The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, February 22, 1865, Image 2
MOM A Tilt; J . I Couders Wwii:LestlaVy, ILlw.maLA • That "Blftised ba the English dear, an bun lred 'and fifty t,b ahn i nt to be voted lb , for 'ts support. One "blessed bab ten thousand noblest the Southern States libh a government I pay ccorrelponditig of Jeffelson Davis; a ire.doing all they cm rant poor of the Scut! they seem so eager t . ; -The. Scripture sa shouldest bray (poum arming -wheat with - a I /As fonlisbneis.deparl ANDREW .tiORNS - I elect of ;the United anar th'e presage of t, '~ it tO" ineasufes iu Te; . , epee' - eh uenieb: rang early 'poverty of Gov *ire a - heaity come 'holding aristocracy 'been set, with equ bumble whites. He geanoe upon his auc followina indignant •I;The - mighty pr,neiples Of human ricrhts and liberty hay been pitted against sa e 'onopoly and slaver '. Yesterday you broke the tyfitot i a rod and sqt the — captive free. [Loud applaus l e ] Yes; gentlemen. • on yesterday you sounded the death knell of negro aristooracy, land performed the funeral obsequies of that thing slu. very. You, have otit!ned the grave and let the carcass down, nd all that remain:. is for you to seal- tbe pit on the 22d of February —the,an arelsary of the day whiob galve birth to the 'father of his Country. ,Oanseerate your'work on that day. 1 feet a heartfelt gratitude that I have lived to. ste ddne, and that I have been permitted to perform my little part in this great drama. 'The blow has been etntek, and slavery lies prostrate. An insoleat, ignorant, unfeeling. 4ypocyilical, nefarious. (babalical skive aristocracy ha , been - tumbled to the Around. .They who. never team that "'Forth makes . 11 man fellow," _ tebo lire on : the al or imaginary toners of a buried aiiceStry, tive at least learned that an ignorant, corruPt t aristoe'raclr must go •dow n " 011, Sitllt,. Copper . and Lei,d. , From the N. E Pediloleum Recorder. , EW YOBK, Feb. 14th,21865. The o ening' of tin Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, which traverses nearly the whole length of the Sin neraahoning River, in Cameron and,Potter 'counties, F'ennsyl verde, has brosght thin wild region tote "prominent notice. Thearable lands are of a red ehale soil, and good for agricul tural purposesiand ON whole are of great value for their timber and minerals'. The recent discoveries ES petroleum and salt upon thewaters of this stream, has caused a great speculation along the stream and its tributaries and the snows of . winter do not prevent a search for the hidden wealth. Beaten paths; through the snow and excavations ia the frozen soil and on the ice-bound streams indicate the search for gas, coal, and copper, which abounds there. From appearancee this' wild and neglected mountain 'region bids fair to exceed in mineral w ealth, any other, State. It is nouns d that. the lion M John agee - Sons, f Watkins,- New York, the p opnetors of the well known "Fall Bro coal mines" have, purchased ten thousand acres of land near the' mouth of the First Fork of the Sionemahoning, and near, the line of Potter and Cameron counties, which is said Ito contain petro leum, salt, iron, coal, cooper, and lead, in considerable , titran'tities and is of untold Aloe. . The wealth and business energy of this company is a sufficient guarantee for the full developme lt of the property, and oil wells will be su k, and coal shafts opened at an early day itpon this tract. -- 1 Clo . thci mountain abou t one end a half, miles from the r4ilroad, s another of those singular phenomena ex actly sitr.ular to the one on the moue ain between the , a elebrated Blood and arr Farms, on Oil 1 c Creek. There is au op fling in the moun tain about eight feet ii diameter, ."from -which is constantly eseapi):tg a volume of vs and steam, which in a clear day In - ay be seen one fourth of a mile; at about ten feet down this opening divides into two parts, diverging from , each other; and a atone thrown in may be beard• rumbling Aiwa the sides until' the sound is last in the distance: This point is ehitut fifteen hundred fcct alms.° tide water, and , is now attractiag, a great de:A of - eoiice. The smell or effluvia froth' t k.' nail; like that from flowingivells,ia siekening, and when exhaled for a lenth of dint causes -ver tigo and vomitin g. It lis -no `lioubt one of -natures great, laborati lies ," where eon giant distillation of mine ral and vegitable ilaattir is going on, and the explosive force ot.the gas has at some pried made this °Pining. - 'lts exact similarity to tbe Valle referred-`to on Oil Creek is some. whatretuaricable, and b3the reference to the issue °Omit. Opel. of / January 4th, it will appear that the levels of this stream Ore rbvae • of Oil Creek. The whole region is one of rich Eninerat , deposit, and we un derstand that apechaans of iron, and top per froth the FiistdFork are now in this city for examination andanalysis. U it NAs_L; MEM Mil eb. 22, 1865 Facts; Abot!.t, ;the 1 7-30 s• THE ADS THEY /01111 C. THEIR, ABSOWTkSECIIRITY.—NearIy all active: credits 94 pow' based'onl GOP prucherdieciiriOis, ;064 .6taks 11614 them theythe eery best:and stronkegt intiStment they can make. : li i it were possible to cootemplatcabe finpanial failure ef the Governmerit i ; no bank; would be ady "safer. If money is)opned'Ou individual notes or bord and uirtgage,i it will be payable'iii' the same currency! as the Governnient pays with, and no better.. The, Govern-, n e ent never lias.faihid,ito 'meet its :engage meets, and t i he national debt is 9lr: mortgage upon 1 thi3i;whOe propesty, the country.; Whibef,tber stodks - fluntr ate from tenlto filth efr even a greater pc cent, GOvernment stonks pre always cm paratively km. Thir salve is fixed 'in reliable,- behrul all Other securtties; fc while a thoUsand silepulative bubbles is and burst, la ft rulelthey tire never be ol par and are bften'aboVe. ' • I I 3 ' ! iTs LIBERA.Th triTEREST.4--The aSTera rate 'of interest it six,ipef cent,' payable _annually. This is seven and threc-teuths,- payable semi annually. If ydu !end on inortgaze,lkere must 'be 9 searching of titles, lawyels, fees,lstautp duties and de lays, and you will'finally have return,eu to you only the san3'einci of money you would receive from 'the Goverpnent, and less of it. !If you nicest in tilts ;loan you have no tronble. Any 'bank I,or banker will obtainli.for yeti :Withont cliarte. 7 . To each ne,ie. or hind . are affixed live coupons, Hof ticket due at the t expirtion of each suceepive half 'year.— File. holder* a note t has siinplyt.t, cut ofl one of these con ponp, :preseht it to the nearest hunk' or goOrnent Agency;und receive his interests; I the note itself ne25,0 NEY, EDITO,* •y' 4 is likely to coat extra allowance of a wand doll: ;a a year the Prince of Waiee •" in England makes Yet the people; o re fighting to estab• ere will niake thew I tibuote to the babies .d.thel3ritish Lords to saddle the igno it With Ibis burden bear. •• fe, "Though' thou ri' ) a fuolin a mortar pestle ' yet will .not from m him.", - .Vic . o-Pi.esid,ent tates, was called our pe recent emancipa nessee, and made a like a. bell. The i rnor Johnson mules l iner of that :slave hose feet' imve ever I I oppression, upon !wreaks a noble vet'. out• enemies in the train : of he presented at all:i Or a coupon thus payable will I everpviiere .'be equivalLtit., when due,. taii 'money. 1 1 Tf,y9l4 Wish to borrow ninety_ cents eii the doilar upon the notes, yen have tliu- highest security in the market to do it With. If you _wish to sell, it will :tiring Wilthiri a fraction of colt andl int'erest at a.n3l motuent. It will be very s tand to haVe !iu the heasiv. . :. - • ' .L- -1' - : Jri is'c4 xv.ERTABLE into a six per cent sold bearing Lind.' I.At the,expiration ril' three years a hcilder el the notes of the I '7,30 Lo4Ol has the' 'Option of accepthig ' payment:ill fuller' of funding his i notes), o a six prsrelent r gold iUtorest;Cond the prio• eipal. payablu in not ;less than ' five, her more than twenty years froii - / its date, as /hi:Government may elect. - These heeds are held at.sueh a pl j etnium as'to make: this privilege new. yverth two or three per cent. per annum!, and adds so much to the interelt.l Ncit.4 of the same class issued three ;years ago, ' are now selling at a rate that fully i.prOves the eorreetnes., of this statement. , ;I 17!' . • i .: • • : - 'ITS EXEMETiON FROM STATE Oft M''.: NICIPAL TA...A . aside from all .the advaniages welsiive 'enumeratcd, a special Act ofiCarigre:s . c>xeolpts all bonds : - , , and Taasur l y l notes !coin local taxation. . .. Qa the average' this exemption is worth about two per !dent. T@ annum, according to the rate of taxation: imvarieurparts of the country.; ' I. I. :!- • IT. is A NATIONAL SAVIN6S BANK.— While this loan present's great advantages to large capitalists, it rers special induce useots to thole• who yvilli to make a safe and profitable inVeltutprit, of sniall savings.: It ss io every. Way the best savings' Bank;' for every institution of thiS kind., must, somehow invest its deposits pretitably in order to pay inte6st dnd expenses. They -will invest-larmeiy in this lean as•thu-best investment. 713ni frol i ii!the gross(interest l 'whielr they receive, itheyl must deduct largely far the! utpen9cs of , the' Bank.— Their usual rate of interest lallewed to de positors- is sOr cent; i . !-upbn. stints over $50.0. • The person v.. 116 inVests directlY with the government tvill : ie.oeive aßonst .50 per cent..ruore, Thus the man who deposits 81009 in a prtihte'Saiiiigs Bank receives 850 'yeariinterest ; if lie clepos its the same stir/in t's;i' s National Savings Bank he receivies:s73, ..For: those wrio mish.te• find a safe colvenient;and profit able means .ofl investing. the surplus earn i4g which they et have Teri .. .ed. for' their .:- oldage or foil the henift•,ot their - children! there is nothing which presents so 'ma y.l advaiTtaes as this Niiiional Loan. 1 - t- . :•... . . : THE ETIGIVEST , MOTTvEs L-- .Tha war is I o 4 evideo.. tly drawino close, but while it lasts the.treisury, trit4tr , have money, to meet' its • cost a find , ivery .. motive • that patriotism cab inspi4Sliould induce the people to supply its (wants without delay. The Government ctin bily cheaper for cash in hand !than' On 'ciedit. Let us see that its wanti are - prodaPtly and 'liberally . 1 .. 1 : satisfied ' 1 • • t _ _ and want of , it the THE IgETF.Itly I:10(3i TR,AD.—The number of befls :packed in' this .eity; is estimated at 33£3,900, •:being a defiCiency, us compared wniir,i last : &Faso?, of . 22,p00 head. At ChiCaAO thb Pecking foots ,up 760.000,aoainst. 904,pi)0! last year i beinga falling offnf sibl6t 106,000. The fall ing off in the W i ho e Crest; will fall but lit tle short of, 700 1 ,fi 0, 144. In the num ber shipped Plisb 'theta!: is - also a large s } deficienor-L-ChzJ i 'uncar. l- 1 Gazette. . . • 1 1 • .- 1 Gov. Hahn' pf • outliana, has issued ,a proclamation tong Atulpag the people of Missouri and Tcn , -essele en the adoption of the ordipaiimps Lahollshing, S4very those States,and atipbitititig the 2 , ith inst. ao a holiday i 1 imoor o ,these events. t 'ilfitE GREAT WEST. A Tani of foin thOusantlmile:s through he .. heart pf the West awakens alit:idling thoughi'of the greatness of the Republic. TheWeetlise° E thmpire,- a faot--A n a ck no kr: ledged at th"e Eas 6', because'th - e East k OWS not the Wiest. 'Rut an impartial trayelcr soon perceives Chit tbe. East ,is country. New itirk and - New Eiigland are but the; thumb and forefinger; :`the West is the rest of the hand. - A Wel.ern visit in summer is the best for seeinstithe cbuntry ; in winter, best for seeing 014 peoPle. And are they not the beartiesto . trieudliesi, most Itbspitable the buratto race'? What a "Scotch-wel come" En4y be, isre know not I,but if bet ter than a Western . _ welcome,: it is - better than a 'Plain .ruan deseryes;' Jostle a Westerneiln the street i mnd at price -you of . are acquaintances; meet hip .tlis.; next day; and You . afe old..friends. , iA2 shakeof . r . the hand in -the West has Wore grip in it .. ,hag between SO York andT:Bangor.-- d c'hild of the Edst„ the 1:s the i e . hiel t , erewn'of the.-pirent. The- Universailliew e Gl:gland - element .westward is not only the best Part or- the West,-Int the best . part- of New Etiglantifor only the cour ageous, the energetieiland the ;conquering nave had 'the %slit to quit Eastern homes ,tor.-Western prairies'... Thus the early Pilgriins td'iNeW , England hare - their tru' est SOUS i the later .Pilgrims . from. New Et gland. i A Yankee, therefore does • not come -to - lqs.ftiliest stature in Yankeelaun the grown, Yankee is.the' westerner. At the East l:.e is a geranium in 4 pot, fluff. - iy end prim : 'at the West, a geranium in rden, - w.ife're he grows rank, exuber ant,.and generous.- New countries'greaten inen's souls. , • • ' Does the a - West seek herl,die sign ? Let it choose a shock of corn. : 0 bounte ous land ofswall houses and . big .barns ! So fertile i's the Great - Valley that, as Jet.- rold said of Ausiralia i - "Only. - tickle, the earth wiihia hoe; and she 'faults with a harvest I" Though peaten down front their full height by 'snow, corn Stalks 'are yet .)‘anditii in-January so high that one rid 11.1?'0,11.1Ullg.the . iir on a talc horse, 'and ris ing i Me'stircips, cannot touch the tops', The prais•-•—cominon-place, sad, and sup. Jane—are the garden of the world-1 Mly .hey ever nifartners rich, and cattle fat ! i Trade, the Makof cities, Ikas aniphibi. ou r s oppertnaities in he West. The Miss is,lppi and;its.tributarrß yield forty eight thousand' reiles'of waters angered hystonn: boat wheelS 7 - . Hp channel of t - Ngatiorr lung enough to twice gird the glo e! Alreads;' the great Ikes are partpers.with-, the At !antic in a with Europ Thn. railroads are wearing out their tracksith hard work,:and.-payteg state-debts wllh their protitS. Chicago counts 250 trains coming end going daily at her depots,and says to New a Yo r rkei', "Sir, you have nor half so. Many.!" . And a New. Yorker must say to this-wondrous water-lily. of Lake 'Michigan, "All hail ChiCago,-- • -ba, zaar of the Vest. and filiracle of cities!' • The daily, pVess of New York.' seatier,. its leaves chrythinly through the Vest. . Mr.: Greeley', Weekly,' I r ant n e ge6 eve rywhere, bat the , wetropolitan 'dailies set westward only to meet the counter-current of the Cincinnati, press, chieflyne Com mercial and Gazette ; which, in turn. cover the country as the water does the sea; till they Meet: the widespread Chicago Tribune; which; in like manner divides the, Southwest with the St. Louis Repuli. can a n da the Missetiri Democrat.. Al! .. . ...... .here journals are able and influential— roWing rich faster than their brethren in Neiv York. The great influence which the! New ydrir 'press undoubtedly exerts upon the • whOle country is; in the West acrinfluence not directly upon the people but , upon! the journals. )Jut ev,en this frill - colon isidiminishing, not increasing.. New York perhaps will always remain the metropolis qt the ; Union . ; but it can nev er' UCCOII3O like Paris to Franey. / Western! 'ltUrches, Sunday-schools, and•day.sehnois thrive like saplings. ! An Eastern man, hearing habitually of West. era churches as lieing, strong. i And yet many, like 'young; lions shake their-locks for very stt•ength. In. St.Lonis . , on a single !Suncias{,,we Saw two church-debts killed, each at a stroke-1.--a methodist 1 4 ., church payipg 015,000, and - a Presbyte Tian 03'1,000. - Perhaps no other; city can• celecl $45,900 of church debt on .that day. The 'largest., Sunday:school, in America r(judged by attendance, not the l . roll list) is west of the' illiseissippi—founded by . Brio.'• Gen.! Fisk, 'Whd, equally . well -COM: maids an arloy, ailtoinisters a department or conducts} a children's meeting. ' - In Chicar , o, a etisSion. school originated! in a railroad car, is now larger than. any in New York. ; ! And the largest 'depository . lof Sunday school books is neither in Phil ladelphia nertNeir - ,Yerk b;ut Chicago :Of two Millions of population imlllinois. half . a m--- million are in day schools---a larg• cr, propoitioti of school! going Children than in Connecticut or M -- assichusetts: IBut not to Odor our . picture too highly; we eagerly 'ski that a thousand Western churches, and a score of Western!colle*es are piteonslyi pleading to, be helped into strength, anil the soi,ner them plca - is heeded, the,better4Or the whole country. Of all onr stingg,littg theologiCA semina ries, the ono most important, to be speedi-, ly equipped is the , Congregational Sem. •inary at Chic:ago,..l Nursery of churches, ;shall itself ;.,;(? unpursed 1' ,looking: note like a leg cabin, nf!io volunteers 'to build it in 'tnarble ?-. J , .- ' . With sorrew, we, confess that. the Leg. islature of 111,iticis is a body of thier look.. inn aken7hae AbO Legislature of Nati YLrk—berter; heads for a idit;togrilph.— AO if Wasifugtob shpuldi be captured . by ribela, t t, Missouri Constitutional 1 ~. ;., , • -. i ~ , Conti- ntion wci ,I , . - , , ~ . 0, , : . f, Coug ess. - Throughout the - Welt, patri otism burns like a_ flame 7 as if it caught extra fire fromi thesuliiiit.l";l7o - May A be fnd ! .ed-for mentioning iliaki‘good:iiii! plan , ow living in Abram* Liniiolii'a tome a t Springeld ilanted r iillniodfidtbf more_ ntglory seeds - at the foot oftqillai by ti rear Stoop; and Was abrprised` to hod -t e maps of growing vines -- fhisvetiog into`.t nee distinct stritics of , color—rred: white, and blue; not from any design; in . . • - plan tivr,but from mere accident of growth i. t , . i * pat Lode freak of nature , wade as if to - give butiful proof of the indigenoui toy ; alty of the NN'est—t;he , very.:soil of!- the PresidenVslgarden testifying what Iflag ought to wove overt e. lat4l _Ruiting our feet at the grave of Elijah Lovejoy, martyr of liberty, and looking forth iron, that historiC dust moldering ip one, of the hundred hill tops of Alton, we gized On I, majestic lao'fiscape wherein the blisSiSsip pi acd Misseurt . join , tbpir _far comino finodsl ThOse mighty riven; flow it, di, 4 iaT- self samebha n nnelsow as when that era% e was ql9 - Made; but the ihnUghts of 1 crtig,lity ,people flow in huw L , changed t. course since then! Twenty `even year, ago Illinois and M!ssimri clasned:guilt3 hands flit. that assasOnatton ,'hnt now it is no prophetic secret that. Illinois, before WaslOng,ton's neat bitth ,day, will him her Black Laws from the statute •bdolt. and Missouri has already filled the world with rite shout of her, freedom,! Su dj vithat of the West;beyond the W4st? The 3,L i tilssissippi is the acme 9 ; not the edgerthe country. The map of tht Unio has an empty half hall 'nut :. multi ride of cities 'crowd it full? Sqd• of cen m ury plants are in its s il. Natio follow the sun, or, 1 ceasing ol'follow tie ' f. Thq,,g 'eat republic is 011 its march Dups.. the co linent, Freedom ' lover of moult rains, its in the SierraNevadas, uttering !he cr of the ages, "Westward Bo !';-- unto God adds His own command b, cast up the highway Wher "Cast pende TOE CONSTITUTIONAL. .. • AM ENDMENT.', ' Arlin. the vote taken in the House on the Cdostitution'al Amendittent to abolish 4ave4 forever, in the United ptaies aml territori, and the :ally / sheet was hander ~ front t ,e Clerk's desk to the Speaker, h, add:. I . . ,;,/ • . - / PO* the-passage of the Joint Resolu tier]; the votels/yeas, .1.1.9;- nays, '56.-- -' ' • The - co l nstitutional two-thirds majorii) liavina ci been/obtained ! the Joint Resolle, , lion is paq.sed !" , Ina /fullon'ell—hori all rules were 1/ orgotten , how the Speaker nor 'the cp. 1 ti!iti nor even the whole*use cook restrain ; the gllieries;• how gentlemen Jlttierti and the ladies Waved their hand kerchiciS s if muscles and ieins. 'wen quivering a ti pulsating: with five; boa the flood of g.ett rejoicing swept over and washed lout all, possible legislativei pro ceedings. • The you 7 est boy that saw it, will in his pep hairs rqount the 'story iii annother and a better tittle, to ' the'ehlid ten of another generation\as•-' the most / s • uetnora l ble 'eseut of the natibits history. f l g 'Net her . slavery nor involut mitary se , itude, e cept'as a punishMent fciiitue, whereo I the party-shall have• been d.y I convicted, shall exist , within the Ueitet&l States, or any place•subject to their juris 1 diction4'. Tlie Vision. of the great expounder of the .Constitution is realized ! ' His eyes, were - mot worthy to see it, but at last the flag he!loved 'so dear'floats,over the armies chat surrounds the rebellion as with a wall of fire over the navies thatguard'tbe coast, id every' land and clime ' ‘,ILIBER TY Als,lo UNION, ONE. AND INSET ERABLE, NOW AND FOREVER," ; 1 • • .: ~." —--- 7 ---., A.—ass -- 4. • , A cg_. or. .a Nstorx VIEW.—Le „ Temps, a leading l and! influential "FreochLjournal published in Paris, in closing a review of the eveits of the year 184, melles the followin,, candid adunsiions in.reference to our great civil war: "In tiO rapid review the war in Amer ica must only appear for forest sake.— Europe ftan do notbing'iu the tuatter,and the most chiasere4l winds, have ceased to 4pealt of interient:on. Fer the old world this unprecedented struggle is a spectacle rich in lessons, atithe same time formid able and consolatory. By the cost no'w' imposedots the United States to exter pate sla cry, it displays the terrible jus vt, tice of it history„ - and shows, :by that. fearful sacrifices nittions expiate: the pro. lon g ed, telcrance of wrong. It also exhib its,by the incredible facility of those sac rifices, ti at abund'ence of material' and moral re-tsurces, ot which no ideO existed, and abov all shows, by the little loss of liberty tl ey have involved, that liberty is not fat Ily designed to perish in the tempests of civil wars. • On this point all Europea ideas, inclu . ding oil,. own, are complete y bewildered. The 're-electiott of Mr. L ncOln,land the manner in which it, was ac omplished, are the pledge. cf an indestrus ible liberty, and will i rensaine in histor as an imperishable pledge of political • nd moral greatness.” r .., EWS*FttolßaAziL.---Advices Webb, the cited States Min , o Janeiro, received at the State t, brings the j„ , ratifyin inteli• the governineot of Brazil has GOOD from Mr. ister at.' deprrttae l 7..ence that Banned Shbnana, ACthe da l answer in been roe, dectee excluding - piiate tfi s e.portsrof that elviie. eof these advlces seward's the case of tin Florida Ind not yed at Rio. • A Significant ' esolve. 1 Dieu Tdr:lreitiando 'Stood despairs of the Confederacy. ,YesterdaY . benstoniab: the.flonse of RePmentatiieS by :airing' , ~ ',, ', ~^4• - • • flie followin c , residution r' . c'! - '\ 1. '.t. ,, Resolted, That. it is the duty of .the' Prsideut tu.niaintitin, in every institu tional andiegaireinii4 the integrity ,of then Aperican.-Uriionlas formed by the fathers of the repnblie;- and in no erint, and under no cirtirnstapes,' to ' proffer .or accept negotiatio s Which shall admit, by the remotest imillication,. the existauce of any other feder I or confederate govern meat within the erritory of ithe United States." . , That he did this after the return of Mr. Singleton from ; Richmond,` whither the. latter went as a _delegate froth the pro-slavery leaders, makes his resolution the more signifreant.7 . It means, probably eithet: that the slaveholderS, liesurrection is, in' the opinion of Mr. Singleton, ready to collapse, and s. tbeiofore ii'l that state when it is,judioteueto kick it; or else it may, mean that M r.. Si agleton "was severe. ly'snabl3ed by Jeff.' Davis, and retuned convineed that the rebel leaders cannot be dealt with as friends of any party in the North, but must be treated as enemies ay all who, either frotn principles or inter. !it, adhere , to the Vuion. 2 .—.N.l Y. .Evening Post, Feb. lid . • ' ONLY FIVE LEFT !--The House Cons. oittee on Revolutionary Pensions . have -eported a hill..granting to tbe five stir• dying heroes of the in;ant i ßepublic a .tratuity of three hundred dollars per an . lulu for the r .. e3nainder of their lives.— fhp venerable list its as foiloWa.; Lemuel Cook, aged 98, Orleans co., /Ne.w York. Samuel Downey, aged 98, Saratoga Co , dew York. Williatu Hutchins, aged 100, Hancock Jo,,Maine, Alexander Maroay, aged, 94,.' Orleans Jo., New... York, James Barbour, in his 101st year 31is ' onri. t . ID July, 3.863, eigteep were living: nl JaDuary,, 1864, ,tivelveleven have wee died. The forty-eighth 'annual yeport of the American Colonization ,ociety I says he sale of the ship Mary Careline Stev ms, given the society by the !late John Stevens, of Maryland, was no the result of 'necessity, but the expense fer wharfage Ind 'care in port; and the loss of - interest. the capital she might realie, induced the society io . sell her for $30,000, which invested in U&tetlStates securities to he employed at some future thnefin the purchase of a suitable vessel to b6ar the. same name, During the Sear! 1564 the sum 0891,4.55,74 was disbursed by the Auciety. For the same pet iod $16,231,78 were received from legacies left thiSoci• etv $6,767.87, frum donations•and collec- . tinny, and sl2,ooolromthe - United States Government • ' Auditor's Report Balance Due from Lewis 11'.. Lyman, ITreastireri of Potter County for 1863 'and 1864, to the - various' Township land School Distrh i ls January 1,1865, • ; as pr Auditors'. Statements.filedin the • (Cominissionerl' Office ociul the P..0-thonotary's thonotary's Office.. School. 1 Town. Abbqtt, • 80,76 39,21 Allegnay, 20,60 46,47 -BinglmM 3,79 9,78 Clara, , 35,14-- 23,54 Concersport, 2,46 .2,94 ' 135,28 39,71 Gebesee, ' 42 0 91 224,48 Harrison, 7,61 73,56 Hebron, '77,01 222,93 Hector, - 30,81 38,71 Homer, • 63 • '23,34 Jackson, 19, 64.66 Keating, ir . 78'. \\ 28,10 ts Osayo, • • • 55,11 45,08 Pike, ' 12,72 -15,98 Roulet, ' '303 3,44 Sharon, . 13,51 13,98 Stewartson, 217,74. 186,29 Suramitt, • 45,94 16,16 - Sweden, • , 41,23 38,84 Sylvania, due Treasurer, '18,27 Sylvania, 119,85 Ulysses, - 2,92 - 7,48 West Branch, 56,90 - j 66,63 Wharton, . 223,08 43,39 Mir. Lyman desires the Town and School Treasurers•to call for the'funtis due to them as he does not wish' to hold them in his bands. The particulars of each amount may be seen in -the . book of Auditors' Reports in the .Commissiorers' Office. There is also in the hands of the Treasurer of.Casb, (since paid to his successor Arch F. Tones)--. • I bounty, 986,16 . eounty, • • 663,15 .Relief, 932,20 • W. B. GRAVES, S. H. Means Auditors. Coudersport Tan. 21,11864. STATEMENT ' (IF the Receipts and Expenditures . of Pot- N_P ter.County the.. year-ending: on the 31st day Ofpec., A. D. 1864 Rec'd from coußty and special . • taxes for 1664 and previous yr's $13742 84 Ree'd from Relief taxes for 1864 ' and previous years -1 Rec'c Bounty . taxvifor 1864 Total Reciiipts 26004 'l9 I or Paid for Assessors wtties- • 450 48 " Auditors wages . 140 00 COmmissioners wages 920,1.2 9 Com's bat' for '62 3,99 9 Coin's wages balances for 1863 09'15 Pouuissioners tlerk -hire 800100 tt 00 )34 , 111.pee fir clerk hire fur 163 24 9 , Election expenses, , 1'7940 9 Relief to Soldiers" families 96 g U:: Money' refunded 22'86 Corarnotiwealth COt ' •430' 3 " .Grand.jurors fees ." 'Travels "231169. 5 8 le Midi Mary ..nI4 I so ttg Attorney fees for , 1863 60 go Jail and Penitentiary expenses 332 50 Qualification feel 05 46 CourtexpenseS ; 178 70 "r Road views Public -printing' 293 oo 00 • Wild cat bounty -• 675 roads L; -- 20 go 2 Com's expenses to Efarrisburg 144 5 O.S.Jones exp'sto" for com's 41 oo 14 Justices r eturns, Clerk Of quarter'sessiot 45 ,1 10 -11 P.rotbonotary's fees , _l7 '33 1 44 Revenue Stamps • _ 50 Interest on Keating . bon d ! 66 oo On band to Isaac Benson 83 33 II St II it 44 ,; 6438 63 44 On bonds to volnUteers_ '4366 69 • Interest on bond to J.S./dait 226 " Judgment, to B.,a‘nd. D. nert--431 62 44 4. 4. Wm. Bell 1348 54 • On bond ttiG. O. Colvin 314 61 • Repairs-on ptiblic`bnildings) 462 - aideiralka I-. ; .12 6 . - 14 ., Tetiding 'foam Clock • • — l5 00 I " Incidental expenses, :. 48 62 Recorder's fees ; 250 Court crier • • 18 6o C_eroner's inquest , ; -; 487 Clerk for coin's at Harrisburg: 500 Excess of receipa over e xpenditures' c 6039 sop os • 1- -•. • , • . 26044 19 ' We do certify_that the foregoin-Statement of Receipts and Expencittures of Potter Coun ty for the year 1864 As .correct as appears from the records -andii-ouchera in-thirrOffice. Commissioners' Offit•e, Jan 18, 1665. R. L. lircuoce, , l- C. P. -Ku,souans,Comm 1 E. 0. AUSTIN . ' : Attest :.L. B. _Cots, Clerk. . , STATEAENT • (IF the Funds of Potter-County on the first R., day of January A. D.; 1805. To apt of Com srs orders outstanding $lOB7 42 11 Judg't in faror of Warren : County Bank , : -.- 2760 58 11 lnt.on same, to Jan. 1, 1865 82,81 . 1 Judgt in favor of,B.&D.Rerr 4258 87 " Int. on same to Jan. 1, 1865 85 76 .' Bond to John Keating - 1100 00, 11 11 1 ' C. S. Jones -100 00 " Assetts over indebtedness 17924 08 To bond ,to Isaac Benson" foitbe ' loan'of money to rcise 'Vol's $lOOOO 00 " Int on same to Jan. 1, X 865 400 00 " Bond to J. S. Mann (SinCc paid) 1600 00 ". Atn't due on bonds to 3 . 'ol's '72614 32 " In't off same to Jan. 1 .3G5 3388 . 60 " Bond to 11. J. Olmsted ('sinee paid) . 300 00 —.-:-.—._ Total amsunt of Bounty 'und $87,703 92 • - CAPITCLATiON. . - % , Aggregate. amount of County indebtedness on the Ist of Ja - nuary 1863 including Bounty and Voluc- teer Bonds 1 $105132 44 Nare—The aegregate nmount'of.lionds is sued to tlrolunteers during the year is , . $87300 00 The, aggregate amount of Bpunty • - _! bonds given or mune.* . loaned • 1 to pay Volunteers , . $16700.50 Aggregate am't of Int. on same 540 57 Aggregate am't of money and Bounty bonds given for .Volnn teer purposes ' 104,540 07 , By amt of Co. taxes due from, un seated la nds,foy 1364 less Treasurer's per centage . $4117 98 Relief taxes due from un- - seated lands for;lBG4 less Treasurer's percentage Taxes due from seated Ids and personal property for 1864 for county purposes 1104 81 Relief taxes due from seat ed lands and personal property. for 1864 2x2.15 Military tax due for 1864 ' 230 50 County tax due from'seat ed land. and personal property for 1863 Relief tax due for 1863 Military ; " ; " Special ' it -- ; County tax on seated l'nds and personal property for previous years::!; Relief tax due for previous years Military tax due for previ ous Years Century lax due from seat ed Ids returned unseated, 81 43 Relief tar due from seated Ids returned as unseated 15 99 Estimated'co tax for 1865 8436 00 " Relief " • • 1859 00 "• ; • IMB IMO ' ' 17 , 423 53 Bowes Tax. By amt of bounty taxes, due from ' nnseatedilands for 1864 :,;,16470' 83 .13ounty taxes due fro seatcd lands and person-, . al property for 1864 10572_57 • Bounty tax ret'd aaseated 7 227 21 " Indebtednes over. assetla 6043Z.39 87702 92 Aggregte amount ofassetta ;nein& ing bounty taxes now outstand ing for the year 1864 Aggregate amount of indeted ness ovei aasetts NOTE—Aggregate amt of ibounty bonds paid and canceled in the year 1864 , Leaving balance dne to vCdun , teere of • 8i;300 OCt The aggregate amtpaid 'bonde, given for money loaned on the Ist of Jan'y 1865 ' Aggregate tentof Int paid AA mime Leaving a bidanice due ort! bonds for money 2529 19 9433'16 Aggregate amt paid on money and bounty bonds," , . • Leaving a balance dile on; money and bounty bonds Jar y- , ly 1865 84 017 92 104;540';07 We the, Sommissionersi of thm County of Potter, do'certify that the foregoint State n2ent of the Funds of the, said County of Pot ter on the firlit day of - Jannsty. Corritt:, as will appehr - from the book,s.a*records of this office, . ' 94fiCeplizi.'y 18, A. D. 1865 t • E. o.',AusTri, , • Artlif: L. B. cow' rl , Total• indebtedness Bounty . Fund. 4 60431 33 1G5,132 r 4 .711404 60 17,t41 - - El 6 17,429 52 17,241 07 823 1 19 121 38 19 11 12 00 5,87 205 85 17 bo 26 77 44701 11 14685 613 72614 32- 5308 50 527 ts 7. 20522 15