The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 02, 1865, Image 2
E A CORRECTIOI\ The Spirit with its usual the trath says in its last issue, nu:mbor of men furnished by city for the war (119,000) ii large as the entire number fm New England. The faots 6,1 are that New England furnish( men, more that three times furnished by New York city: . 1 - thode Island sent more tr portion to her population tha state in'the Union, except statistics show that the N . e;l states responded as fully in, 0 heir population, to the calls rev sisters. They did it fraud, rioting and bloodshed,) the presence of Crated :Stat; compel thorn to, their duti y,as in New York city. The cha the men sent was tuetO re diers thsn those furnishbd city. The records of We Provost Mar. shal's Office in this place, shows that of the deserters 'froth Sheridan's army last fall and winter /who were arrested here— at the rate of 04) to HO pen month; four fifths of them were New Yekk soldiers.— many of them,*with their ill in their pockets. \Nre admit howev er,ounty money - M I:I that the Spi'tit has stated ono fact, l'New York city is a copperhead bole."-- Chaniber.sbur• RcposetorY. 1 According, to the late r :elections for members of the British liens° of Parlia ment, liberalism is fast getting the upper hand. The latest returns !showed a ma jorliy for the government iof eighty two.. This majority would probably be reduced when the county elections had taken place but it was Confidently afiticipated' that Lord Palmerston would secure a larger Majority in the new Pariiment than he had in the old. Among the most notable men elected were J. Stuart Mill, the dis tinguished philosopherHvhose views on . tlukrefortu are so extended that ho favors woman suffrage, and Mr. [thighs, the au thor of "ToiZßrown " who, next to John )right,', ranks as die aplest friends of America, in England. Lord A. Paget,of the Admiralty; and Mr. Fred. Peel, son of the. first Sir lyoliert and One of the Lords of the Treas# , bad been re jected by their eoi)stitu nts. - The Appointment of hL 11. Helper to the Assessorship of the! Third Hist-tiet, 'N.C., has, given great off nee to the Cop perheads of the North. .IMr. helper is.a Southern mao, and many years ago cone piled a book from official facts and figures to show the rottenuness bf slavery and tho expense it was to all thd States to main tain the institution. F(l.. this labor Hel per invoked the anger of Ndrthern Dem. opratil because it ondan,,ered the source of their political power, and the hatred of Southern traitors, because it exposed the atrocity of the effort to destroy the Amer icant Union. • One of the Fanny Facts in connection With the collapse of the slave.boiders rc bolliou,is that in connection with the pay ment of all preinineut! rebel State and Confederate officers. By receipt books which have come into the possession of the authorities, it is 'shown that rebel Officers were extremely anxious to have their pay in gold. These knaves never trusted in their own tlause, because they refused td receive its currency. , The rebel Gen. Kirby Smith 'with a force 61.8,000 to 10,000 rebel troops,with four pieco':: of artillery and IsOventy-live wagons of ammunition' and provisions, were captured by the Governor of Saltillo, cf the Liberal Government hi Mexico.— It is repurted they were going to join i'd.n.xintilian. The oDieers and wen were paroled. evila-4 the Speaker . of the I rouse of :Representatives during the 10,t Congre.s it is conceded will be elected to the saruy periition at the opening Of the next-session. 1t is tho'ught the audition of - parties which will secure this result, renders Me- I'hersou's reelection. as Clerk equally certain. The - Boston "Transcript" says the es tates of the late President with the addi tions of the vontributionS made by Mass nehusetts, Rhode Island, and New York, amount to ono hundred thousand dollars ; and the active labors of those obtaining t-übscriptions to the Lincoln Fund have now ceased. A Richmond paper invites emigration to the Old Dominion from dm hardy pop ulation of the North. Among the in duce:net:4s offered are these : "A genial con n 'try, a hospitable people, easy employ ment, indulgent task-mastere,"&c. The degree of Doctor of Laws was con •ferred on GenCral Meade by :Harvard University at the annual commencement ou Wednetiday. General Meade was among the distinguished persons attend ant on the commencement exercises, The commissioner of Ponsions_bas de. cided that the remarriage of a 'widow terminates all claim to a pension from the date of such remarriage although luoy become a widow. . The States whiela•eleot Governors this fall are lowa, Maine, Massachusetts,Ver imont, Niuuessota, New Jersey, Ohio :VisColls . ll3 and Virginia. Dirge Union reinforcements, Boma cs = tiniates being'as high as 10,000 men,ba.vo arrived oh the Rio Grande. The remaina of BiBhop Potter left San 19r Panama tax July 18th, • I MRS. iSURRATT. .ils there have been some manifostn tions cr expressions of sympa by for Mrs_ Surratt, who has igndmiuiously paid the penalty of her crinie in corinfection with the assassination, of 'Vresidet Line° e, the following resume of tl e Will !I elicited on, the trial against h r Will prove highly interesting': I : , ss • Mrs. Surratt on whom J interest will concentrate 14 woman, of about fort'-flvb y l l She has occupied a good pi ciety, and iowns a davera, i Surrattsville, thirte4l rupps ingtm City. - This taverniit ous l as the residence) of hlo c;pal witness against Mrs., who was evidently 4 con wouldprobablhay. ‘ .been not been a necessity on New York 1 the Government -Ito us i• Iregarfi for 4 that the dew -York almost as Dished by ).f the ease ied 360,945 he number lops in pro any other Lnsas. The w England' roportion to for men, as too without land without. es troops to was the case ractor also of '.able as sol- ._ . . Witness. For some timo last Mrs. Sur , ratt has resided on I strce ; WashingtOn City, in. a respeettible fo r story brick house.. Ilei residebeeqma been the ren devous for a select leorOpa y of blockade runners of both sees, one of 'whom : tva, her son, John 11. purratt, and wholalso was one o) the prideipal actort, probably the iinOcier, of the conspiracy which 1 1 eulminfted in the 'tissa.s.9 *( nation of- . the Presktent. Mrs. Surrat 's . house was a 1 the rendezvous of tl o conspirators, of whom Booth Was the leading spirit. Payne lodge 4 'Merle on tw separate , ocoa sionS. litzctioth _ , wa p oved to haVe heed there, and !Joopi ,as la frequent and always weleon'?.o visit r. ' Hcr household 6nSistc' of herself, l her ' daughter, Bliss Mary,' 4 Surratt, l'iliss Honoria Fitzpatrick, '$ Holahan, !and Louis Weidman: All of these individual ,'llav appeared on the stand as witn4sl,lwi h the ex ception of Weidman,: w to has been coa lfated in the Old Capitol Prison.!; None of them have bon uspectetlf,Of ceniplicity, in the plot, thou It, they . are known to have been in sy pathy with the. Rebel- I lion. The,' tutl orities ati \ Washinaton ,., held Weidman s a prisonesi, not beim- , 1 I willing to believe that May man was 'per ! mitted to know so na4cll of a conspiracy without being ir4rusteib with the whole. I He was called to thestirad !four times on! the part of the! Government, and sub jected each time to a rigd and lengthy 1 , i :cross exaniinntion by 91c:defense ; but !notwithstanding alit their efforts to prove him t co-ceusii!rator, 1 4 .r0n4 having been i I emyloyed by 'ilocith; Ijelin • 11. I Surratt I and Mrs. Surratt, it ,y - ,as shown,-; beyond doubt, that they, availed themselves of his good nature and obliging disposition,! ' . ' n ' without ever-entrusting him with the , 1 'secrets of their ;scheme. It is bard to belic ( re that a. Ivor:nen, under the mask of a eobtely face and meld demeanor, could ever be guilty of Corn= plicity in a doe so foul and hazardous as the capture or seassiriation of. the Presi dent and the IMade oti, the 0 ov-erninent 5I but this woman's hist4y furnishes, Fr.! Imps, the only finstaiide in modern times, I of a epirit as %iia - cellcapable:and malig nantl. as Lady !Bache li. , We!are ready, however, to bt4ievc, I'M: humanity's sake, that John IL .Surra i i.t first determined!, upolthesa terrilA. deeds, and-that Ito' avail d himself of lii/ mother's affection to draw her into complicity. That the Plot of the 14th was not the, ' first atteint t qf - thc:sd 14,peradoes, it i. 9 y i abundant' evident. - ! Welchnian testified' that about /thin 20th! of March, while in; Mrs. ' SurrWs -piirinr, She manifeatedl great excitcnient, mid wept bitterly- that her son 3eliii had left the city never to, return. That aftcrikion John lllSurratt i returned to tilitilicu in a slate of great ! excitement, pacing, e room more like a' maniac than/a sane than ; he flourished a! pistol, and swore tlfat his prospects were, blasted, and his hopes gone, that be would shoot any one who, Lame' into the room; I he also was armed, awl was labnring im. I der great e,xeitehrent ; he was' inancdi. I ately followelbyf Booth, who, also, was ! so tli deli excited that he did not for Some' time notice! the LT:resole° of Welchinan.l Observing him, hdwever, at a %N suggestion l from Booth, tbeseiconspirs wttlidrcw to an upper room, where they held • a! lengthened, interview. It is evident that! these parties left l l , Mrs. Surrates house that day intent o ' some. foul plot of as : sassinati l on ; but, tram -causes whibli have never I.Ken fully txplaified, the scheme failed, ,and the ;,,,u'ilty participators re. turned, ; foiled, reckless and enraged: The principtil:!witnesses against Mrs. Surratt well John M. Lloyd, the keeper, of the Stir, attsillo tavern, and Louis Welchtuda.,, i ;Abbut six Weeks before the assassination, 146v.t.i testifies that Ilaiold, I Atzcroth!and eTdan H. Surratt ca !c to Lloyd's tavern at Surrattsville, bringing with theist Spepper carbines, lotubf ii able seven ; shooting Fifles, also antemi., tion and . arope. Surratt wished the wit.' I ness to I conceal'these weaponz an be !himself Showed! Llolyd where to conceal them, between the joists and the second n ! uoor. , . ! I On Monday prededing tbeFridaY, of the murder,lSreichtuart was sent to Booth,' to obtain from 'Mui the use of his horse' and buggy.,': Booth bad sold the buggY,' biat gave Weicbmari ten dollars, with which to hire one for Mrs. Surratt. He! did so ;and drOve her to, Surrattsville, Co Lloyd',S tavern. 'What ; took place there is not ; fully known. On the afternoon of the 14th the day of lie!'assallsination, Weiciimrn again drove. Mrs. Surratt to 'Lloyd's tavern, Booth lhaving had a con ferenCe pith her a few ininutes before sli ! e lett.jWcichinan testies I that, on that 6c,asi'pr4; she reolt with her two parcels. Lloyd testifieshat these Pnreles contained .. field ghtss a mid two betties of• whi,..ko!! , ! ! - _ - ..!). and that in her Conference with him, she desired - to have "thoselshooting irons +.9.4 , for parties who :Would call that .night." i! It was afterwards known in Washing- On that other facts had come to light asl Conclusive as any which came out upon, the stand, irepliedling Mrs. Surratt in these deeds of de: i kth. Puring the ride to Surrattsville, on the afternoon of the I4th, she inquired of a person whh lived on the road, if the pickets remained out all night, and on being told that they acre called in at eight o'clock, replied that she was glad to know it. On the • . evening of the • 14th of . April she was pacing her sitting room, counting her beads, in a state of highly nervous excite : meat: A torchlight procession was pa- i rading- the city, in . celebration of • 0101 national victories ;,she inquired of Weich man jthe Idirectien the procession was taking, remarking that she had great interest in that . procession. She desired Welehman and her daughter, Miss Sur ratt,also Miss Fitzpatrick, to "pray for her intentions." These young people were making some noise with their talk ing, and laughter and she excitedly bade all of them tolleave the' room. Before this; some ono came to the house and rang the bell' Mrs.. Surratt answered at, the door.- It was aferwards known that the' person who Oiled was J. , Wilkes Booth, who doubtlesg came to inquire the result of her visit td Lloyd's tavern, and to as ! :. certain if tbb arrangements made , were such that he might rely upon them. The fact that Lloyd had thelfshooting irons" ready,in obedience to Mrs.Surratt's instructions, and that Booth and Harold, in thcir flight after the guilty deed, did call at Lloyd's tavern, and obtained one of the two carbines, Booth confessing his inability from his wound to carry the ether, leaves no_question es to Mrs. Sur ratt's guilty knowledge of and participa tion in the conspiracy. • Another proof of the guilt of. this wo man is circumstantially furnished in the return of Payne to her house, as to -a ' Place of refuge, after three days and !pal/Ls of skulking before the pursuing dcers of ;justice. The Surratt house tt - as on. Monday night taken possession of -14 a military guard. They had not occupied it an hour when a ring at the door was heard: Itjwas answered by an I officer. A man stood at the door,havingi dirty hands and soiled gailments, a pick upon his shoulder, rod upon his head, for a cap, what afterwards proved to be a sleeve cud from his 1 1voolen shirt. ie d married ear of fl-e. sition• in Eo -61 farm at from 'Wash -Ino7 notori the prin. Surratt, and ipiratot, and tried, had it the part of ,a Finding himself entrapped, he pro fessed to account for his Visit at so un !seasonable an hour, by statling that be had come to'dig a drain for Mrs. Surma. In answer to other inquiries,! he said he was' a laboring man ; that he hid no money; and accounted for his dirty appearance by saying that lie had to sleep in the trenches; round Washington. The dis eoverY of a. twenty dollar bill, a tooth I brush, alpooltet compass, .a jar of pomade, a poekctt dictionary, and- other items which laboring men do not usually carry, was deemed suEciently suspicious to detain him. Mrs. Surrett was' asked if 81/o i l:new him, and she solemnly appealed Zi to her clod that she had never seen him before. This man was Lewis Payne, the a4aSsilj of Secretary Seward. ! The Gellysliturg . 3Joinamenl Tbe))lnladelphia 1112 ier says: "'fhb design of the Gettysbdrg monu ment is adapted for execution either in marble or in granite and bronze,'as may be deemed expedient, the material being' of course controlled entirely by the amount appropriated. The whole rem tiering of the design is intended to .bey purely! historical, telling its own story with d such simplicity that any discerning mind will readily c - ornpreheuil its mean= lug and purpose. , "The superstructure is sixty feet high, and consists of a massive pedestal sixty five feet square at the base, and is crown ed with a collosal statue representing the Genius of Liberty. Standing upon a three quarter globe, she raises with her right band the victor's wreath of laurel, while with her left she gathers up . the folds of 'our nationrl flag under which the victory has been won. "I"rojecting from the angles of the pedestal aro four buttresses, supporting, an equal ;number of allegorical statues,l representing respectively, War, History, Peace and Plenty. "War is personified by a ytatuo of the American soldier, who; resting from the conflict, relates to History the story of thobattle which this monument is in tended ed to commemorate. ..ureaory, : i.“_listontrid attitude, records with sqlus and tablet, 1 aohievmentS - of the field, and the names of the honored dead. 1 1 "Prate is sytnbolited by alstatue of ' the American mechanic, characterized by appropriate accessories. "Plenty is represented by_ a female figure, with a sheaf of wheat and fruits of the earth typifying peace and abuts. dance as the soldiers crowning triumph. • "The panels of the main die between the statues are to have inscribed upon them such inscriptions as may hereafter be determined. "The Main die of the pedestal is acta• renal in form, panelled upon each face. The cornice and plinth .above are alio octagonal, and are heavily moulded. Upon this plinth rests au octagonal moulded base bearing upon its 'face, in high relief, the national arms. "The upper die and cap are circular in form; the die being encircled by stars equal in number with the States whose sous contributed their lives as the price of the victory won at Gettyoburts.": I The fallowing id a list of the soldiers buried in each lot in the Cemetery Maine, New HampShire l Vermont, Massaoh lasetts, Mode Wand, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, ,- Pennsylvania, Delaware ' Maryland, ' Virginia, Ohio, •. Indiana, Illinois, Michittan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, - U. S. Regulars, Unknown, North, " 'South, '" Innercirelo, Total, The. Sart itak'y Com The Prd'sident of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, Dr,„. Bellows, has issued a farewell adress to the branches and aid societies, notifying them that their labor in collecting supplies for the Commission now ends. Such supplies as are on hand are to be forwarded to the receiving de pots. , In the Eastern department, the work of supply is substantially done, with the exception of a small servicqstill required in the neighborhood of Wash ington. In the Western departmet it may continue, on a very diminished s ‘ cale, a couple of months !alga. Texas and the Gulf possibly the supply'service 'may last all summer. But by economy of the stores in hand, the Commission feel authorized to say that, after collect. ing what is already in existence, they will be able to meet all just demands made upon them. The, President speaks. earnestly of the l aid the ladies of the, 'country have ,ziven to this benevolent enterprise, and closes his address with the following _words "We have tried to do our duty impar tially, dilligently, wisely. For the irmaas of carrying on 'this vital work, which has grown up in our hands, keepinr , pace: with the growing immensity of the war, and winch we arc now about to lay down, after giving the American public an account of our stewardship, we arc chiefly indebted to the money created by the fairs which American women inaugur ted and condupted, and to the supplies col, looted by' you under our organization. To you, then, is finally/ due the 'largest part of whatever gratitude belongs to the Sanitary C3minission. 'lt is as it should be. The soldier will return to his home to thank his own wife, mother,. sister, daughter, for so tenderly looking' after him in camp and field, in hospital and prison; and thus it will be seen that it is the homes of the country which have wrought out ! this great salvation, and that the men and women of America have an equal part in its glory and its joy." IVII 1: CAmErtoN RESIGNED.The Chi cago licy - iltll , 2ttn gives a statement made by Gcuerril Cameron to a friend, explain-1 lug the cause of Ins resignation of the i Secretaryship 'of War and subsequent ) short stay in Russia, which at the time' were thought to indicate 4-want of confi dence in liiiii on the part of the Admin istration. It appears, however, from the present account, that the contrary was the Case, and that his withilrawal from office was very creditable to him. The 1 1 ifisaster to our arms in .1861 seemed to, render necessary the ; calling of General McClellan to the command of the army, and he being able to dictate the terms of I Lis' acceptance, did not fail to use his I power. lie stipulated that he should pass upon all appointments and promo tions, and the President and G;en. Cam eronfelt compelled, fur the s#e of the country and its safety, to accede to them. Things went on from bad to worse, and i Gen. Cameron said that it was necessitry I to break the agreement with *McClellan, even at the sacrifice of his (the Secret - ' ry's) own . interests. Mr. Lincoln agree with him in his view of the case, b t thought it itorMssible to retract the terms pledged to Mc - Clellan. General Cameron replied, "I will resign, and you can ap point another to my position." The /President objected that it would ruin General Cameron politically, but the latter insisted, and it was finally agreed that the resignation should; take place—, General Cameron to be sent o Russia as' a mark of the confidence of the American ration, and Mr. Stanton be apiminted hie successor, who would be sure to clip the wings of th., "Young Napoleon" as soon as possible., General Cameron did not I want, the Russian appointment, but took' it for the causeabove assigned, on the condition that he might 'resign as soon as he chose. ''Mr. Stanton succeeded him, and if the foregoing statement be true, we have an explanation f the coolness which was apparent between Stanton arid McClellan from the first. Tho difficulty of punishirw. Jeff. DaviS without making a martyr of i3 him has occurred to ? very one, and some aro very much annoyed by it. To secure the punishment, and yet avcid martyrdom, the New York corresponderdof the Lon don S . pectator has hit upon the following plan : "Mr. Davis murt bo condemned to death, but were I President Johnson, I would neither pardon him and send him into exile; nor allow him to bo hanged. if he Ism pardoned on condition of exile, Ise would merely lead a comfortable, per haps a luxurious life abroad,, rt3ebiving ninch attention from certain people. .11. p must be conspicuously Punished, and y9t not made a martyr either by his impris onment or 'his death. Therefore, upon his condemnation I would reprieve his sentence indefinitely, on condition that he gave his parole never to 'leave the country and to report himself once a month to the judicial or military officer of the Republic, nearest 6 i his place of residence, and once a year t'(> the Presi dent of the United States.! From any position of public trust hey is of course cut off. If necessary . he should be com fortably suppoilted at the expense of the nation. Ilis only punishment should be that of owing his life to the ctmency of the Government he sought t .destroy, and the becoming humiliation Of publicly acknowledging its authority once a month while he lived. And such an example would be more instructive than a hang meg. Thus would Ido with the chief civil and military leaders of the rebellion." 166 ii 56 136 411 425 143 3,512 The Dunderberg.. NEW YouK, July 23.--YAI nine o'clock this' morning the great=iron-elad ocean friE-ate Dunderberg was launched. Not less than fifteen thousand people witnessed the spe,etaele. No accident . occurred. It was found when she was in water that she clreiv only fifteen feet aft, nineteen feet midship, and nine feet for Ward - --s. draft Much less than expected by %any!. The Dunderburg•is the largest frigate in the world, and in six - months she will'be 'ready to Make fifteen knots per hour and bid adance to the world. The Dunder berg is the embodiment ideal of the famous ship-builder Webb. Her plan is original and novel. She will be a float ing fortification. Her casement, which is roomy, being perforated for twenty-one guns. .The sides are three feet in thick ness, and ironclad four and a half inches. The ram is not fastened to the bow, but is the bow of the vessel itself.• The New Hampshire Superior Cout has decided that an express company delivering a parcel marked with the cab alistic "0. 0. IV—colleet on delivery— may allow a person 4 to whom, it- is coll.- signed reasonable tune to open the pack k7e and( determine whether be will re ceive it or,not. The rule heretofore has been that no csamination could take place—the receiver must take the pack age and determine whether It Contained what he had ordered or not. This de eis.ien of the court , is both legalaud sen ble; which latter cannot 'be said of ail legal decisions. The duty of placing the many les upon Mrs. Surratt, escorting her to tho gallows, and supporting et until the trap• fell, devolved upon Lieutenant Colonel W. IL. 111PCall, of L'esvislMrg.,, Pa. :When plaeing the irons upon her wrists, she told him he was uo gentleman Or he would not do so. Col. :‘PC. told her that it Was his unpleasant duty, in obedi ence to orders and not his choice. Her parting salute to him was, f'You are a, scoundrel I" which were abdut the last; audible words she uttered. The story of the murder of or a troMan and three childrerr, by three men, near London, and the subsequent ' killing of the three men by the husband andlather, is pronounced 'an unmitigated hoax by the Madison County Lition, published within four miles of the alleged scene of the trao ts lly • ' • i• - . . There are evidences of domestic bliss. in the following dispatch, sent ISY a Wall street broker to his wife • "Send John. Also demijohn. hissatty. Spank Arthur. Don't frett", . John Morrissey, the prize fighter, ro ports an income of 4'50,700 last year, On the 17th proximo the Union State Convention will meet at Harrisburg to nominate a State ticket to be supported at the election in October. At this period the future policy of the repub;ic must be looked to with tho . greatest care by loyal men. • Questions of the deepest,in terest agitate the national mind, particu larly in reference to the reore•anization of the South, and it becomes the citizens of a great State like Penn.4lvania to express their views in sol unmistakable a manner that the Federal authorities, as well as the late rebels, will understand exactly the position Pennsylvania occupies.— Every district in the, Commonwealth should bo represented by able and loyal men, so that the deliberations and final action of the body worthy of the time and of the graie questions submit ted for consicleratiohi La Puldicite a newspaper published in Marseilles, dluding to the strike of the, drivers and coachmen, speaks of another strike, Ain more serious in its estimation—the strike of the bachelors. According to the account the e given, six. thousand youbg men, betwe n twenty and forty years of age, held alp, go meet. hug at a place called La. Belledi and took the oath never to marry until a change should take place in, the manners of the ladies. According to the resolu- tions passed on that oOcasion, ladies must give up their costly and ruinous dresses, stop playing the coquette, cease to aspire to the part of great ladies, abandon costly idleness, ancl,return to the primitive and simple manners of housekeepers. They must possess habits of economy, be mod est and motherlike, and i i l i cave all the vir tues of their sex, Sus i are the ciudi :ions of the bachelors strike. Mercantile Aprrai.ament. LiSt of Dealers in Merchandise in the County of Potter, for the year 18,0, with Classifications, &c. Pace. CFa: Amt, Tracy Scqtt, Allegany, 14 p '• , 7,00 IL K. Spencer, Coudersport, 1417,00 P.A. Stebbins & Co., . l3 rIO,OO C. S. kB. A. Jones, ; i" 13:10,00 D. E. Olmsted, ! ;" 13 10.00 Collins Smith, 1". 14 - 7,00 John S. Mann, 1 " 14 7,00 Mason Nelson & Co., 1" 14 7,00 • H. J. Olmsted.. !46 14 7,00 J, ..i.. W . .!l3ortis, • .114rison,l 14 7,0 Krusenk Buck Bros,Elarrisnn Valley,l4 7,00 Mary A. Goodritan, " 1 1, 14 7,00 Cyrus Snnderlin, Hector, 14 '7,00 Henry Audreson, Kettle Creek, 14 - 7,00 Charles Meissner, Germania t . 14 7,00 Augustus Ilepp, • " 14 7,00 IL Theis,' . ; " 14 7,00 Jacob Kull, • 6. 14. 7,00 I h , .1. Schwartzenbach l 'Brewer, ilb 5,00 Frederick Orb, . .6 •fl JD . 5,00 Clutp'pel & Bros., Ulysses, ]4 7,00 Peterson k Co., . 1; 34 7;00 S. W. Monroe, I. 14 7,00 L:Blad, i ; n l4 7,00 Cdlwell k i lVeston Bros, Roulet, 14 '7,00 Chs. Brpdcrman, Germania, Distiller,' 9 25,00 13. S. Colwcll, , Millport, 14 7,00 A 2 W. Huniphrey, Shingle House, 14 7,00 Mrs, Locke, East Sharon, 14 7,00 Geo. A. Barclay, Wharton, 14 7;00 Mel Raymond, ..,, . 14 7,00 Harry Lord, oSwa;yo, 14 7,00 Johnson .S . Nelson, 6 .4 i 14 7,00 • , L. H. KINNEY, rtiereatAile Appraiser. Jane 27, 136.5. Summer Goods M tl OLMSTED'S. - XTOTIR atttention is invited to the large and attractive' stock ijust ;received, and' for sale as low as the same qualities can be bought anywhere in the county. We have on hand a large and varied as sortment of Domestic Cottons, co-iprising BROWN SIIEETINGS, and • 7:: SHIRTINGS, BLEACHED MUSLIM, DENIMS, STRIPES, CHECKS, TICKINGS, and COTTON FLANNELS,Da which iro cannot Le under: old. • f We puichase nr goods for Cash and offer them at a very shall advance Ffom Cost. FEA NNELS. you Lu purchase RED, GRAY, BLUR or PLAID FRENCH SIII@ING FLANNEL, !call . At Olmsted's. DRESS GOODS; • • • DELAINES, • PRINTS, BROCHE, and WOOLEN SHAWS, HOODS, SONTAGS, ÜBLIS, • -- LALMORA L SKIRTS, CLOTHS,' and CASSIMERESI a full supply At Olmsted's'. CLOTHING. fl ON 'T fail to call before pqcbasing and JLP see the assortiacat • At Opustedls BOOTS & SHOES FOR Men, Women & Children, in great Ira rudy and cheap • For Molasses, ,Syrup, Sugar, tea and Coffee, I in fact everything, in 'the Grocery line, call ,AT OLMSTED'S A fail aszprtment of almost everything that is kept in a country store on hand. We intend to keep Goody that will give satisfaction and sell good actieles at the lowest living Oat: AT OLMSTED'S, I Vantal + , 1 ,j GrainOr all kinds, 1 I3otter, Wool, Sheep Pella, Purer, Deer Si ) Iris! , Also, "Counti, Townshi and School Orders, for all of which the highe-t prices will be paid Al , Ciinistetrisi Coudersport, l'it,Npv'r 13, r9Bl , 7 , ALE I i for Saln the follow tewit : i - 4 andl'orty-three - 6Pike township, in Forks. Price -cl . ed, with one le \ barn, forty lared anger ass, in 8 \p \ `rites, to 14 FOR MITE SAseriber otters in , rats of land, ti _ One act of One 11.undrc and seven-tenths acres in\ Potter county, on the Genese. SllOO. Sixty acres are imp% log barn, frame kitchen, framt good fruit trees, and two hung maple trees. The farm will cut , good season, sufficient, at present pay for it. Also, another tract of Fifty-six and two tenths acres, in Eulalia township, four ilea from Coudersport, Thirty acres of ethic are improved, with one frame house; -- log bans i and some fruit trees thetcon. Piice $400.\ Also, a Wagon Shop and half lot in tilt Borough of Couderiport, one lot West of P.A. Stebbins' & Co'.s Store near Glassinire's Hotel. The tools, lumber, &c., can be bought ref.- .sonably ; or 11 portion of them,if the purchaser so desires. 1 One half can be paid in Wegan. Work. A reduction of ten peV cent will lac* made for Cash down. For Atrtber_particulars, enquire of the nib!. scriber hip:Wagon-5 . 116p, in Coudersport. Feb. i2O, 1865 :W. F. IV5'3. At Olmsted's