_. 0 - FR JOT TURNED TO GRIEF. On Saturday last the American reple were Startled with the news of the assassins).- Von of Presiden LINCOL . N, at Washington, in Ford's Theatre, 61 Friday night-at about 10 'o'clock, and the attempted assassination of Secretary &mann; hild two of his sons. We have given in another column the despatches first annetmeing the sad event. It is only at long interVals thatletions are Shaekedi by acts of, cad• desperation such as the present, but never yet J has therebeen : n tragedyenacted that Can ecitnpare in atrocitc. with the assassination of tlkgeod, the great.. the kind-hearted ABRAHAM tINCOLL -After. four years of successful ailminiStration during . a rebellion the magnitude of which surpassed' any the world has ever seen, at a time . when people were raising the banner of peaCe, when 'bloodshed was about to cease, when we were expecting the successful solution of the prob-i lem of self-government by a free people, the pulse is stilled, joy is turned to grief, the . victorious banner floats heavily at half-mast, and Nye - are a• nation of mourners. Justice, often outweigheti by mercy, served not to: still the frenzy or subdue the bate of the mad followers of the barbarous god. Slavery. Its' altar, red with the life-blood of tbousands :Of thelumble and oppressed, demanded 'a no-. bier sacrifice. Its death, as its birth, must. be signalized with• Blood. The hideotiomon: stet a_appetite, insatiate as death, desired no only one sacriEce. Everything connected, with the assassination, demonstrates the fact that it - .was the intention to strike down a Sufficient number of the leaders and pro ;ectors "f the government at one blow, to paralyze the people, and produce . tnat worst of conditions, anarchy. Thank ,God, the, effort failed. And. though tiM people mourn, it is not without hope. The tears shed by' strongmen will cause, tears a . blond to flow' from the dead body of Slavery. The mercy, so often disapproved of by loyal people, wi.ll now; we hope ) be turned to stricter Justice ;. and Slavery be made to walk "under the: cloud and through the crimson sea" IMMEIN=== Conderspori,l77eanesday Evening Apr. 19, 1365 Local and General. ,See New Advertisements. tel_poid is noiv selling nt Tar , . Wednesday was übseryed in thi.F rlilsett, in aceoraahee with the request of the :ztate Department at Washington,, ii being' - the day Fet apart fur President Lit;cots's funeral. ; Services were held in the M. F:j Church by Rev. Mr. Ster.ens All places utl business were cluSed, consequently our papel is issued on" day later than usual. Wl),:rheSehool Masser follows the Yanker soldier in; all his victories in the South Tin inediately on the occupation ofa retie/ iorong. - • /held by the Federal forces, schools:re opened ..acid free newspapers eißculated. These are rthe influences which will soon .regen , rate the ;'South ; while the contemptible aristocra de: sirhich have en lotag, devoted the fairest por tions of the Ratl4ol3 to Slavery, will find it 11:. !hard to resist feee schools and a free press. tohhattle against the majesty of a free :Government. Dy OiteC7 The' Spring e.xaminatiun of 'Ye:tellers will be held: At Philander.Reed' s 'April 15, at Ip. m. Sunderlinville " 24, Harrison-Vail?) , " " 25, Bingorun Center " " Andreas &eat." Osrrayo.Village Sharon Center 4 ' ' 4 , - Teachers are rerineFied to bring Pens' and Paper. Directors and others are. invited to Attend. R. T. , CLAFFLU, Co. Supt. Teafhers'.ltistiturie. An Institute•met atlewieville, at 1 o'clock. March 6, 1665, and organized by electing R. T. CLAFFLiN,'President, an(' E. Harris. Sec' y . After an exercise in Reading. by Miss M. C. Burgess, the Institute agreed to meet the next day—there- being but few teachers in .attendance. • - March 7th.—Prayer by tlie Itev. Mr. Cono ver. An exercise in Reading conducted by Miss Mary Galutia ; in Grammar, by Miss B. Harris,; in Prac. Arithmetic, by Mrs. Conover; and it: Geography, by Miss S. A. Robertson. After quite an interesting discussoin of the question: "Is it best to try to, entirely sup•, press whispering in common schools," , ad .journed.. • In the evening an able and entextaining, lectUre on Education, was delivered by Elde Conover. Mr. Rowland also ratide a few op- Tropriate remarks, following which the teach en had an animated discussion as to , What! would most benefit CoMmon 8choolS?" • .March ' Bth.—Prayer by Rev. Mr. Rowland.' An exercise in Mental Arithmetic, by Miss Cushing; in Reading, by Miss W. A. Wild-' man; in Prae. Arithmetic, by Mrs. Trask ; and in Grammar; by Miss Carrie Grover. • A Song w 43 sang by Mr. Cray ion Lewis, entitled "something New." A Lectlre on 'Geography was delivered by B. T. Clafilin. Harch: 9M.— Prayer by ..R. T. (lite* box, by Miss Carrie Betinett—questsons distributed. An exercise in leading, by Miss ' W. A. Wildman ; in Geogranhy, by- Miss 11.' lisrrill; in Writing, by Miss Carrie Bennett; and in Grammar by Mrs. Grover. A rese `lotion was passed inviting Rev. Mr. Rowland to lecture. ' In the•evening a iood lecture was delivered ..by . Rev. Mr. Rowland; on "The d fret Pmee Moral character in the sexes. " Also ienvitics ;by sir. Conciver and the Superintendent. . The Committee on Test-Books report the: • following as preferable to be used in out .aeliools: • Parker's and Watrous' *Renders. National .Series: Sanders' Spellers; Covell's Griiinmar; Allen's and Shairs Geographies; Davie's. Arithmetic. The teachers then passed the following : , Resolved, That we nee gratified with .t.lie advance made in teachers' wages, but °wine'. , to the still advanced prices we think tin m -inadequate. • March 10th.—Teachers were exam'ned, of whom Misses W A.: Wildman, Carrie Graver, • and Lavinia H. Raymond, received proles.' atonal certificates. The ,Inslitute was well attended, numbering between . 30 •and 40, most of whom were teachers. There were no male teachers examined: Biped by , the Officers. IND :`,per—lAdjutai,it General RUssell'e reportfor 1864 - contains,tiie following r ,!.-ts Organiza tions : fpr three years. term, 9,80 ;-for one, ,hundred days::tertn, .16,094 vojunteer re cruits, ' 6,567,E drafted men and substit'utes, 10.651 recruits for the regular army.' 2,964.; :re-enli4tmenis; 1;87 . 0; foul, 91,704.. Th• total 'number bt trooriSlitrnislied , bS , tiie.State 'ince the commencement of the rebellion may lae'sitititned.up thus: During the. year ;1861, 130,594 ; do, 1862; 71,006 do 1863. 43,046 ; do. 1865, 73,42,5; reinlistruents, 17,876;,t0ta1, X 36,444. :These figures do not include th 25,000 militia raised in 1562. The number of pensioners is increas ing. with startling rapidity, no less . than 23, 724 halving,.been plaeed - on . the; rolls durin the yeiir 1864. The number pen, nionieri at the commencement of the preSen year:was 29;422, - and the numlir of widow, pensioned was 36,9G/3—Making a total of 66. 969. 7t is net uureasoriable to conjecture that even shorild the war tertdinate • within the present year, the number of pensioners will reach i 100,600. ..'Based, on the present. expenditure $,000.000 for' 66,3P0'pettskiners ;the minim( !mist is estimated tit upwards o '510,000,000. • M. The most j a issionate admirer of Jeff Orris c.unOt feel muich confidence in him a, prophet: Four years ago, in Ft...binary 1.851, he said in Stevensem, Alabama t "You. imrder States wilt gliidly came into the South thm Confederacy within six days,. as we sill be your only friends. Epgland will recog size us, and a glOrints future is bqore file grass will grow in the Northern cities where the pavements here been Worn b,) ;he tread of commerce. rill carry wit altere it is easy to advance; Where food fiu he sword and torch await the armies in tit. densely I opulat:ed cities. "1 OS—Brown's BronebiallTroehes, allvertiset n nnother eolurnn are highly rat:unintended 'or i pnblic, speakers and others, for the relic• d - e6ids and to clear the ituice. .Tlieir efficti ty is strongly attested by; con o gressinen, eler rvlnen and singers, (Choi use 'thew Anion:, the certificates to their 'merit4 we observt letters front Henry Ward Beecher, P WU ; Its. E. 11. Chopin, and others of eminenee.— Eee..iny Amt.. • IN 3kt:3lOlllCM. I In pauses Of the. diubilee, When the wild strains of Victory Paint wltlt their own excess of jky; Lift the dear Plug he died beqeath Arid w•ite it softly - o'er our boy O, blesseill are our ears; that liear The shims of triumph, sweet and clear, Ring iMihe morn of Liberty!— I Blessed alit . eyes, that, through glad tears, This glorious; loriged- for Advent see l ! • I' Min. lie to ed Freedom ! at her feet . , - Ile counted loSs and anguish sweet, - . find delta', the tr:iampli martyrs know And.yet, upon, his watching eyes 4' Flashed not the morning's weleoMe glow ! • Ills. faithful ha.rt believed in G0t1 3 , 1 tie patiently h s path he trod never beard the hulls of Earth witht:is,ional,e :,celaiim Oar Nation' sedond birth I fi •, ~_ I gpun -the they left him ueou „ ;inch warm .iteArt-blo,'od red. llaw wititet he !lowers of Peace initst grou 'l'o cover with - their inaocenee 'rile guilt that ,lained the earthihelow ! Q. linty bells. Hinz in tlte'dny l— end lie:trts thi,t 81111'er. turn pray, , And blt , ss the liatrd I . 4.tr o Vietory kw! leb - piir ((v. ( 4 , I“,r, grove the , rn yes 01' those wjn , fot Libe,rty. kil 1U ISC,7, - • ‘ - . i 1 On rAiinday morning. April IT. nt the ret , i- , di•i• • i =••, bride'- f•tther , in Fill 11 . .1 by the 1:,:v. ill A. ••••tereii•.. GEO. W. BOY ER and : hiss LIBDIE YEOMANS. . limor, Pa., April 11865. ELLEN NI ;11311(), aged 17 years find 20 days •: .' I : • zr death her relaziresland friendsPhave 1 , I ,„ ill :in irrepra , me Toes. l - alio was so and retiring. yet sor well informed .; diona . te and obedient to her parents. true a friend to those who had the cc to number her in their list of . llnr stiff rings were very severe, WI on the arni ofJeSust she bore all- on ninglY and died in the certain hope Haus zmnihrtality. - , lie . graed\df.God enable the monrners this a Iliciion, remembering always, ii heap r , Tilsdie is gain." f "My weete4 dli n rling, my tenderest care I The ardesttlii, gkyme to bear eto ict i owlmy Work is past; -. . That nothingzMw I can say ,or do' - 11,111 :riog pinycomfort s o,r aid to you, , - 1 have raid the last. , Yet Ii know I never was g. 4 .4 enough, That ply tenderest efforts - wer all too rough To help ;t soul en fine ; ' • So the lovingest angel amongt em all Whoretouches fell with the soft iu full, klas pushed iny handfrozn'thine l" : 3 - 1 : • ~ H. In limporiti . in, March 29, -1865\Mrs. AMAIC9.X 311. , , 'wife of Geo. C. Nianly, aged 20'yellm .! 1 \ kind l hearted, affectionate, it .noble wire and dOifzil meting., she lezi . yes behind her matey Mourneri and.rt large circle of synipa-7 libizingifriends3 : 1 • '.,' • . _ _ • I in 1 , trwt niY .inwiest iso'nlTec Ind qo I:appin I 'friends. !leaning ;compla of a g,l " V!, NI to bear thqt . On k't idny, :April 14, on the streets in :oude stnalik• old, Pin.. The flndei yin colifeh favor on .a !Soldier's wife by t tlfe Jounsm,..Qrstes. It YNIIIIA' J BOVINE, ' No. 27. Dee.. Term by bei-. next, friend ' 189.1, in the corn- JOSliPli MANN mon ?Wits of Pol-, i vs !. . 1 ter County. Libel WIL4I AM T 4 BOVINE Jin • Divorce. To IWILLLINI T.! BOVINE, Respondent above named!. Pele.te take notice that a subncena !:nd afias!sahptens. having been issued and retornhd nihili you •are hereby vequired to . i pp e a l l on the first day. of nest Court, the 19th ?My i:lfJOne-next, to r ! tuaceer io the corn 7 I plaint :pude ilithis case. ,_ 11 D. C. LARRABEB, Sheriff i qouclertpuri, April r 8; 1865.1- ..• 1 , , 1,. . di a i n i s ti-ator'6l Notice. , %1. T EMU S Letters' of Administration to V , t hii Estate of ,JojPi BfiIZZEE late of ~ z ()sway° tp.,- deceased, have been granted to. the sukeriber, all periona indebted to said Estatelare requested to make immediate pay ment, ,ladd those baying claims against the Amle tvill pre.ient ,them, chily authenticated, 'fol. setpeOelt to • i ?,- ' WILLIAM DEXTER, s, of Oswayo Village; Adam's. April. l, IRO:. . s 311. 1 kRIRIED: IDDL-:g).1 LOST VORCE NOTICE. 417Ttaa r /1,31 f, RIC - AN Witeli IS THE It is made on the best principle, while tb foreign watch is generally made on no prin ciple at The 'foreign watolr; - ] is mostly made by. women Mid Vivi, .BY :Bei . b. ;Wit ire their labor is cheap, their work is dear at any price. .Such wdtches are made without plan. and sold w;thout guarantee. They are irreg. tiler in cOnstructin, and. gritte as irrermla .1 in movement. They ate;.designed only to ;ell, and the buyer , is the. party most tlior uglily sold. Those who have kept, "ancres,'. and "lepines" and "Shads lovers",in profe'ssed repair for a few. years will appreciate the truth of our statement.' , THE PLAN' OF THE AMERICAN , WATCH. ' Instead of being made of several hundred little pieceS,_ screwed together., the body of the American •Watell is formed ; of SW PLATES. 'No jar interferes whit the harms?. uy of its working, and no sudden shodk cgn 'throw its machinery out of gear.. In riding. or any brisiness pursuit, it is all held togethe as firmly as a single piece of metal. It is just what all machinery should be— ' 1 st. ACCURATE. 2d. SIMPLE. 3d STRONG. '414. ECONOMICAL , . We not only secure CHEAPNESS by our 'systetn, but QUALITY. We do not pretend that Our Watch can be'bought for less money than !The, foreign make4elieves but that for its. real value it Is sold for ode-half the price. OUR 'SOLDIER'S WATCH (named Wm. Ellerv) is what its name .iudicates—Solid, Substantial, and always Reliable—warranted to stand any amount of Marching, Riding 0 Fighting. ota NEXT HIGHER QUALITY OF, WATCH (named P.S. Bartlett) is similar in: size and general appearance, but has more, jewels, and,a more elaborate finish. . OUR LADIES' WATCEL recently brotigh out, is put up in a great variety of patterni., many of them of rare beauty and workman - - quite - small,' but warranted to keep time. SOUR YOUNG GENTLVAN'S WATCH . is neat, _not large, and Suitt the , thing for the pocket 6f Young America. • TIJE PROOF of the merits of our Watch m•tty be found in the fact that we now employ 'over seven htindrell workmen in our fitctories, .and that we arc still unable to supply the constantly idcrensing dmaand. • • 0112TIIRE-QUARTER PLATE WATCH is'thinneiand lighter than the others we have 'Ascribe& Jts fine Chronometer balance is dolicately: adjusted to correct the variation caused by changes of temperature. These 'watches are the fruits of the latest experi meats in Chronometry, and ere made.,hy. Qn best workmen, in , a separate departinefit o our • factory. For the finest time-keepin qualities they challenge comparison with the best works of the most famous English and Swiss iiidice - rs; • • • , ROBINS & APPLETON, l• Agents for the American Watch Cmitpany. • • • 1132 Broadway, N. Y . BUTLEWS FIASCO At Fort Eisler, was Scarcely a greater failnre than is daily Mode by most of the advertised bar dyes ; nor was TERRY AND PORTE:SI'S VICTORY ' Bore complete, perfect and glorious, than the conquesV achieved by • Christadero's liair Dye Over gray, red and sandy heads of hair. The 'obnoxious hue.is wiped out . in five ,minutes. 'and a . magnificent brown ,or black, glossy and natural, takes its place.. Manufactured by J. CRISTADOItp, No. C . Astor Muse, New York. Sold by Druggists. • Applied by all Nair-Dressers DR, TOBIAS' VENITIAN LINIMENT. IT CURES CHOLERA, WHEN . VI ST 'taken, in a few hours; Dysentery in higfnn, !lour; Toothache in five minutes. It is per fectly innocent to take' internally, and is re commended by the most eminent physician's. the United States. Price 40 and 80 cents. TOWANDA, N., August 6, 1859; Dr. S. I. Tobias, New York : Dear Sir :—1 .havev used your-Venitian Liniment with great, 'success, both as• an internal n's well as 'an i, external medicine. In cases of Billions Colic :and Cholera Morbus I regard it as a aye .eign remedy. Your Venitian Horse Linim nt 1 ,- stands unrivalled as a horse liniment amo, gst • farriers• and boatmen on this vain'. 7, : WM. LEWIS, Sup't North . Branch 9 al, Sold by all ' Drug'gists. Office/No. 56 .Oortlandt Street, Nese York, . . A SINGLE BOX OF BRANDE H'S PILLS ' :;contains more vegitable. es active matter 1 `than twenty b l oies.of any is in the world t lbesides ;fifty-five Lund - ed physicians use , . !'them in their practice to the .exclusion of other purgatives.T e first letter of thei value is yet scar ely appreciated. When' they are better mown sudden death and, ':ceintiteired siCknCss will be of the past.. Let! 'those who k(ow theMspeak right out in ./ their favor./ It is a duty which will save life. Ourr el are subjeerto .1s redtmdane,y o ;vitia.ted ile!nt this season, and it is danger-, !ons as it is Prevalent;. but firandreth•s Pills !afford an invaluable and efficient protection By their occasional use we present the col-, .lection of those itnporities, which, when in, Luflicient qunntities, cause so much flange s 'to \the budy'S health.' They soon cure live ;complaint, 4spep,,sia, loss of appetite, pain in the head, heart-burn, pain in the breast honeAutlden faintness and .costiveness. ...", • Sold by all respeCtable dealers in medicines 'Whiskers - I .Whiskers ! iDo you want Whiskers or Moustaches? Plir: Grecian compound will force them to grow on the smoothest \ Glee or chin, or hair on bald heads, in Six Weeks. price", $l.OO. Sent by 'mail anywhere, closely sealed. on receipt of rice. Address WARNER & CO., • lysn ! I Box' 138, Brdoklyn. N. Y . French Burr Mill Stones.. , . alanufactory Liberty Si. near the Cotton factor 1 lIARRISI3URG, PA. - rpfiE undersigried• annonnees to the trade that he contifittes . to manufaCture and import direct from the most eelebratcd . quer ries in France; tbe best qualities of French Burr Mill SloneN,;.l which he offers dt reasonable sates and guar , . intees satisfaction to the purchaser. Alio, every numlier fnluse, of the celebrated OLD ALIOR GRAND BOLTING CTOTH, • ! • Orders by mail promptly attended to, end goods forwarded ,by railroad, cane), or express if flesired. ; ; WM.,fl. KEPNEp, ^1 3023- No. 10. West Stnte St.. fiayriebtirgi E xtrlsre'S 1:41,01 LI diss,—,st. 41L'OF ILOSES,—for the La , sTicssuig NES lEEE HEW GRANT' &, SHERI ME HEARD FROM AGA N ANOTHER UNION VII TO Go I i4D DOWN • HEAVY DECLINE IN GIOODS AND Pi i r r iC STEBBINS ttt.. Co Are tiow iteceiving a new and complete STOCK OF Spring Goods ! ! purehased•ainee the heavy deelin,and during the recent panic in New Yoilt - Consisting of DRESS GOODS, DEI,AINES, 1,"0PL1N,,% ALPACA'S, - ' MOZANBIG U PLAID POPLINS, 1 BLACK SILkS, : ALMORA SKIRTS. CLOAKS, L AF" CASS Full stock of MF.NI3 FASHIONABLE CI. ALSO 1 BOOTS & SIIOES, lIATS 44 CAPS I 5 &c., &c., &c. , Drugs and Fancy Articles Oils, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, White Lead in 'Tin CanS,Aleohol, Camphene, Rerosene,Latup and Lamp Fixtures. Glass, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Botanical Elerbs, ?erfumery;Fancy ,Soap and Toilet articles, Gum, Hair, Ivory nd-Wooden Combs, - Pomades 'mid:Colognes. and a fine assortment of Flavoring Ektracts. Pens, Ink and Paper, and Linseed Oil—frin and boiled, Brushes Cloth, Tooth„Naili Hair, Hdt, Paint, Varnish tad Artist Brushes CHOICE STOCK OP GROC ERIE S, Teas, Sugars, Choice Syrnp, Good Rio Coffee, West Indix and Dandetion 'offee, Rice, Corn Starch, Farina, Cocoa, /cc., ALWAYS ON NAND. P. L'STEBBINS' & Co., 1 = Coadorspert, 'Apr. 10, IN6 . •.7:1-tyrs:77,7 - 4 . 01,Lv-A-N_____ ,, . „:„ - . .. ' . INMONes I IABRIN fry,itaboifq (gibe secietary o:the Treas. , a ii, the tindersigned has assumed Alt .- Gan FRIENDS AND GTSTOMEtts 1 „> I rat ,Subscription Agency for the ea. United States , Treasary Noies, bearing soy my sincere : thanks for yourliberalpitronam for the past few years, and woultlstly to" yon nd three tenths per ;cent; .Interest, per aii• . , .__ __ ~_ . • 4 . • • , \ hat I have located -myself' at -Wiellaville f num, knt 3 ,,w° " the • , ' y., and may hereafter,. be found at the SEVEN THIRTY LOAN. ' • -.. _ l I t i. . These Notes are issued under date of, June - 15th; 1865, and are payablei three years froze STORE that time, in carrency, or I are convertible - at 'the option of•the holder into .4 . 17. S. 50 $I N - per cent. GOLD=BEARIN'G BONUS These bonds are now• worth apreminin g which increases the actual profit on tlie T-30' loan, and its exemption from Stale and mun'cl,',oel taxation, which adds from one t i p three per eel: I more, according to the rate I v vied on othei \ ofhperty. The interest is' pa,able semi-an. nually by coApons attached o each` note, • >which may bo'cut off and sold o any bank o • bunker. I I The interest amounts to' , , One cent per day en a $5O note Two cents " " I" SICO " Ten "' ‘f ", " $5OO " 20 , s " "- " SIOOW " Si. " " "i i" $5OOO ." c' Notes of all the tennminalions named will he promptly ftirnished opOn receipt of sob icriptions., and the notes forwarded, at once The interest to 15th June next will be paid it idvance. This is . • I'HE ONLY LOAN IN DIARKETI how offered by the' Government, and it isj lonfidently expected that its superior advan• tages will make it the . GREAT POPULAR. LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. r - '" • :t . • • ..-..-..,, : ,I 1 1 EY2 1.. I,s:than s3po.ooosoo or the Loan im 'tbM4zed last Conwrisss are nom on the market. This amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed. will all • he subscribed for within four months, when the notes Will undowaedly command n premium, •as has uniformly been the case , on closing the sbb srrirtions to other Leans. In, order thaecitisens of every town and section of the country may be afforded foci-- ties for taking the loar4 the National Banks. State Banli;and private Bankers throughout the countrythane.ginerallv agreed to receive subscriptions at part. Stibbcribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confi / den e, and who only are to be responsible for, th delivery of ihe notes for which they re / ceive orders. . JAY COOKE, Subseriptitin .tgent, Philadelphia Subscriptions will be received by the • First Nationbl Bank of Harrisburg, First National Bank of Locklmren, First National Bank of Philadelphia, First National Bank of Williamsport. THE NINTE NATIONAL BANK OF TEJE CITY OF XEW YCm.R" . Capital, $1;000,000 Paid in, FISCAL AGENT OF THE 17NITED STATES/ And Special .Agent for Jay Cooke. Subscription'Agent, WILL DELIVER 7'30 .NOTES, FREE OF CHARGE, 'by express, in all parts of the country. and :receive in payment Cheeks on :New York. .Philadelphia, and Boston, current bil's, and all five per cent. interest notes, With interest to date of . sitbscription. Orders sent by mail will be promptly,filled. . NEM ;IVERES, OL o rzts This Bank receives the accounts . of Bunks and Bankers on favorable terms; also , of in 'dividuals keeping New York accounts. J. U. ORVIS President. J. T. HILL. Cashier. A BARGAIN ! THING THE ,lOST DESIRABLE HOTEL IN NORTH , ERN PENNSYLVANIA; TO BE SOLD AT iNPLIVA.TE SALgk The Subscriher offers at PRIVATE 'SALE the House whir% be has occupied,for the last tea years and Known as the - COUDERSPORT HOTEL. It is situated' at the County Seat of Potter, County, Pennsylvania, Is Capable of accom. l ,niodating Sevelatj--yive guests, has running; water itt, severia of the rooms on the btise-. went -floor, and it BARN ONE HUNDRED' feet long. The lot has a frtint of 130 feet on I 1 1 Main Street arid 180 feet on Second Street All the necessrY out-buildings, Ice-houses. Sheds, &e., are in good condition.' The attention of persons desiring to pur chase a Hotel is called to tills property it has for a log time been considered one of the best puyidg Hotels in the'norhern seer tion, it is the centre of a greet amount of, Li avel,and bus thealvantage ofa reputation of. being "well.' pt.": A. Company with a la'rgi ". ; capital Stock will commence:boring for Oil' 1 in the early Spring with good indications o i,uecess. Oil lies been taken from the surfac't ,of a stream only one square from_ the Hotel :Ind those best competent to judge seem to. have no doubt of there being Oil, not crib !in the Couaty, hut Within the limits of tilt: Borough, ,Of course every one can see what: -tn advantage this will be to all the Hotels' in this County," but more decidedly to tith . one, as it is by, far the best in this.section ate undersigned being engaged in another business whidh requires his whale time find. himself unable to attend to it, and this is the • only renson for his selling. 1 i For farther particulars addreSs . - ' D. P. GLASSMIRE I Coudersport, Potter Co., Pa., or Titlsville. Crawford Co., Pa.' February 22. 1865. , -.., El Marb;e . Yaid. HE subaCriber desires to inform the citi zens of Potter that he can supply thrm with all kinds of Marble work, as cheap"- an d As good as it can he had any place tht country. MONUMENTS and TO3IB-H7,2ONE. of all kinds furnished ou short notic•a • O. BK:UNLE. Coudersport, Feb 13 '65 17 ENLPIRE AND NEW YORK STORE Having bought out the Store formerly Oen- , `,e d _ by Geo. Asher), I. shall couttoue :\,9I,EsALLE AND =par, in both of the above Stores, and hope to see, all of my olio Wends and customers, - is tbev , are in want Of Goods, and will try to sell them low enoni:th tcb pay them for coming. We are now selling the seat PRINTS•troni 12 to 1.13 cents. Extra GINGHAMS from 15 to 25'conts. Good MEETINGS froze 12 to 25 cents. DENtIIS, STRIFES, and all other Goods in proportion. rit C • iL 0 Thri , G iii Good suits for $lO to VI and Extra finer suits in•prop rtion. - And as have an over. stock of tlothing I will sell at Who're. , sale 15 per cent less than the same car/ lin bought in-New York. • HATS & CAPS, / • _ / BOOTS Sr, SHOES, SHAWLS, CLOAITA.,'; at•reduced prices. * t - - / CROCKERY GROCERIES eery low, RICH bRESS / SILItS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, • •.,!' POPLINS, and all'othei styles of Ladies' Dress Goods, very Arr: \ 4 • Hoping to teeeiri in early call, I termitic our friend, ' ' C. H. SIMMONS. U'ensviilb, 'II, Y., March 26, 1815. FRUIT TREES. GOOD assortment of Fruit Trees (grafted) for sale ttt Cbudersport by the subscriber cheap for Cash • They have been nicely preserved through the winter and are in excellent condition for setting out. L. B. COLE. Coudersport, March 31, 1865. FOR SALE IIE Subscriber offers for Sale the follow 4 • 'ing tracts of land, to wit t One tract of One Hundred and Forti : three and ser.n-tentlis acres • ,in Pike township, Potter county, en the Genesee Forks. Price kllOO. Sixty, acres are improved, - with'one 'log barn, franie Kitchen, frame, barn, forty' good fruit trees, and two hundred sugar 1-naple trees. The farm' will cut grass, in a ',good season., Sufficient,' at present prices, to , pay for, it. Also, another tract of Fifty-six and two.: tenths acres, in. Entail& township. four miles . from Coudersport, Thirty acres of which are improved, with one frame house, log barn, and some fruit trees thereon. Price 5450. Also, a Wagon Shop and half lot in the Borough or ConcierspOrt, one lot west of P. At Stebbins' & Co's Store near. Glassmire's Hotel. 'The tools, lumber, &c., can be 'bought res. sonably ; or a portion of theM,if the purchasee 3o desires. One half can. be paid in Wagon- Work. - - • A OrlnCtion 'of ten per cent will be made for Cah down. For arther particulars enquire -of the sub. eriber at his Wagon-Shop is Coudersport. Feb. 20, 1865. W. R. IVES. 1866 DIIiLADELPHI.A. it ERIE RAILItOiD...— , This great line= traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to r the city of Erie, on Lake "rie. - It has oven leased by the Pennsylvania Rail [load Company, and t nder their auspicis in bring c:apidly opened throughout its exalt& length. It is now in use for Psissenger and Freight business rrom Elarrisbutg to St. kary's (218 wiles) ou the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (78 miles) on the Western. Division. TIME or PASSIM:Mt TRAINS AT SMPOSIRSt .• Leave Eastward. rhrqugh Mail Train Leave Westward. Through Mail Train Cars run through wriltorr, oaASO■ both ways between Philadelphia and Lock Thaws tnd between Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars• on Empress Trains both ways between Williamsport and Balti. more, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger basts ness apply- at the S. E. Cor. 12th and Idarke% Streets. And for Freight 'onsiness of the Corapany's Agents: S. B. Ringstr,n, Jr.. 'Cor. 13th stud liiorket its., P. hiladet,phis, , ( .1. W. Re:molds Erre. J. M. Brill, Agent N.O, B. B. Biltimore. • E.. H. HOITSTOiI t • . . GenTilvight Agt. Lawn L. Hoorr, • Gen'Z 71eket Agt. Jos. - D. POTTS, ' Wal;nrstport, /NASH PAID FOE. EGGS, ' • - !LI br • • , ie. K. Spencoir: 186.5 340 P. M. 10 18 A. if.