II I , NMIG S 5.4 whiskers. ..Whiskera *lion WitiftliVbiskers or ifoustachee? J Our oteclan tompound will force them to i;rqw smoOtbeSt fabe or chin,. or, halt. on. bald hAds, inSix Weeks." Price, $1.00; Sept by uitil.anywbere; closely sealed; on'recelpt of yr• ice Address WARNER& C 0.4 - - I can Box 138, Brooklyn, N.. Y TgE.MASON & ELAKE.IN CABINET 0110ABB er Tom different styles: adapted to sacra and irciilar =sic, for $BO to - $6OO each. F e . Y -018 . Gold 'or - SilOr Medals. or lath -first plimit/ma awarded them. Illustrated Cilia loiaes frO. .-Address, MASON &:„HAMLIN, or MASON & BROTHERS, New Yoil. Stormin g the Stronghat4s - - otpreindice and misapprehension, and crriying ell he re It• ~ ICRISTOOORO'S. HAIRY 7 i i pv4ties Its march, of success.' Like *hie - of the' iroion, its colors are the cynotLres of eery eye, its victories LEAVE NO STAIN. 1 . 1, tarns thousands of heads, and charms innninerahle : 1 hAfait.,",•oo , 3tainiag no diulfireetnent 4 it cat,otlll.7 35ne!thot hair or blemish - the skin Mantifac red by 1 J, LiitiiiifAD - D.toc2l - 6 iflksto.r llonsri'lieut , York. Nld by lirnit.riets. Applied br:all HairMittert. • AGENTS - WANTED $lO -, DAY EASY MADE $lO By,,seliing 'Engravings, Card photographs s t ni Stationery. Oar Stationery Packets ex refs all other ; each Package contaihsA'aper, t6'elopes, Pencil, P , ns, &c., and Jewelry worth a dollar at retail. Price only 30 cents. Wii will send ALients 100 Stationeryi Pack ages ands, Silver Watch. for $l7. We also publish splendid Steel Engravings and Por tzw.tts,. Lithograph Prints,'. A-c., 'very popular And saleable. send a fine assortment of 1010 for $15.00 that will realize $5O, or a $lO lot that will sell for $3O or over. Will send a Sample lot for $5 that will.sell for $ l5. Send Stamp for Catalogne, Terins,k.c. to - HASKINS C - CO., 3G Beekman St:, N.Y I - 'Fifteen Years Ago TIOS,TETTEWI3 , STONIACTI BI rrEus was strum- i i gling into Ake agniaist the prejndices whieh, every titling new,howeier excellent, is doomed to encounter.. I ' TO-DAY •. Itlstands et the bead of all the'tonic and alterative ; preparations in existence. Its celebrity has evoked many imitations L but so RIVALS. I'liysicteine pro- I t i moats, it the osm.t safe stimuvint that has ever been introduced. into the sick chanaher. In 1t:1 , 1 1 .'0. 3 'd ci the Army and Navy, the Sur aeons find ik the very 1 bist tonic fo. - cenvalvseemit, and report it ium invaln- at, e for stlnlal:,it , g the vigor of troops os the march. I as . kanedy fur , scurvy and all scurtiutic lections, and as the only specific fur sea-sickness. t ilifurnia and Australi i hare emphatically indorsed it as the ltinethi Mc liefimy rsnexitki.t.swz. amid id 8 oanisit America anti all the tropical,climaite, it is considered 1 the o.ily reliable antldoie to elude:ale levels. . 1 I There In no mystery abort the CAIISC3 orilf_ , success. p. is the only siii r imumis-Llc,and alterative in Which are m:t chine:l the grand requisites of a mild,ipure, amid timivitis'ed vegytam de stimultist, with the ti meet stmlec i %fon ..r tonic, anti bilious, anti scor , utic aperient, end depuratiye herbs, Oants, •roots, and narks that have ever, been intyrinmied in a nteilical pzleparation. I The titters have thltdist'octive qualit y l. which is ant shared, 't le helievi , d, by- a my ionic, tincture or esti-set in the w0...11; they dii nut. excitel tbe pulse. I though: thry infuse . v... - .ll,rftll tleerce of irigor into i the nervous system, and streagthen sad 4uzlsin the M whole physical organization. II I It is also proper to stite,the Slitters ere sold eiclu• eively in glass ' and never curer amiy circu,' stances by i the gallon or the barrel. Impostors amidira-tatore I t are abroad, and the only safezmiard thsf,putmlic' has assail:met them is to see that th y Bitters thaly buy bear' }ho engraved label and note of hand of Idlesses: HO4 Setter .k Smith, and the govennueut sta:rip over the lurk of the bottle. ii-- • _ . DR. TOBIAS' - I ITENIT.I N LINI3Ik NT-, 1 A ckitTAIN CCIIE FOR. FAINT Lit limbs and hack, Coro throat, croup, rheunta itism. rulte, Sr. A perfect family medieine,and.ner ler fails. Itead I liesull l • Reza !I I I.tvosts, WsYss Co.. Melt Juno IG, 1559.. i This is to certify . that my wife was taken with S•iro 'fiirrytt ; it c..i.milenc,l tO swell; awl %was so sore she could no:. nn.l coughed.. lyiole.itly. I used y•iarilasde per feet cure iu - cine week. • I firmly belieyk , •hat but fur the Liniment she would-have loot her life. •-•„• L JOHS 11. ItARLAN. %ice 40 and S 0 cents. Sold by all Drriire l sts. • _ • ()Mee, fit; Cortlana Street, .liewltirk. Brautlreill - fa I'lllg. Itiartettif4, Italia. —ln inflamm.oory aTectione, +V11 0 :11 tat) I , : ct.l , llng Ii- permitted, s free tt , e of tnere rifle iml.m moiifies the Ala - mine; aymy,ontl, end per.,evermlice, a,cord: loz to The.. - direedm , e, uatielty qttir htv cures, end cer fainly nothinz is rie;,ed iu near,; Brandreth's Pi 11 1 ,... For cold, intleerr.n. Alii.theria pains in (de h-ad. d fr. zin-el and apoplexy, no medic:lie eand4 companid tai them. In eryslovlaa, fever end az:m.4' small'po = 4, land in the direly of childhoo i !IS II ref. St. speedy iecovirry of htedth. They pr allnce then.' reanita .imUly by taking from the blood ite impuri• ties, tent Inz TUIS PIXID to ',WI a w.mk "lozaiity - to recover itiJ prtiper anu s . 11a-ems:try "-tetrad' or health. • BRANDRET.II'S PILLS. have aflinl„, - for the SURIECT 3IATTEP.,OF latital.AS.E. • eked its - - I CERTA.L.N . EX - P 1 T.:3IPN FRGIL T E BODY. Lyon's Periodzcal Drops ! , The Great Female Ilem.etty - tar Irreg. u!arit im Three drops are a scienfically. com pounded IBM' preparation, and hewer than :my Pill', l'ow.lers or Nostrums. Being liquid, 14 . eir action is direct and positive, rendering Blew areßable, speedy nen astaiia arecifia.for lheCUre of al/ ob-tcuctious and suppresidorat or nature. ' Their "polnaliti-liVisludTented by the fact that over 100,000 bottles are ',nuttily sold and consumed VT the Indies of the II iited States, i every one of whom speak in the strati est term - Vol - I praise of their great merits. They are i filly taking the tlaes o every other Female Remedy. and are con i sidened by all who know aught of them, is the surest 1 safest, and Most infallible preparation I the , world: for the ctire'of all Female comidaints, t e removal 01 all obstructions of nat are, and the promo ion of health regularity rind strength. Ecplieit directions stating , when they may be ueed,and explaining when sad why i thee should not, nor could not be used lwithout pro= ducing effects contrary to natures chosen laws, will , be found carefully folded around each bottle, with written sagnaiure ofslOriN L. LYON - , ctitbout which none are genuine. i: Prepared by 'Dr. J 01471: L. LYO N, 195 Chapel Ptieet. - ,111 - ow liven, Cann., who clon4 be roasulte.d either , personally or ey mail, (enclosing' stamp.) con cerning all ivirate disease's and female Weakiiesow. Sold by Druggists everywhere. I'rict $1.50 - pf Bot, • • C. G. CLAR.S. & CO., lysp General Agts for United States and Canada. i 15 0 rerear cell 1N nt ur a:t.oe:vr,z. ere;o4. .r..4 t ,erivz . hiaculnes. Three new Linde. tinder and upper feed. •Wa . rranted five yearS. Above salary or large cornm'is,lons paid. The osts saachines cold In the United States for legs tnaa $4), w tch are iuliv licensed by lion - e, Wheeler S. Wilson, rover Si: Da- Yer,Sineer ..0.. C0...5=8 ichelder. ALL pt er cheap ma chinestre infringements and the seller or user aro liable t arreA, due, and Inanrisonnient , Circulars free. Address, or cad opoa., Shaw Sr. I.:lark,. Blade- Plea. Mane, or at No. 8M Szoadw.sy,Ntir York ; No. $ Carter e3L, Philadelphia , Pc. ; N , 414 Lomba rdo Mick, Chicago:lll.: No. TiO West FourthSt....Xin cinnati, 0. ; or No. S Bpaufding'kEzcbilage, t3Uffalo, N.Y. Do".. 28.1365. 'lslets.. _............ D.r: A. F.13,E,15T Qirs . CELEBRATED TONIC BITTERS RE beComing the most popniar Medicine .111. in circulation for the cure 4f LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUS- C DICE, DEBISITY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS of the STOEACH and DIGESTIVE ORGANS. It is also gdining a great reputation in the CIRCE of DIPTHERIA. Principal Office, Pcindersnort. PO•ter en.. P OATS • WANTED if .Lf:Pft'Sl" fora ufbele of the Moro tinmirnsi.,Thed in Ilitlpmf.. B. El. ColirelL 4i/lkort, Nev- 14, OM. If . Area I THE ROTTEE•COUNTY 401:MN:IL Tug comwavazirs AND .irrp. mutaiabl ul? , _ ! ' i • • _ ! ' ,-"'', Abli4ied for, thn i tienett arid as a Marlon to Tonms I • • 30, 1 -, - Men and others, eh° stiffer from Nervous Debility, itypu, Ti k esday Eintaiw, Jaz, 1365. Premetttre Decay- of Manbood, &c., roupplying :alb., . ' - -,- - • : , • i . . • I ..nic time the me:inset Bslttlare: -By one wbo has cured himself after nmlergoing considerable qoacery By enclosing!a posbpaid addressed envelope, Single copies, - ,fte ofcbance,rner be lad of the author. i ' NATHAN - MG MAYFAIR, Esq.. Iyap33lo r r Inockly•n, ribssCa.; .N. Y.- kcal lancl ,General. 1 . - 111/6r4q:13. &=E...1.-Jon'es began selling-at cost..yesterday. Give them a call. Court and other legal business will be found oti the foUrth >4 ge. Treasureis, and -_Com. missioner's RepOrts will• be putllishedin oar. next. • 1- , -By the recent lame fire at Titusville, the Lycomina llotnal Insuran4e Company is said to bare lost $50,009. jam° Our redden will fid an interesting and . tastructice:Dialorte•on t e , first page of this paper, ,well - tvvrtby of pe MY - The re-organization of the armies of the-Republic; isto be i accordance with a plan' farnished by Gen. grant, which plan bas been embraced in a bill how before Congress, garqbe-§(xati....C)nception I.teld_at burg agreed Ao memorialize the Lizielatare to secure the Legislation i*cessary for the_yrop 'ngatior at-ill:44re the *niers . of fhacibrioe henna and appointed an able and influential committeee fur that purpose. te4The Spring Election for the pursose of eierting township officeo occurs inihis county on Friday the.sec)iid day of February. Let the- people 6enerally !turn out and see thati good and competent men are selected. ;- 1. commend tol 'the special 'attention of our readers; that very valuable journal for! The household, the biilldren, the Garden, thd Orchard, and tha_ farm, viz t the American Agriculturie : 'Published !by Orange Judd 5..% Co., 41 Park 4ow, Ness York coy, at only $1 5D a veer. It is fullof good thing; useful lto every person,no matter where, his residence,' or what) is occupation. We learn that the! present volume (2500 - open.s with an increase of morel than tweatv:thousand subscribers. The paper itself, good.as it hai hitherto been, is grimly increased in size,ap pearance, and intrinsic . value. , A dollar and a half cast scarcely be l etter invested. Send on yohr subsCriptions to the publishers as above. The first number of. this volume con= tains -in pages. and ca be otained as aspeei-. men, on'rewitting 15 cents to the publisheri. The New York Weekly ;:tlagazine... This new and popular magazine has taken a nrent start in populth' favor. The number for January 13th contains 'the first chapters of 6pvi- poptilor tale, entitled "How I Made's Fo'tttine is Wail Streei, and How I Got Mar writted by a gentleman-of long experi ence. in the Vas- and oats of that eelebrated local ity.l The Treat cli[trin of this story is that it is a collection of facts, with only a change of names- and it proniises a great deal of in formatio i n that will be of thrilling interest to the general reader, and of particular import- ance to evert otto who wishes to know bow fortunes ) are r m aide and lost in New York. This • , Magazine has forty-eight handsome pages,and cont l tius .4 great variety of popular tales, do mestc stciriFs, pithy essays and sketches of travel, 11/10 lensarkfibly cheap. W,e lear nithat the news dealers already take ';twenty at'onsand copies- a Week. For terms, see advertlemeat.. . i ; Cocldersporl. 01.1 Well. Ata mdeiing orate Coudersport Oil Com:- I pan.y held kauuary'.3, ISCG. for the purpose Of hearing report of Committee and transacting such other [ business as might be presented, !the folloWing action was taken : ' , 'The CoOmittee reported a failure in th'e attempt to lease Bye thousand acres of land, thereby redderingdiae cad arieles inoperative, hut reporteld a willingnes on the part of pei ,,.011:5 holding leases 'and owning lands to-put &hen into a Company that, would commence bpetions at once, and suggest'ed, that thel !Company appoint some one to procure the , Ileasl.s and transact such other business as Would be necessary to put the matter upon an active footibg. A motion to this effect was, made be the Hon A. G. Otmsrso,and adopted. The, following agreement was then drawn tipi :,and approved by the wetting: 1 • ! I ' , "The undersigned and those that hereafter) hnbscribe tai this igreement,,hereby ngree_tn! 1 organize themselves into a Company for the i Purpose of putting down an nil well or well,s I lin or near. the Borough of Coudersport; that I lall leases of land be taken in the name of yt : '.l B. Gordnier, ,who is instructed to procnre I teases of 5000 acres oras near that amount RS possible, and to bold the sante intrust for the , sulistrib . lrs hereto; that ,the capital stock of said;Conopany shall be $20,000, divided into , shat!es of $2O each—subseribers to be entitled to an amount of stock corresponding with the amount of their subscription , that when the stock is all subscribed Or $lO,OOO thereof; the i stockholOrs are to elect a President, Tr4asitter, Secteiary lilirpl4-uperinttadant, , and an/ Executive Committee of 'Sri, which , qammittee, together with the President, to constitute .a Board of G . im^ra Management,' 1 ., and until the election of ..Maid o eers, the said Gqrdnier to act as Superint ndant for , the parties ' and the said'. Go is hereby.au- II thorized,to procure an engine and commence the work ; that each shtre s all entitle the 'holder to one vote in beijrganization of said Compani and the (subs quent manage mCnt thereof ;' that the compensation of said . Goranier for his:sCrticest i n be adjusted here after by the donnany ; at the said Gordnier is hereby itithorized to tie'ceive - subscript'oits to the , Capital Stock abd receive payment therefor, keep an accoul , t of expenses, receipt and render the same h reafter to the Coin pany ; mad that the subseribers hereto shall not be liable for the paymentof anything be- Sond their mmediate subscriptions-"- - , Another determined; and energetic attempt is about to be made td have a well put down at this place to test the question whether or not there is oil beton- the surface ofciurcoad ty.' Geologists and operieneed oil men have said that there Were-More chiances in favor of 1 oil than against it—add if such is their opin ion surely our p ople.lwill„see4hqt it. is.ti:). thpr interest to have:the matter settled et 'u ce. _Now it is nOtithe province of one or 1 ofd a dozen men tndo 'this for the bene.!:t of a ~ community—all woull,iu case of success,rettp of the benefits, add therefore •they snould see and feel tbe justice 'ofjpartalzing in the risk's. The present proitotltion ,plits it . - t.r . itjai . h. , the means of almost any one to help some. The shares afre only S2Co. :hey can take one, or as many! as they pleas. i but that they .shoold assist islundeniable, tilat it will be their in terest Cr6;11:10t. be gainseyed. Let all read care. fatly time agreerneni,Yand decide 'that they Will assist in the work. I - .. • ; T130.54*130 su scrihed to the papers of the, first:Coni4ersportOil WellCOMpany, and viobld" have shares in' the present Company will please fOrward their,; names either to W. B. Gordnier, Esq., or . tO M. IV; MeAlsrney l as seer tars , of the Company. STAAIY~GE,;Btrr ittt E , ery.s-4,upg ua k .4.4.getitletnan. In the. 'Limited States can hear- something much to Their advantage by return than. !(frea of . chinge,) by addresahig the tudensigiacth! Those who hare Sear* of being burn b.ged will iblige hy not noticing this earn. Ail others will please address their obedient eervaut, TILOS: F. CIIAIIfAN", ' M. Broadway, Now. Tork.7—tly33l. TO COIitSURIPTIVES. • The advertiser,-havini Nen restored to health in a few weeica!by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe long affectioh, and that dreed disease, Consumption—la anxious to make kot,vi n to - •lthrfellow-sotlerera the means Of deetni it, he Will send a 'cell ctif the prf, scription used (free of chargekwith the direr-001m for prep:with; atal - ushig-the same, which they will 'find a SURE CURE fur Consurrption. lo•thrna, Smuchetie,le•oughs, Cords, and all Throat and Lung Affections. liThe only object of the advertiser in sending the Preserfplion is - to benefit the afflicted, and spreadinformation which It conceives to be In vainable atilt he hors every sufferer will try his remed?r,. ' ltif ft Will than nothing,. and may, prove a blessing. I - P‘rties wlshin, file prescription, rate, by retur n mail, will-picaftr address- . • • . ED . VPARD . "..d.. WILSON, • • Williarnsbar: Kings Co, New Yerk.--flyjvfl Eguous,ar. VatTu...._ A Gentle Man who suffered for rears from Nervous Debility, Prematute Decay, and all the. eidecta of ,youthful indiscretion, will, foe the sake of suffering humanity, e-nd tree to alt who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adverthier's experience, can do so by addressing JOHN a 00l EN, No. 13 Chambers St., New York.—ElyirS • COUDERSPORT PRICE ,CURBEST. Reported every Tuesday by • . ' * P. ZS/. iSliteklcslol.sust do co., Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, .• ! 1 Conder..pd.t. - . Apples, gieen, ' bush. $ 50 to 1 00 do dried, " 200 250 Beans, ' " . 300 350 Beeswax.,,V lb., " 30 35 Beef, ,' " • 9. 10 Berries, dried, V quart ' 25 35 Buckwheat, V bush., . 62 'l5 . Buckwheat Flour, . 250 300 Butt - el l , re lb.", ' , 30 35 Cheese, '" , . . Clocerseed - 850 900 Corn, v bush., Cortilleal, per cwt., 2150 .: 3 00 Egi.i,.g, V , doz., - 25 Flour, extra, V bbl., '120014 00 do superfine " 10 00 11 00-, Hams, V lb., - 25 Hay, V ton, ' ' - 800 10 00 Honey, per lb., 15 20 Lard, . " I 20 30, Haple Sugar, per lb., ' 18 20 Oats, V bush y ' 38 40 Onions, " ' . 100 125 Pork, ';bbl., 30 00 35 00 to q•-,1 Ib., 18 , 20 do in whole hog, V lb., . .10 12 potatoeF l per bosh., . 62 75 Peaches,' dried, 70 lb., ,30 35 Poultry, V lb., 10 15 Rye, per, bush., lOO 150 Salt, V bbl., .• 473 500 do V sack, l5 20 Timothy Seed - 300 350 Trout, per I bbl., 800 900 Wheat, re bush., 175 200 White Fish,.-bl., . 8.00 900 1, ._ I'TFi. TO AVA .e I , ..t e D i A p G m EZTS, , slso .i r c Eß er )ld e Ing Machine. This Machine will stitch, hem. fell, tuck, cord, trail, bind, gather, quilt., and embroider bPautifully. , Price only M. Every Machine is war ranted three Tear's. For terms address or call on C. BOWERS &CO. Teat's. : For rooms N0:255 S. Firth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. lm TICIE NEW YORK WEEKLY MAGAZINE 4S Pages, 48 Pages, L. published iti reasna to be received in nearly. all parts of the United States east - of the Rocky MI un tains, on , every Saturday of its date. Devoted to Pop ulcer Literature, Science ) and Art. It will coatain The b ponplar Tales, The best domestic Stories, The best sketches of navel, The best paperaoti Popular Science. - The hest short Popular h.ssays„ The best Poems, Biographies, &e. . It Gives sore and Better for the •Broney . Than anY other , lfagazine ever' published, Its zelec tions embrace th'e best artizles irurn Dickens—Chaco bers—'lla.C.7l.llll and other leading -foreign Maga, mines, published fresh on the arrival of earn steamer, and a great *rimy of original matter by, tho. boat au thors, Was began, Jannay 13th. . . How I. Made a Fortune in Wall St., MCI 1 KO OW . I GOT MARRIED. -•- A nletto7,l, "rignisl and trnii story. written eepreselv for the Nsw Your. Ws ekyr MAC kzixa,fiy a geniis:u:a of great xperien,e, vrlik), knows all the ins and onts, and who will Mve more. information shoat the straight and croOlzed .va a of that celebrated street than has ever ',gen published.. A c the Ma„Tizine la stereotypevl back numbers mitt be sunplivi at ten cents each, All newsdaalersbould hive the Magazine, but when they aro ndt..,acaessible, 3,xe have the foliclvfiTig . =-cub fli advance-- , • ! !:, _ , . • . --• ~ . _ One cop , Ott e ' ' - Ono cop , three m0ith5.::...t,... - ._ 100 Two c00eei0ne_year........4...... - ..—_. 7 00 Fire ropes, oneseat, and - one extra.to agents-20 0 Ezpeeitneii Copies rent by mall invrezeipt of 10 cents liarlis - Ertes§s,—This Magazine has se -- -etactis . met a great public 7t ant, that _ 20,000.Coples atie 'norm - Printed with every proepecrof a vatgly greater editirin . as soca as the iiablie is xenerally s i Ware.of its merits. Address,, ci. BAILF.Y. de Co., Publlakerspf N. Y. Wpeley Mszazine. No. 7, Beektniima at-, Nest Irprlit. FOREIGN - ATTAORIffENT. • CAMERON( COUNTY, es:- • • /17it dpenomcif,alth of Perms.Oraniatcrthe Shen:, of Cameron County, Greeting : • • We 'command you that you attach Cornelius Kidder, late of your County, by ail and sin gular his goods'and chattels, lands aid tene ments, in whose hands or possession the same may be, so that he be and appear before our Court of Common Pleas, to be holden at Em porium in and for said County, on the 12th day oi r ‘larch next. there to answer James Birkhead and Catherine Birkhead..Executors of the list - Will and Testament or Hugh Birk head, deceased, of.a plea, deht and also I that you summon the persons in whose hands the property is, that they beand appear before imr.Court, on the saNd day, to answer what shall be objected against then; and abide the judgmeut of the Court therein. And bare you tbgn stud there this writ. Witnms.the Hon. R. G. Tiara, President Judge of our said Costs, at Emporium, this Bth day of January, A. D. ISt 6. • , A. E. EELLY, 1 rotbonotary, And maw, 'January Stb, 1866; it is ordered by the COurt; at the time of issuing this writ of Foreign Attachment, tb at tbesrime ,be pub lished by the Sheriff of Cameron County once a week Ifor six - weeks, in one paper published in CanietonCounty and also •in the Pails de*iiia inquirer. By the Court. A. E. KELLY, Proth'7. . : . litrobjepn 1866. • Botikt -• .'- - ---_ -,7 -- - 1- ''. - 1 . .. zit:* a.' '' • " ; Fox ,k . fps. giarrOlts " • • Bisclas : k Baildy -- - iC Potter Co. FOr. Itzt.co: " , - Monroe k Cobb` ,:- " liars of L. A. Wood:: " Omsk - • i - is Worden - ii '• RottletTownslap .. • "- ' - Eraniilfon . ' ' ' - ' Causes : for ; tii 1 sing * Eismood ' Blackman I Bushor Goodrich Sivoirr arsignie Lyori:n Labia' Burt • Booth bat: : • ' S SALES , FILLY VIRTIM of sundry Writ* of Vendition Exponas, 'inri Facies and Levari•Facias issued out oft e Court of Cominon Pleas'of Potter County, Pennsylvania, and to nie (vi reo:Rd, I shall : xpose to public sale or onto' ti; at the Court House , in Coudersport,. ri 11010AY, the 19th day or Feb., 1866, at I o'clock, p. m., the following described tracts or parcels -of •nd to wit i• Certain real estate in tlyisea tp., and iin the Village o Levaisrille,..bounded and des li. cribed, as.follo s.: Beginning in the c.enter'of the tight's-ay' ethe !north: weal . corner, of lot deeded'th I. :'Harver:by ElijaliGridiey, z...) - - thence east al ng north line of said Harvey lot 11i, perc es to a corner, thence north about -li. ro to south-east - corner , of :lot deedeilto C r yton Levits by the said EA/a-id le'', thence Wrst by 'moth line of said, CraYton Lewis lot _about_4/ peiches io the cerrer of Highway before : mentioned; thence : son/li, in the centre of said - Highway to the place of beginning.containing about Fifty . square perches of 1 ud more ,or less, tni whiea is erected one frame wagon shop, and onehlaek.: Smith shop.--f—ALSO—One other lot situate in the tp.; aOresaid, bounded arid described as follows: Qn the north by lands of Daniel and G. H. 0 misted, on the east by lands of L. S. Drake, on the south by the tot: known as the Walk y Smith farm, and .on the east .hy lands ofi.H. H. Dent ; it being the lot known as the Elias lady farm, and being lot No. 81 of the allotment of lands of n.u.Dent, in said township. Containin:g One Hundred and Thirty-fire and one Tenth Acres. About Eighty acres: of which are improved, with one frame hous , two frame bal . rns cod a. good apple orate d thereon: To be sold as the property of Dan Baker and Elymus Hackett ALSO—lnuit' real estate in Sutumitt tp., beginning a the south-east corner of lot No. 2 Alfred Ayres. illeitcd south 80rods to north east corner . f lot No. 12. J. M. Floyd, thence west by nor hline of lot N 0.12106 rds to soath east corner f Qeorge Ayres' lot, thence north by east hue :of said lot 80 xods to south west coiner of to t NO, 2, thence-east by south line of said lot 106 l rods to place of beginning. Containing lFifty-three Acres, being lot No. Eleven of Keating lands in said township,and part of war4anrs No.s 2118 and 2186; about Thirty Acrz of which are improved, with one , bloek, lotus one frame barn and • some fruit 1 trees there* To be sold as the property' of !,Merrick Jackson. . . . ' - ' • ALSO—Certain real estate in. Sharon to., ' . Beginningt a corner on the north bank - oti the Oaway4 Creek (where originally was a I birch cornet) being the S W corner of a lot of•land sold by the Lumbering Association to , Tho's J. BUrdick, thence by the line of said lot northertt 68 and 5-10ths pbrches to a post, corner in the south line of the public High way, thenetl by said line north 73i° west 30 and 6-10thS perches La a post corner 5-/ Othsi of a perch east of the eastern track of the Rail Road thence south 27* west 101 perches to a post cornerlon the north bank of the Oswayo, thence up the bank of said Creek by the vari ous courses and distances to the place of lie ginning. qootaining Thirty one Acres, strict measure, bqing part of warrant No.. 2176 of Oswayo tp.; about Fifteen Acres of which are I ( improved with two frame hoitsss, one Store, house, one Blacksmith Shop and• some fruit r trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Robbins Brpwn. ALSO—yertainr real estate in Allegany tp., bounded and described as follows : On the , east by lands of Samuel Peat, on the west bv ' the . FOX. estate, on the north by lands of Samuel Pedt, on the south by lands of S. M. ' Mills iftid El Bishop. Containing Eighty-three Aeres, more or less, about Thirty acres of whichlare improved, with one log house, one franaelgrainery, and some fruit treesthereon - . To be sold es the property of Solomon Nobles. ALSO —Certain real estate in Hector tp., bounded and described as follows: On the east by Potter and Tioga line, on the west by lands of Daniul Warren, on the north by lands ,of Jacob Bump. and on the south by the Highwdy leading from Westfield into the Township of Hector. Containing Twenty one acres more or less, about Ten Acres of • which are improved, with one new log stable thereon: To be sold as the property of P. D Farrell. W. W. BROWN, Sheriff. Coudersport, Jan'y 29, 1866. Administrator's Sale. virtue of an Order of the Orplan's Y for the Cuuuty of Potter, the fol lowing-described real estate belonging to the estate of David Crowell, dec'd, will be'soid to *be highest .and best bidder, at the Court House in Condersport, on_ Tuesday. the 20th day of February next. at 2 o'clock P. Mi, • - - All that certain messnage bounded. and described as follows: Beginning at a post the north-west corner of lot No. 32 of the allot ment 9f lands in Sivedtzi tit., Potter co.; Pa., thence south on the west line of said lot No, 32 160 rodi to' a post, thence west 53 rods to a post standing in the east line of lot No. 29, thence north on' lines of lots sos. 29 and 28 lco rods to a post, thence east along thesocith line of lot No. 37 53 rods to the place of be ginning. Containing Fifty,acres, be the sane more'or less, with the usual allowance of siz per cent, for roads &c., being ' lot No. C 3 of the allotment of lands -in Sweden tp., and part of warrant No. 1305 ; on which there arc about. Twenty-are acres improved and a log dwelling house; ALSO--Certain real estate in the townships or Sweden and Jackson, Potter c 0.,, Pa., described as follows: viz., Beginning at a post the north-east corner of lot No. 63 of the al lotment of lands in Sweden tp, conveyed to Morris S. Carpenter; thence by south line of lot No. 37 'of the lands of Geo.: Fox and S. floss in' said tp. and - lou No.'s 109 and - 5 Of the lands of S. Ross in Jaclson Ulystes tps east one hundred and ninety-one percherS to a post, thence south ninety perches to the north-east corner- j orlinds of Fox At. Ross aforesaid ia.4Jackson 0., thence by. line 44- said lands - and north line of, lot No. 32 in 3weden tp. west one emitilredantl ninety and nine-tenths perches to the east lineorlot No 63 aforesaid, and thence by said fine' north ninety perches to the I.place ,of beginning Containing One Hundred and One acres ann three4enths of an acre,-be:the same mare of less, With the ustralallowance of six percent for roads being lot No. le of the, allot ment of lands of Sobieski Ross in Jackson - tp,. andpart ofwfirra,nts Nos. 1304 and 1305, or. which is about sixty Acres impreeted, with a frame dwelling house, and some 'fruit tree!. tbereou. C. B—ARMSTRONG, Adm'r. Coudersport, Jan'y 23, 1866. , ` Notice. IVOTIPVie ,h by "given Mat the latder eign_ed,..anaiudttar .apptlieted by . the Orphatt'scAurt to distribute the foods arising from Adininistratiirss 'Snle'of the Aeai Estate of George-Ingraham, deed—wilt. attend to the ditties ofhispoiattnentFehrnary 19th 1866, sit V o'Clock Pitt, at the - Recorder's Coudersport, where altpersons interested earl attend if they dual tbinir DAN BAIOR, Auditor. Coudersport, Jatt'y 22. 1866. Auditor's Ito ite OTICE is hereby giien that the tinder- LI • signed, an- , Auditor appointed by the. Orphan's Coort'to distribute the fends arising fiom .A:dniinistrator's Sale of the Real Estate of D. D. Smith, deed, will attend to the duties of his appOiniment on Monday the 19th day of Febrnary, at '1 o'clock P. M., at the liecoro - Office in Condersport, where all.persons interested can attend if they think proper. DAN BAKER, Autlitoi, Tait'y 22 1866. • Coadepo IMMENSE SACRIFICE I I 'rim' undersigned 'wishing to ehauge their business 17...not•offer.to the people of Potterand soli& leg counties tbeiularge and t e ll selected stock Or r 1RY44001131 HATS,AND CAPS Boots&Shoes! READY-MADE CLOTHING ! HEM COST lor o, AMONG OTHER THINGS' ARE Overcoats at $9, Ten Dollar Shawls for Seven Dollars &C. &C. &C The IST to commence MON - PAY, the Moll day of Jammu, and end the first of March. Come early If yon want the first :Lance . • . The BOOR.; of the firm will be closed on the,2ltb January, and no credit given therunfter. , Those who hare accounts with the firm will please call and seltle without delay, as the Book must, be settled.,st once. ea S. . & E.A.E.-, -JONES. ATLINTIe A. D'. GREAT. WESTERN 1 Railroad throligh Potter county, GENERAL News Depot, AND BOOIESTORE HZ undersigned crania annonnee to the peopie!ot T l'Otter county 1.11:42 they have bought ont she en tire stock.of Nr. Mann of this place and will hate after keep on hand a folk assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY!! Including Writing, Tissue, Per forated and Blotting Paper, En velopes, Inks, Slates, Pencils, Crar ons, Inkstands, Blank-Books of ll kinds. _ 1 Writing BOOKS, Pocket DIMS, - Blaming Materials, sus -itooKs . Including' the latest Standard NOVELSIMAdAZINE,PICTORIAL AND STORY PAPERS, ALSO all of the Standard TEXT - BOO K S Poi \ S'EROOLS--1. A firm lot of PHcITOOA - rifie :ALBUMS SpeciaLattentiori given to orders for WIRCELLA.NEOUS BOOKS. Havinimmle the necessary, ar r pn ~~ emenfefn Rem -Vora we are oval:dad to fill all isnehrd e , p . 7. o n a i m-T., notice. By prompt and courteceia aittentlon to our patrons, - with fair and -honorable dealt hope to merit and,receirea-large share. of the patronage of those wishing articles in our line. • . D. C. Et MAI LARRABEE.. jal2 ' 15 OS ti _ NOTICE. ALL"persons ar&.atutiosted against p* r .M. chasfrg a certain Judgment Nnte rwo Hundred flollairs, signed by iMirew aradford and Stephen Sherwood. and ria,y6.- .)1e to William or Willard 'Wilson. Sabi .vote was obtained by sfeand, and the matiort. Til I resist the collection of the sane: January 6, 1E166. ` l l l -4 37M TILSILES inh4nner wat pay 3:4 uebta, vet' .bushel frbrDiy: Alfa, and fiO teilts ptlt barrgfolf:Astiei that htite toa, 29r, CoatiersP4t, fa. Dec 19 , : 3laii4l 311. - Smirkums wouid,i z tiforta his friends aid customers that he is reAkrree Oeirring large Stools of pnicbaued 13:1Istei4 ?Orli andk Bosfon t during the late deOlinef aid isOepared to give hie,old and nes customers the best Pi bargahitr, Sinunons believes 14 . keeping Pp with the times and the latest - styles and &Wapiti; for dol. tsrpoie he SlOSea onf his 'Obi stock' tlde' a yesr: at Auctioit i ts wake zoom fbr neW Geods.l SatitEßS 1 5 14 1 # YOBYI PRICES. __ SE NEW SKIFF FOR 1866. The - Great Ifiventioe . of_the Age ht. HOOPr" J. W. BkADLEY'S 'New P:neitt.' DUPLEX; 'ELLIP'IC (or dnuhl9l SPRING SHIRTi Inyention consists of Duplex for verity Elittitte, .1.. Pure Refined Steel Spril.g , , ing,niously braided; tightly anolfirmly toget her,edge to ea - 0,11141n; the •youroasst, tit:raids, stistre apd. De 41 9,,, 1 4 1 Siete° ear need. They seldom DENO Or . sawax.tuce the Single Springs, and consequeintY ,preserse theist perfect and hese:hut shut) more tinaux.ice as leant as any Stifle Spring Skirt, that ever Etas or. Canby THE wonderful flexibility. and great dothfirit tint pleasure tdany lady:Wo-wing the... Duplex Eilipiiditkiry will be experienced particularly in all crowded isseltit blies ' Dorms, Carriages. RailrusA;Dars, Church Perirsi I Arm Chair, for Prianenade and House Dress, as the. ' Skirt can be folded . when in use io, occupy. Santa% place as easily and conveniently es, a bilk Or Xtrallit Dress: .F, - `A Lady having enjoyed the lileavrireicorntrirt and 'Grua Coriamience of wearing the Duplex' hilliptir Steel Spring Sk i rt for a single day will neveraftewarda. willingly :dispense with their use. For Children: Minis and Young Ladies they are superior ito others. • .; SHE HOOPS are rcreered with 2 ply double twist. ed thread and will wear, twice as long as the'Hil‘gla :yarn coreting which is ted on ell Single Steel Wog Stills. The three bottomfrixis en every Skirt are ilex Double Steel, and tepee or double cityviedta orvirent, the coveting front wearing off the rods When dr,giabk . down 'tetra. stone steps, etc., etc. which they arc eon: etanUy stilijoct to when in use. - .• • ' All aremade of the new and eleranf Corded Taper and are the best quality In every tart, giving to the wearer the most grace - ft:rand perte-t Shape poseiblei and are unquestionably the ligheat, mustriirairablej comfortable and economical Skirt ever made., WEdTS SRADLt.T & CA RX. I'KeiI:ILIOS of the Inyeattoni and : . -10LE If A NUYACTI.I. it ERS, 'Yt CHAMBERS, and M.& Si EF.ADE f97li.EETS,2tewt York. FOE SALE In an SW-class Scots In thik City;snd. throughout the Trotted State', and eZAIIA S. Has - atm du Cuba, Mexico. South AmPrida, and the West indle►,' INQUIRE FOR THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR GOURLEY SPRING SERI FLAX-WHEELS WOOL-WHEELS WHEEL-HEADS =L ° , SNAP-REELS,. FLIERS, &C:9 f &C E undersigned ,weald respectrtily nounce to the Merchanti and, beaters of: Potter and adjoining Conntie , that they arts now engaged in the manufactute of the abort' named aracles, hnd ate reared to furnish' ,them at ; t • . . r WOO LES AL LE PRICES. Employing none but experienced workmen , and using only the best material, we are co:1'; fident we can furnish you wiW Goods that will suit your customers. Every Article Warmited to Givo' Entire Satidaetion. All goods packed in SHIPPING ORDER and sent by Railroad or otherw'se. Please address by mail; alien list of pricesi CARD.--SAMPLES; kc., will be forwarded,---- C: 3i CraOd Oi- SD : CO4 Montrose, Pa., Dec_ 30, 1363 na3 Aar" Ours is the !only establishment that manufactures the celebrated - CRLNDALL-WILEEL.HEAD, Warranted to last 20 yenrs;if well FELLOW 'CITIZEABi_i I take this method, to inform ion that I mil now located at Efewsp, better known á* Brindlecilleiviili t tafge 6f READY MADE CL,OTHINct,.., ; HATS ; 001'S, - SHOES, if: ai SOUP regardless of My Store you win find in- the dSlturedit Block where ltr. tAtt 'oils:telt till era try ; to giie yoti drool 'ill-gait* And ftbfre tit so doing to remit a abaft, of YotiriLtiottagits hn early tail- is solicited.; J. P. SIMMONS: Osynyo. Sept. 18, 1885. P. A. Stebbins &,Co. 4- RE AGENTS for the axle of WHEELER, WILSON7.B :SE ITLNG MACHINES for Potter County - A. & Q, Jan.l6.3m. DRY GOODS', GROCERIES CAl:'B # E