The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, March 29, 1865, Image 3
TUE "POTTER COUNTY JOURNAL Condersporti Wednesday Evening, M9x..29,1865 Local and. General. rel See New Advertisements Egl...Gold is nOist selling at $1,47 tek., The ! past week is said to have been one of the best sugar-toaking seasons we have had for some tune. ter Rev. Mr. Stevens wilt be absent next Sabbath, consequently there will- be no Bei vice in the arch in the morning, or at Lysnansville in' the afternoon. 'mar The road between this place and Port Allegany is impassible for teams. By "tak ing to the mountains," men on horse-bacli can get through but it is no pleasant under taking. Da. See notice of Bridge Proposal i an n il - Other"column. The time is short in w iCh proposals will be received, therefore it be. comes necessary that those who want' an oppoktunity to make money, bestir themL selveS immediately. nitS..Mr. Harry Lord has purchased the store formerly occupied by Mr. C. H. moos, at Oswayo, where he will strive to ac commodate all the old customers of that famous store. Give him a call. Success to him. UED„, Military Officers and Soldiers should have Brown's Bronchial Troches, as they can be carried in the pocket and taken upon the first appearance of a Cold or Cough, willed', if neglected may terminate in something Worse. As there are imitations, be sure to obtain the genuine Brown's Bronchial Troches, which are sold everywhere at 25 cents a Box'. • tar In consequence of the flood, the Cou.. dersport Oil, Company will not be ready to commence operations before the first of May. It is expected however, that there will be a meeting of the stockholders at this place about that time, when operations will be vigorously plished forward. Those who do-;. sire to take stock in a "sure thing" had b etter "hurry up their cakes." De"' In order to secure a gaud and inter= t , sting newspaper at hnme,:nn obligation rests upon its patrons to. a certain extent, as well as upon those, immediately concerned in its publication. An exchangelays down these obligations in the: following' terse maxims, whieb may be said to cover the whole groundi ' Ist. Subscribe and pay for it. ld. Get 'your neighbors to take it. 3d. Send irinting and advertising do the office. . " 4th. 11 -, Ap to make the paper interesting by sending a-Ocal items to the editor. • consequence of the serious damage. done to the Railroads by the late' flood, the drafted men of this county are furloughed bY Capt. Blair until the 14th of the ensuing month. This, we presume, indicates that the roads.are not liVelyito be in repair much be-, fore that date. We learn that most of the 'towns of this county were filled by the last .draft, and that them will be supplementary .-drafts in but very few of the townships. ger A. letter front Clinton Co., i lowa, .written about the lirst of the Month, saysi • "We have had a. very mild had peasant Aliftter, but little snow, and very little Sleigh ing. In wiaterin,g cattle they are allowed to run to the Straw stacks; , and with a few ears of corn daily they ,prosper very well. The ground has bane most of the winter. The land here produces from 15 to 20 bushels , oif wheat •to the acTe, oats, 40 to TO; corn, 40 to 50. Improved land sells for $l5 to .$.25 per acre.; unimpcoved, $8 to $lO per acre. Wheat is worth sl.i corn 50 cents, Vats 45 cents." will be seen by an advertisement ill another column that our old friend, l C. H. Simmons, has-sold out his interest at Oswalt', .t&ad removed to Wellsville, :where le has roonght out •Geo- Asher, of the Werw Yoik Store and wilt continue to sell Goods of ail kinds, very low, at the New York-Store and also at the Empire Stare. We wish him suc cess. Our friends at Oswayo, in losing Mr. Simmons ,haye lost an energetic anj plibl'c spirited cifi:zen. He will sell at Auction, in the New Yotk Store, leginning on Tuesday of the present week, to continue duiing the week. • par Inn list of deaths of Soldiers serving in the 85th New York regiment, we find the following Potter townej: men, 'wall tire' date on which they died, in Florence prison. O.C. George 'Higley, July 25, 1864, 'Hebron. Peter Rockafeler, July 2:3, " - Sharon. -Jacob Burbanks, Aug. 21, " " Alien Barnes, " " ." " Elisha Gilbert, June 27, " " Hiram Pierce, July 12„, " Richard Mattison, July 14, " 'Henry Hitchcock, Sept. ao. " " • Edward Duel, Oct. 15, " C. Johnson, (no date given) P. C. Manson is exchanged and'atrired at 'Wilmington, March 2. . I - We :take the following items from the 'Wellsville Prep: On Saturday a German named jamb Web ber, who undertcvok to walk a temporary bridge made .of ropes, on Plank Road street, made a`rnis-step and was thrown into the river. He clung to one of the ropes fora few moments, but the current was so swift ihaNt soon swept him to a waterygrave. The body has not let hem recovered. He leaves a wife and five children to mourn his fate,—Early Saturday morning the Ciinton House, near the depot, in tuis village, which has been vacant for some time, was set on fire in the main entrarce, and but for timely interference would have soon been destroyed. There was at the time a stiff breeze toward the Depot and had the, hotel burned nothing could have saved the railroad - buildings. Damage slight. Record your Deeda.—The attention of par ties holding unreeorded Deeds is directed to the provisions of the .Act of Assembly, which requires that— 1 "All deeds and conveyances for real estate in this Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the office for Recording Deeds in the Coubty where the lands lie, within air month] after 'the 1 execution of such deeds and conveyance, nd every .sucli deed and,conveyance not recor ed as aforesaid, shall be adjudged FRAU lI LENT AND VOID ,against any subsequ nt par - chaser for a valuable consideration, n less such deeds be recorded before the e cording of the deed or conveyexce under which such,-subscquent purclinem• or mort gage shell Claitc. El I ' g6"/Vivi Case' Sdtkd—Wairied 'Mavis In terestert.--Itc the la f te cane of Beringer. vs. Stoveri cadried up Fora Backs, county_ to the Supreme Cpurt of the State, a new, point has been decid d as td the 1 rights of married women. J dge Agimew, lark° rendered the opinion, s: - s 1 The que tion in t is case was "whether a married wdman wh has ho separate estate or known means of payment of her own can re-purchase from a purchaser at sheriff's sale the properti which had been sold as her bus band's,!whO continued in debt, by giving a mortgage for the whole p l urchase money, all of whidh remains unpaid.' Judge Agnew di J cusses this, plestion at considerable len g th , cites numerous authori- ties, an;ci decides in in coneins* : adhere to the' is only when the prop riage, has Been paid rate esate Iclearly at lished, fit, isihers (the from heehtisband's to "To suffer a wife to open' a Wide doo to throw upon the 5 proving Whose funds! the payment. For,s4 on her credit, she o the husband's meansl na : into the purchase. TI !the negative. He, says, settled doctrine that it lefty acquired fter mar for with herbwn sepa d slttisfactorily estab wife!s), and is protected :redifors.. purchase on credit, is for fraud. - Its effect is creditors the burden of ;I afterwards enter into l urting with title founded ust stand upon it until Isbell be shown to enter !he judgment is affirmed. 1 1 • its,:4mericanjiannfactfirers—thf American Watch Co.-40ur readers, we are sure, are not generally aWare of th great impetus that has been given to manufa tut+ since the begin ; ning of the - War. Tile high rates of exchange, and theinecessities or thel army, have made the );astern! bills and val i leys resound with the hunt of busy machinery, and nowhere has machinery done more or! erected a great !er revOlutibn in production and , trade than in She Manufacture of the watch. What was once. the toilsolbs, slow, and uncertain result or hand labor only,l is now. the swift 1 demonstration of tinvarying mechanical forces. ' The same class of genibi that ih vented'the telegraph and the sewing machine invented the delicate -awd:Wonderful mechan , ism thif Wi l es hold Of the raw material—the brass aksteel,and gold, tnittfprecious stones, and under chmpetent direction turns out that daily weirder und 'necessity--- , a perfect time keeper. That genius is esSectially. American, and ha be.un found, eollected, assimilated at d made productive by the American Watch , Co., at; A ulthtu j u, Mass. I Taking the best fruits of sevral years experipents thev es „,.. I tablished their factory nearly ten years ago, which theyi have been compelled to en arge from year to year until !they now e ploy', seven hundred - workmen,!- and turn o t a I product vaitied nt a million and a h If of dollars per a -- nnumoir equal to that o all others watches now sold in this country. The secret of thik Company's 'success is that hey have done !what they romised.—that they. have furnished a firs ate'substantial watch ~ at a moderate price—and this is 'the great difference between their watches wad the or dinary i;importations from Europe. Except certain very; high priced ;varieties, the Euro pean watch is the result -of cheap and un skilled liand labor, that never goes well, and in a short time 'c)sts more than it comes to”' in. repairs. The American Co. give a guar antee kar thei quality of all their products, that is glood; with any dealer who sells them. —Exchanye. ' 1 . 40 • • , • • otice i s hereby given that sealed proposals will 1. rdceived until the 15th day of April next 'forlßuilding a Bridge across the Alle gany on Second Street in the Borough of Coudirsport, similar to the Bridge at the foot of ain ;Street in said Borough', except that the' carriage' -way is'to be 16 feet wide, to he olie foot higher above high Water mark and to 4.lo:feet 'hi length. Said proposals to lie left With JOHN S. MANN, Burgess. By orler of the Council. D. BAKER, Sec'y Coudersport, March 27, . 1885. BUTLER'S FIASCO • At Fort Fisher, was scarcely a greater failure than is daily made by most of .the _ _,advertised hair dyes; nor was 'TERRY AND PORTER'S VICTORY f - More complete, perfect and glorious, thanthe conquest achiered by Christaaoro's Hair Dye Oret'graY, red and sandy heads of lair. The 'obnoxious hue' is wiped out in fire ,minutes,', and a niagnificent browq or black, glossy find natural, 'takes its place. Manufactured by J. CiIISTADO . IIO, No. 6 Akor House l , Ne'w York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by "r. 1 liairjDre.ssers • • DR. TOMAS' VENTHAN LINIMENT. IT CORES: CLIOLERA, WHEN FIRST taken, in'a few boars.; Dysentery. in! half an • hour; Tdothache in fire minutes. It is per fectly mriocent to take internally, and is re -1 - commendo by; the most emitent,physicians in the United States. Price 40 and 80 cents. TOWANDA, Pa., - August 6, 1859, Dr. S. T. Tobias, New YoriV: Dear Sir :—I have used your Venitiatt Liniment with great success, both . as an internal as well as an external medicine. In cases of Billions Colic and Cholera Merbus I regard it ns a sover eign ; remedy. Tour Venitian Horse Liniment stands unrivalled az a horse liniment amongst farriers and boittrnert on this canal. ' WM. LEWIS; Sup't North Branch,Canal. Sold by all Druggists. Gffice, No. 56 Qortlandt Street,lNeiv York. A SINGLE BOX OF BBANDRETH'S PILLS contains more" vegitabie extractive matter than twenty boxes,of any Pills in the world besides; fifty-five .hundred physicians use them in their igrackice to the exclusion of other purgatives. The first letter of their value is ,yet scarcely appreciated. When they. are better known sudden death and continued sickness will be of the past. Let those who know them speak right out in their favor. It is a duty which will save life. Our race are subject to a redundancy of i vitiated bile at, this season ; and it is! danger _ - ous as it is prevalent; but Brandreth's Pills affora an invaluable and efficientprotection. By their occasional use we prevent the col lection of those impurities," which, when in sufficient quantities, cause so much danger to the body's health. They soon chi.° liver complaint, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, pain In the head, heart-hurn; pain in the breast bonel sudden faintness and costiveness. Sold by gll respectable'dealers in medicines II I:TNT's ,t1.1,00M OF I.loF.X.S.—for qle La ...VA ;site,-.rat'ZT.EBELKS' Whiskers 1. Whiskers I Po yon want Whiskers or Moustaches? Onr Grecian compound will force them. to grow On the smoothest face-ofchin, or hair on bald lieads, in Six Weeks. Price,sl.oo. Sent by Mail anywhere, closely seald., on receipt of p i ice. Address WARNER & CO. ipso. . Brix 138 - , Brooklyn, N. Y 1 A .FEW REASONS WHY THE AMERICAN AVATCII. IS Tin BEST. It is made on the best principle, while the foreign watch is generally made on no prin- Ciple at all: The foreign watch is mostly made by women and boys, BY HAND. While their labor is cheap ; pieir work is dear at any price. Such watche.s arc made without plan, and sold without guartintee. ;They are irreg ular iii construction. and quite as irregular 14 movement. They ate designed Only to sell, and the buyer is the party most thor °eighty sold. Those. Who have kept .aacres,' - ' and "lepines" and "Swiss kvers" in professed repair for a few years will appreciate the truth of our statement. TOE PLAN OF THE 'AMERICAN WATCti ;Instead of being made •of several hundred little pieces,• screwed together, the body of the American Watch is! formed of, SOLID PLATES. No jar interferes with the harmo ny of its working, and no suddeit shock can throvr, its maahinery out -of! gear• In riding or any business pursuit, it is all held togeth r as firmly as a single piece of metal. It is • t what all machineiy should be— Ist. ACCURATE. 2d. SIMPLE. 3d ST ! NG. 4t4. ECONOMICAL. We not only secure-.CIiEAPWESS by our do system, but QUALITY. 'We t pretend that our Watch huh be Votght fo ess money than the foreign make-believes b ~ that for its real Value it is sold for one-ha the price. OUR SOLDIER'S WATOW (named Wm. Ellery) is what its name ,indicates--Solid, Substantial, and always Reriable--warranted to stand any amount of M'arcbing," Riding or Fighting. / ; OUR NEXT HIGHER "QUALITY OF' WATCH (named P. ,9(.lSartlett) is' similar in size and general anfearance, but has mdre jewels, and .a morealatiorate finish. OUR LADIES' WATCH, recently "b'roug'ht' out, is put up in• a great variety of patterns ; many of them of. rare beauty and wo 'kman ship, is quite 'small, but warranted I to keep time. OUR YOUNG GENTLEMAN'S WATCH is neat, not large, and just the_ thing for the rrocket of Young America. THE' PROOF of the merits of our Watch may be foutid in the fact that we now employ 'over seven hundred workmen in our factories, sod that we are still unable to supply the clotStantly increasing !demand. ' 'OUR THREE- QUARTER PLATE WATCH is thinner and lighter than the others we have described. ft fine cadronorotiter balance is 'delcately adjusted to correct the variation caused by changes of temperature.„ These watches are 'the' fruits 'of the latest experi ments in chronometry, and are made by our best workmen, in n separate department of our factory. For the Tineit fink-keeping qualities they challenge comparison With the best works of the most famous English And Swiss makers. RO•BBINS b AI'PLETON, Agents for the American Watch Company, ;182 Broadway, N. Y SOIMONS' COLUMN. FRIENDS AND -CTSTOMERS C. • , I returu you my sincere thanks fot your liberal patronage, for the past few years, and would say to you that I have located myself at Wellsville; -N. Y., and may hertafter be found at the EMPIRE STORE AND NEW YORK NTORE (11ftring bought out - the Store formerly \ °ea: pied by Geo. Asher), I shell continue to\ NV/10=s= AND kmezi, . . inboth , oftifek above Stores, and hope to sae all of my old Wends and customers, as they are'in want of Gooils, .and will try to sell them low enough to pay them for coming. We are now selling the Lest PRINTS from 25 to $.O cents. afra GINGHAMS from 25 to go Colas Good MEETINGS from 25 to 30 cents TICKS, DE )3315, STRIPES, and ali other Goeds in propOrtion. CLOTILYXG.I.* • , Good suit for $lO to $l5 and Extra fine snits inptopo4tioh. And as I have an over stock of Clothing I will sell- at Whole. sale 16 per cent. less than the same tan be bought in New York. BOOTS 8 SHOES., HATS & CAPS, SHAWLS, CLOAItS, &0., at redaced priceq.. GROCERIES ' AND very law RICH DRESS SILKS, • EMPRESS CLOTHS, POPLINS, and all otheestyles Ladies 4 Dress Goods, very law. I Hoping, to receive an early call; I rennin your friend, C. U. SIMMONS. 'Wellsville; N. T., 3iarcfl 35, 1E65. T 0 ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : No tine is hereby given that JAMES CLARK holds two notes against me ; one given to G.W. Perkins of Sixty-four Dollars, more or less, and one kitin to . BiraniPock.ivell, of 'Nineteen Dollars, more or less. .I:hereby 'eaution all persons against buying said notes as 17 hate paid them, and shall not pay them agailt unless compelled bylaw. C. C. LYMAN. Slnneroahoning, Grove tp., Cam: Co.; Pa., March 2, 1865. ' UFO By authority of the Secretary of the Tress / ury, the undersigned has assumed the Gen. ! era Babscription Agency for the sale of United States Treasury Notes, bearing seven anti three tents per tent, interest, .per an: num, known the //: SE 111-11MITY LOAN. These V es are issued under date of August 15th, 1 64, and are intyable three years from that me, in Currency, et are conVertible at • th option of the holder Into • I3IL per cent. GOL I P.BEARING BONDS These bonds are now worth a premium of nine per cent., inelnding gold interest from whiCh itakes the actual profit on the 7-50 loan, at current rates, inclading inter- est, about ten per cent, per a•mum,:besides its ezemption from State and munieipal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent, more, ac cording to i the rate leVied Ot other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to each note, whicbMay be cut off and sold to any bank or banker The interest amounts to One cent per day on a $l3O note Two cents " ." " SIAM " Teti 41 " " " $5OO " t 0 It • II(I" i • $lOOO II 'Bl (I SI $5060 It Notes of all the denoniinations *named will be promptly •fnimistsa upon receipt of sub. scriptions. , This is THE ONLY LOAN IN Less than :$200,000,000 remain unsold • I which will probably be disposed 'cif Within the next 60 or 90 days, 'when the notes will undoubtedly command a pretninm, as has uniformly been the case on •closing the sub scriptions to other Loans. Is order that citizens of every town. and section ,of the country may be afforded facil ties for taking the loan, the National Banks, State 'Batts, and pri'vate Bankers throughout -the country 'have generally agreed'to receive subscriptions at .par. -Subscribers will select their own agents, in whoM they have confi- dence, and who only are to be responsible , for the delivery of lihe notes for which they re- 'ceive orders 3AY COCREj Subscription Agent,Philad j elphia Subscriptions trill Le received by the First Naiional Ban;cof Harrisburg, First National Bank of Larki:is - Ern, First National Bank of Fbiladelphin, First National bank of Williamsport, TIM NINTH NATIONAL BAATIE OF THE CITY OF YEW YORK Capital, $1,000,000 Paid In; 21SCAI AOENT OF THE UNITED STATES, And Special Agent for Jay Cooke, Subscription Agent, WILL DELIVER 7.30 NOTES, FREE 'O'F CHARGE, by express, in all parts of the country, and receive in payment Checks On New 'York, Philadelphla, And. 'Boston, current bills, and all five per cent. interest notes, with interest to date of subscription. °edit.: sent by mail Will be promptly filled. This Bank receives" the Steonnta . or Banks and Bankers on favorable terms; also of in dividuals keeping New York accounts. . 1 tr. ORYIS, President. 3. T. riltt, "Cashier. "s• Marble Yard, frren enbsc,riber desires to infortn tbe zens of Potter that he 'ctio supply them with all kinds of Marble wOrk, as cheap and as good as it can be had tiny place in the tountry. MION:UItIENTS and TOMB-STONES of all kinds fbrnishe'd on short notice. \ C. ERECNLE. Cbudersprirt,Pehcl3 '6N ly State Medical Board; Headquarters 'ennsy vania Militia, Hospital Department, Harrizburg,\Nov'r 10, 1864, 111 HE State Medical Board of Pennsylvania ..11_ is now in session in this clty, and will optinue until further notice, to examine Can fidates for the post of Medil Ottcers 'ennsylvanla Regiments. The appointment of number tact burgeons will be required immef to fill vacancies now existing, as well he-s constantly occurring. Physicians of PeAnsylvania, in at furnishing proper testimonials as to roc character, &c., wilt bb admitted to the r 'nation. Hy Oder of the Onvernor : JOSEPH A. ParL Surgeon General of Pe French Burr Blill ( Stones, •/ —..... Manufactory Liberty St. near t Cotten Factory )11ARISP.URG, A. eitOCKERY /VIE Undersignea annonnees to the trade 1 that he continues to manufacture and import direct from the most 'belebrated quar ries in France, the best qualities of • French Burr Mill Stones, which he offers at reasonable tate§ and &tar antees satisfaction to the purchaser. Also, every number in use c of the celebrated OLD AUKER GRAND BOLTING GUTH, Orders by mail promptly attended to, and goods forwarded by railroad, canal, or express if desired. 'Mt H. MEIJER., 5m23, iCo. 10. Welt State et , EgerriON3rit ==gi U. S. 7-30 LOAN =III===MMIRMI AA. BARGAIN! , , THE MOSTpEsTRAWs, HOTEL TN NORTH ERN iPENMSYLVANIA, TO BE . . , sou), AT PRIVATE SALE. ' The Subscriber offers at BRIVIATE SALE the House which he has occOldeli for the last tea years and known as the 00t1D1 RSPORT 110 TEL. ; It is situated at the Couity Seat of Potter 1 County, Pennsylvania, is capable of accom modating.Seventy-Five guests, has running water in se v eral of the rooms . on the base ment floor, lend A BARN ONE (HUNDRED feet long. The lot has a front ofll3o feet on Main Street: and tBO feet on• Second 'Street. All the necessary out- l buildings, ileegtonses, Sheds, ke., are 1p good condition) . The attention of persons 'desiring to pur chase a Hotel is called to thi l ti property. It bas for a long time been considered one of the best paying Hotels in- the +hens sec tion, It is the .centre of a great amount of tiarel,ah l d'ha's the advantage of a reputation of being,"well-kept.' A Company with a large Capital Stock will commence boring for Oil in the early *pring with good indications of success. Oil has beet taken from' he surface of a stream only one square' , froM the Hotel and those best Competent to judge seem to have no doubt of there being Oil, tot cnly in the Count+, but within the limits of the Horough. Of coarse ever+ one can see what an advantagO this will be to all the hotels in this County, bnt more decidedly to this one, as it is S)j- far the best In this section. The undersigned being engaged in another business which requfres his Whole time finds himself unable to attend to it, and this is the only reason for his selling. For farther particulars address D. F. GLASSfIfIC, 'Co ' udersport, Potter Co., Pa:, or • Titassille Crawford Co., Ps. Febratry 2,•1865. FOR SALE 4.; rrillr, Subscriber offers for Sale the follow ing tracts of land, to wit : One tract of One 'Hundred and Forty=three and seven-tenths acres Irk Pike township, Potter county l L on the Genesee Forks. Price Sixty acres are improved, slloo:with one log' barn, fra, e kitchen, 'frame 'barn,' flirty good frOR 'trees, and two hundred sugar maple trees. IThe farm will cut grass, fh a good season, fstifficient, at present prices, to pay for it. ' Also, ancih!er 'tract of Fifty-six and tiro . tenths acres; in Eulalia township, fourmiles from Coudersport, Thirty acres of which are improved, with one frame house, log ;barn, and some fruit trees thereon. Prite $450. • Also,'a Wagon Shop and half lot in the I3orough of Co,,udersport, one lot west Of P. A. Stebbini' CO's Store near Glassmire'i Hotel. The tools, Ininher, can 'be 'bought rea sonably; or a portion of them : lf the purchaser so desires.. Otze half can be paid in Wagon- Work.' H reduction of ten "per cent. will 'be 'made for CaSh dowri. • ' For further' 'particulars encpilre tf the sub=' scriber at his )Vagon-Shop in -Coudersport. Feb. 20. 18051 ' W. R. IVES. ' ASTRAY. XA ME to the premises of the subscriber in in Harrison township; Sept. 20, 1864, one small two year old P.ED,STEER, one yeirlink 11. ED HEI . FtR, with no particular remarks. The owner will please come forward, prove property, rp ay hherges and take them away •ir they will be sold according to law. -JOHN B. WATROUS. 'lley, Jan. 28, 1864. Harrison Ca; Admintstr atoris WHEREAS, Letters of Administration to the Estate of WILLIAM S. JOHNSON, late of the county of Allegany, In the State of New York, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, lath persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, andthoe having claims agairist the • •T same will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement to WIILLIAM n F. Jes, XdoVr: 'Dec. 22, 1864.. X. Y ' • WA_GON SHOP IE subscriber : having lbcated in t/wis b - Mlle is pre .ared to do ail kinds of work in 'his line, 'on short notice and in (he best manner. 11101.0 i of alI kinds.', I chinery td do w and Cheaper thtl. the county" I COFFINS. Ulysses, Penn 1813i6 PaiLAbELP This great and Northwest the city of Eri on Lake—Erie. -- 3 f It has - peen/1 used by the Pennsylvania Rail Road Compan i and index their auspices is being rapidly Opened throughout its entire lerigth. ,/ 1 It is i ntriv in tise for, l'assfnger and Fteight bulsiwiss from ilarrisburg to St. Mary's (216 mil 7i) on the 'Eastern Division, and from Shteld to RI - le, (78 miles) on the Western Division. 1 'TIME OP PASS7:GEP. TRIM'S LT EILPOkIO2I Leave Easystard. c" 4.0 4iiad- N Through Mail Train t - Diare Westlvard. Through Mail I'Fain _.. , Cars run tlitough . N'Ttrn'Ot'T CHANGE both ways between Philadelphia and Lock Haven and between Baltimore and Lock Haven. iegant Sleeking Cars on Express Trains bo ways between Williamsport and Balti mor and Williamsport and Philadelphia. rot. 'nfortatien respecting Passenger busi nesa ap ly at the S. E. Cor. 12th and Market Streetsi . • • And or eight business of the Company's Agents: I ' ! I S. B. Ring.ton, Jr., Coi.'l3tlt. and Market Sts., Philadeiphia. . J. W. Reynold Eris. J. M. Drill, Age. t N. C. R. R. Baltimore. E. E. Hons. ON, - . H en't Freight Agt. Ph27'a. IHonr. 1 Gen Ticket Act. Faire. !OTT; 1 .• Gen'l .itz reger, Willienx4pot. IAPS, nsylvahia LzWIS L Jos. D CAStz. PAID 151 I Rtpabing ram enabled by aid of Ma.- ork in the wagon-line better n any other / establishment in ain also prepared to make / EDSON HYDE. 'a, Dee./1, iS64 1565 •T. b; ERIE RAILROAD.-- line traverses the Northern ,counties of Pennsylvania to 2 40 P. 31 1018 A. M FO l , UM=l3l , , New - BM Fall and inter GOODS• L STEBBINS I•I - , .1 ilare;instrsaired from ,Its* totir, ,Il Writ stock of assist:Alas Goa§ whist' Shp loft ell as low es say ilotl2ll Ria Oril•Caa*V• 1 alar • f r ig af . . , gig Goou It ail DEJESS •r;o ODs, DELAIIITEA' ?OPLINg AZ, PA CA' So .1102 1 4lNitie US .L. 1.7.7) :POPLINS, BLAVK SILX4 alLmoiax,.sarritrs„ vI,q4CLA .04 S.SnafiES ) IX 0 Ti p MOOD , ' lir / / / / , / / till :stock of Mat's HA WAS, FASMONABLE CLOTZUM AL'. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS it CAPS, &c., &a., 14. bkol - ct atoct 'O)P GROCERIES, AZWATZ' MOP. ea froth jl5 CU. to:St Or gatVil - 14. -A. - sfEBBINSI a coil- Cantar Mils sad ISOlig Ihrirei, • Ccni,seseert, !apt. al, lls II I 1111 Co. ÜBILY, 'Ol 4 Tt efolis