The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, October 03, 1865, Image 4
EleCtl„ol2 Pr9C,litittiallol4 • PVUANT to an Acticif the General As- ES serizidy cif the CommobWealth of.Pennet,yl7 VAL/if!, entitled "Au Act relating to the Elec tions of this Constrionwesilth," approved the nomad day of July, A.D. hrte thousand eight Hundred and thirty-nine; C, LAERA.- ;bgE, sheriff Of the county of Potter / Penns: - *anis, do hereby make ,known and give no tice to the electors of. tbn county aforesaid, ,that a Geneial Election will be held in the gild county Of Potter on the Second Tuesday (Tenth) OCtober, I at which time District and 'County 011ie er£, as follcsws,are to be elected,*i) wit: I • One pers . ri for Auditor General of the COIn mon wt alth of Pen nsjil va ui a. One persOn for Survejor General of the COmmonsvealth of Pell Vtlaia. One PerOn for Additi nal Law Judge for the Viz Judicial District Comprising the coun ties of Tioga, Potter, :McKean, Elk,and efir.C.- trou,ia accordance with ( lls. Act otAsseinbly, Approved the 27th day I f March, 18d5. One person for State itienator to represent the nth Senatorial district, composed of the counties of 'Nowt, PotteqlcKeati and Clinton. ; Two persons for Merniiiers of the House of/ Representatives of the General Assembly of Penns.yliania, in conjunction with the county I of Tioga to -represent tl/it Counties of Tioga and Potter. One person Tor Sheriff of the county of Potter. One person fur District Attorney for the county or Potter. One person for Conimilssioner of the county of Potter. • One person for Auditor ofi the county of Putter. , / One person for Coroner or, /the* county of Potter. II also make known and gii'e notice, as in and by the 13th sectionjof the :Aforesaid act I am directed, that every person excepting Jus tices of the Peace, whir hold any office or “PllPildment or profit or trust-Under the Goy. erumdut of the United 'States. or this State, or of any city or incorporated district,whether a commissioned , officer lir 9ilierWke, a subor dinate of or agent, ‘,7111) IS or shall he On' played under th? legisltive, judiciary, or ex yen ti ye departments jbt itisStute or the Uoited States, or of tiny city o incorporated disttlet ober of Cougreasll , l and of the s:ele et and and also that every we the St.:4e !,eghilatur, COOII3IOII couacil of nu krird,is bylaw itleaptt- Aug at the same of any incorporated di Me of holding or exert the office or appointrilelnt of Judge, inspector or clerk of any election n this commonwealth. Also that in the foe Ili section of the Act of Assembly, entitled l "An Act reluthig to elestieMs and for other purposes," approved April lath, 1860, it is t i macteirthat the ram 0- bald 13th section shal) nut he Si) COD t.ruel as to prevent any Military InDeer or Borough officer from serving /10 Ji.R,il-1.4,. _lnspector, .ur Cleric of any general or special elec tion in this Commonwealth: It Is further directeif t hat the meeting of the return Judges at the I . lust !louse in.Couders port to make out, the general rotates, shall Ife , the first Friday succeeding the general elec tion, which : will he the I3th day 61' gat:diet- I also heft: Illillitl IitiiIVIII and 011: notice that the place of holding the alurvna id I ;tii oral eltaAioa in the several townships and horoughs,within the cutinty of Potter, are as follows, to wit: For the township of of Abliot,at the tiertna- Fifa lintel in dnitt township. For the townshiy of Allegany, at the school house near—the piece formerly owned by Ches ter Andrews, in said township. For the township of itinglollll. ut the. Hing ham Centre flutiOul h91.1i: near A.ll,Lewil iii said township. For the township of Clara, et the school house near Sala Stevens', in said toWnship, Nor tho township of Noltilia,• LIM NOW Court Ilottikt in the borough of Co(l.lll.nptit For• the township of CI vlllitq , nit, formerly occupied by B.S.floseo, in Ellishorg. For the township of liarrisou, at the hoM,e recently occupied by !re ilartholoinew,in For the township of lichron, at the'school Louse No. tt, ne•.u• !delay liwraltin's, iu, unlit township. , - Fur the tcWnship of dieetor, at the Sunder lin schoolhouse, in riit l id LOWlthitip. For the LOWnbiliP lloin'er, at the school Louse near Mild tow For the township of Jai•ltson, formerly ottempied l,p it. ltarse, now Nt.t.lhap pel in saiit. Fur the township of Keating itt the house of Pliny llartis, in said township. For the township of Uawayo , la the Centre Bchool house in said township. For the township of Pledsmit Valley, at the flellool house No. 2,M;saiii township. For the township of Pike, et the house of Elijah Johnson , in Said township. For the township of Roulet,' at the school Louse nem , Ucarge \V eillier'S ill :Mitt tow i ship.. For tho of Slho . olytt the Sharon' Centre school hotisc, hear Joho Voorlice'ii, Sn sold township. For the township of Sweeden, at the house Bile of Aseneth 'Nggart,' in said township. For the township of Stvwart.6oll,ot the New Norivay ste a d hOso, In said township. For the township of Sunnit, at the house foetnetly occupied by Jonathan Beason now Itt. V. Larrabee, in said township: For the township of Syl vania,at the school hot:Se near J.M. Rees in said township. Por the township of Ulysses, at the house of Atlas Bennett, in said tow MS hip. For the township of Wes( Branch. at the holli4t , of S.M. Vouable, in said township For the township of Wharton at the house of Stephen Horton, in said township. For the borough of:Coudersport, at the Court House in said borough. Given mlti' my baud, ct,is 11th day of Septeruher, A. 8., 1864, . D. C. 1.. A It it ABER, Sheriff. TIRE LEWIII.I.E ji,c,ADEagy Witt open ott Monday (lowlier mod, under illy charge or 'Rev. J. G. ~terms,(late of Limo). Tuition in coninnin English $:1, in ..lefolentic btudie,s $l. Rooms can be rented andMoard ing obtained with good families in tho at reasonable rates. . 'RV order of the Trmtmeg, S OMB AMERI counat 41.11 WILLIAM STS., WILEIAAISPOPIT, PA. L. h O. . propreaws, 'rhia Rota bus Wen notch enlarged, refitted, and otherwise iiktproved, with excellent sta bling; making it interior to uo4o,in ['port --Ang THE M SON &. lAMLYN w . rguats and Chillier lebrutted rhinos for 11 't. Shakspeav, of. Wellsboro, 4. Porsotil deraring to fmr- Py APPIYing to A. L. ENS. At OW BingtOilit ()Wee, riAblnot 11 Ing'sl4 . sale by L'Ailin Tina county, 4haan can do et) ' E.igq Couthir6tiori, P'A tivu Sottled t litgaire At ! STEV.P.INS' A .BOAP Q,ue bRANT & SH IRIDAN 1 RIDAN I HEARD FROM AGAIN ! ! i ANOTHER UNION VICTORY GOLD DOWN HEAVY DECLINt IN GOODS AND P. A. STEBBINS & Co. . 1 1 Are now reeiving a new aid complete II 1 .1 1 ISTOT I OP ! 1 , I 1 Spring Go ds 9 9 i Ji 1 . 1 ; purobasaliince; the heavy decline and 1 1 1 " 1 I ,i 1 durin the recut panic in New York. Consisting of DRESS GOODS,i DELApVI'S, POPLINS, ALPACA'S, ~IIOZA UA'S PLAID POI I ILINS, I .13LA Ch' SILIi S, J3ALMbRiLL SKIRTS, C.{:OAKS, C7L OAKING S, CASSL lERES, , , i ' I L~ ull tuck (if ME .s FASHIONABLE CL6THIG Also BOOTS & SHOES, HATS I• CAPS, &c.,i&c Drugs and Fancy ArtiCles Oils, Paints, and Dye t4tittrs, White Lead in Tin Cans,Alenhat, eamplionei Orosene,Litutp and tamp Fixttires, Wass, Baum Medicines, ottemicats, Botanical ' i'erfuntery,liancy Soap and ;Toilet nrtiek,s, Gum, flair, Ivory and 1Voiado:1 COinl+s, Ponntiles and Colognes, i antic* tine assortment o' Flavoring Extracts, j Peas', Ink and Paper, and Linseed Oil—raw and Wiled,' I II I . ' I i3rtliglieS: i , Cloth, Tooth, Nail, Hair, Hat, , I.'airit, Varnish • 1 1 and. Artist trithes • i .. CH0197 STOCK OF , i , . •TIOCERIES, Teas, Suzan, Choice.,Syrap, (Mod Rio Coffee, West Thai.% itatl Dau4elion voiree, Rice, Cora Stareh,l'ariva, Cooa, AL:WAYS' O.:Y _RAND, A. STEBBINS' • Corner 4ain and Seen cAkderspoit, AO% 10, spar !MONS' COLUMN i - FEIL"CDS•AND • CTSTOIIERS :I ' I return you row sincere thanks for your liberal patronage, for the past fevi, years, and wonld'say to you that I have located myself at 'Wellsville, N. Y. and may hereafter be ftitind at the E STORE FiMPIR AND ;NEB' YORK STORE . (Flaying bought out the Store formerly occu pied by Geo. Asher), I shell continue to WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL in both of the above Stores, and hOpe to see all of my old fr;ends and customers, as they are in want of Goode, and will try to sell them low enough to pay them for corning. We are pow aelliug the beat PRINTS frau: 12 to IS cents. Extra OINGHAMS tram 15 to 25 cents Good SIIEETINGS from 12 to 25 cents. TICKS, ' DENIMS, STRIPES, and all othc Goode iu proportion. CL 0 77-11X.V.-- Good suits for $lO to $l5 and Extr,it fine suits in proportion. And as I have an lover stock of Clothing I will sell - at Whole-. sale 151 per cent. Ic'ss than the same can be bought in New York. BOOTS. & SHOES, 1 HATS & CAPS, at reduced prices. GROCERIES very lov4 RICH PRESS SILKS, j--EMPRESS (;LOTUS, POPLINS, and all other styles of Ladies' Dress Goods, very low. , Hoping to receive an early call, F remain your frlkid, C. 11. SIMMONS. We4sville, N. V., March '25, 1865. P.A. STEBBI Paying the highest priqe in CL 0 MS. WOOL! 50,000 POUN DS WANTED ! Coudersport, Juno 28, 180.1.• WELLVORO & COUDERSPORT STAGE ROUTE. rillw Stages on the Wellsboro and Con " dersport Line will leave Wellsboro e l very Mondity and. Thursday at 2 o'clock M., arrivkg at .Coudersport on Tuesday and Fri day respectively. Leaves Coudersport every Wednesday, arriving itt Wellsboro on Thurs day at !,12 o'clock M., and leaving COuders port on Saturday, arrives in Wellsbort) ou Monday at I'2 o'cloce M. ThiS Route has lately changed proprietors, and.the Undersigned is determined to keep it in good order both with respect to trams and drivers. Ample accommodations for trav elers itt Verinilyeas. itE:Oty CROFUT. Gaines, Aug, 2, 1865,-I_6lllo phe Grovesteen Ptlino Forte ill retains its precedence and great pop ularity, and after undergoing gradual irm provetnents for a period of thirty years, is now promMnced by the musical world to h i e un surpalssed and even unequaled in richness, volatile and purity of tone, durability and cheakMeSs., Our new scale, French action, harp pedal, iron froane, over-strung bass, seven octave, rosewohd pianos we are selling cheaper by from $lOO to s'2oo than the Same style and finish are sold by any other first chts# :utal,:ers in ttl, country. Dealers and all In want of good pianos arc invited to send for our Descriptive Catalogue, which contains photographs of our different styles, 6gether with prices. No one should purchase a pi an4, AVithollt seeing the Catalogue. Medals, almost without number, have been awarded to the arovesteen Piano, and at the Cele bratea World's; Fair, though put in competition with others from all parts of Europe Sind the United States. it took the highest award. ' [EstaplishetilS3s.] (IRO YESTEEN Co., 499 BroadA*)-, Neo- York. AGENTS WANTED fox• the. Te most interesting - and exciting hook ever published,: enibracing the ,adventures of a woman in the Union army as Nurse, Scout and Spy, gluing a most vivid Inner picture of the war. Teachers, ladies, energetic young nien,and esyfecially returned and disabled soldiers in wait of profitable eniployment, wibl Sinai , . peculiarly adapted to their condition. We lf#ts agents clearing $l5O per month. which, we will prove to any doubting apPlicant. l -- Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROS. &CO . • N. Z.' corner Siztli and Minor Streeo, Philsdiipris Ps. Co., • Skeet., SHAWLS, CLOAKS, &C.; AND CROCKERY 3 & Co BM GASH for i 1 NURSE & SPY. ndit - Act WATERS' . 1 • GREAT ZUSIOAL ESTABLISHEIENT, No oa 481 Broadway, N ewYork. IPIA-NO3, 'MELODEONS, tBCcET OR GIANS, SHEET' MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS, aid all kinds of Musical iristruments and . Mtisicitl Merchandise, at the Lowkii lekrks, Wholesale and retail. Second band Pianos and Melodeons at GREAT' asitoeisi. Felines, $6O, $75,•5100, $125,5150, $175; $2OO, and $225. New 7 octave Pianos for -$250 and upwards. Pianos and Melodeons to let, and rent allowed if purchased. Monthly pay ments received for the same. • The Horace Waters' Pianos and Melodeons are as Fine and Durable Instruments as are made. Warranted for five rears. Price greatly reduced for Cash. TESTIMONIALS, The Horace Waters' Pianos are known as among the very best,—.Y. Y. E i vangelirt. We can speak of the merits of the Horace Waters. Pianos from personal knowledge. as being of the very best quality.—Clirirlian Intelligeneer. f • f The Horace Waters Pianos are built of the best and most thoroughly seasoned material. •--Adoo'cate , 4- Journal: .Watth..s' Pianos and Melodeons challenge cOmparison with, the finest made anywhere in the country.—Borne.JournUl: - Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of full, rich and even tone, and powerful.—New York Musical Review. Our friends well find at Mr. Waters'store the very best assortment of Music; and of Pianos to be found in the United States.— Grahanea Magazine. The Ilbrace Waters' Pianos' are of superior tone and elegant finish.—Neto York Christian Enquirer Schedule of prices of Instruments and Cat alOgues of Sheet Music and any Music pub lished in the United States, seamen rave. Sheet Music, a little soiled, ad 1,1 cenis per page. m „ , Sabbath School, and other Books, publish ed by Iforaee Waters. Sabbath School Beli , NO. 1. Sabbath School Bell, No. 2. Choral Harp. The Diadem. PRICES: Paper Covers, $3 per doz ; Board, s3,qo Cloth Embossed Gilt, $4,20. BELLS, Nos. 1 and 2 in One Volume, $6,60 per dozen. Cloth EnaboSsed Gilt, $7,50 per dozen. DAY SCHOOL BELL, for Public Scheols and Seminaries, Paper Covers $3,50 per dozen; Board Covers $4,201; Cloth, $4,80. . THE CHRISTIAN MELODIST, A uew Revival Ilymniand Tune Book. Price '3;3 per doz . Bear( , $3,60. Manufactory and NNLre-rooms, 481, Broad way, New York. NEW SKIRT FOR 1865-6. THE GREAT INVENTION OF TILE AGE IN lIOOP SKIRTS. , J. TV. Bradley's , 'lVelv Patent Duplex Eli:ptie (or double) Spring Skirt. ' This invention consists of Duplex (or two) ki:liptie Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeni ously braided tightly arid firmly together., adge td edge, making the toughest, most!flex ible, elastic and Durable Spring ever used. TI ey seldom ISUND or 114EA.K, like the Single ISI rings, and consequently preserve theirper fed:and beautiful shape more than twice as lohg's any Single Spring Skirt that ;ever has o can he made. The wonderful flexibility arid great comfort and plea Sure to any Ladv wearing ;the Du plex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced partic ularly in all . crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars,.Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dross,, as the Skirt. can be folded whert in use to occu py a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. A Lady having enjoyed Abe pleasure, com fort kind great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for. a sin gle day will never afterwards willingly dis pense with their use. Fot Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are superior to all oth,:rs. The Hoops are covered with 2 ply twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the Single yarn covering which is' used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rods on every Skirt are also Double Steel, and twice. or double covered to prevent the covering wearing oil the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, &e.. &c., which they are constantly subject to when in use. All arc made °film new and elegant Cord ed Tapes, and are the best quality in every pant, giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect Shape possible, anil are :mimes tiouably the lightest, most desirable, com fortable and ecunOmical Skirt ever made. , WEST'S', BRADLEY & CAREY, Propriet ors of the Intention, and sole Ma.mfacturers, 07 Chambers ; and 70 4; 81 Reade Streets, New York: For sale in all first-class Stores City, and throughout the United States and Canada, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. ter:. Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. A. 6. C. • 0:331 IjII . I . .ADELPIIIA k ERIE RAILROAD.— This great line trA`erses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie.. . . It has clean leased by the Pennsylvania Flail I:0ml Company, and t nder their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout ! its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger aid Freight bm4iness front Barrishurg to St. Mary's (21t , miles) on the Eastern Division, land from Sheffield to Erie, 08 miles) on the 'Western TIME OF FASSENOFIt TRAINS EXPOIUCII•: Leßvc EtlSEWartl. . _ Through Mail Train Leave Westward Thr6ugh ' Cars run thrwgh wrrnocr CHANGE both .Ways between Philadelphia and. Lock Haven and between Baltimore and Lock HaOn.. Elegant. Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both, ways between Williamsport an Balti more, and Williamsport and Philade phis. For information respecting Passeng r busi ness apply at the S. E. Cor. 12th and; Market Streets: And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr., +r. lath and 'Market Ste., Philadeiphia.. J. W. Revnoids Erie. WiMara Brown, Agent N.C.R.R. Baltimore. E. H. HOUSTO44, fiele/ D'eight Apt. Phira. Lawn L. Horn, Oval Ticiet Sgt. PAiW n. Jos. D. Porrs i i Ges'l itaxopr, Tri:licumpre. I ~ "Bigbteert•yearc establisied i in N Y. City' "Only infallible remedy knw2." "Free from Po:1'30os." • "Not dangero4s to the liuman "Rats come out of their ht.les to 'die." ) 1 1 1 'COSTAR ' S " RAT, ROACII, I Ap., ESTER'S Is a pa ste—used for Rata; Nice, Roachez, Rack and, Red Ants, 4.e., 4-e., "COSTAE'S" BED-BEO EXTERMINATOR I Is a liquid or Trash', used to • destroy, and also as a pre- • ventive for Bed-Bugs, &e. "COSTAR'S" ELECTRIC POWDER FOIL INSECTS. - Is for M9ths, Hosqltitoes. Fleas, Bed-Buys,, Insecti- on Plants, 'lnds, Animals, *' * Sold by' all Druggists and Retitilers everywhere. **.* !I BEWASE!! lof all worthless imi tations. • - - '4* See that "Costwa's" name is on each flos,,Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. ItENRIC R. COSTAR. " 3 "z PRINCIP4 DEPOT, 482 Broads ay, N. Y 4 „Sold by 'all Druggists and Dealers in COUDERSPORT, Pa. • 1865. • INCREASE OF RATS.—The Farmer . .i. Oa . zelle (Friglish) asserts. and proyes by figures that one:pair of rats will have a grog' y and descendants no leSs than 651,050 in three years. Now, unless this immense family can be kept down, they would consume more food than would sustain 05:,000 human beings. • girSce "Costar's" adv't in this paper. RATS versus BIRDS. 7 -Whoever engages in i shooting small birls is a cruel man ; whoever , aid • in exterminating rats is t. benefactor. We should like some of our .correspondents to ice us the benefit of their experience in. 'dri ing out these,pests. We need something bes des dogs / cats, and traps forthis business. ,cientific American, N. Y. . * d 1 • XSYSee."COStar7 e l 7 adv't in t hi s paper. 1865. ‘ ; 'COSTAR'S" RAT EXTERMINATOR is sinipl safe, and sure,—the -most perfect RAT-i i tication meeting we have ever attended. Every, Rat that can get it, properly prepared. according to directions, will eat it, and every one that eats it 'will die, generally at some place as distant as possible from where the medicine was taken. ; —Lake Shore, 211i;ch., ifirror. - • WrSee "Costaria7advq. in this paper. 18155'. ' A IVOICE FROM .THE - FAR WEST.— Speaking of "Costar's" Rat, Roach, Ant, Fee., Exterminator—"more grain and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant County by vermin than would pay for tuns of this Rat and Insect Killer."—Lancaster, lVis., Herald. ttssk,.See "Costar's" adv't in this paper. ItEs — Sold in . OOI.IThERSPOIIT, Pa., by all . DruOgtsts. E. - &" H. T. ArrnorrY `@c CO. Manufacturers of Photo.graplaic Materials, seltotirest.o AND ratan,' I . • i • • /501 BROADWAY, N. Y. in !Inn to nor Main business of PHOTOGRAPHIC HA 'lit:WA LS, xc tire Ifleatiquiirter, for (Le following, vie; STEREOSCOPES Zt STERROSCOPIC VIEWS. 01, Omen wo bars , en immense assortment, including War Scour*. American awl Foreign Citics•and Liiii.ireurer, Groups, Fitutunry, to. , etc. Also, Revolving litereoccopes, •fur puLiir yetrute irur 11111 , 64. u. Our Cuttilogun will bu 6.1 t to any address On receipt 01 4tauir. PHOTOGRAPITIC ALBUMS. Ire woro the find to introduce there Ina the halted Stater, end we manufacture immen,e q,untilieeiu great Variety, rang ing in prim from be cent. to tito coal, Our ALtt \IS have tha reputation of being auporior In and iluntlillity to any others. The.. will be sone by mail, vier E, orrrecript of Fite. (Jr PINE ALl3Uhlri MADE TO OttOgt.,,El CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now embraces orrr i'IVE THOUSAND differ ent *objects, to which additive. Are congas:Hy haisig made, of I'ortratte of Eminent Arnerkane .etc.:, vim about I 100 Major-Generale, Itat Ideut-Colonel., 550 Stntetznen, • 000 Itrig.-Generale, 950 Other 0111cers, 130 Divine., 115 Colonel., 25 Navy: Officer., 195 AuthOrs, 40 Artie., 125 Stago, 50 Prominent Women. 1.000 Copies of Works of Art, Including reproductions of the mast telelprated F.ngravings, rtatute, ete. Catalogue. sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen Picrunes from our Catalogue will be filled on the receipt of and sent Iv mail. ante. • Photographer. and others ordering golds C. 0. D., will pleas* emit twenty-five per coot, of the amount with their order. . Vr The price. and quality of one goal. cannot fair to .atfifs 8..41:ere" Pocket eildues • for 13 Picturec v 25 j ante; fur Pictures, 61.00. • A T 4: OLMSTED'S STORL 9 i n always be found the best o Cooking. Box ainl. Parlor STO V E Also. TIN and SHEET•IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH ,BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS. Also, Agticultural Implements, such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, &O. 1565 HIS WORK is well made and the material good Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County—Terms easy.: neatly Pay of all kinds, including Cast', seldom refused. Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Couderg , ort. Aug , . 1, 18133.--50 • Dr. A.\FREN CH's CELEBRATE B\ TONIC. BITTERS RE becoming the\most popular Medicine 11 in circulation for th:e cure of LIVER COMPLAINT, ;ER:SPEPSIA, JAUN DICE, DERISITY 011 THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, and NVEAKESS of the STOEICH and DIGESTItE ORGANS. It is nisi) .gaining -a groat "relintation in. the CURE of DIPTHERIA. EtinciparOffice, condersport, Potter Co., Pa. 340 P. 31 10193. M WAGON 'SHOP I TIIE subscriber liacing, located in Lewis cille is prepar , d to do all kinds of work in bis line, on short notice and in the best manner. • Making and Repairing of all kinds. lam enabled .by the aid of ma chinery to do work in the wagon-line better and cheaper than any other establishment in the county. I am also prepared to make COFFINS. • EDSOY HYDE. Ulysses, Penn's, Dec. 1, 1664 iiED"—"JOYES` CLERK"—says he cah "beat the Je*s"Belling Cotton Goo 185 1865. 15 FRC ILL A:ANOCNCEISENT,) _intinabon is •ra rioasly ceased mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from ttnbealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy . habits, the depressing vices, incl, above all,: by the venereal infection... Whatever 'be - its origin, it is hereditary in the constittnion, descending "from parents to4children lune the third and fourth generation r indeed; it seems to be the rod of Him who sayie,-"Twill• visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their ( children." The diseases it originates - take' various names, - according to the orgarts 'it' attacks. In the longs, Scrofula .prodrlee's` tubercles, and finally Consuniption; in the' glands, swellings which suppurate and be-* come ulcerous sores; in the stomach 'and: bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, all having the same origin, re . quire the same remedy, viz., purification and znvigOnt tion of the blood. Purify the blood, - and these dangerous distempers leaveyoa. Withi feeble, foul, or corrupted %lead, you cannot have health; with that "life of , the • flesh" healthy, you cannot have 'serofulotts disease. Ayey's - Sarsttparillit "'-' 'S ' "" is compounded from the most etreCtUalianti dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting disteinper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is, far supe , . rior to any other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it atrial.- -That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon thii 'class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made' of the following diseases : ' lane' Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tamorit, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Storm Erysipelas, Bose or St. Anthony's Tire, Salt Rherun, : Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in 'the lungs, White Swellings, Debility,, Dropsy, Neuralg* • Dyspepsia . or Indigestion, Syphilis. Syphilitic Infections, NercunalDiseakit,' Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole aeries of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in ATER'S AMERICA ALMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous 'distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief.. Those cases are, purpOsely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader May have; access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from „- personal experience. Seroftda depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far J ' more subject to disease and its fatal results . than are healthy coostitutions. - _ r -'Hence ; ; it tends to shOrten, and &Ms greatly shorten, , the average duration of human life. The 1 vast importance of these .considerations has ; led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy " 1 which is adequate to its cure. This we , aitsc___ offer to the public under the name-of Arun 's SARSAPARILLA, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsaparilla in alter:dive power. By its; , aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger: of these Miorders.- l'arge out the foul corruptions that rot and fbster in the blood, purge out tile causes of diseaie, 1 and vigorous health will foll Ow. By its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital fUnctionsi and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. ' 1 1 _ We know the public have-been' deceiVed by many compounds - of Sarsaparilla, ttat promised much and did nothing; but tl ey, , I will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. 'lts virtues have been proven by abun dant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for The cure of the' afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name; it is a very different medicine from any other which has been' before the people:and is far more ef fectual than any other which has ever been available to them. - , . .A."F".MR'S CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Remedy fop Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so lcing used and so uni versally known, that Ire need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done: l'repared by DR. S. C. Aria & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemistr : • Lowell, Mass. Bold by all druggists every here. Sold by U. S. & h. A. Jones,:poudersport. Chappel Bros., tly,sses. C. H. Simmons, OsWayo. Mann & Nichols, Millpori. Colwell k Co., Roulet, mi t by Dealers everywhere. 1 ; , ' No tice. • . GERMANIA, Potter GO., Ps, Aug. 1, 1863. OTICE: is hereby grren 'alert Charla. 80. shor, now or late of this county, b'oldini f the following described property, has nc+ yet paid any consideration whateverfcr the same, and all persons are hereby warned not tolpur chase any of said property of the said BnshoT before the decision of tI4 , Court is giren in i•i this case and C. Bnsbor has paid to tine the consideration money tberi.for. - The following is the property :_ Ist. A certain tract of land near the Ger mania Mill, in warrant 50M, Abbott township, Potter county, Pa., containing 100 acres.— Also 25 acres in warrant 5078 and adjoining the above. 2nd. A certrin tract of land, with Mill and improvements thereon, near Kettle Creek, in warrant 5819, in Stewart Son township, Potter county, Pa., containing about 204 acres. C. Bushor holds also in trust warrant no. 2501; in Gaines township, Tioga county, Pa., on the road leading from Germania to Gainea, containing 850 acres. • tIN WM. RADIO. PA. STEBBINS & Co. are closing up ss .. old Ledger. All persons indebted to them will pleas& call and settle, before the accounts an let i the proper officer for Colleztiom —Al4hr'• 7 , • Latest from Sherznan.: R OSLO e t ; TAB., from forth C.l4g.l3l3Ttsfot II 1* 61 4 11 0 Vat ' ca Son srbieh r als Scab - ire - Li Inks constitutions of aides of lien. It produce or is teed by an en -41, vitiated. stater blood, wherein dnid beton:let ut.: petent -to suitain itallorees in their xis action, and the system to do &order and H