The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, July 19, 1865, Image 4
La all Diseases of the Urinary Orga. KU= Or Ye AL; from whatever ca no matter of how long ctancling. Bad odor, ISISIEDLATE in action, a Sian say of, the preparation 3 of B Those, suffering from Broken Do lludono. procure the Remedy at o The Reader must be aware that Iv She attack of the above diseases, It b ,Bodtly health, Mental Powers an( treatment is submitted to, Consunap' =sue. All the above diseases require the HELMSOLD'S,EXTR , Ys the Groat 'nit • —7 IFIEILAM3I34O lIIOSLY CO:ICES/T.l Compound Fluid Extra( Por purifying the blood, removing excess and imprudence in life, chr oases arising from an impure utat only reliable and effectual known perefula, Ecald Head, Halt Rheum, Itte Donee, Ulcerations` of the Thum Pimples on the race, 'rater, Erysip Slone of the akin, anti beautifying 4 -- : -4 : 1 -. 1 : - ;?":ertf2i!"-:-Or'.... - -.P.,H, Kil:kftys' ..... h • NOT A. _ I F:VP Of the wont disorders that afflict mankind arise from the otinoption that accumulates In th • Blood. Of all the (Its ihTerlell that have been made to purge It out, none can 'gnat in effect /TEL MB OLD'S CC IWO MID =Rd C2' IP SARSAPARILLA. IL clean ses and renovates tbo good, Instills the vigor of health into the system, and j ae ges out the burners which ma o disease. It stimulates iho healthy functions of the body and expels the disorders that grow and ranklo In the Dlo d. Such a remedy, that amid be relied on, hallong becnsought fur, and now, fe;* she first time, the public have one on which they can de. p&cd. Our space here dods not admit of certificates to sham Its effects, but the trial ofisingle bottle will chow to She sick that It boa viatica surp slag anything they have eller taken. Two table!poonsful of tho tat to 4 pint of ivates, is equal to t ono bOttto Is equal to a gallon or tho decoction as usually ma The nbovo Extracts are, prep red on purely ceientido princlples=in Vacua—awl cm? ody Co full strength of {ho Ingredients entering into th it composition. ready sod concluilvo test will bO a c l lmparison of theis, proper. gel watt thou act forth to the B. Dispensatory. ( HOW TO t.IS T In Diseases of the Mood, Irt morx on. the Face, or any land every pert of the body, use 'Extract flarcaparill&, Kling to Fimples and all extyrnal humors or Eruptions fat Improved Rosa Wash. the the Extract Dacha for all ,leases requiring the ala Of a Diuretic, , except those of ilia Urinary Orgaa3, such a. 3 Conorrhma and Gleet ; In these U5O the Extract Duzliu pad Inject with the Improved nose 'MS'S. Or THESE EXTRAOT3 FACE. BEEN ADMITTED TO MU IN TILLS UNITED BTATE3 ARMY, and also are LI very general use In all the STATE I.DSPITALS AND ttniwo INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, us well as b private praCtlee, and arts • considered as invaluaDle tomedles. • . DELIVERED TO2NY .4DDRESS. Direct lettere to-- 1 lIELMBOLD'I3 DRUG h OIIEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, N. V., uext Metropolitan fititel, 0* TO TIEVII3OLD'S DiEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. Agorod ,s,mpitnns itz al" SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EtERYINHERE. Ilawaro of it i llounterfeitst ASK, FQ)Eii Etgq,SAG,a'ff. Take no other. ~4 I 4 I IN ---- , - - - IiCREULL SCHOOL PA . STATE i COL ~. • i HANSPIELP, I VOGA 00: PA. , — . i L ) 1118 , ESSTIECTION '913 ECC.-VniZed 1W ; trial 1 47 ate, ..tit'tlorities, .116: b • Deemar lfit3 4 I ' • . , 'IA. H , . State al-e j hool. ,-- ... radjc:etzally (.4traca ds ssuchin H t.ptcattber 1603. The School id 'at legth places ttpon•e. rise care basis---the St:_ttf , appropriation of the current year e :Wiring the Trustee to extin gnish the greater pair ion of 11 , te outstanding . liabilities, and to iiake este hive improve ments upon 'the,builatngs an grounds. S: - I Tito ring Term 1 1,7111 co ?imenec about , Attire/6JO ) 18 5. Prof. F. A. ALLEN, for the east six yenrs in charge of the Chester County (Pa.) Normal School, has been elected Pritippal, and Prof. J.Strait, of the Edinboro Statelltlortnal School, tion, has been the Professorship of Languages and 11Iathernaf l es. Prof. Allen is well throughout the . State as a gentiemdtt of accu ate scholarship, possessing a practical emferience of fifteen years as an auxtor of teachers, and a thor ough acqualnta' ei3 ; with Their ,educational wants, acquired)i from his' Iconnection 'witli County Institutes ii every' ection of Penn ..ylvania, as_ well!as in other States. . Competent and ithorougli instructors•will be provided for the 'other deParttnents of the School. • ~ , 9 1 The building has, been r fited throughout and provided with' furniture of the most ap proved style, together"with hn extensive col lection of maps,charits,and I-Arks of reference. Excellent ChetuVal and Philosophical ap paratus will be in 'reatliness't-the opening of the School. 1 i ji, ' To keep Oct with the irn irovements in' ed ueation, a gymnasium Wili be erected, for which a valOrible apparatu,‘• for the heavier and lighter eXercisesatas ttliady been secured The school year it divide, into three terms . of thirteen weeks ea .1), with uo vacation; exe cept the week of Christmas' Holidays. - It is desirable 0:4 students should enter at the commencOmentrof a term, and for a period of not less than. thirteen weeks. Tuition, ill aIVaIICC pnvl tdrm i tit,;.,00„ No extra charges 'fur the dagitage•-• of the higher math ematics. Text looks rot tea' at reasonable I I rates. Vt r eal and instr tuental music at i teachers' . pri ees. ,•Loard i n,,;- in' the hall,s3o 00 1 per lerm ; wood Or winker, S 3 00 per term; 'washing, $3 23; room rent, $1 50. 1 • The : - ..rrattgernetits nowlin*le , are of such 5. nature as to tratFrant• the Trustees in saying that no other . institution tin thee State affords 'better facilities for} the Education of Teachers, or for the preparation of Utuats for college, or for general business For farther partieularll ddreus the Princi pal, at ltrentdield,fyioga p i atuityi Pa. W. 0. RI I'LltX, Pre'sf..lfOttril of Trustees. .AT,III.:ILT CLAIIO, Seeretaryf • I )lansfield, Dec.l2o, 118,6. • A whether eel :tins to or: ginatpg, and 'Vas:tr. , la Its taste 1 , • • more arengthenlnz I.; or Iron. Del/ciao Conett." ver allcht may be rtaln to affect his Jrappine33. If no . lon or Insanity may aid of a diuretic.' • CT Bpol-IU, !ILAD 9 S' TSJ) A Sarsaparilla ) idiseases arising from rale constitutional e,13- , of the blood, and the ", emedy for the cure otl i'alns and Swelling or,, , , • B It 9 W IN TiN G'S R .1 rn . " . "l: . CELE.u....p_i..t. , COFFEE. it and Legs, Blotches, ~,, ~., t .. rI; , of al tqe various brands, Ir_iiii:.,‘ /Ting .. , o ( 0 40.3 and all scaly crop r , Remember "131 . 1 WNING'S;EXQELSIOR"— `!ho courr.sma.v. I at the hen!ii it star ds.[ `Prue, it's not like oth rs ;that are "SOLD ! " "EVERY \i, , ,ONE.E. , ' f !A little stretch, iie all d kbow,.good goods ! . will easilyibear, I " ! (But a stretch like this--i"scildeverylbere"— : is very aliTto tear.) 1 t , . • Now, I can safyl,Vsay, 'without any hesitation, 'Acre's none lila "IIItIAYMNO'S EXCELSI ' OIL" in this enlig itezted nation. Skilled chemists have nut Num' a Coffee from any stores , !Possessing' the Same in tredients as "Brown ! lag's Excielsioc!' - ! i , 1 1 Nor Is there-any one; ior cut of the Coffee ) • trade, I , , i I Who knows thri , rtleie from which nrown kg's Excelsior" s i'ii:idei: I I'm told it's 111111(16 Irani barley, rye, wheat, 1 • beaus, and peas; Name a thot4and miller things—but the MITI' OF! if You•please. But with the Cutice-m4l I. will not hold cow tentliTn ! ~ For the IntaQq, many things they say-,-top ntnk , roa too t emir. W hilst th4're engag:H i i running round front sl re, to stare , ! To I learn the current wholesale price of 1 “BrIPNI in g'..; F4teclsior, ,, . 1 Some who km, v, , .!4 L'utle gives perfect sat . isfitction, I il !Live formed a planiii),y , which they hope to , , 1 cause s quick I:Action. / [ The case- ti , with,a te.1 , ,-; no doubt [ 'twill be WitiI'IOLIVO - --.: TO lit 0110 (.114 Colfec J:NI2:S) I ,I , :KCEI Same say thiir's the stand!: ready Now try a lilltle' of t like the ; Three years lbave pci sold a'sle ; we ; 11 Never have . I invourl Nor Would I! tc:ikT i . or ~ • more; , !I ! If like some used • everyl'r4re," 1 A. trade like,ithis 1 dt, • couldlnot Till ! The Factory all Jetsey s!laniT would talze, • peavOjnot, a foot to till.! , - ! My fivfil6 is: sot so very large; still 1 thick I I I j have 1 - iy share, ! • , tut, read(b4 you in4y rest !assured, 'tis NOT "SOLIDIVE ,YWITERB," . H 1 illunufar4urc , ( am for Sale I,olle wrilcr i ' ! GEORG,P, T. BROWNING , I - NO, 20 Alarket s . trect C(Oule7l, N. J. Tids Cunde 4no composed of poisonous drugs, itleontains Ithirig deleteri us ; many j ) I:ersons tse ithis Co Teo , that.!can ot uSe the pure cotreel,, it tai ea but one and. a half ounces to ina;ke a (I , [uart of good strong cof fee, that bi:itfli: just one-half the quantity it takes of Java! Goircie, and always less than half the pripi " " 1 I BETA I I, PEALERS may pnrchase it in less quantities !than ten gross atliny prices from the Wholesale Groiers. 11 , 7=i+—Orders by nail; from Wholesale Deal ers promptly attended to. i ! . ! • I act ofEdraapartlla, added a Lisbon Met Drlnk, and ,LtiaSyrup of Sareaparllla, e. 5 135M50t5G, WAGON SHOP 1 1 FirITIE stillzcriber littritig.located in Lewis ville i prepared to do,all kinds of. work in his line, on eltbrt notice and *the best manner. ! i • - i , rdalliing and flepairin g of alikintlp. I mit enabled by the aid of ma chinery to do NV COIL in the wagon-lino better and cheaper than itny otliir establishment in the countC. . I um also iprepared to make GOFEINIi i 1 i r EDSON HYDE. . • 11/yesesi gena'aj Dee. I, Ifi J tl-1 X.. 4') • d i3 g l3 . l i: OCASS'i ACColliad ti.ll b4.11j4!4.0r1./ artrr (13110,WN St(ill.." D r y brand tbai ! J wil ictit nll , --see which you ss,ett away since I first tr i per advertised before; C't'l7 consent to I)ablish by "everybody," "sold . ct; ; "every store." not wish ;' the orders I !NS Co'nro dosing up an ii peraons indebted to and lilettir, before the ••••Vir, the! prolicr vffiG4r for gi SIMMONS' COLUMN. FRIENDS CTPTO.IIERS I return you mv"sincere thanks for your liberal patronage, for.the few years, and would say to you that I lucre located myself at Wellsville, NI Y—and may hereaftek be found at the , 1 - 4 MPME STORE AND NEW' ' You...sToit.R (Having bougbtaout the Store formerly occu pied by Geo. Asher), I .shall continue to WSOLESALb AND RETAIL in both of the above Stores, and hope to see all of my 'old friends and customers, as they are in want of Goods,'and will try to sell them low enough to pay them - for coming. We are now selling the best PRINTS from 12 'to 1S cents. Extra GINGIWIS from 15 to 25 cents Good SHEETINGS , from 12 CO 25 cents. I TICKS, DENIMS, STRIPES, and all of be . GCIPda in proportion. ;i L 0 TAULVG... Good suits for $lO to $l5 and Extra fine!. suits in 'propori ion. And as I have an over stock of Clothing I will sell at Whole sale 15 per cent. less than the same can be bought in New Fork. BOOTS & I.lATi$ l c% CAPS', srtANVI - 3, CLOAKS, &0., at reduced prices. GROCERIES AND very low RICH ,DRESS SILKS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, I POPLINS, and all other styles of Ladies' Dre:ss Goods, very low. lipping to 'receive an ear)) , call, I remain your friend, Wellsville, N. March 23, 1865. Rare Chances ! I offer for sale on reasonable terms and lib eral time : ONE FARM - I-146 Acres-46 Olpared ONE FAIDII 7 -i235 Acres- 7 80 Cl6ared ONE FARM ;-50 Acres-15 C Cleared ONE FARM I±3oo Acres-5 Clearod And lots of other Farms and Ladd: Some money may be required down.i i Lucien Bird. Broobland, Fa., July, 2, '64 tf Having secured ihe services of HENRY S. COWBURN, BLACKSMITH of 'twenty years experience in England and Anierica. lam prepared to furnish farmers and travtders kith the best of llokse and Ox S4oeing, Shingle Knives, Butcher - Knives proMptly. L. 131 RD, Pioprietor, Brookland, Potter Co., Pa. • ri formerly called . Cushingville. lkfay 28, 1861. PAL STEBIN & Co., MII Paying the highest prico in WOOL !. 50,000 POUNDS WANTED ! Couler • sport, June 28, 1564 THE NINTH NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Capital, $1,000,000 Paid in, FISCAL AGENT OF THE IINITED STATES, And 1 ,Social Ageitt for Jay Cioke, Subscription, Agent, WILL MELIVER 4 - 30 N OTED FRRF. or CIIARGE, by express, in alt parts of the country, and receive in payment Cheeki on New York, Philadelphia, and Boston; current Ws, and all five per cent. interest notes, with interest to ante of subscription. Orders sent by mail will lie promptly filled. This Bank receives the acedunts of Banks And Bankers•on 'favorable terms; also of in dividnali keeping New York accounts. ORYIS, President. J. T. HILL, Cashier. The Rochester . Straw-Cutter. OUS TED & KELLY, Coudersport, hire the,excluaive agency for this celebrated machine; in. this county. It is covaniiint, is. and O.iiNAP. Dee. 1,1860.-42 NM - IL S. 730 LOAN . THIRD SERIES ; $230,000,000. 13y authority cf the Secretary of the Treas ury, the undersigned i the General'Subscrip tion Agent{ for the sale of United States Se curities, offers to the public the third series of Treasnrz- Notes, bearing seven and three tenths per cents, interest per annum, known 'as the !. 'Vise notes are issued under date of July 15, 1865, and 'are payable three years from that date in currency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into • IL S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD=BEARING BONDS The,se Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, and are exempt, as are all the Gov ernment Bonds, from State, I C,Sunty. and %lu nicipal tazation,, which adds frOm one to three per cent. per annum to their valu'e, according to the rate levied upon other properti. The:in , terest is payable semi-annually by Coupons attached to each note, which may, he cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The 'merest at 7-30 per cent: amonntslto One cent per day on a $5O note Two cents " " " $lOO " Ten " " , " $5OO " 20 " " tt " $lOOO " $1 I " " "- " $5OOO " Notes of all the denetninations named will be promptly - furnished upon receipt of sub scriptions. The NoteS oft his Third SerieS are precisely similar in form and priyileges to the Seven- Thirties already sold, except that the Gov ernment reserves to itself the option of pay ing in; crest in gold coin at 6 per cent.. in stead of 7-3-10ths in currency. Subscribers will deduct the interest in currency up to July -15th, at the time When they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this third Series of the Seven-thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and *ill be made promptly and continuously ; after that date. The slight change Made in the conditions of this Tl . • dD SEI111;IS affects only the mat ter 'of in crest. The payrrc a in gold, if made ) , will be equivalent to the currency in ter:lL.of the higher rate. Thy return to speci9 payments, in, the event of whficli only will the option to pay interest in Gold ho availed o 4 would so reduce ald equalize prices that purcha.,es trade with six per cent. in gold would be fully equal to those made with - seven. and thre6;tenths per cent. in currency. This is Vle.Only Loan in Market Now offered by the Government, and its su r crior advantages make it the CROCKERY Great Popular Loan of the People. Less than $2a0,000,000 of the Loan au thorized by Congress are now on the Ma'let. This 'amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subqcribed for within, sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a l premium, as has uniforritly been the case on closing the sub.;, scriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facia tics for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par.' Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confi dence and who onlyare to he responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they re ceive °riders. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. May 15, 18(15, Fit* National Bank of Harrisburg, First National Bank of Lockhaven, First National Bank of Philadelphia, First National Bank of Williamsport, • IS6i3 )I.SGr; TIHILADELPITIA ERIE!RAILIIOAH.— _IL This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylrani.2 to the city of Erie, on Hake Erie. It hits neon leased the Pennsylvania Rail Read Company, and t.nders their' auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight busiriess from Harrisburg to Mary's (2] miles) on the Eastern Division, and. from Shaleld to Erie, (78 miles)lnt the Western Division. Tlllll OP PASSENGER muss AT =POEMS Leavo Eastward. Through Mall Train 3 40 P. IL Leave 'Westward. Through Mail Train 10 18 A. M. Cars run through wtritour CIIANCiE both ways between Philadelphia and Loth:Haven and between Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Balti more, and Williamsport and For information respecting Passenger busi ness apply at the S. E. Cor. 12th and Market Streets. And for Freight business of the Coinpany's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. lath and Ilarket Sts., Philadelphia. • J. W. Reynolds Erie. , - William Brown, Agent N.C.R.R Baltimore. IL 11. HousTom, Gen'l Freight tigt. LEWIS L. HoupT, Gael Ticket 40. _Phil's. Jos. D. :POT*, , Gen'l Manager, Williamsport. CASH for Notice. , lintlf AN/A ? rater Co., Pa., Aug. 1, Ism NOTICE is hereby given that Charles Bu shor, now or into of this county, hOlding the following described property, has not ye' paid any consideration whatever Ccr the same, 'and all persons are hereby warned not to pur chase any of said property of the said Bushor before the decision of the Court is given in this ease land C. Dushor has paid to me the consideration money therefor. Tbe following is the prop: lY : ls:t. A certain tract of land near the Ger malt Mill, in warrant 5075, Abbott township, POtt county, Pa., containing 100 acres.— Alsd 3 acres in warrant 5078 and adjoining the above. 2Od. A certrin tract of land; with Mill and impiovenients thereon, near Kettle Creek, in war rant 5819, in Stewartson township, Potter county, Pa., containing abontl2o4 acres. - C.'Bushor holds also in dr/ warrant no. 2501, in Gaines township, Ti ,ga county, Pa., on the road leading from Germania to Gaines, containing 850 acres. tf WM. RADDE. Lateet from Sherman Carol sale l e N z y, Nort!3 s:raEroßl 7-30 I LOAN. 1865 "Eighteen , years established in N.Y. City." “Oply infallible reldy known." '.'Flee from Poisons.' "Not dangerous' to t o 'lnman Family." "Bas eonie out of their boles to die' (I CoqA.u.' RATr ROACIT,d &C., EXTER'S. Is a paste--nsed I'4 Rats, , • Mice, Roaches, Black' Lind Rear -dues, e tc., t i-c. • „ I' "COSTAT ,F BED-EUG EXTERMINATOR Is a liquid or wash, used to destroy, and also as a pre ventive for Bed-Bugs, &e. "COSTAR'S" ELECTRIC POWDER FOR, , INSECTS. Is for Noths, MosquitoeB. . Fleas, Bed-Bugs, Insects on Plants, Fouls, Animals, tyc. ;. 4. Sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. * * *lll BEWARE ! ! 1 of all worthless imi tations. * *See that "Comm's" name is on each Box, Dottie, and Flask, beibrd you buy. R. COSTAR.. • PRINCIPALIPtPOT, 4132 Broaduay, N. Y. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in COUDERSPORT, Pa. '1865. • INCREASE OF RATS.—The Fariner's Ga zette (Fnglish) asserts and proves by figures that one pair of rats will bare a progeny and descendants- no leis than 651,050 in three years. :pow, unless this immense family can be kept down, they would'eonsume more food than would sustain 65,000 human beings. i'S,:e "Costar's" adv't in this paper RATS vrrstis 1311ZUS: r —tVhoevetenl•nges in shooting small birds is a eruelmon ; whoever aidsi in exterminating 'rats is a benefactor. We Should like some of our correspondents to give us the benefit of their experience in driving out theseptsts. We need something besides dogs, cats, and trnps for this business. —Sceentic American, .ti. Y. _ • __„See "Costar's" adv'tin tills paper 1865. "COSTAR'S" RAT? EXTERMINATOR is simple, safe, and stire,—the most 'perfect RAT-ification meeting we have ever attended. Every Ratl that can get it, properly prepared accordi4to direction, will eat it, and every one that eats it will die, generally at some place as distant as possible from where the medicine ; was taken.—Lake Shore, Jlicb., Mirror. 40 - See "Costa r's"adv't in this paper A VOICE FROM . :TIIE FAR IVEST.—• Speaking of "Costar's" Eat, ; Roach, Ant, Sic.; Exterminator—"more grain and prOvisions are destroyed . ,annun — y in Grant County by vermin than would pity for tuns of this Rat and Insect Killer.'"‘—LancaSier, Herald. rSee 'ToSar's" 'adv't in this mei. ite3 - Sold .in COUDERSPORT, Pa., by all Druggists. • E==== ` rt. - T. ANTHONY & CO. ' - Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, ',itmus,. La AND nerrslt.,, i • I 1 501 ,BROADWAY, N. addition toner malwberlness of DIIOTOtIRAPHIC MA TEIIIALS, we nrefienffiluarterifor the following., Ti.: STEREOSCOPES & ATFREOSCOPIC 1 I 'flf th,e we hove an immonlaseorttnent,includin tt *a r Scone., A rn e t t,. mo t bor t iut, Citi. Iffindecape, tireupa,Statnary, eta, std - Aire, Itec:A v Ilg St, 1.. r public. or private ex into:ion. Our Catalwsue sect to any address on receipt co Stamp. • • ' PHOTOGRAPHIC A.LBVILL. We'were'lbe first t. introduce these into 'the United State., and we timnufnoture irptiwuse quantities; n qua variety, mug ' Irue in price froth 5,1 cents to 450 each.. Our A titwirs: bare the reputation of pitoe superior' in beauty and durability to any; onset, lila, wit Ibe ,eat by mail, FREE, OTT receipt of pH,. air PINE ALLWSIS MADE TO OliDEILan CARD PHOTOGR ADDS: Our entalrpla now eintenext over b`I'VE TIIOI7SAIID differ ent subject. to which additions are constantly being bends, of Portraits of . Erninont Ainericans ,ete.„ via: about MO Mtion-Cenerals, 100 Meat- Celooels, 530 Statesmen, 000 Brig.-Generals, 250 Other Officers, 130 Diviner, 215 75 Navy Officers, ; 123 Authont, Sc) Artiste, . 135 Stege, 50 P,retuinent Women. ', 3,000 Copies. of Works of Art, • Including reproductions of tbo most. celebrated Engravings, Pain ti ngn t taco, Ora CatalOgues 'sent on receipt a Stamp. An order for One Dostn PICIVILHS from Our Catalogue twill be Idled on the receipt of 41.6 e, and aunt be mall, Dal.. • .'hutoutraphans and others ordering gold, C. 0. D . ., will pleats ' remit twenty-fiva par cent. of tics alnoun t with thew order. IST• The prices and Rusllty of our goods cannot fall to ..tidy. Soldier.' Pocket ..alkinne for IS Pictures. 15 Craft; for Inl Pictures, $l4O. , t WhiskerS !, Whiskers !• , Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches ? • Our Grecian com onnd will force them to grow on the smoothes fade or, chin, or hair on-bald heads, in Sixillreelrs. Pride, $1.00.1 Sent by mail any where, closely . ealed, on - receipt of price. Address WARNER, 8:1CO. lysn . Box 138 1 , Brooklyn, N. Y . r OL3IgTETYS TORE call always he found the best o 0 Cooking, Boi and Parlor . S T 0 S Also. TIN and SHEET-IRON IYARE, POTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH BO YLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS. Also, Agricultntal Implements, such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CIILTIVA -TORS, dolcg-sLIELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, , ,tc. HIS wol . o‹ , is well made and the, material good. • Good tali() substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in ;any part of the County—:-Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldom Irefused. Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug..l, 1863.-50' FRENCH's CELEBRATED TONIC BITTERS RE becoming the most popular Illedicini A in circulation for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN- D CE, DEBISITY OP THE NERVOU,S SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS of the STOE4CH ancI I DIGESTIVE ORGANS. It is also .gainingi a great reputation lin the CURE of DIPTUEREA. Principal Office, flouderspott, Potter Co., Pa. "ED"—"JONES' CLERK"--says he can "beat the Jews"selling Cotton Foods. YOU can't believe whit Lune BARGAINS are to be had at : 1 OLMSTED'S. GORNER STORE—constantly receiving fine assortments of GOODS. • na, for :ZS , 1865 1865. 1865: . flyer's ' B44 SAPAßll4l VEr. Weraes GUAT untrar volt t Scrofula and - o Scrofulous Disease.% • Prom EmerikEdes, amell-knoteo yaerehant .feffl..3fainr-% I hav,,sold largo attintitteeof yonr'SauaapA- Fltz.a, but never yet one halite which collet:tot ithe desired effect and full sale:taloa to thosewhe thok it. As fast as our poOpletry it, they agreatherchas been no medial:lel/be it beibre iu our contiintaltr," , Eruptions, Pirapb3sabitehea r Pnstnies;ttlw cers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skul. Fiom Per. llobt.'Stratton, Bristol, .England:. 6S4t I only do my duty to you and the public, *hen I add ray testimony . to that you publish of the' me dicinal virtues of your SAtts.u...tatt.r.A. My daugh ter, aged ten, had an afflicting; humor in het ears, eyes, and hair for years, which 'we were unable to cure until we tried your SA -She has been well for some months." 1 Prom Mrs. .Tane a trcit-Inuncu and much- Esteemed lodge Dimnisrille, Cape .11'ag Co., ",.11y daughter has snTered for a year past ill:fat - 4 scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothing , afforded any relief until we tried your SAIISAPARILLA, which soon completely cured her." Prom Charles P. Gage, Esg.i of the widely -known Gage, ,Murray 4 , Co., manufacturers ofl'enaniella peers in Xaslata, H. - - " I had for several years a very troublesome /tumor in my face, which grew constantly worse Until it disfigured my features and bevtme an intol erable affliction. I tried almost every thing a mar could of both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your SAILSAPAIMA.t.. It immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might for a time; but in a few.weess the new skin began to form under the blotches, and con tinued until ray thee is as '.smootlt as any body's. and I am without any symptoms of the disease that I know of. I enjoy perfect health, and without a, doubt owe it to your ti.tits.te.a.ratt.a." Erysipelas General Debility— , 'Puri?, Ms Blood. j j From* Di.. Robe. Sawin,.l7ouston St.l, 21 - m Fork. "Dn. Asst'.: I seldom fail to remove Eruptions and .Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of your SAILSATARILLii, and I have just now cnred an attack of Malignant Ernsipalas with it, Ice, alterative ere pbssess equals the SAtts.kvAnit.ts Con have sup plied to the-profession as well as to the people." ' Prom .1. B. Johnston, Esq., Traci/an, Ohio. For twelve years, I had the cellfits Erysipelas 4)11 my right .arm, during which than tried all the celebrated physicians 1 - could reach, mud took hun dreds of dollars worth of medleinek. The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that , my arm must bd amputated. I 'began taking your SAIiS,IPARILLA. Took two bet. ties, and sonic of your 'Pmts. Togcither they have cured me. lem now ao welfand sound a*tny body, Being in a public place, my ease is known to every !body this community, and eiteitcsf the wonder or all." - From Hon: Bean; Monro, 11I'. P. P 4 of Newcastle, -C. IP, a leading member of the Canadian Portia meat. - "1 have used your SAESAPARILTA in my family, for general fiebilitn, and for pitriffring the htood, with very beneficial results, and fed cot/Went:a in commending it to the afflicted." f • 3:4 St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt euin, Scald Ecad, Soro From 17e7ry Elq., the al4c ,editor of the Tienklainnock I)rmocr•ut, Pc en .4 ylsartiic " Our only child, about three years of age, was attacked by pimpl,is on his forelteadi They rapidly spread mid they formed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his firm, and actually blinded his eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any apparent effect. For fifteen days We guarded his hands, lest with nein ho should that open the fee. tering and ciwittpt wound which cciveriA his whole face. ilaviug tried every tiring ejee we had any hope frora,.we began giving your iSmis.kraiiiLLA, and applying the iodide of potash lotion as you direct. The sore begau:te hod whim We 11;u1 given the first bottle, and NNW; well whenove had finished the second. The child's eyelushesi which had coma out, grew agaiMinid he is uon'as healthy and fair as any other. Tire whole infighlOrlaixid predictud that the child must die." Syphilis sad IdercurialiDisease. From 1)r. Hiram Sloitt,6l Si. L'thtis; 21Assouri. ,$ I find your SmisAmitlLLA more effectual remedy far the: secondary symptoms of Syphilis and for syphilitic disease than any etheryre possess. The profession are indebted to you fur some of the best medicines we hare." From A. J. _French, M. I)., an eminent physician of Lawrence, Mass., who is,a proniinenC•rnember of the Leyishatire of Massachusetts. • ' . AYER. 31y dear Sir: I lhave 'found sour SARSAPARILLA an excellent remedy for Sypiailiir, both of the primary and secondary type, and ear tied hi some cases that were too, obstinate to yield to other remedies. Ido not knoUr what we can enl ployxith more certainty of kucceos, where a power ful alterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. rim Liew, of Ne4.llrunswick, had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the tains- , of mercury, or nzercurhil diseasci which grew mortr and more aggravated for years, hi spite , of every remedy or treatment that could la: applied, until no persevering use Of AY En's tiALS'APAntf-Li him. Few - Cases can be found inure inveterate and distressing titan this, and it took severed dozen bottles to cure him_ - Leueorrhcea, Whites, 'Female Weaktess, itre generally produced by interonl Sernja'ault Ul ceration' and are very often cured by the alter:l:he effect of this SAIISA.P.I.IIII.I.A. Sonic eiuies require, however, in aid Of the the skilful applleatieu of local remedies. FrOm tho well-lnown and rhkry-eeletoratcur Dr. Jacob MOrria, of Ciiiiinadti. "I have found your SARS.II . .Iii/LLA an excellent alteratiVe in diseases of females. Many cases of Leueorrima, Internal. Ulceration and local &hi lay, arising from the .ftcroftilous have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, when its effect is properly aided birloc4itreatulera."" .4 lady, laudably to altow the :pub/idation of her name, writes " daughter and myself have been cured e r very debilitating Leneorrlrma Of long standing, by two bottles of your" Blieurnntisni, Gout, Liver Complaint, Ilya popei a, Ilev.rt Disenab, Nedralgia, when enusbd by Scrofale in the system, are rapidly cured by ibis Ear. SltitsAr.tratia• AYE4'S CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advantdges over the othe: purgatives in the market, and their superier virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to, the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done: Prepared by J. C. *AYER, M. D., & 0., Lowell, Mass., and sold by . • Sold by C. S. & E: A:, Jones, Coudersport. tilysss: • • C: H. Simmoes, Os-waVo. Mann L Nichols, Mil(port. Colwell S Co., Itoulet, and by • Dealer; everywhere. MANKOOD: 110 W RESTORED! 1101 V LOST! Just pliblished, a new edition of Dr. Culverweli's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (withoui medicine) of SPER5fiTOrtralOEA., or Seminal roluntAry S emiasi losses, INIPOTE: . :CY, Mental Dittl•PllySieal Incapacity, Impediments to Mar- Huge, etc. ; also, COSStairTION, EP/LNPST, and .FITS, induced by self-indulgence or - sexual extravagance. Price, in a sealed envelope, onlyiG cens. The celebrated author in this: admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from •a. thirty years successful practice, that the - 'alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cued without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the' knife— pointing out a mode of cure, at once sithple, certain and elfecutal,lv means of Which ev ery sufrerer, no matter what his Condition may lie May cure himself Cheaply-, Privately and radicallg. This Lecture should be in the hands of every; youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, posl-puid, on receipt of six cents, or two post-stamps. Address the publishers. CIIAS. J. C. KLINE CO., ' '127 Bowry,Now York,Post odiee box 4586 ASII PAID FOR BUTTER, lJ by E. K. Spe neer 1141 L'NT'S BLOOM. OF ROSES,—for the Le, JUL —at , STEBBM.T.