The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, January 11, 1865, Image 2
El U.S. 7-30 The Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that subscriptions will be received for Coupon Treasury Notes, 'payable from Aug: 1.5th,1864, with semi-annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum,—prin cipal and -interest both to be paid in lawful money.! 11 be convertible it the option _ TheielstotesWi , of t4ae holder at maturity, into six. per gent. gold.bearing bondsapayable not less than five nor more than twenty-years from their date, as-the Government may. elect. They will be issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $500; $l,OOO and-$5,-000, and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. ' -\ - The notes will be transmitted tcalie owners free. of tremsportation charges as sport after .the receipt-of the original Certifietes of De posit, as they can be prepared. - As the-motes draw interest from August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that -clate..thust pay the interest accrued from date ornate to,dale of deposit. , • ,-, • - 1 Parties depositing ' twenty-five:, thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at any one tithe pill be - alleoVed a commission of one quarter of one pet' cent., which will, be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of the bill for the amount, certrkd -to Py the •Aficer with whorci the deposit waftade. No deductions' for commtssions Must be made' ..from the deposits. . - I • BPI:WA]; ADVANTAGES of 10 LOAN. It is a National Savings Bank, offering a higher rate of interest than any other,, and the be..a..sscurity, Any savings .bank/ which pays 10 depositors in U.. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in tbe best circulating me-1 • dinin of the country, and it cannel pay in any-i thing better, for Its own :assets are either in government securities oi• in not.s or bonds) payable in gel:erne:mot paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent investment. The notes can al ways he'sold for within a fraction of: their face and accumulated interest, and are the'. /discounts.' security with banks as euiratterals for . a , • ••" Convertible into a Six per cent:b.:2o Go/cl,Bond. 'lu addition to the: very liberal interest on the notes for- - three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three Per cent. for the current rate;fdres:2o Bonds is not less than nineper cent-preMiam. and before the war ,the premium on six per centi U. S. stocks was over twenty per cent:' It will be seen that I the actual pro - on this loan, at_ the present t -market rate; i not-less than ten per cent. per' annura. • 1 Its .gxemption frim ...late or arzinialpgl Taxation. 'Bei aside trot all the aiWantageswe have, enumerated, a special - Act of Congress ,ex caps all bona's and Treagary notes from local taxation. Oa the average, this exemption is worth abouttaim percent. per annurooecord- - . ing to the rate of taxation in various parts of the corintry. ' ~ . , It is believed that no securities offer so great laduccusents to lenders as 't.hose issued bathe government. In all other forms of indebeedl . ness., : the faith ,or ability of private partres,or atocla • aempanies or s.eparatte communities, only, is pledged for payment a while the whole property of the country is held to secure the discliarge of all the obligations of the United States. , . _ While the government °Tors the most liberal terms for its loans, it- believes very 1 strongest appeal will bb to the lo)'a'ty and, patriotism of the people. . • . - Duplicate certificates 'will be issued for all depoOts. Ihe party depositing must endorse upon the original certificate the denonainatima of notes required, and whether they are to be , :ssued in blank or paYabie to order. When so endorsed it muSt be left with the officer re ceiving the deposit, to be forwarded to the trea.zury Department. ' , • • t, Subscriptions will be received by the Trees nrer of the United States, at Washington. the . several Assistant treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by the , - • First National Batik of Philadelphia, Pa. , First National Dank of Danville, Pa. First National Bark el-Erie, Pa. First National Batik of Pittsburg . Pa. ' and by all National Banks which are deposi taries of puldie money, and. . . All Respectable _B.l,ths and Bankers througheut the couutry will give farthet• in formation and . - • - .4iiaci, ever Facilitg to Subscrilei;s. . . 0.93m1 . , 1_ - , Admilair;trator's Notice. I .vikr ilErtp.k:_;, I otters •of Admintsiratton *. V Y the estate o; WILSON CARS. , :tiN, late of Allegany township, Potter county, dcc'd, have been jgranted to the -subscriber, nil per se--'*'''i tndel.;,ted to said estate ere requested to make inarndiate payment, aryd those having claims agfinst the sanie Ivy, present them, duly authMaticated, for settlement to liI3PSON Adm'r. Aug. 30: 15F4 . Allegan ,:' 13004 o IiGENTS IV .4,lVir ED : MU sell lOy, subse'ription, with sample,excel- X. lent/Popular Illustrated raruiLy Works. , Amon these-i 5 low price HISTORY of the BEBBLIJION, of which over forty thousand of Vol. 1 have already been . sold. It is a good business for es-Soldiers, and others out or ;Inployent. -• . 1 -Also, for sale to, Podlers, Merchants, and Agents, Stationery Package's, 'Battle Scenes. Portrai sand of icr pictui•es;"Tor "the Times," War Maps, beautiful -Album Cards, 'Currency polders. etc.: For, Circulars, with particulars and-terms, address HENN): BOWE, - ..-'4. • No. 111 Main Street, Cincinnati, 0. i Estate o4Geargc E.2.:,73. Dec d. NVEICE. li s t/ HEREA., letters of administration on -V Allti estate of George Eites, late of He bron ,townsbtp, dee'd, have been gran 1d to .• • the undersigrred holtee -iereby often to 411 13ersOn - s knotving*:themsei.ves indebted to saild estate to Call and settle irornediatelyand Oldie haying claims to -present them fdr nunient. , . POLLY ESTER, Administratri.r.. Hebron. Nov. 22, ISG-l-• .Gt WEE 'CWESSIONS eIND EXPERIENCE OF Al ISVSLID. • Published for:the benifit and as a, cautiox to young men and othe'rs wrio suffer from Nervoue' Debility, Minature Decay- of Man hood, t ke., supplying at the same 'time the means of self-cure.l By one who has cured hiniself after undergoing' considerable quack ery. By enclosing a postpaid addreSsed en- Tefope, single copies maybe bad of the author NATHANIEL , ..tAYFAIR., Esq., Brooklyn, Rings Co., Y. To Road Contra.ctoi.t. 13ESPON,5113LE parties able and desiro" 1011 of inidertaking the building of the c tire•or a - part of a dug,road; (1q- fect , wille of froth 12 to 75 miles in the South-Paster . part of Potter County, Penna.., rt,.. - poly .particulars to I .3IIA.S.MEINE, Esq., ;.• , .,urveyo Germania, Potter Co:, P 4. , " Jute 8, 1864.-tf. • BLOUJI Or 2.0i. , .:E5,"---for the JII STEBBINS' Lam_-'-`"'.r` "Unquestioizably,t7 i l)ea iusca l of the kizidzpthe TVol;lti A 1 J r — - •' 1 Et RIF IVS` ,' • NEW MONTHLY BIAGI _ . . . critical .iVotipes of the Pre It is-4ie - farernont Magazine of tl fireside never had a More d'elightl ion, nor the million &more enter); than - Harper's Magazlae.—llalardi (Baltimore.) . • : ' The most populat i Monthly in _Yew Yuri.; Observer- 1 • . - We must refer id terms of 'e logy to the high tone and varied excellence; of ClAttign - Cs MAGaztxe—a journal with anion hlv circula tion of abont',l7o l ,oo6 copies 7 -im, hose pages are to he found some of the:choi 'estliglit and general reading- t:f the day. r We si ,-;- 1.5 of this v ork ad an tv.:Qc i ncg of the Amer c ;4. eoPle ; , and the popula?ity 9; has acquit Merited. Each numbercod tams fully 141 ages of read ing matter, approrintely illh •trated with good wood-cuts ; and it combid sin itself the racy monthly Mid l i v !lte - morel ,hilosophitat quarterly, blended 1 .ith the Be t features of the daily journal!. ; lit has grewpower in the .dissemination ofialove of 'attic iiterature.— TregJner's •Guiu'e. ro :47nerican Zile .a(izre,Lonelon The volumes bound consti tittle . o f . themsel ves a library of miscellaneous read!il., g such as can not be . found in the same Cohninss in any other publication bat has come 'iunder our 1 notice. ---BoeoniCdariei• , •i ' 1 St B$CIIIPTIO:i . • : . 1 . 1.865. l. i , ' ' • The i'abliih,i-, l'pive perfeci a 1 system of mailing by whieli they can supply l i the MAGA.. ziNn and IVEskly promptly to-tliosF who pre, fer to rec Lice their per;odica:sl dir.ctiv from the - 011ice of Publicatien. ' iI 11 . The postage. on Hrrper's .11:ivazi s iat is. 24 cis a year, - whicii mat be paid übscriber's . f)ost-office ? Il' --= l. 1 I • ' , ;TERM i Ii • • 1 , Harps 's Nag;aztrie, one,yeat • I i $4 00 An extra copy of either the 111pazIne or IVeckly I will be suppii , !il gratis for every 0:lilt) of Fire 1 Subscribers: at Si'(lo,,e,ich, in doe imillatance ; or Six Copies for $2O 00. ': I . ' Back 'Numbers Can be snpfAieJ.l l a i i - any - time A Complete sei, now coMprismtin enty- I onvithime3, in l'ieat cloth binding will be I sent, y expreSs.lfeeigitt — at.exliensi! ot.pur chaser for $2 21), iper voltime ,`...piztie roruinee, by mail, post-:wt.], $3 00. iiCloo cases, for binding, 53 cedt,4, by mail, post'paid. ' Address . l i illArlPEll li: Bil.oll'llßilS, , .p..iltlin Square,• - New IS' ork. .•1.. , , - The P4eXlox Every 1 Ezmily BEN 1) leult. A .11: 1 2115ZN. 1113Bp§111:ll . , • The Suncl,a,.ri s Sclzdol ; Times. .. With it nippy increasing snbsbription list and the - Welcame it has _met; in Owl's:lnds of homes, the Stdoky Sch - 001l ritnes is about to enter on its se;ventil vcar.; li 1 ' Pvery ..ccel.34 . iVe volume'; adds to tfie evi dence that snub ii. paper• as' thi - s was. needed,' .and whereveri it finds its,NN:l) into a-new neighborhood, it is hailed =with pleasure by Parents and 'l.'eacliers asllsupPlying . a want they had Ling .felt— il 1 ' Int C Silt: day School Tilts contains!, from week to week,: stirring ildenrs of interest front the Camp; the Field, ntid4he Hospital; showing wliat. heroic Chri4ian 'fortitude and endurance are exhibited - by our brethren in arms. ,It is entirely undtitominational - , and l is therefore w9l(..oine atoviery 13 Sid c.3hr;stian fireside. 1 1 1 a I Early in NOvember :vast - Tint of absorbing • interest Will be coMmcnceil from the pen of it gifted author, one who has written sonic of 1 the bet jovenilp boot 4 th,at I . 1.m..-14Qen. ftlib ;lislied for tl . , pftst ten'ye4s:, 1 The pahlihheis offer aflienutiful Premium Plate of."Citi - ist Messily , ' I..ittlb Children' to , any one whd }flit get tilt la. list of Five nete Silhsoribers for the 5///241, Se;:,'ool . Ti nos . . Send fora specimen copy, !which Will be mailed free Ma receipt of a stamp to :pa postage. I • i f , i i , • . T. C. GARIZICIIIES k. CO., 'litp.disliero and Booksellers, 145 p', rou'iqh ht.. Niladelphia, Pa. . , "A COMPLETE. PICTOII'IAL] lIISTORY OF . . . • ! THE TIMES."' • 1 .. 1 , " The Best ( Chcalr'st, 4)ii r l, !must Sliceess. .. 1 . lid r .l . :Allt l iiii .Vuper to the bruin. , ' 11 A 13. ...9 7f.1 ; 11. '• S. IVJ , F, E lg. li jl, !. . SPLENDIDLY ILTTCS'IIItATED, '.! ', - • I C,' ritiCtil Xoticec of tile r Press - ' t ' • • . The hest tbarnilv Paper' pUbliz-'lletl. in the ! United Stateslii i —itic,u , ./Ant/w4 Advert/Sur. - "The Mod 4 'Ne-vsp‘m il• of I o ntry t.. N . . , , ~,i our e u ~• coinplete: in :,Illlthe Departments of an Ayer- Iran lantikr.paper--4larpVs Weehly has earn ed for itserf a"right to its title "A: JOE'IISAL OF CIVILIZATION l''.—.'", - . Y. L'eotin;) Poq, "This paper furnrshes the Vest filtit-tratioh: , . Our future'jhi4oriatis ill ea'rich themseli - es out of flarlier"S Wet-lily longitfte.r ivriters,and painters, and I . Publishers!: are "turned to . dust-. — , -...Vc/v, YorT: 'Eraiigetisr: ! "A necessity in every lionSehold." . , Tran.,cl;•ipt::: ' , , "It is ationch a ileatliq's political and histo• rical atinalist.f the nation.''—Til,: Presi "The bear, o . its class in America"--iloston Traycllcr. 1 . 1• :. SL 'BSCRIEITIONS • ' • • •' " 'I h' , 18645. l ' . • The Puhlishers have!!ker, e F tecl a syster4 of', mai,ing. by ,- , , ,,Chich the: r. , supply Of.: M.‘eA l . 'ZINA lyntcr.y rg . ‘,. , ed.r tr. thrle.s , ho prc . I ft r In receive their perindicals directly, :rem ilie. pfficef-nr Publicatio'nl ' P,,slinaster..i ,find others desirous of gcitln l r, up Clubs Nvilt be supplied . wilb a 'handsome pictorial show-bill on a-Milt:44lbn. . ;r l i • . • ' .. The pOstage on Harpers Weekly is 20. cents a year, whiCh must be paid at the subscriber's f po.t u n r i ee. ,1., A . N &B E NOTIONS, TEP I IS I 1 1 . ..... -FANCY, SOAPS, HAnina!s WEEltt,v, one year 'S 4 00. ' EXTRACTS, and 'An .1 7 -xtrt:.Corw of cialciiltke Weekly or Ma• ! `) : :. zinc 4111 4 . e 'zurp ilcd gra tfi 1 '" r for every. Ciu6 of Five.! ill kept. sabsa Priors at S 4 00 ca ;, , .in 072 C renzillancc ; or., a . st Six Copfc S. for :20 60.,• - ' 'l, • , 1 Back AL'ionbers can b supplied: at any time: The Atonal Volumeli of [Talier's IVeekly, id neat cloth hintlii,p. , „nill be sent by c = vpress, free of CN - pc;nse, filyr -6 teh. A corni)loe.Set, t comprising,Eiiht Volts Res, ,sent on reeript of cash at the'...eilteny $4 PO her Vol., freight at expellse of purchaser. ri.' ddress 1 :IA I'IPPP. & lIIICTIIEITS,' )1 ... ~ Franklin Sqiinre. :COX: 11 iIIIZ. Olt - N ACADEVIYI The Term-Irill commence A ugnst 31st an continue thirteen il•ceks." Tuition from 54.21.9 10. F.-8.00 per term. Board can be lied in:the Principal's family. Rooms for self boarding. cnri be bad in the Academy Building:s nt 52.00 - per term. 1 ' E. NVILDMA.;,., A. M. Principal s assisted by.other Teachers A Tenehers' Class gill be organized for the nstruetion of teacherr, in their profession, iii :Web 4olbrook's , tiormal Mttlioo and other aloable aids willbe used. I , , F. S: INIAATN, Prezidebt: STAINLY MARTIN, Secretarj% VViiitsei: -. '.66641. - $i 7? I'd work ' 7. 'AT 1 - OLNISTED'g %ME, tyiy. The ul compan `ising friend. sl Protestant ,he yOUR atttention , is invittd to.the large and attractive stock just received, and for sale as low as the same qualities can be bought anywhere in the county. We IpivS on hand a large and varied as sortment of Domestic Cottons-, co-nprisio BROWN SH E FIX,INGS, -an d ' '4 sniRTINGS • • BLEICHED MUSLIMS, . D -1 STRIPES, TICKDZGS; and • . COTT°, capnot be underS, ;We purchase o' them at, a very FLANNELS.. F 7 ou want .to purc hase l'D, •• -1 • ' - BLUE,, , o` / PLAID FRENaI SIIII,TING FLANNEL, 60 - At OlinsteWs. DRESS GOODS; 1 ' • DELAINES, - k PRINTS, BROOM; nit(' - 4 • '• VG OLEN 'SRA. VS, HOODS, • - SONTA GS, • ICUI3IAS, • • BALMORAL SKIRTS, • ' CLQTII,S; and CASSIMERE g 4 I sup j.ay ffe NI Al Oim sled's. CLOTHINVT,. ON'T fail to call before purchasing and IL/ see the assortment BOOTS & .Sk-10ES 13 - .1 4 OR Men, Women & Children, in great Ta il: ria.ty and cheap 1 • • _ L • At Ormsted's For Molfisses,' r_iyrup, §tigar,.Tea and Coffee, in_fact eyerything in the grocery line; call I - AT OL.IIStED'S, • A full assortment of almost everything that is kept in a country store on hand, We intend to'keep Goods that, gitie satisfaction and sell good articles at the lowest living profit. Grain of ill kinds, . Butter, 'Wool, • ' I ;• Sheep Pelf's, Furs, Ifer Skif is Also, • ounty l , Township nod School Orilcrs, tor all of which the highest prices will be paid' • At. Olinsfedjs , Coudersport, l'a,Nov'r 18,. cpsi- • , 18'64 1S6:41" Brings many a elmntze,.therefgretare con efudod to eltangct my system of doing busirMss and I.shaill hereafMr sell for -- • CASH or PRODUCE, - ' . BUTTER, LARD, EGGS, RAGS; pum.N. DRIED BERRIES . 7 &c. I N as iny t ,: i t l .w: t k o l)! Groceries - I have , : a choice TEAS,— • GREEN, BLACK, arid JAPAN. S UGARS, • MOLASSES, lIONEt SYRUP SALARANES, ' COFFEE, Also, PREPARED •COFFEE; MUSTARD, - • SPICE, : PEPPER, —Bo.ton 1 - n - o oo Stock(bo.nslit so tnat I am. enabled to sell at.prices current before the War) of DRUGS, and • , f-PATENT ,MEDICINES, Also, KEROSEN . OIL/ • FLOUR ' PORK, • ' • •11,EAL•of all kinds. And many other things too numerous to 'mention kept constantly on hand and will be sold for LESS PROFIT than ever before offered in tkis inarket. E. . Jan. 20, 1664. , Dr. A. TRENCH':, CELEBRATED • TONIC BITTERS . RE becoming the most popular Medicine ./1 in circulation for tie cure, of 4,1 ; ;TI: COMPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA, AEIN DICE, DEBISITY OF THE . NERVOUS SYSTEM, •and. WEAKNESS of: the - STOEACH nrld DIGESTIYKORGANS. • is also - ;iining• a grott renntiltion la the CURV, of DIPTHERIA. rincipal Ofsce, Coudersport, Poster :1" CHECKS, ~ , 1 1 7 d L ANNELS, on which we r goods for Cash and offer all advance In Cost. At atinsted's cpt nttr. 3EIU?UMERY I la :, - ; ; i EUIEt KM 1 111 ,lIATE FOUND 7l' as the exelamatlo oMhe Astronomsr w ho c firlt_discovered thatl the orld moved in, ' its 1 ' orbit; not less joyc - is has hen the `exclama lAve. found 'TEE PL `OE ion of those win), Where GOODS 'can or TWENTY PER price;-and yet find hinge are to be Goods: The Qualit • • chasers studying b Nrith our stock tha joining counties "DEAR TRASH." Now cure a GOOD ARTICLE. "Delays ars .dan- gerous and sometimes fatal." Don't wait hr ' advance in Goods. aTiother enormou The following xs but a pattial lid of 9n: large assortment :I I- • . Merinos The attention of the Ladies is called to - the stock of Alerinoesil3tack,Brown, Blue, Maroon, Drab and White. Some of these were bought irevieus tcahe rise AnW will be Sold nearly as ltv . as present wholesale prices at JONES' \ • Ladies Cloth Bliek, Grey, and Fancy Colors lat JONES' • Rciy's Wear Casslmeres, - Striped, CheCked, and Plaids Tweeds, Kentucky Jean?., and Cottonades' o We very best qtiality at _ • JONES' Albui - min.g Goods B ack Silks, Alpacas,,EtnpressCloth, Bornba zi e, Delaine;, Rep Cloths,• and Black and Rprple Goods of carious kinds 'tit JO,NRS,' Ijona estics Ifeavy Sheeting.i . , three-quarter, four-quarter, •e -quarter, fine unbleached.; Pillow Case find Sheeting Musiin, Shirting, Ten-quiirter bleached for sheets: at • I 'GoodN barred 3fuslin, Plain Jaecnet, Camhrie for Skirts, Irish Linen, Swiss' 3lusbias, Nainsoot 3luslin, plaid, striped or plain, and Bishep Lawns at JONES' E - mb - roideries Dimity Bands, Ladies Collars, Undetsleeves with or without,collars at ' • JONES' Woolen - , Gpods Hoods, with tabs or 'points, for Infants and Children,' Misses and Ladies g Nubia', Under• sleei'es and Caps at For Children, Shirting Prints; Rlatn white and black,blee and white, and' - all kinds of Fancy, at JONES'UNES' • EIM Gents' Black Broad. Cloth, excellent quali6 - b i ought before Ihe rise: Cassiinetlnek. silk mi. Fed. black and fancy Doeskin, si.iiped, plain,.nnit l'laid . in fancy colors, and Cloth for whole suits aC. JONES' Hosipry Women's wool ribbed, cotton ribbed, cet.::: - Jri plain, colored and white, plain or fleeced. Girls' while. brown, mixed, wool or cotton, arid wool balmoral stockings: c : Mens' home and city-maC.''.,,, Boys', all sizes, white or mixed, at JUNES' I For Ladies. Gauntlet and Hand Gloves, Mt Linen,' Cotton, Plain and Fleeced Silk. :Gent fine Driving Gloves, Cateres, at 'JONES' Shawls For Ladies i Shepherd's Plaid, Brodie, Liyar, and Square, 'Woolen Plaid; a great variety of elegant colors at !JONES'. , . . . . . . D el aine s, Of domestic and fort:ign manufacture We can assure our patrons. tkat vle hell our stock this spring to be more atq•active i this line tharL ever before. JUNES' t. t „ Balmoral Skirts With tirnly two tireadtbs, maki44ecessary to have but two seams in a l full s a great variety at . ' . [ ' JONES' 1 Groceries Teas, Sugars, Choice Syrup, Qood Rib Coffee, West hOtli.i and Dandelion Coffee,lßiee, Corn Starch; rarina, Cocoa, at ,! I JONLO' Bru,4hps Cloth, Tooth, Nail, Hair, Hat, Paint, Varnish and Artist Brushes at I JONES' • . , Drugs and Fan.c - Articles Oils, Paints, and Dye- Stuffs, White Lend in Tin ( - _:ttis,Alcolicd, Camphene, .lierosene,Larup and amp Pixtures, Glass, Patent Medicines, Chenlicals,lßotanical Herbs, Perfuniery,Fahey. Soap/ and IToilet articles, Gum, Hair, Ivory and Wooden Combs, Pomades and Colognes, and a fine !assortment of Flavoring Extracts, Pens, Ink and Paper, and 'Linseed Oil—raw and I.)oiledi at I JONES' i 1 Clot ng, , Boys' and{ at • • i JONES' • • Boots and Shoes Of every description and . the best quality, at astonishing low prices, at ' ,JONES'„ 'Wall Paper Ceiling Paper, Transom 'War, Window Cur tains, Borders, Tassels and Fixttres, at .Tls. l 1 HARDWARE, iVOODEN-WARE,. WILLOW WAI,tE, NAILS, IRON,. PLOWS; 'WINDOW SASH,' FLOIIII„ PORN, and FEED, in fact, everything taat'the peOple need tan te had 'at - JONES'. ' - All of Which be sold at the lowest rates COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN LN • EXCHANGE: Conderapgrt, Pa., June, 1863. be purchased\PlFTEEN ENT. below the\matlet herains represented Two .14idered in purcbaspo and the Price ; and ioir\, th, Can be better satiFled auy other in tbis or ad . , 'Wok ‘fore buiying Lime *.o'pro-. JUICES JONES' Print s Cloths Glove - • . IS • 4 -11011P4ADELPITIA L .- • ERIE RAILROA This great Hite traverses ,the Nor beim and Northwest counties of Pennsylva , i ia to the c",ty of Erie, - on Lake Erie. . It has been leased by the Permsylva a Rail Rontli Company, and t nder their ;auspices ,is being rapidly opened throughotit i its entire length, 1c his now in use for Passenger and Freligh t business from Harrisburg, to St. Mary 121€ mile ' s) on the Xastern and from Sheilield to Erie, (78 miles) on the We4tern Daton. TI - OP PASSEEGEft TEAMS AT; EIIPOth Le re Eastward. Thr ugh Mail Train Westward. Thrbugh Mail,Train . JO 19 Cars run through WITHOUT CHANGE ways between Philadelphia and Lock L. anbetween Baltimore and. Lock Haven' I Elegant Sleeping . Cars on Express T lhotli ways between Williamsport and Inoile, and Williamsport and Philadelpli \For in form atit . n respecting Passengeri neSs apply at the S: E. cor. 12th and 3' Streets. And for Freight business of the Corn Ageuts\: - E. B. I:ing.strin, Jr., Cor. 13th _and Philadeiphia. . J. W. Itesnolds Erie. J. 31.. brill, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltim H 11;110UST05, .Gen'l Freight Age. LEWIS L.\ HOUPT, 1 1' , \ Gen'l Ticket Agt. Jos. D. POTTS, Glyt : man am ° " • Chance loffer for sale on reasonable lerms e n. eral time: ONE FAR:111-14G Acres-16 ONE FARA 1-235 'Acreis-40 ONEFAI - 01 !-50 Acres-15\ , ONE FAITH !-300 des-55 And lots of other Farms and Lan Some money may be required dou Lucien Br..kland, Pa., Jutr 64' Ila - ving secured' the services • HENRY s: COVISUR I BLACIiB3III' of .twentv 'Tears exivrience inErtg . America. • I am prepared tb furrrish and travelers with the best. of - Horse and Ox Sheet' Shingle Knives, Butcher Knives - Se., L. BIRD, propriet • Brooklan tl. Potter formerly called Gust May 25, 1864. t • ' NI H. J. OLMSTED - CI TORE can always be ; found t ►_Cocdcing, Box and S TOVE - Also, and SHEET' •IRON WA KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH FRYING-PANS, SA?-PANS, an BONS Also. Agricultual linplera l such as PLOIM SCIIAPERS, TORS; CORN-SIIF.LLERS, HORS DOG-POWERS, &c. • HIS WORK is well made and the material g and substantial EAVES.-T,ROCGI - 1 1 any part of the County--. Terms en Pay of. •kinds, including Ca refused. " , Store on Main Street oi)p.osite . Pi j House, Coudersport. .An,g. 1, 1 PUTNAA Clothes Will wring anything from a singt a ned..Quilt. • , - PRICES : 55.50, $6.00, and P. A. Stebbins & I Agent., for Potter county:2-Jan P, A. STEB z ARE Paying the highest price in r, • CAS 1 • WOOL 50,000 POI D 8 NITA Coudersport, ape 23, 1864 : Stebbins 'ARE AGENTS l'or the suld of ,WHEEtErt C WILSO MACHINES for - Pi:Ater County. Noi'r 18, '63' • DR: TOBIA ITEDMILIN I,IIITI u Et AS .GIVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFAC- I TION. during the- fourteet years it has been introduced. into the tin% ed States.— Alter being tried by millions it has b2en proclaimed the pain destroyer pf the world. Pain cannot be *where this, liriment is rip; plied. If used as directed id ca knot and nev er-has tailed in a single instance. For cold's, coughs and influenza, litcan't 'lO - beat.. One` 25 cent bottle willeure all the libove,,besides being useful in every Samily fot sudden acci dents, such at burns, cuts, scalds, ; insect stings, Se. It is perfeetly innocent to take internally, and can{ be given cto the ;oldest yerspn or youngestlehild. Price 25 and 50 cents' a bottle: ()trice. 56 Coitlandt Bcrect, NescVork. Sold by all druggists.. - . eASH P4ID,FOR UTTER, • by E. K. spencer . _ Ts -peeulidr taint or , .......,, . m ction .Iw l luch we 4 .4 $ ~.-&_,A: - ....,.. * C . a 1 S , erto'its.. Insist • 1 1 '' . 4 19 - iVs in e con*utuitui or 'l\' --',...`"' ra I,itude4of mee. •It ..,. ~1 :eitpf prmAriees or- is ' .- -- „,:s-__.- .-- - . - , priniuced- I by - an en- A , 4 .4 .. --,27: -- --.; ~N‘ , .feebled, vitiated ;fate Et7P- 6 ;kt c , I ,_,J,lCif the bleed; wlierett Fair ~,.. a,-, ~ ,IP7that fluid becomes in- er• . '?'". : .7 t r tf" (impel to sustain • ..,,,, - 1 - - ,. k , i A ,7 di vital; ereesintheir --,-::';'- . it t_l4 - rel 'ili .-. s- ..---e ... „,,\,.,..:-...;,; Ai orou ; action; • and ...-_..le. tea the 'system to 7 - - - - 7 . -- -,- fah' into disorder and ' • - .. decay. - The-scrofulous . eontammation is 'va thusly caused.:by merMirial disease, low Hiring, disordered digestion front unhealthy food, impure air, ,filthl; and filthy habits,. the depressing vices:, and, ?above all, ,by the venereal infection. li' Whatever. b Is origin, it is hereditary in the ; constitutio e.... 13, descending " from parents to children unt ~ the third .and fourth generation; " indeed, it .s:eerns to be the rod of Ham who says, "I trill visit 'the iniquities of tl e fathers upomtheir childrcfsr:" The discos s it . originates take - various names, aceorcfi g- to the organs it attacks. ': In the lung 4, crofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the glands, swellings which soppurate :trine-- come ulcerous sores; lin ;the ,stomach and: bowels, derangements 4vhielt produce intli- • gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the Skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, all having the smile origin, require the same remedy, viz., purtficatitin and invigora tion .of the blood. Plirify - the blood, and these dangerous distenipers leave you. With' feeble, foul, or corrupted blood. you cannot basal health; wirh ttott, "life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot Ittik.c• scrofulous disease. dyer's Sa,rThaparills, .. is compounded from fle most effectual anti- dotes that metkoal science has discovered for this afflicting sZstemper;: and for the cure of the disorders it entails.l. , l That it is far - sr:pc- Islor to Any other re tedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtu s: t ly extraordinary in their effect upon tlirsl c , f.S.of romplaints, is indisputably proven f ctry th'-great Multitude of Publicly known an I rema kable cures it has made of the following diseases : King's . Evil, or Glandular / Swellings, . Tumors, Ernpyons, Pimidesil,Blotches and Sores, • Erysipelas, Rose oil St. Antho ny's Fire,. Salt Rheum, Scald 'lead, Coughs from. tuberculous depositS in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility Dropsy, peutalgia, \DysPepsia or .Indigestion, Syphilis and Syph.ilitic Infections, Mercurial Disease; Female Weak nes,let and. indeed, the whole - seri4s of complailinhat arise from iiiipitrity : of the blood. Mimic reports of individual - cases \may be Awn in 'AYER'S ..1311: 1 ruCAN 1 ALIIAN'AC, which is fUrnished to the'druggists 1 for grattritous distribution. wherein may be, learned (Iv directions for its use, and some of` the .reznarkablp Mires Which it has made when all ether remedies bad failed to afford relief. Tlio'te cases are, purppsely taken from' all sectibus of the country,-in eider that 'every reath,..r may have access to wino one who can speak to Lim of its benefits„fr6ls 1 personal experien 'Eerofula depresses the vital energies, andthus leaves its victims far I, more subject to disuse and its fatal results ' I than" are healthy constitutions. Hence it I tends to shorten, .and does j greatly shorten, the 'average duration Of. human - life. The ~ vast importanke of I these\cohsiderationi has led us to spend yea': . s . in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to ats. curt . ..:. ' This we now offer to the public yider the'riame of AYER:S SARSAPARILLA; VAIIR/1.101 itHii - „cornposed of ingredients, sonic of which; exeeed the hest of Sar.wparill . d iterative' alterative power, By its aid you maytrotect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of I. these . tli.SOrderk s Purge out the foul corruptions- that - rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow: Ilta)pecu i liar virtues ; thi.4 remedy stimulates the vital 1 fu n ctions, and tibias. expelg the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. .. We knOw the public Inure_- peen deceivsdN l by' many I compounds of Sarsaparilla, neit promised much and did nothing; but they .1 will neither be deeeived_ nor disappointed m . . this. 'lts !virtuesliave been proven. by aburi -1 dint trial' and the i re remains , no question of - 1 its surpassing excellence for ; the cure of the _ I afflicting ;diseases; it is intended to. reach. • I :Alibigh' under the- sonic' name, it is a-very .. different inetl icine from any other -which has _ been . before the people, and is' far.more ef feet:rat 'than any other which has - ever been. .1 available tortlicin.l • re ;. \ ' • I ;.---..--. ' 2 10 both aten alti- arket ME rEMM OZ! lUNI Im C iii ME =I feared feared leared MI ird. ind and fanners rum , g, pay 0.. Pa I ingsille e best o MI POTS, itOW LS, ME LTII" '-R kKES I nd, Good put up in Ready li seldom Old Court lIMIEM igei r:Ft. -,CITERRY PECTORAL, The Tiro 1d 's Great ,Itemedy for ' ' Cbtiats, Cold.s,' Incipient Con sumption:and for the relief of Conaumutive patients in ad l vanced stages ~,',Thre'4(l to SS.OO. ' . of i i ho disease. • ' . This bastpeeri so long used and so uni versally Itntmmi that ti - e IrTed.clo no more than assure the pubtie that its quality is kept up to the best . 'it ever has been, and that it nury be relied mi to ilo all it lias ever done. Prepared by i 1.55. J. C. Arta &Cp., Practical and Analytical Chemigh . . r , Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists every where... , . Sold by C. S. - .. 4 . E. A.. Jones, ponderaport. Chappel tiros., i tlyssei. ' ''' C. 11. Sirtnnoe, °sway°. , co, 14. ME IN= 'Co q for Monti & Nichqs, Millport. - Colncll S: Co!, Roulet, and by Dealers everywhere. I SAPONIFIER, Coocentra'ted Le Family Soap rilawer. --- WAR make's bigb prices; SaponNer belpg reduce them. ' It makes SOAP for FOUR cts. p"o•mil by using your kitchen:grease. - N, ! As spurious Lyes are of fered be "careful and only buy the PATENTED art!clo put; up in-Iron can; all other's cotTNTERtEurs. pENNsYLVANIi. SALT 11.6111UFACTITSING C; PIIILADELPHTA—No. 127 Wallint Street. PIT l':Sl3l . 7llG—Fi ft Street and Duquesne Way 'NTED ! Co. MIME Co stax'sVeintb:ke Exteriminator ge F.or Bats, Mice, Beaches, Ants,'Bed Bugs, 'Moths in Furs,' Woolens, &c. Insects onPlants, Fowls. Animals, fi:P. 1 . • Put up in 25c. Jsoel and $l,OO Boxes, Bottles, and Flaslq, $3 and $.5 sizes for Hotels, Public InstitutioMi, SI•c• mOnli infal l i ible rernedieS known." ' 1 "Free Wily Poisons:" ' 1 'f'..Nok, tlUpg,iirous to Ihe Humeri' Family."' r' )f . "Inits„come , out of their holes to die." ***Sold WhOleSale in nil large cities. * * *Sold by an brugglsts and Retallets every-: wbere: 1 • • *lll Beware! 1! ofnll Trorthless imitations , * *See that "C'osTkn's" name is on each Vol, • 'Bottle and 'Flask, before you huy * * *Address 1 illenrY U. costar, * * *Princifal pepot 457., Broddway, ii. Y , * * *Sold Ilq . - yholesalost R P. A. STEBBINS k Co., tail AVrits;"Codderlfiort, Ps.