"URNAL THE ileksport. Pl. r eeda.y, Jan. 25. 1865.. Wed pr M. W. 31cALAtINEV, EDITOIL • ' A party of z peculxtors are toting of the Legisla4ire the right to bore oil wells la the bottom of th'e•ALegltexty Jiver. The Gault House, a large hotel in Lnn• isville, Kentucky., was destto)ed by tire last Wednesday. ' Hon Wm. Pitt resseinden, Seermary of the 'Erman,. has been elected to, the United States Sznate from Main, for sia ycarz from Match 9th 1E65. The lion. jams Gurthrie was elected totted States Senator tbr Fix years flout )larch 4ihju place of Lazarus W Pow ell, of Kentucky. On the 9th, the rebel; made (another attack on the uicket line of the alloy of the, Potomac, Oaptariog„uiuo of uur Men and' wouuding lone. The remnant of llood's army is report. ed to be Vortifjing at Corinth' They are also rep .rteti to be repairing the and Ohio railroad. A resolution hal pasmli the States Seoate in favor of repeaiiuK<.tt,e Reciproctty Treaty between. the United .•%% States and Canada. It is reported' a 4 from.. the Richmond papers, that a•call i Out for a couv'eutio, of the Confederate States. mitt% a debiei. to -depnte Jeff -taus and revolutionize the revolutiun. • . . A notorious £ueiilia, tailed Sake Sly. way capitirea bs LFni n rcutrtd in T e ur.es. Pee, Pout', of the Cuu Leduc d Oyer, and was executed, with four of riis retaliation' fur the mutter 12211/13 A comtihittte ef.the Pa. llonge of Rep ye.pentativeti has gone to \Va.hiugruo\ confer with the Provast 3larAial General in regard to the tr.ota of. l'ennFlratia under the hit call for troor4., adjutant . General, Russell accomraoied the cum , zvittee, to repreeetit tlie liuternor. . The nbel Senate'} 11. - :nry •$! }la!-been arrested by Jest' Dud., ;speech ogaiiist the ft..b;:t authori , ies, wade recently in their Senat :. Mrs. FOUIV succeeded in : esc6rit.gautl has reached our APPORTIO:\"ME.NT UNDER. TUE DRAFT.' --IleretcforeJit has been, 'the rule With the. Provost Marshal General to apportion only- the quotas of different States. thus , leaving the apportionment of thstticts the Assistant Provost Marshal Gentit• by what* in turn the apportiona: It !It FAt.b-distrtets 'was tt-ft to the Prey z.t Mar shals and Conscription Boar s. Itap' pears.nuw, that w i den, lia% een to Assistant- Prove... 4 ' 1 renal General itot V1'11191:0 their u,0,/ appoithinno.u. t., the district., as r Voqt Marshal Gttn... eta wiil diseharg/t his duty. It is deeilt e'd.clutt this clan be dune with a meaty: degree of justice at head (latters, than by the Assifany Provost Generlols, as all 'the proper_ credits are `l , n recap' in ; die Provost Marstal General's office Thes., app9rtionnent4 will bi I•rued al! fil4 Toshible to the different consetiptiim bards, by.-the Marbltals nf. which the APPeTtionments, in . turn, .111.) distaicts, will, be fixed. —llarris4u , g Telegprah. KENTUCLiL The recent vote of the lAt - tgislature of 'Kentucky f• r United St rtes Senator,--56 for General Rousseau ti t 6 for Mr.G nthtit —it the best ..ign )ecuiven by this wort iudisposed of Border States to heett the lessons . ()lex perienee. Gential Itoniseatt orgsnized' the first Kentucky regiownt raiAttd to fight against Seeees , -inn Re. bellion—orgau4ed when the loyalty Of that State was .co Coldbl!)oded th a t it' w a -, deemed advisable to enlist: enertip and drill bis Union volunteers on the Indiana side of the 'Ohio—when even John. J. Crittersden•diQuourazed volunteeting ray ing that Kentucky Nitiluldleacet the States- North and South of her ((flight out their quarrel. if they would fiultt. Of course, General Rousseau is.a heartey liumedlate Emanetpationibt, while , Mr. Guthrie .ib I;order State donsercative. .con• s eithtring when . 'und.under what auspieieb this legislature wai eleeted,4 he fact that- Gtttbrie 'rata co sala s ll a nuljotity is tnost nowt thal - read . to on.the oottutry The milltiry situation is now such as to leave:no room to doubt the speedy restoration of the rnion . .1)11 the of freed t:tt. The mhellion ha.l nvither force co tile tetrit.ury it eeeupte4,l er eht.reter fc.rrnz t 1- olark;ad nee it :It:Lived it , : ELM enenur. . aremetit of gncoesq. There ib no binge' any question that the bummer ,eanilrtit n i l will end the mr—or redher that the ope rations of our armies dot tnm the coming spring and summer, I wi'.l be merely to witness the inauguration . ot the civil pow er of loyal State governments, 'and the restoration of the peace neeebsary to the .whole country, The slave States are set ting teach other the era to r,lc , of 1 - . ,, :;:neu• sity of getting, r'Al of tii: - ‘ery i so that-it it fair to Pre.utntt thtlt in .very. State when ; slavery now . existp, it 'a ill btt aholibited. In addition to the netion of Coogresq, S , ..tinti or the peOple thereof theta fothist. ~ , . From Capt. JotillsOn. The following 'viler has hero received by a gentleman atlaspi ", act, (rim ttpt. Joht.scn of the 14!)tH wt . ., we , ' taken pris.snerlik r Oeitysburg, July 2, 1863. " i 1 i 1 COLI:5111t.:8, SC, Oc i e, Al, 1864. Di....4%K•—,+- : Ileceit eth,3tiur , of Oct.. also jUst at 11:4(.1 )tmrs a 4 uly 29th 1' I t am ill 110 ;ZOO& llama tti %%Vire ‘la.l su c h a i leaer lIS . 1 Willd like ' , ltt iou l lt . improve It Isjor.(lenerai 84d:1e - 4 - and staff.sailed 'the oppertuni y to semi sou stien nil tote for' as I can by the under gruund r.tute: Wei California on I't ii. y. a have iust.beelt %itdted this moil . ' itigkvii 1 , 1 Gem r 11 .)Icelertatilantl family are aiii i out . one of 't hose ertible reenes lib bitch vn ' 10 t t Eat"P` 3 • rt 1 I I 'tie have alo,s;t r become familiar rout their i The quota of this State under the new occurrence in every foist r and on evety call for 300,060 wen: is t, ..be readjusted journey that .. Wehav 6 ha& in dire South. I ; im p 'e d uce d. i An officer. Lieutenan 1 t ur t ne. Td 6611 The llontre of firpresentatives have. N. Y Vole , was shot and itr•tantly k li killed ' i 1 in ;the camp this morning by 'one of the pas . sed the Loan Bill; after some impor• tant amendment. ri'lle l'ust.()Mce Apt 1 sentinels. It was lieattles boarder, of ~ . ~ truptuaten bill was ithio pas.ed the most eciwardly end iindictive chatac 1, 1 li i ' • ter. This is Itbe second killet), find the 1 1 The London 4imes iif Dec 31st says I . sixth I it since this camp Was established •'lu dm present state of Northern feeling. in October. 13tir there i. nod use of le 'there is too 'noels ieal-on for apprehend 44 event:rig perl., liaidships,t. l / 4 c If you ;, , inue outrage e.hich May render a rupture could have alpicture of unr quarters L etv ,ili uo i ta bl e , , - . and uf, us .as we are bu.Y ur tilt! abont• Nl'est et n papers give, currency i lo a them t o nay, I suppose you might prize ,Is nnior that tout stage is likely to wire' place it. 13 ` 'en 't would viiiiiel it Tor a k.ee l l. iele loin: between the Ilun. Sot,u3lor Cul sake. Such. however, it' is inipo-sittletu,; fax have, nod I must, iy and supnly the 1 1 • , , ~- , i ttvc , at. .rs )tiatt as, the widow ufNtjte d e ti c i enq f ol ., v o n w‘t n pe 1• unu tag. ' i t 1 , i Spet a tk l e i r of i t he I l l lume of I . tepresonta- Lamented Illinois Senator. `---_ IMatzine 1 1 '.•!:00 lc n loaded with all , , , • manner of bu ,des . tilt di lees iron dishes, , Senator yesterday of Alacsachu ;et ts was eteelFM, clot{ 1(1 in motley suits of rag., i rcelecieti d (by the State Senate). in personal appeamnee matte than the having :17 rk , ithl to 3 Inr 0. , V AlldreW. , -- '•L Anion I3e4ears;" drive, theal out into ll house elected Geo. IV illuil aboilt u ur 01.1 cloy r lot, aridJurround them year ago. , 43 with Leandt i r S iceis' .. ifirt4d, scatter W. D Snow. Senater from Arkansas, a*""oer ' l ie l'eaurie r ' a =9"r 6- H e t" °. , lt, Detroit.!A Ile saysllie has infertnation Cos b'..ys an 4 you lia‘ti us land our Con which ili.c„ the re“;slalit v (did: election federate guard. 4 a+ ne ea tie here. \Vt. , ' IA doubt Lz . ' Jeyilltia a , tore than a ^.lOllllll Uf trad ab‘nlutef • lit ' 1 ' • 11. -1 • //'/ • 11 " ' ' ' t. ln. um.% cut t tl.e Legisature Leinc; pressaft• 1 3 ' 1 n,i.ers.lile cl o the:44A and,dsz.l.e. as %set - / r2 : 00 1 Tho git.,rions victories of Sherman and c ould carry on u'uireek.r. 1 (... ive the tt•vit no cooking txtvip•ils. Only,' ieht axes, j T..."" as ate producitOlueli good in 11": z. The roost Weepiieul crities of [lie rt alio 'them !curry their. Wta r d flout our I land military sitti.l nil bOi!iit t" "e and to -bior lot" (ntlarlv hall n mile) l aud supply each with ra iot.s in ' i nab i lity anti tina'tti admit tin" 1 ° eau''e of the• South i'' fist as folldtvs:, Evet4 live at 'lite pint: , hecontini hopeless The Uonfedetate firfloilicti cu'rit meal one mo -Ind a half pints 1 ita'n ,Alitig one week deelt"/"I 11) W. alll ,, nr, twit table sptionsful salt,elme • halt t ee e9 t Al' I 41211 n the t'ew" of the. capture I ;; L , t rice, th ire t j ots. g ,i ts ,, „ t ,„ lint si t . i. Savannah had not :lien been received iota, and Sots iti l lVe titll j i an. of •••til / iota, '/ siting. - Let vet these heft tt / tneir Own elpidients ft r fwol month:.•and th , cy rill! have \ betters i..f 'all de, .tripi ' tis from holes i . the grownd like a ,w od cheek_ to 10 ,, huts cuslt•rtd Isith sl'alte.; after the r".l. 1 4 i 1 .: .r; er ot Kane its ad ll otter I ant happy In, in i otat you Oil t . 1 ( with • font oilier.: enjoy ;tai the fruits of our I t .ltt t. one of the halter'. and' ~ci tri al 0 gnat o,i6d and fed 111:t. .t 11t•td of eat tilo. I tan say . outbid,. 0 the 1.,g).1. for the Bantu teas ,11 the far ter W l tiiitln't sweat when iii- he d 1 of I ples tumbled dowt 1 the hilt—, 1 I c Itiii•t do tlitt sul jeer jti-ticu. Sulfite it tosay thatl Wt. et. , k and!, a, all %to u t, a nd th e gin ytity i , i not Tiny ton gr.!: r t. 1 I...upposinft in Ithe way of cloing. I cote i outilit a bite' ett tull,of Coittiel-putt Cif S. ;can ring the changes tin grit c, 'lee, .nr al ',and st r_dium to the, tune of a tit zen d i p., ferent di-liesland titter, hare bread. :.‘014.. pudding anti •% st, , w all to tote But ito Son, he mote confidential w;th %on, I Hill t:ke 1 you into the toie-e and Ithej ,ccieti lot itonst.litild affiiii Tieisize of our det4i -1 eil it t i ,, lit fl..:et by ten fort ito•ido V. - . land myself c•ni.tii me tiiie f l amily, aild l 1 , • three ..tvol lerines" another. • :duke 1a I lit t:e tuitesy , and you can ;;,...'et in the door.' face about an.; take a chair—we have got two of thit..e•delectith:e rdulitti-cenees 'it . iti eici,l 7 zation t tat we bromtia on our 13:44i . .• 1 from i.:,,liarle.. i ton. Now 3,,iiitqe bohntliol tin the ti t Vit 'by a box (.1 - tlislw , t. trf:tow 1 I • I inn sundry 11.1 tin plates knives, 1,4.. 1 and cup.; mil the left by ba g . etititainio the wardrobei of the fad-Ily ; in front „* fireplace and ldoor, anti to the teat by bed, ..f . flue mtraw ilirize enottgi4 to aeCilaitini CIAO fira. r , i a the mini/ Thee saner% pipes and ii ore other tonlTis; over that a shelf laden lAitil COT , / pllnes the robe' iii tll a respectable cat t wheel i and about .the thicktte-s an 1 con i.;..teney i C f a t wo i nc h 1 hemlock plank, suds at our a l " clout gr and', ill ce4 tpted ito tarn 'out' of thoe o ld I Dilt ch tit eno,, the rein ai'n , t of Si ttich 1 used to find it foW isic' es 1 under ground in the "door t l y utd ,or a e few teet n uder 1 robbi.ll in dle .•arret. The ah we, with . a teapot whieh is innocent of ever, thito but scorched l rice, a 'very good -übstirute. and a tin pa 1, wake up ordure au.; fur niture . '1 ' Ooritlotrc. ill duties ore antic:lbis , per. . fora cd on t to s3steut of ( a division of labor. We l ite each co 4k a week at a 4 time. Oar ce g im 9 CF nevi not-lt or one ;„4:1: 1 for" supper Fun e, IttU,.l , setvell wit:lt woril.now a. ' served t tvi&w,a 'day dud a w leJortliog ti; t Lie enew gyrawid • •I c „ 61:. On'r di.li is sonle.l U hl; a sprinkling of beef d,wyen . of W.wetlt potatoes., per tam 11.1 and 'purist 005 at have been rearee at out ;f • until witlwln a few days 1 11;t3 found 4 11;9Il «iut 1111. u,ellnilli01.1) hltayr ; but, it is : 'have,: it; and i,ve gr: , ..p' it 't f have itt itien all i haw i ll bud ieilliace; woutit wore,, living: We a., not look, xeltange 4itring the ult , t... Les way be 'ff. (Ned. E•eatie It -antic.' !lave - tried why but lots far :Lace failed' I :pWittniwiti6; pit,.. not t iewl. , tin till the end of the tear, 1 T. 'i not far D 4 - .:ivellicii , .' our armoire now rl , thb fircb cm for ,the a of the raralt. Sh , rantif, eteu the I'oufeiw . >;•: - &ev,.al . ww.l w'r•ve 11PS owaln tlwe troops cvasi, Lava L. 49 .Gth corj • • i for b i sakrast rq. ride, IPitit appet.',,te flit.: kones" monticii .!iltip or a f. b.lt beef at $3 820 per tv : hei I teklep:g.. h 114 litittlei at at the P. t t h r it Now 11 him OM can itit.rost of our %colt fur ir o'utera P•peeial ogeli posale htenq at tli. Shull not It But we pe, !tope tlr Tlie ttrya is 14 , ,t eurFeJ leed i has :wain b by his late 4 w [aay that At. tio,lntatign bridgo seen": to have 'cat Savannah uff entirely and 'Lill it at uur . ti rich. That, once in our hato.l4 A uaurta tv4l tall and fat Shirinana base i nf operation, Lee. etingts undo. this as ntoler the application ufl a seating iron. The people have no !topes uf success. yet tl.O armies Way flvunder en another year.' Tile Americans neithei aporecilitC' the vtli uf Englaud. ilur unaerslacri rite Licanimity with which a war Nri:l be pros. 4:cured if forced upti a reluctant'liuvern • went and natien. 'uf a :war would be the imme, diate and-iri 2 or j uc. 'able estabb!.lia eut uf 3watlictu iudep l en dance." [l;usli ] , In Ilnron county, blrchlcan, n larnp . I ttun , ber of forei..ners trltt.led c,getiter to levi.t. the draft. and !tie Stieriff and l!rovi‘q weire, tired u n - art A n hail 1 'en rceueil fro;) client A law phoulti ilepri . rittr ever% ideset ter a'tid resiAttruf l the draft of eiti . 1 NVeleqrned IV.a-Itti. , tonthat jr P. P. Blitir 'F.otie to Ri c !, ito ,i ll .l oa the lltii,ed Stati st wooer. Doti. The it tit•ohtres that he tito. tarty that any good %till eatue. of hi> ash-Aott; bat. ha,. •eth.tt t oi. eti,rt tu hria;.: about a petieo. lie could. hardly give Orunger e i !.eace aequit , l•cattati in Mr BlaiCr! ttiara tho taut that a United St is put att hi. the wia party in Itiehniont) la enec 11( 4 W:ear/MI iShltunu i nthe COllOll -1 tiun of any di-en,:i.)n Ilie 'Ben nr‘t. G liarley,the Lak .41 ise yital bus. liven l:idtig ut ',Jot j t iee xo we learn by pqn.eial 'to• extradition tinder the tr ennti-e1 intlnediutviv urriliad t tabt.a". eur r It.. TI» i t Le i,i,,n Dia : :::un ltcd.a depreN:.intz are, Snutherntni Ta•emnit, whot , e h i 'robbery and arNatt i will be tall ;;with it this is the wiry in 'Lo be dealt with. • I Theeeretary of the Nary l• o a call trion the fro relative to the burstiliz oft lie nu at Fiat Fish(;y r sais that de- tri.ved was five. kin boltd t oi l a, .1u niata,-31ackinaw.Qqat, that fort %-live i t en •,ef theirllnvoling. it: ileclare.,( d for want effut tire C !I , f these were cutiiely iron. Tile: were Id east iron The l‘e,:t (Baer it maintained in S'avan. nal', tuilttury authoritlies. and b it tew soldier 3 arc visi i ble tle- streets,— Trade - is: limited, {Lot o t plices ate nw ie,,tr tlatcii by •lau.. 'Just twifore leaving Atlants the army u:as; paid labout ,ei ht o,:illioto; of (Laos, and the sid.liers ‘petil . their nomey freely at the first opportunity It ig raid that the suffering,' among the . . , citizens of Ntvannalt is nut 'su great as has `been renreseuttAl. 4AILrvoIANDSytiAmLoAi iwero.l nitre ? el mit wounded by railil accider than in any preceding your Ti One hundred and furry accii ed ; four hundred: and, tut lost, and one thousand eigiir l inrty ste persons were,. min lial,sportation of, tronps doeii rot this increase; railrands quite as ninny soldiers 18 tniniber of killed anal w nearly (limbie thi4e of Om tearbbnat neciei , nts in 18 if . were less frequent and fat 1. Tbe,y , did nr:t exceed aserags far the last ten year.;; hut w;:i - e - Aaunt utt.;iv;•lvuil C". 141 --- --- . • 1 Ok'lr rigidCß- - l dr..til men wto:j tl it hdraWn I s fronk !cunt.fat :PA. STATE . NORMAL < SCHOOL . ' , • The history of this wet does not agurd I With the, itteteY, and. tr ea to. did irear to ' . III4NSFIELD, T10d..1 co i P.A.. I i a par-a:let - to the successful' assault, on hold the intrenehtnCtits - totrerd V i l . ilining. -,., .. pits INSTITUT:O:V! WAS . Port Phdiers-and,uf course av 'carer war ton Yet , their loss waR slight; nut :ex- Recognizedkj the S:ate Authorities, in. ' thies,. for in no tour till tie • Cri:neati had teeding,..by 31r..,Stauton's aceount' 'a bun- i • Lbeeenzter, 1861 1 the pre•entisystem Of eat thwoik defenses cited in .killed atilt ivitondeil.. , • ' ' . . AS it I ' b e en tested. aud in 'tire CriMca there - is. All the moreiorilianC,lry centrast wiih ,__,StatP7l\ T orirnal.,S9hool. . ~ a w.., Jo) ract‘y l (Ipe,v tl3 suc h .septentter 1963. .no instancemf a successful ossault upon this,. fail4e is the success of the irtny . .— any i worl: till it had been .regulailS" up- Tie faee of . the- i furt against' Which the , The Schoch is at length places: upon a se .. cure basis--ithe State . appropriation of the . pr, lied by eiabotate and prui r raeted seige -troops uf, Gem retry • were sent, - *as the cutters year enablieg. the Trustee to extm 'operations. Now for the tirstt time is a tnnst strongly Proteeted. lt is fre t nark. risti the greater portionof the outstanding ' really torinidable Sat thwerk carried by , a able that the R e bel; Get i el tr l Whiting., at liabilities, and to make extensive •impfose direct•assault, rind in a military Pettit of I alfspat six, tlttee hours after the b eg in:•nicuts upon the buildings and giounils. .; :• 7 . view,. Jlieryloro, -I he sthrtoing o f For; ;dog o f the a tta c k, rep:ated that it hind The Sprin:q .terns 'leii/ contntence about fisher Wrob . ibly ,Irtilled to be ttektined been siecesstilly repulsed. FrottOur side , !March. 10 7 1605." the min ., ' i t rilista, as it surely is the tm.tst there appears no warrant for such a sta.: e.- - ' Prof F. S:. ALLEN, iollihe astsix ear • . p y sla rem:likable, tietory of the war., . 'went:. The• first rush had carricid a per: charge of the Chester County (Pa.), /voralat Fort Fisher` was the sirengest fort in lion, of the extol iur defenses of .. l sc i . f o rt .Schbol, has' been elected Principal, aed Prof. of the Edinboro State Normal School, the South.:.: NVith its extettive sisteut —which indeed Constituted a part of the I J . - ' o 81 . n rtti, . Brigade! ofil . art s ua b2La s a n p a po m in a t tb d em fo at t i h e l . Froressor s hip •of outworks; constructed at leisure by t he fort proper—and Gen. Curtis's best engineering talent' of the Curifectera• Itva. actually in posessien of cup end of' P' f. Alien is welliknown thioug,litiut.3ba cy, relied on ci fur the sure tifeuee of !tic I the parapet. That position' never Was I Sta eas a gentleman : of accurate scholarship; practical experience of ,fifteen sole reemittitT• port info which blockade relinquished, and Gen. Whitingltnest be Possessing a years as an educator' of teaehers,.and a that !, runners regularly attempted to -enter, int. understood to have 'meant thattoi a while , (nigh acquaintance ;with , their educational measurably important ' •to the external the further advance of ' our men was ar. watits, acquired-from his connection with !upport of the Rebellion., it vas deemed; ie.tetl. Very, possiblyy - that is what, Whic Cetinty Institutes in: every sectionrof Penn. l and within a hot night bas 10e» ( proelailit log did - say, ns we have not Ids leiriginal s'Ylilania, as well at in other States. Competent. and thorough inapuctors will led by the Rebel forces, tibsolittely impreg dispatch, but so notch,of !t as liee'sass fit be provided fur, the other departments of the itiabler'. We p.lseSs - as yet no - exact- ac to filter through his ' own cautious state: School. ! . - : - count of. tlii work, but iti .initinsie 'went. We knots at all evahts that there - . The buihrlincr' lots,heen refited throughout .. strength-may be jlicluell from the fact ; were long and anxious pa u ses In this ter- and l provided with furniture of the most,ap... that it has remained uninjured after theirible work. ' From half past, three . in ,t l ie ! Proved style, together with an extensive col itittet.„(iatt t ill t „..„ - ;nit r , 2 ,,1 i t . t i i , ,liti c „l,llectiOn ofmans,charts,and works of reference. molt I treinerdous naval . 60mbaidaletit" Excellent Chemical and Philosophical ay whi .h any fort•liaS endured, ! (lintits par. I wet t oe. The defense Was teiCntiritted I • , .. 4 I ' prates will be iu readiness at the opening of apes adn sttieltade Were tilienit feet bigh, • with heroic ,pertioncity. y and the, admire- the. School.. and (hat. after a portion off the parapet. ble eenstruCtion! of the f o rt gai•eAevety To keeP pace with the improtlementsin ed • was i n pusses-ion i f th e assaulting co l advantage to its garrison. , Ita tafteeu, uea - tion, a. gymnasium will be erected, for which a valuable apparatus for the heavier wino, the remainder of the frit . defied their traverses were so many seperate w o rk s , itseii.. and da. .. - ,i md liglist'r exercises has al, eady been secured efforts' for seven lifiurs rind whit ri iirifiace• each capable of defense by :,,.301e school year is divided into three terms toents had •beett brought •up. The carry. fended to the last. Not till a fresh brigade' of thirteen'weeks each, with no vacation, ex ing by storm of seph a vrial! is an epo u lt - 'had been brought up from the *trenched kept the week of Christnas Holidays. • ~ tin military histere.. A s the! Monitor. h oe f ar to the Mirth was the Auburn gar.! It is desirable thiat students should enter at IMerri.i. c tight was to naval'. warfare. a s lison expelled from its last strni . ;:lioldl—, .11/44the commencement of r term, and for alieriod , e ,l f l i o r t a l , e , ss than thirteen weeks. ! Tuqtion, tlte'llreac tint: o f p o l as hi 1,1 liiiliC run-1 But from beeinning to end ortliat siren.... i . , ~ „ ce per term, 1,%,:6.00. No extra, nr - selanteen I "l'llired!nrds tv4 4 t" c"l'enl ; nr ; i Ire illere'ney." way s -a ""'"'ent t\ Ilea ( 3 en• I eIIaITCS for the laguages °rile higher math eri t o rts on hind, so may the ,sturitihiz of 1 Telly t horight of abandotrittg it; ur when i ematies. Text books rented ,at reasonable Ileitis Fisher be to the:re:why vaunted earth )I Ihe re:inhale:l of Lis brave men faliered. rates. Vocal and instrumental music. - it Ifeakling in the halt $3 tio feuded be i w .,i it3 .... i l irec , , teachers' prices., 1 wifilt defenses. The ever 46n:1111W' sit- i This fort %yds de , .' , i , , pc: term ; ,wood for winter, $3 00 per term; I,periortty of att'eck, r and defense wii4 Vet t hundred -men. Five eutieree of triton I ‘ ,..„ 1 , ; ~. c.: 3 ~r . ... n,, „. ...), yecent. ...) . room Sl-ro Ithroe yeatt. has be .ii' n supposed to be with killed and Wounded ; eighteen !ItUridted i The.arrangeinents noir. made are of sach 11. e latter, rest to day Walt the former ; surrendered untionditionalfy to Gen. Ter. Va natifie as to wet rapt the TruStees in saying , Heroism is hotter than dii•,t. l •The !Itasca) I rY. Severit) tw7i guns w e re ta k en ;, among itlnit ni, other institution in the State affords I better facilities for the Ed . ucation of Teachers, Iry Vauban &fie d the weak ill'lllkrr of i t hell) an A rms by e -iv gun , a sort 'of cannon o or r f f o uv .. prepars students for college It he first. ball tit the centurY, and whet, i the ins mil:lowa of which • is conrolled I that sr.tern fell the eartliwerks of Ti.dile- Iby the Iltitish Get ertitt.prit. . ' tl- • ! . e tieral bu i ze' tl iTs i g ca. •F - ' - -'-' . I Fur ; further particelars address the Princi ben again testified the odds to. delete- Tice 'tenet fiat on the Seeth Fide of'pal, lig Mansfield, Tinge county, Pa. .ivttt, n warfare, brit the geniusl arid the res. , New ItJlet was evacuated on• It. C. RIPLEY; Pres. 'Board of Trustees'. I Monday I ,trills will of one eomit.ander i .aided*by the! mor..ing The . entratee to . _Cane' Fear' ALTIEFP CLARK, Secretary. :.., 11 , .' r : ,1 - ' -- ! Mansfield, Dec. 20, 1804. unequalled ‘als , r of his troops have nen ' i stiver therefore is open to tire' stops o : --- •Irall-zed and overpowered I he . hi sr emiin I war, and we cannot koOpose . that torpedoes 1 .eerin , science of the day i and at this no Ito. any thing - el s e; wilt long detain them! , me n t no fortification -is secure ' against I from reaping.tho fruits of tits - cop; ere pf r assault.- . f FOl t Fisher. We are entitled - to. - coirSidePl , . , ' t I A brnEt) 11. Teeth - , Brevct 3283..0- wita:evr floats on the rivea;as te!ntto;tatetv G ent o. - U t .ited State, Vo,urtteers, is .th, !Letonging lathe Union it the O.ICCOS of 1,, L . 1 .„ „1 this new saecossi Eke:Ate(' a I :inny is a ailidly and decisively.' followed lawyer- never within lif , ty; aitiles of I,Ve:t I up. And it is ineonceiv.alde there Phial, ti child of the people and a sifildier I -him lil be any fiarther toleration Cf" Week- i Liu this war from the Iwginn ing for c•at 1 atol I nutting. The guns of Fisher itself , IL:it-nee satz-!-= ,l lte it is who 1.10: 'won in a 1 comn.and though at lung feriae e chant . I .illiwte*(h.y a national fame and a profess i net of the river, but if there be any doub j lional military renown not iriferior - to the• t hat. they could etose it, the ex p l ected en- I I ' 1. or to r . , promifist• Gen 'lcrry has ifile of the few), trance! e nary ion' the tiverlought ati Hien who (IF figure tiro war siivrt he treetless ' 0 ice ti' se-the f 1 e pie Con. ; ity prepirel ii t M for it. -wit, lii Iped to t —Thee. fit sit Gen. . bemoan, I It• tt I i••• S•a e (contiectimr:}iii preparalioni ! whikli Ir. Stanton tenutts, becomes! for it, and alp" lieVo'C' , l his 4ia Li !inet givs I Lit al 1)11: imp o rtant by the ore-en( success-: ,to its nevi:m:llin. , demand's. iii ' was I...rhetight wing oh Sherutan's array ; under I I:mon. the fiat in the . tipld,• has t-erved Gee. ll,Joorrd, Islas sent round fruit Sa. I I s te a dily and with ; evet' iticrea"ingjdistitte vattualt tit Beattfitrt, S C., and! Crossing; pion since, and 'now at a bilinal teaches 1: 1 0:11 Port. .1:o ! 'a1 ISLIOd if) tie main land, I the hi g hest place aulting the suldietst pl itoiv e (I up to die, raiintall of P,:ctr.li g n,i . the Replitlie - .. ~ anti oer:opted it without resistatice. Our; , . . t 'flue practical value of this stuccos is forces, therefere, are lirtnly esitablished two ft:ld. • The pert r'rrWiltiiington is l oii • the railway bet ween Savannah and closed absolutely against blkeltsde. rutin Cl a .1!..i.rii . ..t, :yid in.a positiO atO More with I low, and the town itself i's i mm ia eat i v o el t .iily either droll that bkv, or—if that! threatened. The forjrner is; by. far the be first in tr.opled —upon Drilla...llo're. 'l'ltel most intportant, but the caritu e' Of AVii. dirce•iifil atid7pu 1 peso r.f th'e fleic caul-. tifirigtori is a suet:es:it to wrich we stoat IPa gu cali ,,,, t nme.lllol)uoritla kept secret. hold: forw.ird us exit•ifinchyl Valuable - a . cilmold IVllmingtori hold bet aol a i n St t h e i c li,,i, iy an iMportant! line of iailway forces now in its vieiniivii, Willi become. W ~ llli hether it eau ha totn rerliately• attenit• Ike ca-'v prey cif oltealli while if it 1 „d will depend on tl i c sneo p h a C ell . snit-moles before he approkdtes it, there T e rr‘'s face.i , • . . • ts my g toner a teuiptamin tor Mu l l to turn : Our special corresPondent . sends v e ry': a.ide in id s ma rch to Ilit'ac4 o tyli. - -1 T/Autic 1 , . I full and exeeilent aeconnts ~e Hie oppera -, Jan•(` 10. t . I ,ions down to Saturday-- thee day befOre , . i • .. ' - I • I , the final assaelr. The iandi,;,, U r t h e ccr The following•is Admiral Porter's! I • ' mops andt Ito subseiptept movements rut to fetal report, dated Jan. 16 I sitere trete conducted by tier.Terry with .St it : w a _h aee a ll il ia f' uts ; Th e army , singular enolne , ..s, good judgentent, and trio captured 1.860 men and a large determination There Was .tio Furry, no number of oflicers,t•ticludinz GenllVliititig I eageruers—t hough :Ito eirenl;.s!ancees an d Col L am b. - 1 1 mi;z111 ] r aiset cicused it—hutia , ilia arc The gunboats ar now in the river and i m.e. to do the whole Wolk lliorling ily ..- Wilmington is thermeticall, l tt tiezilqd apinst 1:,,, 0r t hi m: s outh - of Fifit ly+ on Fed blockade - runners,.. . .I •; • , . ,I - . trot Point is tuns. and (te e ; VM KS On t h e The 'lit beh. barp , destrOyed- the works right batik of the river flay he espeeted on . 6 with's Island. 'And if the,: tlin i ' destroy CI f e llow speedily. Si; tar he ais troth Port Caswell tt us of nu use Lei iliimi. ,Wc its gto m , ar the jovfehiess upd leoniplete- aril, g.q. t h a t „j ter a li tt l e i r i lt i. ' y ou ~,,s of time .%ito , ory kart) the iitie viiable I must out expect too uluelt of US at one heavy lasses ai tending ; it. Wei.grieve tiP ti me . ' - I I li."( l "n".il.tr The" ' the """es (trllAieurs These woks are I reniendous:•'. I was in Porter and S Fie s ton Noe; NileY sThe Poi t ,31alakidfa kw days lifter its'sarren • ' latter was one of the y tungest ' r ead mo s t der i the Ftetioii and English. The tnii- Ito:ntiNtul.: officals ill int i'et - it'e. who bitted armies of thcbe twit ttatiOns were' loggia With.great distinetionat Ip,nt.ituv litany months capwrinw that sir' oughuld. al and Chai lesion was eaptuyd in I Cu' and it. tvoui't e'uti,paii. - either in size or al tack o'n Fort StlMPtt4, exchanged and •treegth to Putt Fisher. ' The ifurt. con -1 has been reeenily a volunteer on perilous tained 75 gulls, k laud many of- titem.Were duty.. Thu Rebel 10,s in the nSSII"ht was heavy ones:, 1 I . flCid i, killt beside the wounded. our ownl I lia%':e. nut yet learned what asst casual , about 000 •liilltal and wounded.— Trit ties are in killed and wounded, bit I thirik . I utter - , . 300 will cover them al'. We had a bad . explosion in the fmt this,notruft.g, which killei and ifirundcti•, a Cumber !of men-- about 11/0. Sonic Of utir sealuen were blown tap, and Aeittig. Assistant Paymas ter Bill. Gtilet of tine tiettNs'burg wa . s. killed . . ' i . I will send a detailed report as soon as I can get off the woutraed and arrange treat• lors gMierally. .: The uorld ueveysawsuch tittlitittg as our soldiers did. I, are very reznectfally, your obrdiaut servant. D. I)..Pointit, Rear Admiral. lion. QIDEo...:Wi.i.LE.s, SeereLry of the Navy, .Wasltiostuti,D: : C I 1.14 c iiire litoVeinetiN. fes steamer ppielienrive of the iuHu the pol'itar dercint • abject . 11, 101 l Erie raider at Tur.ott“ , , rulijeet , at v. 11` 1:: td. .a uF dup..dee t upon die de plans, of v ituerferi , d •It rhey are tT refTnnirt the faut.ti I'arrurtiled the number l ie Tie,ittiler. I vr City and rs•itip. •Wil Ole 'llUcoo:it catinot Un None oi wrought FIM UM . . 'Mr Stantnn's telegram) to the Prendent aives slime interesting, I , :urticulars orthe a-s.ault int not Fir•her, atud full details wt,ll be found in Ow letter.: lif ter n.; r cor polll ent, who hitnslf shared it _the _the petit:. of t he attack lie describes.l i arrowly e raping 'death front a gittpe ..hot which ..trtrek him in the shoultier. , 'rhis account and . tho'se which ive pnblishee yei.ierdav i • • presentia complete and connected litstury of the e l xpeditio n and the victory. Tile a,.sault by rhe,satlcra aul marines on the ttea front of the fort, which •wa• tuo:t expo•ed and may be: presumed to hare been most • weakened by the bom bartlinent, failed so totally that - the col Unto of attock, cokapriiin* D fourteen.hup- A CCIDENTS illed aqd yea, 'nce 1854. lents; ncetirr r lives were hundred and The not account I transported ►VJ, and act lundeti were year The 11111 Ilebol deserters and contrabands con , T , tinue cou:c into the aralv the roto- rziaa. • Notice.' • Potter Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1E63. "- - reincE is hereby given that - Charles Bu .lA'.. sAor, now or late of this county, holding th,Lfoll6wing. described prgperty. has not yet pai%l . ny-c,onsideration whatever fcr the same, and ail perstii?•nkohrreby'warned not to pur chase any pf said property the said Ilushot beforo the decision of the ' Court is given in this nite and C. 13usbor has paid to me the 1:11 - 1;,5.7ra tibn money therefor. The following IS the proi,erty • Ist. A certain tract of land near:the Ger mania 51il1 in. warrant 5075. Abbott township, Potter county-, Pa., containing 100 ncros.--- Also 25 acres in warrant 5075 and adjoining the nbore.. 2nd, A cc:ll.ln tract or land, crab Mill and. improvements thereon, near Kettle Creek, in warrant 55).:), Slewnitson township, Potter county, P.t.. eoutaininfr, about 204 acres. C. linshor holds ulso, in trust warrant no. 2501, in(r.unes township, Tioga county, Pe., on the ro.id leading from Germania to Gaines, CUD tain lug ,5.50 if To PuorFt. - tons OF MUSIC, AMATEURS, AND TIM 31i:sicat, Pcntic GENERALLY.. • A. Wundermaxm, 524 Rroadway. Il:tving on hand the largest Stock of Foreign Ntusie in Yew York. Which he imports, from Firol)e expressly to meet the taste and re quireinents: of the American lovers of MuOic, • t respe fully calls a ttention to the fact, that,he i now supplying MuSic of Evety Style at a Ueduction of twenty-live to fifty per cent,less thqn any other I ulti in the Llwitecl,Sates. - Private Families can be supplipd(i)ost freely 1w forwarding. the cash to the above address. Snobl4 the amount oT cash forwarded exceed the Cot of the )11zs.ic, the balance trill be protoptly.ret tuned it postage currency„f . Dealtrstind .Professors should not neglect this opportunity; : they will be liberally dealt . . N. B.—:-Any and every piece of 'Music(Tocs.l or instrumental) published in Europe or A be supplied to order; it accom panied ba• the cash. I ' Remember the Address, P. A. WIINDETL.M.ANN, Foreign end Amoricnn Music .Ware-hOnse, 621 Proadcrey; New York.. 23°3 1:25 Z • *1 I . •-• r 0 [4 • E-. I • I , I wish all person 3 haring open account with me to call audsettle immediately. I will cell Cheap for Cash All my stock of Merchandiso • Con Fisting of' / cLOTiII . N'G,` 1' . 1 BOOTS, and • r • 7 S OBS. - 1 r DRUGS, / __ CROCKERY, GROQERIES, / TOOLS, &a., &e l 1 Good Bible arid Barnes ~; - ' 3 Wagons, 1 Sleigh, / 1 Cutler, • 1 Sulk% The privilege of q good Ashery in com plete working order. 15 Cents paid for good ASIIES. ,LITEEN BIRD. It., 1864. Brookland Pa AITNT'S B* 00' 4 . OF ROE-SS.—for •LBW& RADDE 02 ,U 2 I 02 tZt g:2