The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, May 01, 1866, Image 2

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    The Boston Journal re m arks that few
persons except the victimsrow to what
extent pookettpicking is carried on in
that city. It has become a regular
branch, of buiness ' and Many persons
depend upon it for their
In,Troy, the other day) two' persons
tailed at a hons,e, stating that they were
Health nneis and winted to examine
the pretniseed They obtained several
hundred dollaira worth of plunder--bein
thieves instead of Health dfficers.
A New Ihnipshire sol i dier, who shad
been sent to jStato Prison Itwo years for
steeling a turkey, has been pardOned, by
IlUiernorl Smythe, on account' of "the
temptations in that Aircetion to which he
'had been subjected while in the army."
From „present appearinces there jis
likely to beta fair apple crop in Massa
chusetts this year, outside the line.of
ravage by the canker worM invaders. The
pear crop will not probdhly •be as large',
as last year; which was 1 one of unusual
•profusion. 1
'They tell; of a lady speculator in New
York who made $5OO iri gold, and from
that netted c 55,000, andi l ti-Ally by sue
cest•ful ''bo'ut" operations increased the
sum to $lOO,OOO. She has a passion for
diamonds and invests her winnings in
them. Shit is now watching the market,
ready tit - sail in when the time comes.
A bachelor in Albany has about one
. , . a moan left'pi
at s door, accompa.
vied with Ehe request that he will "char
itably provide for it and; bring it up right
.e.ously.' occasion:A baby in the reg
ular honesi way is und?ubtedly a desira
ble prese4; but an attack of infantry by
platoons, upon a poor . Unprotected bache
lor must be appalling Eo the last degrer.
An attempt was wade last week to
burn the kown of Stcnington, Conn. It
has transpired that the instigator of the
fire was a! son of tho richest man to town,
who, beidg i hief engiseer of the fire de
partruentr wanted to show bow quickly
he could put out any fire that should
require his services. I The people don't
appreciate his zeal as (highly as they did.
i An eastern paper tells a strange story
97 a getAeman who, six years ago, sud
denly clihappearctd from New York City
from WEieti time be has been monrned as
having been murdered and his body dis
posed of At the tune of his disappear.'
ance herrts about tube married.. A few
days ago he appeared to his former be
trothed i and gave a history of his adven
ttireS. IH e reports that he was seized
while passint , along a street in New York,
.burriedion board of a whaler and carried
to sea. r On the return voyage of the
whaler, after several year's absence, he
was left, sick and apparently dying, upon
a Pacifc: ocean Wand. Here he was
forced to remain until a few months ago,
for wOrt of any way of leaving. At
length la passing vessel took him off, and
the story ends by qie assurance that the
long-deferred wedding is shortly to be
celebrated. Avery romantic tale.
. 1
prices of real estate in New 'irk
,fire enough to! stagger people of
alendey purses. filot on Eighth Avenue
and . Seventy-second; street, twenty-five
feet eight ,inches hy, one hundred feet
recently sold for eggliteen thousand eight
hundfed dollars, nod that is nearly six
triilesifrom the f City Hall, without build
.ings or improvements of any kind.
The Portland Advertiser says that a
mammoth train ofjthree hundred oars on
the Giand Trunk :Road, Was on the Can-
ada aide of the line on the evening of the
17th; ult , the day of the expiration of
the reciprocity treaty, which cars were to
be run into the States before n/idnight
but the axle of the forward engine break-
ing,ltho train was l delayed and dutiable to.
the Snug sum
.of $15,000, for *hioh it is
now; held at Island Point..
I A lady riding in one of the suburban
- slams the other ibis politely asked a pas.
emager who had got in rto lay aside his ci
gti'4 The passenger took no notice of the
request wheretipOu the lady very coolly
Jeatied over. and 'snatching the cigar from
his !mouth !.brew it into the road. Witb
equal'sang "'road the sploker stretched
outibis band ' and SieZIO O a pooL l ie iThjch
was, , in his fair assailant's lap, flung it out
of the carriage. "Turn about is fair play,
Madame," the fellow provokingly added
as be adjusted himself in ibis corner.
A few green peas and strawberries have
appeared in Cineinnati. .
paper called the Irish People,is pnb.
lislaed in San Irancisco , printed entirely
inl green ink. ,
;The suspension bridge at Cincinnati
will be the longest in the, world, its total
span being 3,171 feet. ' •
• IA scamp recently married a widow lady
dg. Pekin,' and the same night ran
away,' taking with him $llO in gold and
h'or first husband's clothes.
The proprietors of boats forming the
lino running from Cleveland to Lake Su
•perior ports, have resolved to reduce the
rates for passengers and freight:
A young lady of California recently
\ broke her ndok:while resisting an attempt
`,.,0f a young man to kiss her. This fur
pishes a fearful warning to young ladies.
The coiner stone of the Douglas monu
irnent is to be laid in Chicago in May or
;Tun Secretary Seward has accepted
;the .invitation to deliver the address,if the
'titate of his health nod his official duties
will permit.
Couder port; Pa.
.Tuesday, *a,y
Fin R 1 VERN
Of Cumb rland
Hon. J. W. Foenev'in a 1
ington, under date of Ac4 l
of the Reconstru4 Coma
made to Congress, s l ays: 1"
taking the fact that the iltf ,
Committee of . i.ec6iistruoll
the con6denceOf tl+ Counittl
of the Union members of 02
auspicious appsal (;,tlie in
ptic judgment i tbe people
surance that the report wA
est consultatiori arid conllei
The favor with which it hhz
side of the committee itel
those whc hav4 prayed. ti"
the Cnion Republicans and for help from "the
man at the other nd of tli eAvenue" to give
1 I I ' give
them victory in the copa ng. elections. The
harmony among the by-el e Repnblican mem
bers will secure the joint
'l res•olution. more than
• •
a two thirds iotel in ether. douse ; and as
such legislation perfe t without the Presi
dent's SignatuCe,) the otideal ofd the Executive
friendship need not be ii..zartled. It is stated
that "Andrew Johnson; Esquire," as the fear
less Medill of the Chico Tribune slyle.s our
1 •
"American Tritime," s?ing that "My policy"
is in danger of i a violpt, death, is ready to
consign that consumptive bantling to the
nursing care of the "dint Committee," land
that he will probably nanke a speech in fitvorl
of the report. But while all honest aid will
be i acceptable, veri Hid:lob assistance comes
from the friend of dailies M. Score), of New
Jersey, and of Montgomery Blair,of Maryland
the joint resolution 01 the committee is be
, yond the malice and tile treachery' of parties
or of individunjls. TO fact that it will go to
Congress with the satOtion of the Chief Jus
tice of the Supreme Climt of the ,Dnited States,
Mr. Chase, and that It, is knoWn to be aP.
proved by (patriotic 1 ablicists , • like Robert
Dale Owen, Robert li. Walkeri . Joseph Halt
(all now in Washingt n,) and tics leaders of
parties and the orgaols of publin opinion, will
in advance disarm di4ffection and disheartn
Copperhead expectation. The cornbinatitkt
that gives such certain prospective strength
to this joint resolutiO i lt, springing of course
kfrom the admirable g arantees of which itjis
I , eemposed, is i)erhapi i ;the best indication that
could be presented or the fallacy of opposition
to it front the inconsiderate leaders of the
f l -
Southern people. Ii 1 . their chief hope hereto.
ition of the Republiehns,
hen they see the Repub.'
id the Copperheads de
nable aid of the Johnson
a of this great committee
stadium and though it may
particulars, the manner
Fed, pinves conclusively
powerlof faction tol l dolay
features of this plan of
repay examination, and
it toil' of the statesman on
f idly ratified, the Article
if the boustitutionof the
fore was in the disseh,
what will they say
Beans a solid unit an
prived of the questidT
party? The decisidi
is the substantial alt
be amended in sons
'in which it is rece
'that it is beyond the
or defeat it. All th
reconstruction wig
vindicate the patinu
committee. When.
will be the XlVtialt
United States.
"The Finit Seed embodies the guarantees
of the Civil Rights into the national
compact, thus setting at vest all doulits on
thnt point,and seeh l ring that protection to the
American :citizen until now omitted in our
fundamental law, and even in the laws them
"The Second S Ilion confines the basis of
represents ion tall thei States to voters.—
Hence, until the South enfranchises her ne
gross she will belrlepresehred in Coogrpss and
the electoral chliJ i ge only according Ito her
white voting I population. The provision
`reaches the Nortlt , as well as the South ;but the
effect upon the! lhte Slate States will be to
leave them with, 'greatly abbreviated power
until they give suffrage to all their people.—
Marty reasons will, haste", them to seize upon !
the real alternativ! !e. But the rapid enlighten
ment I
of the colored people,who are now work
ing with far industry, as the latest sta
tistics clearly establish, than the S l outhern
iciiltes, and ; the~E onseghent progress of lib
eral ideas, will b the most auccessfiil agen
cies. Self-interst willloperate Witti[tremea
dous force, andj olitical ambition will acele
rate the,purpossi l and complete the 'work of
destiny, is estimated that no colored men
will be permitted to - vote for atleast tohr years.
But it may Well! be ! gtoubtedwhetherthe South
is willing to wait s'o long before it sends to
Congress AI full ! delegation, notwithatanding
that those Who compose it will not have won
their lahrels Bghting against the Union flag.
'The Th i rd S j eetion deprives the rebels and
their aideis and abettors of the right to vote
for President and Congress till the y'rar 1870, 1
As similar prohibitions exist in such adhering
States as Maryland, Missouri, Tennessee, and
West Vrginis; would seem to he a very
light pubishment to extend them tp the bad.
men in theStutesthatwere swept into the re
bellion.! Besides, it is only a fair bargain that
as the freedmen Will probably be four years
getting! readyfor !suffrage, thelehivalry should
wait at least that length of time before they
re-enter upon i the btessings tt
fully ,trampled under foot !
9The Fourth Sectfotf grappli
lately assumed fearful proM
hope excited by Aiedrew Johs
policy among those who i
finally compensated, for the
obtaining guarantees to
called "the Confederate State debt;' The
late defiance malignity, and exactio would
have soon taken Shape in favor of re udiating
the national debt, with the:aid of tha danger.
ens Copperhead Wed of faxing the natiinal secu
rities, or, of demanding a share of the public
revenue for their' Use,or of being rel+ed from
paying anything irito the general treasury.—
"No taxation withont o jcpresentatioh" in the m
months of these Men canjust this,iinothing
more. The fourth section removes these
dangerous hopes,' and cuts off all appeals to
mercenary motives among Northern politicians
by incorporating into the ConstitUtion the
protection against an evil that would have
corrupted and finally have crushed our whole
financial systern;imcluding all who are inter
ested it the national debt in the commonruirt!
Etter from Wash
-2.9, of the Report
nittee about to,be
There is no mis
eport of the Joint
ru will command
ust unanimity
k committee is an
,elligent and patri
. It is also an as
the result of earn
entiotis reflection.
been;received out
is a bad sign ier
a diision among
, - -
IteptiblicatiVictories in the West,
At the city chitrter election of ,Galesburg,
on the 2d iUst., the regular Republican
ticket, beadedith John A. Marshall for
Mayor,. was carried by a handsomely in
creased majorityi.
The Union ticltet at Dayton,Ohio, is elected
by' 300 majority,lexcept the Mayor, Dehlocrat,
who is elected bY a small majority.
At Jackson, : 1 51ichigan, the Republicans
have elected Dri McNaughton, Mayor, by 15
majority—La gain of 160 ; and James Donnelly,
editor of the Daily Citizen, Recordtr by 33
majority.: Republican Treasurer aud Mar
shall were also elected.'
The town tleetion of Indianapolis. on the
2d hus resulted in the triumph of the Repub
licani Union tieketiby over fifteen hundred
The Radicals here carried the city election
at Jefferson City, Mo., by n majority,ot orer
tarp to one.. The frill vote of the l city was
polled and tbetriumph is complete. To the
advance coard'of radicalism belongs the' vie-
tory. ' •
The Republican party was never so strong
in all parts of the West as it is Proving itself
to be in the local elections noes being . held
'throughout that region. And.4rat is true of
the West is also applicable to the North. and
the East. .The party IS a unit. • •
The Secessionists in Texas hayo practically
the entire control of that State, 'electing Ted-•
• handed traitors to all municipal offices,• who
make use Of !.lie _power thus bestowed to op
presS Union )I:Leu and shield rebels from pun
ishments forcrimes committed an loyal men.
Governor Hamilton is now in Washington for
instructions I utterly disgusted 4ith affairs in
the Commovealth which lie rules. •
TUE Nuw - Itatt, ftoAD.—A. meeting of the
Stockholder residing at this end of the Buf
falo and Washington Rail Road;beld a meeting
at Olean on the 18th inst., and perfected an
organization by electing officers and nauning
the Company. The name sefected- was the
Sinemahonin:q Portage Railroad Company. The
following owners were elected;:
President.L-P.W Coudersport Pa.
Directors,—A. N. Benton,A. S. Arnold, Port
Allegheny C. T. Cl amberlin,Cuba N.Y.;
J. K. 'Coraistock - , C. S. Cary, V. B. Barge,
P. L. Stowell, Olean N. Y.; J. 13. Newton,Em
porinm Pi 4.; A. G. Olmsted, J. B. Archibald,
J. W. RoWley,Coudersport Pa 3 C.L.Prescott,
Buffalo N. Y. , •
The object of the meeting was to take
znettires to consolidate the two Companies
—the one in this State and in New York
-a:ad a committee was chosen for that purpose
when the same of the Road Will be decided
upon andi perm/neat oaicerk. chosen. This
meeting was largely represented and a deter
rainatioa manifested to complete the Road at
an early day. ,$200,000 was subscribed at the
TAN-Bun' LICENSES.—In the Middle and
Eastern Wards of this city, thirty-eight tav
ern licenses were granted at , the last feSSiOp
of the Court. Not one half of these "tavernsr
have complied with the statnte,which requires
any person applying for a license to keep a
tavern, to hare at least four rooms and eight
beds for t , lee accommodation of travellers. Some
of.the recently licensed "taVerns".bitre not a
bed fora decent dog. No fault can attach to
the Court for granting the licenses, for no
citizen made objection, except in one case,and
that thelcourt promptly laid over.—Williams
port Bulletin.
York Republican says; The recent freshet on
the Susquehanna and its tributaries has brot'
down a large number of-timber rafts—About
four hundred and fifty ; also some seventy
fice of lumber. The manufacturers from the
up country ask from $2O to $22 per 1,000 for
the for6er,and $22 to $24 for the latter. The
terms being considered rather high, of course
purchasers are holding off for a fall.
The new Texas Constitution fixes the Goy
ernoes term of office at four years instead of
two ; and the salary at $4,000 instead of $2,-
000. ; It also gives the Legislature power to,
guarantee the bonds of railroads for the pur
chase of Iron. The article abolishing slavery
"Africans and, their descendants , shall be
protected in their rights of persons nod prop
erty 'by appropriate legislation ; they shall
havelthe right to contract and be contracted
with; to sue and bey sued ; and to acquir l e,
hold%and transmit property ; and all criminal
prosecutions for like offenses against the white
race, and they shall be subject to like penal
The Constitution Will be submitted. to the
people for their acceptance or rejection on
the .fourth Monday in June. It will be ob
served that in its wording and scope the Texas
Constitution is nearly identical with the Civil
Rights act.
ey BO ungrate
Tho secretary of the Treasury has de
cided that farmers aro not required,in making
their income returns, to include the value of
their farm prodncts consumed by themselves
and their families. This will make a mate
rial reduction in the taxes of farmer&
s withorbat has
tions, under the
son's calamitous
ye looked to Ue
r slaves, and to
'iquidate what is
The New Texas Constitution.
se`The Wisconsin Legts ature has passed
res ol u tips severely cens uri n g senator Doolittle
for voting against the Civil ;Rights Bill.
par "Tim, bow did. you do, when you
popped the question ?" "Why, you know, I
went to see her, and found her sitting on the
sofa. I sat down right close to \ her and slip
ped my arm around- her waist—" i"Good I"
"drew her close up to un—:" "Sweet f" "she
put her little curly head over against my
shoulder---" "Delicious !" "and I bent over
and kissed her pretty lips."i "Bully 1"- - -
RSTUSS TIIEM.—An exchange shys ; "The
State bank of New England, Which have been
concerted, into National Banks, are by State
laws. released from obligation to redeem their
old State bank notes, after the lapse of a cer
tain time ' varying from two to fouryears. With
some of the Maine banks this time has already
expired. The bills of all the State banks of
Maine should be refused by the public genet..
rarThe Provost Marshal General has com
pleted a careful complication from the muster
rolls of all the deaths In bottle, from vronnds
and from disease, in every regiment of every
loyal State during the war. It appears that
250,739 1 officers and man have lost their Mires
in the service. Of this number 4,221 com
missioned officers and (:),8313 men have been
killedin action, or died of wounds, while 2,-
321 commissioned officers and 182,329 enlisted
men died of disease,
V - .„4 — Mauy persons are at a loss to know
how to dispose of ragged and mutilated cur
rency that accumulates in their hands. It i 2
the easiest thing in Li o w0..7d, and may be
accemplished without expense. When yon
get three dollars worth on hand. put it in a
small package, pin a paper band around it
with your name,post office address and amount
then put it in an envelOpe and adress it!to
the "Treasury of the United States,Wasliington
D. C." It goes and returns free of postage.
jtpar The Veto Power having been much dis
cussed of late, the follo•king record of the in,
stancess of its being wielded will be interesting
to the general reader:
By George Washington. i , 2
By James Madison. , 6
By James Monroe. 1
By Andrew Jackson. • 9
By . John Tyler. .4
By James K. Polk. . . 3
By James Buchanan. ' 1
By Andrew Johnson ; i 2
larThe Democratie'organs are predicting
with great unanimity, that if Cohgress does
not give way to the President and concede to
him the functions of the Executive,Legislative
and Judicial power, there will be civil war.
In the same spirit the slaveholders constantly
asserted, while they were preparing for the per
petration of the crime, that if Congress did not
accord to slavery more than constitutional
rights, there would be a rebellion. That re
bellion did take place and it was crushed.—
Now let us ask whether the Democracy,while
they are claiming more than constitutional
power for the President, are, like the slave
holders, preparing for rebellion? if they are,
like the sisveholders, the Democracy will be
crushed. That's all.
I How Mtnnons ARE Mxos.—Probably few of
our readers have a very clear idea how the
huge mirrors that are so fashionable and ex
penSive nre made. The plate-glass which
conies from France or German is first polished
by means of rouge' brushes; next a bag con
taining the common potato, reduced by a pul
zerizing process to nu almost impalpable pow
der is applied to the glass, the potato dust
e'staping the meshes of the bag; then a plate
fotf is spread upon a setting bed of marble,
and on it is placed tue prepared quicksilver ;
the, glass is then laid pn the top of this and
pressed down with heavy weights. Here it
remains about twenty-four hours, when it is
examined, and if found free from flaws, is
ready for -use.
I '
Fidoenss Movrinten.—There seems to be
no end to "plagues!' A letter from Genoa
announces that the birds are dying off by 1
thousands, owing to miasmakic vapors 111 the
atmosphere. They fall exhausted, and it is
found that the roots of their feathers are de
cayed.. An epidemic in the oyster beds of the
coast of France has raised the price of these
bivalves mere than a third, and late news
from England gives reason to fear that the
sheep have been attacked with s similar mal
ady to that which has destroyed cattle. More
than a hundred thousand head of cattle were
bought in France' last week for exportation
to. England, and there is every reason to an
ticipate a very great rise in the price of
butcher's meat. Since the fright about
trichime, the charculiers (the pork butchers)
Ido not sell half their usual quantity of swine
flesh. The government has done, and is doing,
all in its power to keep down the panic, but
cannot succeed. Pork is decidedly )at a
State Currency.
It seems very probable that before long the
notes of the State Banks will go out of circu
lation. The act of Congress of March 3d,
directs that they shall be taxed ten per cent,
if in circulation after the first of July next.
It is therefore necessary that they should be
redeemed before that time, and the National
Banks, which must suffer the tax if they hold
the notes at the date mentioned, are relieving
themselves of their liability by throwing out
the State Bank notes, or by' receiving them
at a small discount sufficient to pay for the
cost of sending them home for redemption.
This action will soon, hurry them out of sight,
and there will be no currency in circulation
but greenbacks and the notes of the National
Banks. '1
Tan Filarial nt Msxrco.—The lest arrivals
from Europe confirm previoui reports that
Nr.seoxcilir has agreed to withdraw his troops
from ; but the process will be so dila
, its to give Slazimimax all the benefity3f
tlieralas long as he can hope to maintain his
throe'? theie. The troops are
. to be with
drawn in three installments—the first- to take
place in November next, the second in ?say
1867, and the third in November following,
thus allowing more than eighteen months to
elapse before the last, should there be any
left by that time, shall leavo Mexico's
tablt shores. Evert then the principal ports I
are to be occupied by war of lisecurity "
The!Emperor hopes this will be satisfactory .
to the American government. It may be, but I
we doubt it. Before tbat•time, hdwever,ll.4x I
wilt abdicate and evacuate, for we can scarcely I
bring ourselves to believe that he' will much
longer retain the friendship and inffuence of
many prominent Mexiciins.
$25 . THE $25 I
'Mandel and Ilaiideia Hali, I
Eighth and Spring Garden Sta.,
Thomas BfFs3i . pierce, 1%L, 1 1
• - President and Constatlut A I CC'OUIItaUt.
Novel Si. 'Permanent. Atrangef
:rent of Business Coll9go
From. Apiil 1 to October 1, 1866,
AND *i.TpcossDlNG i restcs.l • '
LIFE pcnoLmisines, inchiding 13onk keeping,
Business Correiipondents, • Forms, an .l Customs.
"Cntrinlei - cial Arithmetic, BUtlitrqta Pcnmanship,
Detecting Conntorfoit Money, and Comntercial• Law.
including the satuelßubjceis as
Time Limited to Three ,llonths
PECMAXSHIP, Three Months,A . $7
The easing of inal and gas in the summer months
id au advantage of such impertanee enables the
management of this College to make a 1 geMddorUble
reduethin lu the summer rules.
Front October 1,.1866, to A p 1-'l7 1, 1 1867,
And suceeeding yea! e, as befl
• -
Life Scholarships, ....... ----Via...
Scholarships . , 8 months,.. .. S-2.5
l'emnabshir, 5 months, 'lo
Penmansbfp and Arithmetic; 3 mouths,: fl 2
Special Terms for Clubs, Soldiers, Iltd
for the Sons of Ministers and Teachers.
• ;.
Day and Evening 1 histruotion
fok both Sexes and all Ages*,
In Banking, 'Storekeeping, Penman.
ship, Pen DratVing, Phonography, Arithmetic, Men
suration, Algebra, Geometry, AhalytiCal Geometry,
The Calculus, Navigation, Surveying; Engineering ,
Guaging, Mining, Mechanical Drawing' Commercial
Law, Oerman. Telegraphing and the Zuglish
Branches, at moderate prices.
Endorsed'hy thepublic as the most sticcessftil
nese College of the country, as is evidenced try GM
fact, that .•
, •
hementeied in the I
. PrlnclpOls of PepOrtments.
C. N FARR, Jn., J. T. REY:s.IOLDS,
HENRY-REIM, A.KR0GEN.1305,,A.31.,C.E.
Supported b2l an elike Corps of Ilisisfants.
C.. 11 or send 'f , o ie r r a ce %'al , a r l a %,,li c e a , i V d l u eg a e to C r urreney, and
April ' ' .
subscriher, late Landlord of the Lion flouse,
is prepared to accommodate vlsitorS to tbcieol3ll/-
ty Seat with Boarding, at reasonable rates. Jurors,
'Witnesses and others will ilud it to their advantage
to give himaa call. S. C. Phelps.
Coudersport, Feb.-6, 1666
Lewisville, Potter county, Pennsylvania,
BtiRTON LEWIS. Proprietor. Baying
taken this excellent Hotel, the proprietor wishes
to make the acquaintance 'of the traveling public and
feels conftdent of giving Eat' sfactton to all whO may
call on hitu.,--Febt. 12,66 . .tf -
TIE Atlantic, Harper's, Young Folks, Godey's,
Peterson's Arthur's. Lady's ITriend, _Deadle's,
Frank - Leslie's 6-..Detuorests MalYazines for Zany ,j 12,4
received and for sole by D. C, Mi IL* L.irrabee
the Post Office. Alen Harper's NlTee!ily, Leslie's and
other Pictorials and Weekly always on hand.
"Tar. 2AKEUICAN CONFLIeTj'• in Two Volumes.
Elegantly illustrated with 144 portraits on steel ; nu
merous maps and diagrams of, battle t 1 Ids ; views,
etc. 1251000 copies sold. -
Volume I. of this Ilistory,publishca atayst two years
later thab the first part of nearly every other, already
itteindeslamong itii patrons full 25,000 of the purchas
ers of thbse, early
,works, and is everywhere recog
nized as! the highest authority, even by the author's
Volume 11. will be-ready in a few months—at the
earliest pay..oh which a, well-prepared history of the .
war can be obtained. The en Ire work, inimitable
alike ielexcellence of plan and detail, will be vastly
superiot to any of those non, conipleted, (most of
which )dare "completed" long before, Gen. Grant's•
report was made,) find far the tenet a isfactory His
tory of the late stupendous btrtwa;le—al together une
qualed for clearness, fulness,Td 'accuracy of state
ments, Combined With candor d graphic delineation
of events.
If coimpleted as designed, the work will be miller
ity as to the events of the most wonderful era in the
history of the Country.-3. G. CCEITIX, Governor of
Pennsylvania. •
- mild be difficult to place too high an estimate
_ _
It Wen.- oc difficult to place _
on the service Mr. Greeley has renderedour country
by the preparation of this volume. •
I wait the forthcoming of the second volume with
eager expectation.—witm,.M, C.
It bears the marks of labor, studied 'candor and
accumey.—Wimasit U. SERUM , ' Secretary of State.
TheMarrative is simple and clear, with so much of
life and spirit In it that it to next to imnapossible not
to read a whole chapter without stopping. • •
It will be end ought to be read by all our country.
men.--EnitAn Cowstt, U. S. Senate.
Its accuracy gives it a value beyond any other his
tory of that eventful period. The great industry and
impartiality of Mr. Greeley' will 'make this the text
of all future histories of the Great Repellion.--Tnen-
Of all the Histories of the Great Rebellion which I
hive examined, this one seems to be the beet in the
copiousness of antecedent and concurrent Con
greSsional Records, es well, as the events Of the war
itself.--Sonurt.kit Cotrsx, Speaker U: S. Muse of
RepreseutativeS. I • L I
Volume 11. will be accompanied [without extra,
charge,) by an elegant copperplate Map of the Seat
of Was, worth $l,OO. Sold only by Waveling agents.
Address G. D. CASE , dr. CO., Publishers,
April 3, 1861.',-4t. I Hartford, Coon -
1566 ; 1566
Philadelphia & Erie Railroad.
Tuts great lino traverses the Northern and North.
-• west counties of Pensylvania to tho city of Erie
on lake Erie. !It bee ben lensed and Is operated by
the Pastlisvxvexia RAtLit9AD COMPiNr.
Time of pasSengor trains at EMPORIUM.
Erie Mail ... . .....,....3:58 r. w.
Erie Express Train " 9:13 r. w.
Erie Mall .....x.
Erie Express Train ' ' 2:02 A. r.
Passenger CAM run through on the Erie Mail and
Express Trains without chango both ways between
Philadelphia and Erie..
Leave NoviTorkati3.oo r.-x4--arrive at Erie 9.15
CHANGE eat 1.b5 r.x.orriye at New York 3.40, r.
ELEGANT SLEEPING (CARS on all Night trains
of information respecting Passenger buslness,ap.
ply at Corner of 30th and Market streets, Philadelphia
And for Freight business of the Company's Agents
B. B. Elneston, Cor. 13th and Market streets,
Philadelphia. 1 I •
.T. W. Reynolds, Erie.
Wrn. Brown, Agent, N. C. R. 4., Baltimore.
B. 11. HOUSTON. General Freight Agt. Philada.
11. W. GRINNER, General TicketAgt. Philada
A. L. TYLER, Gen pr,i*Sup't, Williamsport. •
TiIIS is a great opportunity for enterprising per
sons of energy to make money. It is an article
of which the public have felt the need. It retails at
a low price, and its beauty and utility is universally
acknowledged. The success which has attended its
sales warrants the assurance that ozits can beaold to
almost every tardily. Weara prepared to show that
we have agents vho are cigar-Mg $lO5 'orery month.
Address for Circulars and Term.,
RA.YSI.OICD & CO., Manufacturers,
'6lB Chestnut Street, Phila.
Summei Goods
Ti OUR atttention is invited to the hag:
attractive stock just received, and fur
safe as low as the same qualities can be bought
anywhere in the county.
We bare on band a large and varied a l .
:ortment of Domestic Cottons, co-vising
' DENIMS,...
CUTTER FLANNELS, on which we
cannot be undersold.
We purchase our - goods foi,Cash.. and oFer
them at, a very small advankt
Prom Coit
IF you want to purchase
BLUE, of
At Olmsted's.
BROC I FIE, rind
• fuli sitnty
naN'T foil td cnil befbre - puteadsizig anti
sec the assortment
FOR Men,Women Bt Chlldterr, In great TR ,
riety ad cheap .r
At 'ollBsteirt
For Molasses, Syrup, Sugar, Tea and, Coffei
in fact everything in the Grocer) , liner ; calii
A full assortment of almost everything Stint is
kept in a country store on hand. We intend
to keep Goods that will give satisfaction and'
sell goad articles at the lovtest living profit
Grubs of all kinds,
Butter, Wool,
Sheep Pelts, I''ar4
Deer Skins.
County, Tornishipartd School Orders, for
of 'which the highest Klass wilt be paid
At Oitttsied's •
Coudersport, Pa,Nor'r 18, c9s,l
rrHOUSANDS of hear Idachines "arc Sling anew
and ~old, and give more
Universal SailsMellott
than any other -
Straw or Stalk-Cutter
in market. It has no cast Mis about and can be =dr
or repaired in any country' town.
The Knife is rtationary--13ox vibrates—feeds itself
—cuts on top of the knife—Guts everything square off
any length you Utah. and ote cannot make ragged
work of it even with a doll knife.
Price $l2.
Samples of Machines ca l i be seen at shop et the
undersigned. anufactur d and for sale by
N. H. GOMM" ,
Coudersport, Pa., Oct. 2,1180.
I take this method to inform you that I am
now located 'at Oswayo, better kaolin AS
Brindlevllle, witYla,Large Assortment of
Regardlesti of COST.
My Store you will find in the Old Simmons,
Block where Mr. YALE and myself will ever
try to giro you Good Bargains, and hope
so doing to merit 'a share of your patron..
An early call is solicited
J. P. sininoss•
°sway°, Sept. 18, 1865
Latest from Sherman
OSIN & TAR, from North C a roliati , kr .
sal. by STEBBINS
Al Olitisiedls.
A; 'Ol/lusted