NM =I m-11Tmm3En 44. ' VOL ; THE ITER JOURNAL PO i IPUBLISHED BY cklarriey, Pioprietor. yuce.,wirketunir nr Ai:masts. "O. s'►. $1.50 Pa d to the cause of 'Bevil:ll:Carders, of Agriculture, the advancement and the best good df Potter ning no guide except that of /' will endeaver to aid in the work 'kr Freedomizing our, Cduntry. :•• * * * Devo i (h. latexes yr Sdneittii.,' Apunty. 1 . 0' Principle, i 1 of more full', „;') Anviarts wrs inserted at the following rates, excep where special bargains afe made. 1 Square [ 0 lines] 1 insertion, - - - $1 00 1.:" u' 3, ” --- 200 Ns c h subsequent insertlen less than 13, 140 , 1 Square three months, - 4 00 1 "" sii "' f - - 700 1 " nine " 1 -- - -.;- - - 10'00 1 " one year, - 12 00 1 Colonist- six' months, - - - - - - - 30 00 i ~ II . I a::.17 00 k ~ , 1, ' 10 00 1 " er year. 50 00 i" , " ' , ----.-- - - 30 00, AdminiStra r's or Executor's Notice, 300 Business. Caids, 8 lines or less, per year 8 00 Special and ditoeial Notices, per line, 201 * * *All 1 nsient advertisements must be I paid' in ea ce, and no notice • will be taken of advertise ents from a dismnee, unless , they are accompabled by the' oney or satisfactory reference. 4- • *Lillnk .tended to or 'arta Yob Work of all kinds, at lomptly and faitbfnlly. NESS CARDS. BC rive and ..cceptedAncient York Masons: NULALI. LOD6E,INo. 342, F. A. M, STAYS° Mt rings on the 2nd and 4th Wedne sdays of ca h month. Also Masonic gather ings on e•Ceky Wednesday• Evening. for work and practka ) at their Hall in Coudersport- D. C. LARRIBEE, W. H. 31. W. M6AtaisNEr, OHN S. MAXN', AND COI.INSELLOR . AT LAW, t, Pa., will attend the several ' otter and .Nl'Kean Counties. All trusted in his care will receive ention. Office coteer of streets. ATTORNEY' Conderspo ; .7ourts in business e prompt at' l and Third . ART UR G. OLMSTED, ATTORNEY' & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Couderspo t. Pa., will attend tb nlt business entrusted o his' care. with prcmptues and Zit:ay. 0 lice on Soth-west corner df Main and Four streets.' AAC BENSON ,i,TTOILS4I" AT LAW, Coudersport, attend it, business entrusted to him, with t care and p • raptness. Office Ms Second sh, nearthe .Allegheny Bridge. p • , F. W. KNOX, a.tTOWEY AT LAW, Coudersport. Pa.,•cvi regularly Vend the Courts in Potter ana the adjoin g Counties., , V. T. ELLISON, toRACTICEC PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Pc., respectfull'l• informs•the citizens of the ril loge and vicinity that, he will promply re , spond to at calls for professional services. Office on gain st., in building formerly oc cupied by C.'W. Ellis, Esq. L 5., C. A: E. A. JONES, DEALERS L DRUGS, 3IEDICDIES, PA.L7S Oils, Fate Articles, Stationery, Dry Good:, Groceries, c., Main st.,; Coudersport, Pa. E: OLMSTED, DEALER I I DRY GOODS, READY-MADE Clothing, ockery, Groceries, &c., Main st., Couderspo t, • LLINS SMITH, • DEALEtt in ,Ity Goods,Groceries, Provisions, Efardware . ,lV,titensivare, Cutlery, - and, all Goods usnrlly fOllnd in a country Store.— Coudersport, Nov. 27-, 1861. • COUDERSPORT notEL, S. P. GL_XS:p.MIRE, Proprietor, Corderk o- Main andecond Streets, Goudersport, Pot tqb Co. Pal .it:Litiery Stable is also kept in conned ton with thiS H.l S. OLDIESTM), 2E . ALER STOVES. TIN & SHEET ITION L• WARE, Mamst., nearly opposite the Court - House; Condersport, Pa. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order, in good style, on short notice.- n. ..1. C. ll'Alias67. ZIIILLI6R -.. .& 31cALLARIVEI, , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, HARRIS, BURG-, PA., - A GENTS for the Collection of Clait T M. atitiitisto the United Statei and State Gov:. ernments, suli,as Pension, Bounty, Arrest 1 of Pay , kc.. f iddresp Box DP, Harrisburg, Pa. Pension Bounty and Wat Claim - ' Agency. - i PENSTON procured - for - soldiers of the present lir who are disAled by reason of wounds received or disease- contractracted while in the received of the 'United States i and pensions, 'bon nty, and emus of pay obtained for widows 4 heirs of those who have died or been kUle while in service. All letter - of inquiFy protly answered, and on receipt by mail 'ofsits ement of the ease of claimant .I will, forward' the necessary papers for their sigiatnre. ' - ees in Pension cases as flied by law, l44KP:ilia =Hon. IsiANßsarsos,- Hon. A - . G. Qrattfriss;4. S. MON Esq., P. W. lin; Esq:' L., I % , 16-nrik-PH,, i -. I Chilli Agent touclerport Pa, June_lt; '. .-ly. - _ , HOWARD 'ASSOCIATION , PEMADELPEILti P 6." " • 111SgikSig.S.of,theNe7ops, Seminal, Urine -1K rylmictieMial sy stems - -new arid reliable treatme .reports ' Of. tiie HOWARD AS SOC/Ali& 'sent by i mail in lsealed Tel er envelopes, • ::of charge. . Address, Dr:, T., §Kg-4 1 41N no I oirron, - Howard Assoclatior. 2Sonth inth Street, -Philadelphia,-Pa. 1/1864. . '.;-..., ' ll r i, .- I -1 , . --, ~ - -:-..,.: • *-- I '- - 1 , i, .. ~ - .. ~ , , . ' -,,- i - ,--. ,' ,rr 1 , - .- ,‘ _i ! . .- 1 _ • , ---- ----- --; . ,; - _ .„. '.. !_ , .- : ~.:• : - ' ,_... ~..„F, ,- : ..,. . , ~,... . ..• .; - q I i ' '''' ' :-. ': I I -' '-" ' ...' ... : .. ' ,; •' - 4 , -; •- •t ! I - l', •I - - ''l-- '' - -, I -. • •- - - - • r • .1 ~ . . 1 1 - --• ' ' - - '•- :• 7 I vr • •• I 1 q i - 1 ; t 1 1. . _ 1 •-', - ' . 1 _ - t , . :• , , / i I . , I I . , • . , • g I . • 1 I .. .. • , • I . I , _ , MEM FOOTSTEPS OF DECAY. 41HE . .1 , I ph 1 lit ihe,soui its &limbers itrienk '"- Arouse is senses ;aid awake, • • ; ' Toee litiw scion! Life, inits gliries, glides away. And theisternfootsteks of decay ) 1 Come stealing on. ! '{het to raid hope deceive the mind—, To happier let us-hope to find ,i :- To-morrow than to-ddy; • Pnegold,ea dreams of yore ty l are bright, Like thein the present shall delight— .l 1- Like•them decay. ' • I L I - I '', • • par lives like basting dreams mast be, [ one engulphing sea , 1 That int ; Arei doomed to fall— • * The sea!pf death whose waves roll on ' O'er king and kingdom,_ crown and throne, i•', And swallow all: ! ' I J ! ' 'I Aiike;thi riier's lordly tide, Alike! tli ,ha mble rivulets glide To that sad wave; D ath levels povep 4 ty and pride, And rich 1 and poor sleep side by side ' I, —. . • 1 Iv tthin toe grave. 1 , I I 1L,.. Onr birth is but a starting place; Life is the running of the 'race, , , I ' And death the goal; 'Th i t i . a all our glittering toys are brought— , Th. ci path alone,fiall unsought, ;• ,j Is fogad of all. , •1 •II ; ' ' , j §eetthen:how poor and little worth Are all these glitteritig toys of earth 1 I That lure, us here! Itreams cif a .sleep!that death must break, as t,bc 2 fore it bids us wake, We dhappear. I ' ' • , Long ere!the dap of earth can blight The creeks pure' glow of red and whit" . Iles passed away, " -, Tooth smiled and ell was beavebly fair— Age-come and laid!his finger there, ? 1 ! Andwhere are they? 1 • . uereris, the strength that spurned decay The step ,thatiroved so light and gay, . The heart's blithe tone ? rale strength' is gone, the step is slow, ..ind joy grows Wearisome and wo ! When age comes on. •I 1 , TUE-1 Pito , USE FITLFILLED. 1 , 1., •,___ 1 i i ‘FElonselfuil ? Why, heitiv much compa ,_ fly ;haveyon.!.Louise r' . Mrs. Lecile;Ansile, our pretty hostess, j whii was !op her knees before my trunk, I engaged in admiring my wardrobe while she charted, turned immediaiely to my Isisi i er. 1 1 . 1 . "My ilea; Julia,we are actnaly Crammed," said all. ! 4 1here hasn't. been such a 1 1 ! -- summer rush for The Maples since I can , , I remember 1 i l First came the Athertens and . the iWilsects ; then little Hattie ;Lain:tier aild'ber sister ; then Harry Ver -1 non,l Charlie Wayne, Fred Lawton, and his pretty little cousin, and consequently hel ; ardent admirer, MT. Maycard. I thought we mere certainly fall, and James Was just sayiiig,lasi night,,that he couldn't posbibly accommodate anybody else. when' , 1 1. ~ a carnage drove up,and out sprang Hugh Chested i j . i Ilia& p estop ?" said I, my face flushing. , I Hugh Caeston ?" exclaimed my elder i ; 'sste ir, Gertinde, who was, tumbling , , , , 1 , over theicontents of liar trunk in seareh •of something'; "Oh, llam delighted I" 'il3.e's the b l est catib I know of,Louisa," saidJuliai ; I',Well of course he lis come to spend a week on two, and James was j just as glad to see; ialm as' if there wasn't a soul in the house land we had whole f aults of rooms," refilled Mrs. Anslie; " but I was at my witsiemi for' , a place to put him in At last I rimembered what a good little ;soul you are, lklat.tie, and, ea ventured ; to let him hi.ye f the chamber I Had presefrv ed for you. ; • 'Foil won't think it is an im. , position, will ou, 'dear ?"- -1 • ~No, indeed, .Z can manage capitally with yen,.Jalia,"l said. ,j ' Hlt'a veiy ;good of :.you. you. fib's just - , , relurned from. the continent," continued Ledise. (i.gh what .a love of a berthd, !Hattie 1)- 3 atk has .brought home a Frebch valet who is almost as, handsome j as his mastWwlio is turning, the head of; every maidliii the house... How delight.: ful it is to hear theM talk Vencfi—mas ter and , man r , Alattic, Where; did you find. thii, perfectl:Ommiaz ?" " , - j "1 - Ihava r t seep him for nearly five years," said Gertrude . "but I used to be desper atalk-iillove with hiM. . Such handsome eyeS as he iiiq!" r , _ -. 'He, is very rich, which is-much more to the, purpose," said Jidlia,Whose.twenty six 'lstimaims bad bronghtjher to appreci ate the .nraiitiCal part ofj life. "Mettle, yod little. bcimely „ thine she - added, '-'.what dm ion dreaming-about ?" I got up 'Mini the tloor where I had, been tsttino.,Ejr the-last.ten minutes, with . my *am ablintimy shoulders and went to the I mirror. I did-mot want them -to 'see _ . what f n brigh t color there was upon my Ohnets:l' -: i : dressed MY alders Were dr in a few ran . d a n d menta moral SO dowa stains, with i_ r,----- 1 1 ME 'And while we view the rolling tide Down whidh bur flowing minutes glide Away so ; ast; ;Let as the present honr` employ; And deem ea?h fature dreani a joy Already past.' • bib pleb ji ilw friOcipro of Irtiil.hoo.4'eD, a, . , 0012TERSPORT, POTTER CO ; JLonise. When the'eound of their .voices ed his attention a moment after, al had died away I. threw myself upon• the sighed. . carpet by a chair and fell to dreamin .-- You're a queer little thing," be said Film Years befOre—it did" not seem l ng "What would Ott tell me if I svere.,te ask --I. had seen Hugh Cheston, and for he you if you liked Me?. i I only , time in my life. It was on the ' "The truth of course," `I replied. - night' of a party giyen at my fath r's "Then I'll spare your blushes, you re- house, in boner a my sister Gerdrri e's !Desirable morsel of Womanhood," hessid., eighteenth birthday. ;tittle more tan "Butlilattie," he continued, more seri two Jeers before I had lost my r ously, "will you kiss ,',irie when - I come mother, and the , idea of ia crowd of ay back ?" I', peOple . thronging the' room where sae' "Yes, sir," said I. rested in - her coffin on that last sad dayll. "You will be a young lady then,remem ed:thy heart with grief and indignat: n. ber," he said. .1 But no one took any . notice of me. I "I will be elyselfjusi the same," I said. knelt 'there by the window of 'My li tle "So you will," said he. "lishall hold room,: which was in the wing of the he se you to your promise.. Remember it and overlooked the terrace of the min Now, good bye. ; , , ' , building—my face wet with tears, d "He turned away as some one came the most wretched'fecling I had ever . It neon the terrace, and I sprang through 1 lingering around me. Suddenly a li g ht the hall door, and flewlbaok to my room. from the ball.room streamed out broadly And this was the scene I was thinking upon the darkness, as some one drew the over as I sat upon the floor of my room at wide drapery aside, and an instant aft'et• the beautiful country-seat of the Anslies ward two persons stepped out non the —a girl of seventeen,: dark; plain, shy terrace ~ It was my - sister Gertrude and and sensitive. • agentleman. I could hear their wo ds "Mettle, what for mercy's sake are sc plainly as they passed backwarda a d you doing that you are not dressed yet ? forwards. They talked gaily and careles ly 'Tis nearly dinner time," said my sister , abent a great many things, some if whi i Julia,dashing into the room for something,, I could understand, and others I eo Id and stopping short when her eyes fell I not: At last I was startled by the wo ds upon me. "Have you been asleep ?" I of my sister's comPanion. "No," said I, sullenly, getting up' and "What is that ?" he said. going to the mirror. i I "What ?" said my tinter. "What do "Oh, you queer child," said" she. _ . yen trieanOlr. Cheston ?" ' "Now do be quick. You will find me in 4 6 1 thought I caught a glimpse o a the drawing room if ydu ever. get ready child's face at that window," replied he to comedown," and on she swept. gentleman. "And if lain not mistake it I think there are few persons in the was wet with tears."l world Who can understand What I suffered I drew back quietly with a bead g when I entered the rood" where Mr. Ches- hei,rt, but I heard my sister say, " h", ton was. Every thing ' was a blank to me, 'tis . Mattie, my little si ster, I suppose. as I crossed to the window where 'my The child is averse to par giving tis sister was. I realized nothing in exist party bat the heavy duly heart, prt•ty to night, end declatesi that we repulsati on all 1 heartless and forge tful of my dar which seemed as if they would beat out! mother. Of course, as you are aware, t e my life. When I camp to my senses I icta. ia l ery absurd - , but no one c o ld w.as wassitting by good Mrs.' Wilson, who make her believe it, and she has s at was always kind to me, 'and, whom I somd- 1 herself up and cried all day 7" times thought I loved better than either ' .oerfrude had told the truth. If 'er Julia or Gertrude. ' words had called forth 'a smile from er "You did not expect to see eo many companion, I should h ave bated him fr. people, dear, and .were frightened," she ever; but peeping car e fully frombehind said with a smile on her kind motherly the curtain I saw his fa ce as he passed the ate. "I saw it the moment you opened lighted windows, and it Was as grave .a d the door.' gentle as I could have Wished. He ma e I answered only with a glance, and Gertrude no reply. , slipped my baud in hers. ' IA few moments afterwards they steipp d "Mrs. Wilson," sad My , sister Gertrude. -if Mr. Cheston come; this way again I throu.h the window into the room agar . Lean ng back into my old want you to take Mattie around to the Place I dropp d my he d into my hands and fell to thin • other side of, you, Yon will,won't you I" in , t not of my troubles. Suddenl I "No, my dear • that's very ungenerous was startled by hearing my .name call . ef you," replied Sirs. :Wilson, "I shall warn Mr CheSton that you have serious After a moment's bewildered hesitation T leaned forward and looked out. Mr. Ch top was standing alone upon the terrac i"Won't you comp dowu a moment?" t e said, smiling at my frightened face. ' I want to talk with you." up,l left my room,and trippi g li g htly dow;i the stairs' stepped throne h the hail door upon the terrace, and sto before him with a Ibeating heart. He took my hand and stooping down e looked kindly into my Iface. "W hat have you been crying for 7" e said, gently. 1"You know," I replied, laconicaly. do, little Mattie," he said smi iagly, "and I called you down because tell you that I don't think it foolish as the others do, and I'm very sor for you." I allowed him to lass me, which was libertY I should have indignantly resente nada any other circumstanCes. 1"In a few.months I am going Owa ', end shall be gone several years," he sai , after a: pause, during; which be look kcienly I but kindly into' my downcast fac [ 1 . "When I come back you' will be yip., lady, Mattie." I "eknew it," said I. I "And lam sof r • PI , "For what?" be aoked. I "They are so foolish," I said. "The talk about nothing el S e• • but dress, an gentlemen,and parties, and the always th crOssest people in the Isr or Id to me." The idea that Mr.,Oheston was fang ink at me flashed in my' mind as I finishe speaking; but glancing np quickly in hi face: I saw ik was nominally . grave , "Your opinion of yOur Sex is not a very flatering one,howeveitrutbful it may be, he said .:. "Do you believe all young ladi ari . like these, whom you see every day 7' 'I don't know," I said. 'Do you think it necessary tbai the el'onld be 7" he asked.' '"No sir " I said, "for I don't think m mother was such yelling lady." Don't you think that yin can: grow n to Ibe a sensible, usefUll woman, if yo ware to try r be asked. 'Yes, sir," I said. yoU try r be asked. 'PI will," was my earnest reply. .:"And I hope you . may succeed., my dea, !Slade :both for your sake and my own; said Chasten. '"Now I mast leay yon. Will'you kist me good bye? I astonished myself very much by th not, when I pressed my lips to his, as k bent - down. Semething in my face attac I _ a tbe kisseh)irmlin• of . il'ellitta via if etoo. PA., WEDNESDAY FEBRILAAT 22, 1865. desifms an i "I don't see ithe neiessity,of warning d 1 person against a danger of which he is already aware," snapped a yonig lady with very black eyes, ;who stood behind the sofa on which we' at. Gertrude turned anund with a crimson face. "What is the subject of your discuss.- ion Won't you adtuip me to your. confi dence, ladies ?" .said a ; familiar voice, so near' my ear that I started in affright. The black-eyed young lady slipped aside to give Mr. Cheston a 'place near us. Several persons -mere presented , to him,; I among others. .He' paid no par ticular attention, Old took a emir beside Gertrude. "Don't you inquire What we yrere talk ina about, Mr: Cheston ?"said the black eyed young "I believe I had the audacity to do so," he replied, smiling. Bat the smile was very different from the one I remember ed to have seen upon his face: "We were speaking of 'kisses," said Gertrude, quickly, with a saucy smile.-- "And Hattie. Latmer 'declared that she didt't believe.yon cared for them.' I started, I had never heard my sic- ter utter a deliberate falsehood.. am very sorry that Miss. Latmer thinks me so indiffererit to the most per feet luxury in life,' he replied, glancing up at her. "Victory, Hattie! Mr. ieheston does believe in kisses,' died Gertrude, with a smile so bright as to dazele the eves so that but two of us saw the hidden malice: 'I think Miss Hattie:was about making au attempt to straggle out of the post tion into which my sister had thrust'. her; bat Louise Anshe, whd had sauntered up a moment before, exclaimed, "Oh, Mr. eheston, don't you remember that you once attended a forfeit party, and word the most dissatisfied face ever saw in my life, all the evening "But Mrs. Anslie, that was because I consider forfeits a sacrelege of the caress;' be replied. "It is converting - the beau tiful into the nseful, 4 and ruining its peculiar value by - so 'doing. I regret, however; that My face' betrayed my fel ing. I assure you that the rudeness was not intentionaL' "Mr. Cheston is apparently.unconiciani that seremiladiesarelooking at L im` very admiringly," said a low voice near me. I turned round. Itwas Mr 'Maynard, Who was in is fever of jealousy banana() Rose Lawton's bright eyes were fixed upon the gentleman id queation. "Take care, Mr. Cheeton," cried Ger trttde: "I'm' afraid you don't know what you are bringing upon yourself. Having declared:you - n(11f so , much in favor of the 'most perfect luxury life;' we young ladies-may have you quite at our mercy. According to your assertiOn i I doubt if you could resist the reward: of a kisstrom a pretty girl who might be suing for a favor. Could you ?"--"Veti he "How so?" she asked: ' "Because a kiss given! in that way would be of little value," said Mr. Cheston. "I consider that a very unkind speech, coming as it does from the I' of a man who is well aware that kisses ar lady's favorite bribe," replied Gertrude, fl ed, bat laughing. "It is a 'post ungalla speech, Mr. Cheston ; you mast stand trial for punishment." 1 "I' will make it short by Choosing Rose Lawton for my judge," he relpied, laugh ing, and glancing up into the smiling eyes of the little beauty. 1. "Your ehastisdment shall be to .cen fess whom you kissed last," said she, "That's not fair, i 'he said. "Why?" she'demended quietly. "Because," saidie, "the lady is , pres ent; and the punishment would rather fall upon her than me." Whereupon they all burst into a merry laugh. "Well, then, you jean tell whom you intend to kiss. next," said Rose. "That will not do, either," said he,_ "II should never be able'o put my inten tions into effect." "Do you keep an account of your kisses as I you do your expenses, Cheston ?" called out Mr. Maynard. "Yes," relied Mr. Cheston, quietly/ "Now I have it !" cried Rose Lawton. "You shall tell us how many ladies you have kisied during the last fiveears." "I will do so on condition that my word will not be doubted" he said gravely. "We will believe pa; certainly," said Rose, "Now listen, goed folks:" ,"Not one," said Mr. Clieston, quietly; upon which everibody looked astonished. "Oh, Mr. , Cheston, you amaze us I" cried Rose: nd he • "Hugh is probably faithful to some fair lady who favored him before," said Mr. Anslie, Who had been listening qui etly for some moments. • • "Exactly," said Mr. Cheston, rising with a bow, anctturhing away to some one who called fiat impatiently: Oh, the' significant glances and ex clamations of l wonder thatjwas circulated through the group 'after his departure ! "And what are you thinking of, little mouse," said Mrs. Wilson,bending toward me. • Your cheeks are as red as roses " She would have been overwhelmed' with astonishment if If had told her. Three weeks passed, and Nr. Cheston and I were on no more intimate terms than we had been on that first'evening. We rarely met except at .the table'or in . the drawine , room of an evening / 'and he seldom addressed' me when we did meet: By degrees I -overcame my shyness and sensitiveness regarding him. He had forgotten, I thought the romantic inci dent of my childhood, which had always had such a chains for me, and I wondered at Myself for ever supposing that he had remembered it beyond the moment. It made me a little sad !to know that all my pleasant thoughts mourning it were castles in the air,and lightly humiliating / taken in connection with his polite in difference to me, to knoverthat those thots' were so many. i 3.lf r Cheston was a great lion among the party at "The 11,lapies." The ladies liked him; the; gentlemen were jealous of him while they strove to imitate .him. Everybody talked of him ; everybody ad. mired hirn,:eithersecrctly or openly. The ,summer wore gradually away. Several Of our party had returned home, and one clear Sebtember morning. Mr. Cheston informed. Mr..Anslie at the breakfast table that he:should be obliged to return to town the neitt morning. It frightened me to know, how shocked and pained I was, and atitlielftrst opportunity I rose and left the •'That ,evening when the drawing-room was deserted by the few that remained of ' , ,1 ;1 the gaylgomony, and I could hear their voices- idoWn the moonlit park,l strolled out,ini the dark. and silent- rooni ' and . . seat . 1 sank _ pon a cushioned Instantly! some one started i up in the dusky light, and , . coming forward, sat beside' me. ' It was Mr. °bourn.- , • , , - sqlattie,' .. said he; ,PI intend going away before six o'CloCk tomorrow mor n . n lien(' shall probably not see you agaia.' I. did: not reply, and be continned 7 - tHaven't 1 aright .to ask for a,good.bge i'kise I" -- - =• . 1 The light was not so dint bdt that I could see a laughing light in his nyes. . "Yon have the right ,which the prom ise of a child g'Yee y ou , : I suppose," I ; =E= ,5 - f,.r',e.;,`", - ;', .11f . =El= ME ~.: ,59'P msTriam reP4ed, somewhat unnoyed by Ada 1 - .?• =i madder. It was id ,little for kinky% --:- good-bye to me. It was so muoh for ~,11l to sty good.hye to him.. - 1, ,, ....,. 1 4 ch il d in years ; you certainly- 3 irc . t. , •, ; Mat ie-, but more of a woman at 11,-..r tha thousanda twice litnr_ager said" :i1 , .. "Do;yon - knoi, that you made vanity+ f-- "Do, ; yon the, little One , when yin kissed • = 4 ; upon the terrace in ,the &Onion tbit, n i g kltrs l; - .7- :-., = =.4 .....-..t. ~ "4- continen 1"_ I startled, -z • l "I carried that kiss away Ilsititatne;' lie replied. "I loved the rethemkrat.i= of it las I`did my life. riotildto! z ha ‘.l partia with it ler all the wealth io tai world, for is *as a sweet hope on - fhi.. i l 1 hung all my light of the futuriVdTi , l lips of no other woman have been preisi tl, to Mine since; then. I said to !nisei: ' that l until I kissed anotter; yOur "ki4:x remained. DO you tinderstand 1 1 " .. - • . illy, eyes were fall or tears, but I tried:: to smile. I - .' - "Yin were a sweet t3hild - Matae" 1:1 - 3 continued, "and have grown into a sweo woman—sueb a woman es I have heeit waiting to find Ithat 1 4 might marry,' l'iloiq I ask for thatpromised kiss,. and if give it to me I ;shall take- it foir - gianteii that you giiie me yettiself itrith it!!•" 27 r -Mr. Chestoti was Mite of *latiltho'i! never acknowitidged to hoyself-44 JOvC for him. I felt it in the; confident: clio of his' arm; Ii saw _'it in , the confideOl glances of his eyes; and chtent tha(hr should read the heart of which he was's r certainly the' ma s ter, I acted` My ,sitripL. self and gale him "The Promited Kiss l" FEOTENING ; THE IiILNIST4.;-- , H17 was,./preaching one eitening i " -writes- p clerieal friend who relishes a good iiii4- ,richly, "from the passage in the history of Moses where he with I his tWOltrietidi, Aaron and liar, were standing ,upon.a bill and beholding a battle between Israel - and : AmefAr. illy text was 'Aaron sad au stayed up his hands f -and I argued the duty,•of the people tp hold up OP 1 hands of their minister, from the exam. ple of these geed men of old, Who this - supported Moses.'., 1 — - .-.. _,- ; I 14.6 n my way 'homewar d from_ churn!' one of the leading : men of 7reiy , pariah joined me, and aftr expressing his gre:at satisfaction in my discourse, begged leap to suggest one point that I had spite overlooked... . ~ nt i " 'Aii,!' said I, 'and whatiTn i that _2' "'I mean ) ' he answered, 'The powerful •-- argument in favor of female influent:ie.'. . s , "'I confess that do not perceive .that the subject is hinted at -;- how do you dig. , cover it, my dear sir ?' I asked. "'Why, does it not read,' said he,with some surprise, 'that Aaron and her held up his hands?' I suppose the womha helped as much' as the man ."° ! , A SENSATIONAL DRESS.--Aaiti . LA4I2- piegn, where the Preach court is new residing; great efforts are made by a ffim of the guests ,to have something quite differeiit from what everybody else wears., The last toilette •which produeed tl4is much desired" e l 4nsaiion deserves la d4i criptiin. It Tao made of Me skirts It white tulle; the upper one VMS- draped, - and both were elaborately ornarrntiid_ iitb pufingii . ef tulle and satin, trimmed with an infinite quantity. of smalls larks' heads, the beaks of-Whieh-were used - for fastning down the tulleand satin,piiffings!' The head-dress consisted 0f.,:a. - spray 'Of diamonds and a lark. We babe heated lark pies, but never before of dies4es :- trimmed with' larks. • 13nt birds" of descriptions are fachionable;. the •meat tasteful headdresses are, made in Paris of .peacooks"; feathers, ravens' wings, 244' ... ma? , : A BLESSED DAY.--What a ' blessed' day is theiSabbath, to the man who nee- , t essarily ...latches bit brief glimpses iff.: home during the toiling week ; who is off w - - . in the morning while little. eyes a rc closed;in slumber, der . back at . night till they are again 'sealed by sleep ? Whi - would he know of the very children: to' .w, -... whom he toilii i i were it not for the bless 4 - - breathing respite of the Sabbath ? What- honest working mans child *ill et* •:--,- forget this day . , when clean and neat ; it is his privilioe to climb father's knee pi his hand about i his neck, and . tell him all the news Which goes to make.op hjirtar- row little world,. Narrow did we say ?+,-; We recall the Word, for it videos oat in:c -.... the bottndless ocean of eternity. ' ,Sahhat , is for the working man's children ,5c1... 7 would 'we have it--a d4y ballowcd:liy -,-.. sweet, pure ' and home Influences yr;ln, - w wY-, and little hand, quite ,Contitleti, siislk r .w, rest from labor, and love shall writc l ,..o , : w, down the blesaid day of all the aeven.w„/;,.• •,.. A. parsimonious sea-captain answering - the, complaiotalpf his men that ` the bread was bad exelaimed,"Whitt pant' bread that; is made from.flotirl *kit do you t Ink of the kpcmaiiiiTA hey', 'chew br d i '• made froM old 6clis — abir 1 . • shoes." The oil fever has ggcariied off.' iho*, ands ef nieu---to prospect for oil. - _ _ _, _. Yi,'~_ II ERB v !_i =1