The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, March 27, 1866, Image 3
NOTICES! PECIAL M Whiskers ! Whiskers Do 1:t want Whiskers or--Moustaches? Our G r ecian compound will force them to grow-on theismoothest face or chic„, beeps, to Six Weeks. ?rice', $1:00.:f Sent - by auprliere, closely sealed: - on receipeof pride.' Address _WARNER & CO., lysn Box 138, Brooklyn, N. Y . . T HE swot; & au= papist gAorms 'Fo4y; different styles. adapie Ito sacred and secular music, for $BO to $6OO each. .FIFTY ON Gold or Silver Medals, or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Cata loges free. Address, MASON k HAMLIN, or MASON St BROTHERS. New York. Periodical Drops 1; mhe Great. reinale Remedy fog' Irreg. - 1 I ularlfies. ;.Thero drops ire a scientifically com pounded fluid reeparatiott, and better than any Pills, rusifiers ur Nostrums. ' 'Being liquid; their action is &set and positive, rendering them a reliable, speedy andicertain. specific fcir theeureof all obstructions and supprerolons or nature. Their popularity is indicated by the fact that over.loo,ooo bottles are annually sold sadeottstimed by the ladies .of the United States, every_one,of whom Speak strongest terms of se prai of their great merits. They are rapidly taking the place o • every other Female Remedy, and are con side d. by all who know aught of them, ss the surest saf,-arldmost infallible,preparation in the world: fort e cure of all Female oomvlitiots, the removal of -all obstructions of nat it re, and the promotion of health retrifhwity and strength: • Explicit directions stating ,when tbe,y,trtay.he twed,andexplaininc wh , -nend why theli shonkl not imor could not be used without pro ducittg effects contrary to nature's.clio , ea laws, will be found carefully folded around each bottle, with written signature ofJOHN L. LYON, without which none are genuitte.; Prepared : by Dr. sorra L. LYON, 195 Chapel Street. New .Haven, Conn., who can be consulted /Mier personally or by (enelodng stamp,) con cerning. all_priyate diseases nod female SO4I pj yTrtiggists everywhere Price $1.50 pr Rot. • ' O. G. CLARK & CO., lytp General Agts for United States and nathi s RA.LLY t- THESYST.E. 3I .! Alla a dineasq has been conquered, there is still lbe weakness - that it leaves behind is, to he removed. Couvaleicense is a tedion aff:iir. If the enfeebled' and flaccid must ..cle's, _the,. shattered nerves, the thin and blood speak, they would cry for h e lp. In tim;, many ,cases such help as is given them is not of the right kind. The fiery stimulants of commerce do harm. They kindle a temporary flame, which - ts a mockery. Their effect passes, and the last state of hi'M 'wil l () uses then!' is worse than the first. Not such is the effect of Hostetter's Storn- Itch Bitters. There is no drawback to their toiling properties. I3alsamic.tilants and barks 'ftnilibots contribute their restorative juices to I render this soothing and strengthening 'preparation a-protective and remedial agent. Tts basis is the only stimulant which has eq.y been produced containing no fusel oil or any bthei:deleterioui element. The most careful dad chemis's have analyzed the Bit terls,..andrpronounced them harmless. ; I'his is scientific testimony ; but the tes mony of the hundreds of thousands. who hate experienced the preventative and curatike effects of 'the Great Vegetable Tonic and Alierative Of modern times is still more toil chisive. In fever and ague, dyspepsia, bp lonsness. nervous comllaints,general debility, and chrmic complaints, it is as nearly lithe as anything in this fallible world vita bei Sold 'every xhere. ' DR. -TOBIAS' - vEyINA2v LINDIESM 'FT CURES CHOLERA, WHEN FIRST J r taken, inn few hours; Dysentery in halt hocr ; Toothache in'. five minutes. it! is pCffeetly innocent to take inv:4%oly; cnci.;.is rcenomended by the most eminent Physicians in' the Unitdd Stdtes. 'Price 40 and SO ets.i TOW.V:DA, Pa.. :11l , b . V, . .IDr. S. I. Tobias, , Sew York : llear Sir-4-1 hate used your Venitian Liniment with great td i cCess, both as an internal as well, as an'ex.; ternal medicine. In cases of Bilious ChOlic 4111. d Cholera Morbus I regard it as a sovereign remedy. Your Venitian Horse Liniment ,sthnds unrivalled as a horse medicine amongst farriers and boatmen on this canal. IS ' • LEIVIS, v ISupt,North Branch Canal: Sold by all Druggists. Office, No. 36 C(Wt landi St. New York. I THE DECISIVE BATTLE HAS lIEEN FOUGHT AND WON jar every Stale, and . City, - and Town hi the triton, by • I CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE 13F all would-be-rivals, and , the palm] of v,ptory is - awatded to it for depth And rick s of tint,:durability, rapidity of actipn, sdpening and lubricating properties, and en tire freedom froin erery deletqious or soiling ingredient. Manufactured gy J. CRISTA.- DORO, No. 6 Astor House, New York. Sbld Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. tint NDRETEUS MILLS. COS-. ESS, DIA OREM A.-T leiyare t.tiken up by the absorbents, and carried into the circulation, through which medium they are conveyed to every part orthe body., 'lf the pain affects the joints, a single dose' ; Produces remarkable benefit. And the same rule applies to costiveness; diarrhea and dys entery ; though with the last named they may' be required night and morning for some days before decided relief is obtained. In affec- Cobs of the lungs, throat, head and pleurisy, itte relief is certain ; the excretory organs throw off with ease ,the phlegm, and 'the tn breathing becoes freer. Spasmodic asthma is often cured by a single, dose. I _4_ • STRANGE, BUT TRUE. .Te'r.Y young lady' and gentleman in tho 111 States can hear something much t their advare by!, return mail (free of cbargej by addressing' , undersigned. - Those who have fears of being h hazed will oblige by', not noticing this card. others will please address their obedient servant • THOS. F. CHAPMAN, ' I 83I13roadway, New York.-11: TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, bavir l heen restored to health in a few weeke by a veryanniple remedy, after halving 'Offered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxiode to Make kribum to his fellow-sniferers the men4s To ail who desire it, he will send a copy of the, pre seriptiOn used (free of charge), with the directions firrpreparine and using the same, which they will find a SURE CURE for Consumption. Asthma, Bronehetis, Coughs, Colds, and 11:1 Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser In minding the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which - h• conceives to lie in valuable, and he hops every• sufferer will try his remedy, as it will coat them nothing, and may prove al:dossing, " • Parties wishing the prescription, raze, by return mail, will pleasr address - Rev. EDWARD A. WI r.soN,, Williamsbargh, Kiwis Co.. 7 , 7.‘r York ERRORS OF' roarrit. A Gentleman who suffered for veers from Nervona Debility, Premature Decay, and all the elleVts of yonthful indiscretion, will, for the sake anal-rine' humanity, md tree to all who need it,• the recipe and directions for making the sinfrile rerney Which be waacnred. Sufferers wishing to pro tby advertiser's exp erience , can do by addrerfsing • . .JOHN B. OGDEN, N.. 13 Chambers Bt., New York.— 1y,103 UNVS BLOOM OF ROSES,-for this La STEBBINS' A CARD TO INVALID& . . A Cleigytnan te .. do residirgl in south America as mlird ry eni, 'disiltvered a safe I and 'stint:lle' remedy 1 for the :,:: Core -of Nervous Wenkneee. . Early Decay, Dlsease.s.;of the Urinary and.Eteminal Organs. and thelarhole train of disorders brottent em by bane ful' and .rloiousbabit a., Great nutntit ,have . been already' Oared by ttnls noble'reinedy. Proninted by a . desire to benefit - the aftlieted , and unfortunate, I ialli .tend the for preparing and nsi. g tb:e medicine. In a 'seale.l eovclo, 1., ;o any one who 1/..ti1l it, FilttL 070 Ogial:s. eiemie inclose a poet:A:mid envelope, addreased to ~.,'arself. .Addrees. , , . JOSEPHT. INMAN, r . . Station D, Di!le House,. .sp),'i ' , • New York City. ma m 1 COITFEBSIONS e.ND EXPERIENCE OF 1 AtXICVALID, - Pub&bed for the benefit ind i.Cantion to Yonne Meti and others, trboisuffir from !Ner - :ous Debility. Premature Decay of trail OA.oapplying . at the -ame time the mestmlof S' if Tty one who has cured himsel f after utlergoing.eonsiderable quackery By enclo,,inq apost-paid addre.sed 'envelope, single copies, free of charge, may he horlefthe author. MAYFAIR.' Esq., lytip.T . y3o N. Y. , • COUDERSPORT- PRICE ;'CURRENT. ! A i Reported every Tuesday by • .W.. 1 la.. 1Er.,t43,Z0104.13.6 1 do ilaco., tr.! a 1 D l , to (II cries and Priv:Worm, . , e roc I i Douderduo.t. Apples greln, l V bush., do I ' dried, I " Beaus' Isi " _ Beesis l ax, 7 $, lb P•eef, . 1 1 Berries, drled, re quart Buckwheat, - i f t hush., Buckvileat Flour, Buttei, 7? lb, { . ~ Chees , 1 . • Clore seed Corn, 43 liusb4 1 . Corn Meal, periewt., Eggs, t? doz ,I 1 1 Flour extra, 'il bbl., do 1 superfine " , trams I "tq lb., Hay, T i e ton, Hohey, per lb., Lard, " I ' Nlaple‘Eugar, per lb., • oa4, if, bush.,' I I Onions, \ " ' , I ~ . \ I Pork 1 %7 bh ~ I 1 / 0 - l'il ibk.' . . do in whole hog. ti-,? 1b.,. Potatoes, per busb.r,i Peaches, drie4,\V lb., Poultry, 1 ? lb., Rye, per bush., . Salt, 1? bbl.,'" dot Itl sack,l 1 \ Tirc4tllly Seed • Trout; perk bbl., A w - hei r lt, re bush., 1• \ W hi e Fish, 70 i hbl, - \ 1 r, ISGe ' : • 1566 , riikiadelphia & Erie • \ allroad. -pup grgreat!lnc Irncerses the Northern and North -1 IT. st counties f Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on lake Erie. . It 1 as been leased and is operated by the PbSNSYLVANI RAIIROAD COUPANY. Time of pa.4engpr trains at F111'0E:Ili k : LEAVE EASTWAIII3. trin - sf al Ti-ain. .... ... . ... . ... ....-___3:s6 C. m. Erie Expreis Train... ............. ~.9:17 r. . 1 , 1 LEAVEVESTWARD, - Erie UstlTrai ; r.OO A. st. Erie Express Train - . "'V •U. - Passenger . citts ren through_ on the Erie Mail and Erpre-s ra , tis without change both way's, between l'inl,chilphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION, ' Leave New York at G.OO P. arrive at Erie 0.15 1. x. Leave Eric r. x., arrive at New York 3.40, r. x. NO CHANGE . OF CAT S BETWEEN ERIE &, NEW YORK ELEGANT SLE PING OARS on all Night trains For informatb.n nespeetfrig P:vsenger btisluess,ap. ply at Corner bl 30th and Market streets, Philadelphia And for Freight Rosiness of the Company's Agents S. a, E.inaten, Jr./ Cor. 13th and Market streets. Fhliadel phial.' . J. W. Reynolds, Erie. I Wm. Brown, Agent, N. C. It: St , Thiltimore. 11. 11. 'IOUS CO N, General Freight Agt: Fhilada 11. W. OWINN ER, General Ticket At Philatia A. L. TY LER, General Sup't, Williams ant. 1 I , . . fiEVI i - SKIRT FOB 18 6. • The Great Invention of the Age in HOOP-S.I3EIRTS ! t ,• W. rifi..A.DLEY'S New . Patent DUPLEX: IJ. ELLIPTIC (or double] SPRING SKIRT. riitiaS Invention consists of Duplex or two) 1. Pure Refined Steel Spring., lagenloutilv braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, Making the ror&usr, mist FLEXIBLE.," ELASTIC and, DrIIIIILE Sint ever used. They seldom WEND' or the S ngie Springs. and consequently preServe therr perfect end :hematite' slmpa more than twice as long as any Single Spring Skirt that ever Has or Can be made. • I THE wonderful flexibility and 7 great comfort and pleaaare tunny lade wearing the Duplex Elliptic skirt will be experienced particularly in alLerowned asbem. bliss Oneras, Carriages, It:dire:id Cars,-Church pews Arnal Chat*, frn. Promenade and House Dress, as the Skirt can lie folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a SIDI or Muslin Dres;s. ; A Lady having enjoyed the pleasnre,cemfort and Great Cunaenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptie. Steel' Spring Skirt Or a single day will ueviraftewards willingly dispense •vith their use. For Children. Missis and Youn Ladles they aro superior to all °theta. I THE HOOPS ale covered with 2 , ply double twist. ed thread and NOR wear twice as lOng as the Single yarn covering which Is used on all single Steel Hoop S4irts.; The thred bottom rods on every Skirt are also Doable Steel, and !.xvice or double covered to prevent the cerering fromiweating off the rcids when dragging down stairs, stonelateps, etc., etc. which they are con stantly subject to f ren in use. All ere made o the nett' and elegant Corded Tapes and are the best q ality In every part, giVing to the wearer the most graceful and perfbrt Shape possible, and are unquestionably the lighest, most desirable, comfortable and edonomical Skirt ever made. WESTS' 'BRADLEY Sc. CARY. - PItORIVItS of the Inkention, and!SOLE MANUFACTURERS, b 7 C A 'SEDERS, and 79 Sc. 81 RE A.D.E STRE.ETS,New York. I FOR SALE in all first-class Stores in this throimhom the United States and Camila, Havana de Cuba; Mexico. Booth Amerlda, and the West Indies. INQUIRE FOR THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) SPFIING SKIRT. . . , . 1 A. & C. Sre. ME fled age the 'um 1 All PACIFIC HOTEL, I " 170, 172, 174 R. 176 Ga. I EEWICH Sr., (ON'S SQ AEA WEST OF 7.11.0A1MAT.) 1 Betzreonourt andi and Dry Streds,New York. II , .1017 PATTER. sr., Proprietof. I I . • T ' !Pacific Hottl . is 4ell and widely knon - n to the travelingipublic. , The lo cation is especially suitable to merchan4 and , business men; it is in dlose the business part of the I.34—is on the high way of Southern and Western travel—a l ne: adjac;ent to all' the. priaciPal Railroad and Steamboat depots.i The Pacific h liberal accommodation for over .300 guests, it is,well fdrnished, and posl sesses every modern improvement for the comfort , and entertainment of its inmates The rooms are ipacious and well ventilated ; pro'fided with gas and water; the attendance is prompt and respectful; and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season. The subscriber., who, for the past few'years, has teed the leSsee, is now (' ' sole proprietor, and 'intends to identify hiniself thoroughly with ithe interests lof his hopse. Wi sh Jong experience as ,a hotel-keeper,' be trusts . ; by moderate charges! and . a liberal policy, ,to maintain the favorable irerineation of the pa n cifid Hotel. 4011 S TTEN, .111.1 Inns ~ TO DEng. - rprrE *lister!' - 11VIsh to let the job of bill:ding a _L Chttroh at Raymond's Corners, in Allegany, to be completed on or before the middle of October '66. )Bize - 28 by 40 feet, projection in front. to support steeple 7 by 12, which with 6 feet off.the main build, infc forms the entry.. £wo,' 3 feet Ames standing in the partition , facing in the entry—pipes to go to chimney in beck part of room ; Beaus similar to those in Methodist Church in Coudersport, but without doors. Steeple with top of mire about 60 - feet from ground: 14 feat posts ; pine siding`; hest shavred - shingles ; three windows each side and two in front, lambed), and all to be of stained giros ; ceiling to follow up the .rafters four feet and then go across by plank nailed to rafters; two 'lron 'rods to support the building from spreading, I lath and plastered walls and ceiling ; foundations of gray stone laid in lime mortar ; eaves to project 6 feet, and u. plain cornice—all to be painted. 1 It is desired that all shall be done substantially but to he plain. For further pert Ichlars inquire of L. BIRD, at Brookland, or of the members of the Build ing tommittee, in Allegany. . • A. G.. PRESRO, L. BIRn. Building Com. T. S. BR:Is - TON, • March 6, 1E66. , H BOARDING! fittlE subscr iber , late Landlord of the Onion Hemse, preparedto to accommodate visitors to the Coco t) Seat tCLIt Boardint, at reasonable rates. Jurors, Witnesses and 'ethers still find it to their advantage Mese Mtn a Call. S. C. -Phelps. Coudersport, Feb. 6, 3.860 tf • $ 75 to 1 25 200 259 250 .300 • 30 35 10 12 LYivIAN HOUSE. Lkwisville, Potter County, Pennsylvania. BritTON LEWIS. Proprietor. Hiving taken this excellent Hotel, the proprietor wishea to make the acquaintance of the traveling public and leels confid,-nt of giving satisfaction to all who may mill on him.—Feb. 12,66 tf • IT; 80 350 400 30 35 15 I 20 850 900 X9oe L ritirely 3 n l ew °ll trti l e l le i— s,lret E ci l l TH Ah r ree i s ix O.T. GAR E Y. City Dulldtng.Biddelont,Maine. Dec. 28,1565. lowly. 100 123 $5O 300 HENRY HARPER. pna RCS STREET 10 00 12 50 9 00 10 00 PHILADELPHIA. , 3i Watches, I - s Fine Gold Jewelry:, , I Solid Silver Ware. and Superior SILVER PLATED it ARE, at Re. duced Pricea—March 20,16G6 3mosjw t 8 00 10 00 15 20 20 25 15 18 35 4O 100 125 28 00 35 00 'lB 10 12 75 100 'A gents Wanted to take Orders foi the _L - 1 best selling Book now published,;. IHRUING STORIES OF THE GREAT REBEWON. tdmprising heroic adventures and tfair btetuith rice of Soldiers, Sc. we, Spies and Refugees ; daring exploits of , Smugglers, Guerillas, Itsperadoes and others ; Talcs of Loyal and Disloyal Nit omen ; Stories of the - .Negro, &c., with incidents of, Fun and Merriment Camp and Field.—By Lieutenant Colo. eel Charles S. Greene, late of the United Si atee Army. Handsomely illustrated.with engravings on Steel and n oil colors. Send for circular and see the liberal terms offered CHAS. S. GREENE & CO., - 4t Publiehers—No - 1,34 S, Third Street, Philadelphia 10 100 1 475 500 5 400 4 0 t 800 900 200 250 800 900 COUDERSPORT ACADEMY. 3. W. ALLEN, Principal. "Wes. E. T..4.1.T.E1T, Assistant. I . Miss'E. G. HAMILTO2 , I, Music Teacher The Spring Term will begin March 5, 1565, and continue Twelve weeks. ' Tuition. (to be mild at the middle of the Ttrrn) from Three to Eight D 'liars, Incidentals, Twenty five cents. No extra ebarge for Dook.Keepiog, by Single and Double Entry. . . A Teachers' Class will be organized and thorouzhly instructed in the Tit, ory and Practice of Teaching, Free of Charge. .• ileums snitalle fur Students desiring to. board hemsnlves, can be rented reason:lb:l — in town. For 'further particulars, address the Principal, at C.udersport' - ;Dr ig.s, Tobacco, and Wood-Lot lbr Sal • and Store-Room for Rent. ; 1 \ rpHE tin rtVgned will sell. at reasonable rates the j_ balance f the Drugs in her establishment, and a lot of . ine.ot Tobacco.—Also, a Wood-Lot. contain ing 34 acres , a d situate in Eulnlia township, about three-fourths o - die' from the village.—The Store- Room is also off _ 4or Rent. Possession given im mediately --. , -,, ~..,-' ----- E. IL. Spencer. s Coudersport, Fe'":,\...4. , ./„. Zna I _ 4 GENTS WAN --ED In overy'Township,Boro' /1--and Hurd to can, a for "The Great 01187 01. War History," Containing FACTS, and N T POLITICS. 'I he only work, every rig of which has been pro pared for the preSs since the \close of the war. The popularity of this wo.k has no`pandiel, as more than 50,000 co pies have beenisold the t three months. It contains as much history as any of the one or two volume works out, and yet iseold fo only,bound either in morocco or sheup. a. Our inducements are: decidedly the .eat offered, as we give the highest c ommissions. funi h boxes free, and pay expressage on books. Also, - - "Life-and and Deathin Rebel 'sons. ,/ !-The most thrillingly eciling little book oft times, by one- who has seen alad experienced the se es he describes. i Canvassers for nny History of the War will fin this an excellent side bo As it embraces ench im, r taut Incident. of tha war, almost everybody will ta: e I one, either with or without a History, or where hay My previously subscrified. Bumbled soldiers, released prisoners and ethers ,will find, in the sale Otitis bud our History, empinyenent suitable to their condition. Send for terms, or call at AMERICAN .PUBLISHING AGENCY, 600 Cheatieut Street, Philadelphia, Pa 17'94. Ltrd; 1794. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH, AMERICA, PHILADELPHIA. Oldest ; Inmararxii.Company in America Cash Capital and Surplus, over, SEVENTY-ONE Years Successful Business Experience, with a reputation for integrity and honorable dealing unsurpassed by any similar institution. LOSSES' PAID since 'organization, $17,- 500,000.0 Q, witlimt the deduction of a cent, or a day's delay I LIBERAL RATES for all the safer classes of property. Insurance! of Dwellings and Contents, A specialty. BRICK or STONE Dwellings insured per pelucqly, if desired, on terms of the greatest economy and safety to the insured. -- I It is Wisdom add Economy to insure in the best Pamperlies, and there is none leier than the old Insurance Co. of North Akulertta Apply to Manhood: how Lost, how Restored TIIST published, a new edition of Dr CULVER sj WE DS Celebrated Es•ay on the radicalcure (without medicine) of Sperrnatorrhoea• or seminal weakness, Involuntary Seminal Loases; Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also, Con‘umption, Epilepsy, ard Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. Bar Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author in this admiralfle essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' succespful practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous ace of internal medicine or tbfrapplleation of the knifc pointing Out a mode 'of ante at once simple, certain, and effectual,by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bis,eondition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. cgr Tht. Decture should be in the bands of every youth and er 9 ry, man in the land. Sent, underseal,in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid,- on rec;eipt of six costa, or ten poet stamps. Address did publishers, C ILA C.,KLINE & CO., 121Botery, New York, Post Office box 4.586. P. A. Stebbins & Co. • ARE AGENTS fat' the sale of _ WHEELER it WILSON'S swiruca ACHTNES for Potter Coenty 81,750,000.600. M. W. 31cAttAltStY Agetit for Potter county Winter Goods !, I AT I. OLIVISTED • -S. YOUR atttention is invited to the large end atteactive stock just received, and for sale as low as the same qualities can be bought anywhere in the county. We have on hand a large and varied as sortment of Domestic Cottons, comprising BROWN SHEETINGS, and r e SHIRTINGS, BLEACHED MUSLINS, DENIMS, STRIPES, CHECKS, TICELNGS, and COTTON FLANNELS, on Which we cannot be undersold. We purchase onr goods for Cash arid offer them at a very small advance Prom Cost. FLANNELS. I F you want to purchase tnt RAY,,; BLUR, or PLAID FRENCH SHIRTING FLAgNEL, • At Olmsted's. DRESS GOODS; - , I , DELAINES, • PRINTS, ' BROCIIE, and WOOLEN SHAWS, HOODS, • SONTAGS, NUBIAS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CLOTHS, and 9ASSIMERES,7y - a full supply , At Olmsteirs. • CLOTHING'. , . TI ON'T to call before purchasing and. AJF see the assortment - At 31msted9s BOOTS &SHOES - 109 1 t Men, Women Children, in great va riety and cheap At Olmsted's For Molasses, Syrup, Sugar, Tea and Coffee in fact everything in the Grocery line; call AT 01,MSTED'S. • A full assortment of almost everything that is kept in a country store on hand. We intend to keep Goods that will qive satisfaction and sell good artides at the lowest living profit. ! AT OLMSTED'S, Plaitteb', Grain of all,kinds, Butter, Wool, Sheep Pelts, Furs, Deer Skins.. Also, County, Townsh4) and School Orders, for all of which the highest prices will be paid , Olmsted's Coudersport, Pa,Nov'r 18, £991 BUCKEYE STRAW—CUTTER ITATENTETP, JULY, 1864, BY PORTER & SMITH rrHOUSAba/S of these Machines are being made . 1 - and sold, and give more Universal Satisfaction [hap any other ' Straw or Stalk-Cuttbr In market. It has no castings, about and can be made or repaired In any country torn. \ The Knife is slat innary—Box vibrates—feeds itself cute on top of the knife—cuts everything square oft en length yOu wish, and y6n cannot make ragged wo . of it even with a dull knife. Samp l es of Machines can be seen at shop of the uudersig ed. Manufactured and for sale by N. H. GOODSELL, Couderep , Pa., Oct. 2, IIGS. ' ' A... •• - stiatrbe Notice. wHEREA Letters of Administrant= on the estate of d. W. FOX. late of Hebron township, dec'd, save been granted to the undersigned, all pe ons indebted to said es tate are requested . make immediate pay ment, and those havi s just claims against the same should present them duly authenti cated for settlement. URSUL FOX, Admx. Hebron, Feb. 22, 1866. Admilaistratxiie - W HEREAS Letters of Admi "stration on the estate of CLARK C. CR Ai, late Of Bingham township deed, have bee s granted to the undersigned, all persons icde ted to said estate are requested to make imni dlate payment, and those having just claimsng inst the same should present them duly authe i cated for settlerdent. - ALIFERA CROS, Admx. Bingham, Feb. 22, 1866. WARlsilh G I Ihereby worn all perstms against cutting wood on or taking logs froth my, lands near Germania, or doing any damage what eiar to said lands, as I shall prosecute all such offenders to the utmost extent of the Law. CHI'S BIISHOR. Dec, 20, 1865. _ COUDERSPORT AND KLIPPEN STAGE ROUTE. '7' ESSRS. GLASSMIRE & WIIITE'S -daily line of Stages will leate Coudersport, until further notice, at 8 o'clock in thi3 Morning, arriving in Ship pen about 4 O'clock in tbe afternoon, and will leave Shippers on the arrival of .the morning train, at 10:30, arriving in Coudersport about o'clegir, P. 81, - Travelers are refered to the Time-Table of the Phil adelphia k Erie Railroad; fiEiEh will be found adver= tised in this paper, for further particulars about the adiantages Of this oute. ,New York passengers will SAKE 80 MILES TRAVEL AND 5 HOURS TIME by taking this mete in preference to that of the Frie Railway. NO, CHANGE OF OARS BETWEEN SIIIPPFN A'ND NEW YORE.. Pine, new, com fortable wagons and good teams are kept on the Stage Route. Packages and Express business attended to with care. D. F. GLASSMIRA , - MtLES WHITE, Proprs Cottdervport, Pa„, 9 . ; 1685. , Lateat from Shermidi I Reim& from Nortb Carolina, Id gala by ' .STEBBINS -WR0 ., • :: 1 . ... - pAp;i.' .. 3g,.4i.:.::pqq -8 NEW All TEN DEPARTMENTS Midi \ Tlood DeLabies for .20 to" 25 Cents. Merrimac, Cooheoo t Providence, and other good Paint^ from 15 to 20 Cents. Heavy Sheeting from 16 to 25 Cents. • Good Tweeds from 35 to 45 Cents. Striped Stdr•tings for 25 Cents. Bedj Tioking from 25 to 44 Cents. CASSMERES, ITERT A LARGE .ASSORTMENT OF cLonoa. GOOD SUITS FROM t 151.5 to $l5 Gioa l ery DepaVment, -• Fleur, Feed, and Poitr. Good Sugar for 1.2 i Cents. Thebes Flour in bawd; under themarket, at it:tolesale and retail. - Jobbers supplied' at New York Wholesale Prices. Call add see us before purchasing elsewhere, if for nothing mere than to get - pestea up. We challenge any country store to beat us as t_o quality a n d price. , C. N. SIMMONS. • Wellsville, N. Y., March 7, 1863. • pro P. A. STEBBLVS Headquarters for Bargains I P LL OPEN , ING ! ~ __ .„ Elegant Seasonable Dress Geode 1 1 FIRST i 1 THE CO"' , F.AR STORE, FELL I Dress and clo4*-.Triiii,ioiit.o • . • r N 4 Attl. ' 1 •r; I r' ; • ./ • ~ , 4 , FLOUR, FEE October,l 18611 allaenpesitit Wilt SPRINC GOODS 'MONS' A NICE ASSORTMENT OIL' Bono Pu lico MI 'TH STOCK OF aro MITILCOCO le POPULAR CORtitit STORE lid his market with the best quality of HARD TARE, DRUGS, PAINTS, AND PATENT MEDICINES. 1 & pitcpvisioNo \Ai STEBBINS & Cad GA LOW. I Full I. & CO. =I p