The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 08, 1865, Image 4
ifelsNOrAletontion or Incontinence of Urine, !Ultima- Katt er Ulceration of the Blidder or Kidneys, Diseases of Me Prostrate Gland, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposits, Dropsi cal Byrellings, Organic Weakness, Debility, Female Gout plaints, to • HELMBOLD'S 'FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU • Improved Jaose Wash radically exterminate from the eystem„Diseases *4 from Ilabits of Dissipation, at Mao expeitee, little or wo ehesnoe of diet, no inconvenience or l , emposera; Iseinplyiely superseding those unpleasant and dangerous riessito,Copabia and Mercury, In axing these diseases. , tr HELMBOLD'S num. - EXTRACT atICHU la an Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in nest or sr. ILE. from whatever cause originattny, and to matter of how long standing. It!? pleasant In Its taste And odor, INSIEDIATOIo action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron. Thole suffering from Broken Down or Delicate Condi- Eutions, proeure the RemeVy at anti. The Reader must be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above diseases, it cs certain to affect his ltodily health, Mental Powers and Happinees. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may own. Ali s the above diseases require the aid of a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHy Is the Great Diuretio. t i-ivaLmrloar.AD'S many coNotrnavraD Compound Fluid Extraot Sarsaparilla, for purifying the Wood, removing all diseases arising from Meta and Imprudence in life, chronic' constitutional dis• gases arising from in Impure state of the blood, and the Indy reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of tor.ofula, Scald flood, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swelling of tt‘e Bones. Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Fecg, Tetter, tryslpelas, and all scaly erup tions of the ekin, and'beautrifying the CIOUPLEZION. , yc k . "l:s i Ni c tiz e r ,. .",-5., i t- . , " . ,.:11,' PC --;-- -7.:-- - =5 - ;:i.• . - • ..., - 8 3 , • -• . , 4 4 ...44 ' 4. . 4"... r '..-:: 4. 1 ' . , '., 4 1 . 4 NOT .A. FEW. !'the Wont disorders that afflict mankind arise from the elarreptlon that accumulates In the Blood. Of all the dis falleferles that have been made to purge It out, none can *gist In effect ITELIIDOLD`B COMPOUND EX T 13,4.02 4AirBARJAPARIZL.A. It cioanses and renovates the Blood. Instills the vigor of health Sato the system, arid ipges out the humors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and e: peas the disorders that grow and rankle In the 8100 d. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for, and now, to,' the first time,the public have one on which they can de pend. Our spo'ce here does not admit of certificates to chow its effects, but the trial of a-single bottle will show to the sick th'at It:has virtues curpaislig anything they have seer taken. • Two tablespoonful of the Extract of Sarsaparilla, added o pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle h equal to a gallon of thoSyrnp of Sarsaparilla, or the decoction as usually made. 1 The above Extracts are prepared on purely scientific principles—ln Vaetw—and embhdy the full strength of the Ingredients entering into their composition. A ready sad coneludve test will be a - comparison iof their proper ties with those set forth in the 11. S. Dispensatory. HOW TO USE. THE 11EIVIZDIES. InDiseasea of the Dlood, Humors on the Pace, or any, and every part of the body, use Extract Sarsaparilla, ap. Diying , to Pimples and till external Humors or Eruptions the Improved Rosa Wash. Use the Extract Duchu for all diseases requiring the aid of a Diuretic, except those of the Urinary Organ; such as Gonorrhoea and Sleet; la these use the Extract Duchu and inject with the Improved Rose Wash. {— THESE EXTRACTS HATE BEEN ADMITTED TO USE IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY, and also are Its viry general use in all the STATE HOSPITALS AND PUBLIO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, 61 well as tti private practice, and aro considered as invaluable remedies. MEDICINE DELTVERED TO .eLLYY ADDRESS. plreet letters to— lIRLIKBOLD'S DRUG & CREMICAL IVARVIOUSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, 011 TO ITELMDOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. Dmoribo Symptoms in all Communications. SOLO BY AU. DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Beware of Counterfeits), PA., PA STATE NORIMILL SCHOOL. , MANSFIELD,' TIOGA ,. CO. PA. TALI tOirrIIT/D VFAB ReC09711. - ad by }lst Slat Authorities, a • Dember, 1 62. 1 1 1 A B • 4 I . State-Normal School. tk,.nd ,fi mall, Opcn4l as such in September 180. 1 1 , The School is * length " 1:3 laces .upon a se cure basia—the i Statel appropriation• of the current year enabling the Trustee to extin guish the greater portion o f f the outstanding liabilities, and to make extensive improve ments upon the buildings end grounds. Term ' ' The Spring Term ioillpommence about 1 ' .illapCh 10, ) 1865. Prof. P. A..ALLsx, for the past six years in charge of the Chester ; County (Pa.). Normal School, ha's been elected Principal, and Prof. J.Strait, of theEdinboro State NrnMl School, tion, has been appoinied to the 1 rofessorship of Languages and lifailiemlitics ' Prof. Allen is well;knoWn tl rbughout the State as a gentlenianiof accurate scholarship, possessing a praCtical exi3prienee or fifteen years as an educator Of teachers, and a thor ough acquaintance Twitlij their) edtipatbinal wants, acquired ifrom his connection with County Instituteslin ieveri section of Penn sylvania, as well as in other States.' Competent, and thorough instructors will be provided for the other departnaents of the. School. i ' 1, ' The building has been Irefited throughout and provided with furniture of the most ap proved style, togeper with an extensive col lection of maps,clierts,and.workS of ref rence. Excellent. Chemical and Philbsophi al ap paratus will be in readiness at the ope • ingot' the School. • AI To keep pace with thelinpro's • ernend in ed ucation, a !gymnasium will b 0 erected, for which a valuable apparatus for the heavier and lighter exercises bas•alreadi been secured The school:year is divided into three terms, of thirteen weeks each, with nol vacation, ex . 1 cept the week of phristmas Holidays. It is desirable that students should enter at g the commencement of a. term, and for a period of not less pan thirteep Tuition, in advance tier terra, 156.0. No extra charges for the laguaOs Ipr„the higher math ematics. Text books rented at reasonable rates. Vocal 'and instrumental I music at teachers' Prices. I lioardin in the Itall,s3o 00 per lerm ; !wood for winter, $a 00 per term; washing, $3 25; room rent, sl. 501 The arrangements noW made aie of such a nature as to warrant tte Trustees in saying that no other institution in the State affords better facilities for the Education of Teachers, or for the 'preparation nf', students, fbr college, ;or for general business. I • For further particularS addressi the Princi pal, at MrinSfield,Tioga I county, Pa. W. C. RIPLEY, Pres. Board: of Trustees. ALBERT CLAItli, Secretary. I • Mansfidid, Dee. 20, 1804. BROWSING'S i CELEBRATED COFFEE. -1...-.... i Whilst trying Coffee of 01 the various brands, Remember “13130WNING'S,1 EXCELSIOR"— at ; the head it stands.; True, it's not like others I that are "SOLD EVERYWHERE;" A little stretch] we all do kiaoiv, good goods will easily benr, 1 , I , (But a stretch like this-f--"sold every - 11' 1- h ere"— is very rcpt to tear.) ; Now, I can safely say, Without any hesitation, There's none like "BRQWNING'S EXCELS'. -..., OR" in this, enlightened nation. • Skilled chemists have not found a Coffee from any store 1 Possessing the' same higrqdients as "Brown - iitg's B4celsior." ' I Nor is there airy one, in or cut of the Coffee trade, 1 Who knows the articles from which "Brown - jig's Excelsior": is made. I'm told it's made froM barley, rye, wheat, beans, and peas ; Name , I tt thousand other things—but the RIGHT ONE if yoq please. But with the Coffee-nien I will not hold con tention; For the many,. many things they say—too numerous too mention. Whilst] they're engaged in running ' round from store to store To. letirn the current wholesale price Of "Browning's Excelsior," Some who know my Coffee gives perfect sat isfaction, i Have formed a plan i by 'Odell they hope to . , ] cause a quick yeaction. Thkcase—ltis with a fe'r; no doubt 'twill be '• with More— To name their Coffee after mine, (BROWN -ING') EXCELSIOR." Sonae say tbeir's ;the only brand that will stand, a really, test. Now try a little f them all—see which you like the be t. I Three years hay passed away since I first sold a stor ; Never have I in yOur river advertised before ; Nor would i now ; or ever consent - to publish , , 1 I more, If like some used by "everybody," "sold -ie vcrywhere," in "every store." A. trade like this I do not wish ; the orders I could not fill; The Factory all Jersey's lard would take— " leave not a foot to tits. My trade is! not so very lar,6•e; still 1 think I have my share; But, reader, you May restiassured, 'tis NOT "SOLD EVERYWHERE." Manufeictured and for Seile by Me trriter, GEORGE L. BROWNING No. 20 !Market' street paynden, N. J. This Coffee is not composed of poisonous drugs, it contains nothing deleterious ; many persons use this Coffee that cannot use the pure coffee; it taltea 'but one 'and: ban' ounces to make a quart' of good strong cof-' fee, that \ being just one-half the quantity R takes of Java Coffee, mad always less than half the price s :\ RETAIL DEALERS may purchase it in less quantities) than ten \ grossiat my prices from the Wholesale Grocers. WS-Orders by mail rot Wholesale Deal:- ers promptly attended to; WAGON ;SHOP IHE subscriber having located n LewiS villa is prepared to do all kinds \ of work ii his line, on short notice and in tke.beet manner. Making and gepairing 1 1\ of all kinds. sin enabled by the aid of ma chinery to do work in the wagon-line better and cheaper than any other establishment in the county. I am also, prepared to. make COFFINS.. EDSON HYDE. I Ulysses, Pertn'a, Dec. 1, 1 1E64 " PA. STEBBINS & Co. are c los i ng up an • old Ledger. All persons indebted :to them will please call and settle, before the aceonats ems I'es Tt3t the proper officer for g0115 4 ...-:-.4ferrt.l l 4 68 SIMONS' COLUMN. FRIENDS AND CTSTOMERS : • I retnrrryoa my slncerelhanka , fot your liberal patronage, for the past fevr years, and would say to yen that I have located myself at WelUville, N:'. and' may beieafter be found at the ; EMPIRE STORE AND NEW YORK STORE =I (Having bought out the Store formerly occu pied by Geo. Ashei), I shall continue to WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i . 1 , . in both of the aboStores, and hope to see all of my old hien s and customers, as they, are in want of Gods, and will try to sell them low enough to pay them for coming. We are now selling the best PRINTS from 12 to 1S cents . I '1 Extra GINGHAMS from 15 to 25 cents Good MEETINGS from 12 to 25 cents TICKS, DENIMS, STRIPES, and all ot he Goods in proportion. CL 0 THLJV G.-- Good snits for $lO to $l5 and Extra fine suits in proportion. And as .I have an over stock of Clothing I will sell at Whole sale 15 tier cent. less than the same can be bought in New York: BOOTS k SEIOES, lIATS i& CAPS, SIIAW!LS, CLOAKS, &U at reduced prices. GROCERIES AND very low RICH DRESS SILKS, • EMPRESS CLOTHS, • POPLINS • and all other styles of Ladies' Dress Goods very low. ! Hoping to receive at early call, I remain your friend, C. H. SIMMONS. Wellsville, N. Y., March 25, 1865. P. As. STEBI N & Co., • ARE Paying the highest rice in CASH for WOOL! 50,000 POUNDS WANTED • Coudersport, 'June 28, 1864. • THE NINTH NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Capital, $1,000 , 000 Paid in, FISCAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES, And Special :Agent for Jay Cooke, Subscription Agent, WILL DELIVER 7.30 /NOSES, FREE OF CHARGE, by express, in all parts of the country, and receive in payment. Checks on New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, current bills, and all five per cent. interest notes, with interest to date of subscription. Orders sent by mail will be promptly filled. This Bank receives :the accounts of Banks land Bankers on favorable terms ; also of in- A dividuale keeping New York accounts. A J. 11. ORVIS, President, J. T. HILL, Cashier. r . e /p WAT(CH The Rochester Straw-Cu OI.24ISTED .5‘ KELLY, Couderspory the exclusive agency for this c machine, id this county. It is cove/ cable, and CHEAP. Dec.l, AN ELEGANT NOVELTY IN/WATCHES. The cases of this Watch are an entirely new invention composed of si* different met ale ' combined, awl plan ished, producing an exact imitation of 18 carat gold, called Arcane., which will always keep its color. They ai.e as beautiful as solid geld, and are•afforded / at one-eighth the cost. The case is boantifu i lly designed with Panel and shield for name, with Patent Pusb Pin, and engraved in the exact style of the cele brated Gold Hunting Levers, and are really handsome and ,desirable, and so exact an im itation of gold as ,to defy detection. The movement is Manufactured by the well known St. Jimer ch Cornininy of Europe,and are superbly finished, having engraved pallets, fancy carved bridges, adjusting regulator, with gold balance and the rmproved jeweled, action, with line dial and skeleton hands,and is warranted a good time keeper. These watches are of three different sizes, ~ he smallest being for Ladies, and are' all mting Cases. A,case of six will be sent by' . or Express for $125.00. A single one a handsome Morocco Case for $25; for thiee times their cost. We a eats foxHIM watch in the United one are genuine which do not mark. Address W. , DEVAUGH St CO., , r s, 15 Maiden Lane, N. Y. sent I will rea are sole a States, and bear our Traot.., GIRARL Import A SOAP Queistitna iSettled! Inquire at • STIBBMS' Bp authority of the Secretary ofthe Treas ury, the undersigned, the General Subscrip tion Agent for the sale of United States Se-1 curities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three tenths per cent, intei est per annum, knownas the 7-30 LOIN. , - Thse notet are_issned under date of Ju!y 15, 1865, and are payable three years frpra that date in currency, or are Convertible at the option of the holder into • U. S. 5-20 iSts per cent GOLD , BEATIING BONDS These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, acid are exempt, as are all the Gov ernment Bonds, from State, County. and Mu nicipal taxation, tchich adds from one to three per cent. per annum to their value, according to the.rate levied upon other property. The:in terest is payable semi-annually by CouponS attached to each note, which may ho cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The •riterest at 7-30 per cent. an One cent per day, on Two cents " Ten " 20 Si Notes of all the denomina be promptly furnished upo scriptions: The Notes of this Third Series are precisely similOr in form and privileges to the Seven. Thirties already sold, except that the Gov ernment reserves to itself the option of pay ing interest in gold coin ai - 6 per cent.. in stead of 7-3-10ths in currency. Subscribers will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the time whenl they subscribe. The delivery of the noes of this third series of the Seven-thirties will commence .n the Ist of June, and will tie made prompt y and continuously after that date. The slight change .made din the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the mat ter of interest. The paytnent in gold, •if made, will be equivalent to the currency in terest of the higher rate. The return to specie pay-tnents, in the event of-which only will the option to pay interest in Gold be availed of, would so reduce and equalize prices that purchases made with six per cent. in gold woubil be fully 'equal to those made with seven and three-tenths per cent. in currency. This is • Tle Only Loan lin Market, Now offered by the Government, and its su perior advantages make it the CROCICE,RT Great Popular Loan, of the i , People. Less thari $230,000,000 of the Loan au thorized by Congress are now on the market. This amount, at the - rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the sub scriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facil ties for taking the loan, the National Banks,, State Banks, and private Bankers throughoux the county have generally agreed to recei e subscriptions at par. Subscribers will se ct their own agents, in whom they have c rifi dence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for Which tliey re. ceive orders. JAY COOKP, Subscription Agerit,'Phil delphia May 15, 1805. r First National Bank of Irarrisb g,' - First - First National Bank of Lock . i , nyc-en, First National Bank of Philaofelphia, First National Bank of Williamsport, 1865 PIIILADELPIIIA & ERE This great line trave and Northwest counties ' the city of Erie, on La - It has been leased b : " Road Company, and i being rapidly open i t length. It is now in usVfOr Passenger and Freight business from I hrrisbnrg to Bt. Mary's (210 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to ie, (78 miles) on the Western Division. f , TIME OF ASSENGEE TRAINS AT EMPORIUM' ‘ Leave Eastward. Through ail Train Leave Westward. Throu . Mail Train 10 18 A.ll. Ca s run through 'WITHOUT CHANGE both way. between Philadelphia' and Lock Haven an , between Baltimore and Lock Haven. legs nt Sleeping Cars on Express Trains oth ways between Willlamsport and tali more and Williamsport and Philadelphia. .. _ Fyir information respecting Passenger busi ness apply at the S. E. Cor. 12th and Market Streets. 1 I Sc And for Fright business o the Company's Agents: I I S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market Sts., Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds Erio. William Brown, Agent N.C.R.R. Baltimore. lii. H. HousTos, I, Gen'l Freight Age. fh/Ta.l 1.1..r.wis L. Mum., , . . Gen'l Ticket Jig& Phil 'a. I Jos. D. Doris, I Gen'l Manager,' Williamsport. ;er. , have brated Tent, du. GEttMANIA, Potter Co., Pa:, Aug. 1, 1863 NNOTICE is hereby given that Charles Bu-I shor, now or late of this county, holding, the following described property, has not ye' paid any consideration whatever fcr the same, and ail persons are hereby warned not to pur chase, any of said property of the said Bushor before the decision of the Court is igiven in this" case and C. Bushor has to me the consitieration money therefor. ' Thh folloWing is the property lst. A certain tract of land near the Ger manie Mill, in warrant 5075, Abbott township, Potter county, Pa., containing 100 acres.— Also 25 acres in warrant 5078-and adjoining the above. 2nd. A certrin tract of land, with Mill and improvements: thereon, near Kettle Creek, in warrant 5819, in Stewartson township, Potter couniy,•Pa., containing abont 204 acres. C.lThishor holds alsq in Intel warrant no. 2501; in Gaines township, Tioga county, ',Pa., on the road leading from Germania to Gaines, containing 850 acres. tf I WM. RADDE. I,;atest from Sherman psusr & TAR, from North Carolina, for .I...salra by. ISTEBBINS U. S. 7-30 LOAN THIRD SERIES, $230,000,000. outs to a $5O note; $lOO " $5OO " $lOOO " - IfEMIIMMSII $5OOO " ions named will receipt of sub- lEMIfII 1565 t RAILROAD.— eses the Northern of Penns,ylvatrin to Eric. the Pennsylvania Rai Alder their auspices is :d throughout its entire 1865 "Eighteen years establisbeti in N. T. City." '•Only infallible rCmedy ku l o*n." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Eats come out of their holes to die.", "COSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, .tC., ENTER'S. ' Is a paste—used for. Rats, Mice, Roa , gges, Black and kcd Ants; 4-c., .Sc.,. "COSTAT'S" BED-RUG EXTERMINATOR, Is a liquid or wash, used to destroy, and also as a pre ' ventiv.e for Bed-Bugs, &c. "COSTAR'S" ELECTRIC POWDER FOR INSECTS. Is for Moths, Mosquitoes. Fleas, Bed-Bugs, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, *** Sold by all Druggi,sts and Retailers everywhere. ***!! I BESTARZ ! ! 1 of all worthless imi tations. *See that "CosT,tres" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. R. COSTAR.. *** Purl:mat, DEPOT, 482 Broadway, IC. Y. hyiall Druggists and Dealers in COUDJRSPORT, Pa. 1865. INCREASE OF RATS.—'The Farmer's Gq zette (Fnglish) asserts/and proves 'by figures that one pair of rats-will have a progeny and descendants no less than 651,050 in three years. Now, unless this-immense flintily can be kept down, they would consume more food than would sustain 65,000 human IMings. • EZJ - See "Costar's" adv't in this paper. 1865. - RATS versus BlRDS.—iVhoever engages in shootingsmall birds is a cruel than.; whoever aids in exterminating rats is ' la benefactor.' We should like sonic of our correspondentsi to give us the bedefit of their experience in driving ciut 'these pests. We need Something . ' besides dogs, cats,fand traps for this:business. —Scientific ....tinericrm, Y:. . • i Va„See "Costar's" adv't in this paper. 1865..' "COSTAR'S" RAT EXTERMINATOR is simPle, • safe, and Sure,---the moat perfect RAT-ification meeting we have ever attended. Every Rat that.can get it, properly prepared according to directions, will eat it, and every one that eats it will cite, generally at smile place as diitant as possible from where the medicide vas .taken.—Lake- Shore, Mirror. _ , Sce '',Costar's? adv't in this paper. 1855, i A VOICB FROM THE FAR WEST.— Speaking of "Costar's". Rat, l ßoach, Ant, Ste., Exterminator—"more grain , and provisions are destroypd annually in Grant County by vermin than would pay for tuns of this Rat 'and Insect Killer."—Larmuster, Wis., Herald. m,See "Costar's" adv't in this paper. 11E6 - Sold in Counrusronx,.Pa., by all Druggists.- E.• & T.' . ANTHONY --- /t -CO Maxitifacturera of Photographic litatorials, 171101.211AL8 AND nrrarr,' , *5Ol BROADWAY; N. Y.' In addition to nur mainirineen of I I IIOTOGRAPHIC MA TER/ ALS, soave Itradq.rters for the f ollow ing,"vin STEREOSCOPES & STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Of three se 1 000 on immense nisnreznent, including War Scenes, A:nark:en nod Foreign Clii.n 403 1,1111.1./11 , 0,, Cerig.,Sintuary, te. etc. Afro, Revolving Stereoscoper, for public or private ex eition. Our Catalogue will be toot to any aeldrini tat receipt 4th/op. PHOTOGRAI4/110.A1D1311.ff. • We wore the first to lotroduro these into tho Linitod Staten; ond ivu Inannfactoro innnento Iguantitiesfn pent variety, rang ing bit price from 51 cent' to . flu each— Our AL RUMS have the ',potation of being superior' in beauty 'and durability to toy Oho". They will he sent boo mnii, FREE, or. receipt of price. Cir FINE ALULTAIS_ MADE TO ORDEIS.4E4 . _ • Oar Catalopto 'tow embraces over FIVE THOUSAND diffor eat tobjeota to urbich addition• Aro con4tautly being mods, Portraits of Eminent Ametfcana viz: about PO Major-generals, 100 Lieut.- Co 01105,550 -tstecreen, 000 nrig.-Cencrals, :50 Other (*Eters, 150 Divines, 575 Calorie:ls, so Nary 05leers, 105 Authors, 40 Artists, 155 Stage. bnPron/inent.Woraca. 3,010 cort. Alf 'Works' of Art, Including reproductions of tho mmt :celebrated Engravings, Paintinter tqatues. etas Catalopme sent on receipt of St/Irv. Art order 'for One Dozen Prcrunus from our Catalogue will he filled on the receipt of 01.95, and sent her moil, rn 86. Photographers and others onloring goods C. 0. D., will plea., remit twenty-flee per cent, of the amoun t with their order. Of The prices and quality of our good. elarinot fall to satisfy. Saldierr' Pocket .111nuni for Id Pictures, 00 j At 34 ?ilium, $l.OO. • 340 P. M. Whiskers . Whiskers I Do you want Whiskers Or Moustaches ? Our Grecian compound will forCe.them to grow on the smoothest face or chin; or hair on bald heads, in Six Weeks. Price, $l.OO. sent by mail .anywhere, closely sealed, on receipt of rice. Address viIINER, k CO., lygn. Box 138 i. Brooklyn, N. Y A ?I' H. J. OLMSTED'S OMB can always be found the be'sq Cooking Box and Parlor TVVES Also. TINnOtI SHEET-IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, PRYING=PANS, SAP-PANS, :and CAULD RONS. , Also, . • . Agriculturl Implements, suck as PLOWS, sortArEgs, CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SFIELLERS, HORSE-RAKES ; .DOG-POWERS, 6:.c. HIS WORK is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TRCLTGIIS put up in any part of the County—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, ineluditig Cash, seldom refused. Store on Main Street opposite tt)e Old - Court House, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 1863.-50 Dr...A. FRET CH:s CELEBRATED TONIC BITTERS ALRE becoming the most popular Medicine in circulation for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN DICE, DEBISITY OF TILE NERVOUS SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS of the STOEACFLand DIGESTIVE ORGANS. It is also gaining a great reputation in the CURE of DIPTIIERIA. Principal Office, Goodersport, Potter C _,.._ , ~ Pa. 6i; tp D"—"JOKES' .CLERK"-=says h Can XI/ "b at the Jews" selling Cotton Goods. 1 't believe what fine BARGAINS i be had at OLMSTEb t 'S. YOU Ca, are to sORNE STOKE—conata ntly re ce ivin g fine a sorinente of GOODS. rPECIAL I.OI7NCIptIBVT. CARD PIiaTOGRAPHS. sA Ayer' - § .c."'"SAPARILIANI 1865 Tnt Nronim's nntAr rain Tort Scrofula and Serof ous Disenesa. From Emery EJes, alrell-Ilimen merchant of Oz. ford; ~lfaine, "I hale sold large quantitlecoyani.SAßSAy.k. nitt.A, but never yet one bottle which Riled of the desired effect and 11111 satisfaction tothotientho took it. As flint as our people try it, they tVree there has 'been no medicine like it before in our ennumenity.l , Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pistules„l4l. cars, Beres, awl ell Diseases of the Fllefif.' From nee, itobt. Stratton, Bristol, England, 4 , I only do my duty to you and the publiu, when add my testimony to " that you lightish of the mu dirinal mrtitee of Tour Afy daugh 7 ler, aged ten, had no afflicting . humor in her ears, eyes, mid hair for rears, wbiai we Were unable to cure until we tried your S.MSAPARILLA. She has been well fur some months," Front Mrs. Jane E. Rice, a tral-kninen and much esteemed lady of Demniscitte, Cape itay Co., N. J. .31v daughter has suffered - for a year past with a scrofulous eruption, which was .very troublesome., Nothing afforded any relief until we tried year LLA, which soon completely dared her:. From Charics P. Gage, Esq., of the widely-known • Gage, Murray j• Co., nmnajaeturers of enamelled papers in Nashua, I lout for several yearS. a very troublesopm humor' in my five, which grew constantly weir& until it dial 4mred my features and became au Intol erable allliolon. I tried almost every thing a mart could of both advice awl medicine, but withont any relief whatever, until I took your SARSAPAIIILLA. It immediately made my foe worse, as you told me it might for a time hut in a lew weeks the new skin began to form under the blotches, and con. tinued until My face is ns smooth - as any body's. and I mu without any .symptores of the disease that I know of. I enjoy perfect :health; and without a doubt owe it to your SAI2.II'AItILLA." Erysipelas—Gone:al Dc.tility—Burgy the. , Blood. , From Dr. 71.0bt. Sarrin, Houston .51.,-.Yem York. Dit. AYER. I toldom fail to PCIIIOVC EMI/V.031S and Scrofalous Sores by the perseverint, use or your SARSAPARILLA, laid I have just. NOW cured tut attack of 3fitlignant Erwipelas with it. No alterative wo possess equals iitr SARSAIARILLA you have sup plial to the profession'us well as to the people." From J. E. Johnston, Esq.. Wakeman', Ohio. • For. twelve years, I had the yellow Erysipelas am my right arm, during which time I tried all the celebrated physicians I could reach, and took hun dreds of dollars worth of medicines. The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, mulatto doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I began taking your SAIISAPARILLA. 'rook two bot tles, and some of your Plid.s. Together they have cured roe. lam now as well anti sound as any body. Being iu a public place, my ease is known to every body in this community, and excites the wonder of 12)1.'1 Tram non. henry 3rara, M. P. P., or Newcastle, C. W., a leading nzetnber of the Canadian l'arlia ment. ' " I have used hut SARSAPARILLA in my family, for general debiiilq, and for purifying, the blood, with very beneliena results, and I'M confidence in conuneain ,, it tolthe uiliiot d." St'. Anthony's Fire, Hose, Salt Rheum. Scald Head, Sore Eyes. From Ira ITV Sielarr, Esq., the able editor of thi Pennsyti•ania. " Our only Child,' shout three years of age, was attacked by pimples On his forehead. They rapidiy spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his face, tool actually blinded his eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied Mimic of silver nod other remedies, without any apparent e ff ect.. For fifteen days we guarded.los Lands, lest with them lie should tear open the fes tering and corrupt wound which covered ifia whole Tare. having tried every thing else we bail ally hope from, we began his Mg your SMISAPATULLA, and. applying the iodide !of plitash lotion, as vets direct,' The sore began to• heal when we had gfren the first bottle, and Was well when we had finished the second. Thei child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and he is .uow as healthy and fair as any other. The Wi101t: neighborhood predicted that the child must die." - Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From- Dr. kirern.Sloat, of St. Louis, 21fissotiri. " I fled it more j effeettial tit mcdy for the secondary symptoms of Syphilis and for syphilitic disease titan any other we possess. The prolessiou ure indebted to you for some of the best medicines we have." le , From A. J. French,: 31: eminent phoreian or Lawrence, ..11 - 05.3.0ch0 is a prominent member e t the Legislature of ..liassachusetts. " AYES:. Sty dear Sir: 1 have found' yeas SAIISAPAItILLA an: excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of the primary and secondary type, and ave. tual in seine canes that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. Ido not know, what we can em ploy with more certainty of success, Where a p)Wel , ful alterative is resmired." • mr. chas. S. va): Lbw, of Yoe 73 rim sticiiik; 1.2 1 j. had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by theinhuse of mercury, or m e r enrdul di sctlse, w hich grew more mad more rev:7711.0,d finr yearn fa spite or, every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the persevering use of AY Ell's SA nuAr.lntl.LA relieved him. Now cases can be found more inveterate end distressing thou tide, laid it took §everal i dozen bottles to cure him. Leueorrhcea, Whites, Female.Weakuess, are generally produced by internal Serop/ous ceration and are very often cured by the alterative effect of this SAttsAPAI:II.I.A. Some eases require, however, in aid of the S.tes,trAtui,,LA, thelskilful application of local remedies. Fr th a t h e 2„.‘,11.1.1z.,,1. wide 7 y-reUrated Dr. "I have found your SAIt"NPAIIILLA. an excellent alterative in diseases of females. Many cases of Irregularitr. Leueorrliot, Internal Ileerathm, and local debility, arising front the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to ir, and there are few that do.not. When its effect is prditerly aided by local treatment." A lady, unwilling to allow the publicatiori of her 7111.1».7, writes: "Mr daughter and mykelf have been cured of a rrry (Lbilitat in!tr teneorrluen of long fitunding, by two bottles of your S AESAPARILLA." Plieumatiuth, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dia. pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgla, • when r:lnspd 1 y Soinfre la hi tio system, are rapidly cured by this SARSAPARILLA. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILL'S possess so many advantages over the dthe. purgatives in the market, and. their Stiperior virtues are so universally known, that,W,e need not do more than to assure the publie their quality is maintained 11 , qual to the best it l e'ver has been, and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared- by, J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co., Lowell', Mass., and 'sold by Soh: Ly 0. S. & E. A. Jones, Coudersport C,lmppel Bros., • C. 11. Sinimoes, °sway° Mann & Nichols, 3lillport Colwell & Co., Roulet, and by Dealers evefyw here. MANHOOD: HOW LOST ! • HOW RESTORED . .Inst published, a new edition of ! Dr. cuiverwews ColelorsOed say on the radical cure (without medieit 6PRILSIA.TOIIIIIIOF.A.,' or Seminal Weakness, In voluntary Seminal losses, li - wort:iv:l - , 'Alcatel iula Physical Incapacity, Impediments to riage, etc.; also, CoNSIJIIPTION, tPILFPSY, and !Firs, induced by self.indulgeritp or sexual extravagance. I * .* Frice,ln - 11 sealed envelope, only 6 cans. The celebrated author .in this adniirable essay clearly dernoustrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cued without the dangCrous rise of internal medicine or the application of the knife— pointing out a mode of lcure; at once simple, certain end effecutal, by ,means of which ev ery sufferer, no matter what bis condition . may be,lmay care himself cheaply, privately and radically. qr.,* This Lecture should be in the 11404 of eyerp youth and every man in the land. Sent, under sent, in a plain envelope, to.any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. COAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bpwry, Now York,Post, office box CASII PAID FOR BUTTER, by E. li , Spe HUNT'S BLOOM OF ROSES,-forte Ls disz,—at H