The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, January 18, 1865, Image 2
IT . 'I3E T172;'...132E1ENC4,,ct ir. D.7.1:11...Wr.:1 7 (man Fa w ro c i u •e i d d with p.rolv i I T 4 - 9 ..o i i n c t i c i t rr u n p n t i l d s , e s i u t %e ff s i s ~ leient, end perhaps„ impious enough to iii?,, agine himself aqtr4glity. A month of cloudleSs skies Would - be likely to,beget a forgetfulness Of falling , fweather, and moo millit be °retaken:bpsterms while total• iy unprepared) ; Twenty successive years of plenty, wonlchdostroY all the habits of economy and fragaiity which are lat prey. critr`i-the world's best defence, against friti, .1 mine: If men never received phys ical datii: age from tralisgression of natural law, tl' f ,e world-would be 'swallqwed 1:11.ila t - tecs,s, . virtue would perish Mit of the 'race, .and society would.fall in ruin. ! • So i reit for thel use%of adversity. A gre t military, and nasal' expedition set sail or Wilmington a.. few ;weeks ago. tl t tire. many great ships, many great guns, and 10,000 „ men... Elated by bril liant sticeesses the public rtg,arded the fall\of 'WilMingtori es'a foregone result. , . Not.innY, even of the les.s sanguine among loyal men, thtr•ht failure probable. A feW\days - Ivetit , by, and "then came , rumors of 'the . abamidtilient Of the expo -, ditiori, and \the return of the troops to Fortress Mon,roo. ', The loyali.were filled with anxietylMo-rdnet. I The disloyal. , , press rang the cliati! , ,es upon these rumors and made nolceneeahrieut of ;its joy..'. I'M eelellan paper, no.,"l,yin'g before us pub lishes the ruiner, allijfic an jedetori,il says - ,that our ttoopg were Veateh haek - with . The following is a copy of all ad d ress great slaughter. Tile firct",was, that no issued td the people of t " Pennsylvania, by a .'strnadAy Our troops, amithere ^ i • ,- 1' o ilawdi. Major - Dodge, A. A, Provost 3 .I :t ribal:tore tocre was no repulse, an- sn , • • ter front tile! eneuiv'.s. fire. *The precise Gen. Our-readers-should give it a car.; fact scents; fine! thectilein ,.. tern.rtistit bc: fuhperuial, and act riecordingl3. Every , The fleet tinder Ailmital+Purte rat'cl.: , man is interested' in the matter, nod; id 'Fortl.'isiier, and i!ileneekl its. giunS.— hhould assist in fillips quotas in the 10 23 . ; under the ti k e a . the fiQet ,cien. -1 ißutler uer .inentiontd : ; A , madea recor nOisrinee• iiiLlorce to lviiiiiinN . .- ATTENTION .--T he President has call- 50 yar ,l 3 o t: 2 A i . ; Port, riAired.unnjoiesteci ed for 03-00,000.;iret,:ps, to he raised 14 harim- , savail ed • Liintleif that 'tliti place Noluntecring or di-4 . the. 15th of Ft as impre-ri :tile to h auy force at his cam arc. 1805; has been fiSed upon as the and. As ter losti:s. !•:stained they per= of f draft. ,If y'ilvir quotas are not t ined,to the I.:et, and do riot exeeed'six by volunteers by'lliat time, the dof.c:eney tv, .. a 11 , e, r .„,,,j,{ .. y alil from the, bursting of Nrill most certainly he' made up .i.y , 4lelt, s. - ceral : - .v.ns., • I. - , . Ward and township commi[tces are i N ow the Wilmin , tc:n expedition cal nestiv invited to commence \York . at • ed. I l i p o ;ti ng; the' b o ls i o f , - t hi s war i:, : °nee. The longer - you *Any the" moreltrill i , be set o 1 to Pri.:fit and - Loss. But difficult will be your task. I.the failure is to bd deplored,i'S no cause The attention:ol . tir"secominittecs is also ' Sr„ ii,„ st „i r. \l'it t i„ , ,,t„„ „ill fail into invited to the oece'6lt'. , dad ProloilY of ::, , ,:r harlots as Sayam2ali did, in good time. delivering up to the Di , ,triet Provost Mar- The failure to caf,ture it ouch: to: :each shals all cleli,,24!;;Lt:Vior:a,l% . .rnzer clear:..:.. us.wil,d. - )111. We ii ,, l'it to have learned, It is impo z .ifile for the United* States: ere this that the sli l i.vation be d'.e repul). , ntliorities - to fi:nd ir ca -s , e p!ed, as lie is to be work , d out ‘71:11 fear and they are by tHii'lli.ilds and by. persons ' treinblinff.• - 1 1 .'e are to des'ervo a rl. - .'depti, . hostile to the cleverarocnt. ' ,ed and„purrhed nm atu through great ft p . Corrimitteo,ljnitel ".:', rate` s and - County , ulation. It ivied tis to knoly that pertna- Officers, and all koDd citizens ;ire requeEt• tient pQaCe, when l it comes,: avid come as . ed to arrest these men, and. deliver them It he wages of fiddlio to truiE - iind justice. - . to the Provo-t,larshais. • i and not as•a rm..4tiiit v. 'We have not yet , ,EVery man so arrested 'and • put into I COMprelleudeddid nature; of this--strug. , .ervicd by the- B.ard of linrolement , , de,. as a people, dlow many of us recog coun i ts one towards filling, your quota ! nize in it wore Oin' a paskige, rot , Information by l e tt e r - or, f , t l .lerwise , !'rWc. , ,:ti two , sce i lien4 of''the republic? Yet A:re . ..shed to District ProvOst Mnrsh:ds or . s ., i t i s ~ y . 4 „- „,..thing - vastly Were, ..liton,:mto6 , : the ~ w heri!abipits of 1 1 .e:=0 delin‘illeat!F. still. It IS the 614 quarrel between light will . be thankfully received and promptly Land darkucts renekv i ed in open field. :One acted upon.. , must succumb. , Itis . for the Thoph... , to Provost Marshals will .ause list , s utde- say which shall 'rule.; It is not to be set \k. Itnio'cuts from -all fornic diafts to be rAierl . by 11 1 .3 : fortnitous. happening whaler inade a i the end' that ad; eh W ~. e are tol p.,., ,.,, re,m t e>penee at a cost so_ anal e, disposed iturdin.7. l :i , 2 S - -i'`l which shall rendc!r us jeal'ous of ever at in forcing the , c •deanqu ,- _dits -to. polfurrn,ienipt to inaugairri . te war for the. ourpose their duty to their cuuntip and to their t,o'f u.itioual an ,,, randizerneut. The sears' ~ own,people. e .• . : ' ,: this Wallop is to bear will .constitutc, not Bring all your delinquents -,.(:xert yeur-'l, Th iy an nr Ca page of 11.1,L;tdry, brit glow as selves to p'lt in volunteers., and the , tiec.•• a warning m-aint-t. criminal compromise ess'i_ d tY of n• draft; will be. avoided'. -” . ; with wrong in all dine. to .conie. • U4r armies an itaviN ore'. ecciTwhere This intolerance of defeat, however, is virtorious. The dawn of near:" is at hand.,:,b, no means to be unqualifiedly condemn- One powerful blow nor: given, v:ill be fir I e ll, . N ol i e b u t pat riots, w ilt ~ , ,: i c , ,,, 0 , 3 ,: tel to the Rebellion. Let Ili all, its, our itho defeat of our arni. Failure there aeveral capacities' and as far es in us, litls j fore, twice profits uS,.—once in teaching unite to 'make-that . blow .:effeetive ,and 8 -, us wt,o sympathize. with treason, and once nal. 1116TAIID'I• DODGE: - .- ,': lin imprcst..iag upon thean.inds of men the ry Major 12th infant, A. A. P. M. 9:fact ihat'iman is not;:altni , -lit.y. -If we' Barrisburg, Pee, 22,18 . 61. - , defeat • this lash: 1 I thus temporary in j the, burden. will not seem 8o heavy. Cor.- l tainly no ratio is _competent to judge of Ithe merits 'and demerits. of any military disaster, - sittiog in his easy chair as and ildiev away. Whqeser else we um; bc i few - of us arc tuilit r ary critics: And when we_ take it upon Us to say that this might have been done, ':pr - that avoidecl,wc untie: take to Speak upon points of which we are entirely iguoriit. ii,c.t norie re'.pinc,‘ Ip:cause . .. invariable succes does not aqendl r ioilitary and navhl enterprise. We elust i bc, content, ho en. dure the yarying fertuk, of war-as other nations have euddrelilefure: ,''The wide space overe . Ejriion arintes arc operating i tinititerrupted 'success impossible. :ngl,at, any given! point no man cal : •iie eddre arena of War and :cot) prelieni4lie mainittide, el the strug ~,lii Tile r •o!plc -eau afford to be patient.. Thdy can aard•to w.a..t.--z.,[it tutor. , .. 1, - 1 • , , . .4. e-Lust iii`fc23, DDEcovered. --------0.1.•• torrespondent of the London Times, writur ' , - from Columbia. Sent!, .Carrolitia .- on September 22d Bays, in discussing the prospect of the fall and winter campaign: ' "But siippose -the confederates t were driven front . both Virgitiia•and 'Georgia, .nod iu their last efhwt either conquered or dispersed in South or!II:orth 'Carolina, there is still the tnagniflecitt' clothain , of Testi, Looisana,..Athansas, and Missouri, , in extent vaster than the whole Austrian I monarchy and the kiugdokm of Italy and Greece combined; now lilkewise almost free from .federa invasion an4 'full of re sources; to tvitic)ll,the 'Con! &Walt :Gov. .ernment i. ittli4 deicrin i ined ti-,re:pair, shoidd,whtit is quite inipAboble;itsforces Le overwhelmed east-of. Lie :Vi.ssiszj Thfs'is•ill be pleasant news to ih, pie of the South. Does Mr. Davis to dragw'ith him the Virginians,,'CarOlt liens; Georgians, Teness.eans, in his armies when lie abandore. stafes- and flies across the Miss ji iippi to try to set up his th!ono at Littlo Bock, or' Shreveport, or Anstin? It is..surely a somewhat stupid jolt to tell the fln ,, t ,lisli public, as this writerdoes, that 'Missouri is ''almost free from federal invasion." Re ought to have included lowa, Minnesota and Ken sas--they too are like . Missoktri, "almost fen from, federal invasion" 330 t so is Ohio—;could not Mr. Davis 1il:o to go there ?-='—_,V. I'. Post. - • . WOULD- LOSE lir Fry TtIOUSAND.DoL officcr recently applied for a furinugli, stating that if it was not, granted he should loso fiftyMic. , osand dc;l - This attracted attention at head quarters, and the officer NV:ti desired to .forward a statement of how he would lose ttJ He did.soto the (ft . :a that he had been in the arniy. without a leave ab• senco for two veas,; that he was crigafged to a young lady worth fifty thousand &l iars; that there:till another. fellow. after her, nod that Ae ,had written to chat if he did not conic and marry tier right iway.fibe - would marry the other man. Mrs. Riply of Concord, .`Jas, is well, known to the nattiralist on acc‘inot, of her raluablo collection of lichens, and t. - ) . 1112 Cambridge professors..on , account of her success in training men for the noive:sity. It is said that a learned gen, tleutan'once called to sec this ladg, and found her hearing at 013e . 2. tlic !e . ,zon of one litn4enl Sophet les; and teat oE, an otlierin Differential CalcuF,nt the- same .tinic rocking her ' ,, randchild's cradle v;i:li one.foot and blielitng peas. for dinner. • A - E 3 hCtograph of • old Julia. - 1 . ;•own wreathed in laurel i 5 now ban7in- to tIIC pnrlor formerly 7 to H. A. \vi e , who hung the orriginal t.n atiotller part of the Stae. Thu etiate, •&ituasti abnut eight miles F.Olllll of Noifulk, Las been enntisicated by tlie Goterunient. A plan of Secegdon dr,ityn up by 11'ie in 1557 nod npproved by Jcli. Davi., svtis found in to house. Daniel, S. N;rton (I:nien) of Winona Cobnty tas an elected TJ n vcd States Senator from 3linnLsota, to : - .•neeed - ton S. Witkinso:::, and serve fur years from the 4th March , ne:a. I Geo. James IL Lane, Un:nn,.liap, Leer , rkeleeted . to , the 'tlnited Mates Senate frOm Kabbas, for its y p earo frt,to 4th. - ' f -'..--... ( 1. 1Cr ,- ,t (2 , 1 from 'Washington state::: ; v ' -1 . t' it ::•enator Henry S. rot)t, of the 11 b;:. i C.LmgreSs—;-.7 iii is ail unsuccessful ..11.1 t'N' temp. to. c.....apc. %....1 16 lthe, freer _ le; Ci.cmiedelacy. Mr, Pot wai taken bads' t.) I.l.iehmond, iliirs. Foot being left at ()e cocitian, whore .she , ;, - ai sent for, by au thori.y from V.'ashington, arid bfo'ughtL to Willard's Hotel uniler the escort. of See, ;j retary .1-I:eward. Hi lie President., it is' : , aid, has threater.ed retaliatory measureb if ';'...!: r. root shail,l;o ,Subivetedio punish. 1 went. There are., Ina) thi,usands of 1 .`.;,0111,.. , ra peDple. ;1 1 .-11(A.? - r:iends hay , b ecu niurdcrolor;are z n't:w 5,:ar....1 , * i 6 Sbn . l.i.rti eharaei htmsosm L , \-..40 *ill "rvjuice tliat tli 1 007ertielit has '. - ictil aroused to a..cusc of the nro-ie•y of sw i ne elrnest at t‘l.pll4 to put :0 Stop 10 S , ' , .;utlicrn outrages, i pVerl f1.,11/ , 11 it begins %Fit i l l tile ease of an Cl' retie and repentantll'kubd. bat is i' eke New 'York'. tweirty-4volntliiog EictKittleet In 215:431 =nell 11l ISG-3. ~, badx- 'to et have ear ears ringing ever I,,leez i r' since the first gurPlvas fired about the ' l r. 'a b• ' ' impossibillity of' lubd, mg an rtnging ;the rebels to terrnsi They and their allies, the Copperlteddsc_Were eternally asserting that " You can't'conquer them," "They'll • ,e. die before they Aurrender," "You babel gaining an inch on,thern, .they are only fallin ,, back for the purposo•of drawing' r 1 your army into the cotton,' States, and' there annihilating it." All this was lisi, , teaed to by intelligent Unionists with as{ much piety and patience as dOuld be ex- t ipected, confident that the time was not , far e,ff when thee& traitors' 'own mouths' would .condemn -them. That time I 'hand. Our army instead of beim:entrapped has marched straight • through the heaQ lof !the cotton States and out At Ll* - titer I Iside 7 without finding an l y lanni' ingl host Lying itOwait for them. I And now', let us cotnpare notes, and see hew the eldrally carry out their views. The followine' paragtarhs show how they intended arranging, matters : 1 From the Savannah Itcpubl:can. April, 1',3111. 1 "The people of the iNlonumentel Cit 3 'were tight in arresting the pie gress of an I army raised to shoot down their Southern; 'bretherro We hope they will keen tir :the good work, and ever' Istiik a„. - at Ito tie, fur their• honor and independence. Titer/ •are slumbering fires not only in .‘Jall' laud, but in the States eertli of ice,, tio await only an opportunity UN/et:et / forth, and when they eppcar we ,may look cut fur a revolution that the well(' now little expects. Thank Goa the time lies nr• lived when these minien, of A le_lition can never plant o foot south of the Pet°. teat: "iVe would as soon confederate with the ea s lielbals of the Boeth Sea or the f hugs elsltolia as wroli thee] [thePiatik' ces. , ]. 'I Ite`y \ have forced us to the separa turn, and now, we eay, let it le!, „ for ever, ,_,. and creti beyond th.o tHe, Shia Id God 1 ,„,,, 0r in his . pre:oldie-, pt rtnit. 'V,',e want , S,L,rinelianna ootilitig to do V. itl%cuch a people, either, rol• . 1 53 .-• in time or etein'ty.' \ 1 I „ The "1" r a p er g kes 6 ' 4 ' p resent I One 07 . eLcry 9 t • e?e e - ..; is in Lee Armyi -------- , ---.-------••--- , --4--- InC.o. of cerlEderating with tl - ,t r e "eanei., • 1 "e ` • li. Lieet Commander - frown if the l in toes,: 1 'la aunties. oils of the South Sea or the Thugs of, Now letlus ay as many counties i n f,States gunboat 1 tnsea, 0 1 l i ` i n ' q , India" in preference to akseeiating with' the o!'le't :''" 37 '''" 24 '1 . " 'lt "' the .-State :F --"* " . ' ` - '''' s, rfe neat" ti at on '''' --''''' i ' l a j 11,, 'w ‘,,to _-iris Note Plopt,: 1.:0, N her he chased dud run a ECllleller or b.ine. eover nerd b\ Vanhetes': ' e, n .13 0: s 13.1%3 :,../) 49 to 1:tof about one,l: nroleed tune, told l'rern , tl4.•*,' , .tt comb ll , i , nr liln Dc,-... ISt: '. 1 1'i1,'.1.,1,..1,. 1.. t 03, )08 0_125 1 , 51 to ilqueittly so dieebleti her by s hell, , i' . , "By the fortunes co tne war - ,ve ‘ tcrolav Del° \\ld' e :.' s'll 3U'l „..,".”: 7 ° 1 1 has beer) disimintied nud tiltanitti , Ountoomery 1 1 2., t 3. 5.3'3 :..,.,1 to 14 ' pms under the ioet-t-ority of the Federal' ,' • _ ,> rasO:ary forces.-... W- desire toAour ell, • ~ ~ 12.1360 7,307 17; 1 to I): tuieu the gab Come lean-. w ~ , _ I t i. , l l: r et t o t a: f lic ou a r rl cit a i l z l c,i r l , i ro a p n e d r'i rv ese e ,e > elt 61 :pres n s teL i o ne L - 0 ~,i- r a t h c A nall to rp i at k erne tetr,pting to violate elm blockade < , •et belief ;het their ptotet ty ,"and persons,tile in these lout eduritit..; • Te,us ceaet. On the morning. of. In r rth n topopulation, the reinco , of Deoe4r 0 ' 1 . 3 Ita,`Fa i , ""ed hill be respected b) oer military ruler L e t cur , tanduct. be such as to , the , win a d - Inien as those who ate more exposed aud ',She could not fic haul( a oil- lie guilt:::: c: a u1,. ,, nan. , :, o.t- foe :mit - , ire , , , ,-; no gr,,uthl foe enoi l. Mt or tint:ll tila.ll•. in l'etee r ceatitv, add VO ,1 01 ' 1 . at sr, -nlltio ca and the e10. , p destroyed. areal on the part of hint who will l for an ._ r - 1, I - -1 , • I i , 1., .1C:11 . 4 . 1110' 11C0:2..3 -- in .I.,th. - county., -.-.--=e-----e, r .,.. lei; Unite pet led hold possessiou of our , wic 0 ,,,, 11 oat G i jc •,,0 . " : ,3 , ,,t,• er i s s pe e ,e ' 'lt is said t telt cletey of Leyithn i a ell),' -, ,---- ' - iI • ec.te•l d n 1 're rot —Bite' -is dons 'c ! fiuut thin to‘nal to mein t e pra3r "The fc'ar'exPrt'X.Td JYrr:lll': that (''''''' u eel' aid, end in mco-t-ly wealthy.Thect.l.Pre , idout of the United Siato:•.i , _ral ‘l,et mae ,rill r \tl'''t. °I" 0-'1 ' , - - ' -.- , `l, " "- , ' ' " es. licher cenet les eau easier spate men, than , Shern.,..n IA I oported to juice salt i td.,i,q, licin our ,10-nres whlea no cat,,r , ' ' lo u r ftl e, .eh-di , ' i;' , !.1,111 (led il toe ooeier Can. ' 0 le , ! it,.. , a/ [ - .. , cud '''";l'n't. the eiIiZE\ T S C ' f. A tl " !-Ita , vv : The , :e. th , r(l.:n couittiei Lace filled, in 'ed OPOO I, i l O l to :1-•oottoit i lf'Lc , ‘ . Link to be without fouodatieti It Ibe part,, the quotas ut the lower c•moties, I allitiVell to pray fo, Jell., hivi , : heuves all to keep within their Itousc ; and also their owa. They should be in :Jell Davis, willy.• certainly 1 - Yet ti ritl G eneri Sherman sbal rea I have on , 5 ,,, n ~ e way It„noted and , tecotlrnOnSed for . to ore': furl him\ eVary day for JO Iz ` ' i a prosest ~.Ys tet e , zl ` l , 811eli f i , t. '' l ' let' nue turei-lied that rifest precious ar.d tana the d --- I need nta)ing for Vcr will ensuresattty tq nelson as wellr.ezl ' importnt of tole-et LN . I I , I , ••- .- .... ••—•.-- -- prt , pel ty, \ In a /wit/ puha. of N;InV, there. is thel ' War. 74 . 425ys ‘• Let our conduct be such,s to win, , . - •,, , I , , ~, ',tone iti , luant. vor an e.X._lll.iplt..--' the edmiration of a ruagnaulineu4)e" i,Th e e „,,, B enue' . meci e le m Num . , , very different .angu age trent taet in'. tiee—bci it,,, Ole field, Lehigh, 1861. Now, instead of eatreiror out tlit irr Greene, Monroe urtha.npton, , , 13onitastes Furlises sit down meekly and l ' i ' ce— g ave 'o'l'o votes °3,0 : 1 3 atl and of Army r ote, 2,260—0n1y. 1 Army the feet of Sherman, and counsel others vote to •2.31 at. home. , 0 4'ut ' to do the same, net withstanding the way iethe seven • Banner 'Line du coun. iv nide open to the Smith See aud Thug, tiei:,'Bradford, Indiana, La v country. • ' I tedies . Lancaster Erie Tioo end•l'etter—eave Home votes 58,122 The same parer—we quote it because and of Army voteq, .1,816 -being 1 Arrn'y it liar long been the most influential jour- vote t o i• - ) at home. nal in Savannah, or the State of Georgia. Thesit appears that the counties liar el- . , , e eithercontains the proceedings of a, tug tne proriortio,n of Republican Inore mectine. 'Mac influenetial citizens ;roar in>n \ _ , W6 I'' " • -- t-, 'IL ibice as 'IMP . / Soldiers ? tile 111-e oetrow - r" Democratic counties. who assembled at the e ill of 3lav or Arnold l as - ' \ '' c . In 1_ nione.teunty, 1 voter out of 10 is to take into con , idetation matters relating in the Aten,V :in Not tlild, 1 out of 17i.. to the preseut and,fute re, welfare of the / Theee fuels are good leasons why every city The . 3layor prtsiatl, and the reso- , soldier should be medithd, vs here eurolled. i iutions following were uutimia,ousl3- adop : Average l or Penn , 3l;ania-1 Army to I ted one votes —Cico te hle, -.- , 1 : i . 13 llc ---o-_.- -- • .\\ . Wl,c,cLis, , Ily l tlie fortunes of war mid', 4:^a- The following ere so,ne reeeteue the surrouder of the city by the civil! born to Vat rans vr'.o*:l3 , voluntaiily aulhoiitics Saveenah ,asses onee more ' enlistin Haneoe".'s, new- Y.2oeps : e ender the authority of the, United State:, : , 1 All C.llll`-t Olen ts and musters inl are and whereto-, we •liellei ce that the inter. to be. made in \Vashine-ton. Li 1 . gists of the city will be Lest subserved and , 2. Any. Necnau who has screed hwo pier:treed 1,3- a full atil lice epression of ; e Carq, hr; boeu b onorably discharged, , ner views in i el, :ion to oar p.e,..;eie efoi- , and ie pity-ieelly quelified may enliet in diticali, we therefore, the peep.e of ;', Ivan . t i l e Cores fo: cee,' two, or throe pal'''. nail, in full tqc:iug ass enbled,do heetby J: Those enlisting vvill'iceeive front 11 , , solve, That weecceet the position,' the Gone, moeut a bounty of 8300 as soon . . , , r end ie the leneetege of tee I resident ot ' a , , mustered ie, acid in addition, the reg.- the United Siites, seelcite leave opt ace lit tiler. iusod.nents Jrurn the Gavel nment, le3inee down uti,sims and submitting to in pier ortion to the period of enlistment, die natio.nel ant hot it} tet,der the Con , :titu- a s follows : c‘loo i for one year's service, hien, leavink all qoe.-tions which reeoelo 1 ontothird paid on enlistment; 8,200 for to be adjusted by the r,eateful tnepns of tw-o'',yeele' , c.v ice, one third on enlist , legi-lation, confetence and votes.", ..' .', ti c, eet ; 8 ..',OO fr three service, one- Resolved, That la3ing aside all dith.\if. , t hird on puli,tinctit. , I epees and burjing I)3e-ones in the eiave; ~ .„I. They will be credited to the quota 'of' the past we will h.e o n ; be e t enthavoi:i' of the district in I:16cl' they or their lam- I 00( , , toore to bring back the prosperity' ; ilies may be doeleiled, and will, therefore, land commerce wtv eof erljo , ed. . i b e entitled to Jec,4 bounties. 11.ceolved, Tilz , t. we do not• put our- s.Free transportation furnished them -- .i sot iree in tit_ pe•itton o, a conc l uded City ,to Washington by arty I'rovost Marshal. asking ter is o,f the conqueter, but', we 6. On errivimeat Weshington they are, cid* the i uht l unities end prieilegcs con- I to repert at the Solders' Rest, Baltimore! , ______-...-.-p t oinctl al the proclan ation endlues,nee of: and Ohio PLainad depot. i A Large number of . cotton 1 the President of the Iruited State , , and ' trll 7. The best arms all the leeislat ion of Congress in reference Governmentin possession of the,ec,trlators are be-A:ceiling, the, 1 funiished them, and th er par / intent. for passes to go to to a as we are ; an d while-, will be allowed to retain their arms when !none, however are granted, we owe on our part a sttlet obedience' to i honorably dssebt , .?zed. ibe for some time to come. 'attic now bold about the laws of ithc linked' States,we . asit the -Gen. Thomas'ila a dialiateli,date ptotectionl - lOver our'persons; lives and 29, says: "From 'ire best info - fain property ree ,, nized byAhOse laws.- '-; - bare at this time,.llond's losses, sir Resolved, That we respectfully request. invaded the State of Teutinssee, sun his 'Reell,..nes-, the GOvernor, to: call a follows: Six general Officers- kille on.vention of the people of Geilirgiaby . any Wounded, and one taken prisoner at tTonstitutional means iu his power, to give lie .thirteen in all; and about six them an OpPortunity of vottuf , upon the and men killed;wounded and take question' whether they wish the. war be- peers at the same battle. On the St tween the two sections of the country to, at ,Murfreesberongh, he had orie ,g to continue. - „,) , loffieor-woundell, about'- ne thousan Resolved, - That Major „ -General Slpir- I killed and younded,and two l:unde man having placed, as military Command- seven taken prisoners, and loosin ant of R this nost,rigadier Gencial Geary,' pieces of artillery. In the two bat wllo' ha's by his; urbanity . as--a get:ilman, :dm 15th and Nth inst., before Nas and his uniform kindness to our citizens,: he had one lieutenant general s done, all in his power to 'protect them andzi Wounded, one majer general- and their property from insult and inkirY,,,it ;hi igliciler generals,With fous.ilimrsa is the unanimous desire of all present rhat i hundred and sixty two Oteers an he be allowed to remain, in his present 'made prisoners beskles.loosiOft position, andl that for 'the reasons above pieces of artillery and over.tliree th stated ,the thinks of the citizens are here -'stand Of small arms: „During his by tendered to him and the'olfieers :Hider l we bare captured fifteen more gut. , his conirnand., / .. from fifteen hundred ,to two th Resolved, That anoftical copy of these prisoner s ; and 'a large number 01 resolutions be sent to/the President of 'arms have been picked - up ,by •the _ the United States, the Gorernor.of Geer.' ' 4 -4.-4214.. ~.._ gia, Gen. Sh ind to the Mayors 01 . lltinniir's BAEDAIIITY.- ( Aur , nsta, Ct Macon and Atlanta; Ebert M. M' Connie; of the.7th - Tilts has' all alone.,. The quiet ; Cavalry, and Acrug Brigade Ills i was killed on Thursday of . last wee.l; but determined and tremendous lo7:o ori was one of the three sons 'of 1 - IQ'H touriircozs not only subduei our bitter' i i i Cormie iesillitio• in this boron h, t , f o e__,,_ ~ nsi. !, 'Jab it:acmes tam to yield graCCII inaiuin<. two, as ri:l3 the Captain, are fully and re:incettuify to the, magnanimoul fighting under their -c•autry's flag. It ruleof Abraham Lincyln. The eitizeni I appears that the C-aptain and John S . . f Savanna are among the most intelligent :Sheri:, Surgeon of the:ith Pean'a lialrj lin tint eet..en States, mid they well 1:nul left camp at Rardstown Ky.. for tl e. par 'that thtdr'eit-; 11:25' ,- la4scd from (F r. under tliose!or;i.tiiting the fatuity of:Ar C 1 rule 'of t -Jeff. Davis to th,at of the tinitecton!.3. anti a half adies frimi to i wn.. ;.States; Own.: to tetnain for ever.--(..'hroill; tha two 1.7,,1nt1..tu1 . en .were s„itting pirlar cow:Tr:4ll;z tEc llitcr leg or .. , •31•1 - q..e, , - 4 • they were sr.rpriseu 1.1:e SIAI.erN: The duty or def,ticiing one's countrA :Ince of Sue'Mundv, tlt the licad 61. Is mora;,:, and legally . ..ol.ll42:l:tory - alii:,n,„ ;,f.thiii eon . de,- pc l ;. o .,lues. _ _ upon 'ALL her cityz,:ns, each as he bc:lst'':' findim; reSistanen usele., ittini il.. ~ ~.,. , < -,,, „,,„ ~.. , , may - - , • - , ~., slit leituuteu, I,lle .4 , i 3 k.i4i) ‘V,I:: 0 , 1 But 11:e returr.s,,of the late Eleetleq of 11;e) fact ii pee of ',tr.. Gr, sho-,vthat talc t 3 e ewer and poorer portions%tj ou ,d i t ers , Ncho bc; , 2gal h e; to s p: l ;of our State bear an unequal share... I,,tp lives (.:f t 1,3 to;1 i tut:n. .S.llO :10.11 us take Viiiin.l,(ti old district for exaniple4 cursing her, and told Ler s'.e ric I - itm - ,e vote Allay v,,:e. proport.un;,.linr, own Juogr,, at ! Inn stune. tve n 8rta1f...,::1 •. ti L'7 • 725 ' 12Z to 1 ' f.,! tip Ito Cunt:till :.%.I.cCorkpie., 3 . 0(.1. yl Putter ' IIG7 G'IS 7 to 1 .?.. ili ,,, throu „ ll t. ,, C heal ~,,; ,, , 0 oict Str.,(itiehanue 11,41 421 - .1,t; it& 1 : . 11:, ". c ., , , - • ~L I, ,I c:::% , , 9' F„, 1 ,;4x)r. ~_:.ient• lilr011;111 Int: ureoSt.. ~,t, Tiov.. ' 'PI d it-1 almost in.:„,-tan'ti v., Ille gts. fl e d .--21illoitiun. • ' , , -.2. u 9 to 1 ME A severe pine.e,neaf Jy Colorado, wi: . .en a party acs attacked the nail train. Ti:;.. burned' tile stage Station, hut we driVen Offand 390 f thvin tilt; head chief. • .. • • Gen. -Butler has been relieve , command f tlie army of the. Gen. Ord has succeeded him in The reninant 'of Efood's arMyl ly caesse'd The Tennessee river about 250bC} 'nen leftwithout provisiong.l , • , , Gen. Slferman is on the may in South . Carlina. The rebel 'papers sta e that he is marching Branclivi'.loo st tantl point pf railroad conanu4ation.for t he rebels in Iliehmond. • " At the fa'st accounts, figiltiti lug un'neai ".%Luble,land- we inn the talint , of t:u; city ber.•,ro, no S.he.ftn:ln aud!;. 4 ..taff Or . 'l 4 wo . ciOzens, of altiinere, cot l tnillitary C3niltmissii 0, on the aiding soldier: to desert, have teneed to_ three years iln,prise hard 'labor in the illb.any Peuil 'fic new Confoderate (!ns;;r exempts one cditol; fur •e:.keli which4as published at pa3sage of the act, and such - pra tern and ptessmen as said editui tify on oath . to be indispensa publication of such paper., Pay to. the fraternity than Fa ME , The Euip:..zror of •Chi l na has i with tle . - Order of _t.'4 Drag. French offteers,lwho look part i' tune of Naukiu.! This decorat lis susPended to a' yellow ribbt. 1 i seals the lira clawed Itnnerial d • ! haS.l.thc following inseripti4 is eh:lit:eters : "liefo:e it 'the li,ort 1 and the tiger is -silent." .Dce.l ion co tic I I up as , rank -111011.4• pris• kinst. a men fi and two 4iles of ville, 411,erely. PL,, STATE NOB AL SCHOOL MANSFIELD, ITIOG-A CO ; PA. TM'S INSTITUTION WAS : Recognized iq the Mate Authorities; in • • ifecenzber , 1862. • AS A • - Stato Normal School, • - And Annaily Opvic-t as, such in Sfptcnaber 18.63. The School is at,length places_ Upon a se.. cure Sta,te•appropriation of the current. year enabling the Trustee to extin guish the greateriporiion -of :the outstanding liabilities, and to make extensive improve ments upon the buildings and grounds. Tlzc ,Fpring Term will'coptnience ttlout ..11arch 10, 1805. - -Prof. P. A. AI.LEN; for the Past six years in charge of the Chester County (Pa.) Normal SchoOl, hos been elected Principal, nod Prof. J.Strlilt, of the Edinboro 'State Normal School; Lion, has been appointhd to theTrofessorship of flinguages awl:Mathematics. Phd. Allen is well known throughout the State as. a gentleman of accurate seholarship; possessing . a plaNtieal •experience of fifteen' years as an educnio - r of teachers, and a thor ough a'equainonce with their educational" wants; acquired from his connection with ' Conntyqnstitutes! in every section of Penn as well as in other States. Competent and thorough instructors will 'be provided for the other departments of the St:11001. The building has been refuel throughout and provided with furniture of the most an. proved style, together with an extensive cui- 1 'eerie n of tnaps;charL , .,and *orks of efereace. , Exceih.nt Chemical and Philosophical ap p.:rat:is will be in readiness at the opening of < the School. • • ' To keep pace With the improvements in ed oration, a gymnasium IA iii h i e erected, for which a v;•la:11.1.e npparatus for the heavier and li:;l.ter tx-iTises ha al.eady been secured Tie .3chord :%e,:r is divided into three terms of thirleen' weeits vacation, ex ccnt woek'`of Christmas Holidays..: Ftudents should enter at tis c . ..:ntinotceinent of a term, and fora period thitt,,en Weeks. Tufaiion'.. - - :ilcuiro- per ECV G. 0 . Nu cxtrh the. 1:1 ! rua:-e-s. or I he higher matli ematics., Tett', Looks riinted at reasonable mi 1 instrumental music dt I:::arding in the hall ; $39 h 0 . In ley:: : fur winter : ,t-73 00 per term. room rent, $1 r.,0. • atra:::.temenis no:,- stile are of such a natute as to warrar't tie Trustees in raring that no ~il:. ,r .it:titittron in the State_allords hcttcri.:v'Ed'ne:iticn of Te tellers, nt - far - the prt:.:ll-ation•of..lentsfey or ~ aitio::lar, " add ress the Princi pal, :it connly, Pa. 'tC. C. 1;I1 I.EY, Pres. 'Board of Trtistees._ -11.P.EBT . ihree ud four cr wen three lusaud •utreat , and usand small ;say." aptain 'en n'a ketor, . Ile rt M.', :le re- ia, , Ly 11 hile n !Tea,. he two ttcl, r, the by u'd be' a;i:ine' t.otir7. 111111_111 INES " . " dui-C.).,' - 1 -- 1 I QC"' 7,!. - 1(tTIC1 . 1 , is hereby trtren that<harles shnr, u:"-:r or I.t.ter ut this count'y, holding the telicwing prbperty. ha; not yet p. 11,1 any. halever filr the saute, and al! pers.wns nre hereby mirned not tot pur 'lte4se stir of e•kl•l ,, rot - terty of the said I3ushor hyf L ire the d4citi:lll -sf the Court is given in this.t ,, e and C. dl , il:ltor has paid to we the tn Inctrtcy therefor. `cone Thu,, is the prol,erte . • • I Ist. s Certain tract of land iThar.the Ger ; mania id warrar,t,so7:, Abltriocruship, !Potter, county - , I's., containing 100 neres.-- 11 . 3ef - in n - a - zrant 5075 and adjoining the :1,, , 07c. . A ESE ashore INE SMIES In I. ti a ci r c.t. of the he Szb l ud ru❑ MEM ES I . to If o ...rant 7:)f 11-itll Mill and t,lprove: , .e•f ts thereon. 11.2ar Kettle Creek, in S:ewartFun township{ Potter Torint v. I'd.. runt.Linitt, - ; about 21)1-acres. ESE •1 on.i' for the holtis also irn truce Nv a n t 110. 12101,in G,tint:s to%Ven.;llip, county,. 6.1 ktidinglr'orn Germania 1.0 Gaines, IBISB MEE ttaiuin 0u.111,c for' l To I'Llul - LsioN.= n Cite,A.vrt AND 111 Z ,11.1211 V ).1;:$1(2,1.1, Pr:ll,lC (3 r,:a:rtAl.Lei. mazo = 1 . , I r. iTC4lil & Diil,foi,lli:ll 1_01313 AlNiiillV:, i ''• S 2-1 LlEoadiiiny: I ILivin.e% on hand the lar, - _-.est - 'stoclil of Fekh - 2.n Mush; in :‘"ev. - ' Yo;li, 'thick lie intoLilx from , Eerope (-7 - .Pressly to Meet the taste rtivilri rainmentsiof the American lovers of Mn3ii.— rLsi-ectfiilly calls. attention to the fart, that h' - . i- , new inipplin,:.; Mush; of Evely ;s*.le rt. a Iledpetion 'pr tl7C.:i!y-(11.: to fifty per cent ;lass tia.n any other I.o.ise ia•the 'united Statc Prikate 1.-- . .onlles can he supplied {post trt c) 1:y torwardiwz she 1 . 3,11 to- the aloove addre. ;t 4 hould the amount of cash forwarded eared the cost of the Music, the balance will be „ promptly r!eturned in postage cur chey. l ; Dealers and Procee.sors should mr gleet.: this opport a pnit,y ; :they will bb, lib';- ay l ticalt with. N. Ps.—Ane and every piece of M . , - ,sic(voral , • or instramental) published- in Europe- or A merica, will bc•sappiied to (track if axe:era -eat:led by the cash. - - 1 . v .. 1 Remember the — Address, • 1 P. -A. WUIs:DEEMANN, Foreign and American Music Ware-house, • , St•l. - Ernaclway, New Fork. 23°3 • IcF.burN, of hh— ;• Indians a of C 0..- inc.;, Mid otnuip.rd. lbas final- I Ile less Irtillary or MEE lielr of next i 5 it tit, al Ili ' v i d b y . Ira rge — 01 SEIM t at mom nct v%: 'ew:l - )aper ca . the lEEE Cheap for Cash All tri - Lock of Mdrehantlise Cor=4tinfr, of 7- • C.LpTHING, BOOTS, and SIIOES, 4 DRUGS CUOCKERL , • ttlfty c,er -1,1 to the is more Tier Abra: . , decorated several tltc - cap.. GROCERIES. " . • TOOLS, &c.,.&e., 1 good worse and 3 Wagons, 1 Cutter, 1 Stake!l; it: . iirge of ,a good Ashery i;4.lcont . plotc working order.. 15 for good ASIXE.S. LtCIES BIRD. Brooldand, 1864. • .. ' , repre 3zon, an 4 Chinese urns pale 1 Ste 1;77); The MEM . War . De. Savan Wi" - _ BT .10M or EOSES.—for the to • thea,—et STEBBINS' c2rlrin aS JO a •:rc3 tiro. E. A DDE! P. A. - Wundermann, l_rsons Lac;ng• open •account e Cb.e2.11 and settle iaintediately. f Li 1