The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, May 31, 1865, Image 4
IMMVSVISOLD I S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Non-Retentionlr Incontinence of Vrine, Intlatamn• roc or Olcirstion of the Bladder or Ei.ineys, Diseases of Prostrate Gland, Gravel, Met: Dust Deposits, Drops!. sal II ;Wangs, Organic Weakrisna, Debill4% isenasis Con- Ji.c. ITE,LiMBOLD'S 'FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU improved Rose Wash *DI radically exterminato from the system Disc:tees aril lac from lfjDlts of Dissipation, at litef t..1.7)47L5e, tittle or isto chanv dist, no illCOliVeltellCi , or exposure: Onnplet,ly sapersedin: those unpieona 71; ind clangorous 1403004 1 , Copaisiti and .3.1 - sre . u.w, in euriak: thess Issas& num v - t,TRAcT nt.441; Irt MI Dtsoasesof the UrlnaryOrgazz, %ILL' or roliALr, frono-tr 7 .ritorer cause o f so matter af Lo 7. and odor, lIIIIRDIATZ acti,n, th►nncy of OAprepa7ati..nscf :B:r;‘• thossaaffer 4 ag fro: Brocn promr4l , ll4 at once. The /loader r...tnit be awzr , 2 tt,st hove l lib:attack Qt the &bore din,ales, ce ItocUiv 116 , 143, 3f#3tal Pju . ,...1 and %stair:cent Le submitted to, POI*. • llct a diuretic. HELMSOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the G-reat IDiutica. AU lb s above itseaa:s recilr! the i-1'E.L.3.1130 "LID'S CV,C3SiIiI7I4 I Compound Fluid Extract pultyia; the blood, remosit.olll(l Mew aid itnprutleacn id life, chroni• , OMNI arliang from, an Impure atato of illy callable and effectual known re. terofala, P.cald Head, alt Rhe . am, P as Bonet Clceratiora of the Throat Alkyls' on the Pace, Tatter, Erytipela ens of the etin, and beautifying the eitL Ti i t ririF , L.......,,,,e.a., 7 11 , ,,,,, ~..: ..,_ ~,,_,,, ixig:(4. - --',7" -- 7-':•n•ara•r4F. , -....:- -1- .._ - ::-...---.-.---k.. , ,---r-v--....-r+ NOT .A. F NV I ig il,..niamt OtoorAtro Mot Walla ma kind arise from tha ran - nation that accumulates in the Docd. Of all the at. 4 Wales that been made to p ge It out, none can "gin effect ITELZROLD'S COM OrYD EXTRACT sr atasApAna.4...4. It cleanse and renovates the ,Iced, Lofting the vigor. of health nto the system, end roves out the humors which make disease. It stimulates We healthy funcilonapf the body, an 4 expels the disorders . Sat row Lai rankll In the Stood. I Such a remedy, that ,Setild be relied on, has long been soOght for, ands now, fe lla Snit time, the public hays one o which they can de-, ~tid..• Our ctivic here does not a telt of certlacodes to hw Ila effects , but the trial of ael gle bottle will show to stop shit it has virtues surpaisi ,g anything they lire Ter team Xwo tablespoonsful of the Extrael is a pint of water, la equal to the siee bottle li equal to a gallon of th 4 the decoction as usually made. I - Uslo6i° ?streets are prepare rtwetplas—in Vactro--and embed ingredients enttrinx into th,ir , tlaA cenetuaire tut will be a corari with tia , :te It forth in the HOW TO USE: ITH larississa of els 'Dila& Iltvr.. oat I Tsr-f past of the use tokir to Pirop'.es and ail extern tAa ipaprosasi nose Wash. Cse the Fzer..ct lluohu I'm , an d i K a Dinreac, axonpt Om: of th . oi E *acre:l(in add Cileoc; In thole and Inject alcIA It!e Ituprored Ito V 2 THESE EX.TRICT9 F?) 'So THE UNITED ETA II Yen' general use In all tho PI7BLIC la private, praetice, and aro realedlet 11.11D.1.Cr FIE Dar,n7....../zzD TO 41'Y Dir I 4 ;attars to— ITELICLOLDI DTIVG CH 3Y CAL WARRFIOUSB, 194 Broadway, N, V., no; t Metropolitan Hotel, oS T 111 - LM3OLD‘3 MED 104 South Tenth St., Asci rwribo Symptoms (1 c, 101.9 BY AU. DRUSGl`i3oware of 0( b, ACP. POD 1411 Taken i* PA., STATE NOIUtAL SCHOOL MANSFIBLD, TtoqA Co, PA. a by the State thorVez Recognize ' in Decen4ci . lB62 Asa . ; State Ncyrircial School, ~ o . .nctforinalty Opt:le:lar:4nel in Septqaber 103. The Scheel is at length {places upon a se sure basis—the State !appropriation of the torrent year enabling' the Trustee to extin guish the greater portidit of the outstanding liabilities, and to tnal4, extensile improve ments upon the buildinki and grounds. F • 1 The Spring Term zdill cOminence about • March 10 , 1805 . • , Prof, F. A., fOr the past six years in *barge of the Chesteri County (Pa.) Normal School, has been elected ,Principitl, and Prof. J.Strait, of the Edinboro State Normal School. tide, has hew appoiltefl, to the Professorship iif Languages and M thematics.; . , Prof. Allen is well ,:iown thl'onmhout the .., State au a gentleman cf, accurate scholarshi , , . possessing, a practicalljexperienee of fifteen years as as educator Of teneheri, , and a their ough acquaintance With their, educational wants, acquired from bis connection with County Institutes in ilt•ery section of Penn ,y.lvenia, as well as in other St l ates., Competent and thOrough ,instructors will be provided for the other departments of the School. 1 The huilding, has been refiteh throughout and provided with futrniture of the'most ap proved style, together, with an lextensive col kection of rriapF.,cliarts;,Mul corks of reference. Excellent Lhemicali and Philosophical ap paratus will be in readiness at the opening of the School. , ! To keep pace with the imprOements in ed-, oention, a gymnasium will be erected, for which a veluabl • apParatus far the heavier ind lighter exerqises lilts all e.adv been secured The school yOtr is ,divided into . three terms uf thirteen weekl,s, each with tip.vacktiOn, ex ept the week of)Chrts t inas lidlidas's. It is desir,l.l.le4liat,s'ludents,tiliould enter at she Lornmeacelmjnt. of rt , term. and fora Period ti f ~t leFs than thirtlien week:4 Ttilltiors., . , pet' term, $6.00.. No extra cli.‘r;:es ror the hlginiges or th'e higher math ,m.c.:,:s. Tem. boolG. 'rented; at reasonable. :.,.... , s. Vocal and( instrumental music il.t. .e.icbers . prices. Ilciarding in)the ha 11,539 60 ;:e7 term : wood for 'winter, S;3 00 per term: ! washing:, s3 . ':: : room rent. :"1 50. Ti' 4rrangeinents now male are Of such a nature ns to warr;filt the Trustees in say i 1 E r . l that nu other institution in the State affor I's bettt•rf..ilitie i,ir,tlse Education of Teachers, or COI' the proparaz:ion of students for college, or l:or general liti;ir4-ss. I For further mirticulars address the Princi pal, at M.instield, Tins county, Pa. .‘ W. C. RIPI,EII, Pres. Ward of Trustees. ALBERT (M, 1Ilh:, ii , Perctarv i • .. Mansfield, Dtc. 2.f.t, 18(34...1 BiIOWNING'S .. 1 ,•• , • CELEBRATED ' COFFEE. l ether existingin ...saat La its taste re itrengthenizg fru'f4 Car.4l:- may be rtaia to :.:fect Li l appintts.' If a 2 1 or lalatity may Sarsaparilla, ; 'eases arlitng trona coastivatlonal dfs- he blood, and the edy for the cure of .ne and, Swelling of nd Legg, Blotchee, Whilst trying Coffc , of all tltie various brands, Remember BBOWfN ING'S 1 EXCELSIOR"— • at the 11.-ad : it stands:( True. it's not I , lilse others that are "SOLD EV F.RY HERE." tretchL we, all do know, good goods • ! gear, ; (But a stretch lilse(this---."sOld,everYwhere" . — is very apt to . tear.) Now, I can safely shy, without!any hesitation. There's none like i'lllte f tWNlM..;'s EXCEU.SI 011.' iii thi., - - - :enlbglitelled nation. Skilled chemists V.aye' not fOutid a Coffee from any store Possessjng the spme'ingredients a.j "Brown ing's Exc!l(4 . ior.'l • Nor is there any one, in or cnt,of ;the'Coffee trade; ( !' ( Who knows the articles from which "Brown . isg's E4celn,ior'' is made. toll it's Mad 4; from darter, rye ' wheat •' beans. Cud pens;} Na:tne a thousand other things—but the Itlp'irt[ rn 0:*(.:E if ytil please. skit with the "ottee-ell will not hold con t. • tentioo i For, the many, many filings they say—too numerousitoo they're engag - eti in running round frondsAore to st 4 .t . To learn t yrrent4 wholesale price of “Brownin4's Excelsior," • 'Some who knowitny Coffee gives perfect sat ! isfaetion, j ( • Have formed aLiviwhich they hope to , (- - • , cause a gOck \ reantion. The case 7 -'tis N‘iifth a flz s ;wi doubt 'twill be • •slth tnorni— I To name their notice after mine, (BILOWN ING'S) I , l\ C1 , ..1,,5apd... Some say. thetr ! s the .onlY\ N brand that will stand a rnhdy test. ;Now try a flttl,n if then' all see which you like the best. \ I Three yead hr ye passed away since I first sold s,pre'; ' \ Never h aye 1 .1 i i,yourPaper advertisil. before ; Nor would I u hv or ricer consent to publish more, ( If like some luseil 1) .! 1 , "everybody, - "sold .everywhjere,"' in 'every 'store'," ‘, k trade hiss this I do tint wish ; tit l e orders \I could ti , ;o fill ; , The Factory 'nil JA•sey's lard would take— leave nbt a foot to till, if trade is 501 so very large; still I think have rtt2; 4 sl2are !, arid all scaly crap !COMPLEXION. et Parsuparilla, added Isbon Diet Drink, and Syrup Of Sarsaparilla, t on purely oclenttfio the full strength of -oraposltion. ready l of thelipropa , Dispeoulatori; ~~~~~~~. irs on the Face, or any xtract Saruparll/a, op. 11 Rumors or 412ptiona ,15 , ..ftSf 0 requiring the aid tzinary Orga:11, such ao • use the Extract Buchu a Wash. I CFI DEEN AWMITTZO iSS ATVIY, and also are TATE HOSPITALS,. AND .bout the lend; as well as onsillsred as,lavaluabls put, - r. may irest s,iured, ,'Lis NOT ":7_ 4 (+I,I)II..:VERYITVIIERE." Mareq4zr,'•tr,kl and.' ft* Salt' hy thel4rider, (11 : ,()*E L. rdIOWNING, No. 20 Allirket.sirCet C'amde,n, z.V. J. CAL DEPOT, embly Build's, Phila. Communtoa flans. ITS, EVERYWHERE. )uriterfeits fit0,(1661164 other. This.(loitHis not ciomposed of poisonous drugs, it contains nothingdeletericMs ; many persons use this cotrq., that, , cannO. use the pure 'coffee takes:, but one and a half ounces ,to ti)like: a quart of good strong cof fee, that beig just ono-half the ooantity,it takes of Jasti Coffee,E and always Iless than half the R ETA L quantities thin ten gross at my prices from the Wholesal Grocers. , I Ita...Ordelri by mail from Wholeiale. Deal ers promptd !attended to. : 1,17 • /}SEEsubscriber having located! in Lewis- Jd is prepareti to do all kinds' , of work in his line, pn short notice and inthe best manner. 1 1 t 1 Making and Repairing 1 of all kinds, , I am enabled by the, aid of ~mac hinery to dP work in the wagon-line better and cheapellthan any other establishment in the county l 1 I am 'also prepared ;to make OOFFINS. ; EDSON :HYDE, Ulysses, IleneVa, Dec. 1, iam D A. SI EBBINS k Co. ere closing np an, old 'Ledger.l All persons.indebted to' them will 'lease I It and settle, before the secolm i s 2 4 ; r e z 1 ii, the proper Otter for Greagortien,.l46e7 11 14 THIS INitilT6lol% ‘ !' WAS ON SHOP ON SIMMONS' COLUMN. FRIENDS AND CTSTOMERS I return you tny sincere thanks for your liberal patronage, for the past few years, and - would say to you that I have located, myself at Wellsville, N. Y. and may hereafter be found at, the STORE AND NEW YORK STORE (Raving bought out the Store fortnerly.occu pied by Geo. Asher), I shall continue to WHOLESALE AND RETAIL in both of the,abdve Stores, and hope to see all of my old friends and l!ustomers, as they are in want of Goods, and will try to sell them low enough to pay them for coming. We nre now selling the liest PRINTS from 12 to IS cents, Extra GINGHAMS froin 15 to 25Tents Good SIIEETINGS froro 12 to 25 routs .TICKS, DENIMS, STRIPES, and all of he Goods in proportion. ' CLOTHLIVG.- Good suits for $lO to Sl5 and Extra fine snits in proportion. And as I havO an over stock of Clothing I will sell at - Whole : - sale 15 per cent less ; than the same can be bought in Neiv York. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS CAPS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, &(., nt reducedi prices GROCERIES AND very loW RICH DRESS SILKS, L EMPRESS CLOTHS, POPLINS, • and all other styles of Dress Goods, very low. Hoping to receive an early call, I remain your friend, C. 'Wellsville, N. Y., 'March 25, 1565.. "A C0MP41.11., I ICI (MILAL - • I `TOPY OF THE TIMES." 5' The Pest, Chcap-st, and most Success Jul Family Paper In the cnion." HARPER'S WEEKLY, SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Critical qf I 1 c Pres e, "The best Family Paper published in the United States."—New Londn'n Advertiser. "The Model Newspaper of our country.— complete in all the Departments of an Amer ican funily paper—Harper's Weekly has earn (Nl for itself a right to its title "A JOURNAL OF. CIVILIZATION i"—N. Y. Evening Post. ; "This paperfurnOles the best illustrations. Our future historians : will enrich themselves cut of Harper's Weekly long after writers,and painters, and, publishers are l turned•to dust." r;)rk Evanydist. "A necessity in every household."—Boston TronScript. "It is at once a leading political and histo rical annalist of the nation."—The Press "The best of its claisin America"—Boston Traveller. sußscturvoss. 4805. . The Publishers hive perfected a system of mai,ing by which th 6 can supply the MACA ZANE and 'WEEKLY prdmptly to those who pre fer to receive their Periodicals directly frdm the Office of Publiattion., Posimasters and others desirous, of getting up Clubs will be supplied with: a handsome pictorial show-bill on a2plieation. The postage on Harper's Weekly is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subseriGer's post office. • TERMS: 'A„ . I - _ , L\nrmes,WrEELT, one yerkr $4 00 An s NZ7 , I Copy ( L i either the Weekly or no za z in0,,0c31 be supplied yr ails for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4 00,,ach, in one remittance ; or Six C4irs for $2O O. Blek•Sumb , rs can be supplied at any time. The A.lnual 'Volumes of .llarper's Weekly, neat cloth binding.will be sent by express, free of exnerise, for S 6 each. A complete Set, comprising Eight Volumes, sent on reeeipt of cash at the rate, of.s4 50 per,rol., freight at expense of ptirclier. Address lI I AB.PER & BROTHERS, Franklin Square, New York. I\7' 1 1 012 SALE rpm: Subscriber offer for Sale the follow ing tracts of lAd, tO wit : One tract of One Hundred and Forty-three and sevem-tentlis acres in \Pike township, Potter county, oil the Genesee\Fo i rks. Price $llOO. Sixty a l l ures are imprcAd, with one log barn, frame kitchen, frame \barn, forty good fruit trees, and two hundred sugar maple trees. The farm will cut gr4ts, in a good season, sufficient, at present prmes, to pay for it. Also, another tract of Fifty-six and tt7t tenths acres, in Eulalia tot - yr:Clip, four miles from Coudersport, Thirty acres of which arcs' improved, with one frame house, logy barn, and some fruit trees thereon. Price $450. Also, a• Wagon Shop and half lot in the Borough of Coudersport, one lot west of P. A. Stebbins'Co's Store near Glassmire'srflotel. The tools, lumber, dm., can be bought tett sonably ; or a portion of them,if the purchriter so de'sires. One half can_be paid in Wagon- Work. A reduCtion of ten per cent will be made for Cash down. f* • ' For Turther particulars enquire of the soh scribe; at his Wagon-Shop in Coudareport. Feb. 1151, 1865. W. R. IVEtS. Winter oods ! AT OLMSTED'S. VOUR atttention is invi attractive stock just sale as low as the same que anywhere in the' county. We have on hand a 19 sortment of Domestic Coti BROWN MEETINGS, at BLEACHEI DEN TICKINGS, and ' COTTON FLAN cannot _be undersold.We purcbase oar good• them at a very i lszuall advi prom • FILAN.I. ELS. IF you N.autto purcha e - RED, 1 1 GRAY, BLUE, or PLAID FRENCH SHIR - lIING FLANNEL, call Olmsted's. DRESS GOODS; • DELAINES, PRINTS HOODS, SONT,A CS, NUBIAS 1 a full sti CLOT DON'T fail to call see the assort* Boors SHOES, FOR M'eri \Vomen Children, in great Ye riety and cheap 1 At Olnusted's For )lolass l es, ;S.yrnp,, l Stigar, Tea and Coffee, in fact everything in ;the Grocery line, call AT 01, 3 r 1STED'S. • CROCKERY A full assortment of Almost everything Sbni is kept in a country st4re on hand •We intend to keep Goods thntill gil!' , e satisfaction and sell good nrcieles nt I the lowest living profit 9 -rain of ;all kinds,, Ilutteh Wool, I Sheep Pelts,, Furs, Der Skins I Also, County, Township hnd School Orders, for •all of which l the highek priee's will he paid' Qlinsted's IConderspOrt, Pl?.,Nov'r 18, E9si • I'ENN§YLVANIA OIL COBIPAN, OEFICE 139 i SOUTH FIFTH STREELI PHILADELPHIA. Capital 1,000,000, 200, $5 !each Reserved Capital S250;000. President, ALEXANDER N,CLITRE. Directors A. K, NI : CLIYRK, D. K. JACKNIAN, ELISIIA W. DAVIS, TUOMAS. A, SCOTT, J. C. ItuMBK116:11., PETE': B. SMALL, JOUN POMEROY. JAMES M. SELLERS, Secretary. ELISIIA W. DAVIS, Treasurer; • This Company has 120 acres of land, in fee, on Allegheny River immediately opposite Oil City, and adjoining Laytonia, with 110 rods front on the river, and 7.5r0dl front on Lay's Ron. Hun. C. P. Ramsdell, editor of the Oil Crock Nonityr, and agent for this land, as sores the Company that it will sell in lots for 100,000, reserving the oil right Whieli is worth $lOO,OOO additional Immediate reve nue with be derived for the Company froM the sale of these lot s : and the Company have two good engines with complete fixtures to operate immediately for oil. The territory in this immediate locality has never failed to pro duCe profitably. Also, one hundred acres, in fee simple. in the celebrated Cherry Rim District, immedi ately adjoining Cherry Run Petroleum Com pany, whose stock is noW worth over Is3o per share. The Company qw have offers, which Will be accepted, fur sinking wells on lease, without any cost to the corporation and one half the proceeds to go o the Company. The Curtin and St. Mello s Companies are in this inimecliate localit -, and their stock is now commanding a lar*e pretnium. In ad. dition, the Company. ha : 10 acres, in fee sim ple, on Cherry Tree Run, which empties into Oil Creek, and in the best producing - section of the Oil Territory, and 110 acres .in fee simple, on Walnut Bend, five miles above the mouth of 011 Creek, and not over two miles from the celebrated Reed well, now produc . - ing;over 200 per day.. • Also. ' the lease of three tracts of land, two , I on'Oil Creek, each producing over ten barreis er day, and one on .Allegheny River, pro dhcing ten barrels per day of heavy oil, worth now' $2l per barrel. The Company now re ceive* three-fourths of the proceeds of the last ti s ned . well, and one-half of the other Co two. Ich of these tracts will be developed by the o pony by Making additional wells, and the en ines and fixtures are now on hand to do i,. ,tta — Subscrt tions must be made prompt ly, as more than one-half of the stock is al ready engaged, . I Tubscriptioos wi Itti receired i at the office, .of She Colinierip. - • ited to the large and received,' and for alities can be bought ige and varied vs 4ons, comprising MUSLIM, MS, • • STRIPES, • CIiFAS, 'NELS, on which we 6 for Cash and offer nee OSt. .00IIE, rind I WOOLEN SHAWS, B. LMORAL SKIRTS, CLOTBS, and At o!msted's. • I ,_N G Afore purchasing and At waisted's 3ISTED, =SE t knt~: ITT RAtielehaties ! I offer for sale on reasonable terms and lib eral time : ONE FARM !-146 Acres-46 Cleared OE FARM i-235 Acres 8O Cleared ONE FARM !-50 Aeres-10 Cleared ONE FARM!-300 Acree- 1 -5 Cleared And lots of other Firms and 'Land: Some money :may be required ;down. - I Lucien Bird. Brookland, Pa., July 2, '64 tf iHaving secured the services' of 320NRY S. COWBURN, BLACKSMITH of twenty cents experience in England and America. - i am prepared to furnish farmets and travelers with the best of "orge and Ox Shoeing Shingle Knives, Butcher Knives it c., proMptly L. BIRD, Proprietor, Brookland. Potter Co., Pa. . formerly called Cushingvile Mai 25, i 864. . T Ii• J. OLMSTED'S STORE can always' be found the best o Cooking, Box and Parlor STO :lisp;, nnd . S.HEET IRON 'WARE, POTS. FETTLES,- :SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS. FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS,', and CAULD RONS,I A:so, Airictiltural Implements. such as PLOWS, SORAPERS, CULTI - TO COP.NSHERLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, HIS M T Okri. - is well made and the mat , jial.gond. Good and substantial EAVES-TROU'CiHS put up in any part of :be Coutity-Terms easy. Ready Pay of ialf kinds; including Cash, seldom refused;i -Storefe,n Main Street apposite the Old Court Hotlse, Coudersport. Aug. 1, --5 1803.0 • PUTNA.II , Clothes Wring-er Will wring anything from a single Thread to a'Bed• Quilt PRICES 65.56; WM, and $B,OO P. A. Stebbi Agents for Potter count P. A. STE.B Id & Co.} EEO Paying the highest price in WOOL! 50,000 POUN DS WANTED ! CoUdersport, June 2S, 18G4. '.'gt "Cifquestionably the Lee curtained work of the kind in the Work(." HARPER'S -NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Crilical ;calico of the'Press His the, foremost Nlagaziiie of the day. The; fireside never had a more delightful compan-: ion, 'dor the million a more enterprising frienJ than Harper's MageSine.—lleap44ll'rotestant (Baltimore.) The most popUlar Monthly in the world.— Vete l'rrk Observer. jI " We must refer i , nterms' of eulogy to, the high tone and . varied excellencei ollOnesta's M.i.oAmi:n—a journal with a monthly circula tion of nbout . l7o,oo copies—i l n whose Rages are to lie found souie of the choicest light and general reading or the day. We speak of this work as an evidende of the AMericac PeO'ple and the popularityf it has acquired is merited. 'Each number contains fully .I.4ti. pages of read ini matter, apprOpriately illustrated with good wood-cuts and it combines in itself th , racy monthly and the more' philosophical quarterly, blended . with the hest features of the daily journal. It has great power in the (Insemination of a , love of pure literature.— Trillier's Guide to American Literatuie,London: alie volumes bound constitute of themselves a library of miscellaneous reading snub as can not be found in the same compass in any other publication that has come under . our notice.—.Eciston Courier ,• • SIII3SCRIPTIOS 1865 The Publishers have perfected a system of mailing, by which they can supply; the MAGAL. ziNrz and Weekly promptly to thoe who pre, . fee to . recpve their periodicals dire . ctly from the Office of Publication. . . The postage on flarper' s Magairne is 24 cts a year, which must be paid at ,iiubscriber's post-office.---,4- . . 1 , ' . 1 . TERMS : . . Harper's Magazine, one year ..,4 00 An extra dopy of either The Magaz ne or Week! fi will he suppli.d grati for, every ttlub of Five Subperibersiat $4 00 each, in one i•emittance ; or Six Copies" for $2O 00. 1 • 1. - lack Numbers can be stippliedl at any time X Complete Set, now comprisng Twenty one Volumes, in neat cloth bind i ng, will be I sent by expres_s, freight at expense. of the pur chaser for $2 25 per volume. Sinyle volume:. by mail, host -paid, $3 00. i Cloth eases, for f binding, 53 cents, by mail, , ost paid. Address i HARPER &BROTHERS, Fraultlin St], are, Nevi - York, OATS!! OATS ! OATS ! • WANTED :, I • 1 -g- will pay SO , Cts., CASIII,\ wr OATS 1. delivered!at my Store in. lilillpoit. ''. B. S. C.OII*F.,LL. , Dec, 19, 1861. • 1 \ ' 84 10 , ° Ayer's 4-I'-APARILIAN, Front _Emery Edit, a iceltlTown mat -Minty, Ox. ). ford, lifdfte. "I have solid larp - ,e quantities of yours SARUM /MLA, Ipit tier .r yet one bottleirhich failtdicir the desired effect and full, satisfaction to thcise wit& took it. As fast as our people try it, they agreeViers has .; been ntrmedleine he it before in cnn cOginninii7." Eruptions, Pimples; Blotelies;Tdstilles;l3l. cers,lSores, and all Diseases of the Skin. • • From Rer. Root. Stratton, Bristol, England. I only do my duty to you and thlputplie, when I add thy testimony to that you publi h of the me dicinal virtues of vour Smts.vrAttu4.A. My daugh ter, aged ten, had an afflicting hunt* in her ears, eyes, and hair for years, which we were unable to cure until we tried your SA US.trAItILLA. ,She has been well for some months." From Mrs. Jane E. Mee,.n trell.7.M torn and mud!. esteemed lady of Den nisriltc. Capd May Co., J. '1 Illy daughter has suffered for ri'year past with • scrofulous eruption. which was very troublesome. IS - tithing afforded any relief until we tried your . SItiItSAPARILLA, which soon compiiftely:cured her." From Charles P. Gage, Esq., of the tridely•knotels Gage, Murray f Co., inautzfacitircrs of enamelled papers in Xashua, Y. H. 1 had for several years n 'rery troublesome humor in my face, which grew Constantly worse until it disfigured my features and became an Intol erable affliction. I tried almost every thing a man could of both advice and medicine, but without an, relief whatever, until I took your S.tusArAntut. It immediately made my face worSe, 118 you told me it .might for a time; but in a few weeks the new skin Megan to form under, the blotches; and con tinued , until my face is as, smooth as any body's. .and I am without :thy symptoms of the disease that' I ;know of. I enjoy perfect health, and without • dijubt owe it to your SAILSAPARILL.t.” • •trysipelas —General Debility - - - 1 the 1 : illoed. I From. Dr. Rat. S'arcin, Karsten St., Xere York. I , s Dn. A m:.n. I seldom fail td remove Eruptions and screffibuis cures by the per:levering use of your SlvrsArmin.t.A., and I have just 'pow cured an attack of Malignant Eraapetas with i. NO alterative we flosses ~.,-inale the 6.111-5,14..1111LLA you have sup . plied to ,the profession as Wells to the people.". , I From J. E. Johnston, Esq., Wakeman, Ohio. ii "For twelve years, I. !nisi ti e yellow Erysipelas. en my right arm, during Whic . q time I 'tried all the celebrated physicians I cultld reach, ?Ind took hun dreds of dollars worth Of medicines. The ulcers were so bad that the cords because visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I began taking yo someir SALSA rmuLL A. Took two bet i ties, and some I. f your Pm i.s. iligether they have' cured me. lan now as well and sound as any body. living in a publiP place; my case is known to every body inthis conatuunity, and excites the wombat . of . all. I 1 . , From Hon. Lfritry Wanly), M. P. P., or Newcastle,' Cent.C. W., a leadin g sia:nibei• of the Coot/lan rariia . • "1 hare 115(11 YOU SAItiAP.I.-RILLA i n my family, for general dulXitit, and ; for purifying the Woad, with very hened•ial results, and feel cusfulened its commending it to the afilicted." , , 1 . i St. Anthony's Fire, Bose, Rheum, E S. Scald Head, Sore Eyes. • From Harrfy Sickler, EN.,"tftettple editor of the Tunkhannork Democrat, renn,qyjranfa. - "Our only child, about three Years of age, was nttacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly spread until they fornwd a loathsome and Nirutent sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded his eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied nitrate of silvei• mid other remedies, without any apparent effect. For fifteen days we guarded ids hands, let with them lie should tear open the fes tering and corn pt wound which covered his whole face. flaying tried erery thing else we had any hope front, we lees - an giving your SitttSAPARILLA, and applying tfie iodate of potash lotion ns . yota direct. The sore began to heal wiled we had liven the first bottle, and was well when We had finished the second. The child's eyelaShes ' Which had dune out, grew again, and he is now as healthy and fair as any other. The whole neighborhood predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From Dr. llirom Stoat. Atissourili ] find year SARSAPARII3.A. a more effectuid; remedy for the isevorniary symptoms of Sypl+44 and for svphilitio disease than any other we ponce n. The profession are indebted to you for Seine of te best inedieines roc have.>' I ns &, Co., ' --JaiF. 25; 1863 From A.. 1. French, M. 1)., an eminent physician Of Lawrenre, Mdss., who is a; prominent member of . the Legistaitzlie of .11iismidiusetts. "PR. AVER. -3ly dear Sir: A have found your SA Rs.f I'.l ): fl L% no excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of the primary nod second!rry type; and etree twit in bOllll, cases that were UM obstinate to yield to other remedies. Ido not know what we can em ploy with more errtainte of suoiess, where a power- 1 ful alterative is required." 1 , Mr. Cho3. R. Ti/ Lira, of Yen , Brunswick, N. J.; had dreadful ulcers on Ids logs, caused by tic abuse 1 of inereiny, or yp.rrurial iliseiisr, which grew more f and more aggravated Or years, in spite of ever, I remedy or treatment that could ,be applied, until the'( perkvering use of Ay ER'S SA Rs APA RILLA relieved him. rev.cases can be found more inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several demo 1 bottles to cure him i , - Leueorrhma, "Whites, Female 'Weakness, are generally produced by.intirnal Scrofulous Ul ceration, arida re very often cured by the alterative effect of this SA R5.6.1.1:11.1.A. 1 Some cases require, . however, in aid ofhe, the skilful application of local remedies. . . From the well-knO rn and widely-celebrated Dr. , Jacob 1 orrill, of Cinemnati. "I have found yo tr SAnsAPARILLA an excellent alterative in I tis:easys of females. Many cases of irregularity, 1,1 , 21C0ri1l rna. Internal Ulceration, and ,focal debility, arising front the scrofulous diathesis, bare yielded to lt,ad there are few that do not% When its effect is pre perly aided by local treatme4" ,al. la4y, unwitting 'o pl4ote the puldication' of Tier , ' name, writes: My &lig-liter and myself have been career of a I'M' d ebilitating I..mcorrlima of long star:ding, Ily two bottles of your SARSAPARILLA." Hhoumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Drro i popsia, Heart 'Disease, Neuralgia, I ' :when caused by Scrofula hi the system; ere, rapictili inured by this Err.t SARSAPAISILLA. CASII for AYER'S • CATHARTIC PILLS posaesa so many advantages over the other purgatives in the market, and their superlor virtues are so univeisally known, thatwe need not do more than to assure the public * their quality is maintained equal to the best it 4er has been. and that they may be depended ion to do all that they have ever .done. Prepared by 'T. C. •AYER, 51. D., 4 Go a Lowell; Mass., and sold by Sold in C. S. & E. A. Jones, Coudersplirt. Chappel Bros., Ulysses. C. H. Simnieee: °sway°. .• Mann t Nichols, Miliport. Colwell Co Roulet, and by De, o everywhere /lOW LOST! trow RESTO,RED .1 Just published, a new edition of Dr' Culversvelrs Celebrated ESsay ion the rddicat cure- (without medicine) or. 61 , :f:SCATriftRIMEA, or Seminal Weal:Dols, 171. voluntary Seminal losses, ImroinseT, 'Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to 'Mart riage, etc. ; also, C'ossrairrws, ENLRPBT,and. - FI induced by self. indulgence or sexual extravagance. In a sealed envelope,only 6 tens. The celebrated -author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty yeari, successful practice; that the alarming consequences of self-ahuse may be radically cued without the dangerous -use of internal (medicine or, the applica - tiozi of the knife— pointing out a mode of, cure,' at once simple, certain and- effecutal, by 'means of which ev ; ery sufferer, no matter what his conditiOn may be, may cure himself ch'eaplyi privately rand radically. !* This Leeture should be in the bands I of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address; Root raid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. . CHAS. 3. C. KLINE ,CO., 121 Dowry, Now York,Post office boz 458 a SIiI 3 AID FOR BIiTTER,- by Spencer. 'HUNT'S BLOW.' OF ROSES,—for the La .4/4_416, Sim ITORLD . 3 ORP.VP RPMRDT POR Baron,.la and Scrofulous' DiseaSeiL MANHOOD lets