The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, January 30, 1866, Image 4
de Proclamati on . - war: ERNAS the Pim. Robert 'G White, f,:t'residentlelie,. and, Vie Hons. C. S. Jones: and Gj G. Colvin; ASsoclate - Jtides of the:Courts. of Oyer At Terminer and General Jail Delivery,..Quarter Sessions of the Peace, CoUrt,and.Corirt - of Common Pleas f 9 eoq . .Co.iiittli Of Totter;. bravo, issued Weir precept, .bearing date the twenty-third `day Peer. in, .the. year -of our , Lord one. t4l sand 'elihtlinadrea:ned silty-five, - .efid directed. irforqh9l.ditign court of Ayer. it, Ter., miner And General . Jai) Delivery, Quartet ions tibri:Peirce, Orr h a Opurt, - :an,d: Co? yrt Coin:non Pleas in the Beronib of Coildersport; on, IkI9NPA.Y-, th 6 19th dsiy of Pe„hroa . ry . , next,: and: to - continue one ,weelt.; iirthereliire hereby Cer:' th'e P,ciiee and Oonstables within, tlie.cutity t that they be then andthere in thei-proper 10' o'eleck;AL - It. of said .their rolls, records, inqui and-. 'other . remora; limuCetr r .to - tIO: those things- which. to-their -offices Appertain to be done. Arid oferlfoinul - by thelTi reeognizanees 4.6•prose cu?,e againal..the, prisoners that 0 . t,.E.4 ! ti1. be lit ) the )01c if said iiiitifir"Of :Potter; are , to 1001161a:en+ thure to . prosecute ; against, them as will be just. Nrlhttedrittl Coudersport, .lani -- ;16.6~i tjte n tiihth..ear 'of the .frlepandence of the tlitited=SutteVof Anteriea. • • BROWN, .Bi:writ': ildrilinistrator l s Sale. Vvirtain of nn order of -the Orphan's --1.1 sCourtt roithe empty of. Putter, the f lesrlbed r e al estate belonging to.the Oita(o otAitilliain Nelson /Lowe, Into of ,the tifwnship o(Biug,hain, in said county, dec'd, wi he'sold to the highest and best bidder, on. premises below described, in Bingham tinroship, the:Friday c 16th clay of February next, at .f o'clock' , P. H. • Alt tbat certain messuage situate ih Bingham POtter Co.; Pa., described as fol lows; viz.: , Seginning at a White Ash the N. W, Carrier "of lot No. 30 of the allotment of lands in said township conveyed to Isaac enson, Thence by west line of said lot south one hundred and twenty r eight and six-tenths Perches to the N: J. corner of lot No. 134, thence by north line of lots Nos. 134 & 133 'Forth eighty-eight and one hslf degrees west cue hundred and twenty-eight and -seven tenths perches to the S. E. corner of lot No. 166, thence by east line of said lot and lof lot No. 144 conveyed by Trustees of Bingham Estate to Jonathan Strait north one hundred and nineteen and seven-tenths perches to the S. W. corner of lot No. 22, thence by line of said lot Mist seventy-nine and three-tenths perches and north five perches to a beech the S. W. corner of lot No. 21, thence by south Tine of said lot east forty-eight and nine-tentlis perches toi the place of 'beginning Contain ing Ninetthree and three-tenths acres be the same more or less, with , the usual allow ance of six per cent. for roads &c., being lots Nos. 26 & of tbe aliMment of lands of the Estate of Samuel M. Fov dec'd, and part of warrant No. 1239., Potter county, Penn'a.., about _To - lefty. acres of which is improved, with one Small frame house, one barn, and a, Sew fruit trues thereon. ; I Ist. D. BRIGGS, Adui'r CoudPrFport, Jan'y 15,'1866. Register's Notice, TO all !dreditOrs;"Legatees and other per sons, interested ; " Notice is hereby given? that the fidloxidng named persons did on' OM' dates atliied to. theirnarnes i file the accounts of their kflutinistratlon to.the Estates of those' persons 4eceased r whose names are under--! Mentioned in the (Ace of the Register for they probate cif Wills and granting Letters of At1: 1 ministration in the County of Potter ; and that the eame Nvill be presented to the Or;, 1 Than's CMirt 'of said county for confirmation' i nod allowance, on the 19th; day of February next at tb o'clock A. M., at the Court Rousi in said enmity: 1 Nov.-21), 11165. Account of Leroy D. Goff,? AdministrAtor of the Estate of James Cottonl :late of Harrison tp., dec'd. = I 'Dec. Ip, IEIO. Account of G. W.' Tinekett Adirdnistritior of the Estate of John iltiekett, b liti,o . titU!ysst: tp, ilped. Dec:" 21, 1865. Accopnt of Ellen Flingi Tripp, Admintstratrix of the Estate of %Lai Flittg, lute of Ulysses tp.; ticc'd. - 'I D. RAKER; Register. .. ivonneranort. Jan'y 15. 18tA. GILL U r iLAN'S SALE . ov •• 'PEAL ESTATE. NOTIGH is hereby given that .by virtue or nifforder or decree issued out of the Or phnns' Court of Potter County, ;the tinder+ signed as:Guardiau of Milton Manly,. ICaq , Manly; p:red.. Manly, s and May Bell .Manly„minors, Owners of said land, will expose for sale at Oublie veuduo, to the highest Lidded, At 1110 • Uoiirt-lieuse in Coudersport, in Potter, on The ;20th duy of .Februar:y, 1866, , tit:l ; o'clock; .P. 31., the following. certai. messuage and piece of land, situate in the Norougli of Coudersport, Potter County, des cribed op follows: Reginning at the soutl - east corner of.a lot belonging to P.A. Stcbbids on Second Stiet, thence north ,132 feet to south line Of Charles Reissman's lot.; they* east 331 feet; thence south to Second Streht 132 fee, ; thence west to the place of begin ging ; epotainicg Ono Half Acre, upon which is erected one Blacksmith Shop. - • GEO., C. MANLY, Guardian.l Coudersport, Jan: 15, 18C.G.—tc NEAHLEY'S 'HISTORY OF ,TILR . - GREAT REBELLION. 1 l E i t 'lil°n't3'dBnut ppeult nd oX ir Ldn:ry in iulanevetttimltheUtrillee:t settle upon which the warin'e:, , been conducted, 'e.. et ptitute it one of the GRANDh.r+T and MOST Bit 1.- 7.IANT ClLl.l..Crlikil' OF, THE W9llLD'l3' . 11 S. TOillr. I. i Mr, Headley, of all writers, in perhaps best gill ' fled to portray the stupendous features of the inlg ty 'contest. BM pretioun works on less moment tin themcanhave placed hini in the ..ligst poCition, s a rl t. gniphici and powerful delineator of War Scenes nd characters. and .the Magnitude nua grandeur of j_ ho present subject; impart to his pen - the fire and vi nor of a yet more exalted inspiration, and furnish a plc scope for the highest exhibition ofi hie peculiar genius for„aullltary doecription, Under his powerful pen the l i stirring scones of tho War 'patella review with the vividnens end distinctness of a present and lit ng reality; while his groat talent for condensation Vim ides hint to. embody . everything. el importance nIV coinpass just slatted to' the- 'public . -want. Fro no other source can so clear and comprehensive no Mb piesslim of the grand march of events be obtai ed, Pe easfly nod agreeably, as from Ur. HeadlOY's W rk. tither 'histories have been Issued before a . nt'o Repagt and ether Official Documents were submitted to the Government, and are therefore unreliable. .Atr. Headley Was delayed the completion nr this till 'those DOCUM ENTS so Ii:BBtF.NTIAL to AtrnrE s , TICITY and GORttECTICESB could be obtaine I, Thei, Second Volume, completing this Work,. w. be lasued in March, 1868., Agents wanted to engage i•. its "sale in every town • and county in tho ilipted dratok 44tterat inducements °from!. Fur paryou. inn, n visty to or•oddresß. .....,,AsiEB,ICAN PUBLVirlif NG COMPANr; ' • 148 Asylum Street, Hartford, Ilona . Pcitsgrav 8 o 1 P Gran, Agents.-11Y 81 . ' ' • - For cotton*Yarn 1 G R T° dIVIVLBALL::&,NONI'' - - . 9' • 11 543 i B*o;6.b.*AY .4543 T ', -• 1 . 30i*' , 4k.e:Ait• - ' AlGENTs . icethecELE p.A.TEDI DRIGGS' - 'NEW'TATENT PIANO i FORTES, .- . 1 t . . • „... Which me creating the',&entest seem ifin !litho Mit. ,o=l world, and li l vn received the highea te4linoitl. ale front J ill thole:L(11oz artlete In the opato,anottit tom tv)io are ,! ' ' , , ' , .. . Si. TIDAL IZERGI . , i FRANCIIII. 311.01V1.3, T 51. uOTTSCHAttc; Tit EOD Q I;,' 41s V ELT, ',lilt. ItExity F 11.1 ,; MAX M.Alt,t2T4E4",:;'": 1. TRACXOSGII, ' WAI. 3rAsos, - .. , . _ 11EILNIAN A. TOL LEN EIA.UPT; LA t thp Into' FAIR of, tiai ADTERICAT lle the • 1 ' INSTITUTE, hold i New York- City, October 1803, t icy were award • • . , . //' /11 ) . ig T. hZEMlthlt GOLD MEDAL! ' • 1 i'ortite . I " . . I EIESTirPEANO. FORTE ON EXHIBITION 1 . ' ' idEirra run' 1, 1 . GE(11-., A.- L'altlNCE#, IGI?IS ~..---. • i'.IVIELODEON, AUTOMATIC i SCHOOL ORGANS . : , '' ALL INSTRUMENTS, WARRANTED ON EIVEYEAR IdanufactuNire and itn:yiorteris, - of • • FLUTES, ItANJOS, _ SloLiNs,'"; ourriAßEl, 4 VIOLIN STRIINS, 4CCUV.I.bKO.2iitli rind all kinds ot? DR.lilis nod ot p tir mhsical Inetrn t tents. t Special attention palS to furnillting 'Braes learn t eats for Banda. 1 .1 . .. ,• . PUBLISHERS OP SITFETMUS'IC, 1 Just Pllblilitled, "TitevEilritc, ,, a new collection of 01mo* for the t:piscoltal service, for.opening and (dosing Voluetarica, lansiciti' Seciette.q paisites,nstk for the Social Circle, by Vinalt. c. TAYLOR. Pricer— poardg, 85 cente, Cloth, .$l.. . 1 BASSINOS' 261 Metodib Exercises in„fer,m or .11 4 AfroolO'8 .for,got , witto and 7.lsirzto OpRANO VOICed, ill!e0C(1 OA fttiatee to acillfrh - the xrOper art of eiruptigi by CARfit) Eliseo.; author. Ilaiiiiinle art of singing,,ralti BUlltinte. • in two books. trice, each, $2,50. . _ - -. I, ..—, - - _ . PIANO-FORTE CALISTHENICS, . . 4 collection of FIVE Fition 3 emit° end •Eic.sta 'Oast fitr spendtly, de:rmnying tb.e, totiacten_uf the eger, , , nod tonaitinn that degree of ilexibility, i, e naenee atal!volub , liiy, which are so ludi-wentrible 10 a t.t.x.),1 performance on the .1 4 4...kN0-FORTE, by FILVSC 1i U. tlxuirx. ! - !fine, 57 , 5 1 4 Now fgAtition, r0P11215 FlRra , Pnixeni by FRANCIS nitowN, .author of Itride, btinuebaha, and ilea- Polkas;.v.e. - Prici, 50 eentti. " [ 1•1"..w. 1%/X117.5p3: 4 C. 'Cast thy Burden on the '.Lord; with ; &Tram), Con tralto or Tenor ItiCiioF, and ' I Quartette, adapted from Gtotissehaik, I Slumber Song, by W. K- lissriruan__Price 35 cts. i'A Holy Cailll, A Peace Divine,' a comJ - pinion to ."Sweet Spirit bear iny Prayer," by W.:PI:WENT WALI4.IIC 6... Peet) 35 CtS. 'Lord; my God, r Long to Knoiv," "ISlit - lytnn, as sung at Grace ehurebi cum-. I posed by BlLArke. Wl#Lso ... .. ...... --Price 35 cts. My Bud in leaven," wordsbY Sri:scare W. Cost, music by ftrtrottS li,Ussicrr Price 35 cts. "My Oilly Brothers' Crone," 1 Song and - Choate, by KELLEri;........4 ........ . . Price 35 MS. "The Past that Breathes of Thee," "Bal.- -- - . lad, ELLEn ! • ' 4 Price 35 chi. by BI "Oh, Write rile if•iSl3o4 Or my FlCaler;',,. - -' .., Song and Chorus, as sung at Wood's ; . ' minstrel's, cutopwed by C. liasay_ _Price 35 cts. "A Word. of Thine,yl Ballad, by X. J. • Fitzhugh Price 30 eta. "Give tornethosemobblitlours r - -Doett • =.' . - fur two Sopranos, o rifo pra no and Tenor by E. A. P-tawnvitsv;. ....... --=- ----Price 35 cis. "Vesper Star," Dtrett, for two Sopranos, • or Tenors; by J. D.crrter, ' Price 40 cte. "Murmur° la Ut1.196C.312:" Fantasioi by - 3'. - - '.' r ' MortLiSo .... - ....1.. , ...:__—_ ... . ..:.; .. .j . Price 50 ets•:. "Prayer at Sea," Romance in ]or of a Nocturne, by J. rut JASMNSIC.I. •.- _. ..Price 50 ets. ' "Attends iuoi," (Wail fur int.) Li: op, by Clue, FILPLIIEL.-:.._-.. .- . ----- 1.---- , ..Prco GO cis_ "finis' inol," (FolloW lily) clislop i rby A. • - 1 , - 1 - 3 . .,n,,,..igys - r---' - • --, ' - i Prideso cts: "Water Fall. and Sea Breeze," Galopm,by PAUL STEINIIAGEN ' '.Pricq, each, 50 et. "Morning Dew," LanCerd, by Anot,pn I .13cassrats ''' ' Price 50 cts. '•WeddingLaircers"by PAUL STEISI.I.OAN Price 440.0. "Happy by thy Dreams," ire,-critard fur I for the Piano-forte, by Cons. Misr. et—Price 50 eta. "Sweet Spirit Bear my prayur;"! frthn Wallace's Opera Let-line, I ranscribird for the piano forte by Criss. Pitimr.l4.-Price 40 eta. “CrispinoCumare, ' lticci's apw Op- era, arranged by GRAIL FRAD0..... 1 -Price 00!cts, "Pen des E w tolles," Starlight 'mon), Fry'.. J. us JASIENr'EI..... . -... . ..... , 4‘. ... ....Price 57 etld, "Angel of Dream," Ballad, by Ittladar.l.:..Price 3..icts. "Love's Lamentation," Ballad, hyry,.o:ll. 80LDER..1...: ' .. • ''' '',... Price 35'CtS. ;Triumphal much," bv Ittou'a irprits(itt Pricosl.oo. "Algerian Polka," by k A. PAItiCiIIUICT-Pricc IS'ets. ' Evening Shadows; Nocturne., by L.P. • .• , - FITZeU'UII ;:i' ~' --"Prioo SS cts. "I'n, Longing for Thee," Guards waltz,. no sung ly - iretille P5tier.5.....!'.....1 , ;..Price 35 eta. r A Liberal Discount. given to the 'Trade, ClitirehesClercytuirii, Profeirsofis and Schools. Mu sic sent by mill (Pll receipt of ther,tnarked price. WILLIAM II ALL; Si, SON. 543 Broubniay,]4i6Cv - Yorli. Dee 5, 4 mos Ford r' i , ' GLORIOUS NEWS! THE - 'GREAT -S.c.(gT-_OUT.f TIE GRAND 1108 . 11 AT Martin I A ccounted for. TIIE trading public baveat last fonhdlhat _ Greatßargains are made,and that Goods not excel ed iMbeauty Und.durriltilify, can he purchased at •MAIITII4 BROTHERS'. Our stock of DRY GOODS', ts . NH, and embraces the'ehoiqest kinds of Dl•ess Gocdi, DoMestici, White Gods, Cloths. Clothing, Boots 14 Shoes, Rats and Caps, and a 'general lissertment. 'or Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. ! Good Prints and Sheetingi at cchts ; all rival Flannels at 50 cents, and other goods' in propiirtion.— Having bought wititin the last ten days; at greatly reduced pries,- they bo sold ASTONISHINGLY CHEAP I DRESSpODS G; We have a splendid iassbrtm4nt of almost everything, front the coarsest flarlapse to the finest Brocade - Silk, and TiimMings . :;to Match. Our stock hi being con4antlY replenished by orthits from lihiluniticitittia:villirbesold out at • Small Proad , itifiv:•o& BriyrilEits.driAs4 iixicaji be undersold (wberi style, beauty, and durability are taken into considefution) by any estab lishment between New York and sundown. ©LEAN, N. Y., Dec. 18,65. .3[2:13E . zas 'Atom I ean"t- stop advertistrq ibeoanso . I've v quit selling calico far now I k liraliti Sell Farms, SurireiLamis,'Write Deeds and qontralts,. Elrtnaeß-fßaop,4-Tesi dents,&c. ~.1 MEN Aor4iN I have a BLACKSMITH t Otlstantly on hand' in the old shop, vho hateit to have n bare footed horse pass-the shop l y and linnet tell o it to' et hiin itarted. - ualonj Drooklandi Pa., .Nov. ; 10, 1865. THE ,IYIASON t . pAiitrielOrktins Chicker:- kJ. ' img's Celebrlitedt pianos for sale , by John B. Sbakspent, of :Weilsboro, Tioga ominty, Pa Persontajdepiring ix; pur chnsecan do so by appiyin to A. L. EN& WORTH, :Esq., F lit the Bineolm °ince, Coudersport, Pa. j k ' Pitebbins, - ' 'Tr --r . -x.. -------- --- ; AV in* ' pit Ci it ' . i r trg r.., ,rr - ? ADIERICANIAt4aOII - 40111PMITY.: " ( 'llhaving conia to our knowleilgi that im , itationis of Me- American Watch ihave_ been pneiiion'tha market , in great,numberrcalcu lated iv. the ,ntter'vVorthlesstieSs..tolajnre., theieputtitiiiii of ',, ottr ',genuine Products, 'l.o protect our Own interests and the publicc t frOm imposktkm,. - tve again,Publish the trade Marks by which our Watches may invariably, he known • -.1 Re manafacture;four styles.-OY-W,atches. • The Firit'lliii tba'ainne - ''- L' .. i f ' 1 I . "AMERIOAN•ir WATCH . CO.. Waltham, - , Mass.," engraved on tlie.inside plarn, - .„ -,, The Seccripd has the, name' , . - , i .. 1 - -PAPPLETON, .TRACY .Sr CO., *althom, Mass.," engraved on-thminside plate. '1 . The Tiiii*l has the:pante , . _ • ~ "P. S. flit Iti'LETT -, Waltham,• 5..," en 4 2 . . BARI, grated on,theinside,plate. • , Alt the styles bare; the;na~aeAmer. lean Watch .Co. painted on the dial and stre warranted in every ieSpeet. r The a r L b t i ; :r h , : t a „ on the iniicle-plate, not panied on the dial All the; above described watelao are made of various, sizes, andare sold In gold oi silver cases, , as may be reqtfired., It is hardly possible for us to accurately describe _the numerous imitations to which rte have alluded. They are nsuallY inscribed with names so nearly approaching our own as to-escape the observation of the unaccus. tomed buyer.' Some are represented as 'made by the'"trnion Watch Co., of 'Boston, Mass.', such company existing: Some are named the "Soldier's Watch, to be sold, as our Fourth' or Wm. PAlery stY4, 'usually known as the "Soldier's Watch." Others are • nail:led I the - "Appleter ' Watch Co. ;" others", the P. sl3arttsr, ' instead of our "P. S. - 13art lett ;" besides many' varieties named in such', manner as to convey the idea that they are the veritable productims of the' American Watch Company. I • We also caution the public, and partial lady soldiers, againit buying certain articles nattse watches. so freely advertised in tinted papers as ~ A rmy Watches." ''Officer's Watches," "Magic Time Observers," "Areana Watches," (Ice,: the prices of which are stated to be from seven to sixteen dollars. A good Watch, in these times,' cannot be afforded); any such money, A little attention on the part of buyers will protect them trent -gross imposition. BOBBINS -APPLETON Agents for the American Watch Co., j 182 Broadway, New York. • PACIFIC HOTEL, 170; 172, 174 3; 176 GIIEEWICEI ST, 1(ONIC BVIARE WF4T OF BROADWAY.) Betwei-o Courtlande and Dey'Stiv,eta,New York JOKY PATTEN: Jr., Proprietor. i. WIRE Pacific Hotel; is well and widely _IL known to the traveling public. The to- I is especially suitable to merchants , and bnsiness . men ; it is in close proximity to the business part of the Oity-'-is, on the high way of Southern AO Westernl travel—andi adjacent to all •the principal Railroad and' Steamboat depots. •1 'The Pacific has liberal accommodation for-I ove r 300 guests ;'it is well tarnished, and pos-, senses every triodern improvement for the' comfort' and entertainment of' its inmates.l The rooms ere spacions and well ventilated ; 1 provided with gus and water; the attendance, is prompt and respectful; and the table is ' I generously provided with every delicacy of the season. • ' The subscriber, who, for the past few years, I has been the •lessen, is now sole proprietor, and intends to identify himself-thoroughly with the interests of his house. i With long experience as a hotel-keeper, lie trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal policy, to maintain the favorable reputation of the Pa cific Hotel. • JOHN PATTEN, Ja. 1 1794 7,nr" 794. . i ked, INSURANCE COMPANY 'or s NORTH l AMERICA, 11.1ILApELPIIIA. . ' I?ldest Insurance Company in! America: Cash Capital and , Surplus, over $1,750, 1 000.000. • - SEVENTY-ONE Years Successful Business Exp6rience, with a'repntation for .integrity andihonorable dealing unsurpassed by any simtiar institution. LOSSES PAID since organization, $17,- 600,000.00, vith3ut I.lto deduction - of a cent, or a day's delay I • LIBERAL RATES for all the safer classes of ,property. InsUPAIICO . of Dwellings and Contents, a specialty. BRICK br STONE Dwellings insured pc r petuqlly, it" 4esired, on terms of the greatest economytind snfety to the insured. Bro's rq9 Wisdom and Economy to insure in the best Companies, and.there is none ~eiter than the yid. Insurance Co. of North Affiellea. Apply ,to AT . ' 11. J..OLMSTEIN - , ~ 0 TORE 'colt 'always be found the best o E i 0 Cooking, Box and Parlor .'S Also, TIN arid SIIEET•IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, ..SCOTCH BOWLS, PRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and-CAULD RONS. Also, ' ." . . Agricultural Implexnenta. sucli , as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, ' CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SDELLYAS,"BORSE-RA.KES, DOG-POWERS, tcc. • 1. I I-I.IS WORK .is well made and the material good. Good and' substantial MANES -T11.0130115 put up ip any part of the County--Terms easy.. Ilead Pay . of ,ell ,kinds, including Gash, seldom refused. • , • ' Store onlfalnStreet Opposlte the Oki Court House, Aug. 1,.3863.-50,. 1f: You Want YfO purchase Cotton Goods, go tro • ' OLMSTED. DILFILKINUBRO'S Iir:ALUABLE MEDICINES, which have per formed such wonderful eines' and given gen eral, satisfaction to all those who• have made use ; of them, can. be obtained of DR.I FRENCH, COUDERSPORT, Potter Co:, Pa., Who will examine patients, astertain the nature of their disease, dnd- givh ,all necess aryklirectiorneand advice to those who'meke Ordera from abroad will receive iromftt. attention. I.Jkay 19, 1866.,. M. W. McALARNEY Agent forPottei county. =ME T 4 BUSINESS tOLLECE • . North-east -cornal." Torah, an 4 PhOttLin Itreetat PITILAX)E.Lpiftk: Tile meat completinnd therougltiyappointed Bus,- neas'or Cothrriereial College in the country. The only one In the , city' pottieetinte Lecislattee' Olt"tor, and the - only °nein the united, States author ized:Pacerffei'Degrees of merit.' • Diplomas awarded to graduatesin the Commercial Vourstrundertht-cor porate sertlby anthdrity iatitete.-- • - Conducted by gentlemen, of ;liberal eduention.and ostensive experience in business, and affording nun titiolled . advanutges for the thoroligh theoretical and practical education of young-m,n for tin:, variant'', dn tiesand employments of businesslife, TIMORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED . . Dy a e} stem of • ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING. orlgt . , . end nre-mnincutly practical, giting• the. en: . dent in the ehorteet time a complete, insight into the routine, details, customs _and forms of business in general, an conducted in the beef-regulated ootamer• cinimul financial establiehments. • TICEORETICAI. 110014411EPING - 'Upon a-new plan, with an original, exposition of the emotion ofecconnt.,' arranged and 'published by the proprietneof this Institution exctusiveij for his own use, saving f the Oidintitylabor Of the student, and giving biro a - complete knowledge of the practice of the bent.acconntants. . „ „ • THE CORLIEEIRCIATICOVBSE • Book-keeping, Commeicial Arithmetic, -Pen manship, Business''Correspondence, eopi ' meraial Daly, Lectures 'on : Bitsitiess Affairs;' Commcecial. Custome r . • FOll7lB, and Actual' Duel , nest- PiTictice. - - artetAl; IaI 3 ASCIIES. Algebra and the .ffigher ,fiathematite, .PkoM graphy, Orna:mental Penmanship, the Art of, Detcctiu:q COivireifeit Engitie n ering; ,Surr - e - ying,'Nctui.7ation , and Telegraphing. TELMUAPHINP. The arrangements for Telegraphintritre* favin canoe of anything ofthe hinderer offered to the pub;-, lie. A' regular. Telegraph Linois connected with OM Institution with twenty branch Mikes in verbatim partm of the cuy, Where public business is transacted, and In which sindents of this Institutionare permitted to practice. o regnlnr oiliceirractiee c.n be had in any other school of inmtrection ir the country, 'Without vriaioli no ono can obtain ii position ash . prectield op erator. Young men are cautionedagainst the decep. live representations of those who, without any such facilities, pretend to teach Telegraphing,. PATRONAGE. This InstitraMn Is now enjoying the largest patron. age ever beaten-6d npon.any commercial school in the State. Otter fire hundred stunents were, In attend ance, the first ytar, and over seven hundred during the past year., trite best class of students may inva riably be found Imre, and all its asscciations ure first class. LOCATIN AND AGCOMMODATItiNS. The institution is located in the most e central part ; of the city, and (its accommocntions, for extent, ele gance end convenience, are unsurpassed'. All the rooms have beim fitted up in the vere heat style with Mistimes °tikes or Counting :Menses, Telegraph Offices, Stationery Store, and a regular , , BLUM OF DEPOSIT AND ISSUE supplied with- inely..enurtmed lithographic Dace nsed_as n circulating medium in the Department 01 actual Busineia. TO YOUNG MEN who' do , lre the very best faci Wes' fora Practical Education for Mushiest... we guarantee a course of instruction no where else to Its equidted, while the reputation and standing of t to institution among business men make itsendorsethout the best passport to 1311(11:C88 and advancement, 9.1 d contemplation entering any Commeiclal College, are Invited to send tor an ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR & CATALOGUE • containing' complete interior views of the College, and full partlrolars of the cour3? of Instruction terms, tSte. FAIIMAIcii.S,• A. 11" T. C. SEARCH, Special .7 ? cacher and Supt. of Office lluainesa. noc34ml3pd FOUTZ'S czitnnArtp ~k,.--- gorse and Cattle Powlors. TER, ItEAYEI COUGHS,.DE TEIfEER, F] TEES, FOIINDE LOSS OF APT TITE AND VIT.' ENERGY, he. use improves inerewrii appetitiz-iive , al smooth of glossy skin—al transforms .1.1 miserable skelel horse. , .. the Lungs, Liver, .t . c. itoto ocl , this article . ._ ' --•• :.: '. :',,;•- . : acts as a, specific. . .~ - ~ .. . . By tiutting'froru • •-•'...r.•.• .- •;: ' -•'• • • one-half a paper -' ' 'J - to a . paper. InT a,. ' .;•...•.-- E.-. barrel of swill the .--_,-- 1 ra=g=wie -.- above diseases 4-- ------- t ......,'''''' ' will be enuticated .•---'--- -'•-• . --..--- -_____, - - or eniirely'greventot Tr - given in - time, - a cer tain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. . " - Price 25 Cents per . Paper, or 5 Papers for ,$l. h. , -...: „ PILEPait-BD Or . . _ s. A... IFOT,.T r rZ liar, 13 , R0., ; , . . . . . Ir - 1 'AT T=ro3.• ' ' • ' WHOLESALE :DUO AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No.' 116 Franklin. St., laltiniore; Md. ' For Bale by Druggists end Stordoseperil through out the United States. .. ..._'_,...____ . ' 4,, Sold by Ps A. ,STPBBINS & CO Conders WELLSBORO EL COUDERSPORT sTAGE , ROUTE. ,, Min Stages 'nu the Wellsbore and Con j dersport Line will'silt leave Wellaboro every Monday an Thursday at 2 o'clock P.-4 arriving at Coudersport on Tuesday and'Fri day. 'respectively. Leaires Condernport Avery Wednesday, nrrtvingin Wellsboro on Tlitira driy at 12 o'Clock'l4l.,' and -leaving:Conderii port- on' Saturday, - ltrriVes in Wellsboro Monday at 12 o'cloce, This Ileac hns lately changed-proprietors. and the undersigned is determined to keep. in good order both with respect to teams and drivers. Ample Accommodations . for trav elers at Vertniryeas. I`HENRY-CIiOFUT. Gaines, Aug. 2;1865.-;—Ompd VOII 'can't beliive :what'. TIO BA WM/Q.- -IL !=) 11 0 at MASTED'S: k • Simmons The ..$ IIItr . DROP: - :..MU5T..:::.00ME.1.1 ‘‘Live and im Ten Different . . . . . . . . •.... . ...,:,... . • . 4 ' . 4, •T . ' - Gl' . ...,..... ..., •.. ..., .- . . RAJ T 1 It S• r • • STK tE OF! Are'now ready for wholesalein DRY. GOODS, READY;- -CROCKERY Flour,Feed., Give us a call and save Fifty per age for the Wellsville, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1. Pro P. s This prepara ion, ng. and favorably, Town, will - Dant igtdy reinvigorate roken-down ' I and wr-spirited horses. strengthening choansing) the omach and hates.. ies. • . It Is a sitre i i pre. tentive of al dia. eases - ipotdent. to Head' ua FIRST is invaluable; es the quality has Elegant Seasonable Dress Goods proven by ac experiment to mean the ckruati -9f milk and twenty per Wand make the r firm and In !setts:anti it gives them ipetite, loosens bide, and them thrive W 1 1 1 ) Wr RE THE COKIII"‘.1-34 ihs,l7lcess Ia Dress and Cloak Trimmings VI, - .: , . r .-- - 'l\l i 1 If. ' JU , F 1,,,, _....„ , MAMMOTH STOCK OF IL3c)c:wtm 'afk, Miico4D4m• * The Proprietors , or the POPULAR CORNER STORE are - cleterniiped to supply this market - With the beg quality of DRMOODS, 'HATS & CAPS, "HARD ARE,' DRUGS, PAINTS; I3ILS VARNISHES; - , AHD PATENT MEDICINES . FLOUR, FEED &PROVISIONS • P. A. STEMBIKS & CO. October, 1.565 • •: '' ' Wax , .: ,:, is THE , WIAIVIMOTH EMPIRE Wit:› So that while' Nos. e 1212 EMI no ETIBINS & Co. El ters'ft*.Barijaintl. FALL OPENING! EMI I I ME Ahead! -J MEM r . 't Departments CbvpJott • others are marlOng np, vc shalt• . r T . c r.- (E Goo p c - The first departreent is filled with and 'retailing IADE CLOTHING, BOOTS; SHOES, YANKEE NOTIONS, &C. & 3, Wholesale and Retail ork, Groceries, &c. • Cent. We return you our thanks fn your liberal pa!tron , ast year, and•shall continue to sell • HEAP AS EVER. C. H. SIMMONS. = , . ISE WM Over K 3 _. ;, : ..~, SE ME el IN