The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, April 05, 1865, Image 4
1 ~T~~~ ;4 ~. PA,.I:I3TATEAVORDIAL'7SCHCidi . ,!MANSFrgIIE: c TIOGA CO,,PA. .1. Fris nurrrrortos was 1 ";' , ,'• Recognized by' the State Authorities , - in t December 1862. II; AB A . 1i 1 ._. State Normal School. - -,,illadAtradifylOpated as such in Sep camberlB63. 'The SchOot is at leigig plc upon a, se cure basis—the State appropriation of .the current year enabling the Trustee to extin . guish the greater portion of the outstanding liabilities, and "to,-...make extensive iimprove , xnentappopthe buildings and grounds. . . Vie Spring Term w(ed- commence about . . March 10, 1865. Prof. F. A. Auss, for the past six yeari in • charge of the Chester County (Pa.) Normal School, lies been elected Principal, and Prof. J.Strait, of the Edinboro State Normal School, tion, has been appointed to the Professorship lof Languages and lipthematies. , (?{of AllenArttvell, known throughout the Maio aa,a genVentan of accerate scholarship possessing a practical experience' of fifteen years as an educator of teachers, and a thor ough acquaintance with their educational wants, acquired from ,his connection with County Institutes in every section of Penn- Sylvania,. as well, as in ither . States: • '''Competent and thorough instructors will "'bii'firovideld fertile other departments of the ''''''Seliciol/ - ' 4 r - --- - , The btlilding hns•been refited throughout and provided with furniture of the, most ap proved style, together with an extensive col - lection of maps,charts,and works of reference. Excellent Chemical and Philosophical ap paratus will be in readiness at the opening of the School., --., t_. '',. .2 ' To keep;PaCeilth the improvements in ed - mention, a gymnasium. will be erected, for • which a valuable apparatus for the heavier anlighter exercises has already been secured he school year is divided into t h ree terms -of t irteen weeks each, with no vacation, ex cep the Week of Christmas _Holidays. is desirible that students should enter at I l i, the commencement of a term, and fOr a period of not less than thirteen weeks, Ttifitiois.; in advance c iper term, $6.00. I No extra charges f r-the laguages or the higher math . emetics. 'Text" books rented at reasonable rates. Vocal and - instrumental ; music at t!achers' prices. Boarding in the ha 11,539 00 per term ; wood for' winter„ $3 00 Per term; washing, $3 25 ; ., Si 50. ` , The arrangements now made are ,of such a nature as to-warrant the TrusteeEi in saying that no otheOnstitution in the State affords better facililles for the Education of Teachers, or for the preparation of students for college, , or for.general business. i - -'For further particulars address the Princi pal, at Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa. W. C. RIPLEY, Pres. Board of Trustees. ALBERT CLARI, Secretary. ! ' Mansfield, , Dec. 20, 1864. , Notice. .1 * - GERMANIA, Potter Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1863.. JOTICE is hereby given that Charles Be ll- shor,mow or late of this county; holding the following described 'property. has not yet paid any consideration whatever fcr the same, and all persons are hereby warned not to,pur.L chase any of said property of the said Bushor before the decision of the ,Court is given in this case and C. Bdshor has paid to me the consideration money therefor. ' The following is the property : let. A certain tract of land near the Ger m.anirr*illi. in warrant 5075. AbbottltoWnstdp, Polfer county, Pa., containing 100 acres.— Also 25 warrant 5078 and fadjoining the above. certrin tract of land, with h Mill and improvethents thereon, near Kettle Creek, in warrant 5819, in Stewartson township, Potter county, Pa., containing about 204 acres. C. Bushor holds also in trust warrant no . 2501, in Games township, Tioga county, P4.', on the ro: d leading from Germania to. Gaines, containing'Bso acres tt . 7 Admini strator's Notice. wHEREAS, Letters of Administratton to the estate of WILSON CARSON, late of Allegany township, Potter county, 'dec'd, bare been granted to the subscriber, all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and thole baring claims arinst .the same will present thed, duly authentiCited; for settlement ta HUDSON HENDRYX, .Allegany, Aug. 30, 1864 , BOOK AGENTS WANTED .T.130.5e1l by Subscription; with sample, excel rent 'Popular - Illustrated' Family Works. Among these is a low price HISTORY of the REBELLION, of which over forty thousand of Vol. 1 have already been sold. It is a good business for ex-Soldiers, and others out of employment. • ° Also, for sale to. Pedlers, Merchants, and, Agents, Stationery Packages, Battle Scenes, Portraits and other pictures for ‘4the Times,'', Fat MaPit, , liehdtifur - Alburn Cards, Carrency Holders, .etn. -Poe Circulars, with particulars and terms, address - ' HENRY HOWE, No, 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, 0 4.; .Estizie . of -G*o:gole.i.`Ded d.i tICE . = 'WHEREAS, letters' of administration on ITV the estate of George Estes, late of He: bron township, deed. have been' granted to ths'undersigned, notice is hereby. given to all persons knowing themselvea indebted to said estate to call and settle immediately and those having claims to preseut them for payment. POLY ESTES, Administratrii: Hebron, Not. 22, 1564 6t. • THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE or LN INVALID. • I Published for the benefit and ris a caution to young men and others whO :suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Man leod, fc., supplying at the vane time the means of self-cure. - ,. By one who las cored F himself after undergoing considerable quackL 1 ery. By enclosing a postpaid 'addressed en= velope, single copies may bp had of the author NATEPMEL , MAYFAIR Esq •-, 'Brdoklye,`Kings 00., N. Y. ;_ Administrator's Notice. ~,,upoßEASbetters of Administration, to the-estate:of WAL-Et. JENtINS, late of township,Camerott countyidec'd,have been granted to . the subscriber, all persOns indebted to said estate are requeited to make T..: & ;; ; slnmediate pe.ymentrand•thoso baying claims • againtit the same will preseni thens, duly in tbenticatecl, for settlement to - JACOB JENKINS Adm't. Ocrndersport, Oct. Z 6, 1864, IJIMSBLOOIt OF-ROSES ; -for the La ties,, -at OtEBBINS' T STEBB;I4B,/k Co are closing up an - --JE=•; ; e ine:p o t:4 i . I to them will a[ i r l d r re li tt s l secou-To preFiliooftlee e r fo r e ..?„ 93 t ".. Utilet!eirb It the test-sustained s work ofh k 'nctitiikilf r order t- ".... " ... ..,',:, I.'-....:-".;--r.tY - ;". , _ !11.ItPER'S .;.:: ',.: ' NEW -.IIOItTHLY4 MAGA'LINA .' • ' OridiatNeticei iethe Press: - It is pelorensest Isis/penes of the day. Th e fireside never hail amore delightfarcompan ion, nor the million a more enterprising friend than liarper'iMegazine.-4fellsodistProtufant (3altinsorb.) .. I ~. _ t The most popeder Monthly in the world.— /Vete York ObserVer. , ' We must refek. in terms of eulogy to the high tone and varied excellences ofliertian's Macsazum- r —a jotiinal with a monthly cirotda- i tion of about. 170,000 copies-Lin tilipse pages are to ke found tome of the choicesttlightand l general reading - f thesis:tic ' We speak of [this work as an evidince of the American People ; [[ and the , popularity it , has [acquired Is merited. Each number contains fully 144 pages of read ing matter, apPropriately illustrated with good wood-cuts i and it combines in itself the racY -monthly and the more_ philosophical quarterly,. blended with the best features of the, daily, Journal. It hietkreat power in the dissemination of a love of pure literature.— R i übner's Guide v American Lieerature,London • TheyolumOs bound constitute of themselves i i a library of miscellaneous r ading such as can not be , found id the sam "compass in any is other publicatioh that come under our notice,--Boston F ourier ' , _ SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1 1865.. . The Publisbere have perfOcted kaykteni of mailing- y which they can supply the bisciA ZINE and WEEklpromptly to those who pre fer to .receive: their periodicals directly from the Office of Publication. 1 . . . The postage on Harper!: ,Vagazine is 24 cts a year, whichust be paid at subscriber's post '— • - office. ill . . TERMS: harpers Magafine, one 'year , , $4 00 An extra copy of either the Hitgaiine or Weekly will be supplied !gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4lOO each, in one remittance ; or Six Copies for $2O N.' 4, . Back Numbers can be supplied at any time A Complete Set, now comprising Twenty one Volumes, in neat cloth-binding will be sent by express, reight at expense of the put.- chaSer for $2.25, per volume. , Single volumes, by mail, post-pdicl, 's3 00. Cloth cases, for binding, 58 cent's, by mail, posh paid. Address HARPER. & BROTHERS, 1 - -I : Franklin-Square, New 'York. The Paper for Every FamDy , Circle. SEND FOR A SPECINEN. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. The Sumfay-Sohool Times. With a rapidly iucreasing subscrijition list and the welcouie it bas' met ,in thousands of homes, the Sunday School Times is about to enter.on its seventh year. . Fvery successive volueie adds to the evi dence that sucha paper as this was needed, and wherever i finds its 'tray into anew neighborhood, it is hailed With pleasure by Parents and Teachers as supplying a Want 'they bad long felt. ' The. Snnday School .2Vnics contains, from week to week, Stirring incidents of interest from the Camp, the Field, and the Hospital;. showing what heroic Christina fortitude and ; endurance are exhibited by our brethren in arms. lt is entirely undenominational, and is therefore wel4ome at every loyal Christian fireside. ; Early in 'November a serial of absorbing interest will be commenced from the pen of a gifted author, one who, has written some of the best juvenile books that have been pub lished for the pest ten years. The publisheis offer a beautiful Premium Plate of , oChrist Blessing Little Children" to any one who will get up a list of Five new Subscribers for.the Sunday School Tints:. Send for a specimen copy, which will be mailed. free on receipt of a stamp to pay postage. ' WM. RAMIE. 1 "A COMPLETE' PICTORIAL 'HISTORY OF HE TIMES." ! . ig The Best, Cheappr, mkt most Suecess- I Union." ful Paper:in the HARPER'I3* - WEEKLY, SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Critical Notices of the Press, "The best EaMily Paper published in the( United States."—New. London Advertiser. "Thd, Model 'Newspaper of our country.— comPlete in all the Departments of an Amer lean family paper—Harper's Weekly has earn ed- for itself a right to its title "A JOURNAL OF CIVILIZATIONI"—N. Y. Evening. Post. "This paperfninishes the best illustrations. Our future historians will enrich themielves. out of Harper's Weekly long after writers,and pimters, and publishers are turned to dust." —New York Evhngelist. "A necessitv in every household."--Boston Transcript. . I "It is at Once u leading political and histo rical annalist of; the nation.":—The Press "The best of its ,class in America"—Boston Traveller. 1 180. The l Publishers have perfected a system of mailing by which they can supply the iflitoA man and WEE4r promptly to those who pre fer to reemye their:periodicals directly , from the Office of-Publication. Thisimasters and others idesirousl of getting up . Clubs Will be supplied with a ihandsome pictorial show-bill on ;trplication. - The postage on Harper's Weekly is 20 cents a year, ,which must be paid at the subscriber's post Office. .. I TERMS: I 1 1 Hearse's WEEKLY, one year - $4lOO An Fxtra Copy of either the Weekly or Maga zine Fill beaupplied gratis for every Club of ive Strbsoribei,,at $4 00 each, in one remittance; or Six Copia for SFO 00. . II ' Back 14 - ureber^ can be supplied attny ;time, Jac, —limbers cl pph. . .zsnyTt,— The Annual Volumes of Harper's "Weekly, is neat cloth binding,will be sent by eXPress, free Of expense,for $6 each:l A complete Set, comprising Eight Volumes, sent on reclipt of casliat tho !rate of $4 50 per vol., freight at expense of purchaser. Address 1. I HARPER & BROTHERS;? t --` ; 1 Franklin Square, New Yrirk. •r- ()LEAN ACADEMY. The rall`Term will commence Augn-ti3lst 1864iand continue thirteen - weeks. loftier) from ; $4.06 to $B.OO per term.' Board an be had in third, Principal's' family. Roo 's for self boarding can be had in ,the : Academy Buildings• at $2.00 per term. - - E. WILDMAN, A. M. Principal, .waisted by other. TCachers. - • , A Teachers' Class will be organized for .e instruction pf teachers in their professicm; in *tdiclVFOOles - ,NOrMal Methods. and/other Valuabl aids will be used. t. - . F. S. MARTIN, Pr sideit: STAAILYJ MARTIN Secrstar,y' J, C. GARRIGUES k CO, nblishers and Sooksellers, ?mirth St., Philadelphia, Pa, 148 S._ SUBSCRIPTIONS '`f - - -7 YOUR atttention is the large and 'attractive stock just rreceived, and for sale aslowas the "same qualities can be bought anywhere in the county. We have on hand a large and varied as sortment Of Domestic Cottons, ccenprising BROWN SEIEETINGS, and' SHIRTINGS, BLEACHED Mt/SUNS, • CHECKS, TICKINGS, and • • COTTON FLANNMS, on which we cannot be undersold. - We pnrchase onr goods for Cash and offer them at a very small affiance Prdm Cost. FLANNELS.. IF yon want to purchase - RED, • • GRAY , BLUE, or PLAID FRENCH smart:6 FLANNEL, call At OlmstedYi. DRESS GOODS; - ' DELAINES, • -- PRINTS, • BROCHE, anti WOOLEN HAWS, HOODS, SONTAGS, • NIIBIAS, , BALMORAL SKIRTS, • CLOTHS, and CASSMERES,: a full supply , At •Olmsted's. 'CLOTHINO. ON'T fail to call before purchasing and 11 see the assortment At Olniste-d9s - BOOTS . & SHOES WOR Men, Women & Children, in great va l.' • mety and cheap At Olinsted,s For Molasses, Syrup, Sugar, Tea and Coffee in fact everything in the Groceiy line,•call AT OLMSTED'S A fall assortment of almost everything that is I pt in a country store on hand. We intend to keep Goods that will give satisfaction and sell good articles at the lowest profit. AT OLMSTED'S, glaittElt. Grain of all kinds, Butter, Wool, Sheaf, Pelts; Furs Deer Skins • Also, County, Township, and School Orders, for al of which the highest prices will be paid ' - At °lutist*? 41' s Conderiport, Pa,,Nov'r 18, on 'I , . PENNSYLVANIA IMPERIAL; OIL: CODIPANY, OEFICE 139 SOUTH FIFTH STREEL, PHILADELPHIA. Capital $1, 000 , 000. , 200, •at $5 each Iteserved Capital $250;000. itisident, ALEXANDER M,CLIIRE Directors A. I{ ; 111. t CIAIRE, D. E. JACH7,!AN 7 ELDMAW. DAVIS . , THOMAS A. SCOTT, J. C. BOMSBRGISE L I'F.TEB. R. SMALL, JOHN Ir. icaiiioy. JAMES M. SELLERS, Secretary. ELISHA W. DAVIS, Treasurer. , =o This Company has 120 acres of land, in . fee, on Allegheny River immediately opposite Oil City, and adjoining Laytonia, with.llo rods front on`the river, and '75 rods front on Lay's Run. Hon. C. P. Ramsdell, editor of the Oil Creek Nonitor, and agent for -this land, as. sures the Company that it wr sell in lots for $lOO,OOO, reserving the oil right which is. worth $lOO,OOO additional. Immediate' reve nue will be derived for the Company from the sale of these lots: : and the Company have two good engines with complete fixtures to operate immediately for oil. The territory in this immediate locality has never failed to pro duce profitably,. • Also, one hhndred acres, in fee simple, in the celebrated Cherry Run. District, immedi ately adjoining Cherry Run Petroleum Com= pany, whose stock is now .worth over $3O per share. The Company now have offers, which will be accepted, for sinking wells; on lease, without any cost to the corporation land one half the go to the Company. The Curtin and St. Nicholas Companies. are in this immediate locality, and their stock is now commanding a large premium. In ad dition, the Company has 40 acres, in fee sim ple, on Cherry Tree Run, which empties into Oil Creek, and in the best producing section of the .Oil Territory, and 110 acres in fee simple, on Walnut Bend, five miles above the mouth of 011 Creek, and not over two miles from the celebrated Reed well, now produc ing over 200 pe/day. - Also, the lease of three tracts of land, two 01011 Cree , each producing over ten barreis per day, nd one on Allegheny River, pro ducing n barrels per day of heavy oil, worth nowt per barrel. The Company now re ceiv three-fourths ,of the:proceeds of the ,isamed well, and one-half of the other two. Each ofthese tracts will be developed tie Company hy'sinking,additional wells, and the engines and fixtures are now' on hand;to do it. _ • • fieli".SubscriPtions must be made prompt ly, as morethan one-half of the stock is -al ready engaged. t Tubscriptiona will be received :at the' offlce of the Company. t i 1 _.iv . j:i:•;Yi 4 -'i., ..--.',., : •.'._" .-,-,;,,, • :. .i . ; , ..... - 22 2. V.,j, •• I . :-.....„.;.- E f 4,R: t 1 .....A-ii... , ....7.• . ... 1 ,. .. , _ , -...":-.''.•'•':',-":7',:;:.•.,r,•"::::•'..-;'.:1-al...-,i.,-i--;:•?:.:..--j-,...-,..4:.-. Whis the exclamation °Utile Atitronismii who first discoveredthat the / world mooed In Its Orb 4.; not lees J°Y° lll3 bee been the'exelainx- tion of Limit vliolinie *found •THE PUCE where GOODS can be purchased FIFTEEN or TWENTY PER CENT:+below the market price, and yet find; them lie represented. Two things are to be- considered in purchasing Goods : the Quality and tbe'Prieb and pm. chasers studytog both, can be better eatisfied with our stock than • any *other in this or ad- '•. r • oining counties. 'rhiuk,twice before buyingir , ' DELI?, TRASH." Now Is your time pro- cure a GOOD ,I,RTICLE., "Delays 'are den. geions and sometimes fatal." ' Don't wait flr another enormous advanee in Goods.. The' folicrWltrir la I4A, qopt large assortment : ; ' Mei , hios The attention of the Ladies is called to the stock of Merinoe's,l3lack,Brown, Blue, Maroon, Drab and White. Some of these were bought previous to the rise and Will be sold nearly as low as present wholesale prices at JONES' Ladies Moth' Blacß, drey, and Fancy Colors at JONES' Boy's Wear Cassin3eres, Striped, Checked, and Plaids ; Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, and Cottoriadee of the very best quality at JONES' 'iMoupiing Goods Black Sillcs, Alpacas, Emprcss Cloth, Bomba zine, Delaines, Rep Cloths, and Black and Purple Goods of various kinds at JONES' Domestics Heayy Sheetings, three-quarter, four-quarter, five-quarter, fine. unbleached ; Pillow Case and Sheeting Muslin, Shirting,' Ten-quarter bleached for sheets at . JONES' White Goods Barred Muslin, Plain Jaconet, Cambric for Skirts, Irish Linen, Swiss Musline, Nainsook Muslin, 'plaid,- striped or plain, and Bishop Lawns at JONES' Embroderies Dimity Bands, Ladies Collars, Undersleeves with or without collars at 'JONES' Woolen . Goods Hoods, with tabs or points, for Infanta and Children, Misses , and Ladies; Nubia's, Under. sleeves and Capit at JONES' Prints For Childreri p Shirting Prints, plain black, white, and black,blue and white, and all kinds of Fancy, at • . JONES' Cloths Gents' Black Broad Cloth, excellent quality bought before the rise. Cassimeres ; black silk mixed, black and fancy Doeskin, striped, plain, and Plaid in fancy colors, and Cloth for whole suits at JONES' Hosiery Women's wool ribbed, cotton ribbed, cotton plain, colored and white, plain or fleeced. Girls' white, brown, mixed, wool or cotton, and wool balmoral.stockings. , !Sens' home and city-madt. BOysVall sizes, White or inixed,.at JONES' Gloves . For Ladies, Gauntlet and Rand Gloves, Kif Linen, Cotton, Plain and Fleeced Gent' fine Driving Gloves, Cashmeres, at JONES' Shawls For Ladies ;-Sheplierd's-Plaid, Erode, Long and' Square, Woolen Plaid; a - great variety of elegant colors at JONES'. Delahaes Of domestic and foreign manufacture. We Can,assure our patrons that we believe our stock this spring to be more attractive in this line than ever before. JUNES' Balmoral - Skirts With only two breadths, making it necessary to bave but two seams in a full skirt, in a great variety at JONES' Groceries Teas, Sugars, Choice Syrup, Good Rio Coffee, \Veit lOU and Dandelion "offee, Rice, Corn Staich; Farina, Cocoa, &c., at JONES' _ _ Br i l/SlieS Cloth, Tooth, Nail, Hair, Hat, Paint, Tarnish andl Artist Brushes at 'JONES' I Drugs and Fancy Articles Oils, Paints, and Dye. Stuffs, White Lead in Tin Oans,Alcohol, Camphene, Kerosene,Lamp and; Lamp Fixtures. Glass, Patent Medicines, Cheinicals, Botanical Herbs, Perfumery,Fancy &tip and Toilet arlicles; Gum, Hair, Ivory andl Wooden . Combs, Pcituades and Colognes, andl a fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts, Pens, Ink and Paper, and Linseed Oil—:raw andlboiled, at JONES' Clgthing Boys' and Men's at JONES' t Boots and Shoes Of every descriptionland the best quality, at astdnisbing•low prices, at JONES' I . I Wall; Paper 1 Ceiling raper, Transom Paper, WindUw Cur tains, Borders, Tessal s and Fixtures ; ti l t .Ps. I ' . s HATIDWARE,W W 0 EN-WARE, WILLOW WARE, NAILS, {IRON, PLOWS,' WINDOW SASH, FLOUR, IPORK, and _ ; FEED, in fact, everything that the people need can be had at - ATONES'. - All'lor which will be old at limiest rates 00IINTIIVPRODIJOE TAKEN IN T . 1 Cantierspert,'Pa l ,Jane l Ilia ! , fire Chalices v ntre i r for gale on rettnonableterna and lib eial ONE 'FARM I-1.46 Acres-46 Cleared ONE FARM I-235 Acres-80 Cleared ' I ONI FARA! !-50 Acres -15 - Cleared ON FARM l—spo Acres-5 Cleared And lots of other Farms and Land. - Sbme - money may be required down. Lucten Itrlooktand, Pa iniy 2, '64 tf Having se cur ed the services of HENRY S . . ; cOwßuitrr BLACKSMITH • of trventy years experience in England and Amer . rca. • am. prepared to furnish faxmers and travelers with the best of ' gorse and, Or Shoeing, • Shingle Knives, Butcher Knives. &c., promptly, ' 1 L. BIRD Proprietor, Brookland, Potter Co., Pa. formerly called Cushingville. Hay 25, 1864. 1113 .._ , .;__~~~.....a STORE can always be found the best - 0 Cooking, Box and Pnrlor E S. 'S T Alio, TIN and SHEET =IRON WARE, POTS ! KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS. Also , Agrietlturel Implements. such! as PLOWS, ' SCRApERS, CULTIVA TORS, !CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG r POWERS, t - = HIS : . WORD is Till made and the material good. Good and ! Substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County—Terms easy. Ready Pay lof all kinds, including Cash, : seldom refused. i S*e •on Main Street opposite the Old. Court House, COudersport; Aug. 1, 1863.--50 PUTNAM Clothes Wringer Willjwring anything from a single Thread to a Bed-Quilt. rsicEs : $5.50,g6.00, and. $B.OO. A.. Stebbinfi & Co., Ageits fOr Potter county.—Jan 25, 1863 P. •A. STEB IN & 00., • ARE Paying the highest price in CASH for .1 I •' WOOL! 50,600 POUNDS WANTED! • enuderspqrt,.lnne 28, 1864. li P. A. Stebbins' & Co.. Ai RE AGENTS for the sale of AL, WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES for Potter County NOr'r 18, '63 I DR. TOBIAS' , I - VENITIAN LINIMENT ,II A T S lON during UNIVERSAL the A yearsTlSiFtAhC;a S fourteen 'been introduced into the United States.— Rm. being tried, by millions, it has been Prodlaimed the pain destroyer of 'he world. Pain cannot be where this liniment is ap plied. If used as directed it cannot and nev er has failed in a single instance. Fqr colds, coughs and influenza, it can't be beat. One 25 cent bottle will curq all the above, besides being useful in every family for sudden acci dents, such as burns, cuts, scalds, insect stings, Sc. It is 'Perfectly innocent to take internally, and can be given to the oldest persoli or youngest child. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. Office, 56 Cortlandt Street, New York. Sold by all druggists. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER; ;by ' E".S . Spencer I ' MAITHOOD: HOW LAST! HOW RESTORED ! . Jest,i t pu lished, a new edition of pt. ii Cver ell's ;Celebrated Essay on he r ical cure (without medicine) of Sp4mAroanuoss, or Seminal Weakness, In voluntary Seminal losses, IMPOTENCY, Mental and physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar nage, etc. ; I also, Cossommou, EPILEPSY, and FITS, induced by self-indulgenee or sexual extravagance. . . . Price, in a sealed envelope only 6 cens. T e celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demUnstrates, from_ a thirty years successful Practice, that the alarming conquences of self-abuse may be radically cue `without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife-- pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effecutel by means of which ev ery !sufferer, no matter 'what his condition Mai be, may cure himself cheaply, privately l and; radically. 111111 r This Lecture should be in the bands of eVery youth andevery man in the land. Sint, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid,' , on receipt of six cents, or twolpost stamps. Address the publishers.. • l• CHAS. J. C. Rita 127 Bowry, Now, York,Post office box 4586 OATS !I OATS ciATTI WANTED Iwill pay so cts, CASH,• for OATS delivired'at my; Store ia Millport. • B. S. COLWELL. Dec, 19, 1864. A , 801 P. Question Settled I-- at 13TEBBEN13'• • retailer taip talon whlli w Senostria constittitiOisoa ltitades of MM. r;lrectinees or-. I laced" ,led; vitiated e the Mood;isherei t A tiuld becemesla. 7 .-ei Ipetent tOlustithAi vital for eta lictiel wens eteticiti;- Ulf -r vs the system into 'dig - order ,ti k •V; ~asicontiiminatiOn ie n rioludy marl by mercurial disease, - la living, disordered fflgesifitsi from Wraith, food, impure air, filth and filthy:habiti ii the; depressing vices, .and, above all,. b the venereal infectiomr- Whatever'. Ilk ii- origin, it is: hereditary ; in the constilutioi,,, descending "from parents, to children nut the third and fourth generation;" seems to be the rod of Him who says r ."lwf . ...,_: 4 visit the iniqttitiei of *lathers uporether'r children." The diseases it" eriginatelli* various names, according to the organs l attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produce tubercles, and finally _Consumption;iiiu th glands, swellings which suppurate and br come ulcerous -sores; in the stomaili ns bowels, -derangementa which produce ir4 gestion, dyskisia, and; liver complaints ; . the skirl, eruve and cutaneous affectuh t These, all having the same origin, require tit same remedy, viz., purification and in.vigon Lion of the blood. Purify the bloody - an these dangerous distempers leave you; Wit feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you 'emus have health; with that "life of the flesh' healthy, you cannot have serofuloris dhieast hweitts - ,, tifarasips*llvs. is compounded from the most effectual ant I dotes that medical science has discovered y 2 this afflicting distemper, and for theicureci the disorders it entails.: That it is far say* rior to any other remedy : yet devised, blown by all who have given it a trial. Tla it does combine virtues truly extraordinat; in their effect upon this-class of complaint, is indisputably proven by the great mtrltitntit- , of publicly known and remarkable cures i has mtule of the following diseases • Xing' or Glandular Swellings, Tmnon Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire,:( : Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughti trot . tuberculous deposits in the lungs; Whit - Swellings, Debility, Dropsy , Neuralgia Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis an Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Disease! Female Weald nesses. and, indeed, the whol series of- complaints _that arise from impurk of the blood. Minute reports of iitilividn cases may be found in Arza's Asmara,. ALMANAC, which is furnished to'the diuggi for gratuitous distribution, Wherein :may? lenrned the directions for its use, and Ise of the remarkable cures which it has in when all other remedies had failed to tiff, relief. Those cases are purposely% tat , from all sections , of the country, in :or& that every reader may have access to son i one whoi can speak to him of its benefits fro: personal experience. Scrofula depresses ti vital energies, and thuilcaves its victims . more subject to disease and its fatal resat _;' than are healthy. constitutions. Hence • tends- to shorten, and does greatly Shortet the average duration of human life. Tt vast importance of these considerations ht led us to spend years in - perfecting a-rented which is adequate to its cure. This we no' ; offer to the public under the name of ATER' SAnsArAmtka, although it is compesed o ingredients, some of which exceed the bar of Sarsaparilla in alterative power, .By is aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and , danger of these disorders. J Purge t out the foul corruptions that rot and fester - in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its,peca• liar virtues thus remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempen which lurk within the system or bUrst put ' on any'part of it. We know the public' have been deeeived by many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised much and did nothing; but they I will neither be deceived nor dis.appointed in ItS virtues have been proven by shim dant trial, and there remains no question of • its surpassing excellence for the cure of the 'afflicting diseases it is intended t? reach. Although under the same name, it ii a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more elt• fectual than any other which has ever been „I I available to them. ;- ; C g ERRY PECTORAL, The orld's Great Remedy for 7.hs, Colds, Incipient Con stunplaen, and for the relief of Conswnptive patients in advanced stages • :of the disease. This has been so long used and io uni versally; known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and; that it maYbelrelied'on to do all it has ever .lone. Prepired'hy Da; .T. C. ATER 8:: Co;, • Practical and Analytical (Amulet, f . I Lowell. Masi. SolOy all druggists every where. • .Sold by C. S. &E. A. 'Jones, Coudersport. Chappel Bros., Illysits. I 1 . C. H..Simmoes, Oswayo. . I Mann & Nichols, llillport. Colwell It Co., Roulet, and by Dea.len everywhere. SAPONIFIER, O Con.eentrated Lei Family 'soap Maker. WAR makes high prices; Saponifier help . reduce reduce them. It makeS SOAP for FOUR eta. a pound by using your kitchen grease. WY-CAUTION I As spurious Lyes are I'. fered: also, be careful apd only - bay - tie i " PATENTED=AartieIe put op in Iron'cans, ;1 others being 60IINTERFEITS . ii PENNSYLVANIA BALT NO= ACTIMING Cep PHILADELPIOA—No. 121 Walnut Street. I` PITTSBURG--Pitt Street aldDuctnerneriiraj . Costar'sVennine EXtiribinatOr For Bats, lace, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs,' Mt" I farms; Woolson, So., Insects °taloa , DT% Animals, Stc. Put up in 25c. 50c. and $l.OO Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks, $3 and $5 Sizes for Hotels, Palilio Tnititutions atc Only infallible remedies knees ." I "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human "Rata come out of their boles to - die."] * * *Sold Wholesale in all large cities. * * *Sold byitll.l/rugglsts and Repglertievetvi 'where. * * *l I ! Beware! I I of all worthlessimitalOns r * * *See that "Coma's", name is, on each Bas, I t" Bottle and Flask, before von buy:: - ' * * *Address. Henry B contfr * * *Principal Depot 482 Broad Wit, N. Y. ; t * *Sold by. ' 1' • P. A. STEBBINS k Co., • Wholesale kßetoil Arida, Coudersport, re. kb