The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 15, 1865, Image 2

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Coudersport, Pa.
Tuesday, Auguslls,lB6s.
M. W. McALARNEY.,!ErnTon
The Union men of Pol ter ICounty who are
willing to dnite in a cordial (support of the
present Administration are requested to meet
at the usual places for holding their Town
ship Elections throughout 'the County, on
Tuesday the 29th day of August, between
the hours of 4 and G I'. M. to elect Delegates
to meet id County Convention in Couderspor4,
on Thursday, the 31st day !of August, at 2
o'clock P. M., to nominate a County Ticket;
to be supported by the Untiod men of Potter
County at the next Election, and to choose
Senatorial, Judicial, and RePreseltative Con
ferees, and transact such other business as
may come before the Convention. ,
The Vigilatce. Committees of the several
'townships a e bek>by requested to put up
Notices of the time and place of holding the
Meetings, andlo be present , to organize and
act as Board of Election of said Meetings.
The number of Delegat6 each Township
it entitled to is as follow. 4:
Abbott 2, Allegany 3, BiJgham 3, Clara 2,
Coudersport 3,, Eulalia 2,lo3esee 2iffarrison
CI, Hebron 3, Hector 3, Homer 2, ackson 2,
Keating 2, Oswayo 3, Pike 2, Pleasant Valley
2, Roulet 2, Sharon 4. Sweden 2, Summit 2,
Sylfttnia 2,, Stewartion '2,1 Ulysses 5 ,West
Branch 2, Wharton 2.
By order of County Committee:
- Committee of yigilanc.!e•
Abbott—J. Scbwartzenbach, D. Conway,
Wm. Sandbnch.
Allegany—T. Scott, D. Nelson, IT. Hendrix.
Bingham—L. E. Icl'Carn I IQ.' W. Colvin, A. L.
Clara—S. Stevens, S. Wakely, J. L. Brooks.
Coudersport--P. A. Stebbins, Jr., M. W. Me-
Alarne7, C. A. Armstrong.
Bulalia 7 E. Starkwetner, J. P. Taggart, Mor
ris Lent. 1-
Genesee—J. C. Can:tact:ugh, G. W. Hackett,
J. Gilliland.
Marrison 7 l.Dodge,ll. S. Beebe, J.W.Stevens.
liebron-4. bwight, Silas
greentuan. I
- —J.L.G;'
Hector ibson, _ __rang, _
Romer—W. A. Crosby,l3.Peet, J. H. Quimby.
Jackson—A. Parsing, E. Hovencamp, C. Ells
-worth. (
Keatiag- , -P.-Mtrris, E. G. crane, H. F. Dingee.
Oswayo—W. B l s Graves, &Lyman, N. C. Goff.
Pike—S. H. Martin. W Ansley, J. Q. Merrick.
Pleasant Valley—J. J. Roberts, D. Eastwood,
Eira T. Clark. 1
Roulet—O. R.Webb, S.Poineroy,p.Knoulton.
Sharon—N. Palrnater, O. C. Warner, Wm,
Syl - .E.O.Austin, l J.Y
.—ustin, _ ounglove,
Summit—J. Reed, M. Jackson, M.V. Larrabee.
Sweden—J. Butice;E.iliymari, Wm. Lewis. -
Ulysses—lL 'l l . Reynolds B. J. Cushing, E.
West Branch—A. Trask, l 0. Wetmore, S. M.
Wharton—P. Duvall, J. Darman, I.W.Rounds
At a Convention orthO Union men of Pot
ter-County, held-at the Court 'louse in Cou
dersport, August 14 1 - lfsp, pursuant to a call
by the County Committee, for the purpose of
choosing. Delegates to t , reipresent this Senato•
vial and Representative District in the Union
State Convention to be held at Harrisburg
on the l'lth inst., L. B. COLE was chosen
Chairman, and D. C.l l Lairabee Secretary.
On motion, Lucius Rogers, of McKetin
. county, was • recommended for Senatorial
Delegate. •
' 'On motion, John S. Mann, of Potter county,
was recommended as one of the Representa
tive Delegates.
On motion, the Delegates were instructed
to support Hon. Joint A. Hiestand, of Lan
caster, for Auditor General.
No recommendation was made for Sutveyo!
Tho following Resolution was presented
and unanimously adopted •
Resolved, That the course of our National
and State Administrations meets with our
hearty approval ; that we pledge them for the
future, as in the past, , our earnest support;
and that we feel deeply grateful for the wise
_that has brought with it honorable
,peace and the beginning of order.
On motion, adjourned.
L. B. COLE, Chmn.
D. C. LAnnasag, Sdy
Returns from Kentucky thus far show
that of the anti-Sldvery candidates for
Congress, Yeaman of the lld District,
Rousseau of the Vth, Smith of the Vith,
Randall of the Vlfhb, and McKee of
; i
IX District, five ln aii, are elected ; of
the pro-Slavery candidates, Trimble of
the Ist District, Harding of the lirth,
and Shanklin of the' Vllth, three in all,,
are chosen. In the remaining District,
the Hid, the resalt 'is not yet known.
Later election returns from Tennessee
make it probable that Col. Stokes, the
Union candidate in the Chatavooga Dis
trict, has been defeated by the-Conserv
ative Faulkner; while in the With Dis
trict, Col. Hawkins; the Union candidate,
is said to have beaten . Etheridge by a
handsome majority.: The Union candi
dates have been electedan the Tat, lid,
ITIO, Vl:lth and VIIIth Districts, while
the Hid, IVth and Vtli Districts have
elected Conservatives. According to the
Nashvillei Prese, two of the Union Con
gressmen' elect, I%laynard (Lid -District)
and Hawkins (VlTth District) can be
relied upon as supporters of a liberal
policy; and, also two others, Taylor (Ist
District) and Leftwick (Yin Patriot),
probably. Nothing is said of Cooper
(Vith Distriot) 1 ,
r • •
gilarry Leslie has again crossed the rap
ids of Niagar&;on, a tight rope. He ap
peared in woman's garb—night-cap, pet
ticoats,&c.—and for about fifteen minutes
astonished his audience by - , enacting a
drunken scene on, the main rope, stag
gering, reeling, &c., - with.a perfect reck
lessness of life and limb. Ile weina
up his fool-hdrdy 'exploits, by running
out on ono of the guy ropes, without
polo or balance, and throwing himself at
till length on his back.
General Belie , .
A good deal has been said tboutfiGen.l
Butlers failure to take Fort Llsh‘r. The
Report of the Committee on t e Gonduet
of the War ' had the matter u i der inves
tigation, and after tatinc , all he testimo
ny, it shows that Gen. Butler e was neither
a coward or military fool on t at occasion.
, There had been, a question lietweal the
fand and naval commanders whether eith
delayed the other , It ziow , appears that
the expedition statted on the 12th and
14th of Decemb9 l ;l that Gen. Butler with
his transports Walt ( Eitr ight, to the,rendez
vons, and :waited 'durtne , ° three days of
fine weather for tdiniralPorter, who had
gone to Beaufort and *as taking in sup
plies for his ficet. .13 1 the time Porter
was ready, a storm ame up, and the
i y
transport fleet was obliged to go to Beau
fort for safety and 000. While the land
force' was thus seventy miles away,Admi
ral Porter, on the 24th of December, be
ean'his attack by exploding the powder
boat, and twelve hOu s later by a bom
bardment. "
As soon as Gen:utler was able to
reach the scene of a tion,he arranged for
the landing of a pprlion of a his troops,
and a recconnoisance of' Fort Fisher by
Gen. Weitzel. JUpOn ;the question ;as to
the advisabilty of an iattack at:that s timb,
General Weitzel gtves the following
strong testimony tt ; '
"After that experience [in assaulting
works . ] with the information I had obtain
ed from readfug and study---for,before the
war I was an instructor at the Military
Academy for three years under Professor
Mahan on, these theses subjecsi; remeth
bering well the remark of the Dientennan
General commanding, that it was his in
tention I should coMmand that expedition
because another op per selected by the
Wdr Department had once shOwn timidi
ty, and in the face!, df . the fact ;that I had
been appointed Major General only twen
ty days before and needed confirmation ;
notwithstanding all that, I wdnt back to
Gen. Butler and t!old him I considered it
would be murder rte order an attack on
that work with thatl ; force." -
And Gen. Weitzpl, upon being asked
whether he is still ;of the same opinion,
replies • "Yes, sic;i!l am fully satisfied
from all I have liedtd since, from the re
sult of the second , attack, and everything
else--I am hilly sdtisficel that I did my
duty there." i';
'. 'l'he Southern Press.
I The Charlottesville (Virginia
ele says, on the recent election in Rich
mond :
"We can submit to the decisions dare
war; we can relinquish independence;
we can honestly go I back to tqe federal
constitution and the Union,; we can sub
mit to the emancipation of our slayer;
but we cannot change our nature, we
cannot feel delighted , that we have been
whipped ; we cannot cease to love lour
own hills and Valleys . ; wo cannot ibut
sympathize with those who died fighting
-by our side, or who have come out, of the
war mutilated,; and broken in fortune, in
maintaining a common cause. The ',peo
ple of the South, for example, love Gen.
Leo, and if the people of the North do
not love him, neither the stronger not the
weaker party can change such feelings in
the mind of the other party. If a smith
ern man professes to think and feel in
such matters as the northern man thinks
and feels, he is a monster or a hypocrite.
"We can speak the more freely on such
points, because weovere no secessionists,
never believed in secession,and, while we
have many personal friends among them,
always regarded a most mische
violas party. Butjthere are to secession-
ists at the South now. The thing is Olio
lntely relinquished, and the old access
ists are perhaps, More unreserved in their
submission to the Union than tne for Mer
Union men or the South.
"The election in Richmond may have
been illadiised 1 it certainly was in our
opinion) , if f the successful ticket wqs a
secession ticket. Not only was it in that
case, an affront to the federal authorities;
but it was an affront to the people of Vir
ginia. It is no time to be electing seCiess
ionists to office. They have ferfeited
office by conducting a mad and unsucCess
ful revolution. It is 'the custom In such
cases for the defeated party to stand back
and many of them doubtless concui• in
our views. This however, can only be
done through the polls. If the soot ern
people choose to let the eldsecessionipol
iticiars govern them, iafter their !un
fortunate administration of their affairs,
we sees no remedy. The "North will not
suffer materially from it, and -Cannot
take cognizance of the matter, because
they are not secessionists new. They
have abandoned all their,political heresies
and havo submitted to the Union theory
of the government, and have asked to,be
forgiven, and have been forgiven. - If they
are disfranchised, a majority of the south.
ern people are disfranchised. We under
stood 06 - amnesty to wipe out the past,ori
condition of obServing the terms of the
amnesty oath. •
"But we do not conceive that the peo
ple of Richmond cOnsidered the success
ful parties in heir election to have been
secessionists a the outbreak of the late
The Richmond Republic i of the sth
says of the President's plan for reorgani
zation in the ISonth
whether this scheme of the ad
ministration shall be carried out to all its
bneficial results, or shall be abruptly
abandoned tor an other of a very different
Character; depends entirely on the peo
pleof the South Mr... Johnson's policy
exacts, as aril indispensable Condition of
access, that we sustain it in the spirit
in which lie propounds it; that is to say
in a spirit i of ‘ reciprocal confidence and
good will. When he proposes to admit
us to a full participation in the benefits
of the Constituiou, be understands, of
course, that we will not abuse our advan
tage to the detriment of the Union.—
When be offers to reinstate us in the
rights of 'self i;oveYnment, he stipulates
that we shall not pervert our power to the
discredit of the federal authority. In
relieving us from the pressure of military
rule he conceives - us to contract an en
gagement not to obstruct the operations
of government nor to unsettle the ;order
of society. In according us the privileges
of citizens he supposes us to be animated
by the sentiment of good citizenshipl; and
the eon ho bestows is in requital of the
loyal ywe are pledged to exhibit. j
t , hese are not only indispensable, but
they are precedent conditiontas well; and
with ut their fulfillment on onr part we
need expect none of the benefits we so
clamorously solicit. If we be sullen ;If
we le refractory;"lf we betray a secret
hatr d of the Union, or evince the preva
lene• of those principles and passions
wbi.h recently deluged the land in blood,
then farewell to ever hope of clemency and
mag,animity in the execution of federal
pow•r i l confiscation, proscription; mar-'
tiai iaw and all other calamities that fol-
low in the train of unsuccessful rebellion
will be the portion of the South."
he Charlottesville Chronicle of the
sth ,instant says :
"Ai call , is published elsewhere for a
publio meeting on monday next, the ob
ject of which is to invite-immigration to
thisi State. We cordially approve ,the
, peliley and propriety of such a meeting.
We hope it will be a full and earnest
lone and that it will express to the peo-
Iplefof the North and the people of the
diffsren,t Euprean states that they will
find a welcome in our, midst. The time
has come to inaugurate an entirely new
policy in this respect, and to give
to Virninia and the South the place which
Ithey should occupy in the race for power
lon this continent. This cannot be done
Iwithout population. Every ablebodied
Iman who comes to Virginia•is a contribu
tion of a thousand dollars to the wealth
of the state. When our population is
doubled our lands 01 be doubled in val
ue. We shall have; life and activity iu
the place of stagnation and death. We
shall have railroads canals, ships, steam
boats, factories, cities,in the place of mud
tttrnpikes, boats shaved_with poles, petty
county court house blacksmith shops,
and hand labor genek . ally. We,want mus
cle; we must htoie laborers ; we must
have machinery. Not till then will Vir
ginia cease to be alprovince---a hewer of
wood and a drawer °prefer for our wealthy
northern neighbors: . We trust our influ
ential citizens wfflitake an active part in
this meeting. , It will do as much good
as the resolutions of 1768799."
In an other article it says',:
"The' mechanic : y the South bas now
taken a:new. . place an our society. We are
going- to have something besides lawyers
doctors,planters and politicians. Labor
- 7 handlabor—will become honorable;:
and in the sight of God,. what is more
pleasing and more , honorable than a con
scientious worker with his.hands--a man
who lives by the honest sweatof his brow
mends your wagon : honestly and
well- r -who builds your house faithfully—
who 'makes you a
. neat and enduring shoe
—who manufactures you a piece of sub
stantial cloth—wbe.cuts a ditch that re
claims a field .'given 'given up to the snipe •and
woodeoCk--who makes a yoke that does
not gall our oxen—who - inspects and ap
plies a remedy to your smoking_ chimney
-who hands you back your watch
. healthy
and 'true as the needle to the pole'—who
staunches forever a breaoh in your roof or
coffee pot—who takes, your threshing
ing machine and makes it move like in
thing CA life.' It is 'the glory of a work
man to,' love his work, and 'to do it thor
oughly. If he does not love it, he should
try something,else. If he is above fit he
is an ass. If he does not do it thorough
ly, he js a knave. -There is no trade that
is not honorable and interesting to a sen
sible, industrious;and right minded = man:"
• The Houston Telegraph says :
"The piney -woods planters in the coati
try around us, and the longshoremen in
our city, have abundantly, shown that
white . men aim do - soathern labor as well
as negicies.' . The only kind of compulsion
which can now be used to. compel the
negro to work, 'is .tel show. him that the
needed labor can be Obtained with - out de
pending:nit `him; .
and that if he does 110
ogork i`or_his living, being „able to do
he mast starve .. .
"The best plan we have seen of making
the , Wild landed estates of 'this country
voidable; is to seetionize - - theui and sell
then 4 either all or alternate sections;,` to
actual Settlers for a given proportion, of
the Crops,lor a giien, nutnber.of
A. league' of land in this way; cut Itti
fifty; acreiotsiswould' give eightylets.--
Sup:nose fartiof.them should be sold in
thisi way ;to forty itidustrious;' bardWork
leg. families.. The land,! by thorough
tillage r Would'be - made to produce, a crop
suffiCiently valiaable to support the settler
and 4o pay for. one fifth. :of its value and
leave a handsome surplus: . Every dollar
of itnproVinnenta pat upon the land Weald
I add Value to the alternate sections. In
fact,-the very settlement- of •one . half the
land in this tray .would make the other
half four valuable as the whole
before the iettlement. - -
• "We thoroughly believe that the future
prosperity of this--country 4leLlends upon
a large importation of labor , and that
white labor will not only subdue and make
productive the white lauds, but it will
corzipel/ the negro element to work or
starve, without the intervention of as
stringent laws as must otherwise be the
-The Norfolk Post of the says :
"There a marked difierencdbetween
the political sympathies of the people of
Norfolk and the public sentiment in other
portions of the state and the South. Here
there is a real and undisguised Union
feeling among the majorityfof the people.
Therd are no repinings over the downfall
of the Confederacy, and no, disposition is
manifested, by either the mass of the
people or the leaders of public opinion,to
oppose the march of events, and place
themselves in an antagonistic posistion to
the government. Our citizens - are real
Unionists, as a general thing, and are con
tent to be considered such. Good feeling
pervades all classes, and even our return
Confederate soldiers are as good natur
edo a set of young fellows as we would
wish to meet with; and we feel satisfied
that their profosions of loyalty are sin
cere. They do not stand -sullenly. aloof
from association with their fellow citizens
who were opposed to them during the war
but freely associate with them' in all the
relations of life. They appear, by their
conduct, to be anxious to obliterate every
vestige of the past five years, and to frat
ernise with their old friends, as in days
of yore. This happy result is mainly due
to the healthy state 'of public opinion
which has been, gradually developed by
the'wise system of mutual concession and
forgiveness long since adopted, and the
emstant mingling of our people in busi
ness pursuits, as well as jin the social
walks of life. By meeting, together and
calmly discussing the questions of the day
in a fair and conciliatory Spirit, a good
understandtng has been arrived at, and
we have become almost a unit in feeling."
The Richmond .Republi c says:
"The other day two young men were
talking on a street in a c 4. They were
diving deeply 'into the fundamental prin
ciples. One of them asked 'the other what
loyalty was. Ideas have been so unset
tled about what it really consists in that
an answer did not come very readily to
the respohdent: After some deliberation,
and an anxious, puzzled expression of.
countenance, the other's face suddenly
brightened up. 'Why,' said he, 'l'll tell
you, exactly what it is ; it is ,swearing to
a d—d lie.' Did or did not' this young
matt, in the candid impulse of youth,
speak the popular sentiment, or describe
in a few words the sort of loyalty which
is manifested around us.?"
The Lynchburg Virginian of July 24
says of sentiment in Virginia :
"They acknowledged that they were'
beaten, and claimed only such terms as
were guarantied to these who would lay
down their allegiance to the supreme
government. l l Thoy have accepted, with
singular. unanimity, the Emancipation
Proclamation i; 1 and if there, is alllll7 who
contemplates itlesting the validity of this
act we are igrrarit of his wherealnyuts.
All agree tha slavery is "gone glimmer.
ing with the things that were." There
is scarcely "a Wish expressed to revive it'
and only a daiiire felt to make the best of
our present ;bondition—adapt means S to
ends in the tered state of our affair--
This is the s'ntiment of our people row.
They are no
s ycophants to favor and pat
ter; but they are as loyal to the govern
ment and astSincerely desirous for peace
quiet and social order as the people of
any state in the Union. They may be
won by kinness, and Virginia may be„
made in a few years the bulwark lof a
restored and i l ilhappier Union. We claim
then, that j
o stice be done to Virginia
That the raced of sincerity be awwded to
her. i That be have credit for rectitude
of purpose and honest endeavors to sub.
serve the piblic weal. Her people are
not the stilln, implacable, obdurateireb
els' that the, aro represented to be. They
have 'renew d their allegiance to the fed
eral govelment ; are supporting the
restored go
l ernment of Virginia, and sus
taining GcLvernor Peivont. All' this
they are: de ng in good faity, and it is l ,
both unkind and unjust for northernl, l
journals and politiCians to be asserting' )
the contraily, attributing to them 'trea
sonable' intentions; and by these means 1
retarding the work of conciliation and th
restoration 'of that
_era of good feelin
whose advent allehould desire to hasten'
News TITA'r rs NEws.—The Clarks=
vine Standard, a Tezns newspaper,labor
under the . disadvantage of di.scontimied
but that by rso Oscan, - prover:Lk the
transmission of remarkable intelligence :1
((from several sourcs—one of them be
ing Clem Thompson, formerly a resident
of our county, and just from Dardanelle,
Ark.—We learn that be saw in the Fort
Smith and Little Rok- papers, and in the
Memphis . 1 21.rgus, mints of the deethof
[ President -Johnson, %rho Was killed . on
I the 6th inst., at Washington City by Chan.
Grant, in a pertional altercation arrisint ,
a ,
froaiJohnsons unwillingness to maintain
in good faith the terms of the convention
entered into by Grant . and Lee, and' by
Sherman with Johnstor.".
"Clem Thompson" will do veil well in
the ohaiatterrof the reliable gentleman,
A min named John :frill, in custody
of the Sheriff of 13enton county, for
being concerned with twenty five others
in the murder of several Union Teri,.was
forcibly taken front , the Sheriffs .hands,
on July lfith, carried moose the Osi,se
river and allot dead itithont cereorins.
Corrected every Wednesday by P. dy. STEB
BINS & CO., Retail Dealers in Groceries
and Provisions,
opposite D. F. Glassinire's Hotel,
, Coudersport, Pa.
Apples, green, bush., $ 50 to 75
Ldo dried, " 2003 50
Beans, " - 300 350
Beeswax, lb., 2025
Beef, " I 8 9
Berries, dried, quart 1,5
puckwheat, 'll hush.,
Buckwheat Flour,
Butter, lb:,
Cheese, "
Corn, V bush.,
Corn eal, per cwt.,
Eggs, 7? doz.,
Flour, extra ' bbl.,
•do superfihe "
Hams, 7• 6 1 lb.,
Hay, V ton,
Honey, per lb.,
Lard, "
Duple Sugar,-per lb.,
Oats, V busli.,
Onions, F`
Pork, bbl.,
do V lb,,
do in whole hog, V ro,,
Potatoes, per bush.,
Peaches, dried, V lb.;
Poultry, lb,,
Rye, per bush.,
Salt, %1 bbl., •
do I? sack,
Timothy cqi
Trout ; per -7 / , bbl.,
Wheat, V , bush.,
White Fish, "V 3: bbl.,
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62: Fulton Street, New York.
for the
The most interesting and excitirg book
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Teachers, ladies, energetic bung men,an
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Send for circulars. Address
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Philndelpeia Pa
cures himeness, E cuts, galls, colic, & .
Read the following : r •
}IMO:I, July VII, 1860.
Da. Tomes: We have used for the pa-t
gear your Horse LiniMent for lameness,itick-,
bruises, colic and - c 149, anti in every instane
found it the best article Fever tried in th s
circus company. send six dozen, ,s
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108 horses, some very valuable, and don t
want to leave town without it.
Manager Van Amburgi& Co's Menageri
Sold by all drugg!Sts.
(Mee, 56 Cortland t St., New York.
On the part of thel South can prevent t
success of the union arms. Grant.
and Sberman's policy, like
Everywhere' establishes colors which are
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among the dyes 'of Earth there is none save
CHRISTADORO'S that produces instantane
ously perfect fac , similes ,of Nature's every
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all Hair Dressers.
The Best" Strengthening Plaster is the
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They aro warranted to keep, good twenty
years, but may be returned for fresh plasters
without charge.
They will cure a Weakness l lof the Pack,
Pain in the Side, a Lameness of the Knee or
of the Ankles, - or Cold Feet, sooner and with
More comfort than any other application.
KNOXVILLE, Alba& Co.:, Jan. 16, 1852.
'Dr. T. Aucocs.—bear ' Sir: Seventeen
years ago I was sorely injured in my back.
At length I was - inducedi to lase one of your
plasters. I wore one cc:lnstantly for six'
months; and did more hard work during that
sixniontlis than in the preeeeding fifteen
years! I 10.-70 not worn a plastet for over
eighteen months and - have had no return of
the gnawing pain,and weakness in My back,.
hut have been atirelywell.
" • lam your owl - en, • drall.N• IJ, MARY.'
Principal itivncy,Bianihttli trauseillow York.
Sold by all Dealers inMedleines:
rphe GkoVeNitest Plan korte
still retains its precedence an d great pop
ularity, and aft'er undergoing
provements for a period 'of thirty years, is now
pronounced by the `musical' world to be un,
surpassed and even unequaled in richness,
Volume and utility of tone, durabilitY and
Cheapness. Our new scale, French action,
I harp pedal, iron frame, over-strung bass,
seven octave, rosewood pianos we are selling
cheaper by from $lOO to $2OO than the same
style and finish are sold by any other first
class "makers in the country.- Dealers' and
all in want of good piands are invited tnilend
for,our. Descriptive Catalogue, Which contains
photographs of our different styles, together
with prices. No one should purchase a pi
ano without seeing the' 'Catalogue. Medals,
almost without nuniber, have been awarded
to the GroVesteen . Piano, and at the ' Cele
brated World's Fair, though put in competition
with others from all parts of gnrope and the
United States, it took' be highest award.
[Established .1835.] GROVESTEEN CO,,
499 Broadway, New ;York.
‘- 1 by E.. K. Speliter
List of Dealers in Merchandise in the
County of Patted for the year 1865, with
Classifications, &c
mare. Cl':. t 1 mf.
Tracy Scott, , Allegany, 14 7,00
E. K. Spencer, .; Coudersport, 14 7,00.
,P.A. Stebbins & co., " ' 13 10,00
C, S. S.: E. A. Jon s, " l3 10,00.
D. E. Olmsted, ] u 13 10,00
Collins Smith, I (c 14 7,00
John S. 31ann, ] " 14 1,00
Mason Nelson & (0., " , 14 7,30
H. J. Olmsted. 1 4‘ , 14 7•,00.
J. W. W. Burtis, i Harrison, -14 7,00,
Krusen & Buck BrUsJiarrisou Valley,l4 7.00
l‘lary . A.. Goodman, " " .14 7,00
Cyrus' Sunderlin,l Hector, 14 7,00
.11eliry Andreson,i Kettle Creek, 14 7,00
Charles Meissner * Germania, 14 7jjoo ,
Augustus Hepp, , • if 14 7,0 a
H. Theis, i 4 14 4 ) 003
Jacob Kull,
1 00 1 25
300 375
•20 25
15 20
70. 750
150 2- 00
3'50 375
8 50 900
; 9 go 075
25 , ,
7 00 j 8 00
75 80
100 1 25
) 75 30 00
18 20
10 12
- 37 50
20 25
) 8 10
150 188
5 5 00
15 .20
'5O .3 50
8 00 :9.00
175 200
SOO 600
J. Schwartzenbacb, Brewer, " 10 5,00.
Frederick Och, " g' 10 5,00'
Chappel & Bros., Ulysses, 14 7,00 ,
Peterson & Co., ' " 14 '7,00
S. W. Monroe, . "• 14 7,0i1i
L. Biad, if 14 7,011 ,
Colwell & Weston Bro ~ Roulet, 14 7,00.'
Chs. Broderman, Germania.; Distiller, 9 .2.50:43
B. S. Colwell, J Idillport, 14 7 4 00
A. W. Humphrey, Shingle House, 14 .7060
Mrs. Locke, East Sharon, 14 740
Geo. A. Barclay, Wharton, 14 7,00
Joel Raymond, " 4 14 719
Harry Lord, Oswayo, 14 7, 0
Johnson ,s• Nelson, " 14 7, 0
L. H. KINNEY, 4 =utile Appraiser.;
June 27,-18(35. I ,i_
Summer Goods
"(TOUR atttention is ;invited to the large :tad
attractive stock just received, and for
sale as low as thAame qualities can be bought
anywhere in the county. -
We have on' hand n •large and varied as
sortment of Domestic rottons, comprising
COTTON FLANNELS, on whichive
cannot be undersold.
We purchase onr goods for Cash and offer
limp at a very small advance
Prom Cost.
you want to purchase
BLUE, or
At Olmsted's.
110 ODS,
da full supply
DON'T fail to call before purchasing and
see the assortment •
At elmsted,s
in great va-
tMen,y 7.ohmeil
& 6
For Molasses, Syrup, Sugar, Tea arid Coffee,
in fact everything in the Grocery line, call
A full assortment of almost everytking that is
kept ia a country store on hand. ,Virls intend
to keep GoOds-that will give satislketion and
sell goodeartieles at the lowest living profit:
ecrain ut all kinds, -
Butter ) Woe!,
6heei Pelts, Pot)
beer SkitiV,
Also, r
OOhnly, Torebship and Se'boo' Orders,'fot
of witibis the highest prices • tiafd
At Oissusite(Ps -
Coudersport, Pa,Nor'r 18, LEl:my
E Subscriber alert fir, Sale the foll ow T lug tracts of land, to wit :
One tract of Ond Hundred and Fatty three
and seven-tenths acres in Pike township,
Potter county, on the Genesett Forks." _Price
$llOO. Sixty acres are imProved,: with:one
log barn, frame kitchen, frame barn, forty
good fruit trees, and two , hundred sugar,
maple trees-. The fares will cut grainy - in
good season, sufficient, at present pricer, to
pay for it. , - - .. •.
Also, 'mother tract of Fifty-six - will , tt o.
tenths acres, in Entails toWnehip, four th is
from Coudersport, Thirty acres of whic are
improved, with one frame house; log ern,
and some fruit trees thereon. Price .$ O. '
Also, a Wagoit Shop and half lot in, the
Borough of Coudersport, one lot west of P. A.
Stebbins' 5; Co's Store nearplassmire!S ' t e l.
The tools, lumber, &n., can be bought rea.
thonably ; or a portion of them if thopiito Sher
so . desires. One half can be paid in Wagon.
Work. - I •
..,' •:"
A r eduction of ten per Cent will be mad,
for Cash•down• - • "
For further particulars enquire of thw.subt"
scriber at his Wagon-Shop,in Cotiderspoll. -
Feb. 20, ; 1565 , ; w. R..rvaq.,
Mercantile App raisement;
- CLOTHS and
At COlmsted9s.