tet i )iturnentt and Tomb-Stone• k..., of kinds, will be fern's:led on mass LIIF i We terms and short notice by it ---'-.. C. Drenthe. • ______'''', esldence 1 Eulalia, I,li Miles south koadersport, Pa., on thii Sinnermahani. Road, or leave your orders at the Po .t Office. feiri DAN EAGER- IeEkS..IO.N, CIPNTY and wir. CLAIM AGFN . . Pensions procured for' Soldiersof the prose who are stabled by retticin of wounds receiv at disease cont ted while in the service of the Unit States% and p nsians, bounty, and arrears Of Tay' tained for aid W S or heirs of those who have died -been killed bile. in service. All letters of inqui fe promptly an t ered, and on receipt by mail of a eta meat of the e iae of claimant. I will- forward the I resit:try paper fcr their signature. Fee.. in Peng - cases as Axed y law. Refers to HofIF,. TE:tat Ben - A.. G. Olmste l Jahn S. Mann ' and F. W. Knox, " DAN BAKER. .TianeS-64 - Claim Agent, Condersport, BAKER, $1..-5' , 0 e P r e er il t wh e e a re r t I o sel?..o v. u . r a lt it ,c;nT 1123 .bewtvg • :whines- 'three new kind's. Under rtp?er feed. Warranted five years , . Above sal. ' Cr largit et311:1 , issions paid. The OSLT ill KCIIIIIC-S .5 \, It the United Stites for less than. 404 which are I I itensed, by . H owe, Wheeler in W Iltrn„Grover S. ket.Singer .Si tx. Sr. Rielielder. ALL other,clieap clines are in ingements and the seller or user plbill to arrel, dne, and im,.risonnient. Circa tree. Addre.s, or call upon Show Cr. Clark, - Si rd lo:Maine, . r Chicago, Ll. Dee. 2fi, 1555. iswl Someth , g New and Novel for Age 1 " e 4 31 e. ri ,Co ntry Stores, Drui , ists, and all sees . ',. _. honorable and profitable buornesi. , Free by - c, r i 'o t- •*, holesala $9 per doz. Canvaasers,re PI to // 2 tor •ay profit. ABBOIT , k. Do rcn. 7.712- ml Manufacturers, 158 Water .i. , , • , •II ( ; .3 .. - ( . - 4 4 v•, , . _ _ MUSING. . - . sr : sass rtoamccir S P lrt.Bll 7 On receiving a piece of Widdinj Sale and Karde ' ' . from the Stait of Gi-orgy. Lag week I did receive a hunk . . Nigh ten : pounds weighin, . . . Of weddinjkake all in-a chunk, • • j From a feller in Georgy stay in. I This thinptm morsel scion I bruised. ; . i . 1 And while:l clawed, I sot and mewsed. . J 1 • 1-- J. % j I ntewsed on Hymen'sfayors scant, 1 .khd on his smiles so flittio - Hoi- some folks kin, and, others can't, And bon- skerce men is gitten. 1 1(1 mean such men as can be noosed,) ;And while I chaired; I sot and mewsed.j .' I mewsed how many a I'ol2llg t rirl smiled, And old' Maid' gru - med in fury, i While nice jtilltlilgj men tiroamin wild, Like trreen mules on the prarie: I • - ' i NN - last, no soft broil their trees clawed? Aud as I mewsed, I sot and' chawed. I m ; • ' J I 'weed how many a rose dothl fall, 'A and ho'k many a violet pine on, ' I . i haws cruel; fate denied 'em all , Shirt boosem's for to' twine on. - ..: , 'And off the cheek , mhe damusk knawed, j ' I And while I mewed, I sot and chawed .1 , I :mewsed how different things is here, o what they is up yonder, Where each pure mormon ;loth appear Of fifty geese the gapderl . ; SarimAically , a sigh I ; dran-ed , 1 And as I meirsed, I Ont and chaired. 1 I i ,_. • 1 Meirsed ;Lion- much konnubial bliss, rj ' Nth bl , gs the plainest 'tittles; 1 1 'I trot I F"" the par4,n kiss 1 She mat Ira , once F. Skittles. j GoOd 'grashus. hoW 1 haw, haw. hawed! - j - J.. And a...... , 1 hailed, Ilsot and chan-ed. .1 . I Ji_ j J , 1 G E r 4.1C.1( - ON BOUNTIES. • i General Joshua T. ,0 wen, as president of the !central organization: of:, , the "Boys in e 'Blue," having, on behalf of this influential I body of soldiers,.requested Gen. Geary to ~ sta , views - , te hisof the justice of the claims . L!•of c'ertain Of the soldiem to bounties from therCuited States GOe.nment, had trats , ' mitied to him the folloWing letter, addressed t- 1 by General 'Geary to the Hon. Henry Wil -1 . • , . • • • • son i . chatrnian of the Senate Military Com -1 - ' , , myttee, at the time ofjits date, as fully em ,.e. I bodying his ; views. 11;',..e publish the-letter 1 I f. i di full, as cif public interest : i, I .1. , 4 1 1; INEW c;I3.I.II3ERLASM, Pa., _may -i-, 'tin. I lion: IL Illisort. Chrtirrnal l ; ifi/ibrre Committee !j1 1 &mate tritited Staten . i i , r i i E . ,i,• it Spa: I trust:you will pardon my t iintrusion Upon -your time fora few min i rite s whileil. thank you for the valtiable and' efficient aid you hmie given and are y . - ~ , , ,_ k:, sti ll,,,,i v i n o- • In behalf of an . act to equalize , the, hountle of soldiers and sailors who • .• • r 1 , seated during the war of the rebellion; and ~.. to .gie exP•ression to; some views of my , -i I own upon; t.i.At subject. Having been a .-; !soldier mysiiif, • the services sacrifices, and 'stifferings Of the defenders of our national 1 •: - c • - existence are familiar tO me. I They periled .1 , - .' .. . - ',,, al' le secure our land from the infamous criMb of treason' and !the blighting iuflu -5 . e's of Slavery. Phone who were the a t d, . tit. , to voinnteer their services did so with out! the inducements of high bounties and ! high wages. ' , i - I:hey came forward with hearts OTO Y tioiing , with loyalty;..irue patriotism, an 1 sacredness ~ of purpose; and undismayed they persevered through all its trials any ; Ivicisitudes!' to the termination of a long an .1 to blohdy w-iir., The war is ended, and the 1 lory and prowessl of ; our arms fully vindi , ; atal.. W i ill not, thbn,!a _crateful peopl: t - a n .. wArd•instio6 tosthose who have defendec - , . "s • and 'preseryed their fives, their treasure and their nationality The claims of sue , ~ . of ; , areiso pre-!eminently just and prolper tha , r:1.. , ; delay or neglect m their pronn-t acknowl ,iedirementihnd parrne , nt by the' nation wil ilo.l bConstantlye, excused, hod Will fie inexc sable. , il I.' am. lonsntly receiving con munica a.. : tiohs on the subject of "equalization o <•,•-, bounties," liot only from soldiers and sail !. or. of m , I own State, but from those o - ' otlller States; and my opinion is frequent); :asked witli .respect tO its justice and prat ‘. 'tiefibilityH , I , ; h 'As to its justice, I have uniformly re s ' -; . ,• , ~., - na plied thatln m,:,1 opinion no; measure caul4 be more just or 'more worthy the, consider 1, • ' o r atibn of Congress; and while the natio , tug on-es muc to.lthe c'_onrii - ssioned 'officer for , their a itiring mental and physical e: ~./. Lert i lion, aniety, courage and responsibilit - nt ' they are ?Fi grelit Measure repaid by th j'Aigldry of the sakcess! which has been os. op-( tallied, and :which in a ffreat degree attach , or , , , , i' :, , out there . • , attach ; to itheir IP4MeS ; out is certainly scn: ~,- thing nabib snlistantlal than- mere thank ,;:. and - gralithde die tt g ; the sterling rank an ', . , file, - :, w ts who ere a ways•present in the dead) ! . stpte, and self-sacrificing patriotism 11, I, i triumphantly sustained the g lory and ho rem.". or ! of the Republic. ' •' I alltf i ' I 1 feel that the country cannot do t. 5 , 3' moth for, 'the patriotic services of those w any; during thb late rebellion have stood by t• ~a l l l 3,iiion in !its perils; "and if by an act of tai • s a r r i 1 11 could r4co:npense those toil-worn soldie ad 4 . fdr, their:great sacrifices and their lona r tri. 'Y . i I 14Y l altyi i would consider it the high,. ntsl.i Olvilege and the greatest act of my life. malt j !As tolle expediency - ' or 13 racticabili 'ize l . ; r . e . 1e that some memb ers.of Congr - ' . rlrceit ' J '' I,ai 433ou”hlprofessini a desire to do juati t , ii 1 Det`oio to ii)e , li'LleiPies of Irqz tha IDisszOirptiop/of - - CIifiERSPORT I ITTER COUNTY, °PA., TWASDAY. JULY 24, 1866 _ _ _ IMINIIIIIIIMIW _. ..-. _ ....._ .. ......,,_ _____ ...... __ . „._...., _ . ..... i .. to the soldiers, are fearful of injuring the national credit and of increasing taxation ' by adding to the national debt - some ! . ,„,- ti250;000,000 or $300,000,000 to meeti the claim for the equalizing of bountim I admit that this is a Im-cream. and I lik- I I to; see members of Congress exhibit a,dire l I regard for public economy; and it,iicer ! taitly : highly commendable to be ,riautious i iin 1 inposingim primer burdens or /iii" creasing i ithe national - 711 will nev-1: e r isle properly, aggregated ntil the just Claims of its defenders areparded to them. ;Bat what is the sum 2f $250,000,000 to' ;a nation like ours, when every principle, of! ;justice demands it be paid to those who: ; hate rescued it f . yorn .anarchy and death?! What would Oris . glorious Republic have! Ibeen worth i` itsrebel destroyers had not ' been met ri-d vanquished by the soldiers! Inio, fought and bled - . and three hundred tlibukuld of whorl fell in its defence? It lis tint a trifle when we consider the Vast IrO i urces of our country, and look forward t6i the immense wealth' which in a few . , I years it,,is destined to possess. lf.the Government has not the money! tOlpay 'this demand for bounties to our i,! why could not Congress author- iii l e the Secretary of the Treasury to issue five per cent. gold bonds for all sums-of $5O and upwards, payable in thirty years, Imaking them ,the "Soldier's Bountyl • _Ponds," but - receivable at all times in - pay-; Ment for Government lands at par! Thisl would' enable the soldier at any time to 1 exchange his bond for public lands On any i !of the great railroad lines leading to the Pacific, or in any -other place where he j might choose to locate. This would also . cursel r the bon s at once to be in demand , !Thisse. who did not choose to locate in the Western States could sell their bonds at ;par to those who wished tp do so. ' ! I Besides, if the soldiers should choose to take up lands for their bonds, the country Ilnisuld be certain that the great West was lbeing filled 'up with a population that loved `it and bad stood by it in the hour of its ; z - ' greatest need. The soldier-emigrant would -! fee!, too, 'that his homestead was the re ward of patriotism, and his posterity after him would venerate it as such. I think that in this way • the country ''would scarcely feel the payment of this debt to its defenders: The public lands would not only thus prove a sinking fund, e 'but- the debt will greatly aid in their rapid . •settleitient and development—that in a fen gears the bonds would be entirely absorbed - z riiid the country the better for it. It would !add but little to her taxation and would - !searcely diminish her resonrces. But should ' s i congress not see fit to Make those bond receivable at all times in! payment of pub lic lands, the increase of the national in - : debtedness, say $250,000,000, payable in 4 ! thirty years, cannot be looked upon as any I V i ely serious calamity. I! ! The annual increase of burden would be ' ibut $1'2,500,000, counting it at. five per s ; Cent.; whereas long before these bonds will - - become due, the national Wealth will be i e z more than double what it is now, and thus -! the burden will yearly diminish. l •• I thank you heartily for the efforts year have Mark. toward obtaining justice for the -soldierand sailor, and I hope that Con dress will cordially - co-operate with you in ' i lperfectitTz this important; measure. d!!, With high regard, I l am very respect d ; fUlty, your obedient servant. = J el 1 • ou N -W. GE4Rr. i- I i .......-...........----_—__ i "Prince" John nnd Victoria. e 1 ,i Two daughter of John Van Buren were o ; - . I recently presented to the!Princess of Wale.- ' which lis considered as equivalent to being . t :introdaced to Queea Victoria, the Princes, 1 ) receiving all company in the name of her , zn. Ice mother-in-law. It is a Pity that the Van il.3ureu . girls did not get., to see the widow as that would have adbrded them an up , Porturiitv to behold their father's first flame ' f _ It, will, be 'remembered that, when Milizti a I ef . Van Buren was President, his son visite , ' N , i .f.ngland, where he florirished extenslvel las Prince John, and wlire• he upset ari , t, ' , c-{ I 1 . • craneera Ene-li iety sh propry b . a dashine-iflirt . . ~,, lation With Miss Guelph. Victoria remem bered John Van Buren Ma her memor d ' was clouded by the .burh• German, Albert r-1 n inspiring • . her with a new love. Vierori . !is now awidow and 'alrecluse in a cont., rs tvisil ted by the llooming daughters of he ,old flame. How the world does move I y i, , e 1 What Printer's mull has none b- I Seven:-eights of the splendid fortunes o es this ,country have been !made through thz e- infinence,of printer's ink. ! Mark that?" . : 5 , Ercklnge. .r di ' Printer' has made not only sere , ly:1 eights of the splendid fortunes that hay as I been made in our . country, but also nin 3,tentlits of the great melt. ' Boobies tran • I I tbrtned into. Statesmen,! press' talkers in o oteloquent orators, cracked voiced singe , ho i into nightengales, murderers of Shakspea. he I into perfect delineators 'of the creation a ne Avon's great bard, , izs inast.philanthropiC of their species—all a -Eid. the application of a little 'printer's in. erst And,what is more -surprising, people a 1 . made to believe those things in oppositi ty,' . , . to their seven senses,. Printer . sink; is great thing when properly put 0n..--43 , 'CR tiviore Argus. I 1 Old Lad Cif arge of the Old Guard.l. , A/i•eneh work gives the fallowing grand I . pert-piciii+ of the' desperate: l charffe' of -3 , 3 a- I soleon's Old Guard at Vaterloo:' I% During the day the • 'aatillery of I the ,- Guard maintained its Old renown,l and the!s 1 guard it if had frequently', been used to I restore th 4 battle in I several parts of thj • field, and always with ,suceeSs. - TheEtar r , lisp were fast becoming exhausted, and iu I. an hour More would have been forced into . ; a e.isastrons retreat, but for the timely ar-' • rival of Blucher. But when they saw him ; with twenty thousand PausSians approach-' in, their courage revived, While Napoleon',, I ~' was filled with amazement. A- beaten ' = 1 enemy was about to form a junction with, • theaallies, while Grouchy, who was sent to; keep them in check, was nowhere to be !seep. Alas!, what great plans one ineffi- I cient commander can overthorw. 1 I • In a moment Napoleonu saw that; be! . conld not sustain the attack of so man! : fresh troops if onceallowed to form a pm- , von with the allies, and her determined to! !stake his fate upon one bold cast and en-'I - ; deavor to force the allied? center with al ;grand charge of the Old Gpard, and thus; I place himself between the two armies. For' ; this purpose the Imperial guard was called I up and divided into two immense columns, I:which were to meet in thg British center.; That under Reille no sooner entered the • ! jfirle than it disappeared like a mist. The; jotber was placed under NeY, "the bravest' I of] the hraye," and the order given to ad- 1 Iranee. Napoleon accompairied them part ' log the waydown the slope; and halting a: few moments addressed 0 them a few words. He told them that the battle rested with them; that he r reliedi; on their valor: ; tried on so many fields. ; tVive l'Emper-i I etir l" answered him with a shout that was! heard far above the thunderof the • artillery • ~ The whole continental struggle exhibited li no sublimer spectacle than; the last effort lof Napoleon ; to save his Sinking empire. 1 The greatest ' military skill and energy the !world lever Possezed had !been staked to! the utmost (hiring the day.' Thrones were; tottering on the turbulent field, and the shadows of fugitive kings ;flitted through! the smoke of the battle field. Bonaparte's ' • star trembled in the zenith; now blai ng I• opt in its ancient splendour, now I pal rig before the anxious eye. The intense aux.—. iety with which he watched the dvarice of the column; and the terrible sitspense', he endured when the siimke of • the battle. ! wrapped it from his sight, and the utter t ' i despairing shriek rang out, "The Guard ' ; recoils!" makes us for a moment fOrget all i the, carnage in sympathy fsr his disiresa. 1 The Old Guard felt the (',presence of the , immense' responsibility and; resolved not to i prove unworthy the great trust committedi - ;to them. Nothing could he more impoe- I • ; ing, than its movement to the assault. I It had never recoiled before human foe, i and the allied forces with I awe beheld its steady and firm advance tojthe final charge. ; For a moment the guns atopped playing and the firingceased on the British "line, as without the beating of ii: drum, or a bu tt- -1 gle-note to cheer their cour e they moved in dead silence over the fiend__. Their I f ' , was like muffled thundeal while the; daz 'lzling• helmets of the cuirass , •_rs flashed! long _ ' lines of light upon the d4rk and terrible I mass that swept in 'one dark wave along, ; that terrible field. The stern Drouet was ! there amidslt the guns, and on every brow was written the unalterable resolution to ',conquer or die. The nett moment the • ; artillery opened and the head of the gal' - ; lint column seemed to' sink into the earth. ' " Rank after rank went dowha yet they ' stop r ped not, faltered not. Disiolving, ca;lumns. ; whole" bara ! i9;ans disappearedp one after . “ - • , • another, in the destructive, , fire, but affected -' not their caltiracre. The ,ranks Closed up 1 '• j as before, and each treading over his fallen ', , comrade, passed unflinchingly on., -1 , The horse that Ney rode sank under v i him, and scarcely had he Moupted anothe ' ; before it also sank to the' galinril i , and so - I then another and another,,, till IfiVe in PIC.- '- i ce&ss6n hau been .shot under him: Then .Y I with' his drawn sabre, lie ;marched sternly t, l at the head of the column. . In yain did a I the 'artillery hurl its stOrn of hail upon t , that living mass. Upon she very muzzle, . r j they pressed. and driving!the artillery:fie Ifrom their places pushed on through the a English Hues.. But just as ,ihe victor) .1; seemed won a fileaof soldiers; who lay fla , lea on the ground beaital aCridge of ear th . ; suddenly rose and poirred,ka volley in thei , • I face l a Another and another followed, tit .-'one broad sheet of flame. ; ; rolled on thei re I hose ms with such a fierce' and nnexpecte; a•-; fire, Itbat they staggered 14fore it. Befor, s- the guard had time to rally again and ad to; sianee, a heavy column of ; infantry - fell -o rs; its left flatik in close and deadly Yolie re ; causing it/in its unsettled'state, to swery of ito the/right. •At that,,. instant a, whol el brigade of cavalry thunliered on the.righ ly I flauk, and penetrated ; where cavalry ha k! I ne / ver gone before. 1 pp ; • re,l . : The intrepid guard con' have borne u on . 1 against the unexpected fire from ,the so s al diets- they ,did ; not see, and have rolled ha zl e athe infantry that had boldly charged i 1 1 left flank, but the cevalry finished tee di ' I . • der, into which they bad •momentarily ••a thrown, and broke the shaken ranks tefore they had time to reform and the •agles of the hitherto: invincible Guard P were pushed backward down the slope. It ; g was then! the army, seiid with despair, hrieked out.. ' "the Gnard recoil! the. Guard recoil I"—and ' then fled int dismay.. To see the Gpard in confusion IT was a sight they had never before beheld, j . and it, froze ever heart with terror. 1 1 For a long time they Stood and let the cannon balls pass their ranks," disdaining to turn their back to the foe.. "Michel, at: , the head of these battal:ions,,fouglit like al t ` lion. To every-eommand oflthe enemy to, surrender, ,he replied: 'Thei Guard dies, ! e ' but -never Surrendeis! — and with his last I breath bequeathed his gldrious motto to ! e; the Guard. 14e fell a Witness to its truth.':' Death traversed these eight battalions with _, such rapid footsteps, .that ther soon dwin-; died away tO two, !oho turned in hopeless daring on the over ,numbers that ; n ' pressed upon their 'retiring footsteps. "1 ,• Last of all, but a single battalion, the I . debris of the column of granite at Marengo, was left, Intoi this "Napoleon flung MM. self. Chmbronne, its brave :commander, saw with terror the priperor in its full i ° !keeping',!" He was nbt Strt ,, gling for 'vie-; t ' tory; i he was intent on showing how to die. 1 2 Approaehing the - Emperor, :11e cried out: I • "B,Ptire Do vdu not see that death hash t ! •no need of you l" and Closino. mournfully i but, sternly , naund the expiring ea g les, N those brave hearts bade .Napoleon an flingingeternal adieu; and' themselves on , the enemy, were. piled with the dead at! ticir feet. ' II . • Many of the officers Were s'een to destroy II themselves 'rather than Suffer defeat. Thus; i greater even in its own defeat than' anv "other corps of men in I gaining a victery:!:, , the Old Guard passed from the stage, and ' l ,the curtain dropped upon its strange ca-l i reer. It had fouolititsilast battle. • 1 ' Died el Grief.. A tou c hin g inet_e is related by the Milwaukee "Wisconsin,"l as having. occurred 1 :in that city lately. About two years ago I. !Mr. Strausbnrg purchased fir his child, six ',years old,- named Willie, a young New- ' , 'faun:Vaud dog, which W i lts also called Wil lie. The two became eery much attached.l . About two months rigO the dog was run: i over by the team of Mr; S.. his leg broken, I and injured. so seriously that it was found i necessary to kill him. The grief of the; little fellow was. inexpressible. Ile cried! !incessantly, and called 'continually -- fdr . his: conipanion. The fathe'r, to quiet his arief.i had the (dog's hide st u ffed, but it satisfied the - child only for a 'daY. Another dorr :similar in appearabee, Was puichased for 'the boy, but be would pay no attention toi • • it, calling, continually for Willie.. Every effort was made to. distract 'the little one's! !attention from the object upon which it! 1 -was fixed,but without success. . For a week' he lay in his little bed, hugging the stuffed ; ssr , dog skin :lose to him, Moaning frequently, ljnst above a whisi)er, and sOme - times break : . ing cut into paroxysms of grief, and call-! ing loudly for Willie. He would eat very; little, and every day when focid was given' him, he would offer it first to the object! beside him, and upon no attention beiarri to hisldesdre would throw it aside. One day the child's, grief bad. settled into that quiet, half slumberino . .stat that ; so plainly speakS an approaching dis:solu-i tion. He asked' his Mother, as he had • done many, times bef r 3re, if Willie had gone, '! to Heaven; and li t aipo', answered affirrna-i asked,-, ‘S•haill I See him there, mum- I 'ma "Y"es, You are pied and . !•try .to get well." "Mm am t a, I love you! W r : and I love papa, bqt I !wrlpt to go and see Willie,. Good-bye, mamma, lam going to , , see now.7' _Wore the mother ; could reach 'the child's ;side, he '7:i-us clead —had died - Without a Struggle, and with i L! out a gasp, ,that -could be heard—quieid, almly, his little heart . wore, itself away from the affects of excessive grief. I E.T ArraorarAr.—llarper's Week .ly last week had a most admirable engra in!: representing the C i f - ppm-beads and trai-' , ' tors feeding Jeff DariS - With all kinds of; s ' luxuries, and! puffin°. ~ s -on the feet of ' the guards, so as not to disturb his. delicate! e', nerves, while, in front are the skeletons_ilof, our starving and murdered Union prison-; t ers at Belie Isle and Andersonville, under' the treatment oft rebid fiends — like Wirz - r ! and t Jeff Davis. Coppernads, examine it; and then rei. , ent inrac4-loth and ashes for in the all you have' i giyen to these murder ers of loyal Union priiners. e' Gettin ors lite Right Platform: n In the speech Of President Roberts to ,• the Feniansi at Buff-;o = P he is Jr 4ted to -e le. hare said: , "The dawn of Irish! liberty is approach d ing, and in a friendly, spirit I ask you t I extend your hand ta every other peopl, p who are struggli . ny for liberty; help -:t, .l-,inslazje no man„ and!remember that G . el; . created ns all in hig ;own image; that its ! looks not so - much at the color of the fat is-a 44 at tic co!o; - i the heart" [Applause". TER S.- -$1.50 PER ANNUM. Decision of Supreme Coprt. The followinor is the decision of the Su reme Conyt, held at WilVa.barts 4 , : iiiiiis . , and - to • the lease of the Catawissa And ' aiding Railroads to the Atlantic 4 - 9;e4 ' estern:.: _, c i - - • --, he Commonwealth of Pe l nnsylvania !ex: rel. Att6rnev General vs. The Atlantic. • and Great Western Rail Way Company: Information and surroestion in natsrp ... ot 1:0 wa'ranto. ` 2 ' .7' ...._ „ _ ChienJustice Woodward; prononneed be fo I wing decision, per curium. . . The as.. having been fully: argned!and , onside ed. we are of opinion— . ..' • -:' - First "That the instrument calla • ti ertificate 'of consolidation of the Atlantic nd Great-Western railway Oonipany, dates 9th of August,. 1865, was a lawful' aid' • alid instrument for. the purposes therein xpressed, and upon being filed .lit the. of- ce of the Secretary of the Commonwealth instituted the defendants a legal cOrpora!:. ion in the State of Pennsylvania.; Second. That nil Wel record ) is Well . eplied too - by the defendants pleas, and the . lemurrer to . the republication natist be overuied. . But the defendants have leaVe ~ o rejoin that there is such a record with s• . . _ orout pate) record. Third. i If in support of siteh rejoinder,. he defendants shall produce the contriet of agreement and act of consolidation, slot orth in answer to the oy•er craved by . the Attorney General; with evidenee,that the : ante was deposited with the Secretary or State in his oFnce, onitlie third day of (Xi tober, 1865, the opinion of this court Vriil . be that the defendants have fully complied With the rp.quiYementslof law in said instrument; that it -became then and there the duty- of the Secretary of -the Commonwealth to file the same of recoil; that as against the Cominonwe.alth • the' legal presumption must be that the Seere tart' performed his duty, and filed the same of record, and that it remained and still ~ remains filed of record in his office, and . ' judgment will accordingly be entered !for the defendants. urn inspection of the lin:- strurnent- and such proof. if in the opihr ion of-counsel any ipdorsement of the date , of filing by the. Secfetary he .nece.ssarx.,ll. -. ,mandamus would lie to command' im to -- add the appropriate date, and ' ev.- • etoc otherrotecessary act in the . • ! . . . . - OPINION' OF CHIEF JUSTICE WOODWARD. : . The Philadelphia and Erie. Railroad company and the .Pennsylvatidßailroad Company vs. the Catawissa Railroad Corn- • parry of Pennsylvania; and -the AttantiC: and Great Western Railway compa,,, 44 the States of Ohio; New York and Penn sylvania. • Andrea Scott \ vs, the same defendants. Two bills in equity, on aPpeal froni de cree of the Court of 'Nisi Prius of Phila- : delphia, sitting in equity. Woodward, C.J.- - An opinion will be filed, in thq above cases, at the nekt term of this alert,' to be held at - Pittsburg, on the" Third Monday_ of• October next, in which the fOowiug conelusions will be explained and justifio.d: Ist. That the plaintiffs, in the above bills in, equity being private parties, and not representatives or the - ;Commonwealth of Peunkidvania, have no right,-to draw - into question the corporate existence de- I , jure of the • Atlantic and. Great Western.. Railway Company. I - that ' - - Di, That it appearing Andrew ' Scott is nct the owner of any -stock in the said company, he has no equityto main tain his bill against the said company. l , 3d. That the lease and contract made _ i the first „day of November, 1865, between i the Catawissa ,Rai.lroad. Company of the , first part, and the Western Central Rail ; way Coinpany, of Pennsylvania, and the • Atlantic:and Great Western Railway Corn ! pane, of 'the States: of Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania, of ,the second' part, is a law ful and valid leme and contract, and that no ground has been shown fora decree ; that it can be cancelled or annulled. •' 4th., ' That the memorandum' of agree meat nude the 31st of October, 1860, be ! tween the Sunbury and Erie Company, of ; the firlt;part, and the Catawissa Railroad Company, of the second part, is lawful and ; valid for; the terni of twenty years from its date, and that all the 'rihts and interest, ! of the Catawissa Railroad Company.under !said agreement have passed to and become, ; duly vested in the. Atlantic and Great • Western Railway Company. • sth. ' That under the several contracts ' awl agreements, and within the meaning I of the act. of Assembly of the 23d of April, 1 . 1861, mentioned or referred to in the bill and answers, the Philadelphia and . .Er - ie i illaiiro d connects the Catawissa 'Railroad ilwith the Atianiic and' Great Western Rail ' , Aoly. ncitw ithstanding the diversity of gunge lin said roads. ' , • _: Wherefore is now, this 29th day of June, A. D. 1866, considered, adjudged and de : c : creed that the decrees- made in the above t o ' l cases fa t ...NI:4 Prius be reversed, c•ott aside , and taken for nought; and it is here decreo4 1 . e l that each of the said plaintes bill, 1:e e tdisinied at. the costs. of the plaintiffs, respectively. • . - I i ; - ; • • 4 l ; 1 . '